Time Travel

May 17, 2018 | Author: Madhusudanan Ashok | Category: Time Travel, Time, General Relativity, Special Relativity, Spacetime
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The Montauk

P U L S E A Chronicle of Time

A newsletter of events and circumstances concerning “The Montauk Project” Winter 2002, Volume 2, No.13

David Anderson, President of Time Travel Research Center, Disappears Many of you will remember David Anderson, the founder and president of the Time Travel Research Center on Long Island which was featured in an article in the Winter 2000 edition of the Montauk Pulse. For those of you who are not already familiar, the Time Travel Research Center is a privately owned research laboratory dedicated to the advancement of science, technology and research which may someday make it possible for man to travel through time. Dr. Anderson is a physicist who worked in the U.S. Air Force and participated in their advanced scientific research and development programs at the prestigious Air Force Flight Test Center. Formulating his own breakthrough concepts in the areas of space-time physics and timewarped fields, he left the Air Force to pursue other interests and to continue his own research. He is best known at this time for the development of new mathematical methods and computer models used to advance space-time study and research and for his advanced theories on time-warped fields. You can get more information by consulting the Time Travel Research Center at www.time-travel.com which is also the host of the Sky Books website (www.time-travel.com/ skybooks).

In early November of last year, David called me to his house and informed me that he had strange “orders” to go to Russia and that he had an uneasy feeling about it. If he was not back by December 1st, 2001 he said he wanted someone to know about it. As it is long passed the date by which he was supposed to return, I am hereby going to reconstruct my entire association with David and report on what I know. I first became aware of David Anderson when he became a subscriber to the Montauk Pulse many years ago. His check and stationery both indicated

world phenomena. The name “Anderson” appears again in the name of one Rick Anderson, an ardent enthusiast of time travel who is quite serious about and desirous of building a real time travel machine. Additionally, I once met an Anderson who married into the Cameron family and worked for NASA. She was very aware of Montauk type experiments. Despite the fact that there were all these association between the name “Anderson” and time travel in my own mind, I still I figured that the Time Travel Research Center must be mere stationery and cu-

“David informed me that he had strange ‘orders’ to go to Russia and that he had an uneasy feeling about it.” he was operating under the auspices of “The Time Travel Research Center.” Seeing the name “Anderson” being associated with time travel was already a bit noteworthy for me. Many years ago, when I first met Al Bielek, he told me a story of another Anderson family. This was related to George Anderson, the actual name of the man who manned the entrance gate to Camp Hero when Preston Nichols made his original investigation and equipment recovery trip to the Montauk base. Anderson was unusually helpful to Preston. According to Al, George Anderson had an entire family that was associated with other

rious enthusiasm than a real enterprise. I was very wrong. David was a fan of the Montauk books, but he was also much more than that. He attended some of the local “Montauk Night” meetings that we have on Long Island once a month and eventually took me out to lunch a few times. With a masters degree in mathematics and a doctorate in philosophy, David explained to me that his expertise was in mathematics and physics. In the Air Force, these talents were used extensively. Upon leaving the Air Force, he patented certain algorithms (continued on page 2)

David Anderson disappears...

