Thrust Roller Manual Operation and Maintenance

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Thrust device, hydraulic type HTD

Erection, operation and maintenance

In the text, reference is made to:

Ref. 1


Ref. 2


Ref. 3 Ref. 4

*) *)

Ref. 5


Ref. 6


Ref. 7


Ref. 8


Ref. 9


Ref ef.. 1 10 0


Rotary kiln General kiln instruction manual Erection, operation and maintenance Rotary kiln plant (dry process) Safety regulations General s sa afety rre egulations a att s siites o off e ere rec ction FLS Lubricants Key to lubricants Hydraulic installations Installation, preparation and maintenance Assembly of pipes by means of screwed Ermeto connections Installation Oil hydraulic installations Pipelines Installation Rotary kiln  Axial measurement equipment Operation and maintenance Rotary kiln  Alignment of supporting roller bearings and supporting rollers Erection Pump sta tati tion on (e (equ quip ipme ment nt su sup ppl plie ierr iin nstru struc cti tion on manual) Diagram for electrical parts

*) See note ”Instruction manual references” in section 1.



CHENNAI 600 034 -




Contents: Pa ge: 1. GENERAL NOTES.....................................................................................4 2. CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATING PRINCIPLE..................................7 2.1 Construction.......................................................................................7 2.2 Operating principle.............................................................................8 3. INSTALL INSTALLATION ATION...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ..................... ............................13 .............13 3.1 Installation of the mechanical parts...................................... parts................................................ ...........13 .13 3.2 Installation of the hydraulic system........................ system.................................. ................... ............... ......15 15 3.3 Ins Instal tallat lation ion of ele electr ctrica icall s supe upervi rvisor sory ya and nd con control trol sys system.. tem....... .......... ......... .....16 .16  3.3.1

Longitudinal transducer



Separate limit stop KDS 1



Separate limit stop KDS 2


Posting of signs and mounting of guards................................................... guards................................................... 17 3.4 4. OPERATION.............................................................................................18 4.1 Pre Prepar paring ing the mec mechan hanica icall s syst ystem em for ope operat ration.. ion..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... .......1 ...18 8 4.2 Pre Prepar paring ing the hyd hydrau raulic lic sys system tem for ope operat ration... ion....... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......18 ..18 4.2.1

Procedure for preparing the hydraulic system


4.3 Che Checki cking ng an and d adju adjustm stment. ent.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ......... ......... ......... ........20 ...20 4.4 Day Day-to-to-day day ope operat ration ional al che checks cks dur during ing sta start-u rt-up p per perod... od...... ...... ....... ......... ........20 ...20 5. MAINTENANCE........................................................................................21 MAINTENANCE........................................................................................21 5.1 Preventive maintenance......................................................................2 1 5.1.1







Inspection and adjustment



Checking of condition






Performance test



Fau Faults lts a and nd rreme emedia diall ac actio tion... n...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ........ ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ......24 .24


Thrust device failure



Kiln tyre runout


5.2.3 5.2.4

Position of supporting rollers Position of thrust rollers

25 26

5.3 Rep Replac laceme ement nt o off pa parts rts..... ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ........27 ...27 6. KEY TO APPENDICES APPENDICES...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ...................... ......................28 ......28  

Edited by: Approved by:


Translated by: MGN code:

JRo 5A123

Pages: 47






70000448-148 APPENDICES:

 App. 1.  App. 2.  App. 3.  App. 4.  App. 5.  App. 6.  App. 7.

Thrust roller..................................................................................... roller....................................................................................... ..29 29 Thrust roller with ancillary equipment........................................... equipment............................................... ....33 33 Pipe diagram (schematic diagram)................... diagram)............................. ................... .................. ............ ...35 35 Functional diagram............................................................. diagram...................................................................... .............. .....37 37 Hydraulic cylinder....................................................... cylinder................................................................. ................... ............ ...39 39 Safety switch, KDS 1............................................................ 1..................................................................... ............ ...41 41 Safety switch, KDS 2............................................................ 2..................................................................... ............ ...43 43

 App. transducer.................................................. ................... ................ ......45 45  App. 8. 9. Calibration Dismantlingofoftransducer......................................... thrust roller.......................................................... roller................................................................ ......47 47






The present instruction manual is concerned with the situations which, according to the experience of FLS, are the most likely to occur. An exhaustive enumeration of all conceivable situations which may occur  during the installation, operation and maintenance of the thrust device cannot be provided. Consequently, if a situation should arise, the occurrence of which is not foreseen in the instruction manual, and which the operator is/or  feels unable to handle, we would recommend that FLS is contacted without undue delay for advice on appropriate action.


GENERAL NOTES The function of the hydraulic thrust device is to transfer the axial load load fro from th the e rot rotary ary kiin ln the fro from m on one e to se seve veral ral supp suapport orts s an and d to mainta maintain inmthe rotary kilnkiln axial direction within specific area on the supporting rollers. References to instruction manuals In the text of this instruction manual, reference is made to an instru ins tructi ction on man manual ual ref referen erence ce No. where this is dee deemed med to be relevant. The tit The title les s of all all inst instru ruct ctio ion n ma manu nual als s re refe ferre rred d to ar are e li list sted ed on the front page of this instruction manual, with indication of the number referred to. Refere Refe renc nce e to ot othe herr inst instru ruct ctio ion n ma manu nual al nu numb mbers ers is do done ne via via the ”Ge ”Gener neral al kil kiln n ins instru tructi ction on man manual ual”, ”, ref ref.. 1 in whi which ch rele relevan vantt instru ins tructi ction on man manual ual num numbers bers can be ide identi ntifie fied d on the bas basis is of  the title of the relevant manual.  


Thrust device to be used exclusively for the predefined purpose!






The directions outlined in instruction No. ref. 2 "Rotary kiln plan plantt (dry (dry proc proces ess) s),, sa safe fety ty re regu gula lati tion ons” s” mu must st be stri strict ctly ly observed.



The erection/maintenance activities described in the following section ions must only  be ca carr rrie ied d ou outt by skil skille led d ma mach chin ine e specialists or subject to the supervision of such specialists. specialists .


MANDATORY!: In connection with arc welding and when operations involving blowto blo wtorch rching ing wit with h gou gouge ge are car carried ried out, the retu return rn cab cable le must always be attached to the object subjected to welding, as close as possible to the area of welding. The return cable must never be attached in a way which will caus ca use e th the e retu return rn cu curre rrent nt to be pa pass ssed ed th throu rough gh pa part rts s no nott connected to the object being welded, for example: moving parts, bearings, electrical installations or any other parts.  A return current through a bearing may give rise to welding scars which will cause severe damage to bearing.  A return current through electrical installations may cause serio se rious us da dama mage ge to prot protec ecti tive ve ea eart rth h li line nes s (a (an n ex extr trem emel ely y hazardous condition!) or electronic equipment.  


