Tito i Poznati

May 9, 2017 | Author: Scottie Green | Category: N/A
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Javni imidž Josipa Broza

The public image of Josip Broz

Preveliki je broj iskoriš}enih prilika da bi se karijera Josipa

The career of Josip Broz can’t be ascribed to dumb luck: there

Broza pripisala samo sre}i. Niti je to mogu}e posti}i uz

were too many opportunities adroitly seized along the way.

pomo} samo jednog talenta ili tehnike. Pomenimo samo

Such a career can’t be built on just one talent, just one

jednu njegovu veštinu, koja može da bude pou~na: izražen

strategy. But let’s talk about just one of his skills which could

dar za stvaranje onoga što bi se danas zvalo javni imidž.

be enlightening: a remarkable talent for creating what would nowadays be called a public image.

Peta konferencija 1940. godine je u~vrstila njegov status u Partiji. Vrativši se u zemlju, a verovatno izbegavši ~istke,

The Fifth Conference in 1940 bolstered Tito’s status in the

svojim izgledom i ponašanjem, svedo~i \ilas, potpuno je

Party. Ðilas tells us that after he returned to the country,

zasenio svoje mnogo mla|e saradnike.

probably having escaped purges, his appearance and his attitude completely overshadowed his much younger

Tito je 1945. proslavljeni vo|a najve}e evropske gerile.


Jugoslavija je bila mala Titu. Želeo je da bude najstariji brat,

By 1945, Tito was celebrated as leader of Europe’s largest ever

odmah do Staljina, u komunisti~koj porodici. Staljin

guerrilla campaign.

pokušava da ga ukloni, ali je onda Tito iskoristio podršku Yugoslavia was too small for Tito. He wanted to be the elder


brother, second only to Stalin in the communist family. Stalin Tito koristi novi položaj zemlje da izgradi svoj novi imidž na

attempted to get him out of the way, but Tito harnessed his

Zapadu. On je me|u svim komunisti~kim državnicima bio

popular support.

prva i jedina zvezda u zapadnoj javnosti. Njegov zgodan ratnički portret je početkom pedesetih dospeo na naslovne

Tito exploited his country’s new status to create a new image

strane vode}ih ameri~kih magazina. Nijedan komunisti~ki

for himself in the West. Of all the communist statesmen, he

vo|a nije se sretao sa ve}im brojem ameri~kih predsednika

was the first and the only one to become a star in the eyes of

od Ajzenhauera nadalje. S druge strane, Tito je održavao

the Western public. At the beginning of the 1950s, his portrait

odli~ne odnose i sa svim sovjetskim liderima posle Staljina.

as the handsome warrior appeared on the cover of America’s

Svetski lideri pitali su ga za mišljenje i u stvarima svetske

leading magazines. No communist leader met with more


American presidents, from Eisenhower on. At the same time, Tito remained on excellent terms with every Soviet leader

U zemlji, njegov kult li~nosti bio je jedna od legitimacijskih

after Stalin. World leaders would even consult him on issues

osnova režima. I mimo kulta uspevao je da izazove

of international politics.

oduševljenje svojih podanika. At home, his personality cult was one of the defining features Za razliku od briljantne spoljne politike, izgleda da je Tito u

of the regime. Even without the power of that cult he

zemlji doživeo poraz mnogo godina pre smrti. Britanski

succeeded in firing the enthusiasm of his subjects.

istori~ar Dejan Jovi} smatra da je on ve} po~etkom sedamdesetih izgubio pravu politi~ku mo}, raspodeljenu

But despite his brilliance in foreign affairs, it appears that

me|u republi~kim oligarhijama.

Tito’s star faded at home many years before his death. British historian Dejan Jovic´ believes that, by the beginning of the Predrag J. Markovi}

seventies, real political power had slipped from his grasp to be divided among the oligarchies of the Yugoslav republics. Predrag J. Markovi}

Naslovna strana:

Cover photo:

Tito sa ameri~kim astronautom nakon demostracije hoda

Tito with an American astronaut following a demonstration

po Mesecu, Hjuston, Vasionski centar NASA, 30. X 1971.

of waling on the Moon, NASA Space Centre, October 30, 1971

Tit� � Ernest� Č� Gevar� Brioni, “Bela vila”, 18. VIII 1959.

