TIME for Kids Student Reader Grade 2

January 20, 2017 | Author: Donna Faye Muñoz | Category: N/A
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Acknowledgments “Giant Hearts” by Brad Bagert Text Copyright © 2002 by Brad Bagert. Reprinted by permission of Dial Books for Young Readers, a Division of Penguin Putnam Inc. “A Penguin’s Toes” by Kenn Nesbitt. Text copyright © 2001 by Kenn Nesbitt. All Rights Reserved. “When Whales Exhale (Whale Watching)” from WHEN WHALES EXHALE by Constance Levy Copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Marian Reiner for the Author. “The Sun” by Leland B. Jacobs A Bill Martin Book, Reprinted by permission of Henry Holt and Company, LLC. “The Tortoise” by Douglas Florian Text Copyright © 2001 Douglas Florian. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Inc. “Raindrops on the Willow Tree” by Margaret Wise Brown Text Copyright © 2001 by Roberta Brown Rauch. Reprinted by permission of Hyperion Books for Children.

Photography Credits Book Cover: (c) Blend Images/Alamy; (tr) Mark Bolton/Corbis


© Time Inc. All rights reserved. Versions of some articles in this edition of TIME For Kids originally appeared in TIME For Kids or timeforkids.com. B

Published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, of McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Two Penn Plaza, New York, New York 10121. Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, network storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Printed in The United States of America ISBN: 978-0-02-206166-1 MHID: 0-02-206166-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WEB 13 12 11 10 09

Issue 1........................................................ 5 Compare and Contrast Photos and Captions Context Clues

Issue 9...................................................... 53 Author’s Purpose Diagrams Context Clues

Issue 2.......................................................11 Cause and Effect Map Antonyms

Issue 10.................................................... 59 Compare and Contrast Charts Antonyms

Issue 3...................................................... 17 Main Idea and Details Bar Graphs Prefixes and Suffixes

Issue 11.................................................... 65 Main Idea and Details Map Synonyms

Issue 4...................................................... 23 Compare and Contrast Bar Graphs Synonyms

Issue 12.................................................... 71 Main Idea and Details Photos and Captions Context Clues

Issue 5...................................................... 29 Main Idea and Details Photos and Captions Context Clues

Issue 13.................................................... 77 Cause and Effect Time Line Homophones

Issue 6...................................................... 35 Author’s Purpose Charts Context Clues

Issue 14.................................................... 83 Summarize Photos and Captions Homographs

Issue 7...................................................... 41 Sequence of Events Diagrams Context Clues

Issue 15.................................................... 89 Author’s Purpose Time Line Context Clues

Issue 8...................................................... 47 Main Idea and Details Bar Graphs Context Clues

Contents Issue 1

Compare and Contrast • Context Clues • Photos and Captions

(c) Stockbyte/Alamy; (tr) Jim Goldberg/Magnum Photos

A Team Player

Play It Safe! How can you avoid getting hurt and stay in the game?

A2TFK_TXNA_I1FP_RD11.indd 5

1/20/09 3:18:40 PM

One Tough Job ............................................... 6 Play Smart! ...................................................... 8 Sports Championships CHARTS ....................... 10

Issue 2

Cause and Effect • Antonyms • Map Greening Africa

(c) Fred Ward; (tr) William Campbell/Sygma/Corbis

A Hero’s Life ................................................... 12 Keeping Kenya Green .................................... 14 Kenya Fast Facts LISTS .................................... 16 America honors Martin Luther King, Jr.

A2TFK_TXNA_I2FP_RD11.indd 11

1/23/09 12:42:44 PM

Issue 3

(c) Margaret Lampert; (tr) Steffan Hacker/Habitat for Humanity International

No Place Like Home

Dream Houses for Kids A group in Vermont makes kids’ dreams come true.

A2TFK_TXNA_I3FP_RD11.indd 17

1/23/09 12:46:12 PM

Main Idea and Details • Prefixes and Suffixes • Bar Graphs

Tree Houses for Everyone .............................. 18 Home, Sweet Home ...................................... 20 Giant Hearts POETRY ...................................... 22

Issue 4

Compare and Contrast • Synonyms • Bar Graphs

A Chimp Home

When Animals Need Help

(c) Daryl Balfour/Getty Images; (tr) Luis M. Alvarez/Wide World Photos/AP Images

People work together to give animals a helping hand.

A2TFK_TXNA_I4FP_RD11.indd 23

1/23/09 12:48:12 PM

Champs for Chimps ....................................... 24 Follow the Herd............................................. 26 A Penguin’s Toes POETRY ............................... 28

Issue 5

Main Idea and Details • Context Clues • Photos and Captions

(c) Rob Lewine Photography; (tr) Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP Wide World Photos

High-Tech Help

Scientists use more than their ears to listen to space sounds.

A2TFK_TXNA_I5FP_RD11.indd 29

1/22/09 2:41:12 PM

Is Anyone Out There? ................................... 30 Finding the Way ............................................ 32 Old Ways and New Ways CHARTS .................. 34

Issue 6

Author’s Purpose • Context Clues • Charts

(c) Alex McKnight; (tr) David Lazenby/Animals Animals-Earth Scenes

Going to Seed

A New Deal on School Meals ....................... 36 Bees, Bats, Bears, and Bison ......................... 38 Fresh and Fruity WRITTEN DIRECTIONS ................. 40

Schools serve up a healthful new food policy.

A2TFK_TXNA_I6FP_RD11.indd 35

1/23/09 1:06:51 PM

Issue 7

Sequence of Events • Context Clues • Diagrams

Martian Veggies?

(c) Anton Vengo/SuperStock; (tr) Courtesy Michael Mautner

People and animals use plants for food.

A2TFK_TXNA_I7FP_RD11.indd 41

1/26/09 10:31:04 AM

From Seed to Fruit ......................................... 42 A Martian Garden.......................................... 44 From Seed to Beans DIAGRAMS ....................... 46

Issue 8

Main Idea and Details • Context Clues • Bar Graphs

(c) Peter Morgan/Reuters America; (tr) Eugene Louie/San Jose Mercury News/Newscom

Speaking Chinese


China has a lot to share with the rest of the world.

A2TFK_TXNA_I8FP_RD11.indd 47

1/23/09 1:09:30 PM

Dinosaur Hunters .......................................... 48 A Language Art ............................................. 50 Say It in Chinese CHARTS ................................ 52

Issue 9

Author’s Purpose • Context Clues • Diagrams Far Flung



Robot V


Scientists are studying creatures to build robots. RoboLobster lobster

These Robots are Wild .................................. 54 Monarchs on the Move ................................ 56 Who Has a Backbone? CHARTS ...................... 58

(bl) Fred Bavendam/Minden Pictures; (cl) Holt Studios International Ltd/Alamy; (tl) Ingram Publishing/Alamy; (br) Jodi Hilton for the New York Times/Redux Pictures; (cr) Daniel Kingsley, Roger Quinn and Roy Ritzmann/Case Western Reserve University; (tr) Courtesy NASA Ames Research Center; Flap Photo: Diomedia/Alamy

A2TFK_TXNA_I9FP_RD11.indd 53

1/30/09 12:28:20 PM

Issue 10

Compare and Contrast • Antonyms • Charts

(c) Stuart Westmorland/The Image Bank/Getty Images; (tr) Aqua Image/Alamy

Animals From Eggs

Safe in the Sea

Dolphins are underwater heroes.

A2TFK_TXNA_I10FP_RD11.indd 59

1/28/09 1:40:20 PM

On the Beach ................................................. 60 Thank You, Flipper ........................................ 62 When Whales Exhale (Whale Watching) POETRY ............................. 64

Issue 11

Main Idea and Details • Synonyms • Map

(c) WILDLIFE/Peter Arnold Inc.; (tr) OSF/Kemp, R. & J.-Survival/Animals Animals - Earth Scenes

Lost Lynx!

Losing the Lynx ............................................. 66 Surfing the Sands .......................................... 68 The Sun POETRY .............................................. 70

Nature Matters

Why do living things need places to live in nature?

