Three Generations by Nick Juoquin

September 26, 2017 | Author: cara sophia | Category: N/A
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what a great story....


What is "Three Generations" by Nick Joaquin about? A: According to "Philippine Short Stories 1941-1955," the story "Three Generations" by Nick Joaquin follows Celo Monzon and his terrible childhood. He reflects on the unhappiness he experienced as a child after his own son decides to enter the priesthood. The story focuses on themes of sexuality, inheritance, traditions and acceptance as Monzon comes to terms with his grandfather's behavior during his childhood. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Nick Joaquin is a Filipino author best known for his representations of Filipino culture in his works. He wrote novels, poems, plays, essays and biographies, most of which focus completely on Filipino culture, characters and themes. His famous works include a novel titled "The Woman Who Had Two Navels" and the play "A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino." While some of his best-known works are novels and plays, and he also made a name for himself in the short story genre, of which his short story entitled "Three Generations" is a part. He was a historian who studied the Golden Age of Spain in the Philippines, and many of his short stories, including "Three Generations," deal with this era. Short stories from this era dealt with Roman Catholicism and its impact on his characters. What is the story Three Generations by Nick Joaquin about? 3 Generations By Nick Joaquin Three Generations talks about a Celo Monzon, whose unhappy childhood still haunts him even if he is already a father. At the beginning of the story, his wife tells him about their son's plan to enter priesthood. He is also told about the call his sister has made because she no longer knows what to do with their sick father. At this point, readers are already given the impression that during this time, women's role caters only to men's needs and their children. It will be known later in the story that the sick father has been wild since he, Celo, has driven his latest woman away. So, in the setting of this story, it seems that having concubines is but normal.

Sofia, Celo's wife, has even been convincing him to allow the old man to have his girl back. She tells him, "Your father could never live without women . . . and now you have driven that one away. It is death by torture."12 This speaks about downright oppression of women as men are accepted in the society to have number twos, threes or fours while women are not. This is an obvious discrimination in the society, as women do not have the opportunities that men do. This is somewhat like Shirley Chisholm's "Equal Rights for Women" in which she says that, " . . . Women that do not conform to the system, who try to break with the accepted patterns, are stigmatized as "odd" and "unfeminine."13 Just like in the case of Celo's calling his wife as vulgar when she tries to convince him that he allow his father to have what he wants. As the story continues, he then remembers how his father has whipped him in his childhood. He adds that his own youth had been so unhappy because he lives in those times that "gave the head of the family absolute dominion over his women and children. . . They bowed to the paternal whip as long as they had to; then broke away to marry and breed and establish families over whom they had in turn set themselves up as lords almighty."14 He also recalls the women in his father's life that he "was never without two or three concubines whom he had whipped as regularly as he did his sons; but none of them, once fallen into his power, had bothered to strive for a more honorable status. If they went away, it was because the old man wearied of them; though at his bidding, they would return as meekly, to work in his house or in his fields, to cook his food, to wash his clothes, to attend to his children, and to bare their flesh to the blows of his anger or to the blows of his love."15 His mother, on the other hand, had been "too thankful, worn out as she was with toil and child-bearing, for the company and assistance of these other women."16 Definitely, the kind of society being presented in this story is the patriarchal one. Almost all women are oppressed and exploited through sex. Their confinement to the role of sex slaves and passive submission to a single man, unlike men, are often maintained by physical force. As a boy, Celo had wept for his mother for all his father's misdoing. He has since then detested him and, that afternoon, he goes to his father with his son, Chitong. They find the old man very ill. And it is right then seen how the two sons differ in treating their progenitor. Celo forcibly feeds the old man while Chitong has felt sorry for him that he has wanted to knock the tray from his father's hands. Thus, Chitong realizes later that he must find the girl at whatever expense there is with his father.

