Top 100 Companies in the Philippines
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Brief Background: Meralco is now on its 108th year of service, since in 1903. Consistently in the list of the hili!!ines" to! five cor!orations and cited a#ong $sia"s finest, Meralco today serves over %.8 #illion #illion residentia residential, l, co##ercial co##ercial and industria industriall custo#ers custo#ers.. &t is strategical strategically ly located to serve the country"s center of co##erce and industry and its hu' of govern#ent services services and infrastru infrastructure ctures. s. &t services a'out 30 #anufacturi #anufacturing ng econo#ic econo#ic (ones, which also also co#!et co#!etee in the glo'al glo'al #arket. #arket. )ikewi )ikewise, se, the Co#!any Co#!any caters caters to !rovid !roviders ers of outsourced 'usiness !rocesses, 'oth do#estic and international. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: *lec *lectr tric ic !owe !owerr gene genera rati tion, on, trans trans#i #iss ssio ion n and and dist distri ri'ut 'utio ion n Contacts Mr. Manuel M. )o!e( +Chair air#an - ositions ositions:: Mr. Mr. Manuel Manuel . . angilinan angilinan +resid +resident ent and Chief Chief */ecuti */ecutive ve fficer fficer $ddr $ddres ess: s: nd nd 2loo 2loorr )o!e )o!e(( Buil Buildi ding, ng, M* M*$ $)C )C Cent Center er,, rt rtig igas as $venue enue,, asi asig g City City 4el. 5o 5o.: 673 17 17%1 1731 2a/ 5o.: 673 738890 e'site:!h 2. PETR PETRON ON CORP CORPOR ORA ATION ION
Brief Background: etron Cor!oration is the largest oil refining and #arketing co#!any in the hili!!ines, 'acked 'y ; years of 'usiness ' usiness in the hili!!ines. etron are su!!lying nearly %0< of the country=s oil re>uire#ents with world?class !roducts and >uality services, which fuel the lives of #illions of 2ili!inos. 4hey are also o!erating a refinery refinery in )i#ay, )i#ay, Bataan, with a rated ca!acity of 180,000 'arrels a day@ and a lu'e oil 'lending !lant at andacan 4e#rin 4e#rinal al and in Au'ic Bay. 4hey currently currently o!erate o!erate 1,%00 service stations stations and retail gasoline, diesel, and kerosene to #otorists and !u'lic trans!ort o!erators. 4hey also sell )i>ue )i>uefi fied ed etro etrole leu# u# as as +) +) und under er the the 'ran 'rand d asu asulD lD to hou house sehol hold d and and othe other r consu#ers through an e/tensive dealershi! network. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Manuf anufac actture ure of ref refin ined ed !et !etro rolleu# eu# !rod !roduc uctts Contact: Mr. a#on A. $ng os osition tion:: Chai Chair# r#an an and and Chi Chief */ecu /ecuttive ive ff ffice $ddr $ddres ess: s: etr etron on Meg Mega ala la(a (a,, 38 38 Aen. Aen. il il uy uyat $ve., e., Maka Makati ti City City 10 100 0 4el. 5o.: 673 8873888 2a/ 5o.: 673 887307% e'site: www.! 3. TI (PH (PHIL ILIP IPPI PINE NES) S) INC INC.. 1
Brief Background: 4& hili!!ines is a su'sidiary su'sidiary of 4e/as 4e/as &nstru#ents. &nstru#ents. 4he !lants in 'oth Baguio and Clark have 'eco#e 'eco#e the Eallas Eallas?'a ?'ased sed #ulti #ultinati nationa onal= l=ss #os #ostt so! so!his histic ticate ated d asse#' asse#'ly ly and test test facilities for !roducts that serve the needs of electronics e>ui!#ent #anufacturers in the Fnited Atates, $sia, $sia, *uro!e and Ga!an. Currently, Currently, 4& hili!!ines is is the leading e/!orter in the se#iconductor industry. industry. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Contact: osi osition: $ddress 4el. 5o.: e'site:
Manu Manufa fact ctur uree of of se# se#ic icon onduc ducto torr devi device cess and and othe otherr ele elect ctro roni nicc devi device cess Mr. 5or'erto iera residen dent an and Ma Manag naging Eirector *H$, )oakan d d., Baguio Ci City 673 ;% %%;1000 %%;;110
Brief Background: A#art Co##unications, &nc. is the hili!!ines" leading wireless services !rovider with %;.8 #illion #illion su'scri'ers su'scri'ers on its AM network as of end?Gune end?Gune 011. A#art A#art has 'uilt a re!utation for innovation, having introduced world?first wireless data services, including #o'i #o 'ile le co##e co##erc rcee serv servic ices es such such as A#ar A#artt Mo Money ney,, A#ar A#artt )o )oad ad,, A#ar A#artt adal adalaa and and 5et!hone. A#art also offers 3 and IA$ services. &ts A#art )ink service !rovides co##unications to the glo'al #ariti#e industry. A#art Broad'and, &nc., a wholly?owned su'sid su' sidiar iary y, offers offers a wirele wireless ss 'road' 'road'and and servic service, e, A#art A#art B, B, with with a'out a'out 1. #illi #illion on su'scri'ers as of end?Gune 011. A#art is a wholly?owned su'sidiary of the hili!!ines" leading teleco##unications carrier, the hili!!ine )ong Eistance 4ele!hone 4ele!hone Co#!any. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Mo'i o'ile tel teleco# eco## #unic unicat atiions ons ser service vicess Cont Contac actts Mr. Manu Manuel el . ang angil iliinan nan +Chai Chair# r#an an - ositio ositions: ns: Mr. Mr. 5a!oleo 5a!oleon n 5a(areno 5a(areno +resident +resident and Chief Chief */ecuti */ecutive ve ffice ffice $ddr $ddres ess: s: AM$ AM$4 4 4ower wer, 7;9 7;99 9 $y $yala ala $v $venue enue,, Mak Makat atii Cit City y *#ail: c'!h +Cor!orate c'!h +Cor!orate Business rou! e'site:!h 5. NEST NESTLE LE PHILI PHILIPP PPINE INES S INC INC..
Brief Background: 5early a hundred years after it first started o!erations in the country, coun try, 5estlK hili!!ines, &nc. +5& today is a ro'ust and sta'le organi(ation, !roud of its role in 'ringing the 'est food and 'everage throughout the stages of the 2ili!ino 2ili!ino consu#ers= lives. 4he Co#!any e#!loys #ore than 3,00 #en and wo#en all over the country. &t is now a#ong the to! co#!anies in the entire 5estlK world, and is a#ong the country=s co untry=s 4o! 4o! 10 Cor!orations. &ts !roducts are 5o. 1 or strong 5o. 'rands in their res!ective categories. 4hey #anufacture coffee, full crea# #ilk !owder, infant nutrition, li>uid #ilks, 'everages, !owdered ice tea, nondairy crea#er, all !ur!ose crea#, cereal drink, food and cooking aids, aids, ready? ready?to? to?dri drink nk !roduct !roducts, s, ice crea# crea# and chille chilled d dairy dairy,, 'reakf 'reakfast ast cereal cereals, s, and confectionery.
