Top Grammar upgrade

February 3, 2017 | Author: Chiara Cappellina | Category: N/A
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Grammar exercises and rules for Pet Fce exam...


TOP Franca Inver nizzi · Daniela Villani Stefania Mastrantonio · David A. Hill

CEF A1 to B2+



PET, FCE and TRINITY exam preparation Lexical focus, extensive practice and revision Interactive Book, CD-ROM and listenings


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With 2 CD-ROMs

Ans ith w Key er s

The words of grammar


Present be Lexical theme | Family and Friends 1 2 3 4

Be (I am, I’m not, Are you…?) Be – Usi ed espressioni idiomatiche There is / There are; Here is / Here are It’s / That’s – Uso impersonale Review 1 | Units 1–4 CD ROM Exam Practice 1

12 14 16 18 20 22

have got Lexical theme | Physical description and clothing 5 6

Have got (I’ve got, I haven’t got, Have you got…?) Have e have got – Usi ed espressioni idiomatiche Review 2 | Units 5–6 CD ROM Exam Practice 2

24 26 28 30



Present simple Lexical theme | Routines 7 8 9 10

Present simple – Forma (1) (I walk, I don’t walk) Present simple – Forma (2) (Do you walk?) Present simple & frequency adverbs – Usi (1) Present simple – Usi (2) Review 3 | Units 7–10 CD ROM Exam Practice 3

32 34 36 38 40 42

Present continuous Lexical theme | Hobbies 11 12 13 14 15

Present continuous – Forma (1) (I am leaving) Present continuous – Forma (2) (I am not leaving, Are you leaving?) Present continuous – Usi Present simple and Present continuous – Differenze d’uso Action verbs and state verbs Review 4 | Units 11–15 CD ROM Exam Practice 4

44 46 48 50 52 54 56

Past simple Lexical theme | Holidays 16 17 18 19

Be past simple (I was, I wasn’t, Were you…?) Past simple – Forma (1) (I worked, I went) Past simple – Forma (2) (I didn’t go, Did you go…?) Past simple – Usi Review 5 | Units 16–19 CD ROM Exam Practice 5

58 60 62 64 66 68

Used to and Past continuous Lexical theme | Sport 20 21 22

Used to/Would Past continuous – Forma (I was/wasn’t playing, Were you playing…?) Past continuous – Usi e confronto con il past simple Review 6 | Units 20–22 CD ROM Exam Practice 6

70 72 74 76 78

3 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages


Past participle and Present perfect simple Lexical theme | The house 23 24 25 26 27 28

Past participle (worked, sent) Present perfect simple – Forma (I have/haven’t visited, Have you visited…?) Present perfect simple – Usi con just, already, yet, not… yet, still… not Present perfect simple – Usi con ever, never, recently, today… Present perfect simple – Usi con How long, for, since Present perfect simple and Past simple – Differenze d’uso Review 7 | Units 23–28 CD ROM Exam Practice 7

80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94

Present perfect continuous Lexical theme | Education 29 30

Present perfect continuous – Forma e usi (I’ve been learning, Have you been learning?) Present perfect simple and continuous – Differenze d’uso Review 8 | Units 29–30 CD ROM Exam Practice 8

96 98 100 102

Past perfect simple and continuous Lexical theme | School 31 32 33

Past perfect simple – Forma (I had/hadn’t started, Had you started?) Past perfect simple – Usi Past perfect continuous – Forma e usi (I had/hadn’t been learning, Had you been learning?) Review 9 | Units 31–33 CD ROM Exam Practice 9

104 106 108 110 112

Future with going to and will Lexical theme | Jobs 34 35 36 37

The future: going to – Forma e usi (I’m/I’m not going to apply, Are you going to apply?) The future: will – Forma (I will go, I won’t go, Will you go?) The future: will – Usi (1) The future: will – Usi (2) Review 10 | Units 34–37 CD ROM Exam Practice 10

114 116 118 120 122 124

Other ways to express the future, Future continuous and Future perfect Lexical theme | Health 38 39 40

Present continuous and Present simple for the future Going to / Present continuous / Will future – Differenze d’uso Future continuous (I will be doing) and Future perfect (I will have done) Review 11 | Units 38–40 CD ROM Exam Practice 11

126 128 130 132 134

Imperative, Infinitive and -ing form Lexical theme | Shopping and money 41 42 43 44 45 46

Imperative – Forma e usi (Go! Don’t go! Let’s go!) Infinitive – Forma e usi (to play, not to play, to have played) -ing form – Forma e usi (going, having gone) Verbs + infinitive (I want to go) Verbs + -ing form / + infinitive (I started reading / to read) Prepositions + -ing form; -ing clauses (I’m good at skiing, Before/After going…) Review 12 | Units 41–46 CD ROM Exam Practice 12

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136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150

Lexical theme | Celebrations 47 48 49

Modals: Can / Could – Caratteristiche generali Modals: Can / Could – Usi e verbi sostitutivi Modals: May / Might Review 13 | Units 47–49 CD ROM Exam Practice 13

152 154 156 158 160


Modal verbs to express ‘potere’

Modal verbs to express ‘dovere’ Lexical theme | Rules and regulations 50 51 52

Modals: Must Have to / Have got to; Be to; Mustn’t / Don’t have to Need to / Need + -ing; Had to / Will have to; Be obliged / Be compelled Review 14 | Units 50–52 CD ROM Exam Practice 14

