December 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. In 1989 Garret Garret Hongo Hongo was was chosen chosen as........ as.............. ...... for for the P Pulitze ulitzerr Prize in in poetry. poetry. 2. ............. ............... .. a transparen transparentt mater material ial such as water water,, the rays that that are not reecte reected d are transmier through the water and are subjected to refracon. 3. The Arcc Arcc fox is found found throughout throughout the the Arcc Arcc,, usually usually on tundra tundra or mountains. mountains....... ........... ..... the the sea. 4. The common common chachalaca, chachalaca,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,, is usua usually lly about about tw two o fee feett long. long. 5. Not Unl Unl the late ninete nineteenth enth and and early tw twene eneth th centuries. centuries..... .... as a unied unied science. science. 6. The sengs sengs of Eudora Eudora Welty’s Welty’s stories stories may be rather rather limited, limited, but......... but........... .. about human human nature nature is quite broad. 7. In the years years ahead, ahead, health health professio professionals nals will will be able to enhanc enhance e or restore restore health health far beer beer at present. 8. The Moon’s Moon’s low gravity gravity makes makes it in incapabl capable e of reta retaining ining a dense dense atmosphe atmosphere re similar similar to....... to....... 9. The primary primary digesve digesve funcon funcon of the th throat roat and exophagu exophaguss is........... is........... swallow swallowed ed materials materials from the mouth to the stomach. 10. Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter..... con containing taining thousands of minor pl planets, anets, or asteroids. 11. The chief jusce of The United States presides presides over the Supreme Supreme Court during oral arguments and conferences............ 12. During the decades aer aer the United States Civil Civil War, a host of technical adv advances ances made possible ............... and uniformity of railroad service. 13. No 14. No 15. Renamed Yale University University in 1987 Yale University awarded............. awarded............. the PH.D. PH.D. degree in The United States in 1861. 16. No 17. The City of Memphis, Tennesse, Tennesse, was a important confederate military military center during the American Civil War and served as the temporary state. ( A. an important) 18. The Cro Magnon Magnon cave cave dwellers dwellers shaped shaped three-dimensional soapstone sculptures  and the techiniques of gouging, grind, and polishing. (C. grinding) 19. Modern socienes are such complex that they could not exist w without ithout a well d developed eveloped system of law. D. The System 20. It was not unl aer Emily Dickinson’s death in 1886 that, hidden away in h her er Buerau, overly one thousand unpublished poems were discovered.


21. For the Purpose of the dine dine and decorave arts, metals have b been een used either a thei theirr simple state and in uncomplicated alloys. 22. In 1906 1906 Hepbur Hepburn n Act gave the United States Interstate Commerce Commisions Pioner to invesgated nancial accounts of interstate ulies and to set rates correct to judicial review. B. Invesgated 23. Was a literay device device involving the substuon substuon of the the name of one thing 24. Caves are found in many types of rock but are most common common in limestone, dolomite, and gypsum, what are readily dissolved by groundwater. 25. Several years aer aer wring the rst rst textbook of psychology ever published it in the United United States, John Dewey turned his aenon to educaonal reform. Agricu icultu lture re is not high developed in the state of Nevada because of its acid climate and 26. Agr rough terrain. B. Highly 27. As a way way of Analyzing a literary text, deconstrucon is the most signicance of all poststructuralist developments in crical thought. C. Siginicant 28. Unlike the majority of arsts in the Brown Country art art colony who painted landscap landscape e almost exclusive, Ada Schulz built her work around the mother and child theme. 29. The sea oer is well adapted adapted at its marine exixtense, wit with h ears and nostrils that can be closed under water. 30. A cube or a cyclinder has a volume of equal equal to the area of the base mulplied mulplied by the height. 31. Most Female lizards lay eggs, but the females of a numbe numberr of lizard species bear her young alive. Lightning ing tends to strike the nearest good conductor , and hence in same place more than 32. Lightn once. B. Good Conductor atau C. Hence in the same 33. Virtually all parts moving of of an automobile n need eed to be lubric lubricated ated because, virtual lubricaon, fricon would increase power consumpon and damage the parts. 34. The Guggenheim Museum in New York is one of the major center for the collecon and display of works of abstract art a rt in the United States. A. Centers 35. During the ninetenth ninetenth century, Las Vegas, Nevada, was was a stopping place for early early emigrants who moving to California. 36. Biological informaon transfer is based on the relaonship that exists between two molecular structures that ts one another closely. C. Fit 37. The shell of the abalone, a marine snail, is especially suited suited by its hardness and various of colors for the manufacture of jewelry. C. Variety


38. In a stock company, a troup troup of actors performs in a parcular theater, presenng plays from its repertory of prepare producons. D. Preparing 39. Throug Through h the early early period of automove industry unl about 1920 19 20 electric automobile were compeve with petroleum-fueled cars. C. Automobiles 40. Rocks form within Earth Earth are called intrusive intrusive or plutonic rocks because the magma from from which they form oen intrudes into neighboring rock. A. Form

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