Tolentino and Associates Sample Construction and Design Preboard Exam

December 15, 2016 | Author: Dindo Mojica | Category: N/A
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Tolentino and Associates Sample Construction and Design Preboard Exam...


PREBOARD DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION TOLENTINO AND ASSOCIATES (Note There are few questions whose answers are not in the choices. Just Answer E. )

S -1 Given the figure shown.

1. Reaction at A is a. 400N b. 445 N 2. The Reaction at B is a. 89 N b. 100 N 3. The tangential deviation of a. 1672/EI b. 1967/EI 4. The slope at B is a. 89.58/EI b. 87.33/EI

c. 457 N

d. 479 N

c. 110 N d. 114 N B with respect to a tangent drawn at A. c. 2011/EI d. 2311/EI c. 85.23/EI

d. 82.55/EI

S-2 The beam shown weighs 30 N/m.

5. The vertical reaction at A a. 422 N b. 322 N c. 201 N d. 246 N 6. The tension at B a. 308 N b. 352 N c. 442 N d. 588 N 7. The Horizontal Reaction at A. a. 409.22 N b. 390.44 N c. 372.41 N d. 345.11 N 8. The Resultant reaction at A a. 427.41 N b. 477.47 N c. 489.22 N d. 502.41 N 9. The angle that Reaction at A makes with the horizontal.

a. 31.010

b. 34.220

c. 37.410

d. 3.770


Given the beam shown. The 100 kN load acts on the centroid of the cross section.

10. The flexular stress at A. a. 64.95 Mpa b. 66.31 Mpa c. 68.22 Mpa 11. The axial stress at A a. 3 Mpa b. 5 Mpa c. 7 Mpa 12. The total normal stress at A a. 55.23 Mpa b. 57.21 Mpa c. 69.95 Mpa 13. The shearing stress at A a. 9.743Mpa b. 11.412 Mpa c. 12.455 Mpa 14. The principal stress at A a. 67.41 Mpa b. 71.33 Mpa c. 76.22 Mpa 15. The angle that the principal stress makes with the horizontal a. 5.67 deg b. 7.78 deg c. 8.91 deg

d. 70.03 Mpa d. 9 Mpa d. 73.55 Mpa d. 13.111 Mpa d. 79.28 Mpa d. 9.89 deg

S-4 The 3 hinged arc shown is subjected to the two concentrated forces shown.

16. The vertical reaction at C is a. 7.312kN b. 6.234 kN 17. The horizontal reaction at C is a. 3 kN b. 4 kN 18. The reaction at B

c. 5.231 kN

d. 4.348 kN

c. 5 kN

d. 6 kN

a. 16.12 kN

b. 18.33 kN

c. 24.44 kN

d. 27.11 kN

S-5 A truck and a trailer combination crossing a 12 m span has axle loads as given.

19. The distance of the resultant load from the 10 Kn load is a. 2 m b. 3 m c. 4 m d. 5 m 20. The maximum shear developed in the beam. a. 30 kN b. 33 kN c. 39 kN d. 45 kN 21. The maximum moment in the beam is a. 78.22 kNm b. 82.36 kNm c. 96.12 kNm

d. 104.17 kNm

S-6 The 10 meter ladder weighing 35 kg is resting on a horizontal floor at A and on the wall at B making an angle of 60 deg from the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between the ladder and the wall ( and the ground and the ladder ) is 0.25 . A man of mass 72 kg climbs the ladder. 22. Determine the Normal reaction at the wall. a. 25.176 kG b. 27.441 kG c. 29.417 kG d. 32.114 kG 23. Determine the resultant reaction at the wall. a. 233.41 N b. 254.58 N c. 266.29 N d. 287.11 N 24. Determine the normal reaction at the ground. a. 89.267 kG b. 100.706 kG c. 115.241 kG d. 132.221 kG 25. Determine the resultant reaction at the ground. a. 1018.33 N b. 1233.75 N c. 1342.41 N d. 1661.22 N 26. Determine the distance x from the from the bottom of the ladder to which the man cal climb without causing the ladder to slip at its lower end A. a. 4.5 m b. 5.2 m c. 5.8 m d. 6 m S-7 A simply supported beam 10 m long has an overhang of 2 m at the left support. If a highway uniform load of 9.35 kN/m and a concentrated load of 116 kN passes trough the beam, compute the following based on the influence line on the maximum shear at midspan.