^e Gevara je doputovao na ~elu kubanske misije Dobre volje. Ovom posetom, izme|u Kube i Jugoslavije uspostavljeni su diplomatski odnosi.

Tit� an� Ernest� “Ch�” Guevar� Brioni, Bela vila, August 18, 1959

Che Guevara arrived as leader of a Cuban goodwill mission. This visit established diplomatic relations between Cuba and Yugoslavia.

Tit� � �žo� Kened�

Vašington, park “Bele ku}e”, 17. X 1963. Titova prva poseta Vašingtonu bila je poslednji Kenedijev susret sa stranim državnikom pre atentata u Dalasu.

Tit� an� Joh� F. Kenned�

Washington, the President’s Park, October 17, 1963 Tito’s first visit to Washington was Kennedy’s last meeting with a foreign statesman before he was assassinated in Dallas.

Tit� � Elizabe� Tejlo�

Jahta “Podgorka”, 3. VIII 1971. U vreme snimanja filma “Sutjeska” Tito je više puta pose}ivao ~lanove ekipe. Posebno je uživao u društvu Ri~arda Bartona i njegove supruge Elizabet Tejlor, koji su u Jugoslaviji proveli skoro ~itav mesec.

Tit� an� Elizabet� Taylo�

Aboard the Podgorka, August 3, 1971 During the shooting of the film Sutjeska, Tito visited the crew several times. He particularly enjoyed the company of Richard Burton and his wife Elizabeth Taylor who spent almost a whole month in Yugoslavia.

Tit� � �ičar� �arto�

Vila na ostrvu Vanga, 3. VIII 1971. Barton je u filmu “Sutjeska” igrao lik Josipa Broza. Film snimljen povodom tridesetogodišnjice bitke na Sutjesci bio je jedan od najskupljih u istoriji jugoslovenske kinematografije.

Tit� an� �ichar� �urto�

Villa on the island of Vanga, August 3, 1971 In the film Sutjeska Burton played the character of Josip Broz. The film, made to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the Battle of the Sutjeska, was one of the most expensive films in the history of Yugoslav cinematography.

Tit� � �in� Lolobriđid� Brioni, “Bela vila”, 1. II 1973.

Slavna italijanska glumica je Titu poklonila svoju prvu knjigu fotografija koje su nastale tokom njenog, inkognito, putovanja Italijom. Došla je da fotografiše Tita, a tom prilikom je i on fotografisao nju.

Tit� an� Gin� Lollobrigid� Brioni, Bela Vila, February 1, 1973

The celebrated Italian actress presented Tito with her first book of photos taken as she travelled incognito through Italy. She came to photograph Tito, on which occasion he also photographed her.

Tit� � Žozefin� Beke� Brioni, 5. II 1973.

Žozefina Beker, francuska peva~ica i igra~ica, u Jugoslaviji je boravila prikupljaju}i sredstva za humanitarne svrhe / za borbu protiv rasizma.

Tit� an� Josephin� Bake� Brioni, February 5, 1973

French singer and dancer Josephine Baker spent time in Yugoslavia collecting funds for humanitarian purposes and the fight against racism.

Tit� � �ikit� Sergejevi� H�uščo� Brioni, “Bela vila”, 26. V 1955.

Hruš~ov se nalazio na ~elu državno−partijske delegacije Sovjetskog Saveza ~ija se poseta – prva posle raskida odnosa sa Jugoslavijom 1948 – pamti po njegovim re~ima: “Mi iskreno žalimo zbog onoga što se dogodilo i odlu~no odbijamo sve ono što se nagomilalo u prethodnom periodu”.

Tit� an� �ikit� Sergeyevic� Khrushche� Belgrade, White Palace, May 26, 1955

Khrushchev headed a Soviet Union state and party delegation whose visit, the first since the breaking of relations with Yugoslavia in 1948, is remembered for his words: We sincerely regret what happened, and resolutely reject the things which occurred, one after the other, during that period.

Tit� � �ičar� �ikso�

Vašington, vrt “Bele ku}e”, 30. X 1971. Na poziv predsednika Niksona Tito je otišao u svoju prvu zvani~nu državnu posetu SAD. Nakon radnog dela Tito je putovao po Americi Niksonovim avionom, koji mu je bio na raspolaganju sve vreme.

