Tips for Muet Speaking Test

February 15, 2017 | Author: Hani Nazrina | Category: N/A
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Tips for Muet Speaking Test TASK A Each 2-min presentation should include 5 important elements: 1. Greetings 2. Repeat situation from the question 3. State the point given to you 4. 3 pts with relevant explanation & examples 5. Conclusion Greetings 1. Good morning to everyone. 2. Good morning I bid to one and all. 3. Good morning to the examinerS and all candidateS. 4. A very good morning I wish to all examinerS and fellow candidateS Repeat Situation 1. Today we are talking about… 2. The situation I have been given is… 3. According to the situation… 4. Based on the situation given… State the point given 1. I would like to give 3 reasons for my point which is… 2. There are 3 reasons to support my point which is… 3. My point is ________ so to elaborate I would like to discuss 3 reasons. 4. I think that ____________ is the best idea. 3 Pts (Explanation & Examples) 1. Firstly, I think that…This is because.. Moreover,... For example,… 2. Secondly, another reason is… In addition,… For instance,… 3. Finally, in my opinion…Furthermore,… A good example is... Conclusion 1. In conclusion, this is the best point because… 2. To conclude, I still agree that… 3. In a nutshell, I feel that… 4. In short, my idea is the best because… p/s: It’s ok if you don’t speak on 3 points no penalty as long as you develop even one point well with good elaboration and examples. The 3 points we stress on is just for don’t have a conclusion no penalty but if you manage to do a conclusion you will logically score higher because your presentation is more structured. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TALK NON-STOP FOR 2 MINS!!!! Task B Agree · I agree with you. (NOT: I’m agree.) · That’s a great idea! · I see your point! · That’s an interesting perspective. · I like your suggestion.... [continues]

Cara-cara nak jawab MUET Paper Speaking

at 12:02 PM Hai semua..hari ni nk share tentang tips jawab MUET Paper Speaking...ok..drpd aq wat post yg xbg faedah pd orang lain, lebih baik aku tulis benda ni..Jom baca...

Masalah2 tak boleh cakap english 

Korang xfaham ape yg didengari..

Skill speaking korang lemah..

Kurang kayakinan diri...

Kurang pengetahuan tentang isu yg dibincangkan...

Tak biasa speaking depan org...

kurang vocabs (so kene baca buku, dictionary, magazine,newspaper)

takut slh..(semua org akan wat salah...kite pun tak terkecuali..nak takut wat pe..)

Macamana nak buat penyampaian yg terbaik???


Jangan nervous... Kebanyakan org akan mengalami benda ni...takut sgt2...then sampai tak

boleh fikir...cara terbaik nak selesaikan masalah ni..biasakan diri untuk cakap dalam bahasa tu...ajak la kawan2 bual dgn korang guna english..or berlatih depan to yourself....tapi aku penah jugak jumpe org yg dok 24jam nak speaking je, dan sepatutnye dorang xnervous, tapi ade jugak yg, aku galakkan korang cakap dlm pd waktu yg sesuai, n dgn org yg sesuai....maksud org yg sesuai adalah org yg boleh layan kau la bila kau nak ckp english...


Eye contact... sakit hati x bila org cakap kat kita tapi xpandang kite..kalau pandang pun, pandang tempat

lain,bukannye mata kita..benda2 mcm ni akan wat korang nampak, eye contact to penting...tengok betul2 org yg kau nak cakap tu...


Duduk la betul2 kat kerusi tu..kdg2 tengok time test speaking, duduk pun mcm nak xnak je...pastu

kaku semacam...kau bukannye nak masuk kawad pun smpai nak tegak je..haha..wat muka tenang je...relax...(walaupun hakikatnye korang tgh takut..)..

4.Tunjukkan korang boleh speaking secara

spontan...Cara cakap mesti beradab sopan...attitude dgn tone suara

kite mesti seragam...jgn la bila cakap benda serius, ko senyum2 pulak...sesuaikan la...

