ToolsNet 4000 Installation Guide (9836418101)

June 3, 2016 | Author: Steve Coan | Category: N/A
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Download ToolsNet 4000 Installation Guide (9836418101)...


Installation Guide

ToolsNet 4000 Atlas Copco Tools and Assembly Systems 9836 4181 01 2012-01 Edition 3.45


Contents 1

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5 1.1

Supported platforms ...................................................................................................5 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3


Upgrading ...................................................................................................................7 1.2.1 1.2.2


Before installation .....................................................................................................12 Running the installation ............................................................................................14 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5

Starting ToolsNet 4000/Rebooting the server ...........................................................26 Stopping ToolsNet 4000 ...........................................................................................28 Stopping and starting SQL Server ............................................................................29

Database maintenance ....................................................................................... 30 4.1

Database maintenance on SQL Server Enterprise/Standard edition .......................30 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3



Setting up a scheduled task in Windows ................................................................. 34 Database backup ..................................................................................................... 36 Delete maintenance on SQL Server 2005 Express ................................................ 36 Index rebuild and index reorganize ......................................................................... 37

Verifying database maintenance ..............................................................................37

Accessing multiple databases ........................................................................... 38 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3


Database backup ..................................................................................................... 31 Setting up Delete maintenance ............................................................................... 31 Index reorganize and Index rebuild ......................................................................... 34

Database maintenance on SQL Server Express ......................................................34 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4


Data collection database ......................................................................................... 17 Meta database ......................................................................................................... 18 ToolsNet application installation .............................................................................. 19 Licensing.................................................................................................................. 24 ToolsNet PowerMACS program version report ....................................................... 25

After installation - Running ToolsNet 4000 ....................................................... 26 3.1 3.2 3.3


Extracting database scripts ..................................................................................... 10

Installation ........................................................................................................... 12 2.1 2.2


Modules and interaction ............................................................................................ 8 Installation paths ........................................................................................................ 9

ToolsNet databases ..................................................................................................10 1.4.1


Upgrading from ToolsNet 3000 ................................................................................. 7 Upgrading ToolsNet 4000.......................................................................................... 7

ToolsNet 4000 system overview .................................................................................8 1.3.1 1.3.2


Relational Database Management System ............................................................... 5 Operating systems ..................................................................................................... 6 Web browsers ............................................................................................................ 6

ToolsNet Archive database(s) ................................................................................. 38 Databases other than ToolsNet ............................................................................... 39 Database connections for web applications -ToolsNetConfigurationString.config.. 40

Configuration of ToolsNet applications ............................................................ 41 6.1

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ToolsNet Web ...........................................................................................................41 3 (86)


6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7

ToolsNetWebService................................................................................................ 42 Report structure editor.............................................................................................. 43 Report structure web service .................................................................................... 43 ToolsNet Settings (server settings) .......................................................................... 43 SPC Alarm Service................................................................................................... 46 E-mail settings .......................................................................................................... 46 6.7.1 6.7.2 6.7.3 6.7.4

Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D

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Program settings ......................................................................................................46 Customizing the e-mail message ............................................................................47 Filtering messages in the e-mail client or server .....................................................47 Application configuration files ..................................................................................48

ToolsNet 4000 installation on Windows 2008 Server with IIS 7.0 ... 49 Transition from ToolsNet 3000 to ToolsNet 4000............................. 55 Installing ToolsNet 4000 Oracle version ........................................... 59 Setting access right to web applications ......................................... 73

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This guide is intended for system administrators and IT staff, and provides instructions about the installation and administration of Atlas Copco Tools AB ToolsNet 4000 applications. Depending on which version of the system and which licenses that are purchased, the system can provide the following services: •

Result data collection

from Power Focus 3000, Power Focus 4000, PowerMACS 3000 and

PowerMACS 4000. •

Trends, Summaries and detailed data reporting based

Alerts and administration for program changes in production


on results in a web interface

Supported platforms


Relational Database Management System

ToolsNet 4000 supports the following database management systems. In production environment: •

SQL Server 2005

SQL Server 2008

Oracle 10g

Oracle 11g (recommended) Note! SQL Server 2000 is not supported and ToolsNet 4000 will not work on that version. SQL Server is the recommended database platform for ToolsNet 4000. The Oracle version is to be installed by advanced installers approved by the ACTA SW Market Support team only and at customers where there is an Oracle DBA available.

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For demo purposes or smaller installations: •

SQL Server 2005 Express.

SQL Server Express is not recommended for production environment. SQL Server 2005 Express is a free, redistributable version of SQL Server 2005. Since it is free it also has some limitations. The list below is not a complete list of the limitations. Please refer to Microsoft home page for a full list of these limitations. Feature


Use on ComNode classic

Not possible on a ComNode classic. SQL Server Express can be installed on ComNode 2.

Database size

There’s a built in limitation of 4GB

SQL Agent Job Scheduling Service

Not available. Maintenance jobs must be scheduled from Windows scheduled tasks.

Number of CPU’s

Maximum 1


Max 1 GB of ram. SQL Server Express cannot use more memory than this, even if it available.


Not available. Can be profiled from Standard or Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2005




Operating systems

ToolsNet 4000 supports the following operating systems: In production environment: •

Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2003 Server R2 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Windows 2008 Server (SR4 and above) (32-bit and 64-bit).

For demo purposes: •

Windows XP SP2


Web browsers

It is recommended to run Mozilla Firefox (version 2.0 and later). This browser requires no ActiveX component for charts. ToolsNet 4000 can also be used with Internet Explorer (version 7 and later). This browser requires an additional ActiveX component to display charts and graphs, the component from Adobe Corp is included with the ToolsNet installation and can be downloaded from the ToolsNet web application. Note! Internet Explorer 9 or later versions have built in support for SVG graphics and do not require the additional Active X plug in. It is also possible to run ToolsNet 4000 from a Chrome or Safari web browser, either from a desktop or touch device such as an iPhone or an iPad. It is not officially supported but tested and most functions work as expected. 6 (86)

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Upgrading from ToolsNet 3000

Upgrading from ToolsNet 3000 W5 versions are not supported. It is possible to use both ToolsNet 3000 and ToolsNet 4000 web reports in parallel. It is also possible to run data collection in backup mode in ToolsNet 4000. More information about backup mode can be found in the section 2. Transition from ToolsNet 3000 to ToolsNet 4000


Upgrading ToolsNet 4000

Upgrading from ToolsNet4000 SR2, SR3, SR4,SR5 or SR6 is supported in this release. Before upgrading, make sure that: •

Perform a backup of the AtlasCopco_Tools_DataCollection database.

ToolsNet 4000 Email module is uninstalled before any upgrade is performed. Uninstall by using the Add or Remove Program in the Windows Control Panel.

When upgrading to ToolsNet 4000 SR5 or higher, it is required that .NET 3.5 SP1 is installed on the server.

Upgrade by running the installation application ToolsNetInstall.exe from the installation package files. Only those features installed on the server will be marked for upgrade. Follow the dialogs to perform an upgrade. Make sure you upgrade all components and databases to the same service release. Verify the database connection string first. The upgrade button will only be enabled after a successful connection has been verified.

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ToolsNet 4000 system overview

A typical ToolsNet 4000 installation is made either on a standalone server, or two servers, one running ToolsNet 4000 and the other server running the SQL Server database.


Modules and interaction





Main web application sends report requests and visualizes report data to end user.

ToolsNetWebService ToolsNetReportWebService

ToolsNet admin

Web application for administration of report structures (controllers) and program management options.

ToolsNetWebService, ToolsNetReportingStructureWebService


Interface - update database for admin features.


