TOEFL Written Expression Questions
February 2, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The Written Expression Questions Each question in this section consists of one sentence in which four words
or groups of words have been underlined. You must choose the letter of the word or group of words that is not correct Example : 1) The final delifery of the day is the importantest. ! " # $)
The boo%s that & read was ! "
interesting. #
Strategies $or the written expression %uestions
+irst loo% at the underlined word or groups of words. You want to see if you can spot which of the four answer choices is not correct. &f you have been been unable to to find the err error or by loo%i loo%ing ng only at th thee four underl und erline ined d express expression ions( s( then read the comp complet letee senten sentence ce often an underlined expression is incorrect because of something in another part of the sentence
Problem with subject / verb agreement
&f the sub'ect of a sentence is singular( then the verb must be singular &f the the sub'ect of the sentence is plural( then the verb must be plural n s on a verb usuall usually y indicates indicates that that a ver verb b is sin singular gular(( wh while ile an s on a noun usually indicates that the noun is plural. #o not forget irregular plural of nouns( such as women( children( and people)
Example :
The boy wal%s to school The boys wal% to school
Skill 20 !ake "erbs #gree #$ter Prepositional Phrases
*repositional phrases can come between the sub'ect and the verb &f the ob'ect of the preposition is singular and the sub'ect is plural( or if the ob'ect of the preposition is plural and the sub'ect is singular.
Example :
The %ey to the doors is in the drawer The %eys to the door are iin n the drawer
Subject / "erb # #greement greement with the Prepositional Phrases
prepositional phrases )
when a prepositional phrases comes between the sub'ect and the verb( verb ( be sure that the verb agrees with the sub'ect
Exercises : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c) or incorrect i) 1. Th Thee cl clim imbe bers rs on the shee sheerr face face of the mou mount ntai ain n ne need ed to be resc rescure ured d c , i) $. The int interro errogat gation ion(( condu conducte cted d by thr three ee police police off officer icers( s( have las lasted ted for several hours. c , i ) -. Th Thee tenan tenants ts iin n the ap apar artm tmen entt nex nextt to mi mine ne is givi giving ng a par party ty th this is evening c , i )
Skill 2& make verbs #gree # #$ter $ter Expressions o$ Quantit'
pa part rtic icul ular ar ag agre reem emen entt pr prob oble lem m oc occu curs rs wh when en the the su sub' b'ec ects ts is an expres exp ressio sion n of quan quantit tity( y( such such as all( most most(( or some( some( fol follow lowed ed by the preposition of &n this this situa situatio tion( n( the sub sub'ec 'ectt all all(( most( most( or som somee ) can be sing singula ularr or plural( depending on what follows the the preposition of
Example : ll of the boo%) was interesting singular ll of the boo%s ) were interesting plural ll of the information) was interesting
Subject / verb #greement #$ter Expressions o$ %uantit'
all most some half
of the ob'ect )
3hen an expression of quantity is the sub'ect( the verb agrees with the ob'ect Exercise : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c) or incorrect i) 1. The w witnes itnesss saw that most of th thee fire in the the hil hills ls wa wass extin extinguish guished ed c , i) $. o om me of th thee ani anim mals als fr from om th thee 0oo was was rele releas ased ed in into to the the ani anim mal preserve. c , i ) -. ll to the stu studen dents ts in the class tau taught ght by *rofe *rofesso ssorr obert obertss is requir required ed to turn in their term papers next 2onday c , i )
Skill 22 !ake (nverte) "erbs "erbs # #gree gree 3e have seen that som sometim etimes es in English the sub' sub'ect ect comes aft after er the
verb. 3hen the sub'ect and verb are inverted( it can be difficult to locate them( and it can therefore be a problem to ma%e them agree Example :
!ehind the house) were the bycycles & wanted !ehind the haouses) was the bycycle & wanted Subject / verb #greement #$ter inverte) "e "erbs rbs
question negative place condition no if )
comparison fter question words( negative expressions( place expressions( conditions without with out if( and compa comparisons risons(( the verb agrees with the sub'ect( which may be
Exercise : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c) or incorrect i) 1. 4nl 4nly y once th this is mo morni rning ng were the the let letter terss deli deliver vered ed by the ca campu mpuss mail service c , i ) $. r rou ound nd the the cor corne nerr an and d to the ri righ ghtt is the the ro room omss that hat ha have ve be been en assigned to that program c , i ) -. wha whatt in tthe he wo world rld iiss the chil childre dren n try trying ing tto o do 5 c , i )
Skill 2* !ake "erbs #gree #$ter +ertain Wor)s
"ertain "ertai n words in Engl English ish are always gram grammatic matically ally singul singular( ar( ev even en though they might have plural meanings. Example : Everybody is going to the theater The following chart lists the grammatically singular words that have plural meanings :
Subject / verb #greem #greement ent #$ter certain wor)s
These words or expression expr ession are grammatically singular( so they ta%e singular verbs : anybody anyone anything
everybody everyone everything
nobody no one nothing
somebody someone something
each 7 noun ) every 7 noun)
Exercise : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c) or incorrect i) 1. &t is iimp mposs ossib ible le to be beli liev evee ttha hatt ssom omeb ebod ody y actu actual ally ly ad admi mire re ttha hatt m man an c , i) $. Each Each of tthe he do doct ctor orss in th thee bu buil ildi ding ng need needss to ha have ve a sepa separa rate te re rece cept ptio ion n area c , i ) -.
