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Mastercam 2019 Lathe Metric Training Tutorial

Copyright: 19 1998 98 - 20 2019 19 In-H In-House ouse Soluti Solutio o ns Inc. All All rights rese reserved rved Software: Mastercam 201 2019 9 Authors: Mariana Mariana Lende Lendell ISBN: IS BN: 978-1-77146978-1-77146-758-2978-1-7 758-2978-1-77146-777-3 7146-777-3 Date: September 19, 201 2018 8 Notice In-House Soluti In-House Solutions ons Inc. reserve reservess the right to make improve improvements ments to this this manual at any time time and without notice. Disclai Disc laimer mer Of Al Alll Warra Warrantie ntiess And Liability Liability In-House In-H ouse Soluti Solutions ons Inc. makes no warranties, warranties, either either expr express ess or impl implied, ied, with with respect to this manual or wi with th respect respect to the softw software are descri described bed in this manual, manual, its quality, performance performance,, merchantabil mercha ntability, ity, or fi fitness tness for for any particula particularr purpose. In-House In-House Soluti Solutions ons Inc. manual is sold sold or license li censed d "as is." The enti entire re risk as to its quality quality and performance performance is with with the buyer. Should the manual prove def defecti ective ve fol follow lowing ing its purchase purchase,, the buyer (a (and nd not In-House In-House Soluti Solutions ons Inc., its its distributer, distri buter, or its retai retaile ler) r) assumes the enti entire re cost of all nece necessary ssary servici servicing, ng, repair, repair, of corre correcti ction on and any incide incidental ntal or consequenti consequential al damages. In no event event will will In-H In-House ouse Soluti Solutions ons Inc. be li liable able for dire direct, ct, indirec indirect, t, or conseque consequential ntial damages resulti resulting ng from any defect defect in in the manual, even even if InHouse Soluti Solutions ons Inc. has been advised advised of the possibi possibili lity ty of such damages. damages. Some jurisdic jurisdictions tions do not allow allow the ex exclusi clusion on or li limitati mitation on of impl implie ied d warranti warranties es or li liabil ability ity for for inci incidental dental or consequential consequent ial damages, so the above li limitati mitation on or exc exclusi lusion on may not apply apply to you. Copyrights This manual manual is protected protected under Internati International onal copyrig copyright ht laws. laws. All All rights are are rese reserved. rved. This This document may not, in in whole whole or part, be copie copied, d, photographed, reproduced, reproduced, translat translated ed or reduced reduce d to any electroni electronicc medium or machi machine ne reada readable ble form without without prior prior consent, in in writing, writing, from In-House In-House Soluti Solutions ons Inc. Trademarks Mastercam is a registered registered trademark of CNC Software, Software, Inc. Microsoft, Micr osoft, the Microsof Microsoftt logo are regi registere stered d trademarks of Micr Microsoft osoft Corporation; Corporation; Windowss 10 is a registered Window registered trademarks of Micr Microsoft osoft Corporation. Corporation.


Table Of Content Getti ng Started


Obj ectiv es


Step 1: Startin g M astercam


Step 2: GUI - Grap hical User In terface Step 3: Nav igate Through M as tercam

15 16

Step 4: Set The Attributes


Step 5: Manager P an els


Step 6: Setting M astercam To M etric


Step 7: Set The Grid


Conv entions Used In This Book:


Step 8: Step Titles


M astercam® Work Flow


Tutorial 1: Geometry Creation



Overview Of Step s Taken To Create Th The Pa Part Geometry


Tutorial #1 Drawing


Step 1: Setting Setting Up Up The Graphi Graphical cal User Interf Interface ace



Step 2: Create A Rectangle


Step 3: Create The Parallel Lines


Step 4: Create Lin e En dpoint


Step 5: Create The FilletS


Step 6: Trim The Geometry


Step 7: Sav e Th e File


Tutorial #1 Rev iew Exercise


Create The Geometry For Tutorial #1 Exercise


Tutorial #1 Geometry Creation Quiz


Tutori al 1: Tool path Creati on


Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


Page: 3


Ov erv iew Of Steps Taken To Create The Fin al P art:


Part Setup:


Setup Sheet:


Step 1: Select The M achine And Set Up The Stock


Step 2: Face Th e Part


Step 3: Backplot The Toolpaths


Step 4: Simulate The Toolpath In Verify


Step 5: Rou ght Out The Part


Step 6: Finish The Part


Step 7: Pos t Th e File


Step 8: Sav e The Upd ated M CAM File


Create The Toolpaths For Tutorial #1 Exercise


Tutorial #1 Toolpath Creation Qu iz


Tutori al 2: Geometry Creati on


Ov erv iew Of Steps Taken To Create Th The Pa Part Geometry


Tutorial #2 Drawing


Step 1: Setting Up The Grap hical User In terface


Step 2: Select The Lathe Defau lt


Step 3: Set Up The Lathe Plane +D +Z


Step 4: Create A Rectangle


Step 5: Create Parallel Lines


Step 6: Create The Fillets


Step 7: Trim Th e Geometry


Step 8: Create Add itional Lines


Step 9: Trim Th e Geometry


Step 10: Sav e The File


Tu torial #2 Rev iew Exercise


Tu torial #2 Geometry Creation Quiz


Page: 4


Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


Tutori al 2: Tool path Creati on


Overview Of Step s Taken To Create The Final Part:


P art Setup:


Setu p Sheet:


Step 1: Select The To Tool Settings And Set Up The St Stock


Step 2: Face The P art


Step 3: Backplot The Toolpath


Step 4: Simulate The Toolpath In Verify


Step 5: Rough The Part


Step 6: Finish The Part


Step 7: Groov e Th The Pa Part Using The Mu Multiple Ch Ch ainS M ethod


Step 8: Cen ter Drill Th e Part


Step 9: Drill The P art


Step 10: Ru n The Po Post P rocess or To To Obtain The GG-code Fi File


Step 11: Save The Up dated MCAM File


Create The Toolpaths For Tutorial #2 Exercise


Tutorial #2 Toolpath Creation Quiz


Tutori al 3: Geometry Creati on


Overview Of Step s Taken To Create Th The Pa Part Geometry


Step 1: Setting Up Th e Graphical User Interface


Step 2: Download The Fi File La Lathe Tr Training Tutorial Me Metric


Step 3: Open The Parasolid File In M astercam


Step 4: Change Th e M ain Level To 2


Step 5: Create A Turn Profile Of The Part


Step 6: Sav e Th e File


Tutorial #3 Rev iew Exercise


Tutorial #3 Geometry Creation Quiz


Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


Page: 5


Tutori al 3: Tool path Creati on


Ov erv iew Of Steps Taken To Create The Fin al P art:


Part Setup:


Setup Sh eet:


Step 1: Select The Lathe Defau lt


Step 2: Set Up The Lathe Plane +D +Z


Step 3: Set Up The Tool Settings And The Stock


Step 4: Face Th e Part


Step 5: Backplot The Toolpaths


Step 6: Simulate The Toolpath In Verify


Step 7: Center Drill The P art


Step 8: Drill Th e Part


Step 9: Rou gh The ID ID Using A Can ned Rough Toolpath


Step 10: Finish Th e ID ID Using A Ca Canned Finish Toolpath


Step 11: Rough Th e OD Us ing A Rough Toolpath


Step 12: Finish Th e OD


Step 13: Mach ine The Groove


Step 14: Mach ine The Angled Groove


Step 15: Cutoff Th e Part


Step 16: Run The Po Pos t Processor To To Obtain The GG-cod e Fi File


Step 17: Sav e The Updated M CAM File


Create The Toolpaths For Tutorial #3 Exercise


Tu torial #3 Toolpath Creation Qu iz


Tutori al 4: Geometry Creati on


Ov erv iew Of Of St Steps Taken To Create Th The Pa Part Geometry


Step 1: Setting Up The Grap hical User In terface


Step 2: Create A Re Rectangle To To Rep resent The Ou Outside Pr P rofile


Step 3: Create Parallel Lines


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Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


Step 4: Create A Line Giv en The Endpoints


Step 5: Delete The Construction Line


Step 6: Trim The Geometry


Step 7: Sav e Th e File


Tutorial #4 Rev iew Exercise


Tutorial #4 Geometry Creation Quiz


Tutori al 4: Tool path Creati on


Overview Of Step s Taken To Create The Final Part:


P art Setup:


Setu p Sheet:


Step 1: Select The To Tool Settings And Set Up The St Stock


Step 2: Face The P art


Step 3: Rough The OD


Step 4: Backplot The Toolpaths


Step 5: Simulate The Toolpath In Verify


Step 6: Finish The OD Using A Finish Toolpath


Step 7: Cen ter Drill Th e Part


Step 8: Drill The P art


Step 9: Rough The Inside Diameter


Step 10: Fin ish The ID Before Grooving


Step 11: Fin ish The Groov es On The I D


Step 12: Cu toff The P art


Step 13: Ru n The Po Post P rocess or To To Obtain The GG-code Fi File


Step 14: Save The Up dated MCAM File


Create The Toolpaths For Tutorial #4 Exercise


Tutorial #4 Toolpath Creation Quiz


Tutori al 5: Geometry Creati on


Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


Page: 7


Ov erv iew Of Of St Steps Taken To Create Th The Pa Part Geometry


Step 1: Setting Up The Grap hical User In terface


Step 2: Select The Lathe Defau lt


Step 3: Set Up The Lathe Plane +D +Z


Step 4: Create Li Lines To Represent Th e Ou Outside Pr Profile


Step 5: Create An An Arc Ta Tangent With Dyn amic Ta Tan gency


Step 6: Delete The Extra Con struction Lin e


Step 7: Create Relief Groov es


Step 8: Chamfer The Part


Step 9: Sav e The File


Tu torial #5 Rev iew Exercise


Tu torial #5 Geometry Creation Quiz


Tutori al 5: Tool path Creati on


Ov erv iew Of Steps Taken To Create The Fin al P art:


Part Setup:


Setup Sh eet:


Step 1: Select The Tool Settings An d The Stock


Step 2: Face Th e Part


Step 3: Rou gh The OD


Step 4: Finish The OD


Step 5: M achin e The M 12 X 1 Relief Groov e


Step 6: M achin e The M 12 X 1 Thread


Step 7: Center Drill The P art


Step 8: Drill Th e Part


Step 9: Flip The Part Us ing Stock Flip


Step 10: Face The Flip ped P art


Step 11: Rough Th e OD Of The Flipped P art


Step 12: Finish Th e OD Of The Flip ped P art


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Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


Step 13: M achine The Groov es Of The Flipp ed Part


Step 14: M achine The M 16 X 1.5 Thread


Step 15: Center Drill The Flip ped P art


Step 16: Drill The Flipped Part


Step 17: Ru n The Po Post P rocess or To To Obtain The GG-code Fi File


Step 18: Save The Up dated MCAM File


Create The Toolpaths For Tutorial #5 Exercise


Tutorial #5 Toolpath Creation Quiz


Tutori al 6: Geometry Creati on


Overview Of Step s Taken To Create Th The Pa Part Geometry


Step 1: Setting Up Th e Graphical User Interface


Step 2: Create A Re Rectangle To To Repres ent Th e Ou Outside Pr Profile


Step 3: Create Parallel Lines


Step 4: Create An Angled Lin es Given TheIR Endpoints


Step 5: Delete The Extra Construction Lines


Step 6: Fillet Th e Part


Step 7: Trim The Groov e


Step 8: Chamfer The Groov es


Step 9: Create Parallel Lines


Step 10: Ch amfer Th The Co Corners And Trim Simultaneously


Step 11: Trim The Geometry


Step 12: Create Relief Grooves


Step 13: Save The File


Tutorial #6 Rev iew Exercise


Tutorial #6 Geometry Creation Quiz


Tutori al 6: Tool path Creati on


Overview Of Step s Taken To Create The Final Part:

Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial



Page: 9


Toolpath Creation


Part Setup 1:


Step 1: Select The Tool Settings An d The Stock


Step 2: Face THE P ART


Step 3: Rou gh The OD Step 4: Backplot And Verify Th e Toolpaths

474 478

Step 5: Finish The OD With Down Cutting


Step 6: M achin e Th The M1 M 12 X 1. 25 An And Th e M1 M 12 X 1 Re Relief Gr Groov es


