Top 100 Companies in the Philippines

December 9, 2019 | Author: Anonymous | Category: San Miguel Corporation, Industries, Business, Energy (General), Beverages
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Brief Background: Meralco is now on its 108th year of service, since in 1903. Consistently in the list of the hili!!ines" to! five cor!orations and cited a#ong $sia"s finest, Meralco today serves over %.8 #illion #illion residentia residential, l, co##ercial co##ercial and industria industriall custo#ers custo#ers.. &t is strategical strategically ly located to serve the country"s center of co##erce and industry and its hu' of govern#ent services services and infrastru infrastructure ctures. s. &t services a'out 30 #anufacturi #anufacturing ng econo#ic econo#ic (ones, which also also co#!et co#!etee in the glo'al glo'al #arket. #arket. )ikewi )ikewise, se, the Co#!any Co#!any caters caters to !rovid !roviders ers of  outsourced 'usiness !rocesses, 'oth do#estic and international. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: *lec *lectr tric ic !owe !owerr gene genera rati tion, on, trans trans#i #iss ssio ion n and and dist distri ri'ut 'utio ion n Contacts Mr. Manuel M. )o!e( +Chair air#an - ositions ositions:: Mr. Mr. Manuel Manuel . . angilinan angilinan +resid +resident ent and Chief Chief */ecuti */ecutive ve fficer fficer $ddr $ddres ess: s: nd nd 2loo 2loorr )o!e )o!e(( Buil Buildi ding, ng, M* M*$ $)C )C  Cent Center er,, rt rtig igas as $venue enue,, asi asig g City City 4el. 5o 5o.: 673  17 17%1  1731 2a/ 5o.: 673  738890 e'site:!h 2. PETR PETRON ON CORP CORPOR ORA ATION ION

Brief Background: etron Cor!oration is the largest oil refining and #arketing co#!any in the hili!!ines,  'acked 'y ; years of 'usiness ' usiness in the hili!!ines. etron are su!!lying nearly %0< of the country=s oil re>uire#ents with world?class !roducts and >uality services, which fuel the lives of #illions of 2ili!inos. 4hey are also o!erating a refinery refinery in )i#ay, )i#ay, Bataan, with a rated ca!acity of 180,000 'arrels a day@ and a lu'e oil 'lending !lant at andacan 4e#rin 4e#rinal al and in Au'ic Bay. 4hey currently currently o!erate o!erate 1,%00 service stations stations and retail gasoline, diesel, and kerosene to #otorists and !u'lic trans!ort o!erators. 4hey also sell )i>ue )i>uefi fied ed etro etrole leu# u# as as +) +) und under er the the 'ran 'rand d asu asulD lD to hou house sehol hold d and and othe other  r  consu#ers through an e/tensive dealershi! network. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Manuf anufac actture ure of ref refin ined ed !et !etro rolleu# eu# !rod !roduc uctts Contact: Mr. a#on A. $ng os osition tion:: Chai Chair# r#an an and and Chi Chief */ecu /ecuttive ive ff ffice $ddr $ddres ess: s: etr etron on Meg Mega ala la(a (a,, 38 38 Aen. Aen. il il uy uyat $ve., e., Maka Makati ti City City 10 100 0 4el. 5o.: 673  8873888 2a/ 5o.: 673  887307% e'site: www.! 3. TI (PH (PHIL ILIP IPPI PINE NES) S) INC INC.. 1

Brief Background: 4& hili!!ines is a su'sidiary su'sidiary of 4e/as 4e/as &nstru#ents. &nstru#ents. 4he !lants in 'oth Baguio and Clark  have 'eco#e 'eco#e the Eallas Eallas?'a ?'ased sed #ulti #ultinati nationa onal= l=ss #os #ostt so! so!his histic ticate ated d asse#' asse#'ly ly and test test facilities for !roducts that serve the needs of electronics e>ui!#ent #anufacturers in the Fnited Atates, $sia, $sia, *uro!e and Ga!an. Currently, Currently, 4& hili!!ines is is the leading e/!orter  in the se#iconductor industry. industry. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Contact: osi osition: $ddress 4el. 5o.: e'site:

Manu Manufa fact ctur uree of of se# se#ic icon onduc ducto torr devi device cess and and othe otherr ele elect ctro roni nicc devi device cess Mr. 5or'erto iera residen dent an and Ma Manag naging Eirector  *H$, )oakan d d., Baguio Ci City 673 ;% %%;1000  %%;;110


Brief Background: A#art Co##unications, &nc. is the hili!!ines" leading wireless services !rovider with %;.8 #illion #illion su'scri'ers su'scri'ers on its AM network as of end?Gune end?Gune 011. A#art A#art has 'uilt a re!utation for innovation, having introduced world?first wireless data services, including #o'i #o 'ile le co##e co##erc rcee serv servic ices es such such as A#ar A#artt Mo Money ney,, A#ar A#artt )o )oad ad,, A#ar A#artt adal adalaa and and  5et!hone. A#art also offers 3 and IA$ services. &ts A#art )ink service !rovides co##unications to the glo'al #ariti#e industry. A#art Broad'and, &nc., a wholly?owned su'sid su' sidiar iary y, offers offers a wirele wireless ss 'road' 'road'and and servic service, e, A#art A#art B, B, with with a'out a'out 1. #illi #illion on su'scri'ers as of end?Gune 011. A#art is a wholly?owned su'sidiary of the hili!!ines" leading teleco##unications carrier, the hili!!ine )ong Eistance 4ele!hone 4ele!hone Co#!any. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Mo'i o'ile tel teleco# eco## #unic unicat atiions ons ser service vicess Cont Contac actts Mr. Manu Manuel el . ang angil iliinan nan +Chai Chair# r#an an - ositio ositions: ns: Mr. Mr. 5a!oleo 5a!oleon n 5a(areno 5a(areno +resident +resident and Chief Chief */ecuti */ecutive ve ffice ffice $ddr $ddres ess: s: AM$ AM$4 4 4ower wer, 7;9 7;99 9 $y $yala ala $v $venue enue,, Mak Makat atii Cit City y *#ail: c'!h +Cor!orate c'!h  +Cor!orate Business rou! e'site:!h 5. NEST NESTLE LE PHILI PHILIPP PPINE INES S INC INC..

Brief Background:  5early a hundred years after it first started o!erations in the country, coun try, 5estlK hili!!ines, &nc. +5& today is a ro'ust and sta'le organi(ation, !roud of its role in 'ringing the 'est food and 'everage throughout the stages of the 2ili!ino 2ili!ino consu#ers= lives. 4he Co#!any e#!loys #ore than 3,00 #en and wo#en all over the country. &t is now a#ong the to! co#!anies in the entire 5estlK world, and is a#ong the country=s co untry=s 4o! 4o! 10 Cor!orations. &ts  !roducts are 5o. 1 or strong 5o.  'rands in their res!ective categories. 4hey #anufacture coffee, full crea# #ilk !owder, infant nutrition, li>uid #ilks, 'everages,  !owdered ice tea, nondairy crea#er, all !ur!ose crea#, cereal drink, food and cooking aids, aids, ready? ready?to? to?dri drink nk !roduct !roducts, s, ice crea# crea# and chille chilled d dairy dairy,, 'reakf 'reakfast ast cereal cereals, s, and confectionery. 

