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  SỞ GD&ĐT NGHỆ AN Đề chính thức

KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TỈNH LỚP 9 CẤP THCS NĂM HỌC 2016 - 2017 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH  ANH - BẢNG A Thời gian: 150 150 phút  phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

  Điểm Bằng số:

Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo Giám khảo 1:

 ............................................................. Bằng chữ:

....................................................................... Giám khảo 2:



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A. LISTENING Part 1: (14 points) There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick (√) in the box below it.


Part 2: (12 points)You points)You will hear a man called Frank, talking on the radio about looking for ships that sank at sea long ago. For each question, put a tick ( √) in the correct box. 8. The first old ship which Frank found was

9. Frank finds ships quikly beause he


covered by rocks.


older than he first thought


easy to find


reads history books.


is a professional diver 


uses the latest equipment

10 10.. What does Frank say about the ship


It was built in 1859



It sank in a storm


It was badly made


was made from gold he found himself  


is worth £88,000.


was found by a friend.

A. B.

stop diving. give things to museums.


sell some of his collection


by joining a diving club


by going on a diving holiday


by teaching himself.

Called The Seabird?

11 11.. Frank says his wedding ring

12 12.. Frank’s wife believes he should

13 13.. How did Frank learn to dive


Part 3: 3: (24 points)  points) Listen  Listen to the conversation between a man and a woman as the man joins the local library. For questions from 1 to 5: Complete the Membership Application Form below: WESTLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM

 Example answer: NAME: Camden FIRST NAME: Peter ADDRESS: Flat 5 53 (1) (1) _________________________________  _________________________________ Finsbury POSTCODE: (2) (2) ________________________________________________  ________________________________________________ DATE OF OF BIRTH: 8th July (3) (3) _____________________________________   _____________________________________  HOME TEL: None MOBILE TEL: (4) (4) ________________________________________________   ________________________________________________  PROOF OF RESIDENCE PROVIDED: (5) ____________________________   ____________________________ 

For questions 6 – 8 : Circle THREE letters A - F. What type of books does Peter like? A. Wildlife books B. Romance books C. Travel books D. Historical novels E. Science Fiction novels F. Mystery books For questions 9 - 12: Decide whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE according to the listening passage. Put a tick (√) in the appropriate column. T F 9. The council that runs the library wants to to find out what kind of books people prefer. 10 10.. It’s not free to join the library. 11 11.. You must leave a deposit if you want to rent videos or DVDs. 12 12.. Peter doesn’t want to take a book for the weekend.


B. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Part 1: 1: (1 (100 poi points nts)) Choo Choose se the wor wordd whi which ch best best com comple pletes tes each each of the following following sente sentences nces.. Wri Write te your  answers in the space provided. 1. Mrs. Carter ______ her son for getting dirty. A. brought off B. put down C. took on D. told off   2. Just watch me, and do ________________ I tell you. A. whoever B. whenever C. however D. whatever   3. Lisa: “It’s nearly the end of the holiday already.” Mary: “........................!” A. How time flies B. Let’s call it a day C. It’s a small world D. There’s nothing to it 4. I am ___________ tired to think about that problem at the moment. A. simply B. far too C. nearly D. much more 5. ____comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it. A. It B. Therefore C. There D. That 6. ______ dinner will be served. A. In three quarter of an hour time B. In three quarters of an hour time C. In three hree qu quar artter erss of of an an hhou our’ r’ss tim timee D. In three hree quar quarte terr ooff aann hhou our’ r’ss ttiime 7. ___________ our pre-paid order, they failed to send us the items in time. A. With respect to B. Regardless of   C. On behalf of D. Without any notice of   8. Steve _____ his chances of passing by spending too much time on the first question. A. th t hrew on B. threw off C. threw away D. threw in 9. John: “Would you mind turning down the volume?” – Peter: “______________” A. Not at all B. Of course C. I’d be glad to D. Yes, sure 10 10.. Home is a base from which we can go into the world with __________________  A. confide B. confident C. confidence D. confidently Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.  Part 2: (10 points) The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and correct them in the space  provided. 1 MTV stands for Music Television. It’s a television channel dedicating to pop music. It was born on 1 st 2

August 1981 in the United United States. Because of MTV’s instant instant succeed in the US, the compan companyy expanded


other areas. MTV Europe began operating in 1st August 1978. MTV Europe broadcast 24 hours a day


from its London studios. It can be seen in 33 countries and reaches estimated audiences of 110 million

5 6

viewers. People of 19 different nationalities work at London headquarters, and they try offering a mixture of music from all over Europe. The channel broadcasts in English but Germany provides the bigger 


number of viewers. Currently, one five of the music is by German artists. Most of TV output is video and


concerts, concert s, but there is also a program programme me calling Unplugged , where major artists play live and acoustic in



front of a small studio audience. In addition on music, the channel’s programmes deal with news, movie

10 information information   and comedy. MTV has also broadcast special report on racism, immigrate and unemployed teenagers. Your answers Mistakes




11. 12.

16. 17.

143. 15.

198. 20.



C. READING COMPREHENSION Part 1: 1: (15 points)  points) Read  Read the following passage and decide which answer (from ( from A, B, C or D) best fits each  gap. Write your answer in the space provided. CROCODILES  Crocodiles see well, their eyes are equipped with three eyelids, each having a differe different nt function. Their  eyeballs slide back out of (1)__________ way during an attack. Should they lose one of their eight-centimetrelong teeth, a replac replacement ement is always ready. A crocodile may go throug throughh (2)__________ thousan thousandd teeth during a lifetime of over seventy years. Crocodiles can not chew, as their teeth are (3)_________ only to penetrate and hold. These animals can attack at any (4)_________ of the year, but they are more active in the warmer months and when in (5)__________ of mates. Underwater, crocodiles (6)___________ their victims at the water’s (7)__________ by sensing any movement in the water. Once they have a hold on their victim, they drag it deep into the water to (8)__________ it. They then crush and swallow it. Many battles occur over mates. About six weeks after mating, the female (9)__________ a nest, often on the river bank, and (10)__________ about fifty eggs. She then seals the nest for protection and also as a way of  (11)_________ the temperature. After ten to twelve weeks the baby crocodiles come out of the eggs: only about one percent of these (12)________ it to adulthood, as thousands die in flooding or are eaten by fish or bigger  crocodiles. In an (13)__________ to ensure a source of (14)_________ animals, crocodile farms have been (15)__________ up, and a vast industry now exists in crocodile skin and meat. 1. A. harm’s B. danger’s C. injury’s D. damage’s 2. A. various B. several C. considerable D. numerous 3. A. composed B. constituted C. designed D. styled 4. A. time B. phase C. month D. interval 5. A. discovery B. hunt C. exploration D. search 6. A. prefer B. accept C. propose D. choose 7. A. border B. rim C. edge D. shore 8. A. sink B. drown C. capsize D. soak   9. A. installs B. makes C. manufactures D. produces 10 10.. A. lays B. sets C. drops D. puts 11 11.. A. dominating B. ruling C. imposing D. controlling 12 12.. A. reach B. make C. get D. arrive 13 13.. A. attempt B. action C. aspiration D. alternative 14 14.. A. well B. fine C. fit D. healthy 15 15.. A. put B. taken C. set D. stood


Your anwers: 1. 6. 11.

2. 7. 12.

3. 8. 13.

4. 9. 14.

5. 10. 15.

Part 2: 2: (15 points) Fill ONE suitable word into each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Write  your answers in the space provided. COPING WITH SHYNESS Shyness is a problem that is common to many people. In (16)________, according to Mr. Zimbardo, a dist distin ingui guishe shedd ps psych ychol ologi ogist st at Stan Standfo dford rd univ univer ersi sity ty,, eigh eightt (17 (17)__ )____ _____ ___ of ten ten peopl peoplee are rep report orted ed to (18)________ been shy at some (19)________ in their lives. Most people (20)_______ have this condition, suffer feelings of discomfort and anxiety at the (21)_________ of meeting others, especially at social gatherings (22)________ parties. Keeping away from such situations is not really a solution, of course, and if a shy person can manage to overcome their fears they (23)_______ gain a feeling of self-satisfaction as (24)________ as improving their social life. However, if the case of shyness is severe, when important occasions are missed or a  person’s social, educational or professional life is affected, (25)_______ the label “shyness” is inappropriate. (26)______ this stage, it is termed “social phobia”. Those suffering (27)_______ this condition are very often  bright, talented and sensitive people. But feelings of social isolation, rresulting esulting (28)_______ loneliness, can lead to additional problems (29)______ as alcohol abuse or addiction to medication. Fortunately, a number of  treatments are available and come in the form of individual (30) ________ group therapy and training. Therefore, a person who has social phobia has an excellent chance of recovering. Your anwers: 16. 21. 26.

17. 22. 27.

18. 23. 28.

19. 24. 29.

20. 25. 30.

Part 3: 3: (20 points)  points) Read  Read the passage and choose the correct cor rect answer (from A, B, C or D) for each ea ch question. Write your answers in the space provided. A rather surprisingly geographical feature of Antartica is that a huge freshwater lake, one of the world’s largest and deepest, lies hidden hidden there  there under four kilometers of ice. Now known as Lake Vostok, this huge body of water this is located under ice block that comprises Antartica. The lakeheat is able exist in itscore. unfrozen state  beneath block of ice the because its waters are warmed by geothermal fromtothe earth’s The thick  glacier above Lake Vostok actually insulates it from the frigid frigid temperatures  temperatures on the surface. The lake was first discovered discovered in the 1970s while a reseach team was conduct conducting ing an aerial survey of the area. Radio waves from the survey equipment penetrated the ice and reveal a body of water of undeterminate size. It was not until much more recently that data collected by satellite made scientists aware of the tremendous size of the lake; the satellite-borne radar detected an extremely flat region where the ice remains level because it is floating on the water of the lake. The discovery of such a huge freshwater lake trapped under Antartica is of interest to the scientific community because of the potential that the lake contains ancient microbes microbes that  that have survived for thousands upon thousands of years, unaffected by factors such as nuclear fallout and the elevated ultraviolet light that have affected organisms more downside of downside discovery, however, lies ind the difficulty of  condu con duct ctin ing g res resea earc rchhinon the theexposed lake lake inareas. suc suchh The harsh harsh clim climat atee ofand anthe d in the the pro probl blem emss assoc associa iate ted with with obta obtain inin ing g uncontaminated samples from the lake without actually exposing the lake to contamination. Scientists are looking for possible ways to accomplish this.


31 31.. The word “hidden “hidden”” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____________. A. undrinkable B. untouched C. unexploitable D. undiscovered 32 32.. What is true of Lake Vostok? A. It is completely frozen. B. It is a saltwater lake. C. It is beneath a thick slab of ice. D. It is heated by the sun. 33 33.. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “frigid “frigid”” in paragraph 1? A. extremely cold B. easily broken C. quite harsh D. lukewarm 34 34.. All of the following are true about the 1970 survey of Antartica EXCEPT that it ______________. A. was conducted by air B. made use of radio waves C. could not determine the lake’s exact size. D. was controlled by a satellite. 35 35.. It can be inferred from the passage that the ice would not be flat if _____________________. A. there were no lake underneath B. the lake weren’t so big C. Antartica weren’t so cold D. radio waves weren’t used 36 36.. The word “microbes “microbes”” in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by which of the following? A. pieces of dust B. tiny bubbles C. tiny organisms D. rays of light 37. Lake 37.  Lake Vostok is potentially important to scientists because it__________. A. can be studied using radio waves B. may contain uncontaminated microbes C. may hhaave elevated le levels ooff ultraviolet light D. has already been contaminated 38 38.. The word “downside “downside”” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___________. A. bottom level B. negative aspect C. underside D. buried section 39 39.. The last paragraph suggests that scientists should be aware of___________. A. further discoveries on the surface of Antartica B. problems with satellite-borne radar equipment C. ways to study Lake Vostok without contaminating it. D. the harsh climate of Antartica 40 40.. The purpose of the passage is to____________. A. explain how Lake Vostok was discovered B. provide satellite data concerning Antartica. C. discuss future plans for Lake Vostok  D. present an unexpected aspect of Antartica’s geography. Your anwers: 31. 36.

32. 37.

33. 38.

34. 39.

35. 40.

Part 4: 4: ((10 10 points) points) Read the passage and do the tasks that follow: AMAZING NEW INVENTIONS Every year, more and more amazing things are invented. Here are three of our favourites for this year. A. Fukuda’s Automatic Door Can you imagine a door that fits around your body as you walk through it? Fukuda’s Automatic Door  was designed in Japan by an inventor named Rikiya Fukuda. It automatically indentifies movement and only opens just enough to match the shape of the person or object coming through. So, what are the advantages? It saves energy by helping to keep the same temperature in a room. It can also prevent dirt and other materials from being carried inside. As well as people, the Automatic Door works for small objects, like packages delivered to a post office, or for larger things, such as a car coming through a garage door.


B. The Hand Roll Piano Traveling musicians will be happy with this invention. The Hand Roll Piano was invented by the Japanese company Yamano Music. What makes it different is that it can be rolled up like a blanket. This makes it easier to carry and easier to store. The keyboard is 100 cm long but weighs just 1 kg. It has 61 very thin keys and is made of rubber. It’s convenient convenient to carry, but it’s also a great instrument instrument.. The piano can be played for up to 15 hours on standard batteries. It has more than 100 sounds and its own speaker. C. The LifeStraw Today, more than one billion people in the world do not have safe water. However, it’s been discovered that for the price of a cup of coffee, a life can be saved. The LifeStraw, which costs just $3, is a device for   purifying water. It is able to turn dirty water into drinking water. The drinking straw was designed by the Swiss based company Vestergaard Frandsen. It uses seven types of filter to make water clean enough to dr drink. ink. It can  prevent illnesses and it can also create safe drinking water for victims of hurricanes, earthquakes or other  disasters. Task 1. Choose the best description (from a - d) for each paragraph. There’s one extra description you do not need to use. Write your answers in the space provided. a. It’s an invention that saves lives.  b. It helps you to do housework. c. It’s a device that knows when you are coming. d. It makes entertaining easier.  Your answer: 41. Paragraph A: .......

42. Paragraph B :.......

43. Paragraph C.: ......

Task 2. Read the text again and say Which section A-C mentions: -

an objec objectt that that is sur surpri prisi sing ngly ly ligh light. t. some someth thin ingg th that at wa wass inve invent nted ed iinn E Euro urope pe.. a very very ch chea eapp iinv nven enti tion on.. aw way ay of ke keep epin ingg a ppla lace ce cl clea eane ner. r. an iinv nven enti tion on ttha hatt reco recogn gniz izes es ssiz ize. e. pe peop ople le w who ho nee needd to to ca carry rry thei theirr eq equi uipm pment ent.. some someth thin ingg tha thatt he help lpss pe peop ople le lliv ivee he heal alth thie ier  r 

Your answer: 44.




44. _________  44. _________  45. 45. _________  46. 46. _________  47. 47. _________  48.__________  48.__________  49.__________  49.__________  50. 50. __________  48.



Part 5: 5: ((10 10 points) points) You are going to read an article about history and storytelling. Five sentences have been removed from the article. From the sentences A-F, choose the one which fits each gap 51 – 55. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. Write your answers in the space provided. HISTORY AND STORYTELLING Over the last few years there has been more interest in the subject of history, (51) __________. Hist Histor oria ians ns wh whoo of ofte tenn compl complai ainn about about the the lack lack of inte interes restt in thei theirr sub subje ject ct shoul shouldd be deli deligh ghte tedd at this this development, shouldn’t they?


According to a survey, (52)_________. According (52)_________. Professor Professorss of history are not partic particularly ularly happy abo about ut this increase and have expressed concern about the quality of their students.(53)_______________. TV programmes make students think that studying history is as simple as storytelling. Documentaries oversimplify the subject (54)____________. On the other hand, traditional historians could learn how to tell a story from the makers of such documentaries. Historians don’t have good narative skills, (55)______________. A. more people are applying for places at university, and the number of those wanting to study history has increased    B. which is why history books are not popular with readers. C. They claim that most of their their first- year students have never read a history book and don’t have the skills to study the subject in depth  depth   D. That may not interest the readers who are not working on history h istory  E. perhaps because historical documentaries on television have attracted large viewing audiences F. and concentrate on the historical personalities in an attempt to attract audiences Your answers: 51.





D. WRITING Part 1: 1: (10 points) Complete points) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given and other words to complete each sentence. You must use between TWO and FIVE words. Do not change the word given. 1. This is Sally’s first visit to this museum.  This

is the first time __________________________ ____________________________________ __________ this museum.


2. The House Construction Company is building the Greens’ new house.  The

Greens are ______________________________________________ by the House Construction Company.


3. Dancing was an activity that David had never wanted to do.  Dancing

was an activity that___________________________________ that_____________________________ ______ David.


4. You should not think that the accident was your fault.  It  It

wou would ld be wr wrong ong ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ ___t _the he acci acciden dent. t.


5. It is difficult for Paul to decide what to do. 

............  Paul finds it difficult summer, ______________________________________what _________________________ _____________what to you like MIND , you said you were going to change schools. How your new   When I saw you last summer  school? is)it Read different fromof from your old one? you made many new friends there? the  re? Part 2: ((20 2: 20 How points points) this part a letter fromHave an English-speaking fr iend, friend, Oliver. Oliver.   Please write back soon. Oliver 


In Phong’s name, write a letter letter (about  (about 80 – 100 words ) to Oliver, answering his questions. ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... Part 3: 3: ((30 30 points) points) Your English teacher has asked you to write a story (about 100 – 120 words) for your school story writing competition. Your story MUST begin with this sentence: What an interesting lesson! ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... -The end-

SỞ GD&ĐT NGHỆ AN Đề chính thức



Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH  ANH - BẢNG A Thời gian: 150 150 phút  phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)


Bài thi môn: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – BẢNG A Thời gian làm bài 150 phút (bao gồm cả phần nghe) Điểm Bằng số: ……………………….…………. Bằng chữ: ………………………………..…

Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo Giám khảo 1: …………………………… …………………………….. ………………….. Giám khảo 2: …………………………… …………………………….. …………………..

Số phách

SECTION A. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR  Question 1 (10 points). Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part. 1. I don't think we have very much ______; we have very different opinions.   A. together B. in common C. the same D. similar 2. I’ve been working ______ quite a lot of pressure lately.   A. in B. with C. on D. under   3. Tom Tom:: He’s the best guitarist in our school. Mary:: ______  Mary A. You can say that again. B. That’s fine. C. That’s OK! D. Never mind. 4. The pop group ______ for photographs with their fans. A. joined B. set C. afforded D. posed 5. Mr. Larry Page______ to the last meeting, but he didn't because of sickness.   A. must go B. had to go C. should go D. should have gone 6. It’s vital that our children’s handwriting should be ______. A. legible B. legitimate C. literate D. illiterate 7. She bought ______ jacket when she was in Paris last year. A. a brown leather expensive B. a leather brown expensive C. an expensive brown leather D. an expensive leather brown 8. He had spent ______ time writing an essay on his childhood. A. a few B. too many C. a great deal of D. a large number of   9. “My daughter, Jenny, tries to ______ to see me at least once a week,” Mrs. Jones told me. A. drop in B. go up C. come on D. call up 10. ______, we eventually got home after the outdoor show. A. Soak to the skin B. Soaked to the skin C. Being soaking to the skin Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4.