27. The ordinate of the IL for max shear at midspan 4 m from A.

a. -0.2 b. -1.7 c. 2.4 d. 3.1 28. The length of the beam where uniform load can produce maximum positive shear in the beam at the midspan. a. 4 b. 7 c. 8 d. 11 29. The maximum positive shear at the midspan. a. 71.56 kN b. 61.22 kN c. 58.21 kN d. 42.88 kN 30. The ordinate of the influence line for the maximum bending moment at the midspan 4 m from A. a. 6 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1 31. The value of the maximum positive bending moment at the midspan. a. 389.212 kN m b. 406.875 kN m c. 412.441 kN m d. 422.412 kN m S-8 A 9 meter high retaining wall is laterally supported at the top and fixed at the base. The wall resists active earth pressure increasing from 0 at the top to 52 kN/m at the base per meter length along the longitudinal axis. 32. The design moment at the base is a. 455.5 kNm b. 423.1 kNm c. 301.2 kNm d. 280.8 kNm 33. The lateral support from the top a. 46.8kN b. 49.2 kN c. 51.9 kN d. 58.1 kN 34. If the lateral support at the top is removed, the design moment is a. 622 kNm b. 688 kNm c. 702 kNm d. 710 kNm The entrance of a warehouse has a roof that supports a roof load of 8 kN/m. The supports B and C are considered simply supported.

35. The vertical reaction at the column is a. 37.5 kN b. 39.98 kN 36. The vertical reaction at C is a. 19.4 kN b. 22.5 kN 37. Maximum negative moment at AC. a. 7 kNm b. 9 kNm

c. 41.26 kN

d. 44.11 kN

c. 25.1 kN

d. 30.1 kN

c. 11 kN m

d. 13 kNm

38. Maximum positive moment at AC. a. 25.58 kNm b. 31.64 kNm c. 33.01 kN m 39. Location of the point of inflection at AC from A. a. 1.092 m b.1.567 m c. 1.872 m

d. 36.22 kNm d. 1.987 m

S-9 A water tank 3 meter in diameter and 6 meter high is made of steel having a thickeness of 12 mm. 40. When the tank is filled with water, determine the circumferential stress. a. 7.36 Mpa b. 9.82 Mpa c. 11.23 Mpa d. 12.66 Mpa 41. Determine the longitudinal stress when it is filled with water. a. 2.41 Mpa b. 3.68 Mpa c. 4.76 Mpa d. 5.54 Mpa S- 10 A hollow circular pole 6 mm thick with a 300 mm ouside diameter and a height of 3 meter weighs 150 N/m. The pole is subjected to the following loads. P = 3 kN and e = 100 mm from the centroid of the section. Lateral force of 0.45 kN acts at the top of the pole.

42. The maximum compressive stress at the base due to the vertical load plus the weight of the pole. a. 4.22 Mpa b. 3.66 Mpa c. 2.09 Mpa d.1.37 Mpa 43. The maximum tensile stress at the base due to lateral and vertical loads and the weight of the pole. a. 2.41Mpa b. 3.51 Mpa c. 4.89 Mpa d. 5.77 Mpa 44. BONUS-----If the hollow pole is replaced by a solid wood pole of 250 mm diameter, determine the maximum shear stress in the pole. a.3.091 Mpa b. 1.781 Mpa c. 0.012 Mpa d. 0.000 S -11 A barge shown diagramatically supports a load of W1 and W2 for every one meter strip along the longitudinal section.

44.Bonus!--- Find total legth L so that the upward pressure is uniform and that the barge remains horizontal a. L = 8 m b. L = 3 m c. L = 15 m d. L = 17 m 45. The shear at 3 meter from the left end when upward pressure q = 72 kN/m. a. 1.03 kN b. 1.67 kN c. 219 kN d. 241 kN 46. Distance from the left end where Shear = 0 when q = 87 kN/m a. 3 m b. 4 m c. 5 m d. 6 m S -12 The tensile member shown is 50 mm by 75 mm and subjected to a load of P = 200 kN. The plane AA makes an angle of 150 with the a axis. 47. The tensile stress at section AA. a. 41.98 Mpa b. 44.11 Mpa c. 49.76 Mpa d. 52.11 Mpa 48. The shear stress on Plane AA. a. 10.31 Mpa b. 11.98 Mpa c. 13.33 Mpa d. 15.02 Mpa

S - 13 A load W is to be lifted using the crane shown. x1 = 10 m, x2 = 8 m . Weight of the crane is 2 kN.

