Title and Brief Synopsis of Professional Reading and References

March 8, 2017 | Author: ruthdeparine | Category: N/A
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A REFLECTIVE PAPER As everybody says that life of a teacher is never that easy, he should be a role model and a good example to everyone. As an individual engaged to this kind of profession, he must first possess all the traits that will make him to be a stronger and a better person. Most especially on dealing with students of different personalities. All children misbehave at some time; it is part of finding out what appropriate behavior is and where the limits are. Children may throw tantrums, test the rules, start fights, refuse to cooperate with the teacher’s house rules and routines, use bad language—the list goes on. As the teacher teachesstudents appropriate behavior, what the expected rules and boundaries are all about, it's important to remember the goals of discipline. Discipline means helping a child develop self-control and a sense of limits, experience the consequences of his/her behavior, and learn from his/her mistakes. Discipline does not mean punishment or conflict between the teacher and students. All of them need the security of knowing the rules and boundaries of behavior; without them they feel at a loss, and later on they become abusive. Positive reinforcement is the best technique for encouraging wanted behavior. Most students crave attention and acceptance from the teacher and will work to get it. Rewards are not bribes; they are ways to show to student that she is doing a good job.But in the end, the teacher must be clear, firm and specific about what you mean, be respectful. Don't resort to name-calling or yelling. And the consequence should follow the behavior immediately. The consequence should be fair in relation to the behavior. Posted by josephthedreamer at 5:40 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

SAMPLES OF STUDENTS’ FEEDBACK Run-through teaching is the most exciting part in the education curriculum yet the most crucial because student-teachers play a vital role like professional teachers do. At first, you don’t know how to deal with the new crowd of people, you have to learn first how to be an upright friend to them, a mentor, a brother, then later on as teacher. It would be a prodigious honor if you treat your students like your family, because they can open up to you. Students’ feedback could be either in the form of words or being shown emotionally. From my experiences in my in-campus practice teaching, I required my students to write what they feel about me, what are the traits that they like in me and the things that made them hate me. The purpose of

that is to secretly evaluate my teaching performances as well as my relationship with the students. I know deep inside me that I am a stringent teacher and yes I really am, but I don’t have any idea how I made my students to respect me as how they treat their professional teachers, shown me love and cares. And I am so grateful with the feed-backs that were expressed through letters, though there were suggestions but I know that those are constructive ones. I also know that it is not only me who will treasure the rapports that we built but as well as they will also keep every good moment that we had until the end of time.

Posted by josephthedreamer at 5:37 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

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SAMPLES OF LEARNERS’ WORK In the teaching-learning process, learners’ work plays the most important role. This is on way of assessing the students’ performance for that certain subject matter. Either they have absorbed the information from the deliberations or need further discussion among the teacher and the learners,evaluate the students’ standing; the strengths and weaknesses in that certain topic. Teacher can also determine how the students are responsive to the task assigned to them. Somehow, some factors are to be considered in terms of assessing the teacher and students’ performance. In my case, I often give an evaluation to my students’ just right after the discussion as part of my lesson plan to determine if they have absorbed the information or if they’ve jotted down some important information in their lecture notes. But, as part of the traditional ways of teaching, teachers give an evaluation either projects,activities, assignments, chapter test, long

quiz, or unit test aside from the periodical examination in every quarter of the school year. More prominently, the learners’ work is one way of determining if both the teacher and students were able to attain the objectives of the topic intended for that day. Recalling back my erudition in my education subjects way back from my first year to third year, I’ve learned that learners’ work serves as the echo of the teacher’s performance, since it gives a view as to how the teacher executed his/her teaching strategies,methods, techniques, and approaches during the process. It also gives a replication to the teacher if he/she is an effective one.

Practice Teaching Manual (ZSCMST- College of Education and Liberal Arts) PRACTICE- TEACHING MANUAL PHILOSOPHY The designing of practice teaching manual of ZSCMST-College of Education is based on the belief that the practice teaching experience is a critical part of a practice teacher in the college of education. It is believed that these practice teachers have demonstrated competence in the use of basic teaching strategies and have the potential to function as professionals. Practice teaching provides prospective teachers with the opportunity to implement all they have learned throughout their teacher education program. These practice teachers are supported by their College Dean, Program Advisers and their classroom Cooperating Teachers. They are greatly influenced by the practices and personality of these people to whom they have been assigned. Therefore, it is important that they will be placed with competent cooperating teachers. The competent cooperating teachers assess the needs and interest of practice teachers, prepares a conducive learning environment, and teaches such that students are engaged in learning activities and stimulate their thinking skill. These are skills that the cooperating teachers help the student teachers to acquire. This practice teaching manual outlines the process by which that mentoring can take place. GOALS OF STUDENT TEACHING 1. To provide opportunities for the Practice Teacher to observe the application of instructional and management techniques as modeled by a cooperating teacher. 2. To assist the Practice Teacher in making the transition from the role of student to that of a professional educator by assuming all of the daily responsibilities of a classroom teacher. 3. To assist the Practice Teacher in understanding the organizational structure and the respective roles of the administrative, faculty, and staff personnel of secondary school. 4. To provide the Practice Teacher with opportunities to participate in the application and evaluation of specific theories and techniques studied previously in campus-based professional education subjects under the supervision of a Cooperating Teacher who is knowledgeable and experienced in those

