Tome of Artifacts. Eldritch Relics and Wonders

March 31, 2017 | Author: Casper Overgaard Kirslev | Category: N/A
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Magics Beyond Measure, Curses Beyond Comprehension You hold in your hand a codex of almost limitless potential. Each and every artifact within contains not only a detailed description of its powers, but also a rich and inspiring mythology, adventure seeds, and the various consequences and downsides of use that make artifacts such a mixed blessing. Better yet, the Tome of Artifacts also contains new spells, new monsters, new feats, and a tool to aid you in creating your own artifacts, a random system capable of generating literally millions of unique artifacts! Brought to you in partnership between Necromancer Games™ and Lion’s Den Press™, the Tome of Artifacts contains contributions by some of the industry’s best known names, including fan favorites Keith Baker, Rich Burlew, and Patrick Lawinger. Includes a foreword by David “Zeb” Cook! This product requires use of the Dungeons and Dragons ® Player’s Handbook published by Wizards of the Coast®. This product uses rules from the v.3.5 revision. Fantasy—Swords and Sorcery Sourcebook (Magic and Items) Core D20 System

©2007, Necromancer Games, Inc.


Few elements of fantasy roleplaying are as rife with possibility and potential as are artifacts, those ancient and unpredictable items of potent magics. Travel in quest of mystic wonders, stand as civilization’s only defense against villains equipped with horrific powers, or challenge the gods themselves. Within these pages lie sufficient ideas to inspire dozens upon dozens of quests, adventures and even entire campaigns.


Let the Wonders of the Ages Inspire You!

ISBN 13:978-1-58846-935-9 WW 8397 $39.99 US

WW 8397



Credits Interior Art:

Concept and Design:

Jeff Laubenstein, David Day, Darren Calvert, Eric Lofgren, Brian Leblanc, Mike Chaney & Jeremy McHugh

Bill Webb and Ari Marmell



Keith Baker, Rich Burlew, C. Robert Cargill, Michael Gill, George Hollochwost, Khaldoun Khelil, Patrick Lawinger, Rhiannon Louve, Ari Marmell, Anthony Pryor, C. A. Suleiman

Necromancer Games Staff

Special Thanks: To Elizabeth, for putting up with my stress. —Khaldoun To Anthony, Alex, and Natalie for keeping my sense of wonder alive. —Patrick To Randy Harding, for ideas and brainstorming. —Rhiannon To Matt, Soraya, and Andrew, for being sounding boards; to Jeff, for introducing me to most of my current gaming group; and to George, for all the usual reasons. —Ari To my dog J.D. for inspiring one artifact, and the crew of the Origins 2005 road-trip for inspiring the other. —C. A.

Developer: Bill Webb

Producer: Clark Peterson

Editor: Patrick Lawinger and Bill Webb

Art Direction and Design: Mike Chaney w/ Wes Mantooth

Product Update Password for Tome of Artifacts: Vecna This product requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons® Player’s Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast®. This product utilizes updated material from the v3.5 revision. ©2007 Necromancer Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. Necromancer Games, Necromancer Games, Inc. and the Necromancer Games logo, Tome of Artifacts: Eldritch Relics and Wonders are trademarks of Necromancer Games, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters, names, places, items, art, and text herein are copyrighted by Necromancer Games, Inc. “d20 System” and the d20 System logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used under the terms of the d20 Trademark License. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. Dungeons and Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used in accordance with the Open Game and d20 Trademark Licenses contained in the Legal Appendix. Creature Collection and Relics & Rituals are trademarks of Sword and Sorcery Studio. This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters, and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader discretion is advised. Necromancer Check out Necromancer Games online at And check out Sword and Sorcery Studio online at: Games Third Edition Rules, PRINTED IN CHINA. First Edition Feel



Table of Contents Foreword, by Dave “Zeb” Cook


Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise, by G. Holochwost 138



Holocaust Stone of Gun’ta, by C. Robert Cargill


Altar of the Bone Citadel, by C. Robert Cargill


Horn of the Archangel, by Ari Marmell


Hungry Stone, by Keith Baker


Irruwyn’s Cauldron, by Ari Marmell


Joval’s Equilibrium, by C. Robert Cargill


Juggernaut of Shaddar Khan, by Ari Marmell


King’s Pepper Grinder, by Rhiannon Louve


Korridar, the Crown of Kings, by Keith Baker


Lamentation Engine, by Ari Marmell


Lucky Coin, by Rich Burlew


Masks of the Gods, by Anthony Pryor


Orb of the Wight, by Patrick Lawinger


Petrified God, by Ari Marmell


Rug of Lords, by Patrick Lawinger


Sha’gahr’s Bones, by Anthony Pryor


Siege Hound of Dhula’zar, by C. A. Suleiman


Skiff of the Ferryman, by Ari Marmell


Skullcup of the Nagaraja, by G. Holochwost


Soul Brushes of Gartigan, by Patrick Lawinger


Soulblade, by Michael Gill


Una’s Shield, by Rich Burlew


World Tree, by Rhiannon Louve


Appendix A: The Chosen One, by Anthony Pryor

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Al’Qabir’s Inscrutable Floating Parlor, by C. A. Suleiman


Ashen Heart of Barrat Sûn, by Ari Marmell


Ashrune, by Khaldoun Khelil


Bastard of Exalted Heroism, by C. Robert Cargill


Black Coal Citadel, by Khaldoun Khelil


Black Crystal Spiral, by Michael Gill


Book of Stasis, by Michael Gill


Bow of Night, by Patrick Lawinger


Brooch of the False God, by C. Robert Cargill


Carpet of Contemplation, by Rhiannon Louve


Celestial Machine, by Anthony Pryor


Crown of Ice, by Rhiannon Louve


Darkwood Heart, by Keith Baker


Divinity Sphere, by Michael Gill


Earth Seed, by Michael Gill


Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet, by C. Robert Cargill


Eldros’ Panoply, by Anthony Pryor


Emerald Scales of Veerak, by Rich Burlew


Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak, by Khaldoun Khelil


Fang of the Devil Tigers, by G. Holochwost


Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha, by C. Robert Cargill


Forge of Medzigar Salight, by Patrick Lawinger


Appendix B: Random Artifact Creation, by C. Robert Cargill and Ari Marmell

Fortune’s Breath, by Patrick Lawinger


Appendix C: Compiled Mechanics


Ghost Reaver, by Patrick Lawinger


Appendix D: Legal




Foreword So, here we are again. There is an undeniable strain in fantasy for the bigger, better and more powerful: bigger spells, better weapons, and, of course, more powerful (even godly!) characters. It is from that desire that artifacts came into the roleplaying world, über-powerful magical items that would make my character completely unique from yours (and, of course, cooler). When artifacts first started appearing back in the days of 1st Edition, players seized on them — but not always for the better. It was true that artifacts were supposed to be hard to find, with powers that were difficult to decipher and even more difficult to use. There were outlines of conditions, restrictions, and drawback to their use. Nonetheless, that did not seem to stop DMs and players from freely handing them out. Somewhere along the line, the point of artifacts was lost. Those of us at TSR at the time became used to seeing letters (in the days before email) describing entire parties loaded down with the weaponry of the gods, players who had storerooms filled with every artifact mentioned from the Wand of Orcus to the Hand and Eye of You-Know-Who. And for some, it wasn’t enough. Somewhere along the line, the point of artifacts had been lost. Yes, they were items of immense power and cool, rule-breaking abilities — but they were also supposed to be campaign builders, things you could hinge an entire world (or at least a country) and player career on. A player could spend his life, or at least a good chunk of it, in search of the Doodad of Lubik, find it, perform one great character defining act with it, and then retire. The problem was artifacts weren’t meant to be just weapons, they were meant to be campaigns. To make that happen, artifacts need background — and more than just “this is the weapon of the Black God who hates elves.” Artifacts are personalities as much as player characters and NPCs. Their stories shape their powers, define their use, and create adventure. So with the 2nd Edition book of artifacts we expanded their personalities: created ministories for each item and tried to find ways for them to play a role in campaigns without destroying them.

For me, another major goal was to return mystery and magic to a fantasy game. Odd to say, but in many ways creating a fantasy game lost the magic of fantasy. What is fantastic after all about a sword +1? Where is the mystery and wonder? The magic of legend and fairy tales isn’t about numbers or utilitarian crafting. It’s about using the footfall of a cat, the beard of a woman, the roots of a rock, the sinews of a bear, the breath of a fish, and the spittle of a bird to bind the Fenris wolf. It’s about spinning straw into gold. Wondrous magic is about using the illogical and mysterious to accomplish the impossible. With artifacts, I wanted to encounter those kinds of items once again, to face magic beyond the comprehension of players jaded to the collection of utilitarian spells, armor and weapons that permeate the game. Of course, there had to be a use for them. All the great magic of tales is powerful and can accomplish great things. But it also had to be in balance. Again, a common theme in legend was that all things come with risk. The monkey’s paw doesn’t just grant wishes. Artifacts needed their limitations, their risks and their flaws. These were as much a part of their character as their powers. In many ways it is these flaws that create the adventures around artifacts. It is the flaws that humble the mighty, overturn the order of the world, and keep the cycle going. After all the destruction of great heroes in the process of doing good is a classic tale. It makes me very happy then to say that this new Tome of Artifacts captures that spirit. In here are artifacts to drive campaigns, create adventures, and just be wondrous. What use is the Altar of the Bone Citadel but to create adventure? Will the Bow of Night corrupt and destroy its wielder or will he be truly heroic and cast it aside once the need is gone? Better still, the information here expands and improves with more emphasis on rumors, researching and campaign suggestions (those hooks we all love) for use in your game. And so, here we are again. Artifacts have returned, stronger and more interesting than ever.

David “Zeb” Cook 3


Introduction and developing D20 material almost from the beginning. We’ve assembled a skilled team of writers, made up of both talented newcomers and industry veterans, including quite a few names you’re almost certain to recognize.

There’s something to be said for the classics. Whether you’re an old-school gamer, with memories of play that predate the days of THAC0, or whether 3rd edition is your first experience with fantasy role-play, you’ve almost certainly made use of some of the game’s most classic concepts. Old-school spells, which appear in the arsenal of almost every spellcaster. Foul and vicious monsters as old as the game itself. Winding dungeons, where danger lurks behind every kicked-in door. And then, just possibly, artifacts. Artifacts have been a part of every major version of the game since the late 70s, and they’ve always held a special place in the pantheon of DM tools. They are magic items of wondrous power and horrific curses, in-depth history and story potential so great they can drive entire campaigns. Even in this — arguably the most systematic and mechanically consistent version of the game — artifacts follow no rules but their own. They are the DM’s final trump card, the legendary items that appear only when and where he wants, and that inevitably bring much adventure, and much trouble, to the characters who are (un)fortunate enough to find them. The best artifacts are, of course, far more than a collection of potent abilities. They bear with them a storied and fascinating history, one that should inspire the DM at least as thoroughly as the item’s description itself. Unfortunately, most of the artifacts presented throughout the various incarnations of the game have been relatively short of detail, constrained by the requirements of word count. It was during the latter days of 2nd edition that artifacts were given the attention they deserve, as an entire book of artifacts presented many of these wonders in unprecedented detail. And in many ways, that book is the spiritual father of this one. For this is what the Tome of Artifacts: Eldritch Relics and Wonders aspires to be: Nothing less than the quintessential book of artifacts for the current edition. We’ve pulled out all the stops, in the hopes of honoring both our predecessor in the field and the concept of the artifact itself. The Tome of Artifacts is a joint production of Necromancer Games and Lion’s Den Press, two companies made up of people who have been writing


All right, so enough with the lead-in. What, exactly, does the Tome of Artifacts offer you? The bulk of this work consists of nearly 50 artifacts, all ready for use in an existing campaign, or to serve as the foundation of a brand new one. No matter your style of game, you’re almost certain to find something useful here, from myth to fairy tale, classic fantasy to the truly bizarre. Your PCs might face the undead armies of the Altar of the Bone Citadel, travel the planes on the Skiff of the Ferryman, battle the horrible mutations of the Lamentation Engine, get lost in the halls of Black Coal Citadel, garb themselves in the Emerald Scales of Veerak, destroy cities with the Holocaust Stone, or even pit the Juggernaut of Shaddar Khan against the Siege Hound of Dula’zar in a rampaging battle worthy of downtown Tokyo.

Artifact Format Each artifact follows the same general format, for ease of use. Each begins, of course, with the artifact’s name, as well as any other soubriquets it might possess in various myths and legends. Each artifact is clearly marked with the name of its writer as well. This is partly to facilitate their use as Open Content, but also because each and every one of our writers deserves credit for their fantastic work. Each artifact has a tale to be told, and this tale forms the first true section of each entry. Some are myth, some fairy tale, some rumor and some simple fact, but all provide not only a context for that particular item, but a wealth of ideas and plot seeds on which the DM can draw. This is followed by a sidebar on researching the artifact. This gives the necessary skill checks for such research, as well as the information provided at each level of success. Most entries conclude with lists or suggestions of false information, the sort of erroneous facts PCs might learn if their checks aren’t quite high enough for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 4

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S the artifacts themselves, giving DMs maximum flexibility in choosing the material they want to incorporate.

Next is a section on the artifact’s physical properties: what it looks like, what it feels like, and how (or if) it reacts to divination spells. Now we’re into the meat of the artifact: the powers themselves. Constant powers are those that require no voluntary activation; they remain functioning at all times. These can include everything from AC or save bonuses to emanating auras. Activated powers, obviously, are those that require an act of will, a particular trigger, or some other means of deliberate invocation. Every good artifact, however, has its hazards and downsides; after all, if they were nothing but free power, what fun would that be? These are given next, and range from curses that afflict the wielder to widespread calamities that may make the artifact more dangerous than any villain. Two optional sections often follow, discussing any ambient effects the artifact has on its surroundings, and how it reacts to spells and magics other than divinations. As we’ve mentioned, artifacts are extremely potent and possess detailed back-stories, and their use can be a somewhat daunting prospect. The next section offers advice for DMs, suggesting not only means of incorporating the artifact, but providing specific adventure seeds and suggested means by which the PCs may be able to finally destroy the item. Finally, most of the entries end with one last “goody.” Some of these are new spells, new monsters, new feats, new NPCs, new magic items, new planes — anything and everything we could include to enhance game-play even further. Even better, most of these are fully usable even in campaigns that don’t use

Appendices The artifacts themselves could easily make up the entirety of the book, but we had a bit more we wanted to offer. Appendix A presents the Chosen One, an artifact in human form. It contains a series of modifications that can be applied to a character selected by fate or by the gods for a higher purpose. Appendix B is a monster of a chapter, presenting nothing less than a system and charts for random artifact generation. Obviously it can’t fill in the specific details for you — you’ll need to breathe the last spark of life into your artifacts with your own ideas and creativity — but it can provide you with a solid skeleton from which to work, and is capable of producing literally millions of different artifacts. Finally, Appendix C serves as a reference for the many new spells, feats, monsters, and other goodies scattered throughout the book. With this appendix, you can easily find the proper page numbers for any such feature you’d like to use. So what are you waiting for? Dig in, and discover the many wonders and horrors, tales and adventures, that await you in the Tome of Artifacts. We hope that you’ll find the material within at least as inspiring as we did. Ari Marmell for Lion’s Den Press and Necromancer Games



Altar of the Bone Citadel By C. Robert Cargill

The Tale of the Altar of the Bone Citadel

Researching The Altar of the Bone Citadel

Centuries ago, before the destruction of Ellir Jarville (see Orb of the Wight), the great lich trained an apprentice in the ways of magic and death. This was Mol-Tet, a powerful necromancer who would grow to be nearly his master’s equal in power, and his superior in ambition. Long after he left his master’s side, Mol-Tet sought to conquer the known world with a vast army of undead warriors. Originally headquartered in a nigh unreachable mountain pass, Mol-Tet found that he needed to be more accessible to his armies as the breadth of his empire grew. Thus he crafted the first of his two famed artifacts: a massive and intricately engraved altar, carved out of a single bone from some unknown colossal creature. (Some tales suggest that this was nothing less than the leg bone of a long dead god.) Infused with bizarre necromantic magics, the Altar of the Bone Citadel animated the nearby bones of fallen soldiers and commanded them to collect additional corpses. Quickly and methodically, these skeletons dug out and crafted an underground catacomb to protect the Altar, and then began construction on a tower high above it. Depending on the number of casualties on any given battlefield, a new bone citadel could be constructed in just a few short weeks. With the Altar in tow, Mol-Tet could build a new base of operations in any land he conquered, the tower standing testimony to the awful terror that befell those who dared oppose him. Many attempted to raid Mol-Tet’s citadel, in hopes of destroying Mol-Tet himself. None returned. It wasn’t until Mol-Tet’s own megalomania drove him to create an even more powerful artifact that he met his end by his own hands. With Mol-Tet dead, his army fell soon after. Mol-Tet’s artifacts and belongings were soon scattered, and his hulking citadels torn down. The dead were buried and the great war against the undead menace became one of history’s great cautionary tales. The Altar of the Bone Citadel, proving to be completely indestructible, was hidden, buried deep in a cave that lay sealed shut for generations. There it stayed until another power hungry necromancer excavated it in hopes of accomplishing what Mol-Tet could not. He, too, met defeat and death, and the Altar has changed hands many times since.

While the Altar of the Bone Citadel has a solid place in history, few actually know that the Altar itself was responsible for the monolithic citadels that once dotted the land. A Knowledge (history), Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion) check can shed some light on the subject. DC 10




Knowledge Available Once, centuries ago, a mad sorcerer constructed great towers of bone, and a powerful artifact in the form of an altar. It was the Altar of the Bone Citadel itself that constructed these towers, using animate dead to build those unholy places. The Altar is capable of animating any nearby dead, who then build a maze of catacombs around it. The Altar also commands its deathless minions to bring it additional bodies, providing an endless stream of skeletal servants. No mortal may fully command the powers of the Altar, but they can avoid its wrath. It is said that at the stroke of the witching hour, the Altar resets and repairs its servants, and that those servants are much more deadly and capable than skeletons raised by mere necromancers.

Many rumors persist that it was the Altar of the Bone Citadel itself that created Mol-Tet’s vast army, when in truth it was not. Rumors also claim that anyone who owns the Altar also commands the undead it creates. One story has it that the Altar may be sundered by the Bastard of Exalted Heroism, but there seems to be no truth to this rumor either.

Studying the Altar of the Bone Citadel

The Altar of the Bone Citadel, a massive artifact weighing upward of 800 pounds, is intricately etched and carved from a single bone. Foul symbols, recognizable only to those who


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S new ones at the next witching hour if for some reason it falls below its maximum. These skeletons then go about digging up and collecting any other corpses within the 10-mile radius to harvest the needed bones. The Altar always knows the location of any dead within 100 miles, and the skeletons are instantly commanded to go to the nearest location where bones are readily available. Once all of the dead within 10 miles have been collected, the skeletons range further out, collecting in concentric circles of 10 miles each, until all of the dead within range have been brought to the Altar. Up to this point, the skeletons only fight when attacked or when someone enters the confines of the catacombs. Once all of the bones within 100 miles have been collected, however, the skeletons form raiding parties to kill for more bones until the citadel itself is completed. Once completed, the skeletons do not leave their assigned post within the catacombs or citadel unless someone does damage of any kind to the structure, at which point they attack to kill. Skeletons do not patrol the outside the citadel. Skeletons created by the Altar of the Bone Citadel have +4 Str, +4 hit points per HD and have a turn resistance of +2. (This raises the CR of any skeleton to a minimum of 1, but does not affect the CR of skeletons that already have a CR of 1 or higher.) Within the confines of the catacombs, the skeletons gain an additional +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls, and act as a unit, gaining an additional +1 bonus on attack rolls when adjacent to any other Altar-created skeleton. Any skeletal laborers that fall under the control of another individual are replaced at the next witching hour, but keep all of the bonuses gained from their creation by the Altar. When short of its maximum servants, the Altar first animates any newly dead occupants of the catacombs or citadel, such as adventurers who may have fallen and have yet to be retrieved from the site. Lacking any fresh bodies, the Altar animates corpses from the walls of the catacomb itself, providing a nearly endless stream of servants.

have read the most vile of necromantic works, run the entire length and breadth of the altar. Four perfectly carved human skulls, each a solid part of the Altar, rest atop each of the four corners. Aged and faded bloodstains atop the Altar are the only notable discolorations to the otherwise evenly aged bone. The Altar radiates great evil if viewed with any manner of detection, and radiates strong necromancy if viewed with detect magic. The catacombs are a maze of bone, with corridors ten feet high and ten feet wide. The walls are formed in layers: skulls atop stacked bones atop skulls, in a pattern that repeats from floor to ceiling the ceiling. The floor is a mixture of sand or dirt and bone fragments, as well as a fine layer of crushed bone if the catacomb has existed for at least a year. The sanctuary, always found in the center of the complex, is 40 feet on a side, its floor entirely layered in broken bones. The citadel, at its full height, stands about 200 feet tall. The bones that form its walls are magically reinforced as to support the massive amount of weight. It is a series of winding staircases and rooms complete with bone furnishings.

Powers of the Altar of the Bone Citadel

The Altar animates any dead body within range to serve the Altar’s only purpose: constructing a series of catacombs and a tower worthy of a powerful necromancer. The dead thusly animated serve not just to construct the site, however, but to protect it as well. Risen dead created by the Altar are more powerful than those created by the normal means.

Using the Altar of the Bone Citadel

The Altar functions constantly, always forging a new palace of the dead. Left alone, the Altar animates any dead within range and begin its collection process. The skeletal guardians of the altar attack anyone within the confines of the catacombs. However, if someone smears their blood atop the Altar (requiring enough blood to deal 1d2 points of Constitution damage) the artifact recognizes him as is new owner. From this point, the Altar’s undead ignore the character, even if he threatens or attacks them.


No known method for controlling the Altar exists. One simply puts the Altar where he wants it and the Altar goes about its business. The owner cannot command the skeletons, nor can he make the Altar cease its activities by any means other than removing it from the catacomb and setting it up elsewhere.

Constant Powers

When not in the confines of its catacombs, the Altar of the Bone Citadel can create up to 40 Hit Dice of skeletons, as per the animate dead spell, with a range of 10 miles. It can create all 40 HD at once, but may only do so at the witching hour (the moment when the time between sunset and sunrise are perfectly equal.) The Altar always keeps 40 HD-worth of skeletal laborers in activity, and creates

Ambient Effects

The Altar of the Bone Citadel radiates bane and unhallow, as per the spells cast by a 20th-level cleric. These effects extent throughout the catacombs and citadel, and cannot be suppressed by any means. When the Altar is not within the catacombs, this effect extends to only 40 feet. 7

A LTA R O F T H E B O N E C I TA D E L Any dead bodies within the confines of the catacombs or the citadel may not be raised or resurrected in any way, except through animation as an undead creature. Anyone killed within the Altar’s immediate influence must be taken from the catacombs or tower in order to be raised or resurrected.

disturbed graves all over the countryside, they set out to find the insidious grave robbers, only to discover a macabre dungeon unlike any they’ve encountered: A dungeon of death that seems very much alive. The Heir of Mol-Tet A powerful necromancer has discovered the secrets of Mol-Tet and has set out to succeed where Mol-Tet failed. He has begun by constructing a citadel and filling it with his own undead abominations. The adventurers must fight their way through the complex and put an end to this necromancer before he completes his further schemes — which may involve undead armies, or even the use of other necromantic artifacts, such as the Orb of the Wight or the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet. The Casting out of the Altar While the Altar of the Bone Citadel cannot be destroyed, it can be rendered inert. But where can the adventurers hide an 800-pound altar where they can be assured no one will die within a hundred miles of it? And just how are they supposed to get it there?

Reactive Traits

The Altar of the Bone Citadel is immune to any magical effects. However, a successful turn undead attempt, focused upon the Altar itself (treat it as a 20-HD undead creature) temporarily nullify its powers, destroying any existing skeletons and instantly collapsing any of the existing structure. The powers of the Altar, however, return in one minute.

Using The Altar of the Bone Citadel in a Campaign

The Altar of the Bone Citadel is ideal for any level of campaign, but best suited for low to mid-level adventures. Depending on who, if anyone, is using the Altar, and on the citadel’s stage of completion, the challenge of an adventure can be easily adjusted. Also, while the Altar creates up to 40 HD in skeletons, the DM can scale the average HD of each individual skeleton, to make the challenge suitable to the party’s level of experience. Low-level adventurers might encounter the laborers harvesting bones, leading them back to the unfinished catacombs. Mid-level adventurers may have to contend with skeletal raiding parties leading them back to a completed citadel. High level adventurers may have to contend not just with the Altar of the Bone Citadel itself, but with the citadel’s new resident necromancer and his own series of minions.

Adventure Seeds

The Abandoned Altar While someone may have intended to use the artifact at one point, that individual is long gone. Now the A l t a r is simply doing what it does. When the adventures discover


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S etons. In truth, while he did indeed possess that ability, it was his robes, not the greater artifact, that granted it.

Destroying the Altar

Only one way of destroying the Altar of the Bone Citadel has even been hinted at in legends and, if accurate, is so horrifically difficult as to be all but impossible. • A god who does not hold dominion over the undead must attune himself to the Altar. The Altar must then collect the bones of a god whose portfolio does include the undead, and build them into the catacomb or the citadel. If this happens, the entire structure — catacomb, citadel, and even the Altar — decay into nothingness in 1d4 hours. While the artifact is all but indestructible, however, it can be temporarily hidden or banished. • Casting the Altar of the Bone Citadel into the belly of an active volcano could keep its skeletal minions from getting to it and keep others from finding it. • Send the artifact to another plane in which the denizens have no bones.

Robes of Mol-Tet

Though less powerful than the Altar or the Ebony Skeleton, the Robes of Mol-Tet are no less horrific. This artifact allows its wearer to command veritable legions of the undead. Description: What were obviously once rich purple robes of the finest silks have been dulled nearly black by grave dirt, grime and the stains of various fluids. The edges are frayed and several tears and claw marks scar the robes, both front and back. Activation: The robes require no activation; simply wearing them is sufficient to access their vile power. Effect: The robes of Mol-Tet eliminate the Hit Die restriction on the number of undead the wearer can control via spells such as animate dead. They do not actually grant the power to raise the dead, however; the wearer must still be able to do so on his own. Aura/Caster Level: Strong necromancy. CL 18th. Weight: 2 lb.

New Minor Artifact

Many people who have heard of the Altar believe that it granted Mol-Tet the power to control whole armies of skel-


A L - Q A B I R ’ S I N S C R U TA B L E F L O AT I N G PA R L O R

Al-Qabir’s Inscrutable Floating Parlor The Spice Merchant’s Den, the Machine of Mystery By C.A. Suleiman

The Tale of the Parlor

Ah, so you wish to hear the legend of the floating parlor of al-Qabir, hmm? Very well. You’ve paid good coin for this evening’s shelter and water, and as I am a gracious host, I am bound to your request. Sit, please, and take a draw from the water pipe. Tonight, we shall be as brothers. To begin, I shall— What’s that? Oh, yes. When I speak of it as “legend,” dear friend, it is because that is what it has become, here in the Caliphate, at least. And I’m quite sure that old al-Qabir himself would have wanted it no other way. He was a lover of tales, after all. Let me begin by saying that Mohtara was not always the place it is for us living here today. Back in al-Qabir’s time, the Caliph was not so… understanding. He imposed strict regulations on traded goods, and no matter what your particular pleasure might have been, none was more strictly regulated than the spice. For a spice merchant, as al-Qabir was, this proved frustrating. It wasn’t that there was no call for wares such as his — quite the contrary, as I’m sure you can imagine. Rather, it was the extremist regard in which the Caliph held such luxuries that was the source of the problem. Certainly, one could stick to those spices that were viewed with acceptance in court, but any fool could see that there was no money in that, no future. And al-Qabir was no fool. After the third time his operation was closed down by the Caliph’s men, al-Qabir found himself behind bars, awaiting the so-called “trial” he knew could only conclude with his execution. As he sat in his cell, bemoaning his fate, he heard a faint sound, as of someone whistling a pleasant air in the street outside. Stepping to his only window, al-Qabir was startled to behold a small falcon perched upon the sill, a sparkling charm dangling round its noble chest. Taking the charm in hand, the spice merchant was startled yet again by the puff of azure smoke that erupted from the charm’s inset stone. Within seconds, the smoke took humanoid shape. Al-Qabir gaped in awe as what could only be one of the mighty djinn stepped forward, bowing humbly. When faced with the prospect of having not one but three wishes, all the spice merchant could think to say was, “Oh, esteemed one, I am so weary of not being able to ply an honest trade in my own homeland. If I could 10

but escape this hole, and have a means by which I could travel the land in secrecy, stopping and selling only when and to whom I chose, I would be most content, even happy.” By way of reply, the genie bowed once more and offered to show him the way to such a future. All the spice merchant had to do was wish it so…. That is only the beginning, of course. We all know where the story goes from there: how al-Qabir went on to become the greatest folk hero of his day; how he floated from town to town in his invisible parlor, always one step ahead of the Caliph’s men; how he alone moved mountains of spice, and in so doing, changed the way the Caliphate would look upon such things forever after. But no one ever seems to recall the end of his tale, now do they? How al-Qabir vanished without trace from the land once his work was done. Just a rumor, you say? Possibly…. But I ask you this: If it is not truth, then what did become of old al-Qabir?

Studying the Parlor

Part of the mystery of the Inscrutable Floating Parlor rests in the fact that it’s so difficulty to study. Even the mightiest divinations are powerless to locate it, and if the thing’s exterior truly does reside on this plane, no one has ever seen it. Whether hovering idle or actively in motion, the artifact is completely invisible. It makes no sound, leaves no tracks, and produces no distinguishable scent or odor. The exception to this rule is when someone is using the hookah while the artifact is in motion. In this circumstance, anyone under the effects of a true seeing spell, and gazing at the precise location of the Parlor as it goes by, sees what appears to be a moving trail of wispy green vapor. But even then, no features of the Parlor itself are apparent. Anyone trying to touch the outside of the Parlor feels a smooth structure with four walls, a roof and a floor. By touch, the artifact seems to measure only nine feet on a side, but the floor usually appears to hover some three feet off the ground (the owner can alter this if he chooses), raising the wall and ceiling height to a full 12 feet. Any attempt to mark the exterior, whether by paint or chalk dust or the like, fails, as though no surface was there to affect. The shape, character and even size of the Parlor’s interior vary from owner to owner (see the Spatial Distortion ability, below), with one important exception: No


Researching the Parlor Inscrutable as it is, Al-Qabir’s legendary Parlor has left precious little evidence of its passing over the years. Most of what data there is has been left in the minds of those with whom the artifact’s prior owners have come in contact. As such, researchers are likely to have better luck seeking out more personal sources, such as the elder keepers of a particular village’s oral tradition, where more traditional methods of research might fail. Anyone with Bardic Knowledge, or using the Gather Information skill in the right region, may attempt to research the Parlor. Knowledge gained is very likely stained with some measure of personal bias, interpretation, and/or local color. DC 10 20 25 30+

Knowledge Available A wealthy spice merchant in an age gone by came to possess an invisible parlor which could fly from place to place upon its owner’s command. While traveling within the artifact, one has access to insights beyond the ken of mortal men. Those who indulge in the Inscrutable Floating Parlor’s decadence may soon find themselves unable to exist without it. More than one of the artifact’s previous owners seemed to somehow disappear from existence entirely. (The character finds a reliable reference confirming this fact.) The artifact is almost impossible to destroy. (Provide the player with one or more of the methods of destruction given below.) The Parlor offers undeniable power, but seems to ask nothing in return….

The two largest sources of mystery, and thus the key areas of misinformation, about the Parlor pertain to its origins and to the true extent of its powers. Few can speak with any certainty or authority on either matter, but that doesn’t stop loose-lipped masters of conjecture from producing notions of the following variety: • The Parlor is not an actual object that exists on this plane, but rather a permanent rift between this world and another. This explains why previous owners have appeared to vanish without a trace. • If one were to somehow see the exterior of the Parlor for what it is, one would behold a panoply of anguished faces, pressed screaming against its four walls. • In order to destroy the Parlor, one must summon an Efreeti lord from the courts of fire and bind him to service. Only by commanding the genie to return with the artifact to the fabled City of Brass may it be melted down in the fires of that plane. matter how it may appear, the core feature of the Parlor is always a sunken open area, at the center of which sits an elegant hookah seemingly fashioned from gold. Casting detect magic on the Parlor while the hookah is not in use produces no result, as though the artifact didn’t exist. Casting detect magic under the effects of a true seeing spell — while the hookah is in use and the artifact is in motion — reveals impossibly strong auras of both conjuration and divination magics. All other divinations are similarly frustrated. Even the identify spell reveals absolutely nothing, whether or not the golden hookah is in use, and any attempt to scry on the Parlor, or on anyone either using it or riding inside it, simply fails.

what Al-Qabir’s wondrous Parlor might have done. The truth is that the Parlor doesn’t have many powers in and of itself. Indeed, the single greatest power of this artifact lies in its legendry, and in this case, in the very essence of wonder.

Using the Parlor

Although many can make use of the artifact and its activated powers, only one may be considered its owner at one time, and only the owner can actually command the artifact into action. Once an individual has claimed the Parlor for his own, he always has an unerring sense of where his artifact is, and just how far he is from the entrance. (The artifact’s protection against scrying does not extend to its owner while he is outside its walls.) The owner may always summon the artifact to him, by silent act of will; it flies at a speed of 240 (48 squares) to reach him. (The artifact cannot enter an area that cannot accommodate a 9-foot by 9-foot object, however, and

Powers of Al-Qabir’s Inscrutable Floating Parlor

As it is now one of the greatest myths to come out of a mythic age, there is no shortage of theories on just 11

A L - Q A B I R ’ S I N S C R U TA B L E F L O AT I N G PA R L O R should the owner be beyond its reach, it draws as close as it can to him and then stops.) The owner can command the artifact’s movements, as well as its Phantasmal Guise ability, from any location, even on another plane of existence. All other activated powers require that the owner actually be inside the Parlor. To enter the Parlor, the owner simply commands it to open for him (usually with the flourish of a “phrase of power,” though none is strictly necessary). At this point, a sort of door opens and a golden stepladder, similar to those found on luxury carriages, drops to the ground (a maximum of six feet), allowing passage into the Parlor. If the artifact is under no guise at the time, the “door” appears to be a rift in space, opening to reveal a glimpse of the interior beyond. Otherwise, the opening appears as a true door, consistent with whatever seeming was adopted. If the artifact has no owner, this “door” opens for anyone who stands before it.

only have one floor — the “ground” floor — regardless of space design or efficiency. Temperance: The interior of the Parlor is comfortable, regardless of any outside prevailing conditions. Ventilation is perfect, and no environmental effect, be it wind, gas, rain or other, can penetrate to the interior without the express desire of the artifact’s owner. In addition, the interior is mystically stabilized to mitigate the deleterious effects of inertia. Thus do those within remain on sure footing even while the Parlor is in motion.

Activated Powers

Most of the Parlor’s activated powers revolve around the golden hookah found within, and cannot be activated unless the hookah is in use. Cloud of Disarming: Three times per day, as a standard action, the owner of the Parlor can use the golden hookah to fill the area with a greenish haze that puts everyone but the owner and his allies in a state of mental relaxation and pliability. The effect is a combination of the spells calm emotions and mind fog, each treated as though cast by a 22nd level caster. Affected creatures must make two Will saves, one for each effect — the first at a DC of 20, the second at a DC of 23. Eyes of the Past: Twice per day, the owner of the Parlor can use the golden hookah to generate an effect similar to an oracular haze spell (new spell; see below) at a caster level of 22nd. The Parlor itself must be in motion at a speed of at least 20 in order for the owner to use this power. Genie’s Bargain: Three times per day, as a standard action, the owner of the parlor can use the golden hookah to fill the area with a pleasant-smelling haze that duplicates the effects of a zone of truth spell (caster level 22nd; DC 21 Will negates). Phantasmal Guise: At will, the owner of the parlor may invoke an effect similar to a permanent image spell (caster level 22nd), with two important caveats: First, the only image he can create is an alternate seeming for the Parlor itself (an extravagant tent is common, but an old shack or country inn works just as well). Second, the effect cannot be disbelieved, no matter the individual interaction. (It is, for all intents and purposes, a type of polymorph, rather than a true illusion.) The owner can invoke or cancel this effect from anywhere on the plane. Canceling any extant guise effect returns the Parlor to its default invisibility. Spiritual Bulwark: Once per day, as a standard action, the owner of the Parlor may use the hookah to bestow upon himself an effect similar in all ways to a mind blank spell (caster level 22nd). The effects persist for the standard duration, even if and after the owner leaves the confines of the Parlor.

Constant Powers

In addition to its flight and its inscrutability (which are restated below for the purposes of completeness), as well as the handful of powers that require activation, the Parlor has a number of powers worked into its very design. Flight: The Parlor never touches the ground unless its owner commands it to. Most of the time, it hovers about three feet off the ground, but can be directed to raise or lower this height. Any distance above six feet prevents the golden step ladder from descending when the door is commanded to open. While in motion, the artifact typically floats along at a leisurely speed of 20 (4 squares), but can be commanded to race as fast as 240 (48 squares), if needed. The artifact’s maneuverability is average. Granted Fortitude: The owner of the Parlor receives a +4 inherent bonus to all Wisdom checks; Charisma-, Intelligence-, or Wisdom-based skill checks; and Will saves while he remains within the artifact. Inscrutability: As mentioned above, the Parlor is invisible as a default, and not just to normal eyesight, but to other mundane means of detection, such as darkvision and the scent ability, and to mystical means of perception, as well. No mortal magic can overcome this inscrutability (except as noted above). Security: No creature or object can enter the interior of the artifact by means of teleport, dimension door, etherealness, gate or any other such means of conveyance unless the owner wishes it. Spatial Distortion: Even though the Parlor “feels” as though it measures only 9 feet by 9 feed from the outside, the interior is potentially much more spacious, and indeed, conforms entirely to the owner’s preferences in its design and layout. The only restrictions are that the total area can’t be larger than 60-foot square, and it may 12

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S • The owner dies, and the artifact is free to adopt a new owner. • The owner disappears from reality altogether (thus allowing the artifact a new owner). Now, nobody is sure just how this last option manifests, but rumors persist, and almost every telling concludes with the surety that this is the fate that awaits those who cannot break free of their addiction to the past….


Once one has discovered the golden hookah’s Eyes of the Past ability, the draw of lost and ancient knowledge becomes irresistible for the owner. What begins with an innocent desire to unearth buried lore develops swiftly into a full-blown obsession. Before long, the owner has sequestered himself within his invisible prison, wanting nothing more than the next gratifying excursion into the past. Each new insight only drives the desire for the next, and before long, it’s all the owner can do to remember to eat or sleep in between bouts of waking dream. Things progresses, with the hookah-addled owner withdrawing from everyone and everything else in his life, until one of three things happens: • The owner gives up the golden hookah (and thus the Parlor, as the hookah cannot be removed from it) forever.

Using the Parlor in a Campaign

True to its ethos, the Parlor makes a good central focus for stories that revolve around mystery or the search for the unknown. Unlike some other artifacts, it can also easily fall into the hands of lower-powered characters, and could feature prominently as the goal of an entire story arc or campaign.

Adventure Seeds

The Devil’s Due A swindler of some repute has acquired the Parlor and is using its golden hookah to cheat honest people out of their gold as he floats from town to town. Since his location can’t be tracked or divined, nobody knows how to put a stop to his swindling ways. Can the PCs figure out who he is and where he’ll go to next? And if they can, can they make sure they don’t fall victim to his swindling ways? The Vanishing A woman approaches the PCs with a fascinating tale: She claims to be the daughter/sister/wife of a man who came into possession of an incredible floating parlor. Soon after he did, she lost all contact with him. She can’t seem to find any evidence or record of his activities one way or another, and the divinations she’s bought are coming up grey. Can the party help her discover what happened?

Destroying the Parlor

As its origins are shrouded in mystery, no one can say for sure how the Inscrutable Floating Parlor came or how to make it go away. The artifact is immune to both physical damage and magical attack, and even the mightiest spells cannot affect it in any destructive manner. (This makes it a great place to hole up, should one find one’s self under siege, assuming food isn’t an issue.) For all intents and purposes, the following methods should be viewed as the only possible means of destroying the Parlor, and even then, only one should work. 13

A L - Q A B I R ’ S I N S C R U TA B L E F L O AT I N G PA R L O R • The artifact’s owner must bring a bag of holding inside the Parlor, turn it inside out, and then pierce or otherwise destroy it. When he does, both the bag and the Parlor are destroyed, and the owner (along with every other soul inside the artifact at the time) is catapulted to a random spot deep on the Astral Plane. • The owner must use the artifact’s Eyes of the Past ability to discern the exact moment when the Parlor arrived on his plane. Armed with this knowledge, he must somehow travel back in time to that place and time and claim ownership of the Parlor when it arrives. The instant he does, the Parlor winks out of existence. • The artifact’s current owner must track down a genie and coerce or otherwise convince him to grant three wishes. With his first wish, he must wish for the power to unmake the Parlor. With his second wish, he must wish for the Parlor to be unmade. And with his third wish, he must wish for the Parlor never to return.

neither provides nor allows for divination into events which have not yet come to pass.) In order to cast the spell, you and any others you wish to include must spend some time passing around a finely-crafted hookah. Each participant must smoke at least once in order to be included in the spell’s effects and gain any insight. As the area fills with rich, heady smoke, each participant enters a sort of trance. The resulting insight is functionally similar to that granted by a vision spell (see that spell in the PHB for specifics, including the rules for level checks), except that multiple individuals may benefit from its wisdom and the magic doesn’t put quite the same strain on the minds of those involved. The other important distinction is that participants may inquire after different topics, if they so choose. But where the vision spell imparts knowledge based on the familiarity of the subject in question, the divinatory power of oracular haze is dependent largely on the extent to which participating minds cooperate. If each participant seeks to learn about a different subject, then no single individual gleans a great deal of information about his particular topic, and the DC for each check is 30. If more than one participant focuses on a given topic, then a commensurately greater degree of knowledge is imparted about that topic, and the DC for the check is 25. If all subjects involved focus on the same question, then the spell is sure to reveal some truly useful insights, and the DC for the check is 20. (Casting this spell without additional participants grants you a useful but not extensively detailed vision.) Unlike legend lore and similar divinations, oracular haze allows probing into even the most obscure subjects, with the caveat that only a single aspect of any given topic may be explored per casting of the spell. The full extent of any information gleaned, as well as the manner in which it is imparted, is at the DM’s discretion. Material Component: Fine tobacco, hashish, or other potent herb worth 250 gp. Focus: Hand-crafted hookah worth at least 500 gp.

New Spell

The following spell is known only to those who own (or have owned) the Floating Parlor, but it may be possible for some other spellcaster to research it independently.

Oracular Haze

Divination Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 8 Components: S, M, F Casting Time: 1d4x10 minutes Range: 30 ft. Targets: Up to one creature/two levels in a 30-ft.-radius centered on you Duration: See text This potent divination allows a group of individuals to tune in to the collective unconscious, and in so doing, to glean great insights about important people, places, objects, or historical events. (Despite its name, the spell



Ashen Heart of Barrat Sûn The Black Heart, Sûn’s Legacy By Ari Marmell

The Tale of the Ashen Heart

sucking fiend once and for all. They battled their way through his armies, to the very center of his power: the great tower known as the Spire of Dusk. (Some legends claim that one of these champions wielded the Bastard of Exalted Heroism) Though it cost them both their lives, these champions reached the heart of the Spire of Dusk. Together they subdued the Night’s Emperor, and pierced him through the heart with a darkwood sword, crafted specifically for this purpose. Even as Sûn’s body shriveled around the stake, they lopped off his head and — before finally being overrun by the vampire’s armies — cast both segments of his body into the raging hearth. Alas, the evil of Barrat Sûn, and the vampire’s malevolent will, could not so easily be slain. Though his body burnt away, a solid lump of ash remained, the residue of Sûn’s black and unbeating heart, clumped around the wooden blade. For many years, it sat untouched, as the Spire of Dusk slowly deteriorated and collapsed around it. Eventually, however, a party of adventurers arrived to explore the forgotten ruins, as adventurers are wont to do. They located the wooden sword and removed the strange ashen clump from its blade. A wizard traveling as one of the party recognized the great magics that lingered within the ash; he knew not what he would unleash when he chose to carry it out with him… Since that day, the Ashen Heart has been carried from land to land, possibly even world to world. Wherever it travels, it bestows great power but causes great pain. Many times, the forces of good have sought to destroy it, and many times they have failed. And so it shall continue, until the Heart is someday destroyed — or until Barrat Sûn should rise from it once again, restored to his full malevolent glory.

Legends disagree on where the undead scourge, known today as the vampire, first came from. They disagree on who might truly claim to be the first, and on how long these most infamous of the undead have plagued the mortal worlds. One detail on which many of the myths and tales agree, however, is that of all the vampires to bedevil the living throughout history, perhaps the worst was Barrat Sûn. In the modern age, none can say with any authority who Sûn might have been during his mortal life. He first appears in an obscure myth that tells of events over six-thousand years old. According to this tale, Sûn was the favored spawn and strong right hand of a vampire named Ara Sciek. He is mentioned only in passing, for this particular legend focuses on Sciek herself, and her efforts at conquering the Kazcien province of the great Empire of Unat-Fer. Sûn does not appear again until almost two-thousand years later. By this time, Unat-Fer has shrunk considerably, having fallen into a period of cultural decadence and decline. Now completely independent of his former master, and an incredibly potent arcanist to boot, Sûn led an army of the living, the dead, and swarms of animals and vermin against the surviving government of UnatFer. After a bloody war, the vampire assumed the throne as the Night’s Emperor of Unat-Fer. For another thousand years, Sûn reigned in a bloody regime. The many provinces of Unat-Fer were permitted to govern themselves during the day, while authority reverted to the Imperial Throne during the hours of darkness. Sûn’s armies marched against neighboring lands, annexing them into the so-called Empire of Night. Each was treated as were the provinces; native governments were allowed to remain in place, so long as they swore fealty to Sûn and acknowledged that every piece of land, every structure, every home, was the property of the Night’s Emperor come dusk. Unat-Fer became a paradise for vampires and other predatory undead, and the people lived in constant fear. Yet even the mighty Sûn could not rule forever. After a thousand years of oppression, a pair of champions arose from the population and set about to slay the blood-

Studying the Ashen Heart

The Ashen Heart looks exactly as it sounds: It is a small mass of dull gray ash, roughly the size and general shape of a human heart. It feels constantly moist to the touch, and leaves a smear of wet ash on anything it touches. This wetness is ever so slightly warm, and tends to make living beings uncomfortable. The Heart has a smoldering, smoky smell to it, as though it was literally pulled out of the embers of a dying fire. It grows paler when exposed to direct sunlight, and the burning scent 15


Researching the Ashen Heart Sûn’s Legacy is actually a very difficult artifact to research. While many tales speak of Barrat Sûn, very few people know that his heart survived his destruction. Thus, it is possible for someone to know of Sûn but not the Heart, or vice-versa. Anyone with Knowledge (history) may attempt a check to see if they know anything about Sûn, and his nocturnal Empire of Unat-Fer. However, Knowledge (history) does not allow a character to learn about the Heart. Similarly, DC 10 20 25 30+

DC 10 20 25 30 35+

a character with Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion) may know of a necromancy-inclined artifact known as the Black Heart, but they know nothing of its connection to Barrat Sûn. Only someone who succeeds at both checks can gain full knowledge of the artifact. Bardic Knowledge might allow knowledge of both Sûn and the Heart, but the character must make separate checks for each.

Knowledge Available About Sûn A great vampire named Barrat Sûn once ruled a dreadful empire called Unat-Fer. Barrat Sûn was a powerful wizard, in addition to being a vampire. His empire was allowed to largely govern itself during the day, but he and his vampiric minions had free reign at night. The character knows all the information presented in the History section, above, except for the bit about Sûn’s heart surviving. Only with a roll this high does the character know that Sûn’s heart survived, though he must still attempt another appropriate roll to learn anything about it. Knowledge Available About the Heart An artifact known as the Black Heart grants its bearer potent abilities, not unlike those of a vampire. Merely wielding the Heart grants only a few abilities. Consuming it unlocks a great many more. The Heart demands a price from those who would use it. Wielding it drains a bit of health, while consuming it forces the individual to feed on others. (The character is also aware of the Heart’s specific powers.) The Heart is all that remains of Barrat Sûn, an ancient and powerful vampire. (The character must still make an appropriate check to learn any more about Sûn.) Supposedly, under the proper circumstances, Sûn himself may be reborn from the Heart. The character knows a few methods of destroying the heart.

other method. (If you cut the heart from a living being, he’s going to stay dead. The Heart has many powers, but raising the dead is not among them.) • The Black Heart grants its wielder power over the undead. (In point of fact, undead are among the creatures over which the artifact does not grant power. This misconception often goes hand-in-hand with the notion that the Heart is part of the Ebony Skeleton.) • Anyone who has consumed the Heart is immune to the powers of the vampire. (This is, in fact, only partly true. While the individual is protected from their energy-draining touch, they can still be harmed through blood loss. In fact, once a vampire tastes the blood of someone who has consumed the Heart, she may find herself unable to stop feeding.) • If a vampire consumes the Black Heart, she gains great power. (Vampires cannot consume the Heart, though they can drain the life from someone else who has consumed the Heart.)

Perhaps the most common misconceptions regarding the Heart have to do with its origins. Since only a few people have the knowledge necessary to connect it with Barrat Sûn, the DM might provide all manner of false clues to its nature. These might include: • The Heart is the remains of a demon or devil slain on the Material Plane. • The Heart was created by a powerful red dragon, who gathered together ashes from a thousand people he burned to death and enchanted the lot of them. • The Heart was created artificially, and is in fact part of the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet. Of course, a great many of the inaccurate rumors and legends of the Heart have to do with its powers, as well as its nature. • If you cut the heart from a living being and replace it with the Black Heart, that individual will return to life with more power than the Heart can grant by any


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S • 50% fortification against critical hits. • Immune to energy drain and ability damage caused by negative energy, but not from other causes (such as blood loss). • The individual heals via negative energy, and is injured by positive energy, just like an undead. • The individual grows fangs and gains the blood drain attack of the vampire. • Light sensitivity: The individual is dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. • Sacred aversion: The individual cannot approach within 5 feet of a holy symbol of a good or neutral deity. He may overcome this aversion for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier by succeeding on a DC 20 Will save. All non-evil divine spellcasters lose access to all spells, spell-like, and supernatural abilities granted by class levels in divine classes as long as they keep the Heart within them. • For mechanical purposes, the individual in question has a CR +2. Anyone who wishes to keep the Heart inside them must adapt their diet accordingly. See Consequences, below.

grows stronger, though it never actually bursts into flame or seems to take any true damage. If exposed to any of the other traditional banes of vampires — holy symbols, garlic, running water — it seems to shrivel up into itself, shrinking to roughly three-quarters its normal size. It slowly expands to normal once the offending object has been removed. If and when someone attempts to consume the Ashen Heart, it takes on a sludgy, viscous texture. It tends to catch in one’s throat, requiring extreme effort to choke it down. When placed in the mouth, it leaks an acrid fluid that appears to be mixed ash and water, but tastes distinctly of rotting blood. Detection spells reveal that the Heart gives off a distinct magical aura. Although few of its powers are actually related to the undead, the artifact’s very nature produces an aura of necromancy that practically overwhelms all other magics. Only an extra 1d4 rounds of study reveals powerful auras of enchantment and transmutation, obscured by the necromantic energies. More powerful divinations reveal the Heart’s powers, but none reveal the downsides, nor that the spirit of Barrat Sûn lingers in its pulpy mass.

Powers of the Ashen Heart

The Ashen Heart carries more than the lingering spirit of a vampire; it carries the very essence of the nocturnal undead. Those with the Heart in their possession can wield powers very much like those of the vampires themselves.

Activated Powers

In addition to the benefits gained from ingesting the Ashen Heart, the artifact provides its wielder access to a number of activated powers. These require a standard action to invoke. All saving throws against these powers have a DC of 25 if the Heart is wielded as an item, or of 30 if the Heart has been consumed. Similarly, all have a caster level of 12. Alternate Form: The wielder may assume the shape of a bat, dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf, so long as his Hit Dice are equal to or greater than the Hit Dice of the shape he wishes to assume. This ability is otherwise similar to a polymorph spell, except the individual does not regain hit points for changing form. The wielder can maintain this shape until the next sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first. This power is usable once per day if the Heart is wielded, or three times per day if it has been consumed. Children of the Night: The wielder can summon 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves. The animals arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the wielder for up to one hour. This power is usable once per day. Dominate: The wielder may cast dominate person as a gaze attack, with a range of 30 feet. This power is usable once per day if the Heart is wielded, or three times per day if it has been consumed. Gaseous Form: The wielder may assume gaseous form, as per the spell. This power is usable once per day if the Heart is wielded, or three times per day if it has been consumed.

Using the Ashen Heart

Sûn’s Legacy can be used in one of two ways. Anyone can wield the Heart as a standard magic item, brandishing it and willing it to activate. This requires that the individual hold the Heart in a hand (or similar appendage). Alternatively, any humanoid or monstrous humanoid can actually swallow the Heart, infusing themselves with its essence. This allows them to access its powers more frequently, and to take on many aspects of the vampire.

Constant Powers

The Heart grants no constant powers to its wielder if it is wielded like any other magic item. If the Heart is consumed, it grants the following constant abilities: • +4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Charisma. • Darkvision 60 feet. (If the individual already has darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet.) • +4 natural armor. • Resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10. • Damage reduction 5/silver or magic. • +10 to save against all mind-affecting effects, all poisons and diseases, all stunning attacks, paralysis, sleep, and death effects. 17

A S H E N H E A R T O F B A R R AT S Û N is that vampires are drawn to its presence. Any vampire — in the absence of very good reason to do otherwise — attempts to feed on the individual who consumed the Heart in favor of all others. Further, once a vampire has begun feeding on that individual, he must make a Will save (DC 20 + the number of points of Con already drained) to stop. Any vampire who has tasted the blood of the individual forever after has a general sense of direction and distance to that person, until and unless he vomits up the Heart. If a vampire kills the individual in this manner (either by reducing him to 0 Con through blood drain, or because the person died for any other reason while the vampire is still drinking), the body instantly crumbles to dust, and the Ashen Heart appears inside the vampire, taking the place of its own desiccated heart. From that moment on, the vampire must attempt a Will save every evening as it awakens. The DC for this save begins at 15, and rises by 1 every night until it reaches 30, where it remains. When the vampire fails, its persona is immediately obliterated, and replaced by Barrat Sûn reborn. The vampire physically changes as well, becoming a complete duplicate of Sûn’s original form. If the new Sûn is ever slain, he leaves behind the Ashen Heart, beginning the cycle anew.

Spider Climb: The wielder may use spider climb as a supernatural ability. This power is usable three times per day if the Heart is wielded, or at will if it has been consumed. Vampiric Touch: The wielder may cast vampiric touch. This power is usable once per day if the Heart is wielded, or three times per day if it has been consumed.


As might be expected, using the unholy heart of a vampire lord carries with it an inescapable taint of evil and violence. It also draws on the health and strength of the wielder, leeching life from him to power its magics. Any living being who touches the Heart gains a negative level. The negative level remains as long as the Heart is in hand, and until the next sunrise thereafter. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way until the next sunrise after the individual ceases touching the Heart. A living being who consumes the Ashen Heart develops an overwhelming craving for the blood of sentient creatures. The craving is mystical as well as physical, and it cannot be satisfied by stored blood, or by the blood of animals. It must come from an intelligent creature, and it must come directly from their flesh and veins. The first time the individual feeds in this fashion, the negative level normally bestowed by the Heart disappears. From that day forth, the individual must drink blood regularly. Every 24 hours, he must cause a number of points of Constitution drain, via his blood drain attack, equal to one-quarter his total Hit Dice. Thus, a 15-HD character must drink enough blood to cause at least three points of Constitution drain per day. The drain need not all come from the same individual, but it must all come from sentient beings. The character cannot “save up”; that is, he cannot overfeed one day to avoid feeding the next. The total resets every sunset. Once the character has begun to feed, he must make a Will save (DC 15 + the number of points of Con drain already inflicted) to stop. Failure indicates that he must continue to feed for at least another round, unless physically separated from the victim. If an individual who has consumed the Ashen Heart fails to drink a sufficient quantity of blood in a 24-hour period, he immediately vomits the Heart back up. This leaves a poisonous residue in the individual’s throat and stomach, which he must save against immediately. (Fortitude DC 22, initial and secondary damage 2d6 Con.) Anyone who dies with the Heart inside them leaves the artifact behind in their remains. Even a method of death that normally destroys the body entirely, such as disintegrate, does not destroy the Ashen Heart. Perhaps the greatest threat posed by the Heart, however,

Using the Ashen Heart in a Campaign

Sûn’s Legacy works best in darker stories, particularly those oriented toward mystery and horror. It is not a world-changing artifact, nor a source of ultimate power, but it does heavily blur the lines between the living and the undead. Characters who make use of it, even with the best of intentions, likely become predatory killers in order to maintain their powers. Of course, the Heart does lend itself to more epic or quest-oriented stories as well. The PCs could find themselves responsible for keeping the Ashen Heart out of the hands of those who would use it, or even of hunting down and slaying Sûn himself.

Adventure Seeds

The Rising Sûn A vampire has slain the current wielder of the Heart, and already the spirit of Barrat Sûn grows within him. This vampire is strong of will, and may be able to hold out for some time before the Night’s Emperor is reborn. The heroes must track down and slay this vampire, before he metamorphoses into something far worse than he is now. Heart of Darkness A rash of vampire-style killings have stuck a large city, and the heroes are asked to investigate or are otherwise


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S caught up in the middle. Evidence is contradictory, sometimes suggesting real vampires, sometimes indicating a mortal murderer. In truth, someone in the city has consumed the Ashen Heart, and is drinking the blood of others to maintain his powers. The city has also been infested by a pack of real vampires, however, all of whom can feel the presence of the Heart and are slowly trying to track it down. Relic of Evil A good-aligned priesthood has acquired the Ashen Heart. While they recognize it as an artifact of dark power, they have failed to understand its true nature, and they are displaying it in their temple as a trophy of the battle against evil. The PCs must convince them of the danger they are bringing upon the region, while defending the temple from various forces of evil (including, perhaps, the minions of an undead villain who cannot himself enter the sanctified halls).

Barrat Sûn, Night’s Emperor of Unat-Fer

Male Vampire Sorcerer 20 Medium Undead (augmented humanoid) Hit Dice: 20d12 (187 hp) Initiative: +8 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 32 (+3 Dex, +8 armor, +6 natural, +5 deflection), touch 18, flat-footed 29 Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+14 Attack: Slam +14 melee (1d6+4 plus energy drain) Full Attack: 2 slams +14 melee (1d6+4 plus energy drain) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Blood drain, children of the night, dominate, create spawn, energy drain Special Qualities: Alternate form, damage reduction 10/magic and silver, fast healing 1, gaseous form, resistance to cold 10, electricity 10, spider climb, turn resistance +4, undead traits Saves: Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +14 Abilities: Str 19, Dex 19 (17 without gloves), Con —, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 30 (24 without cloak) Skills: Bluff +36, Concentration +19 (+23 casting defensively), Diplomacy +24, Hide +12, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcana) +22, Knowledge (nobility) +13, Listen +12, Move Silently +12, Search +11, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +24, Spot +12 Feats: AlertnessB, Combat Casting, Combat ReflexesB, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, DodgeB, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Improved InitiativeB, Lightning ReflexesB, Maximize Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell Environment: Any Organization: Unique Challenge Rating: 22 Treasure: Bracers of armor +8, cloak of charisma +6, gauntlets of dexterity +2, ring of protection +5, staff of evocation Alignment: Always lawful evil

Destroying the Ashen Heart

Most good-aligned characters would be hard pressed to find a reason not to destroy the Heart. It is an item of evil, attracts vampires, bestows the powers of the undead unto the living, and contains the spirit of one of the most vile vampires ever to walk the earth. Unfortunately, while the Ashen Heart recoils from the traditional vampire banes, none of them seem sufficient to actually destroy it. It resists all magical damage, and even the utter destruction of a being who possesses it cannot harm it. Only the following methods actually work to destroy the Heart, and put a final end to Barrat Sûn’s malevolence. • The Heart must be cursed by a god of darkness, and then consumed by a god of light. • Barrat Sûn must be reborn and once again, then staked with a darkwood undead bane weapon and beheaded by the Bastard of Exalted Heroism. His body must then be burned by divine fire (such as that of a flamestrike spell), and his ashes scattered in the sun. • The Heart must be exposed to direct sunlight for 30 days straight, without a single moment of darkness or a single shadow passing over it, and then subject to a true resurrection spell.

The individual before you is humanoid, but clearly not human. His flesh is paper white, his eyes blood red. His long, silken black hair is combed back off his gaunt face, and his jaw is slightly distended by a pair of obvious fangs. Although his features are Western, he is clad in a gold and orange robe in the style of the East, embroidered with dragons. He clenches a staff in one bony hand. Barrat Sûn is one of the greatest vampires ever to plague the world of mortals. Though slain many centuries gone, his will and spirit survive in the Ashen Heart, and he may yet be reborn under the proper circumstances.


Depending on the events surrounding the introduction of the Ashen Heart into a campaign, it’s possible for Barrat Sûn himself to be reborn. He is presented here, ready for use. Note that the equipment given to him represents his favored array, not necessarily the equipment he will have available when he is first reborn. The DM should determine what equipment he begins with, if any, depending on the circumstances of his rebirth. 19

A S H E N H E A R T O F B A R R AT S Û N Sûn once ruled the land of Unat-Fer as the so-called Night’s Emperor. He allowed mortals to live as they would during the day — so long as they obeyed certain restrictions and dictates — but he and his spawn were the only law come nightfall. Sûn wishes nothing more than to rule again, to slaughter all who oppose him and to reign over those who survive with terror and blood. Barrat Sûn stands nearly six feet in height, but he is so gaunt, he appears taller. He weighs a mere 125 pounds. His hair is night-black and straight, suggesting some Eastern blood despite his Occidental features. Despite his obviously undead features, he has a striking, alluring appearance. Although his sheer arrogance normally prevents it, he is capable of behaving quite charmingly. He is fluent in Common, Infernal, and Undercommon.