Tit� an� �ichar� �ixo�

Washington, White House garden, October 30, 1971 At the invitation of President Nixon, Tito embarked on his first state visit to the USA. Following the working part of the visit, Nixon’s personal aircraft was made available to Tito to travel throughout America.

Tit�, I� Monta� � Simo� Sinjor�

Beograd, Rezidencija predsednika, Uži~ka 15, 6. III 1957. Dvadeset godina posle ovog susreta u knjizi “Nostalgija nije više ono što je bila”, Sinjore ’priznaje’ kako su na putu ka Titovoj rezidenciji pomislili da su kidnapovani.

Tit�, Yve� Montan� an� Simon� Signore�

Belgrade, President’s Residence, Uži~ka 15, March 6, 1957 Twenty years after this meeting, in her book Nostalgia Isn’t What It Used To Be, Signoret admits that, on the way to Tito’s residence, they thought they were being kidnapped.

Tit� � �ari� de� �onak�

Beograd, Narodno pozorište, 11. III 1970. Posle smrti Marija del Monaka, po njegovoj želji, porodica je poklonila Memorijalnom centru “Josip Broz Tito” kostim u kome je del Monako igrao u predstavi “Otelo” nakon koje je snimljena ova fotografija.

Tit� an� �ari� de� �onac�

Belgrade, National Theatre, March 11, 1970 Following the death of Mario del Monaco, in accordance with his wishes, his family presented to the Josip Broz Tito Memorial Centre the costume in which del Monaco sang Otello. This photograph was taken after that performance.

Tit�, Loren� Olivij� � �ivije� L� Beograd, Narodno pozorište, 4. VI 1957.

Ansambl Šekspirovog memorijal teatra iz Stratforda izveo je u Beogradu predstavu “Titus Andronikus” u režiji Pitera Bruka i sa bra~nim parom Olivije − Li u glavnim ulogama.

Tit�, Laurenc� Olivie� an� �ivie� Leig� Belgrade, National Theatre, June 4, 1957

The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre company from Stratford performed Peter Brook’s production of Titus Andronicus, with Olivier and his wife Vivien Leigh in the leading roles.

Tit� � �ir� Dagla�

Kranj, vila “Brdo kod Kranja”, 7. XI 1964. Britanski ambasador u Beogradu Daglasu nije mogao da omogu}i da upozna Tita. Veliki ljubitelj i poznavalac filma, Broz je saznao za njegov dolazak i poslao svoj privatni avion da ga preveze u Ljubljanu kako bi se videli.

Tit� an� �ir� Dougla�

Kranj, Brdo kod Kranja Vila, November 7, 1964 The British Ambassador to Belgrade was unable to arrange for Douglas to meet Tito. As a great film fan and connoisseur, Broz learnt of his arrival and sent his private aircraft to take Douglas to Ljubljana in order for them to meet.

Tit� � �insto� Čerči�

London, Ambasada Jugoslavije, 20. III 1953. U svojstvu predsednika Jugoslavije, Tito je prvi put zvani~no posetio jednu stranu zemlju. U Veliku Britaniju je putovao brodom “Galeb”. Za vreme boravka u Londonu svakodnevno je primao mnogo pisama podrške od britanskih gra|ana.

Tit� an� �insto� Churchil�

London, Yugoslav Embassy, March 20, 1953 As his first visit abroad in the capacity of president of Yugoslavia, Tito travelled to Britain on board his yacht, the Galeb. While in London he would receive many letters of support from British citizens every day.

Tit� � �oame� e�-Gadaf�

Beograd, železni~ka stanica Top~ider, 20. XI 1973. Tito je predsednika Libije posetio poslednji put 1979 − godinu dana pre nego što }e, u svojoj 88. godini, umreti. Crnogorski predsednik Filip Vujanovi} Gadafiju je 2009. darovao Titovu vojnu uniformu.

Tit� an� �uamma� a�-Gaddaf�

Belgrade, Top~ider railway station, November 20, 1973 Tito visited the President of Libya for the last time in 1979, a year before he died, at the age of 88. In 2009 Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovi} presented Tito’s army uniform to Gaddafi, as a gift.