ToolsNetReportingStructure Webservice

Interface – updates report structure (controllers) information in


Report server components

A logical layer that supports report creation and program alerts


Pluggable reports makes ToolsNet easy to adapt

Toolsnet data collection

Service (TNServer.exe). Controllers connect to this service and report data. The service stores the data in

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Introduction AtlasCopco_ToolsNet_Database Status Alarm

An automatic service for status alerts like SPC alarms

Email module

Email module for distributing events and alerts via email


Stores production data from controllers


Stores log information from report creation


Installation paths

C:\Program files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\

Root folder for Atlas Copco Tools AB applications


License server, logs for license server, registration application

…\ToolsNet 4000\EmailModule

Email module web application and email application

…\ToolsNet 4000

ToolsNet 4000 web applications and data collection

…\ToolsNet 4000\bat

Batch files for running maintenance jobs (SQL Server Express)

…\ToolsNet 4000\bin

Data collection services

…\ToolsNet 4000\Database scripts

Database creation scripts

…\ToolsNet 4000\Logging

Web application and report framework logs

…\ToolsNet 4000\Reports

Report templates, created reports and translation files

…\ToolsNet 4000\ToolsNetReportingStructureWeb

Web application files for report structure editor

…\ToolsNet 4000\ToolsNetReportingStructureWebService

WebService files for report structure editor

…\ToolsNet 4000\ToolsNetWeb

ToolsNet 4000 main web application files

…\ToolsNet 4000\ToolsNetWebService

ToolsNet 4000 web service (database access) and framework files

…\ToolsNet 4000\xp

Folder for extended stored procedure. No longer used after SR4.

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ToolsNet databases

ToolsNet 4000 includes two separate installation packages to create the required databases. The installation packages will create the databases, add tablespaces and required users on both SQLServer and Oracle. Default database name SQLServer

Default database name Oracle




Storage for Report meta data. Log information from report creation is stored in this database.



Storage for production data such as results and traces.

For Oracle we create a user that is the schema placeholder for both tables, views and stored procedures for both databases. The different services and applications that is part of ToolsNet 4000 accesses the database with other specific users with limited access rights.


Extracting database scripts

It is possible to extract the components from the installation without installing the database. This option is available so that the database administrator can review the scripts before they are used or as a resource for advanced installations where manual changes to the scripts are required. 1. To start the command prompt click Start,and then Run…. Type cmd and press ENTER. 2. Navigate to the location of the database installation msi file. Note! There are 2 msi files in a standard installation, one for the report Meta database, and one for the data collection database. 3. Type msiexec /a “name of msi file”, see example below. Use double quotes around the file name. •

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The name of the file can be copied. Select the file and press F2, then right-click and click Copy. To paste the filename into the Command Prompt, right click and click Paste.

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Note! This will start the installation program to prompt for a local folder and only copy the script files to the selected folder. The database will not be installed.

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This installation guide assumes that all applications are installed on the same server, but it is possible to split the installation on one database server and one collection/reporting server if required.


Before installation

The following preparations should be made prior to installation of ToolsNet 4000 •

If ToolsNet 3000 is installed on the server make sure that ToolsNet 3000 installation is disabled according to Appendix B section B.5 Disable the ToolsNet 3000 installation.

Check that the firewall is OFF.

If installing on a Windows 2008 then configure as described in Appendix A ToolsNet 4000 installation on Windows 2008 Server with IIS 7.0.

Check that your database management system (SQL Server or Oracle) is installed, properly setup, and is running,

For SQLServer: Check that TCP/IP is enabled in SQL Server. Start – programs – Microsoft SQL Server 2005- configuration tools- SQL Server configuration manager Check both Protocols for MSSQLSERVER and Client protocols

For Oracle: Follow Oracle installation instructions in Appendix C Installing ToolsNet 4000 Oracle version

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Internet Information Services (IIS) must be installed

.NET 3.5 must be installed on the server and registered within IIS. o

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ASP.NET must also be an allowed web server extension.

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Hard disks and data files

- check with the database administrator:


That there is free hard disk space for production data.


Which hard disk volume and folder that should be used for production data.


Which hard disk volume and folder that should be used for the transaction log.

How many days of data should be stored (results & graphs, events)

How often to backup the database. Note that the SQL Server transaction log file grows when delete maintenance is running. This log file is truncated when the database is backed up. The DBA needs to have a strategy for keeping a reasonable log file size.


Running the installation

The default installation contains three folders under the root folder. •




– Contains installation and users guide – Contains installation files for the separate applications and databases.

– Contains SQL Server Express, .NET 2.0 installations and more.

The ToolsNet4000 folder contains one file ToolsNetInstall.exe and several sub folders, run the application ToolsNetInstall.exe to start the installation of databases and applications. Run ToolsNetInstall.exe, the installation starts by checking for installed components. This may take some time.

Start by selecting target database management system (SQLServer or Oracle) setting up a database connection. Note! Oracle installations should be done by an expert and only when there’s an Oracle DBA present. Please see the Appendix C Installing ToolsNet 4000 Oracle version for more instructions.

Build a connection string by clicking on Connect to database

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Click Build… to create a database connection string for the installation.

In the list of OLE DB Providers click the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, and then click Next.

Enter or select server name or IP address of the server where the database should be created. If SQLServer has been installed as a named instance, enter SERVERNAME/INSTANCE as the server name. Enter sa as user and the sa password. Note! Database creation requires a user that has privileges to create a new database and add users. The user credentials entered here will only be used for the installation. Select the Allow saving password check box. Select master as database on the server. Press Test Connection

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If the test fails, verify that the entered values in the Data Link Properties window are correct and test until connection is established. After successful test: Click OK to close the Data Link Properties window. Click OK to close the Database connection string window. Select components to be installed by checking the check boxes and press Install to continue.

Note! Follow the instructions in the installation program and use the default values given, unless otherwise stated in the instructions below.

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Data collection database

The ToolsNet 4000 DataCollection database installation will extract sql script files into a local folder and then run them. The database and required users will be created during installation. There is no need to manually create anything in the database. Use the suggested path for the script files or change location by clicking Change… When the path is correct click Next, and then click Install to begin the installation. Note! Scripts can be extracted without running the full installation. This is specified in the section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found..

Enter a folder path for the database files and press OK. Make sure you create the database on a disk drive with sufficient disk space. Note! For data security reasons it is recommended to store the transaction log and data files on separate hard disk drives. To specify a different location for the transaction log and data files select the Advanced (select several folders) check box. The database will be created. When the installation of the production database is ready, click Finish. In a standard installation, the next step is to install the ToolsNet 4000 ReportMetaData database.

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Meta database

Use the suggested path or change location by clicking Change…

When the path is correct click Next, and then click to begin the installation.


Note! Scripts can be extracted without running the full installation. This is specified in the section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found..

Enter a folder path for the database files and press OK. Make sure you create the database on a disk drive with sufficient disk space. Note! For data security reasons it is recommended to store the transaction log and data files on separate hard disk drives. To specify a different location for the transaction log and data files check the Advanced (select several folders) check box. The database will be created. When the installation of the reporting database is ready, click Finish.

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ToolsNet application installation

The ToolsNet application installation offers the option to select a complete or a custom installation. If not explicitly requested by the customer, select the complete setup type. The installation always starts with the same set of dialogs

Complete installation On the welcome screen, click Next. Then confirm the license agreement by clicking I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.

Click Anyone who uses the computer (all users), and then click Next.

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Use the default path or select an alternative location for the ToolsNet 4000 Web applications. Click Next.

Enter server name for the Report Metadata Database server and click Next.

Enter server name for the Data Collection Database server and click Next. Note! Server name for both the Report Metadata and the Data Collection database must be entered.

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Choose Complete and click Next.

As an option, it is possible to enter the email address to the person responsible for the ToolsNet administration. If an e-mail address is entered, the user will get an option to send an e-mail if an error occurs during startup of the web application. Leave the field empty or enter a valid e-mail address. Select starting day of week from the list and click Next. Click Install to begin the installation, and when installation is finished click Finish. Click Next

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Enabling Email module and SPC alarms The Email module and SPC Alarm Services will always be installed with ToolsNet 4000 web applications. The services requires Alerts license package and will be set to manual start up by the installation. Note! If the customer has Alerts license, please go into Services and set these two services to Automatic start up mode.