D. Our skin being soaked 5.







Question 2 (10 points). Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, Question and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number. If a line has a word which should not be there, write it in ‘Your answers’ part. Number 0 and 00 have been done for you.  

WHY AM I LEARNING ENGLISH? 0 English is the most widely spoken language in the world today. 0 It is a  a quite amazing how the use of English language has become so 0 widespread. The English is not as easy as Esperanto, which was especially 1 written to be as easy as possible for people to learn, and not yet Esperanto 2 is spoken by very  very few people around the world. For many people English is 3 not as  as more beautiful a language as French but it seems too late for  French 4 to catch up with English such as an international language.  language.  German is quite 5 a useful language if you are in business  business  in Europe but it is not half as easy 6 to learn so as English, and people say it doesn't sound as pleasant as 7 English. English.  English has been become so important that it is becoming more  more  8 and more essential to get if you want to get a good job. It is too early to say 9 whether English will remain as influential as it is today but it looks like as 10 it will be an international language for a long time.

Your answers: 1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

……….√………… ……….√ ………..a…..……. ……….. a…..……. …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

5. 10.

the words in bra bracke ckets ts to complet completee the sentences. sentences. Wr Questi Ques tion on 3 (10 points). Give the correct form of  the Writ itee it in ‘Your answers’ part. 1. The babysitter said, “Your kids have been a bit  bit  (TROUBLE) __________ today.” 2. My grandmother’s health got worse because she had suffered from constant  constant (SLEEP) __________. 3. John felt very  very (COURAGE) __________ when he failed the driving test the third time. 4. What I hate about Kate is her  (RELY) __________.

5. Ants bees a re(SCIENCE) are often described as the mostresearch popular into  (INDUSTRY)  __________ insects. 6. Manyand zoos fund (SCIENCE) __________  __________ ani animals mals and their behavior. 7. In fact, she is of mixed Mexican and Korean  Korean (PARENT)  __________. 8. You can never be sure what he is going to do. He is so __________ (PREDICT) (PREDICT),, I’m afraid. 9. Please complete and return the enclosed  enclosed (QUESTION) _________ by Friday. 10. With the  the (EXCEPT) _________ of the dessert, it was one of the most delicious meals we’ve ever had.  Your answers: 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. SECTION B. READING COMPREHENSION Question 1 (7 points). Complete this conversation using sentences marked by A-L. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part. There are FIVE extra sentences which you do not need to use.


Jim:  Hi, Ben. How are you? Jim:  Ben: Oh, Ben:  Oh, not so good. (1) _______  Jim:   Why? What Jim: What’s ’s the matter? Ben: I Ben:  I don’t think Mr. Jackson likes me. (2) _______  Jim:   Why would he do that? Jim: Ben: I Ben:  I don’t know. When he tells me to do something, I do it as fast as I can. (3) _______  Jim: Maybe Mr. Jackson thinks you take too many  breaks. Ben: (4) _______  Jim: Yes, Jim:  Yes, and that’s good. (5) _______. But when you finish something, you should ask Mr. Jackson if there’s anything else he wants you to do. Ben: Do Ben:  Do you mean I should ask for more work? Jim: (6) _______, he’ll see you have initiative. Ben:   Wel Ben: elll, OK then. hen. (7) (7) ____ ______ ___. _. I’l I’ll se seee you you tomorrow. Thanks. Your answers: 1.




A. He always watches me and asks me why I’m not working. B. You’re a great teacher. C. I’m very furious now. D. If you let him know you can handle more work  E. I’m not sure I can do that. I’m often exhausted after work, you know. F. I’m a little concerned about my job. G. Are you kidding me? H. When I finish, I take a break until he gives me something else to do. I. I guess I’ll think about what you’ve said J. You’re a fast worker  K. If you don’t try harder  L. But I do everything he tells me to do.




 Question 2 (8 points). Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part. BODY TALK   By Leonardo Lawrence You will probably laugh when I tell you that my interest in body language was sparked by a favorite  professor of mine at university. He mentioned “Pinocchio Syndro Syndrome” me” to me one wintry morning after claiming that I was rubbed my nose when giving excuses for being late to his lectures. Apparently, when someone tells a lie, the person’s blood rushes to the nose and the extra blood makes it itchy. So if you think someone is not  being entirely honest with you, perhaps like my professor you should watch to see if they scratch their nose! This little example of non-verbal communication inspired me to become a body language expert.  Now, I earn my living by training people in non-verbal communication. Knowing when someone is lying and knowing how to convince people you’re telling the truth are two of the most important skills you’ll ever learn. For example, lawyers build their reputation on their deductive skills when cross-examining in court, while politicians need to rely on their powers of persuasion to gain support. I have dedica dedicated ted my life to studying the ways the human body gives more reliable inform information ation than the words we speak. The words say one thing but the body may say something completely different. This is the theory of body language and most of us are familiar with the basics. We know that crossed arms can be seen as their defensive or aggressive, butbewhat about facial gestures, posture, intonation of our  speech? All of these volumes can understood if youexpressions, only know how to make sense ofand thethe signs. Take the eyes, for instance. If you told a lie, you would probably expect me to look away rather than look you full in the face.


However, this is not, as commonly thought, the sure sign of a lie, but the reflexive movements we make when we are trying to remember something. Because of this, glancing away is not as easy to interpret as you might believe. A good liar is not searching his memory for the truth, so he can quite easily look you straight in the eyes as he speaks to make the lie more convincing. Here’s a tip, though. Watch the pupil of the eye; does it change size? If it gets bigger, this is probably an involuntary sign that something is being hidden. Body language is something that the majority of us cannot control; it’s what escapes when we’re concentrating concent rating on something else. I might think I’m creati creating ng a good impressi impression on because my voice is strong and steady and my speech is clear, but the sweat pouring off my forehead and my constantly moving feet say otherwise. Business clients are constantly in need of my services and I try to improve their confidence in themselves by teaching them about body language. I give advice about handshakes, which should always be firm that people who live in warm climates stand a lot closer to one another than in cooler climat climates. es. They may seem like minor matters, but these codes of behavior can be the key to making or breathing a business deal. My working life gives me a great deal of satisfaction. I feel that I’m providing a public service, but it is a service that has had its downside. Whenever I meet someone new and I tell them what I do for a living, they immediatel immed iatelyy put their guard up and they’re no longer relaxe relaxed. d. They quite lite literally rally freeze in the attem attempt pt to hide all the signals that they assume I’m reading. It makes life difficult at times, but I consider it a small price to pay for a job I enjoy so much. 1. The writer originally became interested in body language because _______. A. of a comment someone made to him B. he wanted to know why people tell lies C. he wanted wanted to llear earnn more ab about out “Pino “Pinocchi cchioo Syndr Syndrome ome”” D. his pprofe rofessor ssor re recom commen mended ded it ttoo him 2. According to the writer, non-verbal communication is important because _______. A. it helps lawyers to be more skillful B. it can help make people believe what you want to tell them C. politicians need to know when people are lying D. it provides a unique way of earning one’s living 3. What does the writer assume about his readers? A o ocrhdasntgoe ctohm eirmiunntoicnaatteio. n. C.. TThheeyy uasree aobnlley tw

B.. T D Thheeyy nkeneodwtosodmeveethloinpggaoboodupt othsetusrueb. ject.

4. According to the writer, it is not easy to recognize when someone is lying because _______. A. they have an honest look on their face B. they move their eyes very rapidly C. lilist steeners re reaad tthheir bod bodyy la langu nguage in incorre recctly D. lliisteners ddoo nnoot lloook iinnto tthe heiir eye eyess 5. To have a positive effect on someone, you should try to avoid _______. A. making any facial expressions B. having any involuntary reactions C. giving the impression of not caring D. moving your legs about too much 6. What is the most important thing for businessmen to learn? A. The laws of a particular country. B. The correct way to behave. C. The necessity of being polite. D. The skill of appearing confident. 7. Why do people react in a negative way when they meet the writer?


A. They think he is too self-confident. C. They have heard about him previously.

B. They assume that he is always lying. D. They believe he is studying them.

8. What do we learn about the writer from the passage? A. He makes a lot of money from his job. C. He is dedicated to his work.

B. He travels the world giving advice. D. He trains body language experts.

Your answers: 1.








Question 3 (10 points). Fill ONE suitable word into each numbered blank . Write it in ‘Your answers’ part. APRIL FOOLS' DAY On April Fools' Day, people in many countries play tricks on each other. Usually, the tricks (1) ______  making friends believe something ridiculous. On this day you could, for example, tell a friend there is a huge spider on their shoulder. If they believe you, you have succeeded (2) ______ fooling them, and even if you only trick them for a second, you have (3) ____ right to shout "April Fool!" This day, 1st April, is also known as All Fools’ Day. In some countri countries, es, such as Ireland or Cyprus, you can only try to fool someone before twelve noon. If you do play tricks after midday, you will become the fool (4)  ______. So it is advisable for you to do that in the morning. (5)______ you do for, all you want is fun rather  than do harm to others. And if you don’t want to be foolish, be sensitive! But how did this (6) _____ begin? Some say April Fools’ Day originated in France when that country adopted the new Gregorian calendar. In the previous previous calendar, New Year was celebrat celebrated ed (7) _____ 25th March until 1st April, not on 1st January, as in the Gregorian calendar. Some people refused to (8) _____ the new calendar, and continued to celebrate the New Year in spring. Other people made fun of them and laughed at them (9) _____ they were old-fashioned and didn't want to change. Now April Fools' Day has become a global tradition, and no one is safe! People play tricks on anyone, not just on (10) ______ who don't want to change with the times. Your answers: 1. 6.

22.. 7. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.


SECTION C. WRITING Question 1 (5 points). Using the word in capital letters, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Do not change the word given. Write 2-5 words in total. 1. I got the impression that they weren't enjoying themselves. SEEM   They ....................................................................................................... ...................................................... ................................................. enjoying themselves. 2. We don't have any sugar left, so we must go and buy some. RUN  We ............................................................................................. sugar, so we must go and buy some. 3. Parking here is free after 5 p.m. PARK  It doesn't ........................................................................................... here after 5 p.m. 4. You should book your ticket beforehand if you want to get a good seat. ADVANCE Your ticket ......................................................................................... if you want to get a good seat. 5. Was the film as good as you expected it to be or was it disappointing? LIVE   Did the film.................................................................................................of film................................................................... ..............................of it or was it disappointing? Question 2 (10 points). Imagine you are an American student, who stayed in Mrs. Lan’s house during your two-week volunteer campaign in a remote village. Now you have backed home. Write a letter to thank her for her special help and care to you and your friends during the time you stayed there. You should write about 70-80 words.

 Dear Mrs. Lan, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… …………………………… …………………………………………………..... ………………………..... …………………………………………………… …………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………  Best wishes,


Tom Question 3 (20 points). Write about 180-200 words to give your opinion on the following topic: topic:  Should smart phones be banned among students?

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………… ………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… …………………………… …………………………………………………..... ………………………..... …………………………………………………… ………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… …………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………….... ………………….... …………………………… ……………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………...…………………………………


Đáp án và biểu điểm chấm môn: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – BẢNG A (Đáp án gồm 01 trang) SECTION A. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR  Question 1 (10 points). Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B Question 2 (10 points). Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number. 1. The 2. not 3. √ 4. more 5. such 6. √ 7. so 8. been 9. √ 10. as Question 3 (10  points). points). Give Give the the correct form of  the the words in  brackets. brackets. 1. troublesome 2. sleeplessness 3. discouraged 4. unreliability 7. parentage 8. unpredictable 9. questionnaire 6. scientific

5. industrious 10. exception

SECTION B. READING COMPREHENSION Question 1 (7 points). Complete this conversation using sentences marked by A-L. There are FIVE extra sentences which you do not need to use. 1. F 2. A 3. H 4. L 5. J 6. D 7. I Question 2 (8 points). Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question. 1.A






Question 3 (10 points). Fill ONE suitable word into each numbered blank. 1. involve 2. in 3. the 4. instead/then 6. tradition 7. from 8. follow/use 9. because/ as/since



5. Whatever 10. those

SECTION C. WRITING Question 1 (5 points). Using the word in capital letters, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Do not change the word given. Write 2-5 words in total. 1. didn’t / did not seem ][ to be 2. have run ][ out of 3. cost anything ][ to park  4. should be booked ][ in advance 5. live up ][ to your expectation Question 2 (10 points). Imagine you are an American student, who stayed in Mrs. Lan’s house during your twoweek volunteer campaign in a remote village. Now you have backed home. Write a letter to thank her for her 


special help and care to you and your friends during the time you stayed there. You should write about 70-80 words.  HS biết cách viết thư cảm ơn. Ngữ pháp đúng: 2 điểm. Các ý cần có: Cảm ơn về những việc gì/ Ở đâu/ Cảm xúc bản thân…: 8 điểm.

Question Quest ion 3 (20 points points). ). Write about 180-200 words to give your opinion on the following topic: Should smart phones be banned among students?  Length:: 3 điểm  Length  Ideas:: 8 điểm  Ideas Organisation & Style: Style: 4 điểm Grammar & Vocabulary: Vocabulary: 5 điểm



SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO NGHỆ AN ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC ( Đề  Đề thi gồm 07 trang )

  Môn thi: TIẾNG thi: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề. SECTION A: LISTENING COMPREHENSION Part 1. Listen to part of a radio programme. Decide which of the sentences are true (T), and which are false (F) according to the recording. 1. Everybody in the Outback has at least a telephone to keep in touch with the world. 2. In an emergency, doctors fly to the patient’s place. 3. It doesn’t take the doctors more than ninety minutes to get to any place in the Outback. 4. All children living in the Outback get their lessons sent by post. 5. The children in the Outback can communicate with their teachers by two - way radio and post. Your answers:





Part 2. Listen to an interview and fill ONE word in each gap. 1. Charles Duke couldn’t see any _____ programmes when he was young. 2. Charles was a navy .



3. Nothing but _____ were Charles’ interest. 4. Charles found the lunar surface training in the spacesuit _____ demanding. 5. Charles had to spend up to _____ hours inside the spacesuit. 6. It often took Charles _____ hours a day to learn what to do. 7. When they got closer to the Moon, they saw big rocks and _____. 8. As they touched down, they erupted in enthusiasm, they shook hands and _____ each other. 9. The fact that nobody had ever been to that particular spot, which was simply _____. 10. There were no people or cars to _____ distances to give them any sense of scale.

Your answers:












I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. 1. Tony: Tony: “What  “What is your greatest phobia?” Sarah: “_______” Sarah:  “_______” A. I'm afraid not. B. Worms, definitely! C. Probably people who smoke. D. I haven't made up my mind. 2. The government stopped the local companies from importing fake milk powder _______ of public health. A. in the interest B. to the best C. for the attention D. on the safe side 3. He promised me an Oxford dictionary and to my great joy, he _______ his word. A. stood by B. stuck at C. went back on D. held onto 4. I don’t A.think as dryyou as rhave ice beenBwatering . as dry athe s a plants tile near C. the as dgate. ry asThe a bosoil ne is _______. D. as dry as wood 5. _______ different in character we are, we have been mutual friends since our childhood. A. Whatever B. Despite being C. Although D. In spite of 6. Of the ten beauty spots my brother visited, _______ left a lasting impression on him. A. none of which B. not one of them C. which none D. and none of them 7. _______, the reports are not good enough to be printed. A. Telling the truth B. On my own C. If you ask me D. Out of the ordinary 8. There is _______ in the press that the couple will soon get divorced. A. speculation B. rumour C. news D. indication 9. They did have a _______ escape. Their car stopped right at the river bank. A. slight B. fine C. near D. narrow 10. I know you don't really like Jack, but still you have to _______ it to him that he is a conscientious worker. A. return B. hand C. award D. admit 11. Our new neighbour's party went into the _______ hours of the morning. A. early B. first C. new D. bright

12. However strict _______ we took, we couldn t eliminate the risk of any further riots in the streets.  

A. controls B. measures C. disciplines D. regulations 13. Has it ever _______ to you that there might be more to this matter than a few fake banknotes? A. occurred B. reasoned C. imagined D. considered 14. There is no point in waiting for him. He’s certain _______by now. A. to leave B. to have left C. having left D. left 15. Having been served lunch, _______. A. the problem was discussed by the members of the committee B. the committee members discussed the problem   C. it was discussed by the committee members the problem D. a discussion of the problem was made by the committee Your answers: 1.















II. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets. 1. Your new ______ system saves money but your rates are increased because you've improved your home. It's a vicious circle. (HOT (HOT)) 2. Don't mistake shouting for ability as a ______ actor. (DRAMA (DRAMA)) 3. Peter ______ admitted that the car accident had been his fault and he didn’t pay for the damage. (WILL ( WILL)) 4. Please ______ our letter of the 21st. We have not had a reply yet. (KNOW (KNOW)) 5. I think the cost of ______ to the show was quite reasonable. (ADMIT ( ADMIT)) 6. ______ are built to entertain and educate people about marine life. (AQUATIC ( AQUATIC)) 7. The program we are launching is to ______ teenage girls in rural areas. (POWER  ( POWER ) 8. Because of the car ______, she couldn’t come to the airport in time for her flight. (BREAK  (BREAK ) 9. Some people show ______ attitude towards the misery of others, totally untouched by their suffering. (PASSION PASSION)) 10. When the ______ arrived at the hotel, they were amazed at the hospitality of the fans. (CELEBRATE ( CELEBRATE))


Your answers: 1.










III. Fill in each numbered space with ONE suitable word. POST IN HISTORY Although it may come as a (1) _____ to  Although to  many people, postal services services have existed in some parts of the world for thousands of years. There is ample evidence that a postal service existed among the Assyrians and Babylonians. In China a regular postal service was established in the 7th century BC, and (2) _____ the centuries attained attai ned (3) _____ a high level of efficienc efficiencyy that some 2,000 years after its institut institution, ion, it won the admiration of  travellers like Marco Polo. Efficient and highly developed postal services were also established in the Persian and Roman empires. In ancient times, (4) _____ services were mainly (5) _____ to the use of representatives of  the state; private citizens (6) _____ use of slaves, merchants and the like to send their messages and documents. In Medieval Europe, postal services were organised by empero emperors rs and by the papacy (7) _____ privat privatee citi citizens zens continued to entrust their correspondence to various travellers. Later, around the 13th century, universities and towns came to have their own messengers. However, it was not until the 14 th century that merchants, the private citizens who had the greatest need for a speedy and regular (8) _____ of correspondence, began to (9) _____ up regular courier services. The needs of business led to the development of the postal service as we know (10)  _____ today. Your answers:











SECTION C: READING COMPREHENSION I. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. HOW TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN?