Strict compliance compliance with the direc directions tions outlined in instr instruction uction No. ref. 3 "General safety regulations at erection site" must be ensured. This instruc instruction tion manual must be scrut scrutinized inized by the client, the erecti erection on contra contractor ctor and FLS repres representativ entatives es before erection work is started.




Where   ERECTION CHECK  is specifically called for in the erection manual, this means that the FLS erection supervisor  mus mu st ins inspe pec ct an and d ap appr prov ove e th the e pa part rts s mo mou unt nte ed be befo fore re permission to proceed with the erection work can be given. MANDATORY! The accumulators must only be charged with nitrogen (N) to the specified precharging pressure.   MANDATORY! Disassembly of the hydraulic system to take place only when wh en the the pres pressu sure re in th the e hy hydr drau auli lic c syst system em ha has s be been en reduced to atmospheric pressure.




Construction The thrust device consists of a mechanical part, a hydraulic system and an electrical supervisory and control system. Dependent on the size of the load, the thrust device may consist of  one or several mechanical units, which are mounted on separate supports. If the thrust device consists of more than one unit, only one unit, i.e. the “master unit”, will be connected to the electrical supervisory and control system. The other unit(s) will serve exclusively as “slave units”, which are hydraulically connected only to the master unit. The master unit is always placed on the support closest to the kiln drive. The master unit and slave unit are of identical mechanical design. One On e un unit it co cons nsis ists ts of a rolle rollerr wh whos ose e co coni nica call ru runn nnin ing g fa face ce is in contact with a similar conical running face on the kiln tyre, as well as a hydraulic cylinder which will absorb the axial load exerted on the roller and transmit it to the support. See Appendices 1 and 2. The thrust roller (75) runs in a bearing block (83) which is provided with roller bearings. The suspension of the bearing block from the two guide shafts (81) will allow the bearing block to be displaced in the axial direction. The guide shafts rest in two bearing blocks (80 + 84) which are fixed to the support. The hydraulic cylinder (45) is placed in the bearing block which is closest to the kiln outlet. The roller bearings in the bearing block run in an oil bath. The Th e be bear arin ing g bu bush shin ings gs (82) (82) of th the e gu guid ide e sh shaf afts ts ar are e gr grea ease se-lubricated. The Th e co coni nica call ru runn nnin ing g fa face ce of th the e th thru rust st ro roll ller er is lub lubric ricat ated ed by a weighted graphite block (87) fitted in a holder on the bearing block. The hydraulic system (see Appendix III) consists of a pump station and a pipe system connecting the pump station to the hydraulic cylinder(s). The pump station is a mild-s mild-steel teel frame in which the oil tank as well as pump unit, filters and valve arrangement are mounted. The pipe system consists of a pressure system and a return flow system which can be short-circuited through a needle valve (40). The pressure system incorporates a hydro-pneumatic accumulator  (23). The pri primar mary y fun functi ction on of the acc accumu umulato latorr is to absorb absorb pre pressu ssure re variations in the hydraulic system in case of kiln tyre runout and to ensure that the thrust roller remains in contact with the kiln tyre when the upward migration of the kiln occurs.


9 70000448-148 The Th e elec electr tric ical al su supe perv rvis isor ory y an and d co cont ntro roll syst system em co cons nsis ists ts of a longitudinal transducer (49) and two separate limit stop switches (50) and (51). The longitudinal transducer registers the movements of the thrust roller, and hence the movements of the kiln tyre. In case of any upward movement of the kiln tyre, the thrust roller will be moved accordingly due to the hydraulic pressure from the accumulator. The limit stop switches (50) and (51) are actuated, respectively, by the the be bear arin ing g bloc block k th thro roug ugh h an ar arm m an and d by th the e ki kiln ln tyre tyre (see (see  Appendices 6 and 7). 2.2

Opera Operating ting princi principle ple Correctly adjusted, the supporting rollers of the kiln will take up 1050% of the axial load of the kiln. This means that the load on the thrust device will be relieved, but entails also that the remaining load will be exerted on the thrust device, preventing the supporting rollers from forcing the kiln away from the thrust rollers. When the thrust device has one or several slave units in addition to the master unit, the load will be evenly distributed between the th thru rust st ro rolle llers rs du due e to th the e fact fact th that at th the e hy hydr drau auli lic c cyli cylind nder ers s ar are e hydrau hydr aulic lical ally ly inte interc rcon onne nect cted ed.. Th Ther erefo efore, re, th they ey ar are e ca capa pabl ble e of  comp co mpen ensa sati ting ng fo forr th the e ch chan ange ges s in th the e di dist stan ance ce be betw twee een n th the e individual kiln tyres which may be caused by thermal conditions inside and around the kiln. These thermal conditions may, inter alia, be the reason why the kiln tyre at the master unit is moving away from its zero position. Since the primary function of the thrust device is to maintain the kiln in the the ax axia iall dire direct ctio ion, n, it wi will ll re reac actt to th the e ki kiln ln tyre tyre mi migr grat atio ions ns,, attempting to keep the centreline (at the master unit) of the kiln tyre within a range of plus/minus 5 mm from the neutral position. Minor  movements within this range - due, for example, to kiln tyre runout will be taken up by the hydraulic accumulator. For equipped with gear the neutral position will coincide with kiln the centreline of thegirth supporting rollers. For a kiln with drive effected through the supporting rollers, the neut ne utra rall po posi siti tion on wi will ll be disp displa lace ced d fr from om th the e ce cent ntre reli line ne of th the e supporting rollers to compensate for the weight of the drive unit. See the position drawing drawing of kiln for the posi position tion of the neutral point relative to the centreline of the supporting rollers.