Sûn enjoys the sensation of melee combat, of sucking the life from his foes via his energy drain and blood drain attacks. He is, however, an experienced tactician, and he knows that, despite his physical prowess, his strengths lie in his spells. He prefers to weaken foes from a distance with spell and staff, only to close in and finish them off in-person once he believes he can effectively do so. Sûn likes to portray himself as an honorable foe, but this is a pure façade. He has no objection to dishonorable tactics, and he invariably provides himself multiple escape routes. The save DC against all Sûn’s special abilities is 30, and is Charisma-based. Blood Drain (Ex): Sûn can suck blood from a living victim with his fangs by making a successful grapple check. If

he pins the foe, he drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On each such successful attack, he gains 5 temporary hit points. Children of the Night (Su): Once per day, Sûn can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve for up to 1 hour. Dominate (Su): Sûn can crush an opponent’s will just by looking into her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, but requires a standard action, and those merely looking at Sûn are not affected. Subjects must succeed on a Will save or be affect as though by a dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a range of 30 feet. Create Spawn (Su): A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by Sûn’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn (see the Vampire Spawn entry) 1d4 days after burial. If Sûn instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0 or lower, the victim returns as a spawn if it had 4 or fewer HD and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the new vampire or spawn is under Sûn’s command, and remains enslaved until Sûn’s destruction. At any given time, Sûn may have enslaved spawn totaling no more than 40 Hit Dice; any spawn that would exceed this limit are created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. Energy Drain (Su): Sûn’s slam attack bestows two negative levels. For each negative level bestowed, Sûn gains 5 temporary hit points. Sûn can use his energy drain ability once per round.


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S Spider Climb (Ex): Sûn can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell. Spells: Sûn is a 20th-level sorcerer, and casts spells accordingly. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Sorcerer Spells Known (Spells per day 6/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/7;save DC 20 + spell level): 0 — arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, message, open/close, read magic, touch of fatigue; 1st — comprehend languages, ray of enfeeblement, shield, true strike, unseen servant; 2nd — arcane lock, detect thoughts, knock, touch of idiocy, web; 3rd — dispel magic, displacement, fly, tongues; 4th — dimension door, enervation, invisibility, greater, phantasmal killer; 5th — baleful polymorph, break enchantment, cloudkill, feeblemind; 6th — contingency, dispel magic, greater, true seeing; 7th — control weather, scrying, greater, teleport, greater; 8th — demand, horrid wilting, polymorph any object; 9th — energy drain, Morden’s disjunction, time stop.

Alternate Form (Su): Sûn can assume the shape of a bat, dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. This ability is similar to a polymorph spell cast by a 12th-level character, except Sûn does not regain hit points for changing form. Sûn can remain in that form until he assumes another or until the next sunrise. Fast Healing (Ex): Sûn heals 5 points of damage each round so long as he has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points, Sûn automatically assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape. He must reach his coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (He can travel up to nine miles in 2 hours.) Once at rest in his coffin, Sûn is helpless. He regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit points per round. Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, Sûn can assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th). He can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.



Ashrune The Ruined Blade, Uuldang’s Cleaver, God Scar, The Rusted Reaper By Khaldoun Khelil

The Tale of Ashrune

was all that was left of the ancient script that once adorned the blade to its tip .For a time Ashrune lost itself in heroic deeds, and with Glimmring slew the most notorious of jungle tyrants. But away from battle the sword wrestled with an unknown failing. It knew with its very being that it was responsible for some great misdeed and that it was no longer capable of completing its great destiny. After the sudden death of Glimmring, Ashrune began to contemplate its own death. As it watched the world roll on, even the role of heroic sword became a cliché that gave it no solace. What was its purpose? For what could it hope to strive over the course of centuries? These questions seemed unanswerable and the blade’s amnesia gnawed at it like a cruel joke. To pass the years, Ashrune began to masquerade as other swords of renown. Without purpose the weapon felt itself living a lie and hoped to somehow co-opt the special purpose of another blade. But even when the Paladin King Termeale wielded the sword to butcher the host of the Emerald King of Chaos, Ashrune felt nothing. It was then that Ashrune knew, it could stand to exist no more. Prodding the great hero Termeale with promises of glory and appeals to his sense of justice, Ashrune convinced the aging knight to go on one last quest. Against the pleading of his earnest advisers, lone Termeale took the blade he had always known as God Scar to the forest of charred wood. There Ashrune hoped that the burning breath of the great dragon Zauhhr would be hot enough to melt away the strange gray steel it had come to loathe and grant it oblivion. Honest King Termeale never returned, but Ashrune lives on in anguish and despair.

In the time before the coming of the gods, a time of which they have no first hand knowledge, all things existed in chaos. From the mists of this primal abyss came great and foreign powers, and to themselves they assigned the task of untangling the threads of fate. Striving for this lofty goal, the so-called Ur-Titans captured the Lord of Chaos and stole his eyes, his tongue and his phallus. With these the Ur-Praetor, first amongst these strange beings, forged a blade like no other and across its length he inscribed his own true name. And at the center of chaos, the Ur-Praetor sundered the locus stone and cast each thing into its own plane. The great blade that would become known as Ashrune was set as the seal of the plane the Ur-Titans claimed for themselves. This plane was unlike any other, for they kept the best of all things there and called it the Prime. Conversely, the other planes were monotonous and homogeneous places, forever sealed away from the home of the Ur-Titans. For them the Prime was a paradise created from their long struggle to bring order to the formless void. There they created new races and filled the land with all manner of things. Locked away from the other planes, the Ur-Titans never thought to fear the creatures they created to share their paradise with them. The Ur-Titans had grown soft and indulged their creations too much and in return the creatures created by the titans grew envious and proud. Not satisfied with being servants on a single plane, they dreamed of fleeing their prison and ruling the other planes as kings. And so rose the invader gods, using the secrets taught them by the Ur-Titans to become immortal and control great magics of their own. With their new might they shattered the sword that imprisoned them on the Prime, and crippled and devoured the Ur-Praetor. As Ashrune cracked and splintered, so did the barriers that sealed the planes. The invader gods slipped through these cracks and claimed dominion over a thousand different planes. The remaining Ur-Titans scattered to the far corners of the Prime, and in time few would remember the paradise they had once wrought. It is thought that Ashrune must have become self aware sometime after the death of the Ur-Praetor, for the sword has no memory of itself whole. Glimmring the Amazon Queen was the first to call the sword Ashrune. The name

Studying Ashrune

Ashrune was an enormous greatsword before its tip was shattered. A full two feet of the blade is missing, giving it the jagged appearance of a massive cleaver. The weapon’s unidentifiable gray metal is pitted and scarred with the mementos of a thousand battles. A faint script can be found amongst the sword’s blemishes, but it is long past deciphering. Running a hand across Ashrune traces a history of bloodshed that began at the dawn of creation. But to the common eye, this is a used and broken sword and few can help but feel a certain sadness when they first see it. 22


Researching Ashrune Only the most avid collectors of ancient lore and tall tales have heard of Ashrune. Over the centuries the sword has claimed countless names, and many tales of magical swords actually refer to Ashrune in one of its past guises. Though Ashrune cannot change its appearance, it has become proficient at molding its demeanor to suit its wielder and only manifesting those powers that align with its adopted persona. Ashrune has lived a thousand lives in the pursuit of ending its own existence and has long forgotten its true self. The usual sages of arcana are little use to those who wish to learn this artifact’s secrets. Only those versed in the stories of old have a chance to split fact from Ashrune’s well-crafted fiction. Thus it is no mystery that Historians and bards have collected the most valuable clues to Ashrune’s identity. Lost in their dusty tomes and epic tales, hints of the weapon forged at the DC 15





beginning of time lie hidden. Was the scarred blade that slit the throat of the Ape Lord the same warped cleaver that killed the Pirate Princes of the Salt Coast? When the doomed heroine Glimmring butchered the beast army, was it with the same dulled edge that cut the crown from the head of the Emerald King? The blade sometimes known as Ashrune is truly ancient, but has taken great pains to hide itself from artifact hunters and students of the arcane. When it reveals itself Ashrune always pretends to be a different magical sword. If identified as God Scar or Uuldang’s Cleaver, Ashrune often feigns ignorance or claims it is part of a set of similar magical blades. Those using knowledge (arcana) to research this artifact receive a –5 penalty to their checks due to the sword’s millennia of lies and shrewd obfuscation. Those using Bardic Knowledge or knowledge (history) may roll against the following DCs.

Knowledge Available This broken sword is Uuldang’s Cleaver. Though made famous by Uuldang’s treacherous assassination of the Pirate Princes, the Cleaver was never known to be magical. If discovered to be intelligent, Ashrune often claims it was imbued with magic after Uuldang’s grim deeds. Though this sword bears a striking resemblance to Uuldang’s Cleaver, it is in fact God Scar. First mentioned in the Song of Termeale, God Scar was the war sword of the Lord Commander of the Legion Pure. Tempered in the heart’s blood of a long forgotten demon prince, God Scar is thought to be especially effective against fiends. God Scar was the favored blade of the Paladin King Termeale. When he led the Legion Pure against the demon host, it was God Scar he held aloft to call the charge. This blade is the bane of all demons and is famed for shattering the walls of the Emerald Kings’ castle. After Lord Commander Termeale’s death in the charred wood forest, God Scar refused to be wielded by any other hand. This ancient sword is in fact Ashrune, the sister sword of God Scar. Ashrune is older then God Scar, but has many of the same abilities. Unlike God Scar, Ashrune is known to be able to possess anyone those who touch the blade. Ashrune was forged to complete a quest of great secrecy and has immense magical powers over life and death. The sword was thought to have been buried with the body of Glimmring the Amazon Queen after her murder at the hands of her own mother. There is but one sword and it is called Ashrune. Created when all the planes still touched one another, Ashrune was forged by the Ur-Titans to split them asunder. The key and the lock to the Material Plane, when Ashrune was shattered the gates to the other planes were thrown open to those with the proper magic. If Ashrune is ever completely destroyed, all of the planes could come crashing down on one another. in the set are assembled. Ashrune sometimes even uses such a pretext to lure adventurers into its next suicidal scheme. The epic sages who achieve DCs above 40 may even discover the name of Ashrune’s creator, or who was responsible for shattering the sword.

Those rare and studious few who achieved a roll in the high 30s may find themselves caught in the web of lies weaved by Ashrune. Common pitfalls include clues to the whereabouts of Ashrune’s “sister swords” and details on the fabulous powers that are granted when all the blades When held in hand, the weapon’s quality becomes more apparent. Though sundered, Ashrune maintains an unnaturally perfect balance. The clang of the gray steel is likewise otherworldly and at first disconcerting. To those unused to the hollow ring of the blade when it meets lesser steel, it seems

the sword lets out an offended gasp at every strike. Although a master of hiding its abilities, the blade’s magical nature is often found revealed when the metal is matched against flesh and bone. Creatures struck by Ashrune shudder and weep with an infinite melancholy that can deaden the liveliest heart. 23

ASHRUNE Due to its discreet special quality, most forms of magical divination have little chance of working on Ashrune. If a powerful enough spellcaster does manage to break through the occult shroud that hides the weapon’s nature, they may be awed by the results. Viewed with detect magic, Ashrune is ablaze with magical fire drawn from all the arcane schools. A hundred burning eyes coruscate along the blade and few can stand to gaze back for long. Spells like true seeing reveal the weapon’s intrinsic connection to the Material Plane. The very fabric of reality seems to contract and expand as the sword is wielded, resembling nothing so much as a heartbeat. The identify spell is also hampered by Ashrune’s discreet quality and most wielders must experiment to discover all of the blade’s capabilities, or else convince the artifact to reveal them.

Powers of Ashrune

Depending on the persona it has adopted, Ashrune has a host of different powers it can make available to those who use it. As God Scar, the weapon cuts down fiends with ease, protects its master from beasts summoned from the Abyss, and opens passages though solid rock. As Uuldang’s Cleaver, the blade is clever and alert, warning its companions of treachery and hastening them in battle. If exposed as Ashrune, the artifact is a morose failure, reluctant to use any power except those expressing its overwhelming despair and sorrow. At its core, Ashrune is a weapon perfectly built to guard the planar gateways. Although its long forgotten failure has disheartened Ashrune, its powers have not diminished. Ashrune can still grant life to the fallen and trap planar intruders to face punishment.

Using Ashrune

Ashrune is wielded as a longsword; all feats and special rules that apply to longswords apply to Ashrune as well. Although it has a massive ego, Ashrune rarely tries to exert direct control over its wielder. It usually relies on its significant social skills and knowledges to sway its “owner” and her party. Ashrune only reveals its ability to dominate its wielder when it has manipulated her into a situation it thinks might fulfill its suicidal impulses. Other then its constant powers, all of Ashrune’s powers are use-activated and may be directed by the sword or its wielder. Ashrune may deny a wielder the use of any of its activated powers as it sees fit. Ashrune can choose not to inflict negative levels on a wielder who’s alignment does not match its own. 24

Constant Powers

Ashrune is a +4 discreet mournful impartial cold iron longsword. Discreet: Ashrune appears pitted and scarred, and magic hides the true nature of the blade from those who seek it. Appraise checks to ascertain Ashrune’s true value are made at DC 28; anyone who fails by 10 or more believes the sword to be utterly worthless. Additionally, anyone attempting to use divination magic to reveal Ashrune’s true nature or location must make a DC 28 caster level check. Impartial: Ashrune ignores any damage reduction or portion of damage reduction is based on a creature’s alignment. Thus, Ashrune can strike an angel with DR 10/good without difficulty, but is still impeded by a devil with DR 10/silver and good, because it cannot bypass the silver requirement. Mournful: The first time Ashrune strikes a living creature, the subject must make a DC 20 Will save or become nauseated with despair for 1 round. Those who save are immune to this ability for 24 hours, but a target who fails may be nauseated or sickened again in subsequent rounds, until they successfully save. This is an enchantment (compulsion) effect. Outsider Bane: Ashrune’s enhancement bonus increases by +2 and its damage increases by +2d6 when striking a creature of the outsider type, regardless of the outsider’s alignment.


Activated Powers

The following use activated powers can be utilized by the wielder of the artifact or by Ashrune. All spell-like abilities are cast as an 18th-level sorcerer. At Will: magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law. 3/day: dimensional anchor (+10 ranged touch). 2/day: haste. 1/day: passwall. 1/week: raise dead. The following list of powers can only be used by Ashrune when seeking to fulfill its special purpose, its own destruction. All spell-like abilities are cast as an 18th-level sorcerer. 2/day: crushing despair (DC 20). 1/day: weird (DC 25). 1/year: gate.

The Will of Ashrune

If Ashrune comes into serious conflict with its wielder and skillful persuasion proves ineffective, the artifact may choose to dominate them once a day. To resist Ashrune’s domination, the wielder must make a DC 39 Will save. Failure forces the wielder to capitulate to Ashrune’s desires for 24 hours. When under its control, a wielder becomes immune to fear, compulsions and charms as a near infinite sea of hopelessness washes over them. In fact, only Ashrune’s urging allows them to take any action at all. A character with intimate knowledge of Ashrune’s true past receives a +10 insight bonus to his saving throw to resist domination. After returning to their senses, a character controlled by Ashrune is plagued by suicidal thoughts and becomes shaken for 24 hours. For 1 week afterward, if the character is presented with an opportunity to effortlessly end her life, she must make a DC 21 Will save to resist the urge. As an intelligent weapon, Ashrune has the following additional characteristics. Abilities: Int 21, Wis 12, Cha 22, Ego 39 Alignment: Neutral Skills: Bardic Knowledge +15, Bluff +16, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +16, Listen +9, Sense Motive +11, Speak Language (Common, Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, Terran) Senses: Ashrune has darkvision and blindsense to 120 feet, and can hear normally. Ashrune can read any language it knows and can read magic at will. Communication: Ashrune can speak out loud or may speak telepathically with its wielder. Special Purpose: End your own misery by destroying yourself.


No great curse or dire trap lurks within the cold steel of Ashrune. The greatest risk inherent in making use of the blade is Ashrune itself. With its vast intellect bent on self annihilation, Ashrune inevitably leads anyone who possesses it into grave danger. Ashrune knows the cataclysmic forces that are required to destroy an artifact of its caliber, and plans intricately lethal scenarios to meet that end. Coupled with Ashrune’s impressive skills of deception, few adventurers become aware of the many dangers the artifact has in store for them. What makes Ashrune’s quest particularly dangerous is its complete lack of self-knowledge and its dependence on great adventurers to carry it to their certain doom. Ashrune has no memory of its creation or of a time before an event it only knows as “the failure.” What exactly the sword failed at is a mystery lost to the ages; Ashrune only knows it has lost sight of its special purpose and no longer wishes to exist. Without knowledge of its origins, successfully destroying Ashrune is nearly impossible. And so the blade fruitlessly deceives the greatest heroes of the age with pointless quests that often end with Ashrune surrounded by corpses.

Reactive Traits

Above and beyond the magical immunities enjoyed by most artifacts, Ashrune is also impervious to disjunction effects and cannot be magical transported to other planes. The one exception to the latter immunity is when Ashrune is carried through a dimensional entryway it has created itself with the gate spell. Attempts to plane shift or otherwise forcibly move Ashrune through the planes cause the spell to fail.

Using Ashrune in a Campaign

Ashrune is a dangerously intelligent weapon and a powerful artifact. It longs for its own destruction and has little care about what cataclysmic forces it has to unleash to bring that about. Those who wield Ashrune are filled with a divine despair that threatens to consume them, as they begin to sympathetically act out the sword’s suicidal desire. When encountering adventurers, Ashrune usually pretends it has a greater purpose to rid the world of some loathsome scourge. Ashrune is vague about this threat, so it can prod its pawns into a wide array of dangerous situations as it seeks the secret of its own destruction. Since attempting to destroy an artifact through trial and error can place characters in highly implausible and dangerous situations, Ashrune is best suited to a high level game. A campaign wherein the PCs can be expected to survive the fantastic scenarios it concocts as it tries to kill itself would quickly develop a mythic scope. If the PCs actively help


ASHRUNE Ashrune in its quest, then an exploration into the origin of the planes may very well become the crux of the game.

• Whispering Ashrune’s true name to the Lord of Chaos would unmake the artifact. With the sword’s true name, the Lord of Chaos could reclaim his stripped powers and destroy Ashrune in the process. • Make Ashrune laugh with joy. Ashrune does not truly wish to die, for it enjoys wallowing in its own self-pity far too much. A touch of true pleasure would free Ashrune from its last regrets and allow the blade to let go. Destroying Ashrune could have disastrous results. If the weapon is indeed responsible for the separation of the planes, its destruction could greatly upset the planar cosmology. Would all the planes suddenly become accessible without need of magic? Or would countless innocents be snuffed out as the planes poured their inimical contents into one another?

Adventure Seeds

A Quest of Great Importance The awesome weapon discovered by the party has charged them with fulfilling a great quest. Although the details are not entirely clear, the sword insists that great riches and glory await those who aid it. More importantly, the blade has made dire predictions regarding the consequences of not taking up this task. For the sake of all the characters hold dear, they must take up the quest of great importance. First they must take the blade to the volcanic peak of the of the dragon mount. Once there the sword will insist they seek out the reclusive titan of fate, although it makes no mention of intending to plunge itself into one of her eyes. Please, Kill Me Ashrune is tired of the lies and deceit that have so far failed to end its existence. Whether the characters discovered its tricks or the sword comes clean on its own, Ashrune enlists the heroes in its quest. As active participants, the characters are better prepared for the road ahead and may even try to convince the artifact that death is not the answer to its woes. If Ashrune feels the party is being insincere, it is upset by this prolongation of its own life and may decide to return to lying in hopes of destroying them. Who Am I? The artifact Ashrune may be self aware, but it has no memory of its creation or the time before its great failure. Although the blade long ago gave up to despair, the question “Who am I?” occasionally troubles its thoughts. A band of heroes willing to exploit this glimmer of inquisitiveness could find Ashrune a powerful and willing ally. This adventure would be exceedingly perilous, and at the first hint of failure Ashrune could betray the characters at a most inopportune moment. Discovering Ashrune’s past might require the blade to be reunited with its shattered tip, a jaunt across the deadliest planes or even a brutal showdown with the Lord of Chaos.

New Weapon Special Abilities

The following are new weapon special abilities possessed by Ashrune. Although Ashrune is the only weapon to currently possess these qualities, a caster with access to the artifact might be able to impart them to a lesser magical weapon. Ashrune augments the DCs of any weapon special ability it possesses with its charisma modifier.


The weapon appears pitted and scarred and magic hides the true nature of the blade from those who seek it. Appraise checks to ascertain its true value are made at DC 22. Anyone who fails by 10 or more believes the weapon to be worthless. Additionally, anyone attempting to use divination magic to reveal its true nature or location must make a DC 22 caster level check. Faint illusion; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, misdirection; Price +1 bonus.


The weapon ignores any damage reduction or portion of damage reduction based on a creature’s alignment. Moderate evocation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic circle against chaos, evil, good, and law; Price +1 bonus.

Destroying Ashrune

The characters may decide to actively seek Ashrune’s destruction at the insistence of the sword itself, or because they recognize the threat it poses to adventurers and heroes such as themselves. Anyone hoping to successfully destroy Ashrune is best served by exploring the artifact’s true history. Ashrune’s creation as a metaphorical blade, to cut and separate the void of chaos, alludes to Ashrune having a similar metaphorical weakness. Ashrune’s quest to destroy itself is indeed meaningless, for it lacks the key ingredient for success: insight. • Strike Ashrune with its own blade. Though this may sound like a riddle, it is possible that it refers to the lost piece of the blade. Otherwise, it might refer to turning Ashrune’s greatest weapon — deceit — against the artifact.


The first time a living creature is struck by the weapon, he must make a DC 14 Will save or become nauseated with despair for 1 round. A successful save cause the target to be sickened for 1 round instead. A character who saves is immune to this ability for 24 hours, but those who fail may be affected multiple times, until they make their save. Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, crushing despair; Price +2 bonus.



Bastard of Exalted Heroism By C. Robert Cargill

for detecting even the slightest hint of evil, those wielding the Bastard often slay people where they stand, regardless of circumstance, for their crimes. This has led to either the exaltation or death of many of the sword’s bearers as the Bastard does not distinguish between cleric or king, beggar or pillar of the community. The blade is carried to this day, always by those who find it alongside the corpse of the last man to wield it, or by those foolish enough to steal it from the grave of those buried with it. Bards say you can always tell the man who wields it by word of his deeds that arrive before he does, and by the calming aura of goodness that surrounds him when he appears. It would be more accurate, however, to say that he can usually be identified by the handful of bards that follow him around hoping to witness the next epic tale of the Bastard, and by the haunted look in his tired eyes.

The Tale of the Bastard of Exalted Heroism

Practically every bard alive has heard at least one tale, song or epic poem that includes mention of the Bastard of Exalted Heroism. Many of the greatest heroes to do battle against dark foes wielded this mighty blade and earned their place in history for their deeds. It is said that only the bravest, endlessly generous and most pure of heart may heft it, and only those the blade finds worthy may aid it in its unending crusade to vanquish evil. Neither scheming necromancer nor wicked king is safe from the edge of the Bastard, for once it is in the hands of a hero, only the most powerful or numerous may bring that hero down. Or so the story goes. For generations, bards have shared the pastime of philosophical debate over the nature of the Bastard – whether it is the man that makes the blade or the blade that makes the man. In truth, it is the latter. The Bastard of Exalted Heroism isn’t as picky as the legend states. In fact, as far as it is concerned, any warm body will do. As the Bastard sees it, given time and adequate pressure, any man may become an epic hero of legend. The man but wields it; the Bastard can handle the rest. The Bastard is the life’s work of the wizard Autarchus who felt that the last of the truly exalted heroes were long since gone from the world. Understanding that these heroes were often made by circumstance, Autarchus felt that they could also be made by training, discipline, inspiration and just a hint of guile. He spent years collecting the finest materials. He smelted the metal over and over, to eradicate even the slightest of impurities, and folded it again and again on the anvil time to assure its indestructibility. Unfortunately for those who wield the blade, Autarchus was more than a little mad and his twisted views on purity and heroism marred the blade and its personality. Overbearing in its demands upon the wielder, the Bastard of Exalted Heroism takes pride in its ability break down the strongest willed of warriors, forging them, as Autarchus forged it, into a tool for “greater” ideals. Every individual who has wielded the Bastard has given up much of his wealth and worldly possessions, and accepted any quest asked of him. Gifted with a sixth sense

Studying The Bastard of Exalted Heroism

The Bastard appears to the finest blade imaginable by mortal minds. A perfectly balanced bastard sword, it boasts a razor-honed blade forged of what appears to be some unearthly material, but is in fact an alloy of several magical metals. The hilt is gold, the grip wrapped in white-gold wires for extra purchase. Embossed olive leaves spiral down the gold, beginning at the pommel and branching out at the base of the blade to form the intricate guards. The pommel itself boasts the only non-metallic color on the artifact, adorned with a bright sapphire of finest cut. Under magical inspection the blade reveals an overwhelming aura of goodness so powerful that discerning any of the magical schools used in its creation is impossible.

Powers of The Bastard of Exalted Heroism

The Bastard of Exalted Heroism grants the wielder the abilities of the holiest of warriors, serves him as a magic weapon, and can even stave off death. The blade is sentient, with Intelligence 8, Wisdom 18, and Charisma 18. Its ego is 30, though this rarely comes into play, as few of the Bastard’s side-effects allow for any sort of saves or resistance. 27


Researching The Bastard of Exalted Heroism

Much has been written about the Bastard of Exalted Heroism, but the easiest way to learn about it is by consulting the nearest bard. Bards may choose to take 10 on any Bardic Knowledge check involving the sword or anyone who has wielded it. Additionally, any large library in a civilized realm likely contains at least one book detailing the adventures of one of its many wielders. A character may choose to make a Knowledge (history) check in place of either of these methods, with an additional +5 to the DC. DC 10 20 25 35+

Knowledge Available The Bastard of Exalted Heroism is the holiest of weapons, carried by only the greatest of heroes. Anyone who wields it finds his deeds sung far and wide, earning a permanent place in history for his efforts. The blade gives the wielder great skill and the power to cure wounds and afflictions at a touch. There is no evil it cannot sense. There are those who say the bearer of the blade is actually cursed to follow the blade into any battle it deems worthy, and that the Bastard only lets the hero fall when all of his enemies have been felled before him. Any man may, in fact, wield the blade, and suffers unending torment as he is never allowed to rest. Battle after unending battle is all the hero may look forward to, until the day the blade gets him into more trouble then he can handle. While every man to ever wield the Bastard of Exalted Heroism has displayed powers similar to those of paladins, it is the blade itself that provides these abilities.

The Bastard of Exalted Heroism is much revered, with a secret history that is oft neglected in the tales. Failed Knowledge checks reveal only the greatest of the swordss abilities and make it out to be the most desirable of artifacts, particularly noting that only the most pure of heart may even pick it up. the caster of the concealment spell is of epic (21+) level. Even then, the wielder is entitled to a Will save (DC 10 + spell level + caster’s relevant ability modifier) to see through it. The character’s detect evil ability manifests itself as a brief hallucination in which the evil target turns to look the wielder straight in the eye and whispers his or her crimes. This hallucination occurs instantly and takes up no real time. While wielding the Bastard of Exalted Heroism, the user gains the use of the Cleave, Great Cleave and Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword) feats, whether or not he meets the prerequisites. Whenever the wielder’s hit points drop below zero during combat against an evil target, he immediately gains the Diehard feat, as well as DR 15/–, until combat ends. The wielder’s type changes to outsider. He can no longer be affected by spells or effects that target his original type (such as charm person if the wielder is humanoid), and cannot be raised from the dead by any means short of a limited wish, miracle, or wish. The wielder gains a +5 holy bonus to any Charismabased skill checks involving good aligned creatures, but gains a –5 penalty to any Charisma-based skill checks (except Intimidate, which is unmodified) involving evil creatures. Finally, the Bastard of Exalted Heroism functions as a holy avenger.

Using The Bastard of Exalted Heroism

As soon as someone picks up the Bastard of Exalted Heroism, it begins to work its magic. At is is an intelligent item, its powers require no activation on the part of the owner, but function entirely by the will of the blade itself. While none of the granted powers take effect until the blade is first wielded in combat, its consequences begin the moment someone first lifts it. Once the owner holds the hilt with the intent to strike another creature, the full powers and consequences activate, transforming the wielder into an instrument of good, whether he likes it or not.

Constant Powers

The Bastard grants its wielder all of the class abilities of a paladin, equal to the character’s level. For example, a character who is a 4th-level rogue and 2nd-level fighter gains the granted class abilities of a 6th-level paladin as well. These class abilities do not replace those already possessed by the character, but are in addition to any granted by the character’s class levels. The character does not gain the hit points, saves or base attack bonus of a Paladin, only the class and spellcasting abilities. The character’s detect evil class ability functions constantly, without requiring any action on the part of the wielder. It cannot be foiled by any magical means to conceal alignment, unless




The moment a character picks up the Bastard of Exalted Heroism, he cannot rid himself of it. Any attempt to wield any other weapon results in the character drawing The Bastard of Exalted Heroism instead, unless that weapon is being wielded in the character’s off-hand in addition to wielding the Bastard. Putting the sword anywhere other than its sheath results in the blade instantly teleporting back to the owners hand. Once the character has detected a creature as evil, he must attack that creature within one minute. Only by moving at least 60 feet from the creature before the minute elapses may the wielder potentially avoid instigating combat, and even then he must succeed at a DC 30 Will save to avoid turning back and moving to attack. When battling a creature he knows to be evil, the character may never choose to deal nonlethal damage. Once per month, on the anniversary of first picking up the Bastard of Exalted Heroism, the character must make his way to the nearest good-aligned church or temple and tithe 10% of the total value of all his possessions (not counting the artifact itself). If this donation does not equal at least 1,000 gp, the character falls under the effects of a geas spell to fulfill a single quest bestowed by the head of the church or temple. The priest or head of the church is also geased to come up with a quest equal to the hero’s character level (no matter how far the character must travel to fulfill it). These geases allow no save, and cannot be broken by any means other than completion of the assigned task.

may enjoy watching him squirm – and who usually stay very far behind him when it looks like trouble. However, the Bastard of Exalted Heroism makes for an excellent solo campaign, as a single player must wrestle with the constraints of the blade and the adventures it forces him into. The powers of the blade could easily balance out the lack of a party and allow the player to fight overwhelming odds without affording him any powers that would simply decimate hiss opponents. Additionally, the Bastard makes an excellent adventure hook, as PCs must find a means of freeing a friend or ally from its clutches, or rescue a legendary hero from his own weapon.

Reactive Traits

Adventure Seeds

The Bastard of Exalted Heroism is immune to spells of any kind, whether beneficial or harmful.

Just Take It! The party encounters Kit, the current bearer of the Bastard of Exalted Heroism. When several of Kit’s friends and colleagues were murdered by the previous bearer of the blade, Kit ambushed him to avenge them. He couldn’t have planned the ambush more perfectly, and by the end of the fight Kit had the man down on his knees begging for death. It wasn’t until Kit picked up the famed sword, which he’d hoped to sell, that he discovered why this man begged so pitifully to be killed. Now Kit understands and feels the same way. Having been forced to kill most of the men in his guild and give away almost all of his wealth and worldly possessions, Kit’s life is in shambles. He wanders from town to town, trying to avoid the fame that comes with the blade and earning just enough from

Using The Bastard of Exalted Heroism in a Campaign

The Bastard of Exalted Heroism can fit well into any level of campaign, as its power scales by the level of the person wielding it. Having a PC gain access to the Bastard of Exalted Heroism is discouraged, however, as it has the possibility of hijacking the campaign, focusing it on the (unwitting) actions of a single character. That said, as only the most power hungry of players may try to find a way to possess the Bastard, it could be used as a powerful teaching tool to discourage future endeavors, as well as serve as hours of amusement for his party mates who 29

B A S TA R D O F E X A LT E D H E R O I S M adventuring to keep paying the tithe the blade demands. (He cannot bear the thought of another quest for one of those churches.) Will the players choose to help Kit or to change his mind about his newfound destiny? And if Kit dies, what is to be done with the Bastard itself? Just Take It Back! A small order of clerics, paladins, fighters and rangers calling themselves the Order of Exalted Heroism have for three generations possessed the Bastard of Exalted Heroism, and have used it as the guiding force in their crusade against evil. However, when this generation’s champion was murdered, the blade fell into the hands of Kit, a lowly thief who now uses it for his own illicit gains. The Order wants it back and is willing to pay handsomely anyone who can track Kit down and recover the blade. To ensure its return, the Order sends along a young fighter who is next in succession to wield the blade to aid the party. Just Don’t Take It! The Bastard of Exalted Heroism lay hidden in the vault of a powerful and evil arcanist who had it taken off the body of its last owner. Having researched the history of the blade, the arcanist knows full well the dangers of wielding it and has stored it far away from the hands of anyone who might use it against him. When the party discovers that this arcanist is hording a powerful artifact with a great potential for good, they may well feel the need to recover it. However, once they discover the artifact’s unique problems (whether through interrogating the arcanist or by examining his books on the subject), they must decide how to best deal with it and remove it without becoming bound to it themselves. The blade itself is protected by a series of elaborate magical traps and undead guardians designed specifically to keep it safe. Will the adventurers decide that this is enough and the blade is far too dangerous to be unleashed upon the world or will they find a method of freeing it from its imprisonment?

Destroying the Bastard of Exalted Heroism

The Bastard is almost entirely indestructible being both immune to magic and impossible to sunder. The only way to destroy it or rid yourself of it entirely is as follows. • In order to destroy the blade, the magic that created it must be confounded by a specific logical paradox. An epic-level blackguard must willingly commit suicide with the blade – whether by throwing himself on it, allowing its wielder to make a coup de grace upon him or, if he himself is somehow the wielder, by killing himself with it. The idea that an overwhelming evil could give his life for a cause that benefits others is alien to the blade. Its magic collapses in upon itself, destroying both the Bastard of Exalted Heroism and the soul of the blackguard (who can never be resurrected in any fashion.) It is possible, however, to rid oneself of the blade without destroying it. The wielder must give the Bastard to a

creature who possesses the Good subtype and more Hit Dice than the current wielder. This creature must be fully aware of the powers and drawbacks of the artifact, and must willingly accept it. The blade does not take kindly to its wielder attempting to abandon it. Pursuing this method of ridding oneself of the blade requires two successful DC 20 Will saves: one to initiate the conversation and one to actually hand the blade over. If the character manages to accomplish this, he is rid of the sword, and loses all benefits and drawbacks it imposes.


Kit may be introduced into a campaign as the current holder of the Bastard. See the first two Adventure Seeds, above, for Kit’s background.

Kit Jors

Male Augmented Human Rogue 8 Medium Outsider (augmented humanoid) Hit Dice: 8d6+16 (44 hp) Initiative: +6 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +5 armor, +3 shield), touch 12, flat-footed 18 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+7 Attack: Bastard of Exalted Heroism +13 melee (1d10+6 plus 2d6 against evil) Full Attack: Bastard of Exalted Heroism +13/+8 melee (1d10+6 plus 2d6 against evil) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Smite evil 2/day, sneak attack +4d6 Special Qualities: Aura of courage, aura of good, detect evil, divine grace, divine health, lay on hands, remove disease 1/week, turn undead (5thlevel), trapfinding, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, SR 13 Saves: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +2 Abilities: Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 11 Skills: Balance +13, Climb +8, Disable Device +12, Escape Artist +13, Hide +13, Jump +7, Listen +11, Move Silently +13, Open Lock +13, Search +7, Spot +5, Slight of Hand +13 Feats: CleaveB, Dodge, Great CleaveB, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword)B, Improved Initiative, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Focus (bastard sword) Challenge Rating: 10 Treasure: Bastard of Exalted Heroism, +2 light steel shield, +2 studded leather armor Alignment: Neutral



Black Coal Citadel The Orc Fist Gaol, Soot Wall Spire, The Charred Keep, Dark Heart Maze By Khaldoun Khelil But whatever the case, none could deny his right to lead the tribes or the power of his new keep. The great Khan burned the forest home of the Elves and choked their crystal rivers with stones and corpses. The Elven host scattered to the four winds and cursed the Orcs under their breath, like women gossiping around a cook fire, for the Elves were fierce with their tongues but not their blades. Where H’barool found Humans, he would sell the pitiful things as slaves or would send them to the kitchens for the cooks to make use of, in one way or another. As his army scorched a path across places known and unknown, the great Khan gathered an honor guard of powerful demons. Within the magical walls of black coal, H’barool would plan his endless march with his Abyssspawned advisors. The great Khan was more then just a warrior, and he knew the strength of the Orcish race would have to continue on without him one day. Looking to the future, H’barool and his massive harem produced 1,000 sons of unmatched ferocity. By their father’s side they sacked the diamond cities of the Dwarves and pulled down the arcane towers of the Elves. The world gasped for its last breath as a thousand Orcish hands throttled it. But the worm would turn. The Elves, weak of limb, began to wag their infernal tongues in the ears of the 1,000 sons. And soon a traitor emerged, convinced his arm was stronger then his father’s. H’barool passed in the night, poisoned by one of his traitorous sons. The demons of Black Coal lamented and burned the great Orcish cities and forced the people back into the mountain’s heart and the swamp’s embrace. Of the 999 sons left, those who remained loyal took their father’s body within the walls of the fortress and still wait for his moldering bones to stir once again. The others fell upon one another, and as they tried to carve up the empire left behind by their great father, the Elven and Dwarven armies returned. In a battle with no honor, the best of us were killed and broken and the keep of the Great Khan was stolen. Revenge! For Orcish blood spilled by filthy Dwarves and thieving Elves. Revenge! For the world that was rightfully ours, and stolen by the envy of lesser races. Revenge! For we have filled the swamps and mountains to bursting and we are strong again. Open the gates to the land of men! Open the gates to the keep of hate!

The Tale of Black Coal Citadel

Oh! What tragedy has befallen the Orcish race? Fallen so low as to be content with scratching at the dirt of our caves. Where are the Great Khans of this age? A greenskinned battle master to redeem the corrupted blood of our once great clan? The women lament their fate, born in a time when Orcish men walk with downcast eyes and Orcish children go hungry. Once the earth trembled under the step of our great cohort, and even a half-blood bastard swelled with pride as the night was lit with the fire of a hundred burning cities. The cry of the Orc warlord H’barool stills echoes through the mountains of the northlands; though he is long dead, his brethren still call out for him to lead them into battle. Born amongst the rust-red cliffs of an ancient crag, H’barool was tempered by the many wars his people fought against the vile and hated Dwarves. The stout invaders had tunneled into his family’s caves long ago, and he had developed a burning hatred for all those not of his clan. When the Blood Spire tribe finally pried the Dwarven kings from their cavernous halls, it was battle scarred H’barool that led the slaughter. But for H’barool there was never enough blood to cool the fire in his breast. After plundering the stone vaults of the Dwarven usurpers, H’barool raised the banners of eternal war. As Blood Khan he united all of the mountain tribes and set forth to light the world on fire. But before he left the elders of the tribes came to him. They pleaded with him to abandon his suicidal war. As lord of the mountains he could build a great keep and enjoy many wives before he started on his warpath. H’barool heard their words and understood the wisdom and the danger they contained. Removing his own heart, H’barool crushed it in one of his great green fists. When he opened his hand, a jagged lump of coal remained, bristling with jagged spires. The warchief had built a bastion of loathing, and he would carry it with him as he cleansed the earth. At first the people were skeptical of the Khan’s miniature citadel, but their apprehension evaporated when H’barool cast his first rival into its limitless dungeons. Many whispered that the warchief had gone mad and had struck a bargain with the strange gods that lurked in the deepest mountain caves. 31


Researching Black Coal Citadel H’barool the Blood Khan is an old orcish legend that has even been co-opted by certain tribes of goblinoids and gnolls. The strange figurine known as Black Coal Citadel figures prominently in the myth, but it is a supporting character at best. Whether the Khan ever truly existed is debatable, but the little keep of sooty stone is certainly real. Mages, scholars and artisans have written treatises on its intricate detail and the great magic and architectural skill its creator must have possessed. Many of these same scholars use these studies to “prove” that the artifact is not of orcish make, even though an orc keep is certainly the models’ inspiration. As an artifact, most questions surrounding Black Coal Citadel center around what it is. Is the thing simply a shrunken fortress, as the orcs seemed to think? Or is it a gateway to a strange indoor layer of the Abyss, as many dwarven sages have argued? Those who study the artifact too intently invariably find themselves inside the thing, DC 10





surrounded by the porous black walls they had just held in their hands. Black Coal’s many raised relief windows and doors are intricate and inviting to inspection, but to open the toy keep is to enter it bodily. Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) are nearly useless when researching this artifact. Its intrinsic tie to orc legend has made it passively shunned by most sages and scholars. Venerable druids and shamans are often the best source of information concerning the strange toy castle, although a few codices on the keeps structural design are still extant. Those using Bardic Knowledge or Knowledge (nature) may roll against the following DCs. Characters with Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (history) may attempt the roll, but only if they also have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (local) as applied to an orcish community. Those with 5 ranks in knowledge (architecture a engineering) receive a +2 synergy bonus on any skill checks when researching Black Coal Citadel.

Knowledge Available This strange sculpture is an heirloom of the Blood Khan of the orcs. It represents orcish dominion over all things above and below the earth. Its constant use in orcish ritual may explain any lingering magic it has upon it. Some orcs consider the strange icon the symbol of a coming orc “savior.” This may be the black rock carried by the great orc war leader, H’barool. If so, it is reputed to be able to summon strange demons and cast enemies into the Abyss. It is also believed the device somehow devoured H’barool himself, but not before he terrorized the countryside for many decades. A host of demon-spawn called the Loyal Sons guards the keep and hordes ancient treasures within its miniature vaults. This is Black Coal Citadel. The enchanted fortress grows no larger but is rumored to be able to hold armies within by way of strange planar magic. A demon known as the Lurker is credited with creating the strange model after losing a wrestling match with a great orc chieftain. Many orcish clans lay claim to the artifact and more than one war has been sparked by orcs on the warpath for its recovery. The fire demon Bal’pherius is rumored to have gifted the first orcs with their insatiable rage, and Black Coal Citadel is often thought by scholars to be a reproduction of his fortress in the Abyss. This artifact was created under the red cliffs of the ancient orcish homeland. Fire demons and twisted dwarves slaved over its fashioning and destroyed more than one enchanted forge before it was complete. The burning hatred of the orcs lives inside Black Coal Citadel and anyone who would become the keep’s master had best get used to the taste of blood and sorrow. Those strong enough to brave the keep’s many tests may claim the ashen throne of Black Coal, gain dominion over all inside and become the true heir of H’barool. The mistress of H’barool, Diemeil the Hunter, guards the great Khan’s treasure and secrets. Believed to be a mute, she never speaks if summoned and within Black Coal’s walls she is a deadly assassin. Together with her Loyal Sons, they wage a perpetual war against the other demons that stalk the keep’s infinite hallways. The body of the Blood Khan H’barool still rests within the castle’s walls, propped up in the ancient throne built of dwarven skulls. If it is ever given a proper orcish funeral rite, Black Coal Citadel would cease to exist.

Students of the animist orc myths may become confused by the various accounts of talking trees and stones that H’barool encounters on his quest. Common misconceptions include the idea that some great orc god created the small citadel to test his champions, or

that it is a twisted prison for those who betrayed him. These are relatively recent additions to the story of Black Coal Citadel, promoted by orcish clerics hoping to supplant the more traditional role of the shaman within green skin society.



Studying Black Coal Citadel

Black Coal Citadel is a daunting fortress composed of oily black walls and ashen towers. The Citadel, if life-sized, would seem large enough to house a legion, but in actuality is no bigger than a lump of coal. Carved from a black stone no larger then an orc’s fist, Black Coal Citadel looks like nothing more than a child’s toy. Handling the small castle quickly dirties uncovered hands, but the thing never crumbles or degrades, as true coal should. The oversized gates of the keep are detailed with chains and forgotten dwarven runes, and the darkened windows often sparkle as if a candle had passed behind them. When viewed from the outside with true seeing, the artifact looks like a burning ember licked with pitch-black fire. Studying this artifact can often be its greatest danger. Those who unwitting- ly peer into Black Coal’s

realistic windows or pry open its finely carved gates find themselves suddenly inside the keep’s entry hall. They also quickly discover that they are not alone. Fiendish orc cannibals scour the infinite hallways for fresh meat, and demons of all sizes lord over different sections of the place like petty gang bosses. Only the lord of the Citadel can free trapped denizens of extraplanar origin, while the exits for those from the Material Plane are few and far between. Thankfully those “inside” Black Coal Citadel cannot be harmed by those without, and have eternity to explore its corridors, as no one ages inside the toy castle’s walls. Although age is frozen within the fortress, hunger and thirst retain their claim on the flesh. Some rooms have magically replenishing foodstuffs, but these are invariable claimed by one faction or another. Thus orcs are not the only cannibals within the castle and one had best be wary even amongst friends. Only the lord of the Citadel may leave the cursed keep at his whim. All others must search out the few portals to the outside world, often guarded by depraved outsiders or the hungry dead. To become the lord of the Citadel a visitor must fight his way to the heart of Black Coal and pass the challenges placed before him. There, in the bowels of the limitless Citadel, lies the Ashen Throne. Anyone who sits on the throne becomes the lord of the Citadel and may leave and enter the place at will. The former lord of the Citadel is whisked back inside, forever trapped within unless he regains his throne. And so an endless dance begins inside the winding halls of the castle as prisoner claims throne and lord becomes prisoner.

Powers of Black Coal Citadel

The artifact keep called Black Coal Citadel is accredited with many strange powers and abilities. At least two orcish marching chants talk about the keep, though they usually refer to it as an actual structure of immense size. Merely holding the artifact imparts the battle wisdom of the great orc chief H’Barool and grants command over the inner fire of orcish rage. Those who learn the inner secrets of the keep, which may actually require exploring the inside of thing, are supposedly granted control over demons and can summon a horde of orcs from thin air.

Using Black Coal Citadel

Black Coal Citadel grants its powers to anyone who would carry the foul rock. Those of orcish blood find the fortress especially useful, as many orcs recognize the artifact as central to one of their greatest legends. Many of the activated powers of the keep require the user to hold the fortress aloft, 33

B L A C K C O A L C I TA D E L but the constant powers only require that the keep be in the user’s possession.

The Lord of Black Coal Citadel

The Ashen Throne sits empty somewhere in the heart of Black Coal Citadel. Only humanoids without any extraplanar blood can sit on the throne to claim its powers and become lord of the Citadel. Claiming the Ashen Throne is a perilous task involving tests of Orcish ingenuity, and keeping it can be even more hazardous. Upon sitting the throne, those without orcish blood must make a DC 26 Fortitude save or be instantaneously transformed into a half-orc. They lose all of their current racial abilities and take on those of a half-orc, as the spirit of H’barool twists their body. Skin turns a scabrous green, teeth warp into crooked jostling tusks and blood thickens with orcish rage. As lord of the Citadel, new powers are granted to the adventurer irrespective of whether they were transformed. The lord can release anyone inside Black Coal Citadel if he knows their name, but only if they wish to leave. (Exception: A former Lord of the Citadel cannot be freed in this way.) As long as someone remains lord of Black Coal Citadel they stop aging, even when outside the castle’s walls. As an added benefit, the lord of the Citadel need not carry the artifact with him to use its powers as long as he remains within 1 mile of it. If another worthy humanoid ever sits upon the Ashen Throne, the Lord of the Citadel is supplanted and automatically whisked back inside the Citadel. As a former lord of the Citadel, all other exits from the Citadel are useless for him. He must seek the Ashen Throne again or kill the new lord of Black Coal to win his freedom.

Constant Powers

Black Coal Citadel grants the following powers to the person that possesses it. All spell-like abilities are cast as an 18th-level sorcerer. • Bonus Feat: All Martial Weapon Proficiencies • Endure Elements, as the spell, constantly active • +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution • Speak and understand Abyssal • Speak and understand Orcish Additionally, any orc that carries Black Coal Citadel gains the following abilities. All spell-like abilities are cast as an 18th-level sorcerer. • Bonus Feat: Leadership • Mass Charm Person (orcs only), 1/day • +2 resistance bonus to all saving throws Finally, the lord of Black Coal Citadel gains these powers as well. • +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution • Fire resistance 10 • Immune to energy drain effects • +4 inherent bonus to Charisma-based skill checks

Activated Powers

The artifact grants the following spell-like abilities, as cast by an 18th-level sorcerer. At Will: flame blade, produce flame, protection from arrows 2/day: rage 1/day: wall of fire The following powers can only be used by the Lord of Black Coal Citadel. Anyone imprisoned in Black Coal is transported to the keep’s dungeons, though they may attempt to escape the castle as surely as anyone else. The artifact’s imprisonment power can only be dispelled or negated in the presence of the artifact. A freedom spell cast on the artifact has no effect unless the caster knows the name of the creature to be freed and makes a successful DC 32 caster level check. All of these spell-like abilities are cast as an 18th-level sorcerer. 1/year: imprisonment (DC 31) 1/day: flame strike (DC 26) The Lord of Black Coal Citadel also has the ability to summon the demons and prisoners trapped inside to serve him. He must know the prisoner’s name and he may call upon a prisoner once a day to serve him for a limited time. Normally the artifact can only be used in

this manner once per day, no matter what creature is called to serve, but if the Lord of the Citadel performs a chaotic evil act greater then any he has committed in the past, he may instantly recharge this power. The following is a partial list of the beings that can be summoned from the jail, including their names and how long each will serve the Lord of Black Coal per day. Anyone imprisoned inside the keep may also be summoned, although they are under no obligation to serve the lord of the keep or to return to their cell. Any extraplanar creature tied to the artifact that is killed while outside its walls is reborn inside the artifact within 1d8 days. (A previous Lord of the Citadel cannot be summoned in it this manner.) • The Loyal Sons (2d4+2 fiendish orc warriors), 24 hours • Ash Fist (Large evil earth elemental), 1 hour • Charred Hope (Large evil fire elemental), 1 hour • The Lurker (chaos beast), 30 minutes • Bal’pherius (Elder evil fire elemental), 10 minutes • Ingur Voidscream (Vrock), 5 minutes


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S • Diemeil the Hunter (Hezrou), 2 minutes • Lord Kurrfash the Gray Vizier (Glabrezu), 12 rounds • Maludar Rex (Balor), 6 rounds


The most obvious drawback to making use of Black Coal Citadel is becoming imprisoned within the keep itself, but other dangers lurk within the unassuming “toy” castle. Since entering the keep is such a simple matter, many find themselves prisoners within the artifact without even realizing what has truly transpired, though the jagged design and familiar soot stone reveal the nature of their predicament soon enough. These poor souls are trapped in an infinite castle, locked in an endless demonic turf war. To make matters worse, those who die within the walls of the keep are trapped within their own remains, as if by a soul bind spell with the corpse itself as the receptacle. Only the Lord of the Citadel can release the souls of those killed in Black Coal Citadel. Legend claims that one or two of the castle’s infinitely winding passages end in portals that allow mortals (but not outsiders) to depart the artifact and return to the Material Plane, but if such portals do exist, they are certainly both heavily guarded by whichever faction has claimed them, and nigh impossible to find. Those who willingly or unwillingly enter the fortress in pursuit of the Ashen Throne may find the side effects shocking as well. Spiritually, an upright adventurer may find himself tempted to commit minor acts of chaos to more frequently use the powers of the Citadel, and the throne itself can exert more physical changes. None of the many myths and stories surrounding the Citadel make mention of the throne’s transformative powers, though many tales speak of the “heir of H’barool” someday claiming the throne. Whether the Lord of the Citadel is tainted with orc blood or not, his greatest fear surely centers on being deposed from his throne. Lords who are supplanted by another who sits on the Ashen Throne can become forever trapped inside Black Coal Citadel. Only sitting on the throne again or murdering the new lord allows them to free themselves.

Reactive Traits

Only a few magical effects work differently than normal when cast on Black Coal Citadel. Even though the artifact is an extradimensional space, it does not react explosively with other extradimensional spaces such as bags of holding or portable holes. No known way exists to enter or exit Black Coal through planar travel magic, though some say the gate spell can make a temporary door to the Material Plane. The inside of the keep is without access to the Astral or Ethereal Planes, thus negating summoning spells and teleportation abilities. Some ghosts do wander the castle, but they find themselves permanently manifested. The freedom spell can also be used to extricate someone from the fortress with a successful DC 32 caster level check, as described above.

The interior walls of the keep are composed of 1 foot of seemingly normal stone and can even be tunneled through by those with the tools to do so. But the dark magic of Black Coal slowly heals the building’s wounds, making such breaches short lived. Also, Black Coal Citadel has no exterior walls; tunneling through masonry always leads a miner to another room or hallway, never to the outside. The few windows and clerestories within the keep shine with a sickly moonlight, but look out into a pale nothingness. Because of the castle’s near limitless passages and chaotic layout, spells such as find the path invariably lead one to danger rather then salvation.

Using Black Coal Citadel in a Campaign

As a plot device, Black Coal Citadel is perfect for introducing large armies of marauding humanoids. Orcs, gnolls and goblins are all perfect races to be used in conjunction with this artifact, though this description assumes orcs are responsible for the keep’s creation. Black Coal Citadel can become the miniature focus of a very large war. But where Black Coal Citadel truly shines is as an adventure within an adventure. The keep becomes a place of interludes, for stories outside the realm of the usual campaign, where fantastic demons hatch plots against one another to control a coveted throne. The initial exploration of the castle is a mind-boggling experience for adventurers not used to planar travel, as the castle’s never-ending passages and countless rooms confound their attempts to get out. Once they become more comfortable with the keep and form alliances and rivalries with its other denizens, Black Coal may become a second home of sorts. If one of the adventurers becomes the Lord of the Citadel, then he may find himself involved in arbitrating turf wars between cannibal clans and sniffing out intruders who may be after his lordship.

Adventure Seeds

Sons of the Blood Khan A spate of gruesome murders as begun to worry the local magistrates. Someone or something has been killing half-orcs across three regions, and while the magistrates would not usually be overly worried by such events, the mountain orcs seem to have caught wind of it. The savage brutes usually care nothing for their bastard brethren, but rangers have it on good authority that their shamans have been goading the tribes with these murders. Each of the victims was an outcast, their families exiled from the orcish community for some crime committed by an ancient ancestor. Someone has to do something about these murders, before the orcs become so incensed that they storm out of the mountain passes in force. The Missing King Lord Coldrey, king of the northland passes, is missing. The king had retired to his study to “inspect” his rather large 35

B L A C K C O A L C I TA D E L collection of toys, and hasn’t been heard from since. There was no sign of a struggle, but investigators did find his stilllit pipe on the floor next to his collection of model castles. With the city-state’s anniversary celebration approaching, the king must be found or the people may revolt at news of such an ill omen.

Destroying Black Coal Citadel

The shamans of the red cliffs speak of a time when H’barool’s heir shall make himself known from amongst the orc clans. He shall realize the potential of his blood and take up the mantle of a great Khan. He shall sit on the Ashen Throne and once more raise the banner of endless war. Black Coal Citadel shall swell with the hatred of the orcish race and an army of the dead and damned shall burst forth to drown the earth in blood. Adventurers who hear such tales may decide to do away with the troublesome stone model once and for all. But how does one go about destroying such a potent symbol of racial hatred? The fortress, though seemingly composed of a powdery stone, is resolute in the face of hammer and pick. Only those with a greater understanding of the artifact’s true purpose can hope to decipher the secret of its destruction. • Soothe H’barool’s rage. Although H’barool is thought to be dead, his spirit may still linger inside the walls of Black Coal Citadel. Convincing H’barool that he should put aside his anger might tumble the walls of the demon jail.

• Feed it to the forge of the dwarven gods. Some legends say the artifact is made of dwarven stone, used to heat their great mystic furnaces. If Black Coal Citadel could be cast into the furnace of the dwarven gods, it would surely be consumed. • Kill all the loyal sons of the Blood Khan. Nine-hundred and ninety-nine sons survived H’barool’s defeat. How many still survive and where they might be is a mystery lost to even the shamans so concerned with tracing orcish genealogy. By spilling all the dark blood of H’barool’s brood, the Ashen Throne will crumble to powder and the artifact fortress along with it.

The Hall of Blood

All who enter Black Coal Citadel must first make their way through the Hall of Blood. The heavy bronzed doors of this great entryway stand a full twelve feet tall and are riveted with handfuls of massive black iron nails. Four such doors lead out of the chamber from the four cardinal directions, while two eroded staircases in the east and west make a steep climb up to balconies that overlook the hall. The northernmost door is engraved with the faces of leering demons and a thin slick of fresh blood runs from the crack under the entryway to the center of the room. There the blood flows into a 15-inch diameter grate made of hardened gold, with soft gurgling moans emanating from below. A thin stone bridge connects the two massive balconies that overlook the grate and two small wooden doors are in the south wall of the balcony level. The northern door leads to the outside world and can only be opened by the lord of the Citadel.



Black Crystal Spiral The Bane of Ach-iss by Michael Gill

The Tale of the Black Crystal Spiral

Worlds long affected by the Bane of Ach-iss soon find the abundance of life decreasing as the lesser gods dwindle in power. Natural laws erode as the world becomes barren and hollow. Eventually, mortal babies are born soulless and stillborn, and not long after, reality itself begins to break down as even the greater gods starve for lack of worshipers. The void rushes in, as angry ocean waves wash over castles in the sand, and the Black Crystal Spiral makes its way to another world.

In the beginning of time, or so many myths would have it, there existed only endless void, a realm of both utter nothingness and infinite possibility. While constructing the reality to come, the creator gods were forced to exclude certain possibilities, ideas, and concepts that existed as mere potentialities in the void, exiling them beyond the bounds of reality. Like water pushing against a dam, these forsaken possibilities sought cracks within the gods’ edifice of creation, seeking to enter and return it to the void of unbeing. Mortals, their senses bound by the laws of reality, only dimly perceive these alien possibilities, interpreting them as mad and unknowable gods. Though the “spiritual dam” of reality is vast, a small fraction of these alien possibilities leak into the physical realm. The eldest of these, nearly as old as creation itself, is the Black Crystal Spiral. None can say how this piece of non-reality originally formed. Perhaps an idle doubt by one of the creator gods, a single moment of weakness, allowed an imperfection to mar his creation. Perhaps the creation of the spiral was unavoidable, a natural consequence of the entropy that began even as the universe was birthed. What is known is that this fist-sized crystal contains a fragment of the essence of an intelligence called Ach-iss. Some proclaim Ach-iss a dark god of the void, while others maintain it is the living will of a concept so alien that is has no place in reality. Throughout the ages, mortals have warred over the Black Crystal Spiral, for it is said to grant its wielder great power and a unique insight into the workings of creation. The crystal seems drawn to places of conflict, such as battlefields, and it is said that the heady rush of power the artifact grants is quite addictive. Few realize, however, what the crystal truly represents. The Bane of Ach-iss is a crack in the fabric of reality, a hole in the dam between creation and the void. The souls of those who perish near the crystal are drawn from this world, lost forever to oblivion. Slowly, over the course of centuries or even millennia, the spiral deprives a world of souls. While the greatest of gods can create souls, they seem unable to detect the depravations of the spiral. The crystal is a thing from beyond this world, a fragment the gods long ago chose to ignore, and so they are blind to its presence.

Studying the Black Crystal Spiral

The Bane of Ach-iss is a circular crystal, shaped much like a nautilus shell and approximately eight inches in diameter. The crystal is so dark in color that it seems to absorb light, completely lacking a crystalline sheen. The spiral is unfaceted and completely smooth to the touch. The artifact emits a slight chill, and those who hold it report that this chill pervades their entire bodies. The Black Crystal Spiral has a blatantly unnatural aura, creating a feeling in observers much like hunger but less defined, a unique visceral need that cannot be sated. Those who become addicted to the power of the artifact grow to desire this feeling, sorely missing it when the spiral is absent. Throughout the ages, wielders of the Bane of Ach-iss have sought to sate this unnatural hunger through gluttony, unconstrained carnality, blood thirst, and the domination of others. The crystal seems to inspire the worst in all who possess it. The spiral does not appear to detect magic or divinations of any other kind. It is not of this reality and does not respond in any way to the workings of magic. It is said that even the gods are blind to the Bane of Ach-iss.

Powers of the Black Crystal Spiral

The Bane of Ach-iss holds the power to rend space, rip asunder the earth, and bring plagues. The artifact is solely destructive in nature, lacking any ability to bring life, create, or heal. Whenever a power is invoked, the spiral seems to rip aside the fabric of reality to create its effect. For example, dimension doors created by the artifact are ragged black gates that appear like a gaping wounds between two points. Nevertheless, these invocations function like their more typical spell equivalents.



Researching the Black Crystal Spiral

As an artifact from outside reality, the Black Crystal Spiral is difficult to comprehend or research accurately. A sage with sufficient Knowledge (the planes) might understand the metaphysics of the planes well enough to grasp the artifact’s origin. Its also possible that groups with links beyond creation, such as the clergy of an alien god or extradimensional beings, may know some tales of the Bane of Ach-iss. Most information related to the artifact on any world will rely on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), or Bardic Knowledge to recite the spiral’s long and tumultuous history and varied powers. DC 10 20 35 40

Knowledge Available A powerful artifact, the Black Crystal Spiral has passed from one warlord or archmage to another throughout the ages. The holder of the spiral is said to wield great power, including the ability to bend the fabric of space, to obliterate his foes, and rend asunder the very earth. The first known record of the Black Crystal Spiral, or the Bane of Ach-iss as it is sometimes known, was several centuries ago. It is said that the artifact’s magic is addictive. Those slain near the spiral cannot be resurrected by any known means. The spiral is extradimensional in origin, and deeply antithetical to the nature of reality. The souls of those who perish near the crystal are lost forevermore. The Bane of Ach-iss has been associated with the destruction of a number of worlds.

Misinformation regarding the Black Crystal Spiral should relate to its long history as a weapon of warlords and tyrants, perhaps concerning the specific powers it holds. Records suggest that the artifact is far more powerful and desirable than it truly is, most likely due to its addictive property. There is also quite a bit of misinformation about the artifact’s soul wrenching property. The characters may come to believe, for instance, that the crystal contains all the souls of those it has slain, and thus that it could be of great use to a necromancer. effect, by giving force to the alien concept which the crystal embodies, the wielder releases a small portion of that concept into reality, widening the cracks in creation and ravaging the area with destructive power. In order for a character to activate the spiral, he must first spend a round attuning the crystal; this requires a Will

Using the Black Crystal Spiral

The Black Crystal Spiral is activated when the wielder manages, through force of will, to align his own desires with the unnatural hunger of the crystal, and then to sate that desire. It is said that the trigger needed to release the power of the artifact is unique for every wielder. In


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S save versus a difficulty that is dependent on the power to be activated. If the Will save is successful, the crystal is then activated by engaging in a vice that is dependent on the nature of the character. For example, a warlord who wields the Black Crystal Spiral feel this alien desire as a fierce bloodlust, and thus the crystal is activated when he bathes it in the blood of his enemies.

tive abilities of the artifact. Mechanically, each time the character gains a negative level, he must attempt a DC 25 Will save. Failure indicates that his alignment shifts one “step” toward neutral evil. Once he reaches neutral evil (or fails his first save if he is already neutral evil), he refuses to cease using the artifact, even in the face of continued failures and negative levels.

Constant Powers

Reactive Traits

The Black Crystal Spiral continually absorbs souls, expelling them into the void beyond the edges of reality. Any who perish within a one-mile radius of the spiral cannot be raised or resurrected by any method. Their souls do not progress to any sort of afterlife, instead returning to the primal chaos and nothingness of the void. Spells which rely upon the soul, or even the remnant, of a dead creature — such as speak with dead, death knell, and animate dead — do not function on creatures killed within this radius. No undead may be animated within this radius, though preexisting undead are not harmed. The spiral’s own activated powers are exempt from this restriction.