particular theories and techniques. 5. To provide observation, guidance and evaluation for Practice teacher from both the Cooperating Teacher and the College Dean. 6. To provide Practice Teachers with the opportunity to demonstrate subject matter competence by planning and presenting lessons and assessing student learning using a variety of strategies and tools (including technology). 7. To enable Practice Teachers to participate fully in the life of the school to which they have been assigned. 8. To provide opportunities for the Practice Teacher to plan, organize, manage, and evaluate the complete daily schedule of a classroom for a specified period of at least sixteen (16) weeks of consecutive class days. 9. To provide an opportunity for Practice Teachers to reflect upon their entire professional preparation including their daily practice teaching experiences by preparing a portfolio to demonstrate their achievement and the achievement of their students. Practice Teaching Placement and Procedures Once a student enrolled in practice teaching, the Dean of the College of Education together with the two program advisers will seek a school placement for the prospective student teacher. Student teaching sites are limited to: 1) Public schools. 2) With cooperating teachers who are familiar with and willing to support the ZSCMST College of Education programs. The Program advisers with the supervision of the College Dean shall initiate all requests to secondary school districts for placement of Practice Teachers by sending a letter requesting placement to the selected public secondary school’s principal. COOPERATING PRINCIPAL As the educational leader of the school in which the Practice Teacher is placed, the principal’s role in the Program is essential to its success. He/she is expected to take a direct and active part in facilitating the practice teaching experience. The expectations of the Cooperating Principal shall be as follow: 1. Cooperate with the Dean and the program advisers of the ZSCMST, College of Education in securing the most appropriate appointment of a willing and competent Cooperating Teacher, 2. Oversee the Practice Teacher’s orientation to the organizational structure, physical facilities and instructional equipment, and established procedures of the school, 3. Arrange appropriate access to the school and classroom for the Dean and program advisers for observation, 4. Provide support and advice to the Cooperating Teacher and the Practice Teacher in the solution of any unanticipated problems that may arise that are pertinent to the student teaching experience, 5. Conduct one or more formal class observations of the Practice Teacher’s teaching as time allows, and provide feedback after that session. COOPERATING TEACHER The Cooperating Teacher shall supervise the routine daily activities of the Practice Teacher and provide the Practice Teacher with access to teaching resources.

The Cooperating Teacher shall be paid an honorarium according to the student teaching fee structure developed by the Dean and the program advisers and approved by the College President. The minimum qualifications of the Cooperating Teacher shall be as follows: 1. A record of at least three years of successful teaching, 2. His/her field of specialization is the same of that practice teacher assigned, 3. At least one year in the present teaching position and, 4. Willingness to support the Practice Teacher’s efforts to apply the theories and instructional methods emphasized in the College’s professional education courses. The expectations of the Cooperating Teacher shall be as follows: A. Conduct an orientation with the practice teacher including the following information: 1. Secondary school policies, rules and regulations and procedures including routine and emergency, 2. Copy of daily schedule and an explanation of the school’s schedule/routine/calendar, 4. Copy of the teacher’s handbook/manual, lesson plan format, curriculum guidelines and any other materials the practice teacher needs to lesson plan, 5. Instructions about grading system and assessment (practice teachers should not be given the actual class record), 6. A copy of the student’s handbook detailing the school’s disciplinary policy (please discuss your own disciplinary approach), 7. Information about faculty meetings/in-services, 8. Texts, seat plans, ID for practice teacher, 9. Accessibility of storage of materials, library use, computer use to the practice teacher, 10. Schedule weekly consultations with the Practice Teacher to discuss instructional goals, plan for instruction and evaluation of students, refine classroom management skills, and evaluate instructional skill development. 11. Support the Practice Teacher’s efforts to implement specific theories, instructional models, and teaching techniques emphasized in the College’s professional education subjects, 12. Provide for the Practice Teacher’s participation in all professional activities in which she/he the Cooperating Teacher is engaged during the period of the practice teaching assignment, 13. Make the Practice Teacher, the College Dean and the program advisers aware of any problem(s) that may become apparent as soon as possible after their first appearance, 14. Provide ongoing feedback and complete a written evaluation on forms provided by the ZSCMSTCollege of Education and be collected from them by the program advisers of the programs after the Practice Teaching experience. COLLEGE DEAN AND PROGRAM ADVISERS The Dean and the Program advisers are the representatives who facilitate communication between the ZSCMST-College of Education and Secondary School principal in all matters relating to the Practice Teacher under his/her supervision. The expectations of the College Dean and the Program advisers shall be as follows: 1. Provide a general orientation to the practice teaching experience for the Practice Teachers. 2. Clarify the goals and procedures of the practice teaching program to the Cooperating Teachers and Principals as necessary (they will be invited for a conference before the deployment of student teachers). 3. Analyze and respond to the daily practice teaching logs to determine if problems are developing. 4. Evaluate lesson plans weekly to assist the practice teachers in developing, planning and presentation skills.

5. Regularly observe, at least four times, the Practice Teacher actively teaching to evaluate and encourage the development of the Practice Teacher’s professional skills. 6. Maintain contact with the Cooperating Teacher to discuss specific strengths and weaknesses of the Practice Teacher and set goals for coaching. 7. Confer with the Practice Teachers after the observation to help the practice teachers deal with specific issues and continue their progress. 8. Assign grade for the practice teaching experience on the basis of personal observation of the Practice Teacher’s classroom instructional behavior upon the recommendation of the Cooperating Teacher and in consultation with the principal and/or other professional educational personnel as deemed appropriate by the College Dean. PRACTICE TEACHER The Practice Teacher is a senior enrolled in practice teaching as one of the subjects in the course Bachelor in Secondary Education. The student has demonstrated in classes and clinical field experiences the abilities and skills that suggest he/she will become a successful teacher. Once the practice teaching period has begun, the Practice Teacher shall participate in all professional activities that are expected of the Cooperating Teacher, including (but not limited to) faculty meetings, special duty assignments, parent-teacher conferences, and in-service workshops. The Practice Teacher shall abide by all rules and regulations established by the Public Secondary School for its Practice Teachers, any specific requirements or assignments as may be made by the Cooperating Teacher, Cooperating Principal, College Dean and Program advisers, and the policies and procedures established for the practice teaching program of the College. For the College, the Practice Teacher must 1) Submit weekly journal reflections. 2) Attend a weekly practice teaching conference. 3) Develop a classroom management plan. 4) Complete the portfolio and teacher work sample materials. 5) Submit a copy of a weekly schedule with times you will teach. 6) Provide a lesson plan prior to each lesson to be observed. 7) Interview school nurse, counselor, school personnel and assistant principal in charge of discipline regarding special services and individual needs (journal entry). For the Public Secondary School, the Practice Teacher must: 1) Schedule an orientation visit. The orientation conference provides for the sharing of information and the start of a professional relationship with the cooperating teacher. The following should be discussed at the orientation visit: a. Subjects (Topics and sub-topics to be taught). b. Texts/materials/school curriculum guidelines. c. General classroom management. d. Philosophies of teaching. e. Expectations for the role and responsibilities of the practice teacher (please consult this guide and discuss explicitly for shared understanding). f. Flexible proposed outline for practice teaching experience. g. Initial involvement activities for practice teacher/preparation prior to the start of practice teaching. 2) Consult with the Cooperating Teacher and prepare teaching materials appropriate to every day’s activities.