70000448-148 The thrust device will react to the movements of the kiln tyre/kiln in the following manner:  A downward downward movement  movement of the kiln tyre, out of the neutral zone, will trigger the following action: The longitudinal transducer (49) registers the movement. The oil pump (08) is started, thrusting the kiln upward again, back to the neutral zone. See fig. 1. Fig. 1




The oil pump will be stopped when the kiln tyre has reached the zero position. The hydraulic pressure will then be exerted on the non-return valve (11). This operating situation will prevail as long as the kiln/kiln tyre are positioned in the neutral zone. See fig. 2. The system pressure must now be 50 – 70 bar. Fig. 2



70000448-148  An upward upward movement  movement of the kiln tyre, out of the neutral zone, will trigger  the following action: The Th e long longitu itudi dina nall tr tran ansd sduc ucer er (4 (49) 9) wi will ll re regi gist ster er th the e mo move veme ment nt.. Th The e accumulator will ensure that the thrust roller maintains contact with the kiln tyre. The solenoid-operated directional seat valve (13) is energized. The Th e oil oil fr from om th the e hy hydr drau auli lic c cy cyli lind nder ers s an and d ac accu cumu mula lato torr ca can n no now w be reci re circ rcul ulat ated ed th thro roug ugh h the the syst system em ba back ck to th the e ta tank nk.. (See (See Fi Fig g 3) 3).. Th The e pressure transducer (18) will trip alarm in case of a pressure drop to level below 10 bar. The pressure will not drop to a level below 3 bar because of the nonreturn valve (30). If the kiln is unable to move downward unaided, it will be necessary to adjust the position of the supporting rollers. When Whe n thr thrust ust roll roller/ er/kil kiln n tyr tyre/k e/kiln iln hav have e mig migrate rated d dow downwa nward, rd, bac back k to the neutral zone, the voltage from the solenoid-operated seat valve must be de-energized, and, again, the hydraulic pressure will be exerted on the non-return valve (11). Fig. 3




 As far as the electrical control system is concerned, reference is made to electrical diagrams and circuit diagrams. If, in spite of the thrust thrust dev device ice,, the kil kiln/k n/kiln iln tyre is movi moving ng more than 10 mm downwards from the zero position, the longitudinal transducer will trip an alarm. The kiln motor will be cut out in event of a further 5 mm downward migration of the kiln/kiln tyre. See the functional diagram in Appendix 4. When the kiln is shut down, the valve (40) must be opened/closed every 24 hours in order to equalize the pressure between between the front side and back side of the piston. This is done to prevent ingress of  dirt and moisture into the cylinder. For ad For addi diti tion onal al sa safe fety ty,, th the e th thru rust st de devi vice ce is pr prov ovid ided ed wi with th tw two o sepa se para rate te limi limitt st stop op sw swit itch ches es (5 (50) 0) an and d (5 (51) 1).. Th The e ki kiln ln must must be stopped instantaneously in case any of these limit stop switches are activated.

Th This is me mean s th that at th the emotors ki kiln ln ca can n on only ly kiln be tyre su subs bseq eque uent ntly ly returned star starte ted d by means ofans the turning until the has been to its predefined control range.



70000448-148 3. INSTALLATION 3.1

Installation of the mechanical parts It is a prerequisite for satisfactory operation of the thrust device of  kiln that the kiln supporting rollers have been correctly adjusted, as described in the erection manual for supporting rollers, ref. 9. It is also very important that the fine alignment of the kiln tyre(s) with which the thrust device is in contact has been carried out very carefully. Functionality of the master unit during the erection of kiln is very impo im porta rtant nt,, i.e i.e.. so th that at it ca can n re rest stri rict ct th the e mo move veme ment nt of th the e kiln kiln towards the outlet. Therefore, the master unit must be mounted at earl ea rlie iest st po poss ssib ible le st stag age e af afte terr su supp ppor orti ting ng ro roll ller er be bear arin ings gs an and d supporting rollers have been mounted. The mounting of slave units can take place at subsequent point in time, when deemed appropriate in relation to the overall erection process. The master and slave units as well as pump station arrive at site as prea preass ssem embl bled ed un unit its. s. Th The e hy hydr drau aulic lic cyli cylind nder er is su supp ppli lied ed wi with th a magnetic scanner fitted in the piston. The thrust roller must not be dismantled during erection. After a unit has been released from the transport frame (96) (see Appendix 1), it must be mounted in the assembled condition on the bedplate. Follow Fol low the dir direct ection ions s giv given en on the arra arrange ngemen mentt dra drawin wing g of the thrust device. At some supports, the unit must be mounted on a bracket which must first be mounted on the bedplate. Mount the oil level pipe (85) and air filter (94) on the unit, and fill oil into the bearing housing up to the mark on the oil level glass (See  Appendix 2). Oil quality: FLS MAT No. 7158. Mount the masterThe unitthrust on the bedplate or on the bracket mounted on the bedplate. roller must be positione positioned d at the correct distance away from the centreline of the supporting rollers. The bearing block of the unit must be centrally positioned on the guide shafts, i.e. the dimensions "a" and "b" must be of equal size. See Fig. 1. Distance pieces of identical size are fitted at "a" and "b" to facilitate the operation. See Appendix 1. ERECTION CHECK  Align the thrust roller so that its rate of iinclination nclination is consistent with that of the kiln and so that it will be horizontally positioned at right angles to the kiln axis. The axis of rotation of the thrust roller must be exactly in the vertical plane of the kiln. See Fig. 4 .




Fig. 4

Make Ma ke

th the e

ne nec ces essa sary ry

ad adju jus stm tme ent

th thro roug ugh h

th the e

in ins ser erti tion on


inte interm rmed edia iate tes sbetween be betw twee een nthe th the ebedplate be bear arin ing gand bl bloc ocks ks bracket of th the e on un unit itwhich and and the th the e bedplate, or the thrust device is mounted. The thr thrust ust dev device ice mus mustt be pos positio itioned ned ver very y acc accura uratel tely y to avoid avoid negative effects from the kiln tyre. Force the thrust roller into contact with the kiln tyre, and make any necessary adjustments. Remove the distance pieces at "a" and "b" and mount the four twopart distance rings (90) on the guide shafts for the master unit. These distance rings, which will restrict the migration of the bearing lock, must only be mounted on the master unit. See Appendices 1 and 4. The contact level between thrust roller and the kiln tyre must be checked in the immediate aftermath of kiln tyre installation. ERECTION CHECK Fit the adjustment wedges (91) and fix them by welding to the bedplate as indicated in Appendix 2. Fit the holder (86) for graphite block (87), guard (95) for cylinder  block and the two-part channel (88).



