Tle 10 DLP 32

September 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Instruconal Planning (The process of systematically systematically planning, de!eloping, e!aluating and managing the instructional process -y using principles of teaching and learning  #./. '0, s. 012)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format Format DLP No.:


Grade Level:


Learning Competency/ies: Competency/ies: (Taken from the Curriculum Guide )






 Apply finishing touches.


(ey Concepts / -nderstandings -nderstandings to The lear learner ner ddemo emonst nstrat rates es unde underst rstand anding ing on on the princi principle pless in desi designi gning ng and and sewin sewingg of l e Developed


 Adapted +ogniti!e +ogniti!e &rocess #imensions (#./. 3o. 4, s. 015)



The fact or condion of knowing something with  familiarity gained through experience or associaon



Ex Expla plain in tthe he diff differe erent nt hemm hemming ing stic stiches hes need needed ed in sewing sewing garm garment ent part partss of p


S8ills The ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systemac, and sustained eort to smoothly and adapvely carryout complex acvies or the ability, coming  from ones knowledge, knowledge, pra pracce, cce, aptude, etc!, to do something

:tude *alues

nal.9ing Ealuang reang

 Assem-le and sew garment parts with the the appropriate hemming stitches a skirt.

Receiving Rece iving Phenomena

Explain the importance importance of hemming stitching in sewing sewing garment parts chee

Responding to Phenomena

 Apply the ways ways on how to use hemming stitches stitches in sewing sewing garment parts.

2, ontent

Finishing Touches( Hemming Stitches)

3, Learning Resources

0ps://ing$t 0ps://onalse1ingciring$touces/ ouces/

-, Procedures -,$

Introductor. cit. 0










Stud St uden ents ts pr prep epar aree the their ir uunf nfin inis ishe hedd la ladi dies es ski skirt rt aand nd ppre repa pare re the the nnec eces essa sary ry mat mater eria ials ls fo forr h ndi!idual Aci!tiy Aci!tiy.. (Students sew their unfinished skirt applying the right finishing touche How to hemming the hem line* the steps to follow when hemming* %ike the the icing icing on a cake, cake, finishing finishing on a sewing sewing pro"ec pro"ectt is what what truly -rings -rings the the 7wow fact !ideos feature tips and techni8ues on !arious finishing steps like hems, seams, piping, Steps to foll . %ay out the garment on a flat surface. 0. :eas :easur uree an an garment.


;. &in and -aste the hem fold.


'. :achine (See appendices #%& '0 in grade  #%&) (


(Taken from the Curriculum Guide )

%ayout and pin patterns on fa-rics.

(ey Concepts / -nderstandings -nderstandings to e Developed

The lea learne rnerr de demon monst strat rates es unde underst rstand anding ing on the the prin princip ciples les on layi laying ng out out and and pinn pinning ing pa garments.


 Adapted +ogniti!e +ogniti!e &rocess #imensions (#./. 3o. 4, s. 015)



The fact or condion of knowing something with  familiarity gained through experience or associaon



nterpret the principles of laying out patterns on fa-ric.


Execute how to layout patterns on Fa-ric.

S8ills The ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systemac, and sustained eort to smoothly and adapvely carryout complex acvies or the ability, coming from ones knowledge, pracce, aptude, etc!, to do something


nal.9ing Ealuang reang

:tude *alues

Receiving Rece iving Phenomena

%ayout patterns on fa-ric for sleeping garments.

Responding to Phenomena

State the significance of laying out patterns -efore sewing.

2, ontent

&rinciples of laying out the fa-ric.

3, Learning Resources


-, Procedures -,$

Introductor. cit. 2


cit. 4



minutes minutes

ssignment 2



ssessment 0


oncluding cit. 3

The studen students ts w will ill -e -e grouped grouped in into to 5. Each group will -e gi! gi!en en one piece piece of fa-ric fa-ric and e fold the fa-ric the way they like it and in a uni8ue way. $ase $asedd on the the --od odyy me meas asur urem emen ents ts oo-t -tai aine nedd in :+ :+ dr draf aftt patt patter ern, n, llay ayo out ut tthe he fafa-ri ricc for for s 6hat ar 6hat aree the the pr prin inci cipl ples es un unde derl rlyi ying ng th ther eree in into to la layi ying ng ou outt fa fa-r -ric ic pa patt tter ern* n* 6hat 6hat ar aree th thee pr into fa-ric* How to use these tools and materials* materials* #eneral #uidelines to &ut a PaBern PaBern Laying Layi ng out your your pa0ern pa0ern on te 4aric 4aric in prepara preparaon on 4o 4orr cu5ng is an importa importa done care4ully and accurately 4or great$loo6ing results.