162 164 166 168 170

Other modal verbs for ‘dovere’ Lexical theme | The weather / the climate 53 54

Modals: Shall / Should Had better; Ought to; Be due; Be bound to Review 15 | Units 53–54 CD ROM Exam Practice 15

172 174 176 178

Other modal verbs for ‘volere’ Lexical theme | Inviting and offering 55 56

Modals: Will / Would Would like to; Want to; Would prefer to / Would rather Review 16 | Units 55–56 CD ROM Exam Practice 16

180 182 184 186

The passive Lexical theme | Arts and crafts; Literature 57 58 59 60 61

Passive form Passive form – Present and past tense Passive form – Perfect tenses and Future Passive form – Infinitive, Modal Verbs and Conditional Passive form – Verbs with double object; He is said to be… Review 17 | Units 57–61 CD ROM Exam Practice 17

188 190 192 194 196 198 200

Structures to express ‘far fare’ Lexical theme | Where we live 62 63

Make / Let someone do something; Get someone to do something; Have / Get something done See someone do / doing something; See something being done Review 18 | Units 62–63 CD ROM Exam Practice 18

202 204 206 208

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Articles Lexical theme | The Environment and Geography 64 65 66 67

The indefinite article: a /an The definite article: the (1) The definite article: the (2) No article vs. the Review 19 | Units 64–67 CD ROM Exam Practice 19

210 212 214 216 218 220

Nouns, possessive case Lexical theme | Leisure time 68 69 70 71 72 73

Nouns: gender and plurals Irregular plurals; compound nouns Nouns: countables and uncountables (1) Nouns: countables and uncountables (2) Collective and plural nouns; adjectives used as nouns Possessive case (Tom’s friend, A friend of Tom’s) Review 20 | Units 68–73 CD ROM Exam Practice 20

222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236

Adjectives Lexical theme | Music 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

Qualifying adjectives (a big red apple / the book is new) Adjective formation (surprising, surprised); nouns used as adjectives (a film star) The comparative of adjectives (1) (cheaper than / more expensive than) The comparative of adjectives (2) (as interesting as / less interesting than) The superlative of adjectives (the cheapest / the most expensive / the least expensive) The comparative and superlative of adverbs (faster / fastest; more quickly / most quickly) Comparative and superlative: irregular forms (better / the best) Comparatives with nouns and verbs (more / less … than; as much … as / as many … as) Review 21 | Units 74–81 CD ROM Exam Practice 21

238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256

Pronouns Lexical theme | Life around the world 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92

Personal pronouns (I, you, he…/ me, you, him…) Possessive adjectives and pronouns (my, your… / mine, yours…) Reflexive and emphasizing pronouns (myself / yourself…) Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns (this / these, that / those) one / ones Distributive adjectives and pronouns (1) (each / every / everyone…); Reciprocal pronouns (each other / one another) Distributive adjectives and pronouns (2) (both / either / neither); Correlative structures (both… and… / either… or… / neither… nor…) Indefinite adjectives and pronouns (1) (some / any / no / a little / a few) Indefinite adjectives and pronouns (2) (a lot / much / many; too much / too many / enough; most / all) Compounds of some, any, no (1) Compounds of some, any, no (2); Compounds with -ever Review 22 | Units 82–92 CD ROM Exam Practice 22

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258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282

Lexical theme | Information Technology; Figures 93 94 95 96 97

Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers and dates Relative pronouns in defining clauses Relative pronouns in non-defining clauses Relative adverbs where, when, why; which, what, all that in relative clauses Review 23 | Units 93–97 CD ROM Exam Practice 23

284 286 288 290 292 294 296


Numbers, dates, relative pronouns

Wh- words, questions, agreeing and disagreeing Lexical theme | Communication 98 99 100 101 102

Interrogative adjectives and pronouns; Exclamations Interrogative adverbs Structure of Yes / No questions and Wh- questions Asking for confirmation: question tags; short questions Agreeing (So do I / Neither do I / Nor do I. / I think so.); Disagreeing (Don’t you? I do. / Do you? I don’t. / I don’t think so.) Review 24 | Units 98–102 CD ROM Exam Practice 24

298 300 302 304 306 308 310

Adverbs Lexical theme | Film and Theatre 103 104 105 106

Adverbs of manner (quickly, slowly…) Adverbs of time Adverbs of degree (too, very, quite, rather…) Word order in statements Review 25 | Units 103–106 CD ROM Exam Practice 25

312 314 316 318 320 322

Prepositions Lexical theme | Business life 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114

Prepositions of time (1) Prepositions of time (2) Prepositions indicating place and position (1) Prepositions indicating place and position (2) Prepositions indicating movement (1) Prepositions indicating movement (2) Prepositions to and for; Verbs with double object Other prepositions Review 26 | Units 107–114 CD ROM Exam Practice 26

324 326 328 330 332 334 336 338 340 342

Reported speech Lexical theme | Outdoor activities 115 116 117 118

Verbs say and tell Reported speech (1) Reported speech (2) Reported speech (3) Review 27 | Units 115–118 Exam Practice 27