It is said in the story that the poor woman has been whipped by Chitong's father when she has insisted to stay beside the old man. When Chitong has found her again, she unhesitatingly goes with the young man to go to her old lover. This is quite telling of women's stupidity and shallowness. The young woman has already received the greatest embarrassment in her life, by being whipped and chased by someone who has no right at all to it to her. And yet, she returns to the old man when she knows very well that the man who has demeaned her will be there. Yes, it may be courage for her to show up herself in the same house, but what for? To be someone's sex slave again? True enough, when she and Chitong have arrived, Celo is there. With the latter's wrath at his son's defiance, he has lain hands on him for the first time. He then realizes how he has become the father he has hated for so long and there realizes further that the slap has been his. At this, "the girl . . . slipped swiftly away from them and into the old man's room, locking the door behind."17 To wrap up the whole story, it is basically anti-feminist. Women, here, are portrayed as house and sex slaves of men. Women, like Sofia, Celo's sister and mother, as well as the concubines, are expected to be home buddies, who must look after the domestic needs of the family, from cooking to laundering, and other chores. It is also implied in the story that women, though they are used like sex slaves of men, belong to the unintelligent species, as they return to them at the man's bidding. The concept of men affording concubines, while women must only have one man, is also very antifeminist, as there is no equality between them. It as if tells that women are "for the pleasure and assistance of men . . . that they should fulfill their natural 'feminine' functions; that they are different from men and should not compete with them." 18

(by any chance are you filipino?Nick Joaquin is a Filipino master artist in literary works) i don't really remember much..but would this story be the one where the "guy" or father killed himself after his son was born?....well if it is...then here goes..IF IT ISN'T THEN DON"T READ ANYMORE..hehehe..JUST SCRAP THIS------------------------------------... the man , the father is considered as a foundation of the family. his purpose is to guide and provide for his kids.being "macho" was the belief of being a true man. a man wasn't supposed to weep, show weakness or emotion. This guy couldn't take seeing his wife in pain during her labor. he can't take that he doesn't know what to do.Empathizing to his wife's situation means he really loves her and that doesn't mean macho. he's suffering as well ans since he "failed" as being a macho man he resorts to the last manly thing to do--to die with honor...(just like what the samurai did).....

Transcript of Three Generations Three Generations Nick Joaquin ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nicomedes Marquez Joaquin Writer, historian and journalist short stories and novels in English Quijano de Manila conferred the rank and title of National Artist of the Philippines for Literature Biography - May 4, 1917 - Paco, Manila - Col. Leocadio Joaquin and Saloma Marquez Works about Rizal - The Storyteller's New Medium - Jose Rizal Saga - The Complete Poems and Plays of Jose Rizal - Translation of Mi Ultimo Adios (Land That I Love, Farewell!) - May Day Eve - Prose and Poems - The Woman who have Two Navels - A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino - Tropical Gothic - A Question of Heroes: Essays in Criticism on Ten Key Figures of Philippine History - Reportage on Lovers - Reportage on Crimes Celo dynamic character(developing character) / round character he lived an unhappy childhood life under his parents care he detested his father for beating him and his mother he refused the idea of bringing his fathers' woman back after he, himself, drove the woman out his fathers house

when his son betrayed him by bringing the woman back; for the first time he laid his hands on his son and then realize how he became the very man he had hated. Chitong Protagonist flat character Celo's only son he initially wanted to become a priest but then became a lawyer when he and his father went to check his gradfather, they learned that he wants to see his woman (the woman Celo drove out) after he sees his grandfather he then came up with the idea of bringing his grandfathers' woman back; and thus result to his father, for the first time, hit him when Celo went to feed his father, Chitong saw how forcibly his father tried to do it; he then realize how differently he and his father treat their progenitor Sofia Confidante Celo's wife and Chitong's mother she tried to convince his husband to let his father-in-law have his woman back that he needs her; Celo then called her vulgar Marcelo Sr. Flat character Celo's father and Chitong's grand father When Celo was young he used to beat him and his wife for no apparent reason; also he had other woman beside his wife that also beats as much as his own family CHARACTERS SHORT FILM THEME Anti-feminist The women in the the story are expected to look only after the domestic needs of the family. It was also implied in the story that women belong to the unintelligent species, as they return to the the men at the their bidding. In addition, the concept of men affording to have other women and the women having only one man is a proof that no equality is being portrayed in the story. END OF PRESENTATION

