TOEFL Skills Handbook 1 Reading

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 Learning EnglishEverytime & Everywhere TOEFL Skills Handbook #1  Bandung 2016


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Lesson Plan 1


Preparation for  TOEFL®pertemuan  TOEFL®pertemuan #1



Menemukanrujukan kata ganti (pronoun) dalam teks bacaan 



Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan mampu:

- Mengetahui bentuk-bentuk pertanyaan dalam tes TOEFL - Mengenal jenis-jenis pronoun yang biasanya terdapat dalam tes TOEFL - Menemukan rujukan kata yang dimaksud kan dalam teks bacaantes TOEFL

- Mengetahui strategi mengerjakan soal mengenai pronoun referent dalam tes TOEFL. 4





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MATERI: Untuk memahami pronoun-referent, alangkah baiknya untuk mengenal pronoun terlebih dahulu. Pronoun adalah kata yang menggantikan atau merujuk pada noun. Sedangakan kata yang dirujuk oleh pronoun disebut antecedent. Ada beberapa jenis pronoun yang secara garis besar dibedakan menjadi singular dan plural pronoun.

Perhatikan contoh sederhana berikut ini: John Noun/subject


a woman Noun/object


Kalimat diatas mempunyai dua noun yang memungkinkan untuk diganti yaitu, John dan a man. Karena ada dua noun, ini berarti ada dua kemungkinan transformasi dari kalimat tersebut, yaitu; mengubah subject atau, mengubah object dengan pronoun. a.  Jika yang diubah adalah subjek, maka: saw



a woman





a woman Noun/object

Pronoun ‘He’ menggantikan ‘John’ dengan konsiderasi; pertama, John adalah noun yang menempati subjek (maka lihatlah kata-kata yang termasuk dalam subjek pronoun); kedua John adalah laki-laki (maka kata yang tepat adalah He). b.  Jika yang diubah adalah object, maka: John



a woman







Pronoun ‘her’ menggantikan ‘ a woman’ dengan konsiderasi; pertama, a woman adalah noun yang penempati objek (maka lihatlah kata-kata yang termasuk dalam object pronoun); kedua, a woman berarti seorang wanita (maka kata yang tepat adalah her) Di bagian Reading Comprehension, baik pada Paper Test maupun Computer Test, biasanya terdapat soal yang meminta Anda untuk menentukan m enentukan kata benda yang dirujuki oleh kata ganti benda (pronoun). Untuk menemukan jawaban yang tepat, ketahui bahwa sebuah kata benda, biasanya posisinya berada sebelum kata ganti tersebut (pronoun) . Jadi, kapan pun Anda diminta jawaban,

mengarah kemana suatu kata ganti, carilah c arilah kata bendanya pada deretan kata sebelumnya di dalam kalimat tersebut. Hal penting yang perlu diingat dalam menentukan pronoun maupun rujukannya adalah: 1.  Pronoun hanya menggantikan noun (kata benda) 2.  Subjek pronoun hanya menggantikan noun yang menempati subjek 3.  Objek pronoun hanya menggantikan noun yang menempati object 4.  Singular pronoun hanya menggantikan noun singular (kata benda singel) 5.  Plural pronoun hanya menggantikan noun plural (kata benda jamak) 6.  Ketika dua noun singular dihubungkan dengan ‘and’ maka akan referent yang digunakan akan menjadi plural . Contoh: The brideand  the  the groom took their vows. 7.  Ketika dua atau lebih noun singular dihubungkan dengan ‘or’ dan/atau ‘nor’ maka pilihlah referent yang sesuai dengan noun terdekat dari Verb. Contoh:

  Neither Maryor her her daughters will deliver their letter to the post.

*(kata terdekat dengan Verb adalah her daughters (plural), maka referent-nya ‘their’)

  Neither the daughtersor Mary Mary will deliver her letterto the post.

