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P  T M  P  B  O

A Comprehensive Listing of  All Volumes by Grade, 2011

Beginning Band, volumes 1–2 Band, volumes 1 (2nd ed.)–8 Orchestra, Orch estra, volumes 1–3

GIA Publications, Inc.


Core Components T B

 Part I  presents   presents essays by the leading lights of instrumental music education, written specifically for the eaching Music  series to instruct, inform, enlighten, inspire, and encourage music directors in their daily tasks.

 Part II  presents  presents eacher Resource Guides that provide practical, detailed reference to the best-known and foundational band compositions, Grades 2–6,* and their composers. In addition to historical background and analysis, music directors will find insight and practical guidance for streamlining and energizing rehearsals. T B R

 North exas exas Wind Symphony Internationally acknowledged as one of the premier ensembles of its kind, the North exas Wind Symphony is selected from the most outstanding musicians attending the North exas exas College of Music. Te ensemble pursues the highest professional standards and is determined to bring its audiences exemplary repertoire from all musical periods, cultures, and styles.

 Eugene Migliaro Corporon Conductor of the Wind Symphony and Regents Professor of Music at the University of North exas, Eugene Corporon `also serves as the Director of Wind Studies, guiding all aspects of the program. His performances have drawn praise from colleagues, composer, and critics alike. His ensembles have performed for numerous conventions and clinics across the world, and have recorded over 600 works featured on over 100 recordings. T O R

 Michigan State University Symphony Orchestra Te Symphony Orchestra, established in 1927, presented the gala opening concert of the Music Educators Midwestern Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and performed the opening concert in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Midwest International Conference of Bands and Orchestras in Chicago. Te Symphony Orchestra has recorded for Koch International Classics, Arizona University Records, GIA Records, and PBS specials.

 Leon Gregorian Leon Gregorian is professor of music, director of orchestras, and head of the graduate orchestral conducting program at the Michigan State University College of Music. He holds degrees from the New England Conservatory of Music and Michigan State University. Gregorian has guest-conducted leading orchestras in Venezuela, Mexico, South Korea, Italy, Rumania, Armenia, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Czech Republic, Australia, and the People’s Republic of China, as well as many orchestras in the United States.

Tese landmark recordings emphasize the importance of comprehensive conceptual learning  in the music-making process as well as the value of performing music of artistic significance.

*For information about the grading nomenclature used in Beginning Band, volumes 1 and 2, see page two of this list.


Trough the Years with the eaching Music Series Tirteen years ago, a team of nationally recognized band directors and teachers came together to produce a long-needed resource that would provide theoretical, analytical, and practical information for band directors desiring to help students move beyond the printed page toward musical awareness and understanding.   Tat team, under the the able able leadership leadership of Richard Richard Miles, Director of Bands at Morehead State University University,, created an invaluable asset and inaugurated a pioneering series of guides to the significant band literature of the day: eaching Music through Performance in Band, Volu Volume me 1, accompanied by recordings of selected pieces featured in the book.   Beginning with the first volume in 1997, the eaching Music series has grown to seven volumes for band (including the new revised second edition of volume 1), two for beginning band, and one each for marches and  jazz ensembles.   oday eaching Music through Performance, including resources for choir and orchestra, is a series of resource guides very much alive and growing that encompasses an incredible 11,000-plus pages covering more than 1,400 pieces of significant music literature supported by more than 70 compact discs. In addition to these printed and recorded materials, music directors have at their fingertips a website dedicated to helping them get the most from the series, with a searchable database of all selections and over 1,000 MP3 audio clips.   o all who have enjoyed and benefited from these materials, GIA both thanks you and encourages encourages you to look forward to the new resources to come.

For a complete searchable index of works covered in the eaching   Music series, as well as audio clips of more than 1,000 pieces, visit 

GIA Publications, Inc. 7404 Mason Avenue •• (708) Chicago, IL 60638 (800) South GIA-1358(442-1358) 496-3800 • Fax: (708) 496-3828 Copyright © 2010 GIA Publications, Inc.


eachng Music through Performance in Band Beginning Band, volumes 1–2 Band, volumes 1–8 Note: Te grading nomenclature used in Beginning Band, Band , volume 1 differs from that of Beginning Band, Band , volume 2 due to a change in the prevailing terminology since the release of volume 1. Here the two systems are laid out for comparison:            

Volume 1 Entry-level Intermediate-level Advanced-level Advance d-level

Volume 2 11 1+ 22

G 󰀱- / E 

 Afric an Folk rilogy  African  Anasazi  Ayre and Dance  Barn Dance Danc e Saturday Night Canterbury Overture Chant and Canon Chant and Celebration  Dimensionss  Dimension Glorioso  Hotaru Koi  Japanese Folk rilogy  Madrigal for Band Ban d  Midnight Sky Te Minute Arachnida  Rising Star Samurai  A Shaker Hymn Siyahamba wo Appalachian Songs   Once I Had a Sweetheart    Cindy Visions on an Old American une

C McGinty, Anne Edmondson, John Pearson, Pearso n, Bruce La Plante, Pierre McGinty, Anne O’Reilly, John O’Reilly, John/Feldstein, Sandy Ford, Ralph Smith,, Robert W. Smith Fairchild, Nancy McGinty, Anne Wilbye, John/McGinty, Anne Balmages, Brian Jordan, Robert Hazo, Samuel R. Ward, Barr Barryy O’Reilly, John Wagner, Dougl Douglas as Story, Michael

Pegram, Pegra m, Wayne

V V BB1 BB1 BB1 BB1 BB1 BB1 BB1 BB2 BB1 BB1 BB1 BB1 BB2 BB1 BB2 BB2 BB1 BB2 BB2

P 99 128 141 145 151 166 62 218 195 200 228 252 285 260 329 344 322 369 433



G 󰀱 / I 

 Afric an Festival  African  African  Afric an Sketches  Ahrirang

C V V  Hillard, Hill ard, Quincy/Elledge, Chuck/Pearson, Bruce BB1 Curnow, James BB1 Garofalo, Robert/Whaley, Garwood BB1

 Air and Dance  All Ye Young Young Sailors  Andante con moto

Kinyon, John La Plante, Pierre Schubert, Franz/Bul Franz/Bulla, la, Stephen


P 92 105 110 115 119 103




G 󰀱 / I 

 Arioso  Ave Verum Verum Corpus Corpu s  Bells of Freedom Freedo m  Brother James’ Air Cahokia

C Visconti, John Mozart, W.A./Wil .A./Williams, liams, Mark Gillingham, Gilli ngham, David R. Bain, MacBeth/Wagner MacBeth/Wagner,, Douglas Spears, Jared

Canticle Celebration for Winds Chippewa Lullaby Concert Contrasts Contredanse Court Festival Courtland County Festival Crusade  Danse Antiqua Ant iqua  Fanfare for a New Age Gathering in the Glen  Hungarian Folkround Folk round  Imperium

Wagner, Dougl Douglas as Edmondson, John McGinty, Anne Palmer, Robert Clark, Larr Larryy Pearson, Pearso n, Bruce Owens, Willia William m Gassi, Vince Sharp, Chris Story, Michael Sweeney, Michael Garofalo, Robert/Whaley, Garwood Sweeney, Michael


182 162 188 177 181 191 196 207 212 231 236 206 217

 La Volta  Little Brazil Suite Suit e   Marcha, Soldaro!    Capelina de Melão   Ciranda, Cirandina  Liturgical  Liturgic al Fanfare  Maesong  May Day in Red Square  Modal song and Dance D ance  Mountain Song  Nottingham Castle C astle  Pioneer Songs  Pirate’s Cove

Byrd, Willia William/Fenske, m/Fenske, Katheryn Balent, Andrew


239 260

Smith , Robert W. Smith, Owens, Willia William m Prentice, Christopher/Lambrecht Del Borgo, Elliot Spears, Jared Daehn, Larr Larryy Daehn, Larr Larryy Milford, Gene


249 265 280 264 291 284 302 312

 A Prehistor ic Suite Prehistoric  Primordium  Russian Folk Dance Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) Shenandoah Skye Boat Song Song for Friends Southern Chorale and March Star Ship Star Voyage Storm Mountain Jubilee Symphony No. 15, Finale wo Dances from “Capriol Suite”

Jennings, Paul Willia ms, Mark Lucas, Elena Story, Stor y, Mike Smith, Robert/Story, Michael O’Reilly, John Daehn, Larr Larryy Houllif, Houlli f, Murray O’Reilly, John Milford, Gene Strommen, Carl Mozart, W.A./Daehn, Larr Larryy Warlock, Peter/Vinson, Johnnie


290 302 334 317 359 375 325 381 394 387 398 405 441

   Basse Danse Mattachins Mattac hins (sword dance) wo English Dances

O’Reilly, O’Reil ly, John



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V V BB1 BB2 BB2 BB2 BB2

P 132 151 161 16 1 171 177




G 󰀱 / I 

wo Russian Folksongs Üsküdar Ye Banks and Braes O’ Bonnie Doon

C Gingery, Ralph Smith, Robert/Story, Michael Sweeney, Michael

V V BB1 BB2 BB2

P 383 449 456

C Edmondson, John Handel, G.F./Elledge, Chuck

V V BB1 BB2

P 124 144

G 󰀱+ / A 

 Amazing Grace  Ariodantee Suite  Ariodant   Gavotte   Musette   Chorus Choral Prelude: “All Tings Bright and Beautiful” Clouds Country Wildflowers  Early One Morning Greek Folk rilogy  Imaginary Soundscape No. No . 2  In Dulci Jubilo

Smith , Claude . Smith, McGinty, Anne Daehn, Larr Larryy Stubbs, Duncan McGinty, Anne Del Borgo, Elliot Zdechlik, Zdechli k, John


169 173 187 224 242 212 222

 Incantati on and Ritual  Incantation Ritua l  An Irish Air  Jeanette,, Isabella  Jeanette  Journey Down Niagara  March of the Brigadier Briga dier Guards  Music from f rom thee Great Hall  A New World Adventure  Praises  Psalm 42  A Quiet Rain  Rainbow Bridge Scenes of Russia Simple Song

Balmages, Brian Sheldon, Robert Ryden, Willi William am ucker, Chr Christopher istopher Sullivan, Sull ivan, Arthur/Pearson, Bruce Fenske, Katheryn Court, Douglas Spears, Jared Hazo, Samuel R. Cummings, Cumming s, Walter McGinty, McGint y, Ann Annee Del Borgo, Elliot Hultgren, Ralph


250 132 236 255 272 270 112 320 324 307 313 350 363

Song for the Winter Moon Space Echoes Te Stars Asleep, the Break of Day  A Summer Waltz Te empest Teme and Variations rain Heading West and Other Outdoor Scenes Te wo Minute Symphony

Cumming s, Walter Cummings, Visconti, John Margolis, Bob Houllif, Houlli f, Murray Smith,, Robert W. Smith Broege, imothy Broege, imothy Margolis, Robert


331 337 346 125 352 361 365 379

V V BB2 BB2

P 413 297

G 󰀲 (B B) 

Te Band in the Square Our Kingsland Spring

C La Plante, Pierre Hazo, Samuel R.

