Total Quality Managment Busienss Model
September 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Summarize the case study : Rob and Dia ian ne were were tw two o you young entr tre epre ren neurs who who were co cont ntem empl plat atin ing g an id idea ea of deve develo lopi ping ng a new new type type of ta take keou outt re rest stau aura rant nt with with limi limite ted d dini dining ng facilities that would provide a wider variety of home-cooked cuisines than currently available. In developing their business model, they realized that a TQ-focused man ma nagemen ment inf infra rast stru ruct ctu ure wou would be vit ita al to succe ccess. ss. Here are som some of th the e ide ideas th the ey are contemplating.
Answering the question: 1. What advice might you give Rob and Diane about the management practices they are proposing within each element of the TQ infrastructure? What additional practices might you suggest? ➔ There
are two part which I would advice to them a little bit:
Information and Knowledge Management It was a great idea to assign the manager to inspect and be responsible for taking periodic measurements and observation to ensure that all employees are following pro roce ced dure but we should not dis isp play lay the the in inve ven ntorie ries, fin financial ial re rep port and pro roje ject ctio ion ns, cust custom omer er feed feedba back ck,, empl employ oyee ee an and d oper operat atio iona nall pe perf rfor orma manc nce e in th the e kitc kitche hen n ar area ea sinc since e all all of this this in info form rmat atio ion n was was quit quite e co conf nfid iden enti tial al.. All All le leve vell em empl ploy oyee ees s woul would d re real ally ly ne need ed to kn know ow the the in info form rma atio tion and the data but not all the the data and info inform rma atio tion is cr cru ucia iall to them, or we can say it would affect their performance. Leadership and Strategic Planning For this part every thing that has been planned by Rob and Danie was acceptable but the advice I would give to Rob and Danie is to consider on costing, it must be aligned and go tog together with ith stra trategy they have been set based sed on the pro rod duct qualit lity( varie riety, ty, freshness, value). So they have to make sure that their product comes up with quality and affordability. ➔ Here
is the other thing that Rob and Danie should consider on:
Technology Management: By ad adap apti ting ng to the the cu curr rren entt mark market et and and tech techno nolo logy gy tr tren end, d, ev ever ery y bu busi sine ness ss ha has s to fo focu cus s an and d us use e te tech chno nolo logy gy in the the oper operat atio ion n an and d mana manage geme ment nt.. Ever Evertt pa part rt mana manage geme ment nt th that at Rob Rob an and d Dan Da nie have ra rais ise ed up a bit alre lready but we have to set set it apart and keep fully lly fo foc cused sed and se sett it as a prio priori rity ty thin thing g to mana manage ge.. For For in inst stan ance ce,, In cu cust stom omer er re rela lati tion onsh ship ip ma mana nage geme ment nt
part, they have to bring with them new technology to ensure they can keep effectively tracking their customers. In addition, all the processes and everything involve the operation and management management they should replace and include with the technology. technology. Food quality management: ●
Be sure to follow follow prope properr FIFO FIFO rotation rotation with all food products products..
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Properly Properly label label an and dd date ate and date all food food products products.. Never Never serve serve food food that that has has expir expired ed.. Prep Prepar are e prod produc ucts ts sa safe fely ly avoi avoidi ding ng cr cros oss s co cont ntam amin inat atio ion n with with da dang nger erou ous s ba bact cter eria ia or cross contact with allergens. Wash Wash hand hands s before before and and after after handlin handling g food food produ products. cts. Prepare Prepare and and serve serve food foods s at prope properr, safe safe tempera temperature tures. s.
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Customer comment card: Custom Cust omer er co comm mmen entt ca card rds s are are a grea greatt way way of ev eval alua uati ting ng th the e cu cust stom omer er ex expe peri rien ence ce.T .The hey y are typic ypica ally lly set out on the table able or deli liv vere red d by the serv serve er at the end of the meal,s l,such as food presentation,menu pricing and server friendliness. Serving customer process: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Use respectf respectful ul titles,su titles,such ch as “sir”and “sir”and “ma’am”. “ma’am”. Be upbe upbeat at and and spe speak ak with with a smile. smile. Never Never interru interrupt pt o orr talk talk over over guests guests conversa conversation tions s if you you can can help help it. it. Know Know your your menu menu so you you can speak speak intelli intelligen gence ce to to ed educat ucate e guest. guest. Listen Listen with respect respect and care to what what the customer customer has to say say.. Be sure sure to ask quest questions ions to clarify clarify a customer customers s order order if there there is any confu confusion sion.. Be honest and st stra raig igh htfo tforw rwa ard with ith cus custo tom mers at all tim times ,es ,espe pec cia iall lly y if th the ere is a problem.