*(kata terdekat dengan Verb adalah Mary (singular), maka referent-nya juga singular ‘her’  ‘her’ 

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8.  Ada beberapa kata dalam Bahasa Inggris yang merujuk merujuk pada kelompok namun dianggap sebagai satuan (singular) berikut adalah contoh kata: Anybody



each one





No one



Contoh: Everybody was required to bring his or her passport (Not: their passport) No one was required to present his credential (Not: their credentials)

Perhatikan contoh soal berikut ini. The Passage 1: 

Line (5)


Carnivorous plants, such as the sundew and the Venus flytrap, are generally found in humid areas where there is an inadequate supply of nitrogen in the soil. In order to survive, these plants have developed mechanisms to trap insects within their foliage. They have digestive fluids to obtain the necessary nitroge from the insects. These plants trap the insects in a variety of ways. The sundew has sticky hairs on its leaves; l eaves; when an insect lands on these leaves, it gets caught up in the sticky hairs, and the leaf wraps itself around the insect. The leaves of the Venus-flytrap function more like a trap, snapping suddenly and forcefully shut around an insect.

The Questions

The pronoun "they" in line 5 refers to (A) humid areas (B) these plants (C) insects (D) digestive fluids Langkah menjawab:

Untuk mencari jawaban pertanyaan ini, Anda harus melihat sebelum pronoun "they" beberapa kata benda jamak (plural nouns) yang dirujuki pronoun "they". Kita lihat, ada Humid areas (A) ,  , insects (C), dan these plants (B) berada sebelum pronoun "they", berarti salah satu dari ketiga ini adalah jawabannya. Sedangkan digestive fluids (D) sudah tereliminasi, karena berada setelah pronoun "they". Untuk mencari jawaban dari ketiga poin di atas, kita fahami dari isinya bahwa tanaman-tanaman ini (these plants) memiliki cairan pencernaan (digestive fluids) untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan nitrogen dari serangga. Maka, jawaban yang benar untuk pertanyaan ini adalah jawaban (B).

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Passage 2 (Adapted from computer TOEFL test): Carnivorous plants, such as the sundew and the Venus flytrap, are generally found in humid areas where there is an inadequate supply of nitrogen in the soil. In order to survive, these plants have developed mechanisms to trap insects within their foliage. They have digestive fluids to obtain the necessary nitroge from the insects. These plants trap the insects in a variety of ways. The sundew has sticky hairs on its leaves; l eaves; when an insect lands on these leaves,it gets caught up in the sticky hairs, and the leaf wraps itself around the insect. The leaves of the Venus-flytrap function more like a trap, snapping suddenly and forcefully shut around an insect. Look at the word it in the passage. Click on the word or phrase that it refers to: Langkah menjawab:

1.  Carilah bentuk pronoun yang dimaksudkan (Dalam (D alam teks diatas perlu diketahui bahwa ‘it’ adalah pronoun untuk singular noun). 2.  Untuk itu, carilah kata-kata sebelum ‘it’ it’ yang merujuk pada singular noun.( A variety, the sundew , dan an insect  adalah  adalah kata-kata yang berada sebelum pronoun).

3.  Cobalah ganti kata ‘it’ dengan ketiga kata tersebut. tersebut. (Dalam teks diatas, kata insect  adalah  adalah yang paling tepat menggantikan kata ‘it’ – An insect gets caught up in the sticky hairs). TIPS AND TRICK .



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cara Mengidentifikasi - The word X in line X refers to.... Pertanyaan

- The (pronoun) "...." in line X refers to which of the following?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mencari Jawaban

Jawabannya terdapat dalam bacaan. Biasanya sebelum pronoun tersebut berada.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cara Menjawab Pertanyaan

1. Cari pronoun yang ditanyakan di dalam bagian bacaan. 2. Lihat kata benda yang berada sebelum pronoun tersebut. 3. Baca bagian kalimat sebelum pronoun dengan cermat. 4. Eliminasi jawaban yang salah dan pilih jawaban yang tepat.