3) Effectively prepare and implement instructional activities on a daily basis. 4) Participate fully in the life of the school as a professional including: ATTENDANCE Practice Teachers are expected to be punctual and have perfect attendance in practice teaching. 1. Arrive at school not later than the time determined by the school policy manual. It is wise to arrive the same time as the Cooperating Teacher. 2. The practice teacher should never miss school unless there are dire circumstances that prevent attendance. In that event, the practice teacher needs to notify the Cooperating Teacher or the principal and or the College Dean or Program advisers. Failure to notify all three persons in writing or verbal may result in the practice teacher being withdrawn from the practice teaching. 3. Excessive absences may result in the practice teacher being withdrawn from the practice teaching experience (at least three (3 days in a week). DRESS Practice Teaching Uniform should always be worn. No jeans, sweatpants, pajama apparel or other unsuitable (tight or revealing, etc.) clothes should be worn to school. SCHEDULE OF HOLIDAYS Practice Teachers are required to adhere to the schedule of the school where they are assigned. Student Teachers typically do not have the same holidays or breaks as the ZSCMST campus and may not leave their teaching assignment to participate in ZSCMST holidays. HOUSING ARRANGEMENTS FOR PRACTICE TEACHING SCHEDULE Practice Teachers begin their practice teaching assignment in the first semester and be continued in the second semester especially those who do not complete the required number of hours of teaching in the first semester. COMPENSATION The Practice Teacher shall receive no monetary compensation for work done in connection with the practice teaching experience during the period of the assignment. SUBSTITUTE TEACHING The Practice Teacher may be placed in charge of the assigned classroom on the recommendation of the Cooperating Teacher or Principal if the Cooperating Teacher is absent from school for less than two days during the period in which has assumed full classroom responsibility. If the Practice Teacher has not assumed full classroom responsibility a substitute teacher must be in the classroom. ASSESSMENT OF THE PRACTICE TEACHING EXPERIENCE The practice teacher will receive ongoing feedback and multiple evaluations as outlined below. 1. Cooperating Teacher Evaluation - From the Cooperating Teacher the practice teacher will receive daily informal evaluations and a formal summative evaluation at the end of the student teaching

experience. 2. College Dean/Program Advisers` Evaluations - From the college dean/ program advisers, the practice teacher will receive formative evaluations and specific feedback after each observation. The college dean/ program advisers will also provide feedback and will complete a final evaluation at the end of the practice teaching experience. The program advisers give the final grade for practice teaching. 3. Additional feedback – The practice teacher should request that a school administrator (principal, department chair, other) observe one class toward the end of their full class and provide feedback, if possible. 4. Self-assessment – The practice teacher will monitor his/her own growth through the required journal reflections and teacher work sample materials.

CONFERENCES AND EVALUATIONS Conferences between the Cooperating Teacher and the Practice Teacher should be conducted in an atmosphere of mutual trust; they should be problem-centered rather than personality -centered and should be conducted in private. The Cooperating Teacher, College Dean or other Evaluators, should be aware of the importance of human relations to the success of such meetings, and should strive to listen, be empathetic, and remain objective. Be sure to commend the Practice Teacher for all personal strengths. Provide necessary feedback to the Practice Teacher and serve as a resource person as well. React honestly, yet keep criticism constructive and positive; provide specific, direct information about how the practice teacher can improve his/her performance. A. Cooperating Teachers should hold formal conferences weekly at a regularly scheduled time and also the College Dean should provide formal feedback after an observation. The observation guide form can be used as an objective guide to provide specific feedback about what you are or are not seeing the practice teacher do. The observation form is tied to the final expectations of what the practice teacher is expected to know and be able to do at the conclusion of practice teaching. (Triad conference may be applied by the practice teacher, cooperating teacher and the dean or program advisers). B. Build on the Practice Teacher’s strengths. C. Engage the Practice Teacher in self-evaluation and goal setting and encourage the Practice Teacher to reflect on his/her performance and how they can improve that performance – to reflect on the teaching/learning process and generate solutions for themselves (if they are unable to accurately assess what is occurring in the classroom do not hesitate to offer suggestions, techniques, models that they should try). D. Complete the evaluation form and review it with the Practice Teacher. E. At the end of the Practice Teaching, the Cooperating Teacher, the Program Advisers and the College Dean should complete a final evaluation form. The Cooperating Teacher may review it with the Practice Teacher if you wish or keep it confidential and hand it to College Dean or Program advisers. The Program adviser should review his/her own evaluation with the Practice Teacher, keeping confidential the Cooperating Teacher’s final evaluation if he/she so desires. The Practice Teacher needs to: 1. Realize the importance of the coaching that the Cooperating Teacher is giving you, to assist you in your professional growth. 2. Appreciate constructive criticism, don’t be defensive.

