December 14, 2016 | Author: Vio Viorel | Category: N/A
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Short Description

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Technical Information Subject to change [25-June-2012, 8SPM-Kr, Version 5.4.6]

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS Numerous facilities for monitoring, measuring and direction finding

 Reliable solution for monitoring, direction finding and measurements according to ITU recommendations  Numerous possibilities for evaluation and analysis according to ITU recommendations  Usable for all types of monitoring stations

 Cost-effective thanks to standardization  Great flexibility thanks to modular design  Supported languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Russian, Spanish  Runs under Microsoft Windows 7, Vista and Windows XP operating systems

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS



The control unit provides the R&S ARGUS userfriendly graphical user interface. This user interface

The Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS comprises

can be used to configure measurement units, de-

numerous facilities for measuring, monitoring and

fine measurement jobs and transfer them to meas-

direction finding for manned and unmanned fixed

urement units, to receive, display and store meas-

stations, for mobile stations and for transportable

urement results and transfer these results to other

stations. An available evaluation module is used to

applications. The control unit menu always presents

perform a comprehensive statistical evaluation of

the settings and measurement options of one

measurement results to ITU recommendations.

measurement unit. One control unit can access up

Measurement results can be displayed alphanu-

to eight stations simultaneously. The R&S ARGUS

merically or graphically. Measurement results, their

measurement unit is controlled by a control unit. It

definitions and evaluation results can also be doc-

receives the measurement jobs from all the con-

umented in reports.

nected control units, co-ordinates them and processes them. Measurement devices are controlled

Thanks to its modular design, R&S ARGUS can be

and measurement results and alarm conditions are

easily configured to meet customer requirements.

determined, buffered and transferred to the control units. A measurement unit can be controlled by

R&S ARGUS runs under Windows XP, Vista and

basically any given number of control units, one at

Windows 7 operating systems, which provide great

a time.

ease of operation, operational safety and networking. Uniform operation, pre-emptive multitasking and versatility in integrating additional software (e.g. MS Office) are further benefits.

Control and measurement units can run on the

The basic module of R&S ARGUS consists of one

same computer or on different computers. In the

license for R&S ARGUS, data administration, graphics, configuration, help functions, standard software interfaces, direct measurement mode, 20 device drivers for fixed antennas and 20 device drivers for movable antennas. Additional software modules, software interfaces and device drivers for receivers, analyzers, direction finders, decoders, recorders and accessories can be easily added to

later case the communication can be done by all means of standard network connections like e.g. GSM, Radio links, PSTN, ISDN, WAN (wide area network) LAN (local area network) fiber optic links, satellite links, .... This approach has the following advantages over remote-control packages such as pcAnywhere:

the basic module. This modularity makes the

 Simpler to use software

software extremely flexible.

 Faster implementation of measurement jobs because only information relevant to the measurements is transferred. There is no need to

Client-server concept R&S ARGUS is a straight client-server application comprising a measurement unit (server) and a control unit (client).

fiddle around with files  Cost-effective solution as the connection to the measurement section can be interrupted during a measurement, so cutting costs  Only one measurement unit is occupied during the connection and not the whole PC

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Basic module of Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS Device drivers




Interactive meas. mode

Remote control interface

Device drivers



Direction finders

Bearing meas. mode

Data exchange interface

Device drivers



Automatic meas. mode

Spectrum management database interface

Device drivers



System devices

Evaluation module

Device control interface



Order report module

Web control interface


DIFF Difference meas. module

SIS Station information system

CMM Coverage meas. mode

DM Digital meas. mode




Guided meas. mode

Synchronous meas. mode

Pulse meas. mode




Record & Replay module

Parallel meas. mode

Identification module

Modules of R&S ARGUS

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Security concept Besides the password protection already

They are invisible to members of other groups.

implemented in Windows, the security concept of

Every user is assigned to one user group. In a file

R&S ARGUS comprises four areas:

he has generated, the user can set the user group to Public. This allows users in other user groups to

 Security through special access rights to files  Security through user groups as owners of the files

read and edit this file. The software recognizes two user classes with different access rights: Administrator and User.

 User class concept with grading of access rights

Every user must be assigned to exactly one user

 Password protection

class. These user classes have different rights. The users of the user class Administrator can access all the software. Those in the user class User can

R&S ARGUS has a security concept that authenticates users via a user name and password in different security areas. This ensures that data cannot be edited or deleted by every user. Users generally have different measurement and

access all the software except the configuration part. Every user authenticates himself in his user group and user class by entering a password when logging on to R&S ARGUS.

evaluation interests. It is assumed that users with similar interests are grouped together in a User Group. R&S ARGUS stipulates that users wishing to measure with the definition files of another user or evaluate the data of another user must belong to the same user group as the other user. A set of data which is to be evaluated must be comparable. R&S ARGUS requires that any set of data which is to be evaluated must come from the selected Measurement Units. User Groups are the current owners of R&S ARGUS files. These user-selectable, user group names are assigned to each user. All files are stored with the user group name of the user.

Measurement modes All measurement tasks being run by the measurement software can share the same hardware, i.e. measurement devices and accessories. Naturally, the hardware can be available to one task for a certain time only. Nevertheless, thanks to sophisticated task scheduling within the software, the different measurement modes are able to consecutively use the hardware resources according to the time and priorities the operator has set for each. As long as the number and duration of the tasks are within reasonable bounds, it is easy to arrange for several measurement modes to use the same hardware. All this is available under a single license with R&S ARGUS running on the system process controller.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Different measurement modes offer the various

This mode provides the operator with a fast way to

monitoring, measuring and direction finding activi-

monitor, measure, locate and identify emissions.

ties in a very dedicated way. These measurement modes are:

The system visualizer in R&S ARGUS produces the schematic of a selected radio monitoring station:

 direct measurement mode (DMM)  interactive measurement mode (IMM)

antennas, receivers, analyzers, decoders and recording equipment with all their connections are shown in graphical representation. The required

 bearing measurement mode (BMM)

connections between antennas and receivers can

 automatic measurement mode (AMM)

be selected and switched by a single mouse click.

 synchronous measurement mode (SYNC)  parallel measurement mode (PAR)  digital measurement mode (DM)  guided measurement mode (GMM)  coverage measurement mode (CMM)  pulse measurement mode (PMM)

A second mouse click, on a device icon, opens the interface from which the user can control the device and perform the measurements. This interface simulates the functions and the settings of the device. Depending on the device driver, it contains several tabs each corresponding to a measurement type which can be performed by the device in question. Depending of the measurement type, the measurement results are shown using different types of graphics, tables or a numerical display. The mea-

Direct Measurement Mode

surement results can be saved for further analysis or for printing out.

