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June 1, 2016 | Author: Jallene Padigos | Category: N/A
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1. Theses 2. Effects Of Sediment Deposition On The Structure Of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages In Lake Baringo,Kenya 3. Interpretations And Implications Of Political Discourse:The Kenyan Experience 4. The Impact Of Guidance And Counselling Programme On The Behaviour Of Primary School Pupils In Selected Schools Pupils In Selected Schools 5. Ruwaza Za Matumizi Ya Lugha Na Athari Zake Kwa Umilisi WA Lugha Zungumizi Ya Kiswahili 6. An Investigation Of The Extent Of Relationship Marketing In The Services Sector 7. Availability And Use Of Economics Textbooks In Teaching Economics 8. Information Technology Enablers Influencing Implementation Of Shared Services Centers By Private Sector Companies Of Kenya 9. Maximum Likelihood And Other Estimators For the Parameters Of The Cauchy Distribution 10. Influence Of Agro-Ecosystem Analysis As A Tool Of Farmer Field Schools In Enhancing Farmer Experimentation,Decision Making Dropout Rate And Farm Perfomance In Trans-Nzoia District,Kenya 11. The Influence Of Agronomic Factors On Maize Yields In Western Kenya With Special Reference To Time Of Planting 12. Water Relations Strategies Of Two Grass And Shrub Species As Influenced By Prescribed Burning In A Semiarid Ecosystem In Kenya 13. The Role Of Women Groups In Agricultural Production:The Case Of Kakamega District Of Kenya 14. Smallholder Tea Leaf TransportationIn Kiambu District,Kenya 15. Biology Of Pachypasa papyri And Gonometa podocarpi(LEP, LASIOCAMPIDEA) Defoliators Of Pulpwood Pines In Kenya 16. Effects Of Hydration-Dehydration And Iodination Treatments On Seed Vigor And Viability Of Duma And Kwale Wheat Varieties 17. Analysis Of The Kenyan Land Reform Policy And The Social Implications,1955 - 1985 18. Restricted Feeding In Broiler Chickens:Effect Of Age At Initiation And Severity On Performance 19. Effectiveness Of Phosphate Rock Fertilisers In An Acid Soil As Affected By Source,Particle Size And Reaction Time 20. Linking Institutional Partnerships,Community Groups And Rural Livelihood Improvement In Kenya 21. Haplotype Sharing For Fine Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Controlling Trypanotolerance In Mice 22. Effects Of Constructivist Teaching Statergy On Students Achievements In English Language Phrasal Verbs In Selected Secondary Schools In Kisii District,Kenya 23. The Impact Of Career Guidance And Counselling On Students Career Choices Choices 24. Effects Of Computer-Aided L earning On Hearing On Hearing-Impaired Learners Achievements In Standard Three Geometry And Perception Of Their Learning Environment In Rift Valley,Kenya 25. Awareness And Response By Smallholder Women Farmers To Soil Erosion:A Case Study Of Njoro,Kenya
26. Effects Of Cultivator,Isolate And Envronment On Resistance Of Wheat To Septoria tritici blotch In Kenya 27. Uswahilishaji Kifonolojia Wa Maneno-Mkopo Yenye Asili Ya Kiingereza Katika Kiswahili Sanifu 28. An Assessment Of The Training Needs Of Teacher-Counsellors In Secondary Schools In Nyando District,Kenya 29. Determination Of Chlorothalonil And Copper Fungicide Residue In Coffee,Water And Some Annual Food Intercrop From Kiambu District In Kenya 30. Factors Affecting Teaching Of Oral Communication In English Language In Secondary Schools Of Kakamega And Vihiga District Of Kenya 31. Arachis hypogea L.) With Special Reference To Spartial Arrangement, Date Of Seeding,And Cultivar 32. A Study Of Methods And Techniques Used By Agriculture Teachers In Kisii Municipality And The Problems Encountered In Their Uusage 33. Textuality And Readability:An Analysis Of Readers' Inference Of Wole Soyinkas's The Interpreters 34. The Ecology Of The Large Herbivore Community In The Lambwe Valley, Kenya 35. Analysis Of Marketing Efficiency And Price Spreads:A case Study Of Kisii Cooking Banana Marketing To Nakuru Municipality,Kenya 36. The Role Of Social Entrepreneurship In Hiv/Aids Management Across The Education Sector In Kenya 37. Export Agriculture Under Economic Development: A Geographic Analysis Of The Decline Of Sugarcane Production In Puerto Rico 38. Factors Influencing Students' Absenteeism In Public Day Mixed Secondary Schools In Eldoret Municipality,Uasin Gishu District,Kenya 39. Policy,Relevance And Cost-Effectiveness Of The Informal Juakali Sector As An Alternative Mode Of Vocational Education And Training In Kenya : A Comparative Evaluation 40. An Analysis Of Selected Studies Of Kenyan Secondary School Education: 1945-1981 41. The Influence Of Secondary School Students' Self-Concept subjects On Their Attitudes Towards Science:A Case Of Bomet District,Kenya 42. Stakeholders' Perceptions Toward Factors Influencing The State Of Discipline Among Secondary School Students In Baringo District-Kenya 43. Effect Of Streaming By Gender On Students' Performance In Secondary School Mathematics:A Case Of Nakuru District,Kenya 44. Pupils Attitude Towards Science 45. Acquisition Of English Syntax By Keiyo L Speakers 46. The Monetary Approach To Structural Adjustment Problems In Less Developed Countries: A Case Study Of Sudan 47. The Quality And Appropriateness Of Form Three Mathematics Text-Books In Kenya 48. Regulation And Biogenesis Of The Kinetoplast-Mitochondrial Complex In Trypanosomes 49. Consequences Of Reducing Reproductive Wastage In Intensive Smallholder Dairying Systems In Kiambu District,Kenya 50. Herd Dynamics Of Smallholder Dairy In The Kenya Highlands 51. Pastrolism And Cattle Marketing:A Case Study Of Borana Of Southern Ethopia
52. The Scheduling Of Jobs With Execution And Communication Tasks On A Single Processor 53. The Effectiveness Of Public Enterprises In Developing Countries: A Review Of The Kenya Case 54. Intra-Household Resource Allocation Decisions And Poverty Status Linkage In Selected Rural Districts Of Kenya 55. Socio-Economic And Biophysical Factors Influencing Land Use: A Case Study Of River Njoro Watershed,Nakuru District, Kenya 56. Developing Breeding Goals For The Kenya Dual Purpose Goat 57. Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing The Delivery OfHealth Services In Busia District Of Western Kenya 58. Natural Activation Of The Lactoperoxidase-Thiocyanate-Hydrogen Peroxide(LP) System For Preservation Of Milk During Collection In Developing Countries 59. Factors Related To The Commitment Of Secondary School Club Patrons Towards Student Organizations: A Case Of Bomet District 60. Evaluation Of The Smallholder Production Services And Credit Program(SPSCP) 61. An Analysis Of Labour Turnover: Causes And Effects A Case Study Of Ministry Of Labour And Human Resources Development,Kenya 62. Observations On The Effectiveness Of Selective Agar Media For The Enumeration Of Leuconostocs From Cheese And Starter Cultures 63. Delayed Payments:Its Effects On Agricultural Production And Producers' Welfare In Uasin Gishu District,Kenya 64. Forecasting Of Market Share Prices For Selected Companies At The Nairobi Stock Exchange Based On Econometric Models 65. Challenges Faced By Secondary School Teacher Counsellors In Selected Schools In Nakuru Municipalities 66. Teachers' Perceptions Of Headteachers' Human Skills Practice In Secondary School Management And How This Influences Their Work Commitment:The Case Of Baringo District,Kenya 67. Effects Of Pruning Time,Lungs,And Resting Period On Total Non-Structural Carbohydrate Reserves,Regrowth And Yield Of Tea(Camellia Sinensis[L]O. Kuntze) 68. Usawiri Wa Wahusika Watoto Katika Tamthilia zilizopendekezwa Katika Shule Ya Upili: Visiki Na Amezidi 69. Determinants Of Rural Micro Enterprise Growth In Selected Northern Districts Of Rift Valley Province,Kenya 70. The Perceived Use Of Competency-Based Instruction By Physical Education Teachers 71. Effectiveness Of Farmer Field School In The Dissemination And Adoption Of Soil Management Technologies Among Small Scale Farmers In Yuya Location Of TransNzoia District,Kenya 72. Habitat Characteristics,Feeding Habits And Food Preferences By A Tilapine Fish,Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis,(Trewavas, 1983) In Turbidity-Stressed Sites Of Lake Baringo,Kenya 73. Presupposition And Implicature In The Use Of Modal Constructions,Conditionals And Honorifics In Ekegusii 74. Agricultural History Of The Abakuria Of Kenya From The End Of The Nineteenth Century To The Mid !970s
