Thesis Chapter 1 to 3

April 12, 2017 | Author: Kira Ciego | Category: N/A
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Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Prostitution existed in almost every society since the dawn of history. It is the common problem of every country especially the Philippines that has numerous or has a large number of operations of prostitution. It is sometimes referred to as “The oldest profession.” The strong social disapproval bestowed upon the prostitutes makes it extremely difficult for them to avoid personal demoralization. Denied of social relations in terms of equality even by the men who employ them. They are forced into sordid company of other ostracized person. Losing their self-respect hasten to complete their demoralization and deviation. Being a part of the society, prostitutes are involve in illegal way that they sell themselves for exchange of money. Prostitution can be defined as granting non marital sex access, established by mutual agreement of the prostitute, their client and sometimes with or without their employers for remuneration. Prostitute is the person who involve in prostitution, in the Philippines, prostitution is punishable under Article 202 of the Revised Penal Code, which legally defined prostitution as an act committed by a woman habitually indulged in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct for money or profit. But the researchers define prostitution in operational








. female but also male prostitutes. Like female prostitution, male prostitution is the practice of engaging in sexual acts for money. Compared to female sex workers, male sex workers have been far less studied by researchers. In other countries there are many types of male prostitutes but not similar to our country. Male prostitutes are known by various names and


euphemisms including male escorts, gigolos, rent-boys, models, masseurs and hustlers. The term “rent-boy” is derived from the boys “renting” themselves out. A man who does not regard himself as gay, but who is prepared to have sex with male clients for money, is sometimes called “gay for pay” or “rough trade”. Male prostitutes offering services to female customers are sometimes known as “gigolos”. Male prostitution has been found in all advanced cultures. The practice in the ancient world of selling sexual favors by men or women in sacred shrines, or sacred prostitution is attested to be practiced in "pagan" cultures in the Old Testament. Prostitutes in ancient Greece were generally slaves, as prostitutes could lose their civil rights. A well known case is Phaedo of Elis who was captured in war and forced into slavery and prostitution, but was eventually ransomed to become a pupil of Socrates and give his name to Plato's Phaedo. Ancient Greece and ancient Rome both saw the existence of male brothels. Work as a same-sex male prostitute in the Medieval Islamic world was similarly restricted to social "inferiors" such as boys and slaves, and while frequenting prostitutes was considered a sin, the practice nevertheless occurred. Historical evidence from court records and vice investigations shows male prostitution in what is now the United States as early as the late 17th century. With the expansion of urban areas and aggregation of gay communities toward the end of the 19th century male prostitution became more apparent, and included baths, brothels such as the Paresis Hall in the Bowery district of New York, and prostitution bars in which so-called "fairies" solicited other men for sex and received a commission for selling drinks. In Philippine setting, the so called “Bakal Boys” was the first group of male prostitutes. Begun in Legaspi City and other towns of Albay. Dr. Alexis Albao,


assistant city health officer in Albay says “Male prostitution is a new phenomenon in the Entertainment business”. Based on the article of Kamel in 1983, this literature is based in “cause-sure assumptions, that is to say that the problems of male prostitution are seen as solvable. The damaging influence of a prostitutes existence is often so self-evident that they seek to develop strategies which will provide treatment for these young males and get them away from “the life”. In our present day the name prostitutes are now called commercial sex workers whose activities is similar to the other. In the Philippines, existing laws on prostitution only penalizes female while male prostitutes absorbed by R.A. 9208 known as “Anti-Human Trafficking” and R.A. 7610 known as “Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse Exploitation and Discrimination” In other cases, male prostitution has no complains because they belong to victimless crime and also no existence of laws about male sex workers. They were only rehabilitate in the case of curfew and other violation they committed like in illegal use of drugs. “The status of prostitution itself remains hidden in mystery.” This sayings motivate the researchers to dig deeper on the existence of male prostitution and make a study that will surely answer the chosen question by the researchers. The kind of work they have is difficult to find because it was operatedly in clandestine and covert operation. They were conducting their work by means of trafficking or sex tourism, online/internet, in streets, bars and clubs, bath houses and sex clubs and male brothels and other places were prostitution can easily operated


covertly. This various techniques or operation they made is to find customers either male or female, homosexual. Nowadays, it is important to all of us, especially to our government to know about the status of male sex workers in our country, the researchers aim to have a research study about the “Male prostitution: An Analysis”


Conceptual Framework Few studies have been pursued concerning male homosexual prostitution in the Philippines. It is assumed that it occurs in clandestine and covert operation, compared to female sex workers, male sex workers have been far less studied by researchers. The Figure present the paradigm of the study. Each of the paradigm study presents a box. The respondents were indicated at the box which is “Male Prostitute” as a independent variable, the second box indicated the “Demographical Profile, Motivations, Means Employed Prostitute, Extent of Male Prostitution as our controlling variable, and lastly the third box as depending variable that indicate the status of Male Prostitution.


