February 14, 2018 | Author: Ashish | Category: Truth, Philosophical Science, Science
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THE SEEKER 2015 “Vibration” is the key. It’s also a dirty word in that it was removed from Napoleon Hills book “Think and Grow Rich”. Now you will find the word vibration in the edition Superoman has in the Gann study group, but they had it removed from the regular copies years ago. It’s also the key to sooo much on Earth it is dumbfounding. Note here: “Law of VIBRATION” and Gann was able to call markets LEFT AND RIGHT. Libraries have been burned to keep that understanding away from the masses (Alexandria etc.) It’s the key to markets and much more. Individuals, unaware of any concept of vibration play the lottery and some win the big jackpots through “luck”. These individuals then receive huge win falls of money, which is what they were led to believe that they needed. Not only do their problems increase the money is usually (not always) short lived. Let’s say that someone making 25,000 a year wins the lottery. Let’s say they win 10 million and 5 years later they are broke. What happened? That individual is vibrating to an annual income of 25,000 and is then given 10 million BUT the person’s vibration is not changed!!!! They are still vibrating at the 25,000 level because their core beliefs have not changed and they have not done anything to raise their vibration. So they go blow that 10 million on things they think they need and eventually it’s gone. Now I know people whose income was over a million a year and they were just as “broke” as that 25,000 person. This begs the question. Where are the instructions? You see, you can literally deliver wheel barrels filled with gold to your neighbor on a daily basis and he/she will find a way to screw it up. I mean literally it won’t be long and they will shoot you because you disturbed their dog when you delivered the gold….they cannot vibrate to the higher levels because something is being done to them instead of them doing something to raise their own vibrational set point! SO whose idea is it that we need more and more money? Probably the same people that the educational programming came from. One of my best friends told me recently about an 8 billion dollar trade he had on (back when he traded the banks money). I asked him, look you had all these high powered international traders working in that trading room, they were making millions and millions of dollars, how many of them were happy? His face instantly knotted up and his response was “….very very few.” Ok so if money aint really it, what is that we really do need? Well that is different for each of us. If you look at the millionaires that have WEALTH instead of “dumb dollars” you will find that generally the money is a byproduct of them able to do whatever they are passionate about. So taking those million dollar traders and let’s say they won that 10 million dollar lottery, it would not make much difference to them, it would not really affect their lives. They still would be just as miserable because they are “VIBRATING AT THAT LEVEL” already. The level of making millions of dollars. Now that individual making 2.5,000 and winning the 10 million; that will definitely change their lives. But why do they mostly give it all back? Because they are still vibrating at the 25,000 level. What these individuals fail to realize is that in order to keep some of that money they have to CHANGE THEIR vibration. The lottery was done to them, they need to change, and their core beliefs about money need to change quickly. They are completely ignorant of that fact. I mean you will see that in trading. A lucky trade and the person is up 200K. But then gives most or all of it back. So… The underlying key to this is within the field of vibration. This is where Gann said Knowledge is more important than money. Vibration is key. Ok so let’s take an example we can all simply understand. Let’s say there is this 400 pound guy and he continues to pursue this Petite young girl who weighs more

than one hundred pounds and goes to the Gym everyday while the guy watches TV all evening, he tries and asks her out say at 5 different points, but is turned down flat every time. She is the Star in his eye. But where is the problem here? Many would say the weight of this male is the problem. BUT under the weight is the REAL problem. The Male is vibrating to laziness and overweight. And the female is vibrating to thinness, vitality and well-being. SO we have a vibrational problem here. The Male is out of harmony with the female. Like attracts like and here these 2 are not alike. She most likely will not be attracted to him BUT, let’s say he starts to exercise, eats a whole food raw vegan diet and cleans out his liver etc. He begins to drop pounds. His flab drops off and muscle begins to build. He buys a new red sports car with plates that say “NCHANTD” After about a year of this change she begins to notice him. I will leave the story here as I am not known as a romantic writer  Money, Ganns methods, The Petite woman, it’s all the same. It’s VIBRATION. If we want things in our lives to change WE have to change. In this society, let’s bring in our 400 pound guy again. He could sit around blaming others and using crap psychology like “healthy eaters are all fanatics”, “It’s my bosses’ fault I am this way, if he would just ease up on my work load, I could find the time to go to gym”. Hands down, the key is vibration. The minute we come into vibrational alignment with what it is we want, we will have it this is a VERY POWERFUL LAW that no one hardly knows and it NEVER fails!!! It is universal in a universe based off attraction! Now lets get back to that nasty vulgar word; “Vibration”. You would think “Ok, 80 years ago things were different and that is why it (the word Vibration) was edited out of the book “Think and Grow Rich”. Well, about 10 years ago Australia’s 9 did a movie called “The Secret”. It is available today on DVD. When they were filming that movie they filmed many hours of Jerry and Esther Hicks. In that filming the word “Vibration” was used. According to Jerry Hicks that part of the film (with the Hicks in it) was edited out of the final cut BECAUSE OF THE WORD VIBRATION! Now let’s think about this. I could understand if they were filming and Jerry Hicks dropped trout and told the world what to do with it. I can see that making sense, would not want that in the movie. But what is it that the Hicks really did; they used the word “vibration”. Normally folks do not get upset when they hear that word. Like if you are watching your kids in a school play and someone in the audience blurts out the F word. Ya that could be offensive. But try saying the word “vibration” out loud and nobody gives a shit. So what is it about this word that is so appalling that it needs to be outright censored? You think about that! THINK THINK THINK. Well here is the key, the magical key; you are in a state of vibration. Your vibrational set point can be moved. THAT is the key and I will explain this. If you really understood the word vibration you would immediately understand that you are FREE!!!!! YOU CAN BE DO OR HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT!
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