TOR for Dilapidation Survey

August 14, 2018 | Author: Sayuti Yusof | Category: Safety, Building Engineering, Engineering, Nature, Wellness
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Term Of Reference...


Terms of Reference for  Terms Dilapidation Survey 1. Intr Introd oduc ucti tion on Prolonge Prolo nged d exp exposu osure re to in incle clemen mentt we weath ather er and oth other er we wett con condit dition ions s may cau cause se structural changes to the any facility / building. Generally, dilapidation survey is carried out to determine the extent of damage that has been caused by the prolonged exposure. Dilapidation survey comprises of a detailed assessment of the facility prepared by the inspecting uilding !ngineer. "he survey includes visual inspection of the condition of  the reasonably accessible parts of the facility, on the basis of the prevailing structural, soil and weather conditions at the time t ime of the inspection. It should be noted that this survey does not cover maintenance related items #such as  $amming doors, window windows s or catches, decorative finishes and hairline or slight crac%s, etc.& and pest inspection. '. Defi fin niti tio ons '.1 Minor Defe Defect/Ma ct/Mainten intenance ance item item(( an any y it item ems s of re repa pair ir whi hich ch ar are e co comm mmon on to properties of similar age or type of construction and as described in the Property )aintenance Guide, including decorative features and finishes. '.' Major Defect( Defect( a defect of sufficient magnitude where rectification has to be carried out without undue delay to avoid( •

unsafe conditions, posing a threat to life or serious in$ury* +

loss of utility whereby the defect is such that the whole of t he relevant part of the property can no longer serve its intended function* +

further substantial deterioration of the property.

'.- Serious Structural Defect   ma$or ma$or defect in any internal internal or external external primary load load bearing component component of the building which seriously affects the structural integrity of the building reuiring rectification to be carried out without undue delay to avoid( •

unsafe conditions, posing a threat to life or serious in$ury* +

loss of utility, whereby whereby the defect is such that the whole of the relevant part of the building can no longer serve its intended function* +

further substantial deterioration of the building building..

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-. Inspection ccess "he inspector can only inspect the reasonably accessible parts of the property. 0here warranted, arrangement shall be made to have reasonable access to inspect any inaccessible parts of the property. If parts of the property have been noted as being inaccessible during the inspection, it is important that arrangements are made with the relevant uthority for inspection at another date when access is available. easonably and afely ccessible( these are accessible areas which can be accessed by a -.2 metre ladder or those which have at least 233mm unimpeded vertical and hori4ontal clearance without the removal of any fixed or unfixed furniture, fittings, stored items, cladding or lining materials, plants or soil. 0or%place 5ealth and afety access conditions apply sub$ect to relevant statutory regulations. reas higher than - metres above ground level reuire secure ladder  access and fall prevention devices or barriers.

6. cope of 0or% "he dilapidation survey should assess the condition of the building and its suitability and fitness for the intended use of the building. 0here the building is ad$oining other facilities, the survey should cover the impact of  the neighbouring property on the building being inspected. "he Dilapidation urvey eport shall include the following( #a& Identification of observed building defects upon a visual inspection of the

reasonably accessible parts of the property* #b&  ssessment of defects for significance relative to the expected condition of a well

maintained property of similar age and construction type* #c& "est reports on the uality of concrete in the structural elements, etc. #d& ecommended actions for identified defects* #e& ecommended professionals and/or trades who may be appropriate to underta%e

further investigation or carry out the recommended action* #f& General and specific additional advice on maintenance matters that your inspector 

has deemed appropriate. 5owever, the Dilapidation urvey shall not include( #a& Identification of toxic mould, or asbestos related products* #b& 7ondition or operation of swimming pools, spas or their surroundings, rainwater or 

grey water tan%s or treatment and similar facilities* #c& 7ondition, adeuacy or compliance of electrical, gas and plumbing systems

including roof plumbing, underground pipes or drainage systems* #d& +peration adeuacy or compliance of security and communications systems,

smo%e detectors, building services, building automation, electrically operated

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doors including garage doors, plant, euipment, mechanical, gas or electrical appliances and fittings* #e& 8ootings below ground, soil conditions, site factors and ha4ards* #f& 7ompliance with legal, planning, regulatory including uilding 7ode of ustralia,

sustainability or environmental matters including but not limited to the adeuacy or  safety of insulation, waterproof membranes and/or other installations, ushfire  ttac% 9evel assessments* #g& "imber, metal or other framing si4es and adeuacy. #h&  ccess restrictions will be noted where appropriate.

:. ubmission of eports "he Interim eports shall be submitted in 2 sets hardcopy, complete with photographs, test reports and recommended remedial measures. "he final eports shall incorporate all comments from the 7lient and the 7; 7onsultant, and shall be submitted in - sets and 1 set
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