Toledano Shabbat Siddur

April 30, 2017 | Author: toledano77 | Category: N/A
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Current work in progress of the Toledano Shabbat Siddur...


‫סדור‬ ‫מוחין ד גדלות‬ Siddur Mochin d’Gadlut

Compiled, arranged and edited by Azriel ben Avraham (Jason Bright) According to the Toledano Tradition © 2013 All Rights Reserved Beit Mekubalim (House of Kabbalists)


Introduction  The Siddur constitutes a body of prayers and blessings which are recited three times daily: morning (Shacharit), afternoon (Mincha) and evening (Ma’ariv). This pattern of prayer has been used for millennia although the prayers themselves have differed. The act of prayer performed three times daily has been around in each galut (exile) as there is no Temple services performed at these times (see Talmud Berachot 26b). A Biblical example of this may be found in the narrative of the prophet Daniel who prayed three times daily towards Jerusalem while he lived in exile in Babylon (Dan 6:9). Prayer replaces the Temple sacrificial system during exile as the prophets declared: "Take with you words, and turn to the Lord. Say to Him, forgive all iniquity and receive us graciously, so we will offer the words of our lips instead of calves” (Hosea 14:3). The entire Siddur has been arranged and formatted in a precise manner. While there are differing customs as to the content and arrangement of the prayers the variations only differ slightly. The majority of Siddurim are parallel in their arrangements. Further, a great many of the prayers were formulated by the Kabbalists. The Kabbalists who wrote and arranged the prayers of the Siddur did so with one intent in mind- to elevate an individual’s consciousness from the mundane to the Kedusha of the moment. The word prayer itself in Hebrew is derived from the word: Palal. Palal means to judge and thus prayer by extension is a judgment. Prayer is not a judgment of others rather it is a reflexive word and indicates judgment of the self. Prayer is going within oneself and being exposed to the essence of what one truly is in an objective sense. It is meant to transform our perceptions of ourselves and to make tikkunim (corrections) as it relates to our desires. The Kabbalah teaches that a person is a vessel which consists of 613 desires and each of these desires are an internal state of perception that must be corrected one by one. Whenever a person completes the gradual process of rectifying all these desires they then only have a perception of the Singularity of Purpose and Creation and thus become One


with the All (devekut) and are removed from the process of gilgul (mundane cycle of existence). In truth, the correction of these desires is the purpose of each individual on this planet. The Arizal instructs us in the manner of using prayer for rectifications as follows: “Know that there is not anything in all creation that is not an aspect of the “seven kings that died in the land of Edom” (referred to in Gen. 36). All the worlds, all of them are aspects of these kings. If these kings did not die and thereby become nullified, making them the source of the klippot (shells), they could have been cleansed and rectified by themselves. However, they did die, they were nullified and did become the source of the klippot (shells). Thus all holiness left in them must be rectified, cleansed, purified and bleached white, so only the refuse, which are the real klippot (shells) remain below. When this cleansing and purifying process is completed, there will not remain even a spark of holiness left below; for all the sparks of holiness shall have risen. Then the refuse, the real klippot (shells) shall be left by itself below, without any life whatsoever. Thus shall be fulfilled the verse saying “He will destroy death forever” (Is.25:8). This shall only be after the coming of the Mashiach. Now, it is impossible to cleanse all the sparks of holiness from the klippot (shells) unless the action of cleansing be performed by an individual. By the prayers and proper actions of mankind below is the cleansing performed by the ten supernal sefirot of Atzilut. Those who are below are always in need of help from above to complete what they have to do. The powers above also need the help of those below; as it is written in the verse “Ascribe (lit.-give) strength to the Source” (Ps.68:35). . . It is the power of prayer that is the one specific thing, the principle and essence of what we are discussing here. Nothing works greater to cleanse the fallen vessels than prayer. Therefore have the Sages taught, “Prayer is one of the greatest things in the world” (Ber.6b). For by prayer mankind causes the upper (sefirotic) union to occur and thereby are the kings cleansed and raised above.” (Seder Olat HaTamid) In order for prayer to effect rectification the one engaging in prayer must cleanse their heart and mind of distractions and have proper kavanah (intention). The Shulchan Aruch gives clear direction on the proper method of engaging in prayer: “One who prays must devote his heart to the meaning of the words that come forth from one’s mouth. One must imagine that the Shechina stands opposite him. All extraneous thought must be removed so that ones’ thoughts and intent in prayer will be pure. One should imagine as if one is speaking to a king of flesh


and blood before whom one’s words would be prepared and conscientious, God forbid to make a mistake. All the more so [should one be this careful] before the King, Who is the King of kings Who examines every thought. Thus was the way of the pious and the men of renown: they would meditate and direct their attention to their prayers until they reached the level of detachment from the physical world and the dominance of the power of mind. They would almost come to the level of prophecy. If another thought comes to one during prayer, one should be silent until that thought is nullified. One must meditate upon those things that humble the heart, and direct [one’s heart] to his Heavenly Father.” (Orach Chaim 98:1)

From above Yosef Chaim instructs us to do the following during prayer: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

Be completely devoted to the meaning of the words of prayer Imagine being in the presence of the Shechina No other thoughts should be entertained during prayer Imagine your prayers are being offered before royalty so as to facilitate awe 5.) Prayer should be a meditation The purpose of prayer, according to Yosef Chaim, is to detatch from the physical world (mundane) and have mastery over the mind. This is similar to many spiritual practices wherein the mind or ego is bridled and brought under subjection. Rav Yosef stresses that this process is necessary and one can achieve Ruach HaKodesh (Divine Inspiration) by effectively engaging in prayer. The Siddur is arranged in a manner wherein we are able to climb the ladder of our emotions, psyche and soul but this can only be accomplished with proper kavanah (intention), without which prayer is a useless routine of religiosity. It is so important to move through the Siddur properly and with the right intention that many Kabbalists: including Beit El, Rav Katzin, Ridbaz and Sha’arei Teshuva, all express the view that if one should not attend a minyan wherein the proper kavanah is not the emphasis rather it is preferable that one should daven (pray) alone. This siddur you hold in your hand reflects a proper arrangement of the prayers and blessings and it contains specific wording and commentary to guide you through the various levels of prayer and to understand the process. With


proper intent and meditative perception the Siddur will enable you to pray effectively and to rectify the fallen desires (klippot) in order to cleave to the Holy One in true devekut.


Contents  Shabbat Candle Lighting Page 7

Kabbalat Shabbat Page 8

Shema & Blessings Page 27

The Amidah Page 37

Concluding Prayers Page 48

Shabbat at Home Page 57

Birkat HaMazon Page 66


‫הדלקת נרות שבת‬

 Shabbat Candle Lighting Light both candles. Traditionally one covers the eyes while reciting the following blessing.

The fount of Sustenance are You, Adonai my Source, Sovereign of the universe, who enlivens us with mitzvot, and has instructed us in the way of the Sabbath light.

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech haolam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav, v'tzivanu l'hadlik neir shel shabat.

‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי ָּ אֱֹלהֵינּו‬ ‫ֶמלְֶך הָּעֹולָּם‬ ‫ֲאשֶר קִדְ שָּנּו ְב ִמצְֹותָּ יו‬ ‫ְו ִצּוָּנּו ְלהַדְ לִיק נֵר שֶל‬ ‫שבָּת‬ ַ

The lighting of the Shabbat candles is typically performed by a female although if none is present it is permissible for a man to kindle the flames. Women are designated for such a role as they represent the feminine aspect of Creation and descend from the soul root called “Eve.” In the Torah narrative the attribute of Eve caused the light of the Creator to become more concealed as Eve contributed to the consciousness of polarity. Thus every Shabbat when a woman kindles the candles she is acting as a receptive force that invites and brings the Light of the Creator into the world.


Kabbalat Shabbat

“All the days of the week are blessed from Shabbat” (Zohar 4)


‫ידיד נפש‬

 Yedid Nefesh


Lover of my soul,

Compassionate Parent, draw Your emissary to Your Desire; then Your emissary will hurry like a stag to submit to Your splendor; to Your emissary Your friendship will be sweeter than the dripping of the honeycomb and any other taste.


Majestic, Beautiful,

Radiance of the universe, my soul is desperate for your love. Please, heal her now by showing her the pleasantness of Your radiance; then she will be strengthened and healed, and eternal gladness will be hers.


Enduring One, may

Your mercy be aroused and please take pity on

Yedid nefesh av harachaman, m'shoch avdecha el ritzonecha, yarutz avdecha k'mo ayal, yishtachaveh el mul hadarecha, ye'erav lo yedidotecha, minofet suf v'chol ta'am. Hadur na'eh ziv ha'olam, nafshi cholat ahavatecha, anah el nah r'fah nah lah, b'harot lah no'am zivecha, oz titchazeik v'titrafei, v'haita lah simchat olam. Vatik yehemu nah rachamecha, v'chusa nah al ben ahuvecha, ki zeh kama nichsof nichsafti, lirot miheirah b'tiferet uzecha, eileh chamdah libi, v'chusa nah v'al titalam. Higaleh nah u'fros chavivi alai et sukat shilomecha, ta'ir eretz michvodecha, nagillah v'nismicha bach, maheir ehuv ki va moed, v'chaneinu kimei olam.


‫י ְדִ יד נֶפֶש ָאב ה ַָּר ְחמָּן‬ ‫מְשְך ַעבְדָּ ְך אֶל ְרצונְָּך‬ ‫י ָּרּוץ ַעבְדָּ ְך כְמו ַאי ָּל‬ ‫יִשְתַ ֲחוֶה מּול הֲדָּ ָּרְך‬ ‫כִי יֶע ְַרב לֹו י ְדִ ידּותְָּך‬ ‫מִּנפֶת צּוף ְוכָּל ָּטעַם‬ ‫הָּדּור נָּאֶה זִיו הָּעולָּם‬ ‫נַ ְפשִי חולַת ַא ֲהבָּתָּ ְך‬ ‫ָאנָּא אֵל נָּא ְרפָּא נָּא לָּּה‬ ‫ְבה ְַראות לָּּה נעַם זִיוְָּך‬ ‫ָאז תִ תְ ֵחזֵק וְתִ תְ ַרפֵא‬ ‫ש ְפחַת עולָּם‬ ִ ‫ְו ָּהי ְתָּ ה לְָּך‬ ‫וָּתִ יק יֶהְמּו ַר ֲחמֶיָך‬ ‫וְחּוס נָּא עַל בֵן אֹו ֲהבְָּך‬ ‫כִי זֶה ַכמֶה נִכְסף נִ ְכסַף‬ ‫ל ְִראות בְתִ ְפא ֶֶרת ֻעזְָּך‬ ‫ָאנָּא ֵאלִי ַמ ְחמָּד ִלבִי‬ ‫וְַאל תִ תְ ַעלָּם חּושָּה נָּא‬ ‫ִהגָּלֵה נָּא ּופְרׂש ָּחבִיב‬ ‫ָּעלַי אֶת ֻסכַת שְלומְֶך‬ ‫תָּ אִיר א ֶֶרץ ִמכְבֹודָּ ְך‬ ‫ׂש ְמחָּה ָּבְך‬ ְ ִ‫נָּגִילָּה ְונ‬

the child of Your beloved, because it is so very long that I have yearned intensely to see the awesomeness of Your strength; this is my hearts only desire, so please be compassionate and do not conceal Yourself.


‫ַמהֵר ָאהּוב כִי בָּא‬ ‫מועֵד‬ ‫ְו ָּחנֵנִי כִימֵי עולָּם‬

Please, my Beloved,

reveal Yourself and spread upon me the covering of Your peace; illuminate the Earth with Your glory, that we may rejoice and be glad with You; quickly, show love, for the time has come, and show us benevolence as in days of old.

Yedid Nefesh was composed by 16th Century Kabbalist Rabbi Elazar Azikri. It was composed in an acrostic form as the first Hebrew letter of each of the four stanzas combine to form the Tetragrammaton, the four-letter name of God. It contains passionate language to describe the longing of the Soul to be reunited with its Source. It is through the ascension of the Divine Name that the Soul is rectified to Her truest Lover.


‫לכו נרננה‬

 Lechu Neran'nah Psalm 95 Come, let us sing to Adonai: let us shout for joy to the Rock of our rectification. Let us meet our Source with appreciation: let us sing glorious songs about our Source. For Adonai is awesome, and the Source of all creation. He emanated everything from the lowest valleys to the highest mountain peaks, from the ocean to the dry land. (Reader) O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before Adonai our Maker. For Adonai is our Source and our Shepherd, and we are His people and flock.

Lchu n'ran'nah l’Adonai, nari-ah l'tzur yisheinu. N'kad'mah fanav b'todah, bizmirot nari-a lo. Ki eil gadol Adonai, umelech gadol al kol elohim. Asher b'yado mechk'rei aretz, v'toafot harim lo. Asher lo hayam v'hu asahu, v'yabeshet yadav yatzaru. (Reader) Bou nishtachaveh v'nichra-ah, nivr'chah lifnei Adonai oseinu. Ki hu Eloheinu vaanachnu am marito v'tzon yado.

‫לְכּו נ ְַרּנְנָּה לַיי ָּ נ ִָּריעָּה‬ ‫ נְקַדְ מָּה‬.‫שעֵנּו‬ ְ ִ ‫לְצּור י‬ ‫ָּפנָּיו בְתֹודָּ ה ִבזְמִרֹות‬ ‫נ ִָּרי ַע לֹו‬ ‫כִי אֵל גָּדֹול יְי ָּ ּומֶ ֶֽלְֶך‬ ‫גָּדֹול עַל כָּל אֱֹלהִים‬ ‫ֲאשֶר ְבי ָּדֹו ֶמ ְחק ְֵרי אָּ ֶֶֽרץ‬ ‫וְתֹועֲפֹות ה ִָּרים לֹו ֲאשֶר‬ ‫לֹו ַהי ָּם וְהּוא ָּעׂשָּהּו‬ ‫ְוי ַ ֶבשֶת י ָָָּּ דיו יָּצָּרּו‬ (Reader) ‫חוֶה‬ ֲ ַ‫בֶֽאּו נִשְת‬ ָּ ‫ְונִכ ְָּרעָּה נִב ְְרכָּה ִל ְפנֵי יְי‬ ‫עׂשֵנּו‬ ‫כִי הּוא אֱֹלהֵינּו ַו ֲאנַחְנּו‬ ‫עַם מ ְַרעִיתֹו וְצאן י ָּדֹו‬

As we begin our connection, we enter the realm of Shabbat singing with joy. The end of this psalm, which corresponds to the first day of the week, reminds us of our nature to rebel and act only according to our ego’s desires. The effect of which is chaos and absence of rest.


‫יי מלך‬

 Adonai Malach Psalm 97

Adonai reigns; let the earth exalt; let the nations rejoice. Adonai is concealed within our midst: uprightness and justice are the foundation of His authority. A fire procedes from Him, and incinerates those which oppose the Divine. His lightnings illumine the world: the earth sees and trembles. The mountains melt like wax before Adonai, before the Sovereign of the whole earth. The heavens declare Adonai's righteousness, and all the peoples behold His glory. Ashamed be all they that serve graven images, that make their boast of things of nought: submit to the Sovereign. Zion heard and was glad, and the cities of Judah rejoiced, because of your judgments, Adonai. For you are most high above all the earth: you are exalted far above all

Adonai malach tageil ha-aretz, yism'chu iyim rabim. Anan va-arafel s'vivav, tzedek umishpat m'chon kiso. Eish l'fanav teileich', ut'laheit saviv tzarav. Heiiru v'rakav teiveil, ra-atah vatacheil ha-aretz. Harim kadonag namasu milifnei Adonai, milifnei adon kol ha-aretz. Higidu hashamayim tzidko, v'rau chol haamim k'vodo. Yeivoshu kol ov'dei fesel hamithal'lim ba-elilim, hishtachavu lo kol elohim. Sham'ah vatismach tziyon, vatageil'nah b'not y'hudah, l'ma-an mishpatecha Adonai. Ki atah Adonai elyon al kol ha-aretz, m'od na-aleita al kol elohim. Ohavei Adonai sinu ra, shomeir nafshot chasidav, miyad r'shaim yatzileim. (Reader) Or zarua latzadik, ul'yishrei leiv simchah. Simchu tzadikim b'Adonai, v'hodu l'zeicher


‫ָָּארץ‬ ֶ ‫יְי ָּ ָּמלְָּך תָּ גֵל ה‬ ‫ׂשמְחּו ִאי ִים ַרבִים ָּענָּן‬ ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ַוע ֲָּרפֶל ְסבִיבָּיו צֶדֶ ק‬ ‫שפָּט מְכֹון ִכסְאֹו אֵש‬ ְ ‫ּו ִמ‬ ‫ְל ָּפנָּיו תֵ לְֵך ּותְ ַלהֵט‬ ‫ֵהאִירּו ָּסבִיב צ ָָּּריו‬ ‫ב ְָּרקָּיו תֵ בֵל ָּראֲתָּ ה‬ ‫ָָּארץ ה ִָּרים‬ ֶ ‫וַתָּ חֵל ה‬ ָּ ‫כַדֹונַג נָּמַּסּו ִמ ִל ְפנֵי יְי‬ ‫ָָּארץ‬ ֶ ‫ִמ ִל ְפנֵי אֲדֹון כָּל ה‬ ‫ש ַמי ִם צִדְ קֹו‬ ָּ ‫ִהגִידּו ַה‬ ‫ו ְָּראּו כָּל ָּה ַעמִים כְבֹודֹו‬ ‫י ֵבשּו כָּל עבְדֵ י ֶפסֶל‬ ‫ַהמִתְ ַה ְללִים ָּב ֱאלִילִים‬ ‫ִהשְתַ חֲוּו לֹו כָּל אֱֹלהִים‬ ‫ׂשמַח צִיֹון‬ ְ ִ‫ש ְמעָּה וַת‬ ָּ ‫וַתָּ גֵ ְלנָּה בְנֹות י ְהּודָּ ה‬ ‫ש ָּפטֶיָך יְי ָּ כִי‬ ְ ‫ְל ַמעַן ִמ‬ ‫אַתָּ ה יְי ָּ ֶעלְיֹון עַל כָּל‬ ‫ָָּארץ מְאד נַ ֲעלֵיתָּ עַל‬ ֶ ‫ה‬ ָּ ‫כָּל אֱֹלהִים א ֲהבֵי יְי‬ ‫ׂשנְאּו ָּרע שמֵר נַפְשֹות‬ ִ ‫שעִים‬ ָּ ‫ֲחסִידָּ יו ִמי ַד ְר‬ ‫( יַצִילֵם‬Reader) ‫אֹור‬ ‫ז ָֻּר ַע ַלצַדִ יק ּו ְליִש ְֵרי‬ ‫ְלזֵכֶר קָּדְ שֹו‬

creatures. O you that love Adonai, hate evil: God preserves the souls of God's loving ones; and delivers them out of the hand of the wicked. (Reader) Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart. Rejoice in Adonai, you righteous; and give thanks to God's holy Name.


This Psalm helps us to imagine what it will be like when all human beings transform their ego's nature and come together in love and harmony; a world of Light and joy. According to Jeremiah 31:31 the whole of existence will be elevated and human consciousness will perceive the oneness of All. In that day their will be no conflict between any aspect of nature and the Light of the Creator will be revealed within the human mind.


