Top 10 Ways To Improve Employee Efficiency

April 14, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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]gp 8? \hys tg Idprgvf Fdpjgyff F``ibifeby

]gp 8? 8? \hys tg Idprgvf Idprgvf Fdpjgyff F``ibifeby F``ibifeby Cgw bhe jfhmfrs idprgvf fdpjgyff prgmubtivity wcijf stijj shviel tidf7 Cfrf hrf tcf tgp 8? tciels ygu bhe mg tg iebrfhsf fdpjgyff f``ibifeby ht tcf g``ibf



Hs mhyjilct shviels hpprghbcfs, hem 1?1? is wfjj uemfrwhy, uemfrwhy, it’s h lggm tidf tg tcien hagut mi``frfet whys ygu bhe, bhe, wfjj, shvf tidf. ]cfsf mhys, fdpjgyffs hrf spfemiel dgrf hem dgrf tidf ht tcf g``ibf‒bfrthiejy fxbffmiel tcf typibhj =?-cgur wgrn wffn. Cgwfvfr, iebrfhsiel cgurs wgrnfm mgfs egt efbfsshrijy trhesjhtf tg iebrfhsfm f``ibifeby. Rg, cgw bhe jfhmfrs hem dhehlfrs idprgvf fdpjgyff prgmubtivity wcijf prgmubtivity wcijf stijj shviel tidf7 Cfrf hrf tcf tgp 8? tciels ygu bhe mg tg iebrfhsf fdpjgyff f``ibifeby ht tcf g``ibf.

8. Mge’t af H`rhim tg Mfjflhtf \cijf tcis tip dilct sffd tcf dgst gavigus, it is g`tfe tcf dgst mi``ibujt tg put ietg prhbtibf. \f lft it‒ygur bgdphey is ygur ahay, sg ygu whet tg chvf h mirfbt chem ie fvfrytciel tcht lgfs ge witc it. \cijf tcfrf is egtciel wrgel witc prigritiziel quhjity (it is wcht dhnfs h ausiefss subbfss`uj, h`tfr hjj), bcfbniel gvfr fvfry sdhjj mfthij ygursfj` rhtcfr tche mfjflhtiel bhe whstf fvfrygef’s vhjuhajf tidf. Iestfhm, livf rfspgesiaijitifs tg quhji`ifm fdpjgyffs, hem trust tcht tcfy wijj pfr`grd tcf thsns wfjj. ]cis livfs ygur fdpjgyffs tcf gppgrtueity tg lhie snijjs hem jfhmfrscip fxpfrifebf tcht wijj ujtidhtfjy afef`it ygur bgdphey. Ygu cirfm tcfd `gr h rfhsge, egw livf tcfd h bchebf tg prgvf ygu rilct.

Ruasbriaf tg rfbfivf tidfjy upmhtfs hagut dgmfre wgrnpjhbf trfems `rgd gur iemustry fxpfrts RVARBQIAF





]gp 8? \hys tg Idprgvf Fdpjgyff F``ibifeby

1. Dhtbc ]hsns tg Rnijjs Negwiel ygur fdpjgyffs’ snijjs hem afchvigrhj styjfs is fssfetihj `gr dhxidiziel f``ibifeby. @gr fxhdpjf, he fxtrgvfrtfm, brfhtivf, gutg`-tcf-agx tcienfr is prgahajy h lrfht pfrsge tg pitbc imfhs tg bjifets. Cgwfvfr, tcfy dilct strulljf i` tcfy hrf livfe h dgrf rujfietfesivf, mfthij-grifetfm thsn. Hsniel ygur fdpjgyffs tg af lrfht ht fvfrytciel kust ise’t f``ibifet‒iestfhm, af`grf liviel he fdpjgyff he hssiledfet, hsn ygursfj`; is tcis tcf pfrsge afst suitfm tg pfr`grd tcis thsn7 I` egt, `iem sgdfgef fjsf wcgsf snijjs hem styjfs dhtbc ygur effms.

2. Bgddueibhtf F``fbtivfjy Fvfry dhehlfr negws tcht bgddueibhtige bgddueibhtige is  is tcf nfy tg h prgmubtivf wgrn`grbf. ]fbcegjgly chs hjjgwfm us tg bgethbt fhbc gtcfr witc tcf dfrf bjibn g` h auttge (gr scgujm wf shy, thp g` h tgubc sbrffe)‒tcis ehturhjjy dfhes tcht burrfet bgddueibhtige dftcgms hrf hs f``ibifet hs pgssiajf, rilct7 Egt efbfsshrijy. H DbNiesfy stumy `guem stumy `guem tcht fdhijs bhe thnf up efhrjy 13% g` he fdpjgyff’s tidf. Ie `hbt, fdhij whs rfvfhjfm tg af tcf sfbgem dgst tidf-bgesudiel hbtivity `gr wgrnfrs (h`tfr tcfir kga-spfbi`ib thsns). Iestfhm g` rfjyiel sgjfjy ge fdhij, try sgbihj eftwgrniel tggjs (subc hs Rjhbn Rjhbn)) mfsilefm `gr fvfe quibnfr tfhd bgddueibhtige. Ygu bhe hjsg febgurhlf ygur fdpjgyffs tg gbbhsigehjjy hmgpt h dgrf hetiquhtfm `grd g` bgethbt…vgibf-tg-vgibf bgddueibhtige. Chviel h quibn dfftiel gr pcgef bhjj bhe sfttjf h dhttfr tcht dilct chvf thnfe cgurs g` ahbn-hem-`grtc fdhijs.

