thesis statement practice
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Writing Wr iting Thesis Statements Stat ements An Interactive Activity to Develop Effective Writing Skills
Learning Objective Given the efinition an components of a thesis statement! along "ith a sample "riting prompt "ith pre#"ritten thesis statements! st$ents "ill be able to isting$ish the better of three thesis statements by correctly ientifying it%
Ask yo$rself the follo"ing &$estions
( e s t o e o y ! r e o $ r a se s l f f )
When yo$ rea a passage! ho" m$ch of it o yo$ have to rea to $nerstan the topic or p$rpose' What is the p$rpose of "riting an essay'
Thesis Statements*
( o o$ " i $ il l l l s e e e e t h hi is o n s n a t e e s st t n e e + +t t " e e e e k k ) )
Give irection to the a$thor of a paper Give reaers an iea as to "hat the paper "ill be abo$t
Where am I going?
An essay "itho$t "itho$t a thesis statement is like a car "itho$t a river
What is a thesis statement' A thesis statement is a sentence used in an essay that serves as the guide for the essay and directly answers the question or task T asked of you. h i s s " A thesis statement express exp ress the main idea of your paper.
o n i l l l b t h e h e l t e e s t o oo ) t !
What is a thesis NOT' NOT' A fact$al statement statement A topic sentence
(ep! yo$ g$esse it3on the test%
TO,I- SE.TE.-E* /ig Spring Sp ring is a small small to"n in West Te Te+as% 0This is fact$al! topic sentence1 therefore! it is not a thesis statement%2
-haracteristics of a Thesis Statement Aresses the prompt prompt clearly 4akes a claim! or ,resents an arg$ment Is arg$able 0an opinion2 In first paragraph of essay
(o$ sho$l be great at this)
It5s time to spot a thesis) On each of the follo"ing slies! rea the rea the "riting prompt an the t"o sample statements% -lick on the one that is the best choice for a thesis%
6% Early on in life! people evelop an amiration for heroes% In a "ell#evelope essay! essay! isc$ss a person yo$ amire an "hy yo$ chose this person%
Option A One person I admire is Babe Ruth, who played baseball from 1914 until 1935. Option One person I admire is B Babe Ruth, the greatest gre atest baseball player of all a ll time.
Incorrect Option A One person I admire is Babe Ruth, who played baseball from 1914 until 1935. Altho$gh this this oes aress aress the "riting "riting prompt! this is a fact$al statement% A thesis statement statement sho$l be something yo$ can arg$e for or against%
Correct! Great Job! Option B One person I admire is Babe Ruth, the greatest gre atest baseball player of all al l time. This statement aresses the prompt! an presents an opinion that can be arg$e%
7% 8Disc$ss the social! political an economic effects of Worl War II on the 9nite States%
Option A orld ar II was a !ostly war that had a ma"or impa!t on the e!onomy of the #nited $tates Option B orld ar II not only a%e!ted the e!onomy of the #nited $tates, but also altered the role of the &meri!an go'ernment and the &meri!an people fore'er.
Incorrect Option A orld ar II was a !ostly !ostly war war that had a ma"or impa!t on the e!onomy of e!onomy of the #nited $tates
Altho$gh this is meets all the criteria for a thesis statement! it only aresses part of the "riting prompt% :emember!! the statement tells the reaer "hat to :emember e+pect% With this as a thesis! one "o$l only e+pect e+pect to rea abo$t the economic economic effects%
Correct Again!! Again!!!! Again!!!!!! Option B orld ar II not only a%e!ted a%e!ted the the e!onomy e!onomy of of the #nited $tates, but also altered the role of the &meri!an go'ernment go'ernment and and the &meri!an people fore'er. This is correct beca$se it aresses the social! economic an political effects effects as state in the prompt% .otice that the "ors people 0social2 an government 0political2 "ere $se in this statement% This makes the sentence more more original an sho"s the r eaer eaer that yo$ kno" "hat ;social< an ;political< refer to %
=% 8 Describe three physical feat$res of Latin America an their importance to the region%
Option (he &ndes )ountains, )ountains,Athe &ma*on Ri'er Ri'er and +u!atan + u!atan eninsula eninsula are are the three three most signi-!ant physi!al features in atin &meri!a. Option B found in atin &meri!a (hree physi!al features features are the &ndes )ountains, the &ma*on Ri'er and the t he +u!atan +u!atan eninsula.