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011




G 󰀲+ 

C Broege, imothy Sweeney, Michael Bobrowitz, David Moss, John

V V BB2 BB2 BB2 BB2

P 155 201 120 420

V V  6 5 5 3 3 8 5 1 6 7 7


 Abracadabra  Air and March  Air for Winds  All the Pretty Prett y Little Horses Horse s  Along the Caney Cane y Fork  Amen!  Ammerlandde  Ancient Voices  Animal Krackers  Apache Lullaby  April

C icheli, Frank Purcell, Henry/Gordon Shelton, Melvin McGinty, Anne Hosay,, James Hosay Ticheli, Frank Haan, Jacob Sweeney, Michael ucker, Chr Christopher istopher Colgrass, Michael Perrine, Aaron

 Aria  Arioso  Arrows of Lightning  As Summer Was Just Beginning Beg inning  As orrents in Summer  As Winds Wind s Dance  AspenSongg  AspenSon  Aztec Dance D ance  A Ballad, Ballad , Teme, and Variations Variat ions for Band  Balladair  A Basque Lullaby Lullab y  Te Battle Pavane  Be Tou My Vision

elemann, Georg Philipp/Daehn Williams, James Clifton Pütz, Marco Daehn, Larr Larryy Elgar, Sir Edward/Davis Hazo, Samuel R Cummings, Cummin gs, Walter Story, Michael Nelhybel, Va Vaclav clav Erickson, Frank Forrest, Dan Susato, ielman/Margolis Clark, Larry

6 8 8 1 2 7 7 4 4 3 8 1 7

176 210 217  74 118 171 177 124 113 128 224 77 182

Te Beethoven Machine  Bloom  Blue Ridge Overture Overt ure  Bosnian Folk Songs Song s  British Isles Suite Suit e Canticle Caprice Carpathian Sketches Cathedral Music Chant Rituals  A Child’s Embrace Childgrove  A Childhood Hymn

Colgrass, Michael Bryant, Steven Erickson, Frank Allen, Fred Daehn, Larr Larryy Pearson, Bruce Himes, William Jager, Robert allis, Tomas/Handel, Jacob/ Jacob/Singleton Singleton Del Borgo, Elliot Young, Charles Rochester Speck, Frederick Holsinger, David

6 8 5 4 4 8 4 1 6 3 4 7 1

248 231 134 129 138 240 149 81 181 133 119 189 85

Colors of a New Day  A Cowboy Life Creed

Meacham, Aaron Houllif, Houlli f, Murray Himes, William

7 6 3

197 153 138

 Bartok Variations Variat ions Crossings in ime  A Sailor’s Odyssey Odysse y Tree Renaissance Dances

G 󰀲 (B) 

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158 116 122 116 121 201 127 70 167 157 163




G 󰀲 (B) 

Cumberland Cross  Dance of the Fir Darrig D arrig  Declaration  Declarati on and Dance  Dinosaurs  Dorian Landscape L andscapess

C Strommen, Carl Carroll, Fergal Clark, Larry Bukvich, Bukv ich, Daniel Kopetz, Barr Barryy

V P V 4 154 245 8 3 142 146 3 5 139

 Down Count Lane  Down abyCountry the Salley Sarylley Gardens  Downtown Dash Da sh  Early English Suite  Echoes f rom a Russian Cathedral  Ere the World Began to Be…  Fa Una Canzona Canzon a  Fanfare Ode and Festival  Fitzwilliam Suite Suit e  Flurry for Winds and Percussion  For the New Day Arisen Aris en  Four Breton Dances Dance s  Four Sketches

Copland, Aaron/Patterson Danner, Greg Daughtrey, Nathan Duncombe, Willia William, m, and James Hook/Finlayson chaikovsky, Piotr Ilyich/Singleton Stamp, Jack Vecchi, Orazio/Daehn Margolis, Bob, after Claude Gervais Gervaisee Gordon, Philip Kinyon, John Barton, Steven Broege, imothy Bartok, Bela/Schaefer

1 6 8 2 7 3 3 2 5 4 5 7 5

88 190 253 122 204 151 154 128 151 159 161 214 166

Ghost Grant Walk County Celebration Green Passacaglia Greenwillow Portrait Gypsydance  Harvest Hymn Te Headless Horseman  A Hymn for Band  In a French Garden  In Heaven’s Air  In the Bleak Midwinter Midwint er  In the Shining of the Stars Sta rs  An Irish Interlude Inte rlude

Brubeck, Chris Williams, Mark Broege, imothy Williams, Mark Holsinger, David Grainger, Percy/Kreines Broege, imothy Stuart,, Hugh Stuart Meyer, Richard Hazo, Samuel Holst, Gustav/S Gustav/Smith mith Sheldon, Robert Barker, Warren

8 3 6 1 3 4 1 3 5 5 2 3 3

259 159 195 92 164 163 96 168 175 180 132 172 125

 Jeanie  Jessie’s Well  Joy  Kachina: Chant C hant and Spirit Dance D ance  Katsistaa (Iroquois Campfire)  Katsist C ampfire)  Kentucky  Korean Folk Rhapsody  Korean Folk Song Medley  Legend of Knife River  Let Your Spirit Sing  Linden Lea Te Lion of Lucerne  A Little French Suite Su ite

Foster, Stephen/Kinyon Hultgren, Ralph icheli, Frank McGinty, Anne Grady, Michael 1800 Grundman, Clare Curnow, James Ployhar, James Bulla, Stephen Giroux, Julie Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams/Stout ms/Stout Curnow, James La Plante, Pierre

3 7 6 4 7 1 1 2 3 8 1 4 2

175 219 201 169 225 100 104 137 178 267  108 174 140

 Little Suite for Band B and  A Little ango Music  Llwyn Onn

Grundman, Clare Gorb, Adam Hogg, Brian

1 7 1

112 232 117

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011




G 󰀲 (B) 

C urrin, Joseph Gould, Morton Stamp, Jack La Plante, Pierre

V P V 7 242 122 1 8 272 248 7

Te New ANZACS  New Wade ’N Water  No Shade so Rare R are Odysseus and the Sirens Of Spirit and Splendor Old Churches Old Scottish Melody (Auld Lang Syne) Orion Overture on a Minstrel une Overture on a Shaker une  Parade of the Wooden Warriors  Pax  Peace Song

Hogg, Brian Hailstork, Adolph Adolphus us Handel, G. F. F./Forsblad /Forsblad Wilson, Dana Young, Charles Rochester Colgrass, Michael Wiley, Charles A. Van der Roost, Jan La Plante, Pierre Higgins, Higgin s, John Gorb, Adam McMichael, Catherine Broege, imothy

2 5 6 8 6 4 2 5 4 3 8 6 1

145 187 209 279 215 180 149 195 187 182 287  219 128

 Peregrin: raveler’s ale  Poéme A raveler’s  Polly Oliver  Portrait of a Clown  Prairie Schooner Scho oner  Present Joys Jo ys  Prospect  Psalm  Radio Flyer Te Red Balloon Te Red River Valley  Renaissance  Renaissa nce Festival and Dances D ances  Rhenish Folk Festival

Akey, Douglas Stalter, Stal ter, odd Root, Tomas icheli, Frank Preuninger, Bruce Hartley, Hartle y, Walter S. La Plante, Pierre Himes, William Gibson, John McGinty, Anne La Plante, Pierre Pearson, Bruce Davis, Albert Oliver

2 7 2 1 6 8 1 8 7 1 5 3 2

153 256 158 132 224 294 136 304 261 139 199 185 162

 Rhythm Stand  Rites of amburo  Rivers  Romantic Ballad Balla d  Russian Folk Fantasy Sandy Bay March Scenes from erezin (2005) Sea Song rilogy Second Prelude  A Shaker Gift Song Shaker Variants Simple Gifts Sinfonia VI: Te Four Elements

Higdon, Jennifer Smith,, Robert W. Smith Hazo, Samuel R Doss, Tomas Curnow, James West, Brian Stamp, Jack McGinty, Anne Gershwin, George/Krance icheli, Frank Del Borgo, Elliot Ployhar, James Broege, imothy

6 5 6 6 4 2 7 5 8 5 5 5 3

230 203 238 242 193 166 267 208 315 101 213 218 189

Snake Snakes!Charmer Soldiers’ Procession and Sword Dance

Standridge, Randall D. Duffy, Duff y, Tomas Margolis, Bob, after ielman Susato

8 1 1

310 144 148

 Lullaby for Noah  Mini Suite  Miniature Overture Over ture  Music for the King’s King ’s Delight (A Suite from Centuries Past)

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1 800 442 1358




G 󰀲 (B) 

Songs of the Whaleman Suite from Bohemia  A allis Prelude Te ango Disappearing Tey Led My Lord Away

C Del Borgo, Elliot Nelhybel, Va Vaclav clav Akey, Douglas Broege, Timothy Gordon, Adoniram J./ J./Allen Allen

V P V 4 198 170 2 5 108 327  8 2 173

Tree Chinese Miniatures Tree Folk Miniatures Tree Hungarian Songs Tree on the Isle Tree Pieces for American Band, Set No. 2 o a Distant Place o Dream in Brushstrokes oledo ribute ricycle wo British Folk Songs wo Grieg Songs wo Hebrew Folk Songs (Songs for Chanukah)

Jager, Robert Jutras, Andre Bartok, Bela/Gordon Stuart,, Hugh M. Stuart Broege, imothy Strommen, Carl Oare, Michael Carlson, Bruce Cross, ravis J. Boysen, Jr, Andrew Del Borgo, Elliot Grieg, Edvard/Balent Ward, Norman

4 6 2 2 2 8 8 4 7 4 6 2 4

208 261 177 180 184 334 344 222 274 233 269 190 238

Variation VariationsOverture on a Sailing Song Voyages on a Rowing Song Westridge Overture When the Stars Began to Fall While I Watch the Yellow Wheat Whirlwind Te Willows of Winter With Each Sunset (Comes the Promise of a New Day) With rumpets Sounding

Williams, Clifton Strommen, Carl Himes, William Barnes, James Allen, Fred Daehn, Larr Larryy Blackshaw,, Jodie Blackshaw Brooks, B. J Saucedo, Richard L.

