Toms Campaign Plan Book

November 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Company: Toms   PART 1:  


Situation Analysis  A. Environmental Analysis : 

TOMS is a company that is from Playa Del Rey, California. They were founded in May, 2006. (Fortune, 2008) When TOMS sells a pair of shoes, a new pair of shoes is given to an impoverished child. In 2011 they expanded this idea to eyewear. Every pair of eyewear sold, TOMS helps give sight to a person in need. B. Company Analysis :  When the founder of TOMS, Blake Mycoskie was on the Amazing Race (CBS TV Show) he was in Argentina. There is where he met children and adults without shoes, he wanted to help. He created TOMS Shoes and instead of starting a non-profit he pledged that for every pair of shoes sold that he would donate a pair of shoes to children in need. In 2007 TOMS started the annual “One day without shoes” event to help bring awareness for TOM’s mission on helping impoverished children. They have used corporate partners like Flickr, the Discovery Channel and AOL to help promote the movement. Currently TOMS gives to 70 counties. They have given over 50 million pairs of shoes to people in need. In 2011, TOMS Eyewear launched with the hope to give sight to people in need. To date, over 360,000 people have gotten the gift of sight, either through prescription glasses, medical treatment or sight-saving surgery.


  In 2014, TOMS Roasting Company was created. This company works with other “giving partners” to provide safe drinking water.  

In 2015, TOMS Bag Collection was launched to help address the need for advancements in maternal health. Purchases of TOMS Bags helps provide training kits for skilled birth attendants with items that will help safely deliver babies. 


C. Product Analysis

The TOM show is an alpargata shoe. They are the types of shoes that are worn by  Argentinean Farmers. The alpargata shoes are a simple, lightweight shoe. They are breathable and are made of lightweight canvas on top with a sturdy leather sole. Currently in the shoe market there are 4 main categories: dress, athletic rugged and casual. Casual shoes account for more than 50% of the market. TOMS fall into the category of casual shoes. TOMS is unlike any other company because of the unique “one for one concept” business model. TOMS has trademarked the phrase “One for One”. 


D. Consum Consum er Analysis  

TOMS Shoes has a target market of people who want to make a difference and are charitable. Their customers are environmentally conscious. They recycle and are into fashion.  The primary target market are males and females 19-34. They love the newest creative fun trend. They are socially aware.  Their favorite part of TOMS shoes is the fashion they are wearing and the good they are doing by wearing TOMS. They look good and feel good supporting this product.  TOMS has created a unique market for itself with the “One for One” marketing. 


D. Competiti Competiti ve  Brand   Look of   Shoe 

Product   Description  


  Canvas upper with  TOMS toe-stitch 

  Elastic V for easy on and  easy off   TOMS classic suede    insole with cushion for   comfort    Latex Arch insert for    added support  One-piece mixed-rubber     outsole for resillience,  

flexibilty and durability With every pair you      purchase, TOMS will  give a pair of new shoes  to a child iin n need. One  for One. 

Sketchers ‘BOBS’ ** 

  Soft woven canvas  fabric upper   Unique stretchable    


        

  heel BOBS logo  side and  labels Top elastic fabric    panel  Stitched collar trim    Soft fabric shoe lining    Dual Density Memory    Foam cushioned  comfort insole  Shock absorbing    midsole  Flexible rubber traction    outsole  



$48 - $139 

canvas for 360 degree  elastic comfort  Slip on casual  alpargata flat design  Solid color upper   Stitching accents  Tucked toe pleat front  Heel panel overlay 

Skechers donates new 

shoes to children in  need when you  purchase BOBS 

$35 - $85 

* Information from classic s ** Information from Sketchers.Com k




SWOT Analysis Strengths    

Strong Brand with name recognition   One  – for  – One Marketing   Comfortable   Durable   Eco friendly   Fashion Forward and Trendy Weaknesses  

Expensive   Who gets the shoes?   Guilt associated with purchase   Easy to copy the “One for One” marketing Opportunities    

There are a lot of people in need around the world.   Easy to get Volunteers Media edia helps get the w word ord out about your cause.   Social M   Constantly fundraising Threats  

If the economy goes bad  – people won’t be able to afford the shoes   Bad Press in social media   Competition with other companies  – easy to copy design and charitable donations of shoes.