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colleagues realized that the spiritual function is part of the equa(in math, an algorithm is a certain procedure for solving a tion but is largely misunderstood. He felt that he had a lot of certain type of problem — these are often routines for plotcatching up to do and was interested in my experience with ting a sine wave or something of a similar nature) which Scientology and the like. could be used for corrected spatial displacements of satelOne such spiritual experience in his own life was rather lites around the Earth. David was acutely aware that the riveting. In some ways, it changed his entire outlook in life. I military and industry had a serious problem on their hands will now relay that experience as I remember it as it is imporwhen they discovered that satellites in orbit move several tant point in understanding the phenomena connected with meters every year. This would eventually lead to decayed David Anderson. orbits or other problems with expensive satellites becomThe event we are talking about actually occurred in ing unusable. You can imagine what havoc this would Dracula’s castle in Romania. David has spent a lot of time in wreak on the Global Positioning System which is now Romania because they have the greatest abundance of and best heavily depended upon by sailing vessels to determine their mathematicians in the world. There is also an employment latitude and longitude. By patenting algorithms, David shortage in Romania. Much of the research center’s work rewas able to create a lucrative business which he said fit quires higher mathematics. David has into the security industry. since opened up a Time Trave Research Time Travel enters the equation beoffice in Romania. Although this excause in order to correct the satellite plains why David was in Romania, that problem, David realized that the most ef“David has since does not concern the experience in itfective way to accomplish this was opened up a Time self. One day, while making his way through time warp theory. In other around a stairwell in the castle, he was words, the space-time field of the satelTravel Research shocked when he noticed a painting lites was actually being manipulated. He office in Romania.” hanging on the wall. It was an artistic was utilizing pure math but also the work (the home of rendition of exactly what he looked like of Einstein and many others. While the as a young man! This was accompanied problem was very unique, David’s soluDracula’s castle) with a strong feeling and a strange sort tion was even more so. In fact, it was of recognition. The obvious implication brilliant and rather unprecedented in the is that he was the same person although field of human endeavor. neither David nor I are asserting this. There is some deep conOf course, if one can manipulate the time-space field nection at work. This sort of experience is what Aleister of anything, the research is not going to stop there. David Crowley described as “phenomena.” This could also be called had a lot of credibility with secured contracts and invesa “miracle” or an “aha!” or many other things. Most importors came aboard which only bolstered his efforts which tantly, it stands outside of the normal stream of consciousness were mainly targeted at the medical industry. Further reand its main use is that of a tool for understanding. search established a contained field about the size of a socDavid also has a strange past in this lifetime. He does not cer ball in which on object or animal could be placed which know who is father is and has three different birthdays. One is would slow down or speed up in time. In other words, if on his birth certificate, the other is on his driver’s license and you put in a kitten, it could live a minute for every year yet another is what a relative claims is the actual date he was you lived or vice versa. Although investors were interborn on. All are in the sign of Scorpio. David grew up in West ested in experimenting with animals, David would never Virginia and perhaps that helps explains in part why he is so allow this as he considered it unethical. The primary use nice and polite. West Virginians are some of the friendliest for such a technology is in the medical field where a heart people in the world. He took the time necessary to lose his or organ could be placed and preserved indefinitely until accent because he said no one takes you seriously when you such time that a host for the organ could be found. talk about higher level physics with that sort of speech pattern. One might wonder why David came to me. Both he At this point in the story, in the hopes of better understandand Preston have a wealth of technical information about ing other “phenomena” associated with David Anderson, I am such subjects that I will never possess. David explained going to shift gears and introduce you to another character who that the more deeply he probed into physics and the mechanical conditions of space-time, the more he and other (continued on page 3) 2

David Anderson disappears...

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“phenomena” in her life. After exchanging friendly “helhas been one of my best friends for a while. Her name is los,” the man asked her what that “book” was. Explaining Penelope. Both her and David stand out because they are both it was a journal, he said he kept a journal, too. He was remarkably polite and nice. This is not just my perception, but holding something like a lawyers brief which assumably it is also how other people perceive them. One evening, at one contained a journal. When he asked her what she was doof the Montauk Night meetings, they got an opportunity to ing, she explained the difficulty she was having with her meet and they hit it off very well. Afterwards, Penelope had a travel plans to return home. After a pretty long silence, very peculiar tale to tell. She swore that she recognized him. “David” said words to the effect that “You’re travel plans The story is quite bizarre. will all work out.” It was said as if he totally knew what As a professional singer, Penelope was doing summer stock he was talking about. After looking back to her book, she at Booth’s Bay Harbor in Maine in the 1970’s. According to turned around to notice that the man had utterly disapPenelope, Booth’s Bay Harbor is a very strange town. There is peared. Most remarkable of all was that there were no a theater or opera house in the town that is now over a hundred footprints, and this would not have been impossible beyears old. There was also a gay couple in the town who housed cause of the nature of the ground a virtual museum of memorabilia where he had been standing. from John Wilkes Booth, the asPenelope’s friend soon returned sassin of Abraham Lincoln. There with the cooler. When they evenwere actual costumes that he wore “Booth was a Confederate intelligent agent tually made it back to town, the from his Shakesperean producwho did not die in the barn as was comphones were working and they tions. It seemed that the town’s monly thought. It was another agent who were able to get home safely namesake was associated with died in his stead...Booth lived a long life without any problem. John Wilkes Booth. Looking at the and died in Ceylon” Was that in fact a version website for the Chamber of Comof David Anderson from a difmerce of Booth Bay Harbor, they ferent time? The real David make no mention of John Wilkes Anderson would have been a teenager at that time and what Booth. In fact, they say they have no explanation for how the Penelope saw was a more current version. No one really name Booth Bay Harbor was arrived at. Penelope said that knows, but this is the second known phenomenon regardbecause of the thought form actors generate in front of people, ing David, the first one occurring in Castle Dracula. they can sometimes have a lasting effect after their death. Penelope stated that the man had an angelic quality about All in all, the town gave Penelope the creeps. The man him. At this point, we can only speculate about what the who accompanied her felt the same way. One day, they walked phenomena was. into the theater and saw broken liquor bottles all over the place. The Booth Bay Harbor incident ties obliquely into The owner had a reputation as an alcoholic, and they were another experience I had concerning John Wilkes Booth. repulsed. Penelope called one of her spiritual friends, Ms. In 1993, I attended a conspiracy conference at the Village Marshall, who advised her to get out of town quick. Having Gate in Greenwich Village. Most of the speakers were old flown into town, they needed to make arrangements to catch men who had been studying the conspiracy surrounding an early flight back. Suddenly, the phones went dead and things the Lincoln assassination for most of their adult lives. Most seemed even creepier than before. They decided to take a rented fascinating of their carefully presented information was car to the beach. Taking the car to the parking lot, it was a very that Booth was a Confederate intelligence agent who did long walk to the beach. Upon arriving, the gentleman realized not die in the barn as was commonly thought. It was anthat he forgot the cooler and went back to retrieve it. Penelope other agent who died in his stead. Additionally, they stated took out a blanket and sat on the beach with a journal and a emphatically that Booth lived a long life and died in Ceylon, book and began reading. Realizing her friend had been gone the country now known as Sri Lanka. The researchers even an inordinately long time, she began to get concerned. Sudhad a picture of his gravestone in Ceylon. denly, she looked up and a man appeared wearing completely I never forgot the above, and although you can find white clothing with a white sweater tied around his neck. It interesting stories on the internet about Booth escaping looked exactly like the man she knows today as David Anderson! This has been one of the most remarkable occurrences of (continued on page 4)