11licaon 2%










7e sure sur you av ave ene9t all te t necess necessary ary diagrams. pa pa0ern 0ern pieces pieces.. "o PaBern 1reliminaries seets8 list pieces y le0er ore numer toete layout diagra ms.

&erform the layout for fa-ric with nap or one way design.  Anlysis of %earnersB &roducts ui@ &reparing &repa ring for the new lesson lesson 6hat are the principl principles es in pinning pinning patterns patterns on fa-ric. 7The way to get started is to 8uit talking and -egin doing7 6alt #isney

0,  Remar8s ,  Re;econs  "!  #o! of learners who earned $%& in the evaluaon!

'!  id the remedial lessons work #o! of learners who have caught up with the lesson!

*!  #o! of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon!

!  #o! of learners who connue to require remediaon!

+!  hich of my learning strategies worked well hy did these work  -!  hat di.cules did / encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve 


0!  hat innovaon or locali1ed materials did / use2discover which / wish to share with other teachers 

Prepared y: Name:

Ronasses S, 'uenaentura

Posion/ Designaon:


'cool: Division: Email address:

 "=S e6u Proince ronasses6uenaentura@gmail



ul. 2A 2%$

ode: D"#'G)g$i$&   tterns on sleeping

ch grouped are tasks to


leeping garments. liminaries in layingout

nt step. )t must e st instrucon




Instruconal Planning (The process of systematically systematically planning, de!eloping, e!aluating and managing the instructional process -y using principles of teaching and learning  #./. '0, s. 012)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format DLP No.:


Grade Level:


Learning Competency/ies: Competency/ies:







&repare materials for sleeping garments.

(Taken from the Curriculum Guide )

(ey Concepts / -nderstandings -nderstandings The learner demonstrates understanding on the principles preparing sleeping garment to e Developed  Adapted +ogniti!e +ogniti!e &rocess #imensions (#./. 3o. 4, s. 015)

Domain !no5ledge The fact or condion of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or associaon


&'ETI*ES+ dentify marking tools used in sleeping garment construction.

7nderstanding 

S8ills The ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systemac, and sustained eort to smoothly and adapvely carryout complex acvies or the ability, coming  from ones knowledge, knowledge,  pracce, aptude, aptude, etc!, etc!, to do something

:tude *alues


#istinguish the proper uses of these marking tools used in sleeping garmen

Ealuang reang Valuing

 Appreciate the uses uses of these marking marking tools.

Internalizing values

6ork will -e much easier if proper usage of marking tools will -e applied.

2, ontent

:arking Tools

3, Learning Resources


-, Procedures -,$

Introductor. cit. 2


cit. 4




/ral &articipation.


ssignment 2



The too tools ls use usedd in sewing sewing are are ttape aperr me measu asure, re, ls8ua ls8uare, re, cur!e cur!e rul rule, e, fren french ch cur!e, cur!e, dre dress ss weights, pins, tracing wheel, pencil and complete sewing kit. :aterials used are pattern paper pap er,, th threa read, d, ta tailo ilorBrBss chalk chalk,, cloth, cloth, fast fastene eners, rs, inte interfa rfacin cingg materi materials als.. The The e8uipm e8uipment ent are are s ironing -oard and cuting ta-le.

ssessment 0



6hat are are the tools tools and materi materials als used used in sewing* sewing* 6hat 6hat is the e8uipm e8uipment ent used used in sewin sewin these tools and materials* 6hy is it important to know its proper use*

11licaon 2%




%$The teacher shows realias of the different tools, materials and e8uipment used in sewin s 3ame some marking tools and its functions. lesson

oncluding cit. 3


7Time marks us while we are marking time .7 Theodore


&repare materials for sleeping garments.