A2TFK_TXNA_I11FP_RD11.indd 65

1/28/09 5:13:15 PM

Issue 12

Main Idea and Details • Context Clues • Photos and Captions

(c) Luiz C. Marigo/Peter Arnold, Inc.; (tr) Tim Davis/Corbis

Animal Families

A2TFK_TXNA_I12FP_RD11.indd 71

Scientists fight to save these sea creatures.

1/28/09 1:43:31 PM

A Big Turtle Comeback ................................. 72 Daddy Day Care ............................................. 74 The Tortoise POETRY ...................................... 76

Issue 13

Cause and Effect • Homophones • Time Line

(c) Digital Vision/Getty Images; (tr) Diane Macdonald/Stockbyte/Getty Images

How Can You Help?

It’s Getting Crowded Around Here! ............. 78 Pecans: A Nutty Resource ............................. 80 From Cotton Field to T-Shirt DIAGRAMS ......... 82

Taking Care of


If we treat resources with care, there will be enough for everyone. This girl takes water used to rinse dishes and reuses it to water plants.

A2TFK_TXNA_I13FP_RD11.indd 77

2/5/09 4:48:37 PM

Issue 14

Summarize • Homographs • Photos and Captions

From Rock to Sand

(c) LWA-Dann Tardif/Corbis; (tr) Michael Szoenyi/Photo Researchers

Here Comes the

Wind You can fly a kite on a windy day. What else happens in windy weather?

A2TFK_TXNA_I14FP_RD11.indd 83

2/11/09 1:56:15 PM

Windy Weather ............................................. 84 Solid as a Rock............................................... 86 Raindrops on the Willow Tree POETRY ......... 88

Issue 15

Author’s Purpose • Context Clues • Time Line Spanish Moss Long ago people told stories to explain how things happen. Today we still enjoy those stories.

(c) Bob Winsett/Corbis; (tr) Jupiterimages



A2TFK_TXNA_I15FP_RD11.indd 89

2/5/09 4:49:32 PM

A Story Collector ........................................... 90 The Blowing Winds ....................................... 92 Who Has Seen the Wind? POETRY ................. 94

(c) Stockbyte/Alamy; (tr) Jim Goldberg/Magnum Photos

A Team Player

Play It Safe! How can you avoid getting hurt and stay in the game?

One Tough Job Condoleezza Rice wanted to difference. make a difference Condoleezza Rice was the first African American woman to be U.S. Secretary of State. She was not elected to this job. The President appointed her to it. The secretary of state works with leaders of other countries. It can be a tough job.

Working Hard Condie Rice was born in 1954, in Birmingham, Alabama. She played the piano at 5. As a teen she was a talented ice-skater. She finished college at age 19. Mark Wilson/Getty Images

↑ Rice plays a tune with Yo-Yo Ma.


Time For Kids

Jim Goldberg/Magnum Photos

↑ Rice is a big football fan.

Racism kept most African Americans out of top jobs when Rice was young. But her parents told her that she could do anything. She planned to study music after college. Then she decided to make a difference in the world. She studied hard so she could do just that. Before she was secretary of state, Rice had other important jobs. She sat on the National Security Council. She was the National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005.

Olivier Douliery/Abaca USA/Newscom

Travel and Tough Talk The secretary of state meets with world leaders. Success is when the U.S. meets its goals without war. In one year Rice took 18 trips to 33 countries. She traveled 247,603 miles. She worked on problems with

↑ Rice tells people about the war in Iraq. It is her goal to solve differences in a peaceful way.

Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. Rice believes

Listening in the Middle East

that problems can be solved in

Israelis and Palestinians have

a peaceful way. Someone who

had differences for a long time.

knows her well once said, “She

Finding a peaceful way to solve

won’t take no for an answer.”

their land problem has been

↓ Rice meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. AP Photo/Murad Sezer

hard. Sometimes it helps to listen. A secretary of state needs to be a good listener. Rice spent time in the Middle East listening to people. She said, “It was a good opportunity to come and to listen to people . . . [talk about] how they saw the future.”— Andrea Delbanco, Romesh Ratnesar, Elaine Shannon

Issue 1


Learn how to stay healthy playing sports.

Jim Cummins/Corbis

↑ Baseball injuries send about 100,000 kids to the hospital each year.

L izzie Singer plays basketball for a school in New York City. She was excited to play her next game. Soon after the game started, she hurt her leg. “It was bad,” says Lizzie. “I sat out for the rest James Keyser

of the game.” Lizzie needed help for her leg. She had to do exercises to make her leg strong. More than 30 million kids in the United States take part in sports. A report says that about 3.5 million of them were hurt when playing sports. In one year, about 250,000 kids were injured playing basketball. They had to go to the hospital. In a single year, 75,000 soccer players went to the hospital, too. 8•

Time For Kids

Lizzie Singer warms up for a basketball game. →

8/Madison Images

David Madison 200

(bkgd) Brand X Pictures/ PunchStock

← 200,000 kids go to the hospital with football injuries each year.

Be a Good Sport The good news is that kids can keep from getting hurt. First, follow the rules. It’s also important to use the right safety equipment. If you play football, wear shoulder pads. If you play soccer, wear shin guards. Never ride a bike without wearing a helmet. Next, remember that sports should be fun. Listen to what your body is telling you. “Don’t be afraid to say something if you get hurt,” says Michelle Klein. She works at the National Youth Sports Foundation. “Pain means something is wrong.”

Tips from a Pro Follow these tips from a sports doctor for a safe game.

1. Get in shape. Exercise before your team plays.

2. Play a different sport. It will exercise different parts of your body.

3. Warm up. Make sure you stretch before you play.

4. Wear the right gear. 5. Listen to your body. Tell a parent or coach if you’re in pain. Issue 1


Sports Championships Most professional sports hold a championship event. This chart shows the name of the event for each pro sport.

Professional Sport

Name of Championship

National Hockey League

Stanley Cup

National Football League

Super Bowl

Major League Baseball

World Series

International Soccer

World Cup

National Basketball Association

NBA Finals


(cw from top) C Squared Studios/Getty Images; C Squared Studios/Getty Images; Photodisc/Getty Images; Photodisc/Getty Images; C Squared Studios/Getty Images; Doug MacLellan/Wide World Photos/AP Images; Associated Press/Wide World Photos/AP Images; Tiffany and Co./Wide World Photos/AP Images; Fritz Reiss/Wide World Photos/AP Images; NBAE/NBA Photos/Getty Images

(c) Fred Ward; (tr) William Campbell/Sygma/Corbis

Greening Africa

America honors ti Luther th i Martin King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr., dreamed that the world could change through peace. Every January, we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. King changed our nation. He believed all people should have the same rights.

1929. At that time, many laws kept black and white people apart. During the 1950s, King and other

Bob Adelman/Magnum Photos

King was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in King made a famous speech. He told people, “I have a dream!”

leaders peacefully protested against those unfair laws. King believed in the power of protest without violence. A 1965 march to Montgomery, Alabama, made the news. ↓

12 •

Time For Kids

In 1963, King led a march to Washington, D.C. After the march, King and other leaders met with President John F. Kennedy. They talked about fair laws for all. These talks helped start a law. It was called the Civil Rights Act. The law said African Americans must have equal rights. In 1964, King won the Nobel Peace Prize. It goes to people who try to bring peace and unity to the world. Sadly, Martin Luther King, Jr., died before his dreams came true. He was killed in April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. Today, King’s message still lives on.

Putting Civil Rights on the Map Washington, D.C. Memphis, Tennessee

Montgomery, Alabama

Atlanta, Georgia Joe LeMonnier

James Karales

Issue 2

• 13

first step in changing the world.

John McConnico/Wide World Photos/AP Images

For this leader, planting trees is the

Wangari Maathai was born in Kenya, Africa.

↑ In 2004, Wangari Maathai won the Nobel Peace Prize.

She lived in a farm community. Over the years, forests around her home were cut down. The land was cleared to build large farms. Maathai planted new trees in the area. Thirty years ago, Maathai started a group called the Green Belt Movement. This group encourages farmers to plant “green belts” of trees.

14 •

Time For Kids

William Campbell/Sygma/Corbis

More than 2,000 women and children help plant trees in Kenya.