A. Objectives:

We, as the creative team on this project, will gather information as it relates to TOMS Shoes, their customers, and the reasons behind the decision to purchase TOMS Shoes. We would like to see if a correlation exist between philanthropy and the One for One business strategy of TOMS. If a correlation does exist between the two it will help us to create a marketing strategy that is  best suited for the needs of our client, Toms, and their customers. This will allow allow us to maximize exposure for the brand with less effort to identify the consumer. By gaining this, previously unknown, information we be able to achieve our marketing objective and create an identity for a  brand that will strive long into the future.

B. Strategies:

For us to acquire knowledge into an area that was previously unknown to TOMS we will us both quantitative and qualitative measurements to achieve the objective of uncovering a relationship  between TOMS’ One for One business model and the philanthropy that exist within many people in today’s society. The quantitative research will allow us to understand factors that motivate  purchases, usage patterns, and the attitudes of both consumer and their attitudes toward the brand itself. The qualitative research will not only reiterate but give positive reinforcement about such things as customer demographic, age, income, inc ome, educational status, and etc., it will allow us to gain


  insight into problems that could arise without previous knowledge of the problem. The quantitative research will be the primary vessel that will provide the basis for the strategic direction of our marketing campaign.

C. Method:

This research, of randomly selected participants, was conducted using an online questionnaire, direct email, and face-to-face interviews through the use of social media, telephone calls, and  paper surveys.

This research was conducted during the final two weeks of January 2016.

We collected a total of (as of January 26, 2016) 35 online surveys, 26 direct contact surveys either by phone or face-to-face interviews. This research was verified using random sample of  participants using an open social media page to promote the survey. The survey was available openly for a period of two weeks to anyone that wished to participate in the survey that took less than a minute to complete. The random sampling of 10 participants that were contacted via  phone were done so using an online phone book to auto select indiscriminate participates. Another 16 participants were given the survey surve y in face-to-face interviews at a local retail establishment. They were simply asked if they would wou ld take a moment to co complete mplete a survey with no direction other than the survey itself to help give validation to the findings and to allow no corruption through the use of direction in filling out the survey.


  D. Summary of Findings:

The participants in or survey consisted of a large la rge percentage females willing to take our survey versus male participants which could partially skew our results. 92% of participants p articipants had heard of TOMS Shoes before this survey which translates into large notoriety when it comes to the brand name. More surprisingly was that out of the respondents responden ts to the survey only a little over ov er 30% had  purchased a pair of TOMS for themselves or a friend and over 17% didn’t know about TOMS donations of shoes with ever pair purchased to help the less fortunate. This could lead us to  believe that, although the brand name is well known, the ideology behind the company is still unknown to many people. Almost 82 % of participants said that they had made donations to some kind of charity before. This information allows to show opportunities for growth within the establishment, of what seems to be, strong brand recognition. reco gnition. Here are some additional things we have learned.


62% of respondents have heard of TOMS but never purchased


17% of respondents need to know about the philanthropy of TOMS


82% of respondents that do donate to charities can make a donation by purchasing TOMS


Many of the respondents fall within the known k nown demographic (15-44 years old)


Most people make donations out of kindness (not tax exemption, etc.)



