SECTION 1, PART A Direction : in Part A, you will hear short
conversation between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, nd the number of the question and ll in the space that corresponds corresponds to the letter of the answer you
NUMBER 1 A. Ther There e are many many dierent dierent airline airline fares fares available B. Travel aents aents are are all the same !. "t matters matters wher where tic#ets tic#ets are are issued issued $. "t ma#es ma#es no dierence dierence where where are the tic#ets tic# ets re purchased
NUMBER 2 A. They should should be pic# pic#ed befor before e they%re they%re ripe B. They won%t won%t be be pic# pic#ed until until ne&t ne&t year !. They They%ll %ll et et pic#ed pic#ed when when they turn turn a certain 'oor $. They should have been pic# pic#ed ed already already
NUMBER 3 A. The wom woman an should should not not move move o campus B. A two(bed two(bedro room om apartme apartment nt may be too too e&pensive !. The woman woman shoul should d pay the rent rent by by chec# $. The univers university ity has a list of renta rentall properties
NUMBER 4 A. )udy is thin#i thin#in n about about etti ettin n her her hair cut B. The man of often 'att 'atter ers s )udy )udy !. *he hasn%t seen )udy% )udy%s s new new hairc haircut ut $. *he arees arees with with the man about about )udy%s )udy%s appearance
NUMBER 5 A. Pic#in up her friends B. +atchin a movie !. Tal#in on the phone $. atin dinner
NUMBER 6 A. -otify the post oce of his address B. Answer the letters after he moves !. !hec# to see if the mail has arrived $. *end the letter by special delivery
NUMBER 7 A. /e%s decided to o without lasses B. /is reular lasses are bein repaired !. /e thin#s his eyesiht is improvin $. /e doesn%t li#e his new lasses
NUMBER 8 A. Tal# to $r. Boyd about an assinment B. 0a#e an appointment with their teacher on 1riday !. 0eet $r. Boyd at the library $. 2eturn their boo#s to the library
NUMBER A. There%s no orane 3uice in the machine B. The machine is bro#en !. /e prefers mil# to orane 3uice $. /e doesn%t li#e orane 3uice
NUMBER 1! A. *he%s sorry the man isn%t bein promoted B. The man shouldn%t ta#e the new 3ob !. "t isn%t easy to #eep secrets at wor# $. *he won%t tell anyone about the man%s promotion
NUMBER 11 A. /e has made other plans for lunch B. /e%d li#e to as# Bill to 3oin them !. /e has already eaten his lunch $. /e%s meetin Bill in the cafeteria tomorrow
NUMBER 12 A. !omplainin about the man%s behavior B. $enyin her involvement in an arument !. 2epeatin an insensitive remar# $. Acceptin the man%s apoloy
NUMBER 13 A. The man may use the telephone soon B. *he%s waitin for a call !. *he%ll call 4eore for the man $. The man should hurry
NUMBER 14 A. /er class meets more often than Professor Brown%s B. *he%s dicult to understand !. /er lectures are interestin $. *he ives loner assinments than Professor Brown
NUMBER 15 A. was surprised that the e&am was so dicult B. The e&am had more sections than she e&pected*he !. Part of the e&am was easier than she e&pected $. *he didn%t have time to study for the e&am
NUMBER 16 A. /e%s only nished half of his lunch B. /e%s oin to eat soon !. /e%ll start wor#in half an hour from now $. /e%ll continue to wor# until he nishes
NUMBER 17 A. The ban# stayed open later than usual B. The ban# was closed when she ot there !. *he was able to do her ban#in $. *he didn%t have enouh time to o to the ban#
NUMBER 18 A. The woman will ive the man an information #it B. The woman can%t nd the list !. The man has to sin his name $. The man has already paid to attend the conference
NUMBER 1 A. *he doesn%t #now the way B. The caf5 isn%t mar#ed on the map !. The man should et his own map $. The caf5 is near the information des#
NUMBER 2! A. /e%d li#e to et ride from the woman B. /e thin#s the woman is oin to wron way !. /e doesn%t want to o downtown $. /e lives very near the woman
NUMBER 21 A. /e%ll miss seein the woman at wor# B. /e%ll schedule a dierent dental appointment !. /e%ll try to ma#e arranements for the woman $. /e%ll see the woman at the dentist%s oce
NUMBER 22 A. "t%s easy to et sic# in cold weather B. The woman should avoid ettin cold !. The woman should et more rest $. $ressin warmly can prevent illness
NUMBER 23 A. The class schedule has been chaned B. The man will not be able to o to the store before the class !. The man won%t be ready for toniht%s class $. The class schedule has been chaned . *he%ll ta#e the man to the mall toniht
NUMBER 24 A. 2ichard often oes home early B. The woman e&pected 2ichard to be at home !. The woman called 2ichard 67 minutes ao $. 2ichard should not leave wor# early
NUMBER 25 A. *he hopes the store hasn%t already closed B. The store will probably o out of business soon !. *he doesn%t have time to buy roceries now $. The store on the corner has inconvenient hours.