‫שירו ליי‬

 Shiru l'Adonai Psalm 98

O sing unto God a new song; for God has done marvelous things: God's right hand, and God's holy arm, have wrought salvation for God. Adonai has made known God's salvation: God's righteousness was revealed in the sight of the nations. God has remembered lovingkindness and faithfulness toward the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Shout for joy unto God, all the earth; break forth into exultation, and sing praises. Sing praises unto God with the harp; with the harp and the voice of melody. With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout for joy before the Sovereign, Adonai. Let the sea roar and the fullness thereof, the world, and they that dwell therein. Let the floods clap their hands, let the mountains exult

Mizmor, shiru l’Adonai shir chadash, ki nifla-ot asah, hoshi-ah lo y'mino uz'roa kod'sho. Hodi-a Adonai y'shuato, l'einei hagoyim gilah tzidkato. Zachar chasdo veemunato l'veit yisra-eil, rau chol afsei aretz, eit y'shuat Eloheinu. Hariu l’Adonai kol ha-aretz, pitzchu v'ran'nu v'zameiru. Zam'ru l’Adonai b'chinor, b'chinor v'kol zimrah. Bachatzotz'rot v'kol shofar, hariu lifnei hamelech Adonai. Yiram hayam um'lo-o, teiveil v'yosh'vei vah. N'harot yimchau chaf, yachad harim y'raneinu. (Reader) Lifnei Adonai ki va lishpot ha-aretz, yishpot teiveil b'tzedek, v'amim b'meisharim.


‫ִמזְמֹור שִירּו לַיי ָּ שִיר‬ ‫חָּדָּ ש כִי נִ ְפלָּאֹות ָּעׂשָּה‬ ‫הֹושִיעָּה לֹו יְמִינֹו ּוזְרֹו ַע‬ ,‫קָּדְ שֹו הֹודִ י ַע יְי ָּ י ְשּועָּתֹו‬ ‫ְלעֵינֵי הַגֹוי ִם ִגלָּה‬ ‫צִדְ קָּתֹו זָּכַר ַחסְדֹו‬ ‫ֶואֱמּונָּתֹו ְלבֵית יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬ ‫ָארץ אֵת‬ ֶ ‫ָּראּו כָּל ַא ְפסֵי‬ ‫י ְשּועַת אֱֹלהֵינּו ה ִָּריעּו‬ ‫ָָּארץ ִפצְחּו‬ ֶ ‫לַיי ָּ כָּל ה‬ ‫זַמְרּו לַיי ָּ ו ְַרּנְנּו ְוזַ ֵמרּו‬ ‫ְבכִּנֹור ְבכִּנֹור וְקֹול‬ ‫זִמ ְָּרה ַבחֲצצְרֹות וְקֹול‬ ‫שֹופָּר ה ִָּריעּו ִל ְפנֵי‬ ‫ַה ֶמלְֶך יְי ָּ י ְִרעַם ַהי ָּם‬ ‫שבֵי בָּּה‬ ְ ‫ּומְֹלאֹו תֵ בֵל וְי‬ ‫נְהָּרֹות י ִ ְמחֲאּו כָּף יַחַד‬ ‫( ה ִָּרים י ְַרּנֵנּו‬Reader) ‫ִל ְפנֵי יְי ָּ כִי בָּא ִלשְפט‬ ‫ָארץ יִשְפט תֵ בֵל ְבצֶדֶ ק‬ ֶ ‫ָּה‬ ‫ְו ַעמִים ְבמֵיש ִָּרים‬

together, (Reader) before God, for God comes to judge the earth: God will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity.

This Psalm invites us again to sing a new song. However, this time we are asked to look back on the week that has passed and count our blessings. The Light is always shining and miracles occur every day, even if the clouds of life try to convince us otherwise.


‫יהוה מלך ירגזו עמים‬

 Adonai Malach Yirg'zu Amim Psalm 99

Adonai reigns; let the peoples tremble. God is enthroned on high upon the cherubim; let the earth quake! Adonai is great in Zion: and is high above all the peoples. Let them give thanks to your great and dreaded Name; God is holy. Mighty God's strength also loves justice; it was you who established equity; you who worked righteous judgment in Jacob. Exalt Adonai our God and bow down. God is holy! Moses and Aaron among God's priests, and Samuel among them that call upon God's Name, called upon God, and God answered them. God spoke unto them in the pillar of cloud: they kept God's testimonies, and the statute that God gave them. You answered them, Adonai our God: a forgiving God you were to them, though you did punish

Adonai malach yirig'zu amim, yoshev k'ruvim tanit ha'aretz. Adonai b'tzion gado v'ram hu al kol ha'amim. Yodu shimcha gadol v'nora; kadosh hu. V'oz melech mishpat aheiv atah konanta meisharim, mishpat utz'dakah b'ya-akov atah asita. Rom'mu Adonai Eloheinu, v'hishtachavu lahadom raglav, kadosh hu. Mosheh v'aharon b'chohanav, ush'mueil b'kor'ei sh'mo, koriym el Adonai v'hu ya-aneim. B'amud anan y'dabeir aleihem, sham'ru eidotav v'chok natan lamo. Adonai Eloheinu, atah anitam, eil nosei hayita lahem, v'nokeim al alilotam. (Reader) Rom'mu Adonai Eloheinu, v'hishtachavu l'har kod'sho, ki kadosh Adonai Eloheinu.


‫יְי ָּ ָּמלְָּך י ְִרגזּו עַמים ישב‬ ָּ ‫כרּובִים תנּוט הָּאָּ ֶֶֽרץ יְי‬ ‫בצִיֹון גדֹול ו ְָּרם הּוא עַל‬ ‫כל ָּהעַמים יֹודּו שמְָך‬ ‫ְנֹורא קָּדֹוש הּוא‬ ָּ ‫גדֹול ו‬ ‫וְעז ֶמלְֶך מִשפט ָאהֵב‬ ‫ֵישרים‬ ִ ‫אַתה כֹונַנְתָּ מ‬ ‫שפָּט ּוצְדָּ קָּה ְביַעֲקב‬ ְ ‫ִמ‬ ָּ ‫אַתָּ ה ָּעׂשִיתָּ רֹומְמּו יְי‬ ‫אֱֹלהֵינּו ְו ִהשְתַ חֲוּו ַלהֲדם‬ ‫ַרגְלָּיו קָּדֹוש הּוא משֶה‬ ‫וְַא ֲהרן בְכ ֲהנָּיו ּושְמּואֵל‬ ‫בְק ְראֵי שְמֹו ק ִראים אֶל‬ ‫יְי ָּ וְהּוא י ַ ֲענֵם ְבעַמּוד‬ ‫שמְרּו‬ ָּ ‫ָּענָּן י ְדַ בֵר ֲאלֵיהֶם‬ ָּ ‫עֵדתָּ יו וְחק נָּתַ ן לָּמֹו יְי‬ ‫אֱֹלהֵינּו אַתָּ ה ֲענִיתָּ ם אֵל‬ ‫נׂשֵא ָּהי ִיתָּ ָּלהֶם וְנקֵם‬ ‫( עַל ֲעלִילֹותָּם‬Reader) ‫רֹומְמּו יְי ָּ אֱֹלהֵינּו‬ ‫ְו ִהשְתַ חֲוּו ְלהַר קָּדְ שֹו כִי‬ ‫קָּדֹוש יְי ָּ אֱֹלהֵינּו‬

their misdeeds. (Reader) Exalt Adonai our God, and worship at God's holy mount; for Adonai our God is holy.

This Psalm reminds us that we live in a cause and effect universe. It assures us that we can always return to the work of our spiritual transformation and be a part of the Creator’s Light.


‫מזמור לדוד‬

 Mizmor L'David Psalm 29 It is a good thing to give thanks unto God, and to sing praises unto your Name, O Most High: to declare your lovingkindness in the morning, and your faithfulness every night, with an instrument of ten strings and with a harp, with solemn music upon the lyre. For you, Adonai, have made me rejoice through your work: I will exult in the works of your hands. How great are your works, Adonai: your thoughts are very deep. A brutish man knows it not, neither does a fool understand this: when the wicked sprang up as the grass, and all the workers of iniquity flourished, it was that they might be destroyed forever. But you, Adonai, are on high forevermore. For your enemies, O God, for your enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered. But my

Mizmor shir l'yom hashabat. Tov l'hodot l’Adonai, ul'zameir l'shimcha elyon. L'hagid baboker chasdecha, veemunat'cha baleilot. Alei asor va-alei navel, alei higayon b'chinor. Ki simachtani Adonai b'faolecha, b'ma-asei yadecha aranein. Mah gad'lu ma-asecha Adonai, m'od am'ku machsh'votecha. Ish baar lo yeida, uch'sil lo yavin et zot. Bifroach r'shaim k'mo eisev, vayatzitzu kol poalei aven, l'hisham'dam adei ad. V'atah marom l'olam Adonai. Ki hineih oy'vecha, Adonai, ki hineih oy'vecha yoveidu, yitpar'du kol poalei aven. Vatarem kireim karni, baloti b'shemen ra-anan. Vatabeit eini b'shuray, bakamim alai m'reiim tishmanah az'nay. (Reader) Tzadik katamar yifrach, k'erez bal'vanon yisgeh. Sh'tulim b'veit Adonai, b'chatzrot Eloheinu yafrichu. Od y'nuvun 18

‫ִמזְמֹור שִיר לְיֹום‬ ָּ ‫ טֹוב לְהדֹות לַיי‬.‫שבָּת‬ ַ ‫ַה‬ .‫שמְָך ֶעלְיֹון‬ ִ ‫ּו ְלזַמֵר ְל‬ ‫ְל ַהגִיד בַבקֶר ַחסְדֶ ָך‬ ‫ ֲעלֵי‬.‫ֶואֱמּונָּתְ ָך ַבלֵילֹות‬ ‫ֲעלֵי עָּׂשֹור ַו ֲעלֵי נָּבֶל‬ ‫ִהגָּיֹון ְבכִּנֹור כִי‬ ‫ׂש ַמחְתַ נִי יְי ָּ ְב ָּפ ֳעלֶָך‬ ִ ‫ מַה‬.‫ְב ַמ ֲעׂשֵי י ָּדֶ יָך א ֲַרּנֵן‬ ‫גָּדְ לּו ַמ ֲעׂשֶיָך יְי ָּ מְאד‬ ‫אִיש ָּעמְקּו ַמ ְחשְבתֶ יָך‬ ‫ַבעַר ֹלא י ֵדָּ ע ּו ְכסִיל ֹלא‬ ‫ ִבפְר ַח‬.‫יָּבִין אֶת זאת‬ ‫שעִים כְמֹו ֵעׂשֶב‬ ָּ ‫ְר‬ ‫ַויָּצִיצּו כָּל פ ֲעלֵי ָאוֶן‬ .‫שמְדָּ ם עֲדֵ י עַד‬ ָּ ‫ְל ִה‬ .ָּ ‫ְואַתָּ ה מָּרֹום לְעלָּם יְי‬ ‫ יְי ָּ כִי‬,‫כִי ִהּנֵה איְבֶיָך‬ ,‫ִהּנֵה איְבֶיָך יאבֵדּו‬ .‫י ִתְ פ ְָּרדּו כָּל פ ֲעלֵי ָאוֶן‬ ‫וַתָּ ֶרם כ ְִראֵים ק ְַרנִי‬, .‫שמֶן ַר ֲענָּן‬ ֶ ‫בַֹּלתִ י ְב‬ ‫ְשּורי‬ ָּ ‫וַתַ בֵט עֵינִי ב‬ ‫ַב ָּקמִים ָּעלַי מ ְֵרעִים‬ ‫ש ַמ ְענָּה ָאזְנָּי‬ ְ ִ‫ת‬ (Reader) ‫צַדִ יק כַתָּ מָּר‬ ‫ ְכא ֶֶרז ַב ְלבָּנֹון‬,‫יִפ ְָּרח‬

strength you have exalted, like that of the wild-ox: I am anointed with fresh oil. My eye also has seen the defeat of my enemies; my ears have heard the doom of those that rose up against me, doers of evil. (Reader) The righteous shall spring up like a palm-tree and grow tall like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of God, they shall blossom in the courts of our God. They shall still shoot forth in old age; they shall be full of sap and green: to declare that Adonai is upright; God is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in God.

b'seivah, d'sheinim v'ra-ananim yihyu. L'hagid ki yashar Adonai, tzuri v'lo avlatah bo.

‫ שְתּולִים ְבבֵית‬.‫ׂשגֶה‬ ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ ְב ַחצְרֹות אֱֹלהֵינּו‬,ָּ ‫יְי‬ ‫ עֹוד י ְנּובּון‬.‫יַפ ְִריחּו‬ ‫שנִים‬ ֵ ְ‫ ד‬,‫ְבׂשֵיבָּה‬ ‫ו ְַר ֲענַּנִים יִהְיּו‬. ‫ְל ַהגִיד כִי‬ ‫צּורי וְֹלא‬ ִ ,ָּ ‫יָּשָּר יְי‬ ‫ַע ְולָּתָּ ה בֹו‬

The word for voice, which is “kol”, appears seven times in this Psalm, which corresponds to Erev Shabbat. The voice is that of the Creator and the seven times represents seven dimensions of the Light. With this Psalm, we are able to surround ourselves with the energy of mercy that flows into our world during Shabbat.


‫לכה דודי‬

 Lecha Dodi

Come, my beloved, with a chorus of praise, Welcome the Sabbath Bride, the Queen of the days. “Keep and Remember”!—said in one single utterance Adonai the One, made us hear: One is the name of God, One is Adonai! Reflected in fame, in glory, and in praise! To welcome the Sabbath, we joyously hurry; It is forever a fountain of blessing— In God’s primordial planning, it came last of all days, But even then was the crown of creation. O holy sanctuary and royal city arise from your desolate years! Too long have you dwelled in the valley of tears, Now God’s tenderness will rain down upon

L'chah dodi likrat kolah, p'nei shabat n'kab'lah. Shamor v'zachor b'dibur echad, hishmi-anu eil ham'yuchad, Adonai echad ush'mo echad, l'sheim ul'tiferet v'lithilah. L'chah dodi... Likrat shabat l'chu v'neil'chah, ki hi m'kor hab'rachah, meirosh mikedem n'suchah, sof ma-aseh b'machashavah t'chilah. L'chah dodi... Mikdash melech ir m'luchah, kumi tz'i mitoch hahafeichah, rav lach shevet b'eimek habacha, v'hu yachamol alayich chemlah. L'chah dodi... Hitna-ari mei-afar kumi, livshi bigdei tifarteich ami, al yad ben yishai beit halachmi, kor'vah el 20

‫ְל ָּכה דֹודִ י ִלק ְַראת ַכלָּה‬ ‫שבָּת נְ ַק ְבלָּה‬ ַ ‫ְפנֵי‬ ‫שָּמֹור ְוזָּכֹור בְדִ בּור‬ ‫שמִיעָּנּו ֶאחָּד‬ ְ ‫ִה‬ ‫אֵל ַה ְמיֻחָּד יְי ָּ ֶאחָּד‬ ‫ּושְמֹו ֶאחָּד‬ ‫ְלשֵם ּולְתִ פְאֶ ֶֶֽרת‬ ‫ְולִתְ ִהלָּה‬ ‫ְלכָּה דֹודִי‬ ‫שבָּת לְכּו‬ ַ ‫ִלק ְַראת‬ ‫ְונֵ ְלכָּה‬ ‫כִי הִיא מְקֹור ַהב ְָּרכָּה‬ ‫מֵראש מִקֶ ֶֽדֶ ם נְסּוכָּה‬ ‫שבָּה‬ ָּ ‫סֹוף ַמ ֲעׂשֶה ְב ַמ ֲח‬ ‫תְ ִחלָּה‬ ‫ְלכָּה דֹודִי‬ ‫ִמקְדַ ש ֶמלְֶך עִיר‬ ‫מְלּוכָּה‬ ‫קֶּֽומִי ְצאִי מִתֹוְך‬ ‫ַה ֲה ֵפ ָּכ‬ ‫שבֶת ב ְֵעֶֽמֶק‬ ֶ ‫ַרב לְָּך‬ ‫ַה ָּבכָּא‬ ‫וְהּוא יַחֲמֹול ָּע ַלי ְִך‬

you. Shake off the dust, O Israel! Arise! Dress up in your finest clothes, My people, for through Jesse of Bethlehem you will draw nearer to Me and be redeemed. Awake! Awake! The new light is shining! With that radiance, the world will glow; Sing! For darkness is hidden by joyful praise— Adonai’s glory brings light to you! May your oppressors be challenged and your enemies defeated; God will exalt and rejoice in you, Joyful as a bridegroom celebrating with his bride.

nafshi g'alah. L'chah dodi... Hitor'ri hitor'ri, ki va oreich kumi ori, uri uri shir dabeiri, k'vod Adonai alayich niglah. L'chah dodi... V'hayu limshisah shosayich, v'rachaku kol m'val'ayich, yasis alayich elohayich, kimsos chatan al kolah. L'chah dodi... Yamin us'mol tifrotzi, v'et Adonai ta-aritzi, al yad ish ben partzi, v'nism'chah v'nagilah. L'chah dodi...

‫ֶח ְמלָּה‬ ‫ְלכָּה דֹודִי‬ ‫הִתְ נַע ֲִרי ֵמ ָּעפָּר קֶּֽומִי‬ ‫ְַארתֵ ְך‬ ְ ‫ִל ְבשִי ִבגְדֵ י תִ פ‬ ‫ עַל י ַד בֶן יִשַי בֵית‬,‫ַעמִי‬ ‫ַה ַל ְחמִי ק ְָּרבָּה אֶל נַ ְפשִי‬ ‫גְָאלָּּה‬ ‫ְלכָּה דֹודִי‬ ‫עֹור ִרי כִי‬ ְ ְ‫עֹור ִרי הִת‬ ְ ְ‫הִת‬ ‫ֶֹֽורי‬ ִ ‫אֹורְך קֶּֽומִי א‬ ֵ ‫בָּא‬ ‫ֶּֽורי שִיר דַ ב ִֵרי‬ ִ ‫ֶּֽורי ע‬ ִ ‫ע‬ ‫כְבֹוד יְי ָּ ָּע ַלי ְִך נִגְלָּה‬ ‫ְלכָּה דֹודִי‬ ‫שּסָּה שא ָּסי ְִך‬ ִ ‫ְוהָּיּו ִל ְמ‬ ‫ו ְָּרחֲקּו כָּל ְמ ַב ְל ָּעי ְִך‬ ‫יָּׂשִיׂש ָּע ַלי ְִך אֱֹל ָּהי ְִך‬ ‫ִכמְׂשֹוׂש חָּתָּ ן עַל ַכלָּה‬ ‫ְלכָּה דֹודִי‬ ‫יָּמִין ּוׂשְמאל תִ פ ְֶֽרֹוצִי‬ ‫ְואֶת יְי ָּ תַ ע ֲִריצִי עַל י ַד‬ ‫ׂש ְמחָּה‬ ְ ִ‫אִיש בֶן פ ְַרצִי ְונ‬ ‫ְונָּגִילָּה‬ ‫ְלכָּה דֹודִי‬

Stretch out thy borders to the left and to the right; Give honor to Adonai in Whom we delight— The Messiah is coming to gladden our sight, And we shall rejoice in pleasant fulfillment.