REPORTER: BEA THERESE LEDDA HUM 16 / AY01 Tiya Nena static character Celo's Sister she was the one who took care of their father she also agrees with Sofia on bringing the woman back Teeta static character Marcelo Sr.'s girl She loves Marcelo Sr. so much that even if she was humilated before by his lovers' own son she still went to his old lovers' side

Transcript of Copy of Three Generations Three Generations Nick Joaquin ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nicomedes Marquez Joaquin Writer, historian and journalist short stories and novels in English Quijano de Manila Biography - May 4, 1917 - Paco, Manila - Col. Leocadio Joaquin and Saloma Marquez Works about Rizal - The Storyteller's New Medium - Jose Rizal Saga - The Complete Poems and Plays of Jose Rizal - Translation of Mi Ultimo Adios (Land That I Love, Farewell!) -

May Day Eve Prose and Poems The Woman who have Two Navels A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino Tropical Gothic A Question of Heroes: Essays in Criticism on Ten Key Figures of Philippine History Reportage on Lovers

- Reportage on Crimes Celo dynamic character he lived an unhappy childhood life under his parents care " lie down you little beast, lie down, beast" he detested his father for beating him and his mother he refused the idea of bringing his fathers' woman back after he, himself, drove the woman out his fathers house he is very responsible and industrious father " he stared instead at his hands, huge, calloused, and ugly" when his son betrayed him by bringing the woman back; for the first time he laid his hands on his son and then realize how he became the very man he had hated. Chitong Protagonist dynamic character Celo's only son dual personality he initially wanted to become a lawyer but then became a priest when he and his father went to check his grandfather, they learned that he wants to see his woman (the woman Celo drove out) " after he sees his grandfather he then came up with the idea of bringing his grandfather's woman back; and thus result to his father, for the first time, hit him when Celo went to feed his father, Chitong saw how forcibly his father tried to do it; he then realize how differently he and his father treat their progenitor Sofia Confidante static character Celo's wife and Chitong's mother she tried to convince his husband to let his father-in-law have his woman back that he needs her; Celo then called her vulgar well-preserved woman Celo's father Celo's father and Chitong's grand father When Celo was young he used to beat him and his wife for no apparent reason; also he had other woman beside his wife that also beats as much as his own family "lie down, you little beast, lie down beast" CHARACTERS

THEME Even though how much we try to change ourselves, not to be the worst person in our lives – parents, siblings, or other persons, we can’t in our own. In the story, elder monzon tried to change his life and his father’s but he failed and even ended punching his son’s face. The old monzon in the other hand didn’t try and remained in his life. Fortunately, the grandson chitong clinged to God and had a different temperament from his father and grandfather, but still have flaws. We can change our lives with our own strength, so what more to cause change in other’s lives? We may, for a while or in a few things but total change in life, only God can bring. Antifeminist The women in the the story are expected to look only after the domestic needs of the family. It was also implied in the story that women belong to the unintelligent species, as they return to the the men at the their bidding. In addition, the concept of men affording to have other women and the women having only one man is a proof that no equality is being portrayed in the story. Tiya Nena static character Celo's Sister she was the one who took care of their father she also agrees with Sofia on bringing the woman back The old man's girl static character Marcelo Sr.'s girl She loves the old man so much that even if she was humilated before by his lovers' own son she still went to his old lovers' side SUMMARY 3 Generations by Nick Joaquin Three Generations talks about Celo Monzon, whose unhappy childhood still haunts him even if he is already a father. At the beginning of the story, his wife tells him about their son's plan to enter priesthood. He is also told about the call his sister has made because she no longer knows what to do with their sick father. At this point, readers are already given the impression that during this time, women's role caters only to men's needs and their children. It will be known later in the story that the sick father has been wild since he, Celo, has driven his latest woman away. So, in the setting of this story, it seems that having concubines is but normal. Sofia, Celo's wife, has even been convincing him to allow the old man to have his girl back. She tells him, "Your father could never live