Brief Background: 4& hili!!ines is a su'sidiary su'sidiary of 4e/as 4e/as &nstru#ents. &nstru#ents. 4he !lants in 'oth Baguio and Clark  have 'eco#e 'eco#e the Eallas Eallas?'a ?'ased sed #ulti #ultinati nationa onal= l=ss #os #ostt so! so!his histic ticate ated d asse#' asse#'ly ly and test test facilities for !roducts that serve the needs of electronics e>ui!#ent #anufacturers in the Fnited Atates, $sia, $sia, *uro!e and Ga!an. Currently, Currently, 4& hili!!ines is is the leading e/!orter  in the se#iconductor industry. industry. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Contact: osi osition: $ddress 4el. 5o.: e'site:

Manu Manufa fact ctur uree of of se# se#ic icon onduc ducto torr devi device cess and and othe otherr ele elect ctro roni nicc devi device cess Mr. 5or'erto iera residen dent an and Ma Manag naging Eirector  *H$, )oakan d d., Baguio Ci City 673 ;% %%;1000  %%;;110


Brief Background: A#art Co##unications, &nc. is the hili!!ines" leading wireless services !rovider with %;.8 #illion #illion su'scri'ers su'scri'ers on its AM network as of end?Gune end?Gune 011. A#art A#art has 'uilt a re!utation for innovation, having introduced world?first wireless data services, including #o'i #o 'ile le co##e co##erc rcee serv servic ices es such such as A#ar A#artt Mo Money ney,, A#ar A#artt )o )oad ad,, A#ar A#artt adal adalaa and and  5et!hone. A#art also offers 3 and IA$ services. &ts A#art )ink service !rovides co##unications to the glo'al #ariti#e industry. A#art Broad'and, &nc., a wholly?owned su'sid su' sidiar iary y, offers offers a wirele wireless ss 'road' 'road'and and servic service, e, A#art A#art B, B, with with a'out a'out 1. #illi #illion on su'scri'ers as of end?Gune 011. A#art is a wholly?owned su'sidiary of the hili!!ines" leading teleco##unications carrier, the hili!!ine )ong Eistance 4ele!hone 4ele!hone Co#!any. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Mo'i o'ile tel teleco# eco## #unic unicat atiions ons ser service vicess Cont Contac actts Mr. Manu Manuel el . ang angil iliinan nan +Chai Chair# r#an an - ositio ositions: ns: Mr. Mr. 5a!oleo 5a!oleon n 5a(areno 5a(areno +resident +resident and Chief Chief */ecuti */ecutive ve ffice ffice $ddr $ddres ess: s: AM$ AM$4 4 4ower wer, 7;9 7;99 9 $y $yala ala $v $venue enue,, Mak Makat atii Cit City y *#ail: c'!h +Cor!orate c'!h  +Cor!orate Business rou! e'site:!h 5. NEST NESTLE LE PHILI PHILIPP PPINE INES S INC INC..

Brief Background:  5early a hundred years after it first started o!erations in the country, coun try, 5estlK hili!!ines, &nc. +5& today is a ro'ust and sta'le organi(ation, !roud of its role in 'ringing the 'est food and 'everage throughout the stages of the 2ili!ino 2ili!ino consu#ers= lives. 4he Co#!any e#!loys #ore than 3,00 #en and wo#en all over the country. &t is now a#ong the to! co#!anies in the entire 5estlK world, and is a#ong the country=s co untry=s 4o! 4o! 10 Cor!orations. &ts  !roducts are 5o. 1 or strong 5o.  'rands in their res!ective categories. 4hey #anufacture coffee, full crea# #ilk !owder, infant nutrition, li>uid #ilks, 'everages,  !owdered ice tea, nondairy crea#er, all !ur!ose crea#, cereal drink, food and cooking aids, aids, ready? ready?to? to?dri drink nk !roduct !roducts, s, ice crea# crea# and chille chilled d dairy dairy,, 'reakf 'reakfast ast cereal cereals, s, and confectionery. 

&ndu &ndust stry ry:: Manu Manufa fact ctur uree of of !owd !owder ered ed #ilk #ilk +e/ce +e/ce!t !t for for inf infan ants ts and and conde condens nsed ed or eva!orated #ilk +filled, co#'ined or reconstituted Contact: Mr. Gohn Ma Martin Mi Miller   os osition tion:: Chai Chair# r#an an and and Chi Chief */ecu /ecuttive ive ff fficer  cer  $ddr $ddres ess: s: 5est 5estlK lK Cen Cente terr, 31 la la(a (a Eri Erive ve,, ock ockwe well ll Cen Cente terr, Maka Makati ti Cit City y 4el. 5o.: 673  8980001 e'site:!h 6. MALAY MALAYAN INTEGRA INTEGRATED TED INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIES CORP. CORP.

Brief Background: 4he co#!any was esta'lished in Ganuary %, 19;. &ndustry: Manufacture of of ro rough lu lu#'er  Contact: Mr. a'lo C. C. illa'er   osition: Chair#an - resident $ddr $ddres esss: 5o. 5o. 818 818 4orres res At., At., Manda andalluyon uyong g City ity 7. NUMO NUMONY NY  PHIL PHILIPP IPPINE INES! S! INC INC..

Brief Background:  5u#ony/ is a se#iconductor co#!any #aking flash #e#ories, which was founded on March 31, 008 'y &ntel Cor!oration, Cor!oration, A4Microelectronics and 2rancisco artners. 4he co#!any su!!lies non?volatile #e#ory for a variety of consu#er and industrial devices including cellular !hones, M3 !layers, digital ca#eras, co#!uters and other high?tech e>ui!#ent. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: Manu Manufa fact ctur uree of of se# se#ic icon onduc ducto torr devi device cess and and othe otherr ele elect ctro roni nicc devi device cess Contact: Ms. Atella Hhu osition: eneral Ma Manager   $ddr $ddres ess: s: C C ? $4 Buil Buildi ding ng,, ate ateway way Busi Busine ness ss ark, ark, Gava Gavale lera ra,, ener eneral al 4ria 4rias, s, Cavite %10; e'site: ". PHILIPPINE PHILIPPINE LONG DISTAN DISTANCE CE TELEPH TELEPHONE ONE COMPANY COMPANY

Brief Background: 2ounded on 5ove#'er 8, 198, hili!!ine )ong Eistance 4ele!hone Co#!any +)E4 is the leading teleco##unications !rovider in the hili!!ines. 4hrough its three !rinci!al  'usiness grou!s ? fi/ed line, wireless, and infor#ation and co##unication technology ? )E4 offers the largest and #ost diversified range of teleco##unications services across the hili!!ines= #ost e/tensive fi'er o!tic 'ack'one and fi/ed line, cellular and satellite networks. &ndustry: ired +l +landline se services Cont Contac actts Mr. Manu Manuel el . ang angil iliinan nan +Chai Chair# r#an an - ositio ositions: ns: Mr. Mr. 5a!oleo 5a!oleon n 5a(areno 5a(areno +resident +resident and Chief Chief */ecuti */ecutive ve ffice ffice $ddr $ddres ess: s: a#o a#on n CoL CoLua uang ngco co Buil Buildi ding ng,, Mak Makat atii $ve., e., Mak Makat atii Cit City y 4el. 5o 5o.: 1?800?1888?9090 3

2a/ 5o.: e'site:

1?800?1?888?0009 www.!!h


Brief Background: 4he hili!!ine $ssociated A#elting and efining Cor!oration owns and o!erates the only only co!!er co!!er s# s#elt elter er and refine refinery ry in the hili! hili!!in !ines. es. $A$"s $A$"s !ri#ary !roduct !roduct is electroly electrolytic tic co!!er cathode, cathode, which the co#!any has 'een !roducing !roducing for  years. &ts original co!!er cathode 'rand, $A$D, was registered in 198% with the )ondon Metal */change +)M* as rade $ Co!!er and in the Co##odity */change Eivision of the  5ew ork ork Mercantile Mercantile */change +5M*N as CM*N rade 1 Co!!er. 4he loca 4he locati tion on of the the $A$ A$ co!!e co!!err s# s#el elte terr and and refi refine nery ry in )eyt )eytee in the the cent centra rall hili!!ines hili!!ines has advantages advantages for the co#!any co#!any and its !artners. !artners. *lectric *lectric !ower is readily availa'le fro# renewa'le sources of energy within the area. $A$ is e>ui!!ed with its own !ort, a dee!?har'or facility which can acco##odate vessels with a dis!lace#ent of  u! to 0,000 #etric tons +#t. &t is a #ulti?!ur!ose !ort that is co#!osed of two 'erths which handle 'oth in'ound and out'ound cargoes. 4he s#elter and refinery lie at the center of the hili!!ine archi!elago, ready to serve the needs of the country=s reviving #ining industry. industry. $A$= A$=s strate strategic gic locati location on in the acifi acificc i# allows allows access access to co!!er co!!er concent concentrat ratee su!!li su! !lies es fro# fro# around around the world world includ including ing &ndones &ndonesia, ia, a!ua a!ua 5ew uinea, uinea, Canada, Canada, $ustralia, $rgentina, $rgentina, Bra(il and Chile. $nother advantage is its !ro/i#ity !ro/i#ity to the refined co!!er #arkets of China, Oorea, 4aiwan, ietna#, 4hailand, Malaysia, &ndonesia and Ga!an. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: 5on? 5on?2e 2err rrou ouss s#el s#elti ting ng and and refi refini ning ng e/c e/ce! e!tt !rec !recio ious us #et #etal alss Contact: Mr. )ouis I. *ls os osition tion:: res resiident dent - Chief hief */ */ec ecut utiive ff fficer  cer  $ddress: 3;th 2loor, hila#life 4ower, 4ower, 8;7; aseo de o/as, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  889791 P 98 2a/ 5o.: 673  889733 *#ail:  !ad#inJ!!h  !ad#inJ!asar. net.!h e'site: www.!!h 10. MERCURY DRUG CORPORAT CORPORATION ION

