Tone It Up Workout Guide[1]

April 21, 2017 | Author: Hannah Lovegrove | Category: N/A
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Tone It Up! Workout Guide











Beach Body Workout Tone It Up Dead-lift Crunch: Tones the core, biceps, and the backs of the legs. 1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over and roll the dumbbells down your legs. Keep your back straight and squeeze your butt as you inhale. 2. 2. Exhale as you return to an upright position, performing a bicep curl and lifting your left knee toward your waist as you turn to the side to perform a crunch.! Alternate sides for 10-12 reps. Repeat set 3 times.

Tone It Up Girdle Lunge: Tones the thighs, butt, abs, and waistline. ! 1. Holding a dumbbell with both hands, stand with your feet shoulderwidth apart. ! 2. Step backward with your right foot, and inhale as you trace a figure eight over your left leg. Exhale as you return to the starting position.

Tone It Up Booty Blaster: Alternate sides for 10-12 reps.!Repeat set 3 times. Tones the outer thighs and builds knee stability. ! 1. Wrap a mini resistance band around your ankles, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. ! 2. Keeping your abs tight, bend your knees slightly and step to the left 5 times. Then step to the right 5 times, being careful to keep your abs tight and knees slightly bent. Repeat set 3 times.

Tone It Up Tummy Tuck: Tones the abs, obliques and outer thighs, and sculpts the shoulders. ! 1. Begin in the plank (push-up) position. Be sure to position your shoulders directly over your wrists. ! 2. Exhale and bring your right knee to meet your elbow. Inhale and return it to starting position. Alternate sides for 10-12 reps. Repeat set 3 times. 12

3 Moves to Tone Up Your Whole Body **Do 12-15 reps for 3 sets each** Walking Lunge with a Glute Kickback: Tones the booty and back of legs ! Stand with your feet close together and step forward with one leg. !Lower your hips toward the ground and bend both knees until they are at about 90 degrees. !The back knee should come close but never touch the ground.Your front knee should be directly over the ankle. ! Push up with your back leg and squeeze your glutes as you kick and lift your back leg. !From there, bring the lifted leg in front to the start position.

Booty Blaster with a Squat: Tones the sides of your legs and lifts the butt !Place the band around both legs just above your ankles.! Keep a slight bend in your knees, step to one side and land in a squat position. !Take 12-15 side squat steps to one side, and then repeat in the opposite direction. !As you get stronger, your squats can get deeper and deeper.

Spiderman Push-up: Tones the triceps, chest, shoulders, and tightens the waistline): !Place the band around both legs just above your ankles.! Keep a slight bend in your knees, step to one side and land in a squat position. !Take 12-15 side squat steps to one side, and then repeat in the opposite direction. !As you get stronger, your squats can get deeper and deeper.


Intense Park Workout Warm up: 20 minutes of bike, walk, or jog to the park Try to build up to 12-15 repetitions of each exercise… go through

Inverted Row- Tones up the rear deltoid shoulder muscles and tightens your upper back Have your hands wider than shoulder width apart. Keep your spine neutral and your shoulders back and down. Slowly and controlled bring your chest to the bar squeezing your shoulder blades together.

SINGLE LEG SQAT ON THE BENCH- Targets the buns, core and tones up the thighs! Stand with one leg draping over the side of the bench. Slowly and controlled lower your body down reaching forward. Drive all your weight into your heels standing back up. Exhale on the way up and keep your abs engaged! :)

BAR PLYO JUMPS - Burns calories, works your core, and tones up your whole body by shedding the outer layer of fat! Hold onto a bar with both hands securely. ! Softly jump up and land keeping your abs tight. 14

Wide Grip Push-Ups- Tones up your chest and core! Have your hands wider than shoulder width apart, with a neutral spine and your abs engaged. Lower your chest down so that your upper arms are parallel with the ground. Extend your arms returning to the starting position.

Closed Grip Push-Up - Tones up your triceps and abs Have your hands inline with your shoulders. Slowly lower your chest to the bar tucking your elbows into your sides. Keeping your spine neutral, abs tight and your chin tucked into your chest. Then squeeze your triceps back to the starting position.

Dips - This tones up the backs of your arms! !It works your triceps muscles. Having your hands on a bench. Lower your body down bending your elbows back to a 90-degree position. ! Control the movement and keep your abs tight. ! *Try not to bend forward, but rather straight down. 15

Chin-ups- Tones up your back (those big muscles along the sides called the latissimus dorsi!), your biceps and core. Build up to doing as many as you can with GOOD FORM! !:) Have your palms facing you. ! With your shoulders back and down, pull yourself up to the bar. !Keeping your abs engaged, lower your body back down. ! Return to starting position *Stay away from swinging or hunching your shoulders! !