Independent Variable

Male Prostitute

Controlling Variable

Demographical profile, motivations, means employed of male prostitutes and extent of male prostitution


Depending Variable


Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the present status of male prostitution. Specifically, the study sought to give answer to the following question: 1.) What are the demographical profile of male prostitutes as to the ff: 1.1. Age 1.2. Civil Status 1.3. Family Background 1.4. Academic Background 1.5. Period of Engagement 1.6. Manner of Engagement 1.7. Orientation about Male Prostitute 2.) Motivations of Males engage in male prostitution 2.1. Lucrative 2.2. Source of Sexual Pleasure 3.) What are the common means employed by the male prostitutes in engaging to prostitution? 4.) What are the problems encountered by the Law Enforcer in dealing with Male Prostitution as in terms of: 4.1 Prevention and Control 4.2 Investigation 4.3 Prosecution 5.) What is the extent of the problem in male prostitution in Manila perceived by the respondents?


Assumptions To guide the readers in this study, the researchers formulated the following assumptions: 1. Lucrative means of income source is the most motivation of Male to engage in prostitution. 2. The researchers assume that the means employed by male prostitute are by chances and through eye to eye contact or “sit-sit”. 3. That the common problems encountered by the law enforcement agencies in dealing with male prostitution is prosecution wherein there is no law that can be applicable to male prostitution. 4. Lastly the extent of the problem involving male prostitution in Manila is rampant.


Significance of Study The researchers expect that the results of this research study will be beneficial to the following: •

To the Community – the community is the closest to males who engage on this type of profession and these people most of the time create their own judgment, a negative one, on this kind of work and degrading it, so this analysis to male prostitution will give them a better idea or knowledge that will make them relate why these males engage on such work and a better understanding towards this males.

To the Congress and Senate – the research study will be beneficial to the Congress and Senate as their tool on making a law either for the protection of male prostitute or preventing males to engage on this kind of work by implementation of law that will punish them.

To the Law Enforcement Agencies – this study will be beneficial to all Law Enforcement Agencies as their reference on how to exercise their duties and responsibilities over male prostitution they might encounter. The opinions of professional may be of help for the law enforcer on setting the guidelines and procedures and to perform properly their power towards this prostitute.

To the Future Researchers – this study will serve as their study reference if their subject of study is about prostitution and this will give them an idea how professional reacts toward this phenomenon. Also, this can be helpful for them if they plan to make another research study regarding the subject matter.


Scope and Limitation This present study is limited to the following: The study was limited to make an analysis on Male Prostitution. It involves only the selected place in Manila specifically in Isetan Recto by the prostitute wherein they conduct their operation and the offices of chosen professionals where they going to watch the videos we had during the interviews to the prostitutes. This study focused primarily on the analysis of five (5) professionals with different fields namely: Criminologist, Sociologist, Psychologist, Social Worker and Policeman towards the three (3) prostitutes. It covered the 1st semester of school year 2011 – 2012 covering the period of five (5) months. Findings of this study would therefore be true only of subjects concerned and for the given period of time, this is also could be use as basis for similar and related studies that would be conducted by others.

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Definition of Terms The researchers define each term, to clarify and to have a better understanding about their study. The following terms as they appear in the text of the study are herein defined. Bakal Boys – the first male prostitutes existed in Philippines. Bestowed – negative judgment of people towards his profession as male prostitutes. Blended Family – a group of family consists of different parents. Booking – schedule of date, time and place of negotiation between customer and prostitutes. Broken Family – a family which the parents are separated. Brothels – the name of house of prostitutes. In Philippines it is also called as “Casa”. Cabaret – a place where male prostitutes themselves. Call – Boy – a term used to identify male that gives sexual gratification to his customer in exchange for money. Causes – reason behind why male engage in prostitution. Clandestine Operation – the way that male prostitution was conducted through secrecy or covert way. Clubs – an entertainment place where can give pleasure to the customers. Cope – acceptance of the nature of their work. Criminologist – one that specializes in criminology. Demoralization – being weaken the morale of male prostitutes. Engage – a person who enters to activity of prostitution to gain profit. Extended Family - a large family group which includes near relatives and in which collateral lines are kept fairly distinct. Euphemism – a pleasant name for something that is unpleasant.