5. Bila nak cakap tu,

cakap satu2..pelan2...jgn tersangkut-sangkut pulak...kalau yg cakap laju, slow down

sikit kelajuan tu...

6.Korang ade mase utk prepare points..time tu keluarkan semua pendapat korang...


tulis main

dgn sikit2 example je....

Speaking test ade 2 task...task 1 is individual test... task 2 is in group..discussion la kiranye... dua2 task ni, jgn rase individual test je korang nak wat betul2, then time discussion korang down, tu boleh menjejaskan markah korang..jom baca

tips semasa jawab task 1...

1.Mula2 bila dapat soalan, baca betul2..dan tengok ape point yg diberi pd korang...

2.Tugas korang suarakan je pendapat korang seperti point yg dah diberi.. 3

.Jgn sesekali cakap tak setuju atau setuju kat task 1

kat sini aku tujukkan

cara yg betul nak wat intro dan cara yg salah..

soalan: recently there have been several break-ins and thefts in your residential area.You are a member of the neighbourhood watch group discussing ways to curb these social problems.

Candidate A Employ security guards

Candidate B Take turns to keep watch at night

Candidate C Install alarm system

Candidate D Fix proper grills to their windows and doors

Good morning to Mr/miss/mdm examiner and all candidates. There's been an alarming cases regarding break-ins in our residential area. In my opinion, the best way to solve this matter is by employing security guards to watch over our neighbourhood... Contoh jawapan betul:

Good morning to Mr/miss/mdm examiner and all candidates. There's been an alarming cases regarding break-ins in our residential area. I think,to solve this matter we have to employ security guards to watch our neighbourhood area as it is the best way rather than taking turns to keep watch all night, installing alarm system or fixing proper grills to windows and doors... Contoh jawapan tak betul:

*Tak payah cakap point kite lagi bagus dr point org len kat task 1 ni..cakap pasal point sendiri je.. *tak suruh kau agree pun kat task 1 ni..ko memang kene jugak stand dgn point kau...


3 or 4 point je pun dah ok sgt....yg penting cara korang convince org lain dgn points

korang...elaboration tu penting, bagi example..

5.mase candidate lain tgh suarakan point2 dieorg,

buat catatan..fold paper untuk korang conteng2 tu pd 4

bahagian...(macam nk ajar origami je..haha) lecturer aku punye tips..nampak mcm benda tak penting kan, tapi sebenarnye, benda ni penting tau x..penah tak korang tak jumpe point yg korang tulis??..sebab tulis bersepah-sepah... .





Then, senang la nak tengok ape yg korang dah catat...tak berterabur la point2 tu...

6.Then cakap la

'thank you' bila dh habis cakap...

Task 2 pulak ok...task ni task paling fun n relaxing... Gunakan kertas td tu yg korang dh catat point semua tu..maksud aku point semua candidate..

mulakan discussion...benda tu akan tambahkan keyakinan korang... 2.Diingatkan, discussion ni bukan debate, tak payah nak timbulkan pergaduhan atau 1.Kalau boleh, korang

ape2 pun..Sebab budak2 debate ni dh biase nak 100% tegakkan point die n bangkang point org lain..huhu..tapi mase discussion, tak leh wat mcm tu...kalau nak wat pun dgn cara lemah lembut.. 3.Korang boleh pilih nak terus sokong point korang atau nak sokong org lain punye...point sape yg disokong xde markah tambahan pun tau... 4.Bila timbul sebarang benda yg korang tak setuju, cakap mcm ni..

-i'm sorry candidate __, but i don't agree with you -I'm sorry, i don't get it -sorry for interrupting, but i think you are wrong.. See...

behaviour n cara cakap kene jaga... :)

Macamana nak wat kalau semua candidate ade pendapat yg berbeza? masa tak banyak...n korang kene jugak wat keputusan....Jom baca tips kat 5.

bawah ni.. -ala...senang je...ikut je la point mane2 pun... cakap mcm ni..'after all discussion, i think i agree with candidate __ 's point'..then yg lain ikut je la..haha..kan senang..relax la..xde tolak markah pun..tapi sebelum tu, time candidate lain tgh cakap, korang wat la muka 80% setuju....tak de la nampak korang terpakse setuju bile mase dah nak habis..haha

Ape nak buat kalau semua candidate sokong point yg sama? 6.

