TOEFL Speaking and Writing Templates

January 16, 2017 | Author: Nikita Thakur | Category: N/A
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Independent speaking tasks: Q 1, 2 Q 1 “ free choice question” “ question only” Plan 15 sec, 45 sec a” answer” r1” response 1” e1: example 1 r2” response 2” e2: example 2 Template: In my view, the best/the most…….is… a……..…and I feel that way for two reasons The first reason is, ….r1…., For example ……e1…. The second reason is …r2…For instance…..…e2. That’s why …a…. is better/important/my favorite choice.

Q 2 “ paired choice question” “ question only” Plan: 15 sec, 45 sec a” answer” r1” response 1” e1: example 1 r2” response 2”, e2: example 2 Template: In my opinion, I prefer……a…..more than…..for two reasons. First, …r1…. …For example………e1 Second,…r2……..For instance ……e2.. That’s why I would rather choose…….a…

Q:What do you consider the most important/the best…… . Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

Q:Do you prefer … or ? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer

integrated speaking task: Q 3,4,5,6 Q 3 “ Reading & Listening” ”campus conversation” Plan 45 sec, 60 sec / 30 sec, 60 sec From reading c : change” copy & paste the same as it is in the passage” r1 : reason 1 X “ Do not say them” r2: reason 2 X From Listening M or W OP: opinion R1: reason 1 R2 : reason 2 Template: 60s The reading passage states that c The man’s/ woman’s opinion is that op And He/she provides two reasons, 43s First, r1 22s Second, r2 3s That’s why the man…op

Q4 “Reading & Listening” ”academic lecture” Plan 45sec, 120 sec/ 30 sec, 60 sec From reading t: title ” copy & paste the same as it is in the passage” d: definition or details

From Listening e: the example in 1 or 2 words de: the example in more details. Template 60s The article is about t , which the reading passage defines as d or where the reading passage states that d 43s The professor provides on an example of…e…to illustrate this. He/ She states that de 3s And so, this example clearly illustrates t.

Q:The man/woman expresses his/her opinion in the announcement. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Q: Using the example provided in the lecture, explain the title of the article.

Q5 “ Listening only” “ campus conversation”

Q6 “ Listening only” “ academic lecture”

Plan: P: problem st st 1 : 1 solution nd


2 :2 solution

60s, 20 sec, 60 sec Even Though As Regardless As

+ve -ve -ve +ve

Plan: t: title x1 : method/type/etc… x2: method/type/etc…

120s, 20 sec, 60 sec e1: example 1 e2: example 2

Template: The man’s/woman’s problem is that….p..... . The two students discuss two solutions, The first solution is, 1st The second solution is, 2nd If I were the man/woman, I would definitely choose the second solution The first solution is not good because even though 1 +ve st , as the man/woman said 1 –ve The second Solution is better because regardless 2-ve nd ,as the man/woman said 2 +ve That’s why I choose the second solution

Template: In the lecture, the professor talks about ……t……. He/she provides two/three methods/types, etc …. to illustrate that . The first method/.. is…...x1 , e1 The second method/.. is …. x2 , e2 These are the two/three methods/… presented to explain…..t…...

Q: what is the problem and which solution would you choose and why?

Q: Using the points and examples given by the professor, explain two types of …..

Emeil Mikhaeal

Q1 & Q2 tips:    

About familiar topics to speak about the topics clearly & coherently They are independent tasks, No Reading , No listening Q1: free choice question Q2: paired choice question

Sentences help in how to write the example in details e.g.  When I was in California, New York …, I had….  When I was in high school, we had…  Yesterday, I saw….  Several years ago, I remembered that  Every day I…  I remembered when I lived in California, I used to…  When I was in college, I had…  During my high school and college life, I had… Also, at the end of your example you can add something like:  It was really so good.  I just enjoyed it so much

Tips:  They are the first two questions, do you best to give him a wonderful impression, first impression last impression.  Do not spend too much time thinking about the answer, it does not have to be perfect. Just choose something that you think that is ok, and go ahead right away, NO TIME.  Try to describe in one sentence, a, r1, r2, should be in short, clear and simple sentence.  Do not forget to make is specific by mentioning where, how, who,…..  You have to be done with choosing the answer with the end of the question u listening too, just leave the 15 sec to think about the reasons. That will give you more extra 5 or 10 sec.  You should provide enough content to show that you're fluent, so record one of your answers and do a word count; it should be over 100 words.  Your success on this question depends on how you stayed on topic and demonstrated your fluency with an intelligent development of your idea.