49. The force at cable AC is a. 19.34 kN b. 24.91 kN c. 27.98 kN 50. The reaction at B a. 33.11 kN b. 43.35 kN c. 46.11 kN 51. Largest force that can be lifted if maximum force AC= 50kN a. 40.11kN b. 42.15 kN c. 45.12 kN

d. 29.12 kN d. 48.21 kN d. 47.12 kN

S -14 A simply refinforced concrete beam reinforced for tension has a width of 300 mm and a total depth of 600 mm. It is subjected to external Moment Mu = 540kN m. fc’ = 28 Mpafy = 280 MpaEs = 200 Gpa 52. The balanced steel ratio is a. 3.981% b. 4.926% c. 6.011% d. 7.221% 53. The depth ‘a’ in terms of d if  = 1/2 balance Use  = 0.9 a. 22.11% b. 25.45% c. 28.11% d. 30.71% 54. The minimum effective depth is a. 583.21 mm b.421.44 mm c. 341.22 mm d. 301.29 mm S -15 The beam is to be analyzed using moment distribution.

55. The Fixed End Moment at D for span CD is a. 7.11kNm b. 8.23 kN m c. 9.28 kN m 56. The Distribution Factor at C for member BC is a. 0.667 b. 2.031 c. 3.331 m

d. 11.21 kN m d. 4.127 m

57. Using Three Moment Equations , the bending Moment Equations 𝟔𝑨𝒃

the for member CD if you consider span BCD is 𝑳 a. 85.33kN m2 b. 80.12 kN m2 c. 78.44 kN m2 58. The bending moment at B is a. 11.41 kN m b. 12.86 kN m c. 15.22 kN m

d. 73.11 m2 d. 18.21 kN m

S -16 A W 420 x 85 steel beam is fully restrained with a uniformly distributed load of 25 Kn/m. The beam has a span of 10 m. Properties: A = 10839 mm2 bf = 180 mm tf = 18 m tw = 11 mm d = 420 mm 59. The actual uniform load carried by the beam ( include its weight ) a. 25.834kN/m b. 26.878 kN/m c. 27.451 kN/m d. 28.221 kN/m 60. The maximum moment carried by the beam. a. 312.11 kN m b. 289.56 kN m c. 266.77 kN m d. 215. 28 kN m 61. The maximum bending stress a. 244.11 Mpa b. 213.41 Mpa c. 199.12 Mpa d. 145.84 Mpa 62. The maximum web shear stress fv = V/( d tw ) a. 27.96 Mpa b. 31.22 Mpa c. 34.11 Mpa d. 37.22 Mpa 63.The maximum horizontal shear stress a. 30.22 Mpa b. 33.09 Mpa c. 35.32 Mpa d. 38.22 Mpa S -17 Given the figure shown.

64. The tensile stress in the body of the bolt. a. 62.11 Mpa b. 67.22 Mpa c. 70.64 Mpa d. 77.41 Mpa 65. The Tensile stress at the root of the threads a.91.22Mpa b. 94.11 Mpa c. 99.47 Mpa d.106.22 Mpa 66. Find the compressive stress at the head as the bolt bears on the surface to resist the tensile load. a. 36.21 Mpa b. 40.33 Mpa c. 43.51 Mpa d. 47.23 Mpa S -18 The pin jointed assembly supports a billboard 2 m high x 4 n wide on each end. The total weight of the billboard is 24 kN. H = 1 m and  = 600. Wind pressure q = 1.44 KpA Wind pressure coefficient C = 1.2

67. The resultant wind load is a. 13.824 kN b. 15.214 kN c. 17.226 kN c. 20.112 kN 68. The axial force at AB is a. 12.41 kN b. 14.21 kN c. 16.02 kN d. 18.21 kN 69. The axial force at BC is a. 28.12 kN b. 31.98 kN c. 34.21 kN d. 37.77 kN 70. The vertical reaction at A is a. 7.21 kN b. 8.01 kN c. 9.81 kN d. 11.31 kN 71. The horizontal reaction at C is a. 27.7 kN b. 33.1 kN c. 37.2 kN d. 39.1 kN 72. If the strut AB is replaced by 16 mm diameter cable, determine the normal stress in the cable. a. 66.12 Mpa b. 69.34 Mpa c. 72.11 Mpa d. 79.68 Mpa

S-19 The figure shows a semicircular arc with the given load.