without women . . . and now you have driven that one away. It is death by torture." This speaks about downright oppression of women as men are accepted in the society to have number twos, threes or fours while women are not. This is an obvious discrimination in the society, as women do not have the opportunities that men do. This is somewhat like Shirley Chisholm's "Equal Rights for Women" in which she says that, " . . . Women that do not conform to the system, who try to break with the accepted patterns, are stigmatized as "odd" and "unfeminine." Just like in the case of Celo's calling his wife as vulgar when she tries to convince him that he allow his father to have what he wants. As the story continues, he then remembers how his father has whipped him in his childhood. He adds that his own youth had been so unhappy because he lives in those times that "gave the head of the family absolute dominion over his women and children. . . They bowed to the paternal whip as long as they had to; then broke away to marry and breed and establish families over whom they had in turn set themselves up as lords almighty."He also recalls the women in his father's life that he "was never without two or three concubines whom he had whipped as regularly as he did his sons; but none of them, once fallen into his power, had bothered to strive for a more honorable status. If they went away, it was because the old man wearied of them; though at his bidding, they would return as meekly, to work in his house or in his fields, to cook his food, to wash his clothes, to attend to his children, and to bare their flesh to the blows of his anger or to the blows of his love." His mother, on the other hand, had been "too thankful, worn out as she was with toil and child-bearing, for the company and assistance of these other women. Definitely, the kind of society being presented in this story is the patriarchal one. Almost all women are oppressed and exploited through sex. Their confinement to the role of sex slaves and passive submission to a single man, unlike men, are often maintained by physical force.As a boy, Celo had wept for his mother for all his father's misdoing. He has since then detested him and, that afternoon, he goes to his father with his son, Chitong. They find the old man very ill. And it is right then seen how the two sons differ in treating their progenitor. Celo forcibly feeds the old man while Chitong has felt sorry for him that he has wanted to knock the tray from his father's hands. Thus, Chitong realizes later that he must find the girl at whatever expense there is with his father.It is said in the story that the poor woman has been whipped by Chitong's father when she has insisted to stay beside the old man. When Chitong has found her again, she unhesitatingly goes with the young man to go to her old lover. This is quite telling of women's stupidity and shallowness. The young woman has already received the greatest embarrassment in her life, by being whipped and chased by someone who has no right at all to it to her. And yet, she returns to the

old man when she knows very well that the man who has demeaned her will be there. Yes, it may be courage for her to show up herself in the same house, but what for? To be someone's sex slave again? True enough, when she and Chitong have arrived, Celo is there. With the latter's wrath at his son's defiance, he has lain hands on him for the first time. He then realizes how he has become the father he has hated for so long and there realizes further that the slap has been his. At this, "the girl . . . slipped swiftly away from them and into the old man's room, locking the door behind. PLOT MAN IN A HOLE SETTING The setting of the story 3 Generations by Nick Joaquin is on the time when patrimony ruled over anything. It is the time during the pre-spanish period that men ruled their houses. And according to the story itself, it is the time when women aren’t treated as equal as men, when women were just a pleasure for men. Sometimes also during the pre-spanish period, women also can’t go out to their houses. They are bound to work on their lord’s house while their husband can travel and find many wives as he liked. And while the husband is away, the wife must clean, wash, and make all the household chores and that’s a part of their use to their lord. And when the woman gave birth, she has no right to give a name to his son or daughter. Only the man can give names whatever he liked. And if the woman bore a boy, the husband takes pride of her, but if the woman gave birth to a girl, it will be a disgrace to her. And that’s the way of the system of our ancestor during the prespanish period. POINT OF VIEW LIMITED OMNISCIENT PREPARED BY: MASADAO, JOHN REX PE, OLIVER HUMANITIES 12 PHILIPPINE LITERATURE LIST OF CHARACTERS IN THE STORY CELO CHITONG SOFIA NENA