My la last st advic ice e, to start tart up a busi sin ness it wou would not not be quite ite easy alo lon ng the pro roc cess. ss. The They have to make sure that they can provide their customers with both product and service quality. In the fo food od or re rest stau aura rant nt in indu dust stry ry,, Food Food qual qualit ity y co cont ntro roll begi begins ns th the e minu minute te it en ente ters rs th the e re rest stau aura rant nt,, an and d that means all shipments need to be checked against spoilage so only the best ingredients enter ter the res esta tau ura ran nt. Once ac acce cep pted, the the foo food needs to be sto tore red d pro rope perl rly y. Whe When cus custo tom mers come through your doors they accept quality in every aspect of the restaurant . On the other hand hand,, gu gues ests ts migh mightt look look for for va valu lue e in the the thin things gs they they se see, e, ta tast ste e an and d to touc uch, h, so pr prov ovid idin ing g th them em with with exceptional exception al quality will certainly leave leave a good taste in their mouths. 2. How might viewing the organization at three levels of quality help improve their business plan? These Thes e le leve vels ls of qu qual alit ity y wi will ll defi defini nite tely ly impr improv ove e thei theirr busi busine ness ss plan plan by co cons nsid ider erin ing g th the e want wants s an and d need needs s of th the e cu cust stom omer ers s and and thin think k of the the wa ways ys to meet meet or ex exce ceed ed th thei eirr ex expe pect ctat atio ions ns.. Deve Develo lopi ping ng qual qualit ity y in init itia iati tive ves s will will also also le lead ad to busi busine ness ss su succ cces ess. s. Thes These e will will also also he help lp th the e or orga gani niza zati tion on to fu full lly y
unde unders rsta tand nd al alll pr prod oduc uctt and and se serv rvic ice e attr attrib ibut utes es that that will will co cont ntri ribu bute te to cu cust stom omer er va valu lue e an and d le lead ad to satisfaction and loyalty.
leve vell of ma mana nage geme ment nt co cons nsis ists ts of an This le The strate strategic gic (senio (seniorr leade leadersh rship) ip):: This organization’s board of directors and the chief executive or managing director. It is th the e ul ulti tima mate te so sour urce ce of po powe werr an and d au autho thori rity ty,, si since nce it ov overs ersees ees the go goal als, s, policies, and procedures of a company. Their main priority is on the strategic planning and execution of the overall business success. The roles and responsibilities of the top level of management can be summarized as follows:
● Laying Laying down down the the objecti objectives ves and and broad broad polic policies ies of of the bus busines iness s enterpr enterprise. ise. ● Issu Issuing ing necess necessary ary instru instructio ctions ns for the the prepar preparatio ation n of departm departmentent-spe specifi cific c budgets, schedules, procedures, etc. ● Prep Preparin aring g strategi strategic c plans plans and polic policies ies for for the organi organizati zation. on. ● Appoint App ointing ing the the execut executives ives for middle middle-lev -level el manage management ment,, i.e. depa departme rtmental ntal managers. ● Esta Establis blishing hing cont controls rols of of all organ organizat izationa ionall departme departments. nts. ● Sinc Since e it consis consists ts of the the Board Board of of Directo Directors, rs, the the top mana manageme gement nt level level is is also also responsible responsi ble for communicating communicating with the outside world and is held accountable accountable towards an organization’s organization’s shareholders shareholders for the performance of the enterprise. ● Prov Providin iding g overa overallll guidan guidance, ce, dire directio ction, n, and and encour encouragin aging g harm harmony ony and collaboration.
➔ Rob
and Diane plan for the restaurant. The strategies and vision are quite clear clear.. At the the sa same me ti time me mana manage geme ment nt stra strate tegy gy ac acco cord rdin ing g to thei theirr posi positi tion on in the the organization (“cascading ” structure) would allow it to be disseminated rapidly throughout the company, both top-down and bottom-up.