The direct measurement mode (DMM) is used to control the measurement equipment directly via virtual control panels.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Example illustrating the direct measurement mode with Monitoring Receiver R&S ESMB

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Interactive Measurement Mode

the necessary capability. Frequencies which are not of interest to the user can be suppressed for any

The interactive measurement mode (IMM) is used

measurement. If limits for a measurement parame-

to obtain an overview of a spectrum, for analyzing

ter are defined, signal analysis can be started au-

and identifying electromagnetic emissions, for ob-

tomatically if the value goes above or below the

taining results when an antenna is moved, for ana-

limit, e.g. to identify the appropriate transmission.

lyzing intermodulation, for performing coverage measurements and for automatic detection of unknown signals. Different IMM modes provide direct access to various activities. These modes are:  Spectrum  Signal Analysis  Antenna Analysis  Intermodulation Analysis  Coverage Measurement  Detection of Unknown Signals

The dialog window is split into two sections. The upper section has the same settings for all modes. It contains the parameters for the selection of the mode, the selection of the devices, the most im-

Example illustrating the spectrum mode in the interactive measurement mode

portant device settings and the Start, Stop and Settings >> buttons. If the user wants to set special

The measurement results are displayed using a

device settings, it is possible to open the device

cartesian diagram (measurement value vs. fre-

interfaces. With the Settings >> button the dialog

quency). The measurement results can be saved

window can be enlarged. The enlarged section

for further evaluation or printed out. A report can be

contains the settings for the selected mode.

printed out directly from the IMM.

The Spectrum mode gives the user a quick overview (level) of a frequency spectrum. This can be performed with scan (scanning from start frequency to stop frequency using frequency increments), frequency list scan (scanning using frequencies from a frequency list) or transmitter list scan (scanning using frequencies from a transmitter list). Additional measurements (e.g. the frequency offset or modulation) on all signals within the frequency band can also be made if the receiver has Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS

Typical measurement result from the spectrum mode


In the Signal Analysis mode electromagnetic

interest. The receiver is then automatically set to

emissions can be analyzed and identified.

that frequency. The use of this method means that

The user can select the frequency and the mea-

ly and quickly.

the measured spectrum can be analyzed very easisurement parameters (e.g. level, frequency offset, bandwidth, modulation or location), depending on the capability of the selected devices. In the Antenna Analysis mode, level measurements are performed on one frequency while the azimuth, the elevation or the height of a directional antenna is varied. This mode is only activated for steerable antennas. The user can define the antenna settings in two ways: he can select a range for the antenna and the antenna covers this range using the selected step width or he can select a settings list. In this list, he can enter antenna settings.

Example illustrating the signal analysis mode in the interactive measurement mode

The measurement results are displayed using a yt plot (measurement value vs. time). The measurement results can be saved for further evaluation or printing out. A report can be printed directly from the IMM.

Example illustrating antenna analysis in the interactive measurement mode

The measurement results are shown as a polar diagram (azimuth and elevation) or as a cartesian diagram (height). Moving a directional antenna for 360° and displaying the level vs. the azimuth gives immediately the Typical measurement result obtained in Signal Analysis mode

If the user wants to change the frequency during the measurement, this can be done very conveniently by using the graphic of the spectrum mode. Simply position the marker on the frequency of Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS

direction of maximum intensity, i.e. the direction towards the transmitter. Thus, this mode can also be used for direction finding. This is especially important for frequencies above 3 GHz, the upper limit for most current direction finders.


The measurement results can be saved for further

where I is the frequency on which the intermodula-

evaluation or to be printed out. A report can be

tion is observed, A, B and C are the originating

printed directly from the IMM. Typical measurement

frequencies and the coefficients X, Y and Z the

result from the Antenna Analysis mode

given harmonics. The number of originating frequencies, the maximum harmonics with two originating frequencies and the maximum harmonics with three originating frequencies are entered by the user. The maximum harmonics if there is one original frequency is 10. Some examples: Number of originating frequencies: 1 Formulas: 2A, 3A, 4A, ..., 10 A Number of originating frequencies: 1 and 2 Max. harmonics with two originating freq.: 2 Formulas: 2A, 3A, 4A, ..., 10 A, A+B, A-B, -A+B, 2A+B, 2A-B, -2A+B, A+2B, A-2B, -A+2B, 2A+2B, 2A-2B, -2A+2B

Typical measurement result obtained in Antenna analysis mode

Number of originating frequencies: 1 and 2 and 3 Max. harmonics with two originating freq.: 1 Max. harmonics with three originating freq.: 1 Formulas: 2A, 3A, 4A, ..., 10 A, A+B, A-B, -A+B, A+B+C, A-B+C, A-B-C, -A+B+C, -A-B+C

The Intermodulation Analysis mode is used to track the emission producing an intermodulated

All frequencies determined in steps one and two

signal. Intermodulations with up to three source

are possible originating frequencies. The user can

signals are taken into account.

add or delete frequencies from this list. The originating frequencies are determined as follows:

There are four steps: Number of originating frequencies = 1: First, the spectrum associated with the frequency

A is calculated from the formulas and then a check

range to be investigated is measured in the spec-

is made to determine if this frequency ( IF band-

trum mode.

width / 2) is in the list of possible originating frequencies.

Second, the number of frequency values can be restricted to a reasonable number by setting a

Number of originating frequencies = 2:

threshold. Only frequencies with levels above the

B is directly determined from the list of possible

threshold are used. It is assumed that only strong

originating frequencies. A is calculated from the

transmitters are causing intermodulation.

formulas and then a check is made to determine if

Third, the possible originating frequencies are cal-

possible originating frequencies.

this frequency ( IF bandwidth / 2) is in the list of culated. The formula for calculating is I = ± X x A ± Y x B ± Z x C,

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Example illustrating intermodulation analysis in the interactive measurement mode with typical IMA result calculated in the intermodulation analysis mode

Number of originating frequencies = 3: B and C combinations are calculated from the list of possible originating frequencies. A is calculated from the formulas and then a check is made to determine if this frequency ( IF bandwidth / 2) is in the list of possible originating frequencies.

In the final step, the intermodulation products calculated in this way can now be investigated by clicking the Start button in the IMM dialog window. All frequencies which can theoretically cause the intermodulation are compared acoustically with the observed intermodulation, using the receiver’s builtin demodulator.

The results are stored in an IMA Result file, sorted in the order of decreasing probability. The most probable results are those with the fewest original frequencies and the lowest order. The calculation results can be saved to an IMA Result file and reloaded at a later date.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


In the Coverage Measurement mode, level mea-

With frequency list scan, the results of one frequen-

surements are performed while driving. This mode

cy are displayed. After the measurement the results

is only activated if a GPS receiver is available.

of the other frequencies can be displayed one by one.

Measurements can be performed with fixed frequency mode (measurement using one frequency)

The user can set the time interval parameter. This

and frequency list scan (scanning using frequencies

is the time interval between two measurements.

from a frequency list). The results are displayed on electronic maps using the Geographical Information Software R&S MapView, where different colors represent different level ranges.

Example illustrating a measurement result of a coverage measurement displayed in R&S MapView

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


The Detection of Unknown Frequencies mode provides a very efficient way to automatically identify new, unknown transmitters. In a first step a freely definable frequency range is scanned. Then, ARGUS will determine on which frequencies there is an emission. This can be done fully automatically (mathematically speaking, ARGUS will calculate local maxima in the spectrum). Additionally, the criterion for distinguishing noise from transmitters can be a user defined threshold or limit line. For fine tuning, e.g. to select weak signals from strong noise, a level offset can be applied. The result will be a list of occupied frequencies. In order to easily identify new, unknown emissions a list of known or licensed transmitters can be selected. These frequencies will not be included in the final list. Thus, the final result will be a list of occupied frequencies which are not known or licensed. This list can be saved for further evaluation and identification. Almost 40 transmitters have been automatically detected (see lower graphic), but after applying a reference list (e.g. imported from a license database) only 2 frequencies remain “unknown”

Live measurement in MaxHold mode (red trace) and automatically determined “transmitters”

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Bearing Measurement Mode

bearing, along with the longitude and latitude (if there are at least two stations or a SSL (single sta-

The bearing measurement mode is used to locate

tion location) station) and the error radius of the

transmitters. Up to four direction finders can be

target location (if there are at least three stations).

controlled simultaneously. The DF stations, bear-

With the >> button the dialog window can be en-

ings and locations can be displayed on digital maps


within the Geographic Information Software R&S MapView.