70000448-148 3.2

Instal Installati lation on of the hydrau hydraulic lic system See separate instruction manual: Hydraulic installations, ref. 5, 6 and 7. Install the pump station as indicated on erection and foundation drawing and Fig. 5. Connect the pump station and thrust roller to the supplied hydraulic pipes in strict accordance with the pipe diagram. Prior to shipment, the pipes have been cleaned, rust-proofed and plugs have been fitted at pipe ends. The Th e prote protect ctiv ive e plug plugs s at pipe pipe en ends ds mu must st re rema main in fi fitt tted ed un unti till th the e installation of the pipe system is about to take place. Fig. 5

 All grates and shavings formed in connection with the adaptation of  the pipes must be removed very carefully. If the pipes are not mounted immediately after adaptation, they must be closed with plastic plugs. These plastic plugs must remain fitted until installation of pipes is imminent, with renewed checking of pipes to ensure that they are absolutely clean. Welding, soldering etc. on pipes must not occur after the pipes have been installed. The hydraulic cylinders (45) must be mounted in the cylinder block (83) so that the venting holes are positioned at highest possible levels. The venting holes are used in connection with the venting and an d te test stin ing g eq equi uipm pmen ent, t, an and, d, th ther eref efor ore, e, th the e ho hole les s mu must st be positioned in manner providing the necessary space to accommodate the equipment. The cylinder is retained in the cylinder block by a five-part locking ring (92). A screw – together with the cover ring – will prevent the cylinder from turning. It is of par param amou ount nt imp impor orta tanc nce e to av avoid oid an any y for foreig eign n matter in the hydra raul ulic ic sy syst stem em.. Th Ther ere efore, it is essential to avoid contamination of pipes and fittings. See separate instruction manual for hydraulic installations, ref. 5. Use only hydraulic oil of a quality correspond corresponding ing to FLS MAT No. 7025.



3.3.1 3.3 .1

17 70000448-148 Instal Installati lation on of elect electrical rical supervi supervisory sory and contro controll system The longitudinal transducer (49) and separate limit stop switches KDS 1 (50) and KDS 2 (51) must be mounted on the same support as the master unit. Forr runn Fo runnin ing g of ca cabl bles es an and d el elec ectr tric ical al in inst stal alla lati tion on,, se see e wiri wiring ng diagrams. Lon Longi gitud tudina inall tra transd nsduce ucerr Mount the protective tube (48) in the cylinder (45). The magnet (46) and plastic disc (47) are mounted in the piston by the supplier of  the hydraulic cylinder. The longitudinal transducer is mounted in the protective tube. Calibration of the longitudinal transducer has been carried out by the supplier. Electrical connections from the longitudinal transducer  must be established as specified in the electrical documentation. If recalibration of the longitudinal transducer should be required, this must be done locally. Such Su ch ca cali libr brat atio ion n mu must st be ca carri rried ed ou outt in ac acco cord rdan ance ce wi with th th the e directions given in the transducer instruction manual. When calibration is carried out, the piston should be pushed to the bottom of the cylinder, see Appendix 8. When the thrust roller is in 0-position, the distance, K, must be measured between the thrust piece (97), and “bottomed” piston. This position corresponds to ”a” = ”b” as indicated in Appendix 4. The transducer must be released from the protective tube, pulling it parti pa rtial ally ly ou outt of the the tu tube be,, to th the e ex exte tent nt of th the e di dist stan ance ce K, se see e  Appendix 8 Fig. 1. In this position, the transducer will be in 0posi po siti tion on rela relati tive ve to th the e ma magn gnet et in th the e cyli cylind nder er,, al allo lowi wing ng th the e calibration process to proceed. If the transducer is pulled 30 mm out in relation to K, K+30mm, it willl be in a pos wil positio ition n cor corres respon pondin ding g to +30 +30mm mm on the funct function ional al diagram, see Appendix 4. This value must be calibrated as setpoint 2, SP2. See Appendix 8, Fig. 2. If the transducer is pushed 30mm inward relative to K, K-30mm, it willl be in a pos wil positio ition n cor corres respon pondin ding g to -30 -30mm mm on the fun functi ctiona onall diagram, see Appendix 4. This value must be calibrated as setpoint 1, SP1. See Appendix 8 Fig. 3. The signal between SP1 and SP2 will now be 4-20mA.



70000448-148 3.3.2

Separ Separate ate limi limitt stop switc switch h KDS 1 Mount the separate limit stop switch on the master unit as indicated on the arrangement drawing. The following points are of special importance:  A)

Check that the position of the kiln tyre relative to the supporting rollers corresponds to the position indicated on the position drawing.


Che Check ck tha thatt th the e di dimen mensio sions ns "a" and "b" (se (see e Ap Appen pendix dix 4) a are re o of  f  identical size when the thrust roller makes contact with the kiln tyre. The le leve verr (5 (58) 8) (s (se ee App ppe end ndix ix 6) mu must st be mo moun unte ted d on th the e bearing block of the thrust roller so that it is located in the middle of the holes. Bas asep epla late te,, bra rack cket et wit ith h li limi mitt stop stop switc witch h mu mus st be pus ushe hed d under und er the arm unt untilil con contac tactt is est establ ablish ished. ed. Che Check ck tha thatt the contact rol roller is running in the mid idd dle of the le lev ver. Subsequently, the baseplate and bracket must be pushed 15 mm towards the kiln outlet.




Separa Separate te limit limi t stop switc switch h KDS 2 Mount the separate limit stop switch on the master unit as indicated on the arrangement drawing. The following points are of special importance:  A) Check that the position of the kiln tyre relative to the supporting rollers corresponds to the position indicated on the position drawing. B)

The co column lumn (5 (53) 3) must be ada adapted pted s so o that the co contact ntact roller c can an be placed 50 mm from the outer edge of the kiln tyre. See  Appendix 7.


The fr fram ame e mus ustt be pu pus she hed d to tow war ards ds the ki kiln ln ty tyre re in th the e centreline of the kiln untiltowards contactthe is made, and, subsequently, it must be pulled 15 mm kiln inlet.


The fra frame me mus mustt be tack-w tack-weld elded ed to the bas basepl eplate ate;; check th that at the contact roller is flush with the centreline of kiln. ERECTION CHECK


Postin Posting g of signs and mounti mounting ng of guard guards s Check that all supplied signs and guards have been posted and mounted as specified in the erection-sp -specific documentation.


70000448-148 4. 4.1


OPERATION Prepar Preparatio ation n of the mechani mechanical cal system Check that all bolted connections between thrust device, bedplate and bearing supports have been tightened. Check Che ck tha thatt the adjus adjustme tment nt wed wedges ges (91) hav have e bee been n sec secured ured by welding. Check that the four two-part distance rings (90) are mounted on the master unit. Check that the thrust device has been lubricated. (See sub-section 5.1.1). ERECTION CHECK


Prepar Preparatio ation n of the hydrau hydraulic lic system Check Che ck tha thatt the hydrau hydraulic lic cyl cylind inder er has been mou mounted nted in cor correc rectt mannerr with the combi manne combined ned venting and meas measuring uring nipples fitted at the top and with the five-part locking ring with holding ring correctly positioned, guiding the cylinder as intended.