Step 7: M achin e The M 12 X 1 Thread


Step 8: M achin e The M 24 X 2 Thread


Step 9: Center Drill The P art


Step 10: Adv an ce The Stock


Step 11: Adv an ce The Tailstock


Step 12: Mach ine The Grooves


Step 13: Cutoff Th e Part


Step 14: Run The Po Pos t Processor To To Obtain The GG-cod e Fi File


Step 15: Sav e The Updated M CAM File


Create The Toolpaths For Tutorial #6 Exercise


Tu torial #6 Toolpath Creation Qu iz


Tutori al 7: Geometry Creati on


Ov erv iew Of Of St Steps Taken To Create Th The Pa Part Geometry


Step 1: Setting Up The Grap hical User In terface


Step 2: Download Th e Fi File La Lathe Tr Trainin g Tutorial Me Metric


Step 3: Remov ing An y M ach ine Fr From The To Toolpaths Manager


Step 4: Open The Solidworks File In M as tercam


Step 5: Change The M ain Lev el To 2


Step 6: Create A Turn Profile Of The Part


Step 7: Sav e The File


Page: 10


Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


Tutorial #7 Rev iew Exercise


Tutorial #7 Geometry Creation Quiz


Tutori al 7: Tool path Creati on


Overview Of Step s Taken To Create The Final Part:


Toolpath Creation


P art Setup:


Setu p Sheet 1:


Step 1: Select The Tool Settings And The Stock


Step 2: Face The P art


Step 3: Backplot The Toolpaths


Step 4: Rough The OD


Step 5: Finish The OD


Step 6: Spot Drill The Center Of The P art


Step 7: Drill The P art With A Large Drill


Step 8: Rough And Finish Th e In Inside Di Diameter Of Of Th The Pa Part


Step 9: M achine The Groov es On The ID Of The P art


Step 10: Thread The OD Of The Part


Step 11: Ru n The Po Post P rocess or To To Obtain The GG-Code Fi File


Step 12: Save The Up dated MCAM File


Create The Toolpaths For Tutorial #7 Exercise


Tutorial #7 Toolpath Creation Quiz


Creati ng A Lathe Tool Li brary


Edi ti ng A Lathe Tool Li brary


Qui z Answers


Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


Page: 11


Tutoriall 1: Geometry Crea C reation tion Tutoria

Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


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T ut oria l 1: Geomet ry Crea t ion

Overview Of St eps T ak aken T o Crea te The Pa rt Geomet ry

OVERVIEW OF STEPS TAKEN TO CREATE THE PART GEOMETRY From Drawing to CAD Model:   The student should sho uld examine the drawing drawing on the following following page to understand what part is being created in the tutorial. ♦   From the drawing drawing we can decide decide how to create create the geometry geometry in Mastercam. Mastercam. ♦

Create Crea te the 2D CAD Model:   The student wil willl cre create ate the upper profil profile e of the part. Only half half of the geometry geometry is needed needed to create the necessary toolpaths to machine the part. ♦   Geometry creation commands such su ch as Line Endpoints, Line Parallel, Parallel, Rectangle, Fillet Fillet Entities, Entities, and Trim will will be used. ♦

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Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


T utoria l 1: Geometry Creat ion

Tut oria l # 1 Dra wing


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T ut oria l 1: Geomet ry Cr C rea t ion

St ep 1: Sett ing U p T he Graphic a l User I nt erfa c e

STEP 1: SETTING UP THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE Please refer to the  the   Get Gettin ting g Starte Started d  section for more info on how to set up the graphical user interface. In this step, you will learn how to hide the manager panels to gain more space in the graphics window.

1.1 Hide the manager panels VIEW ♦

  From the Managers Managers group,  group, enabl enable e all four managers managers as s hown.

  The panels panels should be on the left left side side of the graphics graphics window window as shown.

Planes o Note: It does not matter which which panel is currently currently opened. It could be the Toolpaths , th e Solids , th e Planes  o r  Levels panel the Levels  panel as shown. shown. ♦

  To hide hide all all panel panels, s, click click on the Auto Hide icon as shown.

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Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


C reat ion T utoria l 1: Geometry Cr

Step 1: Set t ing Up U p The Gra phic a l User I nt erfa c e

  The panels panels wil willl be hidden hidden to the left left of the graphics graphics window window as shown.

Note: To To un-hide them temporally, you can click click on on e of the Managers  to open it as shown.

While creating While creating th e geometry, keep the Manager  panels  panels hidden. This ensures more space in the graphics window wi ndow for the geometry.

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T ut oria l 1: Geomet ry Crea t ion

St ep 2: Crea te A R ec t a ngle

STEP 2: CREATE A RECTANGLE In this step you will will le learn arn how to create a rectangle rectangle given given the width, the height, and the anchor position.

Step Preview:

2.1 Create the 130mm by 42mm rectangle WIREFRAME ♦

  From the Shapes Shapes group,  group, select Rectangle.