The The presi pre side dent nt ffel eltt th that no wer eree bet bette terr su suit ited ed fo forr the pos possi siti tion on of chief staff advisor c at , in ) o one w
T4E+8 Exercises : "hoose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentences 1. Ea Each ch nu numb mber er in a bi bina nary ry sy syst stem em are fo form rmed ed fro from m on only ly tw two o sym symbo bols ls.. ! " # $. c cie ient ntis ists ts at th thee me medi dical cal ce cent nter er is tr tryi ying ng to de dete term rmin inee if there there is a ! " relationship between sacharine and cancer # -. 4ne 4ne th thee ri rim m of th thee 9i 9ila laue ueaa vo volc lcan ano o in the the a awa waii iian an &s &sla land ndss are are a hotel ! " called the /olcano otel # Probelems with Parallel Structure &n good English an attemp shoud be made to ma%e that language as even
balanced as possible This balance is called ;parallel structure< 3e can achieve parallel structure by ma%ing the forms of words as similar as possible Example : & li%e to sing & li%e to sing and to dance " & li li%e %e da danc ncin ing g & li li%e %e sing singin ing g an and d danc dancin ing g " & li%e to singing and dancing it is not parallel ) &
Skill 2, -se parallel structure with coor)inate conjuctions
The 'ob of coordinate con'uctions and, and, but, or ) is to 'oin together equal expression. &n other words( what is on one side of these words must be parallel to what is on the other side.
Examples of two nouns 'oined by a coordinate con'unction :
& need to tal% to the manager or the assistant manager he not a teacher but a lawyer You can choose from activities such as hi%ing and %aya%ing
Examples of two verbs 'oined by a coordinate con'unction : e eats and sleeps only when he ta%es a vacation
he invites us to her home but never tal%s with us You Yo u can stay home or go to the movies with us
Examples of two a)jectives 'oined by a coordinate con'unction : 2y boss is sincare and nice The exam that he gave was short but difficult "lass can be interesting or boring Examples of two phrases 'oined by a coordinate con'unction : There are students in the classrom and in front of the building The papers are on my des% or in the drawer The chec%s will be ready not at noun but at 1:>> Examples of two clauses 'oined by a coordinate con'unction : They are not interested in what you say or what you do & am here because have to be and because & want to be 2r !rown li%es to go home early( but his wife prefers to stay late Parallel Structure with coor)inate conjuction :
same structure )
and but or
same structure )
and but or
same sa me str struct ucture) ure)(( sam samee str struct ucture ure))
same same str struct ucture ure )
Exercise : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c) or incorrect i) 1. he held 'obs as a typis typist( t( a hou house se could %eeper( %eeper( and in a restaurant restaurant c , i) $. The rep report ort yo you u are loo%ing loo%ing for col colud ud be iin n the file file o orr on the des% c , i ) -. he wo wor%s r%s very hard bu butt usua usually lly ge gets ts belo below w ? av average erage gr grades ades c , i )
Exercise 2. -se parallel structure struct ure with Paire) conjunctions
The pai paired red con con'un 'uncti ctions ons both ............. .............and, and, either either..... ........or ...or,, neither neither..... ............nor .......nor and not only.....but also require parallel structures Example : & %now both where you went and what you did Either 2ar% or ue has the boo% The tic%ets are neither in my poc%et nor in in my purse e is not only an excellent student but also an outstanding athlete e wants either to to go by train or to to go by plane e wants to go either by by train or by by plane e wants to go by either train train or plane plane e wa want ntss ei eith ther er to go by tra train in or by plane it is not parallel( so it is not correct) The foll The follow owin ing g ch char artt ou outl tlin ines es th thee us usee of para parall llel el stru struct ctur uree wi with th pa pair ired ed con'uction: Parallel Structure with Paire) +onjuctions
both either neither not only
and or nor but also
same structure )
same structure)