Procedure for preparation of the hydraulic system See Appendices 3, 4 and 5 The entire procedure must be closely monitored by the erection supervisor. 1)

Remove the front panel from the pump station to ensure accessibility of valves, filters and pressure gauges.


Uns Unscre crew w tthe he a air ir ffilt ilter er ((26) 26) from the fil filler ler bra branch nch and fil filll th the e ta tank nk with pure hydraulic fluid. The hydraulic oil to be used should be of a grade corresponding to FLS MAT No. 7025. Use a funnel with a sieve cloth conforming to DIN 0.12 for filling. Oil to be filled to the upper mark on the oil level glass. The capacity of the tank is approx. 150 litres. Check the alarm and safe sa fety ty func functi tion ons s fo forr leve levell switc switch h (2 (27) 7) du duri ring ng th the e oi oill fi fill llin ing g process.


Ch Chec eck k th that at tthe he p pum ump p hou housi sing ng ((08 08)) is ffill illed ed wit with h oi oil. l. If n not ot,, the pump housing must be filled through the hose (10).


Ch Chec eck k ttha hatt v val alve ve (04) (04) is e ent ntir irel ely y ope open. n.


Che Check ck all pip pipe e jo joint ints s fr from om p pump ump sta statio tion n to eac each hc cyli ylinde nderr (4 (45). 5).


Cl Clos ose e tthe he va valv lves es (12) (12),, (2 (29) 9),, (4 (40) 0) a and nd (4 (41) 1)..


Precharge the accumulators with nitrogen to 30 bar. See separate instruction manual from the supplier, ref. 10.


Sta Start rt/s /sto top p th the e pu pum mp mo moto torr (0 (06) 6) an and d che hec ck th the e dir ire ectio ction n of  rotation of the pump.


St Star artt th the e pu pump mp w with ith th the e co coil il o off valv valve e (1 (13) 3) de de-e -ene nerg rgiz ized ed..



70000448-148 10) Ope Open n the v valv alves es (4 (40) 0) – on one e at a tim time. e. Fl Flush ush o out ut th the e pip pipeli eline ne to the cylinder during a period of minimum 60 minutes. Repeat the operation for the other cylinders. 11)) Th 11 Ther ere e mu must st be a pres pressu sure re of app appro rox. x. 3 ba barr in th the e syst system em when the flushing of pipes is being carried out. Check all assemblies and joints for leaks. 12) Ven Ventt all cy cylin linder ders, s, one a att a time, at b both oth en ends, ds, by o open pening ing th the e valv va lve e (41) (41) (v (val alve ve (40) (40) is al alre read ady y op open en). ). Use Use th the e ve vent ntin ing g equipment (35, 36, 37, 38, 39), Appendix 5, but avoid use of  tools in connection with the mounting and dismantling of the hose hos e uni union on (35) (35).. Pla Place ce an approp appropriat riate e res reserv ervoir oir und under er the pipe pipe (3 (36) 6) fo forr co coll llec ecti tion on of oi oill du durin ring g ve vent ntin ing g pr proc oces ess. s. The collec col lecte ted d oil must not be re-us re-used ed.. Do not forget to check the oil level during the venting process. On completion of venting, refit the protective caps on the nipples (42) and (43). 13)) Cl 13 Clos ose ea all ll v val alve ves s (4 (41) 1).. 14) Adj Adjust ust th the e pump fo forr a low pre pressu ssure re dur during ing th the e init initial ial pr press essure ure-te test stin ing g of th the e pres pressu sure re syst system em.. Se See e se sepa para rate te in inst stru ruct ctio ion n manual from the supplier, ref. 10. 15)) Clos 15 Close e all val valve ves s (40) (40).. As a resu result, lt, al alll pressu pressure re lin lines es wi will ll be pressurized. Check for leaks. 16) Rai Raise se the te test st pre pressu ssure re slo slowly wly,, and ch check eck tthe he tig tightn htness ess of tthe he system syste m on an ongoi ongoing ng basis. Maximum testing pressure: 160 bar. 17) Set tthe he ove over-pr r-press essure ure va valve lve (2 (21) 1) for op openi ening ng at a pre pressu ssure re of  150-160 bar. 18)) Ch 18 Chec eck k tthe he oil oil llev evel el.. 19) Set the sys system tem p pres ressur sure e for 7 75 5 ba barr on tthe he p pump ump.. 20) Che Check ck th the e oil le level vel iin n the ta tank nk an and d ope open n all v valv alves es (4 (41). 1). The hydraulic system will now be ready for operation.


70000448-148 4.3


Fin Final al ins inspect pection ion and adj adjust ustmen mentt Finally, check the position of the bearing housing on the guide shafts. Write down the dimensions "a" and "b" for all units, see  Appendix 4, in the erection report, with kiln in cold as well as hot condition. It should be noted that on the master units the dimensions are those between the two-part distance rings ri ngs and the bearing block. Determine the actual heat expansion of kiln, and the calculated value must also be indicated in the erection report. ERECTION CHECK


Daily opera operationa tionall checks during start start-up -up perio period d 1. Always ensure that the protective caps are fitted to the measuring nipples (20), (24), (42) and (43). 2. Ma Make ke s sur ure e ttha hatt th the ec cov over er pl plat ates es an and dp pan anel els s hav have eb bee een n ffit itte ted d on the pump station. 3. Ch Che eck th the ev vis isua uall ind indic ica ato torr o off tth he re retu turn rn ffil ilte ter. r. 4. Ch Chec eck k tthe he oil oil llev evel el in th the e ttan ank ko off tthe he pump pump stat statio ion. n.



70000448-148 5.

M AINTEN MAIN TENAN ANCE CE 5.1 Preventive maintenance, survey .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6

Lubrication Cleaning Inspection and adjustment Checking of condition Replacement (incl. lubricants) Pe Perf rfor orm man anc ce te test st

Po s. 00 01 03

T ex t T hr u s t d e v i c e P um p s t a t i o n S uc t i o n f i l t e r

.1 . . .

.2 S S A

.3 . S .

.4 . A .

.5 . T .


c c u mu l a t o r








Ai r f i l ter/ si e ve







28 45 50 51 75 77 78 79 82 83 94

R e tu rn fi l t e r C yl i nder L i mi t s wi t c h K DS 1 L i mi t s wi t c h K DS 2 T hr u s t r o l l e r Ro l l e r bea r in g Ro l l e r bea r in g Ro l l e r bea r in g Be ari ng b ushi ng Be ari ng b l ock Ai r f i l ter

. . . . T S S S M . .