Sample answers for Question type 1” free choice question “ Example 1:  What do you consider the most important characteristic in a teacher Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer Response: a: knowledge r1: you learn more r2: more fun Model of response: In my view, knowledge is the most important characteristic in a teacher for two reasons. First, you lean more. For example, when I was in New York, I had a professor in a chemistry class and he knew his subject very well and his lectures were really good because he provided a lot of details. Second, it is more fun. For instance, when I was in a history class in high school in California, I had a professor who really knew a lot about wars and where, when and between whom they were. So, every time he talks about it, the examples were so good. I just enjoyed it very much. That’s why knowledge is important in a teacher. Example 2:  What should universities do to make students help decreasing the pollution? Give two ways with examples or one way with two reasons Response: a: organize clean up cruise r1: gonna help the environment r2: make a connection among students Model of response: -In my view, universities should organize clean up cruise for students to participate into reducing pollution for two reasons; First, it is really gonna help the environment .For example, I remembered when I lived in California I used to go to Santa-Monica beach which was may be 20 min. from my house. It was often littered with trash, So sometimes people will come and pick it up, really that made a great difference. The second reason is to make a connection among students . For example, when I was in high school in California, we had to volunteer with something similar and I made a lot of friends through that which I think would be great to university students. That’s why I think it is a great idea.

Emeil Mikhaeal

Example 3:  Describe someone whom you admire. Use specific details to explain your response Response: a: my uncle Jim r1: kind r2: gives a good chance Model of response: In my view, my uncle Jim is the most person I admire for two reasons; First, Jim is a very kind person that made him has many friends. He is a person who will help anyone who needs help. For example, he gives his friends money when they need it. He does not ask for the money back, but his friends usually give the money back because they respect Jim. Second, he gives a very good advice to people who have personal problems. Somebody feel shy about their problems, but nobody feel shy with Jim. For instance, sometimes when I have problems with my parents or my school, I can talk to Jim. He always makes me feel better and he always gives me an advice that is good. I wish more people were like my uncle Jim. That’s why my uncle Jim is the most person I admire. Example 4  What is the most memorable event that ever happened to you while you were in school? Use specific reasons to support your answer Response: a: graduating

r1: exciting r2: helped to start my own future

Model of response: In my view, graduating from high school was the most memorable experience in school for few reasons. First, it was very exciting. For example, before I graduated, I worked very hard and studied for my finals, So I had a lot of stress. So, knowing that I am gonna graduated came the feeling of excitement knowing that I will finish. Second, finishing high school helped me to start my own future. For instance, before I graduated, I was with my parents, I did not have my own job, but once I graduated I went to college and I had my first real job and I lived away from home. So, it was the beginning of my future. That’s why graduating from high school was one of my memorable experience in school. Example 5:  Describe something you have that is special to you Use specific details to explain your answer Response: a: the necklace

