Greetings! We are AB-Mass AB-Mass Communication Major in Broadcasting-students from Lyceum of the Philippines Uniersity and e are currently condu cting our thesis entitled" #Tinder: What Brought You Here? An Electronic Survey of Users Regarding Practicality Security and Reality of Pros!ective "ating #ou!les # $his study aims to determine the indiidual needs or motiation of users on $inder and to find out ho this app satisfies its users% $here is no right or rong ansers as long as you did it honestly% &est assured that your ansers to this surey-'uestionnaire ill (e treated ith utmost confidentiality% $he surey result ill (e analy)ed for academic purposes% $han* you for your *ind cooperation coo peration in the conduct co nduct of this study% +our +our responses ill contri(ute to this academic research%
5o long hae you (een using $inder6 a% (% c% d% e%
&ecently A month month Mor More tha than n a mon montth A year Mor More tha than n a year year
5o often do you use $inder6 a% (% c% d%
Alays 2eldom .ften 7ery .f .ften
use Likert scale scale as its design to determine the "irections: $he folloing surey 'uestionnaires use Likert gien statements% Chec* the corresponding anser that (est applies% Using the scale of '() *here:
2trongly Agree
2trongly =isagree
Reasons+Urges or ,otivations
A% Practicality Why did you use Tinder? >% Because it?s accessi(le $inder is a mo(ile app/
E% Because of the assurance that someone is also interested to get to *no me match feature/
B% 2ecurity Is Tinder Safe? > +es" (ecause other social media accounts such as 4ace(oo* and Dnstagram are lin*ed to it%
+es" (ecause there is no poser in it%
+es" (ecause D could easily aoid the FCreepers (y simply hitting the Funmatch (utton%
+es" (ecause D could et someone (efore meeting them%
+es" (ecause it shos mutual friends%
,o" (ecause DHe (een molested (ecause of $inder
,o" (ecause DHe (een er(ally a(used (ecause of $inder
,o" (ecause DHe (een (lac*mailed (y someone D met on $inder
,o" (ecause DHe (een deceied (y someone on $inder%
>E ,o" (ecause DHe (een ta*en for granted (ecause of $inder%
C% &eality How do you deal with other users? > D reeal the Ireal meH to someone DHm tal*ing to on $inder <
D open up important information a(out myself
D only sipe right if the user has good loo*s
D fell in loe ith someone on $inder
D had my heart (ro*en (y someone D met on $inder
D am using $inder just for hoo*-ups
D donHt ta*e $inder seriously
D tal* to multiple guysJgirls hile using $inder
DHm sure that the one DHm tal*ing to on $inder is the only one D li*e%
>E D ent out on a date ith someone D met on $inder and hae (een attracted not ith his loo*s (ut ith his personality%
How did Tinder help you?
$inder has (oosted my self-confidence%
$inder has helped me gain friends%
$inder has let me meet people outside my social circle%
$inder has let me trust other people%
D am a(le to ent my stress on strangers ithout the fear of (eing judged%
$inder has made me feel special (ecause someone is interested in me%
D donHt feel lonely hen using $inder%
D got to learn at least one ne language%
$inder has gien me the opportunity to meet people from places%
>E $inder has let me meet my partner% Dn a happy-relationship (ecause of $inder/
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