Top 10 Tarot Cards

May 30, 2016 | Author: LillyAnn Unukalhai | Category: N/A
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Top 10 Tarot Cards...


A Message from Brigit Whether you're new to Tarot or a seasoned Tarot professional, it helps to know what Tarot cards to expect in certain types of Tarot readings. For example, if you're doing a career Tarot reading, what cards should you look out for that might indicate a new job or a career change? That's why I was inspired to create my Top 10 Tarot Card blog post series on the Biddy Tarot blog – to help Tarot readers know what Tarot cards to look out for in their Tarot readings. So as a special gift for you, I have taken all of my Top 10 Tarot Card posts and put them all together in this one eBook. I hope you enjoy this eBook as much as I have enjoyed creating it for you.

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Contents Top 10 Tarot Cards for Love ....................................................................................................... 4 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Relationship Break-Ups ........................................................................ 5 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Sex ......................................................................................................... 7 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Cheating ................................................................................................ 8 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Abusive Relationships ......................................................................... 10 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Guilt and Shame ................................................................................. 12 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Your Career ........................................................................................ 13 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Study and Education ........................................................................... 14 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Finance and Money ............................................................................ 16 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Goal-Setting and Planning .................................................................. 17 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Decision-Making ................................................................................. 18 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Holiday and Travel .............................................................................. 20 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Spiritual Development ........................................................................ 22 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Intuition and Psychic Ability ............................................................... 24 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Giving Thanks ...................................................................................... 26 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Living Your Purpose ............................................................................ 28 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Conflict and Tension ........................................................................... 29 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Delays and Waiting ............................................................................. 31 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Success and Achievement .................................................................. 33 Top 10 Tarot Cards for Mental Illness...................................................................................... 34 Master the Tarot Card Meanings and Create a Personal & Intuitive Connection with the Tarot Cards .............................................................................................................................. 35 About Brigit & Biddy Tarot ....................................................................................................... 36

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Lovers —The Lovers! Need I say more?! The Lovers is the ultimate Tarot card for love and represents a unique bond and deep connection between two people. Its presence in a reading reflects a very authentic relationship that is built on mutual trust and respect. Ten of Cups—The Ten of Cups is typical of a happy family within a warm and loving home. It reflects the presence of deep family values and a feeling of completion, having found the perfect partner and having raised the perfect children.

Two of Cups—The Two of Cups indicates a strong bond between two people and often reflects the commitment made to one another within a monogamous relationship.

Four of Wands—The Four of Wands is a card of celebration and a safe and secure home environment. It often reflects a wedding, engagement or other event whereby a relationship is becoming more serious.

Ten of Pentacles—This Ten reflects a well-established relationship (typically a defacto relationship or marriage) and a solid family life.

Ace of Cups—The Ace of Cups heralds a new relationship filled with excitement, joy and happiness. This is the type of bliss you once experienced as a teenager in love, with butterflies in your stomach and a desire to spend every waking minute with your new love.

Knight of Cups—The Knight of Cups is your ‘knight in shining armour’ and appears in a reading when you are being courted or romanced by someone special. He /she is attractive, creative and in touch with his/her feelings – very much the SNAG (sensitive new-age guy) type .

Empress—The Empress is a beautiful, abundant, fertile and expressive woman. She represents sensuality within a relationship and is indicative of a deeply fulfilling connection between you and your partner.

Emperor—The Emperor reflects a very sturdy male figure and may suggest the presence of a long-term partner.

Hierophant—The Hierophant represents tradition, structure and religion. This card can therefore indicate a long-term, committed relationship or marriage that is very traditional.

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Ten of Swords—One look at the imagery on the Ten of Swords and it is clear that this is about a painful, dramatic and perhaps unexpected ending. You have been deeply hurt and betrayed in this break-up and it will take many months, or even years, to heal from this difficult experience. However, keep faith as this Ten heralds a new cycle in life and new beginnings on the horizon.

Death—Death is a card of change and transformation, endings and beginnings. Your relationship may have reached its final cycle and has come to an end. It is now time to let go of the past and embrace the future by bringing about change. In many cases this will mean the imminent end of the relationship, but take a look at the other cards in your reading as it is possible that change may occur within the relationship itself, steering it in a new and more positive direction.

Tower—Again, what stark imagery in the Tower! A lightning bolt strikes, the building is in flames, and people are leaping from the windows. This card reflects great turmoil or a major shakeup that forces you to change the way you see the world. Just when you thought you were in a safe and comfortable relationship, an event has occurred which has turned the relationship upside-down. You are now confronted with major change and may be dealing with divorce or the end of a long-term relationship.

Five of Pentacles—The Five of Pentacles indicates failure and loss. Two destitute figures walk in the snow, shut outside of the church despite being in need of a helping hand. With this card, expect to feel isolated and ‘shut out’ of a relationship, experiencing some financial and spiritual loss as a result. Your partner may be refusing to help you or is withholding your finances as a result of a dispute.

Three of Cups reversed—Ah, the Three of Cups reversed! I nearly always see this card when there is a love triangle or an unfaithful partner. Now, if this is not what you signed up for, it is likely it will lead to the end of the relationship. You need to be clear about the boundaries of your relationship and what you will and won’t stand for!

Hermit—The Hermit is a solitary figure, representing a time of isolation and withdrawal from others. I see this as indicative of being ‘single’ and using this time to reflect on one’s personal and spiritual goals. So, while it is not strictly a ‘break-up’ card, it suggests a time of solitude and being on one’s own.

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Five of Swords—The Five of Swords shows that battle has been fought and lost. Perhaps you have been going through a long period of disagreements and arguments with your partner and have finally decided to go your separate ways. While the arguing is over, you may not have the closure or ‘final word’ that you were looking for. Instead of pushing the matter, it is time to let go.

Three of Swords—In the Three of Swords, we see a heart pierced by three swords. This card indicates grief, heartbreak and sorrow. This card may appear when a relatively new relationship has come to an end, because thankfully we see the sun shining from behind the clouds, suggesting that this heartbreak is only temporary and you will soon move on to greener pastures.

Two of Cups reversed—Upright, this is a card of emotional connections and bonds between two people. Reversed, the Two of Cups reflects the end of a relationship, but perhaps it is under the context of a ‘mutual parting of ways’. You have both agreed that it is best to separate and break the bond that you once shared.