(Taken from the Curriculum Guide )

(ey Concepts / -nderstandings -nderstandings to e Developed

The learner demonstrates understanding on the principles preparing sleeping garment


 Adapted +ogniti!e +ogniti!e &rocess #imensions (#./. 3o. 4, s. 015)



The fact or condion of knowing something with  familiarity gained through experience or associaon




+lassify some fa-ric suited for sleeping garments.


S8ills The ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systemac, and sustained eort to smoothly and adapvely carryout complex acvies or the ability, coming  from ones knowledge, knowledge, pra pracce, cce, aptude, etc!, to do something

nal.9ing Ealuang

E!aluate some fa-ric suited for sleeping garments.





/rgani@e some fa-rics and its characteristics.

Internalizing values

 Appreciate the characteristics characteristics of fa-rics.

2, ontent

Selection of Fa-rics suited for sleeping garment design.

3, Learning Resources


-, Procedures -,$

Introductor. cit. 2


cit. 4



$rainstorming $rainstor ming a-out a-out the pictur pictures. es. #isti #istinguis nguishh the differen difference ce and similar similaritie itiess of each pict pict appearance. 6hat is the other other name of sleeping garments and what are the different different type of sleepin sleepin

minutes minutes

se sele lect cted ed to e visu visual ally ly appe appeal alin ing go orr eroc eroc in addi addio on n to to tte eir ir 4unc 4unco ona nall p pur ur a0acments

%et the select a fa-ric suited for sleeping garment and explain why they choose it.  Anlysis of %earnersB &roducts ui@

ssignment 2



ssessment 0

Ium-led letters of the different types of fa-rics for sleeping garments design.

3ightwear , also called slee wear, wear , nightclothes nightclothes,, or nightdress, is clothing design to -e worn while sleeping. The style of nightwear worn may !ary with the seasons, warmer styles -eing worn in colder conditions and !ice !ersa . Som Somee sty style less or or mat mater erii

11licaon 2%










oncluding cit. 3


&reparing for the the new lesson lesson 3ame some tools used in marking in making sleeping sleeping ga 7To me, clothing is a form of selfexpressionthere are hints a-out who you are in what Iaco-s

0,  Remar8s ,  Re;econs  "!  #o! of learners who earned $%& in the evaluaon!

'!  id the remedial lessons work #o! of learners who have caught up with the lesson!

*!  #o! of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon!

!  #o! of learners who connue to require remediaon!

+!  hich of my learning strategies worked well hy did these work 


-!  hat di.cules did / encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve  0!  hat innovaon or locali1ed materials did / use2discover which / wish to share with other teachers 

Prepared y: Name:

Ronasses S, 'uenaentura

Posion/ Designaon:


'cool: Division: Email address:

 "=S e6u Proince ronasses6uenaentura@gmail



ul. 2-A 2%$

de: "#'G)g$i$& .



ure -ased on their

garments* ed   ith als are


poses. 'ee


rments. ou wear.7 :arc




Instruconal Planning (The process of systematically systematically planning, de!eloping, e!aluating and managing the instructional process -y using principles of teaching and learning  #./. '0, s. 012)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format Format DLP No.:


Grade Level:


Learning Competency/ies: Competency/ies: (Taken from the Curriculum Guide )







&repare materials for sleeping garments.


(ey Concepts / -nderstandings -nderstandings to The learner demonstrates understanding on the principles preparing sleeping garment e Developed


 Adapted +ogniti!e +ogniti!e &rocess #imensions (#./. 3o. 4, s. 015)



The fact or condion of knowing something with  familiarity gained through experience or associaon

&'ETI*ES+ dentify characteristics of of fa-rics used for sleeping garments. garments.

7nderstanding 

S8ills The ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systemac, and sustained eort to smoothly and adapvely carryout complex acvies or the ability, coming  from ones knowledge, knowledge, pra pracce, cce, aptude, etc!, to do something


#istinguish some of the characteristics characteristics of fa-rics.

Ealuang reang




/rgani@e some fa-rics and its characteristics.

Internalizing values

 Appreciate the characteristics characteristics of fa-rics.