Brief Background: 4& hili!!ines is a su'sidiary su'sidiary of 4e/as 4e/as &nstru#ents. &nstru#ents. 4he !lants in 'oth Baguio and Clark have 'eco#e 'eco#e the Eallas Eallas?'a ?'ased sed #ulti #ultinati nationa onal= l=ss #os #ostt so! so!his histic ticate ated d asse#' asse#'ly ly and test test facilities for !roducts that serve the needs of electronics e>ui!#ent #anufacturers in the Fnited Atates, $sia, $sia, *uro!e and Ga!an. Currently, Currently, 4& hili!!ines is is the leading e/!orter in the se#iconductor industry. industry. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Contact: osi osition: $ddress 4el. 5o.: e'site:
Manu Manufa fact ctur uree of of se# se#ic icon onduc ducto torr devi device cess and and othe otherr ele elect ctro roni nicc devi device cess Mr. 5or'erto iera residen dent an and Ma Manag naging Eirector *H$, )oakan d d., Baguio Ci City 673 ;% %%;1000 %%;;110
Brief Background: A#art Co##unications, &nc. is the hili!!ines" leading wireless services !rovider with %;.8 #illion #illion su'scri'ers su'scri'ers on its AM network as of end?Gune end?Gune 011. A#art A#art has 'uilt a re!utation for innovation, having introduced world?first wireless data services, including #o'i #o 'ile le co##e co##erc rcee serv servic ices es such such as A#ar A#artt Mo Money ney,, A#ar A#artt )o )oad ad,, A#ar A#artt adal adalaa and and 5et!hone. A#art also offers 3 and IA$ services. &ts A#art )ink service !rovides co##unications to the glo'al #ariti#e industry. A#art Broad'and, &nc., a wholly?owned su'sid su' sidiar iary y, offers offers a wirele wireless ss 'road' 'road'and and servic service, e, A#art A#art B, B, with with a'out a'out 1. #illi #illion on su'scri'ers as of end?Gune 011. A#art is a wholly?owned su'sidiary of the hili!!ines" leading teleco##unications carrier, the hili!!ine )ong Eistance 4ele!hone 4ele!hone Co#!any. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Mo'i o'ile tel teleco# eco## #unic unicat atiions ons ser service vicess Cont Contac actts Mr. Manu Manuel el . ang angil iliinan nan +Chai Chair# r#an an - ositio ositions: ns: Mr. Mr. 5a!oleo 5a!oleon n 5a(areno 5a(areno +resident +resident and Chief Chief */ecuti */ecutive ve ffice ffice $ddr $ddres ess: s: AM$ AM$4 4 4ower wer, 7;9 7;99 9 $y $yala ala $v $venue enue,, Mak Makat atii Cit City y *#ail: c'!h +Cor!orate c'!h +Cor!orate Business rou! e'site:!h 5. NEST NESTLE LE PHILI PHILIPP PPINE INES S INC INC..
Brief Background: 5early a hundred years after it first started o!erations in the country, coun try, 5estlK hili!!ines, &nc. +5& today is a ro'ust and sta'le organi(ation, !roud of its role in 'ringing the 'est food and 'everage throughout the stages of the 2ili!ino 2ili!ino consu#ers= lives. 4he Co#!any e#!loys #ore than 3,00 #en and wo#en all over the country. &t is now a#ong the to! co#!anies in the entire 5estlK world, and is a#ong the country=s co untry=s 4o! 4o! 10 Cor!orations. &ts !roducts are 5o. 1 or strong 5o. 'rands in their res!ective categories. 4hey #anufacture coffee, full crea# #ilk !owder, infant nutrition, li>uid #ilks, 'everages, !owdered ice tea, nondairy crea#er, all !ur!ose crea#, cereal drink, food and cooking aids, aids, ready? ready?to? to?dri drink nk !roduct !roducts, s, ice crea# crea# and chille chilled d dairy dairy,, 'reakf 'reakfast ast cereal cereals, s, and confectionery.
&ndu &ndust stry ry:: Manu Manufa fact ctur uree of of !owd !owder ered ed #ilk #ilk +e/ce +e/ce!t !t for for inf infan ants ts and and conde condens nsed ed or eva!orated #ilk +filled, co#'ined or reconstituted Contact: Mr. Gohn Ma Martin Mi Miller os osition tion:: Chai Chair# r#an an and and Chi Chief */ecu /ecuttive ive ff fficer cer $ddr $ddres ess: s: 5est 5estlK lK Cen Cente terr, 31 la la(a (a Eri Erive ve,, ock ockwe well ll Cen Cente terr, Maka Makati ti Cit City y 4el. 5o.: 673 8980001 e'site:!h 6. MALAY MALAYAN INTEGRA INTEGRATED TED INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIES CORP. CORP.
Brief Background: 4he co#!any was esta'lished in Ganuary %, 19;. &ndustry: Manufacture of of ro rough lu lu#'er Contact: Mr. a'lo C. C. illa'er osition: Chair#an - resident $ddr $ddres esss: 5o. 5o. 818 818 4orres res At., At., Manda andalluyon uyong g City ity 7. NUMO NUMONY NY PHIL PHILIPP IPPINE INES! S! INC INC..
Brief Background: 5u#ony/ is a se#iconductor co#!any #aking flash #e#ories, which was founded on March 31, 008 'y &ntel Cor!oration, Cor!oration, A4Microelectronics and 2rancisco artners. 4he co#!any su!!lies non?volatile #e#ory for a variety of consu#er and industrial devices including cellular !hones, M3 !layers, digital ca#eras, co#!uters and other high?tech e>ui!#ent. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Manu Manufa fact ctur uree of of se# se#ic icon onduc ducto torr devi device cess and and othe otherr ele elect ctro roni nicc devi device cess Contact: Ms. Atella Hhu osition: eneral Ma Manager $ddr $ddres ess: s: C C ? $4 Buil Buildi ding ng,, ate ateway way Busi Busine ness ss ark, ark, Gava Gavale lera ra,, ener eneral al 4ria 4rias, s, Cavite %10; e'site: ". PHILIPPINE PHILIPPINE LONG DISTAN DISTANCE CE TELEPH TELEPHONE ONE COMPANY COMPANY
Brief Background: 2ounded on 5ove#'er 8, 198, hili!!ine )ong Eistance 4ele!hone Co#!any +)E4 is the leading teleco##unications !rovider in the hili!!ines. 4hrough its three !rinci!al 'usiness grou!s ? fi/ed line, wireless, and infor#ation and co##unication technology ? )E4 offers the largest and #ost diversified range of teleco##unications services across the hili!!ines= #ost e/tensive fi'er o!tic 'ack'one and fi/ed line, cellular and satellite networks. &ndustry: ired +l +landline se services Cont Contac actts Mr. Manu Manuel el . ang angil iliinan nan +Chai Chair# r#an an - ositio ositions: ns: Mr. Mr. 5a!oleo 5a!oleon n 5a(areno 5a(areno +resident +resident and Chief Chief */ecuti */ecutive ve ffice ffice $ddr $ddres ess: s: a#o a#on n CoL CoLua uang ngco co Buil Buildi ding ng,, Mak Makat atii $ve., e., Mak Makat atii Cit City y 4el. 5o 5o.: 1?800?1888?9090 3
2a/ 5o.: e'site:
1?800?1?888?0009 www.!!h
Brief Background: 4he hili!!ine $ssociated A#elting and efining Cor!oration owns and o!erates the only only co!!er co!!er s# s#elt elter er and refine refinery ry in the hili! hili!!in !ines. es. $A$"s $A$"s !ri#ary !roduct !roduct is electroly electrolytic tic co!!er cathode, cathode, which the co#!any has 'een !roducing !roducing for years. &ts original co!!er cathode 'rand, $A$D, was registered in 198% with the )ondon Metal */change +)M* as rade $ Co!!er and in the Co##odity */change Eivision of the 5ew ork ork Mercantile Mercantile */change +5M*N as CM*N rade 1 Co!!er. 4he loca 4he locati tion on of the the $A$ A$ co!!e co!!err s# s#el elte terr and and refi refine nery ry in )eyt )eytee in the the cent centra rall hili!!ines hili!!ines has advantages advantages for the co#!any co#!any and its !artners. !artners. *lectric *lectric !ower is readily availa'le fro# renewa'le sources of energy within the area. $A$ is e>ui!!ed with its own !ort, a dee!?har'or facility which can acco##odate vessels with a dis!lace#ent of u! to 0,000 #etric tons +#t. &t is a #ulti?!ur!ose !ort that is co#!osed of two 'erths which handle 'oth in'ound and out'ound cargoes. 4he s#elter and refinery lie at the center of the hili!!ine archi!elago, ready to serve the needs of the country=s reviving #ining industry. industry. $A$= A$=s strate strategic gic locati location on in the acifi acificc i# allows allows access access to co!!er co!!er concent concentrat ratee su!!li su! !lies es fro# fro# around around the world world includ including ing &ndones &ndonesia, ia, a!ua a!ua 5ew uinea, uinea, Canada, Canada, $ustralia, $rgentina, $rgentina, Bra(il and Chile. $nother advantage is its !ro/i#ity !ro/i#ity to the refined co!!er #arkets of China, Oorea, 4aiwan, ietna#, 4hailand, Malaysia, &ndonesia and Ga!an. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: 5on? 5on?2e 2err rrou ouss s#el s#elti ting ng and and refi refini ning ng e/c e/ce! e!tt !rec !recio ious us #et #etal alss Contact: Mr. )ouis I. *ls os osition tion:: res resiident dent - Chief hief */ */ec ecut utiive ff fficer cer $ddress: 3;th 2loor, hila#life 4ower, 4ower, 8;7; aseo de o/as, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 889791 P 98 2a/ 5o.: 673 889733 *#ail: !ad#inJ!!h !ad#inJ!asar. net.!h e'site: www.!!h 10. MERCURY DRUG CORPORAT CORPORATION ION
