Thomas More Utopia Response
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Thomas More Utopia Response...
R3wLaura Chappell Colloquium 390U Thomas More Utopia Response
The idea of utopia is often associated with the words ideal, peace, harmony, perfection, and the list goes on !owe"er, e"en the most perfect place on #arth #arth you can imagine is going to ha"e its $lind spots spots These down falls stem stem from the fact that no society can please e"ery citi%en who inha$its inha$its it, that is, e"ery person&s person&s idea of perfection "aries "aries 'lthough it does ha"e its upsides, More&s utopia undou$tedly has $lind spots More&s Utopia Utopia encompasses a pro$lem that many man y other representations of utopia also ha"e( the loss of indi"idualism indi"idualism The goal of ta)ing away indi"idualism indi"idualism in society was to equal out the playing playing field for all of its its citi%ens *y eliminating difference among indi"iduals, More&s utopia also eliminates po"erty, greed, +ealousy, and other negati"e attri$utes that currently eist in society due to to the freedom of indi"iduality indi"iduality -n the surface this seems li)e a smart idea, $ut $y ta)ing away indi"idualism, More&s utopia also suppresses creati"ity, imagination, and ingenuity These aspects ser"e as main function of society society .ithout them, people rarely e"er reach their full potential, and how can that $e $est for society/ imilar to this loss of indi"idualism, indi"idualism, is the complete loss of pri"ate property property 1n More&s utopia, no citi%en has personal owner own er ship of anything, e"erything is simply commonwealth This is also meant meant to le"el the playing field field among all citi%ens *y eliminating ownership of pri"ate property, More&s utopia is simply restricting restricting the growth of the society .ith .ith no pri"ate property comes no need for money within the society #liminating the use of money stifles the need for citi%ens to ecel $ecause they ha"e no moti"ation for going a$o"e and $eyond The reward of money plays a "ery important role in society society 1t pro"ides an
incenti"e to do well, and fosters humans& dri"e to accomplish and achie"e More tries to ma)e this seem li)e it is $eneficial to society, $ut in reality it is not 1n addition to this, other dar) sides to More&s Utopia lie within the fundamentals of his imagined society 1n More&s utopia, there still eists disease, mental illness, unfa"ora$le weather, and crime 1f utopia is supposed to $e a perfect society, then this is simply contradicting 'lthough More does propose $eneficial ideas in which to deal with these ailments in society, he does not fully eliminate them, and therefore the $ad effects that they cause still eist in More&s utopia 2erhaps the largest and most serious pro$lems in More&s Utopia are that it does not allow for ad"ancements of any )ind, population growth, or any form of change in general More&s utopia is intentionally ignorant to any technological ad"ances in the outside world, and, as a result, the society is stuc) li"ing in the same state for eternity This is simply unrealistic, $ecause no society can sustain while remaining stagnant 1f More&s utopia eisted in the real world, it would ne"er sur"i"e $ecause it would $e impossi$le to not react to the ad"ancements in other areas of the world without failing as a society More&s solution to this pro$lem is ma)ing the island on which More&s utopia eists completely isolated, which is a pro$lem in of itself 'll of these aspects of More&s utopia are $lind spots that ma)e it unrealistic and unachie"a$le This is simply why utopia& means no4place, it cannot eist in the real world without failing These $lind spots within More&s utopia all represent social coercion, and are oppressi"e as well as restricti"e
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