75. Students' Images Of Science In Kenya:A Comparison By Gender Difference,Levels Of Schooling And Regional Disparities 76. Relationship Between Firm's Capital Structure And Dividend Payout: The Case Of Companies Quoted At Nairobi Stock Exchange 77. The Influence Of Selected Factors On The Girl Child Participation In Secondary School Education Among Pastoral Communities:A Case Of The Il-Chamus Community Of Baringo District,Kenya 78. The Potential Role Of Distance Teaching And Resource-Based Learning In Agricultural Extension In Kenya 79. Hedonic Price Analysis: A Case Study Of Bean Pricing At The Nakuru Market And Its Periphery 80. Root Water Extraction Zones Of Irrigated Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L)In The Brazos Valley,Texas 81. Energy And Protein Requirements Of Growing Indigenous Chickens Of Kenya 82. Effects Of Cooperative Learning On Students' Achievement And Attitudes Towards The Learning Of Poetry In Selected Secondary Schools In Baringo District,Kenya 83. Influence Of Institutional Characteristics On Students' Attitudes Toward Campus Environment: A Comparative Study Of Public And Private Universities In Kenya 84. A Study Of The Effect Of Attitude,Gender And Previous Agricultural Experience On The Performance Of Agriculture Students: A Case Study Of Egerton University 85. The Effect Of Reynolds Number On Fluid Flows 86. A Study On Female Teacher Trainees'Awareness And Perception Of Voluntary Counselling And Hiv/Aids Testing: A Case Study Of Kericho Teachers' Training College,Kericho District,Kenya 87. Comparative Analysis Of The performance Of Agricultural Farms: A Case Study Of Egerton University Farma And Private Commercial Farma Within Njoro Division 88. The Influence Of Soil Water Content And Nitrogen Supply On Growth,Yield And Polyphenol Content Of Selected Tea [Camellia sinensis?(L.)O.Kuntze] Clones In Kenya 89. Infiltration Rates And Sediment Production Of A Kenya Bushed Grassland As Influenced By Vegetation And Prescribed Burning 90. The Effect Of Simulated Rainfall And Soil Air Entrapment On Soil Erosion 91. Factors Affecting Students Performance In Mathematics In Uasin-Gishu District, Kenya 92. Milk Fat Changes In Accelerated Shelf Life Testing Of Ready-To-Fry Chapati 93. Usawiri Wa Mwanamke Katika Methali Za Kikuyu 94. Language And Hierarchy: The Linguistic Portrayal Of The Gusii Woman 95. Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Adoption Of Soil Conservation Technologies:The Case Of River Njoro Watershed,Nakuru District-Kenya 96. An Investigation On The Effects Of The Interaction Between The School Agricultural Education Programme And The Rural Community.A survey Carried Out In Chuka Division, Tharaka-Nithi District 97. Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counselling Programme In Behaviour Modification Of Prison Inmates In Nakuru District,Kenya 98. Effects Of Chickpea Managed Fallow On Soil Moisture And Wheat Yield And simulation Of Nitrogen And Carbon Turnover 99. Illness Beliefs And SocialChange: A study Of The Lugbara Of Northwest Uganda
100. Nesting Activities And Migratory Status Of Some Goshawks In Northeastern Colorado 101. Illness,Ritual,And Social Relations Among The Chewa Of Central Africa 102. The Role Of English Skills Courses On The Reduction Of Syntactic Errors By University students: A Case Study Of Baraton University 103. Modeling And Performance Evaluation Of Multiprogramed,Critical Computer Systems 104. Evaluation Of The Kenya Agricultural Systems Support Project (ASSP) 105. Sorghum Agronomy In West Kenya Investigations From A farming Systems Perspective 106. Farmers' And Agricultural Advisers' Perceptions On The Role Of Education In Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatasL.) Production In Teso Uganda 107. Conflict Resolution And Risk Management Among Pastoral Communities In Samburu District,Kenya 108. Effectiveness Of Spiral Wire WaveProjector On Secondary School Students' Conseptualisation Of Wave Phenomena In Vihiga District, kenya 109. Use Of Ecological Theory To Evaluate Pattern Recognition: Implications To Wildlife Assessments 110. Jinsi Ukabila Na Mielekezo Ya Wanafunzi Huathiri Uteuzi Na Matumizi Ya Lugha Vyuoni: Mfano Wa Chuo Kikuu Cha Egerton 111. Effects Of Soil Erosion On Soil Properties And Crop Response In Central Kenya 112. A Study Of Perception Of Self- Esteem Among Secondary School Students: A Case Of Othaya Division,Nyeri District,Kenya 113. A Comparison Of E.A.C.E, Biology And K.C.E Biology 114. Effects Of Guidance And Counselling Programme On Career Development Of Secondary School Students In Nakuru District,Kenya 115. Thermal Conductivities Of Wood Ash,Diatomite And Their Composite Mixtures 116. The Role Of Indigenous Technical Knowledge In Food Security As Perceived By Small-Scale Farmers In Bahati And Mbogoni Divisions Of Nakuru District,Kenya 117. Effects Of Concept Mapping Strategy On Students' Conceptualisation Of Surds And Logarithimic Notations In Mathematics: A Case Of Secondary School Students In Nakuru District,Kenya 118. Studies Of Atmospheric Aerosols And Development Of An Energy Dispersive Xray Fluorescence Spectrometer In Kenya 119. Factors Related To The Attitudes Of Agricultural Extension Workers Towards Agricultural Extension Programmes In Kenya's North Rift 120. Some Aspects Of Natural Convection Boundary Layer Flows 121. Free Surface Fluid Flows For Explicitly Defined Solid Boundaries 122. The Role Of Guidance And Counselling In Reducing Student Indiscipline In Secondary Schools:The Case Of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya 123. Factors Influencing Information Technology Utilization In Public Universities: A Case Of Egerton University 124. A contribution To Finsler And .K.pdf 125. GATUA D.M. 126. GEITA P. 127. GERRARD C.D.
128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173.
174. KAARIA C.K. 175. KABAIYA P.T. 176. KABORO P.G. 177. KABURU L.W. 178. KADENGE S.K. 179. KADIGA L.M. 180. KAGEHI M.L. 181. KAGIRI M.M. 182. KAGUNDA P. 183. KAHIA.K. 184. KAHINDI R.K. 185. KAIKAI OLE N.K.W. 186. KAMATUKA N.A. 187. KAMAU E.M. 188. KAMAU J.M. 189. KAMAU O.K. 190. KAMAU.P.M. 191. KAMAU.P.N. 192. KAMAU.S. 193. Instructional supervision in an era of change: policy and practice in primary education in kenya 194. Effects of nitrogen levels and plant populations on growth and yield of chickpea under dryland conditions in kenya 195. Study of incidence and damage by bean fly and grain yield of common amd climbing beans 196. Effects of selected factors on the level of stress among primary school teachers 197. The morpho-syntactic and lexical structures of the kalenjin language 198. Factors influencing leadership effectiveness in sustainable agricultural development 199. An analysis of the effect of government financial disbursement on the service delivery of municiple council in kenya 200. The impact of promotion strategies on consumption of domestic tourism products 201. Patterns of language use and their effects on the acquisition of english oral communication skills 202. A sociolinguistic analysis of graffiti in secondary schools: a case study of selected schools in nyandarua district 203. Effects of the farmers of the future programme on learners' perceptions towards natural resources management in selected schools in western region of kenya 204. An investigation into the effectiveness of industrial action in solving industrial disputes 205. The principals' and teacher counsellers' perception on the factors influencing effective delivery of guidance and councelling services in public secondary schools in laikipia district 206. The use of infiltration parameters in the design of long furrow irrigation in the lower tana basin
207. An evaluation of post-rights issue, effect on the firms' share price and traded volumes 208. Analysis of the implication of guidance and councelling programme in public secondary schools in njoro division of nakuru district, kenya 209. The effects of fiber modification in sorghum silage on chemical compositon and animal utilization 210. Nafasi ya hadithi katika jamii ya wameru: uhakiki wa hadithi za waigembe 211. Smallholder agricultural credit: the case of ndaragwa division, nyandarua district, kenya 212. External shocks and adjustment policies in the kenyan economy: a computable general equilibrium analysis with special reference to the agricultural sector 213. The effects of informal marketing contracts or french beans production in mwea tebere, central kenya 214. The impact of stress management programmes on form four students in secondary schools in nakuru minicipality 215. The potential of improving napier grass under smallholder dairy farmers' condition in kenya 216. Features of indirectness that characterize parents' language in communication of sexuality issues of their adolescent children 217. Perceptions of teachers on the impact of early childhood education programme on the social-emotional readiness of pre-school children in selected three provinces of kenya 218. Correlation between pantacyclic triterpenoid levels and celling of pyrethrum refined extract 219. Assessment of the acute phase response of baboon and mouse models to schistosoma mansoni infection 220. Girardinia diversifolia and G. bullosa in kenya: Taxonomy, ecophysiology and economic importance 221. The effects of stock splits on ownership structure, traded volume and market capitalization of firms in kenya 222. Factors affecting enrolment in secondary schools: a case study of ol bolosat secondary school in nyandarua district, kenya 223. The role of classroom input in the acquisition of wh-words 224. Perception of teachers on the factors that contribute to indiscipline in primary schools and the role of guidance and councelling programme in its managemant 225. A study of the new agricultural education curriculum in the secondary schools of kenya 226. Differentiation of occupation preferences between agricultural education trainees amd other trainees at egerton university 227. Employees attitude and response towards corporate social responsibility 228. Muwala wa vipengele vya faini: uhakiki wa kazi za S.A. mohamed 229. Role of performance appraisal on employee training and development 230. Vegetation-evvironmental relationships on the kiboko range research station, kenya 231. Acquisition of science conceptss and skills by kenyan primary school pupils 232. The nutrietive value of four arable farm by-products commonly fed to dairy cattle by small scale farmers
