Timeline of Probability and Statistics

February 6, 2019 | Author: GolamKibriabipu | Category: Probability Theory, Mathematical Analysis, Analysis, Logic, Science
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Timeline of probability and statistics A timeline of probability and statistics

Contents •

1 Before 1600

2 17th century

3 18th century

4 19th century

5 20th century

6 See also

7 Eternal lin!s

[edit edit]] Before 1600 •

1560s "#u$lished 1663% &  'ardano 'ardano((s Liber de ludo aleae attem#ts aleae attem#ts to calculate #ro$a$ilities of dice thro)s 1577 & Bartolom* & Bartolom* de +edina defends #ro$a$ilism defends #ro$a$ilism,, the -ie) that in ethics one may follo) a #ro$a$le o#inion e-en if the o##osite is more #ro$a$le

[edit edit]] 17th century •

1654 & .ascal & .ascal and /ermat create the mathematical theory of #ro$a$ility of #ro$a$ility,,

1657 & uyens & uyens((s De ratiociniis in ludo aleae is aleae is the first $oo! on mathematical #ro$a$ility,

1662 & raunt & raunt((s Natural and Political Observations Made Made upon the Bills of Mortality ma!es Mortality ma!es inferences from statistical data on deaths in ondon, 1693 & alley & alley #re#ares  #re#ares the first mortality ta$les statistically relatin death rate to ae,

[edit edit]] 18th century •

1710 & Ar$uthnot & Ar$uthnot arues  arues that the constancy of the ratio of male to female $irths is a sin of di-ine #ro-idence,

1713 & .osthumous #u$lication of aco$ Bernoulli( Bernoulli (s Ars Conjectandi, Conjectandi, containin the first deri-ation of a la) of lare num$ers, num$ers ,

1724 & A$raham & A$raham de +oi-re studies +oi-re  studies mortality statistics and the foundation of the theory of annuities of  annuities in Annuities in Annuities on Lives, Lives,

1733 & A$raham de +oi-re introduces the normal distri$ution to a##roimate the $inomial the  $inomial distri$ution in #ro$a$ility,

1739 & ume(s Treatise of Huan Nature arues that inducti-e reasonin is unustified,

1761 & homas Bayes #ro-es Bayes( theorem,

1786 & .layfair (s Coercial and Political Atlas introduces ra#hs and $ar charts of data,

[edit] 19th century •

1801 & auss #redicts the or$it of 'eres usin a line of $est fit

1805 & Adrien+arie eendre introduces the method of least suares for fittin a cur-e to a i-en set of o$ser-ations,

1814 & a#lace(s !ssai philosophi"ue sur les probabilit#s defends a definition of #ro$a$ilities in terms of eually #ossi$le cases, introduces eneratin functions and a#lace transforms, uses conuate #riors for e#onential families, #ro-es an early -ersion of the Bernstein -on+ises theorem on the asym#totic irrele-ance of #rior distri$utions on the limit in #osterior distri$ution and the role of the /isher information on asym#totically normal #osterior modes

1835 & :uetelet(s Treatise on Man introduces social science statistics and the conce#t of the ;a-erae man;,

1866 & ees
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