Tit� � Sofij� Lore�

Vila na ostrvu Vanga, 23. VII 1970. Tog leta, Sofija Loren je, sa Titom, prisustvovala otvaranju Pulskog filmskog festivala i uživala u spremanju hrane i vinu iz vinskog podruma na Vangi.

Tit� an� Sophi� Lore�

Villa on the island of Vanga, July 23, 1970 Sophia Loren attended the opening of the 1970 Pula Film Festival with Tito and enjoyed preparing food and wine from the wine cellar at Vanga.

Tit� � O�so� Vel�

Kranj, vila “Brdo kod Kranja”, 29. IV 1979. Orson Vels je glumio u ratnom spektaklu “Bitka na Neretvi” − jugoslovenskom kandidatu za “Oskara” u kategoriji za najbolji strani film 1969. godine. Za “Neretvu” je plakat uradio Pablo Pikaso, “u zamenu” za sanduk kvalitetnog vina.

Tit� an� O�so� Welle�

Kranj, Brdo kod Kranja Villa, April 29, 1979 Orson Welles in the war extravaganza The Battle of Neretva, the Yugoslav candidate for a 1969 Oscar in the best foreign film category. The poster for Neretva was designed by Pablo Picasso, in exchange for a case of fine wine.

Tit� � Ža�-Po� Sart�

Beograd, “Beli dvor”, 13. V 1960. Sartra je režim Jugoslavije voleo zato što je bio kriti~ar buržoaskog društva. Tome je, nesporno, doprinela i Sartrova izjava: “Titova Jugoslavija je realizacija moje filozofije”.

Tit� an� Jea�-Pau� Sartr� Belgrade, Beli Dvor, May 13, 1960

The Yugoslav regime liked Sartre because he was a critic of bourgeois society. His assertion that “Tito’s Yugoslavia is the embodiment of my philosophy,” no doubt contributed to their approval.

Tit� � pap� Pavl� 6 Vatikan, 29 III 1971.

Nakon potpisivanja Protokola o uspostavljanju diplomatskih odnosa sa Vatikanom 1966. Tito je posetio papu Pavla VI i pozvao ga da poseti Jugoslaviju. Poziv je više puta obnavljan ali se poseta nije desila.

Tit� an� �op� Pau� 6

Vatican City, March 29, 1971 Following the signing of the Protocol on establishing diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1966, Tito met with Pope Paul VI and invited him to visit Yugoslavia. The invitation was repeated a number of times, but the visit did not eventuate.

Tit� � kraljic� Elizabet� II

London, Bakingemska palata, 18. III 1953. Britanska kraljica Elizabeta II krunisana je godinu dana pre Titove posete Velikoj Britaniji. Na pitanje našeg ambasadora u Londonu šta misli o Brozu, kraljica je odgovorila da je Tito nebrušeni dijamant. Na slici su – kraljica majka, Tito, kraljica Elizabeta II, vojvoda od Edinburga i princeza Margareta.

Tit� an� th� B�itis� �oya� famil�

London, the Buckingham Palace, March 18, 1953 Queen Elizabeth II was crowned a year before Tito’s visit to Great Britain. When asked by our Ambassador to London what she thought of Broz, the Queen described Tito as a rough diamond. In the photograph: Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, Tito, Queen Elizabeth II, the Duke of Edinburgh and Princess Margaret.

Tit� � Indir� Gand�

Beograd, Stari dvor, 11. X 1967. Službeni razgovori o tre}em izraelsko−arapskom sukobu i ratu u Vijetnamu, dva klju~na svetska problema tog vremena, po~eli su 12. oktobra. Tog dana kao poslastica je poslužena pita od jabuka.

Tit� an� Indir� Gandh�

Belgrade, Old Palace, October 11, 1967 Official talks between Tito and the Prime Minister of India on the third Israeli−Arab conflict and the war in Vietnam − the two key international problems of that time − began on October 12. That day apple pie was served as dessert.

Tit�, Gama� Abde� �ase� � �žavaharla� �ehr� Vila na ostrvu Vanga, 18. VII 1956.

Tito, predsednik Egipta i predsednik indijske vlade dan uo~i potpisivanja tzv. “Brionske deklaracije”, kojom su podržali borbu za razoružavanje u okviru OUN, izjasnili se za koriš}enje atomske energije u miroljubive svrhe i osudili podelu sveta na blokove.