Brief Background: &t was founded in 19%, after the li'eration fro# the Ga!anese, 'y Mariano Que. Mr. Que started selling #edicines 'y the !iece as this was after the war and no one could afford to 'uy #edicines 'y the 'ottle. 4o 4oday, day, Mercury Mercury Erug has grown into a network of over ;00 co#!any?owned and franchised stores all over the country and has 'een e#!loying an esti#ated 9,000 !rofessionals and staff. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: eta etail il sale sale of drug drugss and and !har !har#a #ace ceut utic ical al good goodss Contact: Ms. ivian Que P $(cona osition: resident %
$ddress: 4el. 5o.: 2a/ 5o.: *#ail: e'site:
; Mercury $ve., cor. *. odrigue( Gr., Bagu#'ayan 1110 Que(on City 673 9110;1 P 8; 673 91177;3
Brief Background: &n 2e'ruary 19%1, hili!!ine $irlines was founded 'y a grou! of 'usiness#en led 'y $ndres Aoriano, one of the country"s leading industrialists and 'eca#e the country=s flag carrier. $) at one ti#e 'eca#e $sia=s leading airline 'ut the 199; econo#ic crisis took its toll on $). 4his was two years after Mr. )ucio C. 4an 'eca#e Chair#an and Chief */ecutive fficer. Currently, $) has not regained its !restige and even facing several la'or dis!utes. &ndustry: &nternational air !assenger trans!ort Contact: Mr. )ucio C. 4an osition: Chair#an - Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: 32 Me((anine 5B 2inancial Ctr., res. E. Maca!agal $ve., CC Co#!le/, asay City 4el. 5o.: 673 ;;;99 2a/ 5o.: 673 71893 e'site: www.!hili!! 12. CHE$RON PHILIPPINES! INC.
Brief Background: Chevron is one of the largest investors in the hili!!ines, with #ore than R 'illion in ca!ital invest#ents and !roviding direct and indirect e#!loy#ent for #ore than 3,000 !eo!le. Chevron hili!!ines &nc. #arkets Calte/S fuels, lu'ricants and !etroleu# !roducts. !erations in the hili!!ines include stea# fields that use heat fro# the earth to !rovide geother#al energy to !lants that serve key !o!ulation centers in the country. 4his #ade the hili!!ines the second?largest geother#al energy?!roducing country in the world, after the Fnited Atates, and continuously e/!loring new o!!ortunities for geother#al !ower in the hili!!ines. Chevron holds an interest in the Mala#!aya gas?to? !ower !roLect, the first natural gas develo!#ent and largest industrial !roLect in the hili!!ines. &ndustry: etail sale of auto#otive fuel in s!eciali(ed stores Contact: Mr. Gi# Meynink osition: Country Chair#an $ddress: 72 7;0 $yala $venue, Makati City 17 4el. 5o.: 673 8%11000 2a/ 5o.: 673 8%1109 *#ail: c!i?!g! e'site: 13. SAN MIGUEL FOODS INC.
Brief Background: Aan Miguel 2oods, &nc. +AM2& is a su'sidiary of Aan Miguel ure 2oods Co#!any, &nc. +AM2C, the food division of food and 'everage giant Aan Miguel Cor!oration +AMC. 4oday, AM2& is the country"s leading !roducer and #arketer of 'randed !oultry !roducts. 4he co#!any"s fully integrated o!erations cover a nationwide network of feed #ills, 'reeding and growing far#s, hatcheries, !rocessing !lants and distri'utors. Co#'ined with its #anage#ent and technical e/!ertise, these allow it to !rovide a steady su!!ly of high?>uality !roducts, #aking it the su!!lier and retailer of choice of discri#inating consu#ers as well as institutional custo#ers. AM2& o!erates the integrated oultry 'usiness and co##ercial 2eeds 'usiness of Aan Miguel. 2urther#ore, they also e/!ort !roducts such as raw chicken !arts, fillets and yakitori, which are sent !ri#arily to Ga!an. &ndustry: Chicken !roduction, 'roiler Contact: Ms. 4atish ala'ya' osition: resident $ddress: 1;2 GM4 Cor!orate Condo#iniu#, $EB $ve., rtigas Ctr., asig City 4el. 5o.: 673 ;01@ ;0000 2a/ 5o.: 673 73;3;8 e'site:!h 14. TOP FRONTIER IN$ESTMENT HOLDINGS INC.
Brief Background: 4o! 2rontier &nvest#ent Ioldings &nc. o!erates as an invest#ent holding co#!any which through its su'sidiary !roduces, !rocesses, and #arkets 'everage, food, and !ackaging !roducts. 4he co#!any was incor!orated in 008 and is 'ased in Makati City, hili!!ines. &ndustry: $ctivities of holding co#!anies Contact: Mr. *ric . ecto osition: resident $ddress: 2 *5H Building, 5o. 399 Aen. il G. uyat $venue, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 ;883989 15. TOSHI%A INFORMATION E&UIPMENT (PHILIPPINES) INC.
Brief Background: 4oshi'a &nfor#ation *>ui!#ent +hili!!ines &nc. +4& #anufactures hard disk drives, o!tical disk drives, !rinted circuit 'oards and also e/!anded its o!eration to full asse#'ly of note'ook Cs 'y $!ril 000.4hanks to its young and dedicated workforce of 00, 4& has 'een growing tre#endously in its ?years history. 4he factory has the ca!a'ility to !roduce 0?giga'yte hard disk. 4his is the outco#e of a #anage#ent conce!t of kee!ing work !rocedures si#!le, !ro#ising s!eed in delivery and #aintaining fle/i'ility in unison with #arket forces. &ndustry: Manufacture of co#!uters and !eri!heral e>ui!#ent and accessories Contact: Mr. oshiyuki an osition: resident $ddress: 103 *ast Main $ve. e/t., A*H, )aguna 4echno!ark, Binan, )aguna 7
4el. 5o.: e'site:
673 %9 ;;90'!hili!!inesti!.ht#l
Brief Background: BE is a full?service universal 'ank. &t has the a'ility to !rovide a co#!lete array of industry?leading !roducts and services to the retail and cor!orate #arkets including )ending +cor!orate, #iddle #arket, AM* and consu#er, Ee!osit?taking, 2oreign */change, Brokering, 4rust and &nvest#ents, Credit Cards, Cor!orate Cash Manage#ent and e#ittances. 4hrough its su'sidiaries, the Bank offers )easing and 2inancing, &nvest#ent Banking, rivate Banking, Bancassurance, &nsurance Brokerage and Atock Brokerage services. BE is a #e#'er of the AM rou!, one of the country"s largest and #ost successful conglo#erates with 'usinesses s!anning 'etween retail, #all o!erations, !ro!erty develo!#ent +residential, co##ercial, resortshotel, and financial services. $lthough !art of a fa#ily conglo#erate, BE"s day?to?day o!erations are handled 'y a tea# of !rofessional #anagers and 'ank officers. &ndustry: */!anded co##ercial 'anking +universal 'anking Contacts Ms. 4eresita 4. Ay +Chair!erson - ositions: Mr. 5estor . 4an +resident $ddress: ;899 Makati $ve., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 8%0;000 e'site: www.'!h 17. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS PHILIPPINES MANUFACTURING CORP.