Survey Response 61 Surveyed Frequency Chart 60 48 36 24 12 0

Brand R Re ecognition

Have Pu Purchased

Informed/No P Pu urchase

Survey Example:

Toms Questionnaire

Gender: Male Female Other

Age: 0-15


Donates tto oC Ch harity


  15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-over

Educational Level: High School or below Associate Degree or certification Bachelor’s  Degree

Graduate Degree or above No Comment

Income: $20,000 or below $20,000-$30,000 $30,000-$40,000 $40,000-$50,000 $50,000 or above No Comment

Have you ever heard of Toms shoes before this survey? Yes


  No Maybe

Did you know that Toms donates a pair of shoes for every pair sold? Yes No Maybe

Have you ever bought a pair of Toms for yourself or anyone else? Yes No Maybe

Have you ever donated to a charity before? Yes No Maybe

If the above question is answered with Yes; What charities do you donate to?

Why do you donate to charities?


  PROBLEMS & OPPORTUNTIES: Problem: One would think TOM’s are expensive if they were not aware they were actually  buying two pairs of shoes.

Opportunity: During the sales or the advertising process, we can show the other pair of shoes sho es that they are “buying” so they can feel they are getting more for their mon money ey and visually satisfied.

Opportunity: When they do buy a pair they get a custom URL so they can track where the other  pair of shoes they bought are going. They can see the person their shoes helped and receive updated progress reports.

Problem: Toms target audience is limited due to their mostly online presents and sales. There are only a couple of stores and an d most of them are on the th e west coast. This can attribute to lack of brand awareness for other target audiences on the east coast.

Opportunity: Create a flagship store and form partnerships with independent independen t retailers.

Opportunity: Create a shoe that would better fit the colder conditions of the east coast to build  brand awareness and usefulness. Development of a water resistant shoe

Problem: People seem to know the brand but do not know the benefits. In other words, the  people that would engage with the benefits are not being targeted.


  Opportunity: With the rapidly expanding green market and millennials caring more than ever about giving back we can based our marketing towards social responsibility and non-profits.

MARKETING OBJECTIVE: TOMS Shoes is a company that doesn’t just care about the bottom line, TOMS cares about the  people to the point that for every pair of TOMS Shoes that is purchased, they donate a pair to someone who needs it. Since the bottom line isn’t the biggest goal for TOMS Shoes, conventional advertising hasn’t been a focal point of the marketing team. However, the time has come for TOMS to begin to flourish not for the bottom line, but for the people that they help.

Objectives:  

Our goal is to increase overall sales for TOMS Shoes by 25% within the next 2 years.


By using more conventional methods of advertisement to make consumers aware of the TOMS brand.


TOMS Shoes will begin to have an annual advertising budget, which will consist of 5% making the overall increase in profit about 20%.


Raise awareness of the various charitable acts that TOMS Shoes conducts every year by lower the unawareness from 17% to !2%


This will give consumers an understanding of how they can help TOMS Shoes in the charitable endeavors, and in turn produce more revenue into the company.

Rationale:  

TOMS has already seen tremendous growth over ov er the past several years b by y using a  philanthropist business model that exceeds customer’s expectations. By appealing to new


  and already common markets in a more charitable fashion, TOMS could inc increase rease market shares and brand appeal.  

By promoting the charitable side of TOMS in sites that are intended for other charities TOMS can increase brand awareness while increasing inc reasing sales and profits.


By forming a minimal alliance with other charities TOMS will create a brand that is synonymous with charitable donations (TOMS is still not recognized by b y 17% of people that have heard of TOMS shoes before) Independent Study


TOMS recognizable brand has grown in awareness over the past 5 years with nearly 85% of those survey having heard of TOMS T OMS shoes before which is an increase of over 50%


By creating alliances with other charities and out doing competitors with a philanthropic mission TOMS will capture a larger share of an apparel ap parel industry that brings in $331  billion annually.



Marketing Flowchart




TOMS has never worked with an advertising advertising budget, so this will be a first for us. Like all  businesses, TOMS does engage in promotional activities even if we do not have a marketing  budget. Customers, employees, interns, and students engage in significant word-of-mouth advertising. However, TOMS also markets itself through events, DVD screenings, and an d social media. We plan on utilizing an advertising a dvertising budget of $500,000 for the first time to inc increase rease brand awareness and sales. Without an advertising budget TOMS has managed to sell over 50 milli million on  pairs of shoes since the beginning. First we will use a test market to gauge the effectiveness in this increase in traditional advertising. We expect a 20% increase in sales in the test market. If the test market preforms as expected we will utilize that same model in the global market.