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Help-seeking – those action aimed at problem solving through requesting advice and/or materials and emotional assistance from government, friend and family. Higher Official – are government officials who are responsible on creating and implementing of laws concerning male prostitution. Hustler – applied to males who engage in a various sexual activities with other males for money, illegal drugs, or some other form of payment. Hustling – the activity of individuals who engaged in a variety of illegal activities such as drug dealers, stolen merchandise etc. Law Enforcer – these are the policemen who arrest the offenders. Lucrative – producing wealth, gain money for profit. Macho Dancer – a male who dance for customers for the purpose of giving sexual pleasure. Male Prostitute – male individual who engage on sexual act to gain money. Male Prostitution – is an illegal and immoral activity of male to sex industry which deals with providing sexual services in exchange for money. Nuclear family – a family consist of father, mother and children. Phenomenon – an extraordinary or remarkable event, thing or person etc. Professional – engaged in one of the learned professions or in an occupation requiring a high level of training and proficiency. Psychologist – specialist in psychology. Regular – (as a customer) that is regular especially in pursuing a fixed or recurrent routine. Rent Boy – a male who is being rent for doing sexual favor or what we call male prostitution.

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Runaways – those persons who are runaway from there homes and the center of their lives are on the street activities. Social Relation – influence of other person why males engage in prostitution. Social Worker – are engaged in social work; a professionally trained specialist in social work. Sociologist – a specialist in the systematic study of development, structure, and function of human groups conceived as process of interaction or as organized pattern of human behavior. Status – the degree of seriousness of male prostitution. Times Square – the place in New York City that many male prostitute seeks their clients.

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CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies that provide the researchers concepts and findings related to the “Male Prostitution: An Analysis’. Related Literature Nasol (1999) Philippine Daily Inquirer “Male Prostitution thriving in Albay “Bakal Boys”. Worsening poverty and the lack of job opportunities are driving more young men here to prostitution, health authorities revealed. Most of the male prostitutes, who are called “Bakal Boys”, are found in gay bars that have begun to sprout in Legaspi city and other towns of Albay. “This is a new phenomenon in the entertainment business here”, Dr. Alexis Albao, assistant City Health officer. Albao said the number of male entertainers might even double in the next few months because of the “easy money” they earn amid the economics crisis. The health officer cited the economic pressure, low level of morality and exposure to pornography, as the reason for the rising male prostitution. This office noted that there was no law forbidding male prostitution and tagging a person as a male prostitute. Some of them are reportedly posing as waiters, security guards and students. Its no longer the need for money that drives the sex trades. Poz Magazine (1998) It cited that ‘kids with ‘gender a typical behavior' are often the first to get kicked out by their parents, and then, looking for a meal and a place to stay, 'they quickly learn they're a commodity.' These youth, functioning outside of an organized sex-work structure, may have very little ability to assess risk... Young male hustlers usually drift into prostitution more casually than their female counterparts. Crime, law and Social Change (1992) Male prostitution is generally regarded as a problematic phenomenon. This paper refutes this view by showing that most

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researchers have consistently selected only the problematic categories of male prostitution for their studies while ignoring successful prostitutes. A second difficulty is that many researchers explain male prostitution in terms of the individual psychosocial characteristics of these who practice it. Consequently little is known about male prostitution as an occupational/professional career. Based on ethnographic research in the world of male prostitution in Amsterdam, the occupation is analyzed as a commercial service-oriented business with economic and social characteristics typical of other small and medium sized business. Snell (1989) Young Men in Street : Behavior of Young Male Prostitutes. The population of young street males includes those who are runaways whose center of their lives is on the street activities is increases in those who are runaways may or may not have formal shelters. The lack of attention to males has made their involvement in prostitution in the struggle to survive. Little is known about help seeking behavior of these runaways much less is known about help seeking behavior of young male prostitution. McNamara (1991) The Time Square Hustler : Male Prostitution in New York City . Little is known about hustling in times square and even less is known about the ways in which hustlers develop a sense of cohesion as they share similar experiences. In Times Square, Male prostitution is generally the case else where. Hustling in Time Square is less organized than other forms of prostitution and is more like a type of localized market activity.