344 346 348 350 352 354

7 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages


If clauses Lexical theme | Extremes 119 120 121 122 123

Conditional verb form; future in the past If clauses – Type zero and type one If clauses – Type two If clauses – Type three Conditional clauses introduced by when, unless… I wish… / If only… Review 28 | Units 119–123 CD ROM Exam Practice 28

356 358 360 363 364 366 368

Connectors and linkers Lexical theme | Food and drink 124 125 126 127

Connectors and linkers (1): coordinating, concessive Connectors and linkers (2): reason, result and purpose Connectors and linkers (3): time linkers and sequencers Other connectors and linkers (4) Review 29 | Units 124–127 CD ROM Exam Practice 29

370 372 374 376 378 380

Word formation, prepositions, phrasal verbs Lexical theme | Reflecting on words 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135

Word formation (1): Prefixes Word formation (2): Suffixes False friends Prepositional verbs Adjectives followed by prepositions Phrasal verbs (1) Phrasal verbs (2) Phrasal verbs (3) Review 30 | Units 128-135 CD ROM Exam Practice 30

382 384 386 388 390 392 394 396 398 400

Word Bank


Verb Maps


Round Up


APPENDIX Easily mistaken words: English-Italian Easily mistaken words: Italian-English British and American English – Main grammatical differences International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Punctuation marks Modals and other verbs related to communicative functions Modal verbs – tenses Use of modal verbs in if clauses Comparing quantities Conjugation of a regular verb Main irregular verbs

444 447 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460



Student's Book Answer Key


8 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages

ORDINARY VERBS descrivono azioni, condizioni, esperienze

singular town, man

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countable one boy, two boys

plural towns, men

have perfect tenses (present have / has, past had)

definite the (the city, the cities)

indefinite a / an (a leg, an arm)



volontà, intenzione → will, would

be continuous forms (is / was… + -ing) passive forms (is / was… + past participle)

AUXILIARY VERBS segnalano il tempo (present – past – perfect), la persona, la forma (active – passive; simple – continuous)


uncountable water



possibilità, capacità, permesso → can, could

MODAL VERBS sono ausiliari e sono seguiti da ordinary verbs in forma base



do interrogative and negative forms of the simple tenses (present do/does, past did)


ipotesi, dubbio → may, might

obbligo → must, shall, should, ought to

irregular no changes: set – set – set one change: have – had – had two changes: go – went – gone

regular base form: play past simple and past participle: played

The words of grammar Parts of speech – Parti del discorso



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indefinite some, any much, many

indefinite someone, anyone, something, nothing

reciprocal each other

SUPERLATIVE biggest, most expensive

distributive every, both, either

aggettivi e pronomi


interrogative what, which, whose how much, how many

possessive my, your, her



qualifying big, expensive

indefinite relative whatever, whichever

demonstrative this, these that, those

COMPARATIVE bigger, more expensive

relative who, which, that, whose



possessive mine, yours, hers

one, ones

reflexive myself, yourself

object me, you, him, her


subject I, you, he , she

The words of grammar

TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages


manner by, with

time on, in, at, since

advantage for, to

PREPOSITIONS preposizioni

degree very, quite, too, enough, so, such

movement to, onto, from

place and position in, at, near, under

place here, there, everywhere, outside

frequency often, never, twice



time now, yesterday, soon, still, yet, again

manner quickly, slowly, gently

interrogative where, when, why, how

time when, as soon as, before, after

sequencers first, then, finally

The words of grammar

declarative that

conditional if, unless, provided that


concessive although, however


coordinating and, or, but

reason, result and purpose because, so, in order that



Be A


I am, I’m not, Are you... ?

Il verbo be (essere) al presente ha tre diverse voci: am, is, are. Affirmative Full form

Short form

I am


You are


He / She / It is

He’s / She’s / It’s

We / You / They are

We’re / You’re / They’re

La forma più usata nella lingua parlata e nella lingua scritta informale è quella contratta (short form). Si può usare quando il soggetto è un pronome, un nome singolare o nome proprio. I’m sorry I’m late. Mi dispiace per il ritardo. (lett. Sono spiacente che sono in ritardo.) Simon’s away from school today. He’s ill. Simon è assente da scuola oggi. È ammalato.


Negative Full form

Short form

I am not

I’m not

You are not

You aren’t

He / She / It is not

He / She / It isn’t

We / You / They are not

We / You / They aren’t

La forma negativa completa si ottiene con: Soggetto (nome o pronome) + am / is / are + not We are not ready yet! Non siamo ancora pronti! La forma contratta più comune è indicata in tabella. Per dare particolare enfasi alla negazione si possono usare le forme You’re not, He’s not, She’s not, It’s not, We’re not, You’re not, They’re not.



Negative questions

Am I… ?

Am I not…? / Aren’t I…?

Are you… ?

Aren’t you… ?

Is he / she / it… ?

Isn’t he / she / it… ?

Are we / you / they… ?

Aren’t we / you / they… ?

Le domande si ottengono invertendo la posizione di soggetto e verbo: Am / is / are + soggetto (nome o pronome) Is your brother at college? Tuo fratello è al college? Is he a good student? È un bravo studente?


