TM-1503 AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (User) (Caesar II 5.1) Rev 5.0

May 10, 2017 | Author: Vivek Chudasama | Category: N/A
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Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1)



AVEVA Plant (12 Series)

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503 2

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503

Revision Log Date


Description of Revision


27/08/2008 03/11/2008 10/11/2008 04/02/2009 06/03/2009 06/03/2009

0.1 0.2 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0

Issued for Review Reviewed Approved for Training 12.0.SP2 Issued for Review Reviewed Approved for Training 12.0.SP3


23/07/2009 02/09/2009 02/09/2009 09/11/2009 23/06/2010

2.1 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.0

Issued for Review Reviewed Approved for Training 12.0.SP4 Approved for Training 12.0.SP5 Approved for Training 12.0.SP6










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AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503

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Printed by AVEVA Solutions on 06 August 2010 © AVEVA Solutions and its subsidiaries 2001 – 2007 AVEVA Solutions Ltd, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HB, United Kingdom. 4

Contents 1

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 7 1.1 Aim..................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................... 7 1.3 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Course Structure .............................................................................................................................. 7 1.5 Using this guide ............................................................................................................................... 7 2 Starting Pipe Stress Application (PSI) ................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Start AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) ................................................................................................. 9 2.2 Starting the PSI Application ............................................................................................................ 9 2.3 Default Creation Zone Form .......................................................................................................... 10 2.4 Pipe Stress Interface Form ........................................................................................................... 10 3 Pipe Stress Groups................................................................................................................................ 11 3.1 Displaying a Piping Network for Stressing ................................................................................. 11 3.2 Creating a Stress Group ................................................................................................................ 11 3.3 Existing Stress Groups ................................................................................................................. 12 3.4 Adding and Removing Branches in the Stress Group ............................................................... 12 3.4.1 Adding Branches to the Stress Group...................................................................................... 12 3.4.2 Removing Branches from the Stress Group ............................................................................ 13 3.5 Rebuild Selected Group ................................................................................................................ 14 3.6 Find a Group ................................................................................................................................... 14 Exercise 1 – Building a Stress Group .......................................................................................................... 14 4 Stress Group Display ............................................................................................................................ 15 4.1 Graphics .......................................................................................................................................... 15 4.2 Main Nodes / Case Nodes / Clear Nodes ..................................................................................... 15 4.2.1 Branch Box ............................................................................................................................... 16 4.3 Graphics Box .................................................................................................................................. 16 4.3.1 Connected box ......................................................................................................................... 16 4.4 Animation ........................................................................................................................................ 17 4.5 Animation Speed ............................................................................................................................ 17 4.6 Processing Order ........................................................................................................................... 17 4.7 Active Stress Group....................................................................................................................... 17 Exercise 2 – Stress Group Display .............................................................................................................. 18 5 Stress Group Nodes .............................................................................................................................. 19 5.1 Existing Group Context menus .................................................................................................... 19 5.2 Node Details Form ......................................................................................................................... 20 5.3 Display Options .............................................................................................................................. 20 5.3.1 Display Format ......................................................................................................................... 21 5.4 Renumbering Nodes ...................................................................................................................... 21 5.4.1 Single Node Renumbering ....................................................................................................... 21 5.4.2 Cascading Node Renumbering ................................................................................................ 22 5.4.3 Reset Button............................................................................................................................. 22 5.5 Node Attributes .............................................................................................................................. 22 Exercise 3 – Renumbering Nodes ................................................................................................................ 22 6 Checking the Stress Group for Errors ................................................................................................. 23 6.1 Datacon Errors ............................................................................................................................... 23 6.2 Node Errors .................................................................................................................................... 24 6.2.1 Node Errors – Temperature and Pressure 2 – 9 ...................................................................... 24 6.2.2 Node Errors - Insulation ........................................................................................................... 24 6.2.3 Node Errors – Weight ............................................................................................................... 25 6.2.4 Setting a temporary weight for a Stress Run ........................................................................... 25 Exercise 4 – Checking Stress Group Errors ............................................................................................... 27 7 Pipe Stress Interface Defaults .............................................................................................................. 29 7.1 The Pipe Stress Interface toolbar ................................................................................................. 29 7.2 Pipe Stress Interface Defaults ...................................................................................................... 29 Exercise 5 – Pipe Stress Interface Defaults ................................................................................................ 30 8 PDMS to CAESAR II (5.1) ...................................................................................................................... 31 8.1 Creating a CAESAR II Neutral file ................................................................................................. 31 8.2 Converting a CAESAR II Neutral File to a CAESAR II Input file ................................................ 32 5

