Tips for Ielts Speaking Test

February 22, 2017 | Author: chiarra_teacher | Category: N/A
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SPEAKING PART 1 ◦ In this exercise it is very important that candidates do not give 'Yes' and 'No' answers as this cannot indicate their language ability. ◦ Candidates need to give full answers so that they can be assessed correctly. ◦ One method of helping acquaint students with better answers is the acronym AREA Answer, Reason, Example, Answer.

TIPS FOR IELTS SPEAKING TEST ◦ AREA Answer, Reason, Example, Answer ◦ Question: Do you like dogs? ◦ Answer: A Yes, I like dogs R They are so loyal and friendly E When I go for a walk, he is always by my side A So, yes, I like dogs.  Students should practice answering questions with fuller answers, but not too long as to make them boring and sounding too practiced.

TIPS FOR IELTS SPEAKING TEST ◦ If candidates did not hear a question properly they should not be afraid to ask:  " I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that, could you repeat it for me?“  " Excuse me I didn't quite hear what you said.“  " Sorry I'm afraid I don't understand."

TIPS FOR IELTS SPEAKING TEST ◦ If the candidate does not understand a new word they should ask the examiner to explain.  "I'm sorry I don't quite understand when you say, 'demystify', would you please explain.“

◦ The examiner will rephrase the question and you should be able to move on seamlessly. ◦ Much better than coming to a full stop and giving nothing.

TASK 1 ◦ If a candidate cannot think of a word they should try to move on by describing what the thing or object is e.g.  "Yes, I know the words but I just cannot remember then at the moment. What I am talking about is the little wheeled vehicle a baby is pushed around in." (a baby carriage)

TIPS FOR IELTS SPEAKING TEST ◦ What not to do:  Candidates should not give negative and down beat answers. e.g. "My father used to beat me until I bled." This is a source of embarrassment for the examiner. "I have studied English for 10 years but I am still no good at it." This is telling the examiner that you are not good enough.  Candidates should keep the topic positive and light.

TIPS FOR IELTS SPEAKING TEST ◦ Candidates should not look at the floor, but at the examiner and smile to show confidence.

◦ Candidates must not ask the examiner, "How did I do?", after the interview. The examiner will not tell them and it is a negative effect. Smile and say "Thank you, goodbye".


SPEAKING PART 2 ◦ In this section the candidate is given or shown a topic card. ◦ This card maybe loose or in a book with plastic A4 sleeves and the examiner will just show the page. ◦ The candidate is given a pencil and a piece of paper. ◦ The examiner will read the question and check that the candidate has understood the instructions.

◦ The candidate will then be given one minute to make written notes. ◦ When the minute is up the examiner will ask the candidate to speak for up to 2 minutes. ◦ The examiner will stop the interview at his discretion. ◦ Following on from this the examiner will ask a couple of related questions to the topic and end Part Two.


◦ The notes are the critical part of the practice for doing well in this section and is similar in method to notes in the writing section Task Two and called a mind map. ◦ Example

◦ One minute is a very short time and a piece of blank paper inspires blank thoughts. ◦ Candidates should quickly draw an ellipse or circle in the centre of the note paper. ◦ Write what, when, why, where, who and how in the top left corner. ◦ Draw stems from the circle and note question requirements.  In this case describe a festival, when it is held, where it is held and importance of it.

◦ Before the minute is finished decide the order to use the notes and when asked by the examiner, try to start with the main topic question first and work around the rest of the topic notes. ◦ Candidates should look down at the notes then look up and speak to the examiner. ◦ In Part Two candidates should not read from their notes but just give them a glancing look. This is a conversation not a reading session.

SPEAKING PART 3 ◦ This last part of the speaking exam will have a relationship in some form to the topic in Part Two. ◦ The candidate is expected to be able to predict and speculate, use conditionals, make comparison and contrast, justify and give opinion.

◦ Below are some examples of the type of language the examiner will be looking for: ◦ Prediction / Speculation Example:  “I think (believe) that in the future factories in China will meet international standards and certainly the government is working hard to do this.”  “I hope that in the future all people will be able to live in peace as a global village.”  Its possible that…. I can see that…. If possible I’d like to see…. we can assume that… maybe… we should plan to… It might be that… probably… I expect that… perhaps… I suppose… it’s quite possible that… I imagine that… It may be / could be that… I guess… I expect….

◦ Conditional  Example:  “If I get my degree at the university, then I will go to work in IT and maybe later start a family”.  “When I get my degree, (then) I will get a job in England.”

◦ Comparison  Example:  “Well compared with Beijing, Nanjing has not developed so fast, but it is more interesting and has more history and culture.”  “The weather in Nanjing is better than Beijing. It is not so cold in the winter, so more comfortable”.  “Beijing is bigger and more international than Nanjing, but not so scenic”.

Contrast ◦ Example: ◦ “Nanjing is a great place for historical and cultural attractions, but Beijing is more international.”  the main difference… one of the differences… similarly / likewise… slightly different.. in contrast / on the other hand… just a little different… totally different…whereas / while…

Justification  Example: 

◦ “I will finish my education before I do anything else. It is very important to have the right qualifications and this is best done when you are young.” ◦ “Sports stars should get paid lots of money. They are representing a whole country and their dedication and special talents should be recognized.”  that’s why… besides… because… mean is… you see… to be honest… let me explain… why…


what I

the reason

Opinion ◦ “In my opinion people should work until they are at least 65 years old.” ◦ “I personally think people should have more leisure time”.  I believe that… I feel that… to my mind… obviously… Well, personally speaking… It seems that… from my point of view… as I see it… I am quite convinced that… I’m fairly certain that…

◦ Time to think  Now let me think… It’s difficult to say exactly, but… The best way I can answer is… How shall I put it… That’s an interesting question. Let’s put it this way. Mmm, that’s a difficult question. Let me see.

When Part Three is concluded the examiner will announce that the interview is over and the candidate should just say, "Thank you, goodbye", and leave the room. Candidates should not ask ANY questions, try to stay in the room or make any comments about the interview, good or bad.

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