233. Ushughulikaji wa makosa ya kisarufi na atheri zake katika ujifunzaji wa kiswahili 234. The role of intergrated engllish approaches on the learners' perfomance in grammar in secondary schools in nakuru community 235. Development and application of spatial and temporal statistical mentod for unbiased wildlife sampling 236. Comparative analysis of organisation of centralized and decentralization tree nursary development approaches in kenya 237. The spectra of the cesaro matrix of order 2(CII) 238. The tense system in olukaharasi 239. Effects of mastery learning on students' academic achievement and motivation in secondary school mathematics in baringo district, kenya 240. Influence of teachers' perceptions and competence on students' achievement and perceptions in enviromental education in secondary school biology in gilgil division in nakuru district, kenya 241. The influence of planting date and cultivsr maturity on sudden death syndrome of soybean 242. Influence of available browse on catle diet in an acacia savannah of east africa 243. Effects of project based learning on student performance in secondary school agriculture 244. Wimbo ulio bora: ufasihi wa jazanda kwa mikabala ya kidini na kijamii 245. Human-elephant conflict and management strategies in mbuvori sublocation, embu district, kenya 246. Involvement of women as labourers in sugarcane contract farming 247. The aspect of the ecology of the african honeybee 248. Factors affecting the viability of secondary schools income generating projects in koibatek district 249. Effects of using a water flow advance organizer on secondary school physics students' conceptualization of electric current flow 250. Diatry sucrose and glucuronic acid excretion in guinea pigs 251. A study of the adequacy of training of secondary school councellors on perfamance 252. The effectiveness of peer councelling on university students 253. Modelling yield production for soybean 254. Hali ya kiswahili katika elimu nchini Rwanda 255. Selection of bread wheat varieties for marginal areas of kenya by simulating drought stress 256. The protein and energy requirements of indegeneous chicken of kenya 257. Factors that affect teachers in the teaching of english in an integrated approach 258. Impact of guidance and councelling on attitudes towards sexual behaviour on attitude towards sexual behaviour among students in secondary schools 259. A study of factors that influence students dropout in selected secondary schools in Mt. Elgon discrict 260. Queing models for computer system configuration planting 261. A study of factors leading to secondary school drop-out in nyandarua district 262. An evavaluation of the relationship between fecal nitrogen and digestability, crude proteins and dry matter intake of foranges
263. Contribution of poverty and gender on prevalence of HIV/AIDS in nakuru municipality, kenya 264. Effects of prescribed seasonal burning on a combretum - commiphora plant community in south central kenya 265. The status of safety in measure I secondary schools laboratories: thika district 266. Comparative economic analysis of smallholder farming system in kenya 267. Thermal conductivity of unfired refractory clay red and black clay 268. The factors affecting the enrolment in adult education: kirinyaga district 269. Factors that influence headteachers' managerial effectiveness 270. The relationship between selected personality factors and academic performance in science among secondary school students 271. Pelagic fish as a source of protein for broiler chickens 272. An investigation on stress levels and its influence on job performance among secondary school teachers 273. Fingerponds: seasonal intergrated aquaculture in east african freshwater wetlands 274. The contribution of secondary school agricultural knowledge to rural agricultura productivity 275. A study of the factors that contribute to the school dropout problem in secondary schools in bomet ditrict 276. Teaching facilities in biology and theie influence on the subject perfomance at KCSE level in kericho district 277. The evaluation wheat lines in semi-arid areas for drought tolerance under rainfed conditions 278. Chemical composition and anti-microbial activity of essential oils of the plants: tarchonanthus camphoratus, leonotis nepetifolia and satureja biflora 279. Factors contributing to the primary school girl drop outs phenomenon in pastrol communities 280. The impact of performance appraisal on secondary school teacher development: a case of koibatek district, kenya 281. Feed and nutrient intake of free-ranging chickens in nakuru district, kenya 282. A comparative study of optical properties of nematic homologues 283. A knifeless rite: influence of selected characteristics on the marakwet of kenya's perception of the councelling based alternative rite of passage and levels of awareness of effects of FGM 284. Selection of chickpea genotypes adapted to the short-rain season in the wheat zones of the kenya highlands 285. The effects of trade and exchange rate liberalization on kenya's nontraditional agricultural exports 286. Psychological, economic and socio-cultural factors contributing to students' academic achievement in english language 287. Trends, local perception and cost of waterborne diseases in river njoro watershed, nakuru district 288. Effects of nitrogen levels and spacing on growth, yields and quality of tomatoes grown in a greenhouse at high altitude in kenya 289. Hormonal and immunopathological changes in mice infected with schistosoma mansoni
290. Allometric relations for estimating aboveground biomass of naturally growing mangroves, forsk and rhizophora macronata LAM, along the kenya coast 291. The effects of teachers' use of praise and critism in students'learning 292. The impact of councelling on exceptional children in regular schools in nakuru municipality 293. Molecular basis of striga hermonthica resistance in some kenyan maize cultivars 294. Community participation in decision making processes 295. Fate of Nitrogen in No-tillage and conventional tillage corn systems labelled ammonium nitrate 296. Relationship between principals' management approaches and level of students' descipline in public secondary schools in Nyandarua and laikipia districts, kenya 297. The philosophical and ethical implications of friedrich nietzsche's moral philosophy on the post-colonial kenya women 298. A study of the appropriate textbooks for secondary school agriculture 299. The influence of intercropping kale with cowpea or mungbean, on soil nitrogen changes, weeds, and crop yields 300. Response of teenage students to images of HIV/AIDS in newspaper advertisments 301. Effects of different explants and media on in vitro regeneration of calla lilly 302. An investigation of the causes and trends of school dropouts in secondary schools in kericho district from 1992-1995 303. Socio-economic analysis of fodder legumes: the case of calliandra and desmodium in smallholder dairy farms of embu district, kenya 304. The experiences of the self-employed: a case study of jua kali in kisumu town 305. The perception of caretakers on the role of guidance and councelling in street children's rehabilitation centres in nakuru municipality, kenya 306. Impact of agroforestry on household farm income: case study of kakamega district, kenya 307. Influence of nitrogen sources and mulches on growth, yield and quality of greenhouse cucumber(cucumis satival) cv 'ashley' 308. Factors influencing customers' satisfaction in the telecommunication sector: a case study of telkom kenya limited central rift valley region 309. Investigaton into the factors contributing to the decline of enrolment of pupils for economics in secondary schools of nakuru districts.pdf 310. Stakeholders' perceptions of parental contribution to the management of secondary schools in kericho district.pdf 311. Use of phosphorus and pymarc in management of beanfly on common bean verieties.pdf 312. Breeding objectives and breeding strategies for small ruminants in the tropics.pdf 313. Working capital management practices in kenyan firms.pdf 314. Dissolution and extractabilty of manjingu phosphate rock fertilizer in some acid soils of rift velley province as related to soil chemical properties.pdf 315. Economic analysis of smallholder agricultural prodution under conditions of risk.pdf 316. Traditional and social changes in the works of sembene ousmane.pdf 317. Umwafaka wa fasihi ya watoto kwa msingi ya mwitikio wa mtoto msomaji.pdf