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503

8.3 Opening a CAESAR II Input File ................................................................................................... 33 8.4 Opening the CAESAR II Piping Input Form ................................................................................. 34 8.5 Plot Tools ........................................................................................................................................ 34 8.5.1 Displaying Node Numbers ....................................................................................................... 34 8.6 Caesar II Tools................................................................................................................................ 35 8.6.1 Interactive Stress Runs ............................................................................................................ 35 8.6.2 Batch Stress Runs.................................................................................................................... 35 Exercise 6 – Transfer and Stressing the Piping Network .......................................................................... 36 9 CAESAR II to PDMS ............................................................................................................................... 37 9.1 Opening the Report File ................................................................................................................ 37 9.2 Displaying Graphical Results ....................................................................................................... 37 9.3 Saving the Report File ................................................................................................................... 38 9.4 Converting a CAESAR II Input file to a CAESAR II Neutral File ................................................ 39 9.5 Getting stress data into PDMS ..................................................................................................... 40 9.5.1 Convert Stress Data Errors ...................................................................................................... 41 9.5.2 Output and Return folder contents ........................................................................................... 41 9.5.3 Displaying load cases in PDMS ............................................................................................... 41 9.6 Editing Return Nodes .................................................................................................................... 43 9.7 Display Load Case Graphics ........................................................................................................ 43 Exercise 7 – CAESAR II to PDMS ................................................................................................................. 44 10 Modifying and Adding Nodes in CAESAR II .................................................................................... 45 10.1 Node Modification .......................................................................................................................... 45 Exercise 8 – Node Modification in CAESAR II ............................................................................................ 46 10.2 Adding Nodes in CAESAR II ......................................................................................................... 47 Exercise 9 – Adding Nodes in CAESAR II ................................................................................................... 47 11 Adding Pipe Supports ....................................................................................................................... 49 11.1 Adding Pipe Supports in AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) ............................................................. 49 11.2 Creating a Stress Group ................................................................................................................ 52 11.3 Transfer the Stress Group to CAESAR ........................................................................................ 52 11.3.1 CAESAR display showing Pipe Supports added in PDMS ...................................................... 53 11.3.2 CAESAR display showing no Anchors at the Branch Ends ..................................................... 53 11.4 Adding Anchors in CAESAR ......................................................................................................... 54 11.5 Adding a Support in CAESAR ...................................................................................................... 54 11.6 Displaying Graphical Results ....................................................................................................... 56 11.6.1 Displaying Pipe Support Output ............................................................................................... 57 11.6.2 Displaying Pipe Deflected Shape ............................................................................................. 58 11.7 Saving the Report File, Piping Input and Transferring Results to PDMS ................................ 59 Exercise 10 – Adding Pipe Supports and Anchors .................................................................................... 60 12 Clash checking Load Cases ............................................................................................................. 61 12.1 Clash Checking .............................................................................................................................. 61 12.2 Suggested correction to Pipe Route using CAESAR ................................................................. 61 Exercise 11 – Clash Checking Load Cases................................................................................................. 62 13 Things you should not do in CAESAR II ......................................................................................... 63 6




The PSI application allows you to create stress groups from existing pipe lines within the PDMS Design application. When a stress group has been created the PSI application will create a CAESAR II CII format file, which can be selected in CAESAR II and converted to a CAESAR II C2 format file. The stress engineer can then perform stress calculations on the transferred stress group. Once the stress engineer has finished the analysis; a report file is create a (with extension .out) and a CAESAR II neutral file updated showing the modified pipe. These files can be then be imported back into AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) to assist the Piping Designer in updating the 3D model to match the results.



This document provides guidance to the Piping Stress Engineer or AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) Designer on how to create and configure stress groups using the Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) application. It is acknowledged that there may be more that one person involved in this process.



At the end of this training, you will: 


Be able to transfer Piping information between AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) and CAESAR II.


It is assumed that the Piping Stress Engineer has a basic understanding of the AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) software and that the AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) Designer has a basic understanding of CAESAR II.


Course Structure

Training will consist of oral and visual presentations, demonstrations and set exercises. Each workstation will have a training project, populated with model objects. This will be used by the trainees to practice their methods, and complete the set exercises.


Using this guide

Certain text styles are used to indicate special situations throughout this document, here is a summary; Menu pull downs and button press actions are indicated by bold dark turquoise text. Information the user has to Key-in will be red and Bold Annotation for trainees benefit:

 

Additional information Refer to other documentation

System prompts should be bold and italic in inverted commas i.e. 'Choose function' Example files or inputs will be in the courier new font, colours and styles used as before. 7

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503 8



Starting Pipe Stress Application (PSI)

The PSI Application is started from the Piping Application in AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS)


Start AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS)

Select All Programs > AVEVA > Plant 12.0 > Run PSI with PDMS Or Double click the AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) short cut to start PDMS. Project







Select the MDB /SAMPLE





Note on early version of AVEVA Plant Design (12 Series) a modified version on SAM and MAS containing extra PSI related information e.g. component weights was supplied.