Brief Background: Aa#sung *lectronics hili!!ines Manufacturing Cor!oration +A*I&), is a #anufacturer of !tical Eisk Erive +EE 'ased in Cala#'a re#ier &nternational ark, Cala#'a City )aguna. A*I&) has 'een esta'lished in the hili!!ines in the year 001 and has risen greatly in ter#s of Brand value and Market share ever since and looking forward in a Lourney 'eing the 5u#'er 1 Brand in hili!!ines. &ndustry: Manufacture of co#!uters and !eri!heral e>ui!#ent and accessories Contact: Mr. Aun Iun Oi# osition: resident $ddress: Blk. 7 Cala#'a re#iere &nternational ark Batino Cala#'a, )aguna 4el. 5o.: 673 %9 %879 2a/ 5o.: 673 %9 %033 e'site:!ha'outsa#sungour' 1". TOYOTA MOTOR PHILIPPINES CORP.
Brief Background: ;
2or 1 years of 'eing in the industry, 4M re#ained consistently focused on catering to diverse needs of 2ili!ino consu#ers. &t offers an e/tensive #odel line?u! of fourteen vehicles distri'uted to ; dealer outlets nationwide. By #aintaining its strong co##it#ent in !roviding high >uality !roducts and e/cellent services to its custo#ers, 4M has #ade its way to 'eing the #arket leader for eighteen years. &ndustry: Manufacture of #otor vehicles Contact: Mr. Michino'u Augata osition: resident $ddress: 32 4 4ower &nt=l., $yala $ve. cor. I Eela Costa At., Aalcedo ill., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 88800 e'site:!h 1#. GLO%E TELECOM INC.
Brief Background: lo'e is a leading teleco##unications co#!any in the hili!!ines. lo'e !rovides #o'ile, fi/ed line, and 'road'and internet services. &ndustry: Mo'ile teleco##unications services Contacts Mr. Gai#e $ugusto Ho'el de $yala +Chair#an - ositions: Mr. *rnest Cu +resident - Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: th 2loor, lo'e 4eleco# la(a 1 ioneer corner Madison At., 1 Mandaluyong City 4el. 5o.: 673 ;30000 e'site: www.glo'!h 20. SAN MIGUEL %REERY INC.
Brief Background: Aan Miguel Brewery &nc. +AMB is the largest !roducer of 'eer in the hili!!ines, with a total #arket share of a!!ro/i#ately #ore than 9< in 008. 4he Co#!any has five 'reweries strategically located across the hili!!ines and a highly develo!ed distri'ution syste# serving a!!ro/i#ately %;1,000 retail outlets. &ndustry: Manufacture of #alt li>uors and #alt Contact: Mr. a#on $ng osition: Chair#an $ddress: Iead ffice Co#!le/, 5o. %0 Aan Miguel $venue, Mandaluyong City 4el. 5o.: 673 733000 2a/ 5o.: 673 73370 e'site: www.san#iguel'!h 21. UELLIG PHARMA CORP.
Brief Background: Atarting out in $sia over 70 years ago, Huellig har#a has esta'lished itself as the leading healthcare distri'ution solution s!ecialist in the region. Aerving 1 countries and regions in $sia and offering services such as warehousing, sales order !rocessing, 8
invoicing, collection, credit - risk #anage#ent, retail sales force, re!acking - la'eling, delivery - trans!ortation, reverse logistics, cross docking, sa#!le #anage#ent, !ro#otions, gift and literature #anage#ent. 4hey !rovide end?to?end distri'ution solutions in addition to addressing s!ecific needs throughout the su!!ly chain in $sia. &ndustry: holesale of !har#aceutical !roducts Contact: Mr. ay#und $(urin osition: Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: O#. 1% est Aservice d., Aouth Au!er Iighway cor. *dison $ve., Brgy. Aun alley, arana>ue City 4el. 5o.: 673 908 8%; e'site: www.(uellig! 22. COCA*COLA %OTTLERS PHILIPPINES! INC.
Brief Background: Coca?Cola Bottlers hili!!ines, &nc. engages in 'ottling and distri'ution of soft drinks. 4he co#!any was founded in 1981 and is 'ased in Makati City, hili!!ines. $s of 2e'ruary , 00;, Coca?Cola Bottlers hili!!ines, &nc. o!erates as a su'sidiary of 4he Coca?Cola Co#!any. &ndustry: Manufacture of soft drinks e/ce!t drinks flavored with fruit Luices, syru!s or other #aterials Contact: Mr. illia# Achult( osition: resident - Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: Eon Chino oces, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 877000 e'site: www.coca? 23. UNI$ERSAL RO%INA CORPORATION
Brief Background: Fniversal o'ina Cor!oration +FC traces its 'eginnings all the way 'ack to 19%, as headed 'y Mr. Gohn okongwei. 4heir first Tho#e run= !roduct was Blend %, the first locally?#anufactured coffee 'lend, du''ed as the inoy coffeeD. 4his 'eca#e the largest?selling coffee 'rand in the #arket, even 'eating #arket leaders CafK uro and 5escafe. $t !resent, all the different co#!anies are now organi(ed under the Fniversal o'ina Cor!oration u#'rella, divided into 3 focused grou!s: +1 the Branded Consu#er 2ood rou!, co#!rised of BC2 Eo#estic +including !ackaging and &nternational + the $gro?&ndustrial grou!, co#!rised of Fniversal Corn roducts, o'ina 2ar#s, and o'iche# and +3 the Co##odities grou!, with the Augar and 2lour divisions. 4his co#!any is one of the largest local flour #illers. 4hey also e/!ort their !roducts +2MC to other countries though their FC &nternational co#!anies in China, &ndonesia, Malaysia and 4hailand. &ndustry: Manufacture of snack !roducts such as corn curls, wheat crunchies and si#ilar !roducts 9
Contacts - ositions: $ddress: 4el. 5o.: e'site:
Mr. Ga#es ). o +Chair#an - Chief */ecutive fficer Mr. )ance . okongwei +resident - Chief !erating fficer 13 *. odrigue( Gr., Bagong &log, asig City 673 7;193!h
Brief Background: $ fully !rivate cor!oration, 5C won the franchise to o!erate and #aintain the country=s trans#ission network in the 'iggest govern#ent auction conducted in efforts to refor# the local !ower sector. 4his fifty?year franchise !rovides 5C with the right to o!erate, #aintain, e/!and and further strengthen the country=s !ower trans#ission syste# which, as of end?009, involved 19,% circuit kilo#eters of trans#ission lines and 3,83 M$ of su'station ca!acity. $s the syste# o!erator of the !ower grid, 5C 'alances the de#and and su!!ly of electricity to serve efficiently all of its custo#ersU generators, !rivate distri'ution utilities, electric coo!eratives, govern#ent?owned utilities, eco(ones, industries, as well as directly connected co#!anies. &t is res!onsi'le for !utting online the right #i/ of !ower !lants that generate the high?voltage electricity and trans#itting this to the various distri'ution utilities which, in turn, deliver the electricity at a lower voltage rating to households and other end?users. *>ui!!ed with technical e/!ertise, a sound financial !ortfolio and i#!ressive track record, 5C is !oised to successfully deliver the electricity needed to fuel the growth of the econo#y and there'y e#!ower the 2ili!ino !eo!le and the country=s 'usiness sector, strengthening the nation as a whole. &ndustry: *lectric ower eneration, 4rans#ission and Eistri'ution Contact: Mr. Ienry Ay, Gr. osition: resident - Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: Que(on $venue corner B& oad, Eili#an, Que(on City 4el. 5o.: 673 981100 2a/ 5o.: 673 978% 25. SUNPOER PHILIPPINES MANUFACTURING LTD.
Brief Background: 4he first se#iconductor fa'ricator in the hili!!ines and the first large?scale solar cell facility in Aoutheast $sia. AF5* is one of the to! investors in the hili!!ines. Aunower Cor!oration, whose #ission is to 'e the undis!uted leader in high?!erfor#ance solar !roducts. Aun!ower is engaged to #anufacturing and selling high efficiency solar !anels and has over ,000 e#!loyees in the hili!!ines alone &ndustry: Manufacture of se#iconductor devices and other electronic co#!onents Contact: Mr. reg eichow osition: ice resident for !erations $ddress: 100 *ast Main $ve., )aguna 4echno!ark A!ecial *cono#ic Hone, Binan, )aguna 4el. 5o.: 673 8%19;00 e'site: www.sun!owercor!.co# .