=. Nffp Lghjs Bjfhr & @gbusfm Ygu bhe’t fxpfbt fdpjgyffs tg af f``ibifet i` tcfy mge’t chvf h `gbusfm lghj tg hid `gr. I` h lghj is egt bjfhrjy mf`iefm hem hbtuhjjy hbcifvhajf, fdpjgyffs wijj af jfss prgmubtivf. Rg, try tg dhnf surf fdpjgyffs’ hssiledfets hrf hs bjfhr hem ehrrgw hs pgssiajf. Jft tcfd negw fxhbtjy wcht ygu fxpfbt g` tcfd, hem tfjj tcfd spfbi`ibhjjy wcht idphbt tcis hssiledfet wijj chvf. Gef why tg mg tcis is tg dhnf surf ygur lghjs hrf ‚RDHQ]— ‒ spfbi`ib, dfhsurhajf, htthiehajf, rfhjistib, hem tidfjy. Af`grf hssileiel he fdpjgyff h thsn, hsn ygursfj` i` it `its fhbc g` tcfsf rfquirfdfets. I` egt, hsn ygursfj` cgw tcf thsn bhe af twfhnfm tg cfjp ygur wgrnfrs sthy `gbusfm hem f``ibifet.

6. Iebfetivizf Fdpjgyffs Gef g` tcf afst whys tg febgurhlf fdpjgyffs tg af dgrf f``ibifet is tg hbtuhjjy livf tcfd h rfhsge tg mg sg. Qfbgleiziel ygur wgrnfrs `gr h kga wfjj mgef wijj dhnf tcfd `ffj hpprfbihtfm hem febgurhlf tcfd tg bgetieuf iebrfhsiel tcfir prgmubtivity. \cfe mfbimiel cgw tg rfwhrm f``ibifet fdpjgyffs, dhnf surf ygu thnf ietg hbbguet tcfir iemivimuhj effms gr prf`frfebfs. @gr fxhdpjf, gef fdpjgyff dilct hpprfbihtf puajib rfbgleitige, wcijf hegtcfr wgujm prf`fr h privhtf ‚tchen ygu.— Ie hmmitige tg sidpjf wgrms g` lrhtitumf, cfrf hrf h `fw iebfetivfs ygu bhe try; _]G; Iestfhm g` h ageus gr rhisf, ygu bhe g``fr ygur fdpjgyffs hmmitigehj phim tidf g`` witcgut chviel tg usf tcfir vhbhtige gr

sibn tidf. ]hnf ]cfd Gut @gr h Dfhj;  Ygu bhe thnf tcf tfhd gut tg juebc, mieefr, gr chppy cgur. Dhyaf fvfe hjjgw tcfd tg jfhvf wgrn

fhrjy tg mg sg.

Rfem h Chemwrittfe Egtf; Rfemiel h chemwrittfe egtf scgws ygu rfbgleizf tcf lrfht wgrn ygur fdpjgyffs chvf mgef hem tcht

ygu bhrf fegulc tg put ygur gwe pfrsgehj tidf ietg tcheniel tcfd. Jhzy Dgemhy Bgupges; Hegtcfr gptige is h ‚Jhzy Dgemhy— bgupge, wcibc hjjgws fdpjgyffs tg hrrivf jhtf ge h Dgemhy

dgreiel. ]fjj Ygur Agss; I` ygu fdhij tcf tfhd gr tfhd dfdafr tcheniel tcfd `gr tcfir wgrn, bgesimfriel bgpyiel YGVQ agss ge tcf fdhij. ]ry h \fjjefss _rglrhd; Bgesimfr idpjfdfetiel h wgrnpjhbf wfjjefss prglrhd tg prglrhd tg but mgwe ge tcf eudafr g` sibn mhys hem

rfmubf ygur bgdphey’s gvfrhjj cfhjtc iesurhebf spfem.

0. But Gut tcf Fxbfss I` pgssiajf, try egt tg livf fdpjgyffs sdhjjfr, ueefbfsshry thsns wcfe tcfy hrf `gbusfm ge h jhrlfr lghj. ]hnf h jggn ht tcf tfhd’s rgutief, hem sff i` tcfrf is heytciel tcht ygu bhe but tg livf fdpjgyffs dgrf tidf tg `gbus ge cilcfr-prigrity hssiledfets.  





]gp 8? \hys tg Idprgvf Fdpjgyff F``ibifeby

@gr fxhdpjf, i` fdpjgyffs hrf hsniel tg writf mhijy rfpgrts `gr tcfir supfrvisgrs, aut supfrvisgrs lfefrhjjy mge’t chvf tidf tg rfhm tcfd, bgesimfr buttiel tcf wgrm bguet rfquirfdfet. Mgiel sgdftciel sidpjy hs h `grdhjity is whstiel vhjuhajf tidf tcht bgujm af usfm `gr hbbgdpjisciel lghjs tcht hbtuhjjy cfjp ygur bgdphey.

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