Plyo Step Jumps- sheds outer layer of fat and works the total body! Have one of your feet on a bench and alternating feet, quickly jump up and switch your feet. ! Maintain a strong core and make sure your knees stay inline with your ankle and do not cave in!! ! This move is more advanced, so start out slow and build up!

Single Leg Step-Up - Tones your buns, thighs, and works your lower abs Have one foot FULLY on the bench. ! Drive your weight into your heel and stand up onto the bench. Tuck your knee into your chest using your core and then lower yourself down again. ! *It is important to keep your knee inline with your ankle and behind your toes. 16

V- Sits- Tones up your upper and lower abs, lower back, and strengthens your hip flexors- Great for runners Sit with your hands behind you on a bench. ! Lift your legs up in the air using your core. ! Extend your legs as far as you can out in front of you. ! Controlled, bring your knees into your chest, squeezing your abs. ! * !Make sure you keep your abs engaged the ENTIRE TIME! :)

Plank to hands- Tones your abs, triceips, chest, and strengthens your core. Start in a plank position on your forearms. ! Keep your abs engaged and your spine neutral. ! Push up on to your hands using your triceps and core. ! *Breathe throughout this exercise!! !

Kneeling Leg Curls- Tones up the backs of your thighs *Find a place to sneak your feet under– or have a partner hold your feet down. ! Slowly lower your body to the ground. ! Using your hamstring muscles bring your body back up to the starting position! ! *Assist yourself with your arms too :) !Just a little though!


Hanging Leg Raises- Tones up your upper and lower abs. Hang from the bar, keeping your abs tight. Lift your legs up in the air using your core. ! * Prevent from swinging by keeping your abs engaged


Tone It Up Total Body Stability Ball Workout Perform 10-12 reps of each exercise for 3 sets. times in a circuit!

Pike-Up ! Begin in plank position, with your hands under your shoulders and your back flat, with a stability ball under your shins and the tops of your feet. ! Engage your abs so that your hips don’t droop and your back is parallel to the floor.! ! Use your abs and legs to move the ball closer to the middle as you lift your hips toward the ceiling and keep your head down at your arms, creating an inverted V-shape with your body.! ! Your toes should be on the ball.! ! Hold for one count and slowly roll back to the starting position. ! Repeat for 10 to 12 reps. Perform 3 sets.

Stability Ball Push-up: ! Begin in plank position, with your hands under your shoulders and your back flat, with a stability ball under your shins. Engaged your core to keep your balance on the ball as you bend your elbows and lower your upper body towards the floor.! ! Hold for one count and straighten your arms, lifting your upper body back to the starting position. ! Repeat for 10 to 12 reps. Perform 3 sets.

Hip Extension: ! Lay on your back with your arms at your sides and your calves and heels on the stability ball.! ! Squeeze your glutes and push down on the ball with your legs to lift your hips towards the ceiling.! " Hold for one count then slowly lower your hips to the floor to " the starting position. ! Repeat for 10 to 12 reps. Perform 3 sets.


Split Squat with Stability Ball: ! Stand with your left leg forward and the top of your right foot on the stability ball.! ! Engage your abs as you bend your left knee forward and slide your right shin over the stability ball until it almost reaches your knee.! ! Hold for one count then straighten our left knee and roll the ball back under your right foot to the starting position. !

Repeat for 10 to 12 reps on each leg. Perform 3 sets.

Oblique Crunch on Stability Ball: ! Lay sideways on the stability ball!with your waist directly in the center of the ball. ! Place one hand behind your head and crunch your oblique’s to perform the movement. ! # # # For balance, you can bend your top leg and place your foot on # # # the ground in front of you. ! ! Repeat on the other side. !Perform 10-15 reps on each side.

Balancing Plank on Stability Ball: ! Start!in the plank position with your forearms on the ball and your toes on the ground. ! ! Support your body weight with your forearms and keep your abs tight. ! ! Hold this for as long as you can or for one minute. ! # For an extra burn, spell out ‘Tone It Up’ with your forearms on # the stability ball! !