Brief Background: Bank of the hili!!ine &slands is the first 'ank in the country during the A!anish era. 5ow, it cele'rates its 170th year, B& serves as an icon in $sian finance not only as the oldest e/isting co##ercial 'anking institution in $sia 'ut also as a !ri#e #over in the develo!#ent of #arkets and industries. 4hrough the years, B& has #aintained its leadershi! !osition as an e/!anded co##ercial 'ank. ith over ;00 'ranches and around 1,700 auto#ated teller #achines +$4Ms in the hili!!ines, B& 'oasts of having the largest co#'ined network of 'rancheskiosk units and $4Ms, servicing the largest nu#'er of 'ank custo#ers. Ao#e 1 #illion of its de!ositors are verseas 2ili!inos +aVosa. &ndustry: */!anded Co##ercial Banking +Fniversal Banking Contacts Mr. Gai#e $ugusto Ho'el de $yala +Chair#an - ositions: Mr. $urelio Montinola &&& +resident $ddress: 12 B& Bldg., $yala $ve. cor. aseo de o/as, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 818%1 e'site: www.'!!h 27. SUPER$ALUE INC.
Brief Background: Au!ervalue &nc. is the co#!any that o!erates all of AM Au!er#arkets. AM Au!er#arket is the country=s largest su!er#arket chain and the #ost do#inant !layer in the food retail industry. Aince esta'lishing its first store in 198 at the $yala Center, Makati, AM Au!er#arket has e/!anded to 8 'ranches nationwide. &n 1998, AM Au!er#arket introduced its new stand?alone inde!endent neigh'orhood stores P the Aave#ore Market. ffering the convenience of a first?class indoor wet #arket, groceries and general #erchandise store, Aave#ore Market caters !ri#arily to 'udget?constrained households 'y offering lower?!riced ite#s. Aince its esta'lish#ent, there are now 3% 'ranches nationwide. &ndustry: etail selling in su!er#arkets Contact: Mr. Ier'ert Ay osition: resident $ddress: AM Cor!orate ffices, Bldg. *, G Eiokno Blvd., Mall of $sia Co#!le/, asay City 4el. 5o.: 673 8311888 2a/ 5o.: 673 833;% 833117 e'site: www.s#su! 2". METROPOLITAN %AN' + TRUST CO.
Brief Background: 2ounded in Ae!te#'er , 197, Metro!olitan Bank - 4rust Co. +Metro'ank has since 'eco#e the !re#ier universal 'ank and a#ong the fore#ost financial institutions in the hili!!ines. &t offers a full range of 'anking and other financial !roducts and services, 11
including cor!orate, co##ercial and consu#er 'anking, as well as credit card, re#ittances, leasing, invest#ent 'anking and trust 'anking. Metro'ank currently s!ans a consolidated network of over 1,%00 $4Ms nationwide@ over ;70 do#estic 'ranches@ and 38 foreign 'ranches, su'sidiaries, and re!resentative offices. &ndustry: */!anded Co##ercial Banking +Fniversal Banking Contacts Mr. eorge 4y +rou! Chair#an - ositions: Mr. $rthur 4y +resident $ddress: Metro'ank la(a, Aen. il uyat $venue, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 8;00;00 2a/ 5o.: 673 81;7%8 e'site: www.#etro'!h 2#. AMERICAN POER CON$ERSION CORP. (A.P.C.) %.$.
Brief Background: $#erican ower Conversion, B.. +$C is the leading !rovider of glo'al, end?to?end $C and EC?'ased 'ack?u! !ower !roducts and services. Onown for )egendary elia'ility, $C sets the standard for >uality, innovation and su!!ort for !ower !rotection solutions fro# deskto! syste#s to data center o!erations to entire facilities. $C is recogni(ed for e/cellence in 'oth its 'usiness and !roduct !erfor#ance. 2ro# its cor!orate head>uarters in est Oingston, hode &sland, $C o!erates sales offices throughout the world and #anufacturing facilities on three continents &ndustry: Manufacture of co#!uters and !eri!heral e>ui!#ent and accessories $ddress: $d#in Bldg, hase *H$, osario, Cavite 4el. 5o.: 673 %7 %3;107 e'site: www.a! .
Brief Background: *sta'lished in 1890 as a single?!roduct 'rewery, S,- M C,- +Aan Miguel is the hili!!ines= largest 'everage, food and !ackaging co#!any. 4oday, the co#!any has over 100 facilities in the hili!!ines, Aoutheast $sia, and China. ne of the country=s !re#ier 'usiness conglo#erates, Aan Miguel=s e/tensive !roduct !ortfolio includes over %00 !roducts ranging fro# 'eer, hard li>uor, Luices, 'asic and !rocessed #eats, !oultry, dairy !roducts, condi#ents, coffee, flour, ani#al feeds and various !ackaging !roducts. 2or generations, the Co#!any has generated strong consu#er loyalty through 'rands that are a#ong the #ost for#ida'le in the hili!!ine food and 'everage industry P Aan Miguel ale ilsen, ine'ra, Monterey, Magnolia, and urefoods. 2lagshi! !roduct, Aan Miguel Beer, holds an over 9< share of the hili!!ine 'eer #arket. &n addition to its leadershi! in the hili!!ine food and 'everage industry, Aan Miguel has esta'lished a significant !resence overseas. 4he Co#!any=s o!erations e/tend 'eyond its 1
ho#e 'ase of the hili!!ines to China +including Iong Oong, ietna#, &ndonesia, Malaysia, 4hailand and $ustralia. &ndustry: $ctivities of holding co#!anies Contacts Mr. *duardo M. CoLuangco, Gr. +Chair#an - Chief */ecutive fficer - ositions: Mr. a#on A. $ng +resident - Chief !erating fficer $ddress: %0 Aan Miguel $venue, Mandaluyong City 4el. 5o.: 673 73000 733000 e'site:!h 31. UNILE$ER PHILIPPINES INC.
Brief Background: ith %00 'rands s!anning 1% categories of ho#e, !ersonal care and foods !roducts. 4oday Fnilever e#!loys 173 000 !eo!le, sells !roducts in 1;0 countries worldwide, and su!!orts the Lo's of #any thousands of distri'utors, contractors and su!!liers. &ndustry: Manufacture of soa! and detergents Contact: Mr. $li okcelik osition: ice resident for Au!!ly Chain $ddress: 131 Fnited 5ations $ve., aco, Manila 4el. 5o.: 673 888888 e'site:!h 32. FIRST GAS POER CORP.
Brief Background: 2C owns and o!erates the 1,000?M Aanta ita co#'ined?cycle natural gas?fired !ower !lant in Batangas, 100 kilo#eters south of Manila, hili!!ines. 4he Aanta ita !ower !lant uses natural gas fro# the Mala#!aya as 2ield in offshore 5orthwest alawan. 4he Aanta ita !ower !lant !roLect was develo!ed, financed and constructed 'y 2irst as ower Cor!oration +2C. 4he Aanta ita !lant co##enced co##ercial o!erations in $ugust 000 and initially ran on li>uid fuel, with conversion to natural gas o!erations in Ganuary 00 when gas fro# the Mala#!aya field 'eca#e availa'le. Aanta ita sells electricity to Meralco under a ?year ower urchase $gree#ent +$. &ndustry: *lectrical ower eneration, 4rans#ission and Eistri'ution Contact: Mr. 2ederico . )o!e( osition: Chair#an and Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: 32 Ben!res Bldg., */change d. cor. Meralco $ve., asig City 4el. 5o.: 673 73180% 2a/ 5o.: 673 73;8377 e'site:!h 33. LAND %AN' OF THE PHILIPPINES
Brief Background: 4he )and Bank of the hili!!ines is a govern#ent financial institution that strikes a 'alance in fulfilling its social #andate of !ro#oting countryside develo!#ent while re#aining financially via'le. 4oday, )$5EB$5O is 'y far the largest for#al credit 13
institution in the rural areas. &ts credit delivery syste# is a'le to !enetrate a su'stantial !ercentage of the country"s total nu#'er of #unici!alities. )$5EB$5O also ranks a#ong the to! five co##ercial 'anks in the country in ter#s of de!osits, assets, loans and ca!ital. &ndustry: */!anded Co##ercial Banking +Fniversal Banking Contact: Ms. ilda *. ico osition: resident - C* $ddress: )$5EB$5O la(a, 198 M.I del ilar cor. Er. G. Quintos Ats., 100% Malate, Manila 4el. 5o.: 673 0000 2a/ 5o.: 673 8880 *#ail: land'' e'site:' 34. SAN MIGUEL ENERGY CORP.