In some communities the congregation rises and faces the doorway in order to greet the Sabbath Bride. In addition, we bow and then turn back to the front of the room, to acknowledge her entrance. Enter in peace, O crown of your husband. Enter in gladness, enter in joy. Come to the people that keeps its faith. Enter, O bride! Enter, O bride!

Bo-i v'shalom ateret balah, gam b'simchah uv'tzaholah, toch emunei am s'gulah, bo-i chalah, bo-i chalah. L'chah dodi...

‫בֶֹֽואִי ְבשָּלֹום ֲעט ֶֶרת‬ ‫ׂש ְמחָּה‬ ִ ‫ַב ְעלָּּה גַם ְב‬ ‫ּו ְב ָּצ ֳהלָּה תֹוְך אֱמּונֵי עַם‬ ‫ ְסגֻלָּה‬, ‫בֶֹֽואִי ַכלָּה בֶֹֽואִי‬ ‫ַכלָּה‬ ‫ְלכָּה דֹודִי‬

Lecha Dodi is concerned foremost with the task of reuniting (yichud) the fragmented aspects of the Sephirot, bringing the Shekhinah/Malchut (the feminine aspect of God) out if its exile and ensuring its union with the masculine aspect (variously known as Yesod, Tiferet, or ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu). Shabbat is the most propitious time to affect this union, so this composition is recited at the cusp of sunset Friday at the beginning of Shabbat. Throughout the poem, there are feminine figures - the Sabbath bride, the widowed Jerusalem, even the Jewish people - that are stand-ins for the Shechinah. As is the case with every mystical prayer, Lecha Dodi is also an acrostic poem. In this case, the first letter of each stanza combine to spell the author's name - a first in a long Jewish tradition of anonymous liturgical compositions.


‫מזמור שיר‬

 Mizmor Shir Psalm 92

It is a good thing to give thanks unto God, and to sing praises unto your Name, O Most High: to declare your lovingkindness in the morning, and your faithfulness every night, with an instrument of ten strings and with a harp, with solemn music upon the lyre. For you, Adonai, have made me rejoice through your work: I will exult in the works of your hands. How great are your works, Adonai: your thoughts are very deep. A brutish man knows it not, neither does a fool understand this: when the wicked sprang up as the grass, and all the workers of iniquity flourished, it was that they might be destroyed forever. But you, Adonai, are on high forevermore. For your enemies, O God, for your enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be

Mizmor shir l'yom hashabat. Tov l'hodot l’Adonai, ul'zameir l'shimcha elyon. L'hagid baboker chasdecha, veemunat'cha baleilot. Alei asor va-alei navel, alei higayon b'chinor. Ki simachtani Adonai b'faolecha, b'ma-asei yadecha aranein. Mah gad'lu ma-asecha Adonai, m'od am'ku machsh'votecha. Ish baar lo yeida, uch'sil lo yavin et zot. Bifroach r'shaim k'mo eisev, vayatzitzu kol poalei aven, l'hisham'dam adei ad. V'atah marom l'olam Adonai. Ki hineih oy'vecha, Adonai, ki hineih oy'vecha yoveidu, yitpar'du kol poalei aven. Vatarem kireim karni, baloti b'shemen ra-anan. Vatabeit eini b'shuray, bakamim alai m'reiim tishmanah az'nay. Tzadik katamar yifrach, k'erez bal'vanon yisgeh. Sh'tulim b'veit Adonai, b'chatzrot Eloheinu yafrichu. Od y'nuvun b'seivah, 23

‫שבָּת‬ ַ ‫ִמזְמֹור שִיר לְיֹום ַה‬ ‫טֹוב לְהדֹות לַיי ָּ ּו ְלזַמֵר‬ ‫שמְָך ֶעלְיֹון ְל ַהגִיד‬ ִ ‫ְל‬ ‫בַבקֶר ַחסְדֶ ָך ֶואֱמּונָּתְ ָך‬ ‫ַבלֵילֹות ֲעלֵי עָּׂשֹור ַו ֲעלֵי‬ ‫נָּבֶל‬, ‫ֲעלֵי ִהגָּיֹון ְבכִּנֹור‬ ‫ׂש ַמחְתַ נִי יְי ָּ ְב ָּפ ֳעלֶָך‬ ִ ‫כִי‬ ‫ְב ַמ ֲעׂשֵי י ָּדֶ יָך א ֲַרּנֵן מַה‬ ‫גָּדְ לּו ַמ ֲעׂשֶיָך יְי ָּ מְאד‬ ‫אִיש ָּעמְקּו ַמ ְחשְבתֶ יָך‬ ‫ַבעַר ֹלא י ֵדָּ ע ּו ְכסִיל ֹלא‬ ‫יָּבִין אֶת זאת ִבפְר ַח‬ ‫שעִים כְמֹו ֵעׂשֶב‬ ָּ ‫ְר‬ ‫ַויָּצִיצּו כָּל פ ֲעלֵי ָאוֶן‬ ‫שמְדָּ ם עֲדֵ י עַד ְואַתָּ ה‬ ָּ ‫ְל ִה‬ ‫מָּרֹום לְעלָּם יְי ָּ כִי ִהּנֵה‬ ‫איְבֶיָך יְי ָּ כִי ִהּנֵה אי ְ ֶביָך‬ ‫יאבֵדּו י ִתְ פ ְָּרדּו כָּל פ ֲעלֵי‬ ‫ָאוֶן וַתָּ ֶרם כ ְִראֵים ק ְַרנִי‬, ‫שמֶן ַר ֲענָּן וַתַ בֵט‬ ֶ ‫בַֹּלתִ י ְב‬ ‫ְשּורי ַב ָּקמִים ָּעלַי‬ ָּ ‫עֵינִי ב‬ ‫ש ַמ ְענָּה ָאזְנָּי‬ ְ ִ‫מ ְֵרעִים ת‬ (Reader) ‫צַדִ יק כַתָּ מָּר‬ ‫יִפ ְָּרח ְכא ֶֶרז ַב ְלבָּנֹון‬ ָּ ‫ שְתּולִים ְבבֵית יְי‬.‫ׂשגֶה‬ ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ְב ַחצְרֹות אֱֹלהֵינּו יַפ ְִריחּו‬

scattered. But my strength you have exalted, like that of the wild-ox: I am anointed with fresh oil. My eye also has seen the defeat of my enemies; my ears have heard the doom of those that rose up against me, doers of evil. (Reader) The righteous shall spring up like a palm-tree and grow tall like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of God, they shall blossom in the courts of our God. They shall still shoot forth in old age; they shall be full of sap and green: to declare that Adonai is upright; God is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in God.

d'sheinim v'ra-ananim yihyu. L'hagid ki yashar Adonai, tzuri v'lo avlatah bo.

      24

‫עֹוד י ְנּובּון ְבׂשֵיבָּה‬ ‫שנִים ו ְַר ֲענַּנִים יִהְיּו‬ ֵ ְ‫ד‬ ‫צּורי‬ ִ ָּ ‫ְל ַהגִיד כִי יָּשָּר יְי‬ ‫וְֹלא ַע ְולָּתָּ ה בֹו‬

‫יהוה מלך גאות לבש‬

 Adonai Malach Geyut Lavesh Psalm 93

Adonai reigns; God is robed in majesty; God is robed, and is girded with strength: the world also is set firm, that it cannot be moved. Your throne is set firm from of old: you are from everlasting. The floods have lifted up, Adonai, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their roaring. (Reader) Than the voices of many waters, mighty waters, breakers of the sea, more mighty is God on high. Your testimonies are very sure: holiness becomes your house, Adonai, for evermore.

Adonai malach geiut laveish, laveish Adonai oz hitazar, af tikon teiveil bal timot. Nachon kisacha meiaz, meiolam atah. Nas'u n'harot Adonai, nas'u n'harot kolam, yisu n'harot doch'yam. (Reader) Mikolot mayim rabim adirim mishb'rei yam, adir bamarom Adonai. Eidotecha ne-emnu m'od l'veitcha naavah kodesh, Adonai l'orech yamim.


‫יְי ָּ ָּמלְָּך גֵאּות ָּלבֵש‬ ‫ ַאף‬,‫ָּלבֵש יְי ָּ עז הִתְ ַאזָּר‬ .‫תִ כֹון תֵ בֵל בַל תִ מֹוט‬ ‫ מֵעֹולָּם‬,‫נָּכֹון ִכ ְסאֲָך מֵָאז‬ ָּ ‫ נָּׂשְאּו נְהָּרֹות יְי‬.‫אָּתָּ ה‬ ‫נָּׂשְאּו נְהָּרֹות קֹולָּם‬ ‫י ִׂשְאּו נְהָּרֹות‬ ‫(דָּ ְכי ָּם‬Reader) ‫מִקלֹות ַמי ִם ַרבִים‬ ‫שב ְֵרי י ָּם‬ ְ ‫ירים ִמ‬ ִ ִ‫אַד‬ ‫ עֵדתֶ יָך‬.ָּ ‫אַדִ יר ַבמָּרֹום יְי‬ ‫נֶ ֶאמְנּו מְאד ְלבֵיתְ ָך נָּ ֲאוָּה‬ ‫ יְי ָּ לְא ֶרְך יָּמִים‬,‫קדֶ ש‬

‫חצי קדיש‬

 Chatzi Kaddish Rise for the Chatzi Kaddish and remain standing for Bar’chu. Reader: Magnified and sanctified is God’s great name in the world created according to divine will. May God’s majesty reign during your lifetime and throughout your days, and during the life of all the house of Israel, speedily and soon, and let us say, Amen.

Yitgadal v'yitkadash sh'meih raba. B'al'ma di v'ra chiruteih, v'yamlich malchuteih b'chayeichon uv'yomeichon uv'chayei d'chol beit yisra-eil, baagala uvizman kariv, v'imru amein.

‫שמֵּה‬ ְ ‫י ִתְ גַדַ ל ְוי ִתְ קַדַ ש‬ ‫ ְב ָּע ְלמָּא דִ י ב ְָּרא‬.‫ַרבָּא‬ ‫ ְוי ַ ְמלִיְך‬,‫כ ְִרעּותֵ יּה‬ ‫ַמלְכּותֵ יּה ְב ַחי ֵיכֹון‬ ‫ּובְיֹומֵיכֹון ּו ְב ַחי ֵי דְ כָּל‬ ‫בֵית יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬, ‫ַב ֲעגָּ ָּלא‬ ‫ ְו ִאמְרּו‬,‫ּו ִבזְמַן ק ִָּריב‬ ‫ָאמֵן‬.

All: Let God’s great name be blessed forever and for all eternity.

May the name of the Holy One be blessed, praised and glorified, exalted, extolled and honored, magnified and lauded: yet, we remember that God exists well beyond any the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations that we say here on earth; and let us say, Amen.

Y'hei sh'meih raba m'varach l'alam ul'al'mei al'maya.

‫שמֵּה ַרבָּא ְמב ַָּרְך‬ ְ ‫יְהֵא‬ ‫ ְל ָּעלַם ּו ְל ָּע ְלמֵי ָּע ְל ַמי ָּא‬.

Reader: Yitbarach v'yishtabach v'yitpa-ar v'yitromam v'yitnasei v'yithadar v'yitaleh v'yithalal sh'meih d'kudsha b'richhu birchata v'shirata tushb'chata v'nechemata, da-amiran b'al'ma, v'imru amein.


‫י ִתְ ב ַָּרְך ְויִשְתַ בַח‬ ‫ְוי ִתְ פַָּאר ְוי ִתְ רֹומַם‬ ‫ְוי ִתְ נַשֵא ְוי ִתְ הַדָּ ר‬ ‫שמֵּה‬ ְ ‫ְוי ִתְ ַעלֶה ְוי ִתְ ַהלָּל‬ ,‫דְ קֻדְ שָּא ב ְִריְך הּוא‬ ‫ִירתָּ א‬ ָּ ‫ב ְִרכָּתָּ א ְוש‬ ,‫ש ְבחָּתָּ א ְונֶ ֱחמָּתָּ א‬ ְ ֻ‫ת‬ ‫ ְו ִאמְרּו‬,‫ִירן ְב ָּע ְלמָּא‬ ָּ ‫דַ ֲאמ‬ ‫ָאמֵן‬.

The Shema & Its Blessings

“The Shema, contains the mystery of the right side, called "The Supernal Grace", for it effects the union of all things extending unto the four quarters of the universe; and the Holy One, blessed be He, through the medium of this attribute, brings forth order and harmony in the whole universe, a harmony which extends even to the lowest depths” (Zohar: Shemot)



 Barchu

 Reader: The reader faces the ark and bows while saying the first line “Bar’chu et Adonai hamvorach”. Praise be the One to whom our praise is due.

Bar'chu et Adonai hamvorach.

‫ב ְָּרכּו אֶת יְי ָּ ַהמְב ָּרְך‬

The congregation bows and says “Baruch Adonai .....” Then the Reader bows and repeats the same line. Praise be the One to whom our praise is due now and forever!

Baruch Adonai ham'vorach l'olam vaed.

‫בָּרּוְך יְי ָּ ַהמְב ָּרְך לְעֹולָּם‬ ‫ָּועֶד‬

Please be seated

The Zohar states, “All sacred acts require summoning.” The Barchu, the formal call to prayer, is the leader’s invitation to bless Creator. Through our response we connect to all five levels of our soul as we acknowledge Creator as the Source of all blessings and on Shabbat we receive the ruach level of the extra soul given to us. The leader then repeats the response signifying complete unity with the community.


 

‫מעריב ערבים‬

Ma’ariv Aravim

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe whose word brings on the evening twilight. With wisdom You open the gates of the heavens, and with understanding make the ages pass and the seasons cycle. You arrange the stars across the sky, according to Your will. You create day and night; You roll away the light from before the darkness, and the darkness from before the light; You make the day pass and bring on the night, separating day from night. (Reader) You are a living and enduring God, may You reign over us for ever and ever. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, who brings on the evening twilight.

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam, asher bidvaro maariv aravim, b'choch'mah potei-ach sh'arim, uvitvunah m'shaneh itim, umachalif et haz'manim, um'sadeir et hakochavim b'mishm'roteihem baraki-a kirtzono. Borei yom valay'lah, goleil or mip'nei choshech, v'choshech mip'nei or. Uma-avir yom umeivi lay'lah, umavdil bein yom uvein lay'lah, Adonai tz'va-ot sh'mo. (Reader) Eil chai v'kayam, tamid yimloch aleinu l'olam va-ed. Baruch atah Adonai, hama-ariv aravim.


ָּ ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי‬, ‫אֶֹלהֵינּו‬ ‫ ֶמלְֶך הָּעֹולָּם‬, ‫ֲאשֶר‬ ‫בִדְ בָּרֹו ַמע ֲִריב ע ֲָּרבִים‬, ‫שע ִָּרים‬ ְ ‫ ְב ָּח ְכמָּה פֹותֵ ַח‬, ‫שּנֶה עִתִ ים‬ ַ ‫ּובִתְ בּונָּה ְמ‬, ‫ּו ַמ ֲחלִיף אֶת ַהזְ ַמּנִים‬, ‫ּו ְמסַדֵ ר אֶת הַכֹו ָּכבִים‬ ‫שמְרֹותֵ יהֶם ב ָָּּרקִי ַע‬ ְ ‫ְב ִמ‬ ‫כ ְִרצֹונֹו‬. ‫בֹורא יֹום‬ ֵ ‫ ָּו ָּליְלָּה‬, ‫גֹולֵל אֹור ִמ ְפנֵי‬ ‫חשְֶך‬, ‫וְחשְֶך ִמ ְפנֵי אֹור‬. ‫ּו ַמ ֲעבִיר יֹום ּומֵ ֶֽבִיא‬ ‫ ָּליְלָּה‬, ‫ּו ַמבְדִ יל בֵין יֹום‬ ‫ּובֵין ָּליְלָּה‬, ‫יְי ָּ ְצבָּאֹות‬ ‫שְמֹו‬.(Reader) ‫אֵל חַי‬ ‫ ְו ַקי ָּם‬, ‫תָּ מִיד יִמְלֹוְך‬ ‫ ָּעלֵינּו לְעֹולָּם ָּועֶד‬. ָּ ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי‬, ‫ַה ַמע ֲִריב‬ ‫ע ֲָּרבִים‬

‫אהבת עולם‬

 Ahavat Olam

You have loved Your people Israel with everlasting love; Torah and mitzvot You have taught us. Therefore, O Adonai our God, when we lie down and when we rise up we will meditate on Your commandments. We will rejoice in the words of Your Torah and mitzvot forever; for they are our life and the sustenance of our days; we will meditate on them day and night. (Reader) And may You never deprive us of Your love. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, who loves Your people Israel.

Ahavat olam beit yisraeil am'cha ahav'ta, torah umitzvot, chukim umishpatim otanu limadta. Al kein Adonai Eloheinu, b'shoch'veinu uv'kumeinu nasi-ach b'chukecha, v'nismach b'divrei toratecha uv'mitzvatecha l'olam va-ed. Ki heim chayeinu v'orech yameinu, uvahem nehgeh yomam valay'lah. V'ahavat'cha al tasir mimenu l'olamim. Baruch atah Adonai, oheiv amo yisra-eil.

‫ַא ֲהבַת עֹולָּם בֵית‬ , ָּ‫ש ָּראֵל ַעמְָך ָאהָּ ֶֽבְת‬ ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ ֻחקִים‬,‫תֹורה ּו ִמצְֹות‬ ָּ . ָּ‫אֹותֶֽנּו לִמַ ֶֽדְ ת‬ ָּ ‫ש ָּפטִים‬ ְ ‫ּו ִמ‬ ,‫עַל כֵן יְי ָּ אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו‬ ‫שכְבֵ ֶֽנּו ּובְקּומֵ ֶֽנּו נ ִָּׂשֶֽי ַח‬ ָּ ‫ְב‬ ‫ׂשמַח בְדִ ב ְֵרי‬ ְ ִ‫ ְונ‬,‫ְבחֻקֶ ֶֽיָך‬ ‫ְֹותֶֽיָך‬ ֶ ‫תֹור ֶתֶָֽך ּו ְב ִמצ‬ ָּ ‫ כִי הֵם‬.‫לְעֹולָּם ָּועֶד‬ ‫ ּו ָּבהֶם‬,‫ַח ֵי ֶֽינּו וְא ֶֶֽרְך י ָּמֵ ֶֽינּו‬ ‫נֶ ְהגֶה יֹומָּם‬ ‫וָּלָּ ֶֽיְלָּה‬,(Reader) ‫וְַא ֲהבָּתְ ָך ַאל תָּ סִיר מִמֶ ֶּֽנּו‬ ‫ בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה‬.‫לְעֹו ָּלמִים‬ ‫ אֹוהֵב עַמֹו יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬,ָּ ‫יְי‬

Through this prayer we are reminded of the Creator’s eternal love for us, the expression of which is through the gift of Torah. It moves us to love others as we have been loved.



 Sh'ma

 The first line of the Sh'ma is recited out loud and in unison, with the right hand covering the eyes. "Baruch Shem K'vod" is recited in an undertone.

‫שמַע יִׂש ְָּר ֵא ָּל‬ ְ

‫יהוה‬ ‫אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו‬

‫יהוה‬ ‫ֶאחָּד‬ Sh'ma Yisra-eil, Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad. Hear, O Israel: Adonai is our God, Adonai is one.