Exercise : Indicate if the sentences are corect (c) or incorr incorrect ect (i) 1. cc ccord ording ing to the the syll syllabu abus( s( you can ei eithe therr write write a paper paper or you can ta% ta%ee an exam c , i ) $. &t wou would ld be both no notic ticed ed and appreci appreciate ated d if you could fi finis nish h the wor% before you leave c , i ) -. he w would ould li%e neither neither to to see a mo movie vie or to go b bowlin owling g c ,i )
Skill 2 -se Parallel Structure With +omparisons
3hen we ma%e a comparison( we point out the similarities or differences between two things( and those similarities or differences must be in parallel form. 3e can recogni0e a comparison showing how two things are different from the –er ............ ............ than or the more ...... than Example : 2y school is farther than your school To be rich is bett er than to be poor 3hat is written is more easily understand than what is spo%en
comparison comparison showin showing g how two thing thingss are the same might contain as ..... as or expressions such as the same as or similar to Example : Their car is as big as a small house enting those apartments cost about the same as leasing them The wor% that & did is similar to to the wor% that you did The following chart outlines the use of parallel structures with comparisons : Parallel Structure with comparisons
same structure )
more ....... than C er ....... than less ...... than as ..... as
same structure )
the same ....... as similar ........ to
Exercise : &ndicate if each sentence is correct c ) or incorrect i ) 1 is is rese resear arch ch fo forr tthe he th thes esis is wa wass m mor oree us usef eful ul than than hers hers c , i ) $ #ini #ining ng in a re rest stau auran rantt is is m more ore fu fun n tha than n tto o eeat at at hom homee c , i ) & want want a n new ew secre secreta tary ry w who ho is as eeff ffic icie ient nt aass tthe he p prev revio ious us o one ne c , i ) Problems with comparative an) superlatives
Skill 21 orm +omparatives #n) Superlatives +orrectl'
The comparative is formed with either –er or or more and than &n the comparative( -er is is used with short ad'ectives such as tall 3 and and more is used with longer adjectives such as beautiful
Example : !ob is taller than on ally is more beautiful than aron The superlative is formed with the( either Cest or most ( and sometimnes
in( of, or a that- clause. &n the superlative( -est is used with short ad'ectives such as tall ( ( and most is used with longer ad'ectives such as beautiful
Example :
!ob is the tallest man in the room ally is the most beautiful beautiful of all all the women at the party The spider over there is the largest one that & & have ever seen , or that 5 5 The fastest runner wins the race 4no in, of Thee foll Th follow owin ing g ch char artt ou outl tlin ines es th thee po poss ssib ible le fo form rmss of com compa para rati tive vess and and superlatives: The form of comparatives and superlatives
more long ad'ective) short aad d'ective) 7 er
the most 44long ad'ectiv5 short ad'ective 7 est ))
maybe in( of( that
Exercise : &ndicate if the sentneces are correct c) or incorect i) 1. 4xy 4xygen gen is abu abunda ndante nterr tthan han nitrog nitrogen en c , i ) $. Th Thee dire direct ctio ions ns to th thee ex exer erci cise se say say to choo choose se the the mos ostt appr approp opri riat atee response -. The les lesson son you are sta stadyi dying ng now is the mos mostt impo importan rtantes testt lesson lesson that you will have c , i ) D
Skill 26 -se +omparatives an) Superlatives +orrectl' Th Thee co comp mpara arati tive ve and and su supe perl rlat ativ ivee ha have ve diff differe erent nt us uses es(( and and we sh shou ould ld
understand these different uses to answer such questions correctly The comparative is used to compare two equal things. Example : The history class is larger than the math class 2ary is more intelligent than ue The superlative is used when there are more than two items to compare and we want to show the one that is the best( the biggest( or in some way the most outstanding. Example : The history class is the largest in in the school mary is the most intelligent of of all the students in the class
The following chart outlines the uses of comparatives and superlatives : The uses of comparatives and superlatives