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Related Studies Nery “Homosexual Prostitution in Metro Manila” (2005) Few studies have been pursued concerning male homosexual prostitution in the Philippines and elsewhere. It is thus the aim of the paper to explore the so called “call boy” subculture within Metropolitan Manila and to render a substantial general description to that effect. It is assumed that it occurs in clandestine and covert operation. The combination of two research techniques namely, pakikisama method and the depth interview served as the approach to the present problem. Berrissoule (2004) Reports in L’Economiste (cited on That the fee received by young prostitutes aged between nine and fifteen isn’t higher than fifty dirhams and that these children can have the role f breadwinners for their whole family. This aspect of prostitution, whether it is male or female, falls under the category of child exploitation and will not be confused with the prostitution of young me aged more than 18, a limit that is arbitrarily assumed as the one of sexual autonomy, even tough their acts are illegal regardless of the age. Wadoux (2003) Fight Against AIDS Association The existence of male prostitution in Morocco was confirmed by a study done by Wadoux. In the past, male prostitution was informal, but currently homosexual prostitution is in more professional and formal form in which sex workers recognize their profession. The work engages typically young men whose customers are adult and most of the time foreigners. Male prostitution is concealed and severely punished by law. Therefore, public health interventions cannot reach male prostitutes since their undercover.

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profession is spread and

Weitzer (2002) Defines sex work as “a generic term for commercial sexual services, performances or products given in exchange for material compensation…which includes prostitution, pornography, stripping, lap dancing, and telephone sex”. Bindman and Doezema (1997) discuss that sex work can take various forms. Oftentimes, sexual service is combined with another job. It can be (1) a joint sex and domestic worker wherein sex workers are also maids at the same time, (2) “sado – masochism, domination and submission” wherein there is no actual sex but a role playing instead in fulfilment of their fantasies – an example of this is might be phone sex, (3) sexual service and therapy combined for the disabled or (4) an indirect form, such as strip – tease, belly and go-go dancing, karaoke, which transactions does not necessary involved penetrative sex. In some reports, sex work is a term used to differentiate sexual services as a source of income for same males and females from forced abusive sexual work by women under the hands of pimps. There are some instances that some institutions urge for sex work to be considered a sector to protect the workers in the industry from its harmful risks. Marlowe (1997) Sex Workers Alliance of Vancouver. Claims that male prostitution is not considered a problem in the gay male world. It can even be a source of pride, along with other sexual deviances. According to the other author, male prostitutes are not considered as victims at all. Although there is no clear indication of the country he makes these observations. It is obvious that many researchers have been conducted on male prostitution in Morocco, but data about it is not sufficient and still does not respond to some questions.

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Galligar (1994) In his study, he cited that the lives of Filipino adolescent subjects, who have been exposed to the lifestyle of prostitution, either actively or indirectly, were examined as a way to look into the concept of the objectification of a human life to a point of impairing or corrupting psychosocial well-being (i.e. the concept of commodification). For purposes of this research, the concept of commodification was explored





Philippine situation




Commodification was characterized by children selling their bodies to feed themselves and/or their families. Participants in this investigation consisted of four female prostitutes, four male prostitutes, four female non-prostitutes, and a male non-prostitute who were raised by poor families and resided close to a 'red light district' in Metropolitan Manila where this study was conducted. Mydans (1989) “In a Philippine town, child prostitution, despite protests is a way of life.” Opens the article with a description of the ‘local attraction’: ‘Drive into this green and quiet town forty miles southeast of Manila and groups of men will run alongside your car, banging on the windows, offering a choice of the local attractions: A boat ride to the scenic waterfall or a child prostitute.’ Mydans construct a reader who is clearly not inhabitant: he identifies and addresses an audience of tourist elites. Long before Mydans’ report and before the Iming of Apocalypse Now, Pagsanjan enjoyed and endured the status of rankig second among the nation’s most popular tourist sites and attracted tourists with a canoe ride over the Pagsanjan falls. The town is often mentioned in tourist literature and in Western newspaper and occasionally the latter mentioned that canoe boatmen were sometime sex workers.

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Benjamin and Masters (1964) Aetological Dimension In their broad-ranging study of prostitution, claiming most younger prostitutes were members of ‘juvenile gangs.’ In this account, it is the gang that has exploited and coerced innocence; it is the gang that corrupted and seduced. The reason for the adolescent’s initial association with a juvenile gang was not always made clear. Often familial breakdown was blamed, the family either failing to nurture or protect the individual. Within peer seduction narratives, the male prostitute commonly appears as a work-shy juvenile delinquent.