Some people don’t want new trees planted. They want to build houses and buildings instead. These people try to hinder Maathai from planting new trees. But Maathai keeps spreading her message. Many other countries in Africa are now planting trees, too. Maathai’s work has created thousands of jobs for women. Women sell seedlings to Maathai’s group. They spend the money they earn on food. They also use this money to send their children to school. Maathai’s green dream is making other women’s dreams come true, too.

Africa Kenya

Joe LeMonnier

Kenya is a country in Africa. Can you point to Kenya on the map? →

Issue 2

• 15

Do you want to learn more about Kenya

Kenya? Look at the list below for some facts about this country in Africa.


Official Name: Republic of Kenya Capital: Nairobi


Size: 224,962 square miles (about twice the size of Nevada)


Population: approximately 34,000,000 Official Languages: Kiswahili and English Climate: Tropical to arid, or dry Agriculture: coffee, tea, corn, wheat, sugarcane, fruit, vegetables, dairy products, beef, pork, poultry, eggs Currency: shilling Sports: cross country running, road running, soccer, rugby, cricket, boxing (bkgd) Siede Preis/Getty Images


Ariadne Van Zandbergen/Alamy

Joe LeMonnier

(c) Margaret Lampert; (tr) Steffan Hacker/Habitat for Humanity International

No Place Like Home

Dream Houses for Kids A group in Vermont makes kids’ dreams come true.

Tree Houses for Everyone


By Tiffany Sommers

(tl) The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp/Forever Young Treehouses; (tr) Courtesy Candlelight Ranch

allows kids with A 340-foot-long ramp e tree house. disabilities to get to th

Kids hang out in this tr ee house. It is high in the tree to ps.


ree houses are wonderful places to play with friends.

You can even just sit in them and dream. But for some kids, tree houses are only a dream. Many kids have never been in a tree house. Why? They have disabilities. They are unable to climb. Bill Allen and Phil Trabulsy are good citizens. They wanted to make these kids’ dreams come true. In 1998, they started Forever Young Treehouses in Vermont. This group makes tree houses for kids with disabilities. 18 •

Time For Kids

Michael Havey/Forever Young Treeho


The tree houses have long ramps. Ramps help kids in wheelchairs get into the houses. Kristen Messer, 17, visited a tree house for the first time. “It was really great having a tree house that I could get into without

Chaz Freeman visits a New Hampshire tree house.

any help,” Kristen says. Chaz Freeman, a 19-year-old, uses a

wheelchair. After he visited a tree house in New Hampshire, he said with a smile, “We get to experience what it is like to be a normal kid.” Allen and Trabulsy’s tireless group is working hard around the U.S. to build tree houses.

Things in People’s Homes Tree houses can’t fit things that fit in many other houses. This bar graph shows the percent of U.S. homes that have these goods. (97%)



Air conditioner


Computer Dishwasher



(62%) (35%)

Fireplace Dean MacAdam







Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Issue 3

• 19

Volunteers build houses for families in need.

How long does it take to build a new house? It usually takes about Courtesy Steffan Hacker/Habitat for Humanity International

six months or more. But each year, thousands of people work together to build new homes in just four months! Who does this wonderful work? Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity is a group that builds homes for families in need. It has branches in different

↑ Student volunteers at work. Courtesy Steffan Hacker/Habitat for Humanity International

states around the country. This group works all over the world, too. Volunteers help build the homes. They are unpaid workers. Volunteers can be builders and painters. They can be teachers or bankers. Some are students. Habitat for Humanity has built

↑ Student volunteers built this home in Taos, New Mexico for a needy family.

more than 300,000 houses. More than 1.5 million people live in these houses. 20 •

Time For Kids

Courtesy Steffan Hacker/Habitat for Humanity International

Working Together Building a home is hard work. Volunteers learn how to put up walls. They use tools and machines. These selfless volunteers work with the family that will live in the house. Everyone works together to make the family’s dream come true.

↑ Suruchi Srikanth hammers a nail into the wall of a new house.

Suruchi Srikanth has worked with Habitat for Humanity for four years. She began volunteering in high school. She has built many homes with other volunteers. She takes her responsibilities seriously. Volunteers know that if they don’t help, homes might not get built. They are good citizens who care about other people.

The Number of Houses Built

Number of Houses

This graph shows how many houses Habitat for Humanity built from 1976 to 2007. The group formed in 1976. 279,723

300,000 200,000


150,000 100,000

100,000 0

0 1976

10,000 1991







Years Issue 3

• 21

Giant Hearts By B B Brod dB Bagertt

Psst! Listen Listen, little hams hamster, ster We have something to say to YOU. You may think we kids are giants, But you can be one too. Giants don’t have to be real big, Giants don’t have to be tall. What makes someone a giant Is not their size at all. And even when we giants get scared,

Digital Archive Japan/Alamy

We always do our best. We learn from our mistakes And forget about the rest. Life is like a play: We all play giant parts. And the biggest giants are the little players Who play with giant hearts.


A Chimp Home

When Animals Need Help

(c) Daryl Balfour/Getty Images; (tr) Luis M. Alvarez/Wide World Photos/AP Images

People work together to give animals a helping hand.

Champs for Chimps Lynne Sladky/AP Photo

Many chimps help save people. Now people are saving these chimps. By Anna Prokos

Fort Pierce, Florida, is a great place to monkey around. This city is home to 300 chimpanzees. The chimps live at a sanctuary. A sanctuary is a safe place.

↑ Chimps climb and play at the sanctuary in Florida.

These chimps once lived in labs for years. Some were taken as babies from their homes in Africa. They were brought to the United States for scientists to study. They were kept in small cages. Many had not seen another chimp. They didn’t know how to climb trees.

Luis M. Alvarez/AP Photo

Wild chimps help each other meet their needs. They look at the fur of other chimps to find bugs. They take the bugs off. This keeps the chimps healthy. Wild chimps also use the environment to meet their needs. They use sticks to get bugs and honey to eat. They use rocks to open nuts. 24 •

Time For Kids

↑ People rescued these chimps from little cages in labs. Now they live in a more natural place.

Happily Ever After Save the Chimps runs the Florida sanctuary. This group makes life happier for chimpanzees. Now the animals live on 12 islands. The islands have lots of large trees. Now these animals are active and happy. For the first time in their lives, the ↑ Dr. Carole Noon started Save the a day. They gulp down delicious foods like bananas, Chimps in 1997.

chimps have families. They eat three fresh meals apples, pasta, and oatmeal with raisins.

(t) Lynne Sladky/AP Wide World Photos; (c) Luis M. Alvarez/AP Photo

Oldest Chimps in U.S. Zoos In the wild, chimps can live to their forties. They can live even longer in zoos. Take a look. 70

(68) (63)

Age (in years)







40 30 20 10 0

Lil Mama Lion Country Safari

Inky Lion Country Safari

Bill Sequoia Park Zoo

Coco Portland Zoo

Susie Sunset Zoo

Bonnie Los Angeles Zoo

Chimps in zoos Issue 4

• 25

Follow the Herd Special collars help protect elephants.

L ewis is a wild elephant. He

Kevin Schafer/age fotostock/SuperStock

Protecting enormous

lives in the Samburu National

animals can be hard.

Reserve in Kenya, a country in

Elephants need a lot of food.

Africa. Lewis uses his legs to

They eat about 220 to 440

roam and his eyes to look for

pounds of plants every day.

food. He uses his trunk to

It is hard to find spaces that

grab food. By doing what

are large enough and have

comes naturally, Lewis could

enough food for them.

help save other elephants.

endangered. That means the number of elephants is very low in some places. To protect them, there are nature reserves like Samburu. They give the animals a safe place to live.

Samburu Elephant Population Number of Elephants

African elephants are

1,000 900


800 700


600 500 400


300 200 100 0




26 •

Time For Kids


Many smaller animals share the 64-square-mile reserve. The serval, a wild cat, and the klipspringer, an antelope, are only two feet high. They need less food than Lewis. They find enough to eat in Samburu. Unlike Lewis, they don’t roam into unsafe places.