In the Bearing mode, single-shot or continuous bearing measurements are performed on all emis-

The following three BMM modes handle the activities in question:

sions at one selected frequency within a range of 360 degrees or within sector(s) defined by the operator. Up to four measurement stations can be

 Bearing  Replay

used simultaneously. The controlled devices can be direction finders or

 Combine

directional antennas on azimuth rotators. The direc-

The dialog window is split into two sections. The

tional antenna is rotated step-by-step through the

upper section has all settings for the selected

angle range and the level is measured. The meas-

mode. The lower section contains the bearing re-

urements are displayed as a polar diagram. The

sults from every station involved, together with lev-

results are evaluated after all azimuth steps have

el, bearing, quality and recording time of the

been performed.

Example illustrating the bearing mode in the bearing measurement mode

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


The angle with the maximum or minimum level

If, for any reason, it is not possible to set up a con-

(depending on the antenna) is displayed as bearing

nection to a measurement station, the results can

result. With this method it is possible to do direction

be transmitted verbally from the remote station and

finding at frequencies way above 3 GHz, the upper

entered manually on to the system by the user.

limit for currently available direction finders. Using appropriate antennas and down converter ARGUS can perform DF up to 256 GHz.

In order to identify the emission or to make sure, that all direction finders are tracking the same signal, it is possible to listen to the audio of all stations

The results are then automatically transferred to

involved. Furthermore, the IF spectra can be dis-

R&S MapView and/or Google Earth, where the


bearing results are displayed. A result history is provided in the BMM dialog window and in R&S

The bearing results can be saved for further evalua-

MapView and GoogleEarth to determine the best

tion, replayed, combined or printed.

transmitter bearing. Using an appropriate transmitter list, the position of known transmitters can also

This mode can be included in the interactive mea-

be displayed on the map. This way the origin of a

surement mode and in the automatic measurement

transmission can be very easily determined.


Example illustrating the bearing measurement mode (three stations connected) with results shown in R&S MapView

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


In the Replay mode, previously recorded bearing

This mode is also useful if a user has only one ve-

results are displayed in the BMM dialog window

hicle. Firstly, the vehicle must move to the initial DF

and/or in R&S MapView and GoogleEarth.

point. The bearing is taken. Then, the vehicle must move to the next DF point and again the bearing is

After the bearing result and the time period have

taken. The two bearings are then used to determine

been selected, the bearing results can be displayed

the location of the transmitter (running fix). If nec-

singly or continuously.

essary, further bearings can be taken and combined.

Example illustrating the replay mode in the bearing measurement mode

The Combine mode is used to combine previously

When the bearing results, the frequency and, if

recorded bearing results. This is very useful for

required, the level and quality threshold have been

users without any direct connection to the DF sta-

selected, the bearing results can be combined.

tions. The bearing measurements can be performed in each station. Later, the bearing results

The results can be displayed in the Bearing Result

can be combined somewhere else and the location

dialog window and/or in R&S MapView and

of the transmitter can be calculated.

GoogleEarth using the Replay mode.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Example illustrating the Combine mode in the bearing measurement mode

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Automatic Measurement Mode

Rotators and masts can also be controlled so that the measurements are also performed at certain

The automatic measurement mode is used to au-

azimuths, elevations, polarizations and heights.

tomatically perform measurements according to a schedule. The user defines the measurement tasks and starts them. Then the measurements will be performed automatically, exactly as defined by the

The measurement results can be saved in different

user. The measurement results can be evaluated


while the task is being performed or when it has been completed.

 Measurement result: All measurement results are saved.

The measurement runs at the measurement unit. This means that in case of remote control (i.e. control and measurement unit are running on different computers) no connection between the measurement unit and the control unit is required during the measurement, thus drastically minimizing network costs. Simply connect from the control unit to the meas-

 MaxHold: Only one data record with the MaxHold value for each frequency is saved. If the measurement task exceeds 23:59:49 the MaxHold values of the day are buffered at midnight and the measurement result file is deleted. The MaxHold determination is continued the next day with the buffered values as first input.  Compressed measurement result: The mean, the

urement unit, define and start the measurement

maximum, the minimum value and the standard

and disconnect. The measurement will continue

deviation during a user defined period is saved

and the results will be saved in the measurement

for each frequency.

unit. When the control unit and the measurement unit are connected again, the measurement results can be transferred.

 Measurement result during an alarm: Measurement results are only saved if an alarm criterion if fulfilled, i.e. a measurement values exceeds the upper or lower limit.

Cyclic measurements can be performed at certain times of the day and over a period of days, months or even years. Long-term monitoring of parameters can be performed. For each frequency and parameter an upper and/or lower limit can be defined. If during a

 Begin and end of an alarm: For each frequency where an alarm condition is fulfilled, date, time, measurement value and status (High, Low, OK) are saved.  Measurement result during and compressed measurement result outside an alarm: If no alarm

measurement one of these limits has been exceed-

condition is active: the mean, the maximum, the

ed several options are possible. The alarms can be

minimum value and the standard deviation dur-

displayed on the screen at a manned station or

ing a user defined period is saved for each fre-

passed to the central station if the alarm is at an


unmanned station. Furthermore, a new measure-

If an alarm condition is active: all measurement

ment can be started for a detailed examination of a

results are saved.

frequency that triggered the alarm. It is possible e.g. to perform various modulation measurements, the audio can be recorded or additional measurement stations with DF equipment can be integrated in order to determine the location of that emitter.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


The user can set up an AMM procedure quickly and

The second definition file is the measurement defi-

easily using the AMM Wizard. The AMM Wizard


guides the user through the appropriate dialog windows where he can make the necessary entries to

For each measurement, the user selects the range

set up the AMM. The Wizard then generates the

definition (i.e. the devices and appropriate settings),

necessary definition files.

the measurement type (scan, frequency list scan, transmitter list scan or fixed frequency mode) and the measurement frequency or frequencies. For location measurements, the parameters of the bearing measurement mode must be set. Measurements where the azimuth or elevation of a directional antenna is varied can only be performed with steerable antennas. The measurement results can be saved for further evaluation; the type of graphic (yt plot, cartesian diagram, 3D waterfall diagram, polar diagram, 2D waterfall diagram) can be selected if appropriate for the measurement.

The first of the five AMM Wizard steps available

To provide a high level of flexibility, three definition files are used to define an automatic measurement task. The first definition file is the range definition – for all frequency ranges of interest the user can define individual devices to be used and their settings. The available measurement parameters for all subranges are also displayed.