Ten of Pentacles reversed—Upright, the Ten of Pentacles reflects an established relationship – possibly a long-term marriage along with an extended family network. Reversed, this marriage may be coming to an end and now you are having to divest family assets and separate your finances as part of the break-up. Your family and home life are being affected too.

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Knight of Wands – The Knight of Wands is your typical flirt! He is full of passion and lust, and he has so much sexual energy it just oozes out of him. Great in bed, but once he loses interest, he’s gone.

Ace of Wands – Just look at the picture. This is an incredibly phallic card with a sprouting wand that rises to attention (if you catch my drift). Sexually, things are going very well when you see the Ace of Wands.

Devil – The Devil is a passionate, hedonistic and lust-filled card indicating great sex but where there is something amiss. The relationship may be bordering on the side of obsession or it has become angst-ridden. You might also be involved with someone who is not fully available to you, yet you keep going back for more.

Three of Cups – Threesome! Upright, this is a fun threesome, but reversed you may find that three is a crowd and you’d much prefer there were only two of you involved.

Star – I love the Star for her purity, oneness and transformative energy. She kneels naked, connected to the earth and the sky. Think tantric, connected sex that is highly spiritual in nature.

Eight of Wands – Quick and dirty. ‘Nuff said.

Ace of Pentacles – Enter through the gate in this picture and you’ll find a large egg (AKA pentacle), waiting to be fertilised. So, if baby making isn’t on your agenda, use protection!

Four of Swords – I can’t help but think of the missionary position when I see the Four of Swords. This is sex that has become passive and routine.

Eight of Swords – With a woman blindfolded and bound, the Eight of Swords speaks of bondage and S&M. To make sure that this is completely consensual and safe, look to more positive cards in the reading.

Temperance – Opposites attract, creating a beautiful balance between two different individuals. There is good chemistry and you’re likely to take your time with each other, caring for and tending to each other’s every need.

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Ten of Swords – If you’ve ever been betrayed or stabbed in the back, the Ten of Swords is the card you’ll see in your Tarot reading. You have been unexpectedly brought to your demise by an untrustworthy friend or partner who has hurt you deeply. The pain and the hurt will eventually subside and you will begin a new cycle in life, without this person.

Seven of Swords – If you see the Seven of Swords in a Tarot reading, then you know someone is trying to get away with something that is not ‘above board’. It may be a cheating partner or a dodgy businessperson. Someone is going behind your back and thinking that they have successfully gotten away with it. Thank goodness for your trusty Tarot cards because you can now call them up on it and expose the truth!

Three of Cups reversed – I nearly always see the Three of Cups in the reversed position when there is a third party in a relationship. Often, the client isn’t aware that their partner is cheating, but on further investigation or as time passes, the truth is revealed. This is most definitely an unwelcome third party who is disrupting the harmony of the original partnership.

Magician reversed – This is your typical dodgy used-car salesman! If you see the reversed Magician in a reading, then look out for someone who is taking advantage of you and the situation at hand. They may be pretending to be the ‘expert’ with all of the tools and resources to help you, but in actual fact they are motivated by their own selfish needs.

Moon reversed – The Moon is a card of secrets and undercurrents that have not yet come to the surface. Often the reversal of this card can indicate that these are buried very deeply and there are some significant skeletons in the closet that have not yet been revealed. Don’t take things on face value and act with caution.

Eight of Cups – The man in the Eight of Cups is trying to steal away in the dead of night to avoid any attention. I often see this card as a sign that someone is trying to do a disappearing act, hoping to avoid the consequences or fall-out of their actions.

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Devil – A partner may be giving in to temptation with the Devil card and engaging in short-term pleasure and satisfaction. This may be a serial cheater who cannot help themselves with other partners who provide a little more sexual excitement than their original partner.

High Priestess reversed – The reversed High Priestess is often reflective of the mistress herself. She is dark and mysterious and very alluring to the easily tempted male. She may also indicate an untrustworthy friend who is keeping secrets from you.

Judgement reversed – Judgement reversed indicates errors in judgement and not accepting responsibility for one’s actions and decisions. A partner or business person may be trying to avoid ownership of what they have done in the past, leaving you to deal with the consequences of their poor decisionmaking.

Tower – The Tower is really the fall-out of a situation where there has been cheating. A cheating partner, an untrustworthy friend or a dodgy business person may leave a trail of destruction behind them. You have been betrayed and you can no longer trust those around you. Your beliefs and personal structures have been brought to the ground and you are now focused on rebuilding your life and your trust of other people.

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Eight of Swords – The woman in this card is blindfolded and bound. She is seemingly trapped between eight swords, unable to see her way out. This card often comes up for the victim of abuse and represents the mental torment of knowing you must leave the relationship but also feeling trapped or bound by this person. If the woman were to take off her blindfold and remove her bindings, she would see that there is indeed a way out and while it may not be an easy path, it will eventually release her from her tormentor.

Devil – On first glance, we see a naked man and woman, chained by the neck to an over-bearing devil. Again, it would appear that the devil has a hold over these two people and they are restricted in their movement. Yet, the chains are only loosely fitted around the necks of these people and freedom is there for the taking. So, while this card can point to an abusive relationship that stems from a need for power and control, the victim can again escape this situation so long as they can see it for what it is.

King of Swords reversed – The King of Swords wields significant power. He is often in a position of authority and he uses his status and intellect to seek the outcomes that suit him best. Reversed, this is not a nice guy to have around. He is abusive with his power and he seeks to undermine anyone that threatens his position of authority and control. He may be a partner, boss, father or fatherfigure, and he is here to make life very difficult.

Ten of Swords – The Ten of Swords speaks of abuse from a different angle. Here, we see a man lying face down with ten swords stabbed in his back. He has been deceived and betrayed by the people he thought he could trust, and he now suffers deeply as a result. Thus, this abuse is more reflective of betrayal and deception, to the extent that it causes deep emotional pain and hurt for the victim.

Chariot reversed – The reversed Chariot may represent the tormentor or the person who is carrying out the abuse. This card often reflects someone who has anger management issues and who lets their desire for control and dominance get the better of them. They railroad, threaten or bully others until they get their own way. If you see this card in a relationship reading along with other abuse-related cards, then you may wish to raise the issue of anger and the potential for physical violence.

Emperor reversed – The reversed Emperor is highly authoritarian and domineering. He attains his own power and status by taking away the power of others and undermining them. Thus, the reversed Emperor again represents the abuser – someone who over-uses and abuses authoritative power and status. He may appear as an insecure man throwing his weight around who has a need for control.

