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Study Project Article A study to include Thirukkural in school syllabus
to the research
The Tirukkural Tirukkural or Thirukkural or shortly the Kural, Kural, is a classic T classic Tamil amil sangam literature consisting literature consisting of 1330 couplets or kurals kurals,, dealing with the everyday virtues of an individual. Considered one of the greatest works ever written on ethics and morality, it is known for its universality and non-denominational nature. t was authored !y Thiruvalluvar !y Thiruvalluvar..
The ndian education system has often often !een critici"ed critici"ed for its failure to impart impart the essential values of life ethics, compassion, inclusive thinking and !roadmindedness to students. This has resulted in a situation where highly educated people, who are engaged in pu!lic service, display little empathy for the real sovereigns sovereigns of ndia the common people. Thirukkural, !y saint-poet Thiruvalluvar, should !e incorporated incorporated in the school curriculum curriculum across the country# the Tamil classic will help the coming generations to grow up in thinking $ feeling as gentle citi"ens. The inclusion in school curriculum curriculum of the classics of ndian literature, literature, which which contain ideas for the empowerment of the weakest, would !e one way to remedy the country%s current climate. n the early 1& thcentury, 'estern 'estern ndologists, highly impressed !y Thirukkural, translated it into most of the (uropean (uropean languages. )r. )r. *.+. ope, who translated it into (nglish, had ranked it with the !est of world literature of all languages.
Area of Research This research is a !road literature work, this research comes under case study of Thirukural and its moral values. Ob jective
of research
The o!ective of this article article is to have a detailed study on how incorporation how incorporation of thirukural in the school curriculum will help for !asic moral and ethical values deriving from our own classics.
Sample or
of study
There are are 1330 poems in 133 133 chapters each chapter consists consists of 10 poem/. These 133 chapters are are under !road classication classication of 3 parts
1/ )harma moral code/ / 2rtha wealth code, covering politics and administration/ and 3/ Kama love code/. 'e will focus on )harma $ 2rtha which could act as a tonic for the upgrade of the individual in schools.
Limitations of the research Covering all 1,330 couplets of the Thirukkural is a vast task hence we restrict with less num!er of couplets which preaches moral values. 2lso, the third chapter Kamathupal, that deals with the relationship !etween a hus!and and wife/ is not considered in this study.
Approach of Research The area
of research itse lf indicate s this as one of the Case study research. t is a form of ualitative research that is focused on providing a detailed account of incorporation of kural in curriculum and its impact among students. t is driven !y curiosity or interest in a su!ect with (4tensive curriculum review.
Process of Research The researcher who undertakes this research is going to read and analyse the values taught from various couplets and relate it to current educational system and showcase how it a5ects the student%s transformation in this modern life.
se o f Research 62fter evaluating the current education system and resultant !ehavior in society, it could only !e said that we are lacking in many aspects, including morality.6 7ence, it is the need of the hour to teach Thirukkural to students.This study will emphasi"e that 8Thirukkural9 alone would lead the younger generation on the righteous path9.
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