Third Imperium Issue 10

April 27, 2017 | Author: atpollard | Category: N/A
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No. l0 "Sp,ring. 1988




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Security Leak Magazine Disco v er


extroc rdinorq

Se c urirq leak Moqoz ine. In





slnqte one-qeer

sub sc ri ptio n, 40u'lI qet more them just simple

rules ond new items. Even" issue is pocked w ith u seful information, for both t he pi..,,,,'!!!,$. nnd the referee. And the Securit.., Leak is dedicated to the b est sc ien c e - fic t io n ro le

p1cnlinq qome e ver -

un ique phcrm cceuncnts, ne w v ehicl es, n n d even on SORAG oqent qenem non su stem . This is the onr.., so urc e ot espionoqe mote t iol in the entire T,avelle, universe. so don't miss pp ., U.S. Publi shed bl,j the it! Paranoia press. All in mint condition. All booklets OtE! shipped the ne xt dm~!


Coming Soon for 12Aa! Ch,ono,-Down Sto,po,t Booklet T,avelle, HiSlO,'J Sou...c:ebook

T,ouelle,. Eoch issue

c o n toins art ic le s on ('I v ori etl.,l 01 to p ics trom so m e 01 th e be st minds in havelle'. So c o m e visit our universe! Su bscrip ti o n s ore 310.60 U.S. per '-,leo, . 12.75 sinqll.l in the U.S.• Cnnodn. APO & FPO. All other od dresse s or e 312 per ",eo( . 1 . 3.25 sinqly. Allow 96 dol.,ls for first delivef(~. 24 poqes. Quofte:,h.,.

poqrnent s c on be m ode in either U.S. pe rsonnl bu siness check , O t bl.,! Conodion O t U.S. Postal Servic e rnoneu orders, Sen d no c osh. Ot



llJUClGl [jl:Dol3 [jlDCDGm Ullfi' 0 UQjDmo o urn fi'i:lfi'Gl!J~lllilUUo [!]~(i).

The SORAG Handbook of Organization and Equipment

Come Visit Our Universe.

Discover the rnqste rfe s nnd secr et s of th e Zhodoni Consulote's premiere intelliqence network olonq the (imword renches ot its mlqhtu empire. Included ote totoll~ new weapons, spectone ed tools or the trnde ,




Fanzlne Newsletter supporting the

HISTORY OF THE IMPERIUM ~ORKING GROUP (HI~G) in developing the future setting of the I .per l u a. S ix I s s ue s co ~e wi th a nn ua l ae abersh lp to HIWG. Auth ors and artists include Marc Miller, Jeff Swycaffer , Ed Edwards, J o h n Meyers, Gregg Giles, Craig Sheeley, Tom Peters, and Ph il Morrissey, Mike Mikesh, ed itor.


the FUTURE I in


The History of the I.periua Working Group is conducting postal discuss ions of the fu ture history of the Imper ium and contr ib ut ing to it s develop.en t. Annual dues: '12. Includes t h e b l- Monthly newsletter

TIFFANY STAR, genera l

Send $12 dues to : Ed Edwards 1410 E. Bo yd, OK 7 3 0 7 1- 26 5 0


for u a support ing caapa lgns in the Rebellion Era, Write to Ed Edwards, 1410 E. Boyd, Norman OK 73071,

- 2-

[NOTES FROM THE CAPITALI I"d like to open up this issue with some unfortunate news: due to the recent increases in postal rates ( i n both the U.S . and Canada), we will be raisi ng our subscription rates as of ne xt issue. Current subscriptions

will be honoured at the old rate. Canadian rates are remaining the same; US rates are i nc r e a s i ng to 52.25 for a single issue and 58.25 for a one-

ye ar subsscription. I would,


1 ike



attention to a neH fanzine with which I am ve r y impressed . Tiffan y Star is produced by Mike Mikesh (whose work has appeared in 7hird Imperium) and