. . . . . . . . . . A

. . . . D . . . . D .

S 2A S S . . . . . . .

A . . . . A A A . . .

. . 2A 2A . . . . . . .

D = per 8-hour operation S = weekly M = monthly A = yearly T = see text in instruction manual

.6 . 2A .

A number in front of the letter indicates the frequency of procedure. For example, 2M = twice a month


70000448-148 5. 5.1. 1.1 1


Lu Lubr bric icat atio ion n Oil products corresponding corresponding to the FLS symbo symbols ls used for lubric lubricants ants appear from the FLS Key to Lubricants No. 36501 forwarded under  separate cover. Thrust roller (75) Lubrication of the running path of the thrust roller is effected by means of a graphite block (87) which is pressed against the path of  the roller by means of a counterweight. Roller bearings (77), (78) and (79) The bearings run in an oil bath. Check the oil level. The level must reach up to the midway mark on the glass. Oil grade: FLS MAT 7158. Bearing bushings (82) for guide shafts Feed Fe ed grea grease se th throu rough gh th the e grea grease se ni nipp pple les s (8 (89). 9). Th Ther ere e ar are e fo four  ur  nipples for each thrust roller. Grease quality: FLS MAT 7425 Grease quantity/nipple: 10 cm³.

5.1.2 5.1 .2

Cle Cleani aning ng General cleaning of the thrust device and its surroundings. Pump station (01) General cleaning of the pump station and its surroundings. Filters (03), (26) and (94) Clean suction filter (03) Clean air filter/filling sieve (26) Clean air filter (94) Spare filter elements must always be kept in stock!



70000448-148 5.1.3

Inspe Inspectio ction n and adjust adjustment ment Inspect pump station, pipelines and cylinders for leaks. l eaks. Check the oil level on oil gauge glass of tank. Top up oil if oil level is too low. Oil grade: FLS MAT 7025  Accumulators (23) Check the precharging pressure. See separate instruction manual, ref. 10. Limit stop switch (50) and (51) Chec Ch eck k th that at the the mo moun unti ting ng bo bolt lts s of th the e sw swit itch ch an and d fr fram ame e ar are e adequately tensioned. Thrust roller (75) Check that the graphite block is moving unimpeded in the graphite holderr and that it provi holde provides des the neces necessary sary lubricat lubrication ion of the running path of the thrust roller. Bearing block (83) Inspect the bearing block. Check for generation of heat. Check that the guide shafts are free from contaminants and foreign matter between the bearing block and distance rings.


Checki Checking ng of condition condi tion Pump station (01)  At least once a year, a sample of the hydraulic oil must be taken for  to th the e oil oil su supp ppli lier´ er´s s labo labora rato tory ry fo forr an anal alys ysis is.. Th The e an anal alys ysis is wi will ll determine whether an oil change is required or not.  Accumulator (23) Check the precharging pressure. In case of a significant drop in pressure, and if a leakage is suspected, the accumulator must be checked as described in the supplier´s instruction manual, ref. 10. Return filter (28) Inspect the visual filter indicators. The "red " indicator on filter (28) is an indication of filter element contamination. Cylinder (45) Cylinders to be vented every 6 months, see sub-section 4.2.1.


25 70000448-148 Limit stop switch KDS1 (50) Check that the position of the roller arm on the switch and that of  the activation frame (58) are correct. Limit stop switch KDS2 (51) Check the position of the switch in relation to the neutral position of  the kiln tyre, see Appendix 7. 5.1.5 5.1 .5

Rep Replac laceme ement nt  (01) Pump station The time of replacement for the hydraulic oil depends on the oil anal an alys ysis is pe perfo rforme rmed d at th the e la labo borat rator ory. y. An oi oill sa samp mple le mu must st be extracted and analyzed at least once a year. See sub-section 5.1.4. Oil quality FLS MAT. 7025. Return filter (28) Renew the filter element at least once a year. Roller bearings (77), (78) and (79) Replace the oil in the bearing block (80) on a regular annual basis. Oil quality: FLS MAT 7158. The bearing block is equipped with a vent filter (94) to allow the air  to escape during oil filling procedure.


Perfo Performa rmance nce test  Pump station (01) Test Te st the the func functi tion on of pres pressu sure re fi filte lterr al alar arm m sw swit itch ch (2 (28) 8) an and d le leve vell switch (27). Limit stop switches (50) and (51) Test the function of switches and check that the movable parts operate smoothly.


Fau Faults lts and rem remedi edial al acti action on

5.2.1 5.2 .1

Thr Thrust ust dev device ice fai failur lure e Each thrust roller is individually capable of absorbing the full axial load of kiln during a short period of time. In ca case se of oil oil pu pump mp fa fail ilur ure, e, th the e hy hydr drau aulic lic pr pres essu sure re wi will ll stil stilll be maintained due to the non-return valves of the system. In event of pump failure or pump motor failure when the kiln is in ”exc ”e xces essi sive ve up upwa ward rd po posi siti tion on”, ”, th the e kiln kiln can can be ma made de to mig migra rate te downward by manually setting the pressure-limiting valve (21) for a very low pressure.



70000448-148 If the pump or pump motor should fail when the kiln is "in downward position", posit ion", and the kiln must be lifted to neutral neutral position, this can be done by means of a hydraulic hand pump which is connected to measuring nipple (20) or (42). The ha hand nd pu pump mp mu mus st on only ly be ope pera rate ted d wit ith h ver ery y sm smal alll oi oill quantities. In case of a pipe rupture on the pressure side, the kiln will force the thrust rollers downward towards the outlet, until the bearing block of  the master unit is made to rest on the distance ring (90). At this poin po intt in ti time me,, an alarm larm ha has s alr lre ead ady y be been en tr trig igge gere red d by th the e monitoring system, and if no further action is taken, the kiln motor  will be cut out automatically. 5.2.2

Kiln tyre runou runoutt  During kiln operation the hydraulic accumulators will compensate for any kiln tyre runout. The extent of kiln tyre runout during one kiln revolution can be read off on the guide shafts of the bearing block. To so some me de degr gree ee,, th the e ac accu cumu mula lator tors s wi will ll eq equa ualiz lize e th the e pr pres essu sure re variations varia tions occurrin occurring g as a result of the runout. Subs Substantia tantiall pressure pressure vari va riat atio ions ns du duri ring ng on one e kiln kiln re revo volu luti tion on will will be an in indi dica cati tion on of  accumulator damage, The pressure variations recorded while the accumulator is in operation must be much smaller than when the cylinder, and hence the accumulator, is disconnected. The pressure pressure var variat iation ions s in a cyl cylind inder er can be che checke cked d wit with h the pressure gauge (33) mounted on the measuring nipple (42) on the pressu pre ssure re sid side e of the cyl cylind inder er whe when n the cylind cylinder er is dis disonn onnect ected. ed. Disconnection is accomplished by closing the valve (41) for the specific cylinder. See Appendix 3. Valve (41) must be opened entirely on completion of  the check-up procedure.


