TOEFL TEST Dan Kunci Jawaban
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1. (A) She wants the man to make a reservation for her. (B) They don't need a reservation tonight. (C) They should make reservations for next weekend. () She thinks the restaurant will !e "rowded tonight. #. (A) $et her wat"h fixed. (B) %ur"hase a wat"h for the man. (C) Can"el the next meeting. () &nd the meeting early. e arly. (A) Take Take the "lass with a different rofessor (B) Take Take a "lass in a different su!e"t. (C) Ask the rofessor if she "an take the "lass. () Comlete the re*uired "ourses this term. +. (A) ,e isn't sure who won the game. game. (B) The game won't !e layed until next week. (C) -t started raining after the game was over. () -t ro!a!ly will rain next week. . (A) The !ook !ook had !een misla"ed misla"ed on the shelf. (B) ,e "an ro!a!ly get a "oy of the !ook for the woman. (C) ,e will "all the warehouse to see if the !ook is availa!le. () The woman should "he"k to see if other !ookstores have the !ook.. /. (A) ,e used to have ro!lems doing the assignments. (B) The woman should !e"ome a tutor. (C) The woman won't have diffi"ulty in her next "lass. () The woman needs hel with her assignments. 0. (A) Buy the "heaer i"e "ream. (B) Buy the !rand of i"e "ream he usually !uys. (C) Choose an i"e "ream that tastes good. () $et i"e "ream at a different store. . (A) ,e didn't didn't enoy the game !e"ause the team lost. (B) ,e's imressed !y the efforts of the team. (C) The woman is wrong a!out who won the game. () The layers "ould have won if they'd tried harder. 2. (A) The woman woman already knew a!out the the in"rease in fees. (B) The dorms will !e "heaer than off3"amus housing. (C) The woman thinks the man should move out of the dorm. () The woman is leased she won't have to ay the higher fees. 14. (A) ,e didn't know that avid was having a ro!lem. (B) The woman doesn't know mu"h a!out a""ounting. (C) avid hasn't started working on his roe"t yet. () avid is going to ask the woman for hel.
11. (A) -nvite his family to go to Alaska with him. (B) $et advi"e on how to organi5e the tri. (C) 6ake a flight reservation as soon as ossi!le. () Borrow money from his family. 1#. (A) ,e'd like to go for a walk another time. (B) ,e doesn't want to walk in the rain. (C) ,e's on his way to "he"k out a !ook.. () ,e only has time for a short walk. 1. (A) She doesn't seak 7ren"h very well. (B) She may !e too !usy to hel. (C) She didn't attend the 7ren"h Clu! meeting yesterday. () She hadn't heard a!out the a"tivities fair. 1+. (A) She needs to relax. (B) The man should try harder to "on"entrate. (C) She has almost finished the reading assignment. () The musi" will !other her. 1. (A) Seak to his revious emloyer. (B) $et a o! working on "amus. (C) Attend the "areer servi"es worksho. () $et a o! ali"ation form from her. 1/. (A) She will wash the sweater. (B) The sweater has the wrong la!el. (C) The man "an get another sweater. () The manufa"turer will reair the sweater. 10. (A) ,e's very !usy 7riday night. (B) ,e hasn't seen his arents for a long time. (C) ,e's sorry that he missed dinner. () ,e a""ets the woman's invitation. 1. (A) is"uss her reort with the man. (B) $ive the man her history notes. (C) 8ork on an assignment. () Answer the man's *uestions. 12. (A) She's going to send the whole year in 9ew :ork. (B) She lans to travel somewhere other than 9ew :ork. (C) She de"ided not to take a va"ation this year. () She won't !e a!le to travel until later in the year. #4. (A) She doesn't think that she looks like the student. (B) 6any of her students look alike. (C) She isn't related to the student. () ,er daughter isn't in her "lass. #1. (A) The woman will ro!a!ly not !e a!le to get the "all she's waiting for. (B) The woman's hone "all isn't imortant. (C) ,e'll "all the hone "omany for the woman. () ,e'll try to reair the ;woman's hone.