‫ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד‬ Blessed is God’s glorious majesty forever and ever.



 V’ahavta

You shall love your Sovereign God with all your heart, soul, and being. Take these words, which I command you on this day, and keep them upon your heart: teach them to your children, and speak of them in your house and wherever you go, when you lie down and when you rise up. Bind them as a sign upon your hand, and as frontlets between your eyes. Write them upon the door-posts of your house, and upon your gates.

V'ahavta eit Adonai elohecha, b'chol l'vav'cha, uv'chol nafsh'cha, uv'chol m'odecha. V'hayu had'varim ha-eileh, asher anochi m'tzav'cha Hayom, al l'vavecha. V'shinantam l'vanecha, v'dibarta bam, b'shivt'cha b'veitecha, uv'lecht'cha vaderech, uv'shochb'cha, uv'kumecha. Uk'shartam l'ot al yadecha, v'hayu l'totafot bein einecha. Uch'tavtam al m'zuzot beitecha uvisharecha.

‫וְָא ַהבְתָּ אֵת יְי ָּ אֱֹלהֶיָך‬, ‫ ְבכָּל ְל ָּבבְָך‬, ‫ּו ְבכָּל‬ ‫נַ ְפשְָך‬, ‫ּו ְבכָּל מְאדֶָך‬. ‫ ְוהָּיּו הַדְ ב ִָּרים ָּה ֵאלֶה‬, ‫ ֲאשֶר ָאנכִי ְמ ַצּוְָך הַיֹום‬, ‫עַל ְל ָּבבֶָך‬. ‫שּנַנְתָּ ם‬ ִ ‫ְו‬ ‫ ְל ָּבנֶיָך‬, ‫וְדִ ב ְַרתָּ בָּם‬, ‫שבְתְ ָך ְבבֵיתֶ ָך‬ ִ ‫ ְב‬, ‫ּו ְב ֶלכְתְ ָך בַדֶ ֶרְך‬, ‫ש ְכ ְבָך‬ ָּ ‫ּו ְב‬, ‫ּובְקּומֶָך‬. ‫ּו ְקש ְַרתָּ ם לְאֹות עַל י ָּדֶ ָך‬, ‫ ְוהָּיּו לְטטָּפת בֵין עֵינֶיָך‬. ‫ּוכְתַ בְתָּ ם עַל ְמזֻזֹות‬ ‫שע ֶָּריָך‬ ְ ‫בֵיתֶ ָך ּו ִב‬.

The Sh'ma is an affirmation of faith. It both expresses our love for the Creator, and also serves as an ode to the divinity of the soul. Kabbalah teaches that the Sh’ma is the acknowledgement of unity and connects us to Beriyah, the World of Creation. It brings the Creator’s Oneness into our consciousness and reminds us that we must extend unconditional love to all.


‫ויאמר יי אל משה‬

 Vayomer Adonai El Moshe Numbers 15:37-41

 And God spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to the children of Israel, and instruct them to make fringes on the corners of their garments. On each fringe should be a blue thread to serve as a reminder. Each time you look upon it, it will bring to mind all the commandments of Adonai your God, so that you will do them without going astray. You shall remember and do all My commandments, and be holy before your God. I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am Adonai your God.

Vayomer Adonai el mosheh leimor. Dabeir el b'nei yisra-eil v'amarta aleihem, v'asu lahem tzitzit al kanfei vigdeihem l'dorotam, v'nat'nu al tzitzit hakanaf p'til t'cheilet. V'hayah lachem l'tzitzit, ur'item oto uz'chartem et kol mitzvat Adonai, va-asitem otam, v'lo taturu acharei l'vavchem v'acharei eineichem, asher atem zonim achareihem. * L'ma-an tizk'ru vaasitem et kol mitzvotay, vihyitem k'doshim leiloheichem. Ani Adonai eloheichem, asher hotzeiti etchem mei-eretz mitzrayim, lihyot lachem leilohim, ani Adonai eloheichem.


‫וַי ֶֽאמֶר יְי ָּ אֶל משֶה‬ ‫לֵאמֶֽר‬. ‫דַ בֵר אֶל ְבנֵי‬ ‫יִׂש ְָּראֵל וְָאמ ְַרתָּ ֲא ֵלהֶם‬, ‫ְועָּׂשּו ָּלהֶם צִיצִת עַל‬ ‫ ַכנְפֵי ִבגְדֵ יהֶם לְדרתָּם‬, ‫ְונָּתְ נּו עַל צִיצִת ַה ָּכנָּף‬ ‫פְתִ יל תְ כֵ ֶֽלֶת‬. ‫ְו ָּהי ָּה ָּלכֶם‬ ‫ ְלצִיצִת‬, ‫ּוראִיתֶ ם אתֹו‬ ְ ‫ּוזְכ ְַרתֶ ם אֶת כָּל ִמצְֹות‬ ָּ ‫יְי‬, ‫ ַו ֲעׂשִיתֶ ם אתָּם‬, ‫וְֹלא‬ ‫תָּ תֶֽ ּורּו ַאח ֲֵרי ְל ַב ְבכֶם‬ ‫וְַאח ֲֵרי עֵינֵיכֶם‬, ‫ֲאשֶר‬ ‫אַתֶ ם זנִים ַאח ֲֵריהֶם‬. * ‫ְל ַמעַן תִ זְכְרּו ַו ֲעׂשִיתֶ ם‬ ‫אֶת כָּל ִמצְֹותָּי‬, ‫ִו ְהי ִיתֶ ם‬ ‫קְדשִים לֵא ֶֹֽלהֵיכֶם‬. ‫ֲאנִי‬ ‫יְי ָּ ֱא ֶֹֽלהֵיכֶם‬, ‫ֲאשֶר‬ ‫הֹוצֵאתִ י אֶתְ כֶם ֵמא ֶֶרץ‬ ‫ ִמצ ְַרי ִם‬, ‫ִלהְיֹות ָּלכֶם‬ ‫לֵאֹלהִים‬, ָּ ‫ֲאנִי יְי‬ ‫ֱא ֶֹֽל ֵהיכֶם‬

 

‫מי כמכה‬

Mi Chamocha

 Who is like You, Adonai, among all the gods? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders? Your children beheld Your sovereign power, as You cleaved the sea before Moses: they exclaimed, this is my god! Adonai shall reign for ever and ever! (Reader) For our God delivered Jacob and redeemed our people from the hand of stronger opponents. Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, who has redeemed Your people Israel.

Mi chamochah ba-eilim Adonai, mi kamochah nedar bakodesh, nora t'hilot, oseih fele. Malchut'cha rau vanecha, bokei-a yam lifnei mosheh, zeh eili anu v'am'ru: Adonai yimloch l'olam va-ed. (Reader) V'ne-emar: ki fadah Adonai et yaakov ug'alo miyad chazak mimenu. Baruch atah Adonai, ga-al yisra-eil.


ָּ ‫מִי כָּמכָּה ָּב ֵאלִם יְי‬ ‫מִי כ ֶָּֽמכָּה נֶאְדָּ ר בַקֶֽדֶ ש‬ ‫נֹורא תְ הִֹּלת‬, ָּ ‫עׂשֵה פֶ ֶֽלֶא‬. ֶֽ ‫ַמלְכּותְ ָך ָּראּו בָּנֶ ֶֽיָך‬ ‫בֹו ֵק ַע י ָּם ִל ְפנֵי משֶה‬ ‫זֶה ֵאלִי עָּנּו וְָאמְרּו‬ ‫יְי ָּ יִמְלֹוְך לְעֹולָּם ָּועֶד‬ (Reader)‫אמַר‬ ֱ ֶ‫ ְונ‬: ‫כִי‬ ‫פָּדָּ ה יְי ָּ אֶת יַעֲקב‬ ‫ּוגְָאלֹו ִמי ַד ָּחזָּק ִממֶּנּו‬ ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי ָּ גַָּאל‬ ‫יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬

 


V'shamru Stand and remain standing until the end of the Amidah

The children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing it throughout all generations, as an everlasting covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever, that in six days Adonai made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day ceased from work and rested.

Ve·sha·me·ru ve·nei Yis·ra·eil et ha·sha·bat, la·a·sot et ha·sha·bat le·do·ro·tam, be·rit o·lam. Bei·ni u·vein be·nei Yis·ra·eil ot hi le·o·lam. Ki shei·shet ya·mim a·sa A·do·nai et ha·sha·ma·yim ve·et ha·a·rets, u·va·yom ha·she·vi·i sha·vat va·yi·na·fash.

‫שמְרּו ְבנֵי יִׂש ְָּראֵל אֶת‬ ָּ ‫ְו‬ ‫שבָּת‬ ַ ‫ ַה‬, ‫ַלעֲׂשֹות אֶת‬ ‫שבָּת לְדרתָּ ם ב ְִרית‬ ַ ‫ַה‬ ‫עֹולָּם‬. ‫בֵינִי ּובֵין ְבנֵי‬ ‫יִׂש ְָּראֵל אֹות הִיא‬ ‫לְעֹולָּם‬, ‫ששֶת יָּמִים‬ ֶֽ ֵ ‫כִי‬ ‫ָּעׂשָּה יְי ָּ אֶת ַהשָּמַ ֶֽי ִם‬ ‫ ְואֶת הָּאָּ ֶֶֽרץ‬, ‫ּובַיֹום‬ ‫שבַת ַויִּנָּפַש‬ ָּ ‫שבִיעִי‬ ְ ‫ַה‬

We are reminded that Shabbat is a covenant between the Creator and ourselves. Shabbat has more power than all the holidays combined and each week we are offered this most precious gift.


‫חצי קדיש‬

 Chatzi Kaddish

Reader: Magnified and sanctified is God’s great name in the world created according to divine will. May God’s majesty reign during your lifetime and throughout your days, and during the life of all the house of Israel, speedily and soon, and let us say, Amen.

Yitgadal v'yitkadash sh'meih raba. B'al'ma di v'ra chiruteih, v'yamlich malchuteih b'chayeichon uv'yomeichon uv'chayei d'chol beit yisra-eil, baagala uvizman kariv, v'imru amein.

‫שמֵּה‬ ְ ‫י ִתְ גַדַ ל ְוי ִתְ קַדַ ש‬ ‫ ְב ָּע ְלמָּא דִ י ב ְָּרא‬.‫ַרבָּא‬ ‫ ְוי ַ ְמלִיְך‬,‫כ ְִרעּותֵ יּה‬ ‫ַמלְכּותֵ יּה ְב ַחי ֵיכֹון‬ ‫ּובְיֹומֵיכֹון ּו ְב ַחי ֵי דְ כָּל‬ ‫בֵית יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬, ‫ַב ֲעגָּלָּא‬ ‫ ְו ִאמְרּו‬,‫ּו ִבזְמַן ק ִָּריב‬ ‫ָאמֵן‬.

All: Let God’s great name be blessed forever and for all eternity.

May the name of the Holy One be blessed, praised and glorified, exalted, extolled and honored, magnified and lauded: yet, we remember that God exists well beyond any the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations that we say here on earth; and let us say, Amen.

Y'hei sh'meih raba m'varach l'alam ul'al'mei al'maya.

‫שמֵּה ַרבָּא ְמב ַָּרְך‬ ְ ‫יְהֵא‬ ‫ ְל ָּעלַם ּו ְל ָּע ְלמֵי ָּע ְל ַמי ָּא‬.

Reader: Yitbarach v'yishtabach v'yitpa-ar v'yitromam v'yitnasei v'yithadar v'yitaleh v'yithalal sh'meih d'kudsha b'richhu birchata v'shirata tushb'chata v'nechemata, da-amiran b'al'ma, v'imru amein.


‫י ִתְ ב ַָּרְך ְויִשְתַ בַח‬ ‫ְוי ִתְ פַָּאר ְוי ִתְ רֹומַם‬ ‫ְוי ִתְ נַשֵא ְוי ִתְ הַדָּ ר‬ ‫שמֵּה‬ ְ ‫ְוי ִתְ ַעלֶה ְוי ִתְ ַהלָּל‬ ,‫דְ קֻדְ שָּא ב ְִריְך הּוא‬ ‫ִירתָּ א‬ ָּ ‫ב ְִרכָּתָּ א ְוש‬ ,‫ש ְבחָּתָּ א ְונֶ ֱחמָּתָּ א‬ ְ ֻ‫ת‬ ‫ ְו ִאמְרּו‬,‫ִירן ְב ָּע ְלמָּא‬ ָּ ‫דַ ֲאמ‬ ‫ָאמֵן‬.

The Amidah

Amidah comes from the word “Amad” which literally means “to stand” and is therefore known as the Standing Prayer. It connects us to Atzilut, the world of Ayn Sof. It also connects us to the Creator’s Light both as individuals and as a community in a powerful and intimate way.


 

‫אדני שפתי תפתח‬

Adonai S'fatai Tiftach Rise for the Amidah. In some communities the entire Amidah is read silently by each individual and then repeated out loud by the reader or cantor. In other communities the introduction and first two paragraphs are sung out loud by the entire congregation and the remainder is said silently. You may be seated when you finish your silent Amidah prayers. At the start of the Amidah, it is customary to take three steps backward, then three steps forward and remain standing with your feet together through the entire Amidah. This is meant to remind us that we are standing in the presence of God, and should enter the spiritual realm with respect and reverence. Adonai, open my lips, and my mouth will declare Your praise.

Adonay s'fatai tiftach ufi yagid t'hilatecha.

‫ׂשפָּתַ י תִ פְתָּ ח ּופִי‬ ְ ‫אֲדנָּי‬ ‫יַגִיד תְ ִהל ֶָּתֶָֽך‬

 Through the opening verse we ask the Creator to speak through us so that our prayers are coming from our higher selves rather than from our ego selves. The first three blessings pay homage to the Creator, the middle blessings consist of the sanctification of the day on Shabbat, and the final three blessings express our gratitude. Through the closing prayers, we ask that we be kept in a state of spiritual awareness and we reiterate that all of the words we have uttered have come from the heart. The Amidah is complete as we send peace out to the community and to the entire world.


  Read the Amidah Silently through til the Mourners Kaddish. Do not proceed until other readers are likewise finished… Bend the knees at ‘Baruch’, bow down while saying ‘Atah’, then straighten up at the Name of Hashem.

Blessed are You, Adonai our God and God of our ancestors: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, (some communities may add): Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, and Rachel. The great, mighty and revered God, the most high God, who bestows lovingkindness, and is Master over all things; who remembers the pious deeds of the patriarchs (some communities may add): and matriarchs, and in love will redeem us for their sake. O Ruler, Helper, Saviour and Shield. Blessed are You, Adonai the Shield of Abraham and Sarah.

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu veilohei avoteinu v’imoteinu, elohei avraham, elohei yitzchak, veilohei yaakov, elohei sara, elohei rivka, elohei leia, veilohei rachel, ha-eil hagadol hagibor v'hanora, eil elyon, gomeil chasadim tovim, v'koneih hakol, v'zocheir chasdei avot v’imahot, umeivi goeil livnei v'neihem, l'ma-an sh'mo b'ahavah. Melech ozeir umoshi-a umagein. Baruch atah Adonai, magein avraham v’ezrat sara.

‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי ָּ אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו‬ ‫ֲבֹותֶֽינּו‬ ֵ ‫וֵאֹלהֵי א‬ ‫ואִמֹותֲ ינּו‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵי‬ ‫ַאב ְָּרהָּם‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵי י ִ ְצחָּק‬, ‫וֵאֹלהֵי יַעֲקב‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵי‬ ‫ש ָָּּרה‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵי ִר ְבקָּה‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵי לֵָאה וֵאֹלהֵי ָּרחֵל‬, ‫ָּהאֵל ַהגָּדֹול ַהגִבֹור‬ ‫ַּנֹורא‬ ָּ ‫ ְוה‬, ‫אֵל ֶעלְיֹון‬, ‫גֹומֵל ֲחסָּדִ ים טֹובִים‬, ‫וְקנֵה הַכל‬, ‫וְזֹוכֵר ַחסְדֵ י‬ ‫ָאבֹות ְו ִאמָּהֹות‬, ‫ּו ֵמבִיא‬ ‫גֹואֵל ִל ְבנֵי ְבנֵיהֶם‬, ‫לְמַ ֶֽעַן‬ ‫שְמֹו בְַא ֲהבָּה‬. ‫מֶ ֶֽלְֶך עֹוזֵר‬ ‫ּומֹושֶֽי ַע ּו ָּמגֵן‬. ִ ‫בָּרּוְך‬ ָּ ‫אַתָּ ה יְי‬, ‫ָּמגֵן ַאב ְָּרהָּם‬ ‫ְו ֶעז ְַרת ש ָָּּרה‬

The first blessing of the Amidah is associated with Avraham and the sefirah of Chesed. Through it we acknowledge the Creator’s great mercy which was revealed to us through our ancestors.


You are forever mighty, Adonai; you give life to all (revive the dead). WINTER -- You cause the wind to shift and rain to fall. SUMMER -- You rain dew upon us. You sustain life through love, giving life to all (reviving the dead) through great compassion, supporting the fallen, healing the sick, freeing the captive, keeping faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who is like You, Source of mighty acts? Who resembles You, a Sovereign who takes and gives life, causing deliverance to spring up and faithfully giving life to all (reviving that which is dead)? Blessed are you, Adonai, who gives life to all (who revives the dead). You are holy and Your name is holy. Holy are those who praise You everyday. Blessed are You, Adonai, the holy God. You hallowed the seventh day to honor Your Name by making it the pinnacle of the creation of heaven and

Atah gibor l'olam adonay, m'chayeih hakol (meitim) atah, rav l'hoshi-a. Winter: Mashiv haruach umorid hageshem. Summer: Mashiv haruach umorid hatal. M'chalkeil chayim b'chesed, m'chayeih hakol (meitim) b'rachamim rabim, someich nof'lim, v'rofei cholim, umatir asurim, um'kayeim emunato lisheinei afar, mi chamocha ba-al g'vurot umi domeh lach, melech meimit um'chayeh umatzmi-ach y'shuah. l'hachayot hakol (meitim). Baruch atah Adonai, m'chayeih hakol (ha-meitim). Atah kadosh v'shimcha kadosh, uk'doshim b'chol yom y'hal'lucha selah. Baruch atah Adonai, ha-eil hakadosh.