Le short answers (risposte brevi) si formano con: Yes, / No, + pronome soggetto + verbo be affermativo / negativo Nelle risposte brevi affermative il verbo be non è mai contratto. ‘Aren’t you tired?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ (non: Yes, I’m.) ‘Non sei stanco?’ ‘ Sì (lo sono).’ ‘Are your parents at work?’ ‘No, they aren’t.’ ‘I tuoi genitori sono al lavoro?’ ‘No (non lo sono).’


Le Wh- questions si costruiscono con: Question word + am / is / are + soggetto (nome o pronome) What’s your name? Qual è il tuo nome? When’s your birthday? Quand’è il tuo compleanno? Where are you from? (è possibile anche: Where’re …) Di dove sei? Which is your car? (non è possibile: Which’s …) Qual è la tua auto?

12 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages



See Word Bank page 402

Completa le frasi con am, is o are e poi trascrivile alla forma negativa.

is Conrad’s girlfriend. 1 Jessica ............

Jessica isn’t Conrad’s girlfriend. .............................................................................

2 My parents ............ at home now.


3 I .............. Sammy’s cousin.


4 Our friends ............ in London this week.


5 Terry’s grandfather ............ ninety-nine.


6 My mum ............ a great cook!


UNIT 1 | Be

Lexis: Family and friends

Conrad’s girlfriend → ‘s indica possesso → la ragazza di Conrad


Usa le parole per scrivere domande con am, is, are. Poi completa le risposte brevi. 1 your / son / a teenager / ?

Is your son a teenager? he isn’t . He’s 23 years old. .................................................................. No, ...................... 2 you / brother and sister / ? .................................................................. Yes, ...................... . 3 your mum’s name / Annabel / ? .................................................................. No, ...................... . Her name’s Carol. 4 Jess’s step-father / nice / ? .................................................................. Yes, ...................... . 5 Kenny and Kyle / twins / ? .................................................................. No, ...................... . Kyle’s one year older than Kenny. 6 I / your best friend / ? .................................................................. Yes, ...................... ! 3

Scrivi frasi affermative e negative sulle persone di questa famiglia, come negli esempi.

and Andrew are cousins. 1 Olivia ........................................................................ and Lizzie aren’t husband and wife. 2 Alfred ........................................................................





3 ........................................................................ 4 ........................................................................ 5 ........................................................................

Leo Frazer




6 ........................................................................ 7 ........................................................................ 8 ........................................................................ 4



Olivia Anna Stephen

Come lo diresti in italiano? 1 Isn’t your father at work?

Tuo padre non è al lavoro? …………………………………….....................................

2 Is Kate Jenny’s cousin?


3 Isn’t that your mother’s car?


4 Aren’t you ready yet?


5 Why isn’t Marion at school today? Is she ill?


6 Where’s Jonathan from?

……………………………………..................................... 13

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Be A


Usi ed espressioni idiomatiche

Il verbo be indica l’esistenza di qualcosa, una condizione sia permanente che temporanea. Si usa per: • presentarsi e dire la professione My name’s Rob Nolan. I’m a sales rep. Mi chiamo Rob Nolan. Sono un rappresentante. • per presentare qualcuno This is Tina. She’s my neighbour. Questa è Tina. È la mia vicina di casa. • identificare qualcuno o qualcosa ‘Who’s that?’ ‘It’s my friend Tom.’ ‘Chi è quello?’ ‘È il mio amico Tom.’

‘What’s this?’ ‘It’s a nutcracker.’ ‘Che cos’è questo?’ ‘È uno schiaccianoci.’

• chiedere e dare dati personali (età, provenienza, indirizzo, numero telefonico, compleanno…) ‘How old are you?’ ‘I’m eighteen (years old).’ ‘Quanti anni hai?’ ‘Ho diciotto anni.’ ‘What’s your mobile phone number?’ ‘It’s 334 9987652.’ ‘Qual è il tuo numero di cellulare?’ ‘È 334 9987652.’ • parlare di condizioni fisiche e di salute ‘Are you hungry?’ ‘Yes, I’m starving!’ ‘Hai fame?’ ‘Sì, sto morendo di fame!’ ‘How are you?’ ‘I’m fine, thanks. And you?’ ‘I’m not very well, I’m afraid.’ ‘Come stai?’ ‘Sto bene, grazie. E tu?’ ‘Non sto molto bene, purtroppo.’ • esprimere stati d’animo, sentimenti ‘Are you happy to be here?’ ‘Yes, I’m very happy!’ ‘Sei felice di essere qui?’ ‘Sì, sono molto contento.’ I’m so sorry! Sono così spiacente! • indicare le caratteristiche di qualcuno o qualcosa (altezza, carattere, colore, dimensione... ) He’s a very lively child. È un bambino molto vivace. Tim’s very tall, he’s 1.95m. Tim è molto alto, è 1 metro e 95. It’s a large room. The curtains and the carpet are light blue. È una camera grande. Le tende e la moquette sono azzurre. • chiedere e dire dove si trova qualcuno o qualcosa ‘Where’s Peter?’ ‘He’s in the kitchen, I think.’ ‘Dov’è Peter?’ ‘È in cucina, credo.’ Your pen’s on the desk. La tua penna è sul banco. In tutte queste funzioni il verbo be è normalmente seguito da un sostantivo (I’m Laura), da un aggettivo (I’m happy), da un avverbio (I’m late) o da una frase nominale (She’s a good student. / It’s in the kitchen.).