PSI is selected from the Pipework Application Select Design > Pipework


Starting the PSI Application Select Utilities>Pipe Stress Interface… from the main menu of the Piping Application Or Pipe Stress Icon

A Default creation Zone form is now displayed 9

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503


Default Creation Zone Form Select a zone in which to create your Stress Groups from the form and press OK. Select StressGroups as the Default Zone Creation Select OK

All Zones with the purpose of PSI are displayed. If no zone is found, a new zone should be created with its purpose set to PSI.

 2.4

Note: PSI is the default selection for Stress Zones; this can be modified in the PSI defaults form.

Pipe Stress Interface Form

Note: A Stress Group is a PDMS pipe with a list of branches to be stressed. 10


3 3.1

Pipe Stress Groups Displaying a Piping Network for Stressing

Piping networks for stressing are added to stress groups using the cursor so it is necessary to display the Pipework in the graphics display prior to creation a Stress Group. Drag and Drop Pipe 150-B-6 from the Design Explorer to the 3D Graphics Display

Select ISO2 as this is the default view direction in Caesar II


Creating a Stress Group

To create a new Stress Group, press the Create Stress Group button on the Pipe Stress Interface form’s Groups tab. 11

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503

New Stress Group Name form is displayed.

Enter the name of your new stress group /150-B-6-GROUP and press OK.

Note: -

In some cases the Stress Group Name may be based on a networks e.g. Calculation Numbers e.g. “STRESS-22”


To close the window without creating a new stress group select the Dismiss button Stress Group names containing slashes are not valid and will cause later problems if used. “STEAM_PIPES” or

Existing Stress Groups

Once you have created a new Stress Group it will be displayed in the Existing Groups box on the Pipe Stress Interface and in the Design Explorer hierarchy if displayed.


Adding and Removing Branches in the Stress Group

Stress Groups hold a series of branches that must be in the same network.


Adding Branches to the Stress Group

To add branches to a Stress Group, select the Stress Group you want to add to by clicking on it in the Existing Groups list and then click the Add/Remove Members button on the Pipe Stress Interface. The Pipe Stress Interface now becomes greyed out and inactive. 12

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503

Note: The lowest level to add to a Stress Group is a branch; branches can be split if it is necessary to stress part of a branch.

Select the branches to include in the Stress Group by graphically selecting them using the left mouse button. Select /150-B-6 once selected use the Escape button to exit the Graphical pick.

Branches to include in a stress group have been selected in red. But this colour might vary depending upon your configuration settings.


Removing Branches from the Stress Group

To remove a branch which you have selected, select it again and you will be prompted with a choice to remove the selected branch from the stress group.

Once you have finished selecting the branches to include in your stress group press Escape . The Pipe Stress Interface form will now become active. 13

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503

The branches that you selected to include in your stress group should now be listed in the Group Members box Members can be added or removed from group at any time by pressing the Add/Remove Members button.


Rebuild Selected Group

The Rebuild Selected Group button allows you to rebuild and refresh members of the currently selected group.

I confirmation prompt will be displayed.


Find a Group

The Find Groups button allows you to determine what Stress Groups the current element belongs to. Graphically select a branch /150-B-6 in the 3D graphical display and press the Find Groups button and a form will be displayed that lists the Stress Groups that the branch belongs to.

Exercise 1 – Building a Stress Group Using the example shown above create a stress group called /150-B-6-GROUP that contains pipe /150-B-6. 14



Stress Group Display

The Display Tab controls how the Stress Group is displayed in AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS)



The Graphics section in the Display Tab contains two radio buttons which can be toggled between; Main Nodes and Case Nodes and three check box options; Branches, Graphics and Connected which can be checked on/off.


Main Nodes / Case Nodes / Clear Nodes

Toggling between the Main Nodes and Case Nodes (Load case nodes are returned after stressing) shows the node numbers of the respected selection in the 3D Design window. Node Number can also be hidden using the Clear Nodes Button. 15

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503


Branch Box

Checking the Branches box shows the names of the branches in the selected Stress Group in the 3D Design window.


Graphics Box

Checking the Graphics box means that all graphics are turned on. Not checking the Graphics box only shows the current Stress Group in the 3D view, i.e. all other pipes, equipment and structures are not shown Current limitation: it may be necessary to use the right-button context menu item refresh to show the current group after un-checking the Graphics box.

Stress Group shown only


Graphics Box Ticked

Connected box

The Connected box turns the equipment that is connected to the Stress Group on and off in the 3D view

. Connected equipment turned on 16

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503



The Animation section on the Display Tab allows you to view the processing order of the components in a Stress Group. Firstly select the Stress Group you want to view from the Existing Group box, and then press the Show button. The individual components of the selected Stress Group will be highlighted in the 3D view in the order in which they will be processed.