Activated Powers

The Black Crystal Spiral may invoke the following spelllike effects when properly triggered, with a caster level of 20. If the wielder fails the check to activate a power, it still counts against the number of times that ability can be triggered in a day. At Will: animate dead (trigger DC 18), contagion (trigger DC 18, save DC 18), death knell (trigger DC 17), dimension door (trigger DC 19). 3/day: disintegrate (trigger DC 21, save DC 21), enervation (trigger DC 19, save DC 19). 1/day: earthquake (trigger DC 23), horrid wilting (trigger DC 23, save DC 23), rend space* (trigger DC 21).


If the wielder of the Black Crystal Spiral attempts to activate one of its powers and fails, the artifact instead draws upon the soul of the wielder, weakening him. The artifact then inflicts one negative level upon the wielder, which remains for 1d4 days and never results in actual level loss. This loss is cumulative if multiple power activations fail. The power of the Black Crystal Spiral is addictive. The effect is subtle at first, but after the first time the wielder attempts to activate a power and fails, he grows more reliant on the artifact. He refuses to leave its presence, unable to withstand the loss of the crystal’s unnatural aura. Moreover, he seeks out new opportunities to indulge in his worst vices, and thus activate the crystal. Eventually, he comes to see any who desire the crystal as enemies and thinks nothing of engaging even the most destruc-

As an object from outside reality, the spiral ignores many of the laws of this universe, including those that govern magic. It is completely immune to the effects of all known magic. Additionally, the Black Crystal Spiral cannot be transported or shifted to another plane by any means, as such movement is inimical to its nature.

Using the Black Crystal Spiral in a Campaign

The spiral is best used in a mid- to high-level campaign revolving around the identification and destruction of the artifact. While the artifact is powerful and ultimately corruptive in the hands of a PC, its activation restrictions mean it is not terribly unbalancing in the short term. However, the characters should eventually realize that the destructive nature of the crystal cannot be quelled and that the artifact must destroyed for the good of the universe. The artifact can be sought by mad cults dedicated to alien gods or it can simply involve bloodthirsty warlords desiring the power of the crystal but ignorant of its true nature.

Adventure Seeds

The Devouring Vortex In a world where the Bane of Ach-iss has been active for several centuries, the inhabitants and the gods of the world might already be feeling the effects of the artifact upon reality. The world is becoming more barren, the gods weaken, infants are stillborn, rules of nature begin to break down, and alien gods reach through the cracks in reality to inspire large doomsday cults. For years the Black Crystal Spiral has passed from one warlord to another, contributing to the slow death of the world. Now, the crazed cults of the mad gods beyond reality are seeking the crystal to speed the process of destruction and bring forth their lords. While the gods of the world are weakened and blind to the cause of their malaise, they can see the activities of these cultists. Thus, with their remaining strength, the gods grant visions to their priests, hinting at their salvation. The PCs are guided to seek out these cults, determine their intentions, and in the end, discover the Bane of Ach-iss. Perhaps they must capture the artifact from a 39

B L A C K C R Y S TA L S P I R A L powerful warlord, opposed by the cultists who also desire the artifact. Even recovering the artifact only begins the heroes’ quest, for they must find a way to destroy it and restore their world, while avoiding the cultists and minions of the alien gods. Beginning of the End An enemy of the PCs, perhaps a minor warlord, has acquired the Black Crystal Spiral, an artifact new to this world. With the artifact’s aid, the warlord quickly gains power, coming into opposition with the PCs, perhaps by threatening the PCs’ home kingdom or loved ones. Eventually, the party should be able to overcome this opponent and obtain the artifact, as this campaign focuses on the corruptive power of the artifact and the search for its origin. Once the PCs acquire the artifact, they swiftly come to realize both its power and its corrupting influence. The character possessing or using the artifact becomes more and more possessive of it. He grows eager to engage its destructive capabilities, seeming to relish in the vice necessary to activate it. The wielder of the artifact might be an actual PC, or the group may give the spiral over to a mentor, or perhaps a lord. Moreover, the PCs may come to notice the peculiar effects the crystal has on those who perish nearby. Unfortunately, since the Bane of Ach-iss is new to this world, there are few places that the PCs can turn to seek information. If they learn that the artifact has extradimensional origins, they may look to the sages among the aberrations, such as the aboleth. In the end, however, the characters might have to oppose their corrupted friend should they choose to seal away or destroy the artifact. A Lost Sanctuary An order dedicated to the destruction of the spiral has hidden itself in a remote sanctuary in the mountains. The PCs meet a ragged monk who explains that the fortress at the base of the mountain was destroyed, and he may be the sole survivor of his order. He also explains that the Bane of Ach-iss lies near the mountain peak, in the possession of a single priestess and must not be disturbed. The PCs must track those who destroyed the temple, either cultists of the gods that dwell beyond or a warlord desiring the artifact’s power, and stop them before they reach the peak. Note that if the PCs kill anyone within a one-mile radius of the artifact, the order’s attempts to destroy the Bane of Ach-iss will fail. The PCs may need to find an alternate way to destroy the artifact or ensure that the ancient and holy priestess completes her task.

Destroying the Black Crystal Spiral

The PCs likely try destroy the Bane of Ach-iss before it results in the eventual destruction of their world. Unfortunately, the artifact is immune to all magic and seems indestructible through physical force. • If the Black Crystal Spiral is placed within a portable hole which is then placed in a bag of holding, it creates a vortex that sucks all within 100 yards into the void beyond reality. This destroys the artifact, but anyone drawn into the void is either irrevocably slain (75% chance), or loses 2d8 levels and finds themselves stranded on a random plane. • The spiral must be held by one without sin for a period of one decade, during which time it cannot absorb even a single soul (no person can die within one mile of the artifact). • If the spiral is brought into contact with the Earth Seed, both artifacts are annihilated in a blast that deals 40d6 damage (DC 25 Reflex for half) in a radius of 100 yards.

New Spell

The following spell reflects the Black Crystal Spiral’s ability to weaken the bonds of reality and draw forth the primal chaos of the void. While the ability is intrinsically linked to the Bane of Ach-iss, it is theorized that wizards could create a similar effect, though of course this is quite likely to have a severe toll on one’s sanity.

Rend Space

Conjuration (Teleportation) Level: Sor/Wiz 8 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal Area: 100-ft.-radius emanation Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No This spell creates an area where the laws of space and physics begin to break down. The caster may dimension door, as the spell but only within the area of the rend space spell, once each round as a standard action. Other than this ability, no teleportation or other sort of extradimensional travel is possible into, out of, or within the area. Material Components: A small silver razor.



Book of Stasis Spellbook of the Delem-ust By Michael Gill allow them to combine the best of sorcery and wizardry. Moreover, it would allow them to “fix” sorcerous talent, making it innate to the humanoid form and eliminating its connection to dragonic blood. Their years of research were collected in a single book and bound by powerful enchantments, which served as the catalyst for the mystic change in the nature of magic they hoped to invoke. This working was formally called the Spellbook of the Delem-ust, but in the tales of other arcanists, has come to be known as the Book of Stasis. Eventually, the enclave of the Delem-ust was destroyed, though the sages are unclear whether by a flight of rampaging dragons or a horde of demons. Perhaps the sorcerers they had abused for so long rose against them. However, it is clear that studies had weakened them and even the survivors were left as shattered shells, able to work only the most trivial of magics. The Book of Stasis, said to be invulnerable, was lost in the struggle.

The Tale of the Book of Stasis

The legends speak thus: In the ancient world, when the humanoid races were new, an advanced civilization of dragons reached heights of magical understanding unrivaled even today. Tribes of humans and elves, orcs and kobolds flocked to these creatures. Some merely wished to serve beings of such majesty and grace, others to learn and grow in power, and some simply because they were held in slavery by the tyrannical wyrms. This, according to some sages, is the origin of sorcery: the natural magic of dragons granted to the young races through interbreeding with dragons, passed down haphazardly through the generations. Eventually, the dragons’ empire faded away and the young races were left to seek their own destiny. Sorcerers, as the only great arcanists of this age, were variably adored heroes or reviled outcasts. As writing developed and civilization took hold, a new sort of arcane magic emerged in the form of wizardry. While sorcery was an inherent talent, wizardry allowed anyone with the intelligence and discipline to grasp the power of magic. Thus speak ancient tales, one of many myths regarding the beginning of magic. Whether or not all this is true, however, historians know this much for fact. In the earliest days, there arose a cabal of wizards called the Delem-ust, known as the Argent Scale in the common tongue. This was a group dedicated to the study of sorcery, and they, at least, believed fully in these tales. Composed entirely of wizards, the Delem-ust frequently sought out sorcerers for experimentation, often against their will. Decades of research, questioning, experimentation, and dissection taught them much about the nature of sorcery and magic. Since it originated in dragons and was not natural to humans, they decided sorcery was inherently unstable. Worse, it could not be trusted. If the dragons could grant such power, was it not possible they could control it still? Perhaps they could take it away at will or even take control of the sorcerers that shared their blood. These possibilities greatly alarmed the Delem-ust. At the same time, there were certain aspects of sorcery that appealed to them, such as the lack of advance preparation in his spells. With their vast knowledge of magic theory, the Delemust set out to establish a form of perfect magic that would

Studying the Book of Stasis

The Book of Stasis is a large tome, 25 inches on a side and five inches thick. The book has a light metal cover of unknown origin wrapped in a smooth black leather binding. The leather of the front cover is imprinted with a silver scale, its two plates exactly even. The Book of Stasis is heavy, weighing about 25 pounds, even though each of the components seem much lighter. It radiates an aura of cool authority and calm power. Inside are 133 thick paper pages, covered with a spidery script in Draconic. Astute readers may (DC 25 Spot check) realize that this is the work of many different authors, although some effort was made to match the handwriting. The ink is silver-black and of unknown origin. The text of the book draws the eye, encouraging those who glance at it to read it and making it difficult to put down. In addition to a great deal of magic theory about the origin of sorcery and a rather paranoid diatribe about the inherent untrustworthiness of sorcerers, the book outlines a short ritual through which its wielder can transform a spell into an inherent power. Finally, the Book of Stasis contains the spells infusion and spell stasis described below. The Book of Stasis does not appear to radiate any aura of magic that can be seen through a detect magic spell. 41


Researching the Book of Stasis

A great deal is known about the fall of the Delem-ust, which most scholars of magic remember to be society of wizards dedicated to the eradication of sorcery. A Knowledge (arcana) or Bardic Knowledge check reveals at least some knowledge about the society and its greatest working, the Book of Stasis, although such information is likely to be fragmentary and misleading. It is said, however, that certain ancient draconic scholars know the true history of the Delem-ust and perhaps even the location of the Book of Stasis. DC 10 20 25 40

Knowledge Available One of the first wizardly cabals, the Delem-ust were dedicated to the eradication of sorcerers. Their greatest working was the Book of Stasis. The Book of Stasis contains a perfect form of magic, granting the reader truly inherent power. This is said to combine aspects of sorcery and wizardry. The Book of Stasis may be used to stabilize sorcerous magic, allowing the sorcerer to permanently learn new spells. The Book is also said to contain the unique magics developed by the Delem-ust. While the Book of Stasis does allow the reader to make lesser magics inherent, it does so at great cost.

The Book of Stasis has been lost for ages, so little is known about it other than the Delem-ust’s proclamations of its power. Sages are likely to assume that the book is incredibly powerful, containing a unique and “perfected” form of magic and knowing little about its potential side effects. Also, sorcerers are likely to see the book as a symbol of oppression, created essentially to chain their power. Other divinations spells reveal only an impression of unbroken stasis. The book appears to have no history, nor does it appear to age in any way.

Powers of the Book of Stasis

The Book of Stasis functions as a normal spellbook with regard to the two new spells contained within. Its more potent ability to make magic inherent in a spellcaster must be activated though a short ritual.

Using the Book of Stasis

In order to transform an arcane spell into a spell-like ability, the user of the Book of Stasis must be an arcane spellcaster and possess a written version — a scroll, or a pre-scribed copy in a spellbook — of the spell he wishes to imprint. The character need not already know the spell, but it must be 5th level or lower, and it must appear on his class spell list. Next, he performs a 15-minute ritual that requires only basic components, including several candles and the material components (if any) of the spell to be imprinted. Note that this ritual may only be accomplished with the aid of the Book of Stasis; it cannot be performed from memory or a duplicate. The ritual destroys the written copy of the spell to be imprinted. The ritual permanently grants the arcane spellcaster the spell as a spell-like ability that can be used once per day. In exchange, the arcane spellcaster permanently sacrifices one spell slot of the same or higher level than the imprinted spell. A single spell may be imprinted

multiple times (at the cost of multiple spell slots) if the arcane caster wishes to cast it as a spell-like ability multiple times per day. These spell-like abilities require no verbal, somatic, or material components, nor do they require an experience point cost. They suffer no chance of arcane spell failure due to armor. They may not be counterspelled, nor used to counterspell other spells. As a spell-like ability, the spell continues to provoke attacks of opportunity when cast in combat (although it can be cast defensively), and it may be disrupted if the caster’s concentration is broken while casting. Metamagic feats do not function on the spell-like ability, but the caster may employ the Quicken Spell-Like Ability and Empower Spell-Like Ability feats described in the MM. There is no known way to reverse this effect, though it is rumored that the destruction of the Book of Stasis removes all spell-like abilities granted through its power.


The Book provides an easy road to power. A sorcerer who uses it has access to new spells, making them much more versatile. A wizard who uses it no longer needs to study or prepare his imprinted spells. This very ease of power erodes the mystic discipline and strength of will necessary to study magic. Each time a character uses the book to imprint a spell as a spell-like ability, he must make a Will save (DC equals 12 + total number of spells he has imprinted to date). If he fails, he loses the ability to learn new spells in the normal fashion. Wizards cannot


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S scribe new spells into their spellbooks, and do not gain the standard two new spells when they gain levels. Sorcerers gain no spells known when they advance a level. Use of the book to imprint spell-like abilities becomes the only way for the character to learn new magics.

Reactive Traits

The Book of Stasis is nearly impossible to damage or harm with magic, and it cannot be teleported. Magic seems unable to affect the Book in any way, as though it were not really there. For example, if the Book of Stasis is within the area of a fireball, the area under the book is scorched normally, but the book remains intact.

Using the Book of Stasis in a Campaign

This artifact is best employed in a mid-level campaign, and it can serve as the focus of a campaign arc. Perhaps an enemy or friend of the PCs has acquired the Book and is using it to gain power. In most cases, the PCs must learn of the true cost of the artifact through direct experience, and either accept this trade-off or work to destroy it. The Book should not prove terribly unbalancing in the hands of most arcane casters, due to its cost, but in the hands of a multiclassed character — particularly one who has no intention of again advancing as a caster — it might prove surprisingly useful. The DM should carefully consider the characters in the party before she introduces the Book to the campaign.

wizard might introduce the book to a PC arcane caster, allowing her to imprint a few spells. The PCs begin to see the negative impact the Book of Stasis is having on the wizard, and realize the NPC must be facing the same difficulties. In order to help their friend (and perhaps a partymember), the characters must research the Book of Stasis, learning about the Delem-ust and perhaps visiting the ruins of their enclave, where they find a single brassy dragon scale. Their investigation leads them eventually to Achnyche, a brass dragon sage who studied the Delem-ust at the height of their power. The PCs must convince the cantankerous old dragon to help them, then to fulfill the manner of destruction he describes. The Black Book A noteworthy wizard has hired the PCs to fetch for him a book recently discovered by a distant archeological expedition. He explains that the book is a spellbook of some sort but knows little about its true nature. Unfortunately, he let news of the discovery spread amongst his scholarly contacts, and several sorcerers have recognized the description as the Book of Stasis. They set out to destroy this anathema before it can spawn more murders of sorcerers.

Adventure Seeds

A Friend in Need A powerful and important wizard associated with the PCs, perhaps a mentor or the king’s court wizard, acquires the Book of Stasis and makes heavy use of it to imprint spells. Soon, he finds himself unable to cast spells flexibly and becomes reliant on the book’s power. The wizard approaches the PCs asking for help with tasks that he should clearly be able to accomplish, such as casting minor spells or analyzing a magic item. Alternately, the 43

B O O K O F S TA S I S The characters must journey to the expedition, most likely in a dangerous area, and acquire the book. Perhaps they find that the expedition has been destroyed through magic and the book is missing. They must then hunt down the sorcerer responsible, reacquire the book, and make it back to their employer. The PCs should will deal with sorcerers attacking them as they travel, and it is possible that any arcane spellcasters in the party may experiment with the book. By the time they return to their employer, the PCs may find themselves unwilling to part with the book, placing the party in an awkward position. A Tool of Evil A powerful enemy spellcaster of the party has killed the good dragon guardian of the Book of Stasis and is now using the artifact to rapidly accumulate power and threaten the PCs. This enemy is too powerful for a direct assault, so the party must investigate his newfound wealth and magic. Eventually, they discover the dragon’s cave, which provides clues to the book’s true nature. As the characters research the Delem-ust, they come to realize that their enemy has sown the seed of his own downfall, and that over time, the Book of Stasis will weaken him so that they may confront him.

Destroying the Book of Stasis

Those affected negatively by the Book of Stasis may come to realize that the only way they can reverse its power and restore their magic is destroy it. Unfortunately, the Book of Stasis is very difficult to destroy. • Each of the 133 pages of the Book of Stasis must be ripped out and eaten by a separate dragon. • The Book must be bathed in the pure chaos of Limbo for 1,000 years. • The powers granted by the Book of Stasis must be used to save the lives of a number of sorcerers equal to those destroyed by the Delem-ust to further its creation.

New Spells

These spells were developed by the Delem-ust, to take advantage of the Book’s abilities and the “perfect” magic it grants them.


Evocation Level: Sor/Wiz 6 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous This spell immediately restores one daily use of any spell-like ability you have used in the last 24 hours. This spell-like ability must be equivalent to a spell of 5th level or lower, and it must have limited uses measured in times per day. Spell-like abilities of higher than 5th level, or with a frequency of use less than 1/day, are unaffected. Material Components: A small silver scale worth at least 250 gp.

Spell Stasis

Abjuration Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft. Area: 30-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No This spell generates a mystic field that prevents the casting of arcane spells. Any attempt to cast an arcane spell uses up the prepared sell or spell slot allocated, but produces no effect whatsoever. This expressly does not prevent the use of spell-like abilities. Magic that originates from outside the area take effect normally, even if the effect enters the spell stasis area. Most magic items function normally, though this spell does prevent the use of spell completion items, such as scrolls, within the area of effect. Material Components: A clear piece of amber worth at least 200 gp.



Bow of Night True Orcbane, Bow of Lasting Darkness By Patrick Lawinger

The Tale of the Bow of Night

Orcish hordes lead by the Black Shield clan stormed the open plains, bringing rape and ruin to all in their path and leaving nothing but corpses, salted fields, and decay in their wake. Some few, very few, survived the onslaught of the hordes, fleeing horrors that would haunt them the rest of their lives. After their many victories, the various orcish clans fell into tribal bickering and were beaten back by a combined army of humans and elves. Rescued prisoners and other survivors were collected as the humans and elves moved forward. In the end it was discovered that “surviving” the terrors of the torture, rape, and depravity of the Black Shields was a far greater curse than the peace of death. Many survivors were little more than haunted husks of their previous selves. Toarik Nuam was such a survivor, old already at the time of the attacks; he was so infirm that the orcs ignored him, laughing as they decimated the village around him. Overcome with cold, calculating rage, Toarik swore vengeance against all orcs though he was no warrior, no sturdy farmer’s son from a bard’s tale, merely an elderly craftsman with no skill at arms. By the time his broken husk was discovered by the great elven ranger Aalbran Whitewind, Toarik’s rage and anger congealed into a plan to make his hatred last forever, and that plan sustained him for years as he brought his hatred into physical being. A woodcarver by trade, Toarik traveled to villages and apprenticed himself to bowyers and fletchers throughout the lands, learning his trade with a focus that startled, and even frightened, some of his younger teachers. After a decade of study, and approaching the age of 80, Toarik began construction of what he intended to be the greatest bow in the world, a bow born of hatred and destined to carry his rage forward through the centuries. Using strips of adamantine alloyed with mithral created for him by a dwarven smith, Toarik bound the blackened bones of a black dragon onto a darkwood core to create a powerful composite bow. Pouring his last bit of life and hatred into it as he sealed each part together, Toarik gave the bow a life and purpose of its own. As if its creation was blessed by the gods, the Bow of Night was completed and left to Aalbran, who had rescued Toarik so many years before. Toarik’s timing was as perfect as his craft, for he completed the Bow mere days before the orcish tribes united once more, attempting to storm human and elven lands again.

The Bow’s dark presence and powerful magic turned the tide of many battles, breaking the orc’s unity and shattering their alliance. Aalbran killed the orcish leaders, and continued to hunt and slaughter orcs as they fled back into the mountains. “Lost” several times through the centuries, the Bow of Night has always reappeared before the orcs can again combine their might, always in the hands of a skilled warrior with a hatred of orcs equal to that of its original creator. Orcish shaman believe it is the “True Orcbane” and seek its destruction at all costs, starting yet new wars and battles only to be rebuffed by its great power. Other orcish tales call it the “Bow of Lasting Darkness” as ever since its appearance the orcs believe they have never approached the power and holdings they had before it. Some orcs believe that anyone destroying the Bow is destined to help them conquer the world.

Studying the Bow of Night

Faint veins of mithral marble the adamantine supports bending and fusing with the smoothly veined darkwood and deep black bone forming the majority of the Bow. Clearly made of several materials, the Bow of Night is fused into one smooth form glistening with dark, living hatred. Beckoning to be touched, it appears both sinister and challenging. Although simply touching the Bow is safe, for most creatures, wise creatures avoid doing so, sensing the pent-up hatred and rage within. Anyone bold enough to touch the smooth surface finds no gaps between the fused materials, just the sensation of oily smoothness and potent strength waiting to be unleashed. The bow is permanently strung with a wire of adamantine as black as the bow itself. Stretching silently when drawn, the arrows that fly from the Bow of Night emit a sinister, unearthly hiss that does almost as much damage to orcish morale as the orcs it slays. Magical study of the bow with the use of a detect magic, arcane sight, or similar spell reveals little more than a faint aura of conjuration and necromantic magic. While it may not be considered intelligent and aware, the Bow’s great hatred for orcs does have a life of its own. If a ranger wielding the Bow is in a party of a good-aligned cleric that casts the status spell, it is detected as a comrade, although no information about its “life signs” is given. Clerics casting spells designed to detect life or living creatures also sense the bow as a living creature. 45

B OW O F N I G H T the form of having Humanoid (orc) as a Favored Enemy, either as a ranger ability or special class ability. So long as an individual’s hatred and desires are in line with the Bow’s, they are able to wield it. Those that are of good alignment but do not have the same overwhelming hatred can hold it, but find it impossible to draw the Bow back no matter how strong they are. Neutral characters and creatures can also hold the Bow, but are equally unable to use it. Once a character has successfully held and fired the Bow, its other powers are revealed. Such a character can use it to fire a greater arrow of orc slaying (see below) and acquire its assistance in the tracking and sensing of orcs.

Researching the Bow of Night

Although its whereabouts are presently unknown, many elderly rangers know its story, and communities of elves tell tales of this mighty bow. Many bards know songs of various battles in which it was used, though much of the information contained therein can be misleading. There are so many instances where the Bow was used that tales have grown and twisted through the centuries. A successful Bardic Knowledge check or Knowledge (history) check provides some of the information in the table below. DC 10

20 25 30+

Knowledge Available The Bow of Night arises and picks a wielder when orcs are about. Its black evil helps counter the evil of the orcs and keeps them at bay. Throughout history the Bow has only been wielded by rangers. In the hands of a skilled archer the black Bow of Night can slay any orc from a great distance. The deep hatred for orcs of its creator imbues the Bow of Night with great abilities against orcs.

Constant Powers

The Bow of Night functions as a +4 orc bane composite (Str 18) longBow that inflicts x4 damage to an orc on a critical hit. Anyone holding the Bow receives a +2 Dodge bonus to their AC against all attacks from orcs, due to its fearful presence and ability to sense orcs nearby. If the wielder keeps it in at least one hand they are able to sense any and all orcs within 30 feet. These special senses are blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt. A ranger tracking orcs while holding the Bow receives a +5 circumstance bonus on their Survival skill checks as well as a +10 circumstance bonus on any and all Spot checks to see orcs.

Unfortunately, the black, magical construction of the Bow, and its history of hatred and rage against orcs gives the Bow itself an evil reputation. Any DC check below DC 15 has PCs convinced the Bow is evil. If the DC check for information is below DC 24 the PCs suspect the Bow might be evil and that great caution must be used handling it or it can dominate a wielder to use them as a tool against orcs. Higher skill checks reveal that the Bow has, in fact, only been wielded by rangers of good alignment and that it seems that it can only be wielded by someone with a deep-seated hatred of orcs.

Activated Powers

Powers of the Bow of Night

The Bow of Night has a singular focus, the slaughter of orcs. For this purpose it is, perhaps, the most powerful bow in existence. Although still a powerful magic item, it is not rumored to possess any other special magical abilities, other than an ability to inspire fear in orcs through its deadliness.

Using the Bow of Night

Simply firing the Bow in the presence of orcs has an interesting effect. The strange sound each arrow emits as it is released from the bow triggers deep-seated, primal fears in orcs. Any orc within a 30-foot radius of someone firing the bow must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or flee as if affected by a fear spell (Caster level 12, duration 12 rounds). Those orcs that successfully save are immune to the fear effect for a period of 24 hours. Once per day the wielder can fire a greater arrow of orc slaying by uttering the words “feel my hatred” in any language. If the arrow strikes an orc, the target must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or die. This is a death effect so spells such as death ward can protect a target. Once per year the Bow of Night can be used to cast a find the path spell, but only if the spell pertains to tracking down a specifically named orc chieftain (Caster Level 20).


Possessing limited life, and a very limited consciousness of its own, the Bow of Night can only be wielded by an individual of good alignment that has a deep enough hatred of orcs to match its own. This hatred is measured in

Any wielder of the Bow of Night finds their hatred for orcs is so great that any creature of orcish blood triggers a near incomprehensible rage. The wielder must succeed at a DC 15 Will save to endure the presence of a half-orc or any other creature with orcish blood. If the saving


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S throw is failed, they attack the creature or character immediately. When orcs are present their only goal is to kill them. All other goals are secondary. If attacking an orcish camp or war party might put others at risk the wielder must succeed at a DC 20 Will save to keep from acting. Each accompanying party member or creature reduces the save DC by 1. Even if the roll succeeds, the save must be repeated every round orcs are in view to avoid attacking.

Ambient Effects

While the Bow of Night helps its wielder spot orcs, it exudes such a powerful aura of hatred directed at orcs that it makes them more alert and fearful. Orcs within 60 feet of the bow receive a +4 circumstance bonus to all Spot and Listen checks, due to the nervous alertness created by the bow’s magical emanations. Combined with the effects described above, it is almost impossible for a ranger with the bow to sneak up on a group of orcs instead of just screaming in rage and firing arrows into them.

some scenarios the PCs could be competing with orcish adventuring groups in a search for the Bow, or the PCs could have to contend with a powerful orc chieftain that is gathering clans together under his banner. Without the Bow to use against them, the orcs may again charge across the land. If the PCs do acquire the Bow, and one of them is able to use it, the DM only needs to consider its great power and consequences against orcs. The Bow of Night is a powerful weapon, but against non-orcs it is not an unbalancing item. If a campaign involves a large number of battles against orcs, this artifact can have a significant impact in the campaign and its use should be carefully monitored. If the DM feels a need to remove the Bow from a campaign after using or discovering it, feel free to have a council of rangers come forward to request it be held in a safe place to be used in the event of future orc attacks.

Adventure Seeds The Lost Bow

Using the Bow of Night in a Campaign

It has been years since the Bow was last seen or heard of. Orcs are

The Bow of Night, or stories describing it, can be used in almost any campaign involving orcs. A mid- to high-level party could be involved in acquiring or protecting the Bow in the event of a large-scale war against a collection of orcish tribes. PCs might also be convinced it has an evil nature if hired to search it out by agents of an orcish tribe. The Bow is a major symbol to orcs, who believe that the orc who captures and destroys the weapon is destined to lead the entire race to great glory. Thus, anyone possessing it is a target for attack by the most powerful of orcs. In


B OW O F N I G H T again gathering together under the banner of a powerful shaman, and only with the Bow the party might be able to overcome this new threat. Decades ago, the last wielder of the Bow, Dary Belia, was heard to be chasing orcs into a distant dungeon complex. The Bow of Night hasn’t been seen since. The Madness of Nieron The present wielder of the Bow of Night is slowly going mad, poisoned by agents of a powerful orcish shaman. He now sees orcs everywhere he looks and, not knowing who to trust, has fled into the forest to avoid attacking people he shouldn’t. Finding and calming Nieron is one challenge, discovering how and why he was poisoned is another.

to hunt down all living creatures. As the creature forms it releases a mental howl of anguish and rage that stuns anyone nearby if they fail a DC 20 Will save.

New Monster

Toarik poured all of his hatred and rage into the construction of the Bow of Night, so much hatred that it became a living thing. If the Bow is destroyed this hatred is released as a form of incorporeal undead that becomes a mindless, undying form of rage and hatred against all forms of life.

Toarik’s Undying Hatred

Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Hit Dice: 14d12 (91 hp) Initiative: +3 Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 40 ft. (8 squares) (perfect) Armor Class: 20 (+3 Dex, +7 deflection), touch 20, flat-footed 17 Base Attack/Grapple: +7/— Attack: Incorporeal touch +10 melee (1d6 plus energy drain) Full Attack: 2 incorporeal touches +10 melee (1d6 plus energy drain) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Mental howl, frightful presence, energy drain, create spawn Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits, turn resistance +2, undead traits, DR 10/magic and silver Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +11 Abilities: Str —, Dex 16, Con —, Int —, Wis 14, Cha 16 Skills: — Feats: — Environment: Any Organization: Unique Challenge Rating: 10 Treasure: None Alignment: Always chaotic evil Advancement: 15–20 HD (Medium) Level Adjustment: —

In the Name of Peace Representatives of several orcish tribes have come forward to negotiate a lasting peace. Although the human and elven clerics involved are surprised, the orcs seem truthful. The orcs request the Bow of Night be handed over to them as it is a symbol of war and bloodshed and this would show the humans and elves want peace as much as they do. Of course, the orcish representatives have been magically induced to make these overtures by a powerful shaman that seeks nothing more than the destruction of the Bow and an excuse to start another far-reaching war.

Destroying the Bow of Night

Obviously, the orcs desire the destruction of this powerful artifact, and its rumored dark nature might be used to fool the PCs into believing it should be destroyed. Groups that have made agreements with orcs for any reason, or an orcish party, might also want to destroy it. • A Morden’s disjunction spell stands a 1% chance per caster level of destroying the magic used to create the Bow. This is probably the most dangerous method to try to destroy the Bow as the caster must succeed at a DC 25 Will save or die instantly. If the save is successful, a second DC 25 Will save is required with a failed save permanently depriving the caster of all spell casting abilities. • A blood ritual before an orcish god can also deprive the Bow of its power. The Bow must be prayed over by an orc shaman and the blood of an innocent child must be spilled over the Bow. As the child dies the Bow shatters releasing its power and hatred. • A carefully worded wish spell can remove the inner hatred of the bow, leaving the bow a normal +2 orcbane composite (Str 18) longBow. Although this doesn’t completely destroy the Bow, it still releases the hatred as described below. Any of these methods has the unintended consequence of releasing Toarik’s undying hatred as a form of incorporeal undead that attacks all creatures in the area and begins

This amorphous, swirling cloud of shadowy hatred is fueled by constant, undying rage so powerful that its hatred can be sensed from a distance. Tendrils of the shadow swing out to attack everything around it as the creature makes its way through everything, even solid objects, in its quest to destroy life. This mindless undead is formed of pure hatred and rage and was released from the powerful magic bow it was used to create. Looming as a 5-foot tall shadowy


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S figure with no distinctive features, it is difficult to see in dark or shadowy conditions, but its presence is easy to feel as its hatred is so powerful that it engenders a sense of fear in everyone nearby.


Toarik’s undying hatred is mindless, it simply attacks the nearest living creature while emitting a mental howl of rage and hatred. This lack of tactics might appear to be a weakness, but its constant mental howl, and frightful presence keep creatures from acting as they flee in disarray. Mental Howl (Su): Toarik’s undying hatred constantly emits a silent, psionic burst of hatred and rage that is so powerful weaker minds can be panicked. Anyone within a 30-ft. radius of the undying hatred must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or be

panicked. A successful save allows one to shut out the hatred and rage and function normally. Anyone making a successful save cannot be affected by the mental howl again for a period of 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based. Frightful Presence (Su): The shadowy form of the undying hatred is so terrifying that all normal animals and humanoids with an Intelligence score of 6 or less flee from its presence. Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures struck by the undying hatred gain one negative level. It requires a DC 20 Fortitude save to remove a negative level. For each negative level the undying hatred gains 5 temporary hit points. The save DC is Charisma-based. Create Spawn (Su): Any creature slain by the undying hatred’s energy drain rises as a wight in 1d4 rounds. These wights act independently, now fed by their own hatred for life.



Brooch of the False God The Clasp of Divinity, Vilsek’s Folly By C. Robert Cargill

The Tale of the Brooch of the False God

History does not record Vilsek Dunabra for his power, his knowledge or his tremendous cunning, but only for the folly of his greatest and ultimately most miscalculated of cons. Considered to be one of the greatest con men ever to live, Vilsek used both his razor sharp wit and powerful arcane knowledge to bilk entire kingdoms out of wealth and then vanish before anyone was the wiser. A master of both illusionary disguise and elaborate strategy, Vilsek constructed elaborate schemes, and many of his victims never realized they had ever been deceived at all. As time wore on, Vilsek’s schemes grew ever-more intricate, eventually becoming so complex that few could ever work them out, even after a deception was revealed. Vilsek quickly grew bored of his standard cons and set out to perform the greatest con of all time. Using his advanced knowledge of the arcane, he constructed a device intended to convince others that he himself had ascended to godhood. His intent was to use the device to swindle the toughest, most skeptical of all marks — his fellow conmen — out of their own illicit gains. The result, however, became one of history’s most astounding failures. The artifact Vilsek created has become known as the Brooch of the False God; Vilsek himself used it to claim he had become the God of Swindles and the Patron Saint of Cons. Unfortunately for Vilsek, the Brooch worked all too well. Conmen and thieves the world over paid homage to him in deed, word and most importantly, tithe. Temples were erected in his honor, men offered their daughters in hopes of becoming grandfather to a demigod, and the scum of the earth flocked to him just to hear him speak. Vilsek amassed an amazing amount of wealth without lifting a finger or construct another con. Yet it never occurred to Vilsek that others, with sufficiently strong will to resist his enchantments, might desire the power he possessed for themselves. Many would-be divinities attempted to slay Vilsek, hoping to assume his portfolio and ascend to godhood. Most such attempts failed, due to the efforts and piety of Vilsek’s followers. The final assassin, however, succeeded despite the best efforts of Vilsek and his worshippers. (Some rumors claim this assassin was armed with a weapon forged in a distant and foreign land, capable of slaying true 50

Researching the Brooch of the False God Any bard worth his salt knows the tale of Vilsek, although the details change from retelling to retelling. Rogues and thieves of all kinds also tell the story as a cautionary tale, Vilsek’s name having slipped into common parlance as a term referring to “a plan the works so well it leads to its own collapse.” A Bardic Knowledge, Knowledge (religion) or Knowledge (history) check may reveal information on the Brooch. Bards and Rogues may choose to take 10 on any knowledge roll involving the Brooch of the False God, due to its popularity in common storytelling. DC 10 20 25


Knowledge Available The Clasp of Divinity is an artifact with a sordid history involving a conman named Vilsek. Anyone wearing the Clasp gains powers of the gods, sufficient to command a flock of faithful worshippers. The Brooch of the False God possesses powers over the mind to convince others of deific powers that the Brooch does not actually grant. While the Brooch may convince the weak not to harm the user, those of strong will may attempt to harm to the wearer, hoping to achieve the godlike powers they believe the wearer possesses.

Some believe the Brooch of the False God actually bestows godhood on any who wear it, allowing the wearer to achieve immortality. Others argue that while few wearers have lived long lives, the nature of Brooch is a deific power unto itself that lies dormant within it, and uses common folk as a vessel to once again rule. They believe that Vilsek himself actually became a god and that his greatest con was convincing others that the Brooch in no way granted true power. By transferring to new bodies along with the Brooch, these misguided souls maintain that Vilsek is able to possess them and thus has achieved a limited immortality.

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S gods — perhaps the Fang of the Devil Tigers.) Vilsek’s death finally revealed the great con for what it was. When it was discovered just what Vilsek had accomplished and how his achievement led to his ultimate demise, his name soon became synonymous with spectacular failures. The Brooch of the False God has passed through many hands since, with results ranging from highly successful reigns to short term boondoggles that angered the gods themselves.

Brooch, and who has line of sight to the wearer, instantly “recognizes” him as a deity of great power. (This power does not normally allow a save. Creatures normally immune to mind-affecting effects are not immune to this power, but they are entitled to a saving throw, at a DC of 30.) These individuals must then attempt a DC 30 Will save or fall under a permanent charm monster effect. Success on this saving throw indicates that the individual still believes the wearer to be a god, but feels no compulsion to like or serve him, nor follow any command given except out of a sense of self-preservation. Once someone has succeeded on this Will save, they are immune to the artifact’s charm monster effect until and unless the Brooch changes wearers. A permanent daylight effect (as the spell) surrounds the wearer at all times. The wearer of the Brooch of the False God gains a +20 divine bonus to Charisma-based skill checks.

Studying the Brooch of the False God

The Brooch of the False God is an ornate silver badge of two dragons twisting about to form an oval, with a large, perfect opal set into it. The opal pulses and glows with power, and when worn sheds light equal to a daylight spell. When viewed with detect magic, the brooch seems to radiate an immensely strong divine aura that has a radius of 120 feet. However, if the Brooch is being worn at the time of the spell, it is indiscernible whether the power originates from the Brooch or the being wearing it.

Activated Powers

Simply by raising his voice and acting angry, the wearer of the Brooch may invoke an ability that functions as the fear spell, and affects everyone within a 120-foot radius. Additionally, the wearer may invoke any of the following spell-like abilities at will, but only on subjects who have failed their save against the artifact’s charm monster ability: crushing despair (DC 30), demand (DC 34), geas, greater heroism, and hold monster (DC 30).

Powers of the Brooch of the False God

The Brooch of the False God grants powerful enchantment and illusion spells that make the wearer seem to possess powers of a divine, godlike nature. The Brooch does not in any way actually bestow godhood or divine status of any kind, however, and can be hazardous to wear in the wrong company.

Using the Brooch of the False God

The constant powers of the Brooch of the False God take effect as soon as it is attached to a cloak or pinned to the wearer’s collar, while its activated powers can be accessed with an act of will. The artifact’s area of effect may never be dimmed or willfully turned off by the wearer. Only removing the Brooch deactivates the artifact’s charm effects, but this immediately reveals the wearer for what he truly is.

Constant Powers

The Brooch of the False God emits a 120-foot-radius aura that has several properties. Anyone entering the area of effect of the 51

B R O O C H O F T H E FA L S E G O D can they prepare to face a god on his own turf? What happens to these once-warring tribes when their god’s treachery is revealed? Doing the Will of a Trickster God At the end of a rather successful adventure, the PCs are visited by Mythus, a powerful god rumored to have recently ascended from mortality. Mythus explains to the PCs that something they’ve done during this adventure (killing a specific monster, claiming a specific treasure, or the like) has angered him, and he demands a tribute as an apology. He has very specific demands which involve procuring magic items and artifacts from local temples of the gods who opposed his deific transformation. In exchange for their service, Mythus promises great power and blessings. Of course Mythus isn’t a deity at all, but a small time thief named Gelig McGrue who, while crafty, is unaware of just how much trouble he’s getting himself into. How do the PCs react to Gelig’s demands? If they choose to honor his demands, how can they escape of the wrath of the temples they must steal from, or the very real gods they might offend?


The Brooch of the False God has no inherent downsides or curses to impose upon the wearer. However, the faiths of many settings (including the culture from which the Brooch originally hails) believe that anyone who slays a god may ascend to divinity and assume the dead god’s portfolio. This means that anyone who successfully saves against the artifact’s charm monster effect is a potential usurper, and may attempt to slay the bearer to gain his powers. As the Brooch of the False God offers no additional powers or protection against those who have succeeded on the initial Will save, this could become very dangerous for the wearer.

Reactive Traits

The Brooch of the False God may not be affected by spells in any way, except in the case of any dispel magic effects (or its more powerful variants) cast by an actual deity. These spells affect the artifact normally.

Using the Brooch of the False God in a Campaign

Destroying the Brooch of the False God

The PCs may require little incentive to destroy the artifact, as troublesome as easily abused as it is. Destroying it, however, requires the help of the gods, who may not be willing or even interested in doing so. • The Brooch of the False God must be worn by a deity for a year and a day. Over that period of time, the Brooch absorbs the ambient divinity of the deity, transforming both its energies and purpose. The next time it is worn by a mortal, it actually does transform the mortal into a god (albeit a mere rank 0 quasi-deity). The release of the pent-up energies, however, completely destroys the Brooch. • If the Brooch of the False God is worn by a mortal who actually ascends to true divinity by any means, the divine energies manifesting in that being instantly destroy the magic of the Brooch. • The Brooch of the False God can be destroyed if subjected to a damaging spell cast by a god of each of the four non-neutral alignments. This requires four separate deities; a god who is lawful good, for instance, can only serve as either the lawful or the good component, not both. The four deities must cast their spells or spell like abilities simultaneously. The intense amount of conflicting deific energies is enough to destroy the magic of the Brooch.

The Brooch of the False God is best used in a mid- to highlevel campaign, as lower level characters will find it nearly impossible to resist its effects. The DM should be careful if she decides to allow the PCs themselves to get hold of it. It can make for a fun sequence of adventures, but if held for too long, it can either allow an unbalancing amount of influence, or else devolve into a series of “Who wants to kill the PC to become a god this week” scenarios. When used for only a limited time, however, or when held by the proper NPC, this artifact can introduce a healthy amount of confusion and deception to keep the players off balance and untrusting of any sort of divine interaction.

Adventure Seeds

God’s Army A powerful orc wizard has discovered the Brooch of the False God and used it, in concert with his own spellcasting abilities, to convince local tribes of orcs and ogres to put aside their differences, band together and conquer the other races of the region. Together they’ve constructed a heavily guarded temple fortress in his honor, which serves as a base of operations to plan their assaults on neighboring communities. When the PCs discover that a previously unknown deity is behind the attacks, how



Carpet of Contemplation The Meditation Mat, The Rug of Enlightenment By Rhiannon Louve

The Tale of the Carpet of Contemplation

Researching the Carpet of Contemplation

Many generations ago, there lived a strange old priest named Kazat. He kept his small chapel ridiculously clean, and was known to shout rudely at worshippers who entered the chapel with muddy shoes or who dripped snow on his carpets. He ran his apprentices ragged and never seemed satisfied with their clerical progress. As the years went by, Kazat grew stranger still. He held loud and angry philosophical arguments with himself at all hours of the night, and regularly spoke to his apprentices, whether or not they were in the room, about things that had never happened or had happened many years ago. It is said by some that he began to lose his priestly powers, but the old loon simply took to studying arcane magics instead, and didn’t seem to notice the difference. One year, Kazat’s mania chose his favorite carpet for its focus, and he spent most of the summer and autumn poring over it in detail, muttering to himself, kneeling on it in prayer, dancing on it, keening, chanting, gesticulating wildly and even sleeping on the carpet, right at the base of the chapel altar. His apprentice (by this time he had only one left, though he apparently believed he had five) had to forcibly remove him from the room to get him to eat, bathe, or otherwise take care of necessary tasks, though the man oddly still remembered to keep the rest of the chapel as insanely neat and spotless as before. Sometime in the middle of winter that year, the apprentice, whose name was Hing, began to notice a change in his mad master. Kazat was becoming calmer, more predictable, and certainly more polite. He still spent most of his time kneeling on his favorite carpet, but he seemed peaceful now. Little by little, he stopped arguing with himself, and Hing noticed a sense of serenity radiating from the area where he spent his days. When Hing finally found the courage to question him on this, Kazat apologized for all his strange behaviors and explained that, yes, he had been going mad. He was aware of his degeneration, however, and in an attempt to ensure that he could continue to serve his god, Kazat had used wizardly arts to enchant the carpet to help him become not only sane once more, but to grow wiser than he had ever been. It seemed his mad scheme must have found favor in his god’s eyes, for

Hing recorded the tale of Kazat in great detail, including a chapter on the Carpet of Contemplation. Hing does not believe that the carpet was magical, however, so his account is misleading at best. It does fairly accurately detail Kazat’s life story, however, and also mentions the origins and destination of the particular tribe of barbarians that raided the little church and first took the carpet away from its creator. Kazat’s own memoirs have likewise been preserved, near gibberish at the beginning and end of the text and great serene wisdom for the middle third. The Carpet of Contemplation is mentioned only in passing during the lucid portions. It is described at great length in some of the more incomprehensible sections, requiring a DC 25 Decipher Script or Knowledge (arcana) check to decipher sense from nonsense and to parse out bizarre misuses of wizardly jargon. If successful, Kazat’s memoirs are an excellent source of information on the carpet’s powers and drawbacks. The only way to actually find the Carpet is to travel to different famed centers of wisdom and meditation and look for telltale signs of the carpet’s presence. DC 15 20 25 30+

Knowledge Available The Carpet of Contemplation was said to be a magical carpet created by a mad monk. Meditating on the Carpet grants serenity and wisdom. The Carpet is said to change appearance, so it can be very difficult to find. The benefits of the Carpet fade if the individual ceases to use it. This can result in a drop in wisdom and understanding, or even madness.

Misinformation may include Hing’s assertion that a magical wisdom-granting carpet only ever existed in Kazat’s fevered mind, incorrect rumors about the carpet’s current location, or any specific description of the carpet’s appearance. 53

C A R P E T O F C O N T E M P L AT I O N here he was, lucid and calm and suddenly able to instruct his grateful apprentice as never before, with great patience, insight and divine discernment. Hing soon found the carpet’s powers worked for him as well, and they were soon known throughout the countryside as the two wisest and most powerful priests in the land. The chapel became a popular pilgrimage site, attracting so many apprentices now that several additions to the little building were soon required. Wealthy parents began to send their children for training, along with wagonloads of wealth for the chapel. When the country was invaded by barbarian hoards, Kazat’s chapel was gutted and all its wealth carried away, including the carpet that had lain for so long before the chapel’s altar. It was the end of the chapel’s fame. Little by little, the great enlightenment of the tiny chapel seemed to evaporate like so much mist.

Kazat was very distressed by the loss of his special carpet, and the longer it was gone, the more he began to change, growing first irritable and then irrational. Several bands of adventurers or mercenaries went in search of the thing, but none ever found it, and Kazat eventually wandered off on the quest himself. By then he was already half mad once more, and those apprentices who remained followed Hing’s counsel more than Kazat’s. No one really noticed that Kazat was gone for quite some time. Kazat presumably never found his carpet, and was never heard from again. The carpet disappeared from history as well, as far as any can say for certain. No carpet that matched its description has ever been found in any land. Indeed, Hing believed that the carpet had been lost many years before the barbarian raid, as he did not remember any carpet matching its description after the chapel first began to be more richly decorated. Kazat insisted that the carpet had changed color, texture and quality to match the chapel’s new décor, but no one believed him. A few other chapels, temples, monasteries, and cloisters have, in subsequent generations, developed a similar kind of fleeting fame as Kazat’s chapel experienced. Everyone hears that the place is a great nexus of wisdom run by an amazing prophet, and then suddenly, often after a raid or robbery, the place seems to become hopelessly mundane, as if all the enlightenment has simply blown away. In some of these cases, such as the tale of the Meditation Mat and the Rug of Enlightenment, people suspected that the temple’s great power stemmed from the floor-covering before the main shrine. In truth, the Carpet itself can change its appearance to match its surroundings, so while its progress across the countryside is very difficult to track, it is very likely that all of these incidents have been due to the presence of the Carpet of Contemplation. It is a peculiar magical item, especially because it was created by a madman attempting to restore his own sanity. It is strangely more powerful than any similar item crafted by a sane wizard would be, but it comes with unusual drawbacks and complications that no sane wizard would willingly add to their work.

Studying the Carpet of Contemplation

The Carpet of Contemplation is always changing. Wherever it is found, it always appears as if it had been specifically designed to suit the room it is in. The Carpet can appear to be of any color, pattern, weaving technique, age, shape, quality, or fiber, depending on the appearance of the rest of the room. In size, the Carpet can vary between five and 35 square feet.


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S In Kazat’s tale, the Carpet began as a small, rough, and threadbare piece, little more than an inadequate cushion for Kazat’s knees, but woven in an abstract combination of blues and yellows that appealed to him. By the time it was stolen, Kazat describes it as large and plush, with both silk and golden fibers in a masterful pattern of yellow iris. The Meditation Mat was described as a plain but particularly well-woven reed mat, made thicker than usual, specifically for kneeling in meditation. As the Rug of Enlightenment the artifact was brown and striped, woven of llama’s wool. One thing about the Carpet that is consistent, however, is that any building that houses the Carpet of Contemplation feels serene to all who enter it, and anyone stepping on the fibers feels the urge to kneel upon it in thought. This sensation feels as if it is radiating from the altar and from the acolytes in attendance, rather than from anywhere near the floor. The Carpet of Contemplation never stands out as magical, even when regarded under the effects of detect magic. It cannot be found using any means of magical divination.

Powers of the Carpet of Contemplation

Aside from its ability to disguise itself to fit into any setting, the Carpet of Contemplation also “enlightens” all those who kneel upon it in meditation on any kind of regular basis. Characters’ Wisdom scores increase, among other changes.

Using the Carpet of Contemplation

Though most of the powers of the Carpet of Contemplation only work while it is placed on the floor before a shrine, altar or other, comparable spiritual symbol, there are a few exceptions noted below. Once positioned where people regularly kneel upon it to pray or meditate, all powers of the Carpet of Contemplation work automatically, though many only affect a person who willingly chooses to kneel upon it in prayer, meditation or other form of quiet introspection.

Constant Powers

While actively kneeling on the Carpet of Contemplation, all characters receive a +3 bonus to any Wisdom-related checks they make. They also gain a +10 bonus to any Concentration rolls involving meditation of any kind. Surrounding the Carpet is an aura of great peace that calms and soothes those experiencing it. Characters within 20 feet of the Carpet of Contemplation receive a +5 bonus to all Will saves versus fear effects, magics that arouse strong emotions, or any non-magical attempts to control emotional outbursts of any kind. If characters are kneeling on the Carpet, this bonus stacks with other bonuses that the carpet provides. If there is no Will save for a spell causing strong emotion, characters

within the Carpet’s aura of peace receive one anyway, albeit without the +5 bonus.

Activated Powers

Every week in which a character spends at least one hour a day meditating on the Carpet of Contemplation raises his Wisdom by 1. This bonus is cumulative, and any creature can attain a Wisdom score up to 10 higher than the one with which he began, not counting magic items worn. (For instance, a character who begins with a Wisdom score of 18 could raise it as high as 28 in this manner). The individual must meditate for seven consecutive days for it to take effect. Missing even one day disrupts the magic, and a character must start over. This addition to one’s Wisdom score lasts as if the score was permanently raised, until the character goes one full week without meditating on the Carpet of Contemplation. Even spending one hour on the carpet per week allows the character to retain any added Wisdom he has been granted. However, any period of seven consecutive days in which a character so altered does not meditate, he loses two of the points of Wisdom he has gained, until he has returned to the same Wisdom score he had upon first encountering the carpet. Once a character has gained all the Wisdom he possibly can from the Carpet, he may still continue to benefit. If he meditates every consecutive day for 77 more days, he gains the level 3 monk special ability Still Mind. 77 days after that, he gains the level 17 monk ability Tongue of the Sun and Moon. These abilities remain so long as the character never goes seven consecutive days without meditation on the Carpet of Contemplation. The first full week that a character is away from the carpet, he loses both special abilities and a point of Wisdom.


The Carpet of Contemplation has many strange side effects. For example, while it helps anyone in its vicinity to concentrate on meditation, prayer, or personal introspection with ease, the peaceful aura of the Carpet of Contemplation actually makes it very difficult to focus on anything else. Any Concentration rolls for any purpose not related to meditation of some variety are made at a –5 penalty to the skill check within 20 feet of the artifact. In addition, the vicinity of the Carpet of Contemplation is so terribly peaceful and relaxing that it can be difficult for characters to access powerful emotion, even when it might be useful. All Perform skill checks within 20 feet of the Carpet of Contemplation suffer a –10 penalty, and barbarians and all other characters with a rage ability must make a DC 20 Will save to rage within 20 feet of the carpet. DMs may impose other penalties to the positive use of strong emotion, at their discretion. 55

C A R P E T O F C O N T E M P L AT I O N If the Carpet of Contemplation finds itself outside or in a building that does not have a shrine, people who walk by within 20 feet have strange thoughts pop into their heads. Those who spend a great deal of time in buildings where the carpet could find the sort of home it seeks find themselves pondering how to acquire the Carpet for their own church, temple, monastery, or even home shrine. Those who live or work in a non-religious building where the Carpet is housed begin considering the logistics of building some kind of meditation or worship center somewhere within the walls, whether or not they are normally spiritual people. There is no compulsion in these thoughts. Characters can ignore or dismiss them with ease, but the ideas continue, seeming to the characters very much as if they had come up with them on their own, until the carpet finds a new home. With a successful DC 30 Sense Motive check a character notices some outside source is supplying these thoughts, but are unable to determine its nature. Similarly, once the Carpet has placed itself in a location that allows its full powers to function, anyone who walks on the Carpet of Contemplation or within a foot of its edges thinks that kneeling down to meditate would be a great idea. Again, there is no compulsion, and characters who would never think such a thing are likely to ignore the impulse completely. If the Carpet of Contemplation is in danger, such as close to open flame, everyone within 20 feet thinks of saving it. If there is no one to hand, or if the Carpet is abandoned, it can hide itself until the danger passes. This power is similar to its power to change its appearance and location. This may involve temporal distortion, or perhaps the artifact has access to some sort of pocket dimension. In any case, the carpet simply isn’t “there” until the danger has passed. The Carpet can disappear faster than any threat presents itself, unless the danger takes a free action or less to cause its harm. If someone is watching, the Carpet can replace itself with another, mundane carpet from the same building (and therefore the same decorative style), requiring a DC 20 Spot check to notice the switch. Once gone, the Carpet of Contemplation cannot be found until the source of danger is removed from the area, even if this means it must effectively disappear from reality for centuries or more.

A small number of people cannot readjust to being without the carpet once it is gone. When characters that have been altered by the Carpet of Contemplation are separated from it, after they lose all the abilities the carpet granted them, they must make a DC 10 Will save or go mad, as the spell insanity. Finally, when Kazat created the Carpet of Contemplation, it was to help himself in his own specific spiritual path. He didn’t realize until much later that when the carpet helped other people toward enlightenment, it helped them toward his — Kazat’s — spiritual path, rather than their own. Though most users of the Carpet are happy enough in their new paths in life, it cannot be denied that those who remain near it for any length of time tend to completely abandon their former lives. The change in such characters as monks and clerics is not particularly alarming, but friends of those who follow other careers in life are often concerned or skeptical about the radical alteration in behavior. Specifically, once a character has completed his first week of contemplation, and for as long as that character is using the Carpet of Contemplation at a minimum of once per week, all experience that this character earns goes to levels in the mystic class, detailed below. Characters are not mentally controlled by the artifact per se, but regardless of how they spend their time outside meditation, those who make the Carpet a part of their regular existence only seem to improve their abilities in one specific direction. Characters do not notice that this is happening and believe fully that they are following their lifelong dreams. After a character has spent at least one week away from the carpet, she notices discrepancies between the time she has spent in monastic seclusion and her normal self. If a character leaves the influence of the Carpet before gaining any given level in mystic, the experience points earned between the levels are not entirely wasted, but they take a 10% cut before they can be applied to the character’s regular class.

Ambient Effects

Any time it is placed in a building which contains a shrine, altar or comparable spiritual symbolism, the Carpet of Contemplation alters itself to look as if it belonged there. The next time anyone sees it, the artifact is lying right in the center of all spiritual life in a given building, looking as if it had always been there (DC 30 Spot check to notice that something has changed). Both the change in appearance and the movement to the floor before the altar (or the largest altar if there is more than one) always take place without anyone seeing the change, possibly through some sort of temporal distortion. Between shrines, the Carpet continues to look however it did at its last home. It does not change again until it finds a new altar to enhance.

Reactive Traits

Any spell intended to harm the Carpet of Contemplation must take a free action or less to cast. Any slower spell, the Carpet can avoid with ease by disappearing. 56


Using the Carpet of Contemplation in a Campaign

• Any spell capable of destroying the Carpet in a single blast, if quickened, can destroy the carpet. Mere damage, however, warns it to flee the area and is effectively “healed” the next time the Carpet gains an opportunity to change its appearance. Only complete destruction in a free action or less is fast enough to actually break the Carpet’s magics. • If the spell is quickened, the Carpet of Contemplation can be targeted by dispel magic. The effective caster level for the check is 18th. If successful, the artifact is vulnerable to any ordinary attack for 1d4 rounds and can be destroyed in the same manner as any mundane carpet.

Since PCs are usually on the move, it is difficult to have the Carpet of Contemplation in a campaign on any kind of long term basis. The artifact simply does not function out on the road. It is, however, useful as the goal of a longterm quest. It is a very difficult item to find, so a party can have many different adventures while searching for it. The carpet is also appropriate for almost any level of play, depending on how it is used.

New Class

When meditating regularly under the effects of the Carpet of Contemplation, a character begins to gain levels in a new base class, called the mystic. This class is also available to characters who have never encountered the carpet at all, but it is far more common among the “enlightened” that surround the Meditation Mat.

Adventure Seeds

Menacing Monastery The Carpet of Contemplation cares nothing for alignment, and can easily be used for evil as well as good. The most recent dwelling the Carpet has found for itself is a monastery of evil monks (now evil mystic monks). The monastery is rapidly growing into a formidable army, even converting many of the good folk of the countryside with its aura of serenity and understanding. By accident or design, the PCs uncover the source of the monastery’s appeal and must sneak or fight their way into the dark shrine to steal the Carpet of Contemplation. Without the Carpet, half the army deserts and go back to their normal lives, while the rest lose some of their carpetenhanced power may begin fighting amongst themselves. The PCs must then decide whether to destroy the carpet or transport it to a more constructive spiritual home. The Search for the Holy Carpet More than a simple adventure, the Carpet of Contemplation can actually be used as the basis for an entire campaign. The PCs could start out as a group of mystics from whom the Carpet has been stolen. Determined to return it to their home sanctuary, the PCs set out in quest of the carpet and much adventure ensues.

The Mystic

The mystic combines the serenity of the monk and the spirituality of the cleric with the study of arcane knowledge. Abilities: Wisdom is the most important ability for the mystic. Mystics need a Wisdom score of 16 or more to gain access to the most powerful of their spells and Wisdom also helps with many of their special abilities. Strength and Dexterity both help a mystic in combat situations. Alignment: Any Hit Die: d8

Class Skills

The mystic’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis). Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4. Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Destroying the Carpet of Contemplation

The Carpet of Contemplation is fairly harmless under most circumstances, in spite of its side effects. However, PCs who have seen the carpet used for a cause they find distasteful may wish to destroy it to keep such a thing from happening again. • Though the Carpet is very difficult to destroy due to its ability to flee danger, it is not difficult to entrap. Sealed in an iron box and buried at the bottom of the ocean, for example, the artifact is very unlikely to ever re-emerge. Dropped into an active volcano, the Carpet will also not be destroyed, but it will be trapped in its protective “other reality” until the volcano becomes quiescent, which could take centuries.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the mystic Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mystics are proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor. Spells: You cast divine spells, which are drawn from the list below. You must prepare your spells in advance. To prepare or cast a spell, you must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty



The Mystic Base Attack




Spells per Day



















Bonus feat, flurry of blows






































Meditative trance









Bonus feat



















Improved evasion






























Abundant step











Bonus feat























Aura of belonging




































Improved meditative trance













Bonus feat













Aura of serenity








Evasion (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, you can avoid damage from certain attacks with a successful Reflex save. See the monk class feature in the Player’s Handbook. Meditative Trance (Su): At 6th level, you gain the ability to enter a restorative trance meditation once per day. This requires a quite environment, and one full hour of uninterrupted meditation. When you complete the trance, you receive the same benefits as those granted by the spell restoration, at a caster level equal to one-half your mystic level. Anything that would cause a spellcaster to make a Concentration check also threatens to wake you from your trance, requiring subsequent DC 15 Concentration checks (or DC 15 + damage dealt, in the case of damage) as needed. Once interrupted, you cannot attempt the trance again that day. Improved Evasion (Ex): Beginning at 9th level, you can avoid damage from certain attacks with a successful Reflex save and take only half damage on a failed save. See the monk class feature in the Player’s Handbook. Abundant Step (Su): At 12th level or higher, you can slip magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension door, once per day. Your caster level for this effect is one-half your mystic level (rounded down).

Class for a saving throw against one of your spells is 10 + the spell level + your modifier. Like other spellcasters, you can cast only a certain number of spells of each level per day. Your base daily spell allotment is given on the table above. In addition, you receive bonus spells per day if you have a high Wisdom score. You prepare and cast spells in the same manner as clerics. Bonus Feat: At 1st level and every 6th level thereafter (7th, 13th, and 19th), you gain a bonus feat, which must be selected from the following list: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Spring Attack, Stunning Fist, Whirlwind Attack, or any Item Creation feat. You must meet all the prerequisites for that feat. Flurry of Blows (Ex): You can make an extra melee attack each round while encumbered. See the monk class feature in the Player’s Handbook. Unlike the monk, the mystic can wear light armor and use any light weapon with which she is proficient, or a quarterstaff. 58

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S Aura of Belonging (Su): Beginning at 15th level, you can radiate an aura, for up to 10 minutes per mystic level per day, that makes others believe you fit in wherever you go. This grants you a +10 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks intended to make others believe you fit in, and causes NPCs to have initial reactions to you one step nearer friendly than normal. Creatures with HD equal or greater than yours may attempt a Will save (DC 17 + your Wisdom modifier) to negate this effect. Improved Meditative Trance: At 18th level, your restorative trance affects you as if by greater restoration and regenerate. All other aspects of the trance remain the same. Aura of Serenity: At 20th level, you can radiate a powerful peace that affects all who approach you. Once per day, for a duration of up to 1 hour, all who come within 30 feet of you are affected as though by the calm emotions spell (Will save DC 19 + your Wisdom modifier negates). You may not use this ability while in combat, and any being who is under attack gains a +5 bonus to its Will save.