Nota le seguenti espressioni inglesi con il verbo be, in italiano normalmente espresse con ‘avere’. I’m cold / warm / hot. I’m hungry / thirsty / sleepy. I’m afraid of… / scared of. I’m ashamed of… You’re right / wrong. He’s in a hurry. She’s seven years old.

Ho freddo / caldo / molto caldo. Ho fame / sete / sonno. Ho paura. Mi vergogno di... Hai ragione / torto. Ha fretta. Ha sette anni.

Il verbo be al presente è inoltre usato come ausiliare: • nel present continuous, seguito da un altro verbo alla forma in -ing (cfr. pag. 44) ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I’m trying to get in.’ ‘Che cosa stai facendo?’ ‘Sto cercando di entrare.’ • nella forma passiva, cioè quando è seguito da un altro verbo al participio passato (cfr. pag. 188) The film is directed by Steven Spielberg. Il film è diretto da Steven Spielberg.

14 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages


See Word Bank page 402

Abbina le domande alle risposte.

c 1 ............ 1 2 3 4 5 6 2


2 ............

3 ............

4 ............

5 ............

Where’s Grace? Are you happy with your new bike? What’s this? What’s your dad’s job? Is he in a hurry? Who’s this in the photo?

a b c d e f

Yes, I am. It’s our family photo album. She’s in the living room with dad. It’s Jake, my brother. He’s an engineer. No, he isn’t.

Descrivi le persone. Usa gli aggettivi del riquadro. hungry sad 1

bad-tempered thirsty 2


easy-going 4

6 ............

UNIT 2 | Be

Lexis: Family and friends

WORD BANK p. 402

happy 5


is bad-tempered 1 Ted ......................................................................................................... . He looks angry. 2 Rose ...................................................................................................... . She looks relaxed 3 Joe .......................................................................................................... with his skateboard. 4 Selina ...................................................................................................... without her boyfriend. 5 Ros and Saskia ..................................................................................... . They want some lunch. 6 Rocky and Fritz ..................................................................................... . They want a drink.

Communicate! 3

Completa il dialogo tra due amiche con una parola o forma contratta per ogni spazio. Poi, ascolta e controlla. CD | 001


’s Hey! Who 1 ........................ that boy over there with the brown hair?

Britney That’s Daniel. 2 ........................ my cousin! Emily

Wow! He’s very good-looking! 3 ........................ he your Aunt Hilary’s son?

Britney No, he 4 ........................ . His parents 5 ........................ Uncle Pete and Aunt Iris – my dad’s brother and his wife. 6 ........................ both teachers in Oxford. They’re here visiting mum and dad. Emily

........................ Daniel from, then? Is 8 ........................ from Oxford?


Britney Yes, he 9........................ . Emily 4

And Oxford is 200 miles away. That 10 ........................ a real shame! (= È un vero peccato!)

Come lo diresti in inglese? 1 Come si chiama tuo fratello?

What’s your brother’s name? …………………………………….....................................

2 Quanti anni ha tuo cugino?


3 Abbiamo freddo!


4 Avete fame?


5 La mia sorellina ha 4 anni.


6 Ho paura dei cani.


7 Mio padre è alto 1 metro e 90.

……………………………………………………………...……… 15

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There is / There are; Here is / Here are A

There is / There are equivalgono all’italiano ‘C’è’ / ‘Ci sono’ e si usano per dichiarare la presenza di qualcuno o qualcosa. Affirmative


There is… (There’s…) There are… (possibile anche: There’re…)

There isn’t… There aren’t…


Negative questions

Short answers

Is there…? Are there…?

Isn’t there…? Aren’t there…?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

There is è seguito da un nome singolare o non numerabile (uncountable), there are da un nome plurale. I nomi uncountable e i plurali possono essere preceduti da un indefinito come some (un po’, alcuni), o a lot of (molto/i). Nelle frasi negative e nelle domande si trova any anziché some. (cfr. p. 272). There’s a lot of traffic on the motorway today. C’è molto traffico sull’autostrada oggi. ‘Is there any butter in the fridge?’ ‘No, there isn’t any left.’ ‘C’è del burro in frigo?’ ‘No, non ce n’è più.’ Look! There are some stains on your jacket. Guarda! Ci sono delle macchie sulla tua giacca.


In un elenco si usa There’s… se il primo termine è un nome singolare.


Per chiedere della quantità o del numero di cose o persone presenti si usano domande introdotte da How much…? Quanto/a…? e How many…? Quanti/e…?

There’s a sandwich, a bar of chocolate and two apples in my bag. Ci sono un panino, una barretta di cioccolato e due mele nel mio sacchetto.

‘How much flour is there?’ ‘There’s one kilo.’ ‘Quanta farina c’è?’ ‘Ce n’è un chilo.’ ‘How many boys are there in your group?’ ‘There’re only two.’ ‘Quanti ragazzi ci sono nel tuo gruppo?’ ‘Ce ne sono solo due.’ Attenzione: There are three of us. (non: We are three.) Siamo in tre. There are four of them. (non: They are four.) Sono in quattro.


There equivale all’avverbio di luogo là, lì, pertanto le espressioni There’s e There are sono usate anche per indicare qualcuno o qualcosa lontano da chi parla. Attenzione: I nomi seguono il verbo, i pronomi lo precedono. There’s your mum! Ecco la tua mamma! There she is! Eccola là!