318. Effects and economic determinant of fertilizer and pesticides use in tomato production in nakuru districts.pdf 319. Effects of cultural practices and insectisides on degree of feeding damage by southen corn billbug.pdf 320. Langusge repertoires and state construction in africa.pdf 321. Factors constraining electricity access.pdf 322. An interctropping study of groundnuts and maize and sougham.pdf 323. Plant Extracts as pyrethrines synergists as control of housefly musca domestical.pdf 324. An evaluation of government instructions on financial management in public secondary schools in kenya.pdf 325. The level of HIV awareness among secondary school students and their perception of selected kipsigis cultural practises in the spread of HIV/AIDS in bulgat division, kericho district.pdf 326. Teachers' and students' responses to gender themes in texts.pdf 327. Rehabillitation process of juvenile delinquents in kenyan approved schools.pdf 328. LEKOLO‚L..pdf 329. The effects of lime, manure, n and p fertilizers on nitrogen and phosphorus availability, microbial biomass and maize yield in acid soil.pdf 330. Effects of intercropping and weeding frequency on the yield of beans and kale, cv'collards'.pdf 331. Influence of formal education on risk management.pdf 332. Constraints facing the development of girl child education in the normadic pastrol communities in kenya.pdf 333. Some aspects of mathematical methods in fluid mechanics.pdf 334. An evaluation of the performance of emerging agricultural commodity exchange.pdf 335. Land tenure system and its influence on household socia-economic status.pdf 336. Smallholder farm development in kericho district.pdf 337. Resource allocation: the opportunities and productivity of semi-arid areas in kenya.pdf 338. Selected factors influencing smallhoders rural households' participation in nonagricultural income generating activities and their implication on food security in webuye district.pdf 339. Culling in the dairy herds with reference to use of cow index.pdf 340. Synthesis and electrochemical study of heterobimettalic complexes of schiff based ligands.pdf 341. Ecology of the njoro and the ellegirini river in the kenyan great riftvalley with reference to the physicat anthropogenic disturbance, macroinvertabrates and organic drift.pdf 342. Fermented bloodmeals for growing pigs.pdf 343. Derivation, fertility and breeding value of double monoploid from the diploid potato species.pdf 344. Domancy, deccication tolerance and effects of storage conditions on longevity of carissa edulis varl.pdf 345. Quality of kiswahili language teacher made test.pdf
346. Chemotherapy of viscera laishmaniasis in the squirrel monkey.pdf 347. Optical properties of condenced phases of birefringence and density investigation.pdf 348. Factors influencing guidance and councelling in secondary schools of ogembo division, in gusha district.pdf 349. Overgrazing, land degridation and disertification in the nothern kenya.pdf 350. A study of the reactions of the halocarbonyls with various alkyl amines.pdf 351. The impact of HIV/AIDS education on attitude and behaviour of primary school pupils towards sexual activities.pdf 352. Poor perfomance in secondary school biology in mathira division.pdf 353. A study of the factors related to the adoption of technical information on maize production among small scale farmers in njoro division.pdf 354. The effects of typonosomecongolence infection on adrenal gland infection of white new zealand rabbits.pdf 355. The effects of students' social position in a classroom enviroment on their academic peformance.pdf 356. The effects of occupational health and safety programs on employees peformance.pdf 357. The impact of the bun on corporal punishment on students' descipline in secondary schools.pdf 358. Land use effects on spiral variability of aggregate stability and related soil properties within river njoro watershed.pdf 359. An analysis of the promotion mix elements used in the life insurence business in kenya.pdf 360. Resource availability for the teaching of english in sample secondary schools in dagoreti and starehe constituencies of nairobi province.pdf 361. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activities of amaranthus hybridus, amaranthus caudatus, amaranthus spinosus and corriandrum sativum.pdf 362. The influence of class size on the classroom interaction mathematics discourse in the wake of free primary education.pdf 363. Forward modelling for time domain airborne electromagnetic data interpretation for ground water exploration in coastal ares of kenya.pdf 364. Issues in the adoption of social forrestry.pdf 365. Usawiri wa mwanamke katika methali za ekegusii.pdf 366. Influence farmer field school extension approach on small holders' knowledge of dairy management technology in molo division, nakuru district.pdf 367. The study of russian wheat aphid with special empasis to biotypes and host plant resistance bread wheat.pdf 368. Athari za ekegusii katika kiswahili na zinavyochangia matokeo mabaya ta mtihani wa kitaifa wa kiswahili kwa wanafunzi wakisii wilaya kisii kusini.pdf 369. Mathematical modells applicable in business investments.pdf 370. Influence of Acacia tortilis trees on the distribution of panicum maximum and digitaria macroblephara in south central kenya.pdf 371. Heavy metals and nutrient retention in the kerenga wetland, kericho, kenya.pdf 372. The impact of processing and distribution coats on milk marketing in nakkuru region, rift valley province, kenya.pdf
373. A study of the role played by teachers in guidance and councelling at secondary school level.pdf 374. The contribution of selected pasture legumes to soil fertility and wheat yield in a cereal based cropping system in the highlands of the rift valley proovince, kenya.pdf 375. The ecology of benthic communities in the tropical mangrove forest at gazi bay, kenya.pdf 376. Image of the african woman in the buchi emecheta's fictional works.pdf 377. Factors influencing teachers' and students' perceptions of individual rights of students in public secondary schools in eldoret muncispality, kenya.pdf 378. Analysis of microbial infection in camel milk and implications in kenya.pdf 379. Perceived quality of service in the matatu industry.pdf 380. Reactive near field analysis of acoustic communicaton in african malaria mosquito.pdf 381. Impact of productive health education on sexual behaviour among secondary school students in lukuyani division of lugari district.pdf 382. The effect of shade, gibberellic acid and preconditioning temprature on growth of ranunculus asiaticus L. ev elegance cutflower under kenyan high altitude condition.pdf 383. Perception of bukusus on the impact of traditional male circumcision practises on their psycological life.pdf 384. The availability and utilization of biology teaching resources in shinyalu division, kakamega district.pdf 385. Grazing systems effects on infiltrationrates and sediment production of bushed grassland buchuma, kenya.pdf 386. Factors influencing parental guidance and councelling of adolescents in secondary schools.pdf 387. Consumption paterns of health-promoting preparation in an urban area (nairobi) comparison of their cost to that of locally available natural food.pdf 388. Effects of drip irrigation schedule and mulch on growth, yield and quality of tomato cultivar money maker grown in a greenhouse.pdf 389. Factors that influence agriculture teachers' preference for practical teaching approach in baringo and koibatek districts of kenya.pdf 390. A study of the impact of HIV/AIDS on affected families in nakuru municipality, kenya.pdf 391. Determination of irrigation water requirements under limited climatic data.pdf 392. Curbing violence in schools: school and teacher preparedness.pdf 393. The effect of sorghum type and inclusion level, protein level, and pelleting, on the feeding value of sorghum-based broiler chicken rotations.pdf 394. Influence of mathematical language on students' understanding and achivement in mathematics at selected secondary schools in kenya.pdf 395. Effects of burning on diet quality and associated production systems of cattle and goat is acacia savanhahs of kenya.pdf 396. Characterisation of the sheep and goat breeding practises of the pastrolist gabra and rendile communities in nothern kenya.pdf 397. Tea flavonoids and their effect on chronic inflammation induced in trypanosoma brucei brucei infected mice.pdf 398. Income density and farming systems.pdf
399. Breeding goals for production systems utilizing indigenous chicken in kenya.pdf 400. Effects of human-wildlife conflict on use practises in salama location, laikipia district, kenya.pdf 401. Evaluation of functional traits in holstein-friesian cattle on large-scale farms in nakuru, kenya.pdf 402. Control of catclaw with picloram in southern arizona.pdf 403. The effects of mangrove habitat degradation on fish diversity in ungwana bay, kenya.pdf 404. The spreading patterns and envivironmental implications of water hyacinth infestation in lake naivasha, kenya.pdf 405. Factors affecting the teaching of the integrated eglich course in secondary schools in vihiga district.pdf 406. Soil fertility management and the african smallholder.pdfMISIKO‚P.A.M.pdf 407. MKONGO P.D. 408. MNENE W.N. 409. MNGODA D.M. 410. MOHAMED S.S. 411. MOINDI S.M. 412. MOJO G.R. 413. MONGARE L. 414. MONRO R.H. 415. MORAA M.O. 416. MORWANI R.G. 417. MOSSE M.N. 418. MOTELIN G.K.A. 419. MUANGE G.M. 420. MUCHAI L.N. 421. MUCHEMI N. P. 422. MUCHIRA G.N. 423. MUCHIRI E.G. 424. MUCHIRI J.M. 425. MUCHOCHO,E. 426. MUCHORI J.N. 427. MUDHUNE D.R. 428. MUGAMBI LYDIA W. 429. MUGIIRA R.O. 430. MUGO D.G. 431. MUGO D.M. 432. MUGO N.J. 433. MUGO T.W. 434. MUGUCHIA J.M. 435. MUGWERU W.M. 436. MUHIIRE C.A. 437. MUHOCHI E.S. 438. MUIA JOHN M.K.
439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484.