If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a disaster. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which ambitious  parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what his parents expect, and will fail. Unrealistic  parental expectations can cause great damage d amage to children. However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well - especially if the parents are very supportive of their  child. Michael Collins is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50 kilometers twice a week for violin lessons. Michael’s mother knows very little about music, but his father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra. However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he refuses refuses.. Winston Smith, Michael’s friend, however, is not so lucky. Both his parents are successful musicians, and they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter  him for every piano compet competition ition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy. 1. One of the serious mistakes parents can make is to ______. A. help their ch chiild to becom omee a genius B. negle glect thei heir chil hild’s educ ducation C. pu push sh their heir ch chil ildd iint ntoo try tryiing too mu much ch D. m mak akee tthe heiir chi chilld bbec ecom omee a mu musi sici cian an 2. Parents’ ambition for their children is not wrong if they ______. A. unders understan tandd and he help lp th their eir cchil hildren dren se sensi nsibly bly B. arr arrang angee private private llesso essons ns for tthei heirr chil children dren C. forc forcee thei theirr ch child ildren ren into into ac achie hievin vingg su succes ccesss D. tthem hemsel selves ves hav havee be been en vvery ery succ successf essful ul 3. Who have criticized the methods of some ambitious parents? A. Successful musicians. B. Educational psychologists. C. Their children. D. Unrealistic parents. 4. Michael Collins is fortunate in that ______. A. his parents are quite rich B. his parents help him in a sensible way C. his mother knows little about music D. his father is a musician 5. The phrase " crazy crazy about " in the passage mostly means ______. A nfpulseetdelyabuonuatw " are of" B iseedlyaitn" terested in" C.. ""ccoom D.. ""seuxrtprerm 6. Winston’s parents push their son so much and he ______. A. has become a good musician B. cannot learn much music from them C. is afraid to disappoint them D. has won a lot of piano competitions 7. The word " They" They" in the passage refers to ______. A. concerts B. parents in general C. violin lessons D. Michael’s parents 8. All of the following people are musical EXCEPT ______. A. Winst nston on’’s mother B. Winst stoon’s n’s fa fatther her C. Michael’ el’s father D. Michael’s mother  9. The word " refuses" refuses" in the passage mostly means ______. A. "not objecting to doing anything " B. "eager to do something" C. "not wanting to do something " D. "getting ready to do something" 10. The two examples given in the passage illustrate the principle that ______. A. parents should let the child develop in the way he wants B. successful parents often have unsuccessful children C. successful parents always have intelligent children


D. parents should spend more money on the child’s education Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.





II. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. HOW TO WRITE A BLOCKBUSTER  It you have ever finished reading the latest blockbuster and thought that you could have done better, consider (1)_____ the following techniques. Before you settle upon your subject subject matter, be canny and examine the current market. If period dramas are (2)_____ a comeback, for example, consider that genre but with a unique twist. Start by Iooking around you - in newspapers, on TV - for stories and characters. Choose a genre and topic you feel comfortable with. (3)_____ research wiIl add to the strength and depth of your writing and help you (4)_____ more confidence. Read relevant history books, biographies and travelogues to immerse yourself in your chosen period and setting. Once you have formulated your characters, possible storylines and Iocations, start to sketch out rough dialogues and (5)_____. Only then should you set about writing the novel. Once the novel is completed, completed, you must find an agent. Many (6)_____ publish publishers ers will only consider via a(n) (7)_____ agent and will largely ignore unsolicited books. Again, research is the key. Look for an agent that (8)_____ your genre and style. Finally, do not forget that the book has to be marketed (9)_____ it is published, so you, the author, will become one of the noveI's Unique Selling Points. It helps if you and the book have a good (10)_____ you too. 1. A. adopting B. making C. accepting D. doing 2. A. taking B. doing C. having D. making 3. A. Full B. Complete C. Thorough D. Entire 4. A. grow B. win C. become D. gain 5. A. scenes B. places C. pictures D. visions 6. A. central B. winning C. leading D. valued 7. A. es esttab abllish shed ed B. know knowle ledg dgea eabl blee C. fi fixe xedd D. cred credit ited ed 8. A. serves B. acts C. shows D. represents 9. A. until B. once C. then D. unless 10. A. beyond B. behind C. above D. below Your answers: 1.










III. Read the followin followingg magazine article about choosing a career. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from sentence which you do not the needsentences to use. A - G the one which fits each gap (1 - 6). There is one extra THE RIGHT JOB

There are more choices than ever, but what is the best job for you?  

Many young people worry about their future and spend hour after hour considering what to do when they finish finish school. (1) _____ For the rest of us, it's a case of just waiting waiting to see what comes comes along or even randomly selecting a job; after all, luck often plays an enormous part in the choices young adults make. Unfortunately, there is no straightforward advice that young people can follow, but there are a few things which can make choosing a suitable career a little easier. The first thing you should do is focus on what your interests are. (2) _____ Planning out your future life is no easy feat, and this sort of self-awareness is vital. Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are helps a lot, too. What are you good at? Do you find  problem-solving easy? ea sy? Are you comfor comfortable table working under pres pressure, sure, or do you prefer a more relaxed pace? (3)  _____ This will he help lp you identify what you excel at and areas in which you don't do so well. The results can then help you determine professions that are either suitable or totally inappropriate for you. It is also important to know what your values and priorities in life are. (4) _____ Is it wealth and fame or  a comfortable family life? A steady, secure job with an average salary or a high-risk job with more potential for  great wealth? A more practical activity that can be of benefit is taking a gap year between school and university and working as a volunt volunteer. eer. (5) _____ You'll also gain new skill skillss and experience that will prove invaluabl invaluablee to you later in life and in your future career. After all, employers want to hire either experienced and skilled people, or  those who can show initiative, a willingness to work and enthusiasm. Having worked as a volunteer proves that you have all of these attributes and makes you a more attractive candidate. It may well be this experience that sets you apart from the other applicants and gets you the job. Another step that can be taken when contemplating a career is to ask people who are already working in that particular field about its positive and negative aspects. However, make sure you ask more than just one  person, as different people have h ave different perspectives. Finally, you should never forget that whatever you choose, you don't necessarily have to do it forever. (6) _____ The important thing is to feel content with your life. As work plays such a major part in it, having a fulfilling career needs to be a priority.  A. Ask yourself wha whatt kind of activities you enjoy doing most: are they physical or intellectual activities, indoor  or outdoor, with other people or alone?  B. This will ggive ive you y ou more time to decide what yo youu want to do, while at the same time pro providing viding you with the opportunity to help those in need. C. You could change your mind while still at university or you could even retrain when you're older and are already working.  D. It is only a rare few who make up their minds early on regarding their choice of career and know what skills and qualifications will get them there.  E. A rise in unemployment is making it increasingly difficult to find a good job.  F. If you find it difficult to answer these questions yourself, take an aptitude test. G. What's more important to you?

Your answers:  







SECTION D: WRITING I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD IN THE BRACKETS IF GIVEN. 1. In an emergency, Peter is someone you can always rely on.  on.   down   Peter….............................................................................................................................. Peter….............................................................................................................................. in an emergency. 2. Har Harry ry w wil illl prob probab ably ly st stay ay llong onger er in L Lond ondon on ttha hann he expe expect cted ed.. probability   ................................................... ....................................................................................................... .................................................... stay longer in Rome than he expected. 3. The existence of the polar bear is endangered. stake   The existence ................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................... ................................... 4. The boss said my explanation was unbelievable. beyond   The boss said……....................................................................................................................... said……................................................................ .................................................................... ............. 5. They cannot watch this film because they aren't adult yet. under   They cannot watch this film .......................................................................................................... .................................................. .................................................................... ............ 6. Arguing with her won’t get you anywhere.   It won’t do.......................................................................................................... do.................................................. ............................................................................................... ....................................... 7. She furiously threw the book across the room. Such …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. House prices have risen sharply this year.   There …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. It’s quite common for students at the school to go on to win Olympic medals. It’s by no ................................................................................................................................................. 10. Mike was not the only person who felt disappointed with the food in the restaurant. Mike was not alone in .......................................................................................................................... II. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Extra private lessons outside school hours can help students do better at school.”  Write about 250 words to support your opinion (and do not include your personal information). .................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................. THE END.





Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH Tổng điểm toàn bài: 100/ 5 = 20. ( Mỗi ý đúng học sinh được 01 điểm + 14 điểm luận) SECTION A: LISTENING COMPREHENSION I. Listen to the talk and write T for true and F for false statements. 1. F

2. T

3. T

II. Listen and fill in the gaps… 1. space 2. pilot 6. eight/8 7. craters  

4. F


3. planes 8. hugged

4. physically 9. breathtaking

SECTION B: USE OF ENGLISH I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.B

5. five/ 5 10. judge

13. A


II. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets. heqautianrgiums 61.. A

27.. dem rapmoawtiecr

38.. ubnrewaikldlionw glny

III. Fill in each numbered space with ONE suitable word. 1. surprise 2. over 3. such 6. made 7. 8. exchange although/while/though

49.. adciskpnaosw siloendagtee

51.0a. dcm eleisbsriiotines

4. these/the 9. set

5. confined 10. it

  SECTION C: READING COMPREHENSION I. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. D

8. D

II. Read the passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. D

9. C

10. A

9. B

10. B

15. B


III. Read the magazine article about choosing a career. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A - G the one which fits each gap (1 - 6). 1. D 2. A 3. F 4. G 5. B 6. C SECTION D: WRITING I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1. Peter will never let you down  down in an emergency. 2. 2.  There is a probability that Harry will  stay  stay longer in London than he expected. 3. The existence of the polar bear is at stake. stake. 4. The boss said (that) my explanation was beyond belief . 5. They cannot watch this film because they are under age. age. 6. It won’t do you do you any good to argue with her . 7. Such was her fury that she threw the book across the room. room . 8. There has been a sharp rise/increase in (the) house prices this year . 9. It’s by no means no means uncommon  uncommon for  for students at the school to go on to win Olympic medals. medals. 10. Mike was not alone in alone in feeling disappointed with the food in the restaurant . II. Write about 250 words.... Leng Le ngtth: 25 % Gra ram mma marr & voca vocabu bula lary ry:: 25 % Idea Id eas: s: 25% 25% Co Cohe hesi sion on & cohe cohere renc nce: e: 25 % THE END.


PRACTICE TEST 1 Section A- Phonetics I. Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the three ones in each group.

1. A. together 2. A. delicate 3. A. submarine 4. A. hatred 5. A. example

B. tolerate B. Concentrate B. subnormal B. wretched B. exactly

C. gossip C. private C. supper C. naked C. exaction

D. foray D. accurate D. subjective D. asked D. jazz

II. Identify the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.

6. A. writer 7. A. approximate 8. A. methods 9. A. performances 10. A. ahead  

B. carefully B. accomplished B. invention B. dictionary B. identity

C. origin C. invaluable C. intense C. contemporary C. pretend

D. compete D. expectation D. effective D. encouragement D. leisure

section B: Vocabulary and grammar  I. choose the best answers from A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

11. My job is so _________ that I don’t think I’ll be able to take a summer break.  A. demanding B. persisting C. hard D. tough 12. During the month of August,Athensis almost _________ .  A. vacant B. abandoned C. left D. deserted 13. When I have a sore throat, throat, I find it hard to _________ .  A. chew B. swallow C. sip D. gulp 14. When ironing, I like to put the clothes in the neat _________ .  A. packs B. piles C. bunches D. heaps 15. He criticized everything and everybody and even ran _________ his new friends.  A. up B. into C. down D. away from 16. We have little ________ information about developments in this field.  A. present-day B. up-to-date C. modern D. contemporary 17. Arthur assured me that he was going to come, but he hasn’t _________ yet.  A. turned in B. turned up C. turned on D. turned round 18. Who do you think I _________ in the library this morning?  A. ran down B. ran over C. ran in D. ran across 19. _________ I had turned the corner, I began to run.  A. Scarcely B. Just C. Hardly D. Once 20. Angus Grahm is the person who can advise you best ________, he is coming here tomorrow.  A. It is true B. Even so C. In effect D. As a matter of fact 21. She found him much too ready to _________ with everything she said .  A. agree B. coincide C. adopt D. accept 22. A cool drink _______ him after his long hot journey.  A. relaxed B. relieved C. refreshed 23. The music aroused an __________ feeling of homesickness in him.  A. intense B. intentional C. intensive 24. He came to inspect the house _________ buying it.

D. recovered D. intending

 A. in the event of B. with a view to C. with reference to D. D. in case of   

25. The students listened to the professor’s lecture in _________ .  A. stillness B. silent C. quiet D. silence 26. The landlord of this apartment _________ me about $ 50 per month in rent.  A. draws B. charges C. takes D. costs 27. He _________ up the buttons on his jacket. Then he put his coat on.  A. did B. buttons C. tied D. pulled 28. _________ have never heard of Shakespeare.  A. Just few B. Only few C. Quite few D. Very few 29. I haven’t had a very ________ week. I seem to have done nothing at all.  A. extensive B. productive C. enthusiatic D. economic 30. Jim’s _________ flu again. That’s the third time this year.  A. led up to B. gone down with C. come up with D. put up with II. Identify the mistakes marked by A, B, C or D.

31. The officials object to them wearing long dresses for the inaugural dance at the country club  A B C D 32. He knows to repair the carburetor without taking the whole car apart.  A B C D 33. Stuart stopped to write his letter because he had to leave for the hospital.  A B C D 34. Each of the students in the accounting class has to type their own.  A B C D. 35. The unit of measuring called the foot was originally based on the length of the human foot  A B C D 36. Playwright Frank Shin has often describes the lives of Chinese Americans in his dramas.  A B C D ‘ 37. Around Aroun d 75 percents perc ents of the th e earth  s surface is covered cov ered by water. wate r.  A B C D 38. In the 1920s, gasoline companies began giving away free road maps to the customers.  A B C D 39. A fully grown male mountain lion may be eight long feet.  A B C D 40. Neither humans or dogs can hear as well as cats.  A B C D Section C – reading I. Read the following passage, then choose the best answer.

 Although they are an inexpensive supplier supplier of vitamins, minerals, and high-quality high-quality protein, eggs also contain a high high level of blood cholesterol, one of the major causes of heart disease. One egg yolk, in fact, contain a little more than two- thirds of suggested daily cholesterol limit. This T his knowledge has caused egg sales to plummet in recent years, which in turn has brought about the development of several alternatives to eating regular eggs. One alternative is to eat substitute eggs. These eggs substitutes are not really eggs, but they look somewhat like eggs when they are cooked. They have advantage of having lower cholesterol rates, and they can be scrambled or used in baking. One advantage, however, is that they are not good for frying, poaching, or boiling. A second alternative to regular eggs is a new type of eggs, sometimes called “designer” eggs. These eggs are produced by hens that are fed low-fat diets consisting of ingredients such as canola oil, flaw, and rice bran. In spite of their diets, however, these hens produce eggs that contain the same same amount of cholesterol as regular eggs. Yet, the the producers of these eggs claim that eating their eggs will not raise the blood cholesterol in humans. Egg producers claim that their product has been portrayed unfairly. They cite scientific studies to back up their claim.  And, in fact, studies on the relationships between eggs and human human cholesterol levels have brought mixed mixed results. It may be that it is not the type of eggs that is the main determinant of cholesterol but the person who is eating the eggs . Some people may be more sensitive to cholesterol derived from food than other people. In fact, there is


evidence that certain dietary fats stimulate the body ‘s production of blood cholesterol. Consequently, while it is still makes sense to limit one ‘s intake of eggs, even designer eggs, it seems that doing this without regulating dietary fat will probably not help reduce the blood cholesterol level. 41. What is the main purpose of this passage?  A. to inform people about the the relation between eggs and cholesterol cholesterol B. to convince people to eat “designer” eggs and egg substitutes C. to persuade people that eggs are unhealthy and should not be eaten D. to introduce the idea that dietary fat increase the blood cholesterol level 42. According to the passage, which of the following is a cause of heart disease?  A. minerals B. cholesterol C. vitamins D. canola oil 43. According to the passage, what has been the cause for changes in the sale of eggs?  A. dietary changes in hens B. decreased production C. increasing price D. concerns about cholesterol 44 According to the passage, one egg yolk contains approximately what fraction of suggested daily limit for human consumption of cholesterol?  A. 1/3 B. 1/2 C. 2/3 D. 3/4 45. According to the author, which of the following may reduce blood cholesterol?  A. reducing egg intake but not fat intake. B. increasing egg intake and fat intake. C. increasing egg intake intake but no fat fat intake. D. decreasing egg intake intake and and fat fat intake. II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps in the following following passage. Fun and games

do you think computer games games are just for kids? Then you should should think again. You might be (46) ________ to learn that the game industry now (47) _________more money thanHollywood. (48) ________ a family buys a new PC, all they want to do is to play games. It is hardly surprising that video gaming has (49) _________ one of the most popular (50) _________ of entertainment today. A good game is like a good film; it will hold your (51) _________ capture your imagination and play with your emotions. The big (52) _________, however, is that watching a movie is a passive (53) _________ . You have no say in how the plot (54) _________ or which characters dominate the story. With computer games, you direct the (55)  _________ and that is what makes them so exciting. Finding the (56) (56) _________ game is likely to signal the the beginning of a lasting love (57) _________ with the interactive (58) _________ of make-believe. It is (59) ________ to think of gaming as something simply for children and teenagers. In fact, the (60) _________ growth area of the market is the 25 – 35 age group. 46. A. concerned 47. A. has 48. A. As soon as 49. begun 50. A. makes 51. A. gaze 52. A. gap 53. A. pastime 54. A. becomes 55. A. movement 56. A. accurate 57. A. affair 58. A. region 59. A. immoral 60. A. longest

B. admired C. startled D. surprised B. makes C. does D. gains B. As well as C. As far as D. As long as B. grown C. become D. sounded B. branches C. shapes D. forms B. attention C. breath D. control B. variety C. difference D. direction B. task C. routine D. employment B. produces C. turns D. develops B. change C. action D. performance B. right C. complete D. proper  B. story C. secret D. match B. area C. society D. world B. wrong C. false D. dishonest B. widest C. biggest D. deepest

III. Fill each blank with one suitable word.


The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This causes many problems, (61)  _________ serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk of accidents. accidents. Clearly, something must must be done, but it is often difficult to persuade people to change their (62) _________ and leave their cars at home. One possible approach is to make it (63) _________ expensive for people to use their cars by increasing charges for parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who breaks the law. In addition, drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day. This T his system, known as “road pricing”, is already being introduced in a (64) ________ of cities, using a special electric card fixed to the windscreen of the car.  Another way of dealing (65) _________ the the problem is to provide cheap parking parking on the outskirts of the the city, and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the center. Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus service for the final stage of their journey. Of course the most important thing is to provide good public (66)  _________ However, to get people to give give up the comfort of their cars, (67) _________transport _________transport must be felt to (68)_________ reliable, convenient and comfortable, (69) _________ fares kept at an acceptable (70) __________. Section D – Writing I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence.

71. The reason I came here was solely to try and improve conditions. My sole purpose_____________________________________  72. He‘ll set down. down. Then his performance will improve. Once ______________________________________________  73. Besides her roommate, Janice has lots of friends. In addition to _______________________________________  74. The fisherman ‘s life was one of great poverty. Throughout ________________________________________  75. If you want to see professor Smith, Wednesday afternoon is a good time to find him in his office. Professor Smith is____________________________________  76. She didn’t recover her confidence until that morning. It was _____________________________________________  77.Alice’s strange ideas astonished everybody. Everybody _________________________________________  78. Having nowhere to go, I tried to sleep in the station waiting room.  As ________________________________________________  79. I’ll find that man, no matter how long it takes. However ___________________________________________  80. My income doesn’t enable me to meet all my financial commitments. I _________________________________________________  II. Composition.: Many people believe that parents are too permissive with their children nowadays . Do you agree that this is a problem? Defend your answer.  