Custom installation Custom installation will give an advanced installer the option to install web applications and services on different servers. Make a complete installation if not requested otherwise by the customer. Run the ToolsNet application installation as described above, but at the Setup Type dialog choose Custom and click Next. Note! Custom installation allows you to install different components on separate servers. Run the installation on all servers and choose which components to install on which servers.

Select components to install by clicking on the menu icon for each component and choose an action. (It is possible to install the ToolsNet Servers for data collection and the web applications on separate servers.) NOTE: Depending on which components you choose, the installation process will vary. If you install only Data collection servers, you will be prompted to enter Email settings as described above for Complete installation. If you install the Web applications you will be prompted to enter the Data collection server name and the starting day of the week.

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Example of when only ToolsNet web applications have been selected. Services for data collection are to be installed on a different server.

When installing the ToolsNet web applications through Custom installation the ToolsNet Server dialog will appear. Enter the server name for the Data collection server and click Next. Continue installation as described for Complete installation.

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The Atlas Copco Tools AB – Licensing will be installed on the same server as ToolsNet web applications and during the installation of ToolsNet web application you will be prompted with these license dialogs.

Enter the Installation Number for the product. If the installation number is not available click OK. Note! The installation number is required to run the system, but can be entered after installation.

To confirm that the Installation Number is valid click Registration status.

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The license status window lists the product options enabled in the system. Click Close, and then Registration window.

click OK to close the License

Click Finish to exit the wizard.


ToolsNet PowerMACS program version report

In order to see program details from PowerMACS the PM Fastening Program Manager component must be installed on the server. The program history reports also require the proper ToolsNet license, History. Install the component: •

Run the installation program for the PM Fastening Program Manager (PowerMACS Fastening Program Manager.exe) if it has not been installed on the server. Note! You must run the installation of the PM Fastening Program Manger for ALL versions of PowerMACS that you want to view program history for.

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After installation - Running ToolsNet 4000


After installation - Running ToolsNet 4000

Follow these instructions to start, stop or reboot ToolsNet 4000 services and SQL Server.


Starting ToolsNet 4000/Rebooting the server

It is recommended to reboot the server after installation. After reboot the ToolsNet 4000 services should start automatically. Shortcuts to the ToolsNet 4000 applications are available under Start | All Programs | Atlas Copco Tools AB | ToolsNet 4000. Start the ToolsNet service manager. The following services should be running: •


Data Collection

Protocol Interface Module

ToolsNet Email Module (Optional)

Internet Information Services

ToolsNet License checker

For the Alerts license package, the following services should also be started: •

ToolsNet Email Module


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After installation - Running ToolsNet 4000

Start the ToolsNet web application. On Windows 2003 server a prompt may be shown “Content from the web site below is being blocked…” Click Add, Add, and then Close. Select the Internet explorer application (ToolsNet 4000) and press F5 (refresh).

In the main web interface, check the status bar for number of connections. On the server it is also possible to check connections in the TNServer Settings page. To open Data collection settings, click Start | Programs | Atlas Copco Tools AB | ToolsNet 4000 | Configuration Tools, and then click Data collection settings. Click the status bar for more details. Received & buffered messages

show that controllers

communicate with the server. Increasing/High volume of buffered messages indicates

that there are problems storing to database. Increasing DB commits

indicate that data is stored in

the database.

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After installation - Running ToolsNet 4000 Database maintenance:

To keep the database optimized and as compact as possible it is necessary to run frequent maintenance on the database. Click DB maintenance log to view a log of database maintenance activity. Please refer to the chapter 4 Database maintenance for more details.


Stopping ToolsNet 4000

In the event that the ToolsNet 4000 application needs to be stopped, use this instruction. Data will be buffered in the controller in case of connection failure between a Power Focus 3000 or PowerMACS system and the collecting application (TNServer.exe). The results that were produced and buffered in the controller during down time will be retrieved by the data collection module as soon as network connection is established. Note that the available buffer size differs depending on controller type and current configuration. Please consult the manual for the controller and check memory settings/controller configuration to determine the buffer size. ToolsNet License Checker License Internet Information Services does normally not have to be stopped. Be aware that if this service is stopped it will affect web applications that do not belong to the ToolsNet 4000 system.

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After installation - Running ToolsNet 4000

Click Start | All Programs | Atlas Copco Tools AB | ToolsNet 4000, and then click ToolsNet service manager. The following services should be stopped: •

Data Collection

Protocol Interface Module

ToolsNet Email Module (Optional)

ToolsNet License checker

License Note! Internet Information Services does normally not have to be stopped. Be aware that if this service is stopped it will affect web applications that do not belong to the ToolsNet 4000 system.


Stopping and starting SQL Server

As soon as SQL Server is stopped, the ToolsNet 4000 data collection service will start buffering results & graphs to the hard disk drive. This mechanism also protects data if the network connection goes down between the ToolsNet 4000 server and database server. All results that are collected during this time are stored in temporary files with the extension .que. There is one file for each system type: pf.que for PowerFocus 3000, pm.que for PowerMACS and op.que for PowerFocus2000, controllers reporting with FSH protocol and other devices reporting with open protocol. The default path to the .que files is C:\Program Files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\ToolsNet 4000\bin. Information about database connection failure during run time will be logged in the TNServer.log, it is also possible to notify an administrator with a mail in case database connection is broken. Please refer to the chapter 6.5 ToolsNet Settings (server settings) - Database connectivity for more information about the configuration of the database connection mechanism. As soon as SQL Server is started, controller data will be retrieved from the .que files and stored in the database. Note that it may take time to retrieve all data if the database has been stopped for a long while. 9836 4181 01

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Database maintenance


Database maintenance

In order to keep the ToolsNet database up and running with good performance and reliability there are a few maintenance steps that we recommend. •

First of all, take regularly backups of the database, both to secure the data in case of a hardware failure and to keep the transaction log from growing in memory.

Secondly, to keep the transactions and searches fast and optimized it is also necessary to rebuild and reorganize the indexes in the database regularly.

The third step is delete old results that no longer needs to be saved. This reduces the required disk space and improves report creation speed. After a delete maintenance it is also recommended to reorganize the indexes.

The procedure for database maintenance is different on SQL Server 2005/2008 Express and SQL Server 2005/2008 Standard/Enterprise editions. The reason is that express versions do not include the SQL Agent Job Scheduling Service. Instead, a separate scheduled task must be set up in the Windows operating system.


Database maintenance on SQL Server Enterprise/Standard edition

After installation, maintenance jobs are set up in SQL Server. These jobs are by default disabled to avoid that production data is accidentally deleted. Delete maintenance is performed by a number of stored procedures with the prefix tnmt. Job


Default values


All results, graphs and events older than specified number of days to keep will be deleted. The deletion is done in six steps with the possibility to set different values for each step. The default values are the same for all steps Step 1: Results – non safety critical Step 2: Results – safety critical Step 3: Graphs – non safety critical Step 4: Graphs – safety critical Step 5: Events Step 6: MaintenanceLog

Days to keep = 100, Bulksize = 5000 (rows/transaction) Schedule is every day at 01:00

A job to delete all unbound graphs, i.e. traces without a result that have been sent to ToolsNet. This is usually a result of PM data drop commands.

Days to keep = 1 BulkSize = 5000 Schedule everyday at 23:00

ToolsNet_DeleteUnboundGr aphs

Job is disabled

Job is enabled. ToolsNet_IndexRebuild

Rebuilds the indexes physically on the hard drives. Scheduled to run once a week. Makes all transactions and searches faster.

No settings to change. Job is enabled. Scheduled every Sunday at 03:00


Reorganizes the indexes. Scheduled to run once a day. Makes all transactions and searches faster.

No settings to change. Job is enabled. Scheduled every day, but

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Database maintenance Sundays, at 03:00 Metadata_DeleteMaintenance

Deletes all Logs, MaintenanceProgressEvents and MaintenanceLogs that are older than the number of "days to keep" (see each step).

Days to keep = 100, Bulksize = 5000 (rows/transaction) Job is disabled Schedule is every day at 01:00


Rebuilds the indexes physically on the hard drives. Should be scheduled to run once a week. Makes all transactions and searches faster.