-xbest la..t discussion korang jd pendek sgt sebab point yg sikit tu nak share 4 org...contoh la kan, bila candidate A dh cakap die stuju kat Candidate D punye point, so candidate B and C sokong la point dr Candidate selain D..kan nanti meriah discussion korang... -kes berat pulak mcm ni... kalau korang dah cakap dulu korang sokong B, pastu yg lain pun nak jugak ikut ape yg kau sokong, then korang guna strategi ni...mule2 ko bgtahu je nape ko sokong B..Pastu agak2 kawan2 ko yg lain diam je, xtau nak cakap ape, korang tanye la dieorang pulak...'what do u think about candidate D's points'...t biar die jawab...pastu ko leh cakap..'i think some points given by candidate D are true'..haha...tukar la point yg korang sokong.....mengalah je...dgn wat mcm tu, skrg group korang ade 2 point yg nak dibincangkan... kdg2, kite kene wat sesuatu untuk pastikan group discussion kite x stuck kat tengah jalan sebab xde point!!!

Ape nak wat kalau kau sorang je sokong point tu tapi lagi 3 tak..maksudnye, 3 org tu sokong B, Tapi ko sorang sokong A..Wah...hebat...aku suke org mcm 7.

ni...haha...Mule2, pertahankan je la knp ko suke point tu...kalau dieorg nak ikut, ikut la..tak nak sudah..bile dieorg tak nak ikut,n mase dah suntuk, ko cakap la...'i think,every points given by 3 of you are true and undeniable, so that i agree with all of you'..haha..yey!! settle...dah ade conclusion..kan aku cakap, mengalah je la..tak kene potong markah pun...pemeriksa nak tgk cara kau cakap je..bukan sape menang sape kalah...


Apa nak buat kalau kawan korang diam je..tak tahu nak cakap ape...

dalam discussion, kite mesti ingat, xde sape menang n xde sape, tolong kawan kite...xsalah jd baik, untuk kebaikan korang jugak... bile korang tgk die pasif je, bantu die utk dapatkan markah...cara-cara nak tolong group member kita: -tanye die soalan...sekurang-kurangnye die akan cuba bercakap.. -tanye samada die agree ke x dgn ape kita cakap... bila semua dh bercakap, task 2 ni akan jd fun tau!!!! tapi, in case kalau die tak nak cakap jugak, biarlah..nak wt mcm ne lg..korang teruskan je lah...xpayah marah or xpuas hati kat candidate mane2, sebab tindakan die tu tak jejaskan markah korang...markah lain2...

9.Bila dah nak habis mase utk discussion, korang kene

wat kesimpulan point mane yg korang pilih...ingat

tau, satu point je...nak tak nak, korang mesti sebulat suara pilih satu point je...contoh nak tutup discussion, 'We have come to our final decision..after all discussion we had, we agree that we have to employ security guards to watch over our neighbourhood' contoh je....korang guna la ayat yg best sikit... Ni je la yg dapat dikongsi wat masa yg aku bagi ni berdasarkan ape yg aku tahu ni mungkin berkesan bagi aku, tapi aku tak tahu samada berkesan utk org lain ke x..ape2 pun..yg elok, ikut, yg agak2 tak elok tak payah ikut...sampai sini je ceramah utk hari ni.. : P

MUET SPEAKING 800/2 TIPS - SAMPLE ANSWERS Candidate A Instructions to candidates: Task A: Individual presentation 

Study the stimulus or topic given.

You are given two minutes to prepare your responses.

You are given two minutes to present.

Listen to the others while they are making their presentations and take down notes for the group discussion in Task B.