4 7 8 2 3 5 7 6 6

243 282 352 195 193 224 287 256 278

Hultgren, Ralph



G 󰀳 

…and the antelope play  Acrostic Song  Adagio for Winds W inds  Air for Band  Albanian Dance  Alligator Alley  Ambrosian Hymn Variants  America Verses  American Riversongs Rivers ongs  Americanaa Folk Suite  American  Americanss Lost  American and a time

C Carnahan, Carnah an, John Alan Del Tredici, David Del Borgo, Elliot Erickson, Frank Hanson, Shelley Daugherty, Michael White, Donald H Broege, imothy La Plante, Pierre Kopetz, Barr Barryy ucker, Chr Christopher istopher Jordan, Jeff

 Angel Band  Antiphon

Hartle y, Walter Hartley, ull, Fisher

V V  7 6 2 1 8 5 7 7 3 2 6 6

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011

4 7

P 315 289 204 154 365 241 297 307 198 207 294 302 253 322




G 󰀳 

 Australian Up-Countr Up -Countryy une  Ave Maria Te Battell  Belle Qui ien ie n Ma Vie  Black Canyon of the Gunnison

C Grainger, Percy/Bainum Biebl, Franz/Cameron Byrd, Willia William/Jacob m/Jacob Margolis, Bob, after Toinot Arbeau Erickson, Frank

 Black  Blackwater water  Blessed Are Tey  Bouquets,  Bouquet s, Op. . 87  Branden’s Rainbow  Brazilian Folk Dance Danc e Suite Cajun Folk Songs Candide Suite Canterbury Chorale Canticle of the Creatures Cape Breton Postcard Chant and Jubilo Chorale Prelude: Be Tou My Vision Colorado Peaks

Carroll, Fergal Brahms, Johannes/Buehlman Mailman, Martin Boysen, Andrew, Jr. Rhoads, Willi William am E. icheli, Frank Bernstein, Leonard/Grundma Leonard/Grundman n Van der Roost, Jan Curnow, James McMichael, Catherine McBeth, W. Franc Francis is Stamp, Jack Wilson, Dana

7 1 4 6 2 1 4 3 8 6 1 3 7

328 163 272 307 212 166 281 205 383 314 31 4 170 210 334

Come Sweet Death (Komm’, Süsser od) Concord Court Festival Courtly Airs and Dances Crystals  Dance Sinfonia  Dancing at Stonehenge Stone henge  Daydream  Dedicatory  Dedicat ory Overture Overt ure  Deir’ in De De  Different Voices  Down Long ford Way/Shenandoah Way/Shenandoah  A Downland SuiteIreland Suit eIreland

Bach, Johann Sebastian/Reed Grundman, Grundma n, Clare Latham, Willia William m P. Nelson, Ron Duffy, Duff y, Tomas Fisher, Denn Dennis is W. Suter,, Anthony Suter Mahr, Mah r, imothy Williams, James Clifton Barker, Warren Kirby, Rick Grainger, Percy/ Percy/Osmon Osmon John/Steadman-Allen

1 4 1 3 4 6 6 2 7 3 7 3 2

173 293 176 17 6 213 301 323 330 217 342 223 349 226 221

 A Dream of Coming Home  DreamCircus  Dreams and an d Fancies  Dusk  Early One Morning Te Echo Never Fades  Escape from f rom Chronopolis  Fantasy on “Sakura, “S akura, Sakura” Sa kura”  Fantasy on “Yankee Doodle” Doodl e”  Fantasy on a Japanese Japane se Folk Song  Fantasy on Childhood Chil dhood Songs  Fantasy on English Folksongs  Fantasy Variations Variation s on Gershwin’s

Carnahan, John Alan Deemer, Rob Broege, imothy Bryant, Steven La Plante, Pierre Gillingham, Gilli ngham, David Clark, Reber Cramer, Ray E. Willia ms, Mark Hazo, Samuel R Moore, David W. Milford, Gene Grantham, Donald

8 7 2 6 6 5 6 2 2 6 6 8 6

396 396 356 224 339 344 350 349 228 232 355 362 402

 Prelude I I(ein for Piano  Ferne WeiteII Landsch aftsbild) Landschaftsbild) Te Fire of Eternal Glory

Rudin, Rolf Shostakovich, Dmitri/Rhea

7 5

362 357

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V V  1 3 6 1 4

P 157 202 423 160 267




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 Flouris h for Wind Band  Flourish  Footsteps  Fortresss  Fortres  Four Sketches for Band Giles Farnaby Suite

C Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams, ms, Ralph Wilson, Dana icheli, Frank Pütz, Marco Jacob, Gordon

V V  1 8 5 8 4

P 179 414 255 421 316

Ginger Marmalade Glenbury Grove Greek Folk Song Suite  Hebrides Suite  Held Still in Quick Qu ick of Grace…  Highbridge Excursions Ex cursions  Hold Tis Boy and an d Listen  Homage  I Am  If Tou Be Near (Bist (Bis t Du Bei Mir)  In Memoriam: Kristina Kr istina  In the Forest of the King  An Irish Rhapsody Rh apsody

Benson, Warren Giroux, Julie Cesarini, Cesarin i, Franco Grundman, Clare Stamp, Jack Williams, Mark Pann, Carter Van der Roost, Jan Boysen, Jr, Andrew Bach, Johann Sebastian/Reed Yurko,, Bruce Yurko La Plante, Pierre Grundman, Grundma n, Clare

1 8 5 5 5 3 8 2 2 4 2 4 2

182 427 260 268 279 230 435 236 241 324 246 330 252

 Irish Suite  J. S. Jig  Joy Revisited Revisit ed  Kenya Contrasts  Latin Folk Song rilogy  Legends and an d Heroes  Lied ohne Worte (Song without Words)  Little English Suite  A Little Night and Day D ay MusicAdler, Samuel  Lock Lomond  A Long ford LegendSheldon, LegendSheld on, Robert  Lux Aurumque Aurumqu e  Lyric Music

Applebaum, Stanley Karrick, Brant icheli, Frank Himes, Willliam Himes, Willia William m La Plante, Pierre Rudin, Rolf Grundman, Grundma n, Clare 3 Ticheli, Frank 5 Whitacre, Eric Starer, Robert

2 8 6 3 7 5 3 1 245 7 231 6 3

255 448 371 234 371 285 238 185

 Mayflower Over ture  Mazama (Legend (LOverture egend of the Pacific No. rthwest)  Military Symphony in F  Moon by Night  Mosaic  My Jesus! Oh What W hat Anguish Angui sh  Mysterian Landscape Lan dscapess  Mysterious Village V illage  Mystery on Mena Mountain Mount ain  Norwegian  Norwegi an Folk Suite O Mensch, bewein’ dein’ Sünde gross On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss On a Southern Hymnsong

Nelson, Ron Chattaway, Jay Gossec, Francois Joseph/Goldman/ Leist Newman, Jonathan Paulus, Stephen Bach, Johann Sebastian/Reed Broege, imothy Colgrass, Michael Giroux-W GirouxWest, Julie Erickson, Frank Bach, J. S./Grainger Holsinger, David Holsinger, David

7 3 4 6 6 5 5 8 3 5 5 1 4

394 253 336 388 398 290 295 463 260 309 314 31 4 188 344

Overture for aWinds Overture on Southern Hymn  Pacem—A Hymn for Peace

Carter, Charles Palmer, Robert Spittal, Robert

1 5 6

191 325 403

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011

388 383 249




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 Perthshire Majesty M ajesty  Play!  Plymouth rilogy  Portraits  Postcard from f rom Singapore (Suite of

C Hazo, Samuel R. Holmquist, Carl Iannaccone, Anthony Colonna, Jim Sparke, Philip

Singaporean  Prairie Songs Folk Songs)  Prelude and Fugue in B-flat B-fl at Major  Prelude in the t he Dorian Mode Mod e  Prologue and a nd March from fro m Ballet Music  Psalm 46  Psalm for Band Te Renaissance Fair  Renaissance  Renaissa nce Suite  Resting in the th e Peace of His Hands  Retreat and Pumping Song  Rhapsody on American Amer ican Shaped Shape d Note Melodies  Rhosymedre

La Plante, Pierre Bach, J. S./Moehlmann de Cabézon, A./Grainger Hartley, Walter Zdechlik, Zdechli k, John Nixon, Roger Margolis, Bob Susato, ielman/Curnow Gibson, John Stanhope, David Curnow, James Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams/Beeler ms/Beeler

4 1 4 5 6 8 3 2 3 2 3 2

359 198 365 332 408 503 264 259 270 263 274 267

 Rollo akes Walk Salvation Is aCreated SANG! Serenade, Op. . 22 Shenandoah Song for Lyndsay Song of Lir for Symphonic Wind Band Songs of Old Kentucky Spirals of Light St Florian Chorale Suite Divertimento Sun Dance Te Sussex Mummers Christmas Carol

Maslanka, David schesnokoff, Pavel/Hou Pavel/Housekne seknecht cht Wilson, Dana Bourgeois, Derek Ticheli, Frank Boysen, Jr, Andrew Carroll, Fergal Karrick, Brant O’Loughlin, O’Loughli n, Sean Doss, Tomas Gilbert, Jay Ticheli, Frank Grainger, Percy/ Percy/Goldman Goldman

5 4 8 4 4 7 6 8 7 5 3 3 4

339 370 511 375 380 410 416 518 51 8 415 345 277 285 388

Symphonie Symphony No. 4 Tanksgiving Anthem Te Promise of Living Temes from “Green Bushes” Tree Ayres from Gloucester Tree Sketches occata riumphal Ode for Military Band, Op.11 wilight in the Wilderness wo Grainger Melodies Melodie s wo Sketches Sketche s Uganda Lullaby

Jadin, Louis/Schaefer Boysen, Jr, Andrew Billings, William/Hartley Copland, Aaron/Transc. Kenneth Singleton Grainger, Percy/Dae Percy/Daehn hn Stuart, Hugh Grundman, Grundma n, Clare Erickson, Frank Hanson, Howard/James Ripley, ed. ucker, Chr Christopher istopher Grainger, Percy/Kreines urrin, Joseph Brisman, Heskel

1 7 7 8 5 1 3 1 8 5 1 5 2

201 421 433 490 363 204 289 207 530 370 210 376 271

Ukrainian Undertow Folksongs Variations on “Scarborough Fair”

Stevens, Halsey/Schaefer Mackey,, John Mackey Custer, Calvi Calvin n

4 8 2

392 542 274

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P 468 474 194 353 401




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Voices of the Sky Walls of Zion Were You Tere? With Quiet Courage Ye Banks and Braes o’ Bonnie Doon

C Hazo, Samuel R Danner, Greg Stone, Tomas Daehn, Larr Larryy Grainger, Percy Aldridge

Yorkshire Ballad

Barnes, James

V V  7 4 7 2 2 1

P 443 402 450 277 280 214

G 󰀴 

Te “Gumsuckers” March  Africa:  Afric a: Ceremony, Song, Song , and Ritual  After a Gentle Ge ntle Rain  AirLink  Alegríaa  Alegrí  Allerseelen,, Op. . 10, No. 8  Allerseelen  Amazing Grace  An American Elegy E legy  American Hymnsong Hymns ong Suite

C Grainger, Percy /Rogers Smith, Robert W Iannaccone, Anthony Stamp, Jack Sierra, Roberto/Scatterda Roberto/Scatterdayy Strauss, Richard/Davis/Fennell icheli, Frank icheli, Frank Milburn, Milbur n, Dwayne S.