KEY – PRACTICE TEST 1 Section A- Phonetics I. Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the three ones in each group. (5pts)

1. A

2. B

3. D

4. D

5. A.

II. Identify the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.(5pts)

6. D


8. A.

9. B


section B: Vocabulary and grammar  I. choose the best answers from A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. (20 pts)

11.A 21. A

12.D 22. C

13.B 23.A

14. B 24.B

15.C 25.C

16. B 26. B

17. B 27.A

18. D 28. D

19.D 29.B

20. D 30.B

II. Identify the mistakes marked by A, B, C or D. (10 pts)



33 A

34. C

35. B


37. B

38. D

39. D

40. A

Section C – reading I. Read the following passage, then choose the best answer. (10 pts)



43. D

44. C


II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps in the following following passage. (15 pts)

46. D 59. B

47. B 60. C

48. A.

49. C

50. D


52. C

53. A.

54. D

55. C

56. B

57. A.

III. Fill each blank with one suitable word. (10 pts)

61. including 66. transport  

62. habits

63. more 67. public 68. be

64. number 69. with

65. with 70. level

Section D – Writing I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence. (10 pts)

71. My sole purpose of coming here was to try and improve conditions. 72. Once he had settled down, his performance will improve. 73. In addition to her roommate, Janice has lots of friends. 74. Throughout his his life fisherman was very poor. 75. Professor Smith is usually in his office Wednesday afternoons. 76. It was not until that morning that she recovered her confidence. 77. Everybody was astonished by/ atAlice’s strange ideas. ideas. 78. As I had nowhere else to go, I tried to sleep in the station waiting room. 79. However long it may take, I’ll find that man. 80. I can’t meet all my financial commitments with my income II. Composition.(15 points) Vocabulary& Grammar 30% Style 40% Content 30%   TOTAL: 100 points / 5 = 20 points

58. D





A. GRAMMAR  I. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following questions. 1. According to the …………………… of the contract, tenants must give six months notice if they intend to leave. A. laws B. rules C. terms D. details 2. Please accept our …………………….. congratulations! A. finest B. warmest C. dearest D. deepest 3. It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nation's ………………… A. inheritance B. heritage C. possessions D. legacy 4. A part-time job gives me the freedom to ………………. my own interests. A. pursue B. chase C. seek D. catch 5. In his first game for Newcastle, Keegan ………………. a goal after 58 minutes. A. scored B. won C. earned D. gained 6. ………………….. to China, if you had the chance? A. Do you go B. You go C. Had you gone D. Would you go 7. It ………………. a lot of patience to be a nurse. A. uses B. takes C. spends D. costs 8. She had to pass all her exams or ________ she would have no holiday. A. instead B. else C. therefore D. though 9. " How's Karen today?" "She is feeling …………………….. she was yesterday." A. bett better er sligh slightly tly than than "He B. sslig light ht be bett tter er th than an C. sl sligh ightly tlyhebetter bet ter tthan han D. sl sligh ightly tly better  better  10. "Is Tom a good worker?" …………………….. what starts." A. never almost finishes B. finishes almost ever   C. almost never finishes D. finishes never almost II. In most lines of the text, there is an extra word. Write the extra word or put a tick ( ) in the gap if a line is correct. (0) and (00) have been done as examples. There were eight of us in my family. We lived by in a very 0.……… .………by by……. ……. small house. It was always untidy because we left our toys 00.…..… 00.…..…  …….. lying down around. At first, our parents picked our things up 1.……………… of for us. But eventually they decided not to put up with 2.……………… our untidiness any longer. They worked up out an original way 3.……………… tfoormaalallktehiet tthidiniegrs. tThhaet ywpeladcreodppoende bbyigoonbnooxubr ywoany tin ihnetofrth thoenthdoouosre from the garden. Each of us had our own personal box indoors, too. SSoo, wh when aannyone tidied th the hhoouse, se, th they ccoould pput ut with thi thinngs into boxes instead of taking them upstairs. Our parents m maade

…… …… …… …… …… … 54..… 6.……………… 7. 7.… ……………… 8.………………

us to pay a fine if we didn't pick up our things. We hated this



 punishment more than being told it off. We didn't get much pocket 10.……………… money and didn't want to waste it up on fines. So we sat down 11.……………… and w woorked out a schedule ffoor titidying th the house. We We to took oofff 12.……………… turns cleaning and made out sure the house was tidy when our 13.………………  parents came home. We have all grown it up and left home now no w 14.………………  but we agree that our parents definitely had the right idea. 15.……………… III. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered spaces . (0) has been done as an example. JOB INTERVIEWS Interviews are an (0. PERFECT) method of choosing the best people 0. imperfect for for job jobs, s, ye yett hum human an (1 (1.. B BE E) lilike to exam examiine ea each ch othe otherr in in thi thiss w way ay.. 1… 1…… ……… ………… …….. One of of th thee man manyy pro proble blems ms of (2. SSELE ELECT) CT) aass it is ccomm ommonl onlyy pra practi ctised sed 2…… 2…………… …………. …. is that the forms filled in by (3. APPLY) often fail to show people as 3………………. they really really are. This This means means tthat hat yyou ou can follo follow w all the bbest est (4 (4.. ADV ADVISE) ISE) 4………… 4………………. ……. whenn com whe compl plet etin ingg yyour our form form and and stil stilll fin findd that that you you aare re (5. SU SUCC CCES ESS) S) 5… 5……… ………… ………. …. at the next stage - the interview. (6. SIMILAR) in the rare cases where 6………………. interviews are automatic, a candidate with an (7. ADEQUATE) form 7………………. may do surprisingly well. Of course, your form needs to show that you have (8. CONFIDENT) in 8………………. your (9. ABLE) ABLE) to do the job, but don't try to turn yourself into someone 9………………. else - a person you have to pretend to be at the interview. Realism and (10. HONEST) are definitely the best approach. 10………………. IV. Supply the correct form of the VERBS in block capitals in brackets to complete the passage. My friends Paul and Ellen (1. RETURN, just) ………… from their honeymoon in Europe. Before they (2. LEAVE) ……….. New York, I (3. GIVE) ………. them my brother’s address in Switzerland in the hope that they (4. VISIT) ……… him and his family. When I (5. GO) ……… to call on the newly-weds last Tuesday night, they told me how much they (6. ENJOY) ……… travelling around Europe and that we (7. LOOK, soon) …..….. at the colour slides they (8. TAKE) ………. They also gave me greetings from my brother and assured me that it (9. BE) …………a great pleasure for them (10. MEET) ……. my relatives. B. READING COMPREHENSION I. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. Margarine  Napoleon III of France was (0).A……. for the invention of the butter substitute known as margarine. He was looking for a cheap (1) ……… to butter for the poorer people of society, and for his army and navy. So he (2) ............... up a prize competition to see who would (3) ............... up with the best solution. There was only one (4) ................. into this competition, from a man called Meges Mouries. He had (5) ................ ................ over two years experi experimenti menting, ng, and final finally ly found an acceptable butter substitu substitute te made from milk  and various animal fats. It tasted quite pleasant, and spread well on bread, but it was (6) ............. white. (7) ………its colour, Meges Mouries’ invention was awarded the prize. Yellow colouring was added to it at a (8) ............. date. Margarine soon went into mass (9) ............... and was exported all over the world. In Britain it was called 'Butterine', until protests from farmers (10) ............. to that name being made illegal. Farmers in America were not happy (11) ……… ………....thee new arrival on the market either. They (12) …….....t …….....too the yellow colouring colouring,, saying that it made it resemble butter so (13)……….. that it could deceive consumers. In effect, Napoleon III's competition is still going on. The ultimate (14) ........... of every margarine

manufacturer is to produce a product that is (15) ………… to distinguish from butter. And they keep trying.  

0. A responsible 1. A option 2.A set 3.A make 4.A competitor 5.A used 6.A clear 7.A Despite

B original B replacement B took B bring B player B spent B pure B Although

C fundamental C alternative C gave C go C attempt C tried C true C However

D vital D choice D put D come D entry D made D perfect D Nevertheless

98.A pfurortdhuecr tion B clorenagteior n C ilnatdeurstry D cfaornthsterruc tion 10.A changed B ended C brought D led 11.A over B about C at D for   12. A protested B objected C disagreed D argued 13. A justly B nearly C rightly D closely   14. A end B score C goal D finish 15. A impractical B unable C impossible D incapable II. Read the following passage and answer the questions by choosing one answer A, B, C or D only. Long-haul flights have just got longer, with a non-stop flight from Singapore to New York now in operation. But 18 hours in the air creates its own challenges challenges.. A lot of preparation preparation goes into the ultra long-ha long-haul ul flight. The air craft is specifically designed for the journey with more space and extensive entertainment services. The flight crews are also specially trained. The seasoned traveler is also more aware of the health risks associated with a flight that covers as much as 16.600 km (10.310 miles) in distance. Exposure to lower oxygen levels for up to 18, maybe 20, hours is abnormal for the human body. With deep vein thrombosis (DVT) the problem really starts occurring after 12 hours (in-flight). This could lead to an increase in heart attack. Doctors believe that prevention is better than cure when it comes to in-flight health. Passengers on ultra longrange flights need to be provided with flight socks and, if necessary, tablets for thinning the blood. It is not just the health and vitality of the passenger that is at stake on a flight of this length, but also that of the flight crew. “They give us training on fatigue management and how to adjust to the local time in New York and to exercise, as well as take care of our diet and eat lightly in-flight,” says Linda Wu, a stewardess on Singapore Airlines. However, passengers passengers are trading in healt healthh concerns for convenience. An extra-l extra-long ong flight means passenge passengers rs do not need to break up their journey and change planes. “They like to board once, de-plane once. It is saving time,” says James Williams from Singapore Airlines. “From Los Angeles to Singapore, passengers are saving two and a half hours. And to New York passengers are saving up to four hours in flying time.” Thai Airways is also launching a non-stop service to New York from Bangkok next June to compete with Singapore Airlines. It is planning a similar service to Chicago, Cathay Pacific, Continental, Qantas and Emirates Airlines Airli nes also offer flight flightss that are more than 14 hours in duration. However, there is still a questi question on of whether  whether  longer non-stop flight will become popular. “They will certainly have a role in the future of aviation, there is no doubt about it. People will prefer to fly nonstop it is margin available,” says Chris Johnson, airline analyst. “But are reaching the limits. are at theifvery of aviation. Most airlinesanstill fly in the eight to we 12-hour sector. This is stillThese wheremarkets the biggest volume in traffic is.” Avery believes that geography will determine the demand for the ultra long-haul flight and that worldwide

appeal for this type of flight is unlikely. Asia is where the demand is for the ultra long haul flight. They are  

connecting Asian cities to the U.S. East Coast, which is the big market,” he explains. “The routes that connect connecting most places that European business travelers go do not need a capacity and endurance to fly 18 hours – this is the same for U.S. carriers.” 1. Why are longer flights potentially harmful to passengers and crew? A. Because there isn’t as muc muchh oxyg oxygen en in the air. B. Peo People ple w will ill get bored bored mor moree eas easily ily.. C. Long periods of ina inactivi ctivity ty wi will ll ddamage amage their bones. 2. What are flight socks? A. Specia Speciall socks ttoo keep th thee plane ffree ree of harm harmful ful bact bacteria eria B. One of the pre preventi ventive ve meas measures ures pla planned nned by airli airlines nes C. Socks that stop your bl blood ood ge gettin ttingg too thin 3. Which of the following methods of countering the health problems caused by long flight is NOT mentioned? A. How best to ccope ope w wit ithh jet lag B. Adv Advice ice on food food con consum sumpti ption on duri during ng a flig flight ht C. Adv Advice ice on dri drinki nking ng alc alcoho oholl 4. What are the advantages of longer flights? A. There There are less less pr probl oblems ems wi with th je jett lag lag.. B. Passe Passenge ngers rs sav savee ttim ime. e. C. Pas Passeng sengers ers get get a good bre break ak bet betwee weenn flig flights hts.. 5. Where is the market for longer flights expected to develop? A. Betwee Betweenn Eu Europe rope and Ame Americ ricaa B. Be Betw twee eenn Asia Asia and A Ame meri rica ca C. Be Betw twee eenn Asia Asia aand nd E Eur urope ope 6. What is closest in meaning to “long-haul flight”? A. A fli flight ght tha thatt is is no non-st n-stop op B. A fli flight ght tthat hat last lastss long longer er th than an 12 ho hours urs C. A fli flight ght th that at cov covers ers a sig signif nifica icant nt dista distance nce 7. What opinion on the perspective of extra-long flights does the author most likely support? A. A great great dema demand nd for eextra-lo xtra-long ng fli flights ghts wi will ll be develo developed. ped. B. Geographical Geographical ffactor actor wi will ll affec affectt the ne need ed for ext extra-long ra-long fflight lights. s. C. Extra-long Extra-long fl flights ights w will ill lose its its att attractio ractionn very so soon. on. III.  You III.  You are going to read an article article about ice skatin skating. g. Choose the most su suitable itable heading from the list A-I for each part (1-8) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.


Preparing yourself  The bbeenefits ooff the sspport When things go wrong Diff Differ eren entt skat skatiing tech techni niqu ques es A change in approach The right attitude Moving off  

H Holding yyoour body ody ccoorr rreect ctlly  I How it all started 1. ______________    Ice skating skating hhas as a histor historyy ooff thousands thousands of yyears. ears. Archaeologist Archaeologistss have discove discovered red skates made from anima animall  bone. It seems that bone skates were used until the introduction of iron into Scandinavia about the year 200 AD.

Among the Scandinavian upper classes, skating was seen as an essential skill.  

2. ______________    In the early twentieth century, skating was stylish and reserved, but at the 1924 Winter Olympics, 11-yearold Sonja Henie introduced a more athletics attitude which inspired a new wave of popularity. Nowadays art and athletics are combined and modern skating is both graceful and physically demanding. 3. ________________    For tthe he be beginner, ginner, balanc balancee and control are all import important ant aand nd sp speed eed ccan an on only ly increas increasee wi with th pprofici roficiency. ency. The  position of your body plays a great part in balance. Legs slightly bowed and the knees bent keep the body weight centred; in effect the body leans slightly forward in this position. For skating, probably more than any other sport or recreation, relaxation is vital. 4. ________________    For the starting po position, sition, the the heels should alm almost ost be touching and the feet should be tturned urned outwards. While  pushing toward with the back foot, you make a very small movement with the other foot. Fairly easy, isn’t it? If  you can keep this up for a while, you can then slowly increase the length of your movements as you gain experience. 5. ________________    Knowing how to fall must be learnt among the skater’s fi first rst skills. Even the best of the professionals fall fall.. In order to fall without injury, you should be as relaxed as possible. In this way the shock of hitting the ice is lessened. To get up, use your hands to get into a kneeling position, then stand. 6. _______________    Once you have learnt to move on tthe he iice ce with confide confidence, nce, there are variou variouss sty styles les to be pr practic acticed ed – figure skating, free style, distance, speed, skating in pairs, and so on – but the basis of them all, and by far the best approach,, is first to learn figure skating and then elementary freestyle. approach freestyle. With proper guidance available at most of the ice rinks, the basic figures can soon be learnt and the turns, jumps, and spins of elementary free style will soon follow. 7. _______________    If you look look at any good or professi professional onal skat skater, er, you wi will ll see how rrelaxed elaxed tthey hey are and hhow ow easil easilyy they mo move. ve. To achieve this, an exercise exercise programme should be regularly practice practiced. d. It can be dangerou dangerouss to skate with a stiff   body and warm up exercises should s hould at least include those for the legs, back and sh shoulders, oulders, with special emphasis on the ankles and the knees. After a long or intense session, the same exercises should be used afterwards to avoid stiffness. 8. _______________    Skati Skating ng improves improves balanc balance, e, co-ordin co-ordination ation,, relaxa relaxation tion and movem movement. ent. It improves improves heart and lung activ act ivit ityy and and ge gener neral ally ly stre strengt ngthe hens ns the the body body.. Co Comb mbin ined ed with with swi swimm mmin ingg or jogg joggin ing, g, it pro provi vide dess a gre great at  programme for all-round health and an d fitness. IV. Read the passage and fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Students frequently complain (1) ………… studying for hours on (2) ………..… and then not doing well in their final exams. Many factors can (3) …………. in poor performances: (4) ………… illness or a  personal problem. Getting high grades gr ades can also put a terrible terr ible strain on students (5) ……… don't want to let their   parents down. Can students' knowledge be judged by a (6) ………. exam? Certainly not! If we want to be fair, students ought to be (7) ………… on a regular basic. So does that mean more exams? Yes, but (8) ………. many written ones. In many countries, students do not have to take written exams (9) ………… they don't want to, they are (10) ………………… to take oral ones instead. This seems to be a fairer way of assessing understanding, not  just testing it. D. WRITING


I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original origin al sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. necessary. Do not change the form of the given word. 1. June was sure there was no mistake in her homework. (NOTHING) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Although the weather changed, the picnic went ahead as planned. (CHANGE) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. I advise you to think carefully before accepting William's offer. (BETTER) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Apparently, Sheila wasn't listening to me. (APPEAR) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Margaret was offered a place on the course but couldn't accept because she was ill. (TURN) ……………………………………………………………………………………… II. II.   Write a composition of around 250 words in order to answer the following question:  It is very important that children should study hard at school. Time spent studying on the Internet is time wasted.  Do you agree or disagree? State the reasons re asons for your answer.  


ĐÁP ÁN VÀ BIỂU ĐIỂM A. LEXICO – GRAMMAR: I. (0.1 for each right answer) 1. C 2. B 6. D 7. B II. (0.2 for each right answer) 1.down 2. of

3. B 8. B

4. A 9. C

5. A 10. C

3. up

4. on

5. by

6. P 7. with 8. P 9. to 10. it 11. up 12. off 13. out 14. it 15. P III. (0.2 for each right answer) 1. beings 2. selection 3. applicants 4. advice 5. unsuccessful 6. Similarly 7. inadequate 8. confidence 9. ability 10. honesty IV. (0.2 for each right answer) 1. have just returned 2. left 3. had given 4. would visit 5. went 6. had enjoyed 7. would soon look 8. had taken 9. had been 10. to meet B. READING: I. (0.2 for each right answer) 1. C 2. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. D 13. D 14. C II. (0.2 for each right answer) 1. A 2. B 3. C III. (0.2 for each right answer) 1. I 2. E 3. H IV. (0.2 for each right answer) 1. about 2. end 6. single 7. tested

3. D

4. D

11. B 15. C

12. B

4. B 4. G 3. result 8. not

5. B

5. B

6. C

5. C

6. D

7. A

4. an 9. if

5. who 10. allowed


7. B 8. B

C. I. (WRITING 0.2 for each right answer) 1. Jane was sure there was nothing / nothing was wrong with her homework. 2. The picnic went ahead as planned in spite of / despite  despite the / a change a change in the weather. 3. You had better think carefully before accepting William’s offer. 4. Sheila didn’t appear to be listening to me. 5. Margaret was offered a place on the course but had to turn it down because she was ill. II. (3 mark)  Essays are assessed according to 3 criteria: 1 point for idea; 1 point for coherence coh erence and cohesion; 1 point for syntax, spelling and vocabulary.



SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HÀ TĨNH -----------------


KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TỈNH CẤP THPT NĂM HỌC 2012 - 2013 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH 11 Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút

II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR   Part 1 : Ch Choo oose se th thee word wo rd or ph phra rase se th that at best be st comp co mple lete tess each ea ch sent se nten ence ce.. Wr Writitee your yo ur answ an swer er A, B, C or D in the numbered boxes. 1. ___________ the weather forecast, it will rain heavily later this morning. A. On account of B. According to C. Because of D. Due to 2. I read the contract again and again __________ avoiding avoiding making spelling mistakes.

