Tony Robbins Rapid Planning Method (RPM) Tony Robbins believes that the primary reason most people don’t achieve their goal(s) is because they don’t understand the reason WHY they want to achieve the goal. They don’t understand the PURPOSE of the goal. As a result, Tony Robbins’ Goal Setting Method, the Rapid Planning Method (RPM) includes identifying the Purpose (Why) behind the goal. Those Who Succeed In Life Have The Answers To Three (3) Questions: 1) What is the specific result I am committed to achieving? a. This is the “R” – the “Result” they are after. 2) WHY do I want to do this? What is my PURPOSE? a. This is the “P” – the “Purpose”. b. Once you decide on a good enough purpose, knowing your purpose – the “WHY” – will get you to follow through. 3) What specific actions must I take to make this happen? a. This is the “M” – the Massive Action Plan By When (what date)
Massive Action Plan
Result – Outcome
Take a piece of paper and create a table like the one above. Based on the Goals you set during our recent Goal Setting Workshop, incorporate those Goals into the RPM table. Step One: write your goals in the R column. Step Two: Identify up to two (2) solid reasons WHY you must achieve the goal. When identifying the Purpose(s) behind each goal, remember to use language that is anchored by emotion. The only reason we want to achieve something is because of the way we think it will make us FEEL as a result of achieving it. So, if your goal is to find a new job, a Purpose for achieving that goal might be: “Because of the confidence, excitement and security I will FEEL by obtaining a new job” Step Three: Once you have up to two solid reasons WHY you want to achieve your goals, then write up two three Actions (Massive Action Plan) that you can take immediately to begin to build the momentum you need to reach your goal. Your Goals and the related Plan must be S.M.A.R.T S: Specific M: Measurable A: Attainable R: Results Oriented T: Timebound
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