Our advertising dollars will be allocated accordingly: Advertising - $200,000 TV Spots, Print Ads Sales Promo - $100,000 Coupons Public Relations - $50,000 Sponsorships Direct Marketing - $25,000


  Email/Mail Event Marketing - $50,000 One for Two - (donation of 2 pairs of shoes to those in need) Digital Marketing - $75,000 Digital ads/Social Media With this broad allocation of an advertising budget we will be able to reach a new customer base, gaining more customers and support for the One On e for One business model.



Marketing Objective: Increase overall sales for TOMS shoes by 25% within the next 2 years 

Marketing Strategy/Creative:  To establish brand awareness as well as the charitable benefits.

Marketing Strategy/Media:  To target 16 to 26 year old fashion forward, tech savvy consumers who care about the

Creative Objectives:  To establish TOM as a leader in charitable efforts as well as a  popular fashion statement for millennials

Marketing Strategy/Media: Strategy:    To communicate to target 16 to 26 the yearmessage old fashion successfully our target forward, techtosavvy consumers audience appealing to their who care by about the world and

Advertising Creative/Media



Promotional: TOMS will incorporate various promotional tactics in order to meet the objective of brand interaction with new and existing customers. Promotions will offer incentives to increase customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Special Delivery Sweepstakes TOMS will offer a promotion for each customer that purchases a pair of TOMS in the month of April will be put in a drawing for a ticket to travel with TOMS to their next drop off location to  be there for the delivery to those in need. A total of 5 travel tickets will be given and all travel expenses will be covered.

Public Relations: These strategies will help get the consumer more involved in the brand.

Campus Clubs TOMS currently has existing campus clubs on campuses around the United States and Canada. In order to better reach the desired target market, TOMS will reach out to different colleges and universities about starting a Campus Club rather than having h aving students apply to start one. “TOMS  Campus Clubs are groups of passionate students who want to contribute to positive change by inspiring their campuses. From volunteer efforts to hosting fun events like BBQs and TOMS video screenings, they creativity and energy to the TOMS movement.” 



A Day Without Shoes Toms has a current public relations campaign to raise awareness for children’s health and education. For each photo of bare feet tagged on Inst Instagram agram TOMS will donate one pair of shoes. This is a great campaign that we would want to replicate on a bi-yearly basis. We would also like to include a free TOMS sticker to those who participate.

Direct Marketing Direct Marketing is a form of advertisement that is directly between the manufacturer and the customer. There are various forms of direct marketing that can be utilized by a company. Some of which include telemarketing, direct response media, social networking, emails, fliers, catalogs and more. Direct Response Media actually includes various types of o f advertisement itself. That being said, our agency has come up with a couple of options to help promote Toms to a wider spectrum of consumers. First, we will be selecting a couple of o f popular magazines to print ads showing the charitable opportunities that come with buying bu ying a pair of Toms. We will also being creating a few television ads that show how the charity helps those who are receiving the shoes. We will also be using social media and emails to further the promotions of the brand. Those who like Toms on Facebook and a nd follow us on Twitter will occasionally see posts from Toms talking special offers that we will have in place to help sell the shoes. Also, those who use their email and register for the online newsletter will receive emails containing co ntaining the newsletter and specials monthly, so they can see the benefits of buying Toms.


  Telemarketing isn’t a form of direct marketing that we will be utilizing because the cost o off telemarketing would be too much for the small amount of profit that it might produce. However, we will be utilizing mass text advertisement because it is inexpensive and can reach large quantities of people in a short amount amou nt of time.