V V  3 2 4 8 8 1 1 4 6

P 352 284 432 557 572 218 222 444 435

 American Overture O verture for Band Ban d  Angels in the Architecture Archit ecture for Concert Conc ert Band  Armenian Dances Dan ces  Aue!  Aurora Awakes  Autumn Walk  Bagatelles,, Op. 87  Bagatelles  Bali  Ballad for Band Ban d  Bayou Breakdown  Be Tou My Vision  Beyond  Blue Lake Overture Overt ure

Jenkin s, Joseph Willcox Jenkins, Ticheli, Frank Khachaturian, Aram/Satz Marshall,l, Christopher John Marshal Mackey,, John Mackey Work, Julian Persichetti, Vincent Colgrass, Michael Gould, Morton Karrick, Brant Gillingham, Gilli ngham, David Hokoyama, Wa Wataru taru Chance, John Barnes

4 8 8 7 8 2 5 6 3 6 4 6 4

438 579 595 459 602 289 393 449 296 455 450 461 455

Caccia and Chorale Cajun Folk Songs II Carnival Chaconne: (In Memoriam…) Chant funéraire Chorale and Alleluia Chorale and Shaker Dance Chorale and occata Color Colors and Contours Contre qui, rose Cyprian Suite  Danza No. 2

Williams, Clifton icheli, Frank Basler, Paul Nelson, Ron Fauré, Gabriel/Moss Hanson, Howard Zdechlik, John Stamp, Jack Margolis, Bob Bassett, Leslie Lauridsen, Morten/Reynolds Barnett, Carol Yurko, Yurk o, Bruce

1 3 8 5 6 1 1 1 2 3 6 7 6

225 304 612 402 468 229 234 238 293 310 31 0 476 465 480

 Dream Journey, Journe y, Op. 98  Dream of Oenghus, Oenghu s, Te, Op. 37  Dreamcatcher  Dreamcatc her

Barnes, James Rudin, Rolf Mays, Walter

7 3 2

484 316 31 6 298

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011




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 El Camino Real (A Latin L atin Fantasy)  Elegy  Elegy for a Young American  Elsa’s Procession Proces sion to the Cathedral C athedral  Emerald Suite

C Reed, Alf Alfred red Chance, John Barnes LoPresti, Ronald Wagner,, Richard/Cail Wagner Richard/Cailliet liet Milburn, Milbur n, Dwayne

 English Folk Song Suite Suit e  Epinicion  Eviler Elves  Exultatee  Exultat  Fantasia  Fantasia in G  Fantasia in G Major  Farewell to Gray  Festal Scenes Scen es  A Festival Prelude Prelud e  Fêtes lointains loint ains  Firefly  First Suite in E-flat, E -flat, Op. 28, 2 8, No. 1

Vaughan Willia Vaughan Williams, ms, Ralph Paulson, John Kazik, James Hazo, Samuel Giannini, Gianni ni, Vittorio Mahr, imothy Bach, Johann Sebastian/Goldman and Leist Grantham, Donald Ito, Yasuhide Reed, Alf Alfred red Goto, Yo George, Ryan Holst, Gustav/Matthews

1 4 8 5 5 3 1 8 3 4 8 8 1

241 470 633 412 419 336 247 642 340 413 650 660 251

 First Suite in F  Five Miniatures  Five Variants of Dives and Lazaru L azaruss  Folk Dances  Four French Songs  From Every Horizon (A one Poem to New York)  Fugue in C  Fugue in G minor  Funeral Music for Rikard Nordraak Nordraa k God of Our Fathers  Handel in the Strand St rand  Heart’s  Heart ’s Music Te Hounds of Spring

George, Tom Ritter urina, Joaquin/Kra Joaquin/Krance nce Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams/Gregson ms/Gregson Shostakovich, Dmitri/Vakhutinsk Dmitri/Vakhutinskii/ ii/ Reynolds Hanson, Robert Dello Joio, Norman Ives, Charles/Sinclair Bach, J. S./Kimura Grieg, Edvard/Erik Edvard/Eriksen/Fennell sen/Fennell Smith, Claude . Grainger, Percy Aldridge Diamond, David Reed, Alf Alfred red

3 4 6 4 2 6 5 2 8 5 4 6 6

344 474 486 482 308 491 424 313 671 432 487 495 567

 Hymn of St James Te Immovable Do  Incidentall Suite  Incidenta  Intermezzoo  Intermezz  Introit for Band  Irish une from County Derry D erry  Japanese une  Kaddish  Kingfishers  King fishers Catch C atch Fire  Kirkpatrick  Kirkpatri ck Fanfare  Lachrymaee  Lachryma  Lament  Lament (for ( for a Fallen Friend)

Clark, Reber Grainger, Percy Aldridge Smith, Claude . Tubb, Monte Tull, Fisher Grainger, Percy/R Percy/Rogers ogers Konagaya, Soichi McBeth, W. Francis Mackey, John Boysen, Andrew, Jr Goto, Yo Koh, Chang Su Spittal, Robert

2 5 7 8 7 1 2 2 7 6 7 8 7

317 31 7 496 501 680 508 255 321 325 516 502 523 693 530

 Laude  Liturgical  Liturgic al Music for Band, Band , Op. 33  Lullaby for Kirsten

Hanson, Howard Mailman, Martin Bassett, Leslie

3 1 4

357 259 498

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P 492 322 304 462 622




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 Lux Aeterna Aetern a  Machu Picchu Pic chu  Mangulina  Masque  Medieval Suite

C Goto, Yo Yagisawa, Satoshi Basler, Paul McBeth, W. Francis Nelson, Ron

V V  5 6 6 2 3

P 438 509 515 332 383

 Metroplex (Set Tree from Manhattan) Manhat tan)  Miniature (Tree for Band BPostcards and  Missouri Shindig Shi ndig  Molly on the Shore  A Moorside Suite Suit e  Morning Alleluias Alleluia s for the Winter Solstice So lstice  New World Dances  Night Dances  Nocturne:: Lullaby from Wind  Nocturne W ind Says Good Night  Noisy Wheels W heels of Joy O Magnum Mysterium October Of Dark Lords and Ancient Kings

Sheldon, Robert White, Donald H. Reed, H. Owen Grainger, Percy/R Percy/Rogers ogers Holst, Gustav/W Gustav/Wright/Brand right/Brand Nelson, Ron Ellerby, Marti Martin n Yurko,, Bruce Yurko Dzubay,, David Dzubay Whitacre, Eric Lauridsen, Morten Whitacre, Eric Barrett, Roland

7 8 7 3 4 4 8 1 8 7 5 5 2

536 700 546 389 421 502 710 263 720 554 447 453 339

Of Sailors and Whales Old Home Days  An Original Origina l Suite  Pageant, Op. 59  Pastoral Nocturne Noctur ne Te Philosopher’s Stone  Poem  Prelude,, Siciliano, and  Prelude an d Rondo  Psalm, Op. 53  Pusztaa  Puszt  Raag Mala Te Red Machine  Rejouissancee (Fantasia on Ein’ Feste Burg)  Rejouissanc Burg )

McBeth, W. Francis Ives, Charles/Elku Charles/Elkuss Jacob, Gordon Persichetti, Vincent Yurko,, Bruce Yurko Duffy, Duff y, Tomas Boerma, Scott Arnold, Malcolm/Paynter Persichetti, Vincent Van der Roost, Jan Colgrass, Michael Graham, Peter Curnow, James

3 1 3 1 4 5 6 1 3 4 7 6 7

394 267 399 271 520 503 523 276 408 527 558 574 572

 Renasce nce  Renascence  Ricercare  Rikudim (Four Israeli I sraeli Dances for Band) Sanctuary Satiric Dances for a Comedy by Aristophanes Scenes from “Te Louvre” Scherzo “Fanfare for the Italian Crown” Sea Songs Second Suite in F, Op. 28, No. 2 Secular Litanies, Op. 90 Serenade No. 11, Op. 85 Serenade Romantic Shadow Rituals

Reed, H. Owen Stamp, Jack Van der Roost, Jan icheli, Frank Dello Joio, Norman Dello Joio, Norman Rossini, Gioacchino/Scha Gioacchino/Schaefer efer Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams, ms, Ralph Holst, Gustav/Matthews Holst, Gustav/Matthews Persichetti, Vincent urrin, Joseph Markowski, Michael

6 6 7 6 2 1 5 2 1 3 4 5 7

530 541 582 549 344 282 458 349 286 413 543 464 589

Shadows of Eternity Shepherd’s Hey Shortcut Home

Stone, Tomas Grainger, Percy/R Percy/Rogers ogers Wilson, Dana

1 5 5

294 473 480

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011




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Sinfonia V: Symphonia Sacra et Profana Slava!  A Solemn Music  A Somerset Rhapsody, Rh apsody, Op. 21b Songs Without Words

C Broege, imothy Bernstein, L./Grundman Tomson, Virgil Holst, Gustav/G Gustav/Grundma rundman n Welcher, Dan

V V  1 4 2 5 4

P 300 551 353 385 555

Stampede Suite from Mass Suite on Celtic Folk Songs Suite on Greek Love Songs Suite Provençale Symphonic Dance No. 3 “Fiesta” Symphonic Movement Symphonic Songs for Band Symphonic Suite Tey Hung Teir Harps in the Willows Tird Suite Tree Chorale Preludes Tree Chorale Preludes, Op. 122

Bryant, Steven Bernstein, Leonard/Sweeney Tatebe, Tomohi omohiro ro Lijnschooten, Henk van Van der Roost, Jan Williams, Clifton Nelhybel, Va Vaclav clav Bennett, Robert Russell Williams, Clifton McBeth, W. Francis Jager, Robert Latham, Willia William m P. Brahms, J./Boyd/Fennell

8 8 5 2 3 4 5 3 6 7 5 2 5

733 740 485 356 419 566 490 427 555 599 514 51 4 364 523

Tree Dances of Enchantment Tree London Miniatures o set the darkness echoing occata occata rail of ears Variations on a Bach Chorale Variations on a Korean Folk Song Watchman, ell Us of the Night Winter Dances

Zaninelli, Luigi Camphouse, Mark Wilson, Dana Frescobaldi, G./Slocum Tull, Fisher Barnes, James Stamp, Jack Chance, John Barnes Camphouse, Mark Carroll, Fergal