3. Don’t take feedback personally. 4. Seek suggestions for improvement and use them to change your teaching practice. 5. Be kind and gracious. 6. Keep the meetings positive. 7. If you are unable to do this for any reason, consult your College Dean or Program Adviser immediately. PRACTICE TEACHING GRADE The following rubric will be used to determine the Practice Teacher’s final grade for the practice teaching experience. 1.0-1.9 Only those practice teachers whose performance is outstanding as evidenced by an exceptionally high level of competence in teaching and classroom management, resourcefulness, and rapport with the students will earn a grade of "1.0-1.9" for practice teaching. Depending on the results of the evaluation of the Cooperating teacher, the Dean and the Program advisers. 2.0-2.9 Practice teachers, who complete all of the teaching responsibilities described above for at least the sixteen-week period, effectively teaching the basic curriculum, will earn a grade of "2.0-2.9". Depending on the results of the evaluation of the Cooperating teacher, the Dean and the Program advisers. 5.0 Practice teachers who encounter major problems and are unable to demonstrate competencies and as a result be withdrawn from the practice teaching experience. PLACEMENT BY PRACTICE TEACHER In the event that circumstances unforeseen cause a practice teacher to be unable to begin a practice teaching assignment after placement has been made, the Practice Teacher must inform the Dean of the College of Education or the Program adviser. The Dean or Program adviser will inform the Public Secondary School’s Principal. If the practice teacher wishes to continue at a later date, he/she must present to the Dean a written explanation and that the circumstances causing the prior cancellation are not likely to be repeated. REMOVAL FROM A PRACTICE TEACHING ASSIGNMENT In the event that the Cooperating Teacher, the host principal and the Program adviser determine that a Practice Teacher’s performance is so unsatisfactory that continuing the practice teaching experience is not in the best interests of either the students in the class or the Practice Teacher, the Practice Teacher will be removed from the assignment. The Program Adviser will confer with the Dean of the College of Education to initiate action for termination of the practice teaching experience. As soon as such determination has been made, the Dean of the College of Education shall notify the Public Secondary School’s Principal and Cooperating Teacher in writing. The practice teacher shall receive a grade of ―5.0‖ under these circumstances and he/she MAY not be allowed to re-enroll practice teaching in the following school year. INCOMPATIBLE WORKING ENVIRONMENT If, in the judgment of the College Dean and the Program Advisers, the environment in which the Practice Teacher is working proves to constitute a significant hindrance to the Practice Teacher’s

success, the practice teacher shall be transferred to other school. WITHDRAWAL POLICY Practice teacher may not withdraw from Practice Teaching without permission. If a Practice Teacher wants to withdraw from the practice teaching assignment for personal reasons, he/she has to write the Program Adviser. The Program adviser then will confer with the Dean. If it is decided that the practice teacher should be allowed to withdraw from practice teaching, the Practice Teacher and Cooperating Teacher including the Host Principal will be notified of the decision. This may prevent the practice teacher from completing certification requirements at ZSCMST-College of Education. REPEATING PRACTICE TEACHING DUE TO EXTRANEOUS CONDITIONS The practice teaching experience may be repeated in the rare event that extraneous conditions or events that could not be anticipated or prevented significantly hindered the practice teacher’s teaching. In consultation with the Dean of the College of Education the practice teacher may re-enroll for another practice teaching placement. The Program adviser must make the determination that conditions or events that could not be anticipated or prevented did, in fact, hinder the practice teacher’s performance before the enrollment can be processed. OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COOPERATING TEACHER AND THE PRACTICE TEACHER The Cooperating Teacher should introduce the Practice Teacher to the class as a professional colleague and should incorporate the Practice Teacher as a fellow teacher in instructional activities from day one. Teaching responsibilities should be increased incrementally in developmentally appropriate stages. Each Practice Teacher may move through the stages at different paces. Initial teaching activities should be the activities that help the Practice Teacher gain confidence, get better acquainted with the students, and develop rapport. This should contribute to the development of classroom management and familiarity with classroom schedules and routines. The Practice Teacher will take assume responsibility of the Cooperating Teacher’s classes. Practice teacher will prepare lessons that engage the learner, and develop cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills as necessary to the subject area. 1. Lessons will be structured using the type of lesson plan that the Cooperating Teacher or public secondary school requires. 2. In the case that a specific type of lesson plan is not required, the Practice Teacher will use what is being taught by his/her professors in lesson planning. 3. Practice Teachers will submit lesson plans to the Cooperating Teacher at least one week prior to teaching so that he/she can provide constructive feedback before implementation. 4. Additionally, provide the College Dean or Program Adviser a lesson plans to follow/assess during visits. 5. Practice Teachers should plan, implement, and evaluate lessons and activities. 6. Practice Teachers should incorporate a variety of teaching and learning activities. 7. Practice Teachers must reflect on their own practice to improve student achievement. Week 1 INITIAL OBSERVATIONS Observations in the classroom provide the opportunity for Practice Teacher to acquire insight for working with students. The first week in the classroom should include significant observation opportunities, paying particular attention to the following:

Students 1. Attention spans. 2. Temperaments and personalities. Grouping 1. Students who work together well and ones who don’t. 2. Types of group arrangements. Teacher - Students 1. Nature of teacher-student relationships. 2. How the teacher delegates responsibility. Learning 1. Learning rates. 2. Interests, abilities, and skills. 3. Preparation and experience. 4. Circumstances that facilitate learning. 5. Environment: bulletin boards, displays, general arrangement Instructional Methodologies 1. Planning used in the classroom. 2. Variety of instruction strategies used. 3. Use of questioning. 4. Instructional media used. 5. Instructional materials and resources used. 6. Motivational techniques used. 3. Discussion techniques. 4. Integration of content areas In addition to observation during Week One, the Practice Teacher should: 1) Submit a weekly schedule of your Cooperating Teacher(s) to your Program Adviser. 2) Study the seat plan to memorize the students’ names. Be with students before and after class to develop rapport. Take attendance daily. 3) Between lessons, as time permits, briefly review class activities and procedures. 4) At the end of the day, clarify the day's activities and plan for the following day. 5) Learn to use the computer in the classroom (if any) and any special software used by the teacher. Assist the cooperating teacher in doing his/her tasks. 6) Work with individuals and small groups for enrichment, remediation, and on special projects or assignments. 7) Grade papers using the Cooperating Teacher’s rubrics. Compare your grading with the Cooperating Teacher’s grading to develop analytical skills consistent with his/hers. Weeks 2-4 1. Assume responsibility for planning, preparation, organization, implementation, and assessment/evaluation of one class, one period, or one year level. 2. Collaborative planning between the Cooperating Teacher and the Practice Teacher initially building to Practice Teacher responsibility for planning. 3. The Cooperating Teacher coaches the Practice Teacher to improve professional skills. Weeks 5-7 1. Gradually assume responsibilities for additional classes. The Practice Teacher should be teaching no more than half of the day. 2. The Practice Teacher is given the responsibility for planning, preparation, organization, implementation, and assessment/evaluation of the classes s/he is teaching. 3. The Cooperating Teacher and Program adviser receive the lesson plans or unit one week in advance.