Event Marketing TOMs as a company already participates participates in two great events. One Day Without Shoes and World Sight Day, they both have h ave the purpose of raising awareness for the worldwide issues of  poverty and avoidable blindness. Currently the TOMS tribe consists of people who want to get involved in ccreating reating positive change by giving back and helping others. We could partner with college campuses acros acrosss America and have A day without Shoes across America. One the day without shoes TOMS uses the #withoutshoes tag and for every picture that is tagged on Instagram they instantly give a new  pair to a child in need. No purchase is required for TOMS to make a donation. This is a one-day event. In the weeks leading up to the event we could partner with TOMS and use their resource kits to educate the people on campus about the following important topics  

How to be a global citizen?   Live Locally, act globally



Being a conscious consumer.   Do the companies that you work with help the community, the world?



Why is it important to have shoes in foreign countries?


What is social responsibility?


  Each week information would be distributed around campus to get the information about these important topics and really get the conversation going about the needs of the community and different areas in the world.

Trade Events The display at the trade event would resemble a pop-up shop. We would have shoes on display and various sizes and designs for people to try on. Walls would be of pictur pictures es of children in  poverty stricken regions who have received toms. Another picture would be of college students in TOMS shirts who are participating in the without without shoes movement. The furniture would be upcycled furniture that is made from other items and reclaimed wood. We would have a collection box for people to donate old eyeglasses. If people didn’t bring the glasses with them they could take a pre-paid envelope with them to mail glasses back to TOMS for free recycling. Before the trade show, we would would distribute information to tthe he attendees that we will be collecting glasses.

Miscellaneous: Viral, Social, and WoM These aspects of marketing are gaining attention with good reason. Facebook has over 1.5 billion users. LinkedIn has over 400 million users, Tweeter has over 300 million monthly users, and with over 3 billion people online as of 2015, this form marketing has the ability to capture a large audience. These forums will go hand in hand with TOMS’ Special Delivery Sweepstakes and A Day Without Shoes promotions. By allowing people to enter the contest online and to share on


  Instagram and other forums TOMS can create an online presence unlike any shoe company has  before.

Personal Selling We will not incorporate any personal selling

Packaging  No changes will be made to TOMS current packaging other than some minor additions. All  packaging, for the duration of promotional events, shall include instructions for entering TOMS  promotions as well as any affiliations that can be attained with other non-profit or charitable charitable organizations.

Merchandising  No changes will be made to current merchandising strategy that is incorporated by TOMS.

Games Introduction of an APP that allows customers and potential customers to design their own TOMS shoes will allow an increase in online presence and notoriety among TOMS’ demographic of 16 to 26 year olds.


  Product: There will be no change in the product. TOMS already makes a great product for the right reasons. 

Pricing: TOMS brand will maintain its current pricing.

Distribution:  No changes are planned for distribution of TOMS shoes.

People: Section incomplete. Need some guidance on this part.



Target Audience Currently Toms main target market consists of young men and women from ages 19 to 24. Their second target market is boys and girls from ages 12-18. As the marketing department, we feel that Toms has been missing out on a large target audience that wants to dress and feel young again. So, that being said with the new marketing concepts we feel that we could expand that target market to include adults ranging from 25 to 40 years old. We feel that in this age range there are a large number of people that try to hold on to their youth, plus that would also have a  better understanding of the charitable side of Toms. Another plus side to this age range is that they are already in their careers, which means they might be willing to spend the money to by Toms.

Objective Our goal is to establish a new target market to include a wider range of age groups, because we feel as if Toms has been missing out in the upper age ranges. We also want our target market to have a better understanding of how ho w Toms operates and how the charities that Toms supports function and work alongside selling the shoes.

Strategy Our strategy will be to convince the larger target market that Toms are worth the price because of the fact that when they buy a pair of Toms, that another pair is being donated to those who need it. We want them to see that poses a big difference between Toms and our competitors,


   because with our competitors they are just buying a pair of shoes. However, with Toms, they are  buying a pair of shoes for themselves and for another person who can’t afford shoes.