485. MUTAMBI E.M. 486. Effects Of The Problem-Solving Teaching Approach On Students' Mathematics Achievement,Self-Concept And Perception Of The Classroom Environment In Vihiga District. 487. The effectiveness And Adequacy Of The Legal Framework In Occupational Health And Safety. 488. Farmer Participation In Research: An Analysis Of Resource-Poor Farmer Involvement In' And Contribution TO'The Agricultural Research Process In Zimbabwe 489. Ranch Subdivision In Machakos District Changing Land Use Practices And Their Impacts On Condition Of The Land 490. Constraints Facing Women Small Scale Entrepreneurs In Accessing Formal Microcredit In Nakuru 491. The Parameters Of Syntactic Information Packaging In The Second Language Acquisition Of English By Gikuyu First Language Speakers 492. Gender Preference In Test Types' Item Formats And Their Relationship To Performance In Secondary School Examinations. 493. Small-Scale Farming And The Role Of Women In Vihiga District. 494. Adoption Of Social Forestry Practices In Uasin Gishu District,Kenya. 495. The Development Of A Technology For Pleurotus Mushroom Production In Kenya 496. The Relevance Of English Textbook Input On Learners Acquisition Of Cohesion In Grammar In Secondary Schools In Kenya 497. Childhood Diarrhoeal Morbidity In Rural Households In Upper River Njoro Watershed 498. Determination Of Cadmium,Chromium,Lead And Mercury In Honey Samples From Mbeere,Meru,And Kirinyaga 499. An Analysis Of State Policies In The Sugar Industry 500. Effectiveness Of Farmer Field School Approach On Group Performance In UpScaling Agricultural Technologies Among Smallholder Farmers In Kisii District 501. Pastoral Care For Catholic Students In Secondary Schools 502. Perceptions Of Secondary School Agriculture Teachers On Selected Morale Factors In Machakos District 503. The Impact Of Home Based Care On Social Stigma And Self Esteem Of People Living With HIV/AIDS 504. Influence Of Trickle And Furrow Irrigation Methods On Soil Moisture And Crop Stree In Aspargus 505. Factors Influencing Food Production In Kwale District,Kenya 506. A study On Academic Performance 507. Mbinu Za Kimaigizo Katika Tungo Za Abdilatif Abdalla 508. Kupungu Kwa Michezo Ya Kiswahili Katika Sherehe Za Drama Za Kitaifa Za Kenya 509. A Study Of Tone And Length In Lubukusu And Lulogooli Dialects Of Luluyia 510. Molecular Weight Distribution And Partial Characterization Of Organic Nitrogen Constituents In A Sodium Pyrophosphate Extarct Of Soil Organic Matter 511. Forecast Models For The Golden Wing Moth In Njoro Area
512. The Attitudes Of Students Towards Agriculture Textbooks Being UsedIn Secondary Schools In Transmara District And Kenyenya Division In Kisii 513. Effects Of Phosphorous And Copper On The Performance Of Wheat Genotypes In Copper Deficient Soils 514. Provision Of Education For Academically Gifted Children In Kenyan Primary Schools 515. Factors Influencing Diversification Of Investments By Firms In Kenya 516. A Study Of The Appropriate Form # Mathematics Textbooks In Nyamira District 517. Impact Of Turnaround Strategies On Company's Performance 518. Perceptions Of Agriculture Teachers And Heads Of Schools On The Professional Competencies Needed In The Teaching Of Secondary School Agriculture 519. A Study Of Perceptions Of Teachers And Students About Guidance And Counseling Programme In Secondary Schools 520. Effects Of The 1997 El Nino Related Rains On Subsistence Farming In Central Division Of Laikipia District,Kenya 521. Effect Of Variety And Insecticide On Population Density And Damage By Black Bean Aphid On Common Bean 522. Challenges Of Urban Environmental Governance 523. Relationships Between Self-Concept And Academic Perfomance Among Secondary School students 524. Influence Of Family And School On The Self-Esteem Of The Visual,Audial And Learning Disabled Students 525. Achieving Goals Of Population Control 526. Compressed Nature Co-existing In Small Reserve In Kenya 527. Purification And Characterization Of Trypanolysin From The Midgut Of Desert Locust,A Non-Vector Of Trypanosomes 528. A Study On The Impact Of Guidance And Counselling Programme In Isiolo District Secondary Schools 529. Environmental Education As An Out-Of School Activity For Secondary Schools In Nakuru Municipality With Focus On Lake Nakuru 530. Analysis Of Extreme Rainfall And Stream Flow Events From Upper Ewaso Ng'iro Drainage Basin In Kenya 531. Perceptions Of Teachers On Career Guidance And Counselling Programmes In Secondary Schools In Budalang'I Division,Western Kenya 532. Comparison Of The Biological Effects And Chemistry Of Soybean And Desmodium Uncination Root Exudates And Extracts On Striga Hermonthica 533. Evaluation Of The Molluscicidal Effect Of The Plants Phytolacca octandra,Phytolaca dodecandra And Balanites aegytiaca As A Possible Control Of Schistosomiasis Transmitting Snails 534. A Study Of The Factors That Influence Performance In Mathematics Among Secondaru School students In Mt Elgon 535. A Study Of The Counsellling Needs Of the Elderly In Funyula Division,Busia District And Nakuru Municipality 536. Factors Affecting The Liability Of Cadmium In Soil 537. A Study Of Manufacturers Attitudes Toward Government Price Controls And Their Administration In Kenya
538. The Nutritive Value Of Treated Maize Cobs 539. Perceptions Of Teachers On Career Guidance And Counselling Programmes In Secondary Schools In Budalang'I Division,Western Kenya 540. Succumbing To And Coping With Destitution 541. An Investigation On The Methods Used In Teaching Business Education In Samburu District 542. The Role Of Conjuctions In Kikamba Conversational Discourse 543. An Evaluation Of Selected Factors Affecting The Adoption Of Zero-Grazing Dairy Production System By Smallholder Farmers In Kirinyaga 544. Vascular Plant Flora Of Kiboko Range Research Station,Kenya 545. The Effects Of Gender,Knowledge And Learning Opportunities On Scientific Creativity Amongst Form Three Biology Students 546. Perceptions Of Administrators,Teachers And Students On The Role Of Guidance And Counselling Programme In Public Secondary Schools 547. Factors Affecting The Adoption Of Selected Wheat Production Technologies By Farmers In Njoro And Rongai In Nakuru 548. A Study On The Perceptions Of The Influence Of Teaching Practice Projects On The Teaching Of Science In Selected Secondary Schools In Kenya 549. The Influence Of Guidance And Counselling Programme On Academic Performane Of Selected Pubic Secondary School students 550. The Acquisition Of English Prepositions By Kikuyu First Language Speakers 551. Effect Of Nitrogen And Phosphorus Application And Rhizobium And Mycorrhiza Inoculation On the Performance Of Soybean In Humic Nitisol 552. The Adequacy Of Micro-Teaching In Preparing Agricultural Education Students For Teaching Practice 553. The Effectiveness Of Delivery Of Selected Extension Services In Influencing The Changing Livelihoods And Gender Roles Among Sedentarized Rendille Households 554. Factors Contributing To Stress Among secondary School Administrators 555. Students' Perception And Attitude Towards Guidance And Counselling Services In Teacher Training Colleges 556. Assessment Of The Level Of Training And Resource Needs Of Secondary School Guidance Counselors In Nakuru  557. Influence Of Grief On Academic Performance And Self-Concept Among Secondary School Students 558. Effect Of Type And Site Of Acid Neutralization On The Voluntary Intake Of Corn Silage In Diary Heifers 559. Assessment Of The Adoption And Dissemination Of Improved Fallows And Biomass Transfer Technologies In Western Kenya 560. Interfirm Networks And Enterprise Performance In Kenya 561. Single Parenthood An Emerging Family Unity In Kenya 562. Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counselling Programmes In Addressing Adolescent Developmental Concerns In Secondary Schools 563. The Perceptions Of Head Teachers And Teacher Counsellors On The Implementation Of Guidance And Counselling In Primary Schools 564. The Effects Of Combination Of Minjingu Phosphate Rock And Single Superphosphate Fertiliser On Dissolution Of Minjingu
565. Effects Of Conventional And Conservation Tillage On Selected Soil Physical Properties And Water Movement In A Vitric Andosol In Kenya 566. Factors Contributing To Poor Performance In Literature In Form Three And Four In Nairobi 567. A Comparative Economic Analysis Of Selected Coffee Estates And Smallholder Cooperatives In Eastern Province 568. A Standardization Of The Ravens Coloured Progressive Matrices In The Nakuru 569. Effects Of Constructivist Teaching Strategy On Students' Conceptualisation Of Electostatistics In Secondary School Physics In Nakuru District 570. Causes Of Burnout Among Primary School Teachers Within Kericho Municipality,Kenya 571. Mifanyiko Ya Kifonolojia Katika Kinyala Cha Kakamega 572. Impact Of Experiential And Mastery Learning Programmes On Academic Achievement In Secondary School Agriculture 573. The Prospects Of Smallholder Agroforestry Activities In Bungoma District,Kenya 574. Effects Of Election Period On Stock Returns At The Nairobi Stock Exchange 575. Efficacy Of Gibberellic Acid In Controlling Pathological Decay And Maintaining Post-Harves Quality Of Passion Fruits 576. Potential Demand Estimation Of East Coast Fever Vaccines In Makuyu Division,Kenya 577. Uchunguzi Wa Taathari Za Kifonolojia Miongoni Mwa Wanafunzi Wagikuyu 578. The Impact Of Reproductive Health Education On Family Size And Contraceptive Use 579. Lysine And Energy Levels In Corn-Soybean Meal Diets For Growing-Finishing Pigs 580. Design,Development And Testing Of A Small Scale Low Power,Wood Chipper For Gasifier Feedstock 581. Improving The Postharvest Performance Of Okra Using Hot Water Treatment,Modified Atmosphers And Storage Temperature 582. The Effects Of Government Disbursements Procedures On The Managementt Of Accounts Payable In Public Universities In Kenya 583. Uhakiki Wa Visaasili Katika Fasihi Simulizi 584. Influence Of Filler-Polymer Interaction Parameter (Thermal Boundary Resistance R)Thermal Conductivity For Filled Polymer Composites 585. The Impact Of Monetary Policy On Kenya's Agricultural Exports 586. An Investigation Into The Behaviour Management Methods After Corporal Punishment Was Banned In Secondary Schools 587. Effects Of Advice Organizers On Form Three Students' Mathematics SelfConcept And Performance In Commercial Arithmetic In Selected Schools 588. Determination Of Acephate Residue In Honey Samles Harvested From Mbeere 589. Induced Proteins Profile In The Haemolymph Of Desert Locust Following Trypanosomatid Flagellate Challenge 590. An Assessment Of The Levels Of Training And Developpment Trade Unions And Their Effects On Industry 591. The Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counseling On Deviant students Behaviour In Secondary Schools