A. in view of B. in terms of C. with a view to D. by means of   3. It's a shame they didn't pick you up, but it doesn't _______ out the possibility that you might get a job in a different department. A. strike B. cancel C. draw D. rule 4. I reckon Mark is ________ of a nervous breakdown. A. in charge B. under suspicion C. on the verge D. indicative 5. Many local authorities realize there is a need to make _______ for disabled people in their housing programmes. A.Itasturned sitanceout that we _________ B. condirushed tions to the airportCas . adthe miplane ttancewas delayed by D. several provisiohours. n 6. A. hadn't B. should have C. mustn't have D. needn't have 7. All three TV channels provide extensive _________ of sporting events. A. coverage B. vision C. broadcast D. network   8. No matter how angry he was, he would never ________ to violence. A. resolve B. recourse C. exert D. resort 9. ________ as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it was created. A. Ranking B. To be ranked C. Being ranked D. In order to be ranking 10. _________, the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirti thirties. es. A. By and large B. All together C. To a degree D. Virtually 11. I am afraid that you have _________ the deadline, so we can't take your application into account. A. missed B. met C. delayed D. put off   12. The main aim of the campaign is to rraise aise _______ of the issues involved. A. knowledge B. awareness C. attention D. acquaintance 13. After so many years, it is great to see him _________ his ambitions. A. get B. realise C. possess D. deserve 14. It was confirmed that the accident was caused by human ________. A. error B. slip C. fault D. blunder   15. The roadworks made ________ to the hotel from the main road difficult. A. entrance B. approach C. access D. ways in  Part 2: Write the correct FORM FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the column column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. The origins of Halloween Halloween is celebrated in many parts of the (0)________ (WEST) world, and is a 0.____ western _____  time when people dress up as witches or ghosts, and go "trick-or treating". It is (1) 1. _____________ _________________  ____   _________ (DOUBT) one of the most popular traditions in the United States and


2. _____________ _________________  ____ 


The celebration (2) _________(ORIGIN) about two thousand years ago with the Celts. These people were the (3) ________ (INHABIT) of an area that includes Britain, Ireland and Brittany. They relied on the land for their (4) _______ (LIVE), and this meant that they were at the mercy of (5) ________ (PREDICT) weather  conditions, especially during the winter. The Celtic new year began on 1st November, which also marked the beginning of  winter, a period (6) _________ (TRADITION) associated with death. On the eve of  the new year, it was believed that the barriers between the worlds of the living and the deadd wer dea weree (7) ___ ______ _____ __ (TE (TEMPO MPORAR RARY) Y) withd withdraw rawn, n, and it was pos possib sible le to communicate with spirits. The Celts believed that the spirits offered them (8)  ________ (GUIDE) and protection, and the Druids (Celtic priests) were (9)  _________ (REPUTE) (REPUTE) able to predict the future on on this point. When the Roman completed their (10) ________ (CONQUER) of Celtic lands, they added their own flavour to this festival. The advent of Christianity brought about yet other changes.

3. _____________ _________________  ____  4. _____________ _________________  ____  5. _____________ _________________  ____  6. _____________ _________________  ____  7. _____________ _________________  ____  8. _____________ _________________  ____  9. _____________ _________________  ____  10. ____________ ________________  ____ 

 Part 3: The passage below contains 10 mistakes. UNDERLINE the mistake and WRITE THEIR CORECT

FORMS in the space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. The horse and carriage is a thing thing of the past, but love and marriage are sti stillll with us and stil stilll clos closely ely inter interrela relating. ting. Most Ameri American can marri marriages, ages, particul particular ar first marriage marriagess uniting young people, are the result of mutual attraction and affection rather with  practical considerations. considerations. In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers  begin date in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social contacts. Though young people feel free to choose their friends from different groups, almost choose a mate of similar background. This is due partly to parental guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually influence choices by voicing disapproval for someone they consider suitable. Howeve How ever, r, mar marria riages ges of mem member berss of differ different ent gro groups ups (inter (intercla class, ss, in inter terfai faith, th, and interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater mobile of  today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by fewer prejudices as their parents.

0. __ interrelated ____  1. ____________ ________________  ____  2. ____________ _________________  _____  3. ____________ _________________  _____  4.__________________  5. ____________ _________________  _____  6. ____________ _________________  _____  7. ____________ _________________  _____  8. ____________ _________________  _____ 

Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college, serve in armed forces, 9. ____________ _________________  _____  or pursue a career in a bigger city. One away from home and family, they are more likely to date and marry outside their own social group. 10._________________   Part 4: Fill in the gaps in the following following sentences with suitable suitable particles. Writ Writee your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (0) has been done as an example. 0. Could you deal ________ this problem. I'm rather busy. 1. The Minister is also implicated __________ the scandal. 2. Irrespective _________ the poor weather conditions the search for the missing child was continued. 3. I have been using her computer ever since she placed it __________ my disposal. 4. I met him at the party and he asked __________ you. 5. You can't miss him. That haircut makes him stand ___________ in a crowd.  Part 5 : Complete each sentence with a correct phrasal verb from the box. Write your answers in the numbered

 boxes. Each phrasal verb is used only once.

 put down

come out

see off

set about

work out

stand for

step up

track down

turn down

make up for  


1. The managing director __________ the company's poor performance to high interest rates. 2. The police were able to __________ the car thieves using satellite technology. 3. This is a sensitive matter, and we have to __________ dealing with it very carefully. 4. David's new album is expected to ___________ at the end of the year. 5. I hope this award will ____________ your disappoint disappointment ment at not winning the first prize. 6. The company has decided to ___________ producti production on of cars at its factory in Hull. 7. You might need a calculator to __________ this problem. 8. Claire decided to __________ the job, because it would have meant more travelling. 9. Our maths teacher simply won't _________ any talking in class. 10. Helen is going to the airport to _________ some friends.

III. READING  Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write your answer in the numbered boxes. The Mysterious Isle In the early morning of 23 January, 2009, the most powerful storm for a decade hit western France. With wind speeds in (1) ________ of 120 miles per hour, it flattened forests, (2) ________ down power lines and caused massive destruction to  buildings and roads. But it also also left behind an extraordi extraordinary nary creation. Seven miles out to sea at the the (3) ________ where the Atlantic Ocean meets the estuary of the River Gironde, a small island had (4) _________ out of water. Locals soon gave it the name The Mysterious Isle. What was so remarkable, (5) ________ its sudden apparition, was the fact that the island (6) _________ intact in what is often quite a hostile sea environment. It could well become a permanent feature. Scientists (7) ________ realised that the island's appearance (8) ________ a unique opportunity to study the creation and development of a new ecosystem. Within months, it had been colonised by seabirds, insects and vegetation. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, however, they were not alone in (9) ________ the island attractive. It became increasingly difficult to (10) ________ the site from human visitors. In its first year, day trippers came in powered dinghies, a parachute club used it as a landing strip, a rave party was even held there one night. 1. 2.

A. surplus A. fetched

B. advance B. brought

C. excess C. carried

D. put D. sent

3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10.

A. scene A. risen A. in spite of A. prolonged A. quickly A. delivered A. regarding A. prevent

B. mark B. growth B. instead of B. remained B. briskly B. awarded B. finding B. preserve

C. stage C. lifted C. apart from C. resided C. hastily C. proposed C. seeking C. protect

D. point D. surfaced D. on account of   D. preserved D. speedily D. offered D. deciding D. prohibit

 Part 2: Fill each of the following following numbered blanks with ONE suitable suitable word and write your answers in the corresponding boxes provided below the passage.

Enjoy the benefits of stress! Are you loo lookin kingg for forward ward to ano anothe therr bus busyy week week?? You shou should ld be acco accordi rding ng to som somee exp expert erts. s. The Theyy arg argue ue tha thatt the stress stress

encountered in our daily lives is not only good for us, but essential to survival. They say that the response to (1) _________,  

which creates a chemical called adrenal in, helps the mind and body to act quickly (2) ___________ emergencies. Animals and human beings use it to meet the hostile conditions which exist on the planet. Whilst nobody denies the pressures of everyday life, what is surprising is that we are yet to develop successful ways of  dealingg with them. (3) _____ dealin ________ ___ the expert expertss consider the curren currentt strategies to be inadequate and often dangerous. They  believee that (4) ______  believ ________ __ of trying to man manage age our respo response nse to stress w with ith drugs or rel relaxatio axationn techniq techniques, ues, we must exp exploit loit it. Apparently, research shows that people (5) ________ create conditions of stress for (6) _______ by doing exciting and risky sports or looking for challenges, cope much better with life's problems. Activities of this type have been shown to create a lot of emotion; people may actually cry or feel extremely uncomfortable. But there is a point (7) _________ which they realise they have succeeded and know that it was a positive experience. This is because we learn through challenge and difficulty. That's (8) _________ we get our wisdom. Few of us, unfortunately, understand this fact. For example, many  people believe they (9) _________ from stress at work, and take time off as a result. Yet it has been found in some companies that by far (10) __________ healthiest people are those with the most responsibility. So next time you're in a stressful situation, just remember that it will be a positive learning experience and could also benefit your health!  Part 3: Read the following passage. passage. For question 1-5, choose choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D). Write your answers iinn the corresponding numbered boxes. Day after day we hear about how anthropogenic development is causing global warming. According to an increasingly vocal minority, however, we should be asking ourselves how much of this is media hype and how much is based on real evidence. It seems, as so often is the case, that it depends on which expert you listen to, or which statistics you study. Yes, it is true that there is a mass of evidence to indicate that the world is getting warmer, with one of the world's leading weather predictors stating century. that air temperatures an increase of justworth underlosing half sleep a degree since the  beginning of the twentieth And while thishave mayshown not sound like anything overCelsius the international  press would have us believe that the consequences could be devastating. Other experts, however, are of the opinion that what we are seeing is just part of a natural upward and downward swing that has always been part of the cycle of global weather. weath er. An analy analysis sis of the views of major meteorolo meteorologist gistss in the United United States showed that less than 20% of them  believed that any change in temperature over the last hundred years was our own fault-the rest attributed it to natural cyclical changes. There is, of course, no denying that we are still at a very early stage in understanding weather. The effects of such variables as rainfall, cloud formation, the seas and oceans, gases such as methane and ozone, or even solar energy are still not really understood, and therefore the predictions that we make using them cannot always be relied on. Dr. James Hansen, in 1988, was predicting that the likely effects of global warming would be a raising of world temperature which would have disastrous consequences for mankind: "a strong cause and effect relationship between the current climate and human alteration of the atmosphere". He has now gone on record as stating that using artificial models of climate as a way of predicting change is all but impossible. In fact, he now believes that, rather than getting hotter, our planet is getting greener as a result of the carbon dioxide increase, with the prospect of increasing vegetation in areas which in recent history have been frozen wastelands. In fact. there is some evidence to suggest that as our computer-based weather models have become more m ore sophisticated, the  predicted rises in temperature have been cut back. In addition, if we look at the much reported rise in global temperature over the last century, a close analysis reveals that the lion's share of that increase, almost three quarters in total, occurred  before man began to 'poison' his world with industrial processes and the accompanying greenhouse gas emissions in the second half of the twentieth century. So should we pay any attention to those stories that scream out at us from billboards and television news headlines, claiming that man, with his inexhaustible dependence on oil-based machinery and ever more sophisticated forms of  transport is creating a nightmare level of 'greenhouse gas emissions, poisoning his environment and ripping open the ozone layer? Doubters point to scientific evidence. which can prove that, of all the greenhouse gases, only two percent come from man-made sources, the rest resulting from natural emissions. Who, then, to believe: the environmentalist exhorting us to leave the car at home, to buy re-usable products packaged in

recycled paper and to plant trees in our back yard? Or the sceptics, including, of course, a lot of big businesses who have  

most to lose, when they tell us that we are making a mountain out of a molehill? And my own opinion? The jury's still out as far as I am concerned! 1. The au author thor __ __________  ________  A. believe that man is causing global warming. B. believes that global warming is a natural process. C. is sure what the causes of global warming are. D. does not say what he believes the causes of global warming are. 2. As to the cause of global warming, the author believes that _________  A. occasionally the facts depend on who you are talking to. B. the facts always depend on who you are talking to. C. often the facts depend on which expert you listen to. D. you should not speak to experts. 3. More than 80% of the top meteorologists in the United States are of the opinion that _________  A. global warming should make us lose sleep. B. global warming is not the result of natural cyclical changes but man-made. m an-made. C. the consequences of global warming will be devastating. D. global warming is not man-made, but the result of natural cyclical changes. 4. Our understanding of weather __________  A. leads to reliable predictions. B. is variable. C. cannot be denied. D. is not very developed yet. 5. Currently, Dr James Hansen's beliefs include the fact that _________  A. it is nearly impossible to predict weather change using artificial models. B. the consequences of global warming would be disastrous for mankind. C. there is a significant link between the climate now, and man's changing of the atmosphere. D. Earth is getting colder. For questions 6-10, write in the corresponding numbered boxes with YES, NO , or NOT GIVEN: GIVEN: Yes if th the st statement aaggrees wi with th the in information in in th the ppaassage No if the statement contradicts the information in the passage Nott ggiv No iven en if ther theree iiss nnoo info inform rmat atio ionn aabo bout ut the the sta state teme ment nt in th thee ppas assa sage ge.. 6. At the same time that computercomputer-base basedd weat weather her models have become more sophist sophisticate icated, d, weather forecas forecasters ters have  become more expert. 7. Most of the increase in glob global al temperature hhappened appened in the ssecond econd half of the twentieth century. 8. The media wants us to blame ourselves for glob global al warming. 9. The media encourages encourages the public to use environme environmental ntally ly friendly vehi vehicles cles,, such as electric cars to combat global warming. 10. Many big businesses are on the side of the sceptics as regards the cause of global warmin warming. g. Your answers: 6.  







 Par t 1 : Fi  Part Finis nishh eac eachh of th thee follow fol lowing ing sen senten tence cess in suc suchh a w way ay that th at it me means ans exa exactl ctlyy the sam samee as the sen sente tenc ncee before it . 1. Although Mary was exhausted, she agreed to join in the activity. → Exhausted ...................................................................................................... 2. We We'l'lll le lett yo youu kn know ow aass so soon on aass w wee ha have ve rrec ecei eive vedd th thee in info form rmat atio ion. n. → The ................................................................................................................. 3. Yo Youu ca cann on only ly rrea eall llyy ma mast ster er a llan angu guag agee if yyou ou uuse se iitt re regu gula larl rly. y. → Only by ........................................................................................................... 4. 5.

It's It'sNobody no nobo body dy's 'sis fau fault th that at the the m mat atch ch...................................................... wa wass ccan ance cell lled ed.. .............................................. → to lt......................... ................................................... .................. I don't intend to apologise to either of them.. → I have no ..........................................................................................................

 Part 2: Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to write a new sentence in such a way that it  is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do NOT change the form of the given word. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. (0) has been done as an example. 0. Fiona refused to wear her old dress. (not not))   Fiona said that ________ ________ she  she would not wear  ________  ________ her old dress. 1. As long as he could see, Kevin really didn't mind where he sat in the stadium. ( difference difference)) → As long as he could see , _________________ ______________________________ ___________________ ______ where he sat in the stadium. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Some Somebo body dy shou should ld ha have ve told told us that that the the date date had had been been chan change ged. d. ( informed informed)) → We should ______________ __________________________ _____________________ _________ the change of the date. Ja Jane ne's 's fa fami mily ly pe pers rsua uade dedd her her to ente enterr the the comp compet etit itio ion. n. (talked talked)) → Jane was ____________ _________________________ ________________________ ___________ the competi competition tion by her family. We nev never er ima imagi gined ned tha thatt Jul Julian ian mig might ht be planni planning ng to res resign ign fro from m his job job.. ( occurred occurred)) → It never ______________ ___________________________ ____________________ _______ Julian might be planning to resign from his job. Sally was all ready to leave the office when her boss asked her to type up a report ( point point)) → Sally was ________________________________ ________________________________ the office when her boss asked her to type up a report.

Part 3: Write an essay of about 250 words on the following topic: "The widespread use of the Internet has brought many problems. What do you think are the main problems associated with the use of the web? What solutions can you suggest"? .................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................. ---THE END---




NĂM HỌC 2012 - 2013




TỔNG ĐIỂM TOÀN BÀI: (20 điểm) I. LISTENING (3 điểm) Part 1: (10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm) 1. RHS3977X 6. tennis rackets

2. Radcliffe 7. Winter

3. August 8. 0077892 334821

4. caravan(s) 9. London

5. showers 10. 554438900 67521

3. C

4. A

5. B

3. (the) dolphins 8. (wooden) mask

4. Japan 9. Lakeside

5. bike / bicycle 10. walking

D 83.. D 13. B

C 94.. B 14. A

15.0.DA 15. C

3. inhabitants 8. guidance

4. livelihood 9. reputedly

5. unpredictable 10. conquest

Part 2:(5 câu x 0,1 = 0,5 điểm) 1. A

2. C

Part 3:(10 câu x 0,1 = 1 điểm) 1. (the) green bus 6. Adventure Tours

2. west 7. foot

II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR. (7,5 điểm)

Part 1.(15 câu x 0,15 = 2,25 điểm) B 61.. D 11. A

C 72.. A 12. B

Part 2: ( 10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm) 1. undoubtedly 6. traditionally

2. originated 7. temporarily

 Part 3: ( 10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm) The horse and carriage is a thing thing of the past, but love and marriage are sti stillll with us and still closely interrelating interrelating.. Most American marriages, particular particular first  first marriages uniting unit ing young people people,, are the resu result lt of mutua mutuall attra attractio ctionn and affecti affection on rather with  practical considerations. considerations. In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers  begin date date in  in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social contacts. Though young people feel free to choose their friends from different groups, almost almost choose  choose a mate of similar background. This is due partly to parental guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually influence choices by voicing disapproval for for someone  someone they consider suitable suitable.. Howeve How ever, r, marri marriage agess of   membe members rs of diffe different rent groups (intercl (interclass, ass, interfai interfaith, th, and int interr erraci acial al mar marria riages ges)) are inc increa reasin sing, g, pro probab bably ly bec becaus ausee of the the gre greate aterr mobile mobile   of  today's youth and the fact that they are restricted by fewer prejudices as their as their parents. Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college, serve in armed forces, or pursue a career in a bigger city. One One away  away from home and family, they are more likely to date and marry outside their own social group.