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Nine of Wands – In the Nine of Wands, a man is bandaged and bruised, but instead of letting himself be defeated, he stands strong and defends himself. This may indicate physical or emotional abuse, but it also signifies that the victim is standing up for themselves and not letting themselves be put down by the abuser.

Nine of Swords – The Nine of Swords shows a woman, head held in her hands, sitting up in her bed. She appears to be very anxious and tormented by her thoughts and mind. I see this as potential for someone who is the victim of psychological abuse or bullying. This may be someone who has been threatened repeatedly and is incredibly fearful for her well-being.

Moon reversed – The Moon is representative of the psychology of the mind and uncovers the fears and illusions that torment us. Reversed, this card may indicate a very subtle, underhanded form of abuse that is occurring without the victim being fully aware of what is going on. It may be deep psychological abuse that has occurred over a long period of time or abuse that is very subversive in nature. It may also represent childhood abuse that occurred a long time ago and has since been repressed in the memory of the victim. Recommend that the client seek professional help to uncover the deeper issues here. Five of Swords – The Five of Swords is a card of conflict and arguments. In the context of abuse, this is likely to indicate verbal abuse – the type where both parties are fighting as aggressively as the other and saying hurtful and angry things to one another. In this case, there is not necessarily a defined victim and abuser. Both parties assume both roles and there can only be losers in this type of fighting as no progress is made.

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Judgement reversed – After going through a period of self-judgement and evaluation, you find yourself regretting past actions and feeling immensely guilty for what you have done. It is time to forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness from others.

Two of Swords – You are in denial about what has happened, and rather than owning up to what you have done, you prefer to bury your head in the sand and keep your eyes closed. Guilt and shame is building from within.

Nine of Swords – Riddled with guilt, you are having panic attacks and you are feeling immense stress and anxiety about what has happened.

Five of Cups – The figure in the Five of Cups has his head hung in shame. You regret what you have done and you feel shame for what has come to pass. You want to make amends and move forward, so ask for forgiveness and show remorse.

Ten of Wands – You are carrying the burden of your guilt and shame and it is weighing heavily on you. It is time to let go of this baggage, either by seeking forgiveness or moving on with your life.

Seven of Swords Reversed – You thought you got away with something that was deceptive and under-handed, but it has caught up with you and now you’re about to get busted. You feel ashamed for having deceived others and worse, yourself. It is time to own up to what you have done.

Five of Swords reversed – You have said some very hurtful things in the heat of the moment that you now regret and wish you could take back. Put your tail between your legs and apologise for you have said, even if the other person is not completely in the right either.

Devil – You know you have engaged in self-destructive behaviour even though it felt oh-so-good at the time. You may be starting to realise the long-term detrimental affects of your actions and you are experiencing the guilt and shame as a result.

Six of Wands Reversed – You have tarnished your otherwise good reputation. Your actions have lead to others perceiving you in a negative way, making you prone to gossip. If this is your own doing, you may feel the associated guilt and shame of having ruined your personal reputation.

Nine of Wands – You are feeling paranoid and on ‘high alert’, perhaps as a result of having acted in a way that was not lawful or ‘above board’. Excessive feelings of guilt are prevalent and you are going into self-preservation mode.

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Ace of Pentacles—The Aces are all about new opportunities, so expect to see a new job, promotion or pay rise come your way.

Two of Wands—Career planning and foresight with the possibility of further education or overseas travel to pursue your career goals.

Ten of Pentacles—The Ten of Pentacles heralds great accomplishment and success, suggesting that you have reached the pinnacle of your career. This is also a card of stability and certainty, highlighting that you have established a solid foundation for your future career path.

Chariot—The Chariot charges forward with fierce determination. This card sees you taking the reins at work, gaining more control and responsibility, and most probably stepping into a management role.

Three of Pentacles—A high level of teamwork and collaboration is paramount to your career success. Founded on mutual respect and open communication, knowledge is shared freely between colleagues and you will be seen as an expert or mentor to others.

Six of Wands—Success and public recognition for your work. Think ‘Employee of the Month’, a profile in the company newsletter or a prestigious reward for your hard work.

Emperor—Similar to the Chariot, the Emperor suggests that you will assume a position of authority and will be highly respected by those you work with.

Eight of Wands—International opportunities or business travel. Expect to see career opportunities moving very quickly and the pace of work to be rapid.

Eight of Pentacles—Skill development, training and education. Focus and attention to detail will be key in your career success at this time.

Two of Cups—Signing a business deal or an employment contract.

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Eight of Pentacles – When you see the Eight of Pentacles in a career reading, then it is typically a sign of learning and mastering a new skill. You are prepared to practice something over and over until you get it 100% right – and you have the perseverance and dedication to see it through. So if you see this card in your next career Tarot reading, be ready to start learning!

Page of Pentacles – The Page of Pentacles approaches further education and study with great enthusiasm and energy. He is ready to learn exactly what he needs to know to manifest his career goals. This card typically shows when a completely new skill is being learned and applied and is often seen around University or college students. That said, you may also see this card when you are about to learn something completely new or take a new direction in your career. Page of Swords – The Page of Swords has a thirst for knowledge. He is a self-starter with a curious mind, so rather than waiting to be taught, he will be actively asking questions and learning for himself. This card may indicate research, self-paced learning or home study to further one’s knowledge.

Hierophant – “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” The Hierophant indicates that indeed, the teacher has appeared and now it is time to learn a particular doctrine or way of thinking that will be very significant in one’s future. This card reflects learning within an institution and tapping into traditional and age-old knowledge that has been passed down for centuries. High Priestess – The High Priestess holds the book of knowledge in her hands as she sits between the veil of the conscious and the subconscious. If you see this card in a Tarot reading, it is likely a sign of acquiring mystical or intuitive knowledge. Perhaps you’re about to invest in intuitive development or spiritual learning, expanding your mindset to a higher plane or a spiritual realm.

Three of Wands – The Three of Wands indicates a readiness to expand your knowledge beyond your comfort zone. You’re capable of taking in new knowledge that for many is out of reach. With a hint of international travel thrown into the mix, you may be investing in international study where you may be studying overseas, or learning from new and different cultures.