##. (A) ,e also lans to dro a "lass. (B) ,e also waited in line for a long time today. (C) ,e doesn't know where to go to dro a "lass. () ,e missed the deadline for droing a "lass. #. (A) The man should use a new rinter. (B) The man's rimer isn't set u "orre"tly. (C) There is nothing wrong with the man's rinter. () She "an't hel the man right away. #+. (A) The woman should wear his s"arf to the game. (B) -t will !e "old at the game. (C) The woman should !orrow another sweater. () ,e'll go home and get another s"arf. #. (A) She understands why the man seems unhay. (B) She will hel the man "hange his diet. (C) The man should see a do"tor. () The do"tor has already exlained the ro!lem to her. #/. (A) The num!er of eole who voted was very low. (B) The vote was very "lose. (C) Congressman Baker didn't run for offi"e. () She was not leased with the results. #0. (A) ,e's sorry that the woman didn't like the !ook. (B) ,e "an order the math !ook for the woman. (C) -t's too late for the woman to get a refund. () The woman !ought the !ook less than ten days ago. #. (A) ,e was leased with the art in the "olle"tion. (B) ,e refers small art exhi!its to large ones. (C) ,e hasn't visited the art gallery yet. () ,e doesn't enoy going to art galleries. #2. (A) ,e'd like to invite the woman for lun"h.. (B) ,e didn't exe"t to oin the woman for lun"h. (C) ,e "an hel the woman solve the math ro!lem. () ,e wants to ostone his lun"h meeting with the woman. 4. (A) (B) A good sour"e of information a!out a so"iety. (C) Attitudes toward "ulture in the 12+4's. () The relationshi !etween anthroology and the military. +1. (A) Students might not "onsider them to !e an imortant art of "ulture. (B) They sym!oli5e the re!ellion of youth in the 124's. (C) They are dis"ussed in the student's text!ook. () They have !een worn for hundreds of years. +#. (A) To show how oliti"s have "hanged over the years. (B) To oint out that T3shirts often rovide ersonal information. (C) To illustrate how the rinting on "lothing has imroved. () To suort that T3shirts are a form of art. +. (A) %la"es where T3shirts are not a""eta!le. (B) -mages that are "urrently rinted on T3shirts. (C) 9ames of eole who have made T3shirts oular. () 8ays that T3shirts reresent Ameri"an "ulture.
++. (A) Su""essful !usiness ra"ti"es. (B) 7amous inventors. (C) %u!li" health "on"erns. () ?nsu""essful inventions. +. (A) They drank from u!li" water fountains. (B) They assed around a "u of water. (C) They drank from ersonal tin "us that they "arried with them. () They !ought a aer "u of water. +/. (A) To demonstrate the imortan"e of u!li" health laws. (B) To oint out that without lu"k !usinesses will not su""eed. (C) To exlain how traveling led to new inventions. () To illustrate the imortan"e of having the right rodu"t at the right time. +0. (A) ,ow grasshoers find food. (B) ,ow grasshoers fight other inse"ts. (C) ,ow grasshoers "ommuni"ate with ea"h other. () ,ow grasshoers es"ae from danger.
+. (A) To "orre"t a "ommon misunderstanding a!out grasshoers. (B) To hel exlain how well grasshoers "an um. (C) To "omare the si5e of grasshoer with that of other inse"ts. 3 () To show how *ui"kly grasshoers resond to danger. +2. (A) They dete"t nerve imulses transmitted to a grasshoer's legs. (B) They sense how far a grasshoer has umed. (C) They dete"t "hanges in air ressure. () They hel a grasshoer find food. 4. (A) The num!er of imulses transmitted to the grasshoer's legs. (B) The age of the grasshoer. (C) The num!er of sensory organs the grasshoer has. () The si5e of the nerves that "ontrol walking.
Buka file se"tion # (stru"ture) and (reading).df @un"i awa!an stru"ture 13+4 ACAB BAB CABB ACAC BBCBC CCB ACBB CC @un"i awa!an reading (%erhatian @un"i awa!an ini sesuai dg soal di df. @alau di usat !ahasa waktu test toefl a!"de nya !er!u!ah. Saran rint dulu untuk mudah !elaar. S&6$A B&=6A97AAT. @esalahan awa!an diluar tanggung awa! ya ) 134 CBAC BACA BBCB ABAB ABAC ABCC BBAC ACBA CABC CBB
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