Ed Edwards (editor of the now-defunct Working Passage, and Traveller"s number one fan). It is devoted to histor ical information and background details on the Reb@llion, including maps, diagrams, and in-depth e55ay9. The magazine is also being supported b y Marc Miller, who has contributed several articles~ But Tiffan y Star is more than just a fanzine. It is also a forum for fan discussions on the Rebellion, with the goal of presenting ideas to Marc Miller for official Rebellion data. What do y o u want to happen to Dul-

inor ? Write an article for Tiffan y S t ar , and let Marc know your views ! For more information, see the ad on the facing page. GDW is planning several supplements for the ne xt two y e a r s . The first of these, the Rebellion SourcebooA, should alread y be available when y ou read this. Coming this fall is the Referee's Co"panion, containing e ver ything that was left out of MegaTraveller. Supplements for ne xt y e a r include the Cloak and Dagger Sourcebook, the Deneb Sourcebook (by Digest Group ), and a possible book written by y ou r s trul y but more about this ne xt issue. This issue, we have a lot of special featu res: part tHO of our Computers series, more MegaTraveller adaptations, information on the Glorious Empire, and a pull-out map of Charted Space. This is the first complete map of Charted Space ever to be pubI ished, i nc l Ud i ng all sector names and various supporting data . Individual copies are ava ilable for $1 .00 (both U.S. and Canada). -Mi ke Jackson, Editor

Glorious Empire •..•... •• •••••••••••.••••••.•• • •••••••• Traveller's Hardware •••••••.•••.•••••• ••••••••.••••••. Traveller Craft • • • . • • ~ • • •• . ••• • • . • • • • • • • • • ••• • • . • • . • • • Goertel Subsector~ ••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••• ~ .••••••.• Feature Adventure: Vendetta ••• • •• •..••••••.••••••.•••. Customized WeapDns ••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••.•• • • Computers Part 2 ••.••••••••••••• •• •••••.•••••••.••.••. Inside Equipment: Air/raft •••••••••.•.••••••••• • ••••••

4 5 6 8 10 13 14 17

STAFF: Rite hetSlll, IavU U. Itt•• DHintd tD CiIff'lII wrol. PartiOIS of lUs IalJi1iae au tlto trOi utrrials ,.blisM4 by iIII n. Ii,est 6r1llp hIllintiots. ad are rop1ri,U 1988 b1 Ue rfS9Ktive "OIps. 'ib fom 1ft ISd .m Ue per,iniOi of iN. TlAVEU.EI is a re,isterH trdflUt of &IV. Thir. Jsperill is p.blh". IIIIIterl1 b1 RUe Jachol. Suf wbiissiolS, letters. id i.S bID. $12. 4616 Tn St•• VUl:llIYft. It. V61 2J4. btu: $2.50 siI,le rDll1. 19.00 1,m susrriptilll ICiU'il, $2.25 sil,le r1lp1••• 75 I,Nr SlbscliptiOl IU.S.I

- 3-

IGLORIOUS EMPIREI Consisti ng of some thirteen worlds, the Glorious Empire is a small, i nde pe ndent state in



Humans i n the Empire behave in a similar manner, though they are constantl y s ubservient to their Asian ma s t e r s . They look down upon humans outside the Emp ire, seeing them as weak and dishonourable. Human Imperials can be generated as for Asian, replacing Dewclaw with Brawling skill. They may not become officers and cannot receive property. Citizens of the Glorious Empire are rarel y encountered outside their state.


Cr e a t e d b y a separat ist AsIan clan in 650, i t is treated neutrall y b y the Hierate, and coldl y b y all other

nearby states. The Glorious Empire e xpanded rapidl y, conquering many worlds that alread y had a human population. The

AsIan Hierate grew alongside, hemming it in, thus creating its unusual shape.



stopped in the 900'5






fic ient resources to support the



effort. The Empire currently trades with various AsIan clans, and main-




The Glorious Empire has a government s ystem based largely upon that of the Hie"ate -- families band together to form prides, which bond together as a clan. The Empire has onl y one clan, however, so the entire state is under one coherent government. The supreme head of the Glorious Empire is the Grand Emperor. The first Emperor was the head of the clan, and later Emperors have been chosen i n a unique manne r: trial b y combat. Combat is to the death, and may onl y be attempted by a pride head. The Emp ire maintains a navy and army, and each world i s held under tight control. A-dan listings give most worlds type K governments. Imperial listings give type 6 (captive government) or type 9 (impersonal beaurocrac y). Societ y is generall y oppressive and law levels are high. The Glorious Empire is rat~d as an A~ber Zone by the Traveller·s Aid Societ y.


tions against the Florian 'League


other nearby human Horlds.