CELO'S FATHER THE GIRL AWARDS José García Villa's Honor Roll (1940) Philippines Free Press Short Story Contest (1949) Ten Most Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines (TOYM), Awardee for Literature (1955) Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Literary Awards (1957–1958; 1965; 1976) Harper Publishing Company (New York, U.S.A.) writing fellowship Stonehill Award for the Novel (1960) Republic Cultural Heritage Award (1961) Patnubay ng Sining at Kalinangan Award from the City of Manila (1964) National Artist Award (1976). S.E.A. Write Award (1980) Ramon Magsaysay Award for Literature (1996) Tanglaw ng Lahi Award from the Ateneo de Manila University (1997) Several ESSO Journalism awards, including the highly-covetedJournalist of the Year Award.

Transcript of Three Generations Three Generations Works May Day Eve Prose and Poems The Woman Who Have Two Navels A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino Tropical Gothic Reportage on Lovers Reportage on Crimes Characters PLOT Conflict Theme About the Author Nicomedes Marquez Joaquin writer, historian and journalist Short Stories and Novels Quijano de Manila

conferred the rank and title of National Artist of Philippines for Literature May 4, 1917 Paco, Manila Leocadio Joaquin Saloma Marquez Complete Poems and Plays of Jose Rizal Translation of Mi Ultimo Adios (The Land that I Love, Farewell!) Celo Dynamic Character / Round character protagonist (main character) he lived an unhappy chilhood life under his parents care he hated his father for beating him and his mother Chitong flat character Celo's only son he initially wanted to enter priesthood but became confused on whether to pursue it or not he loved his family and thinks that his fathers treatment to his grandfather is unfair Sofia Flat character Celo's wife and Chitong's mother she tried to convince his husband to let his father-in-law have his old lover back called vulgar by Celo for insisting the idea Marcelo Monzon Sr. Flat Character When Celo was young, he used to beat him and his wife for no apparent reason. He was also said to be seen with different women of two or three in numbers. It was also stated that he beats his other women at his whim Tiya Nena Static Character Celo's sister She took care of their father when he was ill She refuses the idea of bringing the latest woman he had when hshe saw how Celo treated him At the beginning of the story, Sofia told Celo about Chitong's plan to enter

priesthood but then was bacame unsure if the latter is going to pursue it or not. She also told the call his sister, Nena, made stating that she no longer knows what to do with their father, since the old man refuses to eat since Celo drove his latest woman away. After Sofia told Celo about the call, she tried to convice him to allow the woman back to his father, she told him "Your father could not live without any woman, and how you have driven that one away; it is death by torture". Celo then calls her vulgar and she does not sound any decent woman. Celo then remembers how his father whipped him in his childhood. As a boy, Celo detested his father for all his misdoing. At that afternoon, Celo visited his father with his son, Chitong. They find the old man very ill. As they arrived, Nena tried to tell Celo that their father needs his old lover back but Celo cut Nena off while she was talking knowing the what the proper wants to say. Celo then tried to fed his father forcibly, Chitong pitied his grandfather and came up with the idea of bringing his grandfather's woman back; even though he knew what his father might do. Chitong found the address of the woman thanks to his Tiya Nena. He then asked the woman to come back with him and that his grandfather needs her. The woman came with him in the end after the initial refusal When Chitong arrived at his grandfather's house with the woman with him, his Tiya Nena tried to convince Chitong to take away the woman and tried to tell him what his father might do. Chitong insisted that his grandfather needs her and that's when Celo arrived. Chitong, told the woman to go to his granfather's room and lock the door on which the latter did. Chitong tried to stop his father from following the woman behind him. Celo mad at his own son's betrayal, for the first time lain his hand on him. And after that, Celo then realizes what he had done with his own hand and that though how he had become the very man he had hated. Meanwhile at the old man's room, the woman tried to wake him up, when the proper did not react to her actions she tried to call Nena, anyone to help her wake him up, but then grieved by the realization of her lover not going to wake up anymore. Man Vs. Society Man Vs. Himself Point of View Omniscient Limited Anti-Feminist The women in the story are expected to look only after the domestic needs of the family. It was also implied in the story that women belong to the unintelligent