Brief Background: Aan Miguel *nergy Cor!. owns and o!erates !ower generation !lants, three #ines to 'e e/act. 4hese have a total of 1;,000 hectares of coal resources that will !rovide guaranteed and chea!er raw #aterial source for AM*C !ower !lants. 4he co#!any o!erates as a su'sidiary of Aan Miguel Cor!. &ndustry: *lectric ower eneration, 4rans#ission and Eistri'ution Contacts Mr. *duardo M. CoLuangco, Gr. +Chair#an - Chief */ecutive fficer - ositions: Mr. a#on A. $ng +resident - Chief !erating fficer $ddress: %0 Aan Miguel $venue, Mandaluyong City 4el. 5o.: 673 73000 733000 e'site:!h 35. PHILIPPINE AMUSEMENT AND GAMING CORP.
Brief Background: 4he hili!!ine $#use#ent and a#ing Cor!oration +$C is a 100 !ercent govern#ent?owned and controlled cor!oration that runs under the direct su!ervision of the ffice of the resident of the e!u'lic of the hili!!ines. 4he Cor!oration was created during the Martial )aw years 'y virtue of a residential Eecree +E107;?$ issued 'y then resident 2erdinand Marcos in res!onse to calls for the hili!!ine overn#ent to !ut a sto! to the growing !roliferation of illegal casino o!erations in various !arts of the country then. Fnder the new directive $C now regulates, authori(es and licenses ga#es of chance, ga#es of cards and ga#es of nu#'ers, !articularly casino ga#ing, in the hili!!ines@ generates revenues for the hili!!ine overn#ent=s socio?civic and national develo!#ent !rogra#s@ and hel!s !ro#ote the hili!!ine touris# industry. &ndustry: a#'ling and Betting $ctivities Contact: Ion. Cristino 5aguiat osition: Chair#an and Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: 1330 $C Iouse, o/as Boulevard, *r#ita, Manila 4el. 5o.: 673 11% 1%
36. CE%U AIR INC. Brief Background: &n March 1997, Ce'u acific entered the #arket and gave Wlow fare, great valueW to every 2ili!ino who wanted to fly. $fter offering low fares to do#estic destinations, C*B launched its international o!erations on 5ove#'er 001 and now flies to Bangkok, Busan, uang(hou, Io Chi Minh, Iong Oong, Gakarta, Oota Oina'alu, Ouala )u#!ur, Macau, saka, Aeoul, Ahanghai, Ainga!ore and 4ai!ei. C*B o!erates a fleet of 9 $ir'us +10 $319 and 19 $30 and 8 $4 ;?00 aircraft, the youngest fleet in the hili!!ines. 4hey are a su'sidiary of G Au##it Ioldings +GA which is #aLority owned 'y the okongwei fa#ily. &ndustry: &nternational $ir assenger 4rans!ort Contact: Mr. )ance okongwei osition: resident and Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: 172 *>uita'le C& 4ower, Aan Miguel $ve., asig City 4el. 5o.: 673 80;000 e'site: www.ce'u! 37. OLLI%EE FOODS CORP.
Brief Background: Golli'ee is a !heno#enal success story: what 'egan as a two?'ranch ice crea# !arlor in 19; offering hot #eals and sandwiches 'eca#e incor!orated in 19;8 with seven outlets to e/!lore the !ossi'ilities of a ha#'urger conce!t. 4hus was 'orn the co#!any that revolutioni(ed fast food in the hili!!ines. 4he u#'urgerD store. &n 198%, Golli'ee hit the 00 #illion sales #ark, landing in the 4o! 00 hili!!ine Cor!orations. &n 198;, 'arely 10 years in the 'usiness, Golli'ee landed into the country=s 4o! 100 Cor!orations. &t 'eca#e the first hili!!ine fast food chain to 'reak the 1 'illion sales #ark in 1989. &n 1993, Golli'ee 'eca#e the first food service co#!any to 'e listed in the hili!!ine Atock */change@ thus 'roadening its ca!itali(ation and laying the groundwork for sustained e/!ansion locally and 'eyond the hili!!ines. &ndustry: 2ast?food chains Contact: Mr. 4ony 4an Caktiong osition: resident and Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: 102 Golli'ee la(a Bldg., rtigas Center, asig City 4el. 5o.: 673 73%1111 e'site: www.Lolli'!h 3". AM'OR TECHNOLOGY PHILIPPINES! INC.
Brief Background: $#kor is one of the world=s largest !roviders of contract se#iconductor asse#'ly and test services. 2ounded in 1978, $#kor !ioneered the outsourcing of &C asse#'ly and test and is now a strategic #anufacturing !artner for #ore than 00 of the world=s leading se#iconductor co#!anies and electronics *Ms. $#kor=s o!erational 'ase enco#!asses #ore than #illion s>uare feet of floor s!ace with !roduction facilities, !roduct 1
develo!#ent centers and sales - su!!ort offices located in key electronics #anufacturing regions in $sia, *uro!e and the Fnited Atates. $#kor=s hili!!ines factories contain over 1.3 #illion s>uare feet of #anufacturing s!ace and !rovide a full range of asse#'ly and test services including cera#ic, leadfra#e, la#inate such as B$, AB$, and 4*B$ and Ayste# in ackage +Ai, wafer !ro'e, 'urn?in, stri! test, ta!e - reel, test develo!#ent and direct shi!!ing. $ll locations are &A?900, QA?9000, &A?1%001, &A 9001, 4A179%9 and EACC QM) certified. &ndustry: Manufacture of se#iconductor devices and other electronic co#!onents Contact: Mr. Gae Aung Owak osition: resident $ddress: O#. *ast Aervice d., Cu!ang, Muntinlu!a City 4el. 5o.: 673 80;000 2a/ 5o.: 673 8%%0;17 e'site: 3#. DOLE PHILIPPINES! INC.
Brief Background: &n the hili!!ines, Eole has introduced !re#iu# >uality, healthy food !roducts in fresh and !ackaged foods. &ts focus on health and nutrition re#ains strong even as Eole continues to e/!and its healthy food !roducts. &ts !roduct lines range fro# canned !inea!!le solids, canned #i/ed fruits, canned 'everages, !ackaged fruit snacks to to#ato sauce. &ndustry: Canningacking and reserving 2ruits and 2ruit Guices Contact: Mr. Oevin Eavis osition: ice resident and Managing Eirector $ddress: Eole $sia, 2 7;0 ffice 4ower, $yala $ve., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 810701 P 09 2a/ 5o.: 673 83811% e'site:!h 40. TOTAL (PHILIPPINES) CORP.
Brief Background: 4he 4otal hili!!ines was esta'lished in 199; as the second largest invest#ent of its #other co#!any in in $sia with R80?#illion worth of infrastructure. 4his includes the state?of?the?art oil distri'ution ter#inal in Mariveles, Bataan, ca!a'le of storing u! to 0? #illion litres of fuel, and another at the Manila Iar'or Center in4ondo, Manila, with a storage ca!acity of 9?#illion litres of fuel. Both de!ots su!!ort the co#!any"s nework of 7 service stations all over )u(on. 4otal hili!!ines holds an e>uity share in a %,000 #etric ton li>uefied !etroleu# gas +) ter#inal in Batangas and two ) refilling stations within Metro Manila. $nd with its ac>uisition of Au!erkalan a( Cor!oration, it now do#inates the .;?kilo and .?kilo cylinder #arket for )s nationwide. &ndustry: etail Aale of $uto#otive 2uel in A!eciali(ed Atores Contact: Mr. *rnst anten 17
osition: resident - Managing Eirector $ddress: enthouse, hillans Cor!orate Center, 101 4riangle Erive, 5orth Bonifacio, Bonifacio lo'al City, 101 4aguig City 4el. 5o.: 673 8%90888 2a/ 5o.: 673 8%90999 e'site: 41. MITSU%ISHI MOTORS PHILIPPINES CORP.