Collecting the Clues A group called the Save the Elephants Foundation is working to help elephants. Scientists wanted to find out

had a special part that lets a satellite track the elephant. Scientists learned that Lewis often left the reserve during the dry season. When there was little rain, he couldn’t find enough to eat. He learned to find delicious crops at a farm. This information will help Lewis. Scientists can give him food during the dry season. Then he and other elephants won’t need to roam. — Andrea Delbanco ↓ The elephant collars are big!

Claire Cerling

what makes elephants wander into unsafe places. Maybe then they could keep them safely in Samburu. The group put special collars around the necks of some elephants. Each collar Issue 4

• 27

By Kenn Nesbitt A penguin’s toes, they froze from strolling slowly through the snows because his clothes expose his toes or so I’m told. A penguin’s knees can freeze from speeding freely through the breeze and freezing knees can make him sneeze and catch a cold. A penguin’s bill will chill from sitting still upon a hill until he’s ill and had his fill of being cool. But his digits ALL go rigid frozen stiff and frosty frigid when a penguin rides his icicle to school. (bkgd) Don Farrall/Getty Images


(c) Rob Lewine Photography; (tr) Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP Wide World Photos

High-Tech Help

Scientists use more than their ears to listen to space sounds.

“Is Anyone Out There?” Scientists are listening for sounds in outer space. By Kathryn Satterfield John Todd/AP Photo

Scientists study signals for clues about what happens in space. ↑

In 1870 the telephone was invented. It allowed people who were far apart to talk to each other. Today Jill Tarter spends her days listening to signals from outer space. She is a scientist. Earth makes many signals every day. They come from radios, televisions, and cell phones. In the past, signals from radios couldn’t reach deep into space. Their frequencies, or number of radio waves, kept them from traveling far. But tools changed in the 1930s. Since then, signals have traveled to other stars. Things in space might give off signals, too. Scientists use tall wires, called antennas, to “listen” for these signals. 30 •

Time For Kids

(bkgd) Masterfile Royalty-Free

A Sound Plan Tarter’s group also uses radio telescopes. These giant metal dishes pick up out-of-this-world sounds. The tools have heard sounds from 800 stars. Scientists studied the sounds. The sounds did not show signs of life in outer space. Tarter wanted to study science from an early age. After 16 years, she still loves her job. “We may detect a signal at any moment and answer one of humankind’s oldest questions,” says Tarter. “Are we alone?” She thinks the answer is no. There are 100 billion stars in the universe. So scientists still have plenty to search! Courtesy SETI

Courtesy Seth Shostak, SETI

↓ Radio telescopes collect data from radio sources.

↑ Jill Tarter uses a computer to understand the signals.

Issue 5

• 31

Mark Richards/PhotoEdit

Finding t he Way Blind people count on technology to help them get around.

There are special ways to help blind people get around. For example, blind people use a walking stick. They tap it along the ground as they move. The stick

↑ The first guide dog training school in the U.S. started in 1929.

warns them when something is blocking their path. Dogs are trained to help people who can’t see. These guide dogs lead people through busy areas. The dogs are trained to follow orders. When blind people are in a new place, they can ask others for directions. Then they pass on the information to the guide dog using the right commands. Now there is new technology that can help blind people when they are in a new place. Some people use GPS. GPS stands for Global Positioning System. GPS can tell a person exactly where he or she is. It uses satellites in space to work. 32 •

Time For Kids

Talking Map Blind people who use GPS carry around a tiny receiver. First, the receiver gets signals from satellites in space. Then, Marcio Jose Sanchez/Wide World Photos/AP Images

a computer guides the user with voice commands. Finally, the user listens for exact directions. It’s like a talking map! GPS also lets people know what is around them. It tells the name of the street that is coming up. It may even tell the user about a park or store

↑ Blind people have tools, like GPS, to help them get around.

nearby. Blind GPS users have a better idea about their neighborhood. They feel better about traveling alone. They feel good about getting to new places. Detlev van Ravenswaay/Photo Researchers

The ABCs of GPS Satellites move around Earth. They are about 11,000 miles high in the sky! There are about 24 GPS satellites moving around our planet. Each one orbits Earth twice a day. ← GPS satellites float above Earth. There are many of them. Issue 5

• 33

People figure out better ways to do important things. Look at this chart to see how technology has changed.







Listening to Music Gina Matarazzo

How do you think people will cook 20 years from now? What will they use to listen to music? How will they travel? 34

(c) Alex McKnight; (tr) David Lazenby/Animals Animals-Earth Scenes

Going to Seed

Schools serve up a healthful new food policy.

School lunches slim down to keep kids healthy.

LWA/Photodisc/Getty Images

Do you eat sweet treats at school? If you do, you probably don’t live in Texas. In 2004, Texas made new rules about school snacks. The Texas government checked on its students.

More schools are serving healthful foods.

It found a big problem. About one third of the state’s elementary school children weighed too much. The Texas Department of Agriculture is part of the state government. It is in charge of school lunches. It made new rules for healthful eating in schools. The rules say kids should eat balanced meals. Kids should also cut back on foods with too much fat or sugar. Children now eat foods that give them energy to grow, work, play, and learn.

36 •

Time For Kids

New Rules for Vending Machines The new rules change vending machines in schools, too. Many foods sold in vending machines have too much sugar or fat. Now, students cannot buy unhealthy foods from vending machines

Some Texas schools have changed their vending machines. Now they sell

Dean MacAdam

during the school day.

healthy foods such as fruit, carrot sticks, and yogurt. They are helping kids in the community be healthy!

Vending machines now have more healthful foods.

How Sweet It Is! Sometimes, sugar is added to food and drinks. But too much sugar is bad for your health. See how much sugar is in some foods.

Sugar Added to Food and Drinks Food or Drink

Added Sugar (in teaspoons)

one slice of bread one cup of chocolate milk one bar of chocolate one cup of milk one fruit drink Issue 6

• 37

Animals can be plant partners.


bee buzzes. A bat flies at

night. A bear walks through a forest. A bison grazes. These different animals are part of the process of growing plants.

Seeds Start with Pollen Plants grow from seeds. The seeds

To make seeds, pollen has to

come from pollen. The pollen

move from one part of the plant to

and seeds are made in the

another. Pollen also moves from

plant’s flowers.

plant to plant. How does pollen get from one place to another? Sometimes bees and bats carry it. Bees and bats fly to flowers to get food. They fly from flower to flower. Along the way, they touch pollen. Pollen sticks to their bodies. When the bee or bat moves to a new flower, pollen rubs off. Then the plant can make seeds.

38 •

Martin Rugnar/age fotostock/SuperStock

Time For Kids

David Lazenby/Animals Animals/Earth Scenes

Bees, Bats, Bears, and Bison

Plants Start from Seeds A seed needs soil to grow. How do

Sometimes seeds stick to the

seeds get from the plant to the soil?

fur of bears and bison. When those

Sometimes bats, bears, and bison

animals lie down, the seeds can

help out.

drop to the ground. A new plant can grow there.

A bear finds a blueberry patch. A fruit-eating bat lands in a banana

Plants grow from the seeds.

tree. A bison chews tall grass.

Flowers grow on plants. Flowers

When these animals eat fruit and

make pollen. Pollen makes seeds.

grass, they are also eating seeds.

Hungry bees, bats, bears, and bison

The seeds go in with the food.

go looking for food. Now it starts

Later they come out in the animal’s

all over again! — Susan Moger

droppings. The seeds in the

Plant Helpers This chart shows the resources plants give to animals.

First Light/Getty Images

droppings grow into plants.


Plant Resource


leaves to eat


tree branches to build a nest in


sticks to use to gather honey


seeds to eat Westend 61/Alamy

Issue 6

• 39

Fresh and Fruity Want to whip up a tasty snack? Try this (t) (bl) (bkgd) Christine Schneider

recipe for a yummy fruit smoothie. You’ll go bananas over it!

Ingredients 1 banana 6 strawberries 3 4

cup low-fat yogurt

1 cup low-fat milk 3 ice cubes Directions 1. Put all the ingredients into a blender. Place cap on the blender. (Ask an adult help to help you.) 2. Blend until smooth. 3. Pour into two glasses. Enjoy with a friend!


Thomas Firak/Jupiterimages

Martian Veggies?

(c) Anton Vengo/SuperStock; (tr) Courtesy Michael Mautner

People and a nimals use animals plants for food.