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Fool – With his carefree nature and his desire to explore, the Fool can be a sign of becoming a ‘student of life’. He learns through experience and is ready to take a leap of faith into the unknown, simply for the experience and the life lessons he knows it will bring. If you see the Fool in a career or study reading, know that a new experience is about to unfold and the opportunity for experiential learning is huge.

Hermit – The energy of the Hermit is such that education and knowledge can come from within. Rather than continually searching for answers in the outer world, the Hermit knows that his knowledge is already within him and through a period of solitude, contemplation and introspection, he will connect with that inner knowledge. For the Hermit, he doesn’t learn from the traditional institutions – he learns from himself.

Chariot – Whilst not a card that is traditionally associated with study, the Chariot can represent the sheer determination, focus and concentration that goes along with studying. If you see this card along with other, more traditional study cards, then you know that the study process will be successful due to a high level of determination and commitment to your education. You have so much power behind you that you are an unstoppable force and are prepared to do all of the study necessary to ace your exams and tests.

Three of Pentacles – What I love most about the Three of Pentacles is the opportunity for two-way learning. On the one hand, the young apprentice is learning from the two more experienced guides, but he is also teaching them a thing or two about how to master the finer work of building a cathedral. So, while you’re learning from your masters, also consider how you can give back and teach them something they don’t know.

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Ten of Pentacles – This card heralds accumulation of wealth over a period of time, to a point where you can now share this wealth with your loved ones. It can also indicate retirement, inheritance or being part of a wealthy family or heritage.

Six of Wands – In a financial reading, the Six of Wands can signify a cash prize or reward will be won as a result of your hard work and effort.

Nine of Pentacles – The Nine of Pentacles suggests material abundance, a luxurious lifestyle and lots of disposable income!

Ace of Pentacles – As with all Aces, the Ace of Pentacles signifies a new opportunity. Expect a new job, a pay rise, a financial gift or a new investment opportunity.

Sun – The Sun radiates with positivity and abundance, so when this card appears in a financial reading, it suggests positive outcomes such as high-earning investments or increased savings.

Four of Pentacles – With the Four of Pentacles, you will be focused on managing your finances conservatively by spending less and saving more. Your goal is to accumulate wealth by keeping a close eye on your money and material possessions.

Wheel of Fortune – With the promise of good luck, the Wheel of Fortune often suggests a financial windfall or a surprise gift of money.

Seven of Pentacles – Expect your longterm investments to pay good dividends right now.

Nine of Cups – The Nine of Cups reminds you that if you believe in abundance and wealth, you will indeed create it. This card is very much about the Law of Attraction which suggests that you get things according to the energy you put out into the world. The universe will respond to it and send it back.

Page of Pentacles – This Page indicates a new venture (e.g. a new job, business or project) that will provide the opportunity to earn extra income.

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Two of Wands – This card sees you planning for the long-term and making decisions about your future path based on where you will get the most personal growth and development.

King of Wands– The King of Wands is the ultimate visionary. He knows exactly where he’s heading and how he’s going to get there, and you can bet it includes a bunch of other people who can’t wait to follow him. He sets goals not only for himself but for others who want a piece of his success.

Seven of Pentacles – With the Seven of Pentacles, you are putting in the hard work now to reap the rewards later. You know that to profit and benefit in the long-term, you must lay the foundations through careful planning and foresight.

Three of Wands – Your goals are likely to include expansion of some sort, from business expansion to travelling to new countries, to learning new skills.

Magician – The Magician is talented at not only planning but also manifesting his plans. He draws on all the tools and resources available to him to manifest his heart’s desires and make them real.

Page of Pentacles – This youthful guy has one thing right – he knows the value of planning ahead to pursue his goals. You can be sure that he has a project plan or a to do list for every area of his life and he has already starting ticking the boxes as he progresses forward.

Chariot – The Chariot is a determined figure who will not let anyone or anything stand in the way of being able to achieve his goals. He stands up to his opposition and drives forward with strength and attitude.

Seven of Cups – You are certainly not short of ideas for what you can pursue next, but you may have some difficulty choosing which idea to take action on. Goal-setting and idea creation is one thing, but action is another and will be what defines your success.

Ace of Swords – A breakthrough moment has occurred and the light switch has turned on. You are 100% clear on what you need to do to achieve your goals and you have all the information you need to start your journey.

Nine of Cups – “Your wish is my command!” With the Nine of Cups, it is a likely sign that whatever you wish for will come your way.

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Two of Wands – The Two of Wands reflects that you are at the early stages of a life cycle and you are now faced with a decision that will impact your long-term direction. This card is typically very positive – either direction will bring good outcomes, but you do need to work out which direction you want to take your life first. Think and plan longterm and this will make the decision easier.

Judgement – As a Major Arcana card, Judgement indicates that you are at a major turning point where you are evaluating the actions you’ve taken and the consequences of those actions. Through this process of judgement, you will need to make a decision about what you will and won’t continue in your life, and what you have learned from your journey so far.

Justice – The Justice card is very much about seeking the truth and determining what is right and wrong. If making a decision, then Justice indicates that you need to weigh up the facts or the different sides to the story and make a choice that is fair, objective and robust.

Queen of Swords – If any one of the Court Cards is going to make a decision and stick to it, it’s the Queen of Swords. She uses her intellectual power to cut through the noise and determine the best path ahead. She asks you to use your head and not your heart in your decision-making, and to commit to the choice that you make.

Chariot – The Chariot is fiercely determined. Once he has made his final decision, he will overcome any challenge or setback that stands in opposition to him reaching his goal. If you see the Chariot in a decision-making Tarot reading, know that you need to use all available willpower, determination and grit to remain committed to your choice.

Two of Swords – When we are faced with a decision, it is not always clear which path to take, especially if both paths seem as good as or as bad as each other. The Two of Swords represents that feeling of indecision and being caught in the middle, not knowing which option is best. You need more information or a different perspective to gain clarity.

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Seven of Cups – Sometimes, indecision comes from having far too many options available. We become stuck with choice and fail to make a move forward because we’re spending so much time weighing up all the different options. Time to get your feet back on the ground and make a decision based on the opportunities and information available to you at this time.

Ace of Swords – When making an important decision, the Ace of Swords is the bolt of clarity that you need to take swift action and commit to a certain path. New information has come to light or you have a completely new perspective on the situation which empowers you to act decisively.

Hanged Man – The Hanged Man often reflects a period where you are being forced to make a decision that perhaps you don’t really want to make. You may be at the mercy of other people’s actions and the only way to free yourself is to make a tough but necessary decision.