Atah kidashta et yom hashvii lishmecha, tachlit ma-aseih shamayim va-aretz, uveirachto mikol 40

,‫אַתָּ ה גִבֹור לְעֹולָּם אֲדנָּי‬ )‫ְמ ַחי ֵה הַכל (מֵתִ ים‬ ‫ְהֹושֶֽי ַע‬ ִ ‫ ַרב ל‬,‫אַ ֶֽתָּ ה‬ Winter ‫ַמשִיב ה ֶָּֽרּו ַח‬ ‫ּומֹוריד הַגֶ ֶֽשֶם‬ ִ Summer ‫ַמשִיב ה ֶָּֽרּו ַח‬ ‫ּומֹוריד ַהטַל‬. ִ ‫ְחסֶד‬ ֶֽ ֶ ‫ ְמ ַכ ְלכֵל ַחי ִים ב‬, )‫ְמ ַחי ֵה הַכל (מֵתִ ים‬ ‫ סֹומְֵך‬,‫ב ְַר ֲחמִים ַרבִים‬ ,‫ וְרֹופֵא חֹולִים‬,‫נֹו ְפלִים‬ ‫ ּו ְמ ַקי ֵם‬,‫ֲסּורים‬ ִ ‫ּומַתִ יר א‬ ‫ מִי‬,‫שנֵי ָּעפָּר‬ ֵ ‫אֱמּונָּתֹו לִי‬ ‫ָּכמֶֹֽוָך בַ ֶֽעַל גְבּורֹות ּומִי‬ ‫ מֶ ֶֽלְֶך ֵממִית‬,‫דֶֽ ֹומֶה לְָּך‬ .‫ּו ְמ ַחי ֶה ּו ַמצְמִ ֶֽי ַח י ְשּועָּה‬ ‫ְונֶ ֱאמָּן אַתָּ ה ְל ַהחֲיֹות‬ ,ָּ ‫ בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי‬.‫הַכל‬ ‫ְמ ַחי ֵה הַכל ַהמֵתִ ים‬ ‫שמְָך קָּדֹוש‬ ִ ‫אַתָּ ה קָּדֹוש ְו‬ ‫ּוקְדֹושִים ְבכָּל יֹום‬ ‫ בָּרּוְך‬.‫י ְ ַה ְללֶּֽוָך ּסֶ ֶֽלָּה‬ ‫ ָּהאֵל ַהקָּדֹוש‬,ָּ ‫אַתָּ ה יְי‬

‫אַתָּ ה קִדַ ֶֽשְתָּ אֶת יֹום‬ ‫שבִיעִי ִלשְמֶ ֶָֽך‬ ְ ‫ ַה‬, ‫תַ ְכלִית‬ ‫ ַמ ֲעׂשֵה שָּמַ ֶֽי ִם וָּאָּ ֶֶֽרץ‬,

earth. You blessed it above all the days and set it apart from all seasons. Thus it is written in Your Torah:

hayamim, v'kidashto mikol haz'manim, v'chein katuv b'toratecha:

Our God and God of our ancestors, accept our rest; hallow us by your commandments, and grant our portion in your Torah; satisfy us with your goodness, and gladden us with your salvation; purify our hearts to serve you in truth; and in your love and favor, Adonai our God, let us inherit your holy Sabbath; and may Israel, who sanctify your Name, rest thereon. Blessed are you, O God, who hallows the Sabbath.

Eloheinu veilohei avoteinu, r'tzeih vimnuchateinu, kad'sheinu b'mitzvotecha, v'tein chelkeinu b'toratecha, sab'einu mituvecha, v'sam'cheinu bishuatecha, v'taheir libeinu l'ovd'cha beemet, v'hanchileinu Adonai Eloheinu b'ahavah uv'ratzon shabat kod'shecha, v'yanuchu vah yisra-eil m'kad'shei sh'mecha. Baruch atah Adonai, m'kadeish hashabat.

‫יֵיֵהֹלאֲיֵיֵיֵא וֵ ּוני ֵהֹלֱא‬,ֵ ‫ניֵא ַקהֹלנֵני הֹלֱאמִבהיהֹלא‬ ‫קַנּונת ֵןֱאֲני ָךאנתֹומיהֹלא‬ ‫ָך ריהֹלא‬ ִ ‫נּו ֵ נת ןֱא‬ ‫קַנֹל תןֱאֲָךִָךניהֹלא‬ ‫ֵהֹלרֵנת ןֱאֲ ִט יֵ א ַֹו יהֹלא ַא‬ ‫ֵקתנֱא‬, ‫ֹו ֵר בןא ת‬ ‫יֵיֵהֹלא‬,ֵ‫ֲִֵהנֵַֹויהֹלאֵֵ ֵא‬ ‫ה ִנא‬ ִ ‫ַּ וֵ ֵֵאֹל ֵ נּוָךא‬ ‫מֵָהתןֱאֲֵ ֵהֹלנֹלא ֵָא‬ ‫ֵ ַָך ֵ ֵיֹואקמִבהיֵאהקתןִא‬ ‫ֵ ֹלַא ִֵ ֵ ֵאֵֵ ֱֵאקמִבי הא‬ ‫ב ֵנ‬ ִ ִֵ

Accept, Adonai, our God, your people Israel and their prayer; restore the service to the inner sanctuary of your house; receive in love and favor both the offerings of Israel and their prayer; and may the worship of your people Israel be ever acceptable unto you.

R'tzeih, Adonai Eloheinu, b'am'cha yisra-eil uvitfilatam, v'hasheiv et ha-avodah lidvir beitecha, v'ishei yisra-eil, ut'filatam b'ahavah t'kabeil b'ratzon, ut'hi l'ratzon tamid avodat yisra-eil amecha.

‫יֵיֵהֹלֱא רִָךןא‬,ֵ‫ניֱֵאֵֵ ֵא‬ ‫ֵ ַָך ֵ ֵיֹואֹל ַנ ַלאֵנֵ שֱא‬ ‫ה אֵתנא ֵֵ ור ּוֵָא‬ ‫ֵאֲ ֵֵ י‬ ‫ֹוַָ ֵַ א יֵנת ןֱאֲ ֵַביֵא‬ ‫ֵ ַָך ֵ ֵיֹוֱאֹלנ ַלאֵנֵ שא‬ ‫ַּ וֵ ֵֵאנ ִמ יֹוא ֵ נּוָךֱא‬ ‫ֹלנֵֵַאֹו ֵ נּוָךא ֵ קֵַָא‬ ‫ור ּוִָ נאֵ ַָך ֵ ֵיֹוא ִרָךתן‬

‫ּוב ֵַרכְתֹו ִמכָּל ַהיָּמִים‬, ‫ ְוקִדַ שְתֹו ִמכָּל ַהזְ ַמּנִים‬, ‫ְתֹור ֶתֶָֽך‬ ָּ ‫ְוכֵן כָּתּוב ב‬

Bow as you recite "Modim Anachnu Lach" May our eyes behold

V'techezenah eineinu


‫נבתֵהֵֵאריֵהיֵהֹלא הֹל ן‬, ‫ֲנת‬

your return to Zion in compassion. Blessed are you, God, who restores God's presence to Zion. We give thanks to you, for you are Adonai our God and the God of our ancestors for ever and ever; you are the Rock of our lives, the Shield of our salvation through every generation. We will give thanks to you and declare your praise for our lives which are committed to your hand, and for our souls which are in your charge, and for your miracles, which are daily with us, and for your wonders and your benefits, which are wrought at all times, evening, morning and noon. O you who are all-good, whose mercies fail not; you, merciful Being, whose lovingkindnesses never cease, we have ever hoped in you.

b'shuv'cha l'tziyon b'rachamim. Baruch atah Adonai, hamachazir sh'chinato l'tziyon. Modim anachnu lach, sha-atah hu, Adonai Eloheinu veilohei avoteinu, l'olam va-ed, tzur chayeinu, magein yisheinu, atah hu l'dor vador, nodeh l'cha un'sapeir t'hilatecha, al chayeinu ham'surim b'yadecha, v'al nishmoteinu hap'kudot lach v'al nisecha sheb'chol yom imanu, v'al nifl'otecha v'tovotecha sheb'chol eit, erev vavoker v'tzahorayim, hatov, ki lo chalu rachamecha, v'hamracheim, ki lo tamu chasadecha, meiolam kivinu lach.

‫ֹונַָּּוָךא ִ ונקֵַשִא ֵ ֹלַא‬ ‫ִֵ ֵ ֵאֵֵ ֱֵא ִֵ ִָך ונבֵַ א‬ ‫הּיֵַהֵנּואֹונַָּּוָך‬ ‫קּוַָ ֵשא וֵהִנהֹלאֹוֱֵַא‬ ‫יֵיֵהֹלא‬,ֵ‫ה ִֵ ֵ ֵאֵֹלֱֵאֵֵ ֵא‬ ֵ ‫ֲיֵיֵיֵא וֵ ּוני ֵהֹלֱאֹורּוֹוֵשא‬ ‫ֲֵרתֱָאנֹל א ִנָּ יֵהֹלֱא ֵקֶיָךא‬ ‫ֵ ַהריהֹלֱא ִֵ ֵ ֵאֵֹלֵאֹוָּו א‬ ‫אֲֵָּו ֱאהּוָת ֵאאןאֹלה ִר יאד‬ ‫ֵַאֵנת ןֱארִֹוא ִנָּ יֵהֹלא‬ ‫ִֵָךרֹל ַ ֵשא ֵ ֵָת ןֱאֲרִֹוא‬ ‫הַהקּוני ֵהֹלאִֵדמֹלָּונאֹוֱֵַא‬ ‫ה ּיֵֹואֵּושא‬ ‫ֲרִֹואהְַּתֵןא ת‬ ‫ַרָךֵהֹלֱאֲרִֹואהַלֹוֵּונת ֵןא‬ ‫ה ּיֵֹוארינֱא‬ ‫ֲטּו ּונתֵןא ת‬ ‫תר ת א ֲֵ ָ תמ אֲ ֵנ ֵָ ֵ ֵ ַשֱא‬ ‫ִֵנּו ֱאֹלֵַאיֵאּיֵֹוֹלא‬ ‫נישֱאֹלֵַא ִ ונקתֵןֱאֲִֵק ִא‬ ‫יֵאנִ ָךֹלא ונרֵָת ֵןֱאקירּוֹוֵשא‬ ֵַ‫ַמֹלֵַהֹלאֹו‬

Bow as you recite the blessing "Hatov shimcha ul'cha na'eh lhodot." For all these acts your Name, O our Sovereign, shall be continually blessed and exalted for

V'al kulam yitbarach v'yitromam shimcha malkeinu tamid l'olam va-ed. (during the Ten


‫ֲרִֹוא תֹלאֵשאֵ ַנ ֵ ִ ַא‬ ‫ֲֵ ַנ ּוקִשאהַקןאקִֹוֹליהֹלא‬ ָ‫ֵ קֵַָאֹורּוֹוֵשא ֲֵרת‬

ever and ever. [On the Sabbath of Repentance say: O inscribe all the children of your covenant for a happy life.] And everything

that lives shall give thanks to you for ever, and shall praise your Name in truth, O God, our salvation and our help. (Selah.) Blessed are you, Adonai, whose Name is All-good, and unto whom it is becoming to give thanks. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before you, O God, my Rock and my Redeemer. O my God! guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking guile; and to such as curse me let my soul be dumb, yea, let my soul be unto all as the dust. Open my heart to your Torah, and let my soul pursue thy commandments. If any design evil against me, speedily make their counsel of no effect, and frustrate their designs. Do it for the sake of your Name, do it for the sake of your power, do it for the sake of your holiness,

days of Penitence: Uch'tov l'chayim tovim kol b'nei v'ritecha.)

(On the Sabbath of Repentance say:‫ֹלּינּו אא‬

V'chol hachayim yoducha selah, vihal'lu et shimcha be-emet, haeil y'shuateinu v'ezrateinu selah. Baruch atah Adonai, hatov shimcha ul'cha na-eh l'hodot.

‫ֹו ִנָּ ֵַשאטּו ֵַשאֹלֵֹוא היֵא‬ ‫ ַ ֵנת ן‬.) ‫ֲּיָֹוא ִֵ ִנָּ ֵַשא‬ ‫ֵּוָֹלןא תְֹּוֱֵֵאֲִֵֵַֹוֹוֹלאֵתנא‬ ‫ֵקתנֱא ֵֵֵיֹוא‬, ‫הַקןא ת‬ ‫ֵהֹלרֵני הֹלאֲרתב ֵ ני הֹלא תרֹוִֵֵא‬ ‫ֵ ֹלַא ִֵ ֵ ֵאֵֵ ֱֵאִֵנּו א‬ ‫הַקןאֹלֹוןאהֵֵתֵאֹוֵּוָּונ‬

Yehiyu l'ratzon imrei fi v'hegyon leebi l'fanecha, Adonai tzuri v'go'ali. Elohai, n'tzor l'shoni meira, us'fatai midabeir mirmah, v'limkal'lai nafshi tidom, v'nafshi ke-afar lakol tihyeh. P'tach libi b'toratecha, uv'mitzvatecha tirdof nafshi. V'chol hachosh'vim alai ra-ah, m'heirah hafeir atzatam v'kalkeil machashavtam. Aseih l'ma-an sh'mecha, aseih l'ma-an y'minecha, aseih l'ma-an k'dushatecha, aseih l'ma-an toratecha. L'ma-an yeichal'tzun y'didecha, hoshi-ah y'min'cha va-aneini. Yihyu l'ratzon imrei fi v'hegyon libi l'fanecha, Adonai tzuri v'goali.

‫ֵ ֵֵַֹלאֹו ֵ נּוָךאֵַק י ֵאלֵַא‬ ‫ֲֵתֵֶּוָךא ַֹו ֵַאֹו ֵלהתֵןֱאֵֵ ֵא‬ ֵַ‫נֹל ַ ֵאֲֶּו וֵֹו‬. ‫יֱִֵֵא‬,ֵ ‫הנּו אֹוהּוהֵַא יק ֵ רֱא‬ ‫ֹלָךלֵנִ ֵאקַבִ י א ַק קֱֵֵא‬ ִ‫להֵַאנַ ב ָשֱאֲֹוַקמִֹוֹוִֵא אה‬ ‫ֲהִלהֵַא תֹל ֵר ֵל אֹוִֹלָֹוא‬ ‫ַ ֵֵ תִֵאדנִ נא ַֹו ֵַא‬ ‫נּו ֵ נת ןֱאֹל קַנּונת ֵןא‬ ‫ַ בּו אהִלהִֵַאֲּיֵֹוא‬ ‫ִֵנּוה ֵַשא ֵרֹוִֵא ֵ רֱֵֵא‬ ‫ק יֵ ֵ ֵא ֵֵ יל א ורנֵנֵ שא‬ ‫ה ֵ שִא ורָךיֵא‬ ִ ‫ֲמִֹומיֹוא ִק ונ‬ ‫ֹו ִקרִָךאהקתןֱא ורָךיֵאֹו ִקרִָךא‬ ‫יֵאֹו‬ ‫ִקרִָךאֵקֵַהתןֱא ורָך א‬ ‫מָת בֵנת ןֱא ורָךיֵאֹו ִקרִָךא‬ ‫ּו ֵ נת ןִאֹו ִקרִָךאֵינֵֹונֹלָךא‬ ‫ֵַָ ֵָת ֵןֱאֵּוהֵַרֵֵאֵקֵַהןא‬ ‫ֲִ ורהיהִֵַאֵ ֵֵַֹלאֹו ֵ נּוָךאֵַק י ֵא‬ ‫לֵַאֲֵתֵֶּוָךא ַֹו ֵַאֹו ֵלהתֵןֱאֵֵ ֵא‬


do it for the sake of your Torah. In order that your beloved ones may be delivered, O save by your power, and answer me. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before your, O God, my Rock and my Redeemer. God who makes peace in high places, may God make peace for us and for all Israel, and say ye, Amen. May it be your will, Adonai our God and God of our ancestors, that the temple be speedily rebuilt in our days, and grant our portion in your Torah. And there we will serve your with awe, as in the days of old, and as in ancient years. Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto God, as in the days of old, and as in ancient years.

Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu, v'al kol yisra-eil, v'imru amein. Y'hi ratzon mil'fanecha, Adonai Eloheinu veilohei avoteinu, sheyibaneh beit hamikdash bimheirah v'yameinu, v'tein chelkeinu b'toratecha, v'sham na-avad'cha b'yirah kimei olam uch'shanim kadmoniyot. V'ar'vah l’Adonai minchat y'hudah virushalayim, kimei olam uch'shanim kadmoniyot.


‫נֹל ַ ֵאֲֶּו וֵֹוִֵַארָָךתֵא‬ ‫הֵֹוּושאי רֵָׁ נאֵָׁא‬ ‫ֲֵק ֵששא ִֵבֵֹוּושוא‬ ֵ‫ֵ ִ ורָךתֵאא ַק ּוקֱֲֵֵאֵֹל‬ ‫הֵֹוּושא ֵרֹויֵהֹלֱאֲרִֹואֹלֵֹוא‬ ‫ֵ ַָך ֵ ֵיֹוֱאֲֵַק ֹלאְׂקיָך‬. ‫ֵֵֵַא ֵ נּוָךאקַא ֵלהתֵןֱאֵֵ ֵא‬ ‫יֵיֵהֹלאֲיֵיֵיֵא וֵ ּוני ֵהֹלֱא‬,ֵ ‫הָּ ַ ֵ התֵא יֵנא ִֵָךַמבֵ הא‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ַק יֵ ֵ ֵא ֵֵקיֵהֹלֱאֲני ָךא‬ ‫נתֹומיהֹלא נּו ֵ נת ןֱאֲהֵשא‬ ֵ‫הִ ור ֵָןא ֵ ַ ְֵׂאֹלֵַקי‬ ‫ההֵַשא‬ ֵ ‫רּוֹוֵשאֹלּי‬ ‫מִָקּוהַָּּונִאֲ ֵר ֵֵאֹוִֵֵ ֵא‬ ‫ה ֵֹוֵ ַשֱא‬ ֵ ‫קַהנִנאֵֵֹלֵָ ֵאֲֵַ ֹל‬ ‫ההֵַשא‬ ֵ ‫ֹלֵַקיֵארּוֹוֵשאֹלּי‬ ‫מִָקּוהַָּּונ‬

‫קדיש שלם‬

 Full Kaddish: Kaddish Shalem The Full Kaddish is recited by the Chazzan, with the community responding amen throughout. Magnified and sanctified is God’s great name in the world created according to divine will. May God’s majesty reign during your lifetime and throughout your days, and during the life of all the house of Israel, speedily and soon, and let us say, Amen.

Yitgadal v'yitkadash sh'meih raba. B'al'ma di v'ra chiruteih, v'yamlich malchutei b'chayeichon uv'yomeichon uv'chayei d'chol beit yisra-eil, baagala uvizman kariv, v'imru amein.

‫שמֵּה‬ ְ ‫י ִתְ גַדַ ל ְוי ִתְ קַדַ ש‬ ‫רבָּא‬. ַ ‫ְב ָּע ְלמָּא דִ י ב ְָּרא‬ ‫כ ְִרעּותֵ ּה‬, ‫ְוי ַ ְמלִיְך‬ ‫ַמלְכּותֵ ּה ְב ַחי ֵיכֹון‬ ‫ּובְיֹומֵיכֹון ּו ְב ַחי ֵי דְ כָּל‬ ‫בֵית יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬, ‫ַב ֲעגָּלָּא‬ ‫ּו ִבזְמַן ק ִָּריב‬, ‫ְו ִאמְרּו‬ ‫ָאמֵן‬

Recited by the Community and Chazzan. Let God’s great Name be blessed forever and for all eternity.

Y'hay shmay rabbo m'vorach l'olam ul'olmay olmayo.

‫שמֵּה ַרבָּא ְמב ַָּרְך‬ ְ ‫יְהֵא‬ ‫ְל ָּעלַם ּו ְל ָּע ְלמֵי ָּע ְל ַמי ָּא‬

Blessed, praised and glorified, exalted, extolled and honored, magnified and lauded be the Name of the Holy One, though God reigns high above all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations, which are uttered in this world; and let us say: Amen.

