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Unit 10 Genera Generall Test Test name __________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________
Part 1 Listen to the conversation. Then listen again and check ( Food
Part # rite ow an*+ ow uch+ Is there an*+ or ,re there an* to begin each -uestion. Exa!le" ______How ______How many_________ eggs eggs do they 'ant(
Part $ 2ircle the correct word in each sentence. Exa!le" +ou usually cut , 3eat4 5 salt 5 rice - *e&ore you eat it% 1#. +ou eat , 6uice 5 bread bread 5 !asta - in a *o'l% 1$. , 1$. , Toatoes 5 Eggs 5 7il 7il - gro' outside in a garden% 1%. , Fish 5 ,!!les 5 Potatoes - are my &avorite &ruit% 1&. .any people drin) their co&&ee 'ith , !e!!er 5 beans 5 sugar - in it% ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________
Part % rite is or are to co!lete each sentence. Exa!le"
Apple /uice
1'. ananas 1. utter 1/. T' T'o o apples
really tasty%
yello' 'hen theyre ripe% also yello'% enough &or me%
rite the letter in front of the correct wa* to co!lete the sentence. Exa!le"
"very &e' years# my &amily __a__ to to another city% a% moves *% is moving c% does move
#1. 3hat &rom the store( a% you need *% do you need c% are you needing ##. 3ho 'ith you to the mall this a&ternoon( a% goes *% is going c% does go #$. .y *rothers a% li)e *% li)es c% are li)ing
'hat $ made &or dinner%
#%. 4isa her house every 'ee)% a% cleans *% does clean c% is cleaning #&. 3hy *read today( a% do you *uy *% you *uying c% are you *uying #'. $ sugar in my co&&ee# /ust mil)% a% not li)e *% dont li)e c% am not li)ing
Unit 10 3riting Test 8ead the situations. rite a res!onse for each situation. 1. 1. + +ou ou are at dinner 'ith your &riend .anny Chase and his &amily &amily%% As) .annys &ather to pass you something%
#. #. + +our our &riend 9ita :ova) is at your house &or dinner% As) her ho' much she 'ould li)e o& one &ood and ho' many she 'ould li)e o& another &ood%
$. $. + +ou ou are going to the grocery store% .a)e a shopping list o& &our things that you need to *uy *uy%%
Unit 10 6pea)ing 6pe a)ing Test Test Tell about *our favorite eal. hat foods does it include9 h* do *ou like this eal so uch9 :ake at least four sentences.
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