r1: given to me by mother r2:it worth high money r3: the most beautiful

Model of response: In my view, the necklace that I have is the most special thing to me for two reasons. First, it was given to me by mother when I turned 16 years old. Her mother, my grandmother gave it to her when she turned 16 years old. And her husband, my grandfather gave it my grandmother when they got married. I hope that someday I will have a daughter who I can give the necklace to. Second, it worth a lot of money. When my grandfather bought it, he had a very good paying job. It is made of valuable materials and it has been increased in value as it has gotten older. I am always very careful that I do not damage or misplace the necklace. Finally, it is the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen. It is gold and has a round locket in the middle. The locket opens and has a picture of my grandmother and grandfather when they were young. That’s why the necklace I have is very special to me. Example 6:  Describe where would you like to go to relax and why. Use reasons and details to support your response Preparation time: 15 second Response time: 45 seconds Answer: a: park r1: wide space r2: full of green plants Example 7:  If your friend were having difficulty deciding his or her major, what advice would you give him? or her and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Examples Question type 2” paired choice question” Example 1:  Would you prefer living in an old fashioned house or a modern one and why Give a choice Response : a: modern r1: cleaner r2: overall nicer Model of response: In my view, it is much better to live in a modern house rather than an old fashioned one for two reasons. The first reason is that it is much cleaner, For example, yesterday I saw a news report on CNN talking about the new materials that used to construct houses are less likely to rust, less likely to give a poisonous fumes, So it is much cleaner and healthier to live in. The second reason is that it is nicer to live in a new building. For instance, when I was young, my parents lived in an old fashioned house in California, so sometimes the wood in the building would actually kind of fully new and things were looked very nice. None has that now. That’s why I feel that way Example 2:  Do you believe in the statement that people 50 years ago are healthier than today? Give a choice Response: a: not healthier r1: advancement of medicine r2: higher information about health Model of response: In my view, people 50 years ago are not healthier than people today and I feel that way for two reasons. The first reason is the advancement of medicine. For example, several years ago, I remembered that my cousin came down with a case of a breast cancer and she went to the hospital and she underwent a treatment for about eight months. So, after that she was fine and she did not have any cancer anymore. I believe 50 years ago she would not have been able to survive at all. The second reason is that we have a lot of information about health now. For example, every day I read a plug from a man who is very healthy, he writes about the different kinds of diet and that I should do to stay healthy too. That’s why I feel that way. Example 3:  Do you prefer a friend similar to you or different from you? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer Response: a : similar r1: list of arguments r2: more fun Model of response: In my view, a friend who is similar to you is best for a few reasons. First, there are a list of arguments when you have a friend similar to you. For example, when I was in college, I had a friend in the same accommodation, we were not very similar, he have different taste of music and politics, so when we talk we have a different argument which was not really good for a friendship. Second, it is more fun. For example, through my high school and college life, I had a lot of friends who were similar and it was easy to come up with ideas of where we gonna go, we wanna see the same movies, we wanna play the same sports, we wanna do a lot of things that we all enjoy. So it was more fun to be with more friends that are similar. That’s why I think that friends who are similar are the best.

Example 4:  Some students prefer to study at home; others prefer to study in the library. Which do you think is best and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Preparation time: 15 seconds Response time: 45 seconds Example 5:  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement One should never make an important decision quickly Use reasons and examples to support your response

Emeil Mikhaeal

Q3 & Q4   

They are integrated tasks which includes both Reading and Listening First, you will read a short passage, then the text will DISAPPEAR, then you will hear a talk about the same topic. Next, you will answer a question about the text and the talk. Try to use information from the text and the talk to answer the question clearly and coherently to show that you understand the text and the talk. Time schedule:  Reading: 45 sec “ which disappears and does not show up again” “ 100 words”  Listening: 60 sec “ which may support or oppose the reading”  Q  Prep: 30 sec  Response: 60 sec

Emeil Mikhaeal

Q3 tips: 

      

Change in campus or an announcement in the school, e.g.  Tuition has been increased  A class has been cancelled  Students required to do more homework. DO not say r1, r2 from reading when u start speaking, they are just to clarify what you will hear in the listening passage. Just take notes to help you to understand what you will hear in the conversation. The listening may support or oppose what reading passage , so try to understand Say everything about only one person , and ignore what the another one says, which depends on the question” Be exact. Don't paraphrase. Say the exact same words in the exact same way. Time is u friend. so whenever u practice, practice with the timer. Remember that you're not just repeating your notes but using them to explain exactly why the student did or did not agree with the announcement.

Q 4 tips:  An academic Lecture  The listening passage must be in the same topic u read in the reading passage.  Make the definition in one sentence you pick it up after you read the reading passage.  Copy and paste the title exactly as u read it, say it in the same words.  Pick up the title and the definition from the reading, while from the listening passage you will need to pick up the example which illustrates that.  When you take notes, just write down the key words that help you remember it when you deliver your speech, do not try to write down everything you hear.  Cross up the unimportant details you listen from the listening passage.  Summarize the example concisely, cross up the unimportant information.  Try to talk in a music way, to let the grader distinguish what you say.  You won’t demonstrate fluency to the graders  You won’t finish on time  You won’t earn 4  Remember that, because the listening is 2 min while the time you have is just 1 min.  Always remember you will need to speak 1 min what you have heard for 2 min or more, it is impossible to say everything in this question

Emeil Mikhaeal

Q 5: A Conversation bet. Two students: 

Tips:  

      

Say everything about the problem. For some reason many students summarize this and don't express the problem completely; don't be one of these students; you need the complete answer to get a 4 on this question. Also, don't stress the "even though" statements too much. I often hear students try to say so much in the "even though" statements that they don't have time for the more important "as" statements. So, if you don't finish this question on time, drop the "even though" statements. The second solution always pretty quick, so do your best to catch it. There are three things you need to pick up from the conversation, First, the problem which will be said by the man or the woman. Second, the two solutions or suggestions which could be said by the another person only or both of the two persons, one solution each. Your opinion, which should include one disadvantage of the first solution and one advantage of the second solution which you will support. Do not burn through questions If you want to attack the first solution, that means you want to say that the +ve thing about it is not a big deal. For example, the first solution is terrible because even though there is something positive about it, as the man said there is something negative but we do not want to do that negative thing. Or vice versa, For The second solution, if we want to support it, we can say for example: The second solution is better because even though there is something negative about it, as the woman said there is something positive and we want the positive thing, and so on