Brief Background: *sta'lished in 0 2e'ruary 1973 as Chrysler hili!!ines Cor!oration, Mitsu'ishi Motors Cor!oration now #arkets over 17 ty!es of vehicles in the hili!!ines, after %8 years of o!eration. 4oday, Mitsu'ishi, !roduces thousands of vehicles a year in a 190,% s>#. !lant along rtigas $venue */t., Cainta, i(al. Mr. Iikosa'uro Ahi'ata is leading the co#!any to focus on four #aLor concerns: Manufacturing, Marketing, )a'or Manage#ent Cor!oration and Co##unity &nvolve#ent. &ndustry: Manufacture of Motor ehicles Contact: Mr. Iikosa'uro Ahi'ata osition: resident and Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: rtigas $ve. */t., Cainta, i(al 4el. 5o.: 673 780109 e'site: www.##!c.!h 42. PHILIPPINE AMERICAN LIFE AND GENERAL INSURANCE CO.! INC.
Brief Background: 4he hili!!ine $#erican )ife and eneral &nsurance Co#!any +hila# )ife is the largest life insurance co#!any in the hili!!ines and the #arket leader for over 70 years. hila# )ife offers an e/tensive line of !roducts in the industry that !rovides solutions to various financial needs including life !rotection, health insurance, savings, education, retire#ent, invest#ent, grou! and credit life insurance. hila# )ife has the #ost e/tensive network of offices and sales agencies nationwide. &ndustry: )ife &nsurance Contact: Mr. e/. Maria Mendo(a osition: resident - Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: 1%%0, hila# )ife Bldg., F5 $ve, *r#ita, Manila 4el. 5o.: 673 %%07 2a/ 5o.: 673 %%8 *#ail: e! 43. MONDE NISSIN CORP.
Brief Background: Aince Gune 1980, the co#!any has steadily and aggressively risen, to 'e one of the country=s leading food #anufacturers. 2ro# its first 'iscuit, the co#!any has evolved 1;
into a !re#ier food co#!any, which has consistently 'een a#ong the hili!!ines to! 100 co#!anies since year 000. &ndustry: Manufacture of Macaroni, 5oodles, Couscous and Ai#ilar 2arinaceous !roducts Contact: Ms. Betty $ng osition: resident $ddress: 2 ffice 4ower, 7;0 $yala $ve., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 81030 e'site: 44. SUPER SHOPPING MAR'ET INC.
Brief Background: Au!er Aho!!ing Market, &nc. !rovides non?sto! sho!!ing convenience 'y co#'ining su!er#arket, general #erchandise and discount retailing under one roof. 4oday, the AM Iy!er#arket is a full?fledged 'usiness entity within the AM rou! of Co#!anies. 2or one, it has 'een successful in creating the convenience of having a first?rate indoor wet #arket as well as a food and general #erchandise store in all of the Iy!er#arkets. arious sho!s !roviding diverse services like a 'ills !ay#ent 'ooth and a foreign e/change center, estern Fnion, and atsons 'lanket the whole esta'lish#ent along with other regular Iy!er#arket stores. &t is also continually introducing new conce!ts to enhance and constantly reinvigorate the sho!!ing e/!erience in the Iy!er#arkets. &ndustry: etail Aelling in Au!er#arkets Contact: Mr. Ier'ert 4. Ay osition: resident $ddress: Building *, AM Cor!orate ffice, 1000 Bay Blvd., AM Central Business ark, asay City 4el. 5o.: 673 8311000 e'site: www.s#hy! 45. CHE$RON MALAMPAYA LLC
Brief Background: $ #e#'er of the consortiu# that acts as a service contractor !roviding technical e/!ertise and resources for the hili!!ine national govern#ent in the Mala#!aya Eee! ater as?to?ower roLect +the WMala#!aya roLectW, which su!!lies clean and environ#ent?friendly fuel to three #aLor !ower !lants in the !rovince of Batangas. &ndustry: */traction of Crude etroleu# $ddress: 1%2 7;0 Building, $yala $venue, Makati City 17 4el. 5o.: 673 8%8%00 2a/ 5o.: 673 8%89 *#ail: cg!hi?!g! e'site: 46. ENERGY DE$ELOPMENT CORPORATION
Brief Background: 18
*nergy Eevelo!#ent Cor!oration is a !ioneer in the geother#al energy industry with #ore than three decades of !roven 'usiness via'ility. *EC has #ore than 1,%00 #egawatts under its green !ower !ortfolio diversified 'y the ac>uisition of a hydro!ower !roLect and wind !ower !roLects in the !i!eline. &ndustry: *lectric ower eneration, 4rans#ission and Eistri'ution Contact: Mr. 2ederico . )o!e( osition: Chair#an and Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: 382 ne Cor!orate Centre, Gulia argas cor. Meralco $ve., rtigas Center asig City 4el. 5o.: 673 77;;33 e'site:!h 47. THERMA LUON INC.
Brief Background: 4her#al )u(on is a wholly owned su'sidiary of $'oiti( ower Cor!oration. &t is currently the &nde!endent ower roducer ad#inistrator of the e/isting ag'ilao !ower !lant and as such, they arehas 'een tasked to handle the !rocure#ent of its fuel re>uire#ents as well as the sale of the energy generated 'y the !lant. &ndustry: *lectric ower eneration, 4rans#ission and Eistri'ution Contact: Mr. *rra#on $'oiti( osition: Chair#an $ddress: 2 4win Cities Condo#iniu#, )egas!i At., )egas!i ill., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 ;93800 4". HOLCIM PHILIPPINES! INC.
Brief Background: Iolci# esta'lished its !resence in the hili!!ine ce#ent industry in 19;%. 4oday, $lsons Ce#ent Cor!oration and Fnion Ce#ent Cor!oration have co#e together to #ove forward as a stronger Iolci# hili!!ines. &t e#!loys over 1,;00 e#!loyees in four !lants s!read across the archi!elago. &t has a %0?year old history that dates 'ack to its 'eginnings in Ii Ce#ent Cor!oration, Eavao Fnion Ce#ent Cor!oration, Bacnotan Ce#ent Cor!oration and $lsons Ce#ent Cor!oration. &t o!erates in % #aLor !lants ? one in )a Fnion, another in Bulacan, a third in Eavao City and the )ugait lant in Misa#is riental. 4he !lants account for a total installed clinker !roduction ca!acity !er year of 7. #illion #etric tons and annual ce#ent !roduction ca!acity of ;.; #illion #etric tons. &ndustry: Manufacture of Ce#ent Contact: Er. Magdaleno B. $l'arracin, Gr. osition: resident $ddress: ;2 4wo orld A>uare, McOinley Iill, 2ort Bonifacio, 173% 4aguig City 4el. 5o.: 673 %93333 e'site:!h 4#. RO%INSON8S SUPERMAR'ET CORP.
Brief Background: 19
o'insons Au!er#arket Cor!oration is one of the largest su!er#arket chains in the hili!!ines today. &ts first 'ranch, o'insons Au!er#arket Ce'u 2uente, o!ened in 198 4oday, it has %9 'ranches across the hili!!ines. o'insons Au!er#arket 'elongs to the o'insons etail grou! along with o'insons Ee!art#ent Atore, Iandy#an Eo &t Best Center, o'insons $!!liances, 4o! Aho!, Eorothy erkins, allis, 4oys Fs, and 4rue alue. &ndustry: etail Aelling in Au!er#arkets Contact: Ms. o'ina okongwei P e osition: resident and Chief !erating fficer $ddress: 110 *. odri>ue( Gr. $venue, )i'is, Que(on City 4el. 5o.: 673 39003% e'site:'insons?su!!h 50. FIRST PHILIPPINE HOLDINGS CORP.