Note: Select Select the rectangle rectangle icon as shown. If I f you cl click ick too close to the drop d own arrow, a fly-out fly-out list of  commands appears and you can select the top Rectangle command. ♦

  Enter the Width Width and  and the Height and press Enter.

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Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


T utoria l 1: Geometry Creat ion

Step 2: Creat e A R ec t angle

  To select select the position position of the base point, point, from the General the General Selection toolbar, Selection  toolbar, click on the drop down arrow next to AutoCursor to  AutoCursor as shown.

  From the fly-out fly-out menu select Origin.

  To see the entire rectangle, right right mouse click in the graphics graphics window window and select F select Fit it as  as shown.

F1. Note: To fit the geometry to the screen you can also press Alt press  Alt + F1. ♦

  A previ preview ew of the geometr geometry y should should look look as shown.

Note: The geometry shou ld appear in a cyan blue color which which is the color for live live entities. entities. While Whil e the rectangle is is live you can a djust the dimensions or select a new base point.

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T ut oria l 1: Geomet ry Crea t ion

St ep 2: Crea te A R ec t a ngle

  Select the OK button to exi exitt the Rectangle command.

  The geometry should look as shown.

Note: While While creati creating ng geometry geom etry for this this tutorial, if if you make m ake a mistake, yo u can un do the last step using the Undo  icon Undo

 Ctrl + Z . You can undo as many steps as needed. or by pr pre ess ssiing ng Ctrl needed. If you delete delete or undo a step by 

mistake, just use the Redo Redo  ico n

o r p re ress  Ctr  Ctrll + Y .

To delete unwanted geometry, sele select ct the geometry fi first rst and then press Delete press  Delete from  from the keyboard. To zoom tor unzoom, move the cursor to the center center of the geometry geometry and scroll scroll up or down on the mouse wheel.

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Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


T utoria l 1: Geometry Cr Creat ion

Step 3: Crea te T he Para llel Lines

STEP 3: CREATE THE PARALLEL LINES In this step you will learn how to create parallel lines to existing lines given the distance between the lines. We are creating the lines to use as part of the geometry as well as the construction lines.

Step Preview:


  From the Lines Lines group,  group, select Line select Line Parallel. Parallel .

  [Select a line]: Select Select Entity  Entity A as A  as shown.

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T ut oria l 1: Geomet ry Cr Crea t ion

St ep 3: Crea t e T he Pa ra llel Lines

  [Sele [Select ct the point to place a parallel parallel line through through]: ]: Pick a point to the left left of the selected line. line.

Note: The The color of the geometry is cyan which means that the entity is "live" "live" and you can stil stilll change the line  parameters  para meters if needed needed..   In the Line the  Line Parallel panel, Parallel  panel, enter the Distance 35.0. 35.0. ♦   Press Enter Press Enter to move the line to the proper distance. ♦

Note: To continue using the same command you can either select the OK and Create New Operation Operation button  button OK button. or press Enter  press Enter . To exit exit the command yo u can either start a new command o r select select the OK  button.

  Press Enter Press Enter to continue.

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Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


T utoria l 1: Geometry Cr Creat ion

Step 3: Crea te T he Para llel Lines

  [Select a line]: Select Select Entity  Entity B as shown.

  [Sele [Select ct the point to place a parallel parallel line through]: Pick a point to the left left of the selected line. line. ♦   Enter the Distance 10.0. 10.0.

  Press Enter Press  Enter to mov e the line to the proper distance. distance.

  Press Enter Press  Enter to continue.

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Page: 37


Tutoriall 1: Toolpath Crea Tutoria C reation tion

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T ut oria l 1: T oolpa t h Crea tion

Overview Of St eps T ak aken To Creat e T he Fina l Pa rt :

OVERVIEW OF STEPS TAKEN TO CREATE THE FINAL PART: Create the necessary Toolpaths to machine the part:

  The stude student nt wil willl set up up the stoc stock k size to be used and and the cl clampi amping ng method method used. used. Facing ing tool toolpath path wi will ll be cre create ated d to re remove move mate materi rial al fr from om the the fa face ce of the par part. t. ♦   A Fac ♦   A Roughing toolpath wi will ll be crea created ted to to remove remove the bulk of materi material al in prepar preparation ation for a fini finish sh toolpath. toolpath. Finish sh toolpath toolpath wil willl be cre created ated to machine machine the le leftover ftover materi material al from the roughing operati operation. on. ♦   A Fini ♦

Backplot and Verify the file:

  Backpl Backplot ot wil willl be used to simulate simulate a stepstep-by-ste by-step p process process of the tool’s movements. Veri rify fy wil willl be used to to watch watch a tool tool mac machin hine e the part out out of a solid solid model model.. ♦   Ve ♦

Post Process the file to generate the G-code: ♦

  The student wi will ll then post process process the fi file le to obtain obtain an NC fi file le contai containing ning the nece necessary ssary code code for the machi machine. ne.