592. Crosslinguistic Influence In the Acquisition Of English Deictic expressions 593. Characterization Of Essential Oils From Rutaceae And Proposed Utilization In The Food Industry 594. Factors Influencing Agricultural Technology Adoption 595. Effectiveness Of Budgets And Budgetary Control In Cost Monitoring And Control 596. Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counelling As An Alternative Discipline Method To Corporal Punishment 597. The Relationship Between Levels Of Stress,Social Support,Coping and Psychological Well-Bieng Among Undergraduate Students In Selected Public And Private Universities In Kenya 598. Factors that influence attrition of pre-school teachers 599. Chemical Weed Control In Irish Potatoes 600. Effects Of Cooperative Learning On Secondary school students achievements and attitudes towards mathematics 601. Development of drought tolerant wheat lines through chromosomes elimation technique 602. A comparative study of maultiple versus single infection doses of schistosoma haematobium in golden hamsters 603. An analysis of the impact of hiv/aids on human resourse management in Kenyan public universities 604. Assesement of organization and implementation of guidance and counselling programme in sec sch in Nakuru 605. Impact of marketing communications of growth of unaided private sec schools in Nakuru 606. Phosphorous use efficiency by maize at selected sites in Siaya District 607. A description of the pastrol camel production system in Moyale District Kenya 608. Operational conceptualization & implementation of an educational materials center,Egerton University 609. Studies of some factors that affect cereal aphids dispersion 7 colonization on wheat 610. The efficiency of the ladybird beetles as biocontrol agents in integrated pest management of cereal aphids in wheat 611. Effectiveness of voluntary counselling and testing towards helping ppl living with hiv/aids adopt behaviour consistent with their sero status 612. The incidence & control of the cabbage aphid 7 bagrada bug on kale in Njoro,Kenya 613. Astudy of the factors which contribute to the poor performance in mathematics in KSCE in sec sch in Kuria District 614. effects of computer supported cooperative learning on sec sch students achivements 7 attitudes in Chemistry in Nakuru North district 615. A study of the status of biology teaching-learning resources in sec sch in Embu District 616. A study of perceived competency needs of frontline agricultural extension workers for effective service to women clients in Nyeri District 617. Factors contributing to pupils indescipline in prim schools in Nakuru Municipality
618. Attractions of the brown ear tick,Rhipicephalus Appendiculatus,found in cow ear washes 619. A study of the implementation & effectiveness of guidance &counselling programme in public sec sch in Gilgil Division 620. Kenya's development centre policy:eld 621. The influence of science process skills on students gender disparity in performance ,perception to enrolment & attitude to sec sch physics 622. An evaluation of a firms strategic responses against the changing competitive conditions 623. Effects of teaching and learning resources on geography performance at KSCE level in Kisii District 624. Effectiveness of Guidance & counselling in maintaining discipline in sec sch. 625. Kenya's population calculations & projections using a numerical approach 626. Factors that hinder implementation of guidance & counselling programmes in sec sch in Koibatec district 627. Evaluation of the efficiency of prim pyrethrum marketing channels 628. Uchaguzi wa kiwango cha ushiriki wa wanawake katika mazungmuzo kati ya wakulima na maafisa wa kilimo 629. The potential of indigenous technical knowledge in supplementing agroforestry adoption and extension in Maseno Division 630. The effectiveness of voluntary counselling and testing on hiv/aids prevention in the armed forces 631. Evaluation of mechanical skills of technical institute graduates in tea processing in Gusii,Nyanza province 632. The influence of academic staffing,physical facilities & enrolment on prim sch pupils academic achievement in Rigoma Division 633. Household Energy demand and environmental management in kenya 634. The nutritional value of selected acacia leaves as nitrogen supplement to low quality roughage diets offered to sheep 635. A study of teachers & students perception on areas of priority in guidance and counseling in rural sec sch in Mbeere District 636. Factors determining the success of a national social health insurance scheme 637. A comarative study of domestic labour,gender treatment and students academic performance in mixed day sec schools in mosocho Division 638. Response of groundnut and bean to fertilizers and lime application in Siaya 639. A study of factors related to students dropout in selected sec schs in Makueni District 640. Effect of milling raw soybean on the compositional uniformity of soybean cake during extrusion-aided screw press oil extraction 641. Symbolic execution of formal machine descriptions 642. Factors affecting teaching of economics in nyamira division 643. A credit linked rural extension approach for lowly endowed women 644. The effect of road infrastructure on input use and farm level productivity in nakuru 645. Factors that influence the performance of silvopastrol systems in arid and semi arid areas
646. Child first language acquisition of phonology 647. Anaysis of counselling services in healthcare institutions 648. Effects of agronomics practices on the incidence of sorghum shoot fly & grain yield of sorghum 649. The impact of sugarcane versus maize and bean cultivation on employment and income generation at the household level 650. An investigation into the problems experienced in the teaching of eng as a second language in selected sec schs in Migori District 651. Survey and management of cassava mosaic disease in western kenya 652. Effect of mycorrhizae and bradyrhizobia on growth of cowpea 653. Estimation and testing in overdispersed data 654. A study of the perception of buidance counsellors abt their role in the buidance and counselling programme in sec sch 655. Effects of sample preparation methods and storage duration of mineral nirogen contents of vertisols 656. A history of colonial education among the kipsigis 657. Urban energy demand,policy and their environmental implications 658. The impact of training of sch counsellors and counselling facilities on counselling programmes in public sec sch 659. The relationship between specific research extension-farmer linkage factors and adoption of technologies of on farm trials 660. Equity in access to university education in kenya through helb loans in relation to demand,supply and effectiveness in loan recovery 661. The effects of selected factors on the performance of students in agriculture in sec schs of Nakuru district 662. Factors affecting adoption of crossbred goat technology by farmers in nyatike division of migori district 663. Effects of varied magnetic intensities and exposure time on germination and growth of rosecoco beans 664. A study of the perception of agricultural extensions personnel in Migori dist about agricultural certificate curriculum 665. The derivation of hypothetical sizing/tariffing systems for negroid 7 caucasoid women,as a basis for developing sizing systems for negroid women of africa in the future 666. The role of extensin services in enhancing effectiveness of outgrowers credit system among smallholder sugsrcane farmers in Nyando district 667. On the metaphysical aspect of chomsky's account of language and the mind 668. Enhancement of productivity of strawberry using farmyard manure & triple super phosphate 669. Immune resonse of chickens genetically defined at the major histocompatibility complex 670. The health of nigerian children of sch age(6-15 yrs) 671. Physico-chemical dynamics,pelagial prim production and algal composition in lake baringo 672. Saint Thomas aquinas philosphy and its relevance to kenya's social transformation 673. The christian moral education of youth in a muslim environment among the giryama
674. Socio-economic determinants of on-farm soil fertility gradients I western kenya 675. Status of on -farm tree establishment and factors affecting tree planting 676. The response of tobacco varieties to infection by meloidogyne species in nematode occurance & infestation in busia 7 bungoma districts 677. Exploratory visualization of tempral geospatial data using animation 678. Selected sch stakeholders' perception on girls academic abilities and their influence on academic self-concept and performance of the girl child 679. Transport and retention of plant coarse particulate organic matter in a tropical riftvalley second order stream 680. Composition and bioactivity of essential oils of lantana camara,tephrosia hook and ocimum americanum against major coleopterian pest of stored food grains 681. Uchanganuzi wa jinsi lugha inavyotumika kuhamasisha wanawake kuhusu haki zao 682. Genetic and environmental variation in infestations with ticks and wwith gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep in semi arid and semi humid zones in kenya 683. Optimal harvesting in matrix population models 684. Publishers' promotional response to liberalization of book market in kenya 685. Charecteristics and combining ability among selected soybean cultivars 686. Analysis of soil erosion,infiltration and runoff in different landuses in upper river njoro watershed in kenya 687. Genetic and physiological studies of yield and nitrogen use efficiency in spring barley 688. Evaluation of breeding strategies for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in kenya 689. Creativity in physics education 690. Evaluation of the tube diffusion test's applicability as a screening method for selected anticoccidial drug residues in chicken 691. Sura ya mwanamke katika methali za ekegusii 692. Effectiveness of guidance and councelling programme on students'discipline after the man of corporal punishement in selected sec schs in busia district 693. Farmers' indicators for soil erosion mapping and crop yield estimation in central highlands in kenya 694. Charecteristics of metallothionein isoforms by capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometer 695. The influence of institutional factors on adoption of improved sorghum varieties and technologies by small scale farmers in ndhiwa district 696. Adaptation of rainfall-runoff models for runoff simulation in the humid zones of kenya 697. The role of turbidity on picoplankton organic carbon sythesis and growth rates in lake baringo 698. Management of fusarium wilt,nematodes and weeds using chemicals and biofumigants in greenhouse rose production 699. Molecular characreristics of bacillus thuringiensis strains with differential toxicity to chilo partellus 700. Maize supply response in kenya 701. An investigation on the factors influencing performance in 8.4.4 mathematics in sec schs in Rongo division