7 3 7 2 8 2 3 1 2 7

609 435 618 61 8 370 754 378 439 304 381 627

V V 


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“Lads of Wamphray” March  Adrenaline City  Aegean Festival Overture Over ture  Al Fresco  American Child C hild  American Hymn  American Salute Sa lute  Armenian Dances Da nces  Armenian Dances, Da nces, Part Par t II  Bacchanale,  Bacchan ale, Op. 20  Bandancing  Bugs California Counterpoint: Te wittering Machine

Grainger, Percy/Kreines Gorb, Adam Makris, Makri s, Andreas/Bader Husa, Karel Pann, Carter Schuman, Will William iam Gould, Morton/Lang Chobanian, Loris Reed, Alf Alfred red Rudin, Rolf Stamp, Jack Cichy, Roger Mcee, Mc ee, Cindy

2 8 4 2 8 5 2 5 5 4 6 4 6

473 769 575 386 778 533 391 541 551 583 583 590 590

Canzona Cartoon Cathedrals

Mennin, Peter Hart, Paul Salfelder, Kathryn

1 8 8

309 786 794

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Cats ales Celebration Overture, Op. 61 Chester Children’s March “Over the Hills and Far Away” Circuits

C Graham, Peter Creston, Paul Schuman, Will William iam Grainger, Percy/Erickson Mcee, Mc ee, Cindy

V V  8 5 2 1 3

P 801 561 431 313 446 44 6

Cityscape Colonial Song Come, Memory Commando March Concertante for Wind Instruments (1972) Cotillon “A Suite of Dance unes” Country Band March  Dance of the Jesters Jest ers  Danceriess  Dancerie  Danza de los l os Duendes Duend es  Daughter of the Stars St ars (A Reminiscence Reminiscen ce on Shenandoah)  Dies Natalis Natali s

Boerman, Scott Grainger, Grai nger, Percy/Rogers Grantham, Donald Barber, Samuel Dello Joio, Norman Benjamin, Arthur/Silvester Ives, Charles/Sinclair chai chaikovsky, kovsky, Peter/Cramer Hesketh, Kenneth Galbraith, Nancy Benson, Warren

7 1 5 5 7 6 3 2 4 3 3

639 316 567 572 648 604 451 437 603 457 461

Hanson, Howard



 Divertimento  Divertimento  Divertimento  Divertimento  Divertimento,, Op. 42  Divertimento  Do Not Go Gentle Into Tat T at Good Night  Early Light  Ecstaticc Waters  Ecstati  Endurance  English Dances, Dance s, Set I, Op. O p. 27  Escapadee  Escapad  Esprit De Corps Co rps  Eternal Father, Strong to Save

Bernstein, Leonard/Grundma Leonard/Grundman n Cichy, Roger Hearshen, Ira Husa, Karel/Boyd Persichetti, Vincent Del Borgo, Elliot Bremer,, Carolyn Bremer Bryant, Steven Mahr, imothy Arnold, Malcolm/Johnstone Stamp, Jack Jager, Robert Smith, Claude .

7 3 4 5 1 5 3 8 6 5 5 8 6

655 468 628 581 319 593 477 809 616 61 6 602 609 817 624

Te evidence of things not seen  Exaltat ions, Op. 67  Exaltations,  Fanfare and Allegro  Fantasia on Aura Lee Le e  Fantasies on a Teme by Haydn  Festive Overture, Overt ure, Op. 96  Festivo  Fifth Symphony “Phoenix” “Phoeni x” Te Final Covenant  Flag of Stars  Four Scottish Scottis h Dances  French Impressions Impression s Galactic Empires

Rogers, Rodney Mailman, Martin Williams, Clifton Hearshen, Ira Dello Joio, Norman Shostakovich/Hunsberger Gregson, Edward Barnes, James ull, Fisher Jacob, Gordon Arnold, Malcolm/Paynter Woolfenden, Woo lfenden, Guy Gillingham, Gilli ngham, David

6 2 4 8 1 3 2 6 4 7 2 4 3

709 442 636 826 323 481 447 632 704 667 452 644 487

Geometric Dances George Washington Bridge Ghost rain riptych

Cichy, Roger Schuman, Willia William m Whitacre, Eric

7 1 5

673 326 616 61 6

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011




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Ghosts Gloriosa Grande Symphonie Funèbre et riomphale  Hill-Song II Te Hound of Heaven

C McNeff, Stephen Ito, Yasuhide Berlioz, Hector Grainger, Percy Aldridge/Rogers, R. Mark Syler,, James Syler

 Illyrian Dances Danc es  In Evening’s Stillness… Stillnes s…  Incantation  Incantati on and Dance  It perched for Vespers nine nin e  J S Dances  Kizuna  Korean Dances for Wind W ind Orchestra Orchest ra  Krump  La Fiesta Fiest a Mexicana Mexican a  La Procession Proce ssion du Rocio, Roci o, Op. 9  Les rois No. tes du Japon  Limerick Daydreams Daydream s  Lone Star wister

Woolfenden, Guy Schwantner, Joseph Chance, John Barnes Puckett, Joel Grantham, Donald Speck, Frederick Koh, Chang Su McAllister, McAlli ster, Scott Reed, H. Owen urina, Joaquin/Reed Mashima, oshio Daughtrey, Nathan Grantham, Donald

2 3 2 8 6 7 8 7 1 5 5 7 8

461 506 469 839 652 682 852 689 330 624 632 697 863

 Lost Gulch Lookout Lo okout  Mannin Veen  Masque  Medieval Variations Variation s for Wind Ensemble En semble  Merry Mount: Suite Sui te from the Opera Op era  Metamorphosiss (On an Original Cakewalk)  Metamorphosi C akewalk)  Minstrelss of the Kells  Minstrel  Morning Music  Morning Star  A Movement for Rosa  Moving Parts  Music for a Festival Fest ival Orient et Occident Grande Marche, Op. 25

Kuster, Krist Kristin in Wood, Haydn Hesketh, Kenneth Yurko, Yurk o, Bruce Hanson, Howard/Boyd, John Kallman, Daniel Welcher, Dan Bennett, Richard Rodney Maslanka, David Camphouse, Mark Sampson, David Jacob, Gordon Saint-Saëns, Camil Camille/Reynish le/Reynish and Parry

8 7 5 8 8 6 7 3 8 2 8 4 2

872 703 638 886 899 660 714 517 51 7 913 479 929 664 483

 An Outdoor Overture O verture Overture Overture in C Overture to “Candide” Overture, Op. 24  Paris Sketches Sketche s  Partita for Wind W ind Orchestra Orchest ra  Passacagliaa  Passacagli  Pastime  Poema Alpestre  Polka and Fugue Quartets  Radiant Joy

Copland, Aaron Heins, John Catel, Chas/Goldman/Smith Bernstein, L./Grundman Mendelssohn, Felix/Boyd Ellerby, Marti Martin n Linn, Robert Jackson, im Stamp, Jack Cesarini, Cesarin i, Franco Weinberger, Jaromir/Bainum Cichy, Roger Bryant, Steven

2 5 1 1 1 2 7 7 4 6 6 8 7

408 648 334 341 337 487 721 730 670 668 674 939 736

Te Red Pony: Film Suite  Ricercare a 6  Roumaniana,, Op.92  Roumaniana

Copland, Aaron Bach, J. S./McAlister/Fennell Absil, Jean

4 2 8

711 492 949

GIA Publications, Inc.

1 800 442 1358

V V  6 4 3 8 3

P 641 656 492 832 500




G 󰀵 

 Russian Christ Christmas mas Music Santa Fe Saga Sea Drift Selamlik Selections from the Danserye

C Reed, Alf Alfred red Gould, Morton Iannaccone, Anthony Schmitt, Florent/Meyer Susato, Tielman/Dunn Tielman/Dunnigan igan

V V  2 4 3 7 6

P 497 673 529 743 684

Sensemayá Short Ride in a Fast Machine Sinfonietta Sinfon ietta for Wind Ensemble Sketches on a udor Psalm Te Solitary Dancer Song Soundings Sounds, Shapes, and Symbo Symbols ls Southern Harmony Southwestern Sketches Spiritual Planet Strange Humors Suite Française

Revueltas, Silvestre/Frank Bencriscutto Adams, John/Odom Yurko, Bruce ull, Fisher Benson, Warren Bolcom, Willi William/Romero am/Romero McTee, McT ee, Cindy Bassett, Leslie Grantham, Donald Adler, Samuel Hokoyama, Wa Wataru taru Mackey, John Milhaud, Darius

8 3 7 1 2 5 2 3 4 4 6 7 1

955 537 750 345 502 655 508 543 680 694 696 765 349

Suite of Old American Dances Sunrise at Angel’s Gate Te Sword and Crown Symphony in B-flat Symphony No. 1, “Te Lord of the Rings” Symphony No. 19 Symphony No. 2 Symphony No. 3 Symphony No. 3, “Shaker Life” Symphony No. 3, “Slavyanskaya” Symphony No. 6, Op. 69 empered Steel Tree Japanese Dances

Bennett, Robert R./Higgi R./Higgins ns Sparke, Philip Gregson, Edward Fauchet, Paul/Gillette de Meij, Johan Miaskovsky, Nikolai/Hinm Nikolai/Hinman an Chance, John Barnes Giannini, Giannin i, Vittorio Welcher, Dan Kozhevnikov,, B./Bourgeois Kozhevnikov Persichetti, Vincent Young, Charles Rochester Rogers, Bernard/opolews Bernard/opolewski ki

1 5 4 3 2 3 6 1 3 3 1 5 5

357 664 715 548 513 557 703 365 566 573 361 672 677

occata and Fugue in D minor occata Marziale raffic (Symphony (Symphony No. 3, 3 , Movement 2 rauermusik, WWV 73 (rauersinfonie) Vanity Fair Variants on a Medieval une Variations for Wind Band Variations on “America” Variations Variati ons on “St Patrick’s Breastplate” Variations on a Teme of Robert Schumann (Happy Farmer) Vesuvius Vientos y angos

Bach, J. S./Leidzen Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams, ms, Ralph Rorem, Ned/Hagen Wagner, Wagne r, Richard/Votta/Boyd Fletcher, Percy E./Karrick Dello Joio, Norman Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams, ms, Ralph/ Hunsberger Ives, Charles/Schuman/Rhoads Milburn, Dwayne S. Jager,, Robert Jager

1 2 7 1 7 1 3 1 6 4

369 522 773 372 783 378 580 382 715 725

icheli, Frank Gandolfi, Michael

4 6

733 721

Vox populi Vranjanka Whatsoever Tings…

Danielpour, Richard/Stamp Hesketh, Kenneth Camphouse, Mark

6 7 5

728 790 683

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011




G 󰀵 

Wild Nights! William Byrd Suite With Heart and Voice Yiddish Dances Yosemite Autumn

C Ticheli, Frank Jacob, Gordon Gillingham, Gilli ngham, David R. Gorb, Adam Camphouse, Mark