The comparative is used to compare two equal things The superlative is used to show which one of many is in some way the most outstanding Exercise : &ndicate if the sentences sentences are correct c ) or incorrect i ) 1. arva arvard rd is prob probably ably tthe he most presti prestigious gious u univers niversity ity in tthe he Fnit Fnited ed tat tates es c,i) $. ho honda nda is mor moree hard hard wor%i wor%ing ng of of tthe he cclas lasss c , i ) -. The eng engineers ineers hired tthis his yea yearr have m more ore expe experience rience than th those ose hi hired red las lastt year c , i )
Skill 27 -se the (rregular –er, -er structure correctl'
n irregular comparative comparative struct structure ure that has been appearing frequentl frequently y on the T4E+8 test consists of ttwo wo parallel comparatives introduced by the Example :
he fell behind The harder he tried( the further he The older children are( the more their parents expect from them
&n this type of sentence( the and the comparison can be fol followed lowed by a number of different structures. Example :
the house you need The more children you have( the bigger the you wor%( the more you accomplish The harder you The greater the the experience( the higher the the salary
The following chart outlines this irregular -er, -er structure structure : The -er, -er structure
Cer more
same structure)( The
Cer more
same structure)
This type of sentence may or may not include a verb
Exercise : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c ) or incorect i ) 1. The hot hotter ter the foo food d is( is( harder harder it is tto o it c , i ) $. Th Thee warmer warmer the w wea eath ther er(( th thee gre great ater er th thee att atten endan dance ce at th thee cocert c , i ) -. The m more ore you say say(( the the wor worst st the the si situati tuation on wil willl be c , i )
ou outd tdoor oor
Problems with the $orm o$ the verb
&t is common in the 3r 3ritten itten Expression part of the T T4E+8 4E+8 test for the verbs to be formed incorrectly 11
Therefore( we should be familiar with the following verb forms :
wal% s)
*resent *articiple wal%ing
*ast *articiple wal%ed
choeoa%r ss)) sing s) come s) begin s)
choeoa%riinngg singing coming beginning
choeoa%redd sang came began
choeoa%redd sung come begun
!ase +orm
wal% choeoa%r sing come begin
Skill *0 #$ter3 Have3 use the past participle
3henever you see the verb have in any of its form 4have, has, having, had)( 3henever be sure that the verb that follows it is in the past participle from. from. Exam Ex ampl plee :
Th They ey ha had dw wal al%e %ed d tto o ssch choo ooll 3e have seen the show e has ta%en the test aving eaten( he went to school he should have done the wor%
3e should be sure that if we have a sub'ect and a past participle( we also have the verb have This problem is particularly common with those verbs such as sing, sang, sung ) that change from present to past tto o past participle by changing only the the vowel. Exampl Exa mplee :
2y ffrien riend d sa sang ng tthe he choi choirr , 2 2y y fr frien iend d ha hass su sung ng the the choi choir r e became became angr angry y at his fr frie iend nd , e has has beco become me an angry gry at his his
friend The boat san% in the ocean , The boat has sun% in the ocean The following chart outlines the use of verb forms after have /erb forms after have
ave 7 past participle
Exercise &ndicate if: the sentences are correct c) or incorrect i ) 1$
1. The you young ng g girl irl drun drun% % a glas glasss of mil% mil% c , i ) $. !efor sh shee left( sshe he had as as%ed %ed her m mother other fo forr permi permission ssion c , i ) -. avin aving g finish finished ed the term p paper( aper( he began st studying udying ffor or the exam c , i )
Skill *& #$ter Be, use the Present Participle or Past Participle
The verb be in any of its forms am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being ) can be followed by another verb. This v verb erb should be in the present participle or the past participle form. Example : 1. 3e are d doin oing g ou ourr homewo homewor% r% $. The hom homewo ewor% r% w was as d done one earl early y -. Tom iiss ta%i ta%ing ng the the boo% boo% 6. The boo boo% % was ta% ta%en en by Tom The following chart outlines the use of verb forms after be: !e 7 1 ) present participle
/erb forms after be
$ ) past participle
Exercise : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c ) or incorrect i ) 1. $. -.