4. The Cooperating Teacher and Program adviser review the lesson plans to give positive reinforcement and suggestions for improvement. 5. Accomplishing the Practice Teaching Evaluation Form. Weeks 8-12 1. Assume responsibility for planning, preparation, organization, implementation, and assessment/evaluation for teaching all classes. 2. Ask maybe another teacher to assess your teaching skills. This evaluation should be included in your teaching portfolio. Weeks 13-15 1. Gradually reduce the Practice Teachers’ teaching responsibilities for a smooth transition back to the Cooperating Teacher. 2. Practice Teacher finishes grading all projects, papers, and tests. Final Week The final week of practice teaching is reserved for observation of additional observers/evaluators. The Cooperating Teacher can assist in identifying and scheduling these visits. Other Assignments: Practice Teachers may assist their cooperating teachers in any extra curricular activities held in the school campus. The practice teacher participates in all school functions, such as PTA meetings, staff meetings, homeroom activities, clubs, and in-service meetings.

Miscellaneous A. Releasing of TOR (requirements) 1. Education graduate has to take and passed in the Pre-Board Let Examination conducted by the College of Education. 2. If failed in the Exam, certification from a Review Center will serve as a requirement for the release of TOR. Practice Teacher Code of Ethics I realize the importance of the responsibilities I am to assume as a practice teacher and the everpresent need for a high level of ethics to guide me in discharging these duties. I believe in conducting myself accordingly with special attention directed to the following relationships: The Students 1. To accept students for who they are: as individual human beings of worth, with purposes, interests, and needs. 2. To earn students' respect through genuine interest in them and their activities. 3. To refrain from disclosing information about students obtained during practice teaching. 4. To foster critical thinking among students by examining facts and opinions on issues without imposing personal opinions. 5. To utilize all available evaluative techniques in assessing student learning and to assist students in making judgments about their own development. 6. To establish only mature, professional relationships with students. The Cooperating Teacher 1. To accept the cooperating teacher as a professional person giving of his/her time and energy to help

a practice teacher. To respect the cooperating teacher’s program, goals, and practices, by striving to understand and support them. 2. To avoid emphasizing differences in philosophy and practices with the cooperating teacher. 3. To secure approval of the cooperating teacher in advance of implementing practice teacher’s plans and experimentation. 4. To initiate suggestions for self-improvement during evaluation sessions with the cooperating teacher. 5. To keep the cooperating teacher informed of any personal or professional concerns that might affect the students, faculty, and school. 6. To cooperate with the cooperating teacher on all activities arranged for my professional growth. The School and Community 1. To study and support school policies. 2. To discuss school matters only with persons (principals and other school personnel) responsible for formulating and implementing school policies. 3. To avoid violation of community morals. 4. To refrain from unjustified or casual criticism of the school and community. 5. To follow school rules and expectations for professional conduct and dress. 6. To avoid use of alcohol and drugs prior to contact in a professional role with students, parents, or others. The Dean and Program Advisers 1. To accept the Dean and Program advisers as a ZSCMST faculty concerned with assisting the student teacher to have a successful practice teaching experience. 2. To seek the Dean or Program adviser’s suggestions for improving learning situations for students and for implementing the practice teacher’s many activities in the school and community. 3. To arrange and confirm a schedule that plans for personal conferences with the Dean or Program advisers. 4. To call or write the Dean or Program advisers with respect to weekly schedule of practice teacher’s activities in school and community. 5. To consider all conferences with the Dean or Program adviser as professional and confidential. The ZSCMST-College of Education and Liberal Arts 1. To recognize that the practice teacher represents the ZSCMST-College of Education and that his/her conduct reflects upon the reputation of the institution. 2. To refrain from criticism of my College, should I find situations in the school different from my expectations? The Profession 1. To study toward understanding the role of a practice teacher within the school, the community, and the profession. 2. To exhibit confidence and pride in the profession. 3. To look upon the profession as the greatest service to humankind and the career as offering the opportunities and responsibilities of the profession. 4. To encourage students to consider seriously the opportunities and responsibilities of the profession. 5. To contribute whenever possible to student learning experiences in the school, to the school program, and faculty planning for school improvement.