Task B: Group discussion 

You are given two minutes to prepare points to support or oppose the other candidates’ views.

After you have listened to everyone, try to come to a decision as to which of the four suggestions is the best.

Your group is given ten minutes for the discussion.

Task A and Task B will be carried out consecutively. Situation Your brother has been given the opportunity to study in England on a government scholarship. You and your family are very proud of him. Decide on a special gift for him to prepare for his trip abroad. Task A: Suggest that they give him cash. Say why. Task B: Discuss which of the following would be most useful. i. cash ii. a computer iii. some suitable clothing iv. some Malaysian foodstuff

Candidate A Task A: Suggest that they give him cash. Say why. Good morning to the examiners and my fellow friends. I’m very happy that my brother has just received a scholarship to study in England. My relatives and I would like to

give him a special gift. We all think that the best gift is money because it will be very useful for him. The first reason is with cash he can buy the things that he needs when he gets there. There will me a lot of things that he will need like new books, stationery, clothes and food. He will also need to pay for transportation like taking the bus or train to go to the university campus. As we know, it is very expensive in England so any money we give him will be very useful. Secondly, my brother can use the money to buy a mobile phone when he gets toEngland. I think this is very important in case of emergencies so we can contact him easily. Furthermore, he can sms us and keep us updated with his progress in his studies there. Hence, if we really miss him we can just give him a call. Finally, I also think giving him money is the best choice because it is light and doesn’t take up a lot of space. If we were to give him a computer, books or winter clothes it will be very heavy and bulky for him to bring to England. Therefore, I think that it is much easier to bring money and buy those things when he gets there. In conclusion, these are some of the reasons why I think giving him cash is the best choice. To me, it is the most useful gift we can give him. Thank you. Candidate B Task A: You suggest that they give him a computer. Say why. A very good morning I bid to one and all. My relatives and I are very proud of my brother. He has just received a scholarship to study in England and so we would like to give him a special gift. We believe that the best present for him is a laptop computer. Firstly, as a university student, my brother will have to do many assignments. If he has a laptop computer he can bring it everywhere and consequently, do his work anytime and anywhere. Thus, he will not have to share the computers at the computer room with other students and he will be able to do his work more quickly and efficiently. Another point is that when he boards the plane from KLIA to London, he will be able to bring the laptop with him easily because it is compact and light compared to a desktop computer. Hence, it will not be too much trouble to transport it to England. Last but not least, if he has a laptop he will be able to connect to the internet. This has two main advantages as firstly, he can do a lot of research online. The world wide web is a fountain of information so it will be very useful for him to make full use of this technology. Furthermore, he can keep in touch with friends and family here in Malaysia by e-mail. In short, a laptop computer will prove to be very useful to my brother. He can do his assignments, research for information and keep in touch with us using it therefore it will make the best gift. Thank you for listening.

Candidate C Task A: You suggest that they give him some suitable clothing. Say why. To the examiners and my fellow candidates, a wonderful morning I bid you. My brother was lucky enough to receive a scholarship to study overseas. We want to send him off with a nice gift so we have decided to buy him some suitable clothing. The main purpose for buying him some suitable clothing is because the weather in England is very different from the weather in our country. There are four seasons there so he will need to have different clothes for different situations. For example, we can buy him some sweaters, cardigans, scarves, snowcaps, thick socks and gloves and many more. These will definitely keep him warm in winter. The second reason is we think that he should have clothes that reflect our Malaysian identity. This is because he will be a young ambassador for our country so if he has a few sets of traditional clothing like the Baju Melayu or formal Batik shirts, I am sure he will not only look good but promote our culture overseas. Lastly, neat clothes make a good impression. For instance, if we buy him some everyday clothes like jeans and trousers with nice shirts and matching ties, this will give him a good feeling about himself so he will walk a bit straighter and talk a bit wiser. Moreover, people will look at him and have a good impression about Malaysian students. To conclude, I think that the best present to give him is some suitable clothing because it will be very useful and will reflect positively on him. Thank you very much. Candidate D Task A: You suggest that they give him some Malaysian foodstuff. Say why. I would like to wish everyone here a very good morning. As we all know, my brother has won a scholarship to study in England. Therefore, some relatives and I have decided to give him some Malaysian foodstuff as a going away present. First and foremost, one of the main problems Malaysians face when studying overseas is that it is hard to find Halal food. We feel it is a good idea to give him some Malaysian foodstuff because it will take time for him to get used to the place and find out where to buy Halal food. Thus, in the meantime he can enjoy the Malaysian foodstuff that we have given to him. The next reason is because some of the foodstuff we are used to having here in Malaysia is quite hard to find in UK. Most students studying overseas really enjoy eating Maggi Mee andsambal