702. A study of competencies in monitoring and evaluation needed by field level agricultural extension staff in nakuru district 703. Gender disparity,recruitment and career development 704. Studies on resistance of beans phaseolus vulgaris l to colletotrichum lindemuthianum(sacc,& magnus)lams.scrib.,the cause of bean anthracnose 705. The role of bicycle as a mode of transport in nakuru municipality 706. Contribution of information technology in business process re-engineering 707. Netherlands geographical studies towards an environmental planning approach in urban industrial siting and operations in kenya 708. Economic analysis of indegenous small ruminant breeds in the pastrol system 709. Effects of soil amendment with chickpea residue and inorganic non selected soil hydraulic properties and wheat yield 710. Relevance of teaching manpower in the various business courses offered in institutes of technology in Nyanza province 711. The relationship btw instructional procedures and students performance in sec sch agriculture in Nakuru District 712. Hindrances to effective use of guidance and counselling services in Enhancing discipline among sec students 713. Re-conceptualisation food security 714. Song and dances among the abagusii of kenya 715. Development of a sweet potatoe based weaning food 716. Assesement of teacher counselors awareness of students'counseling needs in sec schools 717. Effect of lime,Phosphorous and Rhizobium inoculation on bean(phaselous vulgaris)Growth and yield in an acidic mollic andosol 718. A History of Lake Nakuru National Park,(1956-2005) 719. The effects of Nitrogen rates on Yield.Quality and Nodulation,And Storage temperatures on water and Ascorbic Acid changes in Cowpea leaf Vegetable 720. The risk factors of Maternal and Perinatal Health problems in Kisumu District 721. Morphological Changes of borrowed words from English to Olukabarasi Dialect Of western Kenya 722. Lexical Relationship in Discourse Cohisiveness Of spoken texts in the Kisa Dialect of luhya Language 723. Uchaguzi wa mawasiliano Baina ya maafisa wa Kilimo wa nyanjani na wakulima katika taarafa ya Njoro 724. The professional Competencies needed by intermediate agricultural extension personnel in the kenya agricultural extension service 725. The harmony in the rogoro dialect of Ekegusii 726. Resource management and resource based conflicts 727. Varroa destructor virus 1:A new picorna-like virus in Varroa mites as well as honey bees 728. Effects of Fermented whole cassava meal on the performance of broilers 729. A study of selected factors that contribute to teenage pregnancy on the education of a girl child 730. Causes of stress among sec school teachers in Getembe Division 731. Uchanganuzi wa matumizi ya lugha katika magazeti ya kiswahili nchini kenya
732. The effect of incorporating chickpea residue on soil nutrient status,nitrogen availability and wheat yield in a chickpea-wheat Rotation 733. The Economics of Extra tuition in secondary schools 734. Bypass flow nitrogen losses in vertisols in tropical environments 735. Determination of Amitraz in Bovine milk sampled from a range of sites in Nakuru District 736. Factors affecting maize production in Nyando Division, 737. Testing and evaluation of the agricultural non point source pollution model(AGNPS) on mirera sub -catchement of lake naivasha drainage basin 738. Effects of hiv/Aids related illness and deaths on Agricultural Production 739. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorous on maize performance in phosphorousdeficient and striga infested soils of siaya District 740. Stractural analysis of the drainage basin of kenya riftvalley lakes within the aberdare detachement,using satellite data,Gis and field observations 741. Use of path coefficient analysis in identification of traits associated with water use efficiency in drought tolerant wheat Genotypes 742. Genetics of growth and fertility of charolais and polled-hereford beef cattle breeds in kenya 743. Selection procedures for pre-service agricultural trainees in Kenya 744. Isolation and biochemical characteristics of transferrin from tsetse fly 745. Effects of cooperative concept mapping teaching approach on students' achievement and motivation in secondary school biology 746. The effects of liberalisation of management of small tea sub-sector on the production and income of small scale tea farmers 747. Factors influencing performance of NGOs' socio-economic interventions 748. The impact of culture ascribed gender roles on career choices of sec school girls 749. Purification and chemical charecteristics of larvicidal compound(s) of extracts prepared from submerged cultures of basidiomycetes against aedes aegypti 750. Etiology,symptomatiology and control of cercospora leaf spot of maize in western Kenya 751. Perceptions of vulnerability to stress and loss of control among the elderly in Bondo District 752. Estimation of direct runoff and sediment yield in upper river njoro catchement 753. Exponential and gamma time series models 754. Biofumigation of Fusarium spp.the casual agent of head blight of wheat by volatiles from Brassica tissues 755. The effect of teacher pupil ratio on classroom management 756. A novel approach to the extraction,isolation and purification of bixin compound from bixa orellana seeds 757. Factors affecting the teaching of physics in secondary schools in Siaya District 758. Wildlife Dynamics.An analysis of change in the masai mara ecosystem of Kenya 759. Process Aproach to esl academic Writing 760. Factors militating against the effectiveness of guidance and counseling programmes in secondary schools 761. Factors considered in the choice of fresh milk brands by consumers in Nakuru Municipality
762. The relationship between District Mock Examination and K.C.S.EÂ results in mathematics 763. A study of the appropriate textbooks for teaching form one physics 764. Inheritance and Physiology of chilling tolerance in grain sorghum 765. Genetic Diversity and relationships of african sheep:A Y chromosome perspective 766. A survey of learning resources in selected primary schools of Amagoro Division 767. An investigation of University students' awareness and perception of guidance and counselling services 768. Matatizo kwenye ujumbe katika kalimani za mahubiri ya kidini mjini Bondo 769. Influence of drug advertisement on drug abuse among secondary school students 770. The impact of cash crop farming on food production 771. Effects of mulch and rainfall intensity on crust strength of three illinois soils 772. model Identification for time series processes 773. Performance of narrow strips of vetiver grass and napier grass as barriers against runoff,soil and nutrient loss in Kenya 774. Cloning and functional analysis of trans-splicing factors in trypanosoma brucei 775. Potrayal of women in the prescribed secondary school literature novels studied from 1990-2002 776. The response of sec sch girls to the language of television advertisements 777. The relevance of bertrand russell's educational phylosophy to the kenyan situation 778. A preliminary evaluation of K.I.E intergrated coursebooks 779. The effects of financial selfhelp groups on agricultural production 780. The effects of sugarcane growing on maize production and its implications for household food security 781. Effect of teachers motivation on performance in schools 782. An analysis of factors responsible for the conssumer choice of fast moving brands 783. Socio- economic factors that influence the participation of women farmers in agricultural axtension programmes 784. Enterprenuers and economic development in a small town in kenya 785. Studies on virus resistance in transgenic sweet potato expressing the coat protein gene of sweet potato feathery mottle virus 786. Dynamics of non-territorial population of red squirrels in southern michigan 787. Effects of inorganic fertilizers and farm yard manure on growth,yield and tuber quality of potato 788. Planning and administration of higher education implications for human resourse development 789. Effect of variety and cropping systems on the development of tomato spotted wilt tospovirus disease in tomato 790. Intergrated management of tomato spotted wilt disease in cucumber 791. The development of breeding objectives for production systems utilizing the boran cattle breed 792. Effects of mulching on soil temperature and moisture,yield and quality of tomato under kenyan highland greenhouse conditions 793. Usawiri wa mwanamke katika nyiso za jando miongoni mwa Abakuria 794. A comparative analysis of the effects of ritirement benefits act(2000)on returns on investment of kenyan university pension schemes