No settings to change. Job is enabled. Scheduled every Sunday at 03:00


Reorganizes the indexes. Should be scheduled to run once a day. Makes all transactions and searches faster.

No settings to change. Job is enabled. Scheduled every day, but Sundays, at 03:00


Database backup

We recommend that the ToolsNet data collection database is backed up on regular intervals and that the backups are stored on a separate device, separated from the production environment in order to secure the data. Backups are to be performed with SQL Server or Oracle recommended procedures and not through file copying. For SQL Server we recommend that backup routines are set up by using SQL Server Management Console and scripting the backup to a SQL Server Agent Job that can be scheduled and monitored through SQL Server. Please refer to the SQL Server manuals for detailed instructions on how to do this.


Setting up Delete maintenance

Delete maintenance is set up in the SQL Server Agent job ToolsNet_Delete Maintenance. Follow these steps to enable, set number of days to keep and schedule the job. On the database server: click Start | All programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

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Database maintenance

Go to SQL Server Agent – Jobs. After installation, 6 jobs are set up. Note! SQL Server agent must be installed and started.

Double-click the job to configure settings. Settings are made in the Job Properties window.


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Database maintenance ToolsNet_DeleteMaintenance

has a list of

defined steps. Each delete operation will delete data in batches. Each batch deletes a max number of rows = @BulkSize. This will be repeated until all data older than @DaysToKeep is deleted. To set number of days to keep, and bulk size: 1.

Select Steps.


For each Job step 1 to 6, click Edit.


In the General tab/command field, set the correct value after @DaysToKeep. Note! @DaysToKeep = 0 will keep data from the current day.


Click OK.

To change the schedule, go to Job and select Schedules.


To set up the schedule: 1. Select the job in the Schedule list 2. Press Edit 3. Enter the desired schedule 4. If the job should run from now on, check the Enabled check box. 5. Click OK.

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Database maintenance


Index reorganize and Index rebuild

Index reorganize and Index rebuild are also set up as a job in SQL Server Agent. The reorganize job should be run once a day on a database with lots of transactions and the rebuild job should be run once a week. The index maintenance is set up with this schema by default.


Database maintenance on SQL Server Express

Database maintenance on a SQL Server Express database needs to be set up through Scheduled Tasks in Windows operating system. After installing ToolsNet 4000 folder, there are a set of bat-files for database maintenance in the bin folder that are to be scheduled manually.


Setting up a scheduled task in Windows

Follow these steps to add a Scheduled Task in Windows. It is the same procedure for all database maintenance jobs. 1. To open Scheduled Tasks on the database server, click Start | Settings | Control panel, and then double-click Scheduled Tasks. Double-click Add Scheduled Task to add a new Scheduled Task, and then click Next to start the wizard.

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Database maintenance

2. Browse for the batch file and select the file/program to run. The following files will be found in the folder Utilites/Database maintenance for SQL Express on the installation media: •




Backup_AtlasCopco_ReportFramework_Meta data.bat

3. Set how often the task should be performed and the starting time. Recommended: Backup: Daily Delete maintenance: Daily Index rebuild: Weekly

4. Select the time and click Next. Recommended start time: •

00:00/12 AM for backups

02:00/2 AM for truncate transaction log

01:00/1 AM for delete maintenance

02:00/ 2 AM for Index reorganize

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Database maintenance

5. Enter username and password for the user that automatically executes the task and click Next. Note! The user account used must be set up with a password in order for the scheduled task to work. 6. Then verify your entries and click Finish.


Database backup

To run backups when using SQL Server Express edition, please read the ReadMe.txt file in the Utilities/Database maintenance for SQL Express folder on the ToolsNet 4000 installation CD. The SQL Server Express should be the default database instance, otherwise the scripts has to be edited.

1. Copy bat files to the ToolsNet 4000\bin directory (C:\Program Files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\ToolsNet 4000\bin) 2. Modify path to where the backup file should be located in Backup_AtlasCopco_ReportFramework_Metadata.bat

3. Modify path to where the backup file should be located in Backup_AtlasCopco_ToolsNet_Database.bat

4. Create a Scheduled Task for Backup_AtlasCopco_ReportFramework_Metadata.bat 5. Create a Scheduled Task for Backup_AtlasCopco_ToolsNet_Database.bat


Delete maintenance on SQL Server 2005 Express

The database maintenance batch will delete old rows as specified in the batch. There are six different commandos to run in the batch file; two for deleting results (safety critical and non safety critical), two for graphs (safety critical and non safety critical), one for events and one for programs and units that no longer has any data connected to them. These are the default values used for delete maintenance in the batch files: •

Events: @DaysToKeep = 100, @BulkSize = 5000

Results: @DaysToKeep = 100, @BulkSize = 5000

Graphs: @DaysToKeep = 100, @BulkSize = 5000

Programs/units: @DaysToKeep = 100

Programs/units will be deleted if all results for that program/unit are deleted. 36 (86)

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Database maintenance

@BulkSize is the number of rows that are deleted for each transaction. This can be tuned for optimum performance by the database administrator.


Index rebuild and index reorganize

The bat file for reorganizing index doesn’t contain any settings, just schedule the jobs at an appropriate time. Follow the same steps as described for delete maintenance. The bat file for delete maintenance also contains calls to Index rebuild after the delete maintenance is done.


Verifying database maintenance

When delete maintenance or index rebuild is run, all actions are logged in the database. This is regardless if have a SQL Server Enterprise/Standard Edition or SQL Server Express. Database maintenance is logged into two tables in the database. •



The information can be viewed in two separate logs in the ToolsNet 4000 web application. Click Connections Maintenance Log.

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in the status bar, and then click DB

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Accessing multiple databases


Accessing multiple databases

ToolsNet is able to present reports from different data sources in one single web interface. This makes it possible to access: •

multiple production databases

multiple archive databases.

any other database in the customers’ environment, as long as a report database function and template is created for this database.

Each additional database is presented in a drop down list in the ToolsNet interface as soon as an additional database is specified. This enables the end user to select which database to use when running reports. Database settings are configured in the file ToolsNetConnectionString.config. Edit the file in notepad or similar editor. Default file location and name is C:\Program Files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\ToolsNet 4000\bin\ ToolsNetConnectionString.config.


ToolsNet Archive database(s)

This instruction assumes that there is one default production database and one archive database called AtlasCopco_ToolsNet_Archive

1. Find the xml element in the file. This is the connection string to the production database. 2. Copy everyting from to and underneath so you get two identical entries in the file. The key tag value must be unique. 3. Change the key to a different name, ex. 4. Change the DisplayName to ToolsNet Archive. It is the display name that will be listed in the user interface for database selection. 5. Modify the ConnectionStringTemplate to point to the archive database a. Edit Data Source=, so that the IP address is correct for the archive database. b. Modify Initial Catalog=AtlasCopco_ToolsNet_Archive , change AtlasCopco_ToolsNet_Archive so that the database name is correct for the archive database. 6. Save the file. 7. Start or refresh the ToolsNet web GUI, it should now have a drop down list showing ToolsNet and ToolsNet Archive.

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Databases other than ToolsNet

ToolsNet supports running reports on other databases than ToolsNet databases. 1. Copy a section like described for creating a connection to an archive database.. 2. Change the DisplayName to show a name of the database. It is the display name that will be listed in the user interface for database selection. 3. Set the DataBaseType element to define what type of database and reports the connection string defines.. 4. Modify the ConnectionStringTemplate to point to the database. 5. Set the Default user ID and Password. 6. Set the Report user ID and Password. The specified user must have execute permission to the report procedure(s) in the custom database. 7. Save the file. 8. Start or refresh the ToolsNet web GUI, it should now have a drop down list showing ToolsNet and Custom Database

9. Each report template that should be used on this database must be edited so that ConnectionString type in the report template is the same as the Database Type value (default CustomDatabase).