6. To become an active member in chosen professional organizations. 7. To regularly read, study, and reflect upon the literature and research pertaining to education for maximum professional improvement Posted by josephthedreamer at 5:16 AM



OBJECTIVES: Given a one (1) hour session, at least 85% of the students should be able to: Define position-time graph; Plot the given tabulated data using the position-time graph; Analyze and interpret graphical representation of motion; Determine and solve the slope in the graph; and Participate actively in the class discussion. SUBJECT MATTER: TOPIC:Position-time graph versus formulas for velocity, distance, and time of a body in motion. MATERIALS : meter stick, book (Physics), visual aids on position-time graph REFERNCE: Santos, Gil Nonato C. and Alfonso C. Danac.L-Physics (Investigatory Physics); Rex Bookstore Inc., Manila Philippines,2006,pp. 50-51

PROCEDURE: A. REVIEW B. TECHNIQUES/STRATEGIES: -Inquiry approach -demonstration method -Discussion method -problem-solving C. LESSON PROPER: 1. Given the data for motion of a car moving eastward: a. Draw a position-time graph or plot distance against time. b. Compute for the average speed and velocity of the car. c. Determine and solve for the slope. d. Interpret the motion of the car. D. GENERALIZATION: Position-time graph is the graph that shows how position depends on the clock read or time. Simply distance against time. Position-time graph is very important tool in the analysis of the motion of a body, for it gives a complete picture of an object that is moving in a straight path. The data are plotted with the time as the independent variable and the position is the dependent variable. The slope represents the speed or velocity of a moving body and can be solved by locating the coordinates of points between the line graph at given time interval. In the given illustration and computed values, the car is moving in a straight path or direction towards east. The speed is constant at 15 m/s.



EVALUATION: Directions: Given the data for motion of the airplane moving eastward direction: a. Draw a position-time graph. b. Compute for average speed and velocity of the airplane. c. Interpret the motion of the airplane. POSITION(Km) TIME(hr.) POSITION(Km) TIME(hr.) 0 0 60 4 15 1 75 5 30 2 90 6 45 3 105 7 ASSIGNMENT: Directions: Answer the following problems on a graphing paper. Show complete computations. 1. Both car A and car B leave the school when clock reads zero. Car A travels at a constant 75 km/h, while car B travels at 85 Km/h. a. draw a position-time graph showing the motion of both cars. b. how far are the two cars from school when the clock read 2.0h? Calculate the distances using the equation of motion and show them on your graph. c. both cars passed gas station 100 km from the school. When did each car pass that station? Calculate the times and show them on your graph. 2. Draw a position-time graph for two cars driving to the beach, 50 km from school. Car A leaves a store 10 km from school closer to the beach at noon, and drives at 40 km/h. Car B starts from school at 12:30 pm and drives at 100 km/h. When does each get to the beach?


OBJECTIVES: Given a one (1) hour session, at least 85% of the students should be able to: a. Analyze and interpret the motion of falling objects; b. Solve problems on uniformly accelerated motion due to gravity; c. Participate actively in the class discussion and board work/activity.


SUBJECT MATTER: A. TOPIC: Acceleration due to gravity B. MATERIALS: Book (Physics), calculator, visual aids C. REFERENCE: Santos, Gil Nonato C. and Alfonso C Danac.L-Physics (Investigatory Physics); Rex Bookstore Inc., Manila Philippines,2006,pp.85-88



C. 2. a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

-Discussion -problem-solving LESSON PROPER 1. The teacher threw a ball upward, and he let the students observe. Assuming that the initial velocity is 2,000 cm/s and was able to catch it before it reached the ground on its return. What was the velocity after 1 second? after 2 seconds? What was its displacement in the first second? How long did it take the ball to reach its maximum height? How far was this maximum height from the starting point? What was its final velocity just before it reached its original position? How long will it take the ball to reach a point 1,000 cm above its original position on its way down? Base from the figure and computed values, how is the motion of the ball upward to its maximum height and the motion of the ball as it moves downward?

D.GENERALIZATION: From the original position, the ball is thrown upward with certain velocity. The distance and time as the ball goes upward are increasing, the velocity is decreasing. True to the given example, the initial velocity is 2,000 cm, after 1 second the velocity is 1,020 cm/s. After 2 seconds, the velocity is decreased to 40 cm/s. Also, the distance of the ball from the original position is 1,510 cm after 1 second. After 2 seconds, the distance has become almost doubled (2,040 cm). An object thrown upward will reach a certain point or maximum height with negative value of acceleration due to gravity or simply a=g=-9.80 m/s2. When it reached the maximum it will momentarily stop and then start to move downward. At this point, v↑= 0, v↓= 0. Then the final velocity has the same magnitude as the initial velocity when the object returns to its starting point. IV.

EVALUATION: Directions: Solve the following. Show your complete computations. 1. If you throw a ball straight up, it leaves your hand with a positive velocity of say, +20 m/s and was able to catch if before it reached the ground on its return: a. what was its velocity after 1 second? After 2 seconds? then compare. b. what was its displacement in the first second, in the next second? c. how long did it take to reach its maximum height? d. how far was this maximum height? e. how long will it take the ball to reach a point 860 cm above your hand on its way down?


ASSIGNMENT: 1. Read the topic on Projectile motion. Reference: Any Physics Book

Posted by josephthedreamer at 5:28 PM


How to Discipline Children and Help Them Develop Self-Control

          

The foundations for discipline are laid down in the early years. Flexibility is the key to discipline as children grow. Parents must be prepared to modify their discipline approach over time, using different strategies as their child develops greater independence and capacity for selfregulation and responsibility. During adolescence, the individuals become responsible for their own behavior. Establishing self-control is a process which develops slowly, and the ultimate goal of discipline is to help children build their own self-control, not to have them merely obey adult commands. How do children raised by these types of parents grow up? Follow-up studies show that the moderate way, between extreme permissiveness and extreme strictness, is the most effective of the three styles. Children raised by authoritative/moderate parents tended to have a good self-concept and to be responsible, cooperative, self-reliant and intellectually curious. Children raised by authoritarian/strict parents tended to be timid and withdrawn, less intellectually curious and dependent on the voice of authority. Children raised by permissive parents tended to be immature, reluctant to accept responsibility or to show independence. Following are some helpful discipline techniques: Use language to help solve problems Ignoring Rewards Natural consequences No more no – keep it positive Don't dictate: negotiate Pick your battles Prevention Dealing with unacceptable behavior What doesn't work When to seek help http://www.education.com/reference/article/Ref_About_Discipline/

Mindanao University of Science and Technology

The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and advanced instruction in mathematics, science, technology, engineering, and advanced research and extension work in human resource development in critical skills and competencies required for global competitiveness. (Republic Act 9519) University Vision The Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST) is one of the country’s leading providers of scientific and technological knowledge and skills. The University Mission The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological, professional and advanced instruction in mathematics, science, technology, engineering, and advanced research and extension work in human resource development in critical skills and competencies required for global competitiveness. Section 2. General Mandate, RA 9519 The University’s Core Values Moral uprightness Unselfish dedication Social responsibility Total quality management

Mindanao University of Science and Technology commonly known as MUST is a higher education institution in the Philippines. It was known as Mindanao Polytechnic State College until 7 January 2009 when it has achieved its university status after a long odyssey from its humble beginnings as a tradeschool in 1927. The university offers graduate and undergraduate degrees in engineering, science and technology with over 40 bachelors degree programs, 16 masters degree programs and 3 doctors degree programs.