Emperor – Domination of the mind over the heart is sometimes unwanted or best avoided but with the Emperor, it is necessary and even welcomed. If you are facing difficult choices, you must maintain your concentration and focus. The Emperor calls on you to push ahead and do what you know is best.

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World – The ultimate travel card! The World represents one of those lifechanging travel experiences that you’ve been dreaming of for years, where you pack your things for several months to travel to far-reaching territories. Expect a round-the-world trip or major holiday! This card reminds me of our f honeymoon to South America for three months. By ar one of the best holidays I’ve had!

Knight of Pentacles – Travel by foot, be it hiking or even cycling. You can just imagine this Knight plodding along, taking in the scenery, not too bothered about what’s around the corner but more focused on just moving along. Still, you can have some pretty amazing trips by foot to places like Machu Picchu, Patagonia, New Zealand, the Swiss Alps… the list goes on!

Eight of Wands – Most definitely air travel! Expect a whirlwind tour, like one of those crazy 10-day tours of Europe (how do they do it?!). This is a card of speed, haste and lots of action! But watch out for the reversed Eight of Wands because it may indicate unforeseen delays to your travels and if you’re on a tight schedule, this might really throw a spanner in the works.

Three of Wands – Traditionally a card of business and enterprise, the Three of Wands may see you considering travelling abroad to explore new business opportunities or to expand your business networks. You might even be lucky enough to have work pay for you!

Two of Wands – With the Two of Wands, expect to combine your travel with your study or work. This is a great card to see when you’re thinking about studying overseas, be it a year-long course or just a few weeks, or working overseas. This is all about learning whilst travelling and can be an excellent way to expand your cultural understanding.

Six of Swords – The Six of Swords can reflect reluctant travel, perhaps to get away from a difficult situation, such as a break-up, or to see someone in need, such as a sick relative. This card may also p oint to a slow boat trip or ferry ride.

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Fool – A new journey or a new territory, this card reminds me of my own travel experience to Germany on a six-month school exchange when I was 18. The Fool is full of curiosity to discover new experiences and new cultures. He may find himself in a few challenging situations, particularly if he doesn’t look after his personal.

Chariot – Road trip! This card is traditionally associated with driving, so if you see the Chariot come up in a reading, get out your roadmap, your favourite CDs and pack for a fun-filled road trip! You might be a bit more planned than most, particularly as the Chariot likes to know where he is heading, but you can still have some fun along the way.

Page of Swords – Well, we all know the suit of Swords is associated with air, so expect a bit of air travel with the Page of Swords. He’s like someone who’s never flown before or has only travelled in his own country, and is bursting at the seams to explore new territories!

Knight of Wands – This Knight is probably more reflective of the build-up of excitement before you even head out on a big trip. He can hardly contain himself, he has so much energy and enthusiasm about just getting away from it all and experiencing something new!

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Hermit – The Hermit is the ultimate soul searcher. He spends time alone, whether it is for 20 minutes, 20 days, or even 20 years, to ponder on his own spiritual path and, in the process, he becomes more and more enlightened. When you see this card in a spiritual reading, know that it is the time for isolation and contemplation about your own spiritual path.

Four of Cups – The Four of Cups indicates a need to shut out any external distractions for a short period of time and bring your attention inwardly to discover what grounds you and what brings you fulfilment.

High Priestess – Highly intuitive, the High Priestess suggests that you can connect to your inner spirit by learning to trust your intuition or by engaging in more ‘mystical’ practices.

Hierophant – The Hierophant often points to the role of the church or some sort of group membership as you get closer to your spiritual goals. You may also find the guidance of a spiritual leader or guru particularly helpful.

Ace of Wands – Ah, inspiration! The Ace of Wands brings about a burst of energy that encourages you to start a new path towards t to spiritual enlightenment. Perhaps you are aboustart a new course or learn more about a new belief system.

Tower – The Tower is incredibly powerful for spiritual development, indicating that you will go through a very difficult period that will challenge your belief systems. While it may feel uncomfortable at the time, the destruction will make way for a very new way of looking at your life.

Eight of Pentacles – While the Pentacles are not typically associated with spirituality, the Eight of Pentacles in a spiritual reading indicates that you will dedicate yourself to a particular line of study that will help you to achieve your spiritual goals. You see your spiritual path as a lifetime journey which you are slowly but surely working through.

Five of Pentacles – This card reflects that you need to give up your desire for material wealth in order to attain greater spiritual wealth. Perhaps you have placed too much emphasis on your material wealth and have neglected your spiritual wealth and well-being. You may be struggling with your life direction, feeling isolated and shut out from the world. Time for a turnaround.

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Judgement – Judgement is a wonderful card to see in a spiritual reading. It reflects a moment of spiritual ‘awakening’, where your connection with your soul and the Universe becomes crystal clear and you know what you need to do to reach enlightenment. You are very open to spiritual messages at this time and may find solace in sharing your experiences with others in a group context.

Hanged Man – The Hanged Man represents a need to let go and to give yourself over to something for spiritual enlightenment. Consider areas in your life where you may need to act in a more selfless manner, either for the benefit of others or for the fulfilment of your own deeper needs. How do you want to become more spiritually aware? What aspects of your inner self are you looking to change? What needs to be sacrificed in order for this change to occur?

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High Priestess – The High Priestess is the most intuitive card of the Tarot deck. She sits at the gate between the subconscious and the conscious, the unknown and the known. She holds the book of mystery and secret knowledge in her hands and she guides the seeker between the worlds with supreme care and compassion. If you see the High Priestess in your Tarot reading, you’re dealing with heightened psychic awareness and it’s about time you pay attention to your intuition!

Moon – The moon itself appears as a source of light, but in reality, we know that it is simply reflecting the light of the sun – not all is as it seems. And so it is with intuition and psychic ability. We may not be able to explain fully our intuitive hunches but we know that they are there. When you see the Moon in a Tarot reading, be attuned to the subconscious mind and the intuitive ‘pull’ you may be feeling around a particular situation.

Queen of Cups – Of all the court cards, the Queen of Cups is the most intuitive and psychic being. As a Queen, she is highly receptive, open and compassionate. And as the Queen of Cups, she is in full alignment with her intuition, her emotions and her soul. She either represents an aspect of yourself, or an intuitive guide who is supporting you on your journey.