Yitbarach v'yishtabach v'yitpa-ar v'yitromam v'yitnasei v'yithadar v'yitaleh v'yithalal sh'meih d'kudsha b'rich hu, l'eila min kol birchata v'shirata tushb'chata v'nechemata, da-amiran b'al'ma, v'imru amein.

‫י ִתְ ב ַָּרְך ְויִשְתַ בַח‬ ‫ְוי ִתְ פַָּאר ְוי ִתְ רֹומַם‬ ‫ְוי ִתְ נַשֵא ְוי ִתְ הַדָּ ר‬ ‫שמֵּה‬ ְ ‫ְוי ִתְ ַעלֶה ְוי ִתְ ַהלָּל‬ ‫דְ קֻדְ שָּא ב ְִריְך הּוא‬, ‫ל ְֵעֶֽלָּא מִן כָּל ב ְִרכָּתָּ א‬ ‫ש ְבחָּתָּ א‬ ְ ֻ‫ִירתָּ א ת‬ ָּ ‫ְוש‬ ‫ ְונֶ ֱחמָּתָּא‬, ‫ִירן‬ ָּ ‫דַ ֲאמ‬ ‫ ְב ָּע ְלמָּא‬, ‫ ְו ִאמְרּו ָאמֵן‬.

May there be abundant peace from heaven, and

Y'hei sh'lama raba min

‫ש ָּלמָּא ַרבָּא מִן‬ ְ ‫יְהֵא‬


life for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.

sh'maya, v'chayim aleinu v'al kol yisra-eil, v'imru amein.

‫ש ַמי ָּא‬ ְ , ‫ְו ַחי ִים עָּלֵ ֶֽינּו ְועַל‬ ‫כָּל יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬, ‫ְו ִאמְרּו ָאמֵן‬

Take three steps back and bow left, right and forward. May the one who makes peace in high places, make peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.

Oseh sholom bimromov, hu ya'aseh sholom olaynu, v'al kol yisroel; vimru Amein.


‫עׂשֶה שָּלֹום ִבמְרֹומָּיו‬, ‫הּוא י ַ ֲעׂשֶה שָּלֹום עָּלֵ ֶֽינּו‬ ‫ ְועַל כָּל יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬, ‫ְו ִאמְרּו‬ ‫ָאמֵן‬

‫מי שברך‬


Mi Sheberach THE SERVICE LEADER ASKS FOR NAMES OF THOSE IN NEED OF HEALING TO BE MENTIONED OUT LOUD BEFORE SINGING THE MI SHEBEIRACH: May the source of strength who blessed the ones before us, Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing And let us say: Amen.

Mi shebeirach avoteinu M'kor habracha l'imoteinu Mi shebeirach imoteinu M'kor habracha l'avoteinu

‫מי שברך אבותינו‬ ‫מקור הברכה לאמותינו‬ ‫מי שברך אמותינו‬ ‫מקור הברכה לאבותינו‬

Bless those in need of healing with refuah sh'leimah The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit And let us say: Amen.

‫דבר תורה‬


D'var Torah D’var Torah (sermon) on a theme from the weekly Torah portion, or some other reading or presentation on the theme of your service.


Concluding Prayers

"A person's prayer is as you have said. Happy is your lot [that you understand the mystery of the way the prayers are organized] because prayer rectifies the body and the soul of a person and makes him whole” (Zohar- Vayakhel)


‫ויכלו השמים‬


Vayechulu Hashamyim And the Heaven and the Earth were finished and all their host. And on the seventh day God finished working and rested from all the work which had been made. And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it through rest from all the work which God had created and made.

Vay'chulu hashamayim v'ha-aretz v'chol tz'vaam. Vay'chal elohim bayom hashvii m'lachto asher asah, vayishbot bayom hashvii, mikol m'lachto asher asah. Vay'varech elohim et yom hashvii vay'kadeish oto, ki vo shavat mikol m'lachto, asher bara elohim la-asot.


‫ַויְכֻלּו ַהשָּמַ ֶֽי ִם ְוהָּאָּ ֶֶֽרץ‬ ‫ ְוכָּל ְצבָָּאם‬. ‫ַויְכַל אֱֹלהִים‬ ‫שבִיעִי ְמלַאכְתֹו‬ ְ ‫בַיֹום ַה‬ ‫ ֲאשֶר ָּעׂשָּה‬, ‫ַויִשְבת‬ ‫שבִיעִי‬ ְ ‫בַיֹום ַה‬, ‫ִמכָּל‬ ‫ ְמלַאכְתֹו ֲאשֶר ָּעׂשָּה‬. ‫ַוי ְבָּ ֶֶֽרְך אֱֹלהִים אֶת יֹום‬ ‫שבִיעִי ַויְקַדֵ ש אתֹו‬ ְ ‫ ַה‬, ‫כִי‬ ‫שבַת ִמכָּל ְמלַאכְתֹו‬ ָּ ‫בֹו‬, ‫ֲאשֶר ב ָָּּרא אֱֹלהִים‬ ‫ַלעֲׂשֹות‬

‫מגן אבות ואמהות‬


Magen Avot v'Imahot Blessed are You, Adonai our God and God of our fathers and mothers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Leah, and God of Rachel, the great, mighty and revered God, the most High God, Master of heaven and earth.

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu veilohei avoteinu v’imoteinu, elohei avraham, elohei yitzchak, veilohei yaakov, elohei sara, elohei rivka, elohei leia, veilohi rachel, ha-eil hagadol hagibor v'hanora, eil elyon, koneih shamayim va-aretz.

ָּ ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו‬ ‫ֲבֹותֶֽינּו‬ ֵ ‫וֵאֹלהֵי א‬ ‫ ְואִמֹותֵ ינּו‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵי‬ ‫ַאב ְָּרהָּם‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵי י ִ ְצחָּק‬, ‫וֵאֹלהֵי יַעֲקב‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵי‬ ‫ש ָָּּרה‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵי ִר ְבקָּה‬, ‫אֱֹלהֵי לֵָאה וֵאֹלהֵי ָּרחֵל‬, ‫ָּהאֵל ַהגָּדֹול ַהגִבֹור‬ ‫ַּנֹורא‬ ָּ ‫ ְוה‬, ‫אֵל ֶעלְיֹון‬, ‫קֹונֵה שָּמַ ֶֽי ִם וָּאָּ ֶֶֽרץ‬

God’s words were a shield to our ancestors. Our holy God, like which nothing can compare, gives rest to us on this holy Sabbath day, because God took pleasure in us and granted us rest. We will serve Adonai with reverence and awe, and daily and constantly we will give thanks through our blessings. It is to God alone our thanksgivings are due, the Sovereign of peace, who hallows the Sabbath and blesses the seventh day, and in holiness gives rest to a people content with delight, in memory of the creation.

Magein avot v’imahot bidvaro, m'chayeih hakol b'ma-amaro, ha-eil hakadosh she-ein kamohu, hameini-ach l'amo b'yom shabat kod'sho, ki vam ratzah l'hani-ach lahem. L'fanav na-avod b'yirah vafachad, v'nodeh lishmo b'chol yom tamid, mei-ein hab'rachot. Eil hahodaot, adon hashalom, m'kadeish hashabat um'vareich sh'vii, umeini-ach bikdushah l'am m'dushnei oneg, zeicher l'ma-aseih v'reishit.

‫ָּמגֵן ָאבֹות ְו ִאמָּהֹות‬ ‫בִדְ בָּרֹו‬, ‫ְמ ַחי ֵה הַכל‬ ‫ ְב ַמ ֲאמָּרֹו‬, ‫ָּהאֵל ַהקָּדֹוש‬ ‫שאֵין ָּכמֶֹֽוהּו‬ ֶ , ‫ַה ֵמ ִנ ֶֽי ַח‬ ‫שבַת קָּדְ שֹו‬ ַ ‫ ְלעַמֹו בְיֹום‬, ‫כִי בָּם ָּרצָּה ְל ָּה ִנ ֶֽי ַח‬ ‫ ָּלהֶם‬. ‫ְל ָּפנָּיו נַעֲבֹוד‬ ‫ ְבי ְִרָאה וָּפַ ֶֽחַד‬, ‫וְנֹודֶ ה‬ ‫ ִלשְמֹו ְבכָּל יֹום תָּ מִיד‬, ‫ ֵמעֵין ַהב ְָּרכֹות‬. ‫אֵל‬ ‫הַהֹודָּ אֹות‬, ‫אֲדֹון‬ ‫ ַהשָּלֹום‬, ‫שבָּת‬ ַ ‫ְמקַדֵ ש ַה‬ ‫שבִיעִי‬ ְ ‫ּו ְמב ֵָּרְך‬, ‫ּו ֵמ ִנ ֶֽי ַח‬ ‫שנֵי‬ ְ ֻ‫ִב ְקדֻ שָּה ְלעַם מְד‬ ‫ענֶג‬, ֶֽ ‫ֵזֶֽכֶר ְל ַמ ֲעׂשֵה‬ ‫ב ְֵראשִית‬




Aleinu Ours is the responsibility to praise the God of all, to ascribe to the greatness of the Creator, who has set us apart from the other families of earth, giving us a destiny unique among the nations. (Bend knees and bow forward) We bend the knee and bow, (straighten up) acknowledging the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One of Blessing. For you spread out the heavens and establish the earth; Your majestic abode is in the heavens above and Your mighty Presence is in the loftiest of heights. You are our God and there is no one else. In truth, You are our Sovereign without compare, as is written in Your Torah: Know then this day and take it to heart that Adonai is surely God in the heavens above and on the earth below. There is none else. As it is written in Your

Aleinu l'shabei-ach laadon hakol, lateit g'dulah l'yotzeir b'reishit, shelo asanu k'goyei ha-aratzot, v'lo samanu k'mishp'chot ha-adamah, shelo sam chelkeinu kahem, v'goraleinu k'chol hamonam, (bend knees and bow forward) vaanachnu kor'im umishtachavim umodim, (straighten up) lifnei melech malchei ham'lachim, hakadosh baruch hu. Shehu noteh shamayim v'yoseid aretz, umoshav y'karo bashamayim mima-al, ush'chinat uzo b'gav'hei m'romim, hu Eloheinu ein od. Emet malkeinu, efes zulato, kakatuv b'torato: v'yadata Hayom vahasheivota el l'vavecha, ki Adonai hu ha-elohim bashamam mima-al, v'al ha-aretz mitachat, ein od. V'ne-emar, v'hayah Adonai l'melech al kol ha-aretz, bayom hahu yihyeh Adonai echad, ush'mo echad.


‫עָּלֵ ֶֽינּו ְלשַבֵ ֶֽ ַח ַלאֲדֹון‬ ‫הַכל‬, ‫לָּתֵ ת גְדֻ לָּה לְיֹוצֵר‬ ‫ב ְֵראשִית‬, ‫שֶֹּלא ע ָָּּׂשֶֽנּו‬ ‫כְגֹוי ֵי ָּהא ֲָּרצֹות‬, ‫וְֹלא‬ ‫שפְחֹות‬ ְ ‫ׂשָּמָּ ֶֽנּו ְכ ִמ‬ ‫ ָּהאֲדָּ מָּה‬, ‫שֶֹלא ׂשָּם‬ ‫ ֶחל ֵ ְֶֽקנּו ָּכהֶם‬, ‫וְג ָּרלֵ ֶֽנּו‬ ‫( ְככָּל הֲמֹונָּם‬Bend knees and bow forward) ‫ַואֲנַ ֶֽחְנּו‬ ‫כֹורעִים ּו ִמשְתַ ֲחוִים‬ ְ ‫(ּומֹודִ ים‬straighten up), ‫ִל ְפנֵי מֶ ֶֽלְֶך ַמ ְלכֵי‬ ‫ ַה ְמ ָּלכִים‬, ‫ַהקָּדֹוש בָּרּוְך‬ ‫הּוא‬. ‫שֶהּוא נֹוטֶה שָּמַ ֶֽי ִם‬ ‫וְיסֵד אָּ ֶֶֽרץ‬, ‫ּומֹושַב יְקָּרֹו‬ ‫ ַבשָּמַ ֶֽי ִם מִמַ ֶֽעַל‬, ‫שכִינַת‬ ְ ‫ּו‬ ‫עֻזֹו ְבגָּ ְבהֵי מְרֹומִים‬, ‫הּוא אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו אֵין עֹוד‬. ‫ ֱאמֶת ַמלְכֵ ֶֽנּו‬, ‫אֶ ֶֽפֶס‬ ‫זּולָּתֹו‬, ‫ְתֹורתֹו‬ ָּ ‫ ַככָּתּוב ב‬: ‫ְוי ָּדַ עְתָּ הַיֹום ַו ֲהשֵבתָּ אֶל‬ ‫ ְלבָּבֶ ֶָֽך‬, ‫כִי יְי ָּ הּוא‬ ‫ ָּהאֱֹלהִים ַבשָּמַ ֶֽים מִמַ ֶֽעַל‬, ‫ִתחַת‬ ֶֽ ָּ ‫ ְועַל הָּאָּ ֶֶֽרץ מ‬, ‫אֵין‬ ‫עֹוד‬. ‫ ְונֶ ֱאמַר‬, ‫ְו ָּהי ָּה יְי ָּ לְמֶ ֶֽלְֶך‬ ‫עַל כָּל הָּאָּ ֶֶֽרץ‬, ‫בַיֹום‬ ‫הַהּוא י ִ ְהי ֶה יְי ָּ ֶאחָּד‬,

Torah, “Adonai shall reign forever and ever.” And it is said, “Adonai shall be ruler over all the Earth: in that day, Adonai shall be One and God’s name shall be One.”

‫ּושְמֹו ֶאחָּד‬


‫קדיש יתום‬


Mourner's Kaddish In some congregations, only those in mourning or observing a yartzheit stand and recite the Mourner’s Kaddish. However, particularly since the Holocaust, some congregations have developed the practice of everyone present reciting the Kaddish on behalf of those who have no one left to say Kaddish for them. Therefore, each individual should stand or sit as is their personal custom. Magnified and sanctified is God’s great name in the world created according to divine will. May God’s majesty reign during your lifetime and throughout your days, and during the life of all the house of Israel, speedily and soon, and let us say, Amen.

Yitgadal v'yitkadash sh'meih raba. B'al'ma di v'ra chiruteih, v'yamlich malchutei b'chayeichon uv'yomeichon uv'chayei d'chol beit yisra-eil, baagala uvizman kariv, v'imru amein.

‫שמֵּה‬ ְ ‫י ִתְ גַדַ ל ְוי ִתְ קַדַ ש‬ ‫רבָּא‬. ַ ‫ְב ָּע ְלמָּא דִ י ב ְָּרא‬ ‫כ ְִרעּותֵ ּה‬, ‫ְוי ַ ְמלִיְך‬ ‫ַמלְכּותֵ ּה ְב ַחי ֵיכֹון‬ ‫ּובְיֹומֵיכֹון ּו ְב ַחי ֵי דְ כָּל‬ ‫בֵית יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬, ‫ַב ֲעגָּלָּא‬ ‫ּו ִבזְמַן ק ִָּריב‬, ‫ְו ִאמְרּו‬ ‫ָאמֵן‬

Recited by the Community and Chazzan. Let God’s great Name be blessed forever and for all eternity.

Y'hay shmay rabbo m'vorach l'olam ul'olmay olmayo.

‫שמֵּה ַרבָּא ְמב ַָּרְך‬ ְ ‫יְהֵא‬ ‫ְל ָּעלַם ּו ְל ָּע ְלמֵי ָּע ְל ַמי ָּא‬

Blessed, praised and glorified, exalted, extolled and honored, magnified and lauded be the Name of the Holy One, though God reigns high above all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations, which are uttered in this world; and let us say: Amen.

Yitbarach v'yishtabach v'yitpa-ar v'yitromam v'yitnasei v'yithadar v'yitaleh v'yithalal sh'meih d'kudsha b'rich hu, l'eila min kol birchata v'shirata tushb'chata v'nechemata, da-amiran b'al'ma, v'imru amein.

‫י ִתְ ב ַָּרְך ְויִשְתַ בַח‬ ‫ְוי ִתְ פַָּאר ְוי ִתְ רֹומַם‬ ‫ְוי ִתְ נַשֵא ְוי ִתְ הַדָּ ר‬ ‫שמֵּה‬ ְ ‫ְוי ִתְ ַעלֶה ְוי ִתְ ַהלָּל‬ ‫דְ קֻדְ שָּא ב ְִריְך הּוא‬, ‫ל ְֵעֶֽלָּא מִן כָּל ב ְִרכָּתָּ א‬ ‫ש ְבחָּתָּ א‬ ְ ֻ‫ִירתָּ א ת‬ ָּ ‫ְוש‬ ‫ ְונֶ ֱחמָּתָּא‬, ‫ִירן‬ ָּ ‫דַ ֲאמ‬ ‫ ְב ָּע ְלמָּא‬, ‫ ְו ִאמְרּו ָאמֵן‬.


May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.

Y'hei sh'lama raba min sh'maya, v'chayim aleinu v'al kol yisra-eil, v'imru amein.

‫ש ָּלמָּא ַרבָּא מִן‬ ְ ‫יְהֵא‬ ‫ש ַמי ָּא‬ ְ , ‫ְו ַחי ִים עָּלֵ ֶֽינּו ְועַל‬ ‫כָּל יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬, ‫ְו ִאמְרּו ָאמֵן‬

Take three steps back and bow left, right and forward. May the one who makes peace in high places, make peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.

Oseh sholom bimromov, hu ya'aseh sholom olaynu, v'al kol yisroel; vimru Amein.


‫עׂשֶה שָּלֹום ִבמְרֹומָּיו‬, ‫הּוא י ַ ֲעׂשֶה שָּלֹום עָּלֵ ֶֽינּו‬ ‫ ְועַל כָּל יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬, ‫ְו ִאמְרּו‬ ‫ָאמֵן‬

Friday Night Kiddush The following is recited while standing. And there was evening and there was morning, The sixth day. Thus, the heavens and the earth were completed and all their array. On the seventh day God finished the work that had been done, and abstained on the seventh day from all work that had been done. God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it because on it, God abstained from all work which had been created. (By your leave, my masters, rabbis and teachers:) Blessed are You, God, our Ruler and Ruler of the Universe. Who creates the fruit of the vine. Blessed are You, God, our Ruler and Ruler of the Universe. Who has sanctified us with commandments, took pleasure in us, and with love and favor gave us the Holy Shabbat as an inheritance, a reminder of creation. For that day is the prologue to the holy gathering, a memorial of the Exodus

Vayehi Evev, Veyhi Voker, Yom Hashishi. Vayechulu hashamayim v'haaretz v'chol tziva'am. Vayichal Elohim bayom hash'vi'i milachto asher asah, vayishbot bayom hashevi'i, mikol m'lachto asher asah. Vayevarech Elohim et yom hashevi'i vayekadeish otoh. Ki vo shavat mikol melachto, asher barah elohim la'asot. (Savri maranan v'rabanan v'rabotai:) Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha'olam, borei p'ri hagafen. Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha'olam, asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'ratza vanu, v'shabat kadsho b'ahavah uv'ratzon hinchilanu zicaron l'maasei v'reishit, ki hu yom techilla l'mikra'ei kodesh, zeicher litzi'at mitzrayim, ki vanu vacharta v'otanu kidashta mikol ha'amim, v'shabbat kodshecha b'ahava uv'ratzon hinchaltanu. Baruch atah adonai, mikadeish hashabbat.