V V  7 1 6 4 6

P 798 385 735 740 744

C Daugherty, Michael Schuller, Gunther

V V  5 3

P 707 698

G 󰀶 

“Bells for Stokowski” from Philadelphia Stories “In Praise of Winds” Symphony for  Large Wind Orchestra Orch estra “Red Cape ango” from Metropolis Symphony 12 Day Dreams  American Folk Rhapsody R hapsody No. 2  American Games Game s  Anahita and the mountains rising nowhere  Apotheosiss of Tis Earth  Apotheosi Ear th

Daugherty, Michael/Spede Wilson, Dana Grundman, Clare Maw, Nicholas Etezady,, Roshanne Etezady Schwantner, Joseph Husa, Karel

4 7 8 4 7 2 3

870 835 373 749 809 529 612

 Arctic Dreams Drea ms  Armenian Dances, Da nces, Part Par t I  As the Sun Rises Ri ses (Scenery (Scener y Poetry—  Idyll for Wind Orchestra) Orchest ra)  Aspen Jubilee Jubile e  Awayday  Axis Mundi  Bacchanalia  Bacchan alia for Band  Ballet  Baron Cimetiére’s Mambo  Blue Shades Shade s Canvas Caricatures

Colgrass, Michael Reed, Alf Alfred red Koh, Chang Su

3 1 7

621 390 817

Nelson, Ron Gorb, Adam Bryant, Steven Hartley, Hartle y, Walter Mcee, Mc ee, Cindy Grantham, Donald icheli, Frank Walker, George , Jr Hutcheson, Jere

2 3 8 2 5 6 2 4 3

541 632 967 544 693 753 547 755 639

Carmina Burana Celebration Celebration Ceremonial Cheetah  A Child’s Garden of Dreams Dre ams Chorus of Light Circus Maximus: Symphony No. 3 for  Large Wind Ensemble En semble Circus Polka Concerto for Percussion and Wind Ensemble Concerto for wenty-Tree Winds Court Music

Orff, Carl/Kra Carl/Krance nce Gregson, Edward Sparke, Philip Rands, Bernard Husa, Karel Maslanka, David Puts, Kevin Corigliano, Coriglia no, John

1 2 5 4 7 3 8 6

394 552 715 764 825 592 977 762

Stravinsk y, Igor Stravinsky, Husa, Karel Hartley, Hartle y, Walter Grantham, Donald

2 5 2 6

555 722 559 775

Cycles  Dance Movements  Dance of the New World

Zyman, Samuel Sparke, Philip Wilson, Dana

6 2 2

783 569 577

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1 800 442 1358




G 󰀶 

 Dancing Galaxy Gala xy  Danse funambulesqu f unambulesque, e, Op. 12  Designs,  Design s, Images and an d extures  Diaghilev Dances  Dialogues  Dialogu es and Entertainment Ente rtainmentss

C Tomas, Augusta Read Strens, Jules Bassett, Leslie Hesketh, Kenneth Kraft, William

V V  6 6 5 5 3

P 791 800 732 739 647

 Dionysiaq ues, Op. 62  Dionysiaques,  Divertimentoo in “F”  Divertiment  Double Play  Dream Sequence, Seque nce, Op. 224  El Muro  El Salon Mexico Mexi co  Emblems  Et exspecto exsp ecto resurrectionem resur rectionem  Fandangos  Fanfares on Re for Ray  Fantasy Variations Variation s on a Teme by  Nicolò Paganini  Farewell

Schmitt, Florent/Duker Stamp, Jack McTee, McT ee, Cindy Krenek, Ernst Lorenz, Ricardo Copland, Aaron/Hindsley Copland, Aaron Messiaen, Olivier Sierra, Roberto/Scatterda Roberto/Scatterdayy Dzubay, David Barnes, James

3 2 8 4 8 3 1 4 6 6 2

652 584 985 772 992 659 400 781 809 817 588

Gorb, Adam



 Fascinating Ribbons Ribbon s  Fiesta Del D el Pacifico  Finish Line  First Symphony for Band  Fleisherr Pass  Fleishe  For precious friends f riends hid in death’s dateless night, Op. 80  Four Factories Te Four Seasons  From a Dark Millennium  Funeral Music for Queen Qu een Mary Gazebo Dances for Band Give Us Tis Day (Short Symphony

ower, Joan Nixon, Roger McTee, McT ee, Cindy Bolcom, Willia m Bolin, Greg Mailman, Martin

4 2 7 8 6 3

799 592 844 1021 824 671

Pann, Carter Bennett, Richard Rodney Schwantner, Joseph Stucky, Steven Corigliano, Coriglia no, John Maslanka, David

7 5 3 5 2 7

851 845 682 750 598 859

 for Wind Ensemble) Ens emble) Gran Duo  Hammersmith: Prelude Pre lude and Scherzo, Scher zo, Op. 52  Harrison’s  Harris on’s Dream  Hemispheres  Heroes, Lost L ost and Fallen  High Flight  Homages  Homenaje a Joaquin Sorolla  Huntingtower Ballad B allad  In Wartime  J’ai été au bal  Jug Blues and Fat Pickin’ Pic kin’

Lindberg, Magnus Holst, Gustav Graham, Peter urrin, Joseph Gillingham, David Turrin, Joseph Djupstrom, Michael Ferrero, Bernardo Adam Respighi, Ottorino/Binney Del redici, David Grantham, Donald Freund, Don

6 1 5 5 1 8 7 8 2 5 4 5

830 403 759 767 407 1050 869 1058 606 775 803 784

 Kokopelli’s Dance  Konzertmusik  Konzertmus ik für Blasorcheste Bla sorchester, r, Op. 41  La Danse Dans e du phenix

Tanouye, Nathan Tanouye, Hindemith, Paul Mashima, Toshio

7 3 8

879 706 1072

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011




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C Sheng, Bright Benson, Warren Husa, Karel Rindfleisch, Andrew Grainger, Percy/Fe Percy/Fennell nnell

V V  6 2 4 6 1

P 836 615 813 902 410

 Lollapalooz  Lollapalooza  MasqueradeeaVariations on a Teme  Masquerad of Sergei Prokofiev  Masquerade,  Masquerad e, Op. 102  Millennium Canons Canon s  Mosaic  Music for Prague Prag ue 1968  Myaku  New Morning for the World (Daybreak of Freedom) Freed om)  Niagara Falls  Nine Greek Dances Dance s Ode to the End of the War, Op.105 Outburst  Parable IX, Op. 121  Parody Suite  Passacagliaa (Homage on B-A-C-H)  Passacagli  Passacagliaa and Fugue in C minor  Passacagli Te Passing Bell  Piece of Mind  Popcopy  Postcard Te Power of Rome and Christian Heart  Profanation from Jeremiah, Jeremiah , Symphony No. 1  Propagula  Ra!  Recoil  Redline ango  Rites  Rocky Point Holiday Savannah River Holiday Scamp Scenes Scenes Revisited Shadow Dance Shakata: Singing the World into Existence Sinfonía No. 3—La Salsa Sinfonia No. 4 Sinfonietta Skating on the Sheyenne SLALOM

Adams, John/Spinazzola Gryc, Steve

6 4

844 824

Persichetti, Vincent Puts, Kevin/Spede Tippett, Michael Husa, Karel Dzubay,, David Dzubay Schwantner, Joseph/Pilato Daugherty, Michael Skalkottas, Nikos/Sch Nikos/Schuller uller Prokoev, Sergei Sampson, David Persichetti, Vincent Bryant, Steven Nelson, Ron Bach, J. S./Hunsberger Benson, Warren Wilson, Dana McAllister, McAlli ster, Scott icheli, Frank Grainger, Percy Aldridge Bernstein, L./Bencriscutto Linn, Robert Dzubay,, David Dzubay Schwantner, Joseph Mackey,, John Mackey Absil, Jean Nelson, Ron Nelson, Ron Wagner,, Melinda Wagner Reynolds, Reynold s, Verne Reynolds, Verne Dzubay,, David Dzubay Wilson, Dana Sierra, Roberto Hartley, Hartle y, Walter Dahl, Ingolf Finney, Ross Lee Pann, Carter

1 7 4 1 4 7 3 7 8 8 3 5 1 1 1 1 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 6 8 4 7 8 3 6 7 2 8 1 1 3 6

415 886 840 420 854 892 718 906 1078 1089 722 793 435 429 441 444 1096 450 853 620 862 802 852 863 1115 880 915 1125 731 876 923 627 1134 456 461 735 882

Spiel für Blasorchester, Op. 39 Spin Cycle Starry Crown

och, Ern Ernst st Lindroth, Scott Grantham, Donald

3 5 7

743 810 932

 La’i (Love Song) for Orchestra Orc hestra without withou t Strings Te Leaves Are Falling  Les Couleurs Couleu rs Fauves (Vivid (Vivi d Colors) Te Light Fantastic  Lincolnshire Posy

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1 800 442 1358




G 󰀶 

Symphonic Dances from “West Side Story” Symphonic Excursions Symphonic Metamorphosis on Temes of Carl Maria von Weber  Symphonies of Wind Instruments

C Bernstein, Leonard/Rami Leonard/Ramin/Lavender n/Lavender Patterson, Robert Hindemith, Paul

V V  7 5 2

P 944 818 630

Stravinsky, Stravinsk y, Igor



Symphony for William (Op. 212 Symphony for Winds and Percussion (2009) Symphony in B-flat, Op. 51 Symphony No. 1 (In Memoriam David Diamond) Symphony No. 2 Symphony No. 3, Op. 89 Symphony No. 4 Symphony No. 4, “West Point” Symphony No. 7 Symphony on Temes of John Philip Sousa antivy en of a Kind (Symphony No. 2) erpsichore

Bourgeois, Derek Grantham, Donald Hindemith, Paul Stamp, Jack Ticheli, Frank Barnes, James Maslanka, David Gould, Morton Maslanka, David Hearshen, Ira Diamond, David Rakowski, David Margolis, Bob, after Michael Praetorius

7 8 1 7 5 3 4 1 6 4 6 5 1

953 1144 1144 465 964 824 763 887 469 887 900 897 833 476

Te Gilded Teatre Te Wrangler: Cowboy Dances Teme and Variations, Op. 43a Tree City Blocks imepiece ower Ascending unbridge Fair urbine Urban Myth Urban Requiem Variations on an American Cavalry Song Voice of the City Warriors “Music to an Imaginary Ballet,” Te

Hesketh, Kenneth Pann, Carter Schoenberg, Arnold Harbison, John Mcee, Mc ee, Cindy Oquin, Wa Wayne yne Piston, Walter Mackey, John Gross, Murray Colgrass, Michael Grantham, Donald Danielpour, Richard Grainger, Percy/Pap Percy/Pappajohn pajohn