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T utoria l 1: Toolpa th Crea t ion

Pa rt Set up:



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T ut oria l 1: T oolpa t h Crea tion

Step 1: Selec t T he Ma c hine And Set Up T he St oc k

STEP 1: SELECT THE MACHINE AND SET UP THE STOCK In Mastercam, you select a Machine Definition before creating any toolpath. toolpath. The Machine Definition  is a model of your machine’s capabilities and features. It acts like a template for setting up your machine. The machine definition ties together three main components: the schematic model of your machine’s components, the control definition that models your control capabilities, and the post processor that will generate the required machine code (G-code). For a Mill Essentials exercise (2D toolpaths), we need just a basic machine definition.

Note: For the purpose of this tutorial, tutorial, we wi will ll be using the Default the  Default Mill  MM   MM machine.

1.1 Unhide the Toolpaths Manager Manager panel  ♦

  From the le left ft side of the graphi graphics cs wi window, ndow, cl click ick on the Toolpaths  tab as shown.

  Pin the  Toolpaths Manager by clicking on the  Auto Hide icon as shown.

  The manager panels w  wil illl be transl translated ated to to the lower left corner of the gra graphi phics cs wi window ndow..

Note:: If a  Machine Group already Note Group  already exists in the Toolpaths Manager, skip the next step.

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Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


T utoria l 1: Toolpa th Crea t ion

St ep 1: Selec t The M ac hine And Set Up T he Stoc k

1.2 Select the machine Note: If another machine is already already selected, from from the Machine Machine ribbon  ribbon in the Machine Type group select  Design.. Then in the Toolpaths Manager  , click on the Delete all operations , Design operations , groups  groups and tools icon tools icon to remove

the existing Machine existing  Machine Group. Group. ♦

  Press Alt + F1 to fit fit the geometr geometry y to the scre screen. en.


  Fom the Machine area area,, click click on the drop down arrow arrow bel below ow Lathe and select Manage List.

  Select LATHE DEFAULT MM.MCAM-LMD fr from om the li list st and press Add .

Note: Once you sele select ct the Lathe Default the Default the ribbon bar changes to reflect the toolpaths that could be used  with Lathe with  Lathe machine.  machine.

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T ut oria l 1: T oolpa t h Crea tion

Step 1: Selec t T he Ma c hine And Set Up T he St oc k

  Sele Select ct the plus sign (+) in front front of Properties in the Toolpaths Manager to expand the  Toolpaths Group Properties.

  Select Tool settings to set the tool par parame ameter ters. s.

  Chang Change e the para paramet meters ers to to match match the scr scree een n shot in in  Figure: 1.2.1. 1.2.1.

Figure: 1.2.1

Default program number  is used to enter a number if your

machine requires a number for a program name. Assign Ass ign tool numbers numbers sequentially allows you to overwrite the

tool number from the library with the next available tool number. (First operation tool number 1; second operation tool number 2, etc.). Warn of duplicate tool numbers allows you to get a warning if 

you enter two tools with the same number. Override defaults  with modal values enables the system to

keep the values that you enter. Feed Calculation set to From tool uses feed rate, plunge rate,

retract rate, and spindle speed from the tool definition.

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Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


T utoria l 1: Toolpa th Crea t ion

St ep 1: Selec t The M ac hine And Set Up T he Stoc k

  Select the Stock Setup  tab to defi define ne the stock stock..

  Choose Choose the Properties button to set up the stock for the Left Spindle.

  Def Define ine the stock by setting setting the stock geometry geometry (Cyli (Cylinder) nder) and enteri entering ng the stock dimensions. dimensions.

  Ensure you enabl enable e Use Margins and enter the value valuess as shown in Figure: in  Figure: 1.2.2. 1.2.2.