Emeil Mikhaeal

Q 6: An academic lecture

Tips:  

   

Just like question 4, don't say everything. Use your timer to guide you and make sure that you don't go over time. Finally, keep it simple. In this question, there is a lot of information which may not be clear 100% to you and you don't need to focus on them. Instead, skip the stuff that's unclear to you because if you try to say it you'll be inaccurate and that will cost you. Stick to what you know, say it, and move on. The lecture is very fast, you often lose the track, so be fast at this question, I know it is the last question. You may do not understand the vocabulary or you cannot write down the terms. There is no perfect template for this question, because you can not expect how the lecture will be structured or arranged. My advice do not worry about how to write down the terms in a correct spelling, write down whatever you heard in your own language but the most important thing is say it exactly as u heard it. You will never ever know all the vocabulary at this lecture.

Emeil Mikhaeal

Writing Q 1: “integrated task” 

Time schedule:  Reading : 3-4 paragraphs in 3 min  Listening: 2 min lecture  Q  Response : 250 words in 20 min “ less than 250 words you will not get the 24 score” Plan:  Reading” article””passage”:  Read it in 3 min  4 paragraphs “ u can go back to the reading part again during the exam”  The 1st paragraph: scan it and go to the last two sentences where u will pick up the article opinion “ OP”  For the other 3 paragraphs, scan each and pick up a reason which support the article opinion u picked it up. Usually, you will find the reason in the first 1 or 2 sentences at each paragraph, so u will get 3 reasons supporting the article opinion” r1, r2, r3”. Actually, you will not get any marks for these reasons because they are already in the article, however They illustrate what you will hear from the lecture.  Do not mention any of these reasons at your essay in more than one sentence. So you can focus on the reasons which you will hear from the lecture which you get marks for them.  So, from the article, we should get op R1 R2 R3 

 

Listening: a lecture “ the professor is always against the passage”  So from the lecture we should get Op’ “the professor opinion” R1’/d1’ “reasons and all the supporting details in each” R2’/d2’ R3’/d3’ Question Response: writing time: 250 words in 20 min

Template: 250 words in 20 min

The article states that op and provides three reasons of support. however, the professor explains that op’ and refutes each of the author’s reasons. First, the reading claims that r1 . The professor refutes this point by saying that r1’. He states that d1’ . Second, the article posits that r2 . However, the professor says that r2’ .According to the professor, d2’ . Third, the reading says that r3 .The professor opposes this point by explaining that r3’ .We also learn that d3’ No conclusion ……

      

  

Tips: First, it’s all about your notes and understanding. I receive questions often about what to do if you didn’t get all the points from the lecture. My advice: do your best but you must work on your listening and note-taking skill(review the video and visit our TOEFL listening section for more help on this). Second, once you have all of the important content, that’s all you need. 250 words is the number of words you need for a perfect score. If you write more than 250, that's fine but be careful. When we read essays beyond 250 from students that score 24 or below, they are often wordy, repetitive and a bit unclear. So, stick to the content and be precise and exact. This doesn't mean to try to write less; it just means stick to your notes. Paraphrasing “ i.e. writing the essay in your own words” is not imp in Q1.bec this question is just justify your ability to hear what the professor said. Repetition will not give you a higher score “so do not repeat particular words or info” Reading: do not pick up words from reading, it will not be counted

Emeil Mikhaeal

Writing : Q 2: Independent task  Write 450 words in 30 min to get the 24 score.  There are SIX different types of this question. Find the templates of each type in the attachment.  You have to Manage your time effectively:  30th min. : outline “ 3 min”  27th min: introduction “ 4 min”  23rd min: body 1 ” 9 min”  14th min: body 2 ” 9 min”  5th min: conclusion ” 3 min”  2nd min: fix it “ 2 min” 

Tips: 

First, a high word-count in this question won’t guarantee a high score” remember that content is king, so you need a good content with a high word-count”. Second, use the easiest examples you can write well with, but not the simplest where you should add some complexity through vocabulary and grammar to your essay.

Emeil Mikhaeal

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