for curry and rendangand so on so if we supply him with enough Malaysian foodstuff, he can eat it whenever he misses home. The final point I have is that he can use the Malaysian foodstuff we give him and cook it for the Westerners there. Sometimes, universities organise events like Malaysian Night and so he

and his friends can cook some Malaysian specialities for them to taste a bit of our way of life. Hence, the Malaysian foodstuff will be very useful to promote our culture. In a nutshell, giving my brother Malaysian foodstuff to take with him to England is a good idea. This is because he will have some familiar food to eat when he misses home and he can also share it with his new friends. Thank you for listening to my opinion. Task B: Discuss which of the following would be most useful. i. Cash ii. A computer iii. Some suitable clothing iv. Some Malaysian foodstuff * Work together in your respective groups and complete the following discussion. A: Good morning once again to everyone. We are here to focus on the issue at hand which is __________________________________________________________. I would like to invite anyone of you to kickstart this discussion by giving us your point of view. B: Allow me to begin. First of all, I’m happy that our brother has won the scholarship to study in England. Therefore, we must decide what would be the most useful gift for him.









_________________________________________________________________. This is because I think he can _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________. For



_________________________________________________________________. C: I see your point but how about getting him ______________________________. In this way,







_________________________________________________________________. D: I don’t quite agree with you because ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________.


think it would be more useful if we bought _______________________ for him. Does anyone agree with me? A: Yes, I agree with you. To add to your point, I feel that ______________________ _________________________________________________________________. This is so he will ___________________________________________________. C: I’m afraid I don’t see eye to eye with both of you. Buying that as a present for him is not the







Moreover, ________________________________________________________. Can you all understand what I’m trying to say? B: Indeed, I do see your point of view but I still feel that the most useful gift is __________________ because it can ___________________________________. Another reason is ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________. For instance,


_________________________________________________________________. D: That’s an interesting perspective and I agree with you that ___________________ _________________________________________________________________. However, I think we should consider other points. We should also think about buying him _______________________________________________________. If he gets this as a present, he can ______________________________________ and ____________________________________________. Wouldn’t you agree? A: I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. Can you explain it again, please. D: What I mean is we should buy him _____________________________________ because it will me more useful for him when he is studying in England. This is because ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________. A: Aaah… I see. Yes, I think it would be a very useful gift too. This way, he can _________________________________________________________________. C: That’s a good point, but don’t you think if we gave him _____________________ it will be the most useful for him as a student. I still believe that this is the most useful because


_________________________________________________________________. Remember, we need to think of the best and most useful choice. B: I agree with you, Candidate C. In addition, he can use this gift to _____________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________. So candidates A & D, what do you guys think? D: Now that you’ve explained it like that, I also agree that it will be the most useful. In fact, he







_________________________________________________________________. A: As for me, I feel that it is also the most useful. When he arrives at his university in England, he will be able to ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________.