Processing Order

Animation to show processing order of a Stress Group


Animation Speed

The speed at which the processing order is display in the 3D view can be controlled by the Speed track bar (Error! Reference source not found.). To view the order faster slide the bar to the right, to view the order slower slide the bar to the left.

Speed Track Bar


Processing Order

Branches are processed in the order in which they appear in the Group Members box. To change this processing order select the branch you want to move in the Group Members Box and click on the up or down arrows (▲▼) to the right of the box. Current Limitation: the Group Members box does not always update when the up and down arrows are selected. To force an update switch to a different stress-group and back.


Active Stress Group

The original pipe is displayed by default in red and the returned stress pipe is displayed in green by default, but both of these can be changed in the Interface Settings.

Returned pipe with minimal deflections 17

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503

The transparency of the currently active stress group can be altered as shown in (It is set to Solid as default). Both the Main Group and the currently selected Load Case can be changed independently. Off removes the current active group from the 3D view.

Display options

Exercise 2 – Stress Group Display Display the Stress Group on the 3D Display. Experiment showing the Stress Group Only, Branch Names, Clearing Nodes, Connected Equipment and Graphics. View the Processing Order.

Note: you will not be able to show the Load Case Groups as yet as no stress run has been made 18


5 5.1

Stress Group Nodes Existing Group Context menus

Context menu are ones that pop up when you right-click over certain items in a form. They are used to gain access to context sensitive commands. There is one context menus on the Pipe Stress Interface linked to the items in the Existing Groups box. Right-clicking an item in the Existing Group box i.e. the name of a Stress group brings up a context menu as shown.

Context Menu on the Existing Group box

The table below shows the context menu items and a description of their actions. Context Menu Item


Delete current Group

Deletes the currently selected Stress group

Show Node Details

Brings up the Show Details form as shown

Refresh current Group

Rebuilds and refreshes members of the currently selected group 19

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503


 5.3

Node Details Form

Note: The Node details form can also be displayed by pressing the Edit Nodes button on the Output/Input tab in addition to accessing it via the Existing Group context menu.

Display Options

The columns displayed on the Node Details form can be customised from the Pipe Stress Interface Defaults. Select the Modify PSI Defaults Icon

Select the Node Form Display Columns Tab

A useful checking column that can be displayed is Errorflag, Select Errorflag Changes can be saved to the Defaults file Select File > Save Defaults

Confirm the save by selecting Yes 20

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503


Display Format

The Node Details form has two radio buttons. Selecting All Nodes displays all node on the form (inactive and active nodes), selecting Active Nodes just displays active nodes i.e. those nodes with a node number.


Renumbering Nodes

Nodes of a stress group can be renumbered by pressing the Renumber Nodes button located on the Node Details Form.


Single Node Renumbering

To renumber a single node, select the appropriate node in the list 30 and enter a new node number in the New Number text box 31. Press Update Numbers to view the changes and then press Apply to save the changes.

Note: N.B If you choose a node number that is already in use then you will be asked if you want to renumber all subsequent nodes; these will be renumbered according to the increment value in the Increment text box. 21

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503


Cascading Node Renumbering

When you select a node to be renumbered using the Cascade option, all subsequent nodes are also renumbered according to the increment value in the Increment text box. Select Node 40 Increment 20 Select Cascade and Update Numbers and Apply.


Reset Button

This resets all nodes to their original node numbers.

 5.5

Note: this only works if the Apply button has not been used

Node Attributes

The Node attributes can be displayed from the Node Details Form

Exercise 3 – Renumbering Nodes Change the Node Numbers as illustrated above. 22



Checking the Stress Group for Errors

The Check Group button on the Output/Input tab checks the selected Stress Group for Datacon and Node errors.

When the Check group button is pressed it displays a tabbed window. Results from the checks are displayed under the appropriate tab.


Datacon Errors

The Datacon errors tab displays Data Consistency errors for each branch in the Stress Group. 23

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503


Node Errors

The Node errors tab shows problems such as the component weight not being set. These errors should be rectified before the pipe is sent to be stressed.


Node Errors – Temperature and Pressure 2 – 9

CAESAR II will allow up to 9 temperatures and pressures by default the PSI Interface only transfers one temperature and one pressure so Temperatures 2 – 9 and Pressure 2 – 9 can be ignored.


Node Errors - Insulation

If no insulation spec is set on a branch Error in Insulation (2,114) =0/0 has no attribute will be displayed if the pipe has no insulation this can be ignored. 24

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503


Node Errors – Weight

If the weight of a component such as an instrument is not set, then an error in the Node Errors tab will be display: For example: INST =15392/5691

Unable to Find Weight for INST /FE-117

As there is no weight is the catalogue for this, it can be set locally in the design by use of a UDA (Userdefined Attribute) called PSIWEIGHT. The PSIWEIGHT attribute’s value remains persistent once set and overrides the catalogue value. To set the PSIWEIGHT UDA modify the component’s attributes by selecting: Modify>Attributes from the main menu.