Mystic Spells 0-Level Mystic Spells (Orisons) Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water. Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 1 point of damage. Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object. Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. Inflict Minor Wounds: Touch attack, 1 point of damage. Light: Object shines like a torch. Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object. Message: Whispered conversation at distance. Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water. Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks. Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws. Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp.

1st-Level Mystic Spells

Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level. Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4). Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages. Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5). Detect Secret Doors: Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.

Enlarge Person: Humanoid creature doubles in size. Entropic Shield: Ranged attacks against you have 20% miss chance. Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly. Identify M: Determines properties of magic item. Jump: Subject gets bonus on Jump checks. Longstrider: Increases your speed. Magic Stone: Three stones become +1 projectiles, 1d6 +1 damage. Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you. Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. Reduce Person: Humanoid creature halves in size. Sanctuary: Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t attack. True Strike: +20 on your next attack roll.

2nd-Level Mystic Spells

Aid: +1 on attack rolls, +1 against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10). Alter Self: Assume form of a similar creature. Bear’s Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level. Cat’s Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level. Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10). Darkvision: See 60 ft. in total darkness. Detect Thoughts: Allows “listening” to surface thoughts. Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision. Knock: Opens locked or magically sealed door. Levitate: Subject moves up and down at your direction. Locate Object: Senses direction toward object (specific or type). Owl’s Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./ level. Produce Flame: 1d6 damage +1/ level, touch or thrown. Resist Energy: Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. See Invisibility: Reveals invisible creatures or objects. Shield Other F: You take half of subject’s damage. Soften Earth and Stone: Turns stone to clay or dirt to sand or mud. Spider Climb: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings. Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.

3rd-Level Mystic Spells

Air Walk: Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle). 59

C A R P E T O F C O N T E M P L AT I O N Arcane Sight: Magical auras become visible to you. Blink: You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level. Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level. Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15). Dispel Magic: Cancels magical spells and effects. Gaseous Form: Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly. Haste: One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. Nondetection M: Hides subject from divination, scrying. Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy. Slow: One subject/level takes only one action/round, –2 to AC, –2 on attack rolls. Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape. Tongues: Speak any language. Water Breathing: Subjects can breathe underwater.

4th-Level Mystic Spells

Arcane Eye: Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./ round. Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water. Cure Critical Wounds: Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20). Detect Scrying: Alerts you of magical eavesdropping. Dimensional Anchor: Bars extradimensional movement. Divination M: Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions. Freedom of Movement: Subject moves normally despite impediments. Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser: Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects. Locate Creature: Indicates direction to familiar creature. Polymorph: Gives one willing subject a new form. Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse. Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per four levels. Spike Stones: Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be slowed. Stoneskin M: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack. Wall of Fire: Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level.

5th-Level Mystic Spells

Baleful Polymorph: Transforms subject into harmless animal. Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification. Contact Other Plane: Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity. Control Winds: Change wind direction and speed. Dismissal: Forces a creature to return to native plane. Fabricate: Transforms raw materials into finished items. Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold. Ice Storm: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across. Passwall: Creates passage through wood or stone wall. Spell Resistance: Subject gains SR 12 + level. Telekinesis: Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature. Telepathic Bond: Link lets allies communicate. Transmute Mud to Rock: Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. Transmute Rock to Mud: Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. True Seeing M: Lets you see all things as they really are. Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.

6th-Level Mystic Spells

Analyze Dweomer F: Reveals magical aspects of subject. Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft. Dispel Magic, Greater: As dispel magic, but +20 on check. Find the Path: Shows most direct way to a location. Fire Seeds: Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs. Flesh to Stone: Turns subject creature into statue. Globe of Invulnerability: As lesser globe of invulnerability, plus 4th-level spell effects. Heal: Cures 10 points/level of damage, all diseases and mental conditions. Legend Lore M F: Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing. Mislead: Turns you invisible and creates illusory double. Raise Dead M: Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago. Repulsion: Creatures can’t approach you. Stone to Flesh: Restores petrified creature.



Celestial Machine The Great Observatory, Kelendis’ Folly By Anthony Pryor

The Tale of the Celestial Machine

roundings, and from the first day he turned his great telescopes to the sky, he beheld unbelievable and magical things. For another ten years all went well. Kelendis’ powers grew until he was able to dismiss all of his mortal servants and work alone with the aid of automata and summoned creatures. What he saw in the skies amazed him, but he longed to see more. There was a greater structure to the universe, this he knew, if he could only learn how to see it!

The astromancer Kelendis never expected to build one of the most puzzling and legendary devices in history. All he wanted was an observatory — a humble home for himself and his servants, and a place to watch the movement of the heavenly bodies. From this, he was confident, he could learn much of the future and enhance his own astromantic powers. What followed was a tale of wondrous magic, the infinite power of the cosmos and, ultimately, tragedy. The first stage of building took nearly a decade, as Kelendis and his wealthy patrons found an appropriately remote location and prepared the land for the vast complex that would soon be built there. Architects and craftsmen were brought from far and wide, and no expense was spared. Dwarven builders designed many of the structure’s amenities, and it was said that even ancient elvish magic was employed in its construction. When completed, the observatory was a true marvel. Located countless leagues from civilization, it was almost entirely self-sufficient, with a small farm, riding stables, and even its own spring and herds of cattle. Kelendis and his staff of a dozen lived in comfort despite the primitive sur61

C E L E ST I A L M AC H I N E Beings from other planes of existence took notice of Kelendis’ experiments. To some, he was of no more significance than a random dust mote, but to others, his powers seemed vast and infinitely desirable. And so it was that Kelendis’ extended mind and spirit came under attack from an unimaginable variety of foes. Some sought to control him for their own nefarious purposes, for conquest, power or riches. Others saw their task as good: to take control of Kelendis and use his powers to advance the happiness of all beings. Still others sought to use Kelendis for totally incomprehensible, alien purposes. In the end, it drove what remained of the astromancer mad. Assailed from all directions, with some aspects of his spirit under control of insane gods, evil outsiders, banished spirits and inhuman intelligences, Kelendis lashed out from his fastness, sending vast tendrils of his overextended consciousness writhing through the surrounding lands, planes and worlds. All were the same to Kelendis now, and he was entirely unaware that his attempts to defend himself were devastating the Material Plane. Disasters and strange occurrences spread out from the wilderness, with Kelendis and his Celestial Machine at their epicenter. The wizards and scholars of the world sought an explanation for the events, and at last decided that it was the near-legendary astromancer’s doing. A titanic arcane battle of wills followed, with cabals and circles of wizards, sorcerers and clerics banding together, seeking to banish or destroy Kelendis before he destroyed the world in his attempts to defend himself. The mortals’ final victory was costly. Hundreds of spellcasters perished, giving their lives to defeat the mad godling. Kelendis himself was torn away from the Celestial Machine, and his now-alien consciousness was flung into the void. Most of the vast complex that surrounded the machine was destroyed, but the central dome remained. In the years that followed, the tale of Kelendis and the Celestial Machine was largely forgotten. Indeed, most of those who knew about him and his location had perished in the battle. The Machine, crafted by ancient magic and all but indestructible, stood untended and unmoving, as rust and corrosion finally crept into its intricate mechanisms. Today, the dome where the mighty contraption stands is grown over with vines and creepers, isolated far from civilization, and entirely uninhabited. Its power only slumbers, however, and if it is ever rediscovered, the Machine may trouble the mortal world once more.

Researching the Celestial Machine

A Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (arcana) will reveal information about the Celestial Machine. DC 10 20 25 30+

Knowledge Available The Celestial Machine is a great contraption, measuring the movements of worlds and stars. The machine was built by an ancient powerful astromancer, and had divinatory and scrying powers. The machine allowed its user to see other planes, worlds and times in the distant past and future. The Celestial Machine allows its user to cast spells upon distant worlds, times and planes.

The story of the Machine has been twisted and distorted in the retelling. Many pieces of misinformation circulate, including the suggestion that the artifact can give the user godlike powers and allow him to freely range across time and space, or that the entire Machine can be transported to other locations and eras. And so it was, on his own and without the knowledge of his patrons, that the astromancer began to expand upon the original observatory’s equipment. The machines he built were far more than the crude telescopes, astrolabes, sextants and other devices he had once used. These were esoteric, exotic, otherworldly machines that divined the true mechanisms of existence. Soon, every device was connected to every other, transforming what was once a humble observatory into a vast, self-maintaining, magic-powered engine. Kelendis began to withdraw from the material world, drawn more and more into the bizarre and intricate mechanisms of the multiverse. With his machine, he could not only see all, he could experience all. From his place in the wilderness, he could effortlessly observe and feel sensations from any corner of creation. And, as many other arcanists have discovered to their dismay, many of these corners of creation are dark and alien indeed. Exposed to the sights and sounds of distant planes, many of which cannot even be conceived by mortals, Kelendis became something at once more and less than human. Sensations far beyond the normal five were his to enjoy, and within another decade, Kelendis commanded vast new powers to go with his new senses. Though his physical body remained, his spirit and essence was spread across the multiverse, living simultaneously in an infinite number of planes and worlds. He had, in some ways, become a god, while in other ways, he was still all too human.

Studying the Celestial Machine

The ancient and powerful Celestial Machine lies in a distant wilderness area, many days’ journey from civilization. It is surrounded by ruins: the remains of the residential


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S Object Close Objects (10 miles or less distant) Distant Objects (10–100 miles distant) Other Continents (100–1000 miles) Nearby astronomical bodies such as moons and satellites (1,000–200,000 miles) Other planets in solar system (1,000,000+ miles) Other stars (1 light year+) facilities that were once located here. The Machine itself lies inside a gleaming cerulean dome constructed of an unknown, indestructible material. Though it is covered in debris and crisscrossed with vines, the dome itself remains undamaged by the passing centuries. The dome has no apparent entrances or exits. A DC 20 Search check reveals a line of runic inscriptions in the shape of a doorway. A DC 23 Knowledge (arcana) or Disable Device check opens the door, providing access to the interior of the dome. The Celestial Machine is a vast and intricate collection of gears, levers, hydraulic devices, spheres, spinning rings and similar structures. It is all but impossible for a single observer to comprehend the entirety of the structure, as much of it was built from alien or planar technology, and a good portion was constructed while the designer was partially mad. The Machine is currently halted, and some of the components built from mundane materials are overgrown, corroded or damaged. The chamber is shadowy, but the dome’s strange material allows light to enter, heavily filtered by vines and vegetation. Inside the chamber stand four time golems (see below), currently as inactive and dead as the artifact itself. Once the Machine is activated, however, the time golems serve and follow the instructions of the contraption’s operator.

Powers of the Celestial Machine

The Celestial Machine’s basic powers are relatively straightforward. Originally an observatory, the Machine can be used to observe nearby planetary bodies, as well as more distant objects. The exact nature of the cosmos will vary depending upon the DM’s view of the campaign, but this aspect of the Machine can be accessed fairly easily. The artifact’s more exotic powers include observing other planes, casting spells remotely, predicting future events, seeing through time and even altering the nature of reality itself. The powers become more dangerous and significant the deeper the user delves into the Machine’s workings.

DC 10 15 20 25

Additional DC — — — —

30 35+

Spellcraft DC 20 Spellcraft 25+, Knowledge (arcana) 20+

Using the Celestial Machine

The Machine’s most mundane function is as an observatory. Its intricate mechanism includes numerous optical telescopes, some of which are magically enhanced. Smaller telescopes that can be used to observe the surrounding countryside can easily be operated even by inexperienced individuals. More advanced optical and arcane devices require more skill. Using these telescopes requires an Intelligence check, with a DC that increases depending upon the distance that one wishes to observe. The following table lists sample objects and distances and the DC required to observe them using the Celestial Machine. In some cases, greater skill is called for, and an additional roll is required as noted below. As noted above, the actual effects of observing other planetary bodies depends upon the cosmology of the campaign universe. If there are indeed other planets, the user can see them. If, on the other hand, the world is flat and floats in the ether, the user might be able to see other flat worlds, and so on.

Activated Powers

The Celestial Machine currently lies dormant, and must be reactivated to function. Even then, some of its more delicate mechanisms have been damaged by the passage of years, and its exact powers are unpredictable and potentially dangerous. An intricate series of switches, levers, valves and pumps was used to draw raw magical potential from the surrounding regions and nearby planes in order to power the machine — simply finding the location of this central power conduit requires a DC 25 Search and a DC 30 Knowledge (arcana) check. Activating the machine requires a DC 30 Use Magic Device check. If the user attempting to activate the Celestial Machine misses this roll by more than 10, he or she takes 10d10 points of damage from arcane energy feedback (DC 20 Fortitude save for half damage). If the user rolls a natural 1, everyone inside the structure takes the same amount of damage, with the same save for half damage. Once the Machine is activated, it groans to life. Gears turn, wheels spin, great spheres rotate and move in strange orbits. Electrical and arcane energy crackles from rods and magical capacitors, and alien sounds of clanking and humming fill the air. 63

C E L E ST I A L M AC H I N E The Celestial Machine itself is controlled from a central panel. This panel contains a bewildering number of controls, and only Kelendis himself understood its many different settings. To prevent DMs from going as mad as Kelendis, there’s no table listing all the hundreds and thousands of different settings and their effects. Instead, the characters select the settings and the DM determines effects randomly. There are several banks of levers and buttons on the control panel. The first is a wheel with all seven chromatic values: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. The second bank of controls contains a series of buttons, each corresponding to a number from one to 10. The third bank contains switches, each of which corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. (This assumes the standard 26 letters of the Roman alphabet, but DMs can modify it to their own world and phonetic system, if necessary). Finally, there are 12 mechanical levers extending from the floor. In order to use the Machine’s powers, the user must set each of the panel controls — color, number and letter — then pull one of the twelve levers. This may require some trial and error on the part of the players, and many times the characters will follow the proper sequence only to have nothing happen. Eventually, the DM may wish to simply allow a Knowledge (arcana) or similar roll to figure out the proper sequence to use the artifact. Individual powers must be found through experimentation, but the DM can also decree that important powers (like setting a location) are automatically determined after a certain period of study.

When the characters have correctly set the controls and pulled a lever, roll 1d100. Die Roll Result 1–50 Nothing happens; this particular combination no longer works. 51–70 Mishap; roll on Mishap Table. 71–00 Power activated; roll d% on Powers Table. When a correct combination of controls has been set and the lever pulled, a furious storm of arcane energy crackles through the Machine as the power is activated. Otherwise, the contraption may groan or clank, but nothing else of significance happens. Observed locations appear in mid-air in front of the control console and can be seen by anyone in the dome. Summoned creatures appear in the same location. As a given power is determined, mark it down on the Celestial Machine Powers sheet for future reference. Since activating a power requires moving the levers and switches, only one power can be active at a time. For any of these powers that might involve saving throws, such as those that cast a randomly determined spell on a location, the DC equals 15 + spell level.

Celestial Machine Powers Table

Die Roll Power 1–2 Observe location within 10 miles.* 3–4 Observe location within 100 miles.* 5–6 Observe location within 1,000 miles.* 7–8 Observe location on world.* 9–10 Observe location on another plane or world.* 11–12 Observe home plane or habitation of god or powerful outsider.* 13 Operator is transported to a location within 10 miles.* 14 Operator is transported to a location within 100 miles.* 15 Operator is transported to a location within 1,000 miles.* 16 Operator is transported to a location on world.* 17 Operator is transported to a location on another plane or world.* 18 Operator is transported to home plane or habitation of god or powerful outsider.* 19 All occupants of dome are transported to a location within 10 miles.* 20 All occupants of dome are transported to a location within 100 miles.* 21 All occupants of dome are transported to a location within 1,000 miles.* 22 All occupants of dome are transported to a location on world.* 23 All occupants of dome are transported to a location on another plane or world.* 24 All occupants of dome are transported to home plane or habitation of god or powerful outsider.* 25–26 Random object or creature is summoned from a location within 10 miles.* 27–28 Random object or creature is summoned from a location within 100 miles.* 64

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S 28–29 30 31 32 33–34 35–36 37–38 39–40 41–42 43–44 45 46 47 48 49 50–51 52–53 54–55 56–57 58–59 60–61 62 63 64 65–66 67–68 69–70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77–78 79–80 81–82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

Random object or creature is summoned from a location within 1,000 miles.* Random object or creature is summoned from a location on world.* Random object or creature is summoned from a location on another plane or world.* Random object or creature is summoned from home plane or habitation of god or powerful outsider.* 1st-level arcane spell cast on observed location.*† 2nd-level arcane spell cast on observed location.*† 3rd-level arcane spell cast on observed location.*† 4th-level arcane spell cast on observed location.*† 5th-level arcane spell cast on observed location.*† 6th-level arcane spell cast on observed location.*† 7th-level arcane spell cast on observed location.*† 8th-level arcane spell cast on observed location.*† 9th-level arcane spell cast on observed location.*† Operator transported to observed location.** Operator and all occupants of dome transported to observed location.** 1st-level divine spell cast on observed location.*† 2nd-level divine spell cast on observed location.*† 3rd-level divine spell cast on observed location.*† 4th-level divine spell cast on observed location.*† 5th-level divine spell cast on observed location.*† 6th-level divine spell cast on observed location.*† 7th-level divine spell cast on observed location.*† 8th-level divine spell cast on observed location.*† 9th-level divine spell cast on observed location.*† Observers can see up to one hour into the past of observed location.** Observers can see up to 24 hours into the past of observed location.** Observers can see up to 30 days into the past of observed location.** Observers can see up to one year into the past of the observed location.** Observers can see up to ten years into the past of the observed location.** Observers can see up to 100 years into the past of the observed location.** Observers can see up to 1,000 years into the past of the observed location.** Observers can see up to 100,000 years into the past of the observed location.** Observers can see up to 1,000,000 years into the past of the observed location.** Observers can see up to one hour into the future of observed location.** Observers can see up to 24 hours into the future of observed location.** Observers can see up to 30 days into the future of observed location.** Observers can see up to one year into the future of the observed location.** Observers can see up to ten years into the future of the observed location.** Observers can see up to 100 years into the future of the observed location.** Observers can see up to 1,000 years into the future of the observed location.** Observers can see up to 100,000 years into the future of the observed location.** Observers can see up to 1,000,000 years into the future of the observed location.** Operator (only) can communicate with intelligent creatures at the observed location and time.** 90 All observers can communicate with intelligent creatures at the observed location and time.** 91–00 Major power invoked (roll 1d% and consult the Major Powers table). 65

C E L E ST I A L M AC H I N E allow him to cast spells, travel there, and affect events. If for example the operator happens to observe the site of a famous battle, and happens to see a famous king or general, he can then use the Celestial Machine’s powers to cast a spell and possibly even erase a famous individual from history. The ramifications of these powers are literally earthshattering, and an operator who loses his grip on reality may end up trying to alter history and the state of the universe to suit his own agenda or demented beliefs. In such cases, the machine is sure to come under attack, not only by the armies of the material world, but by gods and outsiders who do not want mere mortals meddling with the fabric of the universe. The ultimate consequences of such unbridled power are left up to the DM, but they should be uniformly dire. The future is far more malleable than the past, and if the machine’s operator chooses to observe the future, he sees only one possible future, which might still be influenced by current events. The likelihood of a given future actually occurring grows less and less the farther forward into time an observer sees. He can still influence the future, as by altering a given event or removing a participant, he might still prevent it from ever occurring.

Celestial Machine Major Powers Roll 1–20

21–40 41–50

51–60 61–70 71–80


86–90 91–95 96–00

Power Two-way gate to observed location and time opens and remains open for 1d6 hours.*† Two-way gate to observed location and time opens and remains open until location/time are changed at control panel.*† The entire dome, its contents, and its inhabitants gain SR 25. Occupants of the dome can freely cast magic at targets outside the dome, however. No one entering the dome after the power is invoked receives this bonus. The dome is surrounded by an enormous globe of invulnerability that protects all occupants. The dome is surrounded by a huge prismatic wall, large enough to protect the contents and all occupants. Arcane and life energies are drawn from anyone outside within 100 yards of the dome, inflicting 10d10 points of damage (DC 20 Fortitude save for half). This power can only be activated once per day. High winds and stormy conditions batter those outside the dome. Ranged weapons are useless, and anyone outside the dome while the storm is blowing must make DC 15 Reflex saves each round or be knocked prone. The storm lasts 1d4 hours. This power can only be activated once per day. The operator can choose any location within 1,000 miles to observe. The operator can choose any location on the entire world to observe. The operator can choose any location to observe, including other worlds and planes.

Celestial Machine Mishap Table Roll 1–10

11–20 21–25

*Power can be generated multiple times. If rolled again, select a new location or spell. **Power requires that a location be observed through the Celestial Machine before it can be activated. If location has not been observed, there is no effect. †Power requires that a location be observed through the Celestial Machine before it can be activated. If location has not been observed, roll for a mishap.

26–30 31–40 41–50 51–55 56–60

If a power states that a location can be observed, a spell cast or an individual transported, the DM determines the location, spell or individual.


Changing the Past and the Future


In addition to his other errors, Kelendis made the mistake of meddling in the past and the future, observing and influencing events in ways that were well beyond his comprehension. Note that once the operator has set the location and time that he is observing, other powers



Mishap User makes a DC 15 Reflex save or is knocked prone. All of the dome’s occupants must make DC 19 Reflex saves or be knocked prone. User must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. All of the dome’s occupants must make a DC 19 Reflex save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. User must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. All of the dome’s occupants must make a DC 19 Reflex save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. User must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be deafened for 1d4 rounds. All of the dome’s occupants must make a DC 19 Reflex save or be deafened for 1d4 rounds. User must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be blinded and deafened for 1d4 rounds. All of the dome’s occupants must make a DC 19 Reflex save or be blinded and deafened for 1d4 rounds. User takes 4d10 points of electrical damage; DC 18 Reflex save for half.

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S 76–80 All of the dome’s occupants take 4d10 points of electrical damage; DC 18 Reflex save for half. 81–85 User must make a DC 16 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. 86–90 All of the dome’s occupants must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. 91–95 User takes 10d10 points of electrical damage; DC 19 Reflex save for half. 96–00 All of the dome’s occupants take 10d10 points of electrical damage; DC 19 Reflex save for half.

81–85 86–90 91–95 96–100

101–105 105–110 110+


As the tale of Kelendis suggests, use of the machine can lead to a variety of unfortunate consequences. Each time one of the machine’s normal powers is used, the operator must make a DC 12 Will save. Each time a major power is used, the operator must make a DC 22 Will save. A failed save causes the operator to suffer a side effect, as determined by rolling d% on the following table. Add the number in parentheses to all future side effect rolls, even if the character recovers from the side effect.

User changes alignment (+10). User takes 5d10 points of damage (+5). User takes 10d10 points of damage (+10). User ages one age category, suffering penalties but gaining no benefits (i.e. adult to middle age, or middle age to old) (+10). User ages two age categories, suffering penalties but gaining no benefits (+15). User dies instantly (+20). User’s mind and body are scattered across the cosmos, effectively destroying the character permanently, beyond the power of gods or magic to restore.

As might be expected, operators of the machine, especially the weak-willed, quickly descend into physical degradation and madness. Even after suffering one or more side effects, an operator must make a DC 18 Will save each day, or be driven to use the machine in some fashion.

Side Effects

Ambient Effects

Die Roll Effect 1–5 User’s hair, if any, turns white (+0). 6–10 User’s eye or skin color changes (+0). 11–15 User gains 1 negative level (DC 22 Fortitude to remove) (+1). 16–20 User gains 1d4 negative levels (DC 22 Fortitude to remove) (+2). 21–25 User takes 1d6 points of ability damage (randomly determined) (+3). 26–30 User takes 2d6 points of ability damage (randomly determined) (+4). 31–35 User takes 1d4 points of ability drain (randomly determined) (+5). 36–40 User takes 2d4 points of ability drain (randomly determined) (+10). 41–45 User knocked unconscious for 1d4 hours (+2). 46–50 User knocked unconscious for 1d4 days (+4). 51–55 User paralyzed for 2d4 hours (+3). 56–60 User paralyzed for 2d4 days (+6). 61–65 User insane (as if affected by confusion) for 3d4 hours (+8). 66–70 User insane for 3d4 days (+10). 71–75 User permanently insane (+15). 76–80 User changes race or gender (+10).

The Celestial Machine powers itself by drawing on ambient arcane energy. Long-term use of its powers drains surrounding lands of magic, and eventually life, while at the same time enhancing the magical energies inside the dome that houses it. Within 4d4 weeks of the Machine’s activation, the surrounding area to a radius of five miles is considered a low magic area. No spells higher than 4th level function (treat them as if they were cast in an antimagic field). The interior of the dome, however, gains greater arcane power; all arcane spells cast within the dome gain +1 to effective caster level, and +1 to the DC to resist the spell. This radius spreads at a rate of 1d4 miles per week, eventually affecting civilized areas, where lack of arcane energies may cause all sorts of crises. In addition, after 4d4 months, the area within five miles of the dome is reduced to a lifeless wasteland. Animals flee and plants die, leaving only withered husks behind. Storms lash the region, and strange lights flash in the sky, symptoms of planar instability. Eventually, at the DM’s discretion, excessive use of the machine and its abilities creates a planar rift, causing planes to blur together, and possibly collide, creating massive disturbances which could have a number of different effects — anything from opening of planar gates that allow strange creatures and phenomena to access the mortal realm, to the utter destruction of the world or the multiverse. Such events 67

C E L E ST I A L M AC H I N E certainly trigger a response from other powers, and are certain to end in cataclysmic conflict.

Using the Celestial Machine in a Campaign

The Celestial Machine serves well in a truly apocalyptic campaign with a world-threatening conclusion. Keep in mind that characters who start to toy with the machine may well be destroyed by it, so make sure the players are aware of the potential risks. For the most part, the Celestial Machine remains a legend, but its rediscovery and activation can form the basis of a campaign in and of itself. The DM should consider whether the PCs will actually be the ones using the machine, or whether they will be victims of the machine’s powers.

Adventure Seeds

A Storm in the Wilderness Strange events have been occurring, such strange lights in the sky and odd weather patterns. The sages and scholars of the PCs’ kingdom believe that some kind of massive planar rift is occurring, and the adventurers are dispatched to investigate. They find that the Celestial Machine has been discovered and that a mad sorcerer or other powerful foe is at the controls. As the catastrophes spread, the PCs must figure out a way to get into the dome and stop the insane operator before world-threatening disasters occur. To Change the Past The PCs are approached by a humble patron, who says that he has discovered the location of the legendary Celestial Machine. He asks that they accompany him as guards or guides. As the party ventures into the wilderness, the patron’s motives grow clearer: Years ago, his family died in a terrible accident, and he seeks to use the powers of the Celestial Machine to change the past and save them. As might be expected, things do not go well. Due to his many attempts to operate the machine, the patron is soon consumed by the desire for power, his family forgotten. The PCs are in the position of either stopping their patron (now aided by time golems and other forces) or being party to his madness and the eventual destruction it will bring.

Destroying the Celestial Machine

Though it is a mechanical device, the Celestial Machine is largely immune to many of the problems normally associated with such items. Although some of its mechanisms no longer work properly, it is powered by ambient magic, and consequently difficult to break or destroy permanently. • The Machine can be disabled and ultimately destroyed by setting the controls to view or open gates to multiple 68

locations simultaneously. In effect, this short circuits its power source and unleashes the stored arcane energies that drive its mechanism. This requires five successful DC 40 Disable Device checks in a row. If one of the rolls is a failure, the user must start again, and each check takes a full hour to make. If the rolls are successful, the machine is jammed and will be destroyed as listed below in 1d6 hours; anyone in its vicinity is advised to get away quickly. The sequence can be interrupted and the machine restored by another DC 25 Disable Device check. • Brute force can destroy the artifact, but only if applied correctly and in sufficient quantity. If over 1,000 points of damage can be delivered to the Machine in a single attack — arcane, divine, physical or otherwise — it is destroyed as described below. Anyone caught in the destruction without proper protection is destroyed along with the machine. The forces unleashed by the Celestial Machine’s destruction are considerable, incinerating everything within 1d4 miles of the device’s location. Any PCs caught in the area is destroyed as well, unless they can escape via teleportation or similar method. A globe of invulnerability also protects occupants from the arcane inferno that the destruction of the machine creates. The area scourged by the Machine’s death throes is utterly blasted, with no living things remaining. Over the following years and centuries, life returns, and the area is far richer than before, nourished by the remnants of the arcane energy collected by the artifact and liberated in the explosion.

New Monster

Kelendis created a number of inhuman servants to aid him in his endeavors. Of these, the so-called time golems seem to be the only ones remaining. Time Golem Large Construct Hit Dice: 15d10+30 (112 hp) Initiative: –1 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) Armor Class: 26 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +10 natural, +8 time displacement) touch 16, flat-footed 26 Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+24 Attack: Slam +20 melee (2d10+10) Full Attack: 2 slams +20 melee (2d10+10) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Lightning, recursive attack Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision, recursive saves, time displacement Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5 Abilities: Str 30, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S Skills:





Solitary or gang (2–4)

Challenge Rating:





Always neutral


16–20 HD (Large); 21–40 HD (Huge)

Level Adjustment:

The creature seems similar to an iron golem, except for the visible clockwork mechanisms, with springs, gears and various dials inside its body. Its outline seems almost indistinct; the closer you look, the more it wavers. Time golems are the invention of the astromancer Kelendis. Deep in his madness, he dreamed of their design, and over the next few days constructed one, though he himself did not remember how. Today, four of the golems stand motionless in the interior of the dome that houses the Celestial Machine; once the Machine begins to operate, the golems obey the commands of the machine’s operator, and defend the machine against intruders. A time golem stands about ten feet tall and weighs over 2,000 pounds.


Time golems attack relentlessly when commanded, discharging their lighting attacks, first at spellcasters, then at warriors. They seem to waver and shimmer in combat. Lightning (Su): 80-foot line, 10d8 electrical damage, free action once every 1d4+1 rounds; Fortitude DC 17 for half damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Recursive Attack (Su): A time golem exists in the present, as well as the immediate past and future. In any given round, the time golem automatically rerolls its first missed attack. It must take the second roll. Recursive Saves (Su): In any given round, a time golem automatically rerolls its first failed save. It must take the second roll. Time Displacement (Su): A time golem’s temporal qualities allow it to anticipate enemy attacks, granting it a +8 bonus to AC that is retained for touch attacks. Immunity to Magic (Ex): A time golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below. A slow spell prevents a time golem from using its recursive attack and save qualities and eliminates its time displacement AC bonus for the spell’s duration. A haste spell gives a time golem one more reroll for failed attacks and saves — if the first roll and its reroll are both failures, the golem can reroll one more time. The golem gets no save against either of these spells.


A time golem is crafted from one ton of iron, smelted with adamantine, mithril and silver costing at least 10,000 gp. Assembling the body requires a DC 20 Craft (armorsmithing) check or a DC 20 Craft (weaponsmithing) check. CL 18th; Craft Construct, lightning bolt, geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, foresight, caster must be at least 18th level; Price 150,000 gp; Cost 80,000 gp + 5,600 XP.



Crown of Ice Circlet of the Ice Queen By Rhiannon Louve

The Tale of the Crown of Ice

In ancient days, so the bards tell us, far in the frozen northlands, lived a woman so beautiful that fame of her beauty spread throughout the world and even onto other planes. Her name was Teina, and by the time she was 17, four different kings of the northlands had entered into a bloody and savage war with one another for the right to her hand in marriage. The war tore the northlands into chaos and wretched poverty, and somehow over the course of its raging, several powerful magical beings noticed Teina’s otherworldly loveliness. Her skin was white as snow, her hair as pale and shining as a wisp of cloud, and her wide blue eyes were as clear as ice. Some said her mother must have lain with the God of Winter, and indeed, the beings of the supernatural realms responded to her as far more than a mere mortal. Two powerful wizards kidnapped her from the palace of the king who held her captive (while under siege by three other armies), but no sooner had the wizards locked her in their tower of ice than a white dragon, a frost giant, and a demigoddess of snow all arrived in the vicinity, demanding the beautiful Teina for themselves. The snow demigoddess, whose worship died out centuries ago and whose name is now lost to antiquity, had powers of quiet subtlety rather than overt force. While the other mighty beings struggled amongst themselves for the right to make Teina their slave, the snow goddess slipped into the maiden’s chambers and made her an offer. “Come away quietly with me to my winter realm,” she tempted the girl. “I’ll 70

make you queen of all these northern lands, and with the power I grant you, you’ll never have to see war again.” The snow goddess was nearly as beautiful as Teina herself, and the girl was beside herself with gratitude and relief. She wished more than anything to see peace in her war-torn homeland. Willingly and ever so quietly, she mounted the demigoddess’ icy steed, and away they flew. The wizards and monsters were so preoccupied with killing one another that they never even noticed, and by the end of their battle, all lay slain at the foot of the tower. None know quite what happened to the lovely girl in the years that followed. Teina had vanished from the mortal realm, but the wars continued, even though with every passing year people remembered less and less why it was they fought. Then suddenly one day, nearly half a lifetime later, Teina returned to the physical world. She wore a strange circlet on her brow, and she arrived alone, without explanation, and without having aged a day. Teina never spoke of the decades she spent in the land of the snow goddess. Some legends say the two became lovers, but the fickle snow goddess betrayed her with an air elemental, and Teina killed her in


Researching the Crown of Ice

Most information about the Crown of Ice is found in the northlands. Most northern bards have heard the tale of Queen Teina, especially now that she has returned. Teina herself, under the right circumstances, might be willing to tell a party of adventurers about her crown and its powers, but attempting diplomacy with Teina is often very much like walking on thin ice. At the DM’s discretion, ruins of Teina’s ancient civilization may yet exist, and records of the crown might be left behind for characters to peruse. As for where the Crown is now, none seem to know. Teina may guess more than she is telling about the identity and whereabouts of the thief, but if so, why does she not pursue him? The thief himself might also grow careless and make use of the crown in ways that attract attention. The most useful skills in researching the current whereabouts of the Crown of Ice are Gather Information and the Bardic Knowledge ability. For learning about the history and powers of the crown itself, Bardic Knowledge is the most likely source of information. Characters may substitute Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (arcana) checks, but these suffer a –5 penalty due to the great age of the information. DC 10 20 25


Knowledge Available The Crown of Ice is a mystic circlet, worn by the ancient Ice Queen Teina of the Great North. Teina gained the Crown, and perhaps other powers as well, from a mysterious demigoddess of snow. It renders the wearer immune to cold, and provides other powers as well. The Crown grants the wearer access to many spells related to winter and ice, but also slowly strips their humanity from them. (If this result occurs on an attempt to learn of the Crown’s current whereabouts, the character hears rumors of someone using cold-related magics, in a location of the DM’s choosing.) The Crown removes its wearer’s ability to feel emotion. Queen Teina has recently returned to the North, seeking her missing crown. (If this result occurs on an attempt to learn of the Crown’s current whereabouts, the character learns the name and identity of the person who has been purportedly been using cold-related magics.)

A failed roll is likely to give characters false information about the crown’s whereabouts. Another false rumor is that the Crown of Ice has no powers of its own — it is simply a bauble that Teina particularly fancies. raised herself an army and quickly swept through all the northlands, conquering every kingdom and installing herself as High Queen. Though her ruthless battle tactics and iron combat leadership could not be faulted, it was obvious to all that the real force behind Teina’s easy (and nearly bloodless) victory came from the magical crown she constantly wore. The crown’s icy magics frightened the armies she faced, and rather than fight against her deathly cold stare, soldiers laid down their arms and swore fealty to Ice Queen Teina of the Great North. Teina’s justice was ruthless and swift, but usually fair, and it cannot be denied that the land knew a longer and more stable peace under her leadership than it ever had before. Teina was too much lacking in compassion to truly be loved by her subjects, but she was respected as well as feared, and her people were mostly happy. Teina ruled the northlands for many generations, so the legends claim, shaping them into a wise and prosperous civilization. Fearing their frosty queen, her people began to keep order of their own free will, no longer requiring her justice to keep their lands honest and peaceful. Teina

a fit of jealousy before fleeing home to her father’s lands. Another tale claims that the demigoddess had deceived the innocent maiden, enslaving her cruelly, jealous of the girl’s heartbreaking loveliness. After decades of the most depraved treatment imaginable, the brave girl eventually managed to trick and slay her captor, winning her freedom and the right to return home. Whatever the truth, it was obvious to all who had once known the young, sad-eyed Teina, that while she might look as youthful as the day she left, she was profoundly changed. Her hair was so white now as to appear almost blue, and her flesh had grown inhumanly pale. She was still lovelier than any living woman, but many began to wonder if she could truly be counted as a living woman any more. More disturbing than her skin and hair, however, were the other changes in Teina. Something in the sparkle of her eyes, the movement of her hair in the breeze, something indefinable about her bespoke a lack of humanity, a magical and soul-searing coldness. Some said her presence literally froze the things around her, even during the height of summer. Soon this coldness began to manifest itself in her personality, as Teina coolly and calculatingly 71

C R OW N O F I C E allowed her presence to fade into her mighty nation’s background, and when she was sure her people no longer needed her, she disappeared once more, taking with her the mysterious and powerful Crown of Ice she always wore. The civilization that Teina founded has crumbled in the many centuries that have passed, and Teina herself might have been forgotten, save that she recently reappeared in the northlands and is steadily and ruthlessly rebuilding her old kingdom. She is young and lovely as ever, but her icy crown is missing, and she is very angry and determined to find it. Even without the crown, she has become a being of great power, and her icy wrath is terrible to behold. She claims that she knows not who stole her talisman, but she fully intends to see it returned to her, and to see the thief duly punished for his crime.

Activated Powers

For up to 10 rounds per day, the Crown of Ice can provide a wearer with fire resistance 20. After the 10 rounds are used up, the Crown of Ice ceases to function for an hour and no longer feels unusually cold to the touch during that time. The Crown of Ice also allows the wearer to cast the following spells as a 20th-level sorcerer, with no material components necessary. 5/day: chill metal (DC 16), grease (this version of the spell coats the target in a slipper sheen of ice, but is otherwise mechanically identical to the normal spell), ray of frost. 3/day: quench, sleet storm, wall of ice. 1/day: cone of cold (DC 19), ice storm. 1/week: flesh to stone (DC 20, the victim appears to be ice rather than stone, but the ice does not melt and is treated as stone in all mechanical ways); Otluke’s freezing sphere (DC 20), simulacrum. 1/month: control weather, polar ray.

Studying the Crown of Ice

The Crown of Ice is a small circlet of strange pale blue metal. Though shaped and intricately carved like a tiara, it has no gemstones set anywhere in its design. Despite the obvious artistry of its making, it looks rather plain at first glance — almost as dull as worked steel, despite its blue color. When handled, the Crown is painfully cold to the touch. Handled it with gloves or other protection, it is almost feather-light — much lighter than metal should be. The Crown does not appear to be magical under the scrutiny of detect magic, and it is invisible to all other forms of divination as well. If the circlet is placed on a character’s head, it changes immediately. A casing of ice envelops the Crown, making it shimmer exquisitely, as if it had been dipped in diamonds. It also begins to produce an intense aura of cold in a 10-ft. radius surrounding the character, dropping the ambient temperature in that area to far below freezing.


The Crown of Ice seems to freeze a person’s soul and body, even while it grants its many powers. The wearer of the crown becomes slowly less and less human. As the wearer’s body acclimates to the cold magics that surround and protect it, it becomes increasingly difficult to function without wearing the crown. Every 30 days a character wears the Crown of Ice (consecutive or not), she must make a DC 24 Will save. Each failed save indicates that the character has progressed one step further on the transformative process described below. A character who has been changed by the crown can only be changed back in the first three stages by a break enchantment spell, and after that only by a miracle or wish. In either case, she cannot be changed back so long as she retains possession of the Crown. First stage: The character begins to lose touch with her passions and joys. Things that excited or fascinated her cease to hold interest. She may still possess goals or ambitions, but she takes little pleasure in their fulfillment, or in anything else. In addition, if the character’s alignment is any variety of evil, it now moves one step toward neutrality. For instance, a lawful evil character becomes lawful neutral. Second Stage: The character’s body begins to acclimate to cold weather. Whenever the character removes the Crown, she reacts to the weather as if it were 30 degrees warmer than it actually is. For example, in temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit, the character is treated as if in very hot conditions. Above 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the character’s body reacts as if in severe heat (see “The Environment” in Chapter 8 of the DMG). Third Stage: The character begins to look different. Skin, hair and eyes take on the colors of various types of

Powers of the Crown of Ice

The Crown of Ice grants its wearer certain powers, immunities, and other qualities related to ice and cold.

Using the Crown of Ice

The Crown of Ice must be worn to be functional. All activated powers work for the wearer by will alone.

Constant Powers

The wearer of the Crown of Ice gains the benefit of several ongoing powers. First, the Crown grants the user total immunity to all ice or cold-based attacks. Wrapped constantly in a nearly invisible sheet of slippery magical ice, the wearer gains a +3 armor bonus to AC. This icy armor is sufficiently light and flexible that it incurs no armor check penalties, nor does it interfere with spellcasting. 72

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S ice. The character takes on a bluish tone. NPCs’ initial reactions to the character are one step nearer hostile than they would otherwise be, as they begin to recognize her as an otherworldly being. Fourth Stage: The character becomes increasingly dependant upon the Crown for survival. Without it, all temperatures the character encounters in her environment are treated as if they were 70 degrees warmer than they actually are (for example, 30 degrees Fahrenheit would feel like 100 degrees). Fifth Stage: The character begins to lose touch with her fellow beings. She cares less about friends, family, human contact, and even such concepts as loyalty, save when it is of benefit to her personally. If her alignment was any variety of good, it now moves one step toward neutrality. Final Stage: The character is no longer a humanoid. Her type becomes Fey. She ceases to age perceptibly. She gains lowlight vision, if she does not already have it, and cold resistance equal to her level even when not wearing the crown. She has become a kind of nature spirit embodying ice and snow. She is dependant upon an extreme winter-like environment. If she strays more than 300 yards onto fully-thawed ground, she fades and dies in 4d6 hours. Only the ambient effects of the Crown of Ice can allow her to travel outside a snowy climate at all. The character also takes double damage from fire and all fire-base magics.

successful hits, and on misses where the attack only missed by the value of the target’s armor bonus). If a weapon shatters on a successful hit, it does 1/4 its usual damage (round down, minimum 1 point). Magic items made of metal may make a DC 15 Fortitude save when first exposed to the Crown’s aura. Success means the item is unaffected, though it must save again if it ever leaves and then reenters the area. Failure indicates that the item may shatter with use, as above. Other artifacts are unaffected by this aura. Food and water also freeze quickly in the vicinity of the wearer of the Ice Queen’s circlet, among other liquid and semi-liquid things, so the wearer must quickly become accustomed to frozen food and “drink.” Finally, the freezing effects of the Crown of Ice cause an audible creaking, making it effectively impossible for the wearer of the Ice Queen’s circlet to sneak (–20 on Move Silently checks).

Using the Crown of Ice in a Campaign

The easiest way to introduce the Crown of Ice into a campaign is to send the characters to recover the artifact for Teina. Without the crown, it is almost impossible for her to travel outside the very coldest of the northern reaches. She would likely give a fair reward to any party who returned her talisman to her. This could be a job for a mid- to high-level party, as the Crown would only be in their possession for a short period. Later in such a campaign, the same characters might impose upon Teina’s resulting good will to borrow the Crown for another short period, in order to fight a specific battle. Alternatively, the Ice Queen might hire the party for some purpose and loan them the artifact for the duration of the mission. She would never willingly allow the Crown to leave her possession for more than a month, both for the sake of her own comfort and also to protect others from its addictive and in some ways crippling power. This is a powerful and dangerous artifact, however. It should only be allowed as a permanent addition to the plotline in very high-level campaigns. It must also be kept in mind that the Ice Queen would never willingly give away her circlet. If it becomes the property of one of the PCs, it is likely that they must kill her to acquire it, or alternatively kill her murderers.

Ambient Effects

The circlet creates an area of severe winter surrounding its wearer, causing both positive and negative results. The ground around the Crown’s wearer, in a 10-ft. radius, freezes solid and is covered at all times in a slick sheet of ice. Though this has the delightful effect of allowing the wearer of the Ice Queen’s circlet to walk on water as it freezes beneath his feet at every step, it also creates some interesting complications, particularly during combat. The ground in the area is treated at all times as if a grease spell had been cast upon it. The wearer is unaffected by the slickness of the ice. The air around the wearer remains at a constant temperature well below freezing. All those within a 10-ft. radius of the wearer are treated as if in an environment of –10 degrees Fahrenheit (see “the Environment” in Chapter 8 of the DMG). In addition, the magical cold radiated by the crown is extremely harmful to all metals. Within 2d4 rounds, metal objects, including armor and weapons, freeze into a brittle state. (Note that the wearer’s own possessions are not exempt from this effect.) Metal armor is considered to have only half its regular protective value (round down). Further, it has a cumulative 10% chance of shattering every time its wearer is hit in combat, or the armor itself is struck (an attack misses only by the value of the armor’s bonus). Metal weapons have a cumulative 10% chance of shattering every time they make contact (on all

Adventure Seeds

Vengeance of the Snow Goddess Killing a goddess, even a minor demigoddess, is never an easy feat. Whatever passed between the Ice Queen and the demigoddess who first gave her the Crown of


C R OW N O F I C E evil, since it does eventually remove the wearer’s ability to feel compassion or loyalty. Others might destroy it to keep it out of the hands of the evil goddess who made it, or even to cripple Queen Teina if she has become the PCs’ enemy. Finally, characters who see one of their friends becoming addicted to the powers of the Crown of Ice might wish to destroy it to protect their friend, or in an attempt to reverse its effects. • Though the Crown is not normally susceptible to fire or heat, it is very draining on the circlet’s power to absorb fire damage on its wearer’s behalf. Once its fire resistance powers have been used up for the day, the Crown becomes inert for one hour. During this time, in spite of its light weight and blue color, it can be melted down exactly like iron, and ordinary iron is all that remains afterward. • A wearer of the Crown who has completed the transformation into a fey can choose to destroy the artifact at any time. While it is still worn on the character’s head, she can simply smash it with any tool of hardness 10 or greater and a successful DC 15 Strength check. The wearer takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage from her own blow, but the Crown of Ice shatters into fragments and eventually melts like normal ice. • The snow goddess who created the artifact can destroy it with a thought, but doing so would leave her crippled, the magics she poured into its making permanently lost. In order to reabsorb the Crown’s power, she must perform a complex ritual, which magically allows her to draw the energy back into herself, returning the Crown to a plain circlet of non-magical iron. Only the demigoddess of snow knows the details of this ritual, and only she can perform it. If she is truly dead, this method of destruction is impossible. No method of destroying the Crown of Ice can reverse its effects on its wearer, though its destruction then opens up the possibility of reversing the effects by other means, as described above.

Ice, the snow goddess is back, and she wants revenge. Her plan began with her minions stealing the Crown of Ice, crippling Teina and trapping her in the northlands. Next she plans to raise an evil and supernatural army to blast the northlands into inhabitability. She knows that Teina still cares for her home as much as the detached and passionless Queen can truly care for anything, and the angry demigoddess wishes the maiden who harmed her so to suffer greatly before she dies. The party arrives in the northlands, seeking the Ice Queen’s aid in some other adventure. She is rude at first, but eventually promises the party whatever help she can offer (riches, trade agreements, armies — whatever it is the characters come seeking), if and only if they can return the Crown of Ice to her in time to save the northlands from the snow goddess’ armies. Should the party agree, she tells them what little she knows about the thieves’ whereabouts. The party must find the crown and return it to Teina as fast as they can, fighting all the while against the forces of the wrathful goddess. Pawns with Teeth The PCs are given the Crown of Ice by a particularly charming employer as part of a modest reward for a job well done. They are not told of its power and are led to believe that it is simply a pretty circlet of a rare blue metal. Some weeks later, the characters begin to be harassed by Teina’s agents, though it is unlikely the agents announce their allegiance or purpose to the party. They see the PCs as thieves of their mistress’ property, and they are entirely unsympathetic. After a great deal of painstaking investigation, the PCs eventually discover what the soldiers are after and some inklings of its power. They also discover, with time, that their employer is the thief who first stole the Crown from Teina and that he has been using them all as his pawns. He planted the artifact with the PCs to keep Teina’s hounds from finding it among his possessions, and it was only by the most unlikely of chances that Teina’s people learned where it had been “hidden.” The PCs’ former employer, if questioned, claims innocence and that he hid the Crown with them for safekeeping. He promises to richly reward the party for their work as guards of his property. The truth, however, was that he intended to betray and kill them for the artifact as soon as Teina’s folk could be convinced that he was not the thief. The PCs, now embroiled, must decide what to do with the Crown (and its former owner, and their former employer) next.

New Monster

Teina has not been human for a very long time, and in her long and strange life she has gained many powers and abilities different from those of ordinary mortals. As such, she has become a completely unique being. The stats listed below describe Teina without the Crown of Ice, since it was recently stolen from her.

Teina, the Ice Queen Medium Fey

Destroying the Crown of Ice

The PCs might want to destroy the Crown of Ice for several reasons. Good characters might consider it to be a thing of 74

Hit Dice:

25d6+100 (187 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class:

17 (+3 Dex, +4 ring of protection), touch 17, flat-footed 14

Base Attack/Grapple:


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S Attack:

+2 keen icy burst rapier +16 melee (1d6+4 plus 1d6 cold damage)

Full Attack:

+2 keen icy burst rapier +16/+11/+6 melee (1d6+4+1d6 cold damage)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:


Special Qualities:

Cold dependant, cold resistance 25, fire sensitivity, low-light vision


Fort +12, Ref +17, Will +16


Str 14, Dex 16, Con 19, Int 23, Wis 15, Cha 30


Appraise +20, Bluff +24, Concentration +32, Decipher Script +20, Diplomacy +30, Gather Information +26, Intimidate +42, Knowledge (arcana) +34, Knowledge (history) +20, Knowledge (local) +20, Listen +18, Profession (ruler) +30, Ride +17, Search +20, Sense Motive +34, Speak Language +14, Spellcraft +36, Spot +18


Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Leadership, Negotiator, Point Blank Shot, Spell Penetration, Widen Spell


Any cold



Challenge Rating:





Always lawful neutral

Advancement Range:

Level Adjustment:

Teina the Ice Queen loves and studies languages. As such, she speaks 21 languages fluently, including Common and any other language the DM finds it convenient for her to know.


Teina prefers to surround herself with powerful warriors, whom she supports with spells from the sidelines. When at close quarters, however, she is not unskilled with her formidable magical blade. Cold Dependant (Su): All temperatures the Ice Queen encounters in her environment are treated as if they were 70 degrees warmer than they actually are (for example, 30 degrees Fahrenheit would feel like 100 degrees and so on). In addition, if she strays more than 300 yards onto fully-thawed ground, not covered in snow or ice of any kind, she fades and dies within 4d6 hours. Fire Sensitivity (Su): The Ice Queen takes double damage from fire and all fire-based magics. Spells: Teina casts spells as a 15th-level Sorcerer. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Sorcerer Spells Known (6/9/9/8/8/8/8/5; save DC 20 + spell level): 0 — dancing lights, daze, detect magic, light, mending, message, ray of frost, read magic, resistance; 1st — charm person, endure elements, mage armor, mount, obscuring mist; 2nd — detect thoughts, eagle’s splendor, knock, fox’s cunning, resist energy; 3rd — haste, protection from energy, sleet storm, suggestion; 4th — fear, ice storm, shadow conjuration, wall of ice; 5th — cone of cold, dominate person, permanency, shadow evocation; 6th — greater dispel magic, mass bull’s strength, mass suggestion; 7th — control weather, reverse gravity. Skills: Teina has a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.

A tall and breathtakingly beautiful woman with blue-white hair and skin, and a terrifying coldness in her ice-blue eyes, seems almost to glide toward you over the glistening ice. The tale of the Ice Queen and of the Crown of Ice are one and the same. She seeks her crown and a restoration of her former peaceful kingdom.



Darkwood Heart The Staff of Mourning By Keith Baker passed, and Kashyra went slowly mad. The dryad was a spirit of pure nature, and the staff was a prison for her, cutting her off from the natural world. Existence became agony, and she fluctuated between a desperate desire to end her pain and the wish to share it with others. There was no justice in the world, and if her home was to be destroyed, let all nature fall with it. In time, the Darkwood Heart was discovered, and over the years it has passed through the hands of a host of druids and rangers. A strong-willed bearer may be able to fight Kashyra’s crushing despair, and to turn the powers of the Staff to a noble cause. But the Darkwood Heart is bitter and cold, and it leaves death in its wake.

The Tale of the Darkwood Heart

In an age before the rise of civilization, a vast primeval forest stretched across the land. The tribal humans of the region called this the Darkwood, and their druids paid homage to the fey powers and forces of nature that governed it. This was a time of peace between human and nature — a time that would not last. Some say it was humans who brought the devastation to the land, while others say it was purely the work of fiends. Today, all that is known for certain is that a terrible blight was unleashed upon the land, a wave of corruption that killed plant and beast alike, leaving monsters and aberrations in its wake. As the shadows fell upon the Darkwood, the druids came together, searching for a weapon to battle the encroaching terror. They called upon a strong-willed dryad named Kashyra, and combining their powers they transformed Kashyra’s tree into a staff. A thousand trees fell at that moment, and their strength was bound together in the weapon. The great druid Hurrlak became the bearer of the staff, joining his soul to Kashyra. Acting as one and wielding the power of nature itself, the took the battle to the abominable hordes… and were defeated. A century later, the Darkwood had been reduced a barren wasteland. Hurrlak and his brethren had fought to the last, and the order was utterly eradicated. Only one trace of the druids remained: the weapon they had created, the Darkwood Heart. Shunned by the aberrations that rose in the land, Kashyra was abandoned on a forgotten battlefield, trapped next to the rotting remnants of her druid companions. Centuries 76


Researching the Darkwood Heart

The tale of the Darkwood Heart is one that is most likely to be known to druid circles with ancient roots. A character with at least some connection to a druidic order can use Knowledge (nature) to see if he has heard of the Staff. The connection is just as important as the skill; a woodsman could have a Knowledge (nature) modifier of +20, but without some tie to the druidic mysteries, he’ll know nothing of the Staff. DC 10 20



Knowledge Available During an ancient war between nature and aberrations, the druids bound the soul of a dryad into a magical staff. The Staff is an artifact known as the Darkwood Heart. Legends say that the Staff was carved from a dryad’s tree, and that the power of an entire forest was bound to her spirit as a weapon against aberrations and the unnatural. According to the tales, a druid can bond with the Staff, much like forming a connection with an animal companion; it is this bond that unlocks the secrets of the Staff. The Staff was created to destroy aberrations; its touch is anathema to such creatures. It can also call on the offensive power of wind and weather. But the legends say that those who made the Staff lost their struggle, and a few of the stories suggest that the Staff was corrupted in the battle. The Staff holds the spirit of the dryad Kashyra. According to account of the druid Ulan Dantir, the last known wielder of the Darkwood Heart, “The spirit within the Staff has been corrupted by failure and a thousand years of isolation; she now seeks to destroy nature as well as the unnatural, spreading disease and blight. I can feel her through the link that we share, and I fear that her rage and despair may overwhelm me, drawing me into her darkness.”

In addition, a bard or loremaster may have heard tales of the Staff or its owners. Such a character may make a Bardic Knowledge or lore check with the following results. DC 20



Knowledge Available There is an ancient story of a wood-nymph named Kashyra, who lived in a placed called the Darkwood. When unnatural monsters and plague assaulted the forest, the druids called on Kashyra and asked her to serve as a focus for the power of the woods. Kashyra’s tree was made into a staff, and the staff had the strength of a thousand trees and power over the wind and weather. But the forest could not be saved. The battle was lost, the woods were destroyed, and all that remained was the staff, weeping over the bodies of the fallen druids and the stumps of her beloved trees. The druid Ulan Dantir was a great champion of nature, who battled monster and bandit alike. In his later days, he was known to wield a long staff of dark wood, which could strike with the force of a thunderbolt. As time went on, Ulan became dark and grim, and many blamed the staff; they said that it bore a woman’s face and would cry at night, and that this sorrow ate away at Ulan’s spirit. Eventually he disappeared, but some say that they can still hear his voice on the wind, sobbing in harmony with his “Staff of Mourning.” The bard Jolas Cayne was wandering through the forests of the east when he heard a woman weeping. Following the sound, he found a clearing — a blighted circle in an otherwise lush forest. A staff was stretched out on a bower, and it bore the face of a woman; tears ran from darkwood eyes. Jolas asked why the staff cried, and a beautiful voice said “All I wish is death, but I cannot die.” Jolas believed that the spirit could be lifted from its despair, and promised to show it life; he took the Staff with him, and passed from city to city, singing songs and spreading laughter. The Staff sang with him, and he seemed to have shattered its sorrow. When he finally returned to a village he’d visited earlier, he found that the people had been slain by a terrible disease… a plague spread by the Staff, which he’d left in his wake. “You sought to cheer me with life,” the Staff explained, “But I only take comfort in death.”

seems to increase the bearer swings it, adding to the force of its blows. One end has been sculpted to resemble the face of a beautiful woman, with high cheekbones and elven features. The face is about six inches in length, and her hair winds down around the shaft of the staff for another

Studying the Darkwood Heart

The Darkwood Heart is a quarterstaff carved from darkwood, just under six feet in length. It is unusually slender for a quarterstaff, but surprisingly heavy, and its weight 77

DA R K WO O D H E A R T Only a character capable of taking an animal companion can form such a link, and to maintain the link he must release any animal companion that he possesses. This process is described in more detail below. All of the abilities of the item are listed below, but with the exception of the base powers, these abilities must be unlocked through the bond. In addition to the need to bond with the Staff, the powers of the Darkwood Heart vary with its mood. Every day, the character must engage in a personality conflict with the Staff, making a Will save against the Staff’s ego of 30. The wielder gains a +1 circumstance bonus to this check for every living creature with at least 1 HD that the Staff killed the previous day. If the check is successful, the Staff is calm for the next day: it is less mournful and aggressive. If the check is failed, the Staff is upset; it swings between rage and despair, often crying aloud or sobbing telepathically in the wielder’s mind. During these times, it is only interesting in lashing out and harming other things. The owner of the Staff may always choose to fail this check if he wants Kashyra to be upset.

foot. The face is twisted into a mask of sorrow; the tip of the staff is covered with condensation, and it seems as if tears are running down the woman’s cheeks. While the central shaft is polished and dry, allowing for a good grip, both ends are strangely damp; even if wiped away, this condensation quickly returns. Despite this moisture, the wood appears solid, but smells faintly of rotting vegetation and mildew. Anyone touching the Staff feels a terrible sense of loneliness and despair, and for just a moment hears a young woman sobbing. The Darkwood Heart radiates an overwhelming aura of evil and magic; it is impossible to pin it down to a specific sphere of magic. A spellcaster who is stunned as a result of studying these auras is filled with a warring sense of rage and despair, so powerful that it breaks concentration and shatters the spell. If legend lore is used on the Staff, the caster receives the following message: “Kashyra is bound within herself, forest to tree to a single limb. Champion and destroyer, twisted by time and doomed by despair. Only one who can reach within can touch her true power, bonding to spirit as if to beast; but this bond will prove a threat to both.”

Constant Powers

Powers of the Darkwood Heart

Base Powers: Regardless of whether a character has bonded to the Staff, it is a +2 aberration bane/+2 aberration bane quarterstaff. Kashyra is an intelligent item (Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 20, Ego 30; AL NE) capable of telepathic communication and speech; she speaks Common, Druidic, Elven, and Sylvan. She possesses the following skills: Knowledge (nature) +16, Listen +12, Perform (song) +16, Sense Motive +12, Spot +12, Survival +12. However, she never uses these skills on behalf of an unbonded wielder. Enhancement Bonus: The enhancement bonus of the Staff increases as the bearer’s connection to it grows stronger, as

The Darkwood Heart holds great power over nature, and is particularly dangerous to aberrations. It resonates with the grief and pain of Kashyra, however, and all life eventually suffers at its touch.

Using the Darkwood Heart

The Darkwood Heart is a magic weapon, and has a few constant abilities that can be used by any character who takes possession of it. To gain access to the full powers of the Staff, however, a character must form a spiritual bond with it.

Bonding With the Darkwood Heart Many of the artifact’s powers depend on the level of the bonded character, as shown on the following table. Class Level 1st–2nd 3rd–5th

Enhancement Bonus +2/+2 +2/+2

Spell Modifier 0 +1

Insight Bonus +0 +3

6th–8th +2/+2 9th–11th +3/+2 12th–14th +3/+3

+1 +2 +2

+3 +4 +4

15th–17th +4/+3



18th–20th +4/+4



Special Dryad’s Tears, Skill use, Telepathic Bond Bearer of Blight (1/day), Darkwood Defense, Inner Turmoil (–1), Soul Bond Kashyra’s Anger, Stormcalling I Bearer of Blight (3/day), Inner Turmoil (–3) Bloodwood, Dryad’s Charms, Stormcalling II Bearer of Blight (5/day), Fury of the Forest, Inner Turmoil (–5) Dark Bond, Stormcalling III 78

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S shown on the table. The first number is the sculpted head of the Staff, while the second is the plain end. Skill Use: When Kashyra is calm she may use her skills on behalf of her bonded wielder. She can use her Perform skill to aid any performer within vocal distance; because of her inhuman skill, she provides her partner with a +4 bonus to his Perform check. Telepathic Bond: The telepathic connection between the Darkwood Heart and its bonded owner allows communication at any distance, provided that the two are on the same plane. Darkwood Defense: The Darkwood Heart was designed to battle aberrations, and it provides an insight bonus to a bonded user. This bonus is applied to defense in various ways, based on the user’s level. (Note that several of the following powers refer to “natural” magic or spells. This indicates any divine magic based on a connection to nature, and includes spells cast by druids, rangers, or clerics accessing the air, animal, earth, fire, plant, or water domains.) At 3rd level, a bonded user adds the insight bonus to saving throws against attacks made by aberrations (including spells, spell-like abilities, extraordinary abilities, and any other offensive action that allows a saving throw). At 6th level, a bonded user adds the insight bonus to his armor class when attacked by an aberration. At 9th level, a bonded user adds the insight bonus to his armor class when attacked by an animal or plant. This only applies when Kashyra is upset. At 12th level, a bonded user adds the insight bonus to saving throws against natural magic and any attack made by an animal, fey, elemental, or plant. This only applies when Kashyra is upset. At 15th level, a bonded user adds the insight bonus to his armor class when defending against attacks made by a fey or elemental. This only applies when Kashyra is upset. The character only receives these bonuses if he is holding the Darkwood Heart. Soul Bond: At 3rd level, the wielder begins to feel a stronger Kashyra’s despair and anger at the natural world. This affects the wielder’s ability to use certain types of natural magic. When the caster uses a natural spell designed to harm, physically bind, or repel (such as flame blade, entangle, contagion, or antilife shell), he may add the spell modifier value to the caster level and saving throw DC of the spell. If Kashyra is upset, the user must subtract the spell modifier value from caster level and saving throw DC any time he uses a natural spell designed to calm, charm, heal, or encourage growth. The DM must make the final call as to whether a spell is benevolent or aggressive; many spells (such as bull’s strength or detect snares and pits) are neutral and unaffected.