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Database connections for web applications ToolsNetConfigurationString.config

Default path C:\program files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\bin Description


Collection of database connections that can be reached from the ToolsNet web GUI

Unique key for each connection

Show or hide the display name in the web gui. Value can be true (name is shown) or false (name is not shown)

set value here

Name to display in the web GUI user selection.

set value here

Target type for the connection string. Note that production database and archive database have the same type, because the database has the same objects and structure.

set the value here

Each report (template) is tied to a database type, identified in the report template with ConnectionString

type. For Custom databases add any custom name that uniquely defines the type.

Default user for report procedure execution.

Different users for the system

Used values: Report user, ReportstructureUser, AdminUser

Login credentials for each user.

user name password

Note! This file is stored on server side. Viewing and Editing of these credentials require windows admin password to the server.

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Configuration of ToolsNet applications

Most of the aspects of the web applications are configured on the server in the web configuration files. This chapter contains a description of the locations and settings that are available.


ToolsNet Web

This section describes the configuration file for ToolsNet Web. The configuration file can be modified by opening the file in a text editor. Only values highlighted in bold text in the example below must be changed. These values can only be changed by editing this configuration file and are not accessed through a settings dialog. Default file location and name: C:\Program Files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\ToolsNet 4000\ToolsNetWeb\web.config. Description


Physical path to the web application log file


IP address and port for data collection status reporting in status bar.

If the web server has a fixed IP address, change it here. Physical path for the translation file containing translations for the texts that are shown in the web application.

Email address for ToolsNet admin, if an error occurs during web startup, user gets a link option.

Default subject text in admin mail

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Default text in mail message

Starting day of week (0=Sunday, 1= Monday)


Web address to the ToolsNet Web Service. This is the interface to get information about the default or custom defined controller groupings.

If the web server has a fixed IP address, change it here. Address to ToolsNet Web Service. This is the interface to get information about the default or custom defined controller groupings.

If the web server has a fixed IP address, change it here.



Default file location and name: C:\Program Files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\ToolsNet 4000\ToolsNetWebService\bin\framework.config



Physical path to reports base folder

Sub folder in reports base folder where generated reports are stored as xml files

Sub folder in reports base folder where report templates must be stored

Generated reports are deleted after a specified number of hours. The value must be an integer (whole hours)

Physical path to database connection string configuration file.


Report structure editor

Default file location and name: C:\Program Files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\ToolsNet 4000\ToolsNetReportingStructureWeb\web.config



Address to report structure interface. This address is used to get the structure from a web service (ToolsNetReportingStructureWebService). The web service connects to the database and returns structure information when a request is made.

set value here


Report structure web service

Default file location and name: C:\Program Files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\ToolsNet 4000\ToolsNetReportingStructureWebService\ Web.config



Physical path to database connection string configuration file. This is used by the web service to connect to the database and return the report structure to the report structure editor and ToolsNet web application.


ToolsNet Settings (server settings)

The ToolsNet settings page is a separate web interface where the server registry settings can be edited. The page can be accessed from a browser on the server where the TN service is running. For security reasons it is not possible to run the web page from any other computer. ToolsNet parameters settings can be reached in several ways: •

From Start – Programs – Atlas Copco Tools AB – ToolsNet 4000 – Configuration Tools – Data collection settings

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From the ToolsNet service manager – Data collection. Click the icon

From a web browser on the server enter

To view advanced settings, select the Show advanced options box and click Store settings. Basic mode will always be presented as the default option even if advanced option has been used previously. To save any changes made on ToolsNet Server Settings page, click Store.

Registry settings - general Setting/Button



Show advanced options

Show/Hides advanced setting options.

Check/Uncheck the box and press the button Store settings to show/hide advanced options.

License IP

IP address for License server.

Lost tightening timer PF3000

Set up this value if PF has speed problems when communicating.

Default should be 0.

Use MAC address

Prompts TNServer to use MAC address as identifier for PowerFocus units, instead of using the IP address of the unit.

Used for cases when NAT (Network address translation) devices are used in between PowerFocus unit and ToolsNet. Note that web reports will show MAC address instead of IP address if this option is used.





Shows current database connection status.

Use F5 or refresh in the browser to ensure that the latest status is presented.

Queue path

Enter path to the buffer files that store data during lost database connection.

SMTP host

IP address of the mail server to which alert message is sent in case of database connection failure.

Sender email

Email address that appears as ‘From’ address in the mail that is sent.

Notification receivers

Email addresses of the person(s) that should be notified if database connection is lost.


Store the recent changes.

Database connectivity

Leave blank in case this option is not required. Multiple addresses should be separated with comma.

Time Server Settings Setting/Button



Set frequency for time update from TNServer to connected PF3000 controllers.

Time protocol

Time synchronization messages can be sent either as multicast messages, which are not routable, or as UDP messages, which can pass routers.

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Check the box for UDP. Uncheck box for multicast.

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Log settings Setting/Button



Use extended logging

Affects the information provided in the TNServer.log. Check the box Use extended logging and press Store settings to enable extended logging.

Note that extended log consumes resources. This setting should be unchecked during normal production.

Produce ToolsNet 3000 backup files Setting/Button


Produce ToolsNet 3000 Queue files

Check the box to enable backup mode. Restart Data collection service.


Archive interval in minutes

Minutes before active files are converted into files that can be read by TNRestoreService

Default 60 minutes

Path for ToolsNet 3000 queue files (*.que)

Path to folder where backup files are created

Default c:\TN3000Backup\




System/Connections/Last event/Messages

Number of messages in queue should be low. Increasing number of messages in queue over a longer period of time indicates that the ToolsNet Server has problems receiving and storing information in the database with current data load.

This value can increase for some time when ToolsNet Server recovers old data from controllers.

Connected controllers

The IP address of each controller, connected to the data collection service.

This information can be used to verify that controllers have connected to the TNServer.

Additional settings

Note! This list can show the same controller IP address multiple times, if the connection between the controller and ToolsNet Server has been lost and then established. Lost connections are cleared every 10 minutes. To update the information about connected controllers press refresh button on the browser.

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SPC Alarm Service

The SPC Alarm Service is automatically installed on the server with ToolsNet web applications. This feature requires the Alerts license package. The service is set to Manual start up mode as default by the installation. Set the service to Automatic start up mode for usage. The service will run SPC alarm checks on a regular interval. The interval is by default set to 15 minutes but can be changed in the ServiceAlarm.exe.config file. Setting it to a low value will make it check more often, with a performance impact. Setting it to a very high value will give the service more new data to work with, with a performance impact.


E-mail settings

The ToolsNet Email module Service is set to Manual start up mode during installation, this should be changed to Automatic if the customer has Alerts license.


Program settings

These settings are accessed from the ToolsNet Aministration’s Email module tab. Program settings are general settings, such as language or e-mail server parameters for the application. Setting




Determines the language used for the event text that is sent in the mail. Note that language adaption of the static text in the mail is made in separate template files. More information in the section 6.7.2 Customizing the e-mail message below.

Requires a restart of TNEmail service after change

Date and Time format

Date and time notation used depending on country.

Mail server name

The name of the SMTP server

Requires a restart of TNEmail service after change

Mail server user name

User for logging in on the SMTP mail server

Requires a restart of TNEmail service after change

Mail server password

Password for logging in on the SMTP server

Requires a restart of TNEmail service after change

Mail sender address

Will appear as the sender in the mail client

Requires a restart of TNEmail service after change

Server IP number

TNServer IP address for event subscription. The Email module will subscribe to messages from the specified ToolsNet server (TNServer.exe). The TNServer service will forward any events directly to the listening email module.

Server port number

TNServer port for event subscription

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Default value should be 4680

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Customizing the e-mail message

It is possible to customize the subject and body of the e-mail message, and to include information from the event anywhere in the e-mail body. 1

Close the e-mail module from the TNserver manager.


On the server, make a backup copy of the files C:\Program Files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\ EMail Module \body..template and subject..template


Open the original files, and write the text the way it should look in the e-mail. Add any supported tags, for example ${IPAddress} where additional information from the event should be placed.


Save the files. The files should be stored in the same directory as the e-mail module (TNEmail.exe). •

The file subject..template is used to format the subject row for the language specified by the language code.