CULTURE The inhabitants of th~ Glorious E~­ pire are 65~ Asian and 3~~ Human. AsIan form the upper and .iddl~ classes, while huaans comprise the main labour force , with statu5 l ittle bette r than slaves. Som~ parall~ls can be drawn with the South Africa of 20th-century Earth. All citizens of the Empir e behave as Asian, and can b~ generat~d according to A1i~n ~odu1~ 1. However, they are e xtremely a99ressiv~, nearly three times as touchy and violent as are normal Asian. Tolerance ski II is nonexistent.

During the Rebellion, Asian forces worlds throughout the TrOjan Reach, completel y encircling the Empire. The Imperials object, and be9in raiding Asian worlds. Minor clans begin to peck at the state, capturing three worlds from li17 to 1119. In 1119, the major clans of the sector turn to the Empire and begin a +ull-fledged attac k. By the end of the y e a r , the Glorious Empire has been co~pletely reabsorbed. Htourlao is in the hands of the human slaves, and Syoakh, the ITlper ial capital, is a bombed-out radioact ive cinder. captur~


I TRAVELLER'S HARDWARE I s ize. tNat.ut-e l Iy , a remote cont~ol is included to allow the person who set it up to get away !) It will continue to operate until the power pack runs out (l00 shots); alternatel y, it may be plugged into an y nearby electrical outlet for a near-infinite lifetime. Due to its low-level programming, the combat sentr y has a -2 DM on combat tasks. It will always fire if there are an y targets within its p~e­ set range limit, and it may neve~ per-s ot-m an interrupt. Weight: 15kg (16kg with e aee r , Volume: 20l (15 in case). Cost: Cr8S00.

SPEED LOADER The speed loader allows fast ing of

r~vol vers




during combat. It is basicall y a round plastic block with slots for si x shells; pushing i t into the cylinde r of a r e vo l ve r - type weapon loads all si x shots simultaneousl y. Individual speed


ahead of time,




and can then be


ried around until needed . Loading a speed loaded lakes 30 seconds. Load-

ing a gun with one lakes only combat round. Tl 6, lOOS. Cr15.




Used with an y firearm, trigger locks are a special form of key preventing other people from using an individual's gun. At TL 7, the trigger lock is a magnetic attachment which holds the trigger out. A special ring neutralizes the magnet and allows th. t~igge~ to be pulled. At TL 9, the t~igger lack is a thin fingerp~int reade r ke yed to the gun's owner. In either case, only the correct person can us e the gun. TL 7 trigger lock: Cr50. TL 9 trigger lack: Cr200 . Weight for either is negligible.

The vIa laser is a refinement of laser technology. Unlike earlier versions, the V/O laser's powerpack is built with a special energy capacitor (similar to those in ships' drives) which allows it to store up large amounts of energy and then release them in a single burst. The vIa laser is the same size and weight as a normal TL 9 laser rifle, but its pack weighs 5000g. It has a -1 DM on to hit tasks, but has adjUStable damage and penetration. Damage can be va~ied from 1 to 18 by changing the beam's power; the penetration has a base value of 6, plus one per damage point of the beam. The V/D laser has SO energy points, and each damage point it shoots costs one of these. When all SO are used up, it must be recharged. However, firing high-power beams can be dange~ous to the s ystem. Whenever firing the V/O laser, roll three dice. If the resulting numbe~ is less than the nUMber of damage points of the beam, the po~e~ pack e xplodes as a Tl 13 HE hand grenade. Changing the firing setting takes no time, but charging up for more than 10 damage points takes a full combat round (ie, the lase~ can onl y fire at such energies once e very two turns). TlI0. length: 1m. Weight: S.8kg. Volume: 8.8l . Price: C ~12 000. Power pack weight: 5kg. Power pack price:

COMBAT SENTRY Produced at TL II, the combat sentry is a laser rifle with various sensors and motion mechanisms which can be left unattended to guard a certain position . Packed in a lkg carrying case, the combat sentr y consists of a Tl 9 laser rifle, a videa camera with optional passive IR functioning, a motion mechanism for turning and raising the gu n, a heav y-duty tripod, and a power pack . Setting up the combat sentr y takes two minutes, after which the machine will fire at an ything of a preset