Position of supporting rollers In case the load on the thrust rollers is extremely large or extremely small, this will normally be ascribable to the fact that the supporting rollers are no longer positioned exactly as they should be. Exact positioning posit ioning of the suppo supporting rting rollers is of crucial importanc importance e for the operation of kiln and thrust device. See instruction manual for axial measuring equipment, ref. 8.


70000448-148 5.2.4


Posit Position ion of the thrus thrustt roll rollers ers It is very important that the thrust rollers tread with their entire con onta tact ct su surf rfa ace ag agai ains nstt th the e kil iln n tyre tyres. s. If an adj djus ustm tme ent is necess nec essary ary,, it mus mustt be don done e by ins insert erting ing interm intermedia ediates tes bet betwee ween n thrust device and bearing block. It is also essential to ensure that the diameter of the thrust rollers at right angles to the roller kiln axis – is horizontal, andplane that the axiskiln of  rotation of the thrust is lying in the vertical of the axis. Non-compliance with these conditions will result in an effect similar  to that occu occurring rring in case of ”skewing ”skewing”” of a supportin supporting g roller, i.e. the thrust roller will either follow the kiln tyre some distance upwards or  the the pres pressu sure re wh whic ich h is ex exer erte ted d in do down wnwa ward rd di dire rect ctio ion n wi will ll be exceptionally large. See Fig. 6.




70000448-148 5.3

Repl Replacem acement ent of par parts. ts. In connection with major maintenance and repair work, involving, fo forr ex exam ampl ple, e, th the e re rep place lacem men entt of be bea ari ring ngs, s, it ma may y be beco come me necessary to dismantle the entire thrust device. The thrust device must be detached from the baseplate and the adjustment wedges (91) must be removed. The Th e th thru rust st de devi vice ce ca can n no now w be di disp spla lace ced d on onto to a su supp pport ort (9 (99) 9) mounted on a forkliftloading truck, as Appendix To avoid excessive of illustrated the forklift in truck during8. displacement, the support (99) must be supported on the thrust roller foundation and on the forks close to the mast. See Appendix 9. For de For dete term rmin inat atio ion n of th the e fo fork rklif liftt tr truc uck k ca capa paci city ty,, th the e we weig ight ht of  complete thrust devices is indicated below. HTD 31.5

3300 kilos

HTD 50

5500 kilos

HTD 80

8700 kilos

HTD 110

11800 kilos

HTD 140

17600 kilos


70000448-148 6. KEY TO APPENDICES 01 02 03 04 05

Pump station Pump station oil tank Suction filter  Ball valve Hose. Suction side of pump

06 07 08 09

Motor for pump Co Coup upli ling ng be betw twee een nm mot otor or an and dp pum ump p Pump Hose. Pressure side of pump

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Hose. Drain from pump Spring-loaded non-return valve Ball valve Dire Direct ctio iona nall val valve ve,, ele elect ctri rica cally lly c con ontro trolle lled d Pr Pres essu sure re g gau auge ge ffor or s sys yste tem m pr pres essu sure re Hose. Pressure gauge "M "Min ini-M i-Mes ess" s"-c -cou oupl plin ing g fo forr pr pres essu sure re g gau auge ge Hose. Pressure transmitter 

18 19

Pressure transmitter  "Mini-Mess"-coupling for pressure transmitter 

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

"Mini-Mess"-coupling for system pressure control Pres Press sur uree-llim imit itin ing gv va alve lve Flow low control valve Hyd ydra raul ulic ic acc ccum umu ulato lator  r  "Mi "Mini-M ni-Mess ess"-co "-coupl upling ing for ret return urn flo flow w pres pressur sure ec cont ontrol rol Emergency stop Air filter  Level switch: Trips a alarm larm in case of lo low w oil level in oil tank Return ffllow ffiilter  Ball valve

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Sp Spri ring ng-lo -load aded ed n non on-re -retur turn n va valv lve e in rret eturn urn llin ine e Oil level glass Drain cock Pressure gauge "M "Min inii-M Mes ess" s"-c -co oup upli lin ng Hose for test pressure gauge Testing and Vent pipe venting equipment Fitting Stop valve "M "Min inii-M Mes ess" s"-c -co oup upli lin ng Stop valve Stop valve

42 43 45

Me Meas asur urin ing g nip ni nipp pple le. Pres essu sure reds sid ide e on cylin inde der  r  Me Meas asur urin ing g nippl ple. e.. Pr P Pis isto ton n ro rod si side de o off cyl cy cyli lind nder er Hydrau raulic cylind inder 




70000448-148 46 47 48 49

Magnet Plastic disc Protective tube Lo Long ngit itud udin inal al ttra ran nsd sdu uce cer  r 

50 51 53

Limit stop switch, KDS1 Lim imit it sto top p sw swit itch ch,, K KDS DS2 2 Frame ffo or K KD DS2

5 6 57 58

Baacke seket pla e d ba Br Brac t tan and base sepl plat ate e fo forr lim limit it st stop op s swi witc tch, h, KD KDS1 S1 Ar Arm m fo forr ac acti tiva vatio tion n of llim imit it s sto top p sw swit itch ch,, KD KDS1 S1

75 76 77 78 79

Thrust roller Thrus rust ro roller shaft Up Uppe perr s sph pher eric ical al roll roller er be bear arin ing g Lo Lowe werr s sph pher eric ical al roll roller er be bear arin ing g Sp Sphe heri rica call axi axial al roll roller er be bear arin ing g

80 81 82

Re Rear ar be bear arin ing gb blo lock ck (c (cyl ylin inde derr b blo lock ck)) )) Guide shaft Bearing b bu ushing

8 83 4 85 86 87 88 89

B eanrtinb gea b bllroincgk b Fron ro be bllock Oil level pipe Graphite holder Graphite block Sp Spli litt c cha hann nnel el fo forr tthr hrus ustt ro roll ller er Grease nipple