Part 4: (5 câu x 0,15 = 0,75)

0. interrelated 1. particularly 2. than 3. dating/ to date 4. most  5. of  6. unsuitable 7. between / among  8. mobility 9 . than 10. once

1. in

2. of

3. at

4. after

5. out

3. set about 8. turn down

4. come out 9. stand for

5. make up for   10. see off  

3. D 8. D

4. A 9. B

5. C 10. C

3. Even 8. how

4. instead 9. suffer

5. who / that 10. the

3. D 8. YES


5. A 10. YES


Part 5:(10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm) 1. put down 6. step up

2. track down 7. work out

III. READING (4,5 điểm)

Part 1:(10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm) 1. C 6. B

2. B 7. A

Part 2: (10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm) 1. stress 6. themselves

2. in / during 7. at

Part 3:(10 câu x 0,15 = 1,5 điểm) 1. D 6. NOT GIVEN

2. C 7. NO

IV. WRITING. ( 5 điểm) Part 1: (5 câu x 0,2 = 1 điểm) 1. Exhausted as / though Mary was / might be, she agreed to join the activity. 2. The minute / moment we have received the information , we'll let you know. 3. Only by using it ( a language) regularly, can you really master a language (it). 4. Nobody is to blame for the match cancellation / the match's cancellation / the cancellation of the match / the fact that  the match was cancelled. 5. I have no intention of apologising / apologizing to either of them. Part 2:(5 câu x 0,2 = 1 điểm) 1. As long as he could see, it made no difference to Kevin where Kevin where he sat in the stadium. 2. We should have been informed of / about  the  the change of the date. 3. wasoccurred talked into entering   the competition  the by her family. 4. Jane It never to us that  Julian  Julian might be planning to resign from his job. 5. Sally was on the point of leaving  the  the office when her boss asked her to type up a report. Part 2: (3 điểm) Giám khảo tự quyế quyếtt định dựa vào ccác ác yêu cầu sau sau:: - Task fulfillment (idea/content (idea/content): ): 30% - Essay organization (coherence, cohesion); 30% - Vocabulary/structures (variety, accuracy, appropriacy): 30% - Handwriting, essay layout ... : 10%




Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 THPT – BẢNG A  Họ và tên: ................................................................. ................................ ................................. SBD:.................................. SBD:.................. ................ SECTION A: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR  I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answer in the numbered box provided below. 1. Whatever your ambition is, as long as you try your utmost, you will be able to achieve your ________. A. potential B. objective C. outcome D. motivation 2. It is ______ impossible to ttell ell these twins apart. A. extremely B. virtually C. basically D. naturally 3. As we were waiting on the pavement, a black Mercedes ________ beside us. A. pulled up B. pulled down C. pulled off D. pulled through 4. ________ she’s got a job that she likes, she’s a lot happier.

A. Since when B. Just as C. Now that D. Just now 5. Sorry, but that book is ________. W We’ll e’ll get some copies from the publisher next Monday.  

A. out of print B. out of order C. off shelf D. out of stock   6. ________ amount of money can buy true friendship. A. None B. Never C. No D. Not only 7. The garden ________ as far as the river.   A. advances B. lies C. enlarges D. extends 8. You can't get through on the phone because the number you want is ________. A. engaged B. occupied C. in use D. busy 9. ________ you were shocked is perhaps not surprising. . Whasee t any ________ in B. arriving That early at the theatre Cif. the Whshow ich doesn’t start D.until How9 o’clock. 10. IAdon’t A. cause B. aim C. reason D. point 11. We should arrive home safe and __________    A. sound B. soundly C. warm D. warmly 12. The idea got a lot of ____________ from the children’s parents.   A. opposition B. disagreement C. dislike D. denial 13. The picnic ________________to be a terrible disaster.   A. turned out B. turned up C. turned down D. turned round 14. This national park ____________an area of 2,000 square kilometers. A. covers B. surrounds C. consists D. spreads 15.A.Those gloves are much tooB.small for you. Don’t C. try stretch to put them on or you will _________them. extend spread D. swell 16. This is ____________ the most difficult job I’ve ever had to do. A. by far B. by chance C. by heart D. by myself 17. The teacher suspected the student ______________cheating in examination.  A. on B. about C. in D. of 18. I am so tired tired that I can’t take ___________________what you are saying. A. up B. out C. in D. on 19. There is a fault at our television station. Please don’t______________ your set.   A. change B. adjust C. repair D. switch 20. A trade union membership has declined, the number of _____________and strikes has also decreased. A. quar quarrel relss Your Answer: 1. 6. 11. 16.

2. 7. 12. 17.

B. argume arguments nts 3. 8. 13. 18.

C. disagr disagreem eement entss 4. 9. 14. 19.

D. dis disput putes es 5. 10. 15. 20.

II. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space. Write your answer in the numbered box provided below. Volunteering has many other intangible benefits. It can help you give back to society, break down  barriers  barr iers of ____ _______ ___ (1. UNDERSTAND UNDER STAND)) or fear, fear , expl explore ore ____ _______ ___ (2. PERSON) PERS ON) issues issu es and even have fun. It also has a _______ (3. MEAN) and positive impact on your community. But did you know that it can have many benefit benefitss for you, too? You may have heard that vol volunte unteerin eringg helps you get int intoo colleg college, e, but keep in mind they’re not just looking for a list of _______ (4. ORGANIZE) and dates. Colleges want to see a complete picture of you and real examples of your _______ (5. COMMIT), dedication and interests. Volunteering brings together a _______ (6. VARY) of people. Both the recipients of your volunteer efforts

and your co-workers can be rich sources of insight. For example, maybe you’ll learn about the legal profession  

from a former lawyer you visit at a convalescent centre. Colleges pay _______ (7. ATTEND) to your life inside and outside the classroom. Your extracurricular extracurricular _______ (8. ACT) reveal a great deal about you, such as what your interests are, whether you can manage your _______ (9. PRIOR) and maintain a long-term promise and how you’ve made an important _______ (10. CONTRIBUTE ) to something. Your answer: 1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

III. There is ONE mistake in each line in the following passage. Find it and correct it .Write your answer in the numbered box provided below. We all know stories about people with exceptional memories who have the possibility to remember  hundred of numbers after hearing them only once. Now experts are saying that such feats can be taught. For example, almost people can repeat about nine numbers if they are read out slowly. In one experiment, ten hours’ training producing only a small improvement, but the result after practicing practicing for a thousand hours was amazi amazing: ng: some people remembered 80 and even 100 numbers. Similarly, a number of adults can identify only about five out a set of 21 colours what are only slightly different. But after 80 training hours one person could recognize 18 of theirs. S tudies of 7 6 major composer s show tthat hat it took aatt lea least st ten yyears ears of  musical training before any of them wrote a major work. Psychologists are therefore rising the possibility that genius is the production of teaching. Your answer: Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION. I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage. Everyone needs somewhere to live and work, and humans will construct buildings almost (1)_______, using even ice or mud as materials if nothing else is available. In the industrialized world, the problem is not finding materials for   buildi  bui lding ng but limit limited ed space an andd the high pri price ce of land land.. The solut solution ion in mos mostt big cit cities ies is to build build skyscrape skyscrapers rs high (2)  ______  ___ _____ the air air but is there there an an altern alternati ative ve to bu builildin dingg up? Some Some ar archi chitec tects ts ha have ve pro propose posedd tur turnin ningg skyscra skyscraper perss on their  their  heads and building down into the (3) _______. This may seem an unusual concept but extensive railway systems exist underground so why not huge cities? Such places could accommodate 100,000 people without using up (4) _______  surface land. The underground city is technically feasible but there is a massive psychological (5) _______ to be overcome. Will people be able to (6) _______ with living away from the sun and sky? The underground “city” could  be restr restrict icted ed to pla places ces ooff ent entert ertain ainmen mentt and off office ice bbuil uildin dings gs but but ev even en be being ing buried buried jus justt for your your wor workin kingg hours hours m may ay not not seem (7) _______. Some such buildings do exist. In Minneapolis, USA, there is a building which is 95 per cent underground but even the lowest floors get some sunlight. This is achieved by an elaborate system of mirrors. Living undergroundabove means you doFor not example, know (8) the _______ weather centre is like but architects _______ greatthe efforts to mimic conditions ground. Asahithe television in Tokyo is 20(9)meters below surface but a special shower system can create the (10)_______ of rain. It seems that subterranean workers miss real weather even when it is bad! 1. A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. wherever  

2. A. in 3. A. ground

B. to B. land

C. onto C. soil

D. into D. earth

4. A. valueless 5. A. bar 6. A. do 7. A. attraction 8. A. which 9. A. make 10. A. depression

B. valuable B. barrier B. solve B. attractively B. that B. do B. impression

C. worthy C. fence C. provide C. attract C. what C. take C. admission

D. worthless D. border   D. deal D. attractive D. whether   D. have D. suggestion


Your answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. Read the following passage. Five sentences have been removed from it. Choose from sentences A-G the one which best fits each gap numbered from 1 to 5. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. International Interna tional students who come to the United States may wonder about their America Americann classmat classmates’ es’  prior  pri or edu educat cation ion.. Due to its loc local al var variati iations ons,, the Ame Americ rican an edu educati cation on sys system tem app appear earss con confus fusing ing.. In addition, the structure and procedures at American universities differ somewhat from other systems, such as the British model. This is a brief overview of the American school and university systems. To begin, because the country has a federal system of government that has historically valued local governance, no country-level education system or curriculum exist in the United States. The federal government does not operate public schools. (1) __________. Public schools also receive some funding from the state, although much of the funding comes from local property taxes. Public colleges and universities receive funding from the state in which they are located. Each state’s legislative body decides how many tax dollars will be given to public colleges and universities. Students in grades 1-12 do not pay tuition. (2) __________. Much of the control of American public schools lies in the hands of each local schools district. district. Each school district is governed by a school board, a small committee committee of people elected  by the loc local al com commun munity ity or app appoin ointed ted by the loc local al gov govern ernmen ment.t. The sch school ool boa board rd sets set s gen genera erall policie pol iciess for  the school district and insures that state guidelines are met. (3) __________ . Elementary schools are composed of students in kindergarten and grades 1-6. Many children attend kindergarten when they are five years old. Children begin 1 st   grade at age six. Middle school is composed of students in grades 6-8 and high school contains grades 9-12. High school students are required to take a wide variety of courses in English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. (4) __________. A course can be one semester or two semesters in length. The academic year generally begins in late August and ends in early June. In the United States, education is compulsory for all students until age sixteen. According to the U.S Cencus Bureau, 85% of students graduate from high school. (5) __________. A student graduates after he or she has successfully passed all of the required courses. Grades are given to students for each course at the end of each semester. The grading scale is A (excellent), B (above average), C (average), D (below average), and F (failing). A student who fails a required course must take the course again. A. They may also be required to take foreign language or physical education, and they may select to take music or art courses B. Most hig highh school st students udents gra graduate duate at tthe he age of sevent seventeen een or eight eighteen een C. General Generally, ly, school dis district trictss are divided int intoo element elementary ary schools, mi middle ddle school schools, s, and high schools D. College and university students do pay tuition, but many earn scholarships or receive loans

E. Today, nearly three out of four American high school graduates go to college or  

university F. Each of the fifth states has its own Department of Education that sets guidelines for the schools of that state G. Admission to a community community college is easier, tuition is llower, ower, and class sizes are often smaller than in a university Your answer: 1.





III. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answer in the numbered  box provided below. Environment plays an important part in our life. Many people are aware of this. But few of them pay attention to how to protect it. These days, it is impossible to open a newspaper (1) _______ reading about the damage we are doing to the environment. The earth is (2) _______ threatened now and the future looks bad. What can each of us do? We can not (3) _____ _______ __ up our poll pollut uted ed rive rivers rs and seas ove overni rnight ght.. (4) _______ _______ can we stop stop the disappearance of plants and animals. But we can stop adding the problem while scientists search (5)  _______ answers, and laws are ar e (6) _______ in nature’s defens defense. e. It may not be easy to change your lifestyle completely, but some steps are easy to (7) _______: cut down the amount (9) of driving do,We or must use asalllittle as (8)(10) _______. It to is work also easy to future save energy, which ifalso reduces _______you bills. makeplastic a personal _______ for the of our planet we want to ensure a better world for our grandchildren. Your answer: 1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

SECTION C: WRITING I. Finish the second sentence in such a w way ay that iitt means the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves. ðAll dogs are  are  ..................................................................................................................... 2. John didn't celebrate until he received the offer of promotion in writing. ð Not

until .........................................................................................................................

3. We left quietly, so that we wouldn't disturb the children. ð So

as ...............................................................................................................................

4. The machine is undeniably of great help. ðIt

is ..................................................................................................................................

5. We must continue our efforts, whether there are problems or not. ð  Regardless


II. Rewrite the following sentences using the capital words given in brackets. Do NOT change these words. 1. You should wash your shirt right now before that stain dries.


ð  .........................................................................................................................................  

2. I haven't been to Oxford for at least ten years. (WENT) WENT)   ð  ...................................................................................................................................... 3. The girl’s behavi behavior or was incom incomprehensi prehensible ble to the Head Teache Teacher. r. ð 



4. Some Some ol oldd ppeo eopl plee are are find findin ingg itit diff diffic icul ultt to ad adju just st to a digi digita tall tech techno nolo logy gy.. (USED) ð  ........................................................................................................................................ 5. Whe henn the the mini minist ster er was was aask sked ed abou aboutt the stri strike ke,, he decl declin ined ed to com comme ment nt.. (ON) ð  ......................................................................................................................................... III. COMPOSITION Write a composition (200 words) about the following topic: People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career pre[aration, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to supports your answer. ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... IV. Read the following advertisement:  

 English-speaking  English-speaki ng Tour Guides Wanted  Wanted  We are a travel company managing holiday tours. We need English –speaking local guides to accompany foreign visitors on trips throughout Vietnam. If you have a high school diploma, have experience as a tour

guide, a good manner, speak fluent English and are willing to work hard for long hours, please contact:  

The Manager, Vinatour, 450 Nguyen Du Street , Hanoi. Telephone No: 04 824 0139.   Write a letter to Vinatour, applying for the job mentioned in that advertisement . advertisement . ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... KEY SECTION A: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (25pts) I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answer in the numbered box provided below. (0,25pt x 20 = 5 pts) 1. B 6. C 11. A 16. A

2. B 7. D 12. A 17. D

3. A 8. A 13. A 18. C

4. C 9. B 14. A 19. B

5. D 10. D 15. C 20. D

II. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space. Write your answer in the numbered box provided below. (1pt x 10 = 10 pts) 1. misunderstanding 2. personal 6. variety 7. attention

3. meaningful 8. activities

4. organizations 9. priorities

5. commitment  10. contribution

III. Each line in the following passage has ONE mistake, Find it and correct it .Write your answer in the

numbered box provided below.

(1pt x 10 = 10 pts)


 Lin  Mistake e 1  possibility 2 hundred 3 almost 4  p  pro rodd uc ucin ingg 5 and

Correction ability hundreds most p ro duce du cedd or

Lin  Mistake e 6  out 7  what 8 them 9 rising 10  pro  pr o duct du ct io ionn

Correction out of that/ which theirs raising prod pr oduu ct

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION.(25pts) I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage. passage. (1pt x 10 = `10 pts) 1. C 6. D

2. D 7. D

3. A 8. C

4. B 9. A

5. B 10. B

II. Read the passage. Five sentences have been removed from the passage. Choose from sentences A-G the one which best fits each gap numbered from 1 to 5 . There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. us e. (1pt x 5 = 5 pts) 1. F

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. B

III. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answer in the numbered box provid pro vided ed bel below. ow. (1ptt x 10 = 10 pts (1p pts)) 1. without 6. passed

2. being 7. take

3. clean 8. possible

4. Nor/Neither 9. household

5. for 10. decision

SECTION C:WRITING (35pts)  I. Finish tthe he second sentence iinn such a w way ay that iitt means tthe he same aass the sent sentence ence print printed ed before iit.t.   (1pt x 5 = 5 pts) 1. Exp Expert ertss thi think nk that that all ddogs ogs ev evolv olved ed from wol wolves. ves. ð All dogs are thought are thought to have evolved from wolves. 2. John didn't celebrate until he received tthe he offer of promotion in writing. ð  Not until until John  John (had) received the offer of promotion in writing did he celebrate 3. We left quietly, so that we wouldn't disturb the chil children. dren. ð  So as not to disturb the children, we left quietly 4. The machine is undeniably of great help. ð It is undeniable that the machine is very helpful/ of of great help. 5. We must continue our efforts, whether there are problems or not. ð Regardless ….of ….of whatever problems, we must continue our efforts. II. Rewrite the following sentences using the capital words given in brackets. Do NOT change these words. (1pt x 5 = 5 pts) 1. You should wash your shirt right now before that staim dries. (NEEDS)

Your shirt needs washing/to be washed before that staim dries.  

2. I haven't been to Oxford for at least ten years.  to Oxford was ..... at least ten years ago. The last time ........ I went  to 3. The girl’s behavi behavior or was incom incomprehensi prehensible ble to the Head Teache Teacherr The Head Teacher was at a loss loss to  to comprehend the girl’s behavior. 4. Som Somee older older peo peopl plee are fin findi ding ng iitt di diffi fficu cult lt ttoo ad adju just st ttoo a di digi gita tall te tech chno nolo logy gy.. Some older people can’t get used  to  to adjusting to a digital technology 5. Whe henn the the mini minist ster er was was aask sked ed abou aboutt the stri strike ke,, he decl declin ined ed to com comme ment nt.. On On …being  …being asked about the strike, the minister declined to comment.


III. Write composition. (20pts) IV. Write a letter. (10pts)


ĐỀ THI THỬ VÀO LỚP 10 CHUYÊN THPT  Năm học: 2015 - 2016 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH (CHUYÊN) ANH (CHUYÊN) Thời gian làm Số phách: Điểm Chữ ký GK    bài: 120 phút (Thí sinh làm bài vào tờ giấy này) (Không được dùng bất cứ loại từ điển hay tài liệu nào) I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. grou p. (5 pts. pts.)) 1. 2.

A. Cave ave   A. Receipt


A. Car ardd


A. Abuse

B. H Have ave

B. Recall

C. Behave Behave C. Recollect

B. Hear eardd B. Refus e

C. Hear eartth C. Fuss

D. Pave Pave D. Recover  D. Hear eartt D. Future

5. A. Adventure B. Future Future C. Mature Mature D. Figure Figure II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently differently from that of the others in the list. (5 pts.) 1. 2.

A. Admirable A. Humane


A. Descent

B. Accessible B. Unite B. Dissent

C. Compatible

D. respiratory C. Colleague C. Discontent

D. canteen D. content


A. Eradicate

B. Kilometer

C. Characterize

D. communism


5. A. Technical B. Origin C. Agriculture D. cathedral PART B: LEXICO AND GRAMMAR  I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the follo following wing sentence sentences. s. Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the box provided. (15 pts.) 1. A number of oil tankers have been laid ……………. recently. A. on B. down C. up D. in 2. The inscription on the tombstone had been worn ………by the weather and could scarcely be read. A. away B. off C. out 3. ………………second thoughts, I’d rather not go out tonight. A. With B. In C. On Under  4. The new hairdryer does not comply ………………British safety standard. A. to B. with C. against 5. Many books were not available to the public because of government ……………….. . A. omission B. inhibition C. compensation 6. The woman accused of shoplifting was found not guilty and was …………………. . A. excused

B. liberated

C. acquitted

D. on D.

D. on D. censorship D. interned

7. He is a(n) …………….authority on the subject. A. prominent B. expert C. eminent D. quality 8. My car was so old that I could only sell it for ……………… . A. rubbish B. scrap C. debris waste 9. Not only ………………in the project, but he also wanted to become the leader. A. did Jack involve B. had Jack been involved


C. was Jack involved D. Jack was involved I fe felt lt a bi bitt …… ………… ………. …..a .and nd se seem emed ed to to ha have ve m mor oree ac aches hes and pain painss th than an uusua sual. l. A. out of sorts B. on the mend C. over the worst D. under the fevers 11. Th Thee sc schoo hooll wa wass close closedd for for a mo mont nthh bec becau ause se of a se seri riou ouss …… ………… ………o …off fe fever ver.. A. outcome B. outburst C. outset D. outbreak   12 12.. I ddon on’t ’t th thin inkk he’ he’ss eeve verr bbee eenn the there re,, … ……… ………… ………. …... ? A. do I B. has he C. have I D. hasn’t he 13. They had a four-day holiday, then began work ………………. A. on end B. out of bounds C. in proportions D. in earnest


14. 15.