C: That’s right. Well, after listening to all the points on the four choices we have, I think it is time to make a conclusion. D: Yes, I think so too. Does everyone agree that we should give our brother _______________________________________ as a special going away present? All: Yes, I agree. B: In a nutshell, we all agree that _______________________________ is the best choice because firstly, he can _________________________________________, secondly, ________________________________________________



_________________________________________________________________. Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What to conclude if after 10 minutes of discussion…. A) AGREE = 3, DISAGREE = 1 Conclusion: To conclude, MOST OF US agree that ______________________ is the best choice because ________________________________. ___________________________________________. Thank you. B) AGREE = 2, DISAGREE = 2 Conclusion: In conclusion, we were unable to make a solid decision because SOME OF US stongly believe that the best choice is __________ because


whileTHE REST OF US think that giving him _______________ is the most useful because _________________ ___________________________________________. Thank you. C) ALL DISAGREE Conclusion: In a nutshell, we were unable to come to an agreement on which of the four options is the best choice. It seems ALL OF US strongly believe in our own points so as we have run out of time, we think that we should each buy him a gift individually. Thank you.

MUET Speaking 800/2 tips and sample Speaking exam is around the corner again.. some of you have taken this exam before and some are still virgins (hahahahhaha). What to expect? Well... 1. There will be not one, but 2 examiners at the table, and 4 candidates (ideally as total number of candidates for each session is 5 groups of 4 = 20) whom u can refer to as Candidate A, B C & D (NOT advised to use names, even if they are your friends). If you are the last or second last group and some candidates are absent, the examiners should divide the last 2 groups into 3 members each (3-3) instead of (4-2). If they don't do that, you have the right to request the 3-3 combination because the discussion will be more lively but always remember to ask politely. 2. For task A, expect to speak for a full 2 minutes, regardless of how many points you deliver (no deduction for number of points as MPM does not specify that you have to describe 3 points.) You just need to speak according to the topic confidently, fluently and accurately with good body language. 3. For task B, expect to speak for a full 10 minutes, regardless of if you manage to do a conclusion or not (last I heard, MPM does not require conclusions because natural conversations do not necessarily have conclusions but it is still nice to round up the discussion with a good conclusion). Do not dominate the discussion or on the other hand, do not also be a passenger with nothing to say. Ask your friends their opinions or help them end their sentences/ideas when they are stuck as this shows good management of discussion skills. 4. Smile, talk naturally (not robotic), crack some jokes and give creative ideas instead of boring predictable ones, laugh together and basically have a good time because the examiners are fed

up of listening to the same old rubbish. If you make them laugh (in a good way), chances are they will be more willing to award better marks. Let's analyse last year's speaking question. Here is a sample Band 6 scripts for task A. Day 1, Session 1 Year End 2011 (not exact words) People who give the most meaningful contribution to society a)garbage collectors b)toilet cleaners c)road sweepers d)gardeners Candidate A: Good morning to the examinerS and my fellow candidateS. There are many people in this world who contribute meaningfully to society. Some sit in high positions while those who do menial tasks are no less worthy. Likewise, garbage collectors have a significant contribution to our society as not many would voluntarily do this 'stinky' but necessary job. First and foremost, I think garbage collectors deserve merit because they are the ones who maintain the cleanliness of our neighbourhood. This is because, without them, there would be rubbish strewn around everywhere which is a sight for sore eyes. Moreover, the stench itself would cause unease among citizens who need to go about their daily business. For example, rotten food, soiled diapers and so on would be an unbearable sight if not collected and disposed of properly. Secondly, garbage collectors should be held in high esteem as their job of maintaining the hygiene of society is a crucial one. This means that without them, diseases would spread

rampantly. In addition, the overall health of society would suffer as garbage that is uncollected is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and insects. For instance, piles of uncollected rubbish is the perfect place for dengue and malaria carrying mosquitos and many more. Last but not least, a garbage collector's job is very meaningful to society because in this modern era, humans have managed to produce so much rubbish per day that without them, the sheer amount would drown the whole city in a week! Imagine how much plastic packaging each of us throws away within a day. Take for example all the empty plastic bottles, Maggi mee wrappers, plastic packaging from the supermarket and even paper products like cigarette boxes and newspapers among others. In short, society would be seriously crippled if garbage collectors did not do their job. Therefore, I truly believe that garbage collectors provide a very meaningful contribution to today's society. Thank you. So what do you think about this sample? What makes it a high band response? Now it's your turn, you can try to write your sample script for Candidate B, C or D below and I'll tell you what band you may get. Happy speaking! :P Candidate B