Note: To see changes to the list of Datacon and Node Errors, refresh the Stress Group before pressing the Check Group button. This will insure that all changes to the Stress Group are up to date. Following a Stress run no errors will be displayed without rebuilding the selected group.


Setting a temporary weight for a Stress Run

In the Existing Group box, right-click on the selected stress group and select Show Node Details from the context menu. 25

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503

The Node Details from will now be displayed.

Locate the component that’s weight needs to be change. (If the weight is zero the Error column will be flagged as True on the Node Details form) Right-click anywhere on the component’s row to bring up a context menu.

Select Display node attributes from the context menu. Alternatively press the Node Attributes button the Node Details Form. A form will be displayed with the majority of the fields being read-only. However if the weight is zero then the weight field can be changed. Once you have changed the weight to a suitable value, press Apply and a message will be displayed warning you that the changes made by this method are only temporary.

Note: Further changes to weight values can be made within Caesar II. 26

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503

Exercise 4 – Checking Stress Group Errors Check the Stress Group for Errors as described above,

Datacon Errors The Datacon Errors can be ignored, the bend has a skey catalogue error that should be corrected in the catalogue but this will not effect the pipe stressing.

The pipe attachments have attypes that will be ignored by t the PSI interface and will not be passed over to Caesar II.

Node Errors PSI only transfers one Temperature and one Pressure Temperatures and Pressures 2 – 9 can be ignored.

Insulation Error is shown because the pipe has no insulation so can be ignored.

The weight error on the Bend can be ignored as the Bend used is manufactured from Pipe and would not have a weight set.

The attas on this pipe are not being passed to Caesar II so the weight of them need not be set. 27

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503 28


7 7.1

Pipe Stress Interface Defaults The Pipe Stress Interface toolbar

The PSI toolbar is located under the main menu bar.

Each icon on the PSI toolbar and its assigned action or purpose is listed in below. Show Pipe group Modification form for the current stress group. Modify Stress Defaults


Pipe Stress Interface Defaults

The PSI defaults form allows the user to configure PSI to suit the user’s project data. This can be configured in many ways so it is important to provide facilities to use this data rather than make project changes to suit PSI. The defaults file is principally used to tell PSI where to extract information and what units to expect, but it also defines how PSI works in the user environment. We have already discussed the use of the Node Form Display Columns. When the Modify Stress Defaults icon form is displayed

is pressed from the PSI toolbar, the Stress Interface Defaults

. 29

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) (Caesar II 5.1) TM-1503

The Stress Interface Defaults form has five tabs: Database Units Interface Settings Expressions Restraint Data Node Form Display Columns

For information on how to use the PSI defaults form, please see the TM-1501A - Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (Admin).

Exercise 5 – Pipe Stress Interface Defaults Investigate the units being used on the project and if necessary change them to the values shown above. 30


8 8.1

PDMS to CAESAR II (5.1) Creating a CAESAR II Neutral file

To create a CAESAR II Neutral file for a selected Stress Group, press the Write Data to File button on the Output/Input tab.

It is now very important to do a Savework Design > Savework immediately after creating a CAESAR Neutral File so that all data relating to the Stress Group is saved within PDMS. Once the button has been pressed three folders called input, output and logs are used to store the data. They are located in the same area as the project directories e.g. C:\ProjectPath\Project\Sampsi where the name of the project is Sam. The files contained within these folders are named according to the name given to your Stress Group. The input folder contains the newly created CAESAR II Neural File (*.cii) which can be input into Caesar II. The output folder contains an xml file which contains pipe stress data exported from PDMS in a predefined schema. The logs folder contains a HTML reports viewable via a web browser: _log.html which contains information about the conversion from the *.xml file to the Caesar II Neural File. The _log.html contains version information for the .cii converter, and also any messages to do with the running of the conversion process – it is a good place to look if things go wrong. It also contains information about the PDMS elements translated, and any assumptions and default values used (for example missing weights or wall thicknesses). The stress engineer may find it useful to have a look at this file. 31

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Folder Name (From PDMS)

(To CAESAR) Examples of files produced


Converting a CAESAR II Neutral File to a CAESAR II Input file

It is necessary to convert the neutral file created in the Pipe Stress interface to a Caesar II Input file before the Stress Group can be viewed and analysed in Caesar II.

Start up Caesar II Select Tools>External Interfaces>CAESAR II Neutral File… from the main menu. A Neutral File Generator box should now be displayed. Select the first radio button labelled “Convert Neutral File to CAESAR II Input File”.

Press the Browse button and navigate to the 150-B-6-GROUP.cii file in the input folder created by the Pipe Stress Interface.