90 91 92 93 94

Sp Spli litt d dis ista tanc nce e ri ring ng (o (onl nly yo on nm mas aste terr un unit) it) Split plit ad adju jus stm tme ent we wed dge 5-p 5-par artt lo lock ckin ing g ri ring ng ffor or h hyd ydra raul ulic ic c cyl ylin inde derr Cover ring Air filter

95 9 6 97 98 99 100

Gu Guar cyli nder block k T raard nsdpffor oor rt cy ffrralind m eer bloc Thrust disc Forlklift ttrruck Lift Liftin ing g ta tabl ble e with with ov over erha hang ng Tempor Temporary ary s suppo upport rt for overh overhang ang o off lif lifting ting table


70000448-148 Text relating to Appendix I 45 49 75 76 77 78 79

Hydrau raulic cylind inder  Lo Long ngit itud udin inal al ttra ran nsd sdu uce cer  r  Thrust roller Thrus rust ro roller shaft Up Uppe perr s sph pher eric ical al roll roller er be bear arin ing g Lo Lowe werr s sph pher eric ical al roll roller er be bear arin ing g Sp Sphe heri rica call axi axial al roll roller er be bear arin ing g

80 81 82 83 84 89

Re Rear ar be bear arin ing gb blo lock ck (c (cyl ylin inde derr b blo lock ck)) Guide shaft Bearing b bu ushing Bearing b bllock Fron ront b be earing b bllock Grease nipple

90 96 97

Sp Spli litt d dis ista tanc nce e ri ring ng (o (onl nly yo on nm mas aste terr un unit) it) Transport ffrrame Thrust disc





Appendix 1. Thrust roller 



Text relating to Appendix II 85 86 87 88 91 94 95

Oil level pipe Graphite holder Graphite block Sp Spli litt c cha hann nnel el fo forr tthr hrus ustt ro roll ller er Split plit ad adju jus stm tme ent we wed dge Air filter Gu Guar ard d ffor or cy cyli lind nder er bloc block k





Appendix 2. Thrust roller with ancillary equipment


70000448-148 Text relating to Appendix III M Master unit S Slave unit 01 Pump station 02 Pump station oil tank 03 Suction filter  04 Ball valve 05 Hose. Suction side of pump 06 Motor for pump 07 Co Coup upli ling ng be betw twee een nm mot otor or an and dp pum ump p 08 Pump 09 Hose. Pressure side of pump 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Hose. Drain from pump Spring-loaded non-return valve Ball valve Dire Direct ctio iona nall val valve ve,, ele elect ctri rica cally lly c con ontro trolle lled d Pr Pres essu sure re g gau auge ge ffor or s sys yste tem m pr pres essu sure re Hose. Pressure gauge "M "Min ini-M i-Mes ess" s"-c -cou oupl plin ing g fo forr pr pres essu sure re g gau auge ge Hose. Pressure transmitter  Pressure transmitter  "Mini-Mess"-coupling for pressure transmitter 

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45

"Mini-Mess"-coupling for system pressure control Pres Press sur uree-llim imit itin ing gv va alve lve Flow low control valve Hyd ydra raul ulic ic acc ccum umu ulato lator  r  "Mi "Mini-M ni-Mess ess"-co "-coupl upling ing for ret return urn flo flow w pres pressur sure ec cont ontrol rol Emergency stop Air filter  Level switch: Trips a alarm larm if oil level in oil tank is too lo low w Return ffllow ffiilter  Ball valve Sp Spri ring ng-lo -load aded ed n non on-re -retur turn n va valv lve e in rret eturn urn llin ine e Oil level glass Drain cock Pressure gauge "M "Min inii-M Mes ess" s"-c -co oup upli lin ng Hose for test pressure gauge Testing and Vent pipe venting equipment Fitting Stop valve "M "Min inii-M Mes ess" s"-c -co oup upli lin ng Stop valve Stop valve Me Meas asur urin ing g ni nipp pple le.. Pr Pres essu sure re s sid ide e on cyl cylin inde der  r  Me Meas asur urin ing g nip nippl ple. e. P Pis isto ton n ro rod d si side de o off cy cyli lind nder er Hydrau raulic cylind inder 





Appendix 3. Pipe diagr diagram am (s (schematic chematic diagram)


70000448-148 Text relating to Appendix IV 08 13 18

Pump Dire Direct ctio iona nall val valve ve,, ele elect ctri rica cally lly c con ontro trolle lled d Pressure transmitter 


Limit stop switch, KDS1

51 49

L im imit it itud sudin to top pinal sw swit itch ch, K KDS 2r  Lo Long ngit al ttra ran n,sd sdu uDS2 ce cer 





Appendix 4. Functional diagram


70000448-148 Text relating to Appendix V 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 45 46 47 48 49

Pressure gauge "M "Min inii-M Mes ess" s"-c -co oup upli lin ng Hose for test pressure gauge Testing and Vent pipe venting equipment Fitting Stop valve "M "Min inii-M Mes ess" s"-c -co oup upli lin ng Me Meas asur urin ing g ni nipp pple le.. Pr Pres essu sure re s sid ide e on cyl cylin inde der  r  Me Meas asur urin ing g nip nippl ple. e. P Pis isto ton n ro rod d si side de o off cy cyli lind nder er Hydrau raulic cylind inder  Magnet Plastic disc Protective tube Lo Long ngit itud udin inal al ttra ran nsd sdu uce cer  r 





Appendix 5. Hydraulic cylinder 


70000448-148 Text relating to Appendix VI 50 56 57 58

Limit stop switch, KDS1 Baseplate Br Brac acke kett an and d ba base sepl plat ate e fo forr lim limit it st stop op s swi witc tch, h, KD KDS1 S1 Ar Arm m fo forr ac acti tiva vatio tion n of llim imit it s sto top p sw swit itch ch,, KD KDS1 S1


Bearing b bllock





Appendix 6. Safety switch, KDS 1


70000448-148 Text relating to Appendix VII 51 53

Lim imit it sto top p sw swit itch ch,, K KDS DS2 2 Frame ffo or K KD DS2





Appendix 7. Safety switch, KDS 2



Text relating to Appendix VIII


45 49

Hydrau raulic cylind inder  Lo Long ngit itud udin inal al tr tran ansd sdu uce cer  r 


Thrust disc





Appendix 8. Calibration of transducer 


70000448-148 Text relating to Appendix IX


98 99 100

Forklift ttrruck Lift Liftin ing g ttab able le with with ov over erha hang ng Tem Tempora porary ry sup suppor portt for ove overha rhang ng of lif liftin ting g table table





  Appendix 9. Dismantling of thrust roller ---o0o---

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