Support We feel that with the right marketing efforts, Toms will sale themselves because of their stylish design and the charitable contributions. A lot of companies have to make their products flashy and blingy just to support their brand. That’s where Toms is different because we have hav e a product that has a simple yet stylish design and a charitable connection that supports our brand and shows our customers who we are as a company.

Consideration As the current marketing strategy continues to increase sales and profitability, we will continue to look at other opportunities that will allow Toms T oms to expand even further. For ex example, ample, not only do we want to expand our current brand but also look at adding other types of shoes to the Toms Family. They would still be stylish and we would continue the cha charitable ritable aspect of sales, but they could serve various purposes. We would look into a Toms sports shoe line, because this would open up a door to a whole new market for Toms. However, these concepts are still in the  planning phase while we work on our current strategy.

Tone The tone our advertising for TOMS will be upbeat, confident, inspirational and that of a leader. Our messaging has a serious undertone. The problem of poverty around the world is a serious  problem.


  The TOMS consumer is a winner because they are getting a fantastic quality product and they are heroes in the community by helping people in need with our Give a Shoe, Give a Shoe Program.


Giving back has always been part of the TOMS brand and will forever be part of our brand. We are dedicated to making a quality product while also being dedicated to helping impoverished children around the world.

Tactics The advertisements have creative use of the shoes we sell. One in pa particular rticular is the world GIVE spelled out in shoes. Not only are the words colorful and eye catching, but they are made in our shoes. The word GIVE is our main objective. We give something with every purchase.

 Additional Components of Advertising Creative  

 Creative Brief  





 Mini-Saga (Profile of a customer)

John and Marilyn are a college c ollege sweethearts. They are both young business professionals just starting their career. They are very concerned with the world around them. They are very aware of the environment, they conserve energy and recycle. They donate blood, they give to food drives and their plan is to leave the world better than the they y found it.

TOMS shoes fit perfectly with their lifestyle. They feel good about abo ut their purchases with TOMS. With every purchase of a pair p air of shoes, an impoverished child receives a p pair air of shoes. With the glasses they purchase, they not only onl y look stylish, but they are helping improve someone else's sight. With the coffee they purchase from TOMS, they are providing clean water to people. TOMS bags purchases help provide safe births b irths to mothers around the world. And lastly, with our new Stand Up Back Packs they are helping prevent bullying. People all over the world will be helped by John and Marilyn.


  Television Ad 1

Audio MUSIC: Soft then fades away TEACHER: Sally can you tell us about the Civil war? SALLY: Gratuitous TEACHER: How about tell us about the issue of dependence on oil. SALLY: Insular TEACHER: Can you tell me why you keep giving one word answers? SALLY: Indolent MUSIC: Quietly fades back in with ad line WANT TO DO MORE WITH LESS WHILE DOING MORE?

Video 1. Teacher is seen at chalkboard and turns to ask student a question. 2. Picture goes to student that gives a one word answer. 3. Return to teacher for another question. 4. Return to student that gives another one word answer. 5. Same series of question/answer again. 6. Picture goes to students shoes 7. Picture goes to ad line



Television Ad 2



Video 1. Image of person recycling 2. Image of person planting trees 3. Image of person recycling bottle 4. Image of person giving blood 5. Ad Line: Is this you? Do you  believe in giving back? 6. Ad Line: TOMS Shoes

Audio MUSIC: Fun, Lively instrumental Announcer: (after each image comes to screen) Do you do this? Announcer: If you believe in giving back in every way possible then get some TOMS and we’ll do the giving back for you. Announcer: Legal

Radio AD 1 SFX Sound of writing on the chalkboard SFX Sound of chairs sliding TEACHER: Sally can you tell us about the Civil war? SALLY: Gratuitous TEACHER: How about tell us about the issue of dependence on oil. SALLY: Insular TEACHER: Can you tell me why you keep giving one word answers? SALLY: Indolent MUSIC: Quietly fades back in with ad line WANT TO DO MORE WITH LESS WHILE DOING DO ING MORE? (This ad will directly coincide with airing of same television ad)