From Seed to Fruit These steps show how a pumpkin grows.

Seeds go into the soil. Sunny spots are best. Sunlight helps

IT Stock Free/Jupiter Images

Start with Seeds

pumpkins grow.

Small sprouts come up from the

Shmul Thaler/Index Stock

Next Come the Sprouts soil. Their roots take in water. Water and sunlight help sprouts grow bigger.

Weeks pass. Leaves grow on the pumpkin vines. Then come flowers. One flower opens at a time.

42 •

Time For Kids

Ingram Publishing/SuperStock

Leaves and Flowers

Green Pumpkins Fruits grow on the vines. They are tiny at first. Each fruit stays green for months. The pumpkins are not yet ripe. J Douglas Brooks/Port Huron Times Herald/AP Photo

Orange Pumpkins The fruits take in warmth, water, and sunlight. Each one grows big and orange. Now the pumpkins are ripe! RVN/Alamy

Pumpkin Plant Pumpkin plant parts work together to grow more plants.

Judith Moffatt

Flowers make seeds and fruit.

Fruit feeds the seeds and keeps them safe.

Seeds grow into new plants.

Leaves take in light and turn it into food.

Issue 7

• 43

A Martian Garden Can vegetables grow in Martian soil on Earth?

Michael Mautner is a scientist and a gardener. He had an idea. He wanted to know if he could grow vegetables here on Earth in soil

One Martian rock was found in the Sahara Desert. The other was found in Antarctica. Both are good places for spotting space rocks.

In the Mix

from Mars.

Martian Rocks Hit Earth Mautner did not go to Mars to get the soil. He made it from Martian rocks that were already here. The rocks from Mars fell through

Mautner took slices from the Martian rocks. He found chemicals inside them. These same chemicals on Earth are used in fertilizer. Fertilizer helps plants grow.

space. They landed on Earth. Space rocks that land on Earth are called meteorites. A lot of meteorites hit Earth. Not many of them come from Mars. Mautner proved that his did.

A meteorite from Mars →

44 •

Time For Kids


Courtesy Michael Mautner

Mautner ground up the slices of Martian rock to make soil. This soil had the fertilizer chemicals in it. Mautner mixed the Martian soil with water. Then he put pieces of asparagus and potatoes in the mixture.

↑ A tiny asparagus plant sprouts in Martian soil mixed with water. Skip Jeffery

In a few weeks the plants grew a couple of inches tall. These plants were healthy. He grew other plants in plain water. He also grew some in water mixed with other ground-up rocks. These test plants were smaller. They were not as healthy as the plants grown in Martian soil.

↑ The asparagus plant grows bigger!

Mautner says, “In the future, people

The Solar System

soil there to grow food.” — Susan Moger

Earth and Mars are part of the Solar System. Can you find them in this diagram?

Bob Kayganich

starting a colony on Mars could use the



Venus Mars



Saturn Uranus

Sun Issue 7

• 45


Seed to Beans

How long does it take for a bean seed to turn into a full-grown bean plant with beans you can pick?

Day 1 Plant the seed in the ground.

Day 3 The seed grows roots.

Day 8 The seed sprouts.

Day 60 The bean plant has beans ready to pick! 46

(tl) (tc) (tr) Siede Preis/Getty Images; Nigel Cattlin/Alamy; (bl) WizData/ Alamy; (br) Siede Preis/Getty Images; S.J. Krasemann/Peter Arnold, Inc.

Day 14 The seedling grows.

(c) Peter Morgan/Reuters America; (tr) Eugene Louie/San Jose Mercury News/Newscom

Speaking Chinese

ALL ABOUT CHINA China has a lot to share with the rest of the world.

Dinosaur Hunters M

any important fossils have been found

in the Gobi Desert in China. Paleontologist Meng Jin found a fossil of a mammal in the Gobi Desert. It was about the size of a cat. The big surprise was what else Meng and

This is a model of the little dinosaur found inside the mammal fossil. These dinosaurs ate plants. →

his team found. They found the bones of a young dinosaur inside the mammal fossil. This discovery changed how people think of dinosaurs and mammals. Scientists used to think ancient mammals were not hunters. They thought these mammals ate insects and seeds. These mammals, scientists believed, were hunted by dinosaurs. Meng’s discovery showed that these mammals hunted dinosaurs and ate them! A scientist points to dinosaur bones in the mammal fossil. →

48 •

Time For Kids

AP Photo/Frank Franklin II

Mammals that lived 130 million years ago were not very big. The cat-sized mammal from China is bigger than other ancient mammals. The dinosaur found inside the mammal was not full-grown. As an adult, that dinosaur would be much bigger than the mammal that ate it! Grant Delin/Corbis

How Big? 488

Height in Inches





Young Dinosaur 3 inches tall 5 inches long

Mammal 8 inches tall 18 inches long

Adult Dinosaur 48 inches tall 72 inches long

Mike Maydak

Issue 8

• 49

Why are so many kids in the United States learning Chinese?

Jessica Bucknam shouts, “Tiao

Rick Bowmer/Wide World Photos/AP Images

(tee•ow)!” Her fourth-grade students jump. “Dun (dew•wen),” she says. The kids move down. These words are a type of Chinese called Mandarin. Millions of people in China speak this language.

↑ Fourth-grade F th d students t d t study t d Mandarin in math class at Woodstock Elementary School.

The kids go to Woodstock Elementary School in Portland, Oregon. Children here read stories and learn math and science in Mandarin Chinese. Their teacher, Jessica Bucknam, is from China. She teaches the kids more than 100 Chinese words each year.

← This girl writes Chinese letters.

Frederic Larson/The San Francisco Chronicle/Corbis

50 •

Time For Kids

Eugene Louie/San Jose Mercury News/Newscom

← This boy is studying Chinese at his school in San Jose, California.

Countries with the Most People More people speak Chinese than any other language. That is because more people live in China than in any other country. More than one billion people live there. The graph below shows

People (in billions)

the five countries with the most people.

2 1.5

(1,315,000,000) (1,100,000,000)

1 0.5


(245,000,000) (190,000,000)

0 China Chi

India I di

United U it d St States t

Indonesia I d i

Brazil B il

Country Source: About Geography, November 2006—the above numbers are computer estimates for the end of 2006

Issue 8

• 51

Say It in Chinese Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more than one billion people. The words in this chart are written using the English alphabet. Chinese uses a different alphabet. See if you can chat in this 6,000-year-old language.




How You Say It


Ni hao.

nee how

Thank you.

Xie xie.

sye sye

My name is ____.

Wo jiao ____.

hwo jee•ow ____

What is your name?

Nin gui xing?

neen gway sing

School is fun.

Xue xiao hao wan.

shwe see•ow how wan


Zai jian!

dzay jee•an


Hao bang!

how bong

Durga Bernhard

Far Flung



Robot V


Scientists are studying creatures to build robots. RoboLobster lobster

(bl) Fred Bavendam/Minden Pictures; (cl) Holt Studios International Ltd/Alamy; (tl) Ingram Publishing/Alamy; (br) Jodi Hilton for the New York Times/Redux Pictures; (cr) Daniel Kingsley, Roger Quinn and Roy Ritzmann/Case Western Reserve University; (tr) Courtesy NASA Ames Research Center; Flap Photo: Diomedia/Alamy


Are These robots look strange. But one day, they may work for you! By Kathryn R. Satterfield

Most people hate cockroaches. Not Roy Ritzmann. He thinks they are great. “They’re fast,” he says. Ritzmann is a scientist. He is helping other scientists to build robots. They are using bugs as models!

Acting Like Animals Scientists are looking closely at insects, lobsters, and scorpions. Why? Because they have all the right moves! Their bodies let them live in different places. Their many legs help the animals travel easily over bumpy ground. An insect has antennas and little hairs. These help it sense changes around it.

2000 Peter Menzel/Robosapiens/www.menzelphoto.com

↓ Scientists look at Robot V. It moves like a roach.

54 •

Time For Kids

2000 Peter Menzel/Robosapiens/www.menzelphoto.com

← Scientists studied real lobsters to build a RoboLobster.