Brief Background: &t was founded in 19%, after the li'eration fro# the Ga!anese, 'y Mariano Que. Mr. Que started selling #edicines 'y the !iece as this was after the war and no one could afford to  'uy #edicines 'y the 'ottle. 4o 4oday, day, Mercury Mercury Erug has grown into a network of over ;00 co#!any?owned and franchised stores all over the country and has 'een e#!loying an esti#ated 9,000 !rofessionals and staff. &ndu &ndust stry ry:: eta etail il sale sale of drug drugss and and !har !har#a #ace ceut utic ical al good goodss Contact: Ms. ivian Que P $(cona osition: resident %

$ddress: 4el. 5o.: 2a/ 5o.: *#ail: e'site:

; Mercury $ve., cor. *. odrigue( Gr., Bagu#'ayan 1110 Que(on City 673  9110;1 P 8; 673  91177;3


Brief Background: &n 2e'ruary 19%1, hili!!ine $irlines was founded 'y a grou! of 'usiness#en led 'y $ndres Aoriano, one of the country"s leading industrialists and 'eca#e the country=s flag carrier. $) at one ti#e 'eca#e $sia=s leading airline 'ut the 199; econo#ic crisis took  its toll on $). 4his was two years after Mr. )ucio C. 4an 'eca#e Chair#an and Chief  */ecutive fficer. Currently, $) has not regained its !restige and even facing several la'or dis!utes. &ndustry: &nternational air !assenger trans!ort Contact: Mr. )ucio C. 4an osition: Chair#an - Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: 32 Me((anine 5B 2inancial Ctr., res. E. Maca!agal $ve., CC Co#!le/, asay City 4el. 5o.: 673  ;;;99 2a/ 5o.: 673  71893 e'site: www.!hili!! 12. CHE$RON PHILIPPINES! INC.

Brief Background: Chevron is one of the largest investors in the hili!!ines, with #ore than R 'illion in ca!ital invest#ents and !roviding direct and indirect e#!loy#ent for #ore than 3,000  !eo!le. Chevron hili!!ines &nc. #arkets Calte/S fuels, lu'ricants and !etroleu#  !roducts. !erations in the hili!!ines include stea# fields that use heat fro# the earth to !rovide geother#al energy to !lants that serve key !o!ulation centers in the country. 4his #ade the hili!!ines the second?largest geother#al energy?!roducing country in the world, after the Fnited Atates, and continuously e/!loring new o!!ortunities for  geother#al !ower in the hili!!ines. Chevron holds an interest in the Mala#!aya gas?to?  !ower !roLect, the first natural gas develo!#ent and largest industrial !roLect in the hili!!ines. &ndustry: etail sale of auto#otive fuel in s!eciali(ed stores Contact: Mr. Gi# Meynink   osition: Country Chair#an $ddress: 72 7;0 $yala $venue, Makati City 17 4el. 5o.: 673  8%11000 2a/ 5o.: 673  8%1109 *#ail: c!i?!g! e'site: 13. SAN MIGUEL FOODS INC. 

Brief Background: Aan Miguel 2oods, &nc. +AM2& is a su'sidiary of Aan Miguel ure 2oods Co#!any, &nc. +AM2C, the food division of food and 'everage giant Aan Miguel Cor!oration +AMC. 4oday, AM2& is the country"s leading !roducer and #arketer of 'randed !oultry !roducts. 4he co#!any"s fully integrated o!erations cover a nationwide network of feed #ills,  'reeding and growing far#s, hatcheries, !rocessing !lants and distri'utors. Co#'ined with its #anage#ent and technical e/!ertise, these allow it to !rovide a steady su!!ly of  high?>uality !roducts, #aking it the su!!lier and retailer of choice of discri#inating consu#ers as well as institutional custo#ers. AM2& o!erates the integrated oultry  'usiness and co##ercial 2eeds 'usiness of Aan Miguel. 2urther#ore, they also e/!ort  !roducts such as raw chicken !arts, fillets and yakitori, which are sent !ri#arily to Ga!an. &ndustry: Chicken !roduction, 'roiler  Contact: Ms. 4atish ala'ya' osition: resident $ddress: 1;2 GM4 Cor!orate Condo#iniu#, $EB $ve., rtigas Ctr., asig City 4el. 5o.: 673  ;01@ ;0000 2a/ 5o.: 673  73;3;8 e'site:!h 14. TOP FRONTIER IN$ESTMENT HOLDINGS INC.

Brief Background: 4o! 2rontier &nvest#ent Ioldings &nc. o!erates as an invest#ent holding co#!any which through its su'sidiary !roduces, !rocesses, and #arkets 'everage, food, and !ackaging  !roducts. 4he co#!any was incor!orated in 008 and is 'ased in Makati City, hili!!ines. &ndustry: $ctivities of holding co#!anies Contact: Mr. *ric . ecto osition: resident $ddress: 2 *5H Building, 5o. 399 Aen. il G. uyat $venue, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  ;883989 15. TOSHI%A INFORMATION E&UIPMENT (PHILIPPINES) INC.

Brief Background: 4oshi'a &nfor#ation *>ui!#ent +hili!!ines &nc. +4& #anufactures hard disk drives, o!tical disk drives, !rinted circuit 'oards and also e/!anded its o!eration to full asse#'ly of note'ook Cs 'y $!ril 000.4hanks to its young and dedicated workforce of 00, 4& has 'een growing tre#endously in its ?years history. 4he factory has the ca!a'ility to !roduce 0?giga'yte hard disk. 4his is the outco#e of a #anage#ent conce!t of kee!ing work !rocedures si#!le, !ro#ising s!eed in delivery and #aintaining fle/i'ility in unison with #arket forces. &ndustry: Manufacture of co#!uters and !eri!heral e>ui!#ent and accessories Contact: Mr. oshiyuki an osition: resident $ddress: 103 *ast Main $ve. e/t., A*H, )aguna 4echno!ark, Binan, )aguna 7

4el. 5o.: e'site:

673 %9 ;;90'!hili!!inesti!.ht#l


Brief Background: BE is a full?service universal 'ank. &t has the a'ility to !rovide a co#!lete array of  industry?leading !roducts and services to the retail and cor!orate #arkets including )ending +cor!orate, #iddle #arket, AM* and consu#er, Ee!osit?taking, 2oreign */change, Brokering, 4rust and &nvest#ents, Credit Cards, Cor!orate Cash Manage#ent and e#ittances. 4hrough its su'sidiaries, the Bank offers )easing and 2inancing, &nvest#ent Banking, rivate Banking, Bancassurance, &nsurance Brokerage and Atock  Brokerage services. BE is a #e#'er of the AM rou!, one of the country"s largest and #ost successful conglo#erates with 'usinesses s!anning 'etween retail, #all o!erations, !ro!erty develo!#ent +residential, co##ercial, resortshotel, and financial services. $lthough  !art of a fa#ily conglo#erate, BE"s day?to?day o!erations are handled 'y a tea# of   !rofessional #anagers and 'ank officers. &ndustry: */!anded co##ercial 'anking +universal 'anking Contacts Ms. 4eresita 4. Ay +Chair!erson - ositions: Mr. 5estor . 4an +resident $ddress: ;899 Makati $ve., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  8%0;000 e'site: www.'!h 17. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS PHILIPPINES MANUFACTURING CORP.