manage manageme ment) nt)::These
people are directly accountable to top mana ma nage geme ment nt fo forr th the e fu func ncti tion onin ing g of th thei eirr re resp spec ecti tive ve de depa part rtme ment nts, s, de devo voti ting ng mo more re ti time me to orga or gani niza zati tion onal al an and d di dire rect ctio iona nall fu func ncti tion ons. s. Fo Forr sm smal alle lerr or orga gani niza zati tion ons, s, th ther ere e is of ofte ten n on only ly one on e la laye yerr of mi midd ddle le ma mana nage geme ment nt,, bu butt la larg rger er en ente terp rpri rise ses s ca can n se see e se seni nior or an and d ju juni nior or le leve vels ls Tactic actical al
(middl (middle e
within this middle section. The roles and responsibilities of the middle level of management can be summarized as follows:
● Forming Forming plans plans for the the sub-u sub-units nits of of the orga organiza nization tion that they sup supervi ervise. se. ● Part Particip icipatin ating g in the hirin hiring g and traini training ng proces processes ses of lower-l lower-level evel manag managemen ement. t. ● Interpre Interpreting ting and expl explaini aining ng the the polici policies es from from top-l top-level evel mana manageme gement nt to to lower-level management. ● Sen Sending ding repo reports rts and and data to to top manage management ment in in a timely timely and effi efficien cientt manner manner.. ● Eva Evaluat luating ing the perf performa ormance nce of junio juniorr manage managers. rs. ● Insp Inspirin iring g lower lower level level mana managers gers towa towards rds impr improvin oving g their their perf performa ormance nce..
➔ Rob
& Diane, their company has not mentioned inspiring employees' work and the decentralization of shift managers and the necessary skill for middle management is communi communicati cation on skills. skills. Every Every business business model may cont contain ain and practice practice with decentralization and centralization. Some work we may delegate and give power to our lower class.
The operatio operational nal level: level:This level of management consists of supervisors, foremen,
sectio sect ion n of offi fice cers rs,, su supe peri rint nten ende dent nts, s, an and d al alll ot othe herr ex exec ecut utiv ives es wh whos ose e wo work rk mu must st do la larg rgel ely y wit ith h HR ove verrsi sig ght and the di dire rec cti tion on of opera rattiv ive e emp mplo loy yees es.. Sim imp ply put, ma man nager ers s at the lower level are primarily concerned with the execution and coordination of dayda y-to to-d -day ay wor orkf kflo low ws th that at en ensu sure re co comp mple leti tion on of pr proj ojec ects ts an and d th that at de deli live vera rabl bles es ar are e me met. t. The role les s an and d res esp ponsi sib bil iliiti tie es of the lo low wer le lev vel of ma man nage gem men entt ca can n be summ mma ariz ize ed as follows:
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Assign Assigning ing job jobs s and and tasks tasks to to vario various us work workers ers.. Guiding Guiding and and instr instructi ucting ng worker workers s in day-t day-to-da o-day y activit activities. ies. Oversee Overseeing ing b both oth the quality quality and and quant quantity ity of of produc production tion.. Maintain Maintaining ing goo good d relati relations ons within within lower lower leve levels ls of the organiza organization tion.. Acting Acting as as mediat mediators ors b by y communi communicati cating ng the the probl problems, ems, suggest suggestions ions,, and and recommendatory recommend atory appeals, appeals, etc. of workers to the higher level of management, management, and in turn elucidating elucidating higher-level goals and objectives objectives to workers. Helping Helping to addre address ss and and resolve resolve the grievanc grievances es of of workers workers.. Supe Supervi rvisin sing g and guidi guiding ng their their subo subordi rdina nates tes..
Taking aking part part in the hiring hiring an and d trainin training g process processes es of of their their workers workers..
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Arrangin Arranging g the necessary necessary materia materials, ls, machines machines,, tools, and and resources resources,, etc. necessar necessary y for accomplishing organizational tasks. Preparin Preparing g period periodical ical reports reports regard regarding ing the performa performance nce of the the worke workers. rs. Upholdin Upholding g discip discipline, line, decorum decorum,, and and harmo harmony ny withi within n the workplac workplace. e. Improvin Improving g the the enterp enterprise’ rise’s s image image as as a whole whole,, due to their their direct direct conta contact ct
➔ I
would say that the operational level was the most important stage not to leave. It is good to have both a strategic and tactical level level.. To ensure that business runs smoothly and survives, it is supposed to have ha ve an oper operat atio ion n leve level. l. The The peop people le resp respon onsi sibl ble e for for maki making ng operational plans are those that are directly involved – employees and an d thei theirr dire direct ct supe superv rvis isor ors. s. They They are are the the dire direct ct co cont ntac actt with with custo cu stome mers rs so it is easy easy to grasp grasp the needs needs and and satis satisfac facti tion on of customers. custom ers. So operation operation level is so crucial to define or measure the success of the whole busienss. Last but least, I would say that Rob and Danie come up with a good concept so far but they have to work carefully with the operation level.
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