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EXERCISE :Study each of the passages and choose the best answers to the questions that follow. PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-2)

The full moon that occurs nearest the equinox of the Sun has become known as Line

theharvestmoon. It  is  is a bright moon which allowsfarmers to work late into the night for several


nights; they can can work when the moon is at its brightest to bring in the fall harvest. The harvest moon, ofcourse, occurs at different times of the year in the northern and southern hemispheres. In thenorthern hemisphere, the harvest moon occurs in September at the time of the autumnalequinox. In the southern hemisphere, the harvest moon occurs in March at the time of the vernal equinox. 1.  The pronoun "It" in line 2 refers to

2.  Look at the word “they” in the

(A) the equinox

passage.The word they refers to

(B) the sun

a. Farmers

(C) the harvest moon

b. The sun

(D) the night

c. Resident Evil d. The Harvest Moon

PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3-4)

Mardi Gras, which means "Fat Tuesday" in French, wasintroduced to America by Frenchcolonists in the early eighteenth century. From that time it has grown in popularity, particularlyin NewOrleans, and today it is actually a legal holiday in several southern states. The Mardi Line

Grascelebration in New Orleans begins well before the actual Mardi Gras Day. Parades, parties,


balls,and numerous festivities take place throughout the week before Mardi Gras Dax;tourists fromvariouscountries throughout the world flock to New Orleans for the celebration, wherethey takepart takepart in a week of nonstop activities before returning home for some much-needed rest. , 3.  The pronoun "it" in line 2 refers to (A) Mardi Gras (B) French (C) that time (D) New Orleans 4. Look at the word they in the passage.The passage.The word or phrase they re refers fers to A. New Orleans B. Fat Tuesday C. Mardi Grass D. Tourist

PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5-6)

The financial firm DowJones D owJones and Company computes business statistics every hour on the hour of each of the business days of the year, and these statistics are known as the DowJones averages.They are based on a select group ofstocks and bonds that are traded on the New YorkStock Line

Exchange. The DowJones averages are composed of four different types ofaverages: tthe he


average price of the common stock of thirty industrial firms, the average price of the common stock prices of twenty transportation companies, the average price of the common stock prices of fifteen utility companies, and an overall average ofall the sixty-five stocks used to compute the

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first three averages. Probably the average that is the most commonly used is the industrial average; it  is  is often used by an investor interested in checking the state of the stock market beforemaking (10)

an investment in an industrial stock. 5. The pronoun "They" in line 3 refers to (A) the bussiness days (B) these statistics (C) stocks and bonds (D) four different types

6. Look at the word they in the passage. The word or phrase it refers to A. Industrial Average B. The DowJones C. Financial Firm D. Stocks

PASSAGE ONE (Questions 7-8) The United States does not have a national university, but the idea has been around for quite some time. George Washington first recommended the idea i dea to Congress; he even selected an actual site in Washington, D.C., and then left an endowment for the proposed national university in his will. During Line

the century following the Revolution, the idea of a national university continued to receive the support


of various U.S. presidents, and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie pursued the cause at the beginning of the present century. Although the original idea has not yet been acted upon, it continues to be proposed in bills before Congress.

7. 7.Look Look at the word “he” in the passage.

8. The pronoun "it" in line 7 refers to

The word or phrase he refers to.

(A) the cause

A. Andrew Carniege

(B) the beginning of the presentcentury

B. Congress

(C) the original idea '

C. George Washington

(D) Congress

D. United States

Question 9-10 The La Brea tarpits, located in Hancock Park in the Los Angeles area, have proven to be anextremely fertile source of Ice Age fossils. Apparently, during the period of the Ice Age, thetarpits were covered by shallow pools of water; when animals came there to drink, they got caught in the sticky tar and perished. The tar not only trapped the animals, leading to their death, but it also served as a remarkably effective preservant, allowing near-perfect skeletons to remain hiddenuntil the present era. In 1906, the remains of a huge prehistoric bear discovered in the tarpits alertedarcheologists to the potential treasure lying within the tar. Since then thousands and thousands ofwell-preserved skeletons have been uncovered, including the skeletons of camels, horses, wolves, tigers, sloths, and dinosaurs.