Brief Background: Aa#sung *lectronics hili!!ines Manufacturing Cor!oration +A*I&), is a #anufacturer of !tical Eisk Erive +EE 'ased in Cala#'a re#ier &nternational ark, Cala#'a City )aguna. A*I&) has 'een esta'lished in the hili!!ines in the year 001 and has risen greatly in ter#s of Brand value and Market share ever since and looking forward in a Lourney 'eing the 5u#'er 1 Brand in hili!!ines. &ndustry: Manufacture of co#!uters and !eri!heral e>ui!#ent and accessories Contact: Mr. Aun Iun Oi# osition: resident $ddress: Blk. 7 Cala#'a re#iere &nternational ark Batino Cala#'a, )aguna 4el. 5o.: 673 %9 %879 2a/ 5o.: 673 %9 %033 e'site:!ha'outsa#sungour'usinesses 1". TOYOTA MOTOR PHILIPPINES CORP.

Brief Background: ;

2or 1 years of 'eing in the industry, 4M re#ained consistently focused on catering to diverse needs of 2ili!ino consu#ers. &t offers an e/tensive #odel line?u! of fourteen vehicles distri'uted to ; dealer outlets nationwide. By #aintaining its strong co##it#ent in !roviding high >uality !roducts and e/cellent services to its custo#ers, 4M has #ade its way to 'eing the #arket leader for eighteen years. &ndustry: Manufacture of #otor vehicles Contact: Mr. Michino'u Augata osition: resident $ddress: 32 4 4ower &nt=l., $yala $ve. cor. I Eela Costa At., Aalcedo ill., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  88800 e'site:!h 1#. GLO%E TELECOM INC.

Brief Background: lo'e is a leading teleco##unications co#!any in the hili!!ines. lo'e !rovides #o'ile, fi/ed line, and 'road'and internet services. &ndustry: Mo'ile teleco##unications services Contacts Mr. Gai#e $ugusto Ho'el de $yala +Chair#an - ositions: Mr. *rnest Cu +resident - Chief */ecutive fficer $ddress: th 2loor, lo'e 4eleco# la(a 1 ioneer corner Madison At., 1 Mandaluyong City 4el. 5o.: 673  ;30000 e'site: www.glo'!h 20. SAN MIGUEL %REERY INC.

Brief Background: Aan Miguel Brewery &nc. +AMB is the largest !roducer of 'eer in the hili!!ines, with a total #arket share of a!!ro/i#ately #ore than 9< in 008. 4he Co#!any has five  'reweries strategically located across the hili!!ines and a highly develo!ed distri'ution syste# serving a!!ro/i#ately %;1,000 retail outlets. &ndustry: Manufacture of #alt li>uors and #alt Contact: Mr. a#on $ng osition: Chair#an $ddress: Iead ffice Co#!le/, 5o. %0 Aan Miguel $venue, Mandaluyong City 4el. 5o.: 673  733000 2a/ 5o.: 673  73370 e'site: www.san#iguel'!h 21. UELLIG PHARMA CORP.

Brief Background: Atarting out in $sia over 70 years ago, Huellig har#a has esta'lished itself as the leading healthcare distri'ution solution s!ecialist in the region. Aerving 1 countries and regions in $sia and offering services such as warehousing, sales order !rocessing, 8

invoicing, collection, credit - risk #anage#ent, retail sales force, re!acking - la'eling, delivery - trans!ortation, reverse logistics, cross docking, sa#!le #anage#ent,  !ro#otions, gift and literature #anage#ent. 4hey !rovide end?to?end distri'ution solutions in addition to addressing s!ecific needs throughout the su!!ly chain in $sia. &ndustry: holesale of !har#aceutical !roducts Contact: Mr. ay#und $(urin osition: Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: O#. 1% est Aservice d., Aouth Au!er Iighway cor. *dison $ve., Brgy. Aun alley, arana>ue City 4el. 5o.: 673  908  8%; e'site: www.(uellig! 22. COCA*COLA %OTTLERS PHILIPPINES! INC.

Brief Background: Coca?Cola Bottlers hili!!ines, &nc. engages in 'ottling and distri'ution of soft drinks. 4he co#!any was founded in 1981 and is 'ased in Makati City, hili!!ines. $s of  2e'ruary , 00;, Coca?Cola Bottlers hili!!ines, &nc. o!erates as a su'sidiary of 4he Coca?Cola Co#!any. &ndustry: Manufacture of soft drinks e/ce!t drinks flavored with fruit Luices, syru!s or other #aterials Contact: Mr. illia# Achult( osition: resident - Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: Eon Chino oces, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  877000 e'site: www.coca? 23. UNI$ERSAL RO%INA CORPORATION

Brief Background: Fniversal o'ina Cor!oration +FC traces its 'eginnings all the way 'ack to 19%, as headed 'y Mr. Gohn okongwei. 4heir first Tho#e run= !roduct was Blend %, the first locally?#anufactured coffee 'lend, du''ed as the inoy coffeeD. 4his 'eca#e the largest?selling coffee 'rand in the #arket, even 'eating #arket leaders CafK uro and  5escafe. $t !resent, all the different co#!anies are now organi(ed under the Fniversal o'ina Cor!oration u#'rella, divided into 3 focused grou!s: +1 the Branded Consu#er 2ood rou!, co#!rised of BC2 Eo#estic +including !ackaging and &nternational + the $gro?&ndustrial grou!, co#!rised of Fniversal Corn roducts, o'ina 2ar#s, and o'iche# and +3 the Co##odities grou!, with the Augar and 2lour divisions. 4his co#!any is one of the largest local flour #illers. 4hey also e/!ort their !roducts +2MC to other countries though their FC &nternational co#!anies in China, &ndonesia, Malaysia and 4hailand. &ndustry: Manufacture of snack !roducts such as corn curls, wheat crunchies and si#ilar !roducts 9

Contacts - ositions: $ddress: 4el. 5o.: e'site:

Mr. Ga#es ). o +Chair#an - Chief */ecutive fficer Mr. )ance . okongwei +resident - Chief !erating fficer 13 *. odrigue( Gr., Bagong &log, asig City 673  7;193!h


Brief Background: $ fully !rivate cor!oration, 5C won the franchise to o!erate and #aintain the country=s trans#ission network in the 'iggest govern#ent auction conducted in efforts to refor# the local !ower sector. 4his fifty?year franchise !rovides 5C with the right to o!erate, #aintain, e/!and and further strengthen the country=s !ower trans#ission syste# which, as of end?009, involved 19,% circuit kilo#eters of trans#ission lines and 3,83 M$ of su'station ca!acity. $s the syste# o!erator of the !ower grid, 5C  'alances the de#and and su!!ly of electricity to serve efficiently all of its custo#ersU  generators, !rivate distri'ution utilities, electric coo!eratives, govern#ent?owned utilities, eco(ones, industries, as well as directly connected co#!anies. &t is res!onsi'le for !utting online the right #i/ of !ower !lants that generate the high?voltage electricity and trans#itting this to the various distri'ution utilities which, in turn, deliver the electricity at a lower voltage rating to households and other end?users. *>ui!!ed with technical e/!ertise, a sound financial !ortfolio and i#!ressive track record, 5C is  !oised to successfully deliver the electricity needed to fuel the growth of the econo#y and there'y e#!ower the 2ili!ino !eo!le and the country=s 'usiness sector, strengthening the nation as a whole. &ndustry: *lectric ower eneration, 4rans#ission and Eistri'ution Contact: Mr. Ienry Ay, Gr. osition: resident - Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: Que(on $venue corner B& oad, Eili#an, Que(on City 4el. 5o.: 673  981100 2a/ 5o.: 673  978% 25. SUNPOER PHILIPPINES MANUFACTURING LTD.