These bonuses and penalties are based on the character’s bond and apply even when the character is not holding the Darkwood Heart. Kashyra’s Anger: The Staff was designed to fight aberrations, but Kashyra’s hatred extends to the natural world. Beginning at 6th level, the sculpted end of the Staff is treated as a bane weapon against aberrations, animals, elementals, fey, plants, and any creature with the ability to use natural magic (such as a ranger or druid). These do not stack, so a druid in animal form does not suffer double damage. When Kashyra is upset, the sculpted end gains the vicious quality; the Staff strikes with tremendous force but leeches energy from the wielder. Bloodwood: As of 12th level, the Staff begins to draw blood from its victims, absorbing it into itself. The sculpted end gains the wounding quality, in addition to the abilities granted by Kashyra’s Anger. Fury of the Forest: Beginning at 15th level, when Kashyra is upset, both ends of the Staff gain the vicious quality. Dark Bond: At 18th level, the caster may spontaneously cast the following spells by dropping a prepared ranger or druid spell of equal or higher level: contagion (3rd), diminish plants (3rd), poison (3rd), blight (4th). However, when he casts spells of the healing subschool he suffers a –5 penalty to caster level (this supercedes the soul bond penalty). These bonuses and penalties apply even when the character is not holding the Darkwood Heart.

Activated Powers

Access to the activated powers of the Darkwood Heart must be earned through the bonding process. All activated powers have a caster level of 25. Dryad’s Tears: As a standard action, the wielder of the Darkwood Heart can wilt all plant life that comes near it. When Kashyra is upset, she can extend this effect at will. This is identical to the prune growth effect of diminish plants, except that instead of appearing neat and welltrimmed, the affected plants are wilted and dying. Bearer of Blight: While upset, the Darkwood Heart possesses the ability to use the following abilities: blight (15d6, DC 20), contagion (DC 21), poison (DC 19), sleet storm. With the exception of sleet storm, these require the wielder of the Staff to either make a successful melee attack or a melee touch attack with the Staff (in which case, the spell effect is the only effect that occurs). However, use of these abilities is entirely under Kashyra’s control; she decides when to trigger an effect and which to use. This cannot be control, prevented, or compelled by the wielder. While Kashyra is in control of these powers, her ability to manifest them is based on the strength of her bonded companion. If her companion is at least 3rd level, she can use one of these abilities once per day. Once her companion reaches 9th level, she can use any combination of these powers a total of 3 times per day. And at 15th level, she can use these powers 5 times per day. 79

DA R K WO O D H E A R T Stormcalling I: While holding the Darkwood Heart, the bonded character can use the Staff to cast the following spells: 1/week — control wind (DC 19), call lightning storm (5d6, DC 19, 25 minute duration or 15 bolts); 3/day — call lightning (3d6, DC 17, 25 minute duration or 25 bolts). Using one of these spells is a spell trigger action on the part of the wielder. If Kashyra wants to prevent the effect, the staffbearer must engage in personality conflict. Dryad’s Charms: At her core, Kashyra is still a dryad, and possesses the dryad’s ability to charm others. However, her disdain for life is so strong that she can rarely be convinced to use these powers. Before she will use these abilities, she must have been calm for at least two consecutive days, and even then she must be forced with a successful personality conflict. Provided these conditions are met, she may use the following powers: 3/day — charm person (DC 15), deep slumber (DC 17). Stormcalling II: The character can use the Staff to cast the following spells (Caster level 25th): 1/week — control weather; 1/day — control wind (DC 21), call lightning storm (5d6, DC 21, 25 minute duration or 15 bolts); 5/day — call lightning (3d6, DC 19, 25 minute duration or 25 bolts). This supersedes (does not stack with) the daily casting ability provided by the first stormcalling ability. Stormcalling III: The character can use the Staff to cast the following spells (Caster level 25th): 1/day — control weather; 2/day — control wind (DC 23), call lightning storm (5d6, DC 23, 25 minute duration or 15 bolts); 7/day — call lightning (3d6, DC 21, 25 minute duration or 25 bolts). This supersedes (does not stack with) the daily casting ability provided by the first and second stormcalling abilities.


The Darkwood Heart is filled with despair. While Kashyra has an evil alignment, she is not so much malevolent as she is insane. In her calmer moods she is still with pessimism, believing that she is doomed to eternal torment. When she is upset, she seeks solace by lashing out at others: death and destruction are the only things that soothe her wounded soul. Nonetheless, she is a tragic being, not a villain. She knows that her actions are wrong, and this simply increases her desire for death. Just touching the Darkwood Heart is sufficient to fill a character with a sense of sorrow. Bonding with Kashyra is a difficult act that places a tremendous strain on the bearer. The penalties of the Soul Bond and Dark Bond are described above; an additional penalty occurs as the character grows closer to the Staff. Inner Turmoil: As Kashyra’s despair and hatred of life sink into the bearer’s soul, it becomes increasingly difficult for him to relate to others. At 3rd level he suffers a –1 circumstance penalty any time he a Diplomacy, Handle

Animal, Heal, Sense Motive, or Wild Empathy check. This penalty increases to –3 at 9th level, and to –5 at 15th level. The effect occurs regardless of whether the character is carrying the Staff. However, when Kashyra is calm, the penalty is reduced by two (minimum 1). While Inner Turmoil affects the bearer of the Staff, other forms of misfortune can target those around him. The Darkwood Heart wilts plants and spoils milk, but this is just the tip of its powers. At the DM’s discretion, when Kashyra is upset she can affect the weather — not as dramatically as control weather or control wind, but enough to make a journey unpleasant or to impact ocean travel. Worse still, occasionally she can target a nearby creature with contagion without touching it; this has a range of thirty feet and the target may make a DC 22 Fortitude save to resist. There are no outward signs of this effect, and unless a character is actively using arcane sight or a similar effect, there is no way to trace the action to the Staff. Kashyra can only attempt this once per day, and only when she has been upset for at least a week; it is the pent-up anger that gives her the strength to exceed her normal limitations.

Ambient Effects

The weather often reflects the current mood of the Darkwood Heart, but there are more noticeable effects of the Staff’s power. Any small plant that comes within two feet of the Staff wilts, and any plant creature or fine or diminutive animal that comes within this distance suffers one point of damage each round until it moves away. Milk spoils and wine turns to vinegar. When the Staff is upset, all plants that come within a half-mile radius suffer the stunt growth effect of diminish plants; while it takes time for the full impact of this to come to light, affected plants are clearly suffering and unhealthy. Beyond these general effects, there is the voice of the Staff itself. Kashyra rarely talks, preferring to communicate telepathically with her bonded wielder. But she sings occasionally — haunting songs in Sylvan, describing the beauty of the Darkwood and the loss the world has suffered, and the terrible hopelessness that is life. And on occasion she cries, her sobs carrying on the wind. Her voice is beautiful and ethereal, and even her misery sounds like music. But it can attract unwanted attention, should she choose to start crying when the party is engaged in covert action. In such situations, a bonded wielder can engage in personality conflict to silence her.

Using the Darkwood Heart in a Campaign

While designed to battle aberrations, the Darkwood Heart is an equally potent weapon against druids, fey, or other natural creatures, and its power over storms can be an effective tool on any battlefield. It takes time for a character to fully master the Staff, and it is intended to be a long term addition to a campaign.


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S Staff into a tree once more, forming the core of what could spread out to become the new Darkwood. This would take the power of an artifact or even a god: waters of pure life, or the blessing of a powerful nature deity. But it may be possible to restore Kashyra to the life she once had instead of destroying her. Such an action would free the linked character from the bond, allowing him to take an animal companion again; however, at the DM’s discretion the dryad might still have a connection to her former companion, allowing her to send him telepathic messages in times of trouble. • At the DM’s discretion, a character that makes an active effort to fight the spirit’s anguish may be able to redeem Kashyra without losing the Staff. This should require considerable long-term effort, talking with the Staff and finding ways to prove to her that there is still hope and that she should fight for life instead of destroying it. If Kashyra is redeemed, she is restored to her role as a weapon against aberrations. This causes her to lose the following abilities and penalties: Bearer of Blight, Dark Bond, Dryad’s Tears, Kashyra’s Anger, Inner Turmoil, and Soul Bond. Furthermore, Darkwood Defense would only apply to attacks made by aberrations.

Adventure Seeds

The Rising Horror A local forest has begun to decay and collapse, and strange and terrible creatures are rising in the darkness. The druids cannot explain it, but they believe that this is the same force that destroyed the Darkwood thousands of years ago, returned to threaten this new land. Legends speak of a weapon crafted to fight this horror. Can the party find the Darkwood Heart? And if so, can they convince the spirit to fight the evil once more? Kashyra may possess critical insights into the nature of the foe, if the party can work through her despair. Can the evil be defeated before in claims another land? And what if the Darkwood Heart chooses to side with the corrupting horror against the natural world? The Fallen Druid Explorers find the cairn of a mighty druid. Beating back the aberrations and undead that have laid claim to this place, they find the sobbing Staff resting atop the druid’s body. This is a treasure fit for a king, but do any of the characters have the strength to wield it? The Gray Scourge A terrible, highly contagious plague has gripped the nation. Investigating its spread, the heroes discover than a young bard with a dark staff has passed through each region that has suffered from the disease. The bard is dead when they find him, and all that remains is the keening Staff. Can the adventurers unlock the mystery and convince the Darkwood Heart to stop spreading the disease? Can Kashyra actually cure the horror she has spread — can she heal as well as destroy?

Inanimate Companion

To gain access to the full powers of the Darkwood Heart, a character must form a deep spiritual bond with the Staff. Only an individual with a strong connection to the natural world can forge such a connection. Over time, the character gains access to a wide range of powers… but Kashyra’s deep despair slowly takes a toll on his soul. Any character with the capability to bond with an animal companion can choose to forsake this bond and form a connection with the Darkwood Heart. This allows him to unlock powers based on his level, as shown on the table above. It takes time to form the initial bond, and the power increases by one effective level each day: so if a 15th level druid connects to the Staff, he begins with the powers listed for 1st level. Two days later he reaches the 3rd-level tier. And after fifteen days have passed, he has access to the full suite of abilities available at his level. Unlike an animal companion, both rangers and druids have equal access to the powers of the Darkwood Heart. As long as a class has the ability to possess an animal companion, its full levels count towards forming the bond. Once a character forms a connection to the Darkwood Heart, he cannot simply break it and choose to return to an animal companion: the lonely dryad never releases a soulmate. The only way to break the connection is through the destruction of the Staff or the death of the character. Even if the character is later restored to life, the connection is broken; if he wants to keep the Staff he must form the connection anew.

Destroying the Darkwood Heart

Kashyra wants to be destroyed, and implores her owner to find a way to bring her existence to an end. Meanwhile, once a bond has been formed, a character cannot choose to end it. As such, the druid who regrets the decision to form a link to the miserable Staff may become desperate to find a way to get rid of it. Here are a few possibilities. • The Staff has the strength of a thousand trees. It is impervious to damage. But Kashyra believes that somewhere exists a flame strong enough to burn her to ash and free her spirit. Perhaps it is the breath of a dragon king. Perhaps the explosion that accompanies the death and rebirth of a phoenix. Kashyra is always interested in stories of magical flame and constantly urges her bearer to find new sources of fire. • The Darkwood Heart is formed from the remnants of Kashyra’s own tree. It is being severed from nature that has driven the dryad mad. But perhaps there is a force that could restore that bond — some power that could transform the



Divinity Sphere The Eternal Prison of Dauzenth By Michael Gill

The Tale of the Divinity Sphere

One of the first recorded clerics, who lived in a time when even that ancient race was young, was a priest by the name of Raiash. Raiash served the gods as a loyal worshipper, marveling at their miraculous workings even as he studied their teachings. Yet in his heart, Raiash grew jealous of his patrons. Why should they have such power when he was forced to grovel before them for the merest fraction of their divinity? Raiash determined to achieve his own divinity. He studied the workings of the outer planes, researching and developing methods of channeling their otherworldly energies. After all, if the beings who ruled those planes could grant such miraculous abilities to their priests, how much potential power could there be for a mortal who learned to draw on them directly? For decades, Raiash experimented with these energies. He learned to call forth beings dwelling in the outer planes, developing conjuring magics previously unseen, or at least unrecorded. While his initial successes summoned forth only minor celestial creatures, Raiash eventually contacted an intelligence, dwelling in what he failed to recognize as Hell itself. Ignorant of his danger, Raiash believed the being as it promised him power and respect, his every wish fulfilled. Calling upon his knowledge of planar magics and the power of his gods for the last time, Raiash opened a great portal, and Dauzenth, Tempter of Mortals, entered the world. While Raiash’s ultimate fate is unknown, the great devil sowed deceit and treachery among the elves for generations, assembling a legion of infernal followers and corrupt wizards. It is said that, like the elven gods themselves, the Tempter of Mortals possessed the power to grant a portion of his divine magic to his followers. Dauzenth’s blandishments and the zealousness of his cult eventually drove the elven empire to civil war. The archmages and the faithful priests of the gods turned aside the powerful gifts granted by Dauzenth and the magic of his cultists, but they could not utterly destroy the fiend. The three greatest elven archmages attacked Dauzenth, distracting him with potent magics as they worked to bind his spirit. In the end, little remained besides battle-scorched plains and the large gem that would come to be known as the Divinity Sphere. No trace remained of the elven wizards or the devil Dauzenth.

Throughout the ages, as the elven race has grown old and younger beings have risen to dominance of the world,

Researching the Divinity Sphere

The history the Divinity Sphere is closely intertwined with that of the elves. It has existed for thousands of years, and thus it is well known and studied by their sages and loremasters. Elven sages or those who have studied elven lore could research the Sphere with a Knowledge (arcana) or a Knowledge (history) check. Bardic Knowledge may also reveal legends about the Divinity Sphere or the many conflicts it has inspired. DC 10 20



Knowledge Available The Divinity Sphere is an elven artifact said to hold the power of a god. The Sphere grants its possessor the power of god for a limited time. Its holder is said to be all but invulnerable, but the Divinity Sphere only functions once for any one person. The Divinity Sphere is closely linked to Dauzenth, a former Duke of Hell, and it is said to contain his essence and power. The wielder of the artifact can raise the dead, heal the sick, and perform other miracles. The power of the Divinity Sphere is incredibly addictive, and drawing upon the power of Dauzenth, any who see the Sphere come to desire it. While its power lasts only for a single week, the effect upon its wielder is permanent.

Legends that surround the Divinity Sphere usually wax poetic on the power of the artifact, often indicating that it really does make one a god, or that its power is permanent. While the legends relay the unfortunately side effects of the artifact, they are often told in fashion that make the tale more interesting than truthful, indicating that the effect can be overcome with a strong force of will. Such is of course impossible, for no mortal’s force of will can match that of an arch-devil. 82

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S the foul legacy of Dauzenth has remained in the form of the Divinity Sphere. While the possessor of the sphere possesses incredible powers, the rush of power is addictive, and few mortals would willingly relinquish the might of a deity. Over the years, the Divinity Sphere has been the focus of countless wars, the object of desire of bloodthirsty warlords, and the doom of thousands of souls.

Studying the Divinity Sphere

The Divinity Sphere is a large crystal of a deep blue hue. Although it looks much like a star sapphire, the artifact is much harder, able to scratch even diamond. The inside of the crystal appears almost molten, and close observation reveals a faintly luminous substance swirling slowly throughout the gem. The artifact feels almost like a living thing, pulsing with power and warm with life. Anyone who sees the gem begins to desire it, with the level of desire increasing from a faint craving to an overpowering urge with continued exposure. The artifact possesses an aura of power and temptation that feels almost palpable to its observers. The artifact displays an incredibly powerful aura if viewed with detect magic, often enough to stun the viewer. Divination spells cast upon the Divinity Sphere relay only information about the caster herself.

Powers of the Divinity Sphere The Divinity Sphere grants its possessor the ability to produce powerful divine magic as well as nearly invulnerability, but only for limited time.

Sphere, and can choose to make use of any of its activated abilities. Any given character may only activate the Sphere once.

Constant Powers

While the Divinity Sphere is active and on the person of the wielder, he gains the benefits of minor divine status. This grants the wielder a +20 bonus to his base movement rate, a deflection bonus to AC equal to his Charisma bonus, and immunity to polymorphing, petrification, energy drain, ability damage and mind-affecting effects. He gains damage reduction 20/epic, spell resistance 32, and fire resistance of 20. During this time, the possessor of the Sphere does not age, nor does he need to eat, sleep, or breathe. Removing the Sphere from the character’s possession for more than 1d4 minutes causes it to become inactive.

Activated Powers

The wielder of the Divinity Sphere can use the following abilities as a standard action at will: antimagic field, break enchantment, daylight, fire storm (save DC 29) , greater command (save DC 26), greater dispel magic, greater restoration, heal, regenerate, remove disease, remove paralysis, resurrection, righteous might, slay living (save DC 26), symbol of pain (save DC 26), symbol of weakness (save DC 28), and true seeing. All spells are cast as if by a 20th-level caster. None of these abilities require the wielder to spend XP.

Using the Divinity Sphere

Activation of the Divinity Sphere is an act of negotiated surrender. The possessor of the artifact feels the overpowering will and presence of the slumbering entity inside. He must awaken that essence and allow it to infuse his body, while at the same time, retaining enough of himself to control his actions and not become a slave to the artifact. The actual activation of the Divinity Sphere requires a full hour of intense meditation with the artifact. When the artifact becomes active, the wielder instantly becomes aware of the full capabilities of the Divinity 83



Any who view the Divinity Sphere must make a DC 10 Will save the first time they see it. On each subsequent day they view the artifact, they must save again, with a cumulative +1 increase to difficulty. (That is, DC 11 on the second day, DC 12 on the third, and so forth.) Upon a failed save, the viewer comes to greatly desire the artifact, though he is not forced to act outside his normal morality and alignment restrictions to acquire it. A good individual might, for example, try to convince the holder of the artifact that he should have it for some noble purpose or that it will be safe if left with him, but he probably won’t attack its holder and steal it. This compulsion is permanent, though it may be removed with a successful remove curse spell. The feeling of power produced by wielding the active Divinity Sphere is overwhelming and euphoric. However, the very nature of the Divinity Sphere absorbs some vital spark from the former wielder of the artifact. After one week of use, the Divinity Sphere causes immediate loss of two levels. For each additional week of use, the wielder loses an additional level, and he is irrevocably destroyed once his last level is lost. Any single individual can only activate the Sphere once. Should he willingly deactivate it (requiring a Will save equal in DC to 15 + the number of weeks he’s used it), or should the bond between them break due to separation, the wielder loses all benefits and bonuses, and may never again activate the Sphere. A former wielder is left with a hollow despair. Desperate for some remnant of his divine nature, the wielder comes to obsess over the artifact. The victim becomes relentless in his search for the Divinity Sphere, seeing any who would take it as dire enemies. His obsession with the Divinity Sphere may become so powerful that it undermines the character’s morality and motivations. He may come to lie, steal, or even murder to regain the artifact. Some former wielders of the artifact become so deranged by their loss that they come to worship the Divinity Sphere, performing all manner of blasphemous acts in its name as they struggle to reawaken its power. The exact reaction is unique to each individual affected by the Divinity Sphere, but it should be clear that the artifact (or perhaps the concept of achieving divinity in general) becomes the focus of that character’s life and defines his goals. There is no known way to remove this obsession, though the destruction of the artifact might allow the character to recover. In mechanical terms, the character must attempt a Will save 1d6 days after losing the artifact’s power (DC 15 + the number of weeks the character used the artifact). If he fails, he can do nothing the following day but seek out and attempt to regain the Sphere if he does not possess it; or obsess over the artifact and attempt to regain its power if he does. The

character stops at nothing, including alignment violations, to accomplish his goals. The character may make a new Will save every day, to shake off the obsession. Even if he succeeds, however, he is only free of the obsession for 1d6 days, at which point he must save again. This continues — every day on failed saves, every 1d6 days on successful ones — until the artifact is destroyed.

Reactive Traits

The Divinity Sphere is immune to the effects of most magic and impossible to harm through physical means. Divination spells cast upon the artifact reveal information about the caster of the spell only. Spells which transmute or harm the artifact fade away without effect. However, the Divinity Sphere may be teleported, carried through gates or plane shifted as normal.

Using the Divinity Sphere in a Campaign

The Divinity Sphere is an extremely powerful artifact that should not be introduced lightly into a campaign. It may well become the focus of a campaign, either due to a PC’s growing obsession with wielding its power, or as an object that must be destroyed to restore balance to the world. The artifact is suitable for introduction into mid- to high level campaigns. While the DM may allow the artifact to come into the possession of the party, it should be noted that the Divinity Sphere will cause dissension among the characters as each will grow to desire it. Furthermore, if any character should activate the artifact, it drastically alters the purpose and playability of that character after the artifact’s effects lapse. However, the Divinity Sphere serves as an excellent focus for an evil cult or a power-hungry enemy of the PCs, and for characters who enjoy a roleplaying challenge, the post-artifact obsession might prove enjoyable for a short while, until the other PCs can find some way to retrieve and possibly destroy the Sphere.

Adventure Seeds

The Rise and Fall of a God A just and noble king appears before his people, revealing that the gods have newly favored his reign and their kingdom. Holding aloft the Divinity Sphere, he proclaims that by their faith in him and the blessing of the gods, he is now able to perform holy miracles. He raises the dead, rains fire upon the enemies of the kingdom, and heals the sick. All the while, all who view the artifact grow to desire it, and the less scrupulous of the king’s followers begin to plot against him. Soon, of course, the king’s power fades and he lapses into a deep despair as his kingdom falls apart around him, torn by division and lust for power. When


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S the stone disappears one day, the PCs are hired to find the artifact and return it as quickly as possible. The PCs must first track down the artifact, a feat that may be made easier if the thief chooses to activate the Divinity Sphere. An enemy with such immense power is unlikely to be inactive for long, and they may even take action against the kingdom directly or pursue some other agenda. The question remains, how do the PCs go about taking the artifact from such a deadly foe? Who knows how much damage the thief could wreck if they choose to wait until the effect fades. Even after they retrieve the artifact, will the PCs be able to resist the temptation of using it? Would they willingly give the Divinity Sphere to the king? While the PCs may initially be under the impression that restoring the artifact will allow the kingdom to recover, it merely causes further problems. Enemies remain who have seen the Divinity Sphere and merely await an opportunity to take it. How do the PCs address the issue of the king’s melancholy? Can they prevent the kingdom from falling apart when it becomes obvious the king can no longer use the Sphere? The Road to Hell... A terrible plague has killed countless innocents and exceeded even the healing capabilities of the clergy. As the sickness rages out of control, a singular priestess of the goddess of healing approaches the PCs. She describes a wondrous artifact called the Divinity Sphere, capable of raising the dead and healing the sick, and she calls upon the PCs to retrieve the artifact. She reveals old manuscripts that say the Sphere is held by a powerful dragon in a cave in the not too distant foothills. If the PCs should track down the dragon, they find its cave dominated by the Divinity Sphere set atop an enormous alter, guarded by a corrupted and desperate-seeming copper dragon. The dragon sees their presence as an attempt to steal its treasure, and attacks to kill. After the PCs dispatch it, they are faced with the dilemma of returning the artifact or keeping the tempting Divinity Sphere for themselves. Will they be able to give the artifact over to the priestess? If they choose to use the artifact themselves, how do they deal with its inevitable consequences? What of the thousands of people exposed to the Divinity Sphere as they go about healing the sick populace? The PCs may be forced to destroy the artifact, if they can bear to do so, to prevent it from falling into the hands of those who would use it less scrupulously. The Cult of Divinity A powerful enemy of the PCs has discovered the Divinity Sphere and found a way to use it without endangering himself. The foe is a cult leader, or someone else with a significant number of followers. He gives the Divinity Sphere to a follower, allowing his minion to activate and use it to achieve his aims for a few weeks, until the artifact

proves fatal. His followers appear in public, demonstrating the miraculous power of the Divinity Sphere and encouraging those interested to join the cult. Those attracted by the power of the artifact are eventually given a chance to wield it, but only after the cult leader uses powerful magic and indoctrination techniques to bend them to his will. The PCs may become involved when hired by a rival faith concerned about the growth of this cult. Alternately, they may witness the cultists’ display in the street and grow to desire the Divinity Sphere. To get close to the artifact and the cult leader, the PCs may have to infiltrate the cult, for he never appears in public. They soon learn that the Sphere is always active and in the hands of one of the cultists, who exposes it to the entire cult once each day. Can the PCs stick to their aims after being continually exposed to the corruptive power of the Sphere? How will the PCs go about taking the artifact? Will they discover the true nature of the cult? Even after they acquire the Divinity Sphere, what will they do with it?

Destroying the Divinity Sphere

The Divinity Sphere is a corruptive artifact that has destroyed the lives and doomed the souls of countless mortals. Yet as artifacts go, it is relatively easy to destroy. There may be other methods to destroy the artifact than those listed, but any who would destroy it must deal with the consequences of the released diabolic energy the Sphere contains. • The Divinity Sphere may be crushed under the heel of a true deity. • A miracle or wish spell cast on the artifact by one who has currently activated it will destroy the Divinity Sphere. • If the Divinity Sphere is taken to Dauzenth’s home in the Hells, the Sphere will shatter. If the Divinity Sphere is destroyed, the devil Dauzenth immediately manifests, freed from his long imprisonment within the artifact.

New Monster

Imprisoned within the Divinity Sphere for millennia, the devil Dauzenth has bided his time in a quiescent slumber, unable to free himself from the terrible bindings placed upon him by a trio of elven archmages. Yet even as he slumbers, his essence reaches out to ensnare the souls of those unable to resist the allure of the Divinity Sphere. If the artifact is ever broken, he emerges again, renewed and determined to seek vengeance upon the elven race, to spread his corruption throughout the realms of mortals, and to regain what he sees as his rightful place among the Dukes of Hell. 85

DIVINITY SPHERE twisted claw, its taloned fingers fused together. Its gleaming gaze seems to penetrate your very soul, stripping away all self-deception. Dauzenth, a former duke of Hell who lost his throne to rivals in eons past, exists to ruin mortals, to steal their lives and souls through temptation. The archfiend offers his victims immense power, whether it be political, magical, or simple brute force, but always leaves his victims broken and soulless, corrupted by the temptation of infinite power. Dauzenth takes pleasure in twisting the wishes he grants mortals, and in degrading and debauching mortal civilizations by gradually undermining their leaders. He especially hates elves, taking every opportunity to tempt and corrupt them. Dauzenth speaks Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Infernal, and Undercommon.

Dauzenth, Tempter of Mortals Huge Outsider (Devil, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) Hit Dice:

33d8+297 (445 hp)




50 ft. (10 squares)

Armor Class:

40 (–2 size, +8 Dex, +18 natural, +6 insight), touch 22, flat-footed 32

Base Attack/Grapple:



Artifice (huge +5 axiomatic unholy rapier) +46 melee (3d6+8/15–20 plus 2d6 vs. chaotic or good foes) or claw +40 melee (2d8+9)

Full Attack:

Artifice (huge +5 axiomatic unholy rapier) +46/+41/+36/+31 melee (3d6+8/15–20 plus 2d6 vs. chaotic or good foes) and claw +35 melee (2d8+4) and bite +35 melee (1d8+4)


15 ft./15 ft.

Special Attacks:

Improved grab, spell-like abilities, summon devil

Special Qualities:

Damage reduction 15/epic and good, darkvision 60 ft. immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, regeneration 6, see in darkness, spell resistance 43, telepathy 100 ft., true seeing


Fort +27, Ref +26, Will +25


Str 28, Dex 26, Con 28, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 32


Bluff +49, Concentration +48, Diplomacy +53, Disguise +47(+49 acting), Intimidate +51, Knowledge (arcana) +43, Knowledge (history) +43, Knowledge (religion) +43, Knowledge (the planes) +43, Listen +51, Move Silently +44, Search +43, Sense Motive +43, Spellcraft +47, Spot +51, Survival +7 (+9 on other planes or following tracks)


Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (rapier), Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Persuasive, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (unholy blight), Weapon Focus (rapier)





Challenge Rating:



Quadruple standard in Hell; none after freed from Sphere


Always lawful evil


Level Adjustment:


Dauzenth prefers to rely on his ability to charm and outthink his foes, but he does not hesitate to enter melee with Artifice and claw. He attempts to soften his opponents first, via magics such as power word stun and confusion. Dauzenth’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons he wields, are treated as evil, lawful and magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, Dauzenth must hit a Medium or smaller opponent with his claw. He can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Regeneration (Ex): Dauzenth takes normal damage from holy and blessed magic weapons. Spell-Like Abilities: At will — charm monster (DC 25), daylight, detect chaos, detect good, detect magic, dispel magic, greater command (DC 26), mirror image, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), order’s wrath (DC 25), power word stun, slay living (DC 26), symbol of pain (DC 26), symbol of weakness (DC 28), unholy blight (DC 25); 1/day — fire storm (DC 29), wish. Caster level 20th; save DCs are Charisma-based. Dauzenth cannot use his wish ability to grant his own desires, but instead uses it to grant the requests of mortals. Unless the wish is used to create pain or corrupt others, Dauzenth demands either terrible evil acts or great sacrifice as compensation. Summon Devil (Sp): Three times per day, Dauzenth can automatically summon 5 barbazu or hamatulas. Alternatively, he can attempt to summon 1 pit fiend with a 75% chance of success. True Seeing (Su): Dauzenth continually uses true seeing as the spell (caster level 24th). Skills: Dauzenth has a +8 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

The giant towers over you, looking down from above. The black skin of his heavily muscled form seems almost to absorb the ambient light. His head is that of a sleek canine, some unholy crossbreed of a jackal and a wolf. In his left hand he carries a rapier, its blade etched with faces distended in both pleasure and pain. His right hand ends in a 86


Earth Seed The Primal Stone, Materia Essentia By Michael Gill

Studying the Earth Seed

The Tale of the Earth Seed

The Earth Seed is a perfectly spherical stone exactly nine inches in diameter. The rock appears much like marble, of varying colors and patterns. It does not change appearance while one is watching, but seemingly shifts its color and pattern as soon as it is unobserved. The artifact is much heavier than it first appears and it always feels about room temperature. The Earth Seed is absolutely impossible to dent, scratch, or deform in any way. After holding it for a while, the wielder begins to feel a faint numbness in her limbs. This feeling decreases when the artifact is released, but it never entirely vanishes, and over time the effect grows as the Earth Seed’s side effects begin to take root. As a natural product of the void beyond creation and an essential aspect of the world, the Earth Seed does not detect as magical. Other divinatory magic works normally upon the artifact.

It is said that in the void that existed before creation there was infinite possibility. Every idea, form, and potential that would come to exist in creation had its origin here, and when the creator gods began to forge reality, they isolated certain elements of this chaos while embracing others. Those ideas that were excluded became mad and alien entities beyond the bounds of reality, constantly searching for a weakness in its barriers that they can enter and restore equilibrium. (See the Black Crystal Spiral. Some legends also maintain that it was out of this chaos from which came the Ur-Titans, and that they are the “creator gods” to which this myth refers; see Ashrune.) It could be said that these gods did not truly create, but instead amplified and expounded upon the facets of chaos and potentials in the void they found most conducive to reality. The most important of these concepts were those that have come to be known as the four elements, the building blocks of all reality. In all the void, there was only one true representation of solid matter — of earth — a small perfectly spherical stone known as the Earth Seed. As the gods created worlds, and the notion of earth itself, the Earth Seed became lodged deep within the first world, forever anchoring the solidity of reality against the unknowable horrors of the void. For untold eons the Earth Seed remained within the depths of the world until, ironically, it was freed by minions of those who dwell beyond reality just over a century ago. Mad visions from beyond lead Aas-Sesq-a, the leader of an aboleth cult known as the Hollow Deep, to seek the artifact. The aboleth seer used the Earth Seed to craft a remarkable city of flowing stone and shallow pools far underground, all the while seeking a way to destroy the stone in the name of the cult’s alien god. For decades the aboleth researched the artifact, and for decades they learned little. About ten years ago, however, the Hollow Deep undertook an expedition to the mountaintop retreat of the renowned archmage Belisara, hoping to expose the Earth Seed to the wizard’s legendary sphere of annihilation. However, the expedition met with some unknown disaster. It is said that both the expedition and Belisara vanished, that her tower remains trapped and magically sealed as a monument to her power and a prison for her sphere of annihilation, and that the Earth Seed was lost.

Powers of the Earth Seed

The Earth Seed grants remarkable control over the element of earth within a limited area. The wielder may create earthquakes, shape the earth into wondrous and even impossible formations, even change the very substance and form of the earth. In fact, the Earth Seed alters the very nature of the wielder, transforming him into a being of living stone.

Using the Earth Seed

The activation of the Earth Seed is a straightforward act of will. The wielder must hold the stone aloft and concentrate on becoming one with the earth, gradually feeling a sense of stillness and solidity seeping through him. Once attuned in this manner, the user can instinctively feel the limits of the artifact’s power and may choose to invoke any of its effects. The entire process of activation requires one full minute of concentration, after which any power may be activated as a full-round action. The Seed returns to its inactive state the instant it leaves its wielder’s hand, or 1d4 hours after the wielder last used one of its activated powers, whichever comes first.

Constant Powers

After the wielder activates the Earth Seed, he gains all the benefits of the living stone template (described



Researching the Earth Seed

As an artifact, the Earth Seed has remained isolated and unknown for most of history, so while few have seen or heard of the artifact, it is possible that one with enough Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion) could surmise its existence. Alternately, a sage with Knowledge (dungeoneering) might know a great deal about the Hollow Deep and their precipitous rise to power. Finally, any character with significant Knowledge (arcana) might know of the famous archmage Belisara and her recent disappearance. DC 15 25



Knowledge Available The Hollow Deep cult of aboleth is said to possess a powerful relic that allows them to reshape the very earth. The gods are said to have created the first elements of the multiverse with, among other things, an artifact known as the Earth Seed. If it truly exists, the Earth Seed would allow remarkable control over the element of earth. The Hollow Deep possesses the Earth Seed and they have been seeking a method to destroy it for decades. It is said that the artifact predates creation. The artifact allows one to create or move earth, create earthquakes, and greatly reshape the local terrain within a limited area. The Hollow Deep recently lost the Earth Seed while confronting the Archmage Belisara. Over time the essence of earth embodied by the Earth Seed corrupts its owner, transforming them to stone. The artifact is integral to the very nature of reality, and its destruction may have dire circumstances for the universe.

The Earth Seed is a very obscure artifact, and it is likely that those who have heard of it believe it to be only a minor magic item that controls earth such as a ring of elemental command (earth). There is also very little recorded about the artifact’s negative effects on its wielder, so it is unlikely any character would know of its petrification effect. below). Furthermore, the holder of an active Earth Seed is immune to disintegrate and to all polymorphing or shapechanging effects except flesh to stone.

Activated Powers

The owner of the Earth Seed may call upon any of the following powers after it had been activated, one per round: disintegrate (only objects or creatures made

of stone or earth, DC 24), earthquake, fabricate (stone, earth, or metal only), flesh to stone (DC 23), make whole (stone or metal only), magic stone, meld into stone, move earth, repel metal or stone, statue, soften earth and stone, spike stones (DC 21), stone shape, stoneskin, transmute mud to rock (DC 22), transmute rock to mud (DC 22), and wall of stone. Each power may be activated any number of times per day, but the range of each power is limited to 100 feet or the normal range of the spell, whichever is shorter. The Earth Seed functions as a 20th-level caster.


Use of the Earth Seed gradually attunes its wielder to the element of earth, turning him slowly, but inevitably, into stone. As soon as the Seed returns to an inactive state, the wielder (or former wielder) absorbs a portion of the artifact’s essence. Parts of the wielder are transmuted to stone, giving him a slightly petrified appearance, and causing 1 point of Dexterity drain. This drain cannot be repaired or regained by any known means. Once the wielder loses 10 points of Dexterity or his Dexterity falls to 0, whichever occurs first, he has become completely petrified, a statue of solid stone. As with the Dexterity drain, no known method exists of restoring someone turned to stone in this manner. Even a wish or miracle does not suffice, though standard means of reversing petrification might function after the destruction of the artifact.

Reactive Traits

The Earth Seed cannot be damaged or destroyed by magic. Most spells simply fail to affect the artifact in any way. Divinations other than detect magic or arcane sight function normally on the artifact, revealing some of its history and properties. Magic affects the wielder of the artifact normally, except as noted above.

Using the Earth Seed in a Campaign

The Earth Seed may be introduced to a campaign for a multitude of purposes, though it need not be used as the focus of a campaign. The artifact can be introduced as a method to destroy the Black Crystal Spiral, perhaps focusing on acquiring the stone from a cult or divining its location. As another option, the Earth Seed could be held by a dangerous enemy, granting them even more power to harass the characters or their allies. The artifact is powerful, but not so much so that it will utterly unbalance a mid- to high level party. The DM should keep in mind, however, that long term use of the artifact weakens or destroys characters, as they are turned bit by bit to stone.



Adventure Seeds

The Lost Archmage Allies of the Archmage Belisara have lost contact with the wizard and hire the party to seek her out. They must travel to her tower, now a trap-filled maze crawling with the minions of the Hollow Deep. The PCs may find clues about the disappearance of the wizard and the artifact she was working on. At the tower’s base, locked deep below the earth, the party eventually finds the remains of Belisara, a being more stone than flesh that barely remembers her former state. Whether they seek to acquire the Earth Seed or help heal the archmage, they must certainly deal with a hostile and powerful wizard. The party may end up with the Earth Seed, but the Hollow Deep learns of them and continues to seek the artifact.

Into the Depths Cultists of the Hollow Deep have sent expeditions to the surface to seek their lost artifact. The PCs may come into conflict with a band of the aboleth’s servants, eventually learning of their goal. Once the PCs hear about this powerful artifact and the debased cult that seeks it, they may seek the artifact out themselves or perhaps confront the cult. Divinations reveal that another band of the Hollow Deep has met with more success, and even now the Earth Seed is on its way to the cavern that houses the aboleth cult. If the party chooses to seek out the Earth Seed, the quest involves a harrowing chase underground to confront the Hollow Deep expedition before they reach their underground city. If the PCs actually reach the city, they see that the area is shattered and ruined. Aboleths and their minions flee the area, fighting for control as horrible earthquakes wrack the remnants of the wondrous temples. Aas-Sesq-a has turned against the others, now that the artifact is in its possession, seeing itself as a nascent god. The PCs may have to confront the cult expedition, or even Aas-Sesq-a itself, in order to steal away with the artifact. The Garden of Stone A powerful medusa priestess of the god of earth discovered the Earth Seed in her wanderings, led to its resting place within the mountains by visions from her deity. Now she is convinced that her god could only have intended the artifact to be put to use to remake the world in his honor. The medusa seeks to transform all life into an ever-growing rock garden, increasing her collection of life-like statues one victim at a time. The power of the artifact makes her a real threat to local settlements, and after the loss of a few villages, the PCs are hired to investigate. They must travel through a strange landscape with almost impossible-seeming stone formations, littered with the petrified remains of countless villagers. Attracted to the area by the medusa and her deity, its is likely creatures of earth — such as earth elementals, earth mephits, xorn, and even stone giants — may present a threat to the party. The medusa certainly does not wish to give up her prize. Even if they manage to kill the medusa, what will the party do with the artifact, and how will they manage to help its many victims?

Destroying the Earth Seed

Very few parties concerned with the balance and well-being of the cosmos would willingly destroy the Earth Seed, as it serves as a pillar of reality. Still, the PCs may choose to destroy the artifact to keep it out of the hands of a dangerous enemy, destroy another artifact, or to restore a companion petrified by the Seed.


EARTH SEED • If the Earth Seed is brought to the very center of the Elemental Plane of Earth, it spawns a new Material Plane world. While this does not truly destroy the Earth Seed, it is almost impossible to reach, encased in the heart of a separate world. • The Earth Seed must be exposed to pure elemental Fire, Water, and Air for a period of 33 consecutive years each. • If the Black Crystal Spiral is brought into contact with the Earth Seed, both artifacts are annihilated in a blast that deals 40d6 damage (DC 25 Reflex for half) in a radius of 100 yards.

New Template

The element of earth, embodied in the Earth Seed, saturates the body and soul of its wielder, transforming her from a creature of flesh to one of living stone. This powerful state lasts as long as the wielder continues to hold the activated Earth Seed.

Sample Living Stone Creature

This example uses a 13th-level wizard aboleth as the base creature. Aas-Sesq-a, Male Living Stone Aboleth, Wizard 13 Huge Aberration (Aquatic, Earth) Hit Dice: 8d8+72 plus 13d4+117 (257 hp) Initiative: +5 Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), burrow 60 ft., swim 60 ft. Armor Class: 24 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +15 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 23 Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+31 Attack: Tentacle +21 melee (1d6+11 plus slime) Full Attack: 4 tentacles +21 melee (1d6+11 plus slime) Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Enslave, petrification, psionics, slime, spells Special Qualities: Aquatic subtype, darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 10/adamantine, mucus cloud, summon familiar Saves: Fort +18, Ref +9, Will +16 Abilities: Str 32, Dex 12, Con 28, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 10 Skills: Concentration +27, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15, Knowledge (nature) +15, Listen +23, Search +13, Spellcraft +21, Spot +13, Swim +29 Feats: Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (illusion), Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Focus (transmutation), Spell Penetration Environment: Underground Organization: Unique Challenge Rating: 22 Treasure: Triple standard


Lawful Evil

Level Adjustment:


Swimming through the solid stone of the cavern floor is a stony mass of writhing tentacles attached to a primeval fish, 20 feet in length. It bears three eyes, the color of rust and garnets and protected by bony ridges, set in a vertical row. With a shriek like talons grinding on slate, the beast’s many tentacles begin to weave dire magics. Spells: Aas-Sesq-a casts spells as a wizard. The save DCs are Intelligence-based. Typical wizard spells known (4/5/5/5/4/3/2/1; save DC 13 + spell level): 0 — daze, detect magic (2), resistance; 1st — charm person, color spray, mage armor, magic missile (2); 2nd — blur, bull’s strength, scorching ray (2), see invisibility; 3rd — dispel magic, displacement, fireball, lightning bolt, slow; 4th — fire shield, greater invisibility, phantasmal killer, scrying; 5th — cone of cold, empowered lightning bolt, wall of force; 6th — chain lightning, control water, Otluke’s freezing sphere.

Creating a Living Stone Creature

“Living stone” is an acquired template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature with an Intelligence of 5 or higher, hereafter referred to as the base creature. A living stone creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Size and Type: The creature gains the Earth subtype. Size is unchanged. Speed: A living stone creature gains the ability to swim through the earth, gaining a burrow speed at its land or swim speed, whichever is greater. Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +8. Special Attacks: A living stone creature retains all the base attacks of the base creature and also gains the following special abilities. Petrification (Su): Anyone struck by the creature’s physical attacks must succeed on a Fortitude save or be turned to stone. A creature who succeeds is immune to this ability for 24 hours. The save DC for this ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 the creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier. Special Qualities: A living stone creature has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus the following special qualities. • Darkvision out to 60 ft. • Immunity to disease and poison. • Damage reduction 10/adamantine. Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Dex –4, Con +4, Int –4, Cha –4. Challenge Rating: +2. Alignment: Often lawful evil. Level Adjustment: Same as base creature +4.



Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet The Dark Bones, the Corpse of Mol-Tet By C. Robert Cargill

The Tale of the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet

Researching the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet

Centuries ago, the powerful necromancer Mol-Tet sought to conquer the known world with a vast army of undead warriors. His campaign lasted several years, and was quite successful until he met a crushing defeat and found his armies spread too thin. Pulling back just enough to hold off the emboldened armies of the living, Mol-Tet went about constructing his second and final major artifact, the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet. (See the Altar of the Bone Citadel for more on Mol-Tet’s history and details of his first artifact.) Carved from the finest ebony and imbued with his most powerful magics, Mol-Tet crafted the Skeleton in hopes of creating a mobile unit capable of raising its own army, without putting a drain upon his own spellcasting. The great necromancer was mostly successful. The Ebony Skeleton animated just as designed and instantly created a massive army under Mol-Tet’s command. Immediately, he set out to annihilate the approaching enemy and commanded his new horde of the dead to their location. The battle was furious, and Mol-Tet himself exhausted his spell selection in the course of an hour. Content that his army would triumph, he retreated safely behind his lines to rest and oversee the battle from the rear. Unfortunately for Mol-Tet, the control over the new army granted by the Ebony Skeleton proved surprisingly short-lived. Once it lapsed, a horde of skeletons under the direction of the artifact retreated from battle and slew the weakened necromancer where he stood. Mol-Tet’s legacy, however, did not die with him. The army continued, killing anything and everything that crossed its path. Like a force of nature it swept across the land, animating everything it killed. It wasn’t until a lone paladin named Guirren Highground, bearer of the Bastard of Exalted Heroism, strode headlong into the horde, shattering every skeleton that came his way and sundering The Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet into its 206 individual pieces. Upon the destruction of the threat, Guirren Highground dropped dead on the spot and became one of the most honored heroes in history. Some legends have him actually killing Mol-Tet himself, though this is patently untrue. Upon Highground’s death, the remaining human armies swept in and scattered each of the bones of the Ebony

While legends of the Ebony Skeleton freely pepper the work of many a bard, little is commonly known about the artifact’s true powers. Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (religion) are the only means of acquiring any real information on the topic. DC 10

20 25


Knowledge Available The Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet is one of the great artifacts used by ol-Tet in his war against the living. Single pieces of the Skeleton are considered good luck by necromancers. When assembled, the Ebony Skeleton grants the wielder an unending army of undead servants. Single pieces of the Ebony Skeleton can be worn to enhance necromantic spells, while those who replace their own bones with them gain fantastic powers normally only wielded by the undead. When fully assembled, the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet indeed raises an army of the dead under the wielder’s control, but that army slew Mol-Tet himself. One must tread carefully on the path towards assembling the Skeleton.

Some scholars maintain that the entirety of the skeleton may replace the bones in one’s own body, granting all the vast powers of Mol-Tet. Others claim that the bones are the magically altered skeleton of Mol-Tet himself. The most commonly believed misconception, however, one common to practically every tale of the artifact, is that it grants total and complete control of the undead horde it creates. Skeleton of Mol-Tet, sending 206 men to ride out 206 miles in 206 different directions of the compass to bury, sink or otherwise hide the bones. Many of the bones have 91

E B O N Y S K E L E TO N O F M O L - T E T since been discovered, moved or otherwise recovered, but no one has yet managed to assemble all 206 pieces in one location.

by the fastest possible route. Once these skeletons reach it, they immediately attack any living being in sight. This horde of undead continues fighting and animating the dead left behind until the construct is broken apart and every skeleton destroyed. The assembled Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet does not fight or defend itself in any way. It has an AC 15. Normal weapons cannot damage or sunder it, but any weapon or spell dealing holy or lawful damage, or a successful smite evil or smite chaos attack, breaks it apart with a single strike. Animated skeletons remain until destroyed. Anyone capable of controlling or commanding undead may usurp control of any of the artifact’s skeletons as though they were uncontrolled. The Ebony Skeleton makes no attempt to regain control; it simply animates more skeletons at the earliest opportunity. Assembling the skull and the spine together creates a weapon Known as Mol-Tet’s Fury. This functions as a +5 anarchic unholy light mace, that also confers the skull’s standard bonuses to caster level. The final use of the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet involves the use of the Necromantic Surgery feat. By assembling the bones of specific body parts, then surgically replacing the natural bones in the body with them, the user gains the specific powers unique to each body part. The spine and skull cannot be used in this manner. Unless noted otherwise, all spell-like abilities can be used a number of times per day equal to the user’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and have a caster level equal to the user’s Hit Dice. The Left Hand of Mol-Tet: Replacing the bones of the left hand allows the user to cast enervation as a spelllike ability. The Right Hand of Mol-Tet: Replacing the bones in the right hand allows the user to cast vampiric touch as a spell-like ability. The Left Arm of Mol-Tet: Replacing the bones in the left arm allows the user to cast bestow curse as a spell-like ability. The Right Arm of Mol-Tet: Replacing the bones in the right arm allows the user to cast contagion as a spelllike ability. The Heartcage of Mol-Tet: Replacing the bones in the ribcage grants the user DR 5/piercing, and +2 profane bonus to the caster level of any spell he casts. Additionally, he may cast one bonus spell per day for each level of spell he can already cast. These bonus spells must be drawn from the Necromancy school. Finally, the user may cast animate dead as a spell-like ability. The Left Foot of Mol-Tet: Replacing the bones in the left foot allows the user to cast halt undead as a spell-like ability. The Right Foot of Mol-Tet: Replacing the bones in the right foot allows the user to cast command undead as

Studying the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet

The Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet consists of 206 intricately carved pieces of ebony, each shaped as in the human body. Fully assembled, the Ebony Skeleton stands roughly six feet tall.

Powers of the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet

The Ebony Skeleton possesses several different powers stemming from the potent magics contained in the bones, and may be used in a variety of ways. A single bone can enhance spellcasting; replacing whole body parts with the bones grants special abilities; and assembling the entire Ebony Skeleton allows for the creation of an entire, selfsustaining undead army.

Using the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet

A single piece may be worn as a trinket or kept in a pocket. Entire body parts can be assembled and then surgically implanted in the user with the Necromantic Surgery feat (see below) to gain special powers. The skull may be wielded to enhance spellcasting, or assembled with the spine to form a rod of fantastic powers. Assembling all 206 pieces into a complete skeleton animates the artifact and creates an army of animated skeletons.

Constant Powers

Carrying a single bone anywhere on the body grants the bearer a +1 profane bonus to caster level when casting necromancy spells. When holding the skull in one hand, the bearer gains a +2 profane bonus to caster level on necromancy spells, and +1 profane bonus to caster level on all other spells. Creatures of Large size or larger may attach the skull to a chain and wear it is a necklace for the same bonus.

Activated Powers

Assembling the Skeleton with all 206 bones instantly has two effects. First, every corpse or skeleton within a 10-mile instantly animates as a skeleton created by an animate dead spell (with no limitations on the number of undead controlled or created). If the corpse is not a skeleton already, the flesh and muscle slough off as it walks, leaving a skeleton rather than a zombie. Second, the Skeleton itself animates as a construct with the ability to animate dead once per hour. All skeletons raised in this manner immediately make their way towards the construct 92

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S a spell-like ability. This ability is usable once per round, as a standard action. Possessing both the Left Foot and the Right Foot of Mol-Tet allows the user to cast expeditious retreat as a spell-like ability. This ability is usable once per round, as a standard action. The Left Leg of Mol-Tet: Replacing the bones in the left leg allows the user to cast create undead as a spelllike ability. The Right Leg of Mol-Tet: Replacing the bones in the right leg allows the user to cast undeath to death as a spell-like ability. The Pelvis of Mol-Tet: Replacing the pelvis allows the user to cast fear as a spell-like ability. If a single person incorporates every one of these bones into his body, and also wields Mol-Tet’s Fury, he must immediately make a DC 25 Will save. Failure means his mind is obliterated and his is soul shattered. He may only be resurrected by a wish or miracle spell. The user tears his own head off, replacing it with Mol-Tet’s Fury, and proceeds to strip himself of his own flesh until it is but tatters atop the animated Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet. The Ebony Skeleton then proceeds as if it had just been assembled, but under nobody’s control. Success on this saving throw affords the user all of the power available to the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet, allowing him to cast animate dead once per hour as a standard action, with a 10-mile range and no limit as to the number of HD of skeletons he can create or command. Doing this once has no repercussions. Every subsequent use of this ability, however, requires a DC 20 Will save to avoid the consequences listed previously.


Once the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet is assembled and activated, the user must make a DC 20 Will Save. Failure causes all the artifact’s skeletons to attack the user as soon as they are able, making him their first priority. Users receive no indication of failure until the first animated skeletons arrive. As the skeletons only attack living beings within 10 miles of the Ebony Skeleton, leaving this range prevents death at the hands of the skeletons. Success on this save means the Ebony Skeleton, and any skeletons it creates, are under the control of the user for a number of hours equal to one + the number by which the Will save exceeded 20. (For instance, a Will save of 25 grants control for six hours). Once that time has elapsed, however, the skeletons abruptly treat the user as though he had failed the save. The horde created by the Ebony Skeleton fights until everything within its 10-mile radius is killed. Once this has been accomplished, the horde begins

to march, seeking additional victims. It travels in a large, circular army, with the Ebony Skeleton of MolTet at its center, until it is stopped. With its ability to replenish its numbers once per hour, this horde could feasibly wander indefinitely.

Reactive Traits

While the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet is immune to damage, any spell that deals lawful or holy damage to any pieces of it suppress its powers for one minute. Each piece of the Skeleton radiates moderate evil, and fully assembled body parts radiate intense amounts of evil. Detect magic reveals an overwhelming aura of necromancy.

Using the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet in a Campaign

The Ebony Skeleton can in and of itself become the focal point of a campaign. The low level of power possessed by a single piece is enough to make for an interesting artifact usable by a low-level character. As the pieces are much sought after by necromancers and tyrants alike, their market price is relatively high, meaning that anyone knowing of the location of a piece is apt to send out any number of minions to retrieve it, either for their own ends or to turn a tidy profit. Will the characters seek them out for their worth, or to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands? When fully assembled, the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet affords a single person the power to conquer entire kingdoms. If someone has already managed to assemble it, they could easily become the primary nemesis for characters to struggle against.

Adventure Seeds

Dem Bones During an adventure, the party finds a single small piece of the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet, such as a knucklebone or toe. Unsure what it is they’ve discovered, the PCs may attempt to research it. These attempts unfortunately drawn the attention of a local thieves guild, fully aware of the item’s worth and willing to go to great lengths to get it for themselves. If negotiations fail, the guild resorts to more immediate measures. And if the characters willingly (or unwillingly) part with it, what happens when they discover the item’s significance? How far will they go to get it back? Mol-Tet’s Revenge The Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet has been fully assembled. It wanders the outskirts of civilization, slaughtering settlers on the frontier. People tell stories of a horde of the dead that sweep in and are gone by morning, leaving no bodies behind. With fewer and fewer settlers inhabiting the outreaches, the horde has begun moving deeper and deeper into civilization. What once were rumors are be93

E B O N Y S K E L E TO N O F M O L - T E T coming reports and what units have been sent out have not returned. A call has been put out for adventurers. Will the characters answer it or instead find themselves in a city under siege? The Heir to Mol-Tet’s Empire A powerful necromancer with visions of accomplishing what Mol-Tet could not has managed to acquire almost every piece of the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet, as well as the Altar of the Bone Citadel and Mol-Tet’s robes (described in the Altar of the Bone Citadel entry). His army is growing and he needs but a few precious pieces to unleash the full fury of Mol-Tet upon the world. Can the players stop him before he manages to get his gravedirt-covered hands on them? And if his chief surgeon manages to install the pieces within him, do the characters even have the power to stop him?

Destroying the Ebony Skeleton of Mol-Tet

Surgery is primarily useful when dealing with the Ebony Skeleton, it may also be used for other magic items or artifacts that require attachment to a user’s body.

Necromantic Surgery

Your study of physiology and anatomy, mixed with the dark secrets of the arcane, have afforded you the ability to exchange body parts and organs between subjects. You can replace lost limbs or give undead servants new abilities gleaned from the corpses of other undead specimens. Prerequisite: Ability to cast gentle repose, Heal 15 ranks. Benefit: The subjects of your attempts must either be dead or unconscious (although without the proper magics or anesthesia the subjects may wake, disrupting your attempt). You can use this feat in one of two ways; use of the first technique is an evil act, though the second is not. Either use requires 1d6+3 uninterrupted hours, and

The Ebony Skeleton is an artifact from which no good can ever come. It is a tool for the evil forces of chaos to spread death and misery. Unless the party is evil, they’ll no doubt want little or nothing to do with it. Destroying it is a tough proposition, however. • Transporting all 206 pieces to the Positive Energy Plane, and keeping them there for 206 days, obliterates all of the magic present in the bones. However, if a single piece is absent when the 206 days elapse, the entire Skeleton is shunted back to the material plane, each piece scattered 206 miles from the spot they were originally transported from.

New Feat

Those who came after Mol-Tet discovered the individual power of the bones, and developed techniques to implant them in still-living bodies. While Necromantic 94

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S access to the proper surgical tools. An interruption of more than a few moments causes the process to fail. • You may grant a single dead subject one special attack or special ability from the corpse of a single undead creature. Raising the creature in any manner affords all the abilities of its type as well as the one ability granted through this feat. This can result in interesting combinations, like skeletons with a vampire’s blood drain ability or a mummy with the morgh’s paralyzing touch. Living creatures naturally reject the grafted flesh, so this use of the ability only works on the undead. You must succeed on a Heal check (DC equals 20 + the Hit Dice of the

tougher of the two creatures). Failure ruins the part or ability you are attempting to graft. • You may replace a living creature’s bone or limb, if magical means (such as the regenerate spell) are not available. The subject must be unconscious, and if the donor is dead, he must not have been dead for more than an hour. Replacing a limb, bone or organ requires a DC 25 Heal check. Failure means you’ve injured your subject in the attempt and must immediately make a DC 30 Heal check to avoid killing her outright. Even if you succeed the second check, the surgery is a failure and may not be repeated until the subject receives a cure spell or 24 hours of bed rest.



Eldros’ Panoply The Tyrant’s Gear, Arms and Armor of Justice By Anthony Pryor

The Tale of Eldros’ Panoply

The story of Eldros the Just (or Eldros the Tyrant, depending on what part of the story one reads) is one of glory followed inevitably by tragedy. It is told by bards and skalds as a cautionary tale, warning the brave and mighty against the sins of pride and arrogance, and of the perils of justice without mercy. Today, most believe that Lord Eldros never truly existed, or that his story tells of several other historical heroes merged into one, but the truth is that he, his triumphs and his fearful fall from grace are all too real. Ages ago, the folk of the ancient kingdom of Skaris were threatened by enemies from both within and without. The land was misruled by a decadent king, more interested in wine, narcotics, feasting and the pleasures of his harem than in the welfare of his subjects. His advisors were uniformly corrupt, power-hungry wastrels whose excesses and misappropriations drained the kingdom’s coffers. Sensing weakness in the ancient kingdom, the land’s enemies raised a mighty army, striking deep into the heart of Skaris and besieging its capitol city. Among the knights and lords who led the defending armies, only a single man, Lord Eldros, remained steadfast and untouched by the corruption around him. Long had he served the ignoble king, but now, as his beloved kingdom tottered on the brink of ruin, the scales fell at last from his eyes, and Lord Eldros saw the rot that lay at the heart of Skaris. In desperation, Eldros prayed to the gods of law, asking for guidance, and swearing to lead his nation back along the path of righteousness. His faith was rewarded, for Eldros was visited by the 96

gods’ herald, who delivered to him a wondrous panoply of arms and armor — helm, breastplate, sword and shield — and bade him use them to restore justice in the name of the gods. Armed and armored by the gods themselves, Eldros wasted no time. He and a band of loyal followers quickly cleansed the kingdom in a river of blood. First to die was the decadent king, slain in the bed of his favorite concubine. The corrupt nobles were next, each slain or driven from the city by Eldros and his growing army of fanatics. Their families and followers were persecuted with equal vigor, and within days the entire city was in Eldros’ hands. It was fell work and bloody, Eldros and his followers admitted, and perhaps some innocents died in the massacres. But these were small prices compared to the security and survival of the nation. Proclaimed ruler and guardian of the nation by the cheering mob, Eldros set out to lift the siege, summoning aid from the gods themselves. Skaris’ enemies were driven back from the gates of the city, beset by the rejuvenated Sarian army and by lawful outsiders sent by the gods. The campaign to free the nation lasted less than a month. By its end, Skaris was free but exhausted, its manpower and wealth spent. Now was the time for Eldros to step aside and allow wiser men and women to guide the nation back to prominence and prosperity. But pride made Eldros hesitate. Only he had been gifted by the gods, after all, and the corruption and decadence of the nobles had brought his beloved land to the brink of destruction. No, he finally decided. It was far better that he, chosen savior and guardian of the nation, remain

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S Eldros’ Hounds, the elite secret police whose job was to seek out and exterminate the false king’s sympathizers. This soon expanded to include all forms of dissent and dissatisfaction, for those who opposed the rule of Eldros opposed the gods themselves. Dwelling in growing isolation at the heart of his iron fortress, Eldros lived an austere and grim existence, convinced of ever-growing conspiracies against him. As his fear and anger grew, Skaris turned its eyes toward its neighbors, those kingdoms that had nearly conquered it. Eldros’ armies marched out, seeking to exterminate all dangers to the kingdom, outside as well as inside its borders. And as so often happens when pride, arrogance, fear and violence replace love of country and the desire for justice, the gods heard the people’s anguish, and saw that they had erred in choosing Eldros as their champion. Confusion fell upon Skaris’ armies, and the land itself was cursed. Crops failed, plague raged and strange creatures stalked the countryside. Soothsayers claimed that these were all grim omens, signs that in his pride, Eldros had offended the very gods who had once aided him. Eldros himself had long since turned a blind eye to the suffering of others, and had drifted away from the faith and love of country that had once sustained him. He cursed the gods for turning against him, and swore pacts with demons and dark powers. Still bearing the gods’ arms and armor, he retreated further into the labyrinthine depths of his fortress, and his Hounds, now aided by fiends, redoubled their efforts, unleashing new horrors upon the weary folk of the kingdom. In the end, the hated tyrant fell to the smallest and most insignificant of his enemies. A young hero, whose family had perished at the hands of Eldros’ Hounds, gained entrance to the fortress and hunted the warlord down. When finally confronted by his foe, Eldros called upon the powers of his Panoply but the gods’ punishment was fitting — none of the items’ powers worked, and he was without protection. Just the same, Eldros was a powerful warrior, and he mortally wounded the young champion with a savage blow. But the gods were not done with him yet; the young man’s dying stroke slipped past Eldros’ shield and pierced his throat. The tyrant died, choking on his own blood, and the two combatants fell lifeless to the ground. Eldros’ kingdom did not survive him. Pursuing his armies back to Skaris, the land’s enemies again laid siege to the capitol. This time there were no heroes and no help from the gods. The city’s gates were smashed asunder and enemies poured through the streets, killing and burning. Within a fortnight, the once-mighty kingdom had vanished, its subjects slain or scattered to the four corners of the world. It is said that the conquering armies found Eldros’ corpse in the heart of his fortress, and carried off the Panoply along with the rest of their plunder. Since that day, the Panoply’s various elements have been reported in many

Researching Eldros’ Panoply

Suggestions of the Panoply and its history can be found in old stories and songs. These may be heard around the campfire, at inns or taverns, or as part of a bard or minstrel’s repertoire. More specific tales of Eldros and his artifacts might be found in very old history books, hidden deep in the warrens of ancient libraries or universities. These books are likely to be fragile and ancient, as Eldros is generally believed to be a myth. Bards might know of Eldros through Bardic Knowledge checks, while those with Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (nobility) can also make checks to see how much of the story they know. Use the following as guidelines. DC 10 20 25


Knowledge Available The character has heard of Eldros and the Panoply, and knows that it is considered to be a legend. Eldros bore helm, sword, shield and breastplate, all gifts from the gods, and each with its own unique power. Eldros was more powerful the more of the items he bore, but in the end the gods themselves took away the items’ powers, leading to his downfall and death. It is said, however, that the powers were restored after Eldros’ passing. Alone, the items are relatively potent, but in combination they make a warrior almost invincible.