795. Constraints to community participation in ecosystem management 796. Influence of indigeneous knowledge on the adoption of school based education among kenyan maasai 797. An evaluation of the effectiveness of computer based fleet management systems in kenya 798. Factors related to the utilization of artificial insemination by small-holder dairy farmers in Bomet 799. Land suitability classification for soybean in Kakamega District 800. The effect of students'background on their attitude towards secondary school Agriculture teaching 801. Study on the production of edible oil from teased kernel of camellia sinensis 802. Uchaguzi wa namna burhani anavyotatua matatizo yanayokabili jamii katika riwaya zake 803. Investigation of metals and non metals discharged from fluospar mining and their effects on the physico-chemical charecteristics of Kerio river 804. Model based assessement of trends for some communicable diseases in kenya 805. The effect of business policy on organizational performance 806. The influence of intercropping and nitrogen fertility on diamondback moth and aphid infestation,yield and quality of kale 807. An examination of the impactbof selected interpersonal and situational vartables on argumentativeness 808. An assesement of the readiness of institutions to offer electronic learning 809. An evaluation of efficiency of green maize marketing channels 810. The effect of product differentiation on cnsumer choice 811. The effects of psychological contract on employee performance 812. Impact of stress on work and interpersonal relationships of non teaching employees 813. Standard costing practices of kenyan manufucturing firms 814. The determinants of dividends 815. Factors contributing to drug abuse among secondary school students in Nembere Division 816. Cattle,straw and system control 817. The hatchet's blood spirits and society among the ethins of senegal 818. An investigation of factors that contribute to students dropout in the primary schools in Sotick Division 819. Fecal nitrogen as an indicator of nutritional stress sn steers in semi arid rangelands in Kenya 820. Determinants of bond prices 821. Effects of advance organisers on students'achievement and motivation in the topic pollution in biology 822. Application of the improved dutch tube diffusion test for detection & quantification of beta-lactam residues in Kenyan milk 823. Fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency and nutrient uptake by maize in vertisols in kenya 824. An analysis of the guidance and counseling program in selected kenyan secondary schools
825. A study of the role of the district education officers in the management and supervision of primary school education programmes in the three districts of Western Province in Kenya 826. Concentralization determination and comparison of some mineral elements in the natural salt licks utilized by elephants in Mt Elgon national park 827. An agro-ecological framework for intergrated nutrient management 828. Livelihood,land use and environment interactions in the highland of east africa 829. Distributions & population trend of elephants and rhinoceros in kenya :1977-1981 830. Influence of external factors on ovipositon behaviour of the african malaria mosquito 831. Below-ground biomass of natural and replanted mangrove forests at gazi bay 832. Influence of enterprise diversification on risk management amongst samburu pastrolists 833. Relative effects of a computer based instruction in accounting on students'achievement,perception of classroom environment and motivation in secondary schools in Kenya 834. Rearing methods and mating behaviour of the dung beetle 835. The effectiveness of farmer field schools in training and empowering women farmers in agricultural production 836. An evaluation of the relationship between job charecteristics and employee motivation in Kenya 837. A study of the influence of in-laws in marital relationships of the contemporary urban middle class marriages 838. Factors influencing IT Implementation in schools 839. The influence of extension services and enterprise diversification on household food security among small scale sugarcane farmers in Muhoroni Division 840. A study of charitable institutions in addressing the needs of destitute children 841. Teacher counselors' and students perception of the impact of guidance and counseling programme on academic performance among public secondary school studunts in Meru municipality 842. Effects of defoliation frequency and intensity on production of four burned and unburned bushed grassland communities in south central kenya 843. Effects of production and postharvest factors on quality retention of poinsettia 844. Indigenous instituitions in resourse and risk management among borana pastrolists of southern Ethiopia 845. An evaluation of national forests management act administrative policies pertaining to wildlife 846. Mijikenda agriculture in Coast province of Kenya 847. Effects of cooperative class experiment teaching method on secondary school students'motivation and achievement in chemistry 848. Factors influencing students' choice of universities and their relationship with marketing strategies used by universities in Kenya 849. Tofauti za umenke katika mazungumzo ya darasani 850. The readability of secondary school chemistry text books 851. Insemination management for a one injection prostaglandin synchronization protocal I.Single versus Double insemination
852. Effects of cooperative learning approach on academic achievement in agriculture and acquisition of social skills by secondary school students in Bahati Division 853. Study of the attitudes of secondary school students towards teaching o agriculture 854. University students' perception on the effectiveness of peer couseling programmes 855. Soil mineralogy,slope and soil and water conservation effects on infiltration,seal formation.erosion and crop yield under semi-arid conditions 856. The relationship between selected educational inputs and students' academic performance in secondsry schools in Bungoma District 857. Relationship between students'academic self-concept and academic achivement 858. Salinity tolerance of the pineaple plant 859. The effect of the agricultural activities in the surrounding community on the academic performance in agriculture 860. The role of guidance and counselling programme on grief management among secondary school students in Nakuru 861. Effects of mastery learning approach on secondary school students' achievement,motivation and self-concept in physics in Kieni Division 862. Evaluation of wild sunflower as a protein supplement for growing dairy goats in Western Kenya 863. An evaluation of the effectiveness of collective bargaining in building industrial harmony 864. Usawiri wa mwanamke katika ushairi wa kiswahili 865. Effects of corporate governance on the creation of shareholder value in the business of selected organisations in Kenya 866. Assessement of counseling needs of street children in rehabilitation centers in Nairobi 867. An economic analysis of the performance of the sugsr refining industry in Canada 868. The imact of occupational health and safety practices on productivity 869. Determination of possible sources and seasonal fluctuations of organochlorine pesticides in Lake Nakuru 870. The vulnerability of girls and women to hiv/Aids in Kenya 871. Language ,Education and Gender 872. Factors that influence performance in mathematics in KCSE in Bungoma District 873. A study of selected factors and their influence on the performance of adult basic education programme in Bungoma District 874. Effects of tillage and planting methods on rice growth and yield in Kenya 875. Feeding value of selected indigenous browse species for goats in kenya 876. Assesement of students' awareness level of hiv/Aids and its impact on their sexual behaviour 877. An evaluation of past KCSE physics in terms of science process skills and syllabus coverage 878. Genetic evaluation of growth and reproductive performance of the Kenya boran cattle 879. Effect of socialized mathematical language module on students' understanding of mathematics and their perception of the learning environment 880. Phosphorous requirements of maize genotypesin different soil types of Siaya District
881. Factors related to adoption of selected agroforestry technologies by small scale farmers as a response to environmental degradation 882. Financial constraints facing kenya's music business 883. Impact of privatization on company's performance 884. Use of pymarc as a feed resource for dairy cattle in kenya 885. Determining cash balance managemaent practices 886. Interlinkages between small scale business enterprises and farm sector in rural development 887. An investigation of selected factors related to burnout among primary school teachers 888. Continuity and change in samburu pastrolism under colonial rule 889. A study of the kenyan private business sector 890. Factors influencing household production of sorghum and millet in kiminini location 891. Effects of a computer based instruction modules on students achivement,perception of the classroom environment and attitude towards school biology in Nakuru 892. Usayansi wa istilahi za isimu ya kiswahili 893. Antimicrobial phenylpropanoid esters and sesquiterpene lactones from the leaves of tarchonanthus camphoratus 894. Influence of frequency and intensity of clipping on forage yield,crude protein content and digestibility of kenyan range grass 895. Plant monoterpenoids as factors in diet selection and grazing behaviour of sheep 896. The ecology of ciliated protozoa in an alkaline-saline lake,lake Nakuru 897. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and nutrient content in soils of different mineralogy mixed with chickpea residue 898. Factors influencing the perception and attitude of students in technical training institutes towards guidance and counselling 899. Migration patterns of the upper gunnison river elk herd 900. Molecular assessment of antimalarial drugs resistance in plasmodium falciparum at nuba mountains,Southern Sudan 901. Africanaas 902. The role of English in Pakistan 903. The Effects Of Task Instruction Sheets On Learnes Studying Poultry And Egg Poduction For Adaptation And Use In Developing Countries 904. Evaluation Of Yield And Quality Of Five Potato Cultivars Grown In Southwest Virginia 905. Range Management Extension Services on pastoral Societies of Kenya 906. Environmental Aspects Of Trace Elements
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