Tit�, Gama� Abde� �asse� an� Jawaharla� �ehr� Villa on the island of Vanga, July 18, 1956

A day prior to the signing of the Brioni Declaration, with which they supported the fight for disarmament within the United Nations, Tito, the President of Egypt and the Indian Prime Minister declared themselves in favour of the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes and condemned the division of the world into blocs.

Tit� � �u� Ku� Fen�

Ostrvo Vanga, 27. VIII 1978. Brižljivo planirana poseta Tita Sovjetskom Savezu morala je da bude otkazana jer je Moskva bila nezadovoljna dolaskom Hua Kuo Fenga u Beograd. Sovjete je naljutio topao prijem predsednika CK KP i predsednika Državnog saveta NR Kine kao i Titova odluka da od SAD kupi oru`je.

Tit� an� �u� Ku� Fen� Vanga Island, August 27, 1978

Tito’s carefully planned visit to the Soviet Union had to be cancelled because Moscow was displeased about Hua Kuo Feng’s visit to Belgrade. The Soviets were angered by the warm welcome for the President of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the People’s Republic of China State Council as well as by Tito’s decision to buy strategic defense equipment from the USA.

Tit� � posad� letelic� Apol� 11 Beograd, Beli dvor, 18. X 1969.

Ameri~ki astronauti, prvi ljudi koji su sleteli na Mesec, odlikovani su Ordenom jugoslovenske zvezde sa lentom. Titu su na poklon doneli kamen sa Meseca.

Tit� an� th� cre� o� Apoll� 11 Belgrade, Beli Dvor, October 18, 1969

American astronauts, the first to land on the Moon, were decorated with the Order of the Yugoslav Star with Wreath. They presented Tito with a piece of rock from the Moon.

Tit� � �alentin� Terješkov� Vila na ostrvu Vanga, 22. XI 1972.

Prva žena u kosmosu, heroj SSSR−a, po kojoj su jedan krater na Mesecu i brojne devoj~ice u Jugoslaviji tih godina dobili ime, kosmi~kim brodom “Vostok 6” obletela je Zemlju 48 puta tokom leta koji je trajao 2 dana, 22 sata i 50 minuta.

Tit� an� �alentin� Tereshkov�

Villa on Vanga Island, November 22, 1972 The first woman in space, a USSR hero after whom a crater on the Moon was named, as were many girls in Yugoslavia in those days, orbited the Earth 48 times in the Vostok 6, in a flight which lasted 2 days, 22 hours and 50 minutes.

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд COBISS.SR - ID 104064012

Naslov publikacije: Tito i poznati Izdava~: Muzej istorije Jugoslavije, Boti}eva 6, Beograd Uvodni tekst: Predrag J. Markovi} Izbor fotografija i tekst: Katarina Živanovi}, Momo Cvijovi}, Ana Pani} Lektura i korektura teksta na srpskom: Jelena Miti} Prevod i lektura teksta na engleskom: Homework Communications Tiraž: 1000 Dizajn: Nikola Radoj~i} i Jovana Timotijevi} Štampa: TipograficPlus, Beograd

Title of publication: Tito and Other Celebrities Publisher: Museum of Yugoslav History, Botic´eva 6, Belgrade Introduction: Predrag J. Markovic´ Selection of photos and text: Katarina Živanovic´, Momo Cvijovic´, Ana Panic´ Proofreading of Serbian text: Jelena Mitic´ English translation and text editing: Homework Communications Print run: 1000 Design: Nikola Radojcic´ i Jovana Timotijevic´ Printed by: TipograficPlus, Beograd

Tito i Hajle Selasije

Adua, Etiopija, 22. XII 1955. Hajla Selasija (“kralja svih kraljeva”, poslednjeg vladara Etiopije, ro|enog pod imenom Ras Tafari Mankonen) – “jedinog cara kojeg je drug Tito voleo” - na sve~anom do~eku komandir po~asnog voda, podnose}i raport, oslovio je sa: Druže Care Selasije Hajle.

Tito and Haile Selassie

Adowa, Ethiopia, December 22, 1955 Haile Selassie (the “King of Kings”, the last ruler of Ethiopia, born Ras Tafari Menkonnen), the only head of state truly loved by Tito, addressed at a ceremonial reception by the commander of the guard of honour as “Comrade Emperor Haile Selassie!”

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