Brief Background: 4he first se#iconductor fa'ricator in the hili!!ines and the first large?scale solar cell facility in Aoutheast $sia. AF5* is one of the to! investors in the hili!!ines. Aunower Cor!oration, whose #ission is to 'e the undis!uted leader in high?!erfor#ance solar !roducts. Aun!ower is engaged to #anufacturing and selling high efficiency solar   !anels and has over ,000 e#!loyees in the hili!!ines alone &ndustry: Manufacture of se#iconductor devices and other electronic co#!onents Contact: Mr. reg eichow osition: ice resident for !erations $ddress: 100 *ast Main $ve., )aguna 4echno!ark A!ecial *cono#ic Hone, Binan, )aguna 4el. 5o.: 673  8%19;00 e'site: www.sun!owercor!.co# .



Brief Background: Bank of the hili!!ine &slands is the first 'ank in the country during the A!anish era.  5ow, it cele'rates its 170th year, B& serves as an icon in $sian finance not only as the oldest e/isting co##ercial 'anking institution in $sia 'ut also as a !ri#e #over in the develo!#ent of #arkets and industries. 4hrough the years, B& has #aintained its leadershi! !osition as an e/!anded co##ercial 'ank. ith over ;00 'ranches and around 1,700 auto#ated teller #achines +$4Ms in the hili!!ines, B& 'oasts of having the largest co#'ined network of 'rancheskiosk units and $4Ms, servicing the largest nu#'er of 'ank custo#ers. Ao#e 1 #illion of its de!ositors are verseas 2ili!inos +aVosa. &ndustry: */!anded Co##ercial Banking +Fniversal Banking Contacts Mr. Gai#e $ugusto Ho'el de $yala +Chair#an - ositions: Mr. $urelio Montinola &&& +resident $ddress: 12 B& Bldg., $yala $ve. cor. aseo de o/as, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  818%1 e'site: www.'!!h 27. SUPER$ALUE INC.

Brief Background: Au!ervalue &nc. is the co#!any that o!erates all of AM Au!er#arkets. AM Au!er#arket is the country=s largest su!er#arket chain and the #ost do#inant !layer in the food retail industry. Aince esta'lishing its first store in 198 at the $yala Center, Makati, AM Au!er#arket has e/!anded to 8 'ranches nationwide. &n 1998, AM Au!er#arket introduced its new stand?alone inde!endent neigh'orhood stores P the Aave#ore Market. ffering the convenience of a first?class indoor wet #arket, groceries and general #erchandise store, Aave#ore Market caters !ri#arily to 'udget?constrained households  'y offering lower?!riced ite#s. Aince its esta'lish#ent, there are now 3% 'ranches nationwide. &ndustry: etail selling in su!er#arkets Contact: Mr. Ier'ert Ay osition: resident $ddress: AM Cor!orate ffices, Bldg. *, G Eiokno Blvd., Mall of $sia Co#!le/, asay City 4el. 5o.: 673  8311888 2a/ 5o.: 673  833;%  833117 e'site: www.s#su! 2". METROPOLITAN %AN' + TRUST CO.

Brief Background: 2ounded in Ae!te#'er , 197, Metro!olitan Bank - 4rust Co. +Metro'ank has since  'eco#e the !re#ier universal 'ank and a#ong the fore#ost financial institutions in the hili!!ines. &t offers a full range of 'anking and other financial !roducts and services, 11

including cor!orate, co##ercial and consu#er 'anking, as well as credit card, re#ittances, leasing, invest#ent 'anking and trust 'anking. Metro'ank currently s!ans a consolidated network of over 1,%00 $4Ms nationwide@ over ;70 do#estic 'ranches@ and 38 foreign 'ranches, su'sidiaries, and re!resentative offices. &ndustry: */!anded Co##ercial Banking +Fniversal Banking Contacts Mr. eorge 4y +rou! Chair#an - ositions: Mr. $rthur 4y +resident $ddress: Metro'ank la(a, Aen. il uyat $venue, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  8;00;00 2a/ 5o.: 673  81;7%8 e'site: www.#etro'!h 2#. AMERICAN POER CON$ERSION CORP. (A.P.C.) %.$.

Brief Background: $#erican ower Conversion, B.. +$C is the leading !rovider of glo'al, end?to?end $C and EC?'ased 'ack?u! !ower !roducts and services. Onown for )egendary elia'ility, $C sets the standard for >uality, innovation and su!!ort for !ower !rotection solutions fro# deskto! syste#s to data center o!erations to entire facilities. $C is recogni(ed for e/cellence in 'oth its 'usiness and !roduct !erfor#ance. 2ro# its cor!orate head>uarters in est Oingston, hode &sland, $C o!erates sales offices throughout the world and #anufacturing facilities on three continents &ndustry: Manufacture of co#!uters and !eri!heral e>ui!#ent and accessories $ddress: $d#in Bldg, hase  *H$, osario, Cavite 4el. 5o.: 673 %7 %3;107 e'site: www.a! .


Brief Background: *sta'lished in 1890 as a single?!roduct 'rewery, S,- M C,-  +Aan Miguel is the hili!!ines= largest 'everage, food and !ackaging co#!any. 4oday, the co#!any has over 100 facilities in the hili!!ines, Aoutheast $sia, and China. ne of the country=s !re#ier 'usiness conglo#erates, Aan Miguel=s e/tensive !roduct  !ortfolio includes over %00 !roducts ranging fro# 'eer, hard li>uor, Luices, 'asic and  !rocessed #eats, !oultry, dairy !roducts, condi#ents, coffee, flour, ani#al feeds and various !ackaging !roducts. 2or generations, the Co#!any has generated strong consu#er loyalty through 'rands that are a#ong the #ost for#ida'le in the hili!!ine food and 'everage industry P Aan Miguel ale ilsen, ine'ra, Monterey, Magnolia, and urefoods. 2lagshi! !roduct, Aan Miguel Beer, holds an over 9< share of the hili!!ine 'eer #arket. &n addition to its leadershi! in the hili!!ine food and 'everage industry, Aan Miguel has esta'lished a significant !resence overseas. 4he Co#!any=s o!erations e/tend 'eyond its 1

ho#e 'ase of the hili!!ines to China +including Iong Oong, ietna#, &ndonesia, Malaysia, 4hailand and $ustralia. &ndustry: $ctivities of holding co#!anies Contacts Mr. *duardo M. CoLuangco, Gr. +Chair#an - Chief */ecutive fficer - ositions: Mr. a#on A. $ng +resident - Chief !erating fficer $ddress: %0 Aan Miguel $venue, Mandaluyong City 4el. 5o.: 673  73000  733000 e'site:!h 31. UNILE$ER PHILIPPINES INC.

Brief Background: ith %00 'rands s!anning 1% categories of ho#e, !ersonal care and foods !roducts. 4oday Fnilever e#!loys 173 000 !eo!le, sells !roducts in 1;0 countries worldwide, and su!!orts the Lo's of #any thousands of distri'utors, contractors and su!!liers. &ndustry: Manufacture of soa! and detergents Contact: Mr. $li okcelik   osition: ice resident for Au!!ly Chain $ddress: 131 Fnited 5ations $ve., aco, Manila 4el. 5o.: 673 888888 e'site:!h 32. FIRST GAS POER CORP.

Brief Background: 2C owns and o!erates the 1,000?M Aanta ita co#'ined?cycle natural gas?fired  !ower !lant in Batangas, 100 kilo#eters south of Manila, hili!!ines. 4he Aanta ita  !ower !lant uses natural gas fro# the Mala#!aya as 2ield in offshore 5orthwest alawan. 4he Aanta ita !ower !lant !roLect was develo!ed, financed and constructed 'y 2irst as ower Cor!oration +2C. 4he Aanta ita !lant co##enced co##ercial o!erations in $ugust 000 and initially ran on li>uid fuel, with conversion to natural gas o!erations in Ganuary 00 when gas fro# the Mala#!aya field 'eca#e availa'le. Aanta ita sells electricity to Meralco under a ?year ower urchase $gree#ent +$. &ndustry: *lectrical ower eneration, 4rans#ission and Eistri'ution Contact: Mr. 2ederico . )o!e( osition: Chair#an and Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: 32 Ben!res Bldg., */change d. cor. Meralco $ve., asig City 4el. 5o.: 673  73180% 2a/ 5o.: 673  73;8377 e'site:!h 33. LAND %AN' OF THE PHILIPPINES

Brief Background: 4he )and Bank of the hili!!ines is a govern#ent financial institution that strikes a  'alance in fulfilling its social #andate of !ro#oting countryside develo!#ent while re#aining financially via'le. 4oday, )$5EB$5O is 'y far the largest for#al credit 13

institution in the rural areas. &ts credit delivery syste# is a'le to !enetrate a su'stantial  !ercentage of the country"s total nu#'er of #unici!alities. )$5EB$5O also ranks a#ong the to! five co##ercial 'anks in the country in ter#s of de!osits, assets, loans and ca!ital. &ndustry: */!anded Co##ercial Banking +Fniversal Banking Contact: Ms. ilda *. ico osition: resident - C* $ddress: )$5EB$5O la(a, 198 M.I del ilar cor. Er. G. Quintos Ats., 100% Malate, Manila 4el. 5o.: 673  0000 2a/ 5o.: 673  8880 *#ail: land'' e'site:' 34. SAN MIGUEL ENERGY CORP.