Example illustrating a measurement definition

The alarm conditions and actions for a measurement parameter can be defined. A limit can be defined by a limit value (limit value is constant over the frequency range), by a limit line (limit values vary over the frequency range) or by the limit values from the transmitter list. The alarm actions can be a message, a signal tone or a measurement.

Example illustrating a range definition

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


The third definition file is the timing definition where

The timing definition can be selected in the auto-

the user selects the measurement definition, the

matic measurement mode dialog window. The user

start and stop date, the daily start and stop, the

can then start the measurement by clicking the

measurement interval. The day of the week on

Start button. The graphics are opened automatical-

which measurements are to be performed can also


be selected.

Example illustrating a timing definition

Example illustrating result of automatic measurement mode

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Difference measurement module

After that the difference is calculated and displayed.

The difference measurement module is an addition

The saving of the difference results are done via

to the automatic measurement mode. With this

special criteria for each frequency. These criteria

module simultaneous measurements with two re-

can be a limit value, a limit line or both.

ceivers or analyzers of the same type can be performed. This feature can be used with scan (scan-

Limit value selected, limit line not selected:

ning from start frequency to stop frequency using

Difference level > limit value  Saving

frequency increments) and frequency list scan (scanning using frequencies from a frequency list).

Limit value selected, limit line selected:

After each scan the difference of the two measure-

Difference level > limit value AND field strength of

ments is calculated. The frequency spectrum of

the reference receiver > limit line  Saving

both devices and the difference can be displayed in graphics.

Limit value not selected, limit line selected:

To eliminate noise a threshold can be defined by

 Saving

Field strength of the reference receiver > limit line the user. The frequency spectrum of each receiver is calculated for each frequency as follows:

The date and time, frequency, field strengths of both receivers and the difference will be saved.

Measured field strength  threshold  field strength = measured field strength Measured field strength < threshold  field strength = threshold

All standard receivers and spectrum analyzers can be used. Thus, the frequency range from 100 Hz up to 256 GHz is covered.

Monitored room Antenna R&S EM100 Reference room Antenna R&S EM100 Operator room Control/Meas. PC LAN Hub


Installed modules: Basic module R&S AMM R&S DIFF R&S ARGUS-RX

Example for using the difference measurement module

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


The lower graphic shows the result of the reference receiver, taken in a nearby “clean” room. The middle graphic shows the result of the monitoring receiver, taken at the same time in the room to check. The upper graphic displays the difference of the two spectra. Note the strong emission at 93,1 MHz clearly peeking out in the difference spectrum. It can as well be seen in the spectrum of the monitoring receiver. But here it is just one emission among many, many others, nothing indicating that this peak is “suspicious”.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Synchronous measurement mode

A slave device can be operated in the Set or the Follow Mode. In the Set Mode frequency and

The synchronous measurement mode is a func-

measurement settings will be transferred once,

tional upgrade of the device driver EB200, ESMB,

upon user action. In the Follow Mode subsequent


changes of frequency and / or measurement set-

DDF255 and DDF0xAE.

tings at the master device will be transferred to the slave device, automatically.

It allows to define master devices in the Direct Measurement Mode (DMM), which are able to con-

Also, the Bearing Measurement Mode (only for

trol one or more slave devices. The master device

software option BMM) can be controlled by a mas-

analyses a frequency spectrum (DScan, Scan,

ter device.

FLScan, Sweep) while the slave device analyses a single frequency selected at the master device using the marker function. In addition to the frequency the measurement settings will be transferred from the master to the slave device.

Example of ESMB as Master with 4 Slave devices

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Digital measurement mode

Typical modulation standards for which default settings are available are i.e. GSM, UMTS, DAB,

The new digital measurement mode is optimized for

DVB, WLAN or Bluetooth.

dedicated measurements of digitally modulated signals.

Among the supported measurements is the determination of the vestigial side band emissions. This

Special emphasis has been given to provide maxi-

is of particular importance with DAB and DVB-T

mum support for users who are less experienced in

transmitters. Here, due to the almost rectangular

this relatively new field of measurements. The op-

shape of the RF spectrum, practically the full

erator is guided step by step through several dialog

transmitting energy is present directly at the bound-

windows each prompting for the relevant infor-

ary to channels of adjacent radio services. Given


the large number of carriers within this kind of signal, the formation of intermodulation products is

Depending on the selected measurement type and

very likely.

modulation standard the device settings are automatically set to be a perfect match for this kind of signal. If the user modifies these settings, values which would lead to a non-compliant measurement are marked in red, clearly indicating that this parameter should be changed.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Parallel measurement mode

All the results are combined into a single file, saved on the measurement unit where the parallel meas-

The parallel measurement mode can be used for

urement mode has been started.

synchronized measurements of a parameter using up to four different measurement units.

It is also possible to listen to the audio of all devices involved. Thus, it can be easily confirmed that all

Like the bearing measurement mode where up to

stations are really monitoring the same transmitter.

four measurement units can perform combined direction finding, the parallel measurement mode can be used for combined measurements of any parameter. First, the operator selects the measurement units and the devices used for this task. Next, he selects the parameter to be measured and defines the device settings. Upon starting the measurement the connections to the measurement units are established, the settings are sent to the devices and the measurements are performed.

Dialog window of parallel measurement mode

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Guided measurement mode

It is possible for the operator to modify these settings. Any settings, which are not compliant with the

The guided measurement mode is especially de-

relevant ITU recommendation, are marked in red,

signed for less experienced operators.

clearly indicating the discrepancy. Even with the non-compliant settings the measurements can be

Key point here is the integrated knowledge data


base. For a large number of frequency ranges default values for the device settings are defined.

If the measurement results are saved, it is indicated

These defaults depend on the frequency, the

in the file info whether the parameters were compli-

measurement parameter (e.g. Level, Offset, Band-

ant or not.

width, …) and are defined according to the relevant ITU recommendations.

Thus, the operator is given a very powerful tool which guides him in order to quickly and efficiently

The user simply selects the frequency / frequency

perform his measurement tasks the way it is rec-

range and the measurement parameter(s). The

ommended by the ITU.

system automatically offers only those devices which can perform the measurements according to the ITU recommendations. Also, the default values are displayed in the dialog window.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Coverage measurement mode

Like in the Guided and in the Digital Measurement Mode default values for a large number of frequen-

The coverage measurement mode supplies

cy ranges are predefined. The operator simply se-

extended possibilities for measurements of

lects the frequency (range) and ARGUS suggests

analogue and digital signals according to the

optimum device setting according to the resp. ITU

relevant ITU requirements.

recommendations. These settings can be modified

For analogue signals the measurement parameters

cated by a bold red font.

by the operator but non-compliant settings are indiLevel and Adjacent Channel Interference (Carrier to Interference Ratio) are provided. For digital signals

To further enhance to usability and operator sup-

Level, Bit Error Rate (BER, for DVB-T) and Channel

port the maximum recommended vehicle speed is

Impuls Response (CIR, for DVB-T) are provided. All

displayed (the ITU recommends to perform 50 indi-

parameters are measured while driving. A

vidual measurements within the distance of 40 ).

connected GPS adds high-precision geocoordinates for each measurement point.

The results are displayed on electronic maps using the Geographical Information Software R&S

Measurements can either be performed on a single

MapView, where different colors represent different,

frequency or on multiple frequencies defined in a

user-definable value ranges.

frequency list. The integrated View mode enables the operator to quickly scan the spectrum and detect emissions on adjacent channels.