t 1$ 1$:> :>> > a am m is ea eatt hi hiss lu luch ch c , i ) 3e ar aree mee eeti ting ng th them em late laterr tod today ay c , i ) The The mess messag agee w was as ttoo oo% % by by tthe he rec recep epti tion onis istt c , i )
Skill *2 #$ter will, would 3 or other mo)als3 use the base $orm o$ the verb
3heneve 3hen everr we see a mo moda dal( l( such as will, would, shall, should, can, could, we should be sure that the verb that follows it is in its may, might, or must we base form. Example :
The boat will leave at -:oo The doctor may arrive soon The students must ta%e the exam
The following chart outlines the use of verb forms after modals : /erbs forms after modals 2odal 7 main form of the verb
Exercises : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c ) or incorrect i ) 1. The sales salescler% cler% mig might ht lower lower the price c , i ) $. The tel televisi evision on mov movie ie will finis finishes hes in a fe few w min minutes utes c , i ) -. ho hould uld eever veryone yone aarriv rrivee by B: B:oo oo 5 c , i ) Problem with the use o$ the "erb
Skill ** 8now when to use the past with the present
2any different problems in using the correct verb tense are possible in English &f a sentence has both a past tense and a present tense( the sentence is incorrect. Exa xam mple ple :
The bove example can be corrected in several ways( depending on the desired meaning. Example :
e too% the money w wh hen he wanted it e ta%es the money when he wants it
&t is necessary necessary to poin pointt out( however however(( that it is possi possible ble for a log logica icall sentence in English to have both the past and the present tense. Examp ample :
e to too% o% th thee mon oney ey when when he want wantss it iinc nco orr rrec ectt)
& %now that he too% the money yesterday
3hen we see a sentence on the T4E+8 test with both the past and the present tense( we must chec% the meaning of the sentence carefully to see if it is logical in English. 16
The following chart outlines the use of the past tense with the present tense in English. -sing the past with the present
&f we se seee a se sen ntenc ncee wi witth on onee ve verrb in th thee pa passt an and d on onee verb verb iin n th thee present( the sentence is probably incorrect ow owev ever er(( it is po poss ssiibl blee fo forr a corre correct ct se sent nten ence ce to ha have ve bo both th past past and present together &f w wee se seee th thee past past aand nd p pres resen entt to toge geth ther er(( you you m mus ustt chec chec% % th thee m mean eanin ing g to determine whether or not the sentence is correct
Exercises : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c ) or incorrect i ) 1. & tell h him im the truth w when hen he as as%ed %ed me th thee quest question ion c , i ) $. & und unders erstan tand d that that you were were ang angry ry c , i ) -. 3hen h hee was a child child(( he aalways lways g goes oes to the ci circus rcus c , i )
Skil Sk illl *,
9a 9ave ve an an) ) 9a 9a) ) co corr rreect ctl' l'
Two te tenses nses that are of often ten confus confused ed are the prese present nt perfec perfectt have 7 past
participle ) and the past perfect had 7 past participle) participle) The present perfect have 7 past participle) refers to the period of time
from the past until the present Examp ample :
ue h haas lived iin n8 8o os ngeles ffo or tteen ye years
The past perfect had 7 pa past st part partic icip iple le)) refe referr to a pe peri riod od of time time that
st star arte ted d in th thee pa past st an and d en ende ded d in the the pa past st,, be befo fore re so some meth thin ing g else else happened in the past
Example :
ue had lived in 8os ngeles for ten years when she moved to to an #iego
!ecause the present perfect refers to period of time from the past until the
present( it is not correct in a sentence that indicate past only only.. Example :
t the start of the nineteenth century( Thomas Gefferson has become president become president of the F
became Gim wor%ed on his car( he has improved it Everytime it
!ecause the past perfect begins in the past and ends in the past( it is
generally not correct in in the the same sentence wit with h the present tense. Examp ample :
Tom ha had ffiinished tth he eex xam w whe hen n tth he tteeacher collects the paper collected
The following chart outlines the uses of the present perfect and the past perfect : -sing 4have : past participle5 an) 4ha) : pas participle5
*resent perfect
have 7 past participle had 7 past participle
past up to now before past up to past
use not with a past tense HH not with a present tense
HH Except when the time expression since is part of the sentence see s%ill -=) Exercises : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c ) or incorrect i ) 1. & ha have ve alwa always ys lli%e i%ed d the the desig designs ns tthat hat are on tthe he cove coverr c , i ) $. !ec !ecaus ausee her pro propors porsal al had had b been een re'ect re'ected( ed( she is depre depresse ssed dc, i) -. The st stude udents nts ha have ve reg regist istered ered ffor or cla classe ssess before before the sem semest ester er started started c , i)