8 8 1 4 4 8 2 7 8 4 5 6 4

1036 1190 482 924 935 1156 639 981 1179 943 863 909 916

Winds of Nagual Wolf Rounds

Colgrass, Michael Rouse, Christopher

2 7

644 990


Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011


eachng Music through Performance in Orchestra Volumes 1–3 G 󰀱 

 Apollo Suite  At the Grasshopper Ball B all Canyon Sunset Ceremonial March Chorus of the Huntsmen from Der Freischutz Cripple Creek Cross Country Crystal City March  Dorchester  Dorchest er Street Songs  Dragonhunter  Fancy Fiddles  Fiddles on Fire  Fiddling A-Round  Frog in a ree  Funny Fiddlin’  Happy Hoedown  Kabuki Dance  Little Symphony  Loch Lomond  March of the Metro Gnome  Mississippi  Mississ ippi Cakewalk Simple Square Dance St. Anthony Chorale Star Valley Suite Tree unes from Shakespeare’s England

G 󰀲  “Can Can” from Orpheus in the Underworld “Dance of the umblers” from Snow Maiden “Entrance of the Queen of Sheba” from Solomon “See, the Conquering Hero Comes”   from Judas Maccabaeus  A La Mariachi Maria chi  Appalachian Sunrise  Baroque Fugue Fugu e  Brandenburg Concerto Conc erto No. 5, 5 , Movement 1 Contredanse en Rondeau  Dance Scenario Scen ario  Danny Boy  Dorian Variations Variat ions  Downtown Suite Suit e for Strings

C Isaac, Merle J. Richard Meyer Caponegro, John W. A. Mozart/Gordon C. M. von Weber/Dackow Siennicki, Edmund Chase, Bruce Mark Williams Porter, Gregg A. Richard Meyer Willia ms, Mark Mark Willia Williams ms Caponegro, John Edmund J. Siennicki Carold Nunez Bruce Chase Richard Meyer Nuñez, Carold Klauss, Noah Hubbell, Fred M. Mark Williams Straub, Dorothy A. traditional/Haydn/Dackow Frost, Robert Hare, Nicholas

V V  1 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 1

P 51 81 56 86 91 59 113 96 63 101 116 106 122 109 115 120 124 67 70 74 130 78 135 125 81

C Offenbach, Jacques / Meyer Meyer,, Richard Rimsky-Ko Rimsk y-Korsakov, rsakov, Nikolai Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric / Jurey / Erickson

V V  1 1 1 1

P 92 95 104 137

Edward B. Jurey Gazda, Doris Siennicki, Edmund J. Bach, J. S. W. A. Mozar Mozart/Dackow t/Dackow Del Borgo, Elliot

3 2 2 1 3 2

143 139 143 89 155 148

Alshin, Harry Israel, Brian Pinner, Jay-Martin

1 2 2

99 154 157




G 󰀲 

 Dramatic Essay Es say  El oro  English Folk Song  Fanfare and Frippery  Fanfare for Strings

C Williams, Willi ams, Mark Don Brubaker erry McQuilken Stephan, Richard Doris Gazda

V V  2 3 3 1 3

P 165 158 152 108 161 16 1

 Finale, Symphony No. 2 in C, Op. 17 Gavotte from Mignon  Kingsbridge March  La Boca Grande Grand e  La Réjouissance Réjouis sance  A Little Bit of…Space…ime of…Spac e…ime  Little Fugue Fugu e  A Modal Festival  Moonlight ango  Petite ango  A Quiet Music Musi c  Rondeau (Teme ( Teme from “Masterpiece “Mast erpiece Teater”) T eater”)  Russian Choral and Overture Over ture

P. I. chai chaikovsky/Dackow kovsky/Dackow Ambroise Tomas/Isaac Dyson, Willi William am Kriechbaum, C. B. “Casey”, Jr. Handel, George Frideric / Meyer, Richard Adler, Samuel Handel, George Frideric Gerry Jon Marsh Meyer, Richa Richard rd Kriechbaum, Casimer B., Jr. Wagner,, Douglas E. Wagner Mouret, Jean-Joseph Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich / Isaac, Merle J.

3 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2

165 170 112 169 129 116 123 147 175 126 135 133 180

Simple Gifts Sinfonia from rio in A Minor Song and Dance Suite for Strings Suite for Strings Summer Stomp Te Harmonious Blacksmith, Teme from   Suite No. 5 in E Major  Tree Miniatures for Strings occatina Variations on a Ground Westminster Prelude and Fugue When Johnny Comes Marching Home

Shapiro, Marsha Chusmir elemann, Georg Philipp Washburn, Robert Siennicki, Edmund J. Elliot Del Borgo Straub, Dorothy A. G. F. Handel/Isaac Forest R.

1 1 2 2 3 2 3

142 147 186 191 175 197 182

Daniels, M. L. Hofeldt, Willia William m Shapiro, Marsha Chusmir Shaffer, David Stephan, Richard

2 2 1 1 1

202 207 150 154 159

William ell Overture (Finale)

Gioachino Rossini/Meyer



G 󰀳 

 A “Bark” Gigue Gig ue “Grand March” from Aida “March to the Scaffold” from   Symphonie Fantastiqu Fantastiquee Te “Montagues and Capulets”   from Romeo and Juliet  “O Mio Babbino Caro” from Gianni Schicchi “Russian Sailors’ Dance” from the Red Pony  Allegro from f rom Sonata No. 1  Allegro in D  Arlington Sketches Sketc hes  As Summer Was Just Beginning Beg inning

C Hultgren, Ralph Verdi, Giuseppe / Isaac, Merle Berlioz, Hector / Carter, Anthony

V V  1 1 1

P 169 213 226

Prokoev,, Serge / Siennicki, Edmund J. Prokoev



Puccini, Giacomo / McLeod, James “Red” Glière, Reinhold G. P. elemann/Mosier

2 1 3

291 233 200

Vivaldi, Antonio Elliot Del Borgo Daehn, Larr Larryy

1 3 2

165 212 215

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011




G 󰀳 

 Ashokan Farewell  Bahn Frei (Clear rack) Polka, Op. 45  Brandenburg Concerto Conc erto No. 3 in G Major  Brandenburg Concerto Conc erto No. 4 (Tird ( Tird Movement)  Bratislava

C Ungar, Jay Eduard Strauss/Isaac Bach, J. S. J. S. Bach/Jasinski Jaroslav P. Holesovsky

 Brigid’s Fire  Brook Green Suite Suit e  Buckeye Pioneers Pione ers Suite Capriccio Espagnol Chapter One Concerto in E Minor Conquistador! Contrasts in E Minor Contredanse  Danza  Declarations  Declarati ons  Don Quixote Qui xote Suite (Selections) (Sele ctions)  Emperor Waltz, Op. 437

Jeffrey S. Bishop Holst, Gustav Mark Williams Rimsky-Ko Rimsk y-Korsakov, rsakov, Nikolai / Dackow Dackow,, Sandra Nuñez, Carold Avison, Charles / Glass, Paul Deborah Baker Monday Feese, Francis L. Salieri, Antonio Nelhybel, Nelhyb el, Vaclav Bishop, Jeffrey S. G. P. elema elemann/Me nn/Meyer yer Johann Strauss, Jr./Isaac

3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3

231 226 236 231 236 240 242 246 178 181 252 249 254

 English Fugue Fugu e  Essay for Orchestra Orche stra  Fantasia on an a n Original Teme T eme  Farandole from L’Arlésienne, Arlésienne , Suite No. 2  Fiocco Allegro Alleg ro  Folk une and Fiddle Dance  Four Royal Dances  Fugue in G Minor (“Te (“ Te Little”) Gavotte from the Classical Symphony Geometric Dances Te Ghost of John Good Daughter Overture (La Buona Figliuola)  Hoedown (Recerada (Rece rada Segunda) Segun da)

Selby, Willi William am / Sheinberg, Art Del Borgo, Elliot Phillips, Phill ips, Joseph Bizet, Georges / Isaac, Merle J. H. Fiocco/Del Borgo Fletcher, Percy Ewazen, Eric J. S. Bach/Doan Sergei Prokofiev/Isa Prokofiev/Isaac ac Richard Meyer Brown, Susan C. Piccini, Niccolò / Scarmolin, A. Louis Ortiz,, Diego / Ortiz Ortiz Ortiz,, Deigo

2 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2

256 262 186 189 260 194 198 265 272 277 205 208 266

 Hopak from Te Fair at Sorochinsk Soroc hinsk  Hungarian Dance Danc e No. 6  Italian Eleg y, An from Symphony No. 4 (“Italian”) (“Itali an”)  Jazz Suite for Strings St rings and Rhythm Rhyt hm  Jesu, Joy Jo y of Man’s Desiring  Listen to the t he Stars  Lullaby  M to the Tird Power  Modus à 4 Olympiad On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss  Pendleton Suite  Prelude on an Early American Folk Hymn

Mussorgsky, Modest / Isaac, Merle J. Johannes Brahms/Isaac Forest R. Felix Mendelssohn/ Mendelssohn/Alshin Alshin iffault, Leighton J. S. Bach/Hall Naylor,, Craig Naylor Hofeldt, Willia William m Nuñez, Carold Atwell, Shirl Jae Whear, Whea r, Paul W. David R. Holsinger Daniels, M. L. Claude . Smith

2 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 3

272 281 205 216 286 280 220 223 230 295 291 298 295

 Prologue , Hymn, and Dance  Prologue, Quinto-Quarto Suite  Reverie for String St ring Orchestra Orchest ra

Jaroslav P. Holesovsky Isaac, Merle J. Corigliano, Coriglia no, James

3 2 2

300 303 312

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1 800 442 1358

V V  2 3 1 3 3

P 221 217 173 221 227




G 󰀳 

 A Rose for Emily: A Scene from f rom Faulkner Scottish Mist Serenade for String Orchestra Serenade for Strings Shepherd’s Hey

C W. Francis McBeth Bonnie Rideout/Phillips Leyden, Norman Washburn, Robert Percy Grainger/Dackow

Sleigh Ride St. Lawrence Overture Still, Still, Still Stringtown Stroll Suite for Strings Suite No. 3 in G Major from Water Music Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Symphony No. 1 in C Minor, Movement 4 en Pieces for Children occata Vier Kleine Stüke When Johnny Comes Marching Home Youth Overture

Leroy Anderson Washburn, Robert arr. Mark Hellum Gazda, Doris Washburn, Robert G. F. Handel Handel/Anderson /Anderson arr. Carrie Lane Gruselle Brahms, Johannes / Leidig, Vernon Bartók, Béla G. Cassadó/Higgins Husa, Karel Matesky, Ralph Diemer,, Emma Lou Diemer