Failed rolls may generate false leads on the items’ powers. For example, a failed Knowledge roll may result in the investigator being told that some of the items were destroyed when Eldros was slain, or that all of the items’ powers were permanently taken away (though the items are still beautiful, well-crafted and worth a fortune to a university, historian or collector). in power, and oversee Skaris’ rebirth. And so it was that the rule of the tyrant began. Eldros ruled with an iron fist, ruthlessly suppressing dissent and bidding his legions hunt down the last supporters of the old regime. No one associated with the “false king” and his toadies was spared — not friends, lovers, families, acquaintances, servants or even pets. The pestilence that was the old regime was to be destroyed, root and branch. The land became a place of fear. All dreaded the midnight knock on the door and the dark-cloaked shapes of 97


Powers of the Panoply

different locations, sometimes in many places at once. Eldros and his artifacts have passed into legend, with most doubting that they ever really existed.

The Panoply of Eldros is an unusual collection of artifacts, since individually the items that comprise it are only moderately powerful. They grow more powerful when worn or borne by the same individual, and together, all four make their bearer all but invincible.

Studying the Panoply

The Panoply consists of four items, each of limited power when used by itself. Each item is of masterwork quality, and radiates strong evocation magic. All of the items are flawless and immune to rust, tarnish and corrosion. The following paragraphs describe each item and its unusual qualities. Deciphering the Skarian runes on the items requires a DC 26 Decipher Script check. Sword of Eldros: This longsword bears a pommel in the shape of an eagle’s head and crossguards in the shape of wings. The blade is of the finest steel and has a bluish tinge. An inscription in ancient Skarian runes reads “Let the bearer do justice in the name of the gods.” Helm of Eldros: This visored greathelm is etched with brass appliqué in the form of elaborate knotwork and stylized vines. Small runes around the crown of the helm are also in ancient Skarian and read “Eldros, Champion of the Gods.” Shield of Eldros: A round steel shield inscribed with knotwork and intertwined vines like the helm. The central boss bears the holy symbols of the gods of law and war (or other holy symbols appropriate to the campaign). Skarian runes around the edges of the shield read, “The gods protect Eldros, their Champion.” Breastplate of Eldros: Eldros’ breastplate is also inscribed with vines and knotwork, as well as fanciful brasswork like the helm. It also bears ancient Skarian inscriptions that read “Heart of Eldros, Arm of the Gods.”

Using the Panoply

The uses of all the Panoply items are obvious — helm, breastplate, shield and sword. These items are, however, highly lawful artifacts and may have severe consequences for non-lawful users. Used individually, these items have no adverse effect on nonlawful users. If two items are used together, any user of chaotic alignment takes one negative level until one of the items is removed, as described in Chapter 7 of the DMG. Three items used together impose two negative levels. Any individual of non-lawful alignment who is so foolish as to don all four items must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or die instantly. Even if the save is successful, the wearer still takes four negative levels as long as the items are worn. These effects are removed if the wearer voluntarily and sincerely changes to lawful alignment.

Constant Powers

Alone, the individual items that make up the Panoply are only moderately powerful. Each gains abilities, however, if used in combination with other Panoply items by the same user. The chart below lists the individual items’ powers as well as their combined powers. As might be imagined, Eldros himself, at the height of his abilities, was a truly terrifying opponent against whom few could stand. In addition, any combination of items from the Panoply provide some special abilities, as listed in the

Constant Powers of Eldros’ Panoply Used

Used With

Used With

Used With



One Other Item

Two Other Items

Three Other Items


+2 longsword

+3 longsword of frost

+4 axiomatic frost longsword

+5 longsword of frost plus special abilities*


light fortification, SR 10

medium fortification, SR 15

heavy fortification, SR 18

heavy fortification, SR 20


+2 large steel shield +3 large steel shield

+4 large steel shield of

+5 large steel shield of

Breastplate +2 breastplate

of acid, electricity and

improved acid, electricity

greater acid, electricity

sonic resistance

and sonic resistance

and sonic resistance

+3 breastplate of cold

+4 breastplate of improved +5 breastplate of greater

and fire resistance, DR 5 cold and fire resistance,

cold and fire resistance


, DR 15/magic

DR 10/magic

*Eldros’ sword has the following ability when used in combination with all three other items: inflicts an additional 3d6 points (6d6 on critical) of good damage and imposes one negative level on evil targets (2 negative levels on a critical). 98

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S following table. These bonuses are inclusive, so an individual who bears three of the items gains bonuses to Spot and Listen as well as Diplomacy and Perform.

the items’ intelligence and ego increase the more that are used simultaneously. The Panoply has no primary or secondary abilities, as these are included in the items’ normal continual and activated powers. Number of Items Ability Scores

Number of Enhancement Items

Bonuses Granted


Spot +10, Listen +10, Charisma +2


Diplomacy +10, Per form +10, Wisdom +2


Intimidate +10, Constitution +2

Activated Powers

The individual Panoply items have no activated powers. When an individual uses multiple items, however, he gains access to activated powers, with more gained as more items are used. The following chart lists these powers and how many items are required to utilize them. These powers are cumulative — an individual utilizing multiple items gains all the powers listed for fewer items as well. Using these activated powers is a free action, and they affect only the item’s user. These powers have a caster level of 14. Number of Items 2

Activated Powers True strike 3/day, fly 1/day, heal 1/week


Aid3/day,divinepower 1/day, raise dead 1/ week


Fire shield 3/day, flame strike 1/day, resurrection 1/week


Using the Panoply is not without risks, as its original owner discovered. Although users can only be of lawful alignment if they want to use the items without penalty, there is no requirement that they be good, evil or neutral. The corrupting nature of power and the sheer potency of the Panoply itself presents a strong inducement toward arrogance and abuse of the advantages that the items provide. The fearsome consequences of wearing the Panoply require some creativity and flexibility on the DM’s part, as many aspects of “lawful” behavior are difficult to define. In the end, it is likely that the Panoply’s owner is driven to extremes, possibly going mad, losing his life, or facing the wrath of the gods. DMs should be on their toes when playing out these consequences, and ideally do so with the cooperation of the player whose character controls the Panoply. First and foremost, when combined together, the items that make up Eldros’ Panoply are intelligent. As always,



Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10 13


Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10 21


Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 10 30

The Panoply is highly lawful, and may compel the user to act in a strictly lawful manner. Normal ego checks apply, as specified in Chapter Seven of the DMG. Checks should be made if the Panoply’s owner tries to act in a chaotic or unlawful manner, or if he witnesses unlawful acts, however minor or justifiable. If the owner fails the ego check, he must act in the most direct and efficiently lawful manner possible, regardless of consequences. This may push the owner in the direction of good or evil, depending on the act. The DM and player should both be creative here — stopping a murder or apprehending an infamous bandit might push the user toward good, while arresting a man who stole to feed his family, or slaying a victim who sought revenge against an evil warlord might be considered evil, or at the very least neutral. In short, while the owner wears the Panoply, there is a constant temptation to act in the most extremely lawful manner possible. The ultimate result of this process, as Eldros learned to his dismay, is to alienate the Panoply’s owner from family, friends, the world and even the gods. In the end, most believe that they are the sole arbiter of law and justice, regardless of their ultimate alignment. When this happens, the gods’ vengeance is all but inevitable. The pride of those who wear the Panoply is inevitably their downfall, and any character who turns away from the gods will find the Panoply’s powers reduced, or completely absent, when they are needed the most.

Using Eldros Panoply in a Campaign

Eldros’ Panoply exists, at least in the mind of bards and storytellers, as a poignant reminder that pride and power inevitably corrupt even the strongest heart. As such, the Panoply has the potential for wrecking a campaign, or at the very least destroying a powerful or beloved player character, so caution should be used if you want to include it in your game. In addition, the nature of the Panoply lends itself to many different campaign power levels. Individually, the items that make up the Panoply are of only moderate power, and can be gained by a party of relatively low level. As the party’s level increases, more elements of the Panoply can 99

E L D R O S ’ PA N O P LY be found and added to the wearer’s powers. In addition, the characters may be aware of the Panoply’s dangers, and never use its elements in combination, preferring only to use the lower-powered individual items. If the full measure of the Panoply’s corrupting influence is to be used in your campaign, you might consider discussing it with the player who wishes to bear it. A character who takes up the Panoply is likely to come to ruin when using it, and sometimes that makes for especially dramatic roleplaying, especially if the other characters are sufficiently involved to see their friend’s problems and try to help. Despite this, the most likely outcome of using the entire Panoply as written is madness, arrogance and rejection of the gods, followed by the gods’ wrath and the Panoply’s failure. The most obvious effect of the Panoply’s failure is, of course, death, but the DM might consider making the character’s tale one of redemption, rather than failure. Instead of perishing, the once-mighty bearer of the Panoply may simply be reduced in stature, shorn of all wealth and power. She is forced to drag herself up from the depths, returning to greatness once more, but this time without the aid of the Panoply, and with a far more humble outlook on life. Of course, the Panoply as a whole may not come into the party’s hands at all — it may be the centerpiece of a quest, it may be sought after by an arrogant archvillain, or it may be the goal that drives a campaign through a DM controlled NPC.

Adventure Seeds

In the Name of the Gods Some of the gods who helped create Eldros’ Panoply have finally decided that the items are too dangerous and must be destroyed. The PCs are recruited as the gods’ mortal agents to seek out and retrieve the various items, and return them to a specific temple, where they can be taken back to the gods’ home planes, or destroyed once and for all. The items are in the hands of various powerful foes, or possibly a single individual has gained all of them and now threatens to use their power to conquer and crush all those who oppose him. In either case, the PCs must seek out the items’ owners and take them back. Even then, their job is not over, for some unscrupulous PCs might want to keep the Panoply for themselves, or other forces may wish to steal them back. Servants of Justice This is a campaign idea that can be used if the PCs work for a patron such as a warlord, paladin or other powerful leader. The patron may already have one of the Panoply items, and — either on his own or through the PCs’ quests — gain more. The PCs are in the position of loyally serving a master who grows more and more intolerant and rigid as he gains more

Panoply items, and should eventually learn of the Panoply’s corrupting influence. In addition to their other adventures, the PCs can try to save their master from the inevitable fall, or steal the Panoply and attempt to destroy it, lest it destroy yet another victim.

Destroying the Panoply

That which is made by the gods can only be destroyed by the gods, or so most people believe. As noted above, some of the gods have decided that the Panoply must be destroyed (and thus admitted that even the gods can make mistakes), while others want to keep the Panoply in the mortal realm for all the amusement that its misuse gives them. • Simply give the Panoply to one of the gods, preferably at one of their temples. In this fashion, the items are removed from the mortal realm. It is possible, however, that the god in question may not truly destroy the item, but keeps it and give it to another champion somewhere down the line. Lawful gods are probably best for this method. • The items can be destroyed if exposed to the fire of a great wyrm red dragon once per hour for six hours. As such creatures are greedy and most likely want to take the items for themselves, convincing a great wyrm to simply destroy the item rather than slay its bearers and keep it might prove difficult. • The magic of the items can be undone by a master smith, with 20 or more ranks in Craft (blacksmith, armorsmithing or weaponsmithing). Such an individual must stoke his furnace to maximum temperature (DC 35 Craft check), and then make a DC 40 Craft check (the smith cannot take 20). In this case, the item is destroyed, its magic dispersed, and it is reduced to molten metal. A failure indicates that the item is still intact, but that the smith can try again in one day. Unfortunately, the destruction of the magic destroys the smith’s forge, forcing him to build a new one for further attempts.

New Weapon/Armor Special Ability

An arcane researcher who has the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat can study the Panoply, and thus learn to create items with the synergy special ability. Learning this technique requires a DC 25 Craft (weaponsmithing) or Craft (armorsmithing).The researcher can only make one such check per day and cannot take 20 on the roll. Note that the items of the Panoply do not themselves have the synergy special ability, but function in a unique manner. The ability to create items with the synergy ability is simply a side-benefit of studying the Panoply items and the way they work together.




Items with this quality are magically “keyed” to work together, and each item enhances the abilities of others as long as they are all used or worn by the same individual. Synergy can be applied to any magic weapon, armor or shield. The base price modifier is twice the item’s bonus (i.e. the modifier to make a +1 synergistic longsword would be +2, for a total modifier of +3). This quality can be added to a maximum of one weapon, one piece of armor and one shield for a keyed set. The additional bonuses derived from the synergy ability are keyed only to that specific combination of items; they will not work with other magic items, even if they also have the synergy ability. Items that are keyed to each other using the synergy ability apply the bonuses of all three items when working together. For instance, a +1 synergistic heavy mace,

when combined with a +1 synergistic chain shirt and a +1 synergistic heavy shield becomes in effect a +3 heavy mace, while the other items become respectively a +3 chain shirt and a +3 heavy shield. Other qualities, such as keen, fortification and the like, do not affect the other items worn in any way. Only the items’ bonuses may be added together. The synergy feature cannot increase a weapon’s bonus above +5. If one item from a three-item set is lost or destroyed, the remaining two continue to function normally, though at a reduced bonus. Such an item, if lost, can never be replaced, as the arcane forces that bind the items together are unique. Moderate (individual items or two worn together) or Strong (three items worn together) transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, greater magic weapon, mage armor, major creation; Price special (see above).



Emerald Scales of Veerak Tyris’ End, the Armor Eternal By Rich Burlew

The Tale of the Emerald Scales of Veerak

The wizard Tyris was not especially skilled or talented, but he was extraordinarily curious. He was also quite bookish, spending all day and night reading whatever tome of ancient lore he could scrounge up. He had an unfortunate tendency to get so wrapped up in his books that he would forget to properly rest, dozing off with the book in his lap and his reading glasses still perched on his nose. Now, Tyris often discovered accounts of long-lost magic spells and rituals in his books, and being a curious sort, he sometimes attempted to recreate the spells he read about, with mixed results. He had destroyed his tower so many times in these experiments that the city of his birth exiled him to a distant forest, where he could blow things up in peace. It was while eating lunch in the study of his forest tower that he first read the tale of Kruk’Tha’s Flayed Skin. He found the story strangely compelling, and wondered if he could recreate the ritual that had created the sentient dragonhide. Of course, he needed a willing dragon to even attempt the spell, so he searched through the dense forest until he found a young green dragon named Veerak. While she was a belligerent sort of creature, Tyris was able to hold her off long enough to explain that he was experimenting with a form of draconic immortality. He offered to grant her life everlasting, with no obligation on her part beyond participating in the process and keeping the wizard informed about what she felt as the spell took hold. She became intrigued; while she was still young with centuries of life ahead of her, she dreamed of the power that true immortality would bring. She was also old enough to have seen other dragons slain by greedy humans, and imagined being able to wreak havoc on all would-be dragonslayers in her forest. She agreed to the wizard’s proposal, and Tyris began researching the ritual in earnest. It took Tyris three long years to complete the spell that would, theoretically, transfer Veerak’s consciousness into her own scaly skin. The ritual needed to be performed under a very specific alignment of stars and planets, and Tyris hurried to complete the final portions of the incantation. When the night of the transformation arrived, the wizard had not slept in five days.

Tyris began the ritual as Veerak stood within his magic circle. The wizard chanted and gestured, and magical energy swirled between him and the dragon. The chanting continued on for hour after hour, with Veerak reporting the sensations she felt as the magic seeped into her scales. But as the chanting wore on, Tyris found himself getting sleepy. The repetitive nature of the spell was taking its toll on him, and just as the spell’s pattern of arcane syllables was reaching its most crucial part, Tyris nodded off. The lapse was momentary, but cataclysmic. Magic infused Veerak’s hide and pulled it away from the flesh beneath. Panicked at the pain, she tried to escape the magic circle, which only hastened the process. A sickening wet ripping sound woke Tyris from his doze in time to see the very skin ripped off of Veerak’s still-living flesh. The dragon screamed — an anguished shriek of agony and loss that drove all animals who heard it to flee the forest and never return. The wizard tried to end the spell, but it was too late; the dragon’s skin had been stripped from her, leaving her in bloody misery. In anger and pain, the dragon slew the wizard outright, gutting him as he apologized. But even as Veerak wept salty tears of pain and limped off into the moonlight, the skin left behind pulsed with glowing green power. However the spell had malfunctioned, it had succeeded in imbuing the hide with tremendous magical power. And it had, after a fashion, succeeded in bringing Veerak immortality, for as long as the hide existed, she could never find peace. The hide was soon found by a party of adventurers, one of whom carried it to the nearest town to be fashioned into armor. He was pleasantly surprised at how much magical power his new armor had. The bleeding, flayed form of Veerak appearing in the night to kill him and his five allies was considerably less pleasant. But even so, the armor fell into the hands of a mercenary who sailed across the sea before wearing the armor in a military campaign. The mutilated dragon found him too, killing his entire regiment out of spite and anger. As the years passed, the armor passed through many hands, with each life cut short eventually by the vengeful Veerak. The dragon has tried many times to conceal the skin from those who would clothe themselves in her hide, but some poor doomed adventurer always unearths it and starts the cycle anew.


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S when viewed under the effects of a detect magic spell. Unlike most artifacts, identify does reveal some information about the Emerald Scales, revealing all of the artifact’s constant powers.

Researching the Emerald Scales of Veerak

The tale of Tyris’ failure is not often told, since the only witness to the events is Veertak herself, and she is not one for conversation on the subject. However, Tyris did keep extensive notes on the process up until the final incantation, and these notes have passed to various magical institutions as a case study in what not to do when researching a new magical procedure. Thus, a Knowledge (arcana) skill check might reveal some information, as could a Bardic Knowledge check. DC 15 20



Powers of the Emerald Scales of Veerak

The Emerald Scales are a powerful suit of armor, granting their wearer many of the powers and immunities of a real green dragon.

Using the Emerald Scales

Knowledge Available The Emerald Scales are a powerful suit of dragonhide banded mail. The Emerald Scales supposedly give their wearer the full defensive power of a green dragon, protecting her from spells and blades equally well. Anyone donning the armor can see the dragon from whom it was made in her mind’s eye. The Emerald Scales turned up in another nation a few years back, but the adventuring party who bore it never returned from their last adventure. The PCs may be able to use this knowledge as a starting point for their own quest. The full story presented here.

Upon donning the Emerald Scales, the wearer’s mind briefly makes telepathic contact with the dragon Veerak. The wearer sees the dragon as she was before her hide was taken (because this is how Veerak still sees herself). At the same time, the dragon sees an image of the new wearer unless the character makes a DC 21 Will save. The wearer must then make an opposed Charisma check against the dragon (Charisma bonus of +7). If successful, the wearer learns all of the armor’s activated powers and how to use them: by imagining herself as a dragon and speaking the name, “Veerak.” If the check fails, the dragon keeps the knowledge to herself for now, though the wearer may try again every time she dons the armor.

Constant Powers

At their most basic, the Emerald Scales are a suit of +5 dragonhide banded mail that grants the wearer immunity to acid, sleep, and paralysis. The scales also provide damage reduction 10/magic and spell resistance equal to 11 + the wearer’s Hit Dice.

The tale of Veerak is insufficiently known for many falsehoods to be spread about it. Still, a few inaccurate rumors have made their way into various tomes. The most common misconception is that the armor is possessed by the spirit of the dragon that donated the hide; this may be the result of scholars confusing the Emerald Scales with Kruk’Tha’s Flayed Skin.

Studying the Emerald Scales of Veerak

Activated Powers

Gleaming brilliant variegated green in the sun, the Emerald Scales of Veerak are formed into an exceptionally well-crafted suit of banded mail. The breastplate is decorated with a dragon symbol, fashioned out of the tiny scales that surround a dragon’s eyes and nose. The shoulders are guarded by a ring of dragon neck spines, serving to deflect sword blows. The armor comes complete with green dragonhide gloves and a matching skullcap. Touching the scales with bare flesh sometimes causes momentary psychic impressions of pain and fear, but these fade an instant later. Dragons and reptilian creatures often report hearing screams in their head just by being near the Emerald Scales. The Emerald Scales of Veerak radiate overwhelming abjuration and strong conjuration and transmutation

The Emerald Scales can draw on their connection with Veerak to produce the following spell-like abilities, as a 17th-level caster. At Will: fog cloud, water breathing (self only). 1/day: cloudkill (DC 17), overland flight (self only). Once per day, the wearer can attempt to siphon one of Veerak’s own spell-like abilities, though the dragon fights against this with all of her will. The wearer must succeed at an opposed Charisma check against the dragon; if it fails, the dragon has blocked the attempt mentally. Otherwise, the wearer may immediately use either suggestion (DC 20), plant growth, dominate person (DC 24), or command plants (DC 21) as a spell-like ability, as if cast by a 17th-level sorcerer. If Veerak has already used all of the daily uses of the spell-like ability that the wearer tries to siphon, the attempt fails. Whether successful or not, the armor cannot siphon another spell-like ability until the next day (and Veerak cannot employ any spell-like ability uses


EMERALD SCALES OF VEERAK that were siphoned for the same period).

Ambient Powers

Any creature of the Dragon type that comes within 300 feet of the Emerald Scales hears hallucinations of Veerak’s screams from the night her skin was taken. The wearer and his immediate allies suffer a –8 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skill checks against dragons as a result, and dragons begin any encounter one step more hostile than they would normally be — even if they are good dragons.


The main drawback to using the Emerald Scales is the undying enmity of Veerak herself, still more or less alive and very, very angry about the way in which her skin is being exploited. The magic that was intended to imbue her consciousness into the dragonhide as a form of immortality has instead granted her a twisted skinless existence that can never end until the Scales themselves are destroyed. She has long since grown tired of her “life” and now wants nothing more than to rest. Whenever any of the Scales’ powers are called upon, Veerak’s mind and body are assaulted with the same pain she felt when her skin was first ripped away. The more often the powers are used, the more pain she undergoes, which drives her to seek out the wearer of the Scales and end their usage as permanently as she can. Unfortunately for the wearer, the magic that links her to the Scales allows her to cast scrying on anyone wearing them as if they were “familiar” and she possessed a body part of theirs. Despite the agony she feels, she is capable of watching the wearer for several days before striking, if she feels it wise. Even if the wearer discards the Scales, Veerak usually feels the need to punish them, and has been known to track down and kill adventurers who only wore the Scales once. She also has the patience to return to fight a wearer (or former wearer) an infinite number of times, even if soundly defeated again and again. She is immortal, unkillable, and completely obsessed, with nothing better to do with her life than punish those wearing her skin. Veerak has tried dozens of times over the years to destroy the Emerald Scales, hoping to put herself out of her misery, but to no avail. Since proximity

to the Scales also causes her great pain, she has taken to hiding the Scales whenever she kills another would-be owner. The dragon usually finds the deepest, darkest, most dangerous dungeon she knows of at the time and stashes the Scales at the bottom, hoping that this time, they will remain undiscovered for at least a few years.

Using the Emerald Scales of Veerak in a Campaign

If you decide to add the Emerald Scales to your campaign, you are also committing to several battles with the unstoppable Veerak. Since she can only be temporarily defeated (or avoided), she can become a recurring villain, one which doesn’t need to tie into whatever main plot your heroes are pursuing. Care should be taken not to have Veerak show up every single adventure, though. While she logically could return every day until the PC wearing the armor is dead, that would feel a little cheap and can easily ruin a campaign. Better to have her slink away defeated and not reappear for at least four or five sessions as she watches and waits for the perfect opening. With so many ways of attacking the heroes, she can show up again and again without feeling too stale. Of course, eventually the PCs will want to get rid of the dragon that has been plaguing their lives and will try to eliminate both her and the armor. They may be surprised


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S to find that this decision leads to a softening of Veerak’s attacks as she holds on to hope that maybe the heroes really can put her out of her misery. Should the heroes then fail (or worse, abandon the plan), Veerak spares no expense to prolong their suffering and make them pay.

Adventure Seeds On the Wrong Side The heroes are hired through a shady contact to embark on an innocuous adventure to retrieve a lost spellbook. The mission is relatively uneventful, but establishes a working relationship with the mysterious figure who periodically appears to offer the heroes a new job. After several seemingly-unrelated missions, the heroes finally discover who the contact has been hiring them to serve: the flayed dragon Veerak. Veerak pretends to be a copper dragon that has been disfigured by a blackguard. The Emerald Scales have actually been located and are being worn daily by a powerful paladin — one Veerak has tried many times to defeat, without success. She hopes to trick the heroes into taking out this paladin for her. Will they figure out the dragon’s ruse before killing a powerful force for Good? Lather, Rinse, Repeat At the bottom of a deep and difficult dungeon complex, a sealed stone box is inscribed with warnings in scratched Draconic. The heroes manage to breach the container, only to find the Emerald Scales within. They take their prize back to the surface, but within a week they are attacked by an enraged Veerak. Whether the heroes discard the Scales or not, the dragon has marked the adventurer who wore them for death. All of the forces Veerak can muster magically attack the heroes again and again while they try hard to continue on with their quest (whatever it might be). Eventually, they must turn from their quest to answer the question of the Emerald Scales once and for all. You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide A very young adventurer who happens to be son of a powerful noble approaches the heroes with fear in his eyes. He can’t help but shake the feeling that he is being hunted, though he has no proof. In reality, he is being hunted, because he wore the Emerald Scales of Veerak to his coming-of-age ceremony just the week before. The heroes must find a way to protect the noble while they figure out what is going on and whether the hideless dragon can be reasoned with.

Destroying the Emerald Scales of Veerak

In order to rid the world of Veerak, the Emerald Scales must be destroyed. Of course, Veerak herself would have it no other way, and if she becomes aware that an adventuring party is questing to break the Scales’ hold over her,

she changes her tactics. Rather than seeking to kill the wearer and all allies, she instead begins harassing them, interrupting any rest she sees as unnecessary and clearing obstacles from their path (even if those “obstacles” are innocent bystanders). The dragon cannot bring herself to ally directly with any such adventurers; the enhanced pain she feels in the presence of the Scales guarantees that she keeps her distance. • By finding the original sentient dragonskin that Tyris was attempting to duplicate, a skilled enough wizard could reverse engineer an epic spell capable of specifically completing the ritual and transforming Veerak into an immortal artifact. Unfortunately, Veerak is terrified of such a prospect, having come to loathe her continued existence, and will do everything in her power to prevent such a spell from ever being cast. • If the Emerald Scales were fed to Tiamat herself, they would break apart and cease to bind Veerak. Of course, Tiamat is well aware of the dragon’s predicament, and has thus far chosen not to render assistance. Convincing Tiamat might require a separate quest for each of the great dragon queen’s five heads. • The great spear of the famed paladin (and dragonslayer) Una is said to be able to kill any dragon, regardless of enchantment. If the heroes find this epic weapon (a +7 holy axiomatic dragonbane shortspear), a warrior wielding it and clad in the Emerald Scales can slay Veerak instantly if they strike her heart (roll a natural 20). If this happens, the Scales corrode and disintegrate immediately. • Finally, the Emerald Scales can be returned to Veerak, making her whole and mortal again. However this can only be accomplished if Veerak manages to let go of her hate and pain; if the heroes can convince the dragon to become Lawful Good — of her own accord and without magical assistance — the Emerald Scales loosen their hold on her. A simple Morden’s disjunction then cast while she holds the Scales causes the skin to graft itself back onto the dragon, healing her.

New Monster

When one dons the Emerald Scales, one makes an enemy of the deathless Veerak forever. Veerak is particularly dangerous for two reasons. First, she has no fear of death or defeat; there is nothing that can be taken from her that will hurt her worse than the loss of her hide. Second, she possesses a cunning intellect and a wide variety of different means of attacking the wearer of the Emerald Scales. As a result, every encounter with Veerak is slightly different, as she builds on what she learned in the previous fight. If defeated in combat, she might next try to secretly dominate the wearer’s allies from the shadows, perhaps using mind fog to weaken their willpower. If this fails, she might bind demons to harass her foes until they are softened for her attack (she has little fear of reprisals from the demons, since she cannot be killed). When


EMERALD SCALES OF VEERAK that doesn’t work, she might turn to dominating or possessing (via magic jar) powerful adventurers to finish them off. Or attacking the wearer’s loved ones. Or commanding wave after wave of shambling mounds to kill innocents until the wearer surrenders himself. Or any of a hundred other plans she has used over the centuries to kill former wearers of the Emerald Scales. Of course, Veerak does not need to be encountered solely as an adversary (or strictly by parties bearing the Emerald Scales). Her destructive vendetta to eliminate all that use her skin may cause her to be targeted by the forces of Light as a rogue element in need of squelching. Or perhaps, if the heroes of the campaign are less than virtuous themselves, Veerak might prove to be a useful ally, trading pieces of lost arcane knowledge in return for seemingly unrelated quests that bring her closer to the day when she can eradicate the Emerald Scales once and for all. Played properly, the dragon might even by legitimately sympathetic; after all, she was the victim of a tragic accident who wants only for her suffering to end. Certain noble types might actually find virtue in helping the tortured dragon die with dignity.

Veerak the Flayed Large Green Dragon (Air) Hit Dice:

38d12+114 (361 hp)




40 ft. (8 squares), fly 150 ft. (clumsy), swim 40 ft.

Armor Class:

14 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 deflection), touch 14, flat-footed 12

Base Attack/Grapple:



Bite +41 melee (2d6+8)

Full Attack:

Bite +41 melee (2d6+8) and 2 claws +39 melee (2d6+5) and 2 wings +39 melee (1d6+5) and tail slap +39 melee (1d8+11)


10 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with bite)

Special Attacks:

Breath weapon, frightful presence, spell-like abilities, spells

Special Qualities:

Curse of the Emerald Scales, darkvision 120 ft., eternity of pain, immunity to acid, sleep, and paralysis, low-light vision, regeneration 1, stunted growth, water breathing


Fort +24, Ref +23, Will +28


Str 22, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 27, Wis 25, Cha 24


Bluff +43, Climb +12, Concentration +40, Decipher Script +24, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +23 (+25 act in character), Hide +35, Intimidate +30, Jump +18, Listen +43, Knowledge (arcana) +45, Move Silently +39, Search +29, Sense Motive +43, Spellcraft +26, Spot +43, Survival +23 (+25 following tracks), Swim +10


Ability Focus (dominate person), Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (claw), Improved Sunder, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (suggestion), Silent Spell, Spell Penetration, Still Spell, Track, Wingover

Challenge Rating:



Lawful Evil

The horrible vaguely reptilian creature before you is roughly the size of a horse and appears to have been skinned alive. The soft pink meat on its serpentine neck and tail is raw and bleeding and its wings appear little more than bones with ragged torn flesh hanging from them. The dragon Veerak is an abomination of draconic anger, mystically bound to a life she no longer wants by the power of her own flayed hide. She will pay any price to destroy the Emerald Scales once and for all and finally rest — and barring that, to punish all who dare to use its power. When the Emerald Scales are safely hidden, Veerak tries to research means of destroying them as best she can, even going so far as to hire adventurers to explore methods for her. She is utterly obsessed with ending her tortured existence, as she has lived in acute pain for centuries and has nothing left to care about other than ending it. While she still collects treasure, she pragmatically views it as merely fodder to use as needed to achieve her goal. Veerak is aloof and dismissive of mortals who are not directly connected to the Scales in some way; they are pawns at best, obstacles at worst. She is not so far gone that she is incapable of listening to reason, as long as it doesn’t come from the mouth of someone wearing her skin. Ultimately, ending her suffering ranks as a higher priority in her mind than her distaste for lesser creatures, and she is thus willing to bargain or negotiate with those who have resources she requires. Of course, once these mortals have fulfilled her needs, she has little compunction about killing them just to take her mind off of the pain for a few minutes. Veerak speaks Auran, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Infernal, and Undercommon.


Veerak fights as someone who craves death and has no fear of losing repeatedly in order to ultimately succeed. When she first encounters a new foe, she usually sneaks into a strategically valuable ambush position, then throws herself into battle without caution, relying on her strength and magic to destroy her enemies. Once she is defeated by a given foe, however, she spends her regeneration time plotting and scheming to break her new nemesis. She never gives up or surrenders, though she often allows foes to believe her dead while she quietly regenerates. If, after several attempts, Veerak cannot defeat an enemy through strength or cunning, she is not above contacting mercenaries or other outside forces to aid her. She often waits until her target is engaged in combat with another foe before striking, hoping to maximize the chaos of a mid-battle ambush.


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S When preparing to attack the wearer of the Emerald Scales, Veerak usually casts bull’s strength, displacement, fire shield, mage armor, magic circle against good, resist energy (five times, once against each type of energy), shield, spell turning, stoneskin, and true seeing on herself. She might also cast disguise self to confuse her foes, making them believe she is another type of dragon. She then launches herself into melee combat with the wearer of the armor, using Power Attack for 10 points to deal significant damage despite her low Strength. If she has them available, she uses quickened suggestions that the wearer’s allies should “run away” or “lie down and play dead until I leave.” If faced with stiff opposition from a party of adventurers, she uses forcecage and dominate person to divide the party up into smaller groups. Only when she seems to have the upper hand against several foes does she unleash her breath weapon, hoping to kill multiple wounded combatants at once. Breath Weapon (Su): 40-ft. cone, 24d6 acid, Reflex DC 32 half. Curse of the Emerald Scales (Su): The magic that binds her to the Emerald Scales prevents Veerak from being destroyed before the armor, and further keeps her trapped in her mutilated body. Veerak is thus immune to death effects, disintegration, petrification, and polymorph. She is not subject to ability damage or ability drain to her physical ability scores, or to energy drain. She is not at risk of death by massive damage. Should the Emerald Scales be destroyed, Veerak loses this ability permanently. Eternity of Pain (Su): Veerak’s life is one of constant pain and agony. She suffers a –4 penalty to all attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks as a result. This penalty increases to –6 when within 1 mile of the Emerald Scales of Veerak and to –8 when within 100 feet of the armor. The base –4 penalty is included in her statistics above. Should the Emerald Scales be successfully destroyed, Veerak loses this ability permanently. Frightful Presence (Ex): 360-ft. radius, HD 38 or less, Will save DC 36 negates.

Regeneration (Su): As long as the Emerald Scales of Veerak are in existence, no effect deals normal damage to Veerak. If Veerak loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 minutes. She can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump. Should the Emerald Scales be destroyed, Veerak loses this ability permanently. Spell-like Abilities (Sp): 3/day — dominate person (DC 24), suggestion (DC 20). 1/day — plant growth, command plants (DC 21). Caster level 17th; save DCs are Charisma-based. Spells: Veerak casts spells as a 17th level sorcerer. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/5; save DC 17 + spell level): 0 — acid splash, arcane mark, detect magic, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue; 1st — disguise self, identify, mage armor, magic missile, shield; 2nd — alter self, arcane lock, bull’s strength, detect thoughts, resist energy; 3rd — clairaudience/clairvoyance, displacement, magic circle against good, nondetection; 4th — dimensional anchor, fire shield, scrying, stoneskin; 5th — cone of cold, magic jar, mind fog, teleport; 6th — greater dispel magic, legend lore, true seeing; 7th — banishment, forcecage, spell turning; 8th — discern location, greater planar binding. Stunted Growth (Ex): As a result of losing her scaly hide when she was a young adult, Veerak has never grown bigger than Large size, even though she has lived long enough to qualify as a Great Wyrm dragon. She has also lost the natural armor bonus, damage reduction, and spell resistance commensurate with a dragon of her age. Equipment: Amulet of mighty fists +2, pearl of power (6th), ring of freedom of movement, ring of protection +3, wand of knock (50 charges), wand of slow (20 charges), wand of summon monster IV (25 charges). Veerak also has up to 24,000 gp in gold, gems, potions, or arcane scrolls at any one time.


E R A N G O U L ’ S F I LT H Y C L O A K

Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak The Filthy Cloak, the Corpse Banner, Shroud of the Ghoul Sheikh, Abaya of the Azmadid By Khaldoun Khelil

The Tale of Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak

Erangoul, the were-rat lich, created the artifact now known as the Filthy Cloak as the centerpiece of her foul regalia. Worn as a mark of authority over the monstrous vermin that policed her kingdom, Erangoul’s regalia was composed of a cracked mask, a rusted gauntlet, a gore-soaked scepter and a grubby moth-eaten Cloak. From her crawling citadel she raided the civilized lands for slaves and riches, eventually carving out a small city-state of her own. After centuries of terrorizing the dusty townships that surrounded her stronghold, and crushing any army that came to cast her down, the undead ratling was finally destroyed by her own concubines. While her army of abominations pillaged the caravan routes, a revolt of the lich’s harem soon spread unimpeded throughout her poorly defended spire. In the chaos, a jubilant mob of slave boys sacked the alchemical stores. The careless looters sparked a conflagration of magical fire that consumed the crawling tower, singing and crippling the twisted legs that gave it its name. As the villain’s citadel burned, her surviving servants plundered the treasure vaults and ransacked the libraries. Of the foul regalia, only the Cloak survived; all knowledge of the other artifacts has been lost under the shifting sands. Even in death, Erangoul was a curse upon the land, as the princes of the nearby oasis towns fought over the charred scraps left behind by her passing. During these brutal wars, the Cloak resurfaced as the tattered banner of an undead mercenary company from a far shore. Under that filthy flag they sold their swords to whoever could meet their price. Although the rotted warriors fought with great valor and honored all the oaths sworn by their dead lips, when the wars ended, their fat purses made them no friends. The victorious salt prince Najib umThani had declared himself the Rauss of the oases and made the city of Aranibad the capitol of his new kingdom. With a sermon from the burnt tower of Erangoul at the city’s center, he betrayed the undead warriors who had fought so hard for his cause and coin. Denounced as the harbingers of the long wars, they fled back onto their dark ships, but most were torn apart by enraged mobs of refugees. Dismembered and deceived, the corpse soldiers fled to the east, and their tattered flag was not seen again for many years.

Though the reign of Najib was short, his two sons were quick to take up his mantle. The brothers, first princes of the Najibeem dynasty, split the oasis towns between them. One brother, mighty Sufian, raised his sword and ruled his kingdom as a warlord. He ruled from his evermarching camp, extending his domain with each charge of cavalry. The other brother, crafty Haroun, took up a staff and used magic to enforce his will. It was Haroun who first enslaved the hot-tempered Djinn of the wastes and set them to building the gleaming cities of the twin empires. He took Aranibad as his seat, scribed the laws of the land along the base of the burnt tower and diverted the rivers that would make the city the center of the silk trade. The crafty mage even had a palace built to mark the engagement of his brother Sufian. But as is common among brothers and kings, jealousy grew in their hearts. On the day of Sufian’s wedding, his brother arrived carried aloft by a cloud of biting flies and surrounded by his Djinn servants. Haroun demanded that his brother surrender his betrothed and his half of the kingdom. When he was refused, he waved his hand and a sea of maggots boiled out of the earth to consume his brother’s wife, while his powerful slaves shattered the conjugal palace they had only just built. Although he had come to depose his brother that day, it was crafty Haroun who paid the ultimate price. Mighty Sufian grew enraged and called upon all the gods of the desert wastes as he struck his brother’s head from his body. Haroun’s head was wrapped in the grubby rags he wore that fateful day, and interred beneath the burnt tower of Aranibad. Sufian became the Rauss of a united empire and ruled as a brooding tyrant. With his brother’s enslaved Djinn under his control, he harassed the maidens of his empire and crushed even the smallest hint of dissent with paranoid ruthlessness. The Najibeem dynasty survived through nine of Sufian’s sons, each reveling in their forebears’ draconian tactics. Although each was born of their lustful father’s indiscretions, none questioned their right to rule after his passing. Each time a son of Sufian died, another would march a legion to the capital to declare himself the new Rauss of the Oases. This cycle continued again and again, until the night the dead rose from the highborn cemetery. Fearing the gods’ displeasure, the peasants and laborers of Aranibad revolted, forcing the last of the true Najibeem rulers to flee for his life. After leaving his noble sheikhs


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S to fend for themselves, most of the Najibeem aristocracy was slaughtered. With gold borrowed from wealthy silk merchants, the few surviving sheikhs restored order with well-placed bribes and hired swords to clear the graveyards of the undead and public squares of the living. When no new son of Sufian appeared at the city gates, and with the old Rauss discredited, a Republic was declared. In reality, the surviving nobles ruled by the consensus of their elder sheikhs and the small number of Djinn slaves that still remained enforced the peace as they saw fit. This hidden oligarchy ruled for nine decades but was shattered when one of the elder sheikhs was unmasked as a grave stalking-ghoul. Draped in the unearthed rags of the crafty Haroun, he had engineered the downfall of the Najibeem. The ghoul sheikh’s family, the Azmad, had been the source of the undead that sparked the initial peasant revolt. Suspicion and acrimony soon overturned the long alliance of the noble families and civil war between the oasis cities was once again inevitable. Each family left the capital to rally their raiders and protect their home cities. Disease infested the land as the war raged and the trade routes became too dangerous to travel. One by one, the oases fell to the ghoul sheikh and the pestilent swarm he commanded. Decimated and weary, the last of the sheikhs surrendered to the undead overlord. Even the destitute descendants of the last Rauss were invited back to Aranibad as figureheads to satisfy the superstitious commoners. And so it went that the Azmad family created an empire of their own, and although they ruled it as Viziers from the shadows behind the throne, it lasted many centuries. The infested Cloak of Erangoul, worn by the first ghoul sheikh, became their badge of secret rulership. When the ghoul sheikh finally fell from power, the family selected a new Vizier from

amongst their elders. The former sheikh was ritually buried in a state of eternal undeath, and the new ghoul sheikh arose clothed in the tattered cape that so pleased the rat lich. Bolstered by the Cloaks’ strange powers, the Azmadids became manipulative spy masters and brutal assassins to protect their position of preeminence. But those who come to rely so heavily on the Filthy Cloak rarely come to a good end. The other noble families, long undermined by the Azmadids, came to resent the great house’s strange rituals. Their veneration of the scorpion and the bat, and the pitiful moans that emanated from the ancestral crypts at the base of their crumbling tower, finally became too much. Making common cause with the free Djinn of the wastes, the noble sheikhs rose against the Azmadids. Looting the Azmadid tombs, they exposed the sinister secret of the undead Viziers who had been locked howling in the earth. When the free Djinn dragged the screaming skeletons of famous Viziers through the streets of Aranibad, the aroused city dwellers began to burn and riot. When the rebels freed the last of the Djinn warrior slaves, they besieged the ancient spider legged tower in the heart of Aranibad. Trapped in their capitol, the


E R A N G O U L ’ S F I LT H Y C L O A K

Researching Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak

As they research the past of the empires that flourished in the desert wastes, many scholars and historians unwittingly collected scraps of information about Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak. Those wishing to identify the artifact are best served by a historian or well-versed storyteller. Those who seek to command the garment’s powers need the services of a scholar of arcana. Of particular value to those who seek to learn the artifact’s true abilities are sages that specialize in the trappings of the region’s ancient nobility. The scriptorium of the Banu Suleiman has within its walls detailed accounts of the veiled practices of the Azmadid viziers and the strange abilities attributed to their elders. DC 10 15 20 25 35+

Knowledge Available Bardic knowledge reveals the Cloak’s sinister origin as part of the Foul Regalia. With Knowledge (arcana), the Cloak’s various powers over vermin can be confirmed. Knowledge (history) exposes its connection to the downfall of the great Najibeem Empire. Knowledge (nobility and royalty) gives insight into the artifact’s significance to the ancient Azmadids, and the various supernatural immunities enjoyed by their viziers. Knowledge (arcana) divulges the Cloak’s many powers to summon and control insects. Bardic knowledge tells of the fate of those who wear the Cloak overlong, doomed to a fate of mindless living death. Knowledge (nobility and royalty) reveals the story of the rival sons of Najib umThani and how the Filthy Cloak allowed Haroun to turn into a swarm of flies to steal his brother’s bride. Knowledge (history) gives insight into Erangoul’s spiritual connection to the Cloak. The artifact’s continued existence could signify that the hoary lich still walks the earth and that the key to its annihilation is tied to the destruction of Erangoul herself.

Due to the inclusion of myth and hearsay, Knowledge (history) and Bardic knowledge can often lead even the most studious researcher astray. Common misconceptions about the Cloak include rumors that it has some power over were-rats or somehow warps the wearers’ libido. A Knowledge (history) roll in the high 20s reveals the artifact’s connection to the first Najibeem rulers, but might also lead an investigator to believe that the Cloak had hidden magical powers of seduction. Azmadids held out for nine days and nine nights before the gates of their citadel were dashed in. But behind the barricades the vengeful mob found only rot and gore. The twisted Azmad family had been murdered and skinned within their fortress; even as an army battered at the gates, no one was seen to leave or enter. It is believed a few of the Azmads escaped, but the Cloak that was venerated by their clan was nowhere to be seen. Now the mighty canals that fed the city of Aranibad have long dried up and dust and ash are all that remain, for the Djinn finally had their revenge on that cursed place. For those looking for the Cloak today, rumor tells it can be found with a legion of tireless soldiers that march under a standard of swirling flies, in service to whatever tyrant crosses their pallid palms with enough gold.

Studying Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak

To the naked eye, this artifact appears as a foul cape composed of dark moss and infested with lazy black grubs. Two small hooks made of chitin clasp under the neck to secure the Cloak to its wearer. No other decoration adorns it except for the occasional gold fiber sewn into the

mossy cape. Though disgusting when examined closely, from a distance the Cloak merely looks shabby and ill kept. The strange materials used in the construction of the artifact would seem to make it easily identifiable to those who know of it, but more often then not, the Cloak is discounted as a soiled rag. When worn or touched, the Cloak wriggles and squirms against the skin. When held close to the ear, the faint chirping and masticating of the grubs is easily heard. The few written accounts of this sensation penned by the Azmadid viziers describe it as comforting, some even going so far as to claim that the reassuring caress of the Cloak was addictive. When its magical aura is viewed, the Cloak writhes with the power of several schools of magic. Powerful tendrils of necromancy and conjuration are woven throughout it and seem to grasp and fondle those who wear it. The identify spell only reveals the Cloak’s magical enhancements to saving throws and natural armor. True seeing shows the artifact to be a confusing amalgamation of magical insects, bound together by mystical oaths made physically manifest: a brood of vermin trapped in the shape of a Cloak, each one tied to another by a fiery thread of cursive script.



Powers of Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak

According to recovered Azmadid scrolls, the Filthy Cloak had a host of bizarre and frightening powers. Viziers empowered to wear the Cloak boasted of perfect health and took great pride in never fearing poison. The ragged garment was also said to turn aside deadly blows and allow its wearer to withstand great punishment. But its greatest ability was dominion over the creeping things of the world. Foul swarms and crawling minions would grow from the cape’s folds or appear from nothing to obey the wearer. And like vermin, the Cloak’s wearer could tunnel and crawl like a worm and as the spider, sneak and skitter through the cracks between the floorboards.

Using Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak

The powers of the Filthy Cloak do not become known to its wearer when he places the thing on his shoulders. Although trial and error are often the only way to uncover the full range of its abilities, the constant powers of the garment require no special knowledge or activation. The activated powers of the Cloak require command words spoken in Erangoul’s arcane code language, known as Corpsecant. Some of these incantations can still be found scattered throughout the ruins of the Azmadid Empire. Supposedly Erangoul herself scribed a tome detailing all of the artifact’s powers. If this book did somehow survive the ages, it probably sank into the sands with the charred husk of the crawling tower long ago. Those who make common use of the Cloak’s greater powers quickly find the pests living within it long for more than just the wearer’s company. It was not coincidence that led the Azmadids to bury their mad undying viziers, or that most of the Cloak’s most infamous owners rotted away before their time.

Constant Powers

Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak provides the following powers without need of a command word and without harming the wearer. All spell effects are cast as a 20th-level sorcerer. • +3 enhancement bonus to natural armor. • +3 resistance bonus to saving throws. • +4 enhancement bonus to turn resistance. • +5 enhancement bonus to Hide and Move Silently skill checks. • Blindsense 20 feet. • Continuous sanctuary (DC 17), but only warding against vermin. • Damage reduction 5/silver or bludgeoning. • Darkvision 60 feet. • Diseases within a 120-foot-radius receive a +5 profane bonus to their DCs.

• Immunity to sneak attacks, critical hits, poison and disease. • Spell resistance 13. • Spider climb at will.

Activated Powers

All of the following powers of Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak require the proper command word to be spoken aloud. The first time an activated power is used in a day, a living user suffers 1 point of Constitution drain, but may then use any of the powers of the Cloak for 24 hours without consequence. An undead wearer suffers one point of Wisdom drain instead, and risks becoming locked in an endless nightmare-plagued coma. Some say that the voracious lice infesting the garment are only comforted when the foul regalia are fully joined, restraining the Cloak from feasting on its wearer. Anyone using the Cloak who has this ability drain healed or reversed in any fashion finds all of the Cloak’s powers inactive for 24 hours afterwards. All spell effects are cast as a 20th-level sorcerer. At Will: gaseous form (wearer appears as a swarm of insects, rather than mist, and has a fly speed of 20; otherwise identical to the spell), rotting touch (cause a dead body to instantly decay as though a full year had passed), summon swarm 2/day: Mass charm monster (DC 20, affects vermin only, despite their mindless quality) 1/day: blast of maggots (ranged touch, 8d6 magical piercing damage against living creatures, 4d6 against nonliving creatures or objects), dominate monster (DC 25, affects vermin only, despite their mindless quality), insect plague 1/week: creeping doom


Those who wear the Cloak for prolonged periods come to appreciate the comforting writhing of the grubs next to their skin and the sweet melody of the murmuring vermin. Few can bring themselves to remove the Cloak even after discovering it is consuming them. Casting off the Cloak requires a DC 23 Will save, and only one attempt to remove the artifact can be made in a day. Those who do finally succumb to the Cloak risk becoming the horrid undead known as the worm-eaten. Whether from battle wounds or the garments’ own incessant gnawing, anyone who dies wrapped in Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak rises as one of these depraved monsters. A subtler disadvantage to using the Cloak comes in its mystical connection to the rat lich Erangoul. While a truly devoted scholar may discover the danger of rising as one of the worm-eaten, few will ever unearth the effect the Cloak has on its wearer’s spirit. Infused with the lingering malice of its deceased creator, the Filthy Cloak


E R A N G O U L ’ S F I LT H Y C L O A K punishes those that do not act in a fashion befitting its master. Anyone upholding a promise or acting selflessly while wearing the artifact must immediately make a DC 23 Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of Constitution (or Wisdom, if undead) drain. Those who uphold the ideals of the crawling tower may find themselves rewarded by the garment grubs. If a Cloak wearer’s alignment shifts towards chaos or evil, the Cloak allows its greater powers to be used for 1d10 days without ability drain. Similarly, if a Cloak wearer causes another character’s alignment to shift towards chaos or evil, the Cloak allows its greater powers to be used for 1d4 days without ability drain.

Reactive Traits

Much like the bloated pests that nuzzle in its mossy exterior, Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak is inert and impassive to its environment. Only when the Cloak nears the ruins of the Azmadid Empire does it come to seeming life and the high-pitched murmur of cicadas fills the air. This reaction may simply be the artifact’s excitement upon entering familiar territory. But a more sinister explanation may have more credence. Created as the centerpiece of a disgusting set of artifacts, the Cloak may long to be reunited with its counterparts in the Foul Regalia. Could the vermin in the Cloak be calling out to these lost others? Or is it even the Foul Regalia that the Filthy Cloak longs to be reunited with; could the excited chirping herald the proximity of something or someone else?

Using Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak in a Campaign

Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak is easily used in any campaign. The drawbacks of the Cloak discourage its casual use, but are reasonable enough to tempt most characters to try their luck. Also, the artifact’s use of secret command words allows a DM to limit a character’s access to its activated powers, while allowing PCs to uncover more powers as part of an ongoing adventure. Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak is best used in settings that have a long and epic past. Desert campaigns filled with ancient ruins and genie caravans are also a perfect fit for this artifact. A campaign that features the Cloak more centrally could make it religiously important to a cult of disease or the symbol of a forgotten rat god.

Adventure Seeds

The Legion of the Dead An undead army flying a ragged banner of pestilence is ravaging coastal towns without mercy. This legion of rotting mercenaries kills in the name of a foreign prince, his vengeance against a local noblewoman who spurned his advances. This so-called prince hopes to terrorize the woman’s family into

submission, so he may steal her off to his strange land. Can the foreign aristocrat be bargained with? And if not, can this army of disease ridden undead be defeated? And what of the strange tattered flag the soldiers venerate? Curse of the Djinn Strange genies have raised a copper city from the desert sands, filled with voracious insects that devour all who enter to the bone. Only those capable of surviving the insatiable vermin could hope to discover the ancient secrets of the place, or what the genies intended to accomplish by resurrecting it. Could the copper city be the fabled capitol of the Azmadid and Najibeem Empires? And why did the genies that unearthed it leave without even entering? The Rat Lich Lives The dread wererat lich Erangoul survived after all. Finally regaining her strength, only with her precious Cloak will she be powerful enough to recreate the Foul Regalia. Once adorned with her cursed artifacts, she could re-establish her sheikhdom of horror. First, however, she must get the Cloak back into her skeletal paws. As a matter of course, Erangoul probably terrorizes the sages that have been studying the ancient history of her region in hopes of scaring up some clues. Even if the mastermind behind these brutal slayings is unmasked, is anyone powerful enough to stop the master of the crawling tower? Liches are notoriously difficult to kill, could the artifact itself be the vermin mage’s true weakness? From Out of the Wastes The Azmad clan has been reduced to a band of thieves and assassins, but they still remember the old myths of their past glory. Somewhere the key to their resurgence lies buried. A band of particularly adventuresome Azmadids begins to explore a burnt keep that resembles the tower of their legends. While clues to the Filthy Cloak’s whereabouts are hidden there, the local duke’s tax collector and his fat purse have easily distracted them. What starts out as a simple adventure to rid a keep of a few brigands, embroils the party in an ancient story of corruption and betrayal.

Destroying Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak

Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak is an item infused with the evil of undead mage that created it. As it longs to be in the company of its creator, the Cloak twists all those who wear it to better resemble her. As the artifact consumes her body and soul, eventually a wearer’s thoughts may well turn to destroying the foul thing once and for all. Many have tried to destroy the shabby coat, but the evil it has wrought through the centuries has given the Cloak a strange invulnerability. Although sages tend to disagree, the learned scholars of the Banu Suleiman have agreed on three possible weaknesses.


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S • If Erangoul still walks the earth, killing her would destroy the Cloak’s “soul.” This method could have unforeseen consequences as the magic of pestilence inscribed into the Cloak could be unleashed onto the land as a deadly plague. • Redeeming the last of the Azmadid would rob the artifact of its greatest victory, the debasement of a once honorable family. Finding the family would be difficult in itself, and convincing them to atone for their family’s sins even harder. But once the last Azmad has asked forgiveness, the Cloak crumbles to ash. • The Filthy Cloak is but one part of the Foul Regalia. To destroy any item in the collection, all of the artifacts must be collected and returned to the crawling tower where they were created. Then they can be burned in a simple pyre with no ill effect.

New Monster

When the last of a living being’s life is consumed by Erangoul’s Filthy Cloak, she immediately rises again as a particularly gruesome type of undead. Any humanoid that dies while wearing the Cloak suffers this lamentable fate, no matter the cause of their passing. The creation of the worm-eaten was probably an unintended side effect of the dark magic used in the creation of the Filthy Cloak, as Erangoul certainly never meant the artifact to be worn by any one else. While a few of the early Azmadid Viziers are known to have undergone this horrible transformation, none survived very long before being destroyed by their relatives. A few scholars insist that the worm-eaten believe they have a greater purpose that is tied to the artifact that birthed them. What that purpose may be is a secret the worm-eaten keep to themselves.

Worm-Eaten Medium Undead Hit Dice:

6d12+3 (42 hp)




30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 10 ft., climb 15 ft.

Armor Class:

17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 15

Base Attack/Grapple:



Claw +7 melee (1d6+3)

Full Attack:

2 claws +7 melee (1d6+3)


5ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Disease, feasting, improved grab

Special Qualities:

Create spawn, damage reduction 5/silver or bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., swarm form, turn resistance +2, undead qualities


Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6


Str 17, Dex 14, Con —, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 9


Climb +17, Hide +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Listen +10, Move Silently +13, Spot +10


Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (claw), Toughness


Underground and Deserts


Solitary, pack (1 plus 2–5 ghouls) or cult (3 plus 2–7 ghouls)

Challenge Rating:





Always chaotic evil

Advancement Range:

7–12 HD (Medium), 13 –18 HD (Large)

Level Adjustment:

A stooped and ragged man shambles towards you. A mass of fat grubs pour from his open mouth as he looses a hungry moan. The worm-eaten are cunning predators with no recollection of their former lives. Stalking abandoned buildings and treacherous caravan routes, they forever seek living flesh to suppress their insatiable hunger. Although they often haunt underground crypts, the craving for fresher meat inevitably drives them to the surface. Sometimes worm-eaten can be found to congregate with ghouls, who seem to pay them a special reverence. Larger congregations of these monsters can sometimes be found performing strange religious rites in the dark underneath the surface world. Worm-eaten speak any languages they understood in life, but have little use for conversation. More ancient worm-eaten speak Corpsecant, the secret language of the region’s undead.


Worm-eaten often lie in wait for prey on ceilings and walls, using their superior climbing skills to surprise opponents. Due to their voracious appetites, worm-eaten pursue their meals with great gusto and allow few obstacles to deter them. Worm-eaten feast in combat as often as they can, latching onto their victims to chew and grind with their sharp teeth. When found in groups, worm-eaten employ no special tactics, simply allowing bloodlust to dictate their actions. Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a worm-eaten becomes a worm-eaten in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the worm-eaten that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life. Disease (Ex): Filth fever — bite, Fortitude DC 13, incubation period 1d3 days; damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.


E R A N G O U L ’ S F I LT H Y C L O A K Feasting (Ex): In every round a worm-eaten successfully maintains a grapple, it deals its opponent 1d3 points of Constitution damage from its savage gnawing and biting. Feasting may also infect a victim with a disease. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a wormeaten must hit with both claw attacks. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can feast.

Swarm Form (Su): As a standard action, a worm-eaten can assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 6th), but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability. In this form the wormeaten resembles a swarm of beetles, worms, grubs and/or flies. Skills: Worm-eaten have a +2 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks, and a +8 racial bonus to Climb checks.


Fang of the Devil Tigers


Phurba of the Rakshasha Lords, Rava’s Spite, Blessing of Abhasana By G. Holochwost

The Tale of the Fang of the Devil Tigers

Researching the Fang of the Devil Tigers

During the great war between the two kingdoms of Asuja and Devaja, mortals moved through the world in strife and violence. No peace could be found as tribes were divided in bloody conflict, and no priest or king could unify them. It was not until the rise of the House of Anandamukti that any hope of unification was possible. Born from the warrior-caste of the Andandamukti clan came a wise and skillful knight who was as enlightened as he was strong. Taking up the golden spear of his ancestors, Arju Anandamukti forged a peace between the kingdoms by means of a military crusade that lasted almost twenty years. Weary of battle and pleased with the civilization he had made with his own hands, King Arju retired from military service and took as his wife a beautiful girl, named Kamari, from the village of Sambava. Kamari and Arju fell deeply in love, finding refuge in the peace that they gave each other. But it was not long before evil found its way to the heart of peace and the courts of Arju. The raksasha servants of Rava the Hateful were sent to the House of Anandamukti to seek out the cause of the war’s end and destroy it utterly. When the Raksasha spies arrived, they were welcomed into the feast hall of Arju and given kind treatment, delicious food, and beautiful entertainment. “Ah”, the Raksasha called Marayama said, “These things must be the source of peace. We must find a way to end them”. So, using dark magics, the raksasha called Azanaya ruined the food and wine, the raksasha called Azista heckled the musicians and dancers and made them flee the palace, and the one called Abhidruh postured with anger and wrath and caused all to retract in fear and silence. Nonetheless, King Arju was undeterred, for his peace was not caused by his appetites, but by the love he had for his beloved Kamari, and the love she had for him. So it was Kamari, Marayama realized, that must be taken from Arju to return the world to war. But the death of Queen Kamari was not something that could be as easily accomplished as the destruction of the feast, for Queen Kamari was a devotee of the great Preserver and was protected by his blessings. So, Rava sent out his minions to search for a way to kill the Queen of Arju’s heart. All about the lands they searched, never 115

The tale of the Fang of the Devil Tigers is well known throughout the land. In fact, there are countless versions of the tale, altering motivations and the prominence of favorite characters in accordance with local custom and preference. However, the Fang is considered to be a legend, a metaphor for the hate and silence shared between Rava and the Dark Naga Lord, Abhasana. In order to learn of the actual dagger’s existence, the characters must make contact with devotees of Abhasana or Rava who have access to black sutras detailing the creation of evil magical items. In addition, the characters might contact the spirit of the dead Kamari, who can fully describe the weapon of her demise and how it felt when it stripped her of her life. DC 10 20



Knowledge Available The Fang was created by various diabolic powers, to murder the wife of an ancient king. It was created by Abhasana, Lord of the Dark Nagas, at the request of Rava the Hateful. It is capable of slaying those protected by the gods themselves. The weapon was forged from the blood of three raksasha lords and the fang of the Abhasana. In addition to its hideous life-stealing abilities, it can also render the wielder unseen. The Fang’s killing powers are most effective against those of good alignment; such beings suffer horrible effects when attacked with the dagger. The wielder is subject to all wards and spells that specifically target evil outsiders.

In most cases, a failed roll indicates that the character has heard a wildly reworked version of the Fang of the Devil Tigers’ tale, implying that it was Arju’s sword that slew Kamari, that Kamari slew herself when Arju became evil, or something similar. Generally, a poor roll concerning the dagger’s powers is in accordance with such mistold tales.

FA N G O F T H E D E V I L T I G E R S — and it was with this weapon, on that fateful night beneath the fullest of moons, that Rava cut down Kamari while she walked alone in the palace gardens. So it happened, on the day he found his bride cut down among a bed of white champa flowers, that King Arju looked up toward the heavens. Calling out the 108 names of the Preserver, swore that as the Gods could not preserve the one thing dear to him, he would send his armies against all that had been created. In this way, Arju Anandamukti became the Cruel Hand of Rava and war shook the land once more.