Figure: 1.2.2

enter the outer diamete diameterr of the fi final nal part. You can can also click click on the Sele Select ct button and pick pick a point OD is used to enter from the geometr geometry. y. Length  is used to enter enter the lengt length h of the fi finished nished part. part. Again Again you can click click on the Sele Select ct button and pick a point from from the geometr geometry. y.  allows ows you to add extra stock to the fi final nal part size. size. OD margin  all  allows ows you to enter a value value as a Use Margins all radius radi us value that wil willl be adde added d to the fi final nal par partt to def define ine the stock stock’s ’s outer diamete diameter. r. Left margin  allows you to add a value value to the stock’s left left side. Right margin all  allows ows you to add a value to the stock’s right side. side.

Note: The stock  mod  mod el that yo u create can be displayed with the part geometry when view v iewing ing the file file or the toolpaths, during backplot, or while while verifying verifying toolpaths. You can create stock on the lef leftt or right sp indle indle..

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T ut oria l 1: T oolpa t h Crea tion

Step 1: Selec t T he Ma c hine And Set Up T he St oc k

  Select the OK  button to exit the Machine Component Component Manager - Stock dialog box.

  Ensure Ensure that Left Spindle is selected and then select the Properties button in the Chuck Jaws area area as shown. shown.

  Make the nece necessary ssary changes to defi define ne the chuck size, the cla clamping mping method and the stock position. position. Ensure that you choose the cl clampi amping ng method OD #1 as shown.

 parameters rs determine determine whe where re the ref refere erence nce point is is in rela relation tion to the stock. Position  paramete positions ons the chuck jaw on the stock using the sel selecte ected d clamping clamping method's method's refe reference rence point. You You From stock positi can ca n choose choose how muc much h of the sto stock ck the the jaw gr grip ips. s. ♦

  Select the OK  button to exit the Machine Component Manager - Chuck Jaws  dialog box.

Page: 62


Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


T utoria l 1: Toolpa th Crea t ion

St ep 1: Selec t The M ac hine And Set Up T he Stoc k

  Set the Display Options as shown.

  Select the OK  button to exit exit the Machine Group Properties dialog box. fit the draw drawing ing to the scree screen. n. ♦   Press  Alt + F1  to fit ♦   The stock should should look look as show. ♦

Note: The stock is not geometry and cannot be selected.

Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


Page: 63


T ut oria l 1: T oolpa t h Crea tion

St ep 2: Fac e The Pa rt

STEP 2: FACE THE PART Face toolpaths allow the user to quickly clean the stock from one end of the part and create an even surface for future

operations. Note that we do not have to chain any geometry to create the toolpath because of the extra material we specified on the right face in the stock setup. You can also select points to dictate where Mastercam will create the facing operation.

Toolpath Preview:


  From the General  group, select the Face icon.

  Select the OD Rough Right - 80 Degree tool and enter enter the comme comment nt as shown.

Note: The Feed rate and rate  and the Spindle speeds are speeds are based on the Mastercam Tool Definitions. Definitions. They can be changed at any time based based on the material material that you are going to machine. machine.

Page: 64


Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


T utoria l 1: Toolpa th Crea t ion

St ep 2: Fa c e T he Part

  Ne Next xt you wil willl have to set paramete parameters rs in the Face parameters  page.

Note: If you a cci ccidentally dentally click click on the OK   but button ton

beffor be ore e you se sett th the e par parame amete ters rs in al alll of the page pagess the

toolpath has, from the Toolpaths Manager  , click on  Parameters  Parameters as  as shown. Once you complete all the pages and select the OK   b u tto n

fro m th e Toolpaths Manager  , click on the

Regenerat Rege nerate e a ll dirty operations ic operations icon on to ensure that all the changes you ma de were were applied applied to the toolpath.

  Select the Face parameters tab and make al alll of the nec necessa essary ry change changess as shown. shown.

height ght at which which the tool rapi rapids ds to or from the part part.. Entry amount sets the hei value. Rough stepover sets the roughing pass value. finish nish pass value. Finish stepo stepover ver sets the fi determ ermine iness how fa farr past past the ce cente nterr of the part the tool wi will ll cut. Overcut amount det Retract amount dete determi rmines nes the the di distanc stance e the tool moves awa away y from from the fa face ce of the par partt before before it moves moves to to the

startt of the nex star nextt cut. cut. remaining ning stock after after the tool comple completes tes all all passes. Stock to leave sets the remai cutting closest closest to the cente centerr line line and cut away away from from the Cut away from the center line sets the tool to start cutting centerr line cente line at each pass.

Lathe Lat he Training Tut Tutorial orial


Page: 65


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