V V  3 3 2 1 3 3 1 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 2

P 195 305 317 237 311 316 241 321 246 322 325 331 250 255 336 259 329 333

G 󰀴 

“Basse Danse” and “Mattachins”   from Capriol Suite “Berceuse and Finale” from Te Firebird Suite Te “Great Gate of Kiev” from Picture   at an Exhibiti Exhibition on “Marche Militaire Française” from   the Algerian Suite, Op. 60  Adagio in G Minor Min or  Adieu  Air for Strings  Allegro from f rom Concerto Concert o Grosso No. 5 G. G . F.  Andante Festivo Fest ivo  Ballet Parisien Parisi en  Battaliaa for Strings  Battali Carmen Suite No. 1 Celebration! Chorale Prelude: “Wachet auf, ruft   uns die Stimme”   A Christmas Christ mas Festival Concertino for String Orchestra Concerto Grosso No. 1 in G Major, Op. 6 Concerto Grosso, Op. 6, No. 8   (“Christmas Concerto”) Concerto in D Minor Convergence  Dance of Iscariot Isc ariot

C Warlock, Peter

V V  1

P 280

Stravinsk y, Igor / Isaac, Merle Stravinsky, Mussorgsky, Modest / Ravel, Maurice

1 2

285 400

Saint-Saëns, Camil Camille le



Tomaso Albinoni/Giazotto Coleman, odd Dello Joio, Norman Handel/Wright Sibelius, Jean Offenbach, Jacques / Isaac, Merle J. Biber, Heinrich I. F. Bizet, Georges Meyer, Richard Bach, J. S. / Ormandy, Eugene

3 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 1

348 265 269 352 273 339 344 290 350 296

Leroy Anderson Adler, Samuel Handel, George Frideric Corelli, Arcangelo

3 2 1 1

343 355 300 304

Bach, J. S. Nuñez, Carold Mosier,, Kirt Mosier

1 2 1

309 362 315

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011




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C William Willi am Hofeldt Carold Nunez elemann, Georg Philipp Aaron Copland Hodkinson, Hodkin son, Sydney

 Dance Parhelia  Déjà Vu  Don Quixote Qui xote Suite  Down a Country Count ry Lane  Drawings Set No. 8

V V  3 3 1 3 2

P 358 367 319 372 366

 Drifen  Eight Pieces Piece s for String Orchestra, Orch estra,   Op. 44 44,, No. 3 (“ (“Acht Acht Stüke”)  English Folk Song Suite Suit e  Fantasia on a 17th Century une  Fantasia on the t he Alleluia Hymn  Festique  Finlandia,, Op. 26, No. 7  Finlandia  Fugue in A Minor  Hemis Dance  Hungarian Dance Danc e  Intermezzoo  Intermezz  Iphigenia in Aulis Overture O verture

Atwell, Shirl Jae Hindemith, Paul

2 1

371 324

Vaughan Willia Vaughan Williams, ms, Ralph / Jacob, Gordon Stephan, Richard A. Jacob, Gordon Daniels, M. L. Sibelius, Jean J. S. Bach/Kjelland Kirk, Teron Brahms, Johannes / Isaac, Merle J. Mascagni, Pietro C. W. Gluck/ Gluck/Wagner Wagner

2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 3

375 383 389 329 332 377 404 411 415 382

 Italian Concerto Conc erto  Jamaican Rumba  Jazz Legato  L’Ar  L ’Arlésienne lésienne Suite Suit e No. 1  Legend  Locust Street St reet Rag  Mantras  Marche Slave  Messiah:: Overture  Messiah Overtu re  Millennium  Mock Morris Dance Overture from Music for the Royal Fireworks  Passacagliaa in G Minor  Passacagli

J. S. Bach/Scheinberg Arthur Benjamin Leroy Anderson Bizet, Georges O’Fallon, David Carold Nunez Meyer, Richard Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich / Herfur Herfurth, th, C. Paul G. F. Handel Meyer, Richard Percy Grainger/Dackow Handel, George Frideric / Johnson, Tor Handel, George Frideric / Wieloszynski, Stephen

3 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 2

388 395 401 336 343 407 347 428 411 351 417 355 433

 Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46, 4 6, Mvt. 2   (“Ase’s Death”)  Prayer of Saint Gregory  Preludio  Procession  Proces sion of the Nobles  Romanian Folk Dances Danc es  Rosamunde Overture Over ture Sanseneon Short Overture for Strings Sinfonietta for Strings Suite for Strings Symphony for Strings No. 1 Variations on a Well-Known Sea Chantey

Grieg, Edvard



Alan Hovhaness Whear, Paul W. Nikolay Rimsk Rimsky-Ko y-Korsakov rsakov Bartók, Béla / Willner, Arthur Franz Schubert Frost, Robert Berger,, Jean Berger Járdányi, Pál Carold Nunez Bishop, Jeffrey S. Stephan, Richard

3 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1

422 438 427 441 432 447 359 453 437 461 363

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1 800 442 1358




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V V  1

P 369

Copland, Aaron Copland, Aaron

1 1

405 445

 Alleluia and Fugue, Fug ue, Op. 40b 4 0b  Baltic Dance Danc e  Brandenburg Concerto Conc erto No. 3 in G Major Carmen Suite No. 2 Choreography: Tree Dances for String Orchestra Concerto Grosso for String Orchestra Concerto Grosso for String Orchestra   with Piano Obbligato Concerto Grosso in D Minor, Op. 3, No. 11  Dance Rhythms Rhythm s for Orchestra, Orchest ra, Op. 58  Danse Macabre, Ma cabre, Op. 40 40  Danzass de Panama  Danza  Divertimenti,i, K. 136–138  Divertiment 136 –138

Hovhaness, Alan Kirtt N. Mosier Kir Bach, J. S. Bizet, Georges / Guiraud, Ernest Dello Joio, Norman Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams, ms, Ralph Bloch, Ernest

2 3 1 2 2 1 1

469 447 373 474 481 385 378

Vivaldi, Antonio Wallingford Riegger Saint-Saëns, Camil Camille le William Grant Still Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

1 3 2 3 1

391 453 487 459 396

 Enigma Variations, Variation s, Op. 36, 36 ,   Ninth Variation, “Nimrod”   Five Pieces (Fünf ( Fünf Stücke) for String Orchestra, Orch estra,   Op. 44, No. 4  Fugue in G Minor (“Te (“ Te Little”), BWV 578  Heart Wounds and Last L ast Spring, Spring , Op. 34  Holberg Suite, Op. O p. 40  Hungarian March (Rakoczy ( Rakoczy March) from   the Damnation of Faust, Op. 24  Irish une from County Derry D erry  L’Ar  L ’Arlésienne lésienne Suite Suit e No. 2  Lullaby  Molly on the Shore

Elgar, Edward



Hindemith, Paul



Bach, J. S. / Call Calliet, iet, Lucien Grieg, Edvard Grieg, Edvard Berlioz, Hector

1 2 1 2

400 513 409 518 51 8

Grainger, Percy Aldridge Bizet, Georges George Gershwin Grainger, Percy Aldridge

2 2 3 1

523 529 466 414

 Morning, Noon, Noo n, and Night in Vienna V ienna Overture Over ture  Night on Bald Mountain  Nocturne Our own  An Outdoor Overture O verture  Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46 46  Poet and Peasant Overture O verture  Prelude to Hansel and Gretel Gret el  Psalm and Fugue  Rakastava,, the Lover  Rakastava  Rhosymedre (“Prelude (“P relude on a Welsh Hymn une”)  Rhythmic Variations Variation s on wo Ancient Hymns  Romance in C, C , Op. 42

Franz von Suppé Mussorgsky, Modest Hofeldt, Willia William m Aaron Copland Copland, Aaron Grieg, Edvard Franz von Suppé Humperdinck, Englebert Hovhaness, Alan Sibelius, Jean Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams, ms, Ralph / Foster Foster,, Arnold Howard Hanson Jean Sibelius

3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 3 3

473 534 539 479 545 549 486 555 562 566 420 491 496

 Rounds  Russian Easter Festival Fe stival Overture Overtu re Serenade for Strings, Op. 20

Diamond, David Rimsky-Ko Rimsk y-Korsakov, rsakov, Nikolai Elgar, Edward

1 2 2

424 571 576

“Andante Cantabile” from String Quartet   No. 1, Op. 11 “Hoe Down” from Rodeo “Variations on a Shaker Melody”   from Appalachian Spring 

C chaikovsky, Peter Ilyich

Teaching Music through Performance: A Comprehensive Listing by Grade, 2011




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Simple Symphony Slavonic Dance in G Minor, Op. 46, No. 8 Sospiri, Op. 70 St. Paul’s Suite Suite in F, “Lady Radnor’s Suite” Symphony No. 8 in B Minor (“Unfinished”) Symphony No. 8 in G Major, Op. 88, B. 163,   Mvt. IV, Finale Symphony No. 9 in C Major, D. 944, Mvt. 1

C Britten, Benjamin Antonín Dvorák Elgar, Edward Holst, Gustav Parry, Parr y, C. Hubert H.

V V  1 3 1 1 2

P 428 501 432 436 581

Schubert, Franz Peter Dvorák, Antonín

1 2

441 586

Franz Schubert



V V  1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1

P 457 453 461 597 602 465 606 612 472 616 61 6 624 628 636 640 477 486 482

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix Beethoven, Ludwig van Sibelius, Jean

2 1 2

646 493 656

Shostakovich, Dmitri



G 󰀶 

“Adagietto” from Symphony No. 5  Academic Festival Fest ival Orchestra, Orchestra , Op. 80  Adagio for Strings, St rings, Op. 11  American Suite Sui te Candide Overture  Egmont Overture, Over ture, Op. 84 84  Fantasia on a Teme by Tomas allis  Festival Overture, Overt ure, Op. 96  Five Variants of Dives and Lazaru L azaruss  Leonore Overture Over ture No. 3, Op. O p. 72b Overture to Ruslan and Ludmila  Prelude to Die Meistersinger Meister singer von Nürnberg  Prologue and a nd Variations  Roman Carnival Overture, O verture, Op. 9 Serenade in C for Strings, Op. 48 Serenade in E for String Orchestra, Op. 22 Serenade, Movement 1   (“Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Nachtmusik”), ”), K. 525 Sinfonia IX in C Minor Symphony No. 1, Op. 21 Symphony No. 2 in D Major,   Finale: Allegro moderato Symphony No. 5, Finale

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C Mahler, Gustav Brahms, Johannes Barber, Samuel Osborne Gould, Morton Bernstein, Leonard Beethoven, Ludwig van Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams, ms, Ralph Shostakovich, Dmitri Vaughan Va ughan Willia Williams, ms, Ralph Beethoven, Ludwig van Glinka, Mikha Mikhail il Ivanovich Wagner,, Richard Wagner Zwilich, Ellen aaffe Berlioz, Hector chaikovsky, Peter Ilyich Dvorák, Antonín Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

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