CITY COLLEGE OF ANGELES Arayat Blvd., Brgy. Pampang, Angeles City
Institute of Computing Studies and Library Information I nformation Science
WEELY !"OG"ESS "E!O"T G"O#! G"O# ! N#$%E"& N#$% E"& '() Feb ((,(-. /0(1 SECTION& SECTI ON& IS,20/ IS, 20/
*ATE CO+E"E*& CO+E"E *&
IN*E!EN*ENT ST#*Y 3 CA!STONE !"O4ECT TITLE& An Alumni /racer /racer %tudy for the City College of Angeles
O%4ECTI+E& Finalize the revised chapter one of the documentation. Research for literatures and studies that are relevant to the study to $e revie!ed for the documentation of the revie! of related literatures and studies. Research on ho! to ma#e the system more e1i$le and
Researched Researched for literatures and studies that are related to our study. study. Finalized almost 80 of the revised chapter one of the documentation. Performed the initial documentation of revie! of related literature and studies and the de"nition of terms.
System Researched Researched on ho! to ma#e a responsive !e$site for our system. Performed the initial revision of the !e$site.
CITY COLLEGE OF ANGELES Arayat Blvd., Brgy. Pampang, Angeles City
Institute of Computing Studies and Library Information Science
IN*I+I*#AL ACCO$!LIS5$ENT "E!O"T *ATE CO+E"E*& February ((,(-. /0(1 IN*E!EN*ENT ST#*Y 3 CA!STONE !"O4ECT TITLE& An Alumni /racer %tudy for the City College of Angeles
O%4ECTI+E& Finalize the revised chapter one of the documentation. Research for literatures and studies that are relevant to the study to $e revie!ed for the documentation of the revie! of related literatures and studies. Research on ho! to ma#e the system more e1i$le and
Attended the visitation !ith the adviser. Researched for tutorials on ho! to ma#e a responsive !e$site. Finalized the documentation of the revised signi"cance of the study, o$3ectives and hard!are and soft!are use. Performed the initial documentations of the scope and delimitation and de"nition of terms. Researched for literatures and studies relevant to our study.
Oma:a. ia 4oy • • • •
Attended the visitation !ith the adviser. %u$mitted an initial documentation of purpose and description. /as#ed to research for the revie! of related literature and studies. %u$mitted research studies that are relevant to our study.
Thank you for interesting in our services. We are a non-profit group that run this website to share documents. We need your help to maintenance this website.