Its main campus is located in Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City, with satellite campuses in Jasaan, Misamis Oriental, Oroquieta city and Panaon, Misamis Occidental.

Vision[edit] The Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST) is one of the country's leading providers of [1] scientific and technological knowledge and skills.

The Mission[edit] The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological, professional and advanced instruction in mathematics, science, technology, engineering, and advanced research and extension work in human resource development in critical skills and competencies required for global [1] competitiveness. — Section 2. General Mandate, RA 9519.

The Core Values[edit] 

Moral uprightness

Unselfish dedication

Social responsibility

Total quality management


History[edit] Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST) has achieved its university status in 7 January 2009 after a long journey from its humble beginnings as a tradeschool in 1927. The seed of MUST gained roots through the Pre-Commonwealth Act No. 3377 known as the Vocational Act of 1927. It was named as the Misamis Oriental Trade School (MOTS) which catered to the elementary level only but eventually in 1936, it opened a secondary four-year program. In accordance to Republic Act No. 672 of 1952, MOTS became Mindanao School of Arts and Trades (MSAT) offering trade technical curriculum. Later in 1970, the school was authorized by virtue of RA 3959 to offer Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education and the Evening Opportunity Programs. In 1978, Presidential Decree 1431 upgraded the institution to Don Mariano Marcos Memorial Polytechnic State College. In 1991, it was renamed Mindanao Polytechnic State College (MPSC) and it also gained a new function – provide extension services. The proposal to convert MPSC to MUST was presented in 1998, to the constituents of the institution and the general public. But the bill failed to prosper due to the moratorium on the creation of SUCs in the country (1998), Senate adjournment (2003); and the bill named HB 4914 was filed during the 13th Congress but was not finalized. In 2006, Cong. Rufus Rodriguez filed House Bill 4914. On October 3, 2008, the historic Senate Public Hearing happened at the university gymnasium with Sen. Miguel Zubiri as the presiding officer. Eventually, the Senate and Congress approved the bill in December 2008. On January 7, 2009 Republic Act No. 9519 was signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo at the MUST Gymnasium. The occasion was graced by senators, congressmen, local officials, civic [2] organizations, GOs, private sectors, higher education institutions and stakeholders.

Milestones and Timeline[edit]

1927 Pre-Commonwealth Act No. 3377 known as the Vocational Act of 1927 established Misamis Oriental Trade School (MOTS) operating at the elementary level. In 1936, the intermediate program was replaced with the four-year secondary trade program.

1952 Republic Act No. 672 converted MOTS into the Mindanao School of Arts and Trades (MSAT) offering two-year trade technical education. In 1970, Republic Act of 3959 authorized the offering of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education and the Evening Opportunity Programs.

1978 Presidential Decree 1431 converted MSAT to Don Mariano Marcos Memorial Polytechnic State College (DMMMPSC) with the mission "to provide quality relevant and trained human resources and to promote research supportive to the industrialization of Northern Mindanao."

1991 Republic Act No. 7102 renamed DMMMPSC to Mindanao Polytechnic State College (MPSC) with the addition of the third function of the college — extension services — in the original mission.

1995 Proposal for Mindanao University of Science and Technology was presented to the faculty and staff, students, PTA officials, and the general public. In 2002, Congressman John Michael C. Luzon of the Lone District of Cagayan de Oro filed House Bill No. 4582 for the conversion of MUST. The House Sub-Committee on Higher Education approved the bill in 2003.

2009 Republic Act No. 9519 converted Mindanao Polytechnic State College (MPSC) into a university. [3] MPSC will now be known as Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST).

In February 2011, during the MUST days, Rufus Rodriguez said that a bill will be drafted to transform [4] MUST into University of Science and Technology in the Philippines (USTP).

General Mandate[edit] The University shall primarily provide advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and advanced instruction in mathematics, science, technology, engineering, and advanced research and extension work in human resource development in critical skills and competencies required for global [5] competitiveness. (Republic Act 9519)

Academic Programs offered in the Main Campus[edit] [6]

The four or five year, full-time undergraduate programs comprise a majority of enrollments at the university and emphasizes instruction with an "engineering, sciences and technology focus." MUST's academic programs operate on a semester calendar beginning in early June and ending in late March.