Ace of Cups – As an intuitive card, the Ace of Cups represents that moment where you feel all of your emotional energy overflowing with joy and bliss, and you just know that you are on the right path. New potential and new opportunity is abundant and you know intuitively within yourself that the energy is pure.

Four of Cups – Whilst not a traditionally intuitive card, the Four of Cups suggests that through meditation and temporary retreat from the outside world, we can go deep within ourselves and connect with our intuitive voice. Be open to psychic visualisations and intuitive

Ace of Swords – While the Ace of Cups represents the emotional element of intuitive insight, the Ace of Swords represents the clarity of thought that comes when you are 100% listening to your intuition. Intuition is like a bolt of lightning where there is no denying what you have experienced. It is not the ego, but it is crystal clear insight that accompanies a breakthrough.

messages that come to you during thes e times of retreat.

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Lovers – The Lovers shows that when you are in pure alignment with Source and oneself, you open yourself to intuitive insights that are filled with pure love and pure thought.

Empress – During pregnancy, many women experience heightened intuition and psychic ability. Similarly, when you are nurturing and then ‘birthing’ something (an idea, a project, etc.), you’re often in tune with what is needed to bring this into being. As you connect with your creativity and with the Earth, you also connect with your intuition in a way that supports your growth.

Page of Cups – As a Page, you are opening yourself up to a new part of yourself, or a new skill set. And as the Page of Cups, it is a sign that you are learning to access your intuition and you are developing your psychic skills with a new level of curiosity. So if you’re not learning Tarot yet, get started!

Star – The Star is pure energy and reflects that you are connecting with the Universe in beautiful ways. The more you open yourself up to receive, the more that this Universal energy flows freely into your life. There is purity in intention as you explore your intuitive abilities and the psychic world.

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Ten of Pentacles – The Ten of Pentacles is the card of abundance! A wealthy family are enjoying the fruits of their labours and have joined in a celebration of all that they have achieved. As a Pentacles card, this Ten is about accumulation and giving thanks for material wealth.

Nine of Cups – The man in the Nine of Cups looks so smug and content with everything that he has. In fact, this card is often dubbed the ‘wish’ card as all that you wish for will be granted. Remember to give thanks for everything that you have and acknowledge the good feelings of fulfilment and contentment that come with it.

Six of Pentacles – The Six of Pentacles is a card of giving and oftentimes when we feel that we have an abundant and rich lifestyle, we feel compelled to share that with others as a way of expressing our thanks to the Universe. This is a good reminder, too, that in order to receive, we must first give.

Sun – The Sun card is one of the most positive and fulfilling cards in the Tarot deck. As you gaze into the sun on the card, you can feel its warmth and healing energy radiating outwardly. Surrounded by positivity and success, take a moment to pause and give thanks for this wonderful moment.

Six of Wands – The Six of Wands is a card of triumph, success and public recognition. If you are the successful person riding on the horse, then give thanks to the people who made your success possible. Or if you are one of the members in the crowd, remember to recognise other people’s successes and victories.

Nine of Pentacles – The woman in the Nine of Pentacles has a true appreciation of beauty and all things luxurious. She takes a moment to pause in her beautiful garden, wearing her beautiful clothes, to give thanks for all of her material wealth and luxuries. She also knows that she has worked hard for this and can now give herself permission to relax and enjoy the beauty that surrounds her.

Four of Swords – The Four of Swords is a card of meditation and going within. When we quieten our mind and allow ourselves a peaceful moment, we can find it within ourselves to acknowledge and give thanks for everything that we have and that we feel.

Empress – The Empress embodies abundance. She shares her abundance with others through nurturing, loving and supporting the people around her. She gives thanks for all that she has and is energised by the love she gives and receives. The Empress also reminds us of our connection with Mother Earth and encourages us to give thanks for the abundance of nature’s beauty.

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Strength – The phrase that jumps to mind when I look at the imagery of the Strength card is “I bow to you” or “Namaste”. By bowing down to others, we show our respect and our appreciation for the value they bring to our own lives. The woman in the card bows down to the lion, and in doing so, she calms him and gains his trust and respect. And by bowing down to ourselves, we show that we love and respect ourselves which further strengthens us.

Ace of Cups – The Ace of Cups often reflects an outpouring of emotion and freedom of expression. I see this as someone showering their love and appreciation on others, giving thanks and expressing true gratitude without reservation. The more we open our heart, the freer we are to express our true feelings and our true selves, which in turn generates love and compassion.

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Judgement – Without a doubt, the Judgement is THE card for living your purpose and following your calling. The archangel calls out to the people below, as they rise up out of their graves and listen to the message from the Universe. When you see this card, you know your ‘calling’ is nearby. Sun – Wow – just feel the energy radiating off this card! The Sun is a sign that you have found your place of peace and happiness, and that you are at your most successful when you are indeed following your spiritual path. Trust the inner child within you as it leads you to fun and energising places. Four of Wands – When you see the Four of Wands in a Tarot reading, you know you have found your ‘home’. This is a place where everything fits together and you feel completely safe and secure, ready to celebrate everything that you have in your life. Everything comes to you with ease. Fool – The Fool wakes up every day, ready to embrace a new beginning, a new life. Imagine if our lives could be like this too – living in the present moment, taking each day as it comes. The Fool lives his purpose because he is always ‘in the moment’ and ready to start a new adventure, no matter what the obstacles. Tower – I bet you didn’t expect to see the Tower listed here! What I love most about the Tower’s energy is that it tears down all of the preconceived ideas, the limiting mindsets and the imposing barriers, making way for new life to begin. Harness the energy of the Tower and challenge the status quo to live the life you were meant to live!

High Priestess – The High Priestess is highly attuned to her inner voice and she has a deep and profound connection with the Universe and the subconscious mind. When you see this card in a reading, know that your path towards living your purpose will be revealed through following your gut instincts and your intuition. Hermit – Ahh, the Hermit. He is the epitome of the soul searcher, the person in search of one’s spiritual meaning. He lives his purpose in life by following the spiritual path and seeking guidance from within along his way. The further he travels, the more enlightened he is. Nine of Cups – The Nine of Cups is perfect for knowing that you have everything you need to be content and happy. When you are living your purpose, you could want for nothing more – it’s all right there! Star – The woman in the Star card bathes under the light of the stars, forever connected between earth and Universe. By having faith in where the Universe is guiding her, she allows herself to be guided to where her greatest purpose and meaning lies. Lovers – The Lovers is all about living in union and harmony with the Universe. When you are in union with something much bigger than yourself, you have the potential to create even more meaning and purpose in your life. Connect to your values and put love above everything else.