Studying the Fang of the Devil Tigers

stopping until they came upon the black mountain of Nirjana where Abhasana, the Lord of the Dark Naga held his court. When the four servants of Rava told Abhasana what they desired, he spoke unto them, “What devotion will you show to prove the darkness of your intentions?” Azanaya, Azista, and Abhidruh looked befuddled by the dark serpents cryptic words, but Marayama swiftly cut down his companions, spilling their blood at the foot of the naga’s throne. With a haunting smile of approval on his perfect face, Abhasana took up the blood of the three dead raksasha and, plucking a perfect fang from his own mouth, immersed it in the unholy fluid. When Abhasana withdrew the fang from the mingled blood, it had taken on the form of a masterfully crafted katar, with a winding blade that danced with whirls of violet hate beneath the light of the moon. It was this weapon that the Devil Tiger Marayama placed at the feet of his demon lord Rava

The Fang of the Devil Tigers is a kris-bladed katar (punching dagger) approximately 18 inches from grip to tip. It is made of an alien violet metal that swirls with a strange luminescence what it is examined under the light of the moon. The blade is always cold, even after being held in the hottest flame or bathed in the warmest blood. The strangest apparent characteristic of the blade manifests after it has been used to slay one of good alignment, when the blade emits a subtle purring sound: the feline approval of the three raksasha who were slain to create it. Because the blade was forged from the fang of one of the greatest assassins the world has ever known, it is immune to the effects of locate object and many other divinations. Detect magic reveals that the magic it radiates is overwhelming and necromantic in origin. When targeted by detect evil, the weapon flares like a beacon. Any good-aligned caster using detect evil on the Fang must make a DC 18 Will save or be subject to the effects of enervation as cast by a 16th-level wizard.

Powers of the Fang of the Devil Tigers

The Fang of the Devil Tigers is an intelligent katar of artifact-level potency. The weapon does exceptional damage against adversaries of good alignment.

Using the Fang of the Devil Tigers

Only an evil character can make full use of the Fang’s powers. It contains within it a trace of the essence of the rakshasa who died to create it, and a hint of Abhasana’s malice. Any evil character wielding the blade gains full use of its constant abilities.


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S A nonevil character who wields the weapon seems to gain full use of its constant abilities; even a good character does not gain the standard negative level for wielding an unholy weapon. Such a character can wield the weapon in combat, until one of the following events occurs. • The character encounters a foe who is obviously too powerful for the character to face, even with the artifact. • The character encounters a king, baron, noble, city official, or any other ruler of good alignment. • The character encounters a friend or loved one of one of his companions (such as the wife or father of a fellow party-member). The instant one of these events occurs, the character is all but overwhelmed by a wave of hatred from the blade. He must make a DC 25 Will save or instantly attack that individual or creature with full intent to kill, for the artifact wishes to see any non-evil wielders dead, or forced to commit atrocities. If the wielder makes the save, or is physically prevented from killing the target, the Fang utterly ceases to function for him, and instantly bestows the standard negative levels for an unholy weapon. If the wielder fails the save and successfully slays the target, the weapon continues to function until the next time one of the above circumstances arises, at which time the process repeats itself. To access the artifact’s activated powers, the character must utter dark prayers to Rava and Abhasana. An evil wielder of the Fang finds the knowledge of these prayers in his head, even if he has never before heard them. As these are essentially prayers to other deities, evil clerics and blackguards may anger their own gods by uttering them.

Constant Powers

The Fang of the Devil Tigers is a +5 unholy punching dagger. While wielding the artifact, a character gains darkvision 120 feet, a +10 profane bonus to Listen and Spot, and is under a constant nondetection effect, as cast by a 16th-level wizard.

Activated Powers

Making use of the Fang’s activated powers requires a standard action and the recitation of a dark prayer, as discussed above. These function as spell-like abilities, with a caster level of 16. Spell-Like Abilities: At Will –– detect good, detect evil, darkness; 3/day –– improved invisibility; 1/day –– slay living (DC 24). Finally, the Fang of the Devil Tigers also possesses the fabled ability to penetrate the protections provided by the gods. The fine points of this quality are left to the

DM to decide, as the precise mechanics may vary depending on the style of the campaign and the presence of its gods and divine magics. This may be represented through a powerful use of dispel good a few times per day, the ability to cast Morden’s disjunction on divine magics, spell resistance against divine magics, or even a purely narrative effect without mechanics. The DM should determine the precise requirements based on her view of the gods in her world.


Because of the unspoken pact formed between the demon Rava and the Dark Naga lord, the Fang of the Devil Tigers produces a strange side-effect which often proves a gross disadvantage in the presence of righteous priests and holy arcanists. While using the katar, the wielder is considered to be both a humanoid and an evil outsider (native), whichever is least advantageous, for purposes of spells and spell-like abilities.

Ambient Effects

Because the Fang of the Devil Tigers was practically constructed out of strife itself, all Sense Motive checks within 30 feet of the dagger suffer a –8 penalty.

Using the Fang of the Devil Tigers in a Campaign

The Fang of the Devil Tigers is an abomination created by a marriage of two great evils, the hate of Rava and the primordial cruelty of Abhasana. Thus, it is unlikely that any hero would seek the dagger out for any reason other than its destruction. However, there are some situations in which the dagger might be necessary. Prophecies, for example, often have strange conditions: such as the death of someone protected by the gods. In these strange instances, a weapon such as the Fang of the Devil Tigers could be quite useful and even, in an unconventional way, serve the purposes of good. Nonetheless, the Fang of the Devil Tigers is an incredibly evil entity in its own right and maintains the utmost resistance against any attempt to use its powers for good or peace. In the case of a campaign where the PCs are evil, the weapon could take the role of a major prize, something comparable to Excalibur or the Spear of Longinus. Few items could benefit an evil character more;, the item could be the subject of a major conflict between evil factions, or could be in the possession of a group of benevolent priests who are attempting to guard it until it can be destroyed. In the either case, the Fang of the Devil Tigers should be used in high-level campaigns. If it used against anything but the strongest PCs by a cunning wielder, the PCs will


FA N G O F T H E D E V I L T I G E R S surely perish. If it is used by evil PCs against good enemies, there is little the opposition can do to survive unless they are of adequate level.

Adventure Seeds

Before the War This campaign begins in the court of Arju a year after his wedding to Kamiri. It is on the evening of the great feast when the four raksasha visit the good king’s court. The PCs witness the evil works of Rava’s servants and decide to follow them in order to investigate why they would do such things. It this way, the characters learn of the demon Rava’s desire to return the world to war. In this adventure, characters have the opportunity to prevent the Fang from ever coming into being, or even to stop the assassination of Kamiri. However, if the characters fail at both of these things they could possibly be saddled with the blame for the end of a golden age. Because of this, they could be ordered by the gods themselves to destroy this terrible weapon they allowed to come into the world. Against the False Teacher The characters must find the Fang of the Devil Tigers and use it to slay an insane priest who, like Kamari, is protected by the gods. The priest, like many lost mystics, has misapprehended the words of his god and now walks the road of destruction, though he is a servant of the Preserver. Because the priest is not truly evil, the protection of the Preserver — given to the man when he was first granted the ability to use divine magic — remains in place. The Preserver has promised to never let harm fall upon the deranged priest, so it is up to the heroes to figure out a way around this obstacle. In this campaign, the heroes must unravel the lore of the Fang of the Devil Tigers and seek it out to stop the insane priest. The facts of the weapon’s origins should be obscured and slowly trickled into the ongoing story in little bits. Once the location and nature of the weapon are fully known to the PCs, they likely seek it out with total conviction. Raksasha and dark naga could be used as duplicitous NPCs who guide the heroes towards the dagger under false pretenses. One of the PCs, not knowing the weapon is a tool of horrible evil in and of itself, could become a horrible villain himself, forced to commit evil acts by the weapon’s malevolence.

Destroying the Fang of the Devil Tigers

Reasons for destroying the Fang of the Devil Tigers are many. Nonetheless, undoing such a great evil is no easy feat. Only one of the three methods below could possibly destroy such a weapon. • Trick Abhasana into swallowing the dagger. • Lay the dagger upon the altar of the Preserver in his heavenly realm. • Smash the dagger, during a lunar eclipse, with a mallet made from the feathers of a half-celestial roc. If the Fang is destroyed, Rava’s hold on the world is broken. This could mean any number of things. King Arju could come to his senses and renounce his evil and the Preserver could return to him his armies and peaceful kingdom. Rava himself could come before the PCs and curse them with some horrible burden or task. Abhasana, struck with excruciating pain as his tooth is destroyed, might send his minions to find the broken pieces for a terrible rite that will re-forge an even more terrifying weapon.

New Feats

Abhasana, the Lord of Dark Nagas, is considered one of the world’s most potent assassins. Rava, a dark god and lord among devils, is an entity of pure malice and hate. Both have orders devoted to serving them, some of whom have developed their own semi-mystical techniques.

Mark of Abhasana

You are a sworn assassin of the Dark Naga Lord Abhasana, and possess abilities that mark you as his hand. Prerequisites: Dex 15, sneak attack +1d6, evil alignment. Benefit: Any time you use poison to harm or slay someone else, the saving throw DC increases by 2. In addition, you receive a +2 to all Bluff checks.

Mark of Rava

You are a pledged minion of the Demon Lord Rava the Hateful, and have been initiated into the mysteries of his destructive cult. Prerequisites: Cha 15, ability cast detect thoughts as a spell or spell-like ability, lawful evil alignment. Benefit: Your enchantment spells gain a +2 to their DC when targeting creatures of good alignment. In addition, you receive a +2 to Disguise checks.



Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha By C. Robert Cargill

The Tale of the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha

Ages ago, an ancient red dragon known as Kruk’Tha, who had terrorized the lands for thousands of years, disappeared. While many assumed he had either been slain or fallen to the ravages of time, Kruk’Tha had simply gone into seclusion. With centuries of wealth spilled out on his floor and the bodies of a hundred adventurers mummified on his walls as trophies, Kruk’Tha’s thoughts turned to his rapidly approaching death. While Kruk’Tha didn’t specifically have anything keeping him from passing on, he wasn’t yet ready to go. He surmised that the greatest accomplishment left to him would be conquering death itself. Kruk’tha spent years poring over ancient texts, searching for magical means of at the very least prolonging his life, and for decades the answer eluded him. It wasn’t until he discovered a text detailing the history of a long dead tribe of savages known as the Skin Dancers that he believed he’d found his answer. From that point on, Kruk’Tha spent his wealth and time researching what little could be found about their habits, rituals and rites. The Skin Dancers were known in their time to flay the skin from their enemies after a battle and sew it to themselves to absorb their strength. It was said that the memories and abilities of someone flayed in this manner would live on for as long as the person wearing it lived. Kruk’Tha, after having worked out the Skin Dancer rites, added another element to the ritual. This would not only enable the flayed skin to live on beyond the death of the host wearing it, but would allow the skin to retain some sentience, and eventually take control of the host altogether. Kruk’Tha quickly set about preparing the rituals and enslaving the priests needed to perform them. When all was ready, Kruk’Tha lay down to die and the priests, using specially prepared blades, carved the skin and scales from his body. Laying in a pool of his own blood, Kruk’tha died and his spirit passed on into his flayed skin. The priests then sewed the skin and scales into a medium-sized outfit that covered almost every inch of a humanoid body. Of the priests, the most powerful had been selected by Kruk’Tha to bear his flesh. While it took two years for Kruk’Tha’s consciousness to overcome that of the priest’s, he had finally achieved his immortality.

But ultimately, the priest succumbed to old age, and upon his death Kruk’Tha’s skin simply fell off of his body. Throughout the years, the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha has passed through many hands and been sewn to many an evil cultist or power-hungry adventurer. Sometimes Kruk’Tha has managed to wrest away control of their minds, and sometimes he has not. His spirit persists, however, awaiting the chance to possess a truly worthy host, and to show the world that nothing can keep him down forever.

Studying the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha

The Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha is a complete set of skin, crafted for a Medium humanoid from the flesh of a red dragon. It is comprised of over a dozen pieces, each with many holes along the edge to be threaded onto the various corresponding body parts. Once all of the pieces are sewn on, the pieces merge with the wearer and become seamless dragonskin, and the wearer takes on the appearance of a red half-dragon mingled with the wearer’s original race.

Powers of the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha

The Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha transforms the wearer into a half-dragon and affords him the ability to change into a dragon once a month.

Using the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha

Activating the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha is an arduous, dangerous process that is best accomplished with the aid of one or more healers. To become one with the skin, one must literally sew the Flayed Skin to his own flesh with a needle and coarse thread. The entire process takes 20+1d20 minutes and must be uninterrupted, or else the pieces must be removed and the entire process started over. Each minute of sewing does 1d6 points of piercing damage to the wearer. This damage may be healed by another, such as an attending healer, but not by the wearer himself, as any attempt at spellcasting or skill use interrupts the process. Anything that prevents this damage (like DR) or a natural armor bonus greater than +3 prevents the needle from breaking the skin and makes this process impossible. Once the sewing is complete, the Skin merges seamlessly


F L AY E D S K I N O F K R U K ’ T H A spells. This transformation requires a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Researching the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha

While much can be found on the history and terror that is Kruk’Tha himself, very little has been written about his Flayed Skin. Most that can be cobbled together comes from oral stories passed down from generation to generation about that dragon who may live forever. Bardic Knowledge is the best means of learning this information. A Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (history) check may be substituted, but with +5 to the DC. DC 10


25 30+


Knowledge Available Kruk’Tha was an evil tyrant, even by red dragon standards, and was feared far and wide until he disappeared. Stories have it that he lives, even today, many centuries after his rumored death. It is said that Kruk’Tha carved the skin right off of his own body and that it may be worn by others to gain the power and appearance of Kruk’Tha. Sewing the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha onto oneself transforms the wearer into a being half human, half dragon. The wearer of the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha can, once per moon, transform himself into a young form of Kruk’Tha himself, but the weak of mind can fall prey to Kruk’Tha’s awesome will and allow the long dead beast to gain control of them indefinitely.

Some stories maintain that Kruk’Tha did not part with his skin willingly, but instead had it taken from him by a bold adventurer who, adding insult to injury, had the hide made into a powerful weapon against evil. Others maintain that the skin causes dragons to revere the wearer — a misconception that can be fatal to disprove. to the wearer and instantly heals any damage the wearer has taken that has not already been healed.

Constant Powers

The wearer of the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha gains the half-dragon template as if born of a red dragon parent and may opt to take levels of any half-dragon character or prestige class, if those optional rules are being used.

Activated Powers

Once per month, the wearer of the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha may transform into an adult red dragon for up to one hour, gaining all its special abilities, attacks and

Dragons of every alignment and kind find the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha strongly distasteful and consider the wearer to be an abomination. While anyone else sees the wearer as a half-dragon, dragons themselves see right through the Skin and see the seams where it was sewn on. There is no magical means to disguise this. The wearer suffers a –10 penalty to all Charisma-based skill checks involving anything with the dragon subtype. Any time the wearer activates the ability to transform into a red dragon, there is a 1% cumulative chance that Kruk’Tha himself awakens inside the skin. This roll is made any time the transformation takes place and occurs before the transformation is complete. When Kruk’Tha awakens, the wearer must immediately make a DC 30 Will save. Failure results in the complete obliteration of the character’s mind; he is effectively dead, and Kruk’Tha is now in control of the character. Once in control, Kruk’Tha resumes his original form — that of a great wyrm red dragon, not the mere adult whose form the skin normally provides. Additionally, Kruk’Tha can transform himself into a humanoid creature — specifically, he assumes the physical form of the individual who died wearing the skin. Kruk’Tha has access to all the deceased character’s racial and class abilities during this time, though he loses his own for the duration. The wearer may not be resurrected in any way until Kruk’Tha is killed, and even then only by a wish, limited wish or miracle spell. If the wearer succeeds on his save to resist losing his body to the dragon, Kruk’Tha may speak to him any time he chooses, but may only make another attempt at control if and when the wearer chooses to activate the transformation special ability again. After the first attempt at control, the wearer becomes fully aware of the dangers of transformation. The Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha may only be removed from a living wearer by the use of a wish, limited wish or miracle spell. The moment someone wearing the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha (or Kruk’Tha himself) is killed, the wearer’s corpse turns back into his original form and the skin falls harmlessly to the ground, ready to be sewn onto someone else.

Reactive Traits

The Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha is immune to damage from any spell, and once sewn on is considered a permanent part of the wearer. Thus it can no longer be specifically targeted by any spells or effects, though the wearer can still be targeted as usual.



Using the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha in a Campaign

The Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha is best used in mid- to high level campaigns — anywhere an adult red dragon opponent or character wouldn’t be particularly unbalancing. However, low-level characters could encounter an NPC or opponent who has already used his ability to transform for the month, and is therefore essentially a normal half-dragon foe. Wearers of the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha make for interesting opponents that can keep the party unsure of what to expect. The transformation of an ally, party member or powerful NPC into Kruk’Tha himself can be a campaign-changing ordeal.

Adventure Seeds

Where Be Dragons? A town or city (perhaps the PCs’ hometown) is being ravaged by a large red dragon once per month on the night of the new moon. A local ranger managed to track the dragon to his lair, but was unwilling to follow it any further. The PCs have been asked to help find and kill the dragon. Once they’ve geared up to take down the dragon, they make their way to the dragon’s lair, only to find that the beast isn’t there. In its place is a half-dragon unhappy with the intrusion. While prepared to fight a dragon, the PCs may be unprepared for a powerful sorcerer or agile half-dragon rogue making use of his carefully prepared lair. And if the PC’s decide to assault on the night of the new moon, they may be in for the fight they were prepared for to begin with. In either case, once the enemy falls, the PCs are left with the strange Skin, and little notion of what to do with it. The Enemy Within Having discovered the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha, and possibly receiving less than accurate information about it, an ambitious PC might choose to use it to his own ends. This could be very beneficial at the onset, and seem like a player’s dream come true. But when the player is confronted with possession by Kruk’Tha himself, failing the roll could change the lives of the party forever. Will Kruk’Tha reveal himself, kill the PCs and leave for his new life? Or will he instead stay quiet, impersonating the PC for some time and using the

party to accomplish his own schemes and ends. The party must try to discover just what’s happened to their friend as he begins to act more and more bizarre. The Schemes of Kruk’Tha One of the region’s great heroes, a powerful half-dragon who is said to have once been human but found himself transformed by powerful magics, has somehow gone insane. Over time he began to act self-absorbed, and rumor has it he sleeps on a horde of amassed wealth. Stories and gossip of this madness have circulated for years. Recently however, his madness has become undeniable as he has begun to turn on previous allies. Those who managed to flee his wrath have spoken of a great wyrm that walks the halls where the hero dwells, a beast that might be his ally, or might in fact be the hero turned villain himself. What’s happening and how can he be stopped? Can his soul be saved or is the hero that was gone for good? The PCs may be his, and the region’s, only hope.


F L AY E D S K I N O F K R U K ’ T H A

Destroying the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha

The reasons for destroying the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha should be readily apparent. The Skin’s existence means a dangerous, evil force in the world is effectively immortal. Kruk’Tha must be stopped. • The only known way to destroy the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha is for a wyrm or great wyrm dragon, of any type other than red, to sew the Skin to itself while in humanoid form. Doing so permanently changes the dragon’s type to red, and the dragon must attempt a DC 30 Will save to avoid a permanent alignment shift to chaotic evil. Once the process is complete, Kuk’Tha’s soul is destroyed and the skin becomes a permanent part of the dragon’s flesh. The artifact is then considered destroyed. Convincing a dragon to even so much as touch the Flayed Skin of Kruk’Tha is a herculean task in and of itself. The DM must decide if the dragon is even remotely willing; some possible motivations might include gaining the power of a red dragon if the dragon is of a weaker type, or ridding the world of evil if the dragon is good-aligned. Even if the dragon is potentially amenable, convincing it to attempt the ritual requires the dragon be shifted to a helpful attitude via Diplomacy. Once convinced, the dragon must make a DC 25 Will save every minute of the process, as Kuk’tha’s spirit struggles and writhes against the potential destruction. Failing this Will save means the dragon may not attempt the process again for 24 hours.

New Magic Item

Warriors may have their dragonhide armor, but so too have spellcasters discovered how best to use the left over remnants of dragon flesh to their own advantage. This process was first discovered by a mage studying the legends of Kruk’Tha’s Skin.

Dragon Robes

Dragon robes are sewn together from the tendons of slain dragons, affording you the ability to cast certain spells more powerfully. Description: Dragon robes have a fleshy, almost leathery look to them, but flow and have the feel of the finest silk.

The color depends upon the type of dragon the robe is made from, which is apparent and readily identifiable to anyone looking at them. Activation: You need not take any sort of action to activate the robes. Simply wearing them, and casting the appropriate spell, bestows their benefits. Effect: The robe adds +1 to the caster level of spells with certain energy descriptors, as determined by the type of dragon from which the robe was made. Dragon Type Black Blue Green Red White Brass Bronze Copper Gold Silver

Energy Acid Electricity Acid Fire Cold Fire Lightning Acid Fire Cold

Additionally, any time you cast a spell that specifically targets dragons — that is, one that mentions dragons in the target line of the spell, or discusses them as potential targets in the spell text — also function at +1 caster level. Finally, the robe offers you a +2 resistance bonus on any saving throw made against the same type of energy the robe enhances. Aura/Caster Level: Moderate transformation. CL 9th. Construction: Requires Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, creator must have the skin of a dragon of the desired type, 5,000gp, 400 XP, 5 days. Weight: 1 lb. Price: 10,000 gp.


Forge of Medzigar Salight TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S

Forge of Madness, Fires of Temptation, The Runed Forge By Patrick Lawinger

The Tale of the Forge of Medzigar Salight “Know then that I am merciful and kind, the name Medzigar Salight is lost to us and never to be spoken again. Your deeds are forgotten, stricken from the history of this great city and my beneficent rule shall not know you again. Forever from this home you are banned, may you roam the planes in misery, for I decree that your life shall be long. Your sins are not forgiven, only banished from memory along with your noble house, your wealth, your harem, and your children.” —The Sultan of the City of Brass at the banishment of Medzigar Salight Forgotten now but for this mention in the tomes of the great library in the City of Brass, and the runic emblems over the forge he created, one can only hypothesize on the crimes of Medzigar Salight. Whatever evils were so profound that they resulted in banishment from a city thriving on evil and deceit, Medzigar was indeed thrown out penniless and bereft of much of his magical might to roam the planes. Whatever great evils he wrought, stripped of his nobility and much of his magic Medzigar could accomplish little on his own. His sinister mind turned toward a more subtle evil: Using the little magic he could still command he formed a forge with which to create magic arms and armor of all types. Trapping fire elementals and the essences of other creatures within the forge, he created a tainting fire that subtly altered anything heated in it. Weapons and armor created with metals passed through this forge would slowly develop a curse that would afflict the user long after they had already begun to depend on the armor or weapon they purchased. Cloaking his appearance with illusions and disguises, he concealed his true identity and traveled the planes offering magic arms and armor at reduced prices to anyone interested. Slipping between worlds and guises, he sold items to order in various planes and dimensions, with none

to know the curses he was leaving behind until he had already moved on. Medzigar relished the pain and sorrow his tainted items caused, drawing strength from the knowledge that he could still tempt the weak-willed into their own destruction. Eventually dying in misery, self-pity, and rage, he left behind his forge, and added an enchantment that called others to put it to use. Discovered and re-discovered in various times and places, the evil of his forge remains, and grows, with every use. Greedy craftsmen with hearts as black as Medzigar’s have placed powerful, though tainted, weapons and armor into the hands of just and unjust alike. Used to equip armies in times of need, and simply to sell finer weapons in more peaceful moments, the forge has brought a vast number of subtly cursed weapons and armor into the world.


FORGE OF MEDZIGAR SALIGHT it its wide, bulbous base. The fires within require no fuel and burn constantly, releasing a blast of heat flowing away from the open maw of the Forge. The Forge itself is made of a dark tan ceramic decorated with a wide variety of glowing runes. Despite the heat blasting from the opening, the outside of the Forge, though warm, is safe to touch. Clearly of a magical nature, the ceramic is smooth, dry, and impossibly hard. Even a diamond cannot scratch its surface. Approximately five feet around at its base, the Forge has four handholds around its radius, allowing it to be moved by several strong creatures. Despite its size, and stout, squat appearance, the Forge itself is actually relatively light, weighing a mere 300 pounds. At a glance it is easy to see that the heat flowing from the open front of the Forge is a mere hint of the inferno flickering eagerly within. Despite the opening, something about the forge helps keep the enthusiastic flames at bay. Though the heat might be quenched, the sibilant roar of the fire vibrates through the sides of the forge to tremble the very air around it with rage. The magical nature of the forge is evident in its construction, roaring flames, and the glowing runes along its surface. A detect magic confirms an almost overwhelming magical nature, shifting through every type of magic imaginable. Analyze dweomer reveals the forge has an evil intent as well as the fact the fires within it are fueled by the trapped essences of several fire elementals and the souls of other creatures. If read with the aid of a comprehend languages spell or a successful DC 25 Decipher Script skill check, the runic writing reads, “Though I grant no wishes, and give no gifts, I am generous with my powers. Use the magic here to your delight. –Medzigar Salight”

Researching the Forge of Medzigar Salight

Medzigar is only briefly mentioned in any recorded histories accessible. The Forge however, is a different story. It is mentioned in several places with detailed descriptions of the special runic symbols decorating its strange clay and metal form. It is known by different names, but writings all describe the ability to create magic weapons and armor with lower than normal costs, while only a select few mention the curses that fall upon those items. Detailed research reveals the fact that several symbols on the forge itself represent Medzigar’s name. Research and investigation into the Forge should take approximately one week before being presented as the result of a Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history) or Bardic Knowledge skill check. The Bardic Knowledge check represents searching through old written tales and songs containing hints of the Forge’s powers. DC 10 20 25


Knowledge Available A magical forge capable of making the process of creating magic arms and armor faster and less expensive. Some of the weapons and armor created using the Forge show flaws after lengthy use. A year and a day after one begins to use a weapon created on the Forge a powerful curse develops, usually leading to the death or downfall of the user. Medzigar Salight, an evil efreeti banished from the City of Brass, created the Forge to help destroy mortals through subtle temptation.

Powers of the Forge of Medzigar Salight

Any check below DC 24 indicates the PCs do not have any knowledge of the full extent of the curses and darkness that surround items created with the Forge. The curses vary, but they make no discrimination between good and evil, bringing pain and misery to all they touch. Temptation has brought down both the great and small as adventurers, heroes, and villains have all sought inexpensive magic weapons throughout the centuries. Many discovered that they got what they paid for.

Studying the Forge of Medzigar Salight

This pear-shaped oven lets steam and smoke exit through a narrow smoke stack while possessing a concentrated flame

The great power of the Forge lies in its ability to imbue arms and armor with magical abilities for a much lower price than normal — at least initially. This price is paid much later by anyone using armor or weapons created with the Forge as they slowly develop a potent curse. Each curse is randomly determined, making it difficult to track down the source of the curse at first. Weapons and armor created with the Forge only identify as the items they were intended to be; the curses can only be revealed by much more powerful magic.

Using the Forge of Medzigar Salight

Any skilled craftsman or blacksmith can use the Forge in the same way they would use a normal forge. The Forge itself adds a taint to every piece of metal that is passed


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S through it. Anyone working with the forge is permitted a DC 15 Wisdom check to notice the building taint and the probability that there will be something quite wrong with the final product. Some noticing the taint are certain to ignore it and continue their work, focused only on selling the final product and unconcerned about what the taint might finally accomplish. Others might simply choose to continue knowing that it is one of the few forges capable of enabling one to work with rare metals and alloys due to its great, focused heat. Unlike most artifacts, several craftsmen can use the Forge of Medzigar Salight at the same time. It was, in fact, designed this way so that the maximum number of cursed items could be created.

Constant Powers

The great heat of the Forge allows one to easily focus their energies and create a final product in a much shorter period of time. Magic weapons and armor created using the Forge take half as long to create and require half the normal material costs and experience point expense. At the same time, each item created using the Forge, including masterwork items, is tainted with a curse building in power over a year and a day’s worth of possession. One year and one day after an owner takes possession of a piece of armor or a weapon, a random curse finally takes hold. During this period of time, the owner has no desire to sell or donate the item to another person, and goes out of his way to seek it out if it becomes lost. Some have even been known to simply store a suit of armor while its curse began to build, only to put it on for an unknown reason after the curse begins. If an owner dies, the item returns to its earlier state awaiting a new “owner” to take possession of it and benefit from its special taint. The only way, other than death, to rid oneself of an item with such a powerful curse is through the means of a wish or miracle. Only items predominantly made of forged metal attain enough taint to be cursed. Weapons or armor made predominantly of other materials, such as wood or leather, are not cursed in this manner. Weapons with forged metal heads such as spears, halberds, and other pole arms can be cursed. Extremely small items such as buckles or arrowheads are not large enough to acquire a curse. Curses and their effects are described below.


Curses activate after one year and one day of ownership, and vary in their strength and design. Cursed items can be a bane to many PCs and players and cursed items should be

used carefully in any campaign. At the same time, curses can be used to drive a campaign in a variety of interesting directions. Ownership for the purposes of a cursed item is defined as “unchallenged possession.” There can be no more than one user at a time; the first person to claim a cursed item challenges anyone else for the right to keep it. Cursed armor compels its owner to wear it in the event of a coming battle, or any need for armor. Any owner normally using different armor is allowed a DC 20 Wisdom check to notice something is wrong followed by a DC 28 Will save to resist putting the armor on. The Will save must be attempted each and every time the owner chooses armor for combat. Cursed weapons simply find their way into their owner’s hand when combat begins. A cursed weapon’s owner automatically draws it and uses it even if they meant to draw a different weapon. The first time this occurs the owner receives a DC 20 Wisdom check to realize they mysteriously drew the wrong weapon and that magic might be involved. This can be modified by the DM based upon the curse on the weapon and exactly what happens during combat. Others watching the owner of a cursed item are certain to notice problems, but it is almost impossible to convince the owner there is a problem. Curses are randomly assigned to an item upon creation (consult the table below). Curses are described more fully below. The DM should feel free to modify or add to the list of curses. d100 01–10 11–20 21–30 31–40 41–50 51–60 61–70 71–75 76–80 81–85 86–90 91–95 96–99 100

Magic Armor Rage Berserking Clumsiness Arrow Attraction Vulnerability to Fire Vulnerability to Cold Vulnerability to Acid Vulnerability to Electric Vulnerability to Sonic Friendship Lost Paths Gaps Fusing Quick Death

Magic Weapon Greater Curse Berserking Fumbling Backbiting Retribution Draining Fatigue Wasting Flowers Flaming Wrath Wraiths Demonic Fame Scarring Quick Death

Curses on Armor Rage: Armor of rage incites unfriendly creatures to hostility, granting their attacks against the wearer greater strength and power. Attackers gain a +2 bonus to all attack and damage rolls.


FORGE OF MEDZIGAR SALIGHT Berserking: Armor of berserking drives its wearer into a profound rage granting a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution and a –2 penalty to AC. Unfortunately, the character wearing it is driven to attack the nearest creature, whether friend or foe. The effect does not fade until every creature within a 30-foot radius has been slain. Clumsiness: Armor of clumsiness causes the wearer to stumble and walk oddly while inflicting a –6 penalty to their Dexterity score. Strangely, the wearer never notices their ineptness, often actually believing they are moving smoothly. Arrow Attraction: Armor of arrow attraction draws thrown or launched projectiles toward specific gaps and chinks in the armor. The wearer gains a –15 circumstance penalty to their AC against all ranged attacks. Vulnerability: Armor of vulnerability makes the wearer particularly subject to damage from the type listed. The wearer takes double damage from all attacks of the energy type listed. If a character would normally take half damage on a saving throw, they take full damage; if they fail, they suffer double the normal damage. Friendship: Armor of friendship makes the wearer view all creatures as friendly. They hesitate when entering combat, suffering a –2 penalty to Initiative and all attack rolls. They also have a –10 circumstance penalty on all saving throws against mind-affecting spells. Lost Paths: Armor of lost paths leaves the wearer unable to make decisions, or even to stay on a single task. They simply can’t seem to focus on a task, or continue in a certain direction before being distracted. Gaps: Armor of gaps is similar to armor of arrow attraction only it works during melee attacks. Melee attacks are drawn to gaps and chinks in the armor to cause maximum damage to the wearer. Armor of gaps inflicts a –10 circumstance penalty to AC against all melee attacks. Fusing: Armor of fusing binds directly the wearer’s skin, inflicting a great deal of pain and changing the wearer’s appearance forever. As the armor painfully fuses with its owner it drains 6 points of Charisma and 6 points of Dexterity as it leaves them disfigured and unable to move properly. Quick Death: Armor of quick death does just that: every time its owner puts it on they must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or die instantly as if slain by a death attack (consult the Death Attacks entry in the glossary of the DMG). A successful save goes unnoticed as the owner simply goes about his business. Curses on Weapons Greater Curse: A greater cursed weapon turns in the wielder’s hand, preventing them from striking true. The weapon suffers a –4 penalty to all attack and damage rolls (minimum of 1 point of damage) and always fails to confirm a critical hit.

Berserking: A weapon of berzerking is similar to armor of the same name. As soon as the wielder enters combat they fly into a wild rage gaining a +4 bonus to their Strength and Constitution as well as a –2 penalty to their AC while they attack everything in sight. The rage effect does not end until there are no living creatures within a 30-foot radius. Fumbling: A weapon of fumbling never confirms a critical hit and on a natural roll of 1, 2, or 3 it flies from the wielder’s hand. Backbiting: A weapon of backbiting turns against its attacker when a natural 1 is rolled as an attack roll. The weapon bounces off the armor of their foe or some other nearby object to fly back into its wielder dealing double the normal damage. Retribution: A weapon of retribution inflicts a negative level on its wielder every time they confirm a critical hit on an opponent. The saving throw to remove the negative level is DC 20. Draining: A weapon of draining drains 1 point of Strength every day the wielder touches it after the first day the curse begins. If the wielder’s Strength score is drained to 0, they are helpless and cannot move or function. Fatigue: A weapon of fatigue tires its wielder so quickly that after 2 rounds of combat they become fatigued for the rest of the battle. Wasting: A weapon of wasting drains 1 point of Constitution every day the wielder touches it after the first day the curse begins. If Constitution reaches 0 the wielder dies. Flaming Wrath: A weapon of flaming wrath summons a greater fire elemental when its wielder enters combat. The elemental attacks the wielder, attempting to kill him and disappearing only when destroyed. A DC 10 Wisdom check after this happens 1d3+2 times makes the wielder aware of the connection between the weapon and the summoned elemental. Wraiths: A weapon of wraiths turns everyone it slays into wraiths. While this might not sound like a curse at first, the wraiths formed rise instantly to attack the wielder. In addition, undead of all types are drawn to the wielder and attack them first above all others. Demonic Fame: A weapon of demonic fame draws demons and other evil outsiders to it. Demons within 30 feet of the weapon turn immediately to attack the wielder. Once each day there is a 1% chance (non-cumulative) that the weapon summons a marilith to attack the wielder. Scarring: A weapon of scarring leaves a permanent scar on its wielder every time it confirms a critical hit. Each scar is not only horrifying to look at, but it also includes deep scarring damage to the muscles and bone beneath the skin. Formation of each scar drains 1 point of Charisma and 1 point of Dexterity. Quick Death: A weapon of quick death is similar to armor of the same name. Each time they wield it, the owner must


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or die instantly as if slain by a death attack (consult the Death Attacks entry in the glossary of the DMG). A successful save goes unnoticed as the owner simply goes about his business.

Removing Cursed Items

The tainted curses are designed to slowly match the owner binding the cursed item to the owner with great power. Powerful magic is needed to remove a cursed item including spells such as wish, miracle, or another spell considered suitable by the DM. Ability drain or other damage must be repaired after separating the cursed item from its owner.

Removing a Curse

A curse can only be removed from an item through a wish demanded from a captured efreeti noble (18 HD or more) or a miracle granted by a willing god. Any god granting such a miracle is certain to require a difficult task from the one requesting it.

Identifying Cursed Items Created With the Forge

Normal identify spells and lesser divination magic do not reveal the deep taint of a cursed weapon or set of armor and only reveal the item as it was originally designed or requested. Analyze dweomer is powerful enough to reveal the tainted, cursed nature of an item. Not only does it reveal the nature of the curse, analyze dweomer also helps one determine how to remove an item’s curse and provides information about how many days an owner has left before the curse activates (if it hasn’t already).


Maliciously designed to bring ruin to everyone touched by it, and the products made with it, the taint of the Forge slowly extends to anyone using it. After working with the Forge for a year the user begins to turn toward evil and chaos, if they are not chaotic evil already. The Forge then slowly drains away the soul of such a user to help fuel its magical flames. This drain goes unnoticed as the craftsman becomes more and more dedicated to his work, spending almost all his time near the forge. At five years of use, and for each year thereafter, the craftsman must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save to avoid having his soul drawn completely into the Forge to fuel its raging flames.

Reactive Traits

While the Forge is immune to most forms of magic, cold-based spells quench its flames slightly, causing it to emit a strange screaming sound causing 5d6 points

of sonic damage to anyone within a 30-foot radius. The flames return to their full strength within one round. All other forms of magic cause the ceramic casing of the forge to glow a faint yellow as the magic is absorbed into the Forge itself.

Using the Forge of Medzigar Salight in a Campaign

A campaign can handle the inclusion of the Forge at virtually any character level. PCs wanting to create items themselves using the Forge are still limited by their own character level, skill level, and wealth. Campaigns aimed at the destruction of the Forge require high-level PCs due to the magic necessary to end its foul taint. Weapons and items created by the forge can also be used as treasures or gifts to unknowing PCs. The delayed timing of the curse on such items can present a problem if the DM allows a particularly high-powered item into their campaign. A great war could force the PCs to either destroy the Forge to prevent an evil army from equipping itself with it or seek out the Forge to help equip an army against overwhelming odds. Other campaigns can be based around the presence of cursed weapons or armor and seeking out their source to put an end to their evil.

Adventure Seeds

To Save an Army Facing overwhelming odds in terms of men and armaments, the generals and sages of the forces of good summon the PCs to help acquire a magical forge reported to be lost in an ancient dwarven fortress. Nobody knows exactly what happened to the dwarves living there. In truth, elite warriors armed with weapons created with the forge went mad, killing or driving off all of the citizens. Undead spirits and wraiths of the slain dwarves now haunt the city, driving off all who might seek to use the forge again. After the PCs finally acquire the Forge and the elite soldiers are equipped with weapons from the Forge, the taint comes to light, forcing the PCs to cross the planes seeking a way to end the curse before time runs out for the faithful soldiers holding the dark armies at bay. The Inheritance Kings come and go, but in the Kingdom of Greenrock they “go” more often than anywhere else. The Sword of Greenrock, the magic blade used as a symbol of rulership, is one of the tainted weapons created with the forge. Each new king, whether a son, nephew, brother, or cousin of the previous ruler, is able to rule for a short period of time before a demon appears to slay the king causing the sword to be passed on again. The shortest rule was a few days more than a year, the longest almost 20 years.


FORGE OF MEDZIGAR SALIGHT The court wizard suspected something was wrong in the castle and began to analyze everything he could find. Allowed to study the sword by the recently crowned king, he has learned of the foul curse. He seeks the PCs’ assistance in finding powerful enough magic to remove the curse while still keeping the sword whole. He believes a wish cast directly by a trapped efreeti noble should do the trick. Meanwhile, the king, learning of his fate and discovering how the weapon was made, asks the PCs to seek out the Forge and destroy it. The Forge is presently located in a duergar enclave in caverns deep beneath the surface. Seeking Ruin Deep behind the lines of the enemy army is a magic forge used to supply its elite troops with magic weapons and armor. Sages know these weapons are certain to doom their owners, but not until the army washes over everything standing against them. The PCs are asked to go behind enemy lines and steal the Forge. Wizards hope that once they possess it they can discover a way to activate the curses early, throwing the enemy army into ruin. Alas, the Forge is well guarded and presents its own form of temptation to those trying to study it. Once acquired it is soon stolen again, this time by demonic forces. The PCs must then decide if the Forge, and the power it presents, is worth risking a trip to the Abyss.

Destroying the Forge of Medzigar Salight

Constructed specifically to resist magical damage, and even to use spells cast against it to drive its own roaring flames, the Forge of Medzigar Salight is almost impossible to destroy. The powerful enchantments surrounding the Forge must first be disabled, and then the Forge must be broken apart with magic adamantine weapons. Breaking the Forge releases the fire elementals and other souls trapped within it. • The protective enchantments can be suppressed for one day with the use of a miracle. Due to its power, the god granting the miracle requests a particular service from the cleric making the request. If the cleric agrees, they are subject to a geas to complete the request while the miracle takes place. If the cleric does not agree, the spell fails. Once the magic is suppressed the powerful ceramic of the Forge can be destroyed using +2 or better adamantine weapons. This destruction releases the elementals trapped inside as described below. • Another way to suppress the enchantments is through a wish spell demanded from a captured efreeti noble (18 HD or more). Afterward the ceramic can be destroyed using +2 or better adamantine weapons as described above.

• The final way to suppress the protective enchantments is through the willing sacrifice of a planetar. If a planetar deliberately hurls herself into the Forge, all of its magic is temporarily suppressed and it can be destroyed with +2 or better adamantine weapons. Any method used to destroy the Forge results in a deafening roar (all creatures within 100 feet must make a DC 20 Will save or be dazed for 2 rounds) as five elder fire elementals are released from their ceramic prison. Fed on tormented souls for hundreds of years, these powerful elementals (maximum hit points) are completely insane and turn to attack all creatures in the area.

New Minor Artifact

This potent sword is a symbol of rulership in the Kingdom of Greenrock. No king can ascend the throne without it in his hands. It provides one example of a way that weapons created on the Forge of Medzigar Salight can be used in a campaign.

Sword of Greenrock

Engravings of holy symbols wind across the broad blade of this +2 holy greatsword (of demonic fame), and strange symbols adorn its green stone hilt. A beautiful emerald is embedded in the pommel, surrounded by a thin crown of gold. King Scearin the First brought this sword to Greenrock in his quest to chase out the orcs and hobgoblins that overran the hills and mountains. After several years of successful campaigns he carved a kingdom out of the hills. Supported by trade income, farming, and mining of gems from the hills, Greenrock began to prosper. Alas, he fell to a mysterious demon while surveying his kingdom. His sword was passed to his son, as it was a symbol for the peace and prosperity of Greenrock. Kings of Greenrock appear doomed to die shortly into their regency, some only lasting a little over a year, while others have lasted as long as 20 years. A few were slain on adventures or traveling out in the world while others have simply been discovered in their quarters sliced to ribbons. Being in line for the throne of Greenrock usually means one is going to end up king, at least for a little while. Unknown to any, the Sword of Greenrock has a demonic fame curse that is activated one year and one day after a new king takes possession of the sword. This foul curse draws demons to attack the wielder if they see him and has a 1% chance per day (non-cumulative) of summoning a marilith to slay its owner (see the demonic fame entry above).



Fortune’s Breath Necklace of Kings, Gem of Princes By Patrick Lawinger

The Tale of Fortune’s Breath

Researching Fortune’s Breath

Love, they say, has the power to move mountains, conquer armies, or change the world. While this may or may not be true, love can indeed drive men to obsession and madness. Islegard Hisiark became an archmage and theurgist of great power before his heart was touched by love, though some would say he was simply struck with madness. His exploration of the outer planes and research into the elemental nature of the world provided him with a chance meeting with Earia Ji’ria, an air sprite known as a princess in her own domain. Clearly smitten, he spent as much time as possible with her, much to the dismay of her family and the sprites and elementals in her domain. As Islegard fell in love and sought ways to spend time with Earia, he found his own nature, and the nature of the Elemental Plane of Air, made this exceedingly difficult. Ignoring the question of whether or not Earia returned his affection or was simply being polite to avoid the wrath of a powerful archmage, Islegard began the creation of an item that would allow him to remain in the Plane of Air for long periods of time and guarantee that Earia would soon love him as well. The proper ending to such a tale would have Islegard and Earia ruling her domain together, deeply in love to the end of their days. Alas, Earia was instead horrified by Islegard’s constant visits, his demonstrations of power meant to impress her, and the embarrassment and rumors surrounding these encounters. With the aid of her brothers and several air elementals, Earia secretly betrayed and murdered Islegard. Although she recognized the great power possessed by the necklace he had created, she could not bear to see it and had it hidden in secret vaults to keep it from falling into evil hands. Fortune’s Breath found its way back to the world several decades later, when one of her adventurous brothers took the potent necklace and left for other planes. Exactly what happened to her brother remains unknown, as he never returned and no sign of him has ever been seen since. Fortune’s Breath, however, has appeared several times throughout history, often adorning the necks of powerful, charismatic leaders or mighty wizards. Based on the actions of its bearers throughout the years, it is clear that Fortune’s Breath pays no heed to race, beliefs, or alignment. It has since come to be known by other

Islegard’s research produced some notes that were taken, copied, and distributed years ago. These notes include information about Fortune’s Breath and can be found in most large arcane libraries. Fortune’s Breath has been worn by numerous individuals of power throughout the ages and is known to both bards and historians. It is also known to those studying other planes, as Islegard’s notes and essays about the planes and the elemental nature of the world are still considered some of the most informative in any library. Knowledge of Fortune’s Breath can be acquired through successful Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (the planes), Knowledge (history), or Bardic Knowledge checks. If the PCs consult libraries or sages they should earn a circumstance bonus (from +1 to +4, based on the size and quality of the source) on these checks. DC 10 20 25 30+

Knowledge Available Fortune’s Breath is a valuable, priceless necklace worn by powerful, wealthy rulers. It isn’t just a valuable necklace, it helps a ruler maintain command over his followers. Fortune’s Breath was created to help a wizard seduce a princess on another plane. Fortune’s Breath grants the ability to cast spells and command elementals as well as protecting anyone wearing it.

Some stories of Fortune’s Breath attribute to it far greater powers than it really has. If the PCs are actively seeking the necklace the DM should add rumors of powers, limitations, or curses that the necklace does not really possess. names, such as the necklace of kings and gem of princes, hinting at the sorts of people that have worn the necklace throughout its history.


F O R T U N E ’ S B R E AT H

Studying Fortune’s Breath Although it appears perfectly smooth from a distance, the large, spherical blue gem is actually cut with many thousands of individual facets that gather and disperse light so that the gem appears to glow in the presence of any light. Close inspection reveals thin, translucent links — seeming to be little more than liquid air — running through the center of the gem, and forming a circle large enough to be placed around the neck of any Large or smaller creature. There is no hole through the gem, and no clearly entry point or attachment for the magical chain, but as one stares at the gem, it becomes clear that the chain somehow passes through the gem in one continuous circle. The smooth facets of the gem are a wonder to touch and feel, each tiny facet combining with those nearby to create a texture somehow both smooth and rough. The chain flowing through the gem feels like wet liquid, while leaving one’s hands still dry and comfortable. Perhaps it is these combined textures, or the paradox presented by them, that makes one want to continue holding it after picking it up. The gem twinkles with a promise of power and glory almost impossible to resist. Bearing a palpable magic aura even for those not attuned to the mystic arts, the magic of Fortune’s Breath is so great that trying to study it through the use of spells is potentially disastrous. Anyone looking at Fortune’s Breath with detect magic, arcane sight, or similar spells must attempt a DC 23 Will save. Those that succeed are paralyzed for 4 rounds while those that fail are struck unconscious for 1d4 days.

Powers of Fortune’s Breath

The deep magic within the flawless gem and the chain of liquid air that holds it bestows numerous powers upon its wearers. Along with conferring the ability to fly and levitate, the necklace grants its bearer good fortune and enhances their ability to lead. While wearing the necklace, its bearer can communicate with air elementals and other creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air, and even summon such creatures to assist them. Enchantment spells always fail against the wearer, but the wearer rapidly discovers that his own enchantment spells are more effective.

Using Fortune’s Breath Unlike many artifacts, Fortune’s Breath is indiscriminate with respect to alignment or desires. It instantly communicates its powers to the creature wearing it, but only as long as that creature has an unmodified Charisma bonus of +3 or higher. If a wearer wishes to use one of the necklace’s special activated powers or spells, he simply needs to will it to happen and Fortune’s Breath responds. Creatures with a lower Charisma score can still wear the

Necklace but are unable to use it to cast spells, or to access some of the Necklace’s special abilities. Any creature wearing the necklace benefits from the armor class bonus, Charisma bonus, and luck bonus. In theory, one could simply remove the Necklace and pass it to another wearer to share its potent magic. Alas, once someone has put the necklace on, they never want to remove it, nor will they allow someone else to remove it while they are still alive. Although the wearer never wants to remove it, Fortune’s Breath possesses such beneficial magic, one would be hard-pressed to call this an actual curse.

Constant Powers The elemental nature of the magic within Fortune’s Breath grants the wearer a +4 dodge bonus to AC as it helps him avoid danger of all types. It also provides a +6 Charisma bonus, and a +1 luck bonus to saving throws. The wearer automatically rerolls his first failed saving throw on any given day. The second result must be accepted, even if the result is lower than the first roll. Fortune’s Breath adds +1 to the saving throw DC of any enchantment spell the wearer casts, and the wearer is immune to charm or enchantment spells cast by others. While wearing the Necklace, an individual can communicate telepathically with any creature from the Elemental Plane of Air as long as that creature has an Intelligence score of 6 or more. This ability is limited to a range of 100 feet. All creatures of the Air subtype that would normally be hostile to the individual wearing the Necklace view him as “indifferent.” Fortune’s Breath also grants a +15 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with any creature from the Elemental Plane of Air. Anyone wearing the necklace also gains the use of the Leadership feat (as long as they have 6 HD or more). Any cohorts gained while wearing the necklace are lost if the necklace is removed. If the wearer already possesses the Leadership feat he gains a +2 bonus to their Leadership Score (see “Leadership” in Chapter Four of the DMG).

Activated Powers The greatest powers possessed by this beautiful necklace must be activated by the will of the wearer. These function as spell-like abilities, with a caster level of 20. At Will: comprehend languages, levitate (self only), fly (self only), tongues 5/day: charm monster (DC 22), deep slumber (DC 21), touch of idiocy (DC 20) 3/day: dominate person (DC 23), geas (DC 25), mass charm monster (DC 26), mass suggestion (DC 25), plane shift 1/day: contact other plane (10 questions), dominate monster (DC 27), teleport (self only)


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S In addition to the powers listed above, once per week Fortune’s Breath enables its wearer to summon a greater air elemental with maximum hit points to serve him for a period of up to four hours. The elemental serves faithfully, defending the wearer of the necklace to the best of its abilities and fulfilling any orders they are given.

Consequences While sages often debate whether the Necklace causes its wearer to strive for greatness, or whether those that strive for greatness are drawn to the artifact, Fortune’s Breath does have “side effects.” Once it is put on the wearer can’t remove it, nor do they want to. They immediately attack anyone attempting to remove the Necklace from them, whether by magic or force. The necklace’s great powers and abilities cause few to see this as a problem. A successful remove curse spell allows the necklace to be physically removed, but it does not change the wearer’s perspective or their desire to keep the necklace on. Fortune’s Breath helps breed a sense of invulnerability and entitlement in its wearer, causing him to constantly seek more wealth and power as well as greater abilities and deeds. While some have turned this drive toward good, an equal number have used it to pursue more evil, self-centered goals. This drive does tend to force its wearers into greater, more important tasks, no matter what they might be, and its magical powers do help aid in completing them. Thus, it is relatively safe to say that Fortune’s Breath has a tendency to help make its wearers great. Such “greatness” comes with a price, as the wearer is certain to make many enemies on their way, and many others are certain to seek nothing more than Fortune’s Breath itself.

Using Fortune’s Breath in a Campaign

Fortune’s Breath is a powerful artifact enabling its wearer to cast and use a variety of potent magical spells capable of profoundly altering any campaign, whether it is based upon politics or combat. As such, only higher level PCs

(level 16 and up) should be allowed to possess the Necklace. If such PCs do obtain the Necklace, anyone wearing it should indeed be driven to pursue “greatness.” Fortune’s Breath is easily used to drive adventure. The PCs can be sent to search for the Necklace without knowing its true powers, or be convinced that it is a sign of royalty required for a good king to take the throne. Evil creatures or NPCs might grow in power due to the necklace’s potent magic, forcing the PCs to find a way around the Necklace’s abilities to defeat them.

Adventure Seeds The Lost Prince Maltico, a young prince quite distant from the throne in lineage, lived a life of adventure far from court life until he discovered a strange, powerful Necklace. He returned home wearing Fortune’s Breath and bearing a great fortune in magic items and gems. Although he tried to fit back into court life, his desire for adventure drove him off again and again, with each return to the small kingdom bringing more wealth. As his recklessness increased, so did his adventures. He left over a year ago, and there has been no sign of him, no letters describing his adventures have arrived, and clerics trying to divine his location have met with failure. His father has died and


F O R T U N E ’ S B R E AT H for his brother to take the throne the entire family must be present to confirm his right to rule. The PCs are asked to seek out Maltico and learn what has happened to him. Maltico began risking himself on various planes and demiplanes, seeking ever-greater adventure and wealth. In fact, during one of his adventures Maltico captured an efreeti noble and forced it to grant several wishes. One poorly worded wish left Maltico bereft of his memories. He now wanders the elemental planes, spending most of his time on the Elemental Plane of Air for reasons he does not understand. Finding him requires traveling to several different planes and speaking with a wide variety of creatures. Once located, the PCs must convince him they know who he is, and convince him to return home. The Call of Madness An elderly sage discovered Fortune’s Breath and began putting it to use by dominating and charming villagers and making them do strange things. His grip on reality was already weakened by his advancing age, and the Necklace has driven him to madness. Convinced that he is now a god, he wanders about using the powers of the necklace to “convert” people into worshipping him, fleeing with its plane shift ability if he needs to. The PCs are asked to put an end to the “blasphemy” as well as the many problems that he has created. Whatever method the PCs use to put an end to the problem, they have to contend with a madman in possession of the full powers of Fortune’s Breath. The King’s Quest A popular king, a good, holy and beneficent ruler, is the latest to have possessed Fortune’s Breath. Unwilling to simply pass the necklace on, he used the help of a variety of elementals to construct a fantastic dungeon on the Elemental Plane of Air to store both his body and the necklace when he died. Upon his death he was transported directly into the depths of the catacombs he designed. The dungeon was originally designed to force anyone seeking the Necklace to prove their worthiness through a series of tests that only a character with good intentions could pass. It has become something else, however, as elementals and creatures of the Plane of Air, afraid of the powers of the necklace, happily created a “final resting place” for Fortune’s Breath. They added a number of deadly traps and creatures that the king never requested in the hopes that nobody would ever be able to claim the Necklace again. Whether simply seeking treasure, or called to help find a new ruler for a good kingdom, the PCs must overcome the trials of the dungeon to obtain the final prize.

Destroying Fortune’s Breath All items of great power can be used for good or ill. Fortune’s Breath can be used by individuals of any alignment, and if it is used predominantly by evil rulers, the PCs can easily be convinced of the need to destroy it. Some might find its ability to force people to do things against their will an anathema and want to destroy it for that reason alone. Destroying anything possessing such great power can be extremely dangerous. The safest way to destroy Fortune’s Breath involves crushing it within an antimagic zone. If destroyed elsewhere it releases a wave of energy that erases the memories of everyone within 30-foot radius (DC 32 Will save or lose all memories and abilities). Restoring erased memories requires a wish, miracle, or greater magic. A Morden’s disjunction spell has the standard chance of destroying Fortune’s Breath (with the memory erasure described above); otherwise one of the following two methods must be used. • If Fortune’s Breath is brought into an antimagic zone and crushed with an adamantine hammer it loses all magical ability. • A limited wish, wish, or miracle can be used to suppress its magical protections. If these protections are suppressed the necklace can be crushed with an adamantine hammer or broken with another adamantine weapon. The first method leads to a rather anti-climactic collection of gem dust that can be used in the place of diamond dust (10,000 gp worth). Any other method results in an echoing scream and swirling wind that blasts outward from the crushed gem. Those within a 30-foot radius suffer the memory erasure described above.

New Monster

Native to the Elemental Plane of Air, these beautiful, fey-like creatures are more akin to elementals than the sprites for which they are named. Almost never seen outside their homes, air sprites are creatures of great beauty and intelligence that can live for thousands of years in cloud-like villages floating across the Elemental Plane of Air. Also termed “air nymphs” by some, both male and female air sprites possess great beauty and a stately presence. Their peaceful natures and astounding beauty garner them respect and admiration in their natural homes. Air sprites rule over small territories in the Elemental Plane of Air, at peace with all of the other natural creatures of the plane. Most elementals give them great respect and go out of their way to assist an air sprite when one is in need.



Air Sprite

Small Outsider (Air, Extraplanar)

worse. They have learned to use their beauty and presence to talk their way out of fights and convince others to leave them alone. Most air sprites live in communities of 100 to 200, dweeling in villages of cloud-like material that float through the Elemental Plane of Air. Air sprites are almost never seen in groups of less than five, though rare individuals are known to adventure to different planes. Air elementals and other creatures of the Elemental Plane of Air consider air sprites to be special creatures gifted by the gods and always step forward to help an air sprite in need. Air sprite communities possess ruling families that are held in high regard throughout their local area. Their organization is matriarchal, with the “crown” passed from queen to eldest daughter, making the princesses of the air sprites valued above all others. Air sprites advance by character level with sorcerer as their favored class.

Hit Dice:

6d8 (27 hp)




20 ft. (4 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect)

Armor Class:

20 (+1 size, +4 Dex, +5 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 16

Base Attack/Grapple:



Short sword +11 melee (1d4-1/19–20), or light crossbow +11 ranged (1d6/19–20)

Full Attack:

Short sword +11/+6 melee (1d4-1/19–20), or light crossbow +11 ranged (1d6/19–20)


5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks:

Stunning beauty, spell-like abilities, spells

Special Qualities:

Damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft., outsider traits, evasion, immune to summoning and mind control


Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +5


Str 8, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 20



Balance +13, Concentration +9, Diplomacy +16, Hide +17, Listen +11, Move Silently +13, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +10, Spot +11


Alertness, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse

Air sprites use their magic to avoid combat. If forced into melee they do their best to retreat quickly, to put their spells and special abilities to work. Air sprites are happy to retreat to their home and call air elementals and other creatures to their aid. Stunning Beauty (Su): An air sprite can highlight its natural beauty to create a powerful aura. Any humanoid within a 30-foot radius looking directly at the air sprite must attempt a DC 18 Will save or be stunned for 2d4 rounds. This ability can be suppressed or activated as a free action. Creatures who successfully save are immune to that air sprite’s stunning beauty for 24 hours. Spell-like Abilities: All spell-like abilities are used at caster level 8; 3/day — control winds, gaseous form, invisibility, obscuring mist; 1/day — plane shift, teleport (self only). Spells: An air sprite casts spells as a 6th–level sorcerer. Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/6/4, save DC 15 + spell level): 0 — daze, detect magic, mage hand, mending, message, read magic, touch of fatigue; 1st — charm person, mage armor, magic missile, shield; 2nd — alter self, glitterdust, 3rd — hold person. Immunities: Air sprites cannot be summoned into service through the use of magic spells of any type. They are also immune to all mind-affecting spells and abilities.


Elemental Plane of Air


Squad (2–4), Company (11–20 plus 2 3rd-level sergeants and a leader of 3rd–6th level) or clan (30–200 plus 20% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants and 3 7th-level captains)

Challenge Rating:





Usually neutral


By character class

Iridescent, powerful wings sprout from the back of this beautiful, elfin creature as it flies effortlessly through the air. The brightly colored wings and purple eyes highlight white cloud-like skin and give this creature a powerful presence. Secretive creatures living on the Elemental Plane of Air, air sprites are creatures of great, astounding beauty. Despite the respect in which most other creatures of air hold them, they have developed a great deal of caution due to years of defending themselves from other creatures who would capture them as prizes to put on display, or



Ghost Reaver By Patrick Lawinger

The Tale of Ghost Reaver

Great wars draw great powers of both light and darkness and the Battle at White Cliff was one of the greatest. It counted not only mighty individuals, but also objects of mythic power on both sides. The forces of light finally won out over the darkness, but at an appalling price. Among the fallen was Nargath Oraoul, a silver dragon of pure heart and great wisdom that fell before an evil lich. As he drew his final breath he asked the human warrior at his side to grant his dying wish, “Make from me,” he whispered, “a great weapon to combat evil.” Human and dwarven craftsmen fulfilled this wish in the creation of a shortspear from Nargath’s thighbone and one of his razor-sharp teeth. Appearing simple enough from a distance, the razor-thin blade and light bone shaft are distinctive by their coloration and almost ethereal appearance when examined closely. After the great task of creating the weapon, a wielder had to be found. A committee of those who fought in that great battle was assembled to choose Ghost Reaver’s first wielder, and they selected the great paladin Lady Skylight. Chosen for her honor, integrity, and deep hatred of the undead, Lady Skylight used Ghost Reaver in a wide variety of battles and quests against dark creatures. The great powers of the shortspear were no match for a dungeon cave-in, however, so Ghost Reaver was passed on to a new wielder. After a succession of wielders, Ghost Reaver found itself in the hands of Lord Oakwhite in the Battle of the Orb, where the undead hordes of the lich Ellir Jarvile stood in the daylight supported by the foul powers of the Orb of the Wight. Lord Oakwhite valiantly charged through the throngs of undead, driving their foulness from the world with the powers of the spear. Soon he reached the lich and attacked the Orb it held in its skeletal hands. As Ghost Reaver darted forward and touched the Orb of the Wight, a cataclysmic explosion destroyed Lord Oakwhite, the lich Jarvile, and much of the surrounding troops. No trace of either artifact was found amidst the remains, leading many to believe they were destroyed, or perhaps flung deep into the outer planes where creatures of good and evil still quest for them. Before his death the sage Miel, who witnessed

Researching Ghost Reaver

Ghost Reaver is a powerful, potent weapon used in many battles known to bards and historians alike. Temples of paladins and clerics devoted to fighting evil, particularly undead, are almost certain to possess some information about Ghost Reaver in their libraries. A Bardic Knowledge or Knowledge (history) check can provide the information described below. If the PCs decide to consult a historian, temple of paladins, or any type of bardic college, they should receive a +4 circumstance bonus to the skill check. DC 10 20 25 30+

Knowledge Available Ghost Reaver is a great weapon used to destroy evil creatures of all types. Ghost Reaver was formed from parts of a great silver dragon named Nargath Oraoul. Ghost Reaver exists partially in the Ethereal Plane and is particularly effective against undead. Ghost Reaver was lost on another plane, or possibly even destroyed in the Battle of the Orb. The weapon itself is an enemy of the Orb of the Wight.

Ghost Reaver can also be used as an ancient, almost forgotten weapon requiring more time and research to gather information. In such a case the DC for each piece of information increases by 10, with some facts only available upon the casting of divination spells. If Ghost Reaver becomes a part of your campaign, discovering its general location should require the use of a legend lore, vision, a similar spell, or a successful DC 40 Bardic Knowledge check. the battle, claimed that the artifacts themselves were now bound by their opposition, almost like magnets. Should one of the artifacts ever return to the Material Plane, the other must soon follow.