Radio AD 2

(Radio DJ Banter) DJ 1: So…… you walked in here like you were on a cloud of air this morning DJ 2: Well I am feeling pretty good about myself and my feet are telling my story DJ 1: What has you in such chipper spirits? You’re giddy like a teenage girl that just got asked to the prom DJ 2: I’m walking like a champ because of these new TOMS shoes I just bought and they have my feet feeling great and my spirit too. DJ 1: Shoes that make your feet and spirit feel good? Tell me more about these magic slippers.


   3. Print Ads  i. Magazines (Minimum 1)


  ii. Newspapers (Minimum 1)

  iii. Inserts  iv. Sunday Supplements   4. Direct Mail



DO MORE WITH LESS WHILE DOING MORE!  5. In Store demos/displays (Illustrations)   7. Out of Home (Outdoor, guerrilla, etc


  8. Web Ads/Website/Links to what Sites or



 9. Trade shows (display or other) 


  10. Product Placement in TV shows/movies  

11. New Media and Other ideas  


An evaluation of our marketing plan will insure how well our message is being received by the customer and also assist in ways to ensure our ou r message is being portrayed is the b best est way  possible. We will be able to evaluate the success of our message through interim evaluations from several different sources. By tracking retail sales across the country we can determine  progress on a “this year versus last year” basis. We will determine what is causing the numbers to either go up or down by the use of several interim tools.  

Brand measurement toward attitude


Brand measurement for awareness


Advertising awareness measurement


Media analysis

Respondent measurements will be evaluated on a five point Likert scale in order to measure  progress by evaluating the results over a specific time period.



Current Situation: 

TOMS’ current evaluation of the marketing plan is being attain through the use of online

surveys, social media followers, customer service hotlines, tracking of sales numbers, numbe rs, and instore questionnaires. By evaluating the current evaluation of the marketing plan we can make adjustments, if necessary, to any current features of the marketing plan in order to optimize any or all of the marketing plan.


The objective for the market plan evaluation is to determine the rise or fall of brand awareness, recognition, customer satisfaction, and advertising effectiveness for TOMS shoes.



  The strategy for the evaluation of the marketing plan for TOMS Shoes will have a two part objective as follows:  

To help gain insight through qualitative measurements to find out what customers feel about TOMS as a brand and why they make purchases of TOMS Shoes (for the image that TOMS creates or for charitable reasons.


To use a quantitative measurement to see if i f the marketing plan is being effect in helping grow brand awareness and create an increase in revenue (to be conducted during second quarter).

Tactic (Method): 

We will be using various methods to evaluate how well our marketing plan is working. The customer feedback we will obtain from our evaluation will determine if any changes to the plan needs to occur.

We are using online surveys to see how much people actually know about the Toms brand and how satisfied they are with the brand. We also use social media trackers to see how many likes we have as well as how many followers we have. We are using customer service hotlines to work with customers to meet their satisfaction as well as obtain any an y feedback that will help us to adjust the campaign as needed. We also track in store purchases and use in-store questionnaires to determine if the new marketing strategy has had a positive or negative impact on sales. With the methods that we are using, we will be able to gain an understanding of our customer’s attitudes


  toward our new marketing plan, which will in turn help us to mak makee adjustments to the plan as needed.

Testing: We will be testing in Santa Monica, the city for TOMS headquarters. We will use Austin, TX TX as our control as they have a similar demographic to Santa Monica.


To determine the sales impact of a $500,000 increase in advertising spending. Is the plan helping to create brand awareness and helping to increase market share?

The objective of this marketing phase is to test all the variables in the marketing plan. It is to help simulate the all the elements of the marketing plan in a real world setting.



To use a promotional trip give away and an increased web advertising presence to increase sales in the test market.

Created by: Devin Hice Joshua Haynes Matthew Kaylor Mandy Patterson Kaitlin Wright

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