David Anderson disappears...

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named Kennedy. Both warned them not to go where they went prior to their assassinations. Both had a vice-president named Johnson who was born in a year ending in “30.” The coincidences go on and on and you can look them up. The main point one wonders about is what does all that tremendous synchronicity mean. Well, after years of experience in these matters, I can give you a very direct answer. It means that there was an occult force at work. Jung called these synchronistic events “acausal” because there was no apparent cause from one coincidence to the next; however, they are related. The key word is “apparent.” The incidents are definitely related by a nonapparent source. Of course, “occult” means hidden or not open to view. This includes the realm of ghosts, poltergeists and the like. Empirical logic will tell you that these events were intended by some entity or superior force that is not describable, or at least not easily describable, in ordinary human terms. This consciousness perspective serves as a portal into occult factors. So, what do we have? At this point in the narrative, we have an oblique and occult connection between the following: David Anderson of the Time Travel Reach Center, my friend Penelope and Booth Bay Harbor, John Wilkes Booth, the legends of John Wilkes Booth, and the names Montauk and Wilson. We can also throw Dracula’s castle into the mix. There is one more strange coincidence to report in all of this. Penelope mentioned speaking to a Ms. Marshall from Montauk while on the phone at Booth Bay Harbor. Years later, they happened to be at Ong’s Hat, New Jersey, where they saw a UFO. But, there is more to the story and it is only just beginning. Earlier in this article, I told you that David is gone. I remember that he wanted to meet me after the holidays in the early part of 2001. In the Spring, he complained of security problems at the center and that his web server was being attacked. I tried to get him some help from Joe Matheny (the gentleman who put together the Ong’s Hat material) who is technically capable in matters of computer security and was willing to help David, but David did not contact him. A short time later, Joe Matheny complained that his web server was also under attack. These attacks became long and involved processes for both of them. David told me that the Time Travel Research Center had to be moved more than once because of harassment from unwanted and harmful visitors. These were definite efforts to sabotage his work. In the midst of this harassment, David received an offer from the Government (I cannot tell you which specific agency because I do not know) to become partners. They informed (continued on page 5)