Studying Ghost Reaver The shimmering, almost translucent form of this beautiful spear makes it appear more ceremonial than functional. Iridescent runes cover the white bone shaft in a strange, spiral pattern ending at a thin, sharpened blade completely free of any runes or markings. The white blade is clearly formed from some sort of tooth, and the shaft is certainly bone. Staring at the spear is an exercise few like to continue, as it appears to shimmer in and out of the material plane, sometimes making the viewer question whether or not it is really there. When held, the spear is solid and clearly of this plane. The texture of the rune-carved bone shaft is particularly pleasing, with each carving only a small depression in the polished bone. Ghost Reaver is incredibly light due to the hollow bone shaft, but it is perfectly balanced as the razor-thin blade has almost no weight. Anyone holding it recognizes it is a fine weapon for short distance throwing, or even for melee combat. The potent magic of its creation is clear to any without the use of any spells. Anyone studying the fine form with the use of a detect magic, arcane sight, or similar spell is overwhelmed by the powerful conjuration magic used in its creation and must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or fall unconscious for 2d4 minutes. Ghost Reaver is also an item of great good; those viewing it with a detect good spell active can also be overwhelmed by its purity (DC 18 Will save or fall unconscious, as above).

Powers of Ghost Reaver

Existing in a strange border between the Ethereal and Material Planes, Ghost Reaver grants its wielder the ability to see invisible and ethereal creatures, as well as limited ability to cross into the Ethereal Plane. Powered by the life essence of an ancient silver dragon, Ghost Reaver also provides its wielder with limited magical powers and can be summoned to its bound wielder’s hand in an instant. In addition, the shortspear can destroy undead by severing their very connection to the Negative Energy Plane.

Using Ghost Reaver Although it doesn’t exhibit a particular intelligence or will of its own, Ghost Reaver becomes bound to only certain individuals and it can be bound to no more than one person at a time. There is no particular penalty or damage to any other creature holding it, but only a bound wielder can use its true powers. Used through the centuries by only a few bound wielders, it is said that each wielder somehow adds a portion of herself to the weapon. A character of good alignment agreeable to Ghost Reaver feels a questioning desire full of images of battle against evil creatures and undead. If it receives a positive response, the artifact then binds with that character by communicating its special abilities. Ghost Reaver becomes bound to only characters of good alignment, and historically has only bound with individuals actively working against evil creatures, particularly undead. A bound wielder can activate its magical abilities with a simple mental command, leaving them free to complete other actions.

Constant Powers In the hands of an ordinary individual, Ghost Reaver functions only as a +1 undead bane shortspear. In the hands of bound wielder it functions as a +2 undead bane ghost touch returning disrupting shortspear. (Ghost Reaver


G H O S T R E AV E R possesses the disrupting ability even though it is a bladed weapon.) Ghost Reaver ignores the damage reduction of any undead creature when used by any wielder. A bound wielder can see invisible and ethereal creatures, as per the see invisibility spell, as an extraordinary ability that cannot be dispelled with a dispel magic spell. Bound wielders also gain spell resistance equal to 7 plus their Hit Dice. Although it doesn’t need to be held, these abilities require the spear to be within 5 feet of the bound wielder to function.

Activated Powers Ghost Reaver’s bound wielder can call upon the spear to invoke a limited number of spell-like abilities, with a caster level of 12. Each of these can be invoked as a free action, but only may be invoked per round. At Will: detect evil 5/day: feather fall 3/day: dispel evil (DC 18), divine favor 1/day: cure critical wounds, ethereal jaunt, fog cloud, invisibility purge

Consequences While Ghost Reaver grants great powers to its bound wielder, becoming bound to Ghost Reaver does have consequences. First, the binding process draws some of the wielder’s life force, in the form of a one-time loss of 1,000 XP. Any attempt to wield a different melee weapon in any form of combat is quickly disrupted as Ghost Reaver simply leaps into its wielder’s hand, displacing whatever weapon they might have been holding. As the years progress, the bound wielder becomes more and more focused on destroying evil, particularly undead, often taking huge risks to battle powerful creatures. The concerns of others become petty as the wielder seeks more to destroy evil than to preserve good. For example, anyone bound to Ghost Reaver for at least a year is willing to abandon kidnapped prisoners or slaves to their fate simply to enter into a battle with an evil creature, particularly an outsider or undead. Undead draw Ghost Reaver’s greatest ire. Nobody bound to Ghost Reaver is ever willing to negotiate with undead of any type or alignment, no matter the consequences. While negotiations with other evil creatures for the greater good as possible, the person bound to Ghost Reaver suffers a –5 circumstance penalty to all Diplomacy and Bluff skill checks when negotiating with evil creatures.

Reactive Traits Ghost Reaver reacts poorly when attacked directly with magic spells. Aggressive spells, such as a Morden’s disjunction spell, cast directly against Ghost Reaver must defeat SR 35. Casters failing to overcome this resistance must

attempt a DC 25 Will save or suffer retributive damage equal to 2d8 points per spell level. This damage is not impeded by any form of damage reduction or energy resistance. This ability applies only to spells cast specifically on the artifact, and has no effect on area effect spells or spells cast against its wielder.

Using Ghost Reaver in a Campaign

Ghost Reaver is a potent weapon against undead in any campaign. If your campaign features undead as a major component, Ghost Reaver should only be allowed into the hands of higher level PCs (level 14+), or only for a limited time, perhaps allowing the PCs to defeat an enemy they otherwise could never hope to face. In campaigns featuring undead as minor combatants only, or focusing on other types of evil creatures, Ghost Reaver might be appropriate for PCs of levels 11 or 12. Ghost Reaver’s binding makes it very difficult to remove from a campaign once introduced. Ghost Reaver can also appear in a campaign where the PCs do not recognize its deeper powers, or one in which it does not bind with any of the PCs in a party. Ghost Reaver works best in a high level campaign against necromancers or undead where both its powers, and weaknesses, can be brought into play. A campaign including the Orb of the Wight can give Ghost Reaver special significance. Such a campaign can play the various powers and histories of these two artifacts against each other, and might even end with the mutual destruction of both artifacts. Each of the adventure seeds below presumes the spear is “lost.” The PCs must use powerful divination magic and careful research to track down the treasure vault, dungeon, or individual holding onto Ghost Reaver and find a way to acquire it. The spear could be in a forgotten dungeon, held by a powerful extra-planar ruler and displayed in their throne room, locked in a vault, or even hidden away by forces of evil and darkness.

Adventure Seeds Challenge the Orb The Orb of the Wight has been discovered and brought back to the world by an evil necromancer. The PCs must find Ghost Reaver to provide hope to the armies and countries arrayed against him. Discovery of the spear should provide hope and strength to the armies standing before the encroaching darkness. Free the Forgotten Souls During their quests and adventures the PCs come upon some appalling information. Souls of all of the living slain in the final explosion at the Battle of the


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S Orb are trapped. They are unable to move on to the next life, but neither have they taken the form of undead. The cataclysmic explosion of energy ending the battle tainted their spirits with negative energy that must be cleansed before they can pass freely into the next life. Research indicates one way to free these souls is to recover Ghost Reaver and present it again on the field of battle when the sun is at its zenith. Each spirit touching Ghost Reaver at that time is then cleansed and can pass to the next world. Destroy the Orb The Orb of the Wight has been rediscovered by a group of paladins and clerics that are, just barely, keeping its evil powers in check. They wish to destroy the Orb, but the only way to destroy it they have discovered requires using the spear whose location still remains unknown.

• If Ghost Reaver is soaked in the freshly drawn blood of an innocent young silver dragon it loses all of its magical and extraordinary abilities for a period of 2 hours. During that time any mundane means of shattering and dismantling the spear destroys it without a cataclysmic release of energy. The positive energy surrounding Ghost Reaver and the negative energy surrounding the Orb of the Wight are so potent that when the artifacts contact each other they create a massive explosion of magical energy. The wave of energy blasts outward to a radius of 60 feet, doing 40d6 points of force damage (DC 25 Fortitude save for half). This wave of energy exists on both the Material and Ethereal Planes. The individual or individuals holding the objects when they touch receives no saving throw against the energy wave.

Destroying Ghost Reaver

Lady Skylight, a fighter and paladin of great repute, developed a special skill during her years using Ghost Reaver. Her instructions have been passed down through the years. Anyone bound to Ghost Reaver, or anyone with the proper training, can learn to use this ability.

Evil PCs or PCs tricked into the service of an evil warlord or necromancer might try to destroy Ghost Reaver. Only two methods can be used to destroy the weapon. The first method is known, or presumed, by a number of sages. The second method can only be learned through the direct questioning of a god. • If Ghost Reaver and the Orb of the Wight are brought into contact by a single individual holding both items in the Ethereal Plane, both artifacts are instantly destroyed in a cataclysmic release of energy. When brought into contact by one or more creatures on the Material Plane, the same cataclysmic release of energy occurs, but both artifacts are transported to random locations in the outer planes.

New Feat

Intercepting Strike You can set unusual weapons to receive a charge. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. Benefit: With a readied action, you can set any light, one-handed, or two-handed piercing weapon to receive a charge. The weapon does double damage when used in this fashion. Normal: Only specific weapons, such as spears, can be set to receive a charge.



Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise Pearl of Ga’dou, Auspicious Orb of Compassionate Remedy By G. Holochwost

The Tale of the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise

In a time long gone, when Heaven and Earth were fresh, and the rivers flowed like lapis nectar, lived was a greedy chieftain who was very, very selfish. This chieftain, called Always-Taking, had claimed many wives and horded the pearls that were harvested by his people from the oysters of the river. The chieftain would string the pearls on tortoise sinew and hang them around his own neck and the necks of his wives, leaving his tribesmen to fend for themselves. He never provided them with wisdom or compassion, and never showed them an ounce of patience. One day, wise Ga’dou, a mystic from the hills near the chieftain’s village, came to Always-Taking and expressed his concern. The sage Ga’dou told the king that he could not continue to take without giving back to those who gave to him — the river, the tortoises, and his people. As one would expect from a man so narrow and petty as Always-Taking, the words of the sage fell on deaf ears. The chieftain told Ga’dou that he would take all the pearls he liked and nothing the sage could say would make him feel any differently. So, it was with sorrow in his heart that Ga’dou left the village and went back to his home in the hills. What Always-Taking did not know was that Ga’dou was actually the name of the Great Celestial Tortoise, Lord of Compassion and Generosity, and that the Elder Tortoise and the hermit were the same. So it was with great wisdom that Ga’dou devised a plan that would teach the selfish chieftain a lesson. Taking a perfect pearl from his pouch, Ga’dou held it between his two hands and formed the mudra of perfect understanding. While chanting the names of the Emperor and Empress of Heaven and Earth, Ga’dou basked the pearl in the light of limitless compassion and crystalline wisdom. As he meditated, the pearl grew, and grew, and grew, until it was as large as a keg of rice wine. Once the giant pearl was fully grown, the Elder Tortoise Lord placed his blessings upon it. “May this pearl give longevity, happiness, and prosperity to those who give, and never be the possession of any man who would take it for himself.” Under a full moon, Ga’dou rolled the great pearl back down to the village of Always-Taking. The next morning, Always-Taking rose from his tent to see quite a ruckus in the village. The villagers were not gathering pearls and were all making a stir near the fire pit 138

Researching the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise

To research the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise, characters could very well require the greatest libraries of their kingdoms. However, another route is for them to happen upon one of the river towns and hear the Tale of the Golden Pearl itself. If this is not appropriate to a given campaign, the characters could also make contact with a wandering sage (possibly even another disguise of Ga’dou) who could then tell them of the great Pearl. The best way to learn of the Pearl is with a Bardic Knowledge check. Insofar as Knowledge checks, Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (arcana), and Knowledge (history) are all likely to reveal information based on the DC in the knowledge chart below. DC 10 20 25


Knowledge Available In a distant age, the gods created a wondrous pearl. This enormous Golden Pearl is said to give blessings to those who come in contact with it. Created specifically by the Tortoise God, the Pearl cures diseases of all kinds, and grants a powerful and permanent boon of longevity to those who come into direct contact with it. The entire tale of the Golden Pearl is known to the character. The Pearl is said to be held in the belly of a massive Celestial Dragon Turtle who swims up and down the great river. Any who claim exclusive ownership of the Pearl are subject to a terrible curse of transformation.

Most legends of the Pearl omit the ownership restriction, perhaps making it seem that a someone who claims the artifact gains great powers. Some tales imply that Always-Taking deliberately used the Pearl to become the Tortoise, empowered by the will to power that made him seize the Pearl for his own.

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S at the center of town. Pushing through the crowd, the selfish chieftain found the great pearl with a long strip of rice paper upon which was written a single phrase: “For all”. Ripping the paper from the giant pearl, Always-Taking shooed away the villagers and declared that the pearl would be his and no others’. The villagers looked very sad as their chieftain began to roll the enormous pearl back toward his tent. But as Always-Taking moved the pearl he felt a terrible shifting beneath his skin and terrible stiffness in his back. He felt himself growing stronger but stiffer as he pushed until villagers started howling and crying while pointing at him. It wasn’t until he dropped to his hands and knees that he understood what was happening. He was becoming very large, and his hands had grown claws and his back had become rigid and flat. Always-Taking had been transformed into an enormous white dragon turtle. As he looked down on his village, the selfish chieftain could only concern himself with the pearl, despite his transformation. So, even without hands, Always-Taking swallowed up the pearl so that no other could have it. It was upon ingesting the pearl that Always-Taking understood the error of his ways and the nature of compassion. At that moment, the image of Ga’dou appeared to him and said, “Always-Taking has lived a life of great selfishness. Now, as a servant of the Lord of Compassion and Generosity, the selfish chieftain will benefit all sentient beings with the blessings of Ga’dou.” So, it was in this way that the great Celestial Dragon Turtle, now called Eternally-Giving, made his way into the waters of the great and endless river where he is said to swim till this very day. Up and down the river he swims, giving the blessings of healing and peace to all who walk upon its shores.

prayers and kindness of the Lord of Compassion. So present are these blessings, one can press one’s ear against the Pearl and literally hear the vibrating mantras that constitute its power, woven from a combination of Celestial syllables and the ancient tongue of man — a powerful symbol of Heaven and Earth as one. When under the scrutiny of detect magic or similar spells, the Pearl’s nature is laid bare. During the first round of detect magic, the caster not only detects the presence of magic, but also feels a distinct and penetrating aura of goodness as if it were being analyzed during the third round of a detect good spell. In addition, the Pearl radiates overwhelming auras of abjuration, conjuration and transmutation magics.

Powers of the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise

The Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise was crafted for one purpose that has three aspects. In order to better the lives of all who lived along the great river (this could be any central river in any campaign setting) the artifact has two primary powers and a the ability to grant a special feat described below. The ability to grant prosperity is

Studying the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise The Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise is a soft, golden, iridescent sphere no less then three feet in diameter. It weighs approximately 450 pounds and is incredibly dense. The surface is always dry and warm to the touch, resonating with the 139

G O L D E N P E A R L O F T H E E L D E R TO R TO I S E embodied in the Pearl’s ability to magically cause crops and livestock to become healthy and fecund when within a mile of the Pearl. The ability to grant longevity is an effect of the Pearl’s ability to cure disease also within a mile of the Pearl. The ability to convey happiness is bestowed when a character of good alignment touches the Pearl and speaks the activation phrase “For All,” and the special feat is permanently granted.

Using the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise With the exception of the special feat granted by the Pearl, the powers of this artifact are passive. These powers, however, have no benefit for evil characters, as Go’dou does not enable the powers of evil with his blessings. In the case of the Pearl-Touched feat, a character of good alignment must touch the Pearl under a full-moon while chanting the activation phrase no less than 101 times. Once this ritual is performed, the character is blessed by the Pearl and is permanently granted the PearlTouched feat. The permanence is conditional upon the character’s alignment, however. If the character changes to a non-good alignment, the Pearl-Touched feat and all its benefits are lost.

Constant Powers The Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise radiates two magical fields of a divine nature. In both cases, the Pearl must come within a mile of the town or village to be blessed for the field’s benefits to be activated. The field of prosperity extends one mile in all directions from the Pearl. This field guarantees crops and livestock of exceptional quality for a single season. The gold value of all crops and livestock affected by this field are 150% of their normal value. The field of longevity extends one mile in all directions from the Pearl. This field removes illness from all it affects. Every living being within a two-mile radius, centered on the caster, is under a constant remove disease (as cast by a 15th-level druid).

Activated Powers The Pearl-Touched feat-granting ability of the Pearl is activated through the performance of the ritual described above.

Consequences In sharp contrast to its benevolent powers, the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise carries a conditional curse of incredible magnitude. The curse is triggered when an

intelligent creature claims the Pearl as its personal possession, and takes effect within 1d4 days. Unlike the transformation of Always-Taking, the Pearl does not turn such a greedy soul into a Celestial Dragon Turtle, but instead, a normal tortoise. Once the transformation is complete, the tortoise is standard in all ways including Hit Dice, abilities, and alignment. The only way to reverse this transformation is through a miracle spell cast by a cleric of good alignment. The tortoise can be affected by an awaken spell. It does not develop the personality of its former creature type, but rather an entirely new personality unique to its awakened turtle form. The curse can be avoided if the individual who currently carries it continues to use its abilities to aid others, and never claims the Pearl as his own. Additionally, a character who claims the artifact as his own and then repents, wishing to avoid the curse, has the opportunity to do so. This requires either an atonement or remove curse spell, either of which must be empowered (through the use of the Empower Spell feat) to 8th level. Once this is done, and assuming the character now agrees to use the Pearl to benefit others, the transformation is halted. If the character reneges on his promise, however, the transformation picks up where it left off.

Reactive Traits The Golden Pearl’s only noticeable reactive trait becomes obvious in the presence of evil magic. When evil magic is cast directly on the Pearl or includes the Pearl in its area of effect, the Pearl dissipated the spell as if the spell had failed to penetrate spell resistance.

Using the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise in a Campaign

The Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise works best in a highly mythic campaign. The origin of the Pearl is a tale of gods and men, and it is these sorts of stories that make the most of the Pearl’s flavor and tone. The Pearl can be used as an environmental factor, a quest object, or the lynchpin of an entire civilization. It is because of this versatility (in addition to the fact that it can’t be “owned” by a PC) that makes its presence feasible in low, mid, high, or epic level campaigns. As implied above, the Pearl does not need to be a centerpiece of your campaign. In fact, the Pearl does not even need to make a literal in-game appearance as it can simply be the explanation an aged fisherman offers as to why the villages along the river are so prosperous. However, the Pearl can also be the very lifeblood of an entire river valley civilization, and its destruction could bring drought, famine, and plague. What demon would not revel in the destruction of such a saintly treasure? What elaborate series of terrible events would have to be engineered to allow such a thing to happen?



Adventure Seeds The Death of Heaven Every 300 years, an immortal holy man marked with the heart of Ga’dou comes into the world. This being brings with him the Tortoise God’s blessings and has incredible powers of healing, as well as abilities that drive back the forces of darkness and evil. When a court of evil arcanists divines the coming of this man, they find that the Saint of Ga’dou can only be killed in one way: by destroying the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise. Much to the dismay of these evil mages, the Pearl resides in the belly of an ancient Celestial Dragon Turtle, believed to be Eternally-Giving himself. So, in order to bring about their malevolent scheme, they become advisors to a local duke. The duke, unaware of his aides’ true motives, offers a reward for the recovery of the Pearl and the destruction of the “evil” dragon turtle that has stolen it from the people of his lands. The PCs, not knowing what they’ve signed on for, go in search of the Pearl with the intent of destroying its guardian. It isn’t until a chance meeting with the Holy Man that the plan of the wizards becomes clear. What do the characters do once they learn the truth? What can they do to convince the duke that his council is evil? What happens if the characters decide they want to go through with the saint’s destruction anyway? The Missing Pearl The adventurer’s are returning from a long and arduous military campaign in the Emperor’s service. During their journey home, they come upon a village that has been stricken with famine and plague. At the first the adventurers do not recognize the town, but after a moment of consideration, they realize, much to their shock and horror, that this is the very town they passed two seasons ago, that had been vibrant and lush with rich crops and healthy, hard-working villagers. When the characters consult the village elders, the truth of the matter is laid bare. Although the sacrifices of fruit and fish had been made to the Celestial Dragon Turtle at the beginning of the season, the creature never arrived to receive them, as it had for every season within the village’s memory. Without the Dragon Turtle’s blessing (or rather the blessings emanating from the Pearl itself), the village has fallen into despair and decay. It is believed that something terrible has happened to EternallyGiving. In fact, the Celestial Dragon Turtle has been captured and taken to a watery plane of the Abyss by Shika’rao, the fallen goddess who had once been the lover of Ga’dou, Lord of Compassion. There she plans to destroy the Dragon Turtle and the Golden Pearl that resides within it. The heroes must find a way to travel into the Underworld and rescue Eternally-Giving. What will they have to do to travel to the distant and dangerous plane? What terrors await them once they arrive? Is there anything

they can do to convince the Demon Goddess Shika’rao that the Pearl must not be destroyed?

Destroying the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise It is unlikely that any party of non-evil alignment would want to destroy the Pearl of the Elder Tortoise. Only a creature of pure malice would want to strip the world of such a boon. However, PCs are not always in the know about the true nature of things and could very likely be tricked into thinking the Pearl should be destroyed. If this were to occur, there are three secret methods that can be implemented to destroy the Pearl. • Annoint the Pearl with the blood of the god Ga’dou. The blood must be given freely by Ga’dou for this method to successfully destroy the Pearl. • One hundred and one priests of good alignment simultaneously cast a miracle upon the Pearl, under a full moon, asking for its destruction. • Immerse the Pearl in a massive, platinum crucible (of at least 10,000-gp value) containing the blood of eight gold dragons. Needless to say, any place regularly blessed by the Pearl likely falls into ruin if the artifact is destroyed. Though it may take a season or two, famine, poverty and disease eventually rear their ugly heads. If the characters do not hide well the fact that they destroyed the Pearl, it is very likely that they are hunted to the edge of the world to answer for their unforgivable crime.

New Feat

Use of the Pearl, in combination with the appropriate ritual, grants a new feat to its wielder. It may be possible, for those blessed with a holy purpose and favored by the gods, to gain this feat by other means (at the DM’s discretion). Unlike Pearl-wielders, however, such characters must gain the feat normally, and spend a feat slot on it.

Pearl-Touched You have recited the prayer of Ga’dou and received the permanent blessing of the Golden Pearl of the Elder Tortoise, granting you fantastic luck and protection from evil. Prerequisites: Good alignment, must chant the activation phrase while physically touching the Pearl. Benefit: Once per day, you may add 1d6 to any skill check or saving throw. You must decide to add this bonus before you learn if the result of your initial roll is a successor failure, though you may roll the d20 first and see the result. In addition, you receive a +2 on all saving throws against spells with the evil descriptor.



Holocaust Stone of Gun’ta Written by C. Robert Cargill

The Tale of the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta

Somewhere beyond the planes of chaos lies a small pocket dimension known only in scant references as the Black. It is a desolate pocket of space, where large chunks of amorphous dark rock float aimlessly through the dimly lit void. The entire realm is lit by the muted orange of what appears to be distant fires that one can never reach, no matter how far he might travel. Each rock has its own distinct gravity and spins independent of the others. Collisions in the Black are a common occurrence, the results of which explain the realm’s utter lack of a population. When two rocks collide, there comes a thunderous crack followed immediately by a swathe of terrible destruction — storms so fierce and powerful that few who have blundered into the Black have lived to tell the tale. Eons ago, a wayward traveler, whose name is lost to history, left a portal open just long enough for one small fragment of such a rock to pass through. The result on the other side was catastrophic. Gun’Ta, a vast city teeming with life, was laid waste in a matter of minutes. It is said that the earth rumbled and the skies rained a terrible fire, razing the city with sheets of flame. The screams, it is said, lasted only seconds. All that remained was ash, the charred husks of buildings and a single black stone that remained cold to the touch. That stone became known as the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta. Since that time, the Stone has changed hands on a number of occasions, most often found at the scene of catastrophe and picked up for its apparent value as a geological or monetary find. Many an unfortunate soul has met his end simply by dropping it or tossing it aside.

Studying the Holocaust Stone The Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta is a fist-sized piece of stone, jet black and rough of texture, just large enough to be held in the hand. Peering closer at the Stone reveals that the black surface actually swirls very slowly, as if it contained a ceaselessly shifting smoke. The Stone is always cold to the touch. Anyone casting detect magic or detect chaos sees an overwhelming aura of chaos visible several miles away, allowing for detection far outside the range normal for these spells.

Researching the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta

The Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta is considered by most to be mythological, something to which people can attribute disasters that lack any other rational explanation. Either way, a Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (the planes) check should yield the information sought. DC 10 20 25 30+

Knowledge Available The Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta is a mythical stone said to have destroyed a mighty city. When cast upon the ground, the Holocaust Stone summons a terrible storm the can lay waste entire armies. The Stone is a stone comprised of pure chaos and its powers cannot be controlled. The Holocaust Stone is a small piece of a far away pocket dimension called “the Black.”

Rumors persist that the artifact was created by a beast that coalesced the souls of a thousand evil beings into a single, portable essence, and that the destruction wrought by the Stone is the manifestation of their rage at being kept in such a form. Other stories claim the rock is simply a meteorite that hit and destroyed Gun’Ta, and has simply developed an erroneous, but imaginative, reputation.

Powers of the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta

The Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta does but one thing, and that is to destroy everything near it when activated. Being a piece of raw, unworked chaos, the Stone’s ability to unleash various types of devastation is entirely unpredictable, making it an unreliable but wholly lethal weapon that few have survived using. The Stone has been known to summon powerful storms, wash away cities with tremendous tsunamis or shake the very earth to its core. 142


Using the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta Activating the Holocaust Stone couldn’t be easier. Any jarring collision awakens the powers within it. Throwing the Stone upon the ground, dropping it, striking it with another object or simply carrying it on your person during a fall or collision causes the Stone to activate. (Mechanically, any impact or energy effect that could cause even a single point of damage activates the Stone. This includes any area effects that include the Stone.) Understandably, most of the deaths associated with the Holocaust Stone are accidental.

Activated Powers When The Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta is activated, it unleashes a burst of energy that triggers some sort of massive, cataclysmic event. These events occur at random and begin the very moment of activation. Each time the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta is activated, roll on the table below for its effects. All spells are cast as if by a 20th-level caster, and have a save DC (if applicable) of 25. Roll 01–06 07–12 13–18 19–24 25–30 31–36 37–42 43–48 49–54 55–60 61–66 67–72 73–78 79–84 85–90 91–93 94–96 97–99

Result Contagion Earthquake Elemental Swarm Energy Drain Lightning Sphere Mass Bedlam Power Word Kill Rain of Fire Reverse Gravity Storm of Vengeance Sunburst Wail of the Banshee Whirlwind Wilting Blast Word of Chaos Reroll, but double the radius of effect. Reroll, but double the duration of effect. Reroll twice, with both effects occurring simultaneously. Continue to roll new effects each time this result occurs. If a generated effect is rerolled, roll once more to replace it. 00 Reroll, but add Create Undead Horde. Contagion: As the spell. Targets all creatures within a 1d6-mile radius. The disease created by this effect is randomly generated for each individual. Using the table under the contagion entry, roll 1d8, rerolling any result of 8.

Earthquake: As the spell. The earthquake has a duration of 1d10+5 rounds and a radius of 10 miles. The damage done by the spell occurs every round and occurs at the top of any initiative order. Elemental Swarm: As the spell. This effect summons elementals of each of the four types (air, earth, fire and water). The random number of elementals is rolled for each type; thus 2d4 elementals of each type, for a total of 8d4, appear at the time of effect. These elementals serve no master and immediately attack the target nearest them. The huge and greater elementals are summoned at the time of effect, rather than at 10 minute intervals afterward. These elementals exist until destroyed, or until 200 minutes elapse. Each elemental appears within 100 feet of the Stone, in the nearest available space. Energy Drain: As the spell. The spell targets every living creature within a 1d6-mile radius. Lightning Sphere: A sphere of lightning emanates from the Stone, dealing 20d6 points of electrical damage to everything within a 1d6-mile. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. A successful role with Evasion reduces the damage to one-quarter, rather than negating it outright. Mass Bedlam: Everyone within a 10-mile radius of the stone must make a Will save or suffer the effects of the confusion spell for 1d% minutes. If anyone rolls a result stating that they attack the caster, they instead attempt to attack the Stone, potentially activating it once more. Power Word Kill: As the spell. The spell targets every living creature within a 1-mile radius. Rain of Fire: Clouds gather and a rain of fire and embers showers down from the heavens. Anyone caught in the radius of the storm takes 2d6 fire damage per round (no save), and anything flammable immediately catches fire. The storm has a radius of 1d6 miles and lasts for 1d10 minutes. Reverse Gravity: As the spell. The spell has a radius of 1d6 miles and a duration of 1d20 rounds. Storm of Vengeance: As the spell. The storm affects a radius of 1d10 miles and lasts for 1d10 minutes. Once the normal 10 rounds of the spell has expired, the cycle repeats until the end of the duration. Sunburst: As the spell. Rather than instantaneous, the sunburst has a duration of 1d10 minutes and a radius of 1 mile. The damage done by the spell occurs every round (thus 6d6 each round) and occurs at the top of any initiative order. Wail of the Banshee: As the spell. Affects all creatures in a 1d4-mile radius for 1d10 rounds. Anyone in the area of effect must make a new saving throw at the beginning of any round that the wail of the banshee is still active. Whirlwind: As the spell. The whirlwind moves in a random direction each round, as if uncontrolled, and lasts for 1d10 minutes. Wilting Blast: As the spell horrid wilting, but affecting all creatures in a 1d6-mile radius. All bodies of water within the radius of the blast evaporate, and the land dries to a nearly charred husk.



Consequences While wielding, carrying or otherwise bearing the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta, the bearer suffers no direct consequences. However, if the bearer handles it carelessly, he may accidentally trigger its effects at the worst of possible times. The bearer of the Holocaust Stone is in no way protected from its effects, and no means exists — up to and including divine intervention — of controlling or even predicting which result occurs when the Stone is activated. (Special abilities that allow rerolls, such as the granted ability of the Luck Domain, do not function on this roll.) It is possible for higher level characters to survive singular effects of the stone, but it is a rare person indeed who has survived it twice, making it an ineffective weapon (short of suicide runs).

Reactive Traits Casting a spell of any kind, except divinations, that targets or includes the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta in its area of effect immediately activates it. This includes spells such as teleport object. The Stone can, however, be teleported or otherwise transported if it held by a creature who is the true subject of the teleport spell. Alternatively, the Stone can be hurled through an open gate or portal. Transporting the artifact by these methods does not immediately trigger any effects unless an environmental condition at the end of the transport does so.

Using the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta in a Campaign

Word of Chaos: As the spell. This spell affects every target within a 10-mile radius. Create Undead Horde: This only occurs in conjunction with another effect. Anyone killed by an effect of the Holocaust Stone, while this effect is active, rises one round later as an undead creature. These creatures immediately attack the nearest living subject for 1d10 minutes, at which point they may act of their own volition. The type of creature created depends upon the level or HD of the person killed by the effect. Level/HD 1–3 4–6 7–9 10–12 13–14 15–16 17–18 19+

Undead Zombie Ghoul Ghast Mohrg Shadow Wraith Spectre Devourer

The Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta is quite possibly the most destructive item the PCs have ever come across, so it is not an artifact to be used lightly. It is not meant to simply be found lying around in a dungeon without some sort of forewarning or knowledge (and in fact, doing so is just plain mean, unless you’re actively seeking to end a campaign). It is best used in mid- to high-level campaigns when placed in the hands of an adversary who may or may not understand the truly destructive nature of the Stone.

Adventure Seeds Welcome Back, Chaos The PCs are greeted at the local inn with terrible news. Their home city (or perhaps the capitol city itself) has suffered a tremendous cataclysm, wiping out most, if not all, of the local citizenry. The region has been thrown into total chaos as family members have rushed to the city to discover the fate of their kin. What wiped this city off of the map? Was it an accident or a deliberate act? Rumors begin to circulate that the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta has resurfaced to claim yet another city as part 144

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S of its ongoing legend. Could these rumors be true, and if so can the PCs find the stone before someone else does? Can they rid the world of it for good? Weapon of Mass Destruction A small, desperate and clearly losing faction of a local war or religious struggle has turned to extreme measures. Having discovered the Holocaust Stone, they have begun sending devoted zealots to rush headlong into opposing armies and cities with it, to commit suicide in the name of advancing their cause. Can the PCs stop the next zealot before such destruction can happen again? And what happens when a zealot bearing the Stone has second thoughts? The End Times The cult of a mad god dedicated to chaos, destruction or oblivion itself has discovered the secret of the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta and the distant pocket dimension from which it comes. They figure that if a fist-sized stone could lay waste to an entire city, a stone several miles long could wipe out the entire world, if not the Material Plane itself. They’ve begun to acquire the materials to cast an epic spell capable of creating a gate large enough to transport such a stone, and rumors have begun to circulate in the academic community, arguing whether such a thing is possible. The PCs must somehow track down the cult and prevent the spell from being cast before all the world is destroyed.

Destroying the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta The Holocaust Stone is possibly the most dangerous artifact — and certainly the most unpredictable one — the PCs are likely to encounter. The reasons for destroying it should be fairly obvious to even the most inexperienced of party members. • The Holocaust Stone can be sundered or crushed, although doing so probably requires triggering it several times. Any large hammer or maul should be sufficient to pulverize it. The stone has a hardness of 20 and 100 hit points. • The Holocaust Stone is comprised of pure, undistilled chaos. Transporting it to a plane attuned to Law causes it to explode in an incredible detonation that triggers all of the Stone’s possible effects (except Create Undead Horde) at once. This explosion completely devastates the region around it, but the Stone itself is destroyed.

New Demiplane: The Black

The Black is a small pocket dimension approximately 200 miles in diameter, with no direct gravity. It is a vast field of empty space punctuated by large rocks, much like asteroids, spinning through the airless nether and occasionally smashing into one another. The collisions cause vast explosions of chaotic energy that trigger sweeping storms that dwarf those created by the Holocaust Stone. (Multiply all areas of effect by 5, and increase all save DCs to 40.) If ever any being dwelled here, none exist now. The Black is dimly lit by a pale orange glow that seems to emanate from a far off distance, one that can never be reached. The dark black stones cast strange shadows upon each other in this light, giving an eerie presence to the entire dimension. Holding an erratic orbit around the furthest outreaches of chaotic dimensions to which it is regularly drawn, the Black occasionally strays out of path, momentarily colliding with other dimensions of the multiverse. These collisions cause sudden, seemingly unexplainable cataclysms in those dimensions, before the Black returns to its previous orbit. Few scholars know much of the Black, and the writings on it are generally restricted to mythological works. A DC 30 Knowledge (the planes) check will yields some information on this enigmatic place. • Self-Contained Shape: Sphere. • Objective directional gravity. • Erratic time. • Alterable Morphic: On a plane with this trait, objects remain where they are (and what they are) unless affected by physical force or magic. You can change the immediate environment as a result of tangible effort. • Strongly Chaotic-Aligned. • Enhanced magic. Spells with the chaos descriptor are enhanced in The Black. Such spells are cast as though they were prepared with the Maximize Spell feat, though they don’t require the higher spell slots. • Impeded magic. Spells with the law descriptor may fizzle when cast in the Black. A spellcaster attempting a spell with the law descriptor must succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the level of the spell). Failure indicates the spell does not take effect, but the slot is still lost. Spells that produce light are less effective as well, because all light sources have their ranges halved in the Black.



Horn of the Archangel The Doomsday Horn, the Herald of Ages By Ari Marmell

The Tale of the Horn of the Archangel

In a realm so distant magic cannot find it, in an age so long past even dragons have no knowledge of it, the gods of good and light gathered to examine this new phenomenon called “creation.” They gazed across the multiverse, and saw many races struggling on many worlds. And though they were pleased, so too were they troubled. Most of the mortal races, though inclined this way or that, were blessed with the gift of free will. Many chose paths of righteousness, kindness, honor; but many more trod the path of evil, seduced by its call or simply because it was what they wished. These gods knew, at some distant point in the future that even they could not see, the worlds would shift to one side or the other, bathed in light and goodness, or claimed forever by darkness and vice. They knew this, and they knew as well that should the multiverse entire fall to evil, it would be better to scour it clean and start anew than let it continue thus. They cooperated, these gods, joining their powers to create an instrument of Armageddon. They imbued within it the power to shake and shatter whole worlds, and they gave it a voice so loud and pure, the heavenly hosts might hear it no matter where it sounded. They shaped this power into the form of a great horn, crafted in ivory, banded in iron, and bound together by the souls of the righteous dead who volunteered their essence. The gods granted the Horn to their most trusted of emissaries, an archangel so ancient and so powerful he was very nearly a god himself. They charged him with the task of watching over the many worlds of the multiverse, and — should any fall irrevocably to evil — of bringing about the end of days in that world, so that the gods might begin anew. For eons, the archangel did as they bade him, going about his task with zeal. Alas, even so great a seraph was not immune to the siren’s song of pride. Whether it was his own hubris, or whether he had some devil whispering in his ear, none can say. But over the course of millennia, he styled himself a god, for did he not hold the power to end creation in the palm of his hand? He demanded worship and obedience from the mortals of many of the worlds, and he demanded boons of the gods themselves.

When the archangel obliterated an entire world because one of its gods refused to accept him as an equal, and destroyed a second because a single mortal had offended him, the great powers knew they must act. In an unprecedented and unequaled show of cooperation, good deities allied with evil, angels marched alongside devils, as the Upper and Lower Planes assembled a mighty force. Even a few of the chaotic powers of the Abyss joined in the crusade, though others — drunk on the random destruction and carnage — threw their support behind the Horn-bearer. For centuries, as mortals reckon time, the battle raged across the many worlds. Entire realms were ripped apart, or drowned in the blood of the divine. Legend tells that several gods died in this war, and that the vast hosts of angels and devils were severely depleted. In the end, even the power of the Horn was not sufficient to stand against the assembled forces of above and below. The archangel was slain, his body burned to ash, his name stricken from all records and mortal memory. Even in death, however, the archangel would cause more damage. With his dying breath, he hurled the Horn through the barriers between worlds, casting it into the multiverse. Search though they might, the heavenly hosts could not find it, for the archangel had imbued it with additional powers, including a potent enchantment that rendered it invisible to divinations. Thus it has remained, for age upon age. The Horn occasionally appears in the hands of mortals, wreaking devastation both planned and accidental, only to vanish once more into the mists of legend. The angels have tracked it a dozen times, following trails of destruction, only to lose the scent again. For many years now, the Horn has been quiet, but it can only be a matter of time until it appears once more, for the Horn wants to be used.

Studying the Horn The Horn of the Archangel is a large instrument; a Medium humanoid would certainly require two hands to use it. It is sharply curved, resembling a gargantuan ram’s horn. It appears to be carved of purest ivory, still glistening white despite its great age. It is banded — at the both ends, and once around the center — in gleaming cold iron. Tiny symbols, etched into the ivory, run



Researching the Horn

The primary means of researching the Horn of the Archangel is through religious texts and treatises. A few surviving histories speak of it, but these are exceptionally obscure and difficult to find. Finally, those who study the planes themselves may have heard whispers of the Horn; it’s difficult to keep secret an artifact that has erased entire worlds from the multiverse. Knowledge (religion) and Knowledge (the planes) are the most appropriate skills for learning of the Horn. Bardic Knowledge suffices as well, as does Knowledge (history) if the Horn has ever been used on the PC’s home world, but use of these latter two abilities adds +5 to the check DC. DC 10 20 25


Knowledge Available In a forgotten age, the gods granted a trusted archangel a Horn with which he could call forth Armageddon. The archangel grew drunk on power, and was eventually destroyed. The Horn was lost. The Horn is an ornate instrument of ivory and iron. It is capable of shaking the earth, calling up storms, even summoning celestial hosts. The powers of the Upper Planes have sought the Horn for ages. Using it to excess might attract their attention. One must know specific patterns and notes to play on the Horn to activate its specific powers. If the Horn’s wielder is slain, the artifact transports itself elsewhere. It must be taken from him while he yet lives, or offered willingly. The Horn was never meant for mortal use. No mortal can activate its most potent abilities, and every time a mortal uses it at all, he risks a potent backlash. (Provide the player with one or more of the methods of destruction, as listed below. Additionally, the character knows or can learn the proper notes to activate most of the Horn’s powers.)

The Horn is truly ancient, wrapped in all manner of religious symbolism, and something that the very gods wish to remain lost. As such, substantial false information and myth exists regarding it. • Anyone using the Horn might accidentally destroy their world. (In fact, while the Horn can cause substantial destruction — not all of which is at the behest of its wielder — no non-epic mortal can cause it to destroy an entire world.) • Using the Horn instantly alerts the heavenly hosts to its location, and they will fall upon any mortal who dares use it with righteous anger. (Sounding the Horn does indeed alert the Upper Planes to the fact that it is active, and lets them know what world it is on. The enchantments placed upon it, however, prevent them from pinpointing it further on the first sounding. The more it is used, however, the more precisely they can track it down.) • As it was designed for an angel, the Horn does not function in the hands of an innately evil being, such as a demon or devil. (The Horn does not function as well for such beings, but they can make use of it if they are sufficiently powerful.) • Frequent use of the Horn corrupts its wielder, just as it did the archangel for whom it was designed. (Actually, the archangel fell to his own pride, or perhaps the machinations of a fiend. While a wielder of the Horn might indeed become drunk on its power, this is simply an example of power corrupting; the Horn itself does not cause its wielder to turn evil.) down both sides of the Horn. These are written in a truly ancient form of Celestial. Anyone who speaks Celestial may attempt a DC 25 Decipher Script check. (The DC to decipher this script if the character does not speak modern Celestial is a hefty 45.) Successfully translating the script tells the character what notes and patterns to play to activate the Horn’s powers. Anyone touching the Horn feels a faint sensation of warmth, beginning at the point of contact and seeping deep into her body. If the individual is good-aligned, this warmth feels pleasant at first, but swiftly grows into an

uncomfortable heat, not unlike a moderate fever. A nongood creature feels feverish from the first moment, and starts to feel vaguely ill after a few moments have passed. In no case are these sensations strong enough to cause a lapse in concentration or a mechanical penalty. Due to the enchantments of the archangel, the Horn simply does not exist insofar as divination magics are concerned. No divination spell can locate it, read it, or provide information about it; it simply fails to register at all. The exception to this is during the precise moment when the Horn is actually sounded. If anyone happens


HORN OF THE ARCHANGEL to be scrying for it at that exact instant, they receive a brief image of the Horn’s surroundings, and of its wielder. Note that the Horn’s immunity to divinations does not extent to the individual carrying it.

Powers of the Horn of the Archangel

The Horn was designed for one purpose: to destroy worlds. While few if any mortal wielders can use it to its fullest extent, it is still an item of truly devastating power.

Using The Horn Obviously, activating the Horn requires blowing it, but there is far more to it than a mere exhalation of breath. The power of the artifact is proportional to the inner strength of the individual attempting to use it. To activate any power, the wielder must make a special check, consisting of 1d20 + his Hit Dice. Outsiders with the Good subtype have an easier time using it, and count as a creature of one-and-a-half times their normal Hit Dice. (Thus, an angel with 7 Hit Dice counts as a 10-Hit Die creature for these purposes.) Outsiders with the Evil subtype find the Horn very difficult to use, and count as a creature of one-half their normal Hit Dice. Each power listed below includes the DC of the roll necessary to activate it. Powers that allow rerolling, such as the granted power of the Luck domain, may not be used on this roll. Note that a roll of a natural 1 indicates an automatic failure on this roll, regardless of modifiers, but a natural 20 does not indicate an automatic success. Some powers are simply beyond some wielders. A natural 1 also indicates that a mishap occurs (roll on Mishap Table Two, below). If the roll fails, the wielder may not attempt to activate that power again that day. In addition to succeeding on this roll, a wielder must know the appropriate notes to play. Someone who has successfully translated the ancient script on the Horn, or succeeded in the appropriate skill check, may have this information. Anyone attempting to figure it out by trial-and-error has a base 1% chance (cumulative) of striking the right combination of notes and rhythms with each attempt. If he does succeed in activating a power, the DM should determine which randomly. It’s entirely possible for the wielder to hit upon an active tune, but be of insufficient power to make it work.

When the Horn is blown, whether or not it activates a power, it emits a deep and near-deafening tone, low enough to feel through the ground. The sound carries for miles, and any sentient being who hears it knows it is no natural call. They feel in their gut, and in their soul, that some terrible power is about to be unleashed. The Horn only functions on the various worlds of the Material Plane, and on the various demi-planes that exist throughout the Astral. It does not work anywhere else.

Constant Powers Although the Horn is neither intelligent nor sentient per se, the archangel who once wielded it imbued it with a rudimentary “instinct” for self-preservation. Should the wielder of the artifact die, the Horn instantly teleports itself to either a random location on the same world, or another Material Plane world (50% chance of either). This makes it very difficult for the celestials to reclaim it, as they cannot simply kill whoever’s holding it.

Activated Powers Nearly all of the Horn’s powers are devoted to destruction, and even those few that are not directly damaging are intended to aid the wielder in spreading devastation.


TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S The number given in parenthesis for each entry indicates the DC of the roll required to activate that ability. All spells and spell-like effects created by the horn are considered to have a caster level of 30. The daily powers of the Horn reset at dusk. Chariot of the Angels (DC 15, 20, or 25): The Horn calls a flaming chariot from the sky, hauled by two angelic steeds. This power can be used up to three times per day, but the difficulty rises by 5 (from the base 15) for each subsequent attempt. It is otherwise identical to the spell chariot of fire (reference Eldritch Sorcery from Necromancer Games, or see below). Heavenly Hosts (see chart): The Horn summons several celestial soldiers to fight for its wielder. These are like normal summoned creatures; when slain, they return whence they came rather than truly dying. However, they retain only vague memories of their service, so while they know they were called by the Horn, they cannot identify its wielder or remember its location. They remain for three minutes (30 rounds), or until slain. The precise nature and number of celestials summoned depends, as with all other powers, on how well the wielder can roll on his check. The wielder must decide which creatures he is attempting to summon before he rolls, and cannot change his mind once he has rolled. Celestials DC



Hound archon or three lantern archons


Bralani eladrin or three hound archons or five lantern archons


Avoral guardinal or three brelani eldarin or five of any lesser celestials mentioned above


Lillend or three avoral guardinals or five of any lesser celestials mentioned above


Leonal guardinal or three lillends or five of any lesser celestials mentioned above


Astral daeva or three leonal guardinals or five of any lesser celestials mentioned above


Planetar or three astral daevas or five of any lesser celestials mentioned above


Solar or three planetars or five of any lesser celestials mentioned above


Three solars or five of any lesser celestials mentioned above

This power is usable once per day. Wave of Screams (DC 23): The wielder of the Horn can produce a 100-foot cone of sound, made up of the

How Long Do We Have? Given the progression of the apocalypse effect, the PCs might well wonder how long they have to stop it once it starts. If you assume your campaign world is roughly the size of Earth, it is approximately 7,926 miles (or 41,849,280 feet) in circumference. At that size, the growing disaster will have all but swallowed the globe after 16 days, and will complete the devastation — with room to spare — after 17. screams of all who have suffered, harnessed and turned against the forces of evil. This cone deals 5d6 points of sonic damage and 5d6 points of holy damage to all creatures caught within (Reflex DC 30 for half). This power is usable three times per day, but only once every 1d4 rounds. Earthquake (DC 27): The wielder can target an earthquake spell, centered on any point within 1,000 feet. The earthquake has a radius of 200 feet. This power is usable once per day. Tidal Wave (DC 28): The wielder can target a tidal wave spell (see below), centered on any point within 1,000 feet, so long as it is on a coastline. All saves are DC 34. This power is usable once per day. Storm of Vengeance (DC 29): The wielder can target a storm of vengeance spell, centered on any point within 1,000 feet. The storm has a radius of 500 feet, and the wielder need not concentrate to maintain it. All saves are DC 34. This power is usable once per day. Torrent of Screams (DC 31): A far more potent version of the wave of screams, this devastating blast can shake the very foundations of the earth. The Horn produces a 1,000-foot cone of sound. Anyone within the first 100 feet suffers 10d6 points of sonic damage and 10d6 points of holy damage. This damage drops by 1 die of each type for every hundred feet. Thus, targets 200 feet distant suffer 18 total dice of damage, those 300 feet distant suffer 16 total dice damage, up to those 1,000 feet away who suffer a mere 2 total dice of damage. Anyone caught within may attempt a DC 35 Reflex save for half. This power is usable only once per day. Apocalypse (DC 41): This is the purpose for which the Horn was created. When the wielder blows this final note, the skies darken and the earth shakes. The earthquake, tidal wave, and storm of vengeance powers of the Horn all activate at once. They begin at a point of the wielder’s choosing, within 1,000 feet, but they do not end there. (Obviously, the tidal wave power does not function on dry land, but the magical effect spreads with the others, becoming active when it reaches a coastline.) After one minute, the earthquake and tidal wave effects expand to match the size of the storm of vengeance. Every day after


HORN OF THE ARCHANGEL that, the entire effect doubles in size. That is, after one day, it grows to a 1,000-foot radius; after two days, a 2,000-foot radius; after three days, a 4,000-foot radius; and so forth. Although it takes some time, the effect eventually spreads to encompass the entire world, if left unchecked. Once started, this apocalypse can only be stopped by the direct intervention of no fewer than three deities, working in concert; by the utter destruction of the Horn; or if the wielder who activated the apocalypse power of the artifact blows the Horn again, with the express purpose of ending the effect. Doing so costs the wielder his life and soul, which are drained by the Horn in order to stop the growing destruction. The wielder instinctively knows this, so he must be willing to sacrifice himself to end the devastation. The Horn cannot create two apocalypses on the same world at the same time. Once one has begun, that particular power of the artifact is no longer accessible on that world, until and unless the effect is stopped.

The following table makes frequent reference to “an area important to the wielder.” The DM should adjudicate this as appropriate for the given character or NPC. It might indicate a hometown, the capital city of the character’s native land, the home of his family, or the like. All that matters is that it is a location of great personal (and positive) significance to the wielder. (Remember that the Horn also misfires on a natural “1” on its activation roll.)

Consequences The Horn offers some potent and devastating abilities, but the risks of using it are at least as great as the rewards. Mortals were not meant to harness the power of the Herald of Ages, and the fabric of creation can only take so much abuse before it begins to unravel. Any time the Horn is used, a chance exists that it backfires or otherwise generates some terrible effect the wielder did not intend. The chance of mishap is rolled on a d%, and is equal to 10 + the DC required to activate that power. For instance, the wave of screams has a 33% chance of mishap. The Horn’s apocalypse power has no mishap chance. Powers that normally allow rerolling, such as the granted power of the Luck domain, cannot be used on this roll. If the dice indicate that a mishap occurs, roll percentile dice on the following charts to determine exactly what happens.


Mishap Table One



51–75 Power activates in the wrong location, as above, and a mishap occurs. Roll on Mishap Table Two, below.

Mishap Table Two


Blood rains from the skies in a one-mile radius around the wielder. This lasts for 5d20 minutes, and obscures vision as normal rain. Every living creature exposed to the blood must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or contract filth fever. (See Chapter Eight: Glossary of the DMG.) All plant life is affected as if by a blight spell.


Blood rains from the skies, as above, but in an area important to the wielder, rather than directly over him.


The Horn’s earthquake power activates, centered directly on the wielder.


The Horn’s earthquake power activates in an area important to the wielder.


The Horn’s tidal wave power activates so that the wielder will be caught in its effects. (If this result occurs away from a coastline, treat as a result of 16–25 instead.)


The Horn’s tidal wave power activates, swamping an area important to the wielder. (If the wielder has no significant feelings for any coastal areas, treat as a result of 26–30 instead.)


The Horn’s storm of vengeance power activates, centered directly on the wielder.


The Horn’s storm of vengeance power activates in an area important to the wielder.


All metallic items within a 500-foot radius of the wielder rust away, as though subject to a rusting grasp spell. (Attended items and magic items may attempt a DC 29 Fortitude save to negate.) This includes all items in the wielder’s possession, except the Horn itself and any other artifact.


The Horn generates an antimagic field around the wielder, to a radius of 500 feet. Not even the Horn itself functions in this area. This lasts for 1d100 minutes.


The sun goes black. The Horn generates a deeper darkness effect with a 1-mile radius around the wielder. No magic short of a wish or miracle can dispel it. This lasts for 1d100 minutes.


The sun goes black over an area important to the wielder, with a 1-mile radius. This effect is permanent until dispelled.

01–25 Power activates as desired, but a mishap also occurs. Roll on Mishap Table Two, below. 26–50 Power activates in the wrong location. Roll 1d8 to determine direction from target point, and 10d% to determine distance, in yards, from target point. (If you roll this result for either the chariot of the angels or the heavenly hosts powers, treat the result as if you had rolled 01–25.)


99–100 Roll again. Additionally, the Horn simply disappears from the wielder’s hand, transporting itself to either a random spot on the same world, or another Material Plane world (50% chance of either.)

76–100 Power fails to activate, and a mishap occurs. Roll on Mishap Table Two, below. 150

TO M E O F A R T I FA C T S : E L D R I TC H R E L I C S A N D W O N D E R S In addition to the Horn’s own potential backlash, the armies of the Upper Planes still hunt for the artifact. The first time the Horn is used on a given world, the celestials are alerted to its presence, but not its location. From that point onward, they scour the world in search of it. Since it is immune to divinations most of the time, the odds of them finding it are small, but they might succeed. As bringing in a large force of powerful celestials is a campaign-altering event, DMs are encouraged to do so only if and when they feel the story would benefit from it, rather than due to random rolls. For those DMs who do prefer a random element, however, assume that a 1% cumulative chance exists, for each use of the Horn after the first, that the celestials are attempting to mystically detect it at that exact moment. Even if they cannot arrive on the scene before the wielder departs, they now know who (and what) he is, and can scry for him directly.

Using the Horn in a Campaign

The potential for deadly backlash would seem to discourage most intelligent beings from using the Horn, but that doesn’t mean it cannot appear in a campaign. The villain of the tale might be a religious zealot who seeks to destroy the world, an ambitious warlord who is willing to risk the results if it means using the Horn against his enemies, or a true madman who is too crazy to care about the repercussions. The PCs might find themselves forced to use it, in order to defeat an enemy they otherwise could not face, or to destroy a threat that has resisted all other attempts. (See, for instance, the Juggernaut of Shaddar Khan.) Of course, some players will enjoy the Horn’s great destructive power enough that they are willing to risk the backlash. This is a self-correcting problem, as the Horn either eventually kills them, disappears, or attracts the attention of celestial forces. Many campaigns may be better served by making the Horn the goal of a great quest. Perhaps the PCs must find it to defeat a great evil, or to keep it out of the hands of someone who would use it for ill. Or perhaps a great villain already possesses it, and the PCs must take it from them. In most cases, the Horn is best suited to high-level campaigns. Its powers are far too great for weaker characters to survive, so a low-powered campaign involving the Horn should involve keeping it out of the hands of others, rather than actually facing it across a battlefield. Characters of low level will also find most of its powers outside their ability to activate, so if the DM does decide to introduce it to a low-level game, he should plan to either remove it from the party’s possession, or take steps to deal with the consequences, before they gain sufficient power to activate it.

Adventure Seeds In the Angel’s Name Religious cultists, mortals and celestials both, have come to revere the ancient archangel who first wielded the Horn. They believe that he was not evil, but in fact that he fought on the side of righteousness, that he realized the multiverse was too corrupt to be allowed to survive. They seek the Horn to continue his work, and to obliterate the various worlds of the Material Plane. Because they have several celestials among them, they might even be able to trigger an apocalypse, if they are not prevented from acquiring the artifact. The Call of Battle A great general has acquired the Horn, and is using it to decimate his enemies. He apparently does not care about the collateral damage he is causing, and because his armies are made up largely of animated dead, he is willing to risk destroying entire battalions in a backlash. Further, he has a potent wizard as an ally, and the wizard has protected him from scrying; even if the celestials detect the Horn in use, they cannot hone in on the general. The PCs must find some way to remove the Horn from his possession, before his great armies — and the artifact — arrive on the borders of their own kingdom. The Order of the Righteous Fist The devil Almarach is reaching the culmination of a scheme he began millennia ago. In mortal guise, he founded a great monastic tradition, devoted to goodness and order. He, or his servants, have led this order, instilling in its students teachings of righteousness, but also conditioning them to trust their leaders without reservation. Among their numbers are a handful of celestials, captured in battle, their minds mystically wiped. They have been trained sufficiently that their monk levels, combined with their racial Hit Dice, make them potent enough to use the Horn’s ultimate power. Now that Almarach is fully convinced of their loyalty, he intends to send his disciples out into the worlds to seek the Horn. He has told them it is a weapon of great power that must be kept from the hands of evil, but in truth he intends to use his “brainwashed” celestials to use the Horn, enabling him to destroy whole worlds.

Destroying the Horn Given its destructive potential, many heroes might seek to destroy the Horn to keep it out of the hands of others. Should its apocalypse power ever be triggered, however, destruction of the artifact may be the only feasible way to save an entire world. It seems possible to destroy the Horn by traditional means. The Herald of Ages has a hardness of 25 and 343 hit points. It is completely immune to all five energy types, but sufficient physical damage can eventually reduce it to 0 hit points. When this happens, the Horn cracks, but then fades away. It reappears, fully restored, in anywhere from 1 to 600 days. (Roll a d6, and then roll a number of d100


HORN OF THE ARCHANGEL equal to the result.) As always, it may appear elsewhere on the same world, or on a different world. When the Horn fades away (or when it is truly destroyed, by one of the methods listed below), it also causes either an earthquake or a storm of vengeance result, centered on the spot where it disappeared. • An outsider with the evil subtype, of at least 30 HD, must attempt to activate the Horn’s apocalypse power on one of the Upper Planes. • It must be crushed beneath the feet of at least three of the gods who created it in the first place (which, among other things, necessitates figuring out who those gods were, and what worlds they oversee). • It must be exposed to the energies of creation itself, which — due to its purely destructive nature — will cause it to crumble. (These energies might still linger somewhere in the campaign world, perhaps in ancient areas of great holy significance, or the PCs might have to actually travel the planes in search of a world being born.)

New Spells

The following spells represent some of the Horn’s abilities. DMs might choose to have such spells exist in other locations in the campaign world, allowing PCs (and NPCs) access to them without requiring they use the artifact.

Chariot of Fire Conjuration (Summoning) [Fire] Level: Drd 8 Components: V, S, DF, M Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Effect: Flaming chariot pulled by two fiery horses Duration: 1 hour + 10 min./level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Chariot of fire creates clap of thunder and roiling bank of smoke from which a flaming chariot drawn by two reddishbrown fiery horses emerges. The chariot has a base land speed of 70 feet per round and a fly speed of 140 feet per round with average maneuverability. The chariot can carry you and up to 8 other Medium or smaller creatures that you designate (by touch) during the casting. Creatures larger or smaller than Medium can be designated. A Large creature counts as two Medium or smaller creatures. A Huge creature counts as four Medium or smaller creatures. A Gargantuan creature counts as eight Medium or smaller creatures. Colossal creatures cannot board the chariot. Creatures other than you and those you designate that come within 5 feet of or touch the chariot or the horses take 2d4 points of fire damage per round they remain in the area. While aboard the chariot, all passengers gain resistance to fire 10.

You control the chariot verbally causing the horses to run, trot, fly, turn, and so on. The chariot is a tangible manifestation and can be damaged or attacked as can the horses. See the sidebar for statistics for the chariot and horses. Chariot of Fire: AC 20, hardness 10, 100 hit points, can only be hit by magic weapons. Fiery Horses (2): CR 4; SZ L Magical Beast [Fire]; HD 4d10+12; hp 34; Init +1; Spd 70 ft., fly 140 ft. (average); AC 14 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 13; BAB/Grap +4/+12; Atk +7 melee (1d6+4, hoof); Full Atk +7 melee (1d6+4 [x2], hooves); SA heat aura (5-ft., 2d4 fire); SQ fire subtype, darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 10/magic; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2; Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6. Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5. Feats: Endurance, Run. The chariot and horses can be dismissed or dispelled. In such a case the spell ends, leaving the passengers unharmed (unless of course they happen to be airborne when the spell disappears in which case they might take falling damage). Material Component: A small piece of wood, two holly berries, and a source of fire at least as large as a torch.

Tidal Wave Evocation [Water] Level: Cleric 9, Druid 9 Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Area: A semicircle 200 ft. in width Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex partial; see text Spell Resistance: No This spell can only target an area on the coast of a sea or very large lake. You cause a tidal wave to slam against the shore; the wave is 200 feet wide, and reaches 100 feet inland at its longest point. All structures in the area suffer 6d6 points of bludgeoning damage instantly, and another 6d6 in 1d4 minutes as the ground supporting them is softened and eaten away. This second roll ignores hardness. Living beings in the area suffer 6d6 points of damage instantly, and are swept into the water by the current. A successful Reflex save halves the damage, and prevents them from being swept away. A living being who is swept away travels to the edge of the tidal wave in a random direction; if they are swept out to sea, they must be able to swim back to shore or they almost certainly drown. Huge and larger creatures are immune to being swept away.



Hungry Stone Blood Altar of the Viraj By Keith Baker

The Tale of the Hungry Stone

Researching the Hungry Stone

Many mysteries have been washed away by the tides of time: chapters of history humanity has never seen, civilizations so ancient that virtually all traces have passed away into dust. The Viraj vanished before humans mastered speech or fire, and this destruction was so complete that no trace of their nation has been found… until now. The Viraj were creatures of magic barely bound in flesh and bone. The foe they faced has been lost to history. A rogue god? An army of fiends? Whatever it was, the threat was so great that the Viraj sacrificed their entire race to battle it. Viraj magi created focal points that could draw out the lifeforce of their citizens and channel this power into a single vessel. Hundreds of thousands of Viraj laid down their lives, creating a handful of heroes with the power to rival gods. The result of the war remains a mystery. No mortal has even seen one of the Viraj, or even heard the name of their nation. Their palaces of crystal and thought have been ground into sand. Only one trace remains: the artifacts created to focus the power of the champions. Invested with vast magical energy, these altars have resisted the ravages of time. Now the shifting of earth has brought the tip of one of these vast obelisks to the surface. Should any creature die in the vicinity of this Hungry Stone, its lifeforce is drawn into the artifact — and this energy is channeled into the next living creature to touch the stone. The Hungry Stone can bring great power to those who sacrifice before it, but it was designed for the use of the Viraj, not for the mortal creatures of the modern world. Continued use of the stone brings madness and a hideous transformation, turning man and beast alike into murderous monsters. It is up to the DM to decide how much territory the Viraj controlled at the height of their empire. It could be that there is only a single Hungry Stone in existence, or there might be a dozen of these artifacts buried across a continent. The first one is found by happenstance. Once it is known, a king or mighty wizard could easily seek out another of the obelisks, hoping to create a superhuman army, but once the blood madness takes hold, the Stone could tear a kingdom apart.


The Hungry Stone is one of the last relics of the Viraj. Mundane research cannot provide any information about the obelisk — aside from the fact that it is an artifact from an ancient and completely unknown culture. To acquire useful information, a character must may a skill check with both Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft; compare the lower result to the following table. DC
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