Dialog window of coverage measurement mode

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Pulse Measurement Mode

Finally, these values are compared with data from a reference data base. Thus, the signals can be

The pulse measurement mode is designed to


detect, analyse and identify pulsed signals. Both data bases (for device settings and reference In a first step the frequency range of interest is

values) can be edited and modified by the operator.

scanned. A list of all currently active frequencies is created automatically. Like in the other guided modes the operator can select a predefined frequency range and ARGUS will provide the appropriate device settings. Subsequently, characteristic parameters like pulse duration, pulse repetition rate, scan cycle or beam width are determined for the signals found in step one. Again, the device settings are based on the internal knowledge data base.

Example illustrating step 3 of the pulse measurement mode

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS



If more than one frequency is to be analyzed or if the decoding mode of the signal is already known,

The identification module is an extremely powerful

the Automatic Measurement Mode (AMM) is a very

tool when it comes to decoding signals.

efficient tool.

More than 110 decoding modes have been imple-

All results can be saved for further evaluation and

mented in the software. The operator can use the


decoder in various measurement modes. Where applicable the audio of the signal can also be recorded and later on replayed.

Dialog window IDNT

In the Direct Measurement Mode (DMM) the operator can e.g. try out different modes to analyze a signal until the identification is complete. Receiver parameters like frequency and IF bandwidth can be conveniently set via the corresponding receiver dialog window.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Decoding Mode

Measurement Parameter

Special Modes

AUM13, EPIRB, GMDSS HF, G-TOR, DGPS-SC104 (not implemented), GW-Dataplex, HF Datalink, IRA ARQ, Merod, MUM-13, Skyfax, Twinplex, VISEL

FEC Modes

FEC100, FEC100 dirty, FEC100 interleaved, FED100 raw, FEC-A, FEC-S, FEC-B SITOR-B, ROU-FEC, HNG-FEC

MFSK Modes

Coquelet-8, Coquelet-13, Coquelet-8 FEC, Coquelet-8 FEC auto, Coquelet-8 FEC auto start, CROWD 36, Piccolo 6, Piccolo 12, FIRE, MFSK 16, MFSK 18, FMSK 20, RF7B

CIS Modes

405-395, 81-29, 81-81, Baudot-F7B, BEE 36-50, CIS-12 Fire, CIS-11 TORG-10/11, CIS-14 TORG-14, R 37

ARQ Modes

ARQ-2 TDM-242, ARQ-4 TDM-342, ARQ6-70, ARQ6-90/98, ARQ 625 SITOR A, ARQ-DUPLEX, ARQ-E, ARQ-E3, ARQ-Pol, ARQ-Swed, ARQ-S ARQ-1000, HC-ARQ, RS-ARQ, RS-ARQ Merlin, TOR Dirty

MIL STD 188 Series

MIL STD 188-110 39-tone, MIL STD 188-110 serial, MIL STD 188-110 141 ALE, STANAG-4285, STANAG-4529

Audio Recording

Radio Quality, Telephone Quality

Common Modes






List of implemented decoding modes

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Digital Radio Mondial (DRM)

Furthermore, status information about synchronization and various CRCs are given.

Digital Radio Mondial is the new digital radio system for frequencies < 30 MHz (currently). Some of

Various technical parameters are measured and

the benefits are that existing long-, short- and me-

displayed. All results can be saved for later evalua-

dium-wave bands can be used. With the COFMD

tion. This includes the audio signal as well as mul-

modulation near-FM audio quality can be reached.

timedia content.

In addition to the audio further data and information can be transmitted simultaneously.

The ARGUS device driver displays the output data of the DRM decoder. Most importantly, the names of the available services are shown. After the operator has selected a service relevant information like service name, bit rate, audio compression format, sample rates are shown.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


If additional data is transmitted, it will also be displayed. This can be simple text messages or even multimedia content like graphics or slide shows.

Of course, it is possible to simply listen to the radio program via the PC speakers. Hardware requirements are receivers with LAN interface, e.g. ESMB (with HF-option); EB200 or EM050 / EM550 and for the PC a soundcard with speaker / headphones.

Example of a DRM measurement result file

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS



The operator can define the audio quality mode, the sensitivity of the Line-In interface as well as the

One of the fastest and most efficient ways to identi-


fy an emission is to simply listen to the signal. One can tell immediately what kind of information is

For devices which provide digital audio the situation

broadcasted. In case of voice it is clearly distin-

is even easier. The controls for volume and audio

guishable whether it is direct communication like

quality are automatically integrated into the respec-

taxi or air traffic control or general broadcast like

tive device drivers. Devices which currently support

radio or TV and after a short period of time it is

this feature are EB200, ESMB, EM510, EM550,

usually possible to tell who is transmitting. In case

PR100, EM100, ESMD, DDF255, DDF0xA and

of data transmission one can usually not directly


decode the content. But the type of transmission has been determined. Very experienced operators

The digital audio is also available in the Bearing

can even tell the type of modulation by listening.

Measurement Mode (BMM) and Parallel Measure-

This information is extremely helpful for further

ment Mode (PAR). This means, e.g. that while the

analysis of the signal, e.g. using the ARGUS IDNT

direction finding and location is being performed the


operator can listen live to the audio of all direction finder / receiver involved. That is very useful to

Consequently, in all the relevant places within

make sure that all devices are investigating the

ARGUS it is possible to listen to the audio. When

same transmitter since with direction finder being

the option ARR is available analogue and digital

far away from each other it may happen that one

audio can be transferred from the devices to the

device monitors a different transmitter using the

PC. Here, the audio can be output to the PC

same frequency.

speaker, so that the operator can listen even if the device itself is far away.

The audio signals, both from analogue and digital sources are also available in remote control mode.

Devices with analogue audio output (e.g. FSPx,

Thus, an operator in a national control station can

EK89x) are connected to the Line-In input of the

listen to the live signal taken in a remote measure-

soundcard. In this case the device configuration

ment station hundreds of kilometers away. Thanks

has to be set up accordingly. To listen to the audio

to the highly sophisticated client / server architec-

the following dialog window is used.

ture of the ARGUS system a network bandwidth of only 2.5 kbit/s is required for good quality audio transfer.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Record and Replay

Selecting a result file and clicking on the Replay button in the Navigator will open the Replay dialog

In addition to listen to the audio signal the ARR


option furthermore enables to record the audio data and IF spectra. These data can be saved as a nor-

All the measurement parameter from the file can be

mal ARGUS measurement result file. The standard

selected for replay. The results can be displayed as

measurement result file options like display as text,

a table as well as in various types of graphics.

edit, delete, create and read backup files, … are available.

Bearing results can additionally be displayed in the Geographic Information Software R&S MapView.

Furthermore, saved measurement result files can be replayed. This means that the data is displayed

The progress bar in the Replay dialog window indi-

in exactly the same time steps as it has been rec-

cates the current replay position. The same infor-

orded. (Note: This is a major difference compared

mation can be seen in the table editor and in the

to the Open as Graphic option, where all results are

preview window where it is indicated by the marker.

shown at once.)