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Synthesis Based on Nery “Homosexual Prostitution in Metro Manila” (2005). It is assumed that it occurs in clandestine and covert operation. The combination of two research techniques, namely, the “pakikisama method and the depth – interview” served as the approach to the present problem. This is the most feasible and effective means of gathering and accumulating relevant data. On article of Wadoux (2003) “Fight Against AIDS Association”. Male Prostitution was informal, but currently homosexual prostitution is in more professional and formal form in which sex workers recognize their profession. This two related studies considered as basis of the researchers on the study entitled Male Prostitution: An Analysis, the way how the researchers conducted the interview is similar to Nery’s techniques such as pakikisama method and depth – interview. The article of Wadoux is also similar in terms of how male prostitution conducted their operation, a formal and in professional manner. Snell (1989) entitled “Young Men in Street” the struggle to survive because they are run away similar to the article of Poz Magazine (1998) cited that kids who was kicked out by their parents and looking for a meal and a place to stay barned prostitution. Benjamin and Masters (1984) and Aetological Dimension cited that familial breakdown, the family that fails to nurture or protect the individual has been the factor of young male prostitutes of engaging on this work. On Crime, Law and Social Change (1992) based on ethnographic research in the world of male prostitution in Amsterdam, the occupation is analyzed as a commercial service – oriented business with economic and social characteristics typical of other small and medium sized business, this article is similar to Bindman and Doezema (1997) they discuss that sex work can take various forms. Oftentimes, sexual service is combined with another job.

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Research Method The researchers used a descriptive qualitative design to complete the study. A survey and documentary video are the specific method used by the researchers because descriptive qualitative method fits on the study Male Prostitution: An Analysis. The data gathered from the respondents by means of questionnaires were analyzed to establish answers to the problems formulated by the researchers to have accurate interpretation and valid conclusions. The researchers used this kind of method because of the objective of this study aims to identify Male Prostitution: An Analysis.

Research Locale This study was conducted in Manila focused on Isetan, Recto where operation of male prostitution proved it’s existence and known to it’s widespread operation.

Samples and Sampling Techniques

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This study focuses primarily on three (3) male prostitutes. The other respondents, which are the Policeman, Criminologist, Sociologist, Psychologist and Social Worker that was interviewed for their perception towards the existence of Male Prostitution. The researchers used purposive sampling technique in the selection of samples.


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The researchers employed the interview method in gathering information and data needed for this study. Two sets of questionnaires were formulated for male involve in prostitution and for professionals. 1. Questionnaire and Interpretation of the question 2. Documentary Evidence

Documentary Evidence Videos of actual male prostitution and videos of interview of professionals about their perceptions towards male prostitution. The videos, related literature and studies collected by the researchers to gather certain amount of information use to this study. With this, the researchers have a sufficient basis to facilitate the analysis of needed information. Questionnaire Questionnaires are prepared by the researchers in order to measure the demographical profile, motivation, means employed of male prostitute and extent of prostitution. The instrument was used for the respondents and interpreted properly by the researchers. The interview with all the respondents and the actual operation of male prostitutes as well as the interview with Criminologist, Sociologist, Psychologist, Policeman and Social Worker were all recorded through video. The instrument consists of two questionnaires. The first questionnaire is for the professionals that contains nine items and the second questionnaire is for the male prostitute that consists of fifteen items.


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The following procedures were observed in the study by the researchers: 1. The researchers furnished a letter and questionnaires that was submitted to the adviser and three (3) other professors for it’s validation. 2. Planning on how to choose the male prostitute as respondent was carefully deliberated. Designating of tasks for the researchers was equally distributed for the success of the study. 3. The actual operation was conducted. The researchers went to Isetan, Recto at 10:00 p.m and observed the whole area specifically those darker places wherein male prostitutes normally conduct prostitution. A video recorder was used while conducting the interview with the prostitutes who are willing to be interviewed and agreed to be video from a distance while they operates. 4. The video of prostitution was shown to five (5) professionals which are the Criminologist, Psychologist, Sociologist, Policeman and Social Worker. They were asked opinions and comments on the video shown to them. 5. Processing of data conducted by the researchers after retrieving all the answered questionnaires for data analysis.

Statistical Analysis

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In this study, the researchers used statistical formula in analyzing the raw data. To classify data problem no. 1 to 4, frequency and percentage will be used. The formula is: % = F x 100 N Where: F = number of frequency N = total number of response 100 = constant To classify data problem no. 5, weighted mean will be used. The formula is: WM = ∑SX N Where: ∑ = sum of S = scale of each score X = each of the scores N = total number of respondents The scale: Scale

Range Value



2:50 – 3:00

Strongly Agree


1:50 – 2:49



1:00 – 1:49


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