Brief Background: Aan Miguel *nergy Cor!. owns and o!erates !ower generation !lants, three #ines to 'e e/act. 4hese have a total of 1;,000 hectares of coal resources that will !rovide guaranteed and chea!er raw #aterial source for AM*C !ower !lants. 4he co#!any o!erates as a su'sidiary of Aan Miguel Cor!. &ndustry: *lectric ower eneration, 4rans#ission and Eistri'ution Contacts Mr. *duardo M. CoLuangco, Gr. +Chair#an - Chief */ecutive fficer - ositions: Mr. a#on A. $ng +resident - Chief !erating fficer $ddress: %0 Aan Miguel $venue, Mandaluyong City 4el. 5o.: 673  73000  733000 e'site:!h 35. PHILIPPINE AMUSEMENT AND GAMING CORP.

Brief Background: 4he hili!!ine $#use#ent and a#ing Cor!oration +$C is a 100 !ercent govern#ent?owned and controlled cor!oration that runs under the direct su!ervision of  the ffice of the resident of the e!u'lic of the hili!!ines. 4he Cor!oration was created during the Martial )aw years 'y virtue of a residential Eecree +E107;?$ issued 'y then resident 2erdinand Marcos in res!onse to calls for the hili!!ine overn#ent to !ut a sto! to the growing !roliferation of illegal casino o!erations in various !arts of the country then. Fnder the new directive $C now regulates, authori(es and licenses ga#es of chance, ga#es of cards and ga#es of nu#'ers,  !articularly casino ga#ing, in the hili!!ines@ generates revenues for the hili!!ine overn#ent=s socio?civic and national develo!#ent !rogra#s@ and hel!s !ro#ote the hili!!ine touris# industry. &ndustry: a#'ling and Betting $ctivities Contact: Ion. Cristino 5aguiat osition: Chair#an and Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: 1330 $C Iouse, o/as Boulevard, *r#ita, Manila 4el. 5o.: 673  11% 1%



36. CE%U AIR INC. Brief Background: &n March 1997, Ce'u acific entered the #arket and gave Wlow fare, great valueW to every 2ili!ino who wanted to fly. $fter offering low fares to do#estic destinations, C*B launched its international o!erations on 5ove#'er 001 and now flies to Bangkok, Busan, uang(hou, Io Chi Minh, Iong Oong, Gakarta, Oota Oina'alu, Ouala )u#!ur, Macau, saka, Aeoul, Ahanghai, Ainga!ore and 4ai!ei. C*B o!erates a fleet of 9 $ir'us +10 $319 and 19 $30 and 8 $4 ;?00 aircraft, the youngest fleet in the hili!!ines. 4hey are a su'sidiary of G Au##it Ioldings +GA which is #aLority owned 'y the okongwei fa#ily. &ndustry: &nternational $ir assenger 4rans!ort Contact: Mr. )ance okongwei osition: resident and Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: 172 *>uita'le C& 4ower, Aan Miguel $ve., asig City 4el. 5o.: 673  80;000 e'site: www.ce'u! 37. OLLI%EE FOODS CORP.

Brief Background: Golli'ee is a !heno#enal success story: what 'egan as a two?'ranch ice crea# !arlor in 19; offering hot #eals and sandwiches 'eca#e incor!orated in 19;8 with seven outlets to e/!lore the !ossi'ilities of a ha#'urger conce!t. 4hus was 'orn the co#!any that revolutioni(ed fast food in the hili!!ines. 4he u#'urgerD store. &n 198%, Golli'ee hit the 00 #illion sales #ark, landing in the 4o! 00 hili!!ine Cor!orations. &n 198;,  'arely 10 years in the 'usiness, Golli'ee landed into the country=s 4o! 100 Cor!orations. &t 'eca#e the first hili!!ine fast food chain to 'reak the 1 'illion sales #ark in 1989. &n 1993, Golli'ee 'eca#e the first food service co#!any to 'e listed in the hili!!ine Atock */change@ thus 'roadening its ca!itali(ation and laying the groundwork for  sustained e/!ansion locally and 'eyond the hili!!ines. &ndustry: 2ast?food chains Contact: Mr. 4ony 4an Caktiong osition: resident and Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: 102 Golli'ee la(a Bldg., rtigas Center, asig City 4el. 5o.: 673  73%1111 e'site: www.Lolli'!h 3". AM'OR TECHNOLOGY PHILIPPINES! INC.

Brief Background: $#kor is one of the world=s largest !roviders of contract se#iconductor asse#'ly and test services. 2ounded in 1978, $#kor !ioneered the outsourcing of &C asse#'ly and test and is now a strategic #anufacturing !artner for #ore than 00 of the world=s leading se#iconductor co#!anies and electronics *Ms. $#kor=s o!erational 'ase enco#!asses #ore than  #illion s>uare feet of floor s!ace with !roduction facilities, !roduct 1

develo!#ent centers and sales - su!!ort offices located in key electronics #anufacturing regions in $sia, *uro!e and the Fnited Atates. $#kor=s hili!!ines factories contain over 1.3 #illion s>uare feet of #anufacturing s!ace and !rovide a full range of asse#'ly and test services including cera#ic, leadfra#e, la#inate such as B$, AB$, and 4*B$ and Ayste# in ackage +Ai, wafer !ro'e, 'urn?in, stri! test, ta!e - reel, test develo!#ent and direct shi!!ing. $ll locations are &A?900, QA?9000, &A?1%001, &A 9001, 4A179%9 and EACC  QM) certified. &ndustry: Manufacture of se#iconductor devices and other electronic co#!onents Contact: Mr. Gae Aung Owak   osition: resident $ddress: O#.  *ast Aervice d., Cu!ang, Muntinlu!a City 4el. 5o.: 673  80;000 2a/ 5o.: 673  8%%0;17 e'site: 3#. DOLE PHILIPPINES! INC.

Brief Background: &n the hili!!ines, Eole has introduced !re#iu# >uality, healthy food !roducts in fresh and !ackaged foods. &ts focus on health and nutrition re#ains strong even as Eole continues to e/!and its healthy food !roducts. &ts !roduct lines range fro# canned  !inea!!le solids, canned #i/ed fruits, canned 'everages, !ackaged fruit snacks to to#ato sauce. &ndustry: Canningacking and reserving 2ruits and 2ruit Guices Contact: Mr. Oevin Eavis osition: ice resident and Managing Eirector  $ddress: Eole $sia, 2 7;0 ffice 4ower, $yala $ve., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  810701 P 09 2a/ 5o.: 673  83811% e'site: !h 40. TOTAL (PHILIPPINES) CORP.

Brief Background: 4he 4otal hili!!ines was esta'lished in 199; as the second largest invest#ent of its #other co#!any in in $sia with R80?#illion worth of infrastructure. 4his includes the state?of?the?art oil distri'ution ter#inal in Mariveles, Bataan, ca!a'le of storing u! to 0? #illion litres of fuel, and another at the Manila Iar'or Center in4ondo, Manila, with a storage ca!acity of 9?#illion litres of fuel. Both de!ots su!!ort the co#!any"s nework of  7 service stations all over )u(on. 4otal hili!!ines holds an e>uity share in a %,000 #etric ton li>uefied !etroleu# gas +) ter#inal in Batangas and two ) refilling stations within Metro Manila. $nd with its ac>uisition of Au!erkalan a( Cor!oration, it now do#inates the .;?kilo and .?kilo cylinder #arket for )s nationwide. &ndustry: etail Aale of $uto#otive 2uel in A!eciali(ed Atores Contact: Mr. *rnst anten 17

osition: resident - Managing Eirector  $ddress: enthouse, hillans Cor!orate Center, 101 4riangle Erive, 5orth Bonifacio, Bonifacio lo'al City, 101 4aguig City 4el. 5o.: 673  8%90888 2a/ 5o.: 673  8%90999 e'site: 41. MITSU%ISHI MOTORS PHILIPPINES CORP.