The file body..template is be used to format the mail body text for the language specified by the language code. Note! All supported tags, for example ${IPAddress} will be replaced with data from the reported event or event source. Other text is kept the way it is.


Filtering messages in the e-mail client or server

Notice that it is often possible to use the text in the subject row to filter messages in either the mail server or the mail client (for example Outlook or Lotus Notes) This can be used to handle messages differently depending on the rule and the text in the subject row. Examples: •

Use Controller IP address or part of IP address in the subject row to forward the mail to the right group of people.

Use “level” description to sort mail in different folders in your mail application.

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Application configuration files

This section specifies the location and purpose of some of the files that are included in the installation package. Root:\Program Files\Atlas Copco AB\Email Module\TNEmail This folder contains the files required by the event\email distribution service config.xml

Contains program settings

distribution rules.xml

Contains rules, events and email addresses


Contains cached controllers and their location paths in reporting structures.


List of email addresses


This file is updated from the ToolsNet database tables


Support log for the email module


Configuration file for log settings

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Appendix A ToolsNet 4000 installation on Windows 2008 Server with IIS 7.0 To install ToolsNet 4000 on a Windows 2008 Server with IIS 7.0 a few steps must be taken: •

IIS must be installed and the IIS 6.0 scripting compatibility mode

ASP.Net must be an allowed web server extension

Open the Server Manager and click Roles in the structure window. If IIS is not present, click Add Roles.

Select the Web Server (IIS) check box and click Next to continue, and then click Next in the following dialog.

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Click Role Services in the left menu and select the ASP.NET check box under Application Development.

Add the required roles and features by clicking Add Required Role Services.

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Click Role Services in the left menu and select the •

IIS Management Scripts and Tools

IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility

IIS 6 WMI Compatibility

IIS 6 Scripting Tools

check boxes under Management Tools and IIS 6 Management Compatibility. Review, and click Next to continue.

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Review all the installation selections and click Install to proceed with the installation

The installation of IIS with ASP.Net and IIS 6.0 Compability mode. Click Close and then close the Server Manager.

Open the Server Manager again to configure it.

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Expand Roles -and Web Server (IIS) and click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

In the connection window expand Computer Name - Sites

and click Default Web Site

Click Advanced Settings…

In the Advanced Settings dialog box click Application Pool in the (General) list and click to select Application Pool.

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In the Application Pool list, click Classic .NET AppPool. Close the dialogs and the server manager. IIS has now been installed and configured for installation of Toolsnet 4000.

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Appendix B Transition from ToolsNet 3000 to ToolsNet 4000 ToolsNet 4000 can produce ToolsNet 3000 backup files in order to ensure a safe transition from ToolsNet 3000 to ToolsNet 4000. •

If only one server is available, the old data collection components must be disabled. The ToolsNet 3000 web application and database can remain on the server. The ToolsNet 3000 web application can be used to view data as usual.

If a new server is available, then it is possible to let some controllers report to ToolsNet 4000 while other controllers still report to the old ToolsNet 3000 system. The data from the controllers reporting to the new system will be available in both ToolsNet 4000 and ToolsNet 3000.

Note that the TNRestoreService application is distributed with ToolsNet W5 SR12 or higher. SR4 requires ToolsNet W5 SR13 in order to work.


Transition on one server

In short, the transition on one server is done by 1. Upgrade the server running ToolsNet 3000 to latest ToolsNet 3000 version. 2. Copy the Restore service files to a local folder and start the RestoreServiceManager. 3. Use RestoreServiceManager to disable the old ToolsNet 3000 data collection components. 4. Install ToolsNet 4000. 5. Use RestoreServiceManager to enable ToolsNet 4000 backup mode for ToolsNet 3000. 6. Data that was stored in ToolsNet 3000, before the transition, can be viewed in the ToolsNet 3000 web report application. 7. Data that is stored after ToolsNet 4000 is installed and put into backup mode can be viewed in the both the ToolsNet 3000 and ToolsNet 4000 web applications. 9836 4181 01

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8. If ToolsNet 4000 encounters problems, it is possible to revert to ToolsNet 3000 and any data that was sent to ToolsNet 4000 during the startup period can be restored from the backup files into the ToolsNet 3000 system.


Transition with two servers

This section describes how to enable transition mode with one old ToolsNet 3000 server and a new ToolsNet 4000 server. Note! The new data collection needs to be on a separate server if some controllers should be reporting to the new ToolsNet 4000 at the same time. The rest of the controllers report to the existing ToolsNet 3000 installation. With this setup it is possible to test ToolsNet 4000 with a couple of controllers, and ramp up number of controllers during a period. 1. Upgrade the server running ToolsNet 3000 to latest ToolsNet 3000 version. 2. Install ToolsNet 4000 on the new server. 3. Enable ToolsNet 4000 backup mode for ToolsNet 3000. 4. Edit database connection string for TNRestoreService so that it points to the old installation. 5. Data that was stored in ToolsNet 3000, before the transition, can be viewed in the ToolsNet 3000 web report application. 6. Data that is stored after ToolsNet 4000 is installed and put into backup mode can be viewed in the both the ToolsNet 3000 and ToolsNet 4000 web applications.


IP-address vs. MAC-address

As default, ToolsNet 4000 uses MAC address as identifier of the reporting units. ToolsNet 3000 uses IP address. The following settings are possible when doing transition: •


ToolsNet 3000 running in MAC-address mode / ToolsNet 4000 in MAC-address mode.

ToolsNet 3000 running in IP-address mode / ToolsNet 4000 in MAC address mode.

It is not recommended to run the combination with ToolsNet 3000 in MAC-address mode and ToolsNet 4000 in IP address mode.


Viewing ToolsNet 3000 data

To view ToolsNet 3000 data when the ToolsNet 3000 data collection is disabled, simply use the web browser as usual. The web interface will not be disabled.

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Disable the ToolsNet 3000 installation

Start with upgrading ToolsNet 3000. Note! ToolsNet 3000 must be upgraded to W5-SR10 or later. 1. Close all open applications. Make sure TNServerManager is closed. 2. Run the executable RestoreServiceManager from the Utilities\TNRestoreService.


3. Click Disable ToolsNet W5.

The ToolsNet 3000 executables will remain on the hard disk and be unregistered. They will not appear in the Services dialogue and will not be able to start or stop.


Install ToolsNet 4000

Install ToolsNet 4000 according to instructions in section 2 Installation.


ToolsNet 4000 backup mode

When ToolsNet 4000 runs in backup mode it will create backup files (.que files) that can be restored into ToolsNet 3000. It is not recommended to run ToolsNet 4000 in backup mode for a greater transition period than 1-2 weeks, because of the amount of data produced in backup mode Every hour (default but configurable) the active queue files will be converted into files readable by the restore service. The restore service will check the backup folder for new files every minute and restore them into the ToolsNet 3000 database. 1. In Windows Explorer create a folder where ToolsNet 4000 will store ToolsNet 3000 backup files. For example C:\TN3000Backup\ 2. Run the executable RestoreServiceManager from the CD Utilities\TNRestoreService next to the QueueFileBackupPath and select the folder created in step 1. 3. Press the button This path must be available and writable from the server otherwise no backup files will be produced. 4. Press the button Enable Backup-mode. W7 will now be running in backup mode and the restore service is copied to the ToolsNet W5 folder, registered as a service and started automatically.

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5. Verify that backup files are created by checking the folder specified in QueueFileBackupPath. This folder should now contain three files: •




6. Verify that the TNRestoreService is started (In Windows: Administrative tools – Services – TNRestoreService) Active queue files will default remain active for one hour. This value can be altered in the TNServer settings. After this time all active files are renamed and replaced with empty active files. The files that are not active can be restored into the ToolsNet 3000 database by the TNRestoreService.


Disabling ToolsNet 4000 backup mode after transition

When transition period is over, disable the backup mode. 1. Start the application RestoreServiceManager. 2. Press the button Disable Backup-mode. Note! Data received after disabling backup cannot be restored into ToolsNet 3000.


