Top Notch 1 (5-7) Answer Key

May 14, 2018 | Author: Moisés Enrique | Category: Leisure
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Angloamericano® Grupo Educativo


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L"$E%"%G CO&PRE'E%"O% ()* PO"%$ + ,* . 0 (1. Listen to the conversations in a restaurant. What do the customers order? Choose the correct answer. Play two times. Track Start 5A. udio #ri!t2 Con3ersation  Waiter: Are you ready to order? First Customer: es! " am. " thin# "$ start with the &otato sou&. 'hen "$ have the (ried )sh. 'hat comes with ve*eta+es! doesn$t it? Waiter: es! it does. 'oni*ht we have a choice o( +roccoi or carrots. First Customer: "$ have the +roccoi! &ease. Waiter: Certainy. Certainy. And to drin#? First Customer: "$ have +otted water. water. Waiter: And (or you? ,econd Customer: "$ start with a saad. 'hen "$ have the *ried chic#en with carrots. And a cu& o( co-ee! &ease.

40 (5. Listen Listen to &eo&e &eo&e ta# a+out heath heath ha+its. ha+its. Choose the correc correctt &icture &icture.. Play two times. Track Start S tart 5B. udio #ri!t2 1. A: "t$s hot today /: "t sure is o you want to *o swimmin*? A: 'hat$s a *reat idea. 2. A: oes your wi(e &ay tennis? /: dith? o way. ,he$s a couch &otato. A: 'oo +ad. 3y wi(e &ays every wee#. 4. TOP NOTCH 1 (5-7) G-9

Answer Key


Angloamericano® Grupo Educativo

A: Where are you *oin*? /: 'o *et some eercise6i(t wei*hts! run on the treadmi. A: ou$re aways at the *ym 7. A: ow o(ten do you &ay *o(? /: 9ust a+out every wee#end. o you want to &ay to*ether sometime? A: 'hat woud +e *reat.

C0 (6. Listen to the directions. Choose the correct answer. Play two times. Track Start 5C.

udio #ri!t2 1. A: cuse me. Where are shoes? /: 'he shoe de&artment is on the to& oor! in the +ac# o( the store. 'a#e the eevator! and then turn e(t. "t$s ;ust a(ter you &ass women$s in*erie. 2. A: Can you he& me? "$m oo#in* (or &urses. /: Certainy! 3a$am. 'hey$re in accessories.
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