Good morning to examiners and my fellow candidates. I can ensure there are many different levels of human such as those live a high quality life and those live in low quality life. But, now's society are not interest in serving for citizens. Road sweeper, who play a crucial role in keeping road cleanly. Anyone here desire to serve for social members today? There are small number of social members who willing to do it so. Road sweeper contribute a lot of mental and physical in serving citizens.

If the road is not being cleaned up, what will happen to the next? I think the index of car accident of our country will grow up by this way. Take for example, that will cause a series of road accident when the road be covered by a layer of oil. Furthermore, that will expose social members in an unhygienic environment even expose citizens in suffering diseases such as diarrhea and vomiting. In order to prevent the incident occurred, road sweeper play an important role to prevent social member exposed in an unhygienic condition even prevent from suffering diseases. Last but not least, beautiful environment can lead us live in a comfortable and an enjoyable environment. We will obtain the fresh air. Instead, road are not be cleaned up will destroy the beautiful and fantastic world. The fresh are will be turned to stinky air. That is the incident we cannot accept. They are playing their role to rise up the quality of life. I truly believe that road sweeper give the most meaningful contribution to society. Candidate C Good morning to the examiners and all candidates. Human should be treating each other’s respectively immaterial types of jobs they contribute to society. Among the entire services field that’s provided, I would like to say that toilet cleaners are the most contribution to society. First and foremost, toilet cleaners are the people who keep cleaning the toilets or gens clean and good looking after everyone usage. To ensure the toilets condition clean and available to be using all the time, toilet cleansers bound to act in full commitment and responsible to carry out their task. Besides that, sometimes this category of workers is also facing some problems on people looking down on them. Thus, it is their must to stay calm and patient to fulfill their task. Indirectly, the contribution also comes to society in sense of toilet cleansers showing him or her personal moral value on the dairy roles that’s being learned and respectful by the society itself. Secondly, a person who works as toilet cleaner is less salary

even though they work hard. Their contributions are unlimited however the salaries are fixed. Furthermore, we can’t make sure the number of times they need to perform their cleaning per day. Thus, their contribution is so unforeseeable. Moreover, no matter how’s good the facilities on toilets provided, it is useless if without a toilet cleaner to perform the cleaning job. As to say, people, visitors or customers will feel reluctant visiting a venue that’s dirty and stinky and will causing lose of popularities and revenue. Thirdly, toilet cleansers are those who work hard in behind without notice of others to benefit many aspects. For example, toilet cleansers also keep good image of a company, organization or corporation when the time people visiting their building. Thus, toilet nowadays also becomes part of crucial element within the hospitality management field. With or without our notice, toilets always provided all the tools that necessary for us to use. It is also the responsible of toilet cleaners to ensure the completely set of toilets materials to be provide. By the way, toilet cleaners in society nowadays also have to clean other areas if the toilets are clean. Thus, their jobs would be variable differently based on the circumstances and situation. In a nut shell, society will run out of comfortable if no one willingly to act as toilet cleaners. Therefore, I strongly believe that’s contributions from toilet cleaners is undeniable highest integrity and most valuable moral value in their roles. Candidate B : toilet cleaners I bid good morning to both the examiners and my fellow candidates.contribution to society is often thought of as contributing to new buildings, keeping the peace like the patrolling policemen and so on. All very thought of contribution to a higher cause but, the people who contributes most to society are the ones who do all the dirty works like toilet cleaners. Without them our public toilets would be filled with graffiti of all sort as well as the by-products of our own doing being laid waste to rot and decompose with time.