The audio can be output via the soundcard and Example of replay mode: IF spectrum, IF spectrum MaxHold, IF spectrum history, level and offset as graphic all results as table plus audio (not visible)

speakers / headphones. For improved usability the replay speed and the volume can be adjusted.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Process measurement result files

 evaluated to create statistical data like compressed results, MaxHold results, measurement

Four possibilities are available to process meas-

results during an alarm, begin and end of an

urement results in R&S ARGUS. A measurement

alarm or measurement result during and com-

result file can be

pressed measurement result outside an alarm

 combined with other measurement result files in one measurement result file for a common eval-

 extended with information from transmitter lists and occupancy data.

uation  split in different files with filter criteria like time, frequency, measurement values or antenna settings

Process Measurement Result Files dialog window

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Displaying measurement results The measurement results can always be displayed in alphanumerical format. Additionally, a graphical representation is possible. Both, live graphics as well as offline graphics (display of previously recorded results) are available. Depending on the type of measurement, the following graphic types can be selected: y-t plot, cartesian diagram, polar diagram, 3D waterfall diagram and 2D waterfall diagram with frequency occupancy diagram.

Measurement result displayed in the table editor and displayed as 3D waterfall diagram

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Measurement result displayed as 2D waterfall diagram with frequency occupancy diagram

Measurement result displayed as polar diagram

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Evaluation module

Frequency Band Occupancy

With the evaluation module, the following software

Frequency band occupancy involves the calculation of the occupancy for the whole frequency band measured. Two graphics are opened:

functions are available:  Statistics according to ITU recommendations can be performed  Automatic detection of unknown transmitters  Report generation is possible

 The 2D waterfall diagram shows frequency along the x-axis and time along the y-axis. A symbol represents the measurement values that exceed a user-defined threshold.  The frequency occupancy diagram shows frequency along the x-axis and frequency occupan-

Statistics With the evaluation module a comprehensive statis-

cy values in [%] along the y-axis. The frequency occupancy is calculated for every frequency as follows:

tical analysis of measurement results can be made according to ITU recommendations. The following statistics are available:  Frequency band occupancy  Frequency channel occupancy

Number of meas. values  Threshold  100 Total number of meas. values

 Measurement value statistics  Transmission statistics  Sub-audio tone statistics

Example illustrating frequency band occupancy

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Frequency Channel Occupancy

An overshoot frequency of 0% means that no measured value is greater than or equal to a partic-

For this kind of statistic three types are available:

ular measured value. This value is the largest measured value plus a value corresponding to the

 Occupancy over the time: the frequency occu-

smallest step width of the measured value unit. The

pancy is displayed in [%] along the time axis.

overshoot frequencies 0%, 10%, 50%, 90% and

The time axis begins with the start date and time

100% are important representative values.

of the measurement result and ends with the stop date and time of the measurement result.  Occupancy, 24 Hours: this option is only available if the measurement took longer than 24 hours. Then the maximum, mean and minimum occupancy is calculated and displayed for each interval from 00:00 h until 24:00 h. Only the selected days of the week are considered.  Overshoot frequencies over the time: the over-

In addition to the graphical statistics various statistical data can be calculated in the Frequency Channel Occupancy dialog window: Revisit time: The revisit time is directly dependent on the measurement time, the number of channels (in case of a frequency list scan), and any waiting time between the individual measurements:

shoot frequencies 0%, 10%, 50%, 90% and

Revisit time = (measurement time per channel +

100% of the measured values are displayed

waiting time per channel) x (number of channels)

along the time axis. The graph consists of bars whose width represents the interval. The over-

Transmission length:

shoot frequencies 0% (maximum value), 10%,

Transmission length is the duration of a transmis-

50%, 90% and 100% (minimum value) are

sion data burst that is above the specified threshold

shown as lines within the bar at the correspond-

level. The accuracy of the transmission length de-

ing measured value.

termination depends highly on the revisit time. Busy hour:

The occupancy is calculated for every interval as

Busy hour is defined as the moment on the sliding-


hour average line where the occupancy is at the highest within a 24 hour interval from 00:00 to

Number of meas. values  threshold  100 Total number of meas. values

24:00. As an example with an interval of 15 minutes the sliding hour average determination is done in two steps: First samples of 15 minutes are aver-

The overshoot frequency is calculated for every measurement value as follows:

aged, resulting in 96 samples per day. Second each 15 minutes average-value is then used to form a so-called sliding 1-hour average. That is 4

Number of meas. values  a measured value  100 pieces of 15-minutes samples are averaged 96 Total number of meas. values times a day (beginning at each quarter of an hour).

An overshoot frequency of 100% means that all measured values are greater than or equal to a particular measured value. It therefore follows that this is the lowest measured value.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Frequency Channel Occupancy dialog window

Example illustrating frequency channel occupancy: Occupancy over the time (green trace) and Busy Hour (red trace)

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Example illustrating frequency channel occupancy: Overshoot frequencies over the time

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Measurement Value Statistics

 The overshoot frequency graph has the measured value along the x-axis and the overshoot

The Measurement Value Statistics indicate how

frequency in [%] along the y-axis. The overshoot

often each measured value occurs and how often

frequency is calculated for every measurement

each measured value has been exceeded. These

value as follows:

calculations can be used to provide information about the variance of measured values, the stability of measured values, the environmental noise component and cross-modulation and intermodulation effects. Two graphics are opened:

Number of meas. values  a measured value  100 Total number of meas. values An overshoot frequency of 100% means that all measured values are greater than or equal to a particular measured value. It therefore follows that

 The measured value frequency graph has the measurement value along the x-axis and the fre-

this is the lowest measured value. An overshoot frequency of 0% means that no measured value is

quency [%] along the y-axis. The measured val-

greater than or equal to a particular measured val-

ue frequency is calculated for every mea-

ue. This value is the greatest measured value plus

surement value as follows:

a value corresponding to the smallest step width of the measured value unit. The overshoot frequen-

Number of meas. values for a measured value  100 Total number of meas. values

cies 0%, 10%, 50%, 90% and 100% are important representative values.

Example illustrating measurement value statistics

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Transmission Statistic

 The Transmission Statistics - Transmission graph shows transmission time along the x-axis

Transmission statistic enables the user to deter-

and transmission in [%] along the y-axis. The

mine how often and how long a channel has been

transmission times are displayed using 1-second

used for transmission. The threshold for these sta-

grids. The graph is not displayed if the threshold

tistics is settable. The following definitions apply:

is not exceeded twice within the entire measurement time.

t(tot): Total observation time (t(on) + t(off)).

Number of transmissi on times within a sec ond  100 Total number of transmissi on times

t(on): Sum of all times during which the measured value is above the threshold.  The Transmission Statistics - Gap graph shows t(off): Sum of all times during which the measured

pause time along the x-axis and the gap in [%]

value is below the threshold.

along the y-axis. The pause times are displayed

t(Trans): Sum of all times during which the mea-

if the threshold is not undershot twice within the

sured value is above the threshold. Only times at

entire measurement time.

over 5-second grids. The graph is not displayed

which the value exceeds the threshold and then

Number of pause times within 5 sec onds  100 Total number of pause times

drops below it again are counted. t(Trans) can only be calculated if the threshold is exceeded twice within t(tot). t(Gap): Sum of all times during which the measurement value is below the threshold. Only times at which the value drops below the threshold and then exceeds it again are counted. t(Gap) can only be calculated if the threshold is overshot or under-


shot twice t(tot).