Skill *. -se the correct tense with time expressions
4ften in sentences in the 3ritten Expression section of the T4E+8 test there is a time expression that clearly indicates what verb tense is needed in the sentence. Examples :
3e moved to Iew Yor% in 1!" 3e had left there by 1#" 3e have lived in an +rancisco since 1#$
ome additional time expressions that clearly indicate the correct tense are ago, last and lately Examples :
he got a 'ob two years ago he started wor%ing last wee% he has wor%ed very hard lately
The following chart list time expression that indicate the correct verb tense : -sing correct Tenses with Time Expression
*ast *erfect
imple *erfect
*resent *erfect
by 1D$>)
two years) ago last year) in 1D$>)
ince 1D$>) 8ately
Exercises : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c ) or incorrect i ) 1. The phon phonee rang inc incess essant antly ly lat nig night ht c , i ) $. The They y ha have ve fin finish ished ed ccont ontact acting ing everyon everyonee by by 6:oo 6:oo yes yester terday day c , i ) -. The p pilg ilgrim rimss have arri arrived ved iin n the I Iew ew 3 3o orld iin n 1@1$ 1@1$ c , i )
Skill * -se The +orrect Te Tense nse With will an) an) would
"ertain "ertai n combinat combination ionss of ver verbs bs are very com common mon in Engl English ish.. 4ne is the combination of the simple present and will Example :
& %new that they will arrive soon &t was certain that he would graduate
The present present shou should ld be use used d wit with h will and and the past should should with would 3 they generally should not be mixed. Example : & %now that he would arrive soon &t was certain that he will graduate
incorrect incorrect
The following chart outlines the use of tenses with will and would : : -sing +orrect Te Tenses nses With will an) an) would
will would
after the present after the past
do not use with past do not use with present
Iote : There is different modal would that is used to ma%e polite requests. This type of would is often used with the present tense Example : & would li%e to %now if you have a pencil that & could borrow
Exercises : &ndicate if the sentences are correct c ) or incorrect i ) 1. e %new tha thatt he he w will ill be aable ble to pas passs the the eexam xam c , i ) $. & th thin% in% tha thatt & will will be aable ble to pas passs the the exam exam c , i ) -. *au *aull di did d not say when when h hee wi will ll ffini inish sh tthe he pr pro'e o'ect ct c , i )
Problem with passive verbs The difference between an active and a passive verb is that the sub'ect in a
active sen active senten tence ce does the action of the verb and the sub'ect in a passive sentence receives the act action ion of the verb. To convert of the active to passive( two changes must be made.
1. The sub sub'ec 'ectt of the act active ive sen senten tence ce becomes becomes the ob'e ob'ect ct of the passi passive ve sentence( while the ob'ect of the active sentence becomes the sub'ect of the passive sentence. $. The ver verb b in the passi passive ve sent sentenc encee is formed by put puttin ting g the help helping ing ver verb b sentencee and than adding be in the same form as the verb in the active sentenc the past participle of this verb. Example :
2argaret wrote the letter
The letter was written
by 2argaret
Skill *1 -se T The he +orre +orrect ct orm o$ the Passive
Jeneral *attern :
S : " : ;
S : be : "* : b' #gent
Iote : &n the scientific tect( a sentence is often written in a passive form because the important idea is not who did something but what is done
ormating The Passive
+orm of the passive : be be 7 past participle "T&/E : a)
The reserach wor%ers wor%ers face face the the sample problem
*&/E *&/E : b) The sample problems are faced by by the research wor%ers
&n the passive3 the ob&ect of an active active verb becomes the sub&ect of the passive verb: ;the sample problems< in a) becomes the sub'ect of the passive verb verb in b) a) and b) have the same meaning
"T&/E : c )
n accident happened
*&/E *&/E : d)
none )
4nly transitive verbs verbs that are followed by an ob'ect) are used in passive. &t is not possible to use verbs such as happen, sleep, come, and seem intransitive verbs) in the passive
Simple Present Present Progresive Progresive Present Perfect Simple Past Past Progresive Progresive Past Perfect Simple Future be going to Future Perfect Perfect
2ary conducts conducts a research 2ary is conducting a research 2ary has conducted a research 2ary conducted aa research 2ary was conducting a research 2ary had conducted aa research 2ary will conduct a research 2ary is going to conduct a rres esea earc rch h 2ary will have conducted a resear research ch
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