Here equivale all’avverbio di luogo qua, qui. Per indicare qualcuno o qualcosa vicino a chi parla e quando si porge qualcosa si usano le espressioni Here’s e Here are, equivalenti all’italiano ecco. ‘Here you are… Ten pounds.’ ‘Ecco a lei… Dieci sterline.’ ‘Thanks. And here’s your change.’ ‘Grazie. Ed ecco il suo resto.’ Attenzione alle domande per informarsi sulla presenza di qualcuno: ‘Is your sister there?’ (non: Is there your sister?) ‘C’è tua sorella? / Tua sorella è lì?’ ‘No, she isn’t here.’ (non: No, there isn’t.) ‘No, non c’è. / Non è qui.’ 16 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages



See Word Bank page 402

Completa le frasi con there’s, there are, there isn’t, there aren’t.

There are 1 .................................... five people in my family: my parents, my two brothers and myself. 2 .................................... a girl in my class called Angelina. She’s beautiful. 3 .................................... any photos of you. Why not? 4 .................................... lots of reasons why good friends are important. 5 .................................... a party tomorrow evening. It’s next week. 6 .................................... a present for you in the living room. It’s from your aunt. 7 .................................... any tall people in my family. We’re all quite short. 2

Completa le domande con Is there / Are there e fornisci risposte brevi.

Are there there are 1 .................................... a lot of children in your family? Yes, .................................... . 2 .................................... a satellite TV in every room? Yes, .................................... . 3 .................................... any postcards from your parents? No, .................................... . 4 .................................... a good restaurant near here? No, .................................... . 5 .................................... a doctor in your family? No, .................................... . 6 .................................... any boys in your group? Yes, .................................... . 3

Abbina le frasi 1–7 alle frasi a–g.

e 1 ............

2 ............

3 ............

4 ............

5 ............

6 ............

7 ............

1 How much time is there?

a What’s wrong with it?

2 Are there any photos of you as a baby in this album?

b Yes, that’s my uncle.

3 How many of your friends are at this party?

c Yes, look! This is me.

4 There’s a problem with my bike, dad.

d You’re right, there aren’t.

5 Are there any other relatives in the photo?

e There isn’t much.

6 There’s someone on the phone for you.


7 There aren’t any new students in our class this year.

g OK, I’m on my way!

There are a lot of them.

UNIT 3 | There is / There are; Here is / Here are

Lexis: Family and friends

Communicate! 4

CD | 002


Completa il dialogo tra due amiche con le parole del riquadro, poi ascolta e controlla.



are (x2)

there’s No





there Here you are, Melanie – here’s your ten pounds. Is 1........................ anything wrong?


Yes, there 2 ........................ . 3 ........................ not happy at all today.




I think 4 ........................ because I argue with my mum all the time these days.


Well, Mel, 5 ........................ nothing unusual about that. Lots of teenagers argue with their parents.


I know, but there 6 ........................ many who argue like we do.


I’m sure there are, you know.




What 9........................ your arguments about, then?



........................ , you’re wrong. Our arguments 8 ........................ different. ........................ about the fact that mum keeps borrowing my clothes and my make up!

to argue = litigare, discutere argument = litigio, discussione

17 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages



It’s / That’s A


Uso impersonale

I pronomi personali soggetto, spesso sottintesi in italiano, sono invece sempre espressi in inglese. We’re often abroad. (Noi) siamo spesso all’estero. I’m usually at home in the morning. (Io) di solito sono a casa al mattino. Il pronome it sostituisce un nome di cosa singolare. Can you see my house? It’s the one with the red door. Vedi la mia casa? È quella con la porta rossa. È inoltre usato nelle forme impersonali, in particolare per: • presentarsi o chiedere di identificarsi (per es. al telefono) e in risposta a Who’s...?, quando nella domanda non è indicata la persona (Who’s that? It’s...) ‘Who is it?’ ‘It’s me. Sandra.’ ‘Chi è?’ ‘Sono io. Sandra.’ • dire il giorno, la data e l’ora ‘What day is it today?’ ‘It’s Monday. It’s 3rd June.’ ‘Che giorno è oggi?’ ‘È lunedì. È il 3 giugno.’ ‘Is it four o’clock?’ ‘No, it’s half past four.’ ‘Sono le quattro?’ ‘No, sono le quattro e mezza.’ • parlare del tempo atmosferico It’s hot. It’s 35 degrees. Fa caldo. Ci sono 35 gradi.

Hello. It’s Frank. Is that you, Steve? Pronto. Sono Frank. Sei tu, Steve?

• parlare di distanze It’s about five miles from here. Sono circa cinque miglia da qui. It’s still a long way. C’è ancora molta strada. • chiedere e dire un prezzo ‘How much is it?’ ‘It’s ten pounds twenty-five.’ ‘Quant’è?’ ‘Sono dieci sterline e venticinque.’



Osserva altri esempi di espressioni impersonali. It’s late / early. It’s a good idea. It’s all right / okay. It’s very kind of you. It’s good for you. It’s no good. It’s a shame.

È tardi / presto. È una buona idea. Va bene. È molto gentile da parte tua. Ti fa bene. Non va bene. È un peccato.