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Five of Wands – The ultimate conflict card! Everyone is shouting and wanting to be heard, and there are so many different opinions being thrown about. But no-one is listening. It leads to a total break-down of communication and no forward movement.

Seven of Wands – It doesn’t matter what you say or do, you constantly feel under threat of being attacked or taken down. Every word that comes out of your mouth and every action you take seems to trigger a response in someone else and you find yourself either having to defend yourself constantly or having to step on eggshells to keep the peace.

Five of Swords – The conflict in the Five of Swords is the worst type of conflict. You have just fought tooth and nail to be the ‘winner’ or the one who is deemed to be right. But what you have ignored is that no-one has really won here and instead you have lost a lot of trust or worse, an entire relationship. Time to pull your head in and apologise.

Two of Swords – The Two of Swords is symbolic of passive-aggressive types of conflict. The type where you say nothing, but you become a stick in the mud or you become extra difficult when others want to move forward. This card also indicates a stalemate – a point at which you cannot move forward because you fundamentally disagree.

Three of Swords – A nasty type of conflict. The type of conflict where you say hurtful things to one another to purposefully inflict emotional pain. Your words are particularly cutting and leave a deep scar in the heart of your opponent. If you are the target, you will need to learn to not take it so personally and to put up a wall between you and the other person.

Nine of Wands – You might be beaten down by conflict but you’re not giving up. The Nine of Wands is a sign of perseverance, even in the aftermath of a significant argument or falling out. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

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Temperance reversed – Temperance upright is typically a card of harmony and balance, but when reversed, we see that harmony give way to conflict and tension. Increase stress levels contribute to a feeling of being out of sync with oneself and others. There may be excess, also leading to excess tension and inner conflict. Look to how you can bring greater balance back into the picture.

Two of Cups reversed – What was once a beautifully connected relationship is now an all out war. You no longer see eye-to-eye and you are coming to the realisation that in fact you and the other are very different. It’s like you’re from a completely different planet. There’s just no meeting in the middle anymore.

Chariot reversed – This reminds me of the giant walruses doing battle with one another in those David Attenborough documentaries. Two headstrong, determined people going head-to-head with one another. No-one is backing down – it’s game on.

Tower – Absolute destruction and chaos. There’s no holding back in this type of conflict when the Tower energy is present. You are going to rip each other to shreds until there is nothing left. Let’s just hope you both stick around long enough to see the new perspectives rise up out of the rubble. Be prepared to shift your perspective significantly as a result of this conflict, and see the world in a completely different light.

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Hanged Man – The Hanged Man hangs in suspension, waiting and contemplating. He isn’t frustrated by the need to wait and instead uses it for introspection and illumination on the situation. This card is a wonderful reminder that even those delays which are outside of our control can be blessings in disguise, offering an opportunity to see the situation from a different perspective before moving forward.

Eight of Wands reversed – Just when you thought everything was flying along, suddenly it feels like it has gone in reverse and all that progress and development is being undone. The reversed Eight of Wands often speaks of delays that can be very frustrating.

Four of Swords – The Four of Swords shows the potential in waiting and restoring one’s energy before moving forward. Instead of going full steam ahead, it pays to take a ‘time out’ and to ground oneself. Again, a delay can be a blessing because it gives you that opportunity to rest and relax before the next series of challenges.

Four of Cups – Oftentimes, the Four of Cups speaks of delays that are selfinitiated. You might not feel the ‘spark’ with a particular project or opportunity, so rather than taking it up straight away, you pause to reflect on what it is you really want.

Ace of Wands reversed – You thought you had the greatest idea out there, but before you even begin, it starts to fall apart and you’re finding your plans are delayed. The reversed Ace of Wands reflects a period where you are struggling to get an idea off the ground and make it happen, invariably resulting in unexpected delays. But, it may be a blessing in disguise. These setbacks may be designed to help you revisit your plans and reassess what is most important to you.

Two of Swords – With the Two of Swords, delays arise because of indecision and not knowing which direction to take. Both directions seem just as good as (or as bad as) the other. When you fail to choose your path, everything inevitably becomes delayed.

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Hermit reversed – The reversed Hermit is a sign that you may be making a conscious choice to put your plans on hold while you bring your attention within you for greater insight. You may have momentarily lost your path and become disconnected from your soul purpose. So rather than continuing on, you choose to pause a moment and re-assess your priorities.

Seven of Pentacles – The Seven of Pentacles is unique in a way because things are moving forward, it’s just at a very slow pace. For some, it’s sustainable progress, but for others, it’s a painfully drawn out process and can be a source of frustration. The key to remember is that slow and steady wins the race, and if you want results that will last for the long-term, you’re going to have to wait it out.

Three of Wands reversed – With the reversed Three of Wands, you’re waiting and waiting for your ships to come in, but nothing is happening. You have put your intentions out there and you’re hoping to see results soon, but you’re getting zilch, nada. You may need to realign your expectations and set about a new path to create the outcomes you desire.

Chariot reversed – The reversed Chariot often indicates a time when you are charging forth along your path but other people get in your way and steer you off-course. You have your schedule, but you are also relying on others to get you there and they’re not always dependable. So, you’re left waiting or delayed because someone else has let the schedule slip.

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Sun – The Sun is the card for success in the Tarot deck. And with success comes a radiant glow of positive energy and accomplishment for everything you have achieved. Keep up a positive attitude and you can multiply that success.

Six of Wands – If you want people to recognise and praise your accomplishments, the Six of Wands is a very good sign. You’ll be put in the spotlight and shown as a positive role model or as someone highly successful in their field.

World – The World is the card for achievement. Your project will successfully come to a point of completion and now is the time to reflect on your success and achievement. You’ve been through quite a journey to get here (all of those lessons of the Major Arcana)!

Chariot – With focus and dedication, the Chariot shows you will be triumphant and victorious in your pursuits. Don’t let distractions lead you off-course – overcome barriers and you will find your success.

Ten of Cups – If your success is around love and relationships, the Ten of Cups is a very good omen for finding your life partner, having the family you want and attaining the highest love and harmony in your relationships with others.

Ten of Pentacles – If your success is focus on material wealth (career, money, status, possessions), the Ten of Pentacles shows that you will have what you desire. You are surrounded by the financial rewards for your labour and you feel secure in this success.