Scientists are working to build robots with animallike parts. The parts would make the robots more useful. These robots could find people who are trapped in a building. They could climb, crawl, or swim into dangerous places. Creepy, crawly robots may one day help the U.S. military and NASA. The RoboLobster will search for underwater weapons called mines. Robots may also go into space. A robot based on scorpions and roaches will explore Mars. These ’bots will rock!

Six legs help it move easily.

Daniel Kingsley, Roger Quinn

Real Roach

Uses sensors to feel.

and Roy Ritzmann/Case Weste

rn Reserve University

Robot Roach

rnational Holt Studios Inte


Moves 5 body lengths in a second. Issue 9

• 55

Monarchs on the Move Monarch butterflies fly far for warm weather.

Have you ever seen butterflies like these fluttering through the air? Every August, millions of monarch butterflies begin a long trip. They fly from the cold north to spend the winter in the warm south. Some monarchs travel as

Bob Sciarrino/Star Ledger/Corbis

far as 3,000 miles to reach Danny Lehman/Corbis

their winter home. They head for the mountains of central Mexico. There, they gather in large groups in trees called Oyamel firs. In the spring the monarchs fly north again. When they reach the north, the females lay eggs. Late in the summer the butterflies from those eggs head south.

56 •

Time For Kids

Flying thousands of miles is dangerous. But the monarchs face another danger. People are cutting down trees in the Oyamel forests of Mexico. Only 10 percent of the Oyamel forest is left. The good news is that people are working to save the forests. Most people agree that protecting the winter home of the monarchs is important. That is very good news for butterfly fans. They will be able to enjoy the colorful monarchs for years to come!

A Monarch Is Born

(bkgd) Patricio Robles Gil/Sierra Madre/Minden Pictures/Getty Images

This diagram shows the butterfly life cycle. When a monarch butterfly egg hatches, a caterpillar comes out. It eats and grows. Later, it forms a hard shell or pupa. Inside, it changes caterpillar into a butterfly. One day, it will lay eggs. egg



John T. Fowler/Alamy


Michael Hood/Alamy


Issue 9

• 57

Who Has a

Backbone? Some animals have a backbone. Some animals don’t. Animals with a backbone are called vertebrates. Animals without a backbone are called invertebrates.

Do these animals have backbones? Animal



Bird Butterfly Fish Jellyfish Lobster Rabbit Snake Worm

What are you: vertebrate or invertebrate? 58

as/PunchStock; Menke photographer; Creat and Wildlife Service/Dave e Source/PunchStock; usa ; (cw from tl) U. S. Fish disc/Getty Images; Imag Photo ; orika to/Vi (c) iStockphoto/anafcso kpho iStoc image100/PunchStock; Photodisc/Getty Images; y Images Frank & Joyce Burek/Gett

(c) Stuart Westmorland/The Image Bank/Getty Images; (tr) Aqua Image/Alamy

Animals From Eggs

Safe in the Sea

Dolphins phins are underwater heroes.

Turtles hatch on beaches around the world.

A big animal crawls out of the sea to lay her eggs on this beach. Then she uses her two back flippers to bury the eggs in the sand. This will hide the eggs and keep them from getting too warm or too cool. The mother crawls back to the sea and swims away. She will not be here when her eggs hatch.

A turtle makes tracks in the sand. →

Huey, George H.H./Animals Animals - Earth Scenes

60 •

Time For Kids

Aqua Image/Alamy

B Jones & M Shimlock/NHPA

The eggs hatch. Little turtles crawl to the sea. For many years they will swim, eat, and grow. Some will come back to this beach to lay eggs.

Many Kinds of Eggs Turtles hatch from eggs, and so do lots of other animals. Look at these eggs. Would you know what kind of animal laid them?


Animal Robin Robin parents make nests for their eggs. They warm the eggs until they hatch. Then, they feed the baby birds.

(t to b) Purestock/Alamy, Papilio/Alamy, Thomas Villegas/pumilio.com, Aqua Image/Alamy

Monarch butterfly Female butterflies lay eggs on leaves and fly away. Caterpillars hatch from the eggs. Later, they become butterflies.

Poison dart frog Female frogs lay eggs. The males watch the eggs. Tadpoles hatch from the eggs. They crawl to their mother’s back. She puts each one in a small pool of water. Each tadpole will grow into a frog.

Green Turtle Female turtles lay eggs on the beach. They bury them in sand and crawl away. Baby turtles hatch and crawl to the sea. Issue 10

• 61

George Fetting Photography

Rob Howes, his daughter, and her friends were saved by dolphins. Matt Fleet saw the rescue. ↓

Thank You, Flipper Dolphins saved these swimmers from a shark!

Rob Howes wanted to spend a day at the beach. He brought his 15-year-old daughter, Nicky, along. She brought two friends: Helen Slade, 16, and Karina Cooper, 15. They all went to Ocean Beach in New Zealand, where Howes was a lifeguard. The group swam and body surfed. Then they saw something strange. “Suddenly, there were these fins,” says Howes. The swimmers saw seven dolphins moving toward them. The dolphins seemed upset. They hit the water with their tails. They kept moving in a circle around the swimmers. Then one large dolphin swam toward Howes and Helen. Next, it dove down underwater. That’s when Howes saw something gray moving in the water. Dolphins are known to help humans in trouble in the sea. → Stuart Westmorland/Getty Images

62 •

Time For Kids

A great white shark waited underwater. It wasn’t far from the people. The shark headed straight toward Nicky and Karina. Now a shark is not slow. It moves fast! So the dolphins used their tails to swim even faster. Each one splashed its tail even more. Then Howes knew why. The dolphins

Tim Davis/Corbis

didn’t want to harm him and the girls. These sea ↑ Sharks can’t change direction quickly like dolphins.

mammals wanted to keep them safe. The dolphins stayed close to the group until the shark left. When Howes and the kids were safe, the dolphins swam away.

“You wanted to say thank you and shake their flippers,” Howes says. This isn’t a fishy tale! These dolphins are heroes.

John Kanzler

The killer whale is the largest dolphin. The whale shark is the largest shark. Which is longer?

Sea Animal


Killer Whale

32 feet

Whale Shark

46 feet Issue 10

• 63

By Constance Levy

There’s a horn sound from the blowhole and a high-speed spout when a whale at sea blasts the old air out. It breathes up a geyser, a flare of fizz, a white cloud that shows you where it is in the endless waves of the great green sea. Oh, whales exhale magnificently!

(b) Royalty-Free/Corbis


(c) WILDLIFE/Peter Arnold Inc.; (tr) OSF/Kemp, R. & J.-Survival/Animals Animals - Earth Scenes

Lost Lynx!

Nature Matters

Why do living things need places to live in nature?

Losing the Lynx Scientists are working to save these wild cats. By Andrea DelBanco

Twelve Iberian lynx cubs were born in Doñana National Park in Spain. The cubs are part of a program to help save these big cats. Iberian lynx are in danger of disappearing. In 1900, there were about 100,000 Iberian lynx in Spain and Portugal. Today, there are fewer than 200. These wild cats are the most endangered cat in the world. Joe LeMonnier


Doñana National Park

Scientists hope this female lynx will have cubs.

Jose B. Ruiz/Nature Picture Library

66 •

Time For Kids

Why are the lynx in danger? They are losing their homes. People have built houses, farms, and roads where the lynx live. The large cats also can’t find enough food. Lynx eat rabbits. But most of the rabbits where the lynx stay are gone. Many lynx began to starve, or go hungry.

OSF/Kemp, R. & J.-Survival/Animals Animals - Earth Scenes

What’s Wrong?

Scientists hope more cubs will be born. So far, about 24 lynx live in Doñana National Park. This rare lynx lives in Spain.

People are trying to protect the babies and their parents. Roads around the park will be closed. This will keep lynx safe from passing cars.

Big Cats There are 37 types of wild cats in the world. Many of them may soon disappear. Here are facts about some of these cats.


