Agenda > Sta Start rt pa page ge / T Test est set ass associ ociati ation on > Co Cont ntro roll c cen ente terr d doc ocum umen ents ts > Tes estt U Uni nive vers rse e ge gene nera rall > Test object > Ha Hard rdw war are e co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n > Gr Grou ound nd wir ire e br brea eak kw war arni ning ng > QuickCMC > State tate Seq equ uen enc cer > TransView > Alt Altern ernati ative ve app applic licati ations ons of tthe he CMC
Start Page / Test Set Association How to narrow down connectivity problems: 1. Ch Chec eck k tth he L LE ED S Sta tatu tus s 2. Ch Chec eck k Wi Wind ndow ows s Fi Fire rew wall all 3. Ch Chec eck ko oth ther er Fi Fire rew walls alls 4. Chec Check ko other ther acti active ve netw network ork c conne onnectio ctions ns ((e.g. e.g. WLAN WLAN)) 5. VP VPN Ns sof oftw twar are es sec ecur urit ity y
Start Page / Test Set Association How to permanently associate a CMC: 1. Ope Open n th the eT Tes estt S Set et Ass Associ ociati ation on 2. Cli Click ck E Extr xtras as / Adv Advan anced ced Opt Option ions.. s.... 3. Ad Add d you ourr c com ompu pute terr
Control Center Documents (OCC) / Report Settings The newly defined report standard will be savd as .TPVRep file automatically. The path is the following: Windows XP: >
\Application tion Data\OMICR Data\OMICRON\T ON\Test est Universe Universe\Report \Report Settings C: C:\D \Doc ocum umen ents ts and and Sett Settin ing gs\ User Name \Applica
Windows 7: >
C:\Users\User Name \AppData \AppData\Roamin \Roaming\OMICR g\OMICRON\T ON\Test est Universe\ Universe\Report Report Settings
> Dist Distribu ribution tion of rreport eport s standa tandards rds is p possi ossible ble by c copy opying ing of .TPV .TPVRep Rep ffiles iles to other systems
TU General / Fault Calculator Many test modules offer the possibility to automatically calculate specific output values: Entry options: > DireCt > Li Line ne-L -Lin ine e > Sy Symme mmetri trica call comp compon onent ents s > Powers > Fa Faul ultt val value ues s > Impedanc Impedances es (differe (different nt modes) modes)
Test Object / Multiple RIO-Functions of the Same Type You can use more than one RIO function of the same type in one tets object. You can define the actife function for each test module separately
Hardware Configuration / Compliance Voltage Voltage To avoid switching off at contiuous output of high currents the compliance voltage of the CMC can be adapted.
Ground Wire Break Under some circumstanc circumstances es the w warning arning "ground wire break" is always active. to deactivate this the registry r egistry setting can be adapted. > HKEY_CUR HKEY_CURRENT RENT_USE _USER\So R\Softw ftware\O are\OMICR MICRON\ ON\Hardw Hardware are Configur Configuration ation -> ShowConnectionWarning
QuickCMC / Prefault, Hold Values, Values, Add to Report Output of a prefault with V = Vn und I = 0 A Holds the currently generated output values Adds the test shot to the report
QuickCMC / Ramping with Mouse Wheel When selecting a Signal and a Step Size the mouse wheel button can be activated. Afterwards the values can be increased or decreased by scrolling up and down.
Disctance Characterstic in TransView If a RIO file with a distance characteristic has the same file name as a fault record, the impedance trajectories can be displayed together with the distance characteristics. characteristics.
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