Tissues Definition: a group of closely associated cells that perform related functions and are similar in structure Between cells: nonliving extracellular extracellular material Four basic types of tissue…function tissue…function
Epithelium: sheet of cells that covers a body surface or lines a body cavity$ also form most of the body%s glands &oles: as interfaces and as boundaries Functions: 'rotection (bsorption )ensory reception *on transport )ecretion Filtration Formation of slippery surfaces for movement
)upport by connective tissue (vascular but innervated
Without vessels With nerve endings
Classification of epithelia (ccording to thic-ness
.simple/ 0 one cell layer .stratified/ 1 more than one layer of cells "which are named according to the shape of the cells in the apical layer#
(ccording to shape
.s2uamous/ 1 wider than tall .cuboidal/ 1 as tall as wide .columnar/ 0 taller than wide
to protect
where diffusion is important
where tissues are involved in secretion and absorption: larger cells because of the machinery of production3 pac-aging3 and energy re2uirements
“ciliated” literally = eyelashes (see next page)
)tratified: regenerate from below
Endothelium ( simple s2uamous epithelium that lines the interior of the circulatory vessels and heart
esothelium )imple s2uamous epithelium that lines the peritoneal3 pleural and pericardial cavities and covers the viscera
4lands Epithelial cells form them 'roduction 5 secretion of needed substances (re a2ueous "water0based# "water0based# products The protein product is made in rough E&3 pac-ed into secretory granules by 4olgi apparatus3 released from the cell by exocytosis
Classification of glands
By where they release their product
Exocrine: external secretion onto body surfaces "s-in# or into body cavities Endocrine: secrete messenger molecules "hormones# which are carried by blood to target organs$ .ductless/ glands
By whether they are unicellular or multicellular
Exocrine glands unicellular or multicellular
6nicellular: goblet cell scattered within epithelial lining of intestines and respiratory tubes
'roduct: mucin mucus is mucin 5 water
ulticellular exocrine glands
Epithelium0walled duct and a secretory unit
Examples of exocrine gland products any types of mucus secreting glands )weat glands of s-in 7il glands of s-in )alivary glands of mouth ,iver "bile# 'ancreas "digestive en+ymes# ammary glands "mil-#
Endocrine glands Ductless glands
&elease hormones into extracellular space
8ormones are messenger molecules
8ormones enter blood and travel to specific target organs
Epithelial surface features
,ateral surface (dhesion proteins Tongue and groove wavy contours Cell 9unctions: see next slide
Basal surface
Basal lamina: noncellular sheet of protein together with reticular fibers form basement membrane
(pical surface
Cell unctions
Tight 9unctions
(dherens 9unctions
)o close that are sometimes impermeable Transmembrane lin-er proteins
(nchoring 9unctions Filaments anchor to the opposite side
4ap 9unctions
(llow small molecules to move between cells
(pical surface features
icrovilli 1 maximi+e surface area Fingerli-e extensions of the plasma membrane of apical epithelial cells 7n moist and mucus secreting epithelium ,ongest on epithelia that absorb nutrients "small intestine# or transport ions "-idneys#
;hipli-e motile extentions of the apical surface membranes
,ong isolated cilium 7nly found as sperm in human
Four basic types of tissue
Epithelium Connective tissue Connective tissue proper "examples: fat tissue3 fibrous tissue of ligaments# Cartilage Bone Blood
uscle tissue !ervous tissue
Classes of Connective Tissue: note the cell types and great variety of subclasses
Connective Tissue
7riginate from embryonic tissue called mesenchyme ost diverse and abundant type of tissue any subclasses "see previous slide# Function: to protect3 support and bind together other tissues
Bones3 ligaments3 tendons (reolar cushions$ adipose insulates and is food source Blood cells replenished$ body tissues repaired
Cells separated from one another by large amount of nonliving extracellular matrix
Extracellular atrix explained
!onliving material between cells 'roduced by the cells and then extruded &esponsible for the strength Two components =
7f fluid3 adhesion proteins3 proteoglycans ,i2uid3 semisolid3 gel0li-e or very hard
Fibers: collagen3 elastic or reticular
Basic functions of connective tissue reviewed )upport and binding of other tissues 8olding body fluids Defending the body against infection
macrophages3 plasma cells3 mast cells3 ;BCs
)toring nutrients as fat
Classes of Connective Tissue
Classes of Connective Tissue
Classes of Connective Tissue
Classes of Connective Tissue
asses o
onnec ve
Membranes that combine epithelial sheets plus underlying connective tissue proper "see next slide#
Cutaneous membranes
ucous membranes3 or mucosa
)-in: epidermis and dermis ,ines every hollow internal organ that opens to the outside of the body
)erous membranes3 or serosa
)lippery membranes lining the pleural3 pericardial and peritoneal cavities The fluid formed on the surfaces is called a transudate
Tumors "neoplasms#: abnormal growth of cells (denoma 1 neoplasm of glandular epithelium3 benign or malignant Carcinoma 1 cancer arising in an epithelium "@A of all human cancers# )arcoma 1 cancer arising in mesenchyme0derived tissue "connective tissues and muscle#
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