Reverting to ToolsNet 3000 (W5)

1. Start the application RestoreServiceManager. 2. Press the button Enable ToolsNet W5(Go back) The ToolsNet 4000 installation and database will remain on the server but the services will be disabled.

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Appendix C Installing ToolsNet 4000 Oracle version Note! SQL Server is the recommended database platform for ToolsNet 4000. The Oracle version is to be installed by advanced installers approved by the ACTA SW Market Support team only and at customers where there’s an Oracle DBA available. ToolsNet 4000 supports both Oracle 11g and Oracle 10g on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. Oracle 9i is not supported.



If Oracle is not installed, ask the DBA to install and set up the Oracle database server. The DBA do not have to set up any specific user, schema or table space. This is all taken care of by the installation program. Logon information for a user that has access rights to create users, schemas, tables and stored procedures is required.


Oracle Net client

Install Oracle Net client on the server for web applications and services if the database is on a separate server. If the server for web and services is a 64-bit machine both the 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle clients must be installed. Order of installation does not matter but the environment path must be modified so that the 64bit path comes before the 32-bit path. Follow the Oracle installation guide to do this.


Setting up Net configuration (tnsnames)

Setup TNSNames for…. Enter the net name alias you have setup locally in your Oracle Net Configuration Manager. Enter a system administrator user and password. Start the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant and click Local Net Service Name configuration. Click Next

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Click Add to add a new net service name and then click Next.

Enter the Oracle Service name as it is configured on the Oracle server. In this example the Service is named tnora1. Click Next.

Select the protocol used for database access. Click TCP and then click Next.

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Enter the host name. This is the name or IPaddress of the database server. Click Next.

Test the database connection to see if it is configured properly Click Yes and then click Next to perform the test.

The default setting for user name and password should be invalid and you would get an error message like this. Click Change Login to modify user name and password.

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Change the user name and password to match the credentials you’ve been given by the Oracle DBA. Click OK.

When the login and setup is correct, you should be presented with a successful messagen Click Next to continue.

Give the configured net service connection a name. This is the name that you will refer to when making database connections in the ToolsNet installation. It can be the same as the net service name, or set to something descriptive like toolsnet. Click Next to save the configuration.

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Click No. One net service name is enough for the ToolsNet installation Click Next.

Click Next to finish the configuration.

The content in the tnsnames.ora file should look like this after configuration.


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Registering Oracle.DataAccess.dll in the GAC

The Oracle.DataAccess.dll must be registered in the GAC in order for the ToolsNet applications to get access to the proper version. This is done on the services and web application server. If running on a 64bit platform, registration must be done for both the 64-bit and 32-bit 1. To start the command prompt click Start,and then Run…. Type cmd and press ENTER. 2. Navigate to the 32-bit oracle client folder and the\bin\[version no] folder and run the OraProvCfg.exe file with the full path to the Oracle.DataAccess.dll 3. Type OraProvCfg.exe /action:gac /providerpath:[fullpath to the data access dll]\Oracle.DataAccess.dll

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Installation steps

Use the ToolsNet install.exe application to install ToolsNet, it will install databases and applications in the proper order. Use the ToolsNet install.exe application to install ToolsNet, it will install databases and applications in the proper order. In Select target database click Oracle and then click Connect to database to set up a database connection.

This is the dialog for building a connection string. Click Build… to continue.

Click Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle and then click Next.

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Enter the server name. Note! This is the naming you gave in the Oracle Net Configuration setup. It is not the server name or IP address, neither the oracle Service name (even though it can be the same) Check allow saving password and click test connection.

Click OK after a successful connection has been verified.

Click OK to finish the setup of building the connection string.

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Click Install to start the installation programs.

Select which Oracle client version to use and then click Ok.

The ToolsNet application installation will prompt for database server name or IP address. Note! Enter the tnsnames for the database server here. The value should be prefilled from the verified connection you made in the ToolsNet Install.exe application. Click Next to continue.

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Use the suggested path for the script files or change location by clicking Change… When the path is correct click Next, and then click Install to begin the installation. Note! Scripts can be extracted without running the full installation. This is specified in the section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found..

Enter a folder path for the database files and click OK. Make sure to create the database on a disk drive with sufficient disk space. Note! For data security reasons it is recommended to store the transaction log and data files on separate hard disk drives. To specify a different location for the transaction log and data files select the Advanced (select several folders) check box.

Note! Remember to check the Local install if the database installation is done on a remote server.

Note! If the remote Oracle database server is a Linux or Unix server, enter a unix file path here. The database will be created. When the installation of the production database is ready, click Finish.

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Database maintenance

Database maintenance consists of delete or purge of old data, and of backups. The installation scripts for both the DataCollection and the metadata database will add a few scheduled jobs to Oracles scheduler. Backups is also a very important part of the database maintenance and database security. This has to be set up manually together with the Oracle DBA.


Delete maintenance

The following jobs have been added to the scheduler Job


Default values


All results, graphs and events older than specified number of days to keep will be deleted. The deletion is done in six steps with the possibility to set different values for each step. The default values are the same for all steps Step 1: Results – non safety critical Step 2: Results – safety critical Step 3: Graphs – non safety critical Step 4: Graphs – safety critical Step 5: Events

Days to keep = 100, Bulksize = 5000 (rows/transaction) Schedule is every day at 01:00

DeleteMaintenanceUnBound Graph

A job to delete all unbound graphs, i.e. traces without a result that have been sent to ToolsNet. This is usually a result of PM data drop commands.

Days to keep = 1 BulkSize = 5000 Schedule everyday at 02:35


Job to clear the delete maintenance log

Bulk size 5000 Scheduled at 01:00


Deletes all Logs, MaintenanceProgressEvents and MaintenanceLogs that are older than the number of "days to keep" (see each step).

Days to keep = 100, Bulksize = 5000 (rows/transaction) Job is disabled Schedule is every day at 01:00

Job is not enabled

Job is enabled.

The name, scheduling and details of the jobs can be listed by running the following command: SELECT OWNER, JOB_Name, job_action, last_start_date, last_run_duration, repeat_interval, comments FROM dba_scheduler_jobs WHERE owner = 'ATLASCOPCO_TOOLSNET';

The delete maintenance job is not enabled and should be configured with the proper settings before it is enabled. We recommend that SQLDeveloper version 3 or later is used to update the jobs but they can also be modified via sql scripts and calls to the dba scheduling procedures. Look in your Oracle documentation for reference.

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We recommend that the database is backed up according to Oracle procedures to secure the data. Backups should be setup together with the Oracle DBA.


Advanced Oracle installation Note! Advanced Oracle installation is for experts only!

There are a few different scenarios on doing a ToolsNet installation 1. Regular installation a. Local installation (Windows) b. Remote installation (Windows) c. Remote installation (Linux/Unix) 2. Modified installation a. Changing the tablespace names b. Changing Database name c. Multiple users (archive databases) The regular installations are covered in previous sections for SQLServer and Oracle installation.


Running the database installation manually

Any advanced database installation will require that you first extract the database script files as described in section 1.4.1 Extracting database scripts in order to modify the files. Make modifications as described in the section below and run the DBInstallWrapper.exe manually from the command prompt with the correct parameters. DBInstallWrapper.exe Script=".\DataCollection\Oracle\DataCollectionWrappe r.cfg" DataBaseName=AtlasCopco_ToolsNet

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Changing the database name

This section describes how to modify the database name for a first time installation of the database. 1. Modify the DataCollectionWrapper.cfg and change the DATABASENAME=AtlasCopco_ToolsNet to DATABASENAME=NewDatabaseName1 2. Repeat the rename for the Meta database in ReportMetaDataWeapper.cfg DATABASENAME=AtlasCopco_RF_Meta to DATABASENAME=NewDatabaseName2 3. Run the database installation manually from command prompt (Described in section C.4.1 Running the database installation manually) and use the NewDatabaseName1 and NewDatabaseName2 as the parameter for DataBaseName.