Brief Background: *sta'lished in 0 2e'ruary 1973 as Chrysler hili!!ines Cor!oration, Mitsu'ishi Motors Cor!oration now #arkets over 17 ty!es of vehicles in the hili!!ines, after %8 years of  o!eration. 4oday, Mitsu'ishi, !roduces thousands of vehicles a year in a 190,% s>#.  !lant along rtigas $venue */t., Cainta, i(al. Mr. Iikosa'uro Ahi'ata is leading the co#!any to focus on four #aLor concerns: Manufacturing, Marketing, )a'or  Manage#ent Cor!oration and Co##unity &nvolve#ent. &ndustry: Manufacture of Motor ehicles Contact: Mr. Iikosa'uro Ahi'ata osition: resident and Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: rtigas $ve. */t., Cainta, i(al 4el. 5o.: 673  780109 e'site: www.##!c.!h 42. PHILIPPINE AMERICAN LIFE AND GENERAL INSURANCE CO.! INC.

Brief Background: 4he hili!!ine $#erican )ife and eneral &nsurance Co#!any +hila# )ife is the largest life insurance co#!any in the hili!!ines and the #arket leader for over 70 years. hila# )ife offers an e/tensive line of !roducts in the industry that !rovides solutions to various financial needs including life !rotection, health insurance, savings, education, retire#ent, invest#ent, grou! and credit life insurance. hila# )ife has the #ost e/tensive network of offices and sales agencies nationwide. &ndustry: )ife &nsurance Contact: Mr. e/. Maria Mendo(a osition: resident - Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: 1%%0, hila# )ife Bldg., F5 $ve, *r#ita, Manila 4el. 5o.: 673  %%07 2a/ 5o.: 673  %%8 *#ail: e! 43. MONDE NISSIN CORP.

Brief Background: Aince Gune 1980, the co#!any has steadily and aggressively risen, to 'e one of the country=s leading food #anufacturers. 2ro# its first 'iscuit, the co#!any has evolved 1;

into a !re#ier food co#!any, which has consistently 'een a#ong the hili!!ines to! 100 co#!anies since year 000. &ndustry: Manufacture of Macaroni, 5oodles, Couscous and Ai#ilar 2arinaceous  !roducts Contact: Ms. Betty $ng osition: resident $ddress: 2 ffice 4ower, 7;0 $yala $ve., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  81030 e'site: 44. SUPER SHOPPING MAR'ET INC.

Brief Background: Au!er Aho!!ing Market, &nc. !rovides non?sto! sho!!ing convenience 'y co#'ining su!er#arket, general #erchandise and discount retailing under one roof. 4oday, the AM Iy!er#arket is a full?fledged 'usiness entity within the AM rou! of Co#!anies. 2or  one, it has 'een successful in creating the convenience of having a first?rate indoor wet #arket as well as a food and general #erchandise store in all of the Iy!er#arkets. arious sho!s !roviding diverse services like a 'ills !ay#ent 'ooth and a foreign e/change center, estern Fnion, and atsons 'lanket the whole esta'lish#ent along with other regular Iy!er#arket stores. &t is also continually introducing new conce!ts to enhance and constantly reinvigorate the sho!!ing e/!erience in the Iy!er#arkets. &ndustry: etail Aelling in Au!er#arkets Contact: Mr. Ier'ert 4. Ay osition: resident $ddress: Building *, AM Cor!orate ffice, 1000 Bay Blvd., AM Central Business ark, asay City 4el. 5o.: 673  8311000 e'site: www.s#hy! 45. CHE$RON MALAMPAYA LLC

Brief Background: $ #e#'er of the consortiu# that acts as a service contractor !roviding technical e/!ertise and resources for the hili!!ine national govern#ent in the Mala#!aya Eee! ater as?to?ower roLect +the WMala#!aya roLectW, which su!!lies clean and environ#ent?friendly fuel to three #aLor !ower !lants in the !rovince of Batangas. &ndustry: */traction of Crude etroleu# $ddress: 1%2 7;0 Building, $yala $venue, Makati City 17 4el. 5o.: 673  8%8%00 2a/ 5o.: 673  8%89 *#ail: cg!hi?!g! e'site: 46. ENERGY DE$ELOPMENT CORPORATION

Brief Background: 18

*nergy Eevelo!#ent Cor!oration is a !ioneer in the geother#al energy industry with #ore than three decades of !roven 'usiness via'ility. *EC has #ore than 1,%00 #egawatts under its green !ower !ortfolio diversified 'y the ac>uisition of a hydro!ower   !roLect and wind !ower !roLects in the !i!eline. &ndustry: *lectric ower eneration, 4rans#ission and Eistri'ution Contact: Mr. 2ederico . )o!e( osition: Chair#an and Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: 382 ne Cor!orate Centre, Gulia argas cor. Meralco $ve., rtigas Center  asig City 4el. 5o.: 673  77;;33 e'site:!h 47. THERMA LUON INC.

Brief Background: 4her#al )u(on is a wholly owned su'sidiary of $'oiti( ower Cor!oration. &t is currently the &nde!endent ower roducer ad#inistrator of the e/isting ag'ilao !ower   !lant and as such, they arehas 'een tasked to handle the !rocure#ent of its fuel re>uire#ents as well as the sale of the energy generated 'y the !lant. &ndustry: *lectric ower eneration, 4rans#ission and Eistri'ution Contact: Mr. *rra#on $'oiti( osition: Chair#an $ddress: 2 4win Cities Condo#iniu#, )egas!i At., )egas!i ill., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  ;93800 4". HOLCIM PHILIPPINES! INC.

Brief Background: Iolci# esta'lished its !resence in the hili!!ine ce#ent industry in 19;%. 4oday, $lsons Ce#ent Cor!oration and Fnion Ce#ent Cor!oration have co#e together to #ove forward as a stronger Iolci# hili!!ines. &t e#!loys over 1,;00 e#!loyees in four   !lants s!read across the archi!elago. &t has a %0?year old history that dates 'ack to its  'eginnings in Ii Ce#ent Cor!oration, Eavao Fnion Ce#ent Cor!oration, Bacnotan Ce#ent Cor!oration and $lsons Ce#ent Cor!oration. &t o!erates in % #aLor !lants ? one in )a Fnion, another in Bulacan, a third in Eavao City and the )ugait lant in Misa#is riental. 4he !lants account for a total installed clinker !roduction ca!acity !er year of  7. #illion #etric tons and annual ce#ent !roduction ca!acity of ;.; #illion #etric tons. &ndustry: Manufacture of Ce#ent Contact: Er. Magdaleno B. $l'arracin, Gr. osition: resident $ddress: ;2 4wo orld A>uare, McOinley Iill, 2ort Bonifacio, 173% 4aguig City 4el. 5o.: 673  %93333 e'site:!h 4#. RO%INSON8S SUPERMAR'ET CORP.

Brief Background: 19

o'insons Au!er#arket Cor!oration is one of the largest su!er#arket chains in the hili!!ines today. &ts first 'ranch, o'insons Au!er#arket Ce'u 2uente, o!ened in 198 4oday, it has %9 'ranches across the hili!!ines. o'insons Au!er#arket 'elongs to the o'insons etail grou! along with o'insons Ee!art#ent Atore, Iandy#an Eo &t Best Center, o'insons $!!liances, 4o! Aho!, Eorothy erkins, allis, 4oys  Fs, and 4rue alue. &ndustry: etail Aelling in Au!er#arkets Contact: Ms. o'ina okongwei P e osition: resident and Chief !erating fficer  $ddress: 110 *. odri>ue( Gr. $venue, )i'is, Que(on City 4el. 5o.: 673  39003% e'site:'insons?su!!h 50. FIRST PHILIPPINE HOLDINGS CORP.

