Threads Magazine 01 - Premier Issue - Oct Nov 1985

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PeDe Issue

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ee e e Issue


"Two HDED YERS F WEVNG HET   GE LED Us  T O A LM." Sylvia and Lucille Ortiz, Albuquerque New Mo.

For centuries, the Hispanic people of northern New Mexico have been raising sheep and weaing wl. These craftspeo craftspeo ple have handed dow ther skills for gen erations in an unbroken link - building roughhewn lms designing designing colorfu b rics and weaing them off. Sisters Sylia and Lucille Lucille Ortz are the seventh generation generation in a family tree that in cludes the Ortegas Ortegas of Chmayo - one of the

"Imagine it t Grandmother all day to  weave a yad but to compete in the modern  wold our llms ms have to produce three to ve yads an hour er exens exensive ive product research researc h we invested in an AVL Produc tionLoom. Only AVL AVL delivers the quality to comple ment our family tadition

Th AVL 60" Prodon Dobb Loom

Thre gnrations of Nw Mxco wavr galh r o dC chnqu: ( rrom om r) Lc 0rz, Gndmohr Era Romo hodng a bank bank h 1) Sya Orz Mohr Ma Orz.


most celebrated weaving families in the Southwest. After studying a varety of art a rt forms for six years on the East Coast they decided to retu to New Mexico in 198 and start their ow weaing busness We want to maintain our family's tadi tional approach approach to weain weaing g yet we strive to create a very uptodate look and feel. Ths combnation of old and new is what makes our line Ortiz Handwoven Originals the success it is today.

AVLLOOMS 1 Org  pt  Ci, Cii 9596 (916) 893-4915 Snd $2 f coml clo

Now the possibilities are endless.


Octobovmb 85

Pmi Issu


hn Kelsey A D Rge Bes Aa Ed

Deh Cnne Bey Lene An Ed  My Glp Glpn n Cpy/Pdun Cpy/P dun Ed Gene Ge ne Vn Mlusk Aa A D Glee Be An A  Ls Lng Cnn Ed Re Fnnng usn Guglum nne Mtte



Tips: Making a round cord; whing embroidees


Qsions: hy do natural dyes fade?


Nos: Sheang sheep apparel industry woes




Books: Gides for interchanging yas


iooms: Ten pounds of crochet


Cips: Good magazine reing


s Emoi


New images th traditional stitches by Caon Dal


ing Go an Yow There's always the onion

The Taunon s: Paul man, pubisher; Janice A. man      iate pubisher; Tom Luxeder business manager; Carol Marotti pernnel manager; wis Beck ofceseices crdinator; Pauine Fazio executive sece sece  ; Ma Ann Colbet secre   Suan McCann receptionist: be wvejoy, maintnance Accounting: Irene         manager Ma Ames Catherine Sullivan, Elaine Yamin : ger Bes, design directr; Paola zzaro staff artist k ks s slie Carola publisher; Heather Bne mr asociate a diectr; Scott ndis Christine immons,       iate editos; Nancy Sbie copy/production editor      F lment: Carole E ndo subciption manager e homa, isant manager; Gloria Caron Dorothy Deher Donna avitt Pe Blanc Blanc Denise Pasca Heather Riccardi, Patricia Rice Nancy Schoch Ben Wer, mail-
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