death, they do not match up with what I heard at that conference. I have not been able to retrieve the stories. The speakers were old, and although they were careful with their information, they were such horrible public speakers that my friends and I couldn’t help laughing. They were really that bad, but their information was not funny. It is likely these guys never caught on with the internet. The internet will tell you, and I am sure those old men would have agreed, that Dr. Mudd (the doctor who was imprisoned for setting Booth’s leg and allegedly aiding in his getaway) never received a Constitutional trial (he was tried by a military court) because the Government would have had to admit that the man who was killed was really not Booth. Information on the internet also revealed that the controversial autopsy of the man identified as Booth was performed aboard a U.S. military vessel named the Montauk! The most popular Booth escape theory on the internet tells of a man confessing on his death that he was really John Wilkes Booth. This is many years after the assassination. When he unexpectedly recovers from his near death experience, he conveniently forgets what he said and denies any such confession. Years later, one of his friends who heard the confession reads in the paper about another man making such a confession before he dies. When this friend pays his respects to the dead man, he realizes that they are one and the same person with different names. He concludes that it is John Wilkes Booth and makes arrangements to mummify the body and take it on tour. It should be noted that he wrote a booklet about the experience and may have been trying to fool or convince the public that this was Booth in order to serve as a publicity stunt for his road show. Whether it was Booth or not, the promoter ended up losing his fortune and the mummy changed hands again. It was noted in the papers that anyone who acquired the mummy for whatever reason went broke. There was only one exception and that was the Reverend True Wilson. Wilson was the man in the history books primarily responsible for Prohibition. Although Wilson did not lose his fortune, Prohibition was repealed shortly after he acquired the mummy. My discovery of the ship Montauk and True Wilson were gleaned off the internet and did not come from the Lincoln researchers I saw at the Village Gate. The coincidence of these names are another class of phenomena. To shed some light on what this means, we should consider all the strange coincidences between the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations. These were reported on by the regular press from 1963 on. I remember hearing about them as a child of ten. Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln. Lincoln had a secretary 4

David Anderson Disappears... (continued from page 4) had not been able to see it in the first place. It is really a matter of knowing the right questions to ask and not being arrogant by reason of one’s past education or indoctrination. David has often commented on how narrow minded university scientists are. I suggested that we might want to collaborate on the book together and make it a popular book as well as a scientific one. That is still an open ended proposition at this point. After we discussed and planned out a time travel event to be held in the future, David informed me that there was a second reason he wanted to see me this particular evening. He profusely apologized for the secrecy, but said he was under orders to go to Moscow on the 14th of November and that he was to bring nothing but his commercial airline ticket and his passport. Anything else brought would no longer be at his disposal. This was not the usual type of operations he had been subjected to in the past. Obviously, this was connected to the military and/or Government. Saying he had an uneasy feeling about the whole matter, he said he wanted somebody to know in case he did not return after ten days, the number of days he was told his mission would take. Told by him not to worry until December 1st, he would contact me by that date. If I did not hear back by that time, I should take some sort of action. As things transpired, David did not return by December 1st. I was neither surprised nor upset at that point. After a week went by, I decided to write this article and also to contact his assistant at the Time Travel Research Center. This assistant was also very concerned and informed me they had heard from someone from a Russian Aviation Institute who purported to be David. The message said that he was OK but that he would now be gone until January 15th. Although this person was suspicious it might not be him, it was realized by both of us that it could be him. On December 16th, I was in the midst of writing this article when I received a phone call from a girl who said that if she did not hear from David by this date that she was to telephone me. I found it rather odd that she phoned me in the middle of writing this story about him. I soon found out that she was the other person to have frequented his home. She knew the decor so I knew she was not a fake. We had a long talk, but she had no idea about David’s involvement with time travel and the research center. She is now reading the Montauk books and getting a full dose. Her entrance way into time travel studies is one of the most bizarre I have seen. I should add at this point that she is David’s girl friend. It appeared to me that he intended to trigger both of us into stirring up questions as to his whereabouts. I informed (continued on page 6)

him that if he joined up with them, they could take care of his security problems. Of course, anyone with the slightest bit of a cynical mind would consider that they might be causing or encouraging his security problem. All you have to do is call up a pro hacker and have them wreak havoc. In the case of Joe Matheny, he is far smarter and more capable than the best Government computer people. I was very interested in matching these two people up because they both represent two factions of time travel research (Ong’s Hat and the Time Travel Research Center). Joe, who ended up having considerable problems of his own, vanished on October 4th of this year. His cell phone went dead and his roommates haven’t heard from him since. I understand that he is still registered as a missing person with the Santa Cruz police. I am told he is OK, and although there is a long and involved story behind his disappearance, that is all there is to report for the time being. I was stunned by Joe’s disappearance which had lasted for a month when I suddenly heard from David Anderson. He was finally ready to meet and wanted to plan a Time Travel Symposium to be held either on Long Island or in the vicinity of New York City. For the last year, David would call or email, but he could never make an appointment. On the evening of Sunday, November 4th, I had dinner at his house. This was highly unusual because David seldom invites anyone to his house. Previously, he would come and visit me. As we caught up to date with each other’s activities, he informed me that he had to move his residence three times due to harassment, theft of mischief. After too many incidents, the insurance people don’t want you anymore. He told me that I was only the second person to be at his house. David informed that he had given up twenty percent interest of his research center to the Government. On the one hand, he was not happy about it. One of his top scientists quit after this because there was too much interference in their work. On the other hand, he was delighted that he was going to live a more normal life. He told me that he was looking forward to working with me after December 1st when this new phase of his life would begin. We also discussed a book he was planning to prepare which would demonstrate to mathematicians and physicists how time can be manipulated. This is text book stuff and would be suitable for convincing the most hard core cynics. Over the last few years, David has had occasion to speak at different universities, including the University of Miami, where he is often confronted by a hostile and sceptical body of physicists. Patiently, he lays out the equations and demonstrates that he knows what he is talking about when it comes to time travel. By the end, they always come around and wonder why they 5