Doctors degree programs[edit] College of Arts and Sciences 

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences 

major in Applied Mathematics

major in Mathematics Education

Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education 

major in Chemistry

College of Policy Studies, Education and Management 

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Planning and Management

Doctor in Technology Education

Doctor in Public Administration

Masters degree programs[edit] College of Engineering and Architecture 

Master of Engineering Sciences

College of Industrial and Information Technology 

Master in Information Technology

College of Arts and Sciences 

Master of Science in Teaching Mathematics

Master of Science in Applied Mathematical Sciences

Master in Science in Science Education 

major in Chemistry

Master of Science in Teaching Physical Sciences

Master of Science in Technology Communication Management

College of Policy Studies, Education and Management 

Master in Arts in Educational Planning Management

Master in Public Administration

Master in Arts in Special Education Teaching

Master in Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Master in Technical Teacher Education

Bachelors degree programs[edit] College of Engineering and Architecture 

Bachelor of Science in Architecture

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

College of Industrial and Information Technology 

Bachelor of Science in Automotive and Mechanical Technology

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Technology and Management

Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Technology

Bachelor of Science in Electro-Mechanical Technology

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

major in Architectural Drafting Technology

major in Automotive Engineering Technology

major in Civil Engineering Technology

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with CCNA curriculum

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Design and Fabrication Technology

College of Arts and Sciences 

Bachelor of Science in Applied Physical Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Applied Physical Sciences Teaching

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Technology

Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology

Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences

major in Applied Mathematics

major in Mathematics Teaching

Bachelor of Science in Technology Communication Management

College of Policy Studies and Education Management 

Bachelor in Elementary Education 

major in Special Education

Bachelor in Secondary Education 

major in Technology and Livelihood Education

major in Mathematics

major in Physical Sciences

Bachelor in Technician Teacher Education

Bachelor in Public Administration

Professional programs[edit] 

Certificate of Teaching

Diploma in Special Education Teaching

Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP)

CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

Center for Local Governance

Implementor of Promoting English Proficiency (PEP) Project in Mindanao

Vocational Education and Training programs[edit] 

Automotive Servicing

Commercial Cooking

Computer Hardware Servicing & Networking

Electronics Servicing

Industrial Electricity

Welding Technology

Upcoming programs[edit] 

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Fine Arts

Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering

Master of Science in Chemistry

Academic Programs offered in Satellite Campuses[edit] The flagship university in Cagayan de Oro offers the largest number of degree programs, and the satellite [7] campuses are known to lead and specialize in specific programs.

Jasaan Campus[edit] 

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Technology and Management

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Bachelor in Secondary Education 

major in Technology and Livelihood Education

Three-Year Technician Program


Panaon Campus[edit] 

Bachelor of Science in Aquatic Resource Technology and Management

Bachelor of Science in Physical Science Teaching

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Teaching

Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology

Bachelor in Elementary Education

Diploma in Information Technology

Oroqueta Campus[edit] 

Bachelor in Elementary Education

Diploma in Information Technology

Accreditation[edit] Accreditation of academic programs have been conducted by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered [8] Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP). Some programs reach as high as level III. The competent accreditation status provided MUST with COE and COD grants from CHED.


Technician Teacher Education

Industrial Technology

Electrical Engineering

Electronics and Communication

Level (Accreditation status)

Duration of validity of Accreditation Status

Qualified for Level III

January 2008 - December 2008

Level III Accredited

August 2010

Level III Accredited

March 2013

Level I Accredited

December 1, 2005 - November 30, 2008

Level I Accredited

December 16, 2006 - December 15, 2009

Level I Accredited

December 16, 2007 - December 15, 2010

Engineering 

Information Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering

Science (Applied Physical Sciences)

Science (Mathematical Science)

Graduate: Doctoral (Educational Planning & Mgmt.)

Graduate: Doctoral (Technology Education)

Graduate: Doctoral (Mathematical Science)

Graduate: Master’s (MS-Teaching Mathematics)

Graduate: Master’s (Teaching App. Phy. Sci.)

Graduate: Master's (Technician Teacher Education)

Graduate: Master's (Educational Planning & Mgmt.)

Graduate: Master's (MS-Math Sci.)

The University Seal[edit] [9]

The seal of MUST is the official device used by the university as its official symbol and mark for its legal and public documents and publications. The current seal in use was chosen through the MUST seal making contest after the school granted university status.

The MUST seal

The navy blue symbolizes importance, confidence, power, authority, intelligence and stability.

The color white symbolizes purity, cleanliness and peace.

The sun is an emblem of glory and brilliance. It also symbolizes hope, happiness, life, spirituality and optimism.

The globe represents the global community which the university aims to serve, and it also symbolizes the global competitiveness.

The laurel symbolizes triumph, hope and victory.

The atom and the gear represents "Science and Technology" which are considered flagship degrees of the University.

The year 1927 indicates the founding year of the University.

Former seal[edit] 

The portions colored red, yellow and blue represent the flag of the Philippines hung vertically.

The book and the torch symbolize the education that every student wants to acquire from this College.

The gear represents technology which is considered as the flagship course of this College.

The 24-toothed gear symbolizes the 24-hour service of the College to the community.

The year 1927 shown inside the book represents the year when MPSC was founded.

Designed by former resident Architectural Drafting Professor, Eliezer Novicio Arnejo.

Semi-government status[edit] Although MUST is enlisted as one of the then-inexpensive major state university in the Philippines, tuition and matriculation fees continue to rise in the past decade. Government subsidy has been gradually withdrawn as it is now a semi-government state university. In a semester, student expenses reach as high as 50% of that of nearby private universities (e.g., Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, Liceo de Cagayan University, Capitol University). As of 2007, only 75 million pesos was appropriated for general [10] administration and support, support to operations, and other operations by the budget department.

Mindanao University of Science and Technology

Latin: Mindanao Universitas de Scientiarum et Technology


"Moral uprightness Unselfish dedication Social responsibility Total quality management"




State University


Ricardo E. Rotoras, D.Eng.


Ruth G. Cabahug, Ph.D

Academic staff

ca. 500

Admin. staff

ca. 1000


ca. 15,000

Undergraduates ca. 8,000


C.M. Recto Ave., Lapasan Cagayan de Oro City,Philippines 8.485695°N 124.656522°ECoordinates: 8.485695°N 124.656522°E



Former names

Misamis Oriental Trade School (1927-1952), Mindanao School of Arts and Trades (19521978), Don Mariano Marcos Memorial Polytechnic State College (1978-1991), Mindanao Polytechnic State College (19912009)

Colors Sports Affiliations

Blue and


Basketball, Volleyball,Badminton, Baseball

Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), Mindanao Association of State Colleges and Universities Foundation, Inc. (MASCUF)



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