Time + +

+ +

+ +

t(tot) t(on) t(off) t(trans) t(gap)

Example illustrating the definition

Two graphics are opened: Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Example illustrating transmission statistics

Sub Audio Tone Occupancy Sub-audio tone occupancy statistics enable the user to ascertain how often and how long transmissions have been made with a certain sub audio tone. The result is shown as a table. The entire transmission time (column t(on)) is given for every subaudio tone (Theo. Sub Audio Tone column). How often the tone has been measured (Number column) is also specified. Example illustrating sub audio tone occupancy

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Detection of unknown frequencies

Generation of reports

Saved scan measurement results can be used to

R&S ARGUS gives the user comprehensive docu-

automatically detect new or unknown transmitters.

mentation options with the evaluation module. Measurement results, measurement definitions and

Similar to the procedure in the Interactive Meas-

statistical evaluations in the form of graphs or ta-

urement Mode (IMM), occupied frequencies can be

bles can be compiled and configured by the user for

determined fully automatically or via limit lines and

reports. These reports can be printed out on the

thresholds. A reference list of known transmitters

operating-system printer or in an RTF format file

can be utilized to eliminate licensed stations. Thus,

with the DEI software option.

the result is a list of occupied frequencies which have not been characterized as “known” or “good”.

Via the integrated RTF-Editor the user can create various templates to modify the look and feel of the

Here, in the evaluation module this analysis is per-

report according to his own preferences or corpo-

formed offline, after the measurement. In the IMM

rate identity.

the analysis is performed live, while the measurement is still running.

Create report dialog window for generation of reports Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Station information system

provides map tools which can geo-reference and integrate standard maps in jpg-format.

The Station Information System (SIS) provides always up-to-date information on all monitoring stations in the network. The status of the stations as well as of the respective equipment is displayed on a map. For each station the following data is provided:

The map can not only display the distribution and current status of the entire monitoring network, it can also be used to select stations for the Bearing Measurement Mode (BMM) or directly establish a connection by a single click on the respective station’s icon.

 name  location (latitude, longitude)  type (fixed, mobile)  max. data transfer rate  current connection status  user logged in  measurements running  status of all devices (physical / virtual)

Furthermore, for each station equipped with a SA129 the following data is provided:  temperature  humidity

Example: distribution and status of monitoring stations within a nationwide network

 smoke  fire  open doors / windows  power supply  UPS  … (depending on selected sensors) The ARGUS system can automatically poll all configured stations in a user-definable time interval. The update can also be triggered manually. Alarm information is saved into a log file. Default maps for all countries are provided. However, the customer can also create his own maps. SIS Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS

Example: “Zoom” using a high resolution satellite image (Source: Google Earth) 46

Order Report Module

All results are send as file in XML format to the OUTBOX folder of R&S ARGUS. The application

The open interface Order Report Module (ORM)

which had sent the measurement order shall per-

enables other applications to define measurement

manently monitor the OUTBOX. It should notify an

tasks (orders) for and to receive the measurement

output immediately and retrieve it for further ac-

results (report) from the Monitoring Software R&S


ARGUS. R&S ARGUS itself can also create orders. The handling is the same like with the application. The reports with the results will send back to the originating position.

Application The ORM ARGUS Data Channel (ORM ADC) is an extension to the standard ORM. While ORM provides the report after the end of the measure-



ment, ORM ADC provides a live data stream. The output of the receivers can be sent directly to a



user-definable IP-address and port. Thus, the results are available live. However, the customer has to create his own application that deals with the data.


All orders from the application have to be send as file in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format to the INBOX folder of R&S ARGUS. The INBOX is permanently monitored by R&S ARGUS. It notifies an input immediately and transfers it to the order/report list. If the measurement order is set to automatic performance the measurements are performed automatically with an AMM. If the measurement order is set to manual performance an operator has to perform the measurements. The orders can be transmitted to several independent operating positions if the order has included tasks for them. In this case the order report module must be installed on all used positions and a network connection must be available. Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Standard interfaces The basic module of R&S ARGUS has the following

The R&S ARGUS  R&S MapView interface


transfers transmitter data, coverage results, measurement results with location information and bear-

 R&S ARGUS (Control Unit)  R&S ARGUS

ing results from R&S ARGUS to R&S MapView.

(Local Measurement Unit)  R&S ARGUS  Backup files  R&S ARGUS  R&S MapView

Prerequisite: Both software packages must be running simultaneously on one computer during the

The R&S ARGUS (Control Unit)  R&S ARGUS (Local Measurement Unit) interface transfers


R&S MapView

data between an R&S ARGUS control unit and a local R&S ARGUS measurement unit.

transfer. With the basic module transmitter data are transferred by selecting the File  Display in R&S


MapView menu command in the transmitter list editor. With the IMM software option measurement results with location information are transferred by clicking The connection is made automatically by the soft-

the Start button in the Interactive Measurement

ware when R&S ARGUS is started. Data is trans-

Mode dialog window in Coverage Measurement

ferred automatically by the software, if needed.

mode or by selecting the File  Display in R&S MapView menu command in the table editor. With the BMM software option bearing results are

The R&S ARGUS  Backup files interface saves

transferred by clicking the Start button in the Bearing Measurement Mode dialog window.

R&S ARGUS files to hard disk, or other media, and transfers files between different R&S ARGUS software packages.


Backup files

The files are created by selecting the Create Backup Files... button in the Navigator – System Files dialog window. Files are read and deleted by clicking the appropriate buttons in the Navigator – Backup Files dialog window. Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Additional interfaces R&S ARGUS has the following additional interfaces:


 Remote Control Interface (RCI)  Data Exchange Interface (DEI)

Import of dBase, Excel, text, commadelimited ASCII, Access and html files with 1. frequencies 2. general transmitter data (only EN or DE) 3. FM transmitter data (only EN or DE) 4. TV transmitter data (only EN or DE)

 Spectrum Management Database Interface (SMDI)  Device Control Interface (DCI)  Web Interface (WEB)

R&S ARGUS The Remote Control Interface (RCI) transfers data between an R&S ARGUS control unit and a remote R&S ARGUS measurement unit.


Export of - measurement results - bearing results - measurement processes - general transmitter lists - FM transmitter lists (only EN or DE) - TV transmitter lists (only EN or DE) in dBase, Excel, text, comma-delimited ASCII, Access, XML and html files and export of - frequency channel occupancy data in comma-delimited ASCII files

R&S ARGUS Print in rtf files ed as well. Additionally, the user can freely define

Prerequisites: A TCP/IP network must be installed.

his own export format. Frequency channel occu-

Both software packages must be running simulta-

pancy data can be exported to files in comma-

neously during the transfer.

delimited ASCII format. In addition printouts can be made in RTF format.

The connection is set up by selecting the remote measurement unit and clicking the Connect or Connect and Activate button in the Select Meas. Unit dialog window. Data is transferred automatically by the software, if needed.