Four of Wands – Celebration! Yes, this is what usually follows success, knowing that you have already come so far (even if there is more to come – this is the Four, not the Ten!). Bask in your success and celebrate this milestone.

Emperor – The Emperor bodes well for success in your career and financial domains. He takes a structured and dedicated approach and ‘rules’ his world. Think success through power, authority, commitment and status.

Nine of Pentacles – This one is for the ladies! (Well, most of the time!) The Nine of Pentacles shows financial success through becoming independent and well-versed in financial matters. Success in your career, business and finances is coming to you.

The Kings – The Tarot Kings represent culmination, accumulation and achievement, whether it’s in your ability to lead and influence others (King of Wands), lead with compassion (King of Cups), accumulate financial wealth and career success (King of Pentacles) or use your intellect to make important decisions (King of Swords).

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Moon reversed – General mental health issues, including fear, anxiety and depression, that haven’t yet been explored or resolved. Recommend that your client works with a trained professional (possibly a hypnotherapist) to uncover some of these deep, subconscious concerns.

Nine of Swords – Anxiety and depression that is spurred on by very negative self-talk. It can also point to insomnia as a result of stress and anxiety and the constant ‘mind chatter’ about everything that is going wrong.

Devil – Addiction and unhealthy attachment. The addiction may be to an actual ‘thing’, such as drugs, alcohol or sex, or to certain situations such as abusive relationships or material wealth.

Nine of Wands reversed – Paranoia and feeling as if the world is against you. If accompanied by the Nine of Swords, your client might be hearing voices that contribute to the paranoia.

Star reversed – A lack of faith and a general feeling of hopelessness that may lend itself to depression, deep sadness and anxiety.

Five of Cups reversed – Depression, often due to a loss of some kind. Your client may be finding it difficult to get out of a rut following a loss or deep regret.

Five of Pentacles – Anxiety, perhaps as a result of job loss or financial hardship. This card may also point to feeling isolated and unsupported, or not wanting to accept help.

Nine of Cups reversed – Discontentment and depression because emotional needs are not being fulfilled.

Temperance reversed – A possible indication of a chemical imbalance which may lend itself to bi-polar or other mental health issues that are related to the body and brain’s chemical balance.

Tower – A major break-down or crisis, or a series of panic attacks. It may be as a result of a major life change that was unexpected or sudden.

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Master the Tarot Card Meanings and Create a Personal & Intuitive Connection with the Tarot Cards Are you ready to: • Build a deep and personal connection with the Tarot cards? •

Intuitively and confidently interpret the Tarot cards, without ever having to memorise the meanings?

Read Tarot from the heart, not the book?

If your answer is a resounding 'yes', then I invite you to enrol in my signature program, TF1: Master the Tarot Card Meanings. In my online Tarot course, TF1: Master the Tarot Card Meanings, I’ll show you how to build a personal connection with the Tarot, using simple yet powerful techniques for interpreting the Tarot cards. I’ll teach you the ‘must know’ systems that sit behind the Tarot cards that make learning Tarot super easy. And together, we’ll walk through the 78 Tarot cards so you can master each and every one of them, once and for all. I’ll also let you in on a few ‘insider secrets’ from my 15 years’ experience as a professional Tarot reader. This is a self-paced, home study program with 6 modules of in-depth training classes, a Workbook with fun and practical activities, and access to a community of Tarot enthusiasts as part of our private Facebook community. To learn more about the program, go to

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About Brigit & Biddy Tarot I’m Brigit and I’m the founder of Biddy Tarot (online since 1999). At Biddy Tarot, I’m here to help… • The Tarot curious to gain insight into their personal lives with authentic and practical Tarot readings •

Aspiring Tarot readers to connect with the Tarot cards in a meaningful yet fun and engaging way through my Tarot Guides, Masterclasses, online Tarot courses and Tarot blog

Aspiring Tarot professionals to build confidence and take the leap to becoming a professional Tarot reader by offering free Tarot readings in exchange for feedback

Newly professional Tarot readers to align their Tarot businesses financially, spiritually and professionally and create long-term fulfilment and success through my Tarot business coaching

Every year, I inspire over 1.5 million people to transform their lives and others’ with the Tarot. I love the insight and clarity that Tarot brings to others, whether it’s by having your cards read, learning to read Tarot for yourself, or sharing your gift by reading for other people. I’m here because Tarot has transformed my life in more ways than one.

Learning to Let Go In the Early Days… I discovered Tarot when I was 18. After an accurate Tarot reading which later resulted in meeting my first (but not only) true love, I decided I wanted to learn Tarot. It wasn’t all easy. As a self-confessed perfectionist, I wanted to know everything about the Tarot.. and instantly. Not surprisingly, I quickly became overwhelmed by learning and memorising every possible card meaning, Tarot spread and reading technique. My turning point came when I finally surrendered and placed my trust in the Universe and my intuition. As soon as I did that, everything just flowed. My Tarot readings were more accurate and I felt more energised and in sync. Tarot became my creative outlet. As a side-line hobby business, it connected me with my spiritual self whilst I pursued a full-time, fast-paced corporate career (plus a part-time Masters degree).

Pursuing My Divine Purpose In my 30s, I began to disengage with my professional life as I knew it (constantly chasing ‘success’, status and money at the expense of everything else).

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The arrival of my first daughter in 2009 saw me committing more time and energy into Tarot. And by the time my second daughter arrived in 2011, I had released The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings and invested in building the Biddy Tarot community through my blog and Tarot reading services. More importantly, having two children changed my perspective of what’s important and where I really want to spend my time. In 2012, we lived the dream in Spain for 6 months. It gave me the space and the confidence to quit my corporate job and become a full-time Tarot professional. I have never looked back. I am now reading Tarot professionally, teaching Tarot, coaching aspiring business owners, self-publishing books and managing a rapidly growing business. I have presented at the Readers Studio in New York and TarotCon Australia. I have featured on many Tarot blogs and Blog Talk Radio shows. By practicing Tarot, I feel more aligned, more in harmony with my Divine purpose. And I have been truly blessed with abundance from the Universe. I have created a lifestyle that allows me to grow professionally, financially and spiritually, whilst also being connected with my loved ones. And for that I am truly grateful. So I am here to share the gift that has been given to me – to inspire you to transform your life with Tarot. Join me at and Many, many blessings,

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