species, as they return to the men at their bidding. In addition, the concept of men affording to have other women and the women having only one man is a proof that no equality is being portrayed in the story. It also shows, gender inequality and gender discrimination as evidence by male dominated society. Nick Joaquin How domestic violence transcend from one generation to another Why was the short story entitled Three Generations? End of Presentation Bea Therese Ledda

Three Generations 1st presentation (without plot) by Bea Ledda on 20 November 2013 1528 1

Comments (1) 

Redzhina Chriscel · 35 days ago

Hi. Chitong actually did not become a lawyer. Please double check your slide. It gave a wrong info.

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Transcript of Three Generations Three Generations Nick Joaquin ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nicomedes Marquez Joaquin Writer, historian and journalist short stories and novels in English Quijano de Manila conferred the rank and title of

National Artist of the Philippines for Literature Biography - May 4, 1917 - Paco, Manila - Col. Leocadio Joaquin and Saloma Marquez Works about Rizal - The Storyteller's New Medium - Jose Rizal Saga - The Complete Poems and Plays of Jose Rizal - Translation of Mi Ultimo Adios (Land That I Love, Farewell!) - May Day Eve - Prose and Poems - The Woman who have Two Navels - A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino - Tropical Gothic - A Question of Heroes: Essays in Criticism on Ten Key Figures of Philippine History - Reportage on Lovers - Reportage on Crimes Celo dynamic character(developing character) / round character he lived an unhappy childhood life under his parents care he detested his father for beating him and his mother he refused the idea of bringing his fathers' woman back after he, himself, drove the woman out his fathers house when his son betrayed him by bringing the woman back; for the first time he laid his hands on his son and then realize how he became the very man he had hated. Chitong Protagonist flat character Celo's only son he initially wanted to become a priest but then became a lawyer when he and his father went to check his gradfather, they learned that he wants to see his woman (the woman Celo drove out) after he sees his grandfather he then came up with the idea of bringing his grandfathers' woman back; and thus result to his father, for the first time, hit him when Celo went to feed his father, Chitong saw how forcibly his father tried to do it; he then realize how differently he and his father treat their progenitor Sofia

Confidante Celo's wife and Chitong's mother she tried to convince his husband to let his father-in-law have his woman back that he needs her; Celo then called her vulgar Marcelo Sr. Flat character Celo's father and Chitong's grand father When Celo was young he used to beat him and his wife for no apparent reason; also he had other woman beside his wife that also beats as much as his own family CHARACTERS SHORT FILM THEME Anti-feminist The women in the the story are expected to look only after the domestic needs of the family. It was also implied in the story that women belong to the unintelligent species, as they return to the the men at the their bidding. In addition, the concept of men affording to have other women and the women having only one man is a proof that no equality is being portrayed in the story. END OF PRESENTATION

REPORTER: BEA THERESE LEDDA HUM 16 / AY01 Tiya Nena static character Celo's Sister she was the one who took care of their father she also agrees with Sofia on bringing the woman back Teeta static character Marcelo Sr.'s girl She loves Marcelo Sr. so much that even if she was humilated before by his lovers' own son she still went to his old lovers' side

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