First, toilet cleaners do most of the dirty jobs to sanitise a place which is considered to be one of the most "unclean" in Asian society. An example of this is that toilet cleaners cleans the mouth of the toilet as well as the body of the toilet in addition to keeping the place clean as a whistle so that people who use these toilets would feel comfortable as well as not being driven off by the stench of human by-products. secondly, toilet cleaners put their life on the line as they are prone to being infected with bacteria but they do it anyway. They take responsibility of cleaning the toilets because the people who use the toilets is not responsible enough to flush their own waste down the drain and making sure that they use facilities like these clean in other words, it's more closely related to vandalism. Lastly, toilet cleaners do what they do, which is keeping the cleanliness of our toilets. This is because most wouldn't even dare to come close to a dirty toilet. Their job as I said is keeping the cleanliness of the toilet, a toilet that is not clean can be hazardous to the health of society, therefore I strongly believe that toilet cleaners a contribute and provide for society. Thank you

1. HIV/AIDS 2. Travel in our country is better than outside. 3. Flu and health- it's precaution, 5W, 1H. 4. ICT and Technology- advantages and disadvantages 5. Nowadays people like to stay overnight, discuss 6. school teachers or tuition teachers/tutors, our child are more dependant to whom? 7. children trafficking 8. new type of drugs- abuse 9. STD 10. 1Malaysia. 11. part time job by students 12. academic and non academic performance, which one is important? 13. education level is important or experience is better to get a job? 14. private universities in Malaysia is overcrowded? discuss 15. organic plants versus farmed plants

16. stress in children nowadays become a big trouble as parents force their child to study to get excellent result. 17. social problems in Malaysia. (baby discarded in trash, smoking etc) 18. Illegal workers/foreign worker in Malaysia are keep increasing in Malaysia. Discuss 19.Environmental Issues In Malaysia 20. Nuclear energy issues, debate, world conferences brings ___ yes/no any conclusion?. pro and contra

una tak ambik kelas , una study sendiri oleh kerana diri ini terlampau malas . maka sekarang redha jelah.. oh ya una ada satu tips hangat meletup de vazz bak hang..

task A greeting 1)good morning to everyone 2)a very good morning i wish to all examiners and candidates repeat situation

1)today we're talking about.. 2)the situation i have been given is.. 3)according to the situation.. 4)Based on the situation given.. state the point given 1)my point is_____ so to elobrate i would like to discuss 3 reasons 2)there are 3 reasons to support my point..

to explain and give example 1)firstly i think that....this is because.. moreover.. for example 2)secondly another reason is.... in addition.. for instance... 3)finally... in my opinion...furthermore... the good example is.. conclusion 1)in conclusion this is the best point because.. 2)to conclude , i still agree that.. 3) in a nutshell i feel that.. 4)in short my idea is the best because..

TASK B agree

1) i agree with you. 2)that's a great idea! 3)i like your suggestion 4)indeed! 5)i concur with your point of view. disagree 1)i'm sorry but i disagree 2)i'm afraid i have to disagree with your idea 3)i beg to differ 4)that's not a good suggestion

interrupting 1)excuse me, may i interrupt please? 2)i'd like to add something please? 3)may i say something? 4)could you please hear me out? 5)pardon me but could i add something please?

questioning 1)so what do you think candidate x? 2)how about your point of view ? 3)candidate x would you like to give us your opinion? 4)why don't we consider other point? 5) i dont understand can you please repeat?


1)in conclusion , all of us agree that.. 2)to conclude , most of us agree that.. 3)in a nutshell some of us agree that..while some of us prefer.. 4) as time is running out,it seems that all of us can't agree which options is the best because each point has many advantages and disadvantages..

extra tips 1)jangan terlalu monopoli,bagi kawan kita habiskan ayat baru interrupt. 2)be spontaneous,jangan hafal sangat ayat2 kat atas ni kalau susah nak sebut ayat2 simple pun tak apa janji tak tersekat2. 3) jangan biarkan ahli group kita seorang pun terdiam,kita boleh jadi penyelamat extra marks ada =)

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