He is a ttoug oughh po poli liti tici cian an – he kkno nows ws hhow ow to …… ………… ………. …..t.the he storm storm.. A. run down B. keep up C. ride out D. push back   On eente nterin ringg th thee nu nurser rseryy I sstum tumble bledd on the wooden wooden bbloc locks ks … ……… …………… ………..a ..all ll over the car carpet pet..

A. plunged

B. scattered

C. settled

D. tossed

















II. Fill in the blank with a suitable noun to form the idiomati idiomaticc expression. Write your answer in the box provided. (5 pts.) 1. I’d like to take ______________ of this opportunity to explain the difficulty I’ve met. 2. She decided to set _____________ to these letters because they weren’t necessary. 3. Don’t have ____________ in what he says. He is a liar. 4. For generations our people got ___________ over many enemies and drove tthem hem away. 5. He left home without taking ______________ of anybody. 1.





III. Give the correct form of the word given in parentheses. Write your answer in the box provided. (10 pts.) 1. The attack in the city center last night (example) the kind of behavior amongst young people that many object to. 2. This matter is very (confidence). Don’t discuss it outside the office. 3. You shouldn’t interrupt someone in (sentence). 4. I want to make sure all my (depend) will be financially secure if I’m incapacitated in any way. 5. There was a heavy (pour) yesterday afternoon which completely ruined the church Garden Party. 6. There is a risk factor with all medication, but honestly the risk with this particular drug is (neglect). 7. A (dominate) friend is one who likes power. 8. Suddenly without (provoke), the dog sank its teeth into my leg. 9. Street-fights are an everyday (occur) in this area of the city. 10. I really believe that it would be a major mistake to (crime) any drugs that are currently illegal. 1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

IV. Match the verb in box A with the word(s) in box B to form a phrasal verb, and then fill it in each blank to complete the sentence. Be sure to use the correct verb tense and form. Write your answer in the box provided. (5 pts.) A

 put, apprise, go, crease, stem, fall, pull, center, brood, carry


 from, over, away, off, on, of, up, back on, through, in for 

1. The problem ____________________________ the government’s lack of action. 2. is_____________________________ or not to lower the age limit. 3. The Don’targument waste time _____________________________whether your past failures. 4. I’m afraid there is no milk left; we have to ______________________ dried milk for our tea.

5. Tom got ___________________________ by the music and wouldn t stop singing. 6. I’m going to stay at university and try to ____________________ getting a job for a few years.  

7. Her husband has been ____________________________ the good news about their son. 8. She swims so well that she really should ___________________________ the competition. 9. I almost _____________ when I heard Tim was going to be playing Romeo in the school play. 10. He is in a critical condition in hospital, so we’re all praying he’ll ______________________. 1.










V. Underline ten mistakes in the following sentences and correct them. Write the correction in the box provided. (5 pts.) 1. Neither of the scout leaders know how to trap wild animals or how to prepare them for mounting. 2. At the start of the seminar, they gave us a number of handouts and a little nice folder to keep them all in. 3. Stephen Crane’s story is a clinical portrayal of a man as an animal trapped by the fear and hunger. 4. Time is precious. Let us do the most of it to enrich our knowledge. 5. Nora hardly never misses an opportunity to play in the tennis tournaments. 6. Because of the snow storm and the road blocks, the air force dropped food close the city. 7. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them. 8. Our new neighbors had been living in Arizona for ten years before moved to their present house. 9. Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial cities today. 10. When I entered the room, I found my younger brother stand on the kitchen table. 1 .


3 .




7 .


9 .


PART C: READING I. Read the following passage and circle the best answer for each blank. Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the box provided. (14 pts) rd

What is the world largest I’m sure that …1 …1just … tounder mind14,000,000kms2, is the legendary Sahara followed – but that’s  . It’s actually the desert on desert? the Antarctic …2the …2 …,first measuring 14,000,000 kms2, closely by3the Arctic desert. Most people living away from deserts associate this kind of …3 …3… with sand, but only 10% of  deserts are actually made up of sand …4 …4….

The term ‘desert’ in fact describes a …5 …5… which receives almost no …6  …6 …, …, meaning rainfall, snow, ice or hail. The term can also apply to regions where there is greater evaporation of …7  …7 … than rainfall. In other words,  

more water is absorbed back into the …8 …8… than stays on or within the ground. So, in … 9… deserts, you’re mainly talking about ice sheets and a little rock, not sand, of course. The surface of many other deserts is comprised of loose rock where the finer particles of dust and sand have been …10 … 10… … Away. It may surprise you to know that deserts exist all over the …11 … 11…, …, from the Kalahari in Africa to the Great Victoria in Australia and so on, and that they …12 … 12… … just over a fifth of the earth’s land area. The world’s largest hot desert, the Sahara, actual actually ly … …13 13… … temperatures temperatures of 122 Fahrenheit degrees. Other arid deserts may not be so hot but in common with the Sahara, they …14 …14… … considerably at night. An issue that is worrying geologists, governments and the people that live on the edges of deserts is the way they are spreading. You might think that the reason for this is drought – but lack of rain is not the cause. 1. A. jumps B. leaps C. rises D. springs 2. A. country B. continent C. territory D. pole 3. A. terrain B. plain C. horizon D. nature 4. A. hills B. dunes C. piles D. slopes 5. A. base B. landscape C. ground D. soil 6. A. wildlife B. agriculture C. precipitation D. alteration 7. A. moisture B. drops C. dampness D. drizzle 8. A. setting B. atmosphere C. environment D. surroundings 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

A. extreme A. left A. globe A. contain A. obtains A. cool

B. Mediterranean B. disappeared B. sphere B. expand B. reaches B. fall

C. typical C. blown C. atlas C. cover C. stretches C. freeze

D. polar   D. removed D. orb D. cross D. raises D. decrease















 II. The passage has eight phrases left out. Decide which phrase (A-L) from the list should go in each gap. Write the letter in the space provided. There are more phrases than gaps. Write your answer in the box   provided. (8 pts.)  RECYCLING PLASTICS  One of the most difficult wastes to recycle is mixed plastics, (1) __________. Plastic manufacturers turn their  own offcuts into granules that are melt melted ed down for reuse.They can also reuse any single, pure thermoplasti thermoplasticc materials, materi als, (2) _______ ____________. _____. The Briti British sh firm Meyer-Newman Meyer-Newman of Gwent recycles complete telephones telephones into new on ones. es. But But mi mixe xedd plas plasti tics cs have have unpred unpredic icta tabl blee prope propert rtie iess and and low low struc structu tural ral stre strengt ngthh beca because use (3)  ___________. So it is difficult to make a material with good and predictable properties from mixed plastic wastes. One answer is compatibiliser. This is an octopus-like molecule in which each arm represents a section of  different polymer, that in turn (4) ____________. Stirred into a mixture of molten plastic, each arm of the

octopus grabs and reacts chemically with a molecule of the one polymer in the mixture. The result is an alloy


rather than a mixture. It is strong because of intra-molecular bonding and has highly predictable properties, so it is potentially reusable. During the past two or three years, many plastic manufacturers have (5) ___________. But perhaps the most advanced, ‘Bennet’, was produced independently two years ago, after 15 years of research, by the Dutch engineer Der Groep. His invention is already being used widely, largely in secret (6) __________. Bennet is made up of short sections of several polymers representing the arms of octopus, each is able to link  the molecules of a different polymer in the mixture. The reliable strength of the plastic ‘alloys’ made with Bennet suggests that (7) _____________. The vehicle recycling industry is keen to recycle more plastics. Despite the environmental benefits, they fear  that the steady increase in the use of reclaimable plastics will make it uneconomic to recover vehicles from the metals they contain. Some car manufacturers, such as BMW and Mercedes, are now designing products and requesting components that are easier to recycle: (8)____________.  A. is characteristic of a different plastic  B. developed their own compatibilisers C. which has never been achieved despite substantail government investment in research  D. often used in wrappers and containers  E. they could be used in high-grade, high-cost high-cos t applications such as car bumpers  F. it does not have sufficient rigidity G. for example, car bumpers made from one material instead of up to seven  H. always been sceptical about recycling plastics  I. as manufacturers do not want to be seen to be using us ing recycled plastics in their quality products  J. for example, steel suspension systems and car bodies  K. such as polythene that are not chemically cross-linked  L. the different plastics in the mixture are not bonded at a molecular level   1.








PART D: WRITING I. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word(s) given so that its meaning stays the same. (8 pts.) 1.

I ddon on’t ’t unde unders rsttan andd oone ne word word of this his ddoc ocum umen entt.( .(he head ad))

I can’t _____________________________________________________________________.


Erik Erikaa di didn dn’t ’t ment mentio ionn her her illn illnes esss at al all. l. (ref (refer eren ence ce))


Erika made _________________________________________________________________. Didd anyt Di anythi hing ng ab abou outt his his be beha havi vior or se seem em unus unusua uall to you? you? (str (strik ike) e)

Did anything about his behavior _________________________________________________?


He wa wass aarr rres este tedd w whe henn the theyy ccau augh ghtt him him driv drivin ingg a stol stolen en car. car. (act (act))

Being ______________________________________________________________________.


Sh Shee wa wass ju just st as good good as they they had had thou though ghtt. (u (up) p)

She definitely ________________________________________________________________.


Ton onyy didn didn’t ’t fe feel el like like danc danciing that hat nigh nightt. (m (moo ood) d)

Tony _______________________________________________________________________.


You’r ’ree goi oinng to enjoy toni onight! (tr (trea eatt)


You’re _____________________________________________________________________! Wh Whyy do do yyou ou th thin inkk you you ar aree aall llow owed ed to cr crit itic iciz izee m mee lik likee ttha hat? t? (giv (gives es))

What do you think ___________________________________________________________?


II. Write about the following topic: Violence is increasing at an alarming rate in many schools. In what ways can this problem be overcome? You should write at least 200 words. (20 pts.) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… THE END


ĐÁP ÁN PART A I. (5 pts.)

1. B

II. (5 pts.)

1. A

2. A

3. B

4. C

2. C

5. C 3. C

4. A

5. D

PART B I. (15 pts.) 1. C

2. A

3. C

6. C

7. C

8. B

9. C

10. A

11. D

II. (5 pts.) 1. advantage

2 . fire

3. faith


4. B 12. B

13. D

4. victory

5. D 14.C


5. leave

(10 pts.)

1. exemplified/exemplifies

2. confidential


4. dependants

5. down-pour

6. negligible

7. domineering

8. provocation

9. occurrence

IV. (5 pts.)

10. decriminalize

1. Stems/ Stemmed from

3. brooding over 


2. centered on

4. fall back on

5. carried away

8. go in for 

6. put off 

9. creased up

7. apprising/ apprised of 

10. pull through


V. (5 pts.) 1. know => knows 2. little nice => nice little 3. the fear => fear => make 5. never => ever 6. close => close to 7. what did happen => what happened 8. moved => they moved ormoving 9. are => is 10. stand => standing


PART C I. (14 pts.) 1. D 8. B

2. B 9. D

3. A 10. C

4. B 11. A









5. B 12. C

6. C 13. B

II. (8 pts.)

PART D I. (8 pts.) 1. I can’t make head or tail of this document. 2. Erika made no reference to her illness. 3. Did anything about his behavior strike you as (being) unusual? 4. Being caught in the act of driving a stolen car, he was arrested. 5. She definitely came up to their expectations. 6. Tony wasn’t in the mood/ was in no mood to dance/ for dancing that night. 7. You’re in for a treat tonight! 8. What do you think gives you the right to criticize me like that? II. 20pts. 1. Content: 10 pts - a provision of all main ideasand details as appropriate. 2. Language: 5pts – a variety of vocabulary and structures 3. Presentation: 5pts – coherence, cohesion, and style…


7. A 14. A


SỞ GD&ĐT NGHỆ AN Đề chính thức

KỲ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO THPT CHUYÊN PHAN BỘI CHÂU NĂM HỌC 2017 - 2018 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH  ANH  Thời gian: 120 120 phút  phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm Bằng số:

Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo Giám khảo 1:

 ..................... ........................................... ........................................ .................. Bằng chữ:

................................................................. ........................................... ............................ ...... Giám khảo 2:

 ..................... ........................................... ........................................ ..................

........................................... ..................... ............................................ ............................ ......

Số phách

SECTION A: LISTENING PART I: MULTIPLE CHOICE. You will hear an interview with a woman called Jenny Parker, who recently travelled to the country of  Vanuatu, a group of islands in the South Pacific, as part of her gap year. For question 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. You will listen twice. 1. Jenny decided to go to Vanuatu because she wanted to _____  A. travel in an expensive country. B. experience something totally new. C. visit someone she had met travelling. D. escape from work she found dull. 2. What was Jenny’s first reaction to the capital, Port Vila? A. Th Thee fr frien iendli dlines nesss ooff the the peo people ple sur surpri prised sed her her.. B. She was rel reliev ieved ed by the ple pleasa asant nt cli climat mate. e. ThJenny e rran ange ge ofunexpected fo food od avai availa labl ble ew was asTanna limi limite ted. d. D. She She w was as im impr pres esse sedd by th thee cont contra rast stin ingg ssig ight hts. s. 3. WhatC. didThe find a bout about Island? A. The condition of the island’s roads. B. The difficulties of climbing the volcano. C. The The im impo port rtan ance ce ooff mag magic ic ttoo th thee isla island nder ers. s. D. The The vo volc lcan anic ic eru erupt ptio ions ns vis visib ible le at at nigh nightt ti time me.. 4. Jenny described her experience on the “Nakamal” in order to _____  A. correct a misconception about traditional cultures. B. highlight an aspect of the culture she found challenging. C. compare Vanuatu’s culture to other neighbouring countries. D. illustrate the cultural diversity of the country. 5. When Jenny talks about diving at Million Dollar Point she is _____ 

A. critical ofthethesite way had been B. worried hasequipment been degraded overwasted. time. C. concerned about future damage to the environment. D. disappointed by the attitudes shown by other divers. 6. What point does Jenny make about the local pidgin English, “Bislama”? A. It’ It’ss diff difficu icult lt ffor or an an outs outsid ider er ttoo le learn arn.. B. IIt’ t’ss an ente enterta rtain inin ingg insi insigh ghtt in into to tthe he isl islan ands ds.. C. Its Its oorig rigins ins are not not cclear learly ly uunde nderst rstood ood.. D. The The ppeop eople le ar aree pleas pleased ed ifif visit visitors ors can speak speak iit.t. YOUR ANSWERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 70  

PART II: MULTIPLE MULTIPLE MATCHING. You will hear five short extracts in which students are talking about their holiday jobs. (WHILE LISTENING TO EACH SPEAKER, SPEAKER, YOU MUST COMPLETE BOTH TASKS, TASK 1 AND TASK 2 AT THE SAME TIME) . You will listen twice. TASK 1: For questions 1-5, cho choose ose from the list (A-H) the holiday job tthat hat each student did. A. factory worker E. dairy farm worker   B. waiter in hotel F. tour guide C. worker in tourist information office G. supermarket checkout staff  D. cleaner in hotel H. fruit picker   YOUR ANSWERS: 1. Speaker 1:

2. Speaker 2:

3. Speaker 3:

4. Speaker 4:

5. Speaker 5:

TASK 2: For questions 6-10, choose from the list (A-H) the aspect of the job the student liked. A. receiving positive feedback E. good pay rate B. flexible working hours F. how easily they got the job C. supportive employer G. good work experience for later career   D. friendship with workmates H. variety of tasks YOUR ANSWERS: 6. Speaker 1:

7. Speaker 2:

8. Speaker 3:

9. Speaker 4:

10. Speaker 5:

PART III: SENTENCE COMPLETION. You will hear a student called Jason Brown giving a talk about a day he spent as a volunteer working to restore the ecology of Franklin Island. For questions 1-8, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. You will listen twice. RESTORING THE ECOLOGY OF FRANKLIN ISLAND Jason explained that the island used to be a (1) _____ belonging to the Franklins. Jason approves of the way

that large numbers of (2) _____ were established on the island in 2005. In Jason s opinion, the worst threat to the island’s birds were pets such as (3) _____ that hunted them. Jason spent the morning helping to expand the network of (4) _____ on the island. In the afternoon Jason helped remove (5) _____, some of which were very old. Working in the (6) _____ will appeal to people who don’t want hard physical work. Volunteers are currently counting the species of birds and (7) _____ on the island. Later in the year there will be a day to collect (8) _____ to help maintain the island’s ecology. YOUR ANSWERS: 1.









SECTION B: PHONETICS PART I: Choose the word who whose se underlined part differs from the other three in pronun pronunciation ciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. submissive B. mission C. miss D. confess 2. A. zebra B. zipper C. seizure D. hazy 3. A. pronounce B. other C. won D. comfortable 4. A. houses B. faces C. horses D. sources 5. A. conservation B. consequential C. conscientious D. consideration YOUR ANSWERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PART II: Choose the word that ddiffers iffers from the other three in the position of the primary sstress tress in each of the following questions. 1. A. primitive B. particular C. continuous D. connected 2. A. energy B. windows C. energetic D. exercise 3. A. computer B. memory 4. A. teleconference B. enthusiastic 5. A. morality B. attempt YOUR ANSWERS: 1. 2.