‫יֹום ַויְהִי ֶע ֶֶֽרב ַויְהִי ֶֽבקֶר‬ ‫ששִי‬ ִ ‫ ַה‬. ‫ַויְכֻלּו ַהשָּמַ ֶֽי ִם‬ ‫ ְוהָּאָּ ֶֶֽרץ ְוכָּל ְצבָָּאם‬. ‫ַויְכַל‬ ‫שבִיעִי‬ ְ ‫אֱֹלהִים בַיֹום ַה‬ ‫ ְמלַאכְתֹו ֲאשֶר ָּעׂשָּה‬, ‫שבִיעִי‬ ְ ‫ ַויִשְבת בַיֹום ַה‬, ‫ִמכָּל ְמלַאכְתֹו ֲאשֶר‬ ‫ ָּעׂשָּה‬. ‫ַוי ְבָּ ֶֶֽרְך אֱֹלהִים אֶת‬ ‫שבִיעִי ַויְקַדֵ ש‬ ְ ‫יֹום ַה‬ ‫אתֹו‬, ‫שבַת ִמ ָּכל‬ ָּ ‫כִי בֹו‬ ‫ ְמלַאכְתֹו‬, ‫ֲאשֶר ב ָָּּרא‬ ‫ַסב ְִרי (אֱֹלהִים ַלעֲׂשֹות‬ ‫מ ָָּּרנָּן ו ְַר ָּבנָּן ו ְַרבֹותַי‬:) ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי ָּ אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו‬ ‫מֶ ֶֽלְֶך הָּעֹולָּם‬, ‫בֹורא פ ְִרי‬ ֵ ‫הַגָּ ֶֽפֶן‬. ָּ ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי‬ ‫אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו מֶ ֶֽלְֶך הָּעֹולָּם‬, ‫ֲאשֶר קִדְ ָּשֶֽנּו ְב ִמצְֹותָּ יו‬ ‫ו ָּ ְֶֽרצָּה בָּ ֶֽנּו‬, ‫שבַת קָּדְ שֹו‬ ַ ‫ְו‬ ‫בְַא ֲהבָּה ּוב ְָּרצֹון ִהנְחִילָּ ֶֽנּו‬ ‫זִכָּרֹון ְל ַמ ֲעׂשֵה‬ ‫ב ְֵראשִית‬, ‫כִי הּוא יֹום‬ ‫תְ ִחלָּה ְל ִמק ְָּראֵי קֶֽדֶ ש‬, ‫ ֵזֶֽכֶר לִיצִיַאת ִמצ ָּ ְֶֽרי ִם‬, ‫כִי‬ ‫ְאֹותֶֽנּו‬ ָּ ‫בָּ ֶֽנּו ב ַָּח ְֶֽרתָּ ו‬ ‫קִדַ ֶֽשְתָּ ִמכָּל ָּה ַעמִים‬, ‫ש ַבת קָּדְ שְָך בְַא ֲהבָּה‬ ַ ‫ְו‬ ‫ּוב ְָּרצֹון ִהנְ ַחל ְָּתֶֽנּו‬. ‫בָּרּוְך‬ ָּ ‫אַתָּ ה יְי‬, ‫שבָּת‬ ַ ‫ְמקַדֵ ש ַה‬

from Egypt. For us did You choose and us you Sanctified from all nations. And Your holy Shabbat, with love and favor did You give us as a heritage. Blessed are You, God, who sanctifies the Shabbat.


Shabbat at Home

“There is little doubt that a person who prepares himself to receive the Shabbat will benefit from the additional soul which inhabits every Jew on Shabbat; not only that, but anyone who sanctifies himself even a little on an ordinary weekday will find that he will enjoy heavenly assistance and reach a much higher level of sanctity than is possible merely by his own unassisted efforts” (Sheni Luchot HaBrit)


‫הדלקת נרות שבת‬

 Shabbat Candle Lighting Light both candles. Traditionally one covers the eyes while reciting the following blessing.

The Source of Blessing are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who hallows us with Your commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the Sabbath light.

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech haolam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav, v'tzivanu l'hadlik neir shel shabat.

‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי ָּ אֱֹלהֵינּו‬ ‫ֶמלְֶך הָּעֹולָּם‬ ‫ֲאשֶר קִדְ שָּנּו ְב ִמצְֹותָּ יו‬ ‫ְו ִצּוָּנּו ְלהַדְ לִיק נֵר שֶל‬ ‫שבָּת‬ ַ

The lighting of the Shabbat candles is typically performed by a female although if none is present it is permissible for a man to kindle the flames. Women are designated for such a role as they represent the feminine aspect of Creation and descend from the soul root called “Eve.” In the Torah narrative the attribute of Eve caused the light of the Creator to become more concealed as Eve contributed to the consciousness of polarity. Thus every Shabbat when a woman kindles the candles she is acting as a receptive force that invites and brings the Light of the Creator into the world.


‫שלום עליכם‬

 Shalom Aleichem

Peace be to you, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, the supreme Sovereign, the Holy and Blessed One. May you come in peace, messengers of the Most High, the supreme Sovereign, the Holy and Blessed One. Bless me with peace, messengers of the Most High, the supreme Sovereign, the Holy and Blessed One. May your departure be in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, the supreme Sovereign, the Holy and Blessed One.

Shalom aleichem, malachei hashareit, malachei elyon, mimelech malchei ham'lachim, hakadosh baruch hu. Boachem l'shalom, malachei hashalom, malachei elyon, mimelech malchei ham'lachim, hakadosh baruch hu. Bar'chuni l'shalom, malachei hashalom, malachei elyon, mimelech malchei ham'lachim, hakadosh baruch hu. Tzeitchem l'shalom, malachei hashalom, malachei elyon, mimelech malchei ham'lachim, hakadosh baruch hu.


‫שָּלֹום ֲעלֵיכֶם ַמ ְל ֲאכֵי‬ ‫ַהש ֵָּרת ַמ ְל ֲאכֵי ֶעלְיֹון‬ ‫ִמ ֶמלְֶך ַמ ְלכֵי ַה ְמ ָּלכִים‬ ‫ַהקָּדֹוש בָּרּוְך הּוא‬ ‫ ַמ ְל ֲאכֵי‬,‫בֹו ֲאכֶם ְלשָּלֹום‬ ‫ ַמ ְל ֲאכֵי ֶעלְיֹון‬,‫ַהשָּלֹום‬ ‫ִמ ֶמלְֶך ַמ ְלכֵי ַה ְמ ָּלכִים‬ ‫ַהקָּדֹוש בָּרּוְך הּוא‬ ‫ ַמ ְל ֲאכֵי‬,‫ב ְָּרכֶּֽונִי ְלשָּלֹום‬ ‫ ַמ ְל ֲאכֵי ֶעלְיֹון‬,‫ַהשָּלֹום‬ ‫ִמ ֶמלְֶך ַמ ְלכֵי ַה ְמ ָּלכִים‬ ‫ַהקָּדֹוש בָּרּוְך הּוא‬ ‫ ַמ ְל ֲאכֵי‬,‫צֵאתְ כֶם ְלשָּלֹום‬ ‫ ַמ ְל ֲאכֵי ֶעלְיֹון‬,‫ַהשָּלֹום‬ ‫ִמ ֶמלְֶך ַמ ְלכֵי ַה ְמ ָּלכִים‬ ‫ַהקָּדֹוש בָּרּוְך הּוא‬

‫אשת חיל‬

 Eishet Chayil An accomplished woman,who can find far beyond pearls is her value. *Her husband's heart relies on her and he shall lack no fortune. *She repays his good, but not his harm, all the days of her life. *She seek out wool and linen, and her hands work willingly. She is like a merchant's ship, from after she brings her sustenance. She arises wile it is yet nighttime, and gives food to her household and a ration to her maidens. She envisions a field and buys it, from the fruit of her handiwork she plants a vineyard. With strength she girds her loins, and invigorates her arms.

E-shet kha-yil mi yimtsa v'-ra-khok mip-ninim mi-yakh-ta Ba-takh ba lev ba-a-la v'-sha-lal lo yekh-sar Gma-lat-hu tov v'-lo ra kol y'-mey kha-ye-ha Dar-sha tse-mer u-fishtim va-ta-as b'-khe-fets ka-pe-ha Hai-ta ko-o-ni-yot sokher mi-mer-khak ta-vi la-kha-ma Va-ta-kam b'-od lay-la va-ti-ten te-ref l'-vey-ta v'-khok l'-na-a-ro-te-ha Za-m'-ma sa-de va-tika-khe-hu mip-ri khape-ha nat-a ka-rem Khag-ra b'-oz mat-neha va-t'-a-mets zro-o-teha Ta-a-ma ki tov sakh-ra lo yikh-be ba-lay-la nera Ya-de-ha shil-kha va-kishor v'-kha-pe-ha tamkhu fa-lekh Ka-pa par-sa le-a-ni v'ya-de-ha shil-kha la-evyon Lo ti-y'-ra l'-vey-ta mi-


‫אשֶת ַ ֶֽחי ִל מִי י ִ ְמצָּא‬ ‫ו ְָּרחק ִמ ְְּֿפנִינִים‬ .‫ִמכְתָּ ּה‬ ,‫בטַח בָּּה לֵב ַב ְעלָּּה‬ .‫שלָּל ֹלא י ֶ ְחסָּר‬ ָּ ‫ְו‬ ,‫גמָּלַ ֶֽתְ הּו טֹוב וְֹלא ָּרע‬ .ָּ‫כל יְמֵי ַח ֶי ֶֽיה‬ ,‫ד ְְּֿרשָּה צֶ ֶֽמֶר ּו ִפשְתִ ים‬ .ָּ‫ַתעַׂש ב ְֵחֶֽפֶץ כַפֶ ֶֽיה‬ ֶֽ ַ ‫ו‬ ,‫הי ְְּֿתָּ ה ָּכ ֳאנִיֹות סֹוחֵר‬ .‫ִממ ְֶרחָּק תָּ בִיא ַל ְחמָּּה‬ ,‫ו ָּ ֶֽתקָּם בְעֹוד לַ ֶֽיְלָּה‬ ,‫וַתִ תֵ ן ֶט ֶֶֽרף ְלבֵיתָּ ּה‬ .ָּ‫וְחק ְלנַעֲר ֶתֶֽיה‬ ,‫ז ְְּֿממָּה ׂשָּדֶ ה וַתִ ק ֵָּחֶֽהּו‬ ‫ִמ ְפ ְִּֿרי כַפֶ ֶֽי ָּה נָּ ֶֽ ְְּֿטעָּה‬ .‫כָּ ֶֶֽרם‬ ,ָּ‫חגְּֿ ְָּרה בְעֹוז מָּתְ נֶ ֶֽיה‬ .ָּ‫ו ְְַּֿת ַאמֵץ זְרֹוע ֶתֶֽיה‬ ,‫ט ֲעמָּה כִי טֹוב ַסח ְָּרּה‬ .‫ֹלא י ִ ְכבֶה בַלַ ֶֽיְלָּה נ ֵָּרּה‬ ,‫ש ְְּֿלחָּה ַבכִישֹור‬ ִ ‫י ֶדֶֽי ָּה‬ .‫ְוכַפֶ ֶֽי ָּה ָּ ֶֽת ְּֿמְכּו פָּ ֶֽלְֶך‬ ,‫כפָּה ָּפ ְְּֿרׂשָּה ֶל ָּענִי‬ .‫ש ְְּֿלחָּה ָּל ֶאבְיֹון‬ ִ ‫ְוי ֶָּדֶֽי ָּה‬ ‫ירה ְלבֵיתָּ ּה‬ ָּ ִ‫ֹלא ת‬ ‫ כִי כָּל בֵיתָּ ּה‬,‫ִשלֶג‬ ֶֽ ָּ ‫מ‬ .‫שנִים‬ ָּ ‫ָּלבֻש‬

She discerns that her enterprise is good so her lamp is not snuffed out by night. Her hands she stretches out to the distaff, and her palms support the spindle. She spreads out her palm to the poor, and extends her hands to the destitute. She fears not snow for her household, for her entire household is clothed with scarlet wool. Luxurious bedspreads she made herself, linen and purple wool are her clothing.

sha-leg ki khol bey-ta la-vush sha-nim Mar-va-dim as-ta la shesh v'-ar-ga-man l'vu-sha No-da bash-a-rim ba-ala v'-shiv-to im zik-ney a-rets Sa-din as-ta va-tim-kor va-kha-gor nat-na la-k'na-a-ni On v'-ha-dar l'-vu-sha va-tis-khak l'-yom akha-ron Pi-ha pat-kha v'-khokhma v'-to-rat khe-sed al l'-sho-na Tso-fi-ya ha-li-khot beyta v'-le-khem ats-lut lo to-khel Ka-mu va-ne-ha vayash-r'v-ha ba-a-la va-y'ha-l'-la

Distinctive in the councils is her husband, when he sits with the elders of the land.

Ra-bot ba-not a-su khayil v'-at a-lit al ku-la-na

She makes a cloak to sell, and delivers a belt to the peddler.

T'-nu la mip-ri ya-de-ha vi-ha-l'-lu-ha vash-a-rim ma-a-se-ha

She-ker ha-khen v'-hevel ha-yo-fi i-sha yir-at a-do-nai hi tit-ha-lal

Strength and majesty are her raiment, she joyfully awaits the last day. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and a lesson of kindness is on her tongue.


,‫מ ְרבַדִ ים ָּע ְֶּֽֿׂשְתָּ ה לָּּה‬ .‫ְַאר ָּגמָּן לְבּושָּּה‬ ְ ‫שֵש ו‬ ,‫שע ִָּרים ַב ְעלָּּה‬ ְ ְּֿ ‫נֹודָּ ע ַב‬ ‫שבְתֹו עִם זִ ְקנֵי‬ ִ ְ ַ‫ב‬ .‫אָּ ֶֶֽרץ‬ ,‫ָּׂשְתָּ ה וַתִ מְכר‬ ְּֿ ‫סדִ ין ע‬ .‫ַוחֲגֹור נ ְְָּּֿתנָּה ַל ְְּֿכנַ ֲענִי‬ ,‫עֹון ְוהָּדָּ ר לְבּושָּּה‬ .‫ׂשחַק לְיֹום ַאחֲרֹון‬ ְ ִ‫וַת‬ ,‫פי ָּה פ ְְָּּֿתחַה ְב ָּח ְכמָּה‬ ‫ֹורת ֶ ֶֽחסֶד עַל‬ ַ ֶֽ‫וְת‬ .‫לְשֹונָּּה‬ ,‫צֹו ִפי ָּה ֲהלִיכֹות בֵיתָּ ּה‬ ‫וְלֶ ֶֽחֶם ַעצְלּות ֹלא‬ .‫תאכֵל‬ ,ָּ‫ש ְרּוה‬ ְ ְּֿ ‫קמּו בָּנֶ ֶֽי ָּה ַוי ְ ַא‬ .‫ַב ְעלָּּה ַוי ְ ַה ְְּֿללָּּה‬ ,‫רבֹות בָּנֹות ָּעֶֽׂשּו ָּ ֶֽחי ִל‬ .‫ְואַתְ ָּעלִית עַל כֻלָּ ֶֽנָּה‬ ‫שקֶר ַהחֵן וְהֶ ֶֽבֶל‬ ‫ ִאשָּה י ְִרַאת‬,‫הַיֶֽפִי‬ .‫יהוה הִיא תִ תְ ַהלָּל‬ ,ָּ‫תנּו לָּּה ִמ ְפ ְִּֿרי י ֶָּדֶֽיה‬ ‫שע ִָּרים‬ ְ ְּֿ ‫וִי ַה ְְּֿללֶּֽו ָּה ַב‬ .ָּ‫ַמע ֲֶׂשֶֽיה‬

She anticipates the ways of her household, and partakes not of the bread of laziness. Her children arise and praise her, her husband, and he lauds her. Many daughters have amassed achievement, but you surpassed them all. False is grace and vain is beauty, a God-fearing woman - she should be praised. Give her the fruits of her hand and let her be praised in the gates by her very own deeds.


Friday Night Kiddush The following is recited while standing. And there was evening and there was morning, The sixth day. Thus, the heavens and the earth were completed and all their array. On the seventh day God finished the work that had been done, and abstained on the seventh day from all work that had been done. God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it because on it, God abstained from all work which had been created. (By your leave, my masters, rabbis and teachers:) Blessed are You, God, our Ruler and Ruler of the Universe. Who creates the fruit of the vine. Blessed are You, God, our Ruler and Ruler of the Universe. Who has sanctified us with commandments, took pleasure in us, and with love and favor gave us the Holy Shabbat as an inheritance, a reminder of creation. For that day is the prologue to the holy gathering, a memorial of the Exodus

Vayehi Evev, Veyhi Voker, Yom Hashishi. Vayechulu hashamayim v'haaretz v'chol tziva'am. Vayichal Elohim bayom hash'vi'i milachto asher asah, vayishbot bayom hashevi'i, mikol m'lachto asher asah. Vayevarech Elohim et yom hashevi'i vayekadeish otoh. Ki vo shavat mikol melachto, asher barah elohim la'asot. (Savri maranan v'rabanan v'rabotai:) Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha'olam, borei p'ri hagafen. Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha'olam, asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'ratza vanu, v'shabat kadsho b'ahavah uv'ratzon hinchilanu zicaron l'maasei v'reishit, ki hu yom techilla l'mikra'ei kodesh, zeicher litzi'at mitzrayim, ki vanu vacharta v'otanu kidashta mikol ha'amim, v'shabbat kodshecha b'ahava uv'ratzon hinchaltanu. Baruch atah adonai, mikadeish hashabbat.


‫יֹום ַויְהִי ֶע ֶֶֽרב ַויְהִי ֶֽבקֶר‬ ‫ששִי‬ ִ ‫ ַה‬. ‫ַויְכֻלּו ַהשָּמַ ֶֽי ִם‬ ‫ ְוהָּאָּ ֶֶֽרץ ְוכָּל ְצבָָּאם‬. ‫ַויְכַל‬ ‫שבִיעִי‬ ְ ‫אֱֹלהִים בַיֹום ַה‬ ‫ ְמלַאכְתֹו ֲאשֶר ָּעׂשָּה‬, ‫שבִיעִי‬ ְ ‫ ַויִשְבת בַיֹום ַה‬, ‫ִמכָּל ְמלַאכְתֹו ֲאשֶר‬ ‫ ָּעׂשָּה‬. ‫ַוי ְבָּ ֶֶֽרְך אֱֹלהִים אֶת‬ ‫שבִיעִי ַויְקַדֵ ש‬ ְ ‫יֹום ַה‬ ‫אתֹו‬, ‫שבַת ִמכָּל‬ ָּ ‫כִי בֹו‬ ‫ ְמלַאכְתֹו‬, ‫ֲאשֶר ב ָָּּרא‬ ‫ַסב ְִרי (אֱֹלהִים ַלעֲׂשֹות‬ ‫מ ָָּּרנָּן ו ְַר ָּבנָּן ו ְַרבֹותַי‬:) ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי ָּ אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו‬ ‫מֶ ֶֽלְֶך הָּעֹולָּם‬, ‫בֹורא פ ְִרי‬ ֵ ‫הַגָּ ֶֽפֶן‬. ָּ ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי‬ ‫אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו מֶ ֶֽלְֶך הָּעֹולָּם‬, ‫ֲאשֶר קִדְ ָּשֶֽנּו ְב ִמצְֹותָּ יו‬ ‫ו ָּ ְֶֽרצָּה בָּ ֶֽנּו‬, ‫שבַת קָּדְ שֹו‬ ַ ‫ְו‬ ‫בְַא ֲהבָּה ּוב ְָּרצֹון ִהנְחִילָּ ֶֽנּו‬ ‫זִכָּרֹון ְל ַמ ֲעׂשֵה‬ ‫ב ְֵראשִית‬, ‫כִי הּוא יֹום‬ ‫תְ ִחלָּה ְל ִמק ְָּראֵי קֶֽדֶ ש‬, ‫ ֵזֶֽכֶר לִיצִיַאת ִמצ ָּ ְֶֽרי ִם‬, ‫כִי‬ ‫ְאֹותֶֽנּו‬ ָּ ‫בָּ ֶֽנּו ב ַָּח ְֶֽרתָּ ו‬ ‫קִדַ ֶֽשְתָּ ִמכָּל ָּה ַעמִים‬, ‫שבַת קָּדְ שְָך בְַא ֲהבָּה‬ ַ ‫ְו‬ ‫ּוב ְָּרצֹון ִהנְ ַחל ְָּתֶֽנּו‬. ‫בָּרּוְך‬ ָּ ‫אַתָּ ה יְי‬, ‫ש ָּבת‬ ַ ‫ְמקַדֵ ש ַה‬

from Egypt. For us did You choose and us you Sanctified from all nations. And Your holy Shabbat, with love and favor did You give us as a heritage. Blessed are You, God, who sanctifies the Shabbat.