Brief Background: n Gune 30, 1971, Eon *ugenio )o!e( led a grou! of intre!id 2ili!ino entre!reneurs to create Meralco Aecurities Cor!oration +MAC. MAC, the forerunner of 2irst Ioldings, then carried out in Ganuary 197 the historic !urchase of the Manila *lectric Co#!any, known as Meralco, fro# its $#erican owners, eneral u'lic Ftilities. 4hen later on, MAC was rena#ed 2irst hili!!ine Ioldings Cor!oration +2irst Ioldings. 2irst Ioldings e#'arked on a 'ig e/!ansion !rogra#, which included the ac>uisition of < of  ili!inas Ahell. But over?a#'itious !lans and #istakes in e/ecution led to the near? colla!se of 2irst Ioldings 'y the #id?1980s. 2irst Ioldings then set out to take !art in develo!ing the Mala#!aya natural gas field in northwest alawan. &n !artnershi! with British as, 2irst Ioldings created 2irst as ower Cor!oration to 'uild and run the first gas?fired co#'ined?cycle gas tur'ine !ower !lants in the country. 2ro# (ero ca!acity in 1993, 2irst eneration Cor!oration +2irst en, the !ower generation holdings co#!any of 2irst Ioldings, 'uilt a total ca!acity of 8 #egawatts 'y 00;. &ts latest ac>uisition is its 70< econo#ic interest in hili!!ine 5ational il Co#!any ? *nergy Eevelo!#ent Cor!oration. 2irst Ioldings also has su'stantial invest#ents in areas other than !ower  generation and distri'ution, such as industrial !arks, !ro!erty develo!#ent, and #anufacturing. 2irst Ioldings also ventured into tollway construction and #anage#ent in 1998 with the creation of Manila 5orth 4ollway Cor!oration +M54C, which would reha'ilitate, e/!and, and o!erate the 5orth )u(on */!ressway +5)*N. 4he 5)*N started o!erations in 2e'ruary 00. $s !art of the asset divest#ent !rogra# of Ben!res, the !arent fir# of 2irst Ioldings and %9< stakeholder in the tollway holding co#!any, the tollroad 'usiness was sold to Metro acific &nvest#ent Cor!. +M&C in 008. 2irst Ioldings continues to look for strategic o!!ortunities in infrastructure. &ndustry: $ctivities of Iolding Co#!anies Contact: Mr. 2ederico . )o!e( osition: Chair#an and Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: %2 Ben!res Building */change d. cor. Meralco $ve., rtigas Ctr., asig City 170 4el. 5o.: 673  73180% e'site: www.f! 0


Brief Background: 44 I&)&&5*A C$4&5 +44C is one of the wholly owned su'sidiary co#!anies in the hili!!ines of etroleu# $uthority of 4hailand u'lic Co#!any )i#ited +44)C. 44C !ri#ary 'usiness of #arketing refined !etroleu# !roducts and lu'ricants are focused on three #aLor seg#ents P retail, wholesale and co##ercial #arkets. 2or #ore than a decade of 'usiness o!erations in the hili!!ines, 44C continuously ai#s to serve !etroleu# !roducts that are of international >uality and co#!liant with the hili!!ine 5ational Atandards +5A s!ecifications and the re>uire#ents of the hili!!ine Clean $ir $ct. 44C has also e/!anded its retail network 'usiness 'y way of !artnershi! with local 'usiness grou!s. $t !resent, 44C has retail network that covers Metro Manila, Central, 5orth and Aouth of )u(on as well as in the isayas !articularly in Ce'u. &ndustry: holesale of Aolid, )i>uid, aseous 2uels and related !roducts Contact: Ohun Airi!ong houng!aka osition: resident and Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: 32 )O 4ower, 7801 $yala $venue Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  88%81 2a/ 5o.: 673  88%810 e'site: www.!tt! 52. ROHM ELECTRONICS PHILIPPINES INC. Brief Background: 4he co#!any is a su'sidiary of IM Co. )td. of Ga!an. IM *lectronics is one of  the world"s leading !roducers of integrated circuits +&C and discrete co#!onents. 4hey are engaged in the develo!#ent of analog, digital and #i/ed signal &Cs. IM"s  !roducts are found in all leading 'rands of audio, video, #ulti#edia, teleco#, industrial and co#!uter e>ui!#ent. $ #anufacturing !lant in the hili!!ines was esta'lished in the year 1989, which is now known as oh# *lectronics hili!!ines &nc. 4hen 'y 1997, IM *lectronics +hili!!ines Aales Cor!oration was started. &ndustry: Manufacture of Ae#i?conductor devices and other electronic co#!onents Contact: Ounihiko 4suru osition: resident $ddress: eo!le"s 4echnology Co#!le/ A!ecial *cono#ic Hone, Car#ona,Cavite %117 4el. 5o.: 673  89%137 2a/ 5o.: 673  89%1%% e'site: 53. HOME DE$ELOPMENT MUTUAL FUND

Brief Background: 4he Io#e Eevelo!#ent Mutual 2und runs under the hili!!ine govern#ent, its 'irth was an answer to the need for a national savings !rogra# and an afforda'le shelter  financing for the 2ili!ino worker. 4he 2und was esta'lished on 11 Gune 19;8 'y virtue of  residential Eecree 5o. 130 !ri#arily to address these two 'asic yet e>ually i#!ortant 1

needs. &n recent years, the 2und has e#'arked on its successful 'id in the financial #arket, #oving a ste! closer to its vision of 'eco#ing a !re#ier and glo'ally co#!etitive  !rovident financial institution. &n 001, the 2und floated  'illion?worth of ag?&B& Iousing Bonds to generate additional funds for its shelter financing !rogra#s, which was war#ly received 'y 'oth institutional and individual investors. 4he 'onds #atured in late 007. &ndustry: egulation of the activities !roviding healthcare, education, cultural services, and other social services e/cluding social security Contact: $tty. Earlene Marie Ber'era'e osition: Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: %0th etron Mega la(a, Aen. il G. uyat $ve., Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  ;%%%% e'site: www.!agi'!h 54. DE$ELOPMENT %AN' OF THE PHILIPPINES

Brief Background: 4he EB, under its new charter, is classified as a develo!#ent 'ank and #ay !erfor# all other functions of a thrift 'ank. &ts !ri#ary o'Lective is to !rovide 'anking services  !rinci!ally to cater to the #ediu# and long?ter# needs of agricultural and industrial enter!rises with e#!hasis on s#all and #ediu#?scale industries.EB is the country=s #aLor conduit of international funds fro# #ultilateral and 'ilateral institutions for official develo!#ent assistance +E$ !rogra#s and grants. EB also continues its develo!#ent thrusts on econo#ic !u#!?!ri#ing and !rogra#?ty!e lending to strategic sectors of the country. 4he Bank=s develo!#ent thrusts are !ri#arily focused on five !riority areas: social services, environ#ent, infrastructure - logistics, #icro?AM*s, and industrial lending. &ndustry: */!anded Co##ercial Banking +Fniversal Bank Contact: Mr. 2rancisco 2. Eel osario, Gr. osition: resident and Chief */ecutive fficer  $ddress: Aen. il G. uyat $venue corner Makati $venue, Makati City 4el. 5o.: 673  818911 *#ail: infoJdev'ank!!h e'site:'ank!!h 55. GINE%RA SAN MIGUEL INC.

Brief Background: ine'ra Aan Miguel, &nc. or co##only known as AM&, grew out of a fa#ily?owned A!anish era distillery which, in 183%, introduced what was to 'eco#e the co#!any"s flagshi! 'rand and the largest selling, first ever hili!!ine gin in the world P ine'ra Aan Miguel. AM& is a #aLority?owned su'sidiary of Aan Miguel Cor!oration. Currently, they e/!ort to 1 countries such as the FA$, Canada, Middle *ast, Ga!an, Oorea, FO, $ustralia and 5ew Healand a#ong others. &ndustry: Eistilling, rectifying and 'lending of s!irits Contact: Mr. *duardo M. CoLuangco, Gr. 

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