NUMBER 26 A. The T8%s plu miht be bro#en B. The man can%t aord to & the T8 !. The man%s house has no electricity $. The T8 miht not need to be &ed
NUMBER 27 A. As# 4ary to move the woman%s furniture B. 1ind out if a bier oce is available !. 4et a new computer for the woman $. 2equest a new chair for the woman
NUMBER 28 A. /is bac# problems have aected his wor# recently B. /is wor# is viewed favorably !. The supervisor hasn%t e&plained what he needs to do $. /e%s impressed by his supervisor
NUMBER 2 A. The slide pro3ector has been repaired B. The room is ready for the meetin !. veryone is waitin for the meetin to bein $. /e%ll ta#e care of the slide pro3ector after lunch
NUMBER 3! A. $ress warmly B. +ear a blue 3ac#et !. +ear somethin cool $. +ear cotton pants
Direction" : in this part of the test, you will
hear loner conversation. After each conversation, you will hear several questions. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, nd the number of the question and ll in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
NUMBER 31 A. To B. To !. To $. To
et help in ndin a new collee ll out an application for the collee chane his ma3or nd out how to chane dormitories
NUMBER 32 A. /is tuition will not be refunded B. A small school does not oer a wide rane of courses !. !hanin his ma3ors involves a lot of paperwor# $. /e may no be able to transfer all his credits
NUMBER 33 A. /is classes are too dicult B. /e doesn%t li#e his professors !. /e can%t transfer his credits form his previous school $. /e doesn%t et alon with his roommate
NUMBER 34 A. The admissions oce B. The reistrar%s oce !. The housin oce $. The math department
NUMBER 35 A. *he has proled in a literary 3ournal B. *he has won a literary award !. /er novel has sold very well $. /er contract with a publisher has been e&tended
NUMBER 36 A. A B. A !. A $. A
radio announcer criminal poet police ocer
NUMBER 37 A. To learn more about her research ndins B. To learn how she writes so many boo#s !. To nd ways to improve his own writin $. To nd out how she learned to write poetry
NUMBER 38 A. To #eep trac# of the number of hours she spends writin B. To ta#e a notes for newspaper articles !. To record ideas she has when she is not at her des# $. To document evidence for a police investiation
SECTION 1, PART C Direction": in this part of the test, you
will hear several short tal#s. After each tal#, you will hear some questions. The tal#s and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, nd the number of the question and ll in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer
NUMBER 3 A. Preparin for a hurricane B. vacuation procedures !. $amae caused by a hurricane $. !oastal weather patterns
NUMBER 4! A. The navy B. A overnment weather aency !. A local shelter $. *tate police headquarters
NUMBER 41 A. !over windows B. Buy a supply of food and water !. 9eave coastal areas $. 9ocate the nearest shelter
NUMBER 42 A. 4as stations miht not be open B. The may need to drive neihbors to shelters !. 1uel miht increase in price $. There may not be lon lines at the as stations
NUMBER 43 A. 4overnment mail delivery in cities B. A comparison of urban and rural mail delivery !. The economic impact of mail delivery on rural areas $. The introduction of mall delivery in rural areas
NUMBER 44 A. "t was paid by the nited *tates !onress B. "t was run by private companies !. "t was mainly for farmers $. "t was reulated by the overnment
NUMBER 45 A. 0any post oce locations were inconvenient B. There were not enouh mail carries to deliver mail !. The postal rates were too hih $. Bad roads delayed mail delivery
NUMBER 46 A. The thouht it should have been lon before B. They thouht it had to be accepted despite its cost !. They thouht it was unnecessary $. They were indierent to it
NUMBER 47 A. The life of 1riedrich 0ohs B. A method of identifyin minerals !. A famous collection of mineral $. The properties of quart; crystal
NUMBER 48 A. "ts chemical composition B. "ts estimated value !. "ts crystalline structure $. "ts relative hardness
NUMBER 4 A. "dentify the tools he is usin B. !ollect some minerals as homewor# !. Apply the information iven in the tal# $. Pass their papers to the front of the room
NUMBER 5! A. +hen it is scratched in dierent directions B. +hen it surface is scratched too frequently !. /en reater pressure is applied $. +hen the testes uses the wron tools
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