 HaMotzi 

Blessed are You Adonai, King of the Universe

Ba-rukh a-ta a-do-nai elo-hey-nu me-lekh ha-olam

Who brings forth bread from the Earth

Ha-mo-tsi le-khem min ha-a-rets 

            

   


‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי ָּ אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו‬ ,‫מֶ ֶֽלְֶך הָּעֹולָּם‬ ‫הַמֹוצִיא ֶלחֶם מִן‬ .‫ָָּארץ‬ ֶ ‫ה‬

Birchat HaShachar

In the worldview of the Kabbalah, Shabbat is more than just a day of rest. It is a gateway for reaching expanded consciousness. By studying the Kabbalistic understanding of the cycle of the weekdays and their prayers, one sees that on Shabbat the entire world becomes spiritually elevated. Engaged in the meditations and the Kabbalistic customs of Shabbat, a person’s ability to rectify their own individual soul, as well as that of all Creation, is greatly enhanced. (Baruch Erdstein)


‫שיר המעלות‬

 Shir HaMa’alot A song of ascent: When God restores the prosperity of Zion, we will feel like dreamers. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with exultation: then said they among the nations, The Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us: therefore we rejoiced. Return our exiles, God, as You return streams to the south, and let those who sow in tears reap in joyful song. Those who go out weeping, bearing the burden of seeds, shall return joyfully with the harvested grain.

Shir Hama-a-lot, b’shuv Adonai et shivat Tzion hayinu k’cholmim. Az y’malei s’chok pinu ul-shoneinu rina, az yomru vagoyim: Higdil Adonai la-a-sot im eileh. Higdil Adonai la-a-sot imanu, hayinu s’meichim. Shuva Adonai et sh’viteinu ka-afikim banegev. Hazor’im b’dima b’rina yik-tzoru. Haloch yeileich uvacho, nosei meshech hazara. Bo yavo v’rina nosei alumotav.


‫שִיר ַה ַמעֲלֹות‬ ‫בְשּוב יהוה ֶאת שִיבַת‬ ‫צִיֹון‬ ‫ָּה ִי ֶֽינּו כְח ְְּֿלמִים‬ ‫ָאז י ִ ָּמלֵא ׂשְחֹוק פִ ֶֽינּו‬ ‫ּולְשֹונֵ ֶֽנּו ִרּנָּה‬ ‫ָאז יא ְּֿמְר ְו בַגֹוי ִם‬ ‫ִהגְדִ יל יהוה ַלעֲׂשֹות עִם‬ ‫אֵ ֶֽלֶה‬ ‫ִהגְדִ יל יהוה ַלעֲׂשֹות‬ ‫עִמָּ ֶֽנּו‬ ‫ׂש ֵמחִים‬ ְ ‫ָּה ִי ֶֽינּו‬ ‫ִיתֶֽנּו‬ ֵ ‫שב‬ ְ ‫שּובָּה יהוה אֶת‬ ‫ָּכ ֲאפִיקִים בַּנֶ ֶֽגֶב‬ ‫הַז ְְּֿרעִים בְדִ ְמעָּה ב ְִרּנָּה‬ ‫יִקְצֶֽרּו‬ ‫הָּלֹוְך יֵלְֵך ּובָּכה נׂשֵא‬ ‫מֶ ֶֽשְֶך ַה ָּז ֶַֽרע‬ ‫בא י ָּבא ב ְִרּנָּה‬ ‫נׂשֵא ֲאלֻמתָּיו‬ ‫תְ ִהלַת יהוה י ְדַ בֶר פִי‬ ‫וִיב ֵָּרְך כָּל ָּבׂשָּר שֵם‬ ‫קָּדְשֹו לְעֹולָּם ָּועֶד‬ ‫ַואֲנַ ֶֽחְנּו נְב ֵָּרְך י ָּּה‬ ‫ֵמעַתָּ ה ְועַד עֹולָּם‬ ‫ַה ְּֿלְלּוי ָּה‬ ‫הֹודּו לַיהוה כִי טֹוב‬ ‫כִי לְעֹולָּם ַחסְדֹו‬ ‫מִי י ְ ַמלֵל גְבּורֹות יהוה‬ ‫יַשְמִ ֶֽי ַע כָּל תְ ִהלָּתֹו‬

Zimun: Invitation to Say Birchat Hamazon ‫רבותי נברך‬

 Rabotai Nevarech When a group of three or more have eaten together, it is customary for one to invite the others to join in the blessing after the meal. When a minyan is present, include the words in parentheses. Friends, Let us thank God. Blessed is the name of God now and forever. With your permission, let us thank God whose food we have eaten. Blessed is God whose food we have eaten and through whose goodness we live. Blessed is God and Blessed is God’s name.

Leader: Rabotai n’vareich. Group: Y’hi sheim Adonai m’vorach meiatah v’ad olam. Leader Repeats: Y’hi sheim Adonai m’vorach meiatah v’ad olam. Leader: Birshut rabotai n’vareich Eloheinu sheachalnu mishelo. Group: Baruch Eloheinu she-achalnu mishelo uvtuvo chayinu. Leader Repeats: Baruch Eloheinu sheachalnu mishelo uv-tuvo chayinu. All: Baruch hu u-varuch sh’mo.

Leader who says Grace starts with this

‫ַרבֹותַ י נְב ֵָּרְך‬ The others respond

‫יְהִי שֵם יְי ָּ מְב ָּרְך‬ ‫ֵמעַתָּ ה ְועַד עֹולָּם‬ The leader continues with this

‫יְהִי שֵם יְי ָּ מְב ָּרְך‬ .‫ֵמעַתָּ ה ְועַד עֹולָּם‬ ‫ב ְִרשּות ַרבֹותַי‬, ‫נְב ֵָּרְך‬ ‫שֶָאכַ ֶֽלְנּו ִמשֶלֹו‬ The others respond

‫בָּרּוְך אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו שֶָא ַכלְנּו‬ ‫ִמשֶלֹו ּובְטּובֹו ָּח ִי ֶֽינּו‬ He who says Grace replies

‫בָּרּוְך אֱֹלהֵ ֶֽינּו שֶָאכַ ֶֽלְנּו‬ ‫ ִמשֶלֹו ּובְטּובֹו ָּחי ִינּו‬. ‫בָּרּוְך הּוא ּובָּרּוְך שְמֹו‬


‫הזן את הכל‬...‫ברוך אתה יי‬

 Baruch Atah Adonai...Hazan Et HaKol Blessed is Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who sustains the entire world with goodness, kindness and mercy. God gives food to all creatures, for God’s mercy is everlasting. With abundant goodness we have never lacked, and may we never lack sustenance forever in God’s great name. God sustains all, does good to all, and provides food for all the creatures created. Blessed is Adonai, who provides food for all.

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech haolam, hazan et ha-olam kulo b’tuvo b’chein b’chesed uvrachamim, hu notein lechem l’cholbasar, ki l’olam chasdo, Uv-tuvo hagadol tamid lo chasar lanu v’al yechsar lanu mazon l’olam va-ed. Ba-avur sh’mo hagadol, ki hu Eil zan um-farneis lakol, u-meitiv lakol u-meichin mazon l’chol-b’riyotav asher bara. Baruch atah Adonai, hazan et hakol.


ָּ ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי‬, ‫אֱֹלהֶֽינּו‬ ‫ ַהזָּן אֶת‬,‫ֶמלְֶך הָּעֹולָּם‬ ‫הָּעֹולָּם כֻלֹו בְטּובֹו ְבחֵן‬ ‫ הּוא‬,‫ְב ֶחסֶד ּוב ְַר ֲחמִים‬ ‫נֹותֵ ן ֶלחֶם ְלכָּל ָּבׂשָּר כִי‬ ‫לְעֹולָּם ַחסְדֹו‬. ‫ּובְטּובֹו‬ ‫ַהגָּדֹול תָּ מִיד ֹלא ָּחסַר‬ ‫ וְַאל י ֶ ְחסַר לָּ ֶֽנּו מָּזֹון‬,‫לָּ ֶֽנּו‬ ‫ ַבעֲבּור‬.‫לְעֹולָּם ָּועֶד‬ ‫ כִי הּוא אֵל‬,‫שְמֹו ַהגָּדֹול‬ ‫זָּן ּו ְמפ ְַרנֵס לַכל ּו ֵמטִיב‬ ‫ ּו ֵמכִין מָּזֹון ְלכָּל‬,‫לַכל‬ .‫ב ְִריֹותָּיו ֲאשֶר ב ָָּּרא‬ ‫ ַהזָּן אֶת‬,ָּ ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי‬ ‫הַכל‬

‫ובנה ירושלים‬

 U'vnei Yerushalyim May God rebuild Jerusalem, the holy city, speedily in our lifetime. Blessed is Adonai, who restores Jerusalem with mercy. Amen

Uv-nei Y’rushalayim ir hakodesh bimheira v’yameinu. Baruch atah Adonai, boneh v’rachamav Y’rushalayim. Amen.


‫ש ַלי ִם עִיר‬ ָּ ‫ּו ְבנֵה י ְרּו‬ .‫ַהקֶֽדֶ ש ִב ְמה ֵָּרה ְביָּמֵינּו‬ ‫ בֹונֵה‬,ָּ ‫בָּרּוְך אַתָּ ה יְי‬ ‫ ָאמֵן‬.‫ש ָּלי ִם‬ ָּ ‫ב ְַר ֲחמָּיו י ְרּו‬


 Harachaman May the Merciful One reign over us forever and ever.

Ha rechaman hu yimloch aleinu l.olam va-ed.

May the Merciful One be extolled in heaven and on earth.

Harachaman, hu yitbarach bashamayim u-va-aretz.

‫ הּוא י ִתְ ב ַָּרְך‬,‫ה ַָּר ֲחמָּן‬ ‫ש ַמי ִם ּובָּאָּ ֶֶֽרץ‬ ָּ ‫ַב‬

May the Merciful One be praised in all generations, be glorified through us to all eternity, and be honored among us forever.

Harachaman, hu yishtabach l.dor dorim, v.yitpa-ar banu la-ad u-l.neitzach n.tzachim, v.yit-hadar banu la-ad ul-olmei olamim.

‫ הּוא יִשְתַ בַח‬,‫ה ַָּר ֲחמָּן‬ ‫ ְוי ִתְ פַָּאר‬,‫דֹורים‬ ִ ‫לְדֹור‬ ‫בָּנּו ָּלעַד ּו ְלנֵצַח נְ ָּצחִים‬, ‫ְוי ִתְ הַדַ ר בָּנּו ָּלעַד‬ ‫ּולְעֹו ְלמֵי עֹו ָּלמִים‬

May the Merciful One grant us an honorable livelihood.

Harachaman, hu y.farn.seinu b.chavod.

‫ הּוא יְפ ְַרנְסֵנּו‬,‫ה ַָּר ֲחמָּן‬ ‫ְבכָּבֹוד‬

May the Merciful One break the yoke of our oppression and lead us in dignity to our ancient homeland.

Harachaman, hu yishbor uleinu mei-al tzavareinu yolicheinu kom.miyut l.artzeinu.

May the Merciful One send abundant blessing upon this dwelling and the table at which we have eaten.

Harachaman, hu yishlach b.racha m.ruba babayit hazeh Shulchan zeh sheachalnu alav.

‫שלַח לָּנּו‬ ְ ִ ‫ הּוא י‬,‫ה ַָּר ֲחמָּן‬ ,‫ב ְָּרכָּה מ ְֻרבָּה ַב ַבי ִת ַהזֶה‬ ‫ש ְלחָּן זֶה שֶָא ַכלְנּו‬ ֻ ‫ְועַל‬ ‫ָּעלָּיו‬

May the Merciful One send Elijah the Prophet to us, and may he bear good tidings of salvation and comfort.

Harachaman, hu yishlach lanu et-Eliyahu Hanavi, zachur latov, vivaser-lanu b.sorot tovot y.shu-ot v.nechamot.

‫שלַח לָּנּו‬ ְ ִ ‫ הּוא י‬,‫ה ַָּר ֲחמָּן‬ ‫אֶת ֵא ִלי ָּהּו ַהּנָּבִיא זָּכּור‬ ‫ וִי ַבשֶר לָּנּו‬,‫לַּטֹוב‬ ‫בְׂשֹורֹות טֹובֹות י ְשּועֹות‬ ‫ְונֶחָּמֹות‬


‫ הּוא יִמְלֹוְך‬,‫ה ַָּר ֲחמָּן‬ ‫ָּעלֵינּו לְעֹולָּם ָּועֶד‬

‫ הּוא יִשְבֹור‬,‫ה ַָּר ֲחמָּן‬ ‫ָּארנּו וְהּוא‬ ֵ ‫ֻעלֵנּו ֵמעַל ַצּו‬ ‫יֹולִיכֵנּו קֹו ְממִיּות‬ ‫ְַארצֵנּו‬ ְ ‫ל‬

May the Merciful One bless all who are gathered here and all their families, as well as all dear to us.

Harachaman hu y.vareich et-kolham.subim kan, asher lanu.

‫ הּוא יְב ֵָּרְך אֶת‬,‫ה ַָּר ֲחמָּן‬ ‫כל המסובים כאן‬ ‫אֹותָּ נּו ְואֶת כָּל ֲאשֶר לָּנּו‬

Even as our forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and our foremothers: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, were blessed in every way; so may God bless all of us together with a perfect blessing, and let us say: Amen. she-nitbarchu avoteinu: Avraham, Yitzchak, v.Ya-akov, v.imoteinu: Sarah, Rivkah, Leah, v.Rachel, bakol mikol kol, kein y.vareich otanu kulanu yachad bivracha sh.leima, v.nomar: Amein.

,‫שנִתְ ב ְָּרכּו אֲבֹותֵ ינּו‬ ֶ ‫כְמֹו‬ ,‫ַאב ְָּרהָּם י ִ ְצחָּק ְויַעֲקב‬ ,‫ רבקה‬,‫ שרה‬,‫ואמיתינו‬ ‫לאה ורחל‬, ,‫ מִכל‬,‫בַכל‬ ‫אֹותֶֽנּו‬ ָּ ‫ כֵן יְב ֵָּרְך‬,‫כל‬ ‫ֻכלָּנּו יַחַד ִבב ְָּרכָּה‬ ‫ וְנאמַר ָאמֵן‬,‫ש ֵלמָּה‬ ְ

Both on their and our own behalf may there be such advocacy on high as shall lead to enduring peace; and may we receive a blessing from God, and righteousness from the God of our salvation; and may we find grace and good understanding in the sight of God and all humanity.

Bamarom y’lamdu, aleyhem v’aleynu z’choot sh’tehay l’mishmeret shalom. V’nisah bracha m’et adonai, u’tzdakah m’elohey yish’ey’nu. V’nimtzah chen v’sechel tov b’eyney elohim v’adam.

‫ַבמָּרֹום י ְ ַלמְדּו ֲעלֵיהֶם‬ ‫ שֶתְ הֵא‬,‫ְו ָּעלֵינּו זְכּות‬ ‫ ְונִשָּא‬,‫שמ ֶֶרת שָּלֹום‬ ְ ‫ְל ִמ‬ ‫ ּוצְדָּ קָּה‬,ָּ ‫ב ְָּרכָּה ֵמאֵת יְי‬ ‫ ְונִ ְמצָּא‬,‫שעֵנּו‬ ְ ִ ‫ֵמאֱֹלהֵי י‬ ‫ׂשכֶל טֹוב ְבעֵינֵי‬ ֵ ‫חֵן ְו‬ ‫אֱֹלהִים וְָאדָּ ם‬

ON SHABBAT: May the Merciful One grant us a world that shall be entirely Shabbat and eternal rest.

ON SHABBAT: Harachaman, hu yanchileinu yom shekulo Shabbat umnucha l.chayei haolamim.



‫ הּוא יַנְחִילֵנּו‬,‫ה ַָּר ֲחמָּן‬ ‫שבָּת ּומְנּוחָּה‬ ַ ‫שכֻלֹו‬ ֶ ‫יֹום‬ ‫ ְל ַחי ֵי הָּעֹו ָּלמִים‬.


 Magdil God grants deliverance (on Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh: God is a tower of deliverance) to God’s chosen sovereign, and shows kindness to God’s anointed one, to David, and his descendants forever.

Magdil (ON SHABBAT Migdol) y.shu-ot malko v.oseh chesed limshicho, l’David ul.zar-o ad olam. Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu kol-Yisrael, v.imru: Amein.

May the One who makes peace in the heavens let peace descend on all us and all of Israel, and let us say: Amen.

On Weekdays:

‫ַמגְדִ יל‬ On Sabbath, Yom Tov, and Rosh Chodesh

‫ִמגְדֹול‬ ‫ ְו ֶֽעׂשֶה‬,‫י ְשּועֹות ַמלְכֹו‬ ‫ֶ ֶֽחסֶד ִל ְמשִיחֹו לְדָּ וִד‬ ‫ּו ְלז ְַרעֹו עַד עֹולָּם‬. ,‫עׂשֶה שָּלֹום ִבמְרֹומָּיו‬ ‫הּוא י ַ ֲעׂשֶה שָּלֹום ָּעלֵינּו‬ ‫ ְו ִאמְרּו‬,‫ְועַל כָּל יִׂש ְָּראֵל‬ ‫ָאמֵן‬.


‫יי עז לעמו יתן‬

 Adonai Oz l'Amo Yitain May God give strength to our people; may God bless our people with peace.

Adonai oz l'amo yeetain, Adonai y.vareich et amo vashalom.


‫ יְי ָּ יְב ֵָּרְך‬,‫יְי ָּ עז ְלעַמֹו י ִתֵ ן‬ ‫ אמן‬.‫אֶת עַמֹו ַבשָּלֹום‬


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