Cr5000. _ _~~~;;;;~~~~~~, .f '" 111/1 II/I


- 5-

ITRAVELL ER Starl ing ne xt issue. ~.nt in9

S ig ned


Hill be pre-

var ious TrAve l le,. craft deMith the neH MegaTraveller

rule s . In o rde r to bl'sl Ilake use of them, He are here reprlnt ln9 the of-

CRAFT I f ic ial MegaTrave lle,. veh icle deslg" erra ta. If you have a design you Mould 11kI' to sha re. send it to Th ird 1.p~ r;u~ Hith a worksheet of your ca lc ulat ions.

p.". 62, Step 3 (t:OIr'«:tJon): The price c:oIWM II In thousands of cndb on the Small Craft Hu' Table. $l9p5 (CUO,Pdlon):Conf'9uration 1 should be Iabe'-d Need1eJWedge. T'tHt Nrfram. CoNmn for Configurlllion Dom..oisk . - be "'.0. noI XO.5. 1110 Prico Mod lor ConfigunoIIon 7, Inogu"" should be , 0.5 noc x.05. P4J863. Sf." 6 (d.tkalIon):1he armorvaJue mass f8ICttX1s In th81lnT1Ot Yalue mod (r.'.rs 10 ttHt Mod columnon the ArrrtoI Table In step 9). fU, Step 11 (~): Thti s.cond and ttmI NrlI81lCft; should r.m: ., the vehlcMi has • chassis UCP of 0.2 • cannot be encbsed; occupants must rid. on Is outside. I the c:hau1s UCP 11 more than 0.2, the vehicle Is .nclosed unless selected otherwise. PII(J8 64, Step 1 {cotreetJon. and darl1catJons}: The IabIe heading Is mlsl.ading. The Power Out. Weight, and Priot is pM kilolit.,of volume: thu, the Pow.,. Out. Weight, and Price 01 each tabfe entry Is for 1 kiloUterot power plant vofume. The volume mlumn .houkt be labeled Mnlmum VolIme, this is the ,manest volume to which the power plant may be buiL Thetec:h level 12 FusOn Power Plant KIIHour entry .hould be 0.003. not 0.005 as shown. The tech kwet 17 An!:mlltter Power Plant Klfyear entry should be 250.0. not 25 .0 a! shown. Also. further testing of vehicle designs using the hydrocarbon fueled power plants has reveaJed that they are too nel'flcient as given. More .ccapt. . . value. aN given below:


P~ 63.




lL 5 S 7 S

--P., 1G1oIl«_CM W./gIlt Dflctj:>tlon lnt.matCombustion 0.25 1 O.~ 1 Improved "'Iernal Comb 0 .60 t Gas Turbine 0.80 t t.HJT-.o


Prb 1000 2000 5000 10000



0.001 0.005 0.001

0.025 0.040


Antimaner pow.r plart, UH /ufH pod$'. a sp«:IaI .elol. UN Iho bolI...,......,.j. Psge 75. Step 20 (~ ): The ndwKt Fie range IIstJ • band #rd ' nu~r in par. nth',.,. Th. numbe r In parenthes•• It the ~ In kJome1et'1. Whet'the tang' bencl inda ts • o~er.1 rang. band for -effkt·, the I ud tang. In 1dIomet, 1"I ill much more -.::curate. W. recommend }'OU us. , il.Mr the rang. band Of lh, I ud rang . In kbMten In . gHM combIII ....Ion-don, \1M k:lloh. Utring and matd'lir9 ranoe mett-odt; can brI -~~ Pagfl n . Sf." 22 (COt'rI/lC1bt): Th. k'ldlrtld ftr, rq l In klDNlers for • , Dtm bore ill 20. nc1 22..'wisa. the hfifed r.. rang. In kbnet, ,. Jot • 24a'n ben II not go . p.;, 79. Sl~ 33 (com/IC1i)n): Change the last .. ntsnce to ,..d: •• v."ide Is opt'n-topped Of small., !han _ UCP of 0.2, the weapon mot.Wlt must blt FIxed Of Open; Turrets 01 ~ are not allowed. Pog. 51." 2 l_ btll: Th. pri:o 01 Nucloor Dornpon it gtvon " MC
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