Note: The first time the interface is used the Designer is required to navigate to the project input directory as described above typically: C:\AVEVA\plant\PSI12.0\plant\sam\sampsi\input

Select 150-B-6-GROUP.cii Select Open. 32

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Press the Convert button. A message confirming the conversion should be displayed.

Select OK

Select No


Opening a CAESAR II Input File

In Caesar II, Select File>Open… from the main menu, select the Caesar II Input File 150-B-6-group._A and press Open.

Alternatively you could use the File Open Icon 33

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503


Opening the CAESAR II Piping Input Form

Select Input>Piping… from the Main menu or the Piping Input Icon to display the Caesar II piping input spreadsheet which contains all the information of the Stress Group created in PDMS



Plot Tools

Displaying Node Numbers

Select Node Numbers 34

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503



Caesar II Tools

Interactive Stress Runs

Stress runs are performed by selecting Start Run from the Piping Input Form

This option will perform various checks on the piping system and will stop so that you can acknowledge the results.


Batch Stress Runs

Once you are happy with the results you can select Batch Run which will not stop at any prompts

Using Batch Run option will display the Static Output Processor form automatically. 35

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Exercise 6 – Transfer and Stressing the Piping Network Transfer and Stress the Piping Group 150-B-6-GROUP and describe previous and produce a static output. 36




In order to bring back stress data from CAESAR to PDMS two CAESAR files need to be created: Report File (*.OUT) containing Displacement data for one or more Load Cases Neutral file (*.CII) of the stress pipe containing any modifications


Opening the Report File

In CAESAR II open the piping input file 150-B-6-GROUP which should now be ready to be stressed and has been error checked in CAESAR. Then select Output > Static from the main menu to display the Static Output processor screen.

 9.2

Note following a Batch Run the Static Output Processor will be displayed.

Displaying Graphical Results Select 3D Plot

Select the Deflective shape Icon,

This is the Pipe Route the will be passed back to AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) 37

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503


Saving the Report File

Select one or more load cases under Load Cases Analysed. For information on editing load cases please see the CAESAR II User Guide. Select Displacements under Report Options which will output translations and rotations for each node.

Other report options may be selected too, but are not passed back into PDMS.

Save the report file File> Save or use the Save to File Icon Make Sure that you save the report to the input Directory, select Save.

Select Save.


Select File > Exit 38

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503


Converting a CAESAR II Input file to a CAESAR II Neutral File

In order for PDMS to determine if any changes have been made to the stress pipe within CAESAR, the current piping input file needs to be converted to a neutral file.

N.B It is important that this step is implemented either directly before the producing the report file or directly after, so that the representation of the pipe in consistent in both files.

Select Tools>External Interfaces>CAESAR II Neutral File… from the main menu.

A Neutral File Generator box should now be displayed. Select the second radio button labelled “CAESAR II Input File to Neutral File”. Press the Browse button and navigate to the appropriate 150-B-6-GROUP.C2 file Select Open.

Press the Convert button. A message confirming the conversion should be displayed.

Select OK 39

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Select No


Getting stress data into PDMS

To get the data back into PDMS, select a Stress Group from the Existing Groups box which has been stressed in CAESAR and has a corresponding neutral and report file in the output folder.

Make sure you are on the correct Stress Group 150-B-6-GROUP Select the Convert Stress Data button on the Output/Input tab.

If this is successful a new XML file (StressGroupNameRet.XML) will be created and saved to the return folder which is located at the same place as the input and output folders.

Select OK 40

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503


Convert Stress Data Errors

If for any reason the process fails e.g. the CAESAR report file is missing, then an error will be displayed.

A HTML log (*_RetLog.html) is also created and stored in the logs folder every time the Convert Output button is pressed. The log gives more detail on what the conversion process has found and where, if any problems have occurred. Any Errors will be highlighted in Red, Warnings in Blue and Restraints in green.


Output and Return folder contents

Folder Name

Examples of files produced


Displaying load cases in PDMS

Before attempting to read in the Stress file the Max. Allowable Movement should be changed from 1000 to 2000. The Stressed Pipe has no support so there may be large displacements.

Select the Modify PSI Defaults Icon

Max. Allowable Movement 2000 Select OK 41

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Once a return XML file has been created it can be opened and loaded into AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) by pressing the Read Stress File button on the Output/Input Tab.

The return XML files should all be stored in the return folder and the file browser should automatically navigate to this.