Archive database and multiple users

In order to have two ToolsNet databases within the same Oracle installation, one for production data and one archive database, you must: 1. Extract the database scripts files as described in section 1.4.1 Extracting database scripts. 2.

Modify the Database name as described in section C.4.2 Changing the database name

3. Modify the script files where users and roles are created. (Search for Create users) all users names and all roles so that the archive users and roles gets new unique names in the Oracle instance. 4. Modify the grants to match the new roles. 5. Run the database installation manually from command prompt (Described in section C.4.1 Running the database installation manually). There is no need to create an archive for the Report meta database, all logging of report progress and error messages is always done to the same database. 9836 4181 01

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Changing the table space names

1. Extract the database scripts files as described in section 1.4.1 Extracting database scripts. 2. Modify the tablespace names by modifying all files that creates database files and tables. It is approximately 10 files to modify. Use a tool like Programmers Notepad to do search and replace in multiple files at once. 3. Do this for each table space name you want to replace. 4. Run the database installation manually from command prompt (Described in section C.4.1 Running the database installation manually). 5. Repeat for both the DataCollection database and the meta database

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Appendix D Setting access right to web applications By default the ToolsNet web application and report structure web application are set up in the IIS with anonymous authentication enabled. This gives anyone with access to the server access to the web application. To limit access to any of the web applications or a particular page in one of the web applications the Authorization Manager (AzMan) tool may be used. AzMan is installed by default on Windows 2003 Server but must be installed manually on Windows XP. Install the Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack on Windows XP, which you can download from The benefit of using AzMan is that it provides an administrative console for managing roles, tasks, operations, and users. Please follow the example below to restrict access to the ToolsNet 4000 Administration web (ToolsNetReportingStructureWeb site). See also: “How to: Use Authorization manager (AzMan) with ASP.NET 2.0” at Microsoft MSDN (


Restricting access to the Toolsnet 4000 Administration web

To restrict access to the ToolsNet 4000 Administration web use the: •

Azman tool

Computer Management tool

ASP.NET Configuration tool

Then perform the following steps: 1. Create a ToolsNet policy store Create an AzMan policy stores in an XML file, Active Directory, or ADAM. This guide shows how to create an AzMan policy store in an XML file. 2. Create a ToolsNet application to contain our user roles Create an application in the policy store to act as a container for the roles. 3. Define a ToolsNet administrative role called ToolsNetAdministrator Create a role using AzMan. To be mapped to Windows users later on. 4. Create necessary Windows Users and/or Windows Groups Use Computer Management to create Windows Users and/or Windows Groups to be used by the new role. 5. Assign users to the new role Assign users/groups to the new role. 9836 4181 01

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6. Connect to the policy store, configure role management and authorize the new role to the ASP.NET web application Modify the web.config file of the web application. Be careful of type errors and unintended line breaks. 7. Disable anonymous authentication in IIS Disable anonymous authentication to give the users possibility to log in with the right credentials.


Creating a ToolsNet policy store in an XML file

To create an AzMan Policy store: 1. At the Windows command prompt, enter azman.msc to open the Authorization Manager MMC snap-in. 2. On the Action menu, click Options, and then click Developer mode. Developer mode exposes options, such as store creation, that are not available in Administrator mode. 3. On the Action menu, click New Authorization Store. Set the Authorization store type as XML File. 4. Enter the full store name, for example: C:\PolicyStore\ToolsNetStore.xml. Click the Locations button to navigate to the AzMan store, or create a folder where it will be stored. 5. Right-click ToolsNetStore.xml, and then click Properties. In the Properties window, click the Security tab. 6. Under Authorization Manager user role, select Administrator. Click the Add button to add the account that ASP.NET uses (the Network Service account – Windows 2003 Server) for this role.


Creating a ToolsNet application for defining user roles

To create the AzMan application: 1. Make sure ToolsNetStore.xml is selected in the console tree. On the Actions menu, click New Application. 2. Enter a name for the application. For this example, enter ToolsNetApplication in the Application Name box, and leave the Description and Version Info boxes empty.

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Defining a ToolsNet administrative role called ToolsNetAdministrator

To define roles with AzMan: 1. In the AzMan Management Console tree, expand ToolsNetApplication, and then expand Definitions. 2. Right-click Role Definitions, and then click New Role Definition. 3. In the Name box, type ToolsNetAdministratorRole, and then click OK.

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Creating Windows Users and/or Windows Groups

In this step, use Computer Management (found in Control Panel | Administrative Tools) to create Windows Users and/or Windows Groups which are then assigned to the new role. Go to Computer Management | System Tools | Local Users and Groups. There are two options, either create a Windows Group for ToolsNet Administration and add any existing Windows User or define a specific Windows User for ToolsNet Administration. •

Create a Windows Group called ToolsNetAdministrators and then add any Windows Users to become ToolsNet administrators.


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Define a specific Windows User called for example ToolsNetAdmin used to log in by anyone who wants to perform ToolsNet administration.

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Assigning user(s) to the new ToolsNetAdministrationRole

Return to the AzMan Tool to assign users/groups to the new role. Assign a user or a group to a role: 1. Right-click the Role Assignments folder and then click Assign Roles. 2. In the dialog box, click the ToolsNetAdministratorRole check box, and then click OK. 3. Right-click ToolsNetAdministratorRole in the Role Assignments folder in the console tree, and then click Assign Windows Users and Groups. 4. Type ToolsNetAdministrators, click Check Names, and then click OK. This assigns all the members of the group ToolsNetAdministrators to the ToolsNetAdministratorRole.

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Connecting to the policy store and authorizing the defined role(s)

Connecting to the policy store and performing user and role management can be made either by configuring the web.config file or using the ASP.NET Configuration tool.

Configuring the web.config file Connecting to the policy store – web.config 1. Open the web.config file of the ToolsNetReportingStructureWeb, usually found in the C:\Program Files\Atlas Copco Tools AB\ToolsNet 4000\ToolsNetReportingStructureWeb folder. 2. Find the configuration section and modify it by defining a connection string to the AzMan policy store in the element. For example, to create a connection string to C:\PolicyStore\ToolsNetStore.xml, use the following configuration. IMPORTANT: Be sure to place it after the element. …

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Configuring role management – web.config Configure the application to use the role provider RoleManagerAzManProvider by adding the following elements under the system.web section. Define a element with the connectionStringName attribute set to the name of the connection string we defined in the previous step, and we must set the applicationName attribute to the name of the AzMan application we created in the AzMan store:

Authorizing the new role to the web application – web.config 1. Setup rules that allow or deny access to web site in the section of the Web.config file. For the ToolsNetReportingStructureWeb, allow the newly defined role ToolsNetAdministratorRole access and deny all other users access. 2. Modity the section:

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ASP.NET Configuration It is also possible to make the configurations described in this section in the ASP.NET Configuration settings of the web site in IIS, instead of manually modifying the Web.config file. (This tool may also be used to check the configuration in the Web.config file): 1. Select the website to configure in IIS and select Properties.

2. Select the ASP.NET tab and then click Edit Configuration… to open the ASP.NET Configuration Settings

dialog box.

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Connecting to the policy store – ASP.NET On the General tab the LocalPolicyStore string may be managed. 1. In the Connection string manager list, click the LocalPolicyStore row, and then click Edit… 2. Enter the path to the desired ToolsNetStore.xml file, and then click OK.

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Configuring role management – ASP.NET Under the Authentication tab the RoleMangerProvider may be managed.

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Authorizing the new role to the web application – ASP.NET Under the Authorization tab the Authorization rules may be managed.

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Disable anonymous authentication in IIS

To give the user a possibility to log in using a password, Anonymous authentication must be disabled and Basic authentication enabled (or any other preferred authentication method) for the web site: 1

Select the Directory Security tab in IIS and then click Edit.

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Click to clear the Enable anonymous authentication check box and select the Basic authentication (or any other preferred authentication method) check box, for the ToolsNetReportingStructureWeb


If everything is correctly configured, the ToolsNet 4000 user should be presented with a login dialog when the Administration menu choice is selected, giving him the opportunity to log in to the Administration site, provided he has got the right credentials.

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