2, ontent

+haractericticss of Fa-rics +haracterictic

3, Learning Resources


-, Procedures -,$

Introductor. cit. 2


cit. 4



11licaon 2%


ssessment 0

$rainstorming $rainstor ming a-out a-out the pictu pictures. res. #isti #istinguis nguishh the differe difference nce and similaritie similaritiess of each each pict appearance. 6hat are some of the types of fa-rics and how to care these certain type.

minutes minutes

:atch column A (#esciptions=+haracteristic (#esciptions=+haracteristics) s) and column $ (Fa-ric). (See attached ap

minutes minutes

oncluding cit. 3

&icture Analysis9 Analysis9 &resentation of pictures of fa-rics and defferentiate them.

Sleeping garments must pro!ide us us the comfort while sleeping. They should possess possess th (See attached appendix)

ssignment 2











&en and paper test.

&reparing for the the new lesson lesson 3ame some some of the sleeping garments you prefer to to wear  7The way way we dress affe affects cts the way way weTH3?, weTH3?, the the way we FEE%, FEE%, the way way we A+T A+T and t us.7 Iudith






&repare materials for sleeping garments.

(Taken from the Curriculum Guide )


(ey Concepts / -nderstandings -nderstandings to The learner demonstrates understanding on the principles preparing sleeping garment e Developed


 Adapted +ogniti!e +ogniti!e &rocess #imensions (#./. 3o. 4, s. 015)



The fact or condion of knowing something with  familiarity gained through experience or associaon

&'ETI*ES+ dentify materials to -e prepared and cared for sleeping garments.

7nderstanding 

S8ills The ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systemac, and sustained eort to smoothly and adapvely carryout complex acvies or the ability, coming  from ones knowledge, knowledge, pra pracce, cce, aptude, etc!, to do something

nal.9ing Ealuang

 Appraise some of the fa-rics to -e prepared for sleeping sleeping garments.

reang :tude *alues


dentify some fa-ric and know how to take care of them.

Internalizing values

2, ontent

nternali@ing the ways on how to care and prepare fa-rics. Fa-ric +are

3, Learning Resources


-, Procedures -,$

Introductor. cit. 2


cit. 4



minutes minutes

ssignment 2



+otton special for dura-le press, may-e machine laundered -ut a!oid risk of mildew. %inen iron at high temperature, a!oid pressing in sharp creases creases an dry cleaning cleaning is is prefe preferred, rred, may-e may-e hand hand wash wash in mild suds, suds, a!oid a!oid exposure exposure to to light and and c 6ool dry cleaning cleaning is preferred, will will shirnk and felt felt in the precence precence of moisture and hea dry cleaning, tends to shirnk and stretch unless proper chemical finish is applied.

ssessment 0


6hat are some of the types of fa-rics and how to care these certain type.

11licaon 2%


oncluding cit. 3

:ake an al-um and collect some fa-rics and classify classify their type type and the ways ways on how t








6ord ame9 Students Students will will -e grouped grouped into 5. Each group group will will pick pick a pictur picturee of a ga garme rme Theyy are tas The tasked ked to matc matchh the pic pictur turee to the the kind kind of of fa-ri fa-ricc using using tthe he hint hint gi!en gi!en -y the the tea tea will -e declared as the winner.


Dsing a Genn #iagram, identify fa-rics with common fa-ric care.  Anlysis of %earnersB &roducts Assessing the the !enn diagram made -y the students. students. &reparing &repa ring for the new les lesson son %ist some some fa-ric with with common properti properties. es. 7Those who care a-out you can hear you e!en when youBre 8uite.7 Ste!e :ara-oli

0,  Remar8s ,  Re;econs  "!  #o! of learners who earned $%& in the evaluaon!

'!  id the remedial lessons work #o! of learners who have caught up with the lesson!

*!  #o! of learners who require addional acvies for remediaon!

!  #o! of learners who connue to require remediaon!

+!  hich of my learning strategies worked well hy did these work  -!  hat di.cules did / encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve 


0!  hat innovaon or locali1ed materials did / use2discover which / wish to share with other teachers 

Prepared y: Name:

Ronasses S, 'uenaentura


Posion/ Designaon: Teac$2$$4

 "=S e6u Proince ronasses6uenaentura@gmail



ul. 2%A 2%$

Code: ED"#'G)g$i$& .


ts posted -y the teacher. cher. The first group to form


care the spesific fa-rics.

d a!oid risk of mildew. Silk n -e attacked -y insects. .
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