Select 150-B-6-GROUPRet.xml file Select OK

Note: Make sure you have the corresponding Stress Group selected in the Existing Groups box so that the main pipe and load case models can be shown in the 3D view. You may have to re-select the Stress Group after opening the file to see the changes. The Load Case Model list should now be populated with a list of load cases; any invalid load cases will be deleted. To view different load cases overlaid on the original pipe, simply select the required load case from the list. If you only have one Stress Group you may need to close the Stress Group Form and Start it again. 42

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503


Editing Return Nodes

Return nodes can be edited by pressing the Edit Return Nodes button on the Output/Input tab. Once this button is pressed a Node Details form will be displayed containing information on the returned nodes.

The return node details form includes two new columns; deflection and status. Deflections are set for active nodes that have been stressed and have deflection data returned to PDMS. The status column is also set for active nodes. Any new nodes will be set to “New”; deleted nodes will be set to “Deleted” and nodes which are unchanged are set to “False”.


Display Load Case Graphics

On the Pipe Stress Interface Form Display Tab set the Main Group to Off and the Load Case Group to Solid

The following will be displayed (in Green): 43

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Exercise 7 – CAESAR II to PDMS

Transfer the CAESAR II information to AVEVA Plant Design PDMS and described above. 44


10 Modifying and Adding Nodes in CAESAR II 10.1 Node Modification Pipe /250-B-5 has been added to Stress Group /250-B-5-GROUP and transferred to CAESAR II as described previously it has had its nodes numbered starting at 10 in 10 increments.

Once in CAESAR II the Nodes 30 – 40 and 120 – 130 distance is changed from 610mm to 910mm and Nodes 70 – 80 is changed from 693 to 393. This is done using the CAESAR II Piping Input Form

Select Input > Piping

or use the Piping Input Icon

Use Next element to select Node 30 – 40 Change DX: from 610.000 to 910.000.

Continue the process to change Nodes 120 – 130 DX: from 610.000 to 910.000 and reduce 70 – 80 from 693.030 to 393.030 mm. Nodes are displayed using Node Numbers Icon on the Plot Tools toolbar.

Pipe lengths can be displayed using the Show Lengths Icon on the Plot Tools toolbar. 45

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Remember you must stress the Stress Group using for example the Batch Run save the displacements to the output directory and Convert the modified input file and copy the modified file to the Output directory. The Updated Stress information can now be transferred back and displayed in AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) Convert and Read Stress Data

The above shows the original and modified Stress Group displayed in AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS)

Exercise 8 – Node Modification in CAESAR II Experiment with changing Nodes in CAESAR II as describe above and passing the Information back to AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS). 46

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

10.2 Adding Nodes in CAESAR II New nodes that have been added in CAESAR e.g. an expansion loop will be displayed in PDMS

Original PDMS

CAESAR View with added Nodes

Returned PDMS View

In the example shown above the nodes have been numbered in 100 increments this has been done so that extra nodes can be added to create the elbows. Each elbow would require 3 nodes. New nodes must be entered and Numbered in order on the Piping Input Form using the Insert Icon

The nodes illustrated above have been input as bends with a radius of 457.200 mm.

Exercise 9 – Adding Nodes in CAESAR II Create a Stress Groups and add additional Nodes as illustrated above to form a loop in the pipework. 47

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503 48


11 Adding Pipe Supports Pipe supports can be added both in AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) and passed to CAESAR or in CAESAR and passed back to AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) for inclusion original pipe.

As will all cases the original pipe is not modified.

11.1 Adding Pipe Supports in AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) This is included as an example it is expected that the Designer placing Pipe Supports in AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) in fully conversant with support design using PDMS. Add Pipe /40-B-10 and SCTN /F4G4-1 and /F6G6-1 to the screen as shown below in a Iso2 view.

The following example shows the pipe /40-B-10 with a support that has been added using MDS.

The MDS pipe support system is covered in TM-1210 AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Multi-Discipline Supports.

Attas can be added as shown below: - 49

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Using the Pipe Components Creation Form create a GEN type atta on branch 40-B-10/B1 each of the sections.

The Atta can be placed on the pipe and aligned using align with feature

11.2 Adding Pipe Stress Node Information Regardless of how the support was created the following Node information must be added. Use Modify > Attributes on the Atta to change the following:






1751270031350 50

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Note the Node Stiffness is set to 1751270031350 this is a default value in CAESAR it can be changed but should not be set to 0.

Node Type 15 is +Z or a free rest as indicated in the table below.

If the support has been created using MDS then the structural attachment should not be transferred to CAESAR. This is done by setting the attype of the support to HANG. Structural attachments have a name similar to /PS-00001/SREF navigate to all SREF Attas and set attype HANG. The second atta can be created using create copy offset and then position using Position > Component > Through Ensure that you have a pipe support on each beam as shown below.