Stability Ball Balance Challenge: ! Start out standing in front of the stability ball. ! ! Bend your knees and place them on each side stability ball. ! # # # Find your balance, then lift your toes off the ground. ! # # # Keep your abs and thighs engaged. ! ! See how long you can balance. ! " " " This is a fun challenge to do with your friends!! 20

One Move to Tone Your Whole Body Tricep Push-up to Side Plank with Leg Lift Start in a plank position, lower your body down while keeping your elbows close to your body, push yourself back up and squeeze your triceps. ! Next come into a side plank by opening up your body to the left, stacking your feet, and extending your left arm straight to the sky. ! Lift the top leg about a foot and hold for a count of three. ! Return to plank and repeat on right side.

Repeat this move 10 times


HITT Workouts Workout #1: HIIT Treadmill Workout:! Intervals with an incline.

Warm Up 5 minute walk or jog at a comfortable pace.

Find a Challenging Treadmill Setting: Find a treadmill setting that you can sustain for no more than one minute.!! Set!your incline and speed to a slightly higher than what you are comfortable with.! Learn what your one-minute limit is. ! " " After one minute, you should " feel like you just sprinted " away from a cheetah ;).

1 Minute Work – 2 Minutes Recovery: Next, after going all-out for one minute (the work interval),!slow down!for two minutes (the recovery interval).!! Everyone’s recovery interval will vary depending on your fitness level.! # “Easy” may be a 2.5 mph # walk at #zero incline, or a 3.5 # mph jog.!! After!two minutes in recovery, you should feel ready to!go full force again.! " Your heart rate will stay elevated " through the entire High Intensity " Interval Training Workout.

**To determine if you are pushing yourself hard enough, use the Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale; An RPE of 1 means very easy.! A 9 to 10 means you’re so out of breath you cannot speak.! If you!have been working out a lot and have!a higher fitness level, aim for a!9-10 during the work intervals.! If you are still building up your fitness level, aim for 6-7.

Do 5-8 Intervals followed by a 10 minute cool down


HITT Workouts Workout #2: HIIT Track Workout:!

Warm Up 5 minute walk or jog at a comfortable pace.

30 Seconds Work- 2 Minute Recovery Give your maximum effort to sprint for 30 seconds on the track,! # slow down to a light jog or walk, depending on your fitness level, for 2 # minutes.! The idea is that you are going so hard during the work interval that you will need to walk during the recovery period.

Do 6-10 Intervals followed by a 10 minute cool down

HITT Workouts

Workout #3: HIIT Endurance Bike Ride:! Tone It Up loves HIIT endurance bikes!rides to improve performance during a triathlon.! This is a great workout so you can save time on long distance rides by incorporating interval training. Follow this High Intensity Interval Training Workout that can be done outdoors or on!a spin bike at the gym! Remember:! Always vary your speeds for each ride.! A little variety leads to improvement on your times!

Warm Up Bike at a comfortable pace for 10 minutes

60 Minute Ride Stand up on your bike and accelerate for 30 seconds, sit down and keep your speed for another 30 seconds, then gradually back down to a comfortable pace.! Repeat this interval every 5 minutes.


Ball Sit-Ups!

Tones the upper abs &

Roll out onto the ball, so that your feet are flat on the ground, your lower back is on the ball at a 45 degree angle and your booty is hanging off the edge. Lean back as far as your can, while still keeping your eyes and chin facing the sky. Without pulling on your neck, crunch up, using your upper abs. Exhale on the way up, inhale on the way down! :) Perform 10-20 repetitions x3 sets!

Booty Lifter & Che'

Tones the area where your arm meets your chest, the upper chest, the booty and the core!

Stay on the ball, but roll down so that your HEAD IS RESTING on the ball, your shoulders are on the ball, & your bum and lower back are not on the ball. Keep your hips and bum up, with a neutral spine. With your palms facing forward, bring your dumbbells to your chest, arms at 90 degrees. Press up above your CHEST (level with with your chest!) Exhale on the way up, inhale on the way down 10-20 x3

Booty Lifter & Tricep Toner

Tones the backs of the arms (the triceps) and lifts the booty!

Stay on the ball, with your HEAD IS RESTING on the ball, your shoulders are on the ball, & your bum and lower back are not on the ball. Keep your hips and bum up, with a neutral spine. With your arms straight, in line with your shoulders, have your palms facing in. Bend your arms at 90 degrees, and then straighten up extending your arm using that tricep muslce! Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up. 10-20 x3

Bikini Roll OUT!!