It’s time to wake up! È ora di svegliarsi!

Osserva anche la costruzione: It’s + aggettivo + verbo all’infinito o forma in -ing, frequente alternativa a frasi che hanno un verbo all’infinito o alla forma in -ing come soggetto (cfr. pagg. 138 e 140). To feel appreciated is nice. → It’s nice to feel appreciated. È bello sentirsi apprezzati. Talking to him is useless! → It’s useless talking to him! È inutile parlare con lui!


It’s… ha la funzione di annunciare una nuova informazione, mentre That’s… si usa per fare un commento su ciò che è stato detto (That = ciò, la cosa di cui si parla). It’s time to go. È ora di andare. (si annuncia qualcosa che l’interlocutore non sa) So it’s time to go. That’s too bad! Quindi è ora di andare. Che peccato! (l’interlocutore è al corrente di un fatto, fa un commento su qualcosa che conosce già) A trip to Miami? That’s great! Un viaggio a Miami? È fantastico! ‘Shall we go to the beach?’ ‘That’s fine by me.’ ‘Andiamo in spiaggia?’ ‘Per me va bene.’ (l’idea di andare in spiaggia) ‘Let’s play cards!’ ‘That’s okay by me / with me.’ ‘Giochiamo a carte!’ ‘Per me va bene.’

18 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages



See Word Bank page 402

Abbina le frasi 1–6 alle frasi a–f.

d 1 ............ 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 ............

3 ............

4 ............

Mum, do I have to eat this apple? I’m taking a short break. Look! That’s Dave’s mum! It’s only two degrees! Where’s Marcia’s house? It costs twenty pounds.

5 ............ a b c d e f

6 ............

That’s good! You need one. That’s expensive! It’s a long way from here. Yes, it’s good for you! That’s cold! No, it’s his sister!

Communicate! 2

CD | 003

A B A B A B A B A 3

UNIT 4 | It’s / That’s

Lexis: Family and friends

Completa il dialogo con it’s o that’s. Poi ascolta e controlla.

It’s a lovely day! Come on ... get up! 1............ Is it? 2 ............ nice. Let’s do something then. I know! 3 ............ Saturday, so let’s go for a picnic. 4 ............ a great idea! What about going to Bluebell Hill? Hmm. 5 ............ a long way to Bluebell Hill. 6 ............ OK – the exercise will do us good! And 7............ lovely out that way. 8 ............ true but, just a minute, my bike isn’t here. 9............ at Don’s house. I can’t use it. 10 ............ a shame! Never mind, we can walk instead! Oh, no!

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Usa la parola data senza cambiarla. Usa dalle due alle cinque parole compresa la parola data. 1 In my opinion, inviting Maria to the party is not a good idea.


it isn’t a good In my opinion, ............................................................ idea to invite Maria to the party. 2 I think arguing with your family is very upsetting. TO I think ................................................................... argue with your family. 3 That’s mum’s favourite vase, so don’t break it! BECAUSE Don’t break that vase ................................................................... favourite! 4 Yes, I agree that going to the cinema this evening is a good idea. OK Yes, ................................................................... me if we go to the cinema this evening. 5 Mum says eating fish is good for me. IT Mum says ................................................................... to eat fish. 4

Come lo diresti in italiano? 1 ‘Who is it?’ ‘It’s John and Peter.’ ‘Chi è?’ ‘Sono John e Peter.’ …………………………………………………………………………............................................................................. 2 ‘Is it time to go?’ ‘No, it isn’t. It’s only half past three.’ …………………………………………………………………………............................................................................. 3 ‘It’s quite cold in here.’ ‘You’re right. It’s only 12 degrees.’ …………………………………………………………………………............................................................................. 4 ‘How far is it?’ ‘It’s about two kilometers.’ …………………………………………………………………………............................................................................. 5 ‘How much is it altogether?’ ‘It’s nine pounds thirty.’ …………………………………………………………………………............................................................................. 6 It’s a shame they aren’t playing! …………………………………………………………………………............................................................................. 19 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages

REVIEW | Units 1 • 2 • 3 • 4



Map it out! | be 1

Completa la mappa con gli elementi mancanti. I are not

’m not





’m not

| she |





.................. is not (4 ..................)


I .................. 5



am not ( ..................) 2



| you | they 6

.................. (aren’t)

18 years old.

Lexis upgrade | The family 2

WORD BANK p. 402

Osserva questo albero genealogico (family tree) e completa le frasi con il verbo be e il termine che indica la parentela. Helen







Jason and George are brothers 1 2 3 4 5 6

is mother Helen ........................ Tom’s ........................ . Tom and Katie ........................ Helen’s ........................ . Helen and Jason ........................ husband and ........................ . Jason ........................ Dora’s ........................ . Dora, Tom and Katie ........................ ........................ . Jason ........................ Tom’s ........................ .

Friends 3

WORD BANK p. 402

Leggi le frasi e scrivi gli aggettivi di personalità che descrivono gli amici di Tom. sociable 1 2 3 4 5 6




happy cheerful

happy Tom is very .................................... and has a lot of friends. Angie is never sad when she is with her friends. She’s a .................................... girl. Frank is not easily upset or worried; he is .................................... . Claude is always angry and annoyed. He’s .................................... . Julia is always full of energy and enthusiasm. She’s a .................................... girl. Dylan is often tired and wants to sleep. He’s .................................... .

