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The Secret Behind Vimshottari Dasha System There are many types of Dashas, ten of which are based on Nakshatras. Vimshottari Vimshottari Dasha is held to be the most important Dasha System in Jyotisha of Vedic-Puranic Vedic-Puranic tradition. ost often, astrolo!ers of this tradition do not e"en take into consideration other dasha systems and base their conclusions solely upon Vimshottari. #ut there are two obstacles which pre"ent accurate timin! of e"ents with the help of "imshottari system. $ne is the use of Drik-pakshiya mathematics, ie, modern astronomy , for findin! true lon!itudes of planets and ascendant, etc. Second problem is the use of solar year for reckonin!, in spite of the fact that all ancient te%ts e%plicitly mention that the year of "imshottari system comprises of &'( days only. only. Due to these two errors, the timin! of e"ents in "imshottari system errs by many years. Vimshottari system is based upon lunar nakshatra, hence its year ou!ht to be lunar. )ndian tradition year is a ccombination of solar and lunar, known as luni-solar year, like other ancient systems. )n lunar year, there are &'( tithis or lunar days, which is the year of "imshottari system. &'( tithis are e*ual to &+ .& solar days. Therefore, there is a difference of & between solar year and "imshottari year. /dd year. /dd to this & & error the difference on account of Drik-pakshiya and Saur-pakshiya positions of oon. Drik-pakshiya world is the phenomenal sensory world , which is manifest to human sense or!ans. )t is the material world. Saur-pakshiya world is the nonmaterial world in which deities reside. /ll ancient te%ts of Vedic-Puranic tradition say that the 0rahas of Jyotisha are !ods and are di"erse incarnations of 0od. 0od and !ods are conscious entities and it is wron! to conceptuali1e them them as material m aterial bodies. aterial planets intruded into astrolo!y only durin! past one or two millenia, but e"en today there are a lar!e number of astrolo!ers in )ndia who refuse to accept computer softwares based upon modern astronomy, and use traditional almanacs or panchan!as. These traditional panchangas are crudely made, yet the vimshottari timings based upon them prove to be far more accurate than those based upon materialist astronomy . Now, hi!hly precise software based
upon traditional Surya-siddhantic Surya-siddhantic system is also in the market, distributed as a freeware for philanthropic purpose. )f birth-time is appro%imately correct, and few "ery !ood or "ery bad e"ents in the life of a person is known, then precise birth-time can be fi%ed, and thereafter "ery accurate forecasts can be drawn from this software, accurate upto prana-dasha. This software has been tested for natural disasters like floods, earth*uakes, cyclones, etc and the result is 2(( positi"e. Total annual and fortni!htly 3actually, durin! solar nakshatra4 rainfall data of past 2&+ years of )ndia ha"e been tested, and this software is 2(( accurate. #ut this software is not based upon the faulty interpretation of Surya-siddhanta by 5. #ur!ess. )nstead, ancient Surya-siddhantic Surya-siddhantic methods ha"e been used in it.
The ma%imum amount of correction made in mean oon accordin! to Suryasiddhanta is nearly 2.+ de!rees less than that made accordin! to modern astronomy astronomy.. )t is is nearly nearly 2 6 7 of a naksha nakshatra tra which which is e*ual e*ual to to 2&89:;( 2&89:;((89. ?ithin a few centuries, Drik-pakshiya astronomy will lose its charm in astrolo!y as "imshottari dashas will show intolerable errors. 5"en today, Drik-pakshiya astronomy !i"es errors of @ + years in timin! of "imshottari dashas. /s /s a result, 27 of aha-dashas and a much !reater portion of antar-dashas are wron!. Pratyantar, sukshma and prana dashas are almost always in the wron!. /s a result, astrolo!ers take a recourse to other dasha systems, palmistry, numerolo!y, etc for satisfyin! their clients. Very few persons are tryin! to test the Surya-siddhantic software, due to the "enomous propa!anda propa!anda a!ainst Suryasiddhanta by materialists. Surya-siddhanta is not a te%t of materialist astronomy, and it is interpreted materialistically by materialists, by comparison with planetary positions. The proof of Surya-siddhanta is Phalit Jyotisha 3 predicti"e astrolo!y4 based upon it, it is wron! to use modern astronomy as a yardstick for testin! the reliability of Surya-siddhanta. ) ha"e met persons who refuse to test Suryasiddhantic software of Phalit Jyotisha named ABundaleeA, callin! Surya-siddhanta to be an outdated and useless work C 5"en criminals !et a chance to pro"e themsel"es, but Surya-siddhanta Surya-siddhanta is denied this chance in a materialist a!e. #y reectin! the only accurate method of astrolo!y, astrolo!y, who will pro"e to be a loser E Now let us talk about the desi!n of Vimshottari system. /rran!e the planets accordin! to the plan as depicted in upper picture. This arran!ement is based upon planetary distances. $mit =ahu, Betu and oon initially, which are not full planets. )nner planets, includin! Sun, are in the ri!ht half of the upper picture. $uter planets are on the left side of the upper picture. Now add up their duration of years as !i"en in the "imshottari dasha system. )n left half, we !et 3Saturn 274 F 3Jupiter 2'4 F 3ars 4 G ; years and in ri!ht half we !et 3ercury 24 F 3Venus ;(4 F 3Sun '4 G & years
Total of all 7 planets is 2;( lunar years in the Vimshottari system. #oth hal"es should ha"e '( years each. Heft half in upper picture has a deficit of 2> years, which only =ahu can !i"e, and ri!ht half has a deficit of 2 years which only a combination of Betu and oon can supply. Thus we !et the lower picture of "imshottari dasha system. =ahu and Betu must be placed opposite to each other, and oon should be placed alon! with the Sun but not between Sun and any planet 3 i.e., Venus4. )t is safe to put =ahu and Betu away from Sun and oon. Since distances from the Sun was the basis of this plan, "imshottari dasha system ou!ht to start with Sun. /s in the lower picture, we !et the se*uence Sun : oon : ars : =ahu : Jupiter : Saturn : ercury : Betu : Venus which is the se*uence !i"en in all ancient te%ts, esp. by Sa!e Parashara. )n adhyaya &, khanda 2' of Ihando!ya panishada, there are shlokas which describe three sta!es in the lifespan of a person, bein! of ;, and > years respecti"ely, which are the number of syllables in three important Vedic metres 0ayatri, Trishtup and Ja!ati. Total lifespan of a human bein! is here said to be of 22' 22' years. years . )n Vimshottari dasha system full lifespan of a human bein! is e*ual to 2;( lunar years, which is e*ual to 22' . solar years which, when rounded off, is same as that !i"en in the Ihando!ya panishada. panishada. $ne *uestion remains to be answered : what is the rationale behind the number of years assi!ned to different planets in the "imshottari dasha system E ?ho will find a plausible answer to this intri!uin! *uestion E -VJ
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