C. serious C. hydroelectric C. variety 3.

D. special D. humanitarian D. variation 4.


SECTION C: GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY VOCABULARY PART I: Choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences. 1. I just took it _______ _________ __ that he’d a always lways be available. A. into account

B. easy

2. - “Must I do the washing-up to tonight?” night?”   - “___________ “______________________ ________________. _____. A. No, you mustn't if you don't want

C. for granted

D. into consideration

B. Washing-up really takes up time

C. Washing-up is really exhausting D. Leave it if you're exhausted 3. How can they ________ out together what they have to do if they never discuss together. A. come B. work C. find D. make 4. The teacher has a/an _______ that his student is not telling him the truth about why she was absent from school yesterday. A. hunch B. idea C. thought D. notion 5. ________did they realize that the film had been nominated for an Oscar. A. Much B. Few C. Little D. S o 6. There should be no discrimination discrimination on ___________ ___________ of sex, race or religion. A. grounds B. fields C. places D. areas 7. If you _________ in behaving in this way you will bring yourself nothing but trouble. A. react B. continue C. decide D. persist 8. I won’t change my mind ________ what you say. A. whether B. no matter C. because D. although 9. The doctor gave the patient a ________ examination to discover the cause of his collapse. A. universal B. thorough C. whole D. complete 10. The committee recommends that that the matter _________ _________ at the next meeting. 72  

A. would be discussed YOUR ANSWERS: 1. 2.

B. will be discussed C. be discussed

D. may be discussed









PART II: Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0):   WOMEN ONLY (0) INCREASINGLY  INCREASINGLY , women are taking their holidays without men. INCREASE For (1) ________ reasons, camaraderie or just plain fun, a growing SAFE number of female tourists are signing up for women-only trips. Twentyfive years or so ago, only a (2) ________of companies offered such HAND ho holi lida days ys;; no now w ther theree are seve several ral hund hundre red. d. Tr Trav avel el (3) (3) ____ ______ ____ __Jo Jo Littlewood says that the (4) ________ of higher incomes with delayed marriage, divorce, retirement and widowhood has (5) ________ more women to travel, often on their own. They are attracted by the sense of  (6) ________ that a holiday without men affords them. “Women in a group tend to feel (7) ________ and speak more openly than when men are around,” she adds. “It’s also a lot more fun. Women laugh a lot more (8) ________ than men, probably because they don’t mind laughing at themse the mselve lves”. s”. Jil Jilll Cum Cummin mings gs is a reg regula ularr trav travell eller er with with Everyw Everywoma omann Tours, an Oxford-based company whose very name is a (9)________ to


men. “And a good thing too.” She says. “Men simply cannot resist the (10) ________ to try and take control, wherever they are. Thankfully, TEMPT there is none of that with Everywoman.” YOUR ANSWERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PART III: The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify and correct the mistakes. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the hotter young film stars around at the moment. His face has been on the covers of all the top movies and young magazines over the last few months and he has been the subject of  countless articles, rumours and showbiz gossip. Leonard doesn’t like reading about him because “I read things about me that I’ve never said in my life and never did". Leonardo DiCaprio was born in Los Angeles on 11 November, 1974. He’s a Scorpio. His full name is Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio. His mother is Germany and his father Italian-American. They called him Leonardo because when his mother was still pregnant, he started kicking while she was stood in front of a  painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. He had a scar from when he was stung by a Portuguese man-of-war. His  parents separated before he was born, so his mother moved to a poor neighbourhood of Hollywood there Leo grew up. At school he was very good at imitating people, especially Michael Jackson. This made him very  popularly. His childhood hero was Poseidon, the Gre Greek ek god of the sea. After appearance in TV commercials and episodes of Roseanne, he played the cast of Roseanne, the TV sitcom starring Kirk Cameron. Leonard  played the part of Luke, a homeless boy. Lately, he played the part of Jim Carroll in The Basketball Diaries. Diaries. 73  

But he has really become famous since he acted in the film Titanic. YOUR ANSWERS: Mistake
















SECTION D: READING PART I: Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks. Most parents, I suppose have had the experience of reading a bedtime story to their children. And they must have realized how difficult it is to write a children's book. (1) ______ the author has aimed too difficult so that the children can't (2)______ what is in his (or more often, her) story, or the story seems to be talking to

the readers. The best children's books are neither very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy both the child who hears the story and the adult who reads it. (3)______, there are in fact few books like this, so the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not (4) ( 4) ______ to solve. This may be (5) ______ many books regarded as works of children's literature were in fact written for grownups. “Alice Adventures in Wonderland” is perhaps the most (6) ______ of this. Children, left for themselves, often show the worst possible interest in literature. Just leave a child in a bookshop or library and he will more willingly choose the books written in an imaginative way, or have a look at most children's comics, full of the stories and jokes which are the (7)______ of teachers and right-thinking parents. Perhaps we parents should stop trying to brainwash children into (8) ______ our taste in literature. (9)______, children and adults are so different that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the (10) ______ books. So I suppose we'll just have to compromise over that bedtime story. 1. A. And B. Either C. But D. For 2. A. remember B. forget C. recognize D. follow 3. A. Unfortunately B. Fortunately C. Naturally D. Actually 4. A. hard B. enough C. easy D. fast 5. A. when B. how C. what D. why 6. A. obvious B. hidden C. difficult D. easy 7. A. lovingness B. interests C. objections D. readings 8. A. receiving B. accepting C. having D. refusing 9. A. After all B. However C. In addition D. Therefore 10. A. common B. different C. same D. average YOUR ANSWERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 74  

PART II: Read the passage below and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to each question. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE ON THE NET  Far from encouraging mass deceit, the web promotes honesty because we fear getting caught, writes Clive Thompson.   Everyone tells a little white lie now and then, but Cornell University professor, Jeffrey Hancock, recently claimed to have established the truth of a curious proposition: We deceive less frequently when we’re online than when talking in person. He asked thirty undergraduates to record all their communications, and all their  lies for a week. Tallying the results, he found the students had mishandled mishandled   the truth in truth in about one-quarter of  all face-to-face conversation conversations, s, and in 37 percent percent of phone calls. But once in cybers cyberspace, pace, only 1 in 5 insta instantntmessaging chats contained a lie, and barely 14 percent of email messages were dishonest. While you can’t make generalizations about society solely on th thee basis of college students’ behaviour, and recognizing there is  also something odd about asking people to be honest about how often they lie, Professor Hancock’s results

were intriguing, not least because they up-end some of our primary expectations about life on the net. Wasn’t cyberspace supposed to be the scary zone where you couldn’t trust anyone? Back when the Internet first went mainstream, those pundits in the government, media and academia worried that the digital age would open the floodgates of deception. Since anyone could hide behind an anonymous hotmail address or chat-room nickname, net users, we were warned, would be free to lie with impunity. Parents panicked and frantically supervised their children’s use of cyberspace, under the assumption that anyone lurking out there in the unknown was a threat until proved otherwise. And to a certain extent, you can see their reasoning: if we go along with the basic introduction to any psychology course, we’re more likely to lie to people when there’s distance between us. Eventually, though, many suspicions turned out to be unfounded.   What is it, then, about online life that makes us more truthful? It’s simple: We’re worried about being exposed. In ‘real’ life, after all, it’s pretty easy to get away with deception. If you lie to someone at a party, you can always claim you said no such thing. On the Internet, your words often come back to haunt you. haunt you. The digital age is tough on liars, as an endless parade of executives are finding out. This isn’t a problem for only corporate barons. We read the headlines; we know in cyberspace our words never die, because machines don’t forget. ‘It’s a cut-and-paste culture’, as Professor Hancock put it, though he said that on the phone, so who knows if he really meant it? And consider that many email programmes automatically ‘quote’ your words when someone replies to your message. Every time I finish an email message, I pause for a few seconds to reread it just to ensure I haven’t said something I’ll later regret. Maybe May be thi thiss hel helps ps explai explainn why telev televisi ision on progra programme mmess like like CSI: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  Investigation   have  become so popular. They’re all about revealing the sneaking things people do. We watch with fascination fa scination and unease as scientists inspect the tiniest of clues – a stray hair on a car seat, a latent fingerprint. After you’ve seen high-tech cops rake over evidence from a crime scene with ultraviolet light and genetic sequencers enough times, you get the message: Watch out – we’ve got files on you. Forensic science has become the central drama of pop culture, and our fascination with it may well add to our anxieties about technology. So no wonder we’re so careful to restrict our lying to low technology environments. We have begun to be keenly suspicious of places that might be bugged, conducting all of our subterfuge in loud restaurants and lonely parks.  Still, it’s not only the fear of electronic exposure that drives us to tell the truth. There’s something about the Internet that encourages us to ‘tell all’, often in rather outrageous ways. Psychologists have noticed for years that going online seems to have a catalytic effect on people’s personalities. The most quiet and reserved 75  

 people may become deranged loudmouths when they sit behind the keyboard. Others stay up until dawn and conduct angry debates debates on discussion discussion boards with total strangers. You can usu usually ally spot the newcomers in any discussion group because they’re the ones WRITING IN CAPITALS – they’re overwhelmed by the Internet’s heavy combination of geographic distance and pseudo-invisibility.  Our impulse to confess via cyberspace inverts much of what we think about honesty. It used to be if you wanted to really trust someone, you arranged a face-to-face meeting. Our culture still obsesses over physical contact, the shaking of hands, that lubricating chitchat. Executives and politicians spend hours flying across the country merely for a five-minute meeting, on the assumption that even a few seconds of face time can cut thro throug ughh th thee pr prev evar aric icat atio ions ns of lett letter erss and and legal legal cont contra ract cts. s. But But perh perhap apss th this is depe depend nden ence ce on onli online ne

communication is gratifying news. We could find ourselves living in an increasingly honest world. It will at least, inevitably, be one in which there are increasingly severe penalties for deception. With its unforgiving machine memory, the Internet might turn out to be the unlikely conscience of the world. 1. What does the writer suggest about Professor Hancock’s findings? A. They prove a higher than average level of dishonesty among students. B. They are unreliable as students are not likely to have kept accurate records. C. They only demonstrate what was already alrea dy common knowledge to most people. D. Students are less likely to lie while chatting online than on the telephone. 2. What does the writer state about the early days of Internet use? A. There was no discernible change in the general level of honest behaviour. B. The Internet provided people with new ways to commit crime. C. Children were frequently not permitted any kind of access to the Internet. D. There was some over-reaction to the perceived dangers of the Internet. 3. What point is illustrated by the references to email record? A. The corporate world has been forced to reassess its systems of communication. B. People have developed a less trusting attitude towards others they deal with. C. People are becoming more cautious with regard to the content of email. D. E-mail and similar documentation has sometimes been used to manipulate the truth. 4. According to the writer, television programmes on forensic science have ____________ ____________ . A. led to people becoming more frightened of being exposed. B. encouraged people to adopt more sophisticated methods of deception. C. overtaken other types of television drama in terms of popularity. D. given people a false impression on what science can currently achieve.

5. In the fifth paragraph, what are we told about the effect of Internet chat rooms on people? A. They have had a beneficial influence on some naturally shy people. B. They have allowed certain people to express themselves more concisely. C. They have led to a transformation in some people’s usual behaviour. D. They have improved relations between people from different cultures. 6. What does the writer state about the future impact of online communication? A. People will ensure that emails are strictly accurate and honest. B. Instances of dishonesty will have more serious consequences. 76  

C. People will feel the need for legal advice when preparing certain documents. D. It will remove the need for face-to-face contact. 7. Which of the followings is the best definition of the expression “mishandle the truth” in truth” in paragraph 1? A. to lie so as not to hurt someone’s feeling . B. a euphemism for “to lie” C. to act or speak in a sneaky way

D. to talk about something difficult or painful 8. The word “to “to haunt” haunt” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _________ . A. disturb B. stalk C. appear YOUR ANSWERS: 1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.

D. interrupt

4. 8.

PART III: Read the following passage and do the tasks below. Task 1: Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph from the the List  List of headings below. List of headings A. Tea – a beverage of hospitality B. The fall in the cost of tea C. Diverse drinking methods D. Tea on the move E. An important addition F. Today’s continuing tradition – In Britain and China G. Limited objections to drinking tea H. Tea drinking in the world

TEA TIMES 1 The chances are that you have already drunk a cup or glass of tea today. Perhaps, you are sipping one as you read this. Tea, now an everyday beverage in many parts of the world, has over the centuries been an important  part of rituals of hospitality both in the home home and in wider society. 2 Tea originated in China, and in Eastern Asia tea making and drinking ceremonies have been popular for  centuries. Tea was first shipped to North Western Europe by English and Dutch maritime traders in the 16 th century. At about the same time, a land route from the Far East, via Moscow, to Europe was opened up. Tea also figured in America’s bid for independence from British rule – the Boston Tea Party. 3 As, over the last four hundred years, tea-leavers became available throughout much of Asia and Europe, the ways in which tea was drunk changed. The Chinese considered the quality of the leaves and the ways in which they were cured all important. People in other cultures added new ingredients besides tea-leaves and hot water. They drank tea with milk, sugar, spices like cinnamon and cardamom, and herbs such as mint or sage. 77  

The variations are endless. For example, in Western Sudan on the edge of the Sahara Desert, sesame oil is

added to milky tea on cold mornings. In England tea, unlike coffee, acquired a reputation as a therapeutic drink that promoted promoted health. Indeed, in European and Arab countries as well as in Persia Persia and Russia, Russia, tea was  praised for its restorative and health giving properties. One Dutch physician, Cornelius Blankaart, advised that to maintain health a minimum of eight to ten cups a day should be drunk, and that up to 50 to 100 daily cups could be consumed with safety. 4 While European coffee houses were frequently by men discussing politics and closing business deals, respectable middle-class women stayed at home and held tea parties. When the price of tea fell in the nineteenth ninet eenth century, poor people took up the drink with enthu enthusiasm siasm.. Different Different grades and blends blends of tea were sold to suit every pocket. 5 Throughout the world today, few religious groups object to tea drinking. In Islamic cultures, where drinking of alcohol is forbidden, tea and coffee consumption is an important part of social life. However, Seventh-Day Adventists, recognizing the beverage as a drug containing the stimulant caffeine, frown upon the drinking of  tea. 6 In Britain, coffee drinking, particularly in the informal atmosphere of coffee shops, is currently in vogue. Yet, the convention of afternoon tea lingers. At conferences, it remains common practice to serve coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon. Contemporary China, too, remains true to its long tradition. Delegates at conferences and seminars are served tea in cups with lids to keep the infusion hot. The cups are topped up throughout the proceedings. There are as yet not signs of coffee at such occasions. YOUR ANSWERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Task 2: Complete the summary below with words or phrases from the passage (The form of the words can be changed). Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBER NUMBER for each answer. Originated in China and Eastern Asia, for centuries, both at home and in society, tea, a popular_____  (7) has become an important role in ______(8). In the 19 th century, falling tea prices meant that people could choose the _______ (9) of tea they could afford. Nowadays, throughout the world, few religious groups raise  ______ (10) tea drinking. Because it _______ (11), Seventh-Day Adventists Adventists do not approve of the drinking of  tea. In Britain, while coffee is in fashion, afternoon tea is still a ______ (12). YOUR ANSWERS: 7. 10.

8. 11.

9. 12.

PART IV: Fill in each numbered space with ONE suitable word. EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION If you were to hazard a (1) _________ at when and where the next major earthquake will strike, there’s a chance that you’d be (2) _________ as accurate as the experts. The science of earthquake prediction is still in its infancy, which is uncomfortable, considering the threat posed (3) _________ human civilization. Even with vast resources at their disposal, often the best that scientists can do is say that the odds are that an 78


earthquake will strike where one occurred earthquake occurred (4) ________ _________. _. One reason the chances of (5) _______ _________ __ an accurate prediction are so low is the nature of the forces involved. It seems to be (6) _________ to tell the difference between a small earthquake and a warning tremor. tremor. Scientists need to decide (7) _________ _________ to pu putt lives at (8) _________ by not issuing a warning, or constantly issue warnings about the threat (9) _________  an earthquake earthquake that may be ignored. In the end, the odds seem to be (10) _________ _________ us solvi solving ng this difficult  problem any time soon. ANSWERS: 2. 1YOUR . 6. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10

SECTION E: WRITING PART I: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between TWO and FIVE words, including the word given. 1. They suspended Jack for the next two matches. => Jack …………………………………………….. in the next to matches. 2. As far as I know he is still working in Ha Noi. KNOWLEDGE => To …………………………………………, he is still working in Ha Noi. 3. They began calmly discussing football but soon started arguing fiercely about politics. => What began as a calm discussion about football soon developed ……………………………………………... about politics. 4. Even though Diego didn’t know any French at all, he managed to communicate with the




Parisian taxi driver. => Despite ………………………………………………… of French, Diego managed to communicate with the Parisian taxi driver. 5. The warmth of her welcome surprised me. ABACK  => I ………………………………………… her warm welcome. Part II: You are Tuan and your best friend, Nam, has sent you an email asking you to help him organize a special surprise birthday party for his younger sister, Phuong Anh. Read Nam’s email and the notes you have made. Then write an email (about 80-100 words) to Nam using all your notes.


Email From: Nam Sent: 5th June Subject: Birthday party We must make sure that Phuong Anh has no idea we’re planning

Sounds good  but ex ensive

such a great surprise! I’m not sure how many people to invite but our house is certainly too small. Do you think we should book  Phuong Dong Hotel for the evening and have the party there? Phuong Anh loves music so we could have a live band. I’ve also spent ages thinking about what we could buy her as a  present. Do you have any ideas?

Sorry – busy

Couldd you Coul you come come the the day day befo before re th thee part partyy to help help wi with th th thee  preparations? There’s a lot to think about so I’d really like your 

that da

help. can you suggest something else that will make this party reallyAnd special? Best wishes,

Phuong Anh enjoys reading so ………..….

Karaoke party

 Nam From: Tuan Sent: 7th June Subject: Birthday party …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………

Love, Tuan PART III: Write an essay (at least 250 words) giving your opinions on the following statement: “Electric bikes are very convenient for students but also potentially dangerous.”  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………

* The end * 


HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Môn: TIẾNG ANH (Hướng dẫn chấm này gồm 03 trang) SECTION A: LISTENING (40 points) PART I: MULTIPLE CHOICE. (6 x 2 = 12 points) 1. B

2. D

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. B

PART II: MULTIPLE MULTIPLE MATCHING. (20 (20 points) TASK 1: (5 x 2 = 10 points) 1. Speaker 1: H

2. Speaker 2: G

3. Speaker 3: D

4. Speaker 4: A

5. Speaker 5: F

8. Speaker 3: H

9. Speaker 4: D

10. Speaker 5: A

TASK 2: (5 x 2 = 10 points) 6. Speaker 1: E

7. Speaker 2: B

PART III: SENTENCE COMPLETION. COMPLETION. (8 x 1 = 8 points) 1. (family) farm

2. (native) trees

3. rats

4. (walking) tracks

5. (wire) fences

6. (plant) nursery

7. insects

8. seeds

SECTION B: PHONETICS (10 points) PART I: (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. A

5. D

PART II: (5 x 1 = 5 points)   1. A 2. C

3. A

4. A

5. D

SECTION C: GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (30 points) PART I: (10 x 1 = 10 points) 1. C 6. A

2. D 7. D

3. B 8. B

4. A 9. B

5. C 10. C

3. consultant 8. readily

4. combination 9. deterrent

5. enabled 10. temptation

PART II: (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. safety 6. freedom

2. handful 7. uninhibited

PART III: (10 x 1 = 10 points) Mistake







1. hotter 



6. stood



2. young



7. there



3. him



8. popularly



4. did



9. appearance


appearing / his ((tthe) appearance

5. Germany



10. Lately


Later / Then

SECTION D: READING (60 points) PART I: (10 x 1 = 10 points) 1. B 6. A

2. D 7. C

3. A 8. B

4. C 9. A

5. D 10. C

PART II: (8 X 2 = 16 POINT POINTS) S) 1. D 5. C

2. D 6. B

3. C 7. B

4. A 8. B

PART III: (24 POINTS) TASK 1: (6 X 2 = 12 POINTS) 1. A

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. G

6. F

TASK 2: (6 X 2 = 12 POINTS) 7. beverage

8. (rituals of) hospitality

10. (some) objections to

11. contains caffeine

9. (different) grades / blends // grades and blends 12. (lingering) convention

PART IV: (10 x 1 = 10 points) 1. guess 6. impossible

2. almost / nearly 7. whether

3. to 8. risk

4. before 9. of

SECTION E: WRITING (60 points) PART I: (5 x 2 = 10 points) 1. …… was banned from playing ………………. 2. …… (the best of) my knowledge ………….…. 3. …… into a heated argument ………………… 4. …… not knowing/speaking a single word …... 5. …… was taken aback by …………………….. PART II: (20 points) 84  


St Styl ylee aand nd org rgan aniz izat atio ion: n: 25% 25% = 55đ  đ  Gram Gramma marr and and voca vocabu bula lary ry:: 25 25% % = 55đ  đ  Length: 25% = 5đ  Ideas: 25% = 5đ 

  PART III: (30 points) - St Styl ylee aand nd or orga gani niza zati tion on:: 225% 5% = 77,5 ,5 đ  - Gram Gramma marr and and voca vocabu bula lary ry:: 225% 5% = 77,5 ,5đ  đ  - Length: 25 25% = 7,5đ  - Ideas: 25% = 7,5đ 

TOTAL: 200/10 = 20 points * The end *

5. making 10. against

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