Frequencies are imported by selecting File  Import  Frequency List... menu command and clicking the Open button in the Import Frequency List dialog window. Transmitter data are imported by

The Data Exchange Interface (DEI) has the task of importing files with frequencies, general, FM or TV transmitter data and exporting measurement results, bearing results, measurement processes and all types of transmitter lists to files. The files can be in dBase, Excel, text, comma-delimited ASCII, Access, XML and html format. The standard ITU data exchange formats according to ECC rec-

selecting File  Import  Transmitter List... menu command and clicking the Open button in the Import Transmitter List dialog window. Measurement results, bearing results, measurement processes, transmitter lists and frequency channel occupancy data are exported by clicking the Export... button in the Navigator – System Files dialog window. The printer setup is extended with “RTF Document”.

ommendations (05) 01 and (02) 03 are implementMonitoring Software R&S ARGUS


The Spectrum Management Database Interface

Measurement result files can be sent to the data-

(SMDI) imports transmitter data and occupied and

base by clicking the Export... button in the Naviga-

unassigned frequencies from spectrum manage-

tor – System Files dialog window.

ment databases. Furthermore, measurement results can be transferred to spectrum management

The parameters for the database query as well as


the measurement result files are written by the R&S ARGUS system into files in the XML format. In order to communicate with the database a little conversion tool has to be created which “translates” the


Spectrum Management Database

R&S ARGUS format into the database format and vice versa. With this open interface R&S ARGUS can connect to virtually any spectrum management system, independent of the manufacturer (e.g. LStelcom,

This interface is used to:

ATDI, Bilkent) the operating system and the database engine (e.g. dBase, Oracle, Sybase).

 give inputs for engineering  verify the results of engineering  locate and identify unlicensed transmitters  locate and identify harmful interference  detect emissions with characteristics that do not meet license conditions  verify the transmitter parameters of licensed stations  update spectrum management databases with measurement results Schematic of information flow for data exchange between R&S ARGUS and Spectrum Management Database

The interface between R&S ARGUS and the Spectrum Management Database is realized by exchanging files in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. Transmitter data or frequencies which are stored in a spectrum management system are imported by selecting the File  Import  Data from Database... menu command and clicking the OK button in the Import Transmitter Data or Frequencies dialog window. The search criteria are frequencies, location, service, signature and call sign.

Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


The Device Control Interface (DCI) is an open interface on device level. It enables the customer to create device driver for his own (even non-R&S) equipment. Via the DCI interface virtually all types of radio monitoring hardware can be integrated into the R&S ARGUS system. These devices can fully benefit from all features provided by R&S ARGUS, like e.g. measurement modes, evaluation, graphical display, file management … The content of delivery comprises detailed documentation, example source code and up to 5 hours online support. The software option DCI is available in two versions, Basic and Enhanced. Basic enables the control of devices like switch units, rotors, recorder, whereas Enhanced can control more sophisticated devices, e.g. receiver, analyzer, direction finder.

The Web Interface (WEB) enables access to ARGUS stations via a web browser. On the control PC only a web browser and the Java runtime environment need to be installed, no ARGUS specific software is required. Via this web interface receivers of the Rohde & Schwarz ESMB family, the ESMD, EM510, EM550, EM100, PR100 as well as the DDF255, DDF0xE and DDDF1xx direction finders and the UMS100/120 can be controlled. In addition, steerable antennas can also be controlled.

Further information Further information on the system family R&S ARGUS is available on the Internet at www.argus.rohde-schwarz.com, or from your local Rohde & Schwarz representative. Information can also be obtained by e-mail to [email protected]. Monitoring Software R&S ARGUS


Ordering Information Basic Module



Automatic Measurement Mode (AMM)



Bearing Measurement Mode (BMM)



Coverage Measurement Mode (CMM)



Digital Measurement Mode (DM)



Guided Measurement Mode (GMM)



Interactive Measurement Mode (IMM)



Parallel Measurement Mode (PAR)



Pulse Measurement Mode (PMM)



Synchronous Measurement Mode (SYNC)



Evaluation Module (EVAL)



Difference Measurement Module (DIFF)



Audio Recording & Replay (ARR)



Station Information System (SIS)



Identification Module (IDNT)



DRM Decoder (DRM)



Extended System Functionality (ESF)



The basic module contains one license for R&S ARGUS, data administration, graphics, configuration, direct measurement mode, antenna device drivers, standard software interfaces and electronic manuals Note: Can be ordered just in connection with other software modules!

Note: requires option AMM

ROHDE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstraße 15 81671 München Germany Tel.: +49 89 4129-0 Fax: +49 89 4129 13777 Internet: http://www.argus.rohde-schwarz.com

Remote Control Interface (RCI)



Data Exchange Interface (DEI)



Spectrum Management Database Interface (SMDI)



Order Report Module (ORM)



Device Control Interface (DCI Standard)





Web Interface (WEB)



Device Driver for Class Receiver (ARGUS-RX)











For Switch units, Rotors, Recorder, Compass, GPS, Attenuator and Amplifier, incl. 2 hours support

Device Control Interface (DCI Advanced) For Receiver, Analyzer, Direction Finder and Decoder incl. 5 hours support

One license controls one device The class receiver includes the following devices: EB200, EB500, EFA, EK895, EK896, EM100, EM510, EM550, ESH3, ESHS, ESM500, ESM1000, ESMB, ESMC, ESMD, ESN, ESS, ESVB, ESVD, ESVN20, ESVN30, ESVN40, ESVP, ESVS, PR100

Option DF for Device Driver ESMD (ESMD-DF) Note: requires option ARGUS-RX

Option DDC for Device Driver ESMD (ESMD-DDC) Note: requires option ARGUS-RX

Device Driver for Class Direction Finder (ARGUS-DF) One license controls one device The class direction finder includes the following devices: DDF190/195, DDF01/05/06A, DDF01/05/06E, DDF01/05/06M, DDF205, DDF255, DDF395/396, DDF550, DDF007, PA025, PA055, PA555, PA1555

Option GSM for Device Driver DDF0xAE (DDF0xAE-GSM) Note: requires option ARGUS-DF

ROHDE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstraße 15 81671 München Germany Tel.: +49 89 4129-0 Fax: +49 89 4129 13777 Internet: http://www.argus.rohde-schwarz.com

Option SSL for Device Driver DDF0xAE (DF0xAE-SSL)











Note: requires option ARGUS-DF

Option SR for Device Driver DDF0xAE (DF0xAE-SR) Note: requires option ARGUS-DF

Option RX for Device Driver DDF255 (DDF255-RX) Note: requires option ARGUS-DF

Device Driver for Class Analyzer (ARGUS ANALYZER) One license controls one device The class analyzer includes the following devices: ESAI, ESBI, ESMI, ESPI, ESIB, ESU, ETL, FAM, FSA, FSB, FSE, FSH3/6/18, FSIQ3/7/26, FSM, FSP3/7/13/30/40, FSQ3/8/26/40, FSU, FSV3/7/13/30/40, VSA

Device Driver for Class System Devices (ARGUS-SYSDEV) One license controls one device The class system devices includes the following devices: BG030, COMPASS, FU129, GB127M, GB127MU, GB127S, GPS, HSRG, MIXER, PCM-7010, RD127, RSU, ZS125/126/127/128/129

ROHDE & SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstraße 15 81671 München Germany Tel.: +49 89 4129-0 Fax: +49 89 4129 13777 Internet: http://www.argus.rohde-schwarz.com

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