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9.The pronoun "they" in line 3 refers to A. shallow pools of water B. Ice Age fossils C. animals D. The La Brea tarpits 10. Look at at the word it in paragraph 1. the word or phrase “it” refers to to  A. Seleton B. Death C. Era D. Tar PASSAGE THREE (Questions 11-13)

When the president of the United States wants to get away from the hectic pace in Washington, D.C., Camp David is the place to go. Camp David, in a wooded mountain area about70 miles from Washington, D.C., is where the president goes to find so solitude. litude. It consists of livingspace for Line

the president, the first family, and the presidential staff as well as sporting andrecreational facilities.


Camp David was established by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1942. He found the site particularly appealing in that its mountain air provided relief from the summer heat of Washington and its remote location offered a more relaxing environment than could be achievedin the capital city. When Roosevelt first established the retreat, he called it Shangri-La, which evoked the (10)

blissful mountain kingdom injames Hilton's novel Lost Horizon. Later, President Dwight DavidEisenhower renamed the location Camp David after his grandson David Eisenhower. Camp David has been used for a number of significant meetings. In 1943 during World WarII, President Roosevelt met there with Great Britain's Prime Minister Winston Churchill. In 1959at the height of the Cold War, President Eisenhower met there with Soviet Premier NikitaKhrushchev, the beautiful woman,


in 1978 President Jimmy Carter sponsored peace talks between Israel's PrimeMinister Menachem Begin and Egypt's President Anwar el-Sadat at the retreat at Camp David.

11. Look at the word It in paragraph 1. Line 3. The word or phrase that ‘it’ refers to (A) David Camp (B) Camp David (C) Washington D.C. (D) Franklin D. Roosevelt

12. The pronoun "he" in line 10 refers to (A)  Camp David (B)  Roosevelt (C)  James Hilton (D)  Presidents Dwight David Eisenhower

13. The word “the beautiful woman” refers to  to  (A) Nikita Willy (B) Nikita Khrushchev (C) Winston Churchill (D) Anwar

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PASSAGE THREE (Questions 13-19)

Theories about the movement of the continents have evolved over time as the ability to conduct scientific study of the continents has improved. Thus, today's theory of plate tectonics, rather than contradicting its predecessor, had its roots in the older theory of continental drift. Line

According to the theory of continental drift, the continents are not fixed in position but


instead move slowly across the surface of the earth, constantly changing in position relative to one another. This theory was first fi rst proposed in the eighteenth century when mapmakers noticed how closely the continents of the earth fit together when [they] were matched up. Itwas suggestedthen that the present-day continents had once been one large continent that had broken up intopieces which drifted apart.


Today the modern theory of plate tectonics has developed from the theory of continental drift. The theory of plate tectonics suggests that the crust of the earth is divided in to six large, l arge, and many small, tectonic plates that drift on the lava that composes the inner core of the earth. These plates consist of ocean floor and continents that quite probably began breaking up and moving relative to one another more than 200 million years ago

14.  The word “it” in line 7 refers to  to   (A)  Theory of continental drift (B)  The Big Bang Theory

15 15.. Look at the word ‘they’ in paragraph 2. The word or phrase that ‘they’ refers to (A) Theory of continental drift (B) Mapmakers (C) Earth (D) Plate Tectonics

(C)  Theory of everything (D)  Only theory

References Gear, R. (1993). Cambridge preparation for TOEFL® test . Cambridge: Cambridge University Pess. Gear, J., & Gear, R. (2006). Internet-based Cambridge preparation for TOEFL® test . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Munoz, M. E., & Pyle, M. A. (20014). CLIFFS preparation guide TOEFL®: Versi Indonesia-Inggris. Tuban: IKAPI Indonesia. Phillips, D. (2003). Longman complete sourse for TOEFL® test . New York: Person Longman. Rogers, B (2005). Petereson’s TOEFL® success. New Jersey: Peterson. Information about TOEFL ®. Retrieved from  from  and 

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