20 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del present simple di be. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


isn’t Natalie ........................ my mum; she’s my aunt. ........................ I too late for the party? There ........................ some interesting people in your family. Selina ........................ my step-sister, not my sister. One of my relatives ........................ a famous actor! He’s in lots of films. ........................ there anyone in your family called Mr Stopes? No, I ........................ Linda’s mum! Linda is my sister! Tom, David and Giles ........................ brothers; they are cousins. There ........................ any children in the park today. It’s raining. We ........................ a big family. There are just four of us. William and Kate ........................ engaged. They are married. ........................ you and Brian related?

Usa le parole per scrivere frasi o domande con am, is, are. 1 David / my brother

David is my brother. ........................................................................ 2 all my relatives / lovely people ........................................................................ 3 my step-father / thirty-three ........................................................................ 6

4 you / bad-tempered / in the mornings? ........................................................................ 5 your grandfather / a nice man? ........................................................................ 6 our parents / not / at work today ........................................................................

REVIEW 1 | Units 1 • 2 • 3 • 4

Grammar upgrade

Completa il brano con la forma corretta del present simple di be.

are different in my family these days. Suddenly I 2.................. a member of a big Things 1.................. family instead of being an only child. You see, my mum and Steve 3.................. married now, so he 4 .................. my new step-father. And there 5.................. four children in Steve’s family – Lucas, Alicia, Felix and Rosie. They 6.................. my new step-brothers and sisters. Steve’s children 7.................. here with us every second weekend. We have a lot of fun and 8.................. all good friends. It 9.................. great being part of a big family!

Communication upgrade 7

Completa i mini-dialoghi con una sola parola o forma contratta per ogni spazio. Poi ascolta e controlla. CD | 004

1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

Hi, Mishka! How are you? I’m Sorry! I can’t stop! .................. in a hurry. Sandy .................. Mark’s sister; she’s his cousin. Yes, you’re right. How old is your brother now? .................. twelve. Are you OK? No, I’m .................. . I’m cold.

5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B

Is it time for breakfast? No, .................. early. This .................. my new T-shirt! .................. lovely! Where is Richard? .................. he is! Let’s go to the beach today. .................. fine by me.

Translate this! 8

Traduci il brano in inglese. Tom ha quattro anni ed è al supermercato con il papà. È l’una e il bambino ha fame. Su uno scaffale ci sono bellissimi pacchetti di biscotti al cioccolato e Tom si ferma per prenderne uno (= to get one). Il papà è in un’altra corsia (= aisle). Tom è da solo ma non è spaventato. Suo padre è preoccupato e lo cerca. ‘Dove sei, Tom?’ ‘Sono qui, papà.’ ‘Oh, eccoti.’

21 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages



TRINITY and PET Practice TRINITY Grade 6 | Topic for discussion 1

Complete the list about your family then write a paragraph using your notes. Practise reading your paragraph to your family or a friend. Try to add in more information as you speak.

My small / big family 1 Number of people in my family 2 Who they are 3 What they do 4 5 6

Cambridge English Preliminary (PET) | Listening Part 1 2

There are five questions in this part. For each question, there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick (✓) in the box next to it. CD | 005

1 Which picture is Tom’s correct family?



Listen carefully to the five dialogues. If you are not sure of your answer, wait for the second listening.



2 How old is Sarah’s mother? A






3 Which is Julie’s snack?






4 What is in the boy’s sandwich?

A 5 How far is Aunt Meg’s house?

10 kms


3 kms


22 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages

2 kms


Cambridge English First (FCE) | Use of English Part 2 3

Read the text below and think of the word that best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

are Karen’s family is quite big. There 1........................ seven people living in the same house, which 2 ........................ a big farm on the outskirts of York, about five miles 3 ........................ the town. There 4 ........................ Karen, of course, and her two brothers. They are eighteen and fifteen and they 5 ........................ very easy-going. Then 6 ........................ are Karen’s parents. Jason, her 7 ........................ , is a farmer and Gloria, her mother, is a housewife. She likes cooking and 8 ........................ a keen gardener.


FCE Practice

Jason’s 9........................ live with them too. They are very fond of their grandchildren and spend a lot of time with them. Karen has a sister, too. 10 ........................ doesn’t live with them because she studies in London. She has a flat with some other students. 11........................ are four of them in the flat. 12 ........................ is a photo of the whole family last Christmas.

Cambridge English First (FCE) | Writing Part 1 4

Your English key pal is spending a week in your house by the sea with your family. The letter below contains a few questions. Answer the questions and make some notes. Then write a letter of between 120 and 150 words using all the information in your notes.

I’m looking forward to seeing you, but, I don’t know much about your family! I think you told me you have a brother, is that correct? Have you got any uncles or aunts? Do they spend their holidays with you? Have you got any cousins who are the same age as you? I have three and we get on well, so we spend a lot of time together. We also go to the same school. What about you?


You have 40 minutes to do this task in the exam. Divide your time into: 1 making notes 2 organising the information into paragraphs 3 writing your letter using the correct tone ( formal or informal) 4 checking your letter at the end. Try to use a good variety of language in your letter.

................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. 23 TOP GRAMMAR UPGRADE AK © Helbling Languages

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