Correct! You are getting this! Option A the &ma*on Ri'er (he &ndes )ountains, )ountains, Ri'er and +u!atan + u!atan eninsula eninsula are are the three most signi-!ant physi!al signi-!ant physi!al features in atin &meri!a. This statement gives an arg$ment! it presents the three physical feat$res aske for in the prompt! an makes reference to the importance 0significance2 0significance2
Almost! But not quite. Option B found in atin (hree (hr ee physi!al features features atin &meri!a are the &ndes )ountains, the &ma*on Ri'er and the +u!atan eninsula, eninsula , whi!h are all 'ital to the This is aregion. topic sentence% The reason it is not a goo thesis is beca$se it oes not present an arg$ment or aress the "hole "hole prompt% It is a fact$al fact$al statement% To make it a strong thesis! t hesis! yo$ m$st yo$ m$st a to it%
>% Disc$ss the effect of climate an the vegetation on S$b#Saharan Africa% /e s$re to isc$ss the factors factors contrib$ting to climate! climate! an the impact h$man activity has on the vegetation%
Option A 2uman a!ti'ity is altering the the 'egetation of $ub0$aharan &fri!a and !ausing deserti-!ation, whi!h will ha'e de'astating e%e!ts on the people of the region.
Option /'en though the !limateBand 'egetation of $ub0 $aharan &fri!a 'aries as a result of latitude and human a!ti'ity, they are still the two most important fa!tors in determining the uality of life.
This one is tric! Option A the the 'egetation of 2uman a!ti'ity is altering $ub0$aharan &fri!a and !ausing deserti-!ation, whi!h will ha'e de'astating e%e!ts on the people of the This oneregion. "o$l be perfect for a thesis! there is only
one thing "rong "ith it% It oes not not aress all of the the "riting prompt% prompt% It only aresses the vegetation! vegetation! b$t not the climate or the factors for climate%
Correct! You are on a roll! Option B /'en though the !limate !limate and and 'egetation 'egetation of of $ub0 $aharan &fri!a 'aries as a result of latitude and human a!ti'ity, a!ti'ity, they are still the two most important fa!tors important fa!tors in determining the uality of life. life .
This statement gives an arg$ment! an aress all aspects of the "riting prompt 0topic! effect! factors2% .otice ho" yo$ o not have to go into etail! j$st give the reaer a hint of "hat yo$ "ill "rite abo$t%
?% In So$th Asia! globali@ation has playe a big role in the eveloping economies economies of the region% Disc$ss the positive an negative effects of globali@ation in one So$th Asian co$ntry% co$ntry%
Option A lobali*ation in India has o%ere o%ered d solutions to po'erty for some and !reated more se'ere po'erty for others. Option B meant new "obs for In India, globali*ation has Indias emerging middle !lass.
You are rea" to #rite! Yo Option A lobali*ation in India has o%ered solutions to solutions to po'erty for some and !reated more se'ere po'erty for po'erty for others. There is an opinion 0it has offere sol$tions! it has create more severe severe poverty2% poverty2% It aresses aresses the the positive 0sol$tions2 an negative 0poverty2 effects%
$ractice. You #ill get there. $ractice. Option B In India, globali*ation has meant new "obs for Indias emerging middle !lass. Again! this this "o$l be a perfect thesis thesis statement! if the prompt only aske for the effects of globali@ation% The prompt! ho"ever! specifies positive an negative effects% This is only positive%
(o$r T$rn)) (o$ "ill no" apply "hat yo$ learne by "riting yo$r o"n thesis statements to a fe" "riting prompts% When reaing back yo$r thesis statements 0to yo$rself2! yo$rself2 ! ask yo$rself a fe" &$estions%
Di I aress all parts of the prompt'
or no yes
Di I aress all parts of the prompt'
-an I arg$e against this statement'
Will I aress all this in my essay'
Is it grammatically correct'
Is it clear an $nerstanable'
or (o$ kno" "hat to o if yo$5ve ans"ere .O to any of these &$estions% IB TCE4)
(es! this is $e complete at the en of class%
:ea the top half of yo$r ;Thesis Statement ,ractice< hano$t% .ote the fo$r 0>2 re&$irements for each of the topic &$estions provie% Look closely closely at at the e+ample complete for yo$% :efer back back to to this e+ample "hen yo$ complete the remainer of the assignment%
(o$ (o $ can it)
Celp is available8 # After yo$5ve complete the first first &$estion on yo$r assignment! yo$ may check to see if yo$r ans"er is similar to one that the comp$ter generates for yo$% # Access the link link entitle ;ThesisO$tline ;ThesisO$tline /$iler< on 4rs% (arbar5s Wikispaces page* myarbar%"ikispaces%com:esearch%
inal Tho$ghts* (o$ "ill $se "hat yo$ learne toay to "rite the thesis statement for yo$r research project ne+t "eek% The ability to "rite thesis statements "ill assist yo$ as yo$ contin$e yo$r e$cation%
4ake me pro$)
See yo$ 4onay)
Tick% Tock% Give this assignm assignment ent yo$r f$ll attention so yo$ on5t have home"ork% It is $e at the en of class complete% Once yo$ reach this slie! sl ie! close yo$r comp$ter $ntil yo$ are reay to check yo$r thesis statements against the thesis statement b$iler% One more thing3all brains in the air)
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