From the Editor David Anderson... (continued from page 5) his assistant at the research center about my concern in this direction. After stirring up a considerable amount of conversation on the phone lines, a “miraculous” email appeared from David in about twenty-four hours. It was forwarded from his assistant at the research center, but it seemed as if it was a direct response to my inquiries. It felt as if someone who was bugging my phone had notified the head of intelligence somewhere that David should be allowed to communicate. I was very suspicious of David’s message because it was transmitted out of sequence with other emails from the research center to me. This did not make sense. However, the email seemed to be from David. Both his assistant and his girl friend agreed on these points and so did I. I also found out that it was transmitted from Pakistan. This was just prior to the India-Pakistan standoff on the border. The communication said that David would have limited phone contact in late December, but we still have not heard from him. There were some problems I had with certain information relayed to me, and I am still not satisfied that there is nothing strange afoot. I will not divulge details so as not to compromise the security of the issues involved. The purpose of this article is to document David’s disappearance and to tell his story as best I know. Word is that he could be gone anywhere from January 25th to another couple of months afterwards. Knowing David as well as I do at this point, I believe he is involved in some sort of strange project. I am sure that when he returns, assuming that he returns, he will not be able to divulge what he did. The mystery has been chronicled now. I am sure more mysteries will be revealed in the future. We hope that he will return soon. ■

Conspiracy Author William Cooper Killed To conspiracy fans, William Cooper was a cherished pioneer in revealing government conspiracies. Widely known for his best selling book Behold A Pale Horse, Cooper achieved a considerable amount of fame and influence as a controversial radio host. On November 5th, Cooper was shot to death by an unknown Apache Country sheriff in Arizona. An intense patriot and rebel, Cooper was baited into leaving his property by authorities in an attempt to arrest him. When Cooper saw that he was entrapped, he fled. Deputy Robert Martinez pursued him. After either hearing a shot fired or being cornered near his front door, Cooper turned around and shot Martinez to the ground. Another officer finished off Cooper who was never served with the arrest warrant and it is unknown whether he was even aware of it. He was long suspicious of authorities and did not believe these officers were operating within the confines of U.S. law. These particular authorities complicated matters for Cooper because they had undercover clothes and vehicles. They were not readily observable as policemen. For those of you who were fans of William Cooper, or are interested in the man, Tim Beckley of Global Communications has put together a new 92 page 8 1/2 by 11 book entitled William Cooper: Death of a Conspiracy Salesman, edited by Commander X. The book retails for $20.00 and can be ordered from Sky Books. Cooper worked for Naval Intelligence and was once called “the most dangerous man on America’s airwaves” by the President of the United States. Cooper’s work ranged from the topic of MJ-12 and UFO’s to gun control and the patriot movements. When Bush was elected, Cooper correctly predicted a war with the Arabs within one year. ■ 6

Although it is highly unusual to dedicate an entire newsletter to one subject, I feel it is warranted in the case of David Anderson, one of the most interesting people I have ever met. Many times he has invited me to Romania, but I have not had the opportunity to leave up to this point. We will keep you updated. As for current activities, the next expected publication will be a paperback edition of The Incunabula Papers which will make the Ong’s Hat conspiracy more easily readable and accessible, and you won’t have to load a CD in your computer to make it work. It will also include some articles and information not on the CD. Keep in mind that this is a different book from The Search For Ong’s Hat, an ambitious summary of my synchronicity research (with particular regard to the Crowley/Wilson connection) which I have not had a chance to work on for some time.

Peter Moon THE MONTAUK PULSE Editor: PETER MOON Writer: PETER MOON PUBLISHED BY SKY BOOKS PO BOX 769 WESTBURY, NY 11590 516.681.0273 © by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be photocopied or used without permission from the publisher. For a subscription to The Pulse (4 issues annually) send $12.00 plus $3.00 S/H (outside U.S. add $5.00 S/H).

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