Number in the World


Mexico, Central and South America





Siberian tiger

Russia, Asia


(t to b) Millard H. Sharp/Photo Researchers; Westend61/Alamy; Thomas & Pat Leeson/Photo Researchers


James Gritz/Photodisc/Getty Images

Issue 11

• 67

Surfing the Sand s Josh Tenge has his head in the sand. Tenge isn’t an ostrich. He’s a sandboarder. Tenge spends lots of time riding sand

Lars Topelmann Photography Ltd

A new sport lets boarders land in the sand.

dunes in Nevada and Oregon. Dunes are landforms. Landforms are different shapes of Earth’s land. Hills and cliffs are landforms, too. Dunes are hills of sand. They change shape and size as the wind blows. Many places around the world have dunes.

↑ Josh Tenge is a champion sandboarder. He teaches others how to sand surf.

There are many in the United States. The largest area of sand dunes in the United States is in Oregon. It is the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. The highest sand dunes in North America are in Colorado. They are in Great Sand Dunes National Park. The largest area of sand dunes in the United States is in the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.


Joe Lemonnier

68 •

Time For Kids

No Snow? No Problem!

(bkgd) Comstock/PunchStock

This new sport is like snowboarding. Snowboarding is popular in many states that have snow in the winter. People who live in warm states don’t have snow. Now they can feel the thrill of snowboarding. Instead of sliding on snow, sandboarders glide down sand. They can sandboard all year round! Sandboarders work hard at their sport. They show their skills in competitions around the world. Tenge is the master of sandboarding. He has won the world championship four times! Sand Master Park in Oregon is a great place for sandboarding. The park has ramps on the sand. Riders use the ramps to lift into the air. Boarders practice flips and turns. Tenge teaches new riders how to sandboard. More than 8,000 visitors go to the park each year! M. Dillon/Corbis

Watch Those Dunes! Sand dunes on beaches are important. They protect the land. They stop huge ocean waves from washing over the land. Sandboarders ride dunes that are away from beaches. They don’t want to harm beach dunes. Many sand dunes are protected by law.

↑ The Great Sand Dunes in Colorado are protected. They are in a national park. Issue 11

• 69

THE SUN By Leland B. Jacobs

Although it is gold, It isn’t a locket; Though shaped like a coin, It fits no pocket. It hasn’t a ladder, But it can climb. It’s much like a clock For telling the time. It gives itself, free, To child and man, But nobody touches it. Nobody can.

(bkgd) DAJ/Getty Images


(c) Luiz C. Marigo/Peter Arnold, Inc.; (tr) Tim Davis/Corbis

Animal Families

Scientists fight to save these sea creatures.

New laws are helping to protect sea turtles in Mexico.

Thousands of female sea turtles crawl out of the water on La Escobilla Beach in Mexico. Each one digs a nest in the sand to lay its eggs.

. Inc ld, no r rA te Pe o/ g i r Ma C. iz Lu

↑ Some sea turtles are safer in the water.

Then it covers the eggs with sand and returns to the ocean. In 45 days, the babies hatch and crawl into the water. These types of sea turtles are called olive ridleys. Around the world, the number of sea turtles is decreasing. But the number of olive ridleys on La Escobilla Beach has gone up. Why? The turtles can thank a program in Mexico. Sea turtles are in danger of

Olive ridley sea turtles crawl out of the water to lay eggs. ↓

disappearing. Some have been been caught in fishing nets by hunters. 72 •

Time For Kids

Adriana Zehbrauskas/Polaris Images

hurt by pollution. Others have

Adriana Zehbrauskas/Polaris Images

↑ Soldiers ask children to be careful around sea turtle eggs.

Turtle Trouble These four types of sea turtles are in danger of dying out. Leatherbacks are the largest sea turtles. One third of them die every year. ↓

In 1990, Mexico passed a law to stop sea turtle hunting. Soldiers Jany Sauvanet/Photo Researchers

watch the beaches to protect sea

Hawksbill turtles are hunted for their beautiful shells to make jewelry. ↓

turtles. People are taught how to help save sea turtles. Now there are about one million olive ridley nests at La Escobilla Beach. That’s four times as many as there were in 1990.

Charles V. Angelo/ Photo Researchers

This map shows La Escobilla Beach in Mexico. Can you find it on the map? What is the capital city of Mexico? ↓

Green turtles and their eggs are eaten in many areas. ↓

Joyce & Frank Burek/Animals Animals/Earth Scenes

Fewer than 1,000 loggerheads now nest on Japan’s beaches. ↓ Porterfield/Chickering/Photo Researchers

Joe LeMonnier

Issue 12

• 73

Daddy Day Care Baby animals need help to meet their needs. Animal parents give babies food, water, and shelter. They keep babies safe.

Baboon Fathers

Male baboons can be fierce

Scientists learned something

fighters. “But they can be sweet

surprising about baboons.

with infants,” says scientist

Some baboon fathers help

Joan Silk. The fathers rush in if

mother baboons care for

one of their babies is in danger.

their babies. Scientists learned that male

The scientists think baboon fathers know their babies by

baboons can tell which babies

sight and by smell. “It’s always

are theirs. They used tests to

fun to find out that animals are

match 75 baboon babies with

smarter than you thought!”

their fathers. Half of these

says Silk. — Elizabeth Winchester

fathers spent time with their babies until the babies were three years old. Courtesy Dr. Joan Silk

A baboon father cares for his babies.

74 •

Time For Kids

Tim Davis/Corbis

Good Dads Baboons aren’t the only proud fathers in the animal world. Here are some other animal dads that care for their kids. Michael & Patricia Fogden/Minden Pictures/Getty Images

Darwin’s Frog This frog father carries up to 15 eggs inside a special part of his throat. After the eggs hatch and the tadpoles have turned into frogs, they hop out.

Emperor Penguin A penguin pop holds the mother’s egg on his feet. He uses his skin and feathers to keep the egg warm. He does this for nine weeks, without eating, until the egg is ready to hatch.

Lezczynski; Zigmund/Animals Animals - Earth Scenes

Sea Horse A female sea horse lays eggs in the male’s pouch. It is in the front of the male’s stomach. He carries the eggs until they hatch. When the babies are big enough, they swim away.

Issue 12

• 75

By Douglas Florian

I wear a helmet On my back. It’s hard And guards Me from attack. And if I wheeze, Or sneeze, Or cough, The shell I dwell in Won’t fall off. It’s glued without A screw or mortise. I’m born with it,

(bkgd) Siede Preis/Getty Images; (br) PhotoDisc/Getty Images

For I’m a tortoise.


(c) Digital Vision/Getty Images; (tr) Diane Macdonald/Stockbyte/Getty Images

How Can You Help?

Taking Care of


If we treat resources with care, there will be enough for everyone. This girl takes water used to rinse dishes and reuses it to water plants.

It’s Getting Crowded Around Here! A lot of people have to share Earth’s resources.

Blink your eyes. In that time, three people were born. Blink again. That’s another three people! Every minute there are 184 more people. Every hour there are 11,040 more. Every day 264,960 people are added to the Grant Faint/Getty Images

Vario Images/GmbH & Co. KG/Alamy

total. That makes 97 million more people on Earth every year. By 2007 the total number of people on Earth was six and a half billion. A stack of 6 billion pennies would be 5,000 miles high!

Growing Pains Earth has a limited amount of natural resources. People need these resources to live. Water covers most of Earth. But less than 1 percent of it can be used for drinking and washing. One of every 13 people around the world does not have enough clean water. 78 •

Time For Kids

Food is a problem too. One

Making Sure There’s Enough to Go Around

of every 7 people in the world does not get enough to eat. Why? As cities grow bigger, farmland vanishes. Buildings and roads take its place. There is less room to grow food, and there are more people to feed. Every person alive uses Earth’s resources. Some use more than others. Using less

Can six and a half billion people figure out how to share and save Earth’s resources? Bill Ryan of the United Nations thinks so. He believes young people will change the world. “There are more young people alive now than at any other time,” he says.

and wasting less are ways to conserve resources.

Diane Macdonald/Stockbyte/Getty Images

The U.S. Population Over Time This time line shows the population, or number of people, in the United States from 1800 to 2000. What happened to the population?

5,308,483 people

76,212,168 people

23,191,876 people



281,421,906 people

151,325,798 people



2000 Issue 13

• 79


A Nutty Resource Pecan trees are natural resources. Natural resources are materials from Earth that people use.