11.3 Pipe Support Node Types The following table shown the PSI node types for use with Restraints 1 = ANC 2 =X 3 =Y 4 =Z 5 = RX 6 = RY 7 = RZ 8 = GUI 9 = LIM 10 = XSNB

11 = YSNB 12 = ZSNB 13 = +X 14 = +Y 15 = +Z 16 = -X 17 = -Y 18 = -Z 19 = +RX 20 = +RY

21 = +RZ 22 = -RX 23 = -RY 24 = -RZ 25 = +LIM 26 = -LIM 27 = XROD 28 = YROD 29 = ZROD 30 = +XROD

31 = +YROD 32 = +ZROD 33 = -XROD 34 = -YROD 35 = -ZROD 36 = X2 37 = Y2 38 = Z2 39 = RX2 40 = RY2

41 = RZ2 42 = +X2 43 = +Y2 44 = +Z2 45 = -X2 46 = -Y2 47 = -Z2 48 = +RX2 49 = +RY2 50 = +RZ2

51 = -RX2 52 = -RY2 53 = -RZ2 54 = XSPR 55 = YSPR 56 = ZSPR 57 = +XSNB 58 = +YSNB 59 = +ZSNB 60 = -XSNB 61 = -YSNB 62 = -ZSNB 51

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

11.4 Creating a Stress Group Create a Stress Group which includes 50-B-9 and 40-B-10 as described earlier some extra supports and anchors will be added in CAESAR later.

11.5 Transfer the Stress Group to CAESAR Transfer the Stress Group to CAESAR as described earlier on investigation you will see that nodes 560 and 570 are supports but there are no Anchors on the Pipe Branch ends these will need adding. 52

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

11.5.1 CAESAR display showing Pipe Supports added in PDMS

Make sure that the Support are being displayed.

11.5.2 CAESAR display showing no Anchors at the Branch Ends 53

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

11.6 Adding Anchors in CAESAR In the following example the ends on the branches would be set to Nozzles but for the purposes on the training we are going to set them to Restraints. The following nodes should be set to Anchors 10, 300 and 340. Use the Piping Input form navigate to node From 10 to 20 and add Restraints by double clicking on the tick box. Add Node 10 and type ANC to the Restraints

Repeat the process for From 290 to 300 Node 300 Type ANC and From 340 to 350 Node 340 Type ANC

Make sure that the Anchors are being displayed.

11.7 Adding a Support in CAESAR In order to add a pipe support we will add a node 245 between 240 and 250 this node will be an Anchored Restraint. On the piping input form navigate to Nodes 230 – 240 54

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Insert a Node after this one using the Insert Icon Select After and OK Set this New Node to From 240 to 245, DX: -1230, Restraint, Node 245, Type ANC

Navigate to the next Node which will be 240 – 250, Change From 240 to 245 , DX: -920

Your support should be show as follows: - 55

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

11.8 Displaying Graphical Results Create a stress run as described earlier using the Batch Run Icon

On the Static Output Processor Form Select 3D Plot 56

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

11.8.1 Displaying Pipe Support Output To see the Pipe Support we have added select the Restraints Symbols Icon

The above display show the support and Anchor Locations 57

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

11.8.2 Displaying Pipe Deflected Shape A graphical representation of how the pipe will deflect can be shown using the Deflected Shape Icon as

shown below: The Displacement scale can be set using Displacement Scale


Set the scale to 4

The amount of deflection can also be displayed using the DX, DY and DZ icons 58

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

11.9 Saving the Report File, Piping Input and Transferring Results to PDMS When you have finished your investigation close the Graphical Screen using File > Exit Save the Displacements to a 132 Column Report, Save and Convert your Input File Convert and Load your Stress Data. The following is an example of the Original and Stress Results in AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS), Investigation will reveal that the Pipe Support has been transferred from CAESAR. 59

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Exercise 10 – Adding Pipe Supports and Anchors Using the above example add some Pipe Supports and Anchors to a Stress Group in Both AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) and CAESAR 60


12 Clash checking Load Cases Load cases can be clash checked by pressing the clasher icon on the Output/Input tab . Select the load case you want to clash check from the list of load case models and press the clasher icon. Any items that clash will be added to the draw list.

12.1 Clash Checking Select Stress Group /250-B-5-GROUP that we created earlier on in Output/Input Tab select the Clash Icon . The following Clash will be displayed.

12.2 Suggested correction to Pipe Route using CAESAR The Load Case could be modified in CAESAR as shown below: -

Change Node Delete Node Change Node Number Delete Node Change Node Number

70 – 80 from 693 to 1303 30 – 40 20 – 30 to 20 – 40 120 – 130 130 – 140 to 120 –1 40 61

AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Pipe Stress Interface (PSI) (User) TM-1503

Exercise 11 – Clash Checking Load Cases Clash Check the Stress Group /250-B-5-GROUP as described above. Modify the suggested route in CAESAR. 62


13 Things you should not do in CAESAR II We do not recommend doing the following in CAESAR II 

Renumbering Nodes


this should be done via AVEVA Plant Design (PDMS) 63

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