73. The shear at D is a. 0.03 kN b. 0.84 kN 74. The moment at D is a. 4.77 kN m b. 3.12 kN m 75. The axial force at D is a. 1.12 kN b. 2.44 kN

c. 1.44 kN

d. 2.42 kN

c. 2.14 kN m

d. 1.12 kN m

c. 4.12 kN

d. 4.98 kN

S-20 When the columns at E and H of the floor framing plan are deleted, girder BEHK becomes a one span fixed ended beam supporting DEF and beam GHI at H. The following loads on girder BEHK are as follows. Concentrated load at E = 266 kN Concentrated load at H = 266 Kn Uniform load throughout its length = 5Kn/m Hint: Consider BK as beam fixed at B and K with the given loads.

76. Compute the reactive moment at B. a. 466.67 kN m b. 489.12 kN m c. 522.11 kN m 77. Compute the reactive moment at K. a. 378.48 kN m b. 466.67 kN m c. 522.11 kN m 78. The maximum shear in the beam a. 201.49kN b. 284.75 kN c. 304.88 kN 79. The maximum positive bending moment in the beam. a. 605.44 kN m b. 672.88 kN m c. 700.16 kN m

d. 534.29 kN m d. 531.88 kN m d. 387.11 kN d. 741.41 kN m

S -21

P1 = 1.8 kN P2 = 0.9 kN P3 = 0.45 kN = 300 = 450 80. The magnitude of the resultant of the 3 forces. a. 2.455 kN b. 3.412 kN c. 4.791 kN 81. The angle that the resultant makes with the horizontal a. 56.120 b. 59.650 c. 67.110 82. The vertical reaction at B. a. 1.06 kN b. 2.41 kN c. 3.01 kN 83. The horizontal component of the reaction at B. a. 5 b. 3 c. 1

d. 5.012 kN d. 71.410 d. 3.78 kN d. 0

S-22 The suspended girder shown is supported by a series of hangers uniformly spaced along the parabolic cable.

84. The minimum tension is a. 160 kN b. 170 kN c. 180 kN d. 190 kN 85. The maximum tension is a. 101.412 kN b. 134.211 kN c. 178.885 kN d. 189.412 kN 86. The safe uniform load that the cable can support if maximum tension is 250kN. a. 13.976kN/m b. 16.221 kN/m c. 18.412 kN/m d. 19.661 kN/m 87. The length of the cable is a. 11.232 m b. 13.441 m c. 16.644 m d. 18.412 m

S-23 A concrete mixture has a ratio of 1:2:4 by mass. The water requirements is 24 liters per bag of cement. Weight of Cement = 40 kg/bag. Materials SG cement 3.33 sand 2.5 gravel 2.67 88. The volume of cement per bag a. 0.012 m3 b. 1.441 m3 c. 2.455 m3 89. The volume of sand for 1 bag of cement a. 3.451 m3 b. 2.411 m3 c. 1.442 m3 90. The volume of gravel for 1 bag of cement is a. 2.44 m3 b. 2.04 m3 c. 1.44 m3 91. The total volume of concrete is a. 0.128 m3 b. 1.331 m3 c. 2.412 m3

d. 3.011 m3 d. 0.032 m3 d. 0.06 m3 d. 3.331 m3

S -24 A 5 kg block is at rest at time t = 0 and is acted upon by a horizontal force P that varies with time as shown.

92. The initial acceleration of the block is a. 8.37 m/s2 b. 3.41 m/s2 93. The velocity of the block after 5 seconds a. 22.441 m/s b. 34.917 m/s 94. The distance travelled after 5 sec is a. 97.438 m b. 103.442 m

c. 4.44 m/s2

d. 4.89 m/s2

c. 36.428 m/s

d. 41.221 m/s

c. 105.321 m

d. 110.228 m

S-25 The rectangular reinforced concrete beam with a width of 200 mm and an effective depth of 500 mm is subjected to a service moment of 120 kN m. The beam is reinforced with 4 25 mm diameter bars with n= 8. 95. The distance from the neutral axis from the top of the beam. a. 461.452 mm b. 342.123 mm c.301.411 mm d. 212.507 mm 96. The maximum stress in concrete is

a. 13.518 Mpa b.15.221 Mpa 97.The maximum stress in steel is a. 104.221 Mpa b. 142.406 Mpa

c. 21.412 Mpa

d. 22.881 Mpa

c. 177.231 Mpa

d. 190.241 Mpa

S -26 For the given set of system shown:

98. The magnitude of the resultant of the force system shown. a. 77.14 N b. 81.21 N c. 84.22 N 99. The angle that the resultant makes with the + x axis is a. 44.220 b. 48.420 c. 52.220 100. The moment of all forces with respect to 0. a.204.17 Nm b. 231.11 Nm c. 369.69 Nm BONUS!----. The x intercept of the resultant force is a. 4.221 m b. 5.092 m c. 6.063 m BONUS!--The y intercept of the resultant force is a. -7.823 m b. 7.829 m c. 6.612 m

d. 87.55 N d. 54.770 d. 412.41 Nm d. 7.551 m d.-6.421 m

S -26 A beam 100 mm by 200 mm has a simple span of 5 m. It carries a uniform load of 5 kN/m. 92. The shear force 1 m from the left support is a. b. 7.5 kN 93. The shear stress at 30 mm from the top of the beam at a section 1 meter from the left support. a. b. 0.287 Mpa 94. The shear force carried by the section from the top to 30 mm below the top at a section where shear is maximum. a. b. c. 0.7593 kN S -27 The force acting per meter length of the dam are shown.

78. The bearing pressure at A is a. 163.2716Kpa 79. The bearing pressure at B is a. b. 108.025 kPa 80. The distance from B where the resultant applied forces intersect base AB. a. 2.883 m 81. Factor of safety against sliding if the coefficient of friction at the base of the dam is 0.25. a. b. 1.386 S -28 To prevent excessive deflection of a 3 m long cantilever beam subjected to a load of 2 Kn/M. Its free end is attached to a tension rod. Beam properties are as follows. A = 1900 mm2 I = 5.12 x 106 mm4 E = 200 Gpa 82. The maximum deflection before attaching the tension rod is

a. 19.78 mm 83. Maximum moment at the fixed end if the rod attached to the beam has a tension of 2 Kn. a. b. 3 kN m 84. The maximum positive moment in the beam if the tension in the rod is 2.5kN. a. b. 1.5625 kN m

S - 29 The bridge truss shown on the figure carries a concentrated load of 20 kN and a uniform load of 2 kN/m.

A unit load moves along the span AE . 85. The force at BG when the unit load is at B is a. +0.3536 kN 86. The force at BG when the unit load is at C a. b. -0.707 87. The maximum value of the tensile force at BG due the given applied loads is a. 9.9kN 88. The maximum value of compressive force at BG due to the given applied loads. a. b. 24.45 kN S -30 The beam shown in the figure carries a triangular load as shown.

89. The reaction at A is a. 17.333kN 90. The reaction at B is a. b. 38.667 kN 91. The location of the zero shear from A is a. 1.6795 m 92. The maximum positive bending moment is a. b. 13.766 kN m 93. The location of the point of inflection from point A is a. 3.615 m 94. The maximum negative moment is a. b. 40 kN m S -31 A rectangular footing 2.5 meter wide along the y axis, 3 m long along the x axis supports a circular pedestal 0.45 m in diameter. The horizontal force acting at the top of the pedestal along the x axis of the footing is 144 kN. The total axial load from the pedestal is 1200 kN. Thickness of the footing is 0.7 m, height of backfill on top of the footing is 1.5 m, depth from the top pedestal to the base of the footing is 2.5 m. Concrete unit weight = 24 kN/m3 Unit weight of soil = 17 Kn/m3

95. The maximum soil pressure is a. 256 kPa b. 276 kPa 96. The minimum soil pressure is a. 61 kPa b. 64 kPa 97. The required soil bearing capacity is a. 201.1 kPa b.244.1 kPa

c. 298 kPa

d. 321 kPa

c. 67 kPa

d. 71 kPa

c. 298.3 kPa

d. 308.4 kPa

S- 32 From the given frame shown using CANTILEVER method.

98. The location of the centroid from the leftmost column is a. 6.667 m b. 7.411 m c. 8.761 m 99. The axial load at AD is a. 1.044 kN b. 2.534 kN c. 3.142 kN 100. The moment at D is a. 4.41 kN b. 5.22 kN m c. 6.21 kN m

d. 9.231 m d. 4.231 kN d. 7.06 kN m

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