People use pecan trees in many ways. The wood can be used to make furniture or to burn for heat. But most people use pecan nuts. They are good to eat!


A Year in the Life of a Pecan Tree Pecan trees take a whole year to make the nuts we like to eat. Look at this time line to learn how the tree changes through the year. January





In January,

The tree begins

some farmers

growing leaves and

grow special plants

blossoms in March.

around the trees.

Each flower will

These plants add

become a nut later.

nutrients to the

The tree needs

soil. The tree needs

water from the

nutrients to grow.

spring rains to grow.

Noam Armonn/Alamy

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Time For Kids

Ray Hendley/Index Stock Imagery/ Jupiterimages

Saving Water for the Trees Water is a natural resource too. Pecan trees need lots of water to live. If there is enough rain, there is a good pecan crop. But a drought can cause big problems. A drought happens when there is little or no rain.

Grant Heilman Photography/Alamy

Rain fills reservoirs, places where water is stored. Canals carry reservoir water to farms and cities. Reservoirs don’t fill up during droughts. Saving water is important for everyone, including pecan farmers.







In July, the

The husks turn

tree grows

brown. They open

green husks.

in October and

There is a nut

the nuts fall out.

growing inside

People can eat

each husk.

plain nuts, or use them to make cookies and pies.

Goss Images/Alamy

Inga Spence/Getty Images

Issue 13

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Cotton Field to T-Shirt

How does cotton from a plant in a farm field become a T T-shirt? There are ffour steps. b hi t? Th t Step 1 Plant & Grow Cotton seeds are planted in warm soil in the spring. Step 2 Harvest After 4 to 5 months, the cotton bolls, or pods, are picked.

A machine called a cotton gin takes seedpods and seeds out of the fluffy cotton. The cotton is cleaned. Then it is packed in bales and sent to a mill. Step 4 Manufacture


At the mill, the raw cotton is spun into thread. The thread is woven into fabric. The fabric is dyed. Then the fabric is cut to a pattern and sewn together.

(t to b) David Frazier/Corbis Premium RF/Alamy; Philip Quirk/Alamy; Daniel Pepper/Getty Images; Sie Productions/zefa/Corbis

Step 3 Clean & Gin

From Rock to Sand

(c) LWA-Dann Tardif/Corbis; (tr) Michael Szoenyi/Photo Researchers

Here Comes the

Wind You can fly a kite on a windy day. What else happens in windy weather?

Windy Weather You can’t see air, but when the wind blows you can feel it. Wind is air on the move!

When the wind starts blowing Peter Parks/AFP/Getty Images

hard, it often means the weather is changing. A summer rainstorm can bring fast winds. A hurricane is a dangerous kind of summer storm. Its fast winds can uproot trees and destroy houses. Hurricane winds move 75 to 155 miles per hour.

↑ It’s hard to hold an umbrella in a windy rainstorm.

This is faster than a speeding car! Colin Braley/Reuters America

← Hurricane winds can bend trees. These storms can bring heavy rains that cause floods.

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Time For Kids

Michael S. Yamashita/Corbis

A winter storm with heavy snow and strong winds is called a blizzard. Blizzard winds move 25 miles an hour or more. A tornado is another kind of dangerous windstorm. The funnel of spinning wind acts like a

↑ Blowing snow makes it hard to see in a blizzard.

vacuum cleaner. Tornado winds can blow between A tornado can pick up trees and cars. It can tear the roof off of a house. ↓


40 and 379 miles an hour.

Issue 14

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Solid as a

Rock People, plants, and animals are living things. They eat, drink, and breathe. Living things also grow.

Rocks do not need food, water, or air. They don’t grow, but they can change. How can a nonliving thing change if it does not grow? Rocks are objects. They do not live.

Panoramic Images/Getty Images

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Time For Kids

Connie Coleman/Getty Image s

This fine sand comes from big rocks.

Michael Szoenyi/Photo Researchers

Rocky Weather Wind and rain wear down rocks. Water gets into cracks in rocks. When cold weather makes water become ice, it breaks the rocks apart. The rocks chip and break into smaller pieces.

Water that turns to ice can crack rocks.

Strong winds lift fine sand and blow it against rocks.

my gren/Ala

Jim Lund

The moving sand rubs against rocks. Over time, rocks get smaller and smaller. Some rocks end up as minute grains of sand! A river can carry sand all the way to the sea. As river water moves sand, the sand rubs against river rocks. These rocks get smoother and smaller. Moving water rubs sand against rocks. This makes the rocks smooth. Issue 14

• 87

Raindrops on the Willow Tree By Margaret Wise Brown

The diamonds on the tree twigs Are all the diamonds that I’ve got So bright So unexpected So soon gone And yet Alive as rain Alive as time Shining like diamonds Raindrops They shine and glow Brighter than snow They shine And they are mine.


Spanish Moss Long ago people told stories to explain how things happen. Today we still enjoy those stories.

(c) Bob Winsett/Corbis; (tr) Jupiterimages



The Gilbert Papers, MS 159/Tyrrell Historical Library

Florence Stratton liked to hear people’s stories. She wrote down stories told by pioneers and Native Americans. These folk tales tell us what people thought long ago. The Tejas were among the first people of Texas. Stratton published their stories in a book, When The Storm God Rides. People

↑ Florence Stratton was a journalist. Few women worked for newspapers or wrote books at the time.

liked the book so much, it became a school book for children in Texas!

Time Line of a Story Teller

Berniece Burrough/Courtesy The Internet Sacred Texts Archive

1936 When The Storm God Rides was published.

1883 Florence Stratton was born.



1900 1 1907 She became a reporter at the B Beaumont Journal.

umont Enterprise

© 2008/The Bea

90 •

Time For Kids



1938 Stratton died.

1928 She began writing a weekly column for the Beaumont Enterprise.

Folk tales were often used to explain how things happen. Stratton wrote down this Tejas tale about Spanish moss.

How the North Wind Lost His Hair

Nancy Tripp/Dreamstime.com

The South Wind was a young man. He lived with the Tejas by the Gulf of Mexico. He blew warm air. The North Wind was an old man with long, gray hair. He blew cold air. He visited the Gulf in winter. Sometimes he brought snow. One spring, the old North Wind would not leave the Gulf. He kept South Wind away. It was cold. The South Wind was tired of being kept away. He fought with the North Wind. The South Wind pulled out some of North Wind’s long, gray hair during the fight. et Sacred Tex ts Archive

The North Wind flew away.

we call it Spanish moss. It still grows on many trees in the Gulf.


North Wind’s hair fell on trees. Today,

Berniece Bu

won, he began dancing. As he danced, the

sy The Intern

The South Wind was so happy he had

Issue 15

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hy is the south wind warm and the north wind

cold? To answer this, you have to know about two things: how the sun heats Earth and how air moves.

Heating Earth’s Air Sunlight heats Earth’s land, water, and air. The sun’s rays strike Earth differently in different places. In some places, the sun’s rays strike Earth nearly straight on. These direct rays make those places very warm. Places near the equator tend to be very warm. In some places, Earth does not get direct rays from the sun. These places are cooler. The North Pole and the South Pole are the coldest places on Earth.

The Sun’s Rays direct rays

North Pole Earth



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Equator South Pole Time For Kids

Blue arrows show cold air moving from the north. Red arrows show warm air moving from the south. →

Earth’s Moving Air In the United States, warm air moves up from the south. Winds that blow from the south are warm. Cold air moves down from the north. Winds that blow from the north are cold. Warm south winds keep the southern states warm. But sometimes, north winds blow across the southern United States. Then it can be cold.

Joe LeMonnier

Cold Air in the United States This time line shows some of the lowest temperatures recorded in the United States. Which state had the temperature 70 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (-70°F)?


1933 Riverside, Wyoming

1985 Maybell, Colorado, and Peter’s Sink, Utah

66°F below zero

61°F below zero











1954 Rogers Pass, Montana

1971 Prospect Creek Camp, Alaska

70°F below zero

80°F below zero Issue 15

• 93

Who Has Seen the

Wind? by Christina Rossetti

Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you. But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing through. Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I. But when the trees bow down their heads, The wind is passing by.

Red Hansen


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