Tones the entire core, flattens the lower tummy, tones the triceps and works the lats (back muscles, under the arm and along the side of your body)

Stand with the ball in front of you, feet hip distance apart! Place your hands on THE EDGE OF THE BALL!!!! Not on top :) Roll out onto the ball into a plank on your forearms Hold this for a good 2 seconds, the roll back up using those abs and arms. Exhale on the way up, inhale on the way down! :) Perform 10-20 repetitions x3 sets!

Ham"ring Curls!

Smoothes the backs of the thighs, tones the calves & the core! Lay on your back, with your heels & calves on the ball. Lift your hips up so that your spine is neutral. Curl the ball toward you, using the hamstring muscles (the backs of your thighs. Keep your spine neutral the entire time & your abs engaged. Inhale on the out, exhale on the in. 10-20 x3

Leg slimming Extensions with a crunch! Tones the inner thighs, the tops of the thighs & the abs.

Laying on your back, put the ball in between your feet and hold it with your inner thigh muscles. Extend your legs all the way straight, using your quads and inner thighs. As you extend your legs, crunch up your shoulder blades off of the ground with your upper ab muscles. Exhale on the way up, inhale on the way down! :) Perform 10-20 repetitions x3 sets!

With the ball out in front of you, place your hands on top of the ball. Place your knees on either side of the ball, with your toes on the ground behind you. When you!re ready, try to bring your toes off of the ground and balance. Try this with a partner and hold onto them for support!!! Make sure you are in a very clear area with no tables or anything. We suggest doing this in the sand or on a mat. :)

•Begin in a standing position with your abs tight. •Have your arms slightly bent. •One leg at a time, abduct it outward while bringing both arms out to the side using your shoulder muscles. •Breathe throughout the exercise. •Perform 20-30 repetitions, 3 Sets.

Wai!line Toners •Begin sitting on the floor or mat with your abs tight and belly button drawn in. •You may have your heels in the air or on the ground. •Twist side to side holding your dumbbell, using your oblique muscles in your core. •Breathe throughout the exercise!! •Perform 20-30 repetitions - 3 sets.

Repeat circuit 3 times!!! :)

Bikini Strap Workout Tones every area where those bikini !raps pinch! Thigh Slimming Squats

Tones the front, side and back of the thighs. Lifts the buns and strengthens the core. Begin in a standing position, feet hip width apart. Squat down as if you were going to sit back on a bench. Make sure your knees stay in line with your ankles and behind your toes. As you stand back up, drive all your weight into your heels. Alternating legs, abduct your leg out to the side using your glutes and balance. Make sure you keep your abs engaged throughout the entire exercise. Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up! 12-20 repetitions x3 sets

Ultimate Arm & Back Toner




Tightens the lats (the back where your bikini top wraps around), tones the mid-back, sculpts the backs of the shoulders, tones up the triceps (the backs of the arms), strengthens the chest, waistline and core! Begin in a plank position holding dumbbells with your shoulders in line with your wrists. Lower your body into a tricep push-up, tucking your elbows into your sides. (You may be on your knees!) Push back up into a plank position, perform a dumbbell row to a rear fly, maintaining a strong core. Alternate sides, Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up. 12-20 repetitions x3 sets

Stubborn Che" Flab Be Gone!   Che" Flys with a Booty Lift

Tones that stubborn area where your chest meets your arms, right where the front of your bikini top lays. This also works the glutes, lifts the buns and works the tones of the thighs. Begin in a bridge position on your back, with your hips in the air, spine neutral. Maintaining your elbows soft, lower your dumbbells our chest level, inhaling. Fly your dumbbells back in, exhaling. Maintain your abs engaged, drawing your bellybutton to your spine. 12-20 repetitions x3 sets

Tricep & Booty Combo-Toner

Tones the backs of the arms (the triceps) and lifts the buns and tones the backs of the thighs (glutes and hamstrings) Begin in the same position as the Chest Flys. With your dumbbells to the sky, wrists inline with your shoulders, bend your arms at 90 degrees. Slowly and controlled, extend your arms back up! Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up. 12-20 repetitions x3 sets

Upper Che" & Shoulder Press!