Brief Background: n Gune 30, 1971, Eon *ugenio )o!e( led a grou! of intre!id 2ili!ino entre!reneurs to create Meralco Aecurities Cor!oration +MAC. MAC, the forerunner of 2irst Ioldings, then carried out in Ganuary 197 the historic !urchase of the Manila *lectric Co#!any, known as Meralco, fro# its $#erican owners, eneral u'lic Ftilities. 4hen later on, MAC was rena#ed 2irst hili!!ine Ioldings Cor!oration +2irst Ioldings. 2irst Ioldings e#'arked on a 'ig e/!ansion !rogra#, which included the ac>uisition of < of ili!inas Ahell. But over?a#'itious !lans and #istakes in e/ecution led to the near? colla!se of 2irst Ioldings 'y the #id?1980s. 2irst Ioldings then set out to take !art in develo!ing the Mala#!aya natural gas field in northwest alawan. &n !artnershi! with British as, 2irst Ioldings created 2irst as ower Cor!oration to 'uild and run the first gas?fired co#'ined?cycle gas tur'ine !ower !lants in the country. 2ro# (ero ca!acity in 1993, 2irst eneration Cor!oration +2irst en, the !ower generation holdings co#!any of 2irst Ioldings, 'uilt a total ca!acity of 8 #egawatts 'y 00;. &ts latest ac>uisition is its 70< econo#ic interest in hili!!ine 5ational il Co#!any ? *nergy Eevelo!#ent Cor!oration. 2irst Ioldings also has su'stantial invest#ents in areas other than !ower generation and distri'ution, such as industrial !arks, !ro!erty develo!#ent, and #anufacturing. 2irst Ioldings also ventured into tollway construction and #anage#ent in 1998 with the creation of Manila 5orth 4ollway Cor!oration +M54C, which would reha'ilitate, e/!and, and o!erate the 5orth )u(on */!ressway +5)*N. 4he 5)*N started o!erations in 2e'ruary 00. $s !art of the asset divest#ent !rogra# of Ben!res, the !arent fir# of 2irst Ioldings and %9< stakeholder in the tollway holding co#!any, the tollroad 'usiness was sold to Metro acific &nvest#ent Cor!. +M&C in 008. 2irst Ioldings continues to look for strategic o!!ortunities in infrastructure. &ndustry: $ctivities of Iolding Co#!anies Contact: Mr. 2ederico . )o!e( osition: Chair#an and Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: %2 Ben!res Building */change d. cor. Meralco $ve., rtigas Ctr., asig City 170 4el. 5o.: 673 73180% e'site: www.f! 0
Brief Background: 44 I&)&&5*A C$4&5 +44C is one of the wholly owned su'sidiary co#!anies in the hili!!ines of etroleu# $uthority of 4hailand u'lic Co#!any )i#ited +44)C. 44C !ri#ary 'usiness of #arketing refined !etroleu# !roducts and lu'ricants are focused on three #aLor seg#ents P retail, wholesale and co##ercial #arkets. 2or #ore than a decade of 'usiness o!erations in the hili!!ines, 44C continuously ai#s to serve !etroleu# !roducts that are of international >uality and co#!liant with the hili!!ine 5ational Atandards +5A s!ecifications and the re>uire#ents of the hili!!ine Clean $ir $ct. 44C has also e/!anded its retail network 'usiness 'y way of !artnershi! with local 'usiness grou!s. $t !resent, 44C has retail network that covers Metro Manila, Central, 5orth and Aouth of )u(on as well as in the isayas !articularly in Ce'u. &ndustry: holesale of Aolid, )i>uid, aseous 2uels and related !roducts Contact: Ohun Airi!ong houng!aka osition: resident and Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: 32 )O 4ower, 7801 $yala $venue Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 88%81 2a/ 5o.: 673 88%810 e'site: www.!tt! 52. ROHM ELECTRONICS PHILIPPINES INC. Brief Background: 4he co#!any is a su'sidiary of IM Co. )td. of Ga!an. IM *lectronics is one of the world"s leading !roducers of integrated circuits +&C and discrete co#!onents. 4hey are engaged in the develo!#ent of analog, digital and #i/ed signal &Cs. IM"s !roducts are found in all leading 'rands of audio, video, #ulti#edia, teleco#, industrial and co#!uter e>ui!#ent. $ #anufacturing !lant in the hili!!ines was esta'lished in the year 1989, which is now known as oh# *lectronics hili!!ines &nc. 4hen 'y 1997, IM *lectronics +hili!!ines Aales Cor!oration was started. &ndustry: Manufacture of Ae#i?conductor devices and other electronic co#!onents Contact: Ounihiko 4suru osition: resident $ddress: eo!le"s 4echnology Co#!le/ A!ecial *cono#ic Hone, Car#ona,Cavite %117 4el. 5o.: 673 89%137 2a/ 5o.: 673 89%1%% e'site: 53. HOME DE$ELOPMENT MUTUAL FUND
Brief Background: 4he Io#e Eevelo!#ent Mutual 2und runs under the hili!!ine govern#ent, its 'irth was an answer to the need for a national savings !rogra# and an afforda'le shelter financing for the 2ili!ino worker. 4he 2und was esta'lished on 11 Gune 19;8 'y virtue of residential Eecree 5o. 130 !ri#arily to address these two 'asic yet e>ually i#!ortant 1
needs. &n recent years, the 2und has e#'arked on its successful 'id in the financial #arket, #oving a ste! closer to its vision of 'eco#ing a !re#ier and glo'ally co#!etitive !rovident financial institution. &n 001, the 2und floated 'illion?worth of ag?&B& Iousing Bonds to generate additional funds for its shelter financing !rogra#s, which was war#ly received 'y 'oth institutional and individual investors. 4he 'onds #atured in late 007. &ndustry: egulation of the activities !roviding healthcare, education, cultural services, and other social services e/cluding social security Contact: $tty. Earlene Marie Ber'era'e osition: Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: %0th etron Mega la(a, Aen. il G. uyat $ve., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 ;%%%% e'site: www.!agi'!h 54. DE$ELOPMENT %AN' OF THE PHILIPPINES
Brief Background: 4he EB, under its new charter, is classified as a develo!#ent 'ank and #ay !erfor# all other functions of a thrift 'ank. &ts !ri#ary o'Lective is to !rovide 'anking services !rinci!ally to cater to the #ediu# and long?ter# needs of agricultural and industrial enter!rises with e#!hasis on s#all and #ediu#?scale industries.EB is the country=s #aLor conduit of international funds fro# #ultilateral and 'ilateral institutions for official develo!#ent assistance +E$ !rogra#s and grants. EB also continues its develo!#ent thrusts on econo#ic !u#!?!ri#ing and !rogra#?ty!e lending to strategic sectors of the country. 4he Bank=s develo!#ent thrusts are !ri#arily focused on five !riority areas: social services, environ#ent, infrastructure - logistics, #icro?AM*s, and industrial lending. &ndustry: */!anded Co##ercial Banking +Fniversal Bank Contact: Mr. 2rancisco 2. Eel osario, Gr. osition: resident and Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: Aen. il G. uyat $venue corner Makati $venue, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673 818911 *#ail: infoJdev'ank!!h e'site:'ank!!h 55. GINE%RA SAN MIGUEL INC.
Brief Background: ine'ra Aan Miguel, &nc. or co##only known as AM&, grew out of a fa#ily?owned A!anish era distillery which, in 183%, introduced what was to 'eco#e the co#!any"s flagshi! 'rand and the largest selling, first ever hili!!ine gin in the world P ine'ra Aan Miguel. AM& is a #aLority?owned su'sidiary of Aan Miguel Cor!oration. Currently, they e/!ort to 1 countries such as the FA$, Canada, Middle *ast, Ga!an, Oorea, FO, $ustralia and 5ew Healand a#ong others. &ndustry: Eistilling, rectifying and 'lending of s!irits Contact: Mr. *duardo M. CoLuangco, Gr.
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