Download Tiffin Service Business Pros and Cons With Full Calculation...
Tiffin Service Business Pros and Cons with full Tiffin calculation As we have started the tiffin service business, I have self-experienced lot of ups and downs starting from managing the staff till meeting the customers re!uirement and tr"ing hard to retain them# I am writing this blog to point out the pros and cons for the people who are serving the tiffin services across the countr" and the people who are ta$ing the tiffin service# This will be beneficial for both parties if the" both understand each other%s re!uirement and accordingl" fulfill the lo"alt" lo"alt"## Pros. for the Provider: This could turn up in good profit# '# Th This is is a no nobl ble e se serv rvic ice e in ho hosp spit ital alit" it" bu busi sine ness ss wh whic ich h gi give ves s "o "ou u sa sati tisf sfac acti tion on if th the e customers are happ" happ "# (# )ou also ma$e a ver" good social networ$ which could be good for "ou and "our business in future# Cons for the Provider: But all these above re!uire a ver" well managed staff and good number of resources# Serving *+ to &++ customer base a da" will at least re!uire ' expert coo$s, ' helpers and ( to deliver" bo"s serving the different areas# anaging staff now da"s is ver" challenging .ob as "ou never $now when one of "our coo$ or helper will be off from the wor$# So "ou need to plan the things well ahead# an" times "ou need to alwa"s hire an extra coo$ for such cases or pa" extra from "our poc$et and hire new one to fill the gap# So "ou need a ris$ and contingenc" planning in the food business# '# )ou need a ver" good customer base to ma$e the profit depending on the t"pe of tiffin service "ou provide# /hen I sa" good customer base that means considering the above number of staffs, one will at least re!uire &++ customers for lunch and &++ for dinner if "ou fix the price of the tiffin as 0+ to 1+ 2s to run into a good profitable business# Profit/Loss and Cut off customer required for tiffin business. 3ets calculate the cut off number of customer base re!uired4 Salar" for all the coo$ and wor$ers with above number of staff will var" from *+5 to 0+5# /ow a huge expenditure in tiffin business# But "es this is true# '# 3ets assume that one charges tiffin at 1+ 2s# with a dr" vegetable, daal, rice, chapati, salad and chatani# That means for '* da"s serving in a month "ou will fix subsidi6ed rate to &*++ to &1++ 2s for a month# (# 7ach tiffin food cost comes to '* to (+ 2s# in which the most costl" thing is vegetable toda" which shares *+8 of "our food cost# # If "ou have (+ customers for lunch and (+ for dinner then total cost comes to 0+9': ;Average cost
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