This exercise tones the lower abs, the biceps, sculpts the upper cleavage (the upper chest muscles), tones the shoulders and strengthens the hip flexors and lower back. Begin in a V-sit position, maintain very strong and engaged abs. (you may keep your heels on the ground) Perform a bicep curl, to an incline chest press. Breathe throughout this exercise! 12-20 repetitions x3 sets

Wai"line V-Sit Twi" This exercise tones the lower abs, sculpts the waistline (the obliques) and strengthens the tops of the thighs and lower back. Begin in a V-sit position, maintain very strong and engaged abs. (you may keep your heels on the ground) Twist one dumbbell side to side, breathing throughout the exercise. 12-20 repetitions x3 sets

Beach Bum Workout

Lifts & Tones the Booty for that Bikini! Booty Kick in a Side Plank

Tones the sides of the thighs, Obliques (waistline), and strengthens the shoulders. Begin in a side plank with your shoulder in line with your elbow. Maintain a strong core, abs drawn in. With your bottom leg bent and your top leg straight, bend your knee and bring it up to your waist. Kick that leg up using your abductor muscles (the sides of the thighs and

Leg Abductors & a Burn-out Pulse Once you have completed the kicks, perform 10-20 leg abductions, up and down. Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up! 10-20 repetitions ***Once you have completed your 10-20 reps, hold it & pulse for 10

Booty Lifters! Lay on your back, all your weight into your heels, arms by your sides. Lift your hips up and down for 10.

1-Leg Booty Lifters! On your back, all your weight into your heels, arms by your sides. Put one leg in the air, & push your hips up as far as you can, driving your weight into your heels. Lift your hips up and down for 10. Then Burn-out & Pulse for 10. Alternate sides!

Booty Lifters Straight into 10 more booty lifters Then go into a march!! March each heel off the ground for 10-20 times. Then go back into 10 Booty Lifters

Swivel Heat Wave Straight into 10 heat waves. Swivel your hips side to side for 10-20!

Back to the Booty Kick in a side Plank! Then Leg Abductors & a Burn-out Pulse After completing the booty kicks and leg abductors, Lay back on your back, all your weight into your heels, arms by your sides. Lift your hips up and down for 10 & finish it out with 10 heat waves!!

Itty Bitty Bikini

Tones the lower tummy & love handles! Lower Abs Toner

Tones the lower abs, strengthens the lower back and core. Begin with your hands slightly underneath your bum Maintain a strong core, abs drawn in. Bring your legs up to 90 degrees. Slowly lower them keeping your lower back pressed into the ground. Go just as far as you can, until your lower back is still pressed into the grou. Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up! 10-20 repetitions x3 circuits!

Slim Tummy Toner Once you complete the lower abs toner, bring your hands behind your head, while still pressing your lower back into the floor. Lower your legs about 45 degrees, then crunch both your upper body and lower body in. Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up! 10-20 repetitions x3 circuits!

Love Handle Toner!! Begin in a side plank with your elbow in line with your shoulder and your feet stacked or staggered (whichever is more comfortable for you!) Lift your hips up and down using your obliques. Perform 10-20 repetitions on each side. x3 circuits! Alternate sides!

Total Ab Tone Up!

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Begin in a plank position on your forearms. Draw your bellybutton into your spine and breathe throughout the entire exercise! Push up onto your hangs using your triceps, while keeping your abs tight! Hold that plank on your hangs with your shoulders in line with your wrists. Perform 2 Tone It Up Tummy Tucks! Go back down into your plank on your forearms. Perform 5-10 x3 circuits!

Sandcastle Workout Build your castle and tone up the whole body!!! Do 3 times!

Booty Slimmer Stand with your knees and elbows soft and your abs engaged Slowly and controlled, abduct your leg out to the side while doing a shoulder raise. Exhale as you abduct, inhale on the way in. Smile! :)

Curtsy Curl Begin with your feet shoulder width apart, shoulders back, good posture and abs tucked in. Step behind you in a curtsy, bending both your knees. Curl your arms up, using your bicep muscles As you come back up, drive all your weight into your front heel. Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up.

Deadlift Row Begin with your feet shoulder width

apart, shoulders back, good posture and abs tucked in. Roll the dumbbells down your legs, with your knees soft, but not bent. Maintain a neutral spine as you roll the dumbbells down your thighs. When you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, stand back up, squeezing your glute muscles. Keep your abs engaged, exhale on the way up, inhale on the way down.

Hee Haw Kneel on a mat, carpet or soft cushion. With your abs engaged and your shoulders back, bring your weights forward while leaning back. Go just as far as you are comfortable, and then return to your starting position by using your quadricep muscles. (fronts of the thighs) Inhale on the way back, exhale on the way

TIU Tummy Tuck w/ Glute Kickback Begin in a plank position with your wrists in line with your shoulders and your belly button tucked into your spine. Slowly and controlled, bring your knee in toward to your elbow, squeezing your obliques and kicking back into behind you, working your glute muscles